1 minute read
Introducing the Hydrolid UpgradeyourHydrobucket™and enhanceyour hydroponic
Deepwaterculture growing takes anothermajorleap forwardwith the newHydrolid and Hydropod.Adding two more levels ofinnovation to the revolutionaryHydrobucket™,VisionaryHydroponics nowmakes it even easierto growlush, healthyplants inyourown home
Affordable foranydeepwaterculture garden
Made from the highest qualityfood-grade plastic
Concave surface moves fluid to the centre and into the Hydrobucketwhen top feeding
Solid top prevents light entering the root zone
Outerring anchorlocations maximize low-stress training and to add skeletal structure foroptimal plant support (SCROG & SOG)
Secure the Hydrolid to the Hydrobucket'swrap-around handle using the outeranchors foradditional support
Reusable and dishwashersafe
The Hydropod offers increased mobility and container-size flexibility
Increased grow-style flexibilitythroughout the full range of plant-life stages
Patent-pending design allows option ofmedium-free growing and dramatic reduction/elimination of pests
Newdesign sections the root mass, improving root-zone fluid circulation eliminating organic debris trapped in awet medium
Easymonitoring due to open concept increases plant health—betterupperroot massvisibilityand hassle-free access forapplication ofroot-zone growth products
Purposefullydesigned for3.5”neoprene insert
Reusable and dishwashersafe
Hydropod includedwith each Hydrolid
Collegiate Cannabis
By Sarah Gamer
bring on the puns bring on the fun it’s time to redene that old punchline now we’re meeting at 420 from the house of the jellee we’re getting that higher education at the most convenient location forget the stairs from the beach forget the bus from the streets take a stroll from study hall there’s a fresh campus crawl hey Thunderbird have you heard the rst legal dispensary on-site at a university is coming to UBC