High! Europe Magazine - Issue #2 - March 2020

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Photo by @umairshaikh - Model - @lunaxtremeofficial




Unlocking the Full Genetic Potential of Every Plant



JULY 29 - 31





MARCH 12th - APRIL 5th 2020

CHECKING OUT WHAT ALL THE BUZZ IS ABOUT IN EUROPE www.idevaffiliate.com/33166/163.html


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www.orangehilltraders.com www.onitsciences.com

www.hermedic.eu www.hermedic.eu


- BARCELONA - PARIS - ANTWERP - AMSTERDAM - BERLIN and as many cannabis related stops as we can fit in along the way

MARCH 12th - APRIL 5th 2020



We are pleased to announce our 2020 High! Canada Magazine High! Euro Tour - We have brought together the very best our High! Canada Magazine has to oer in terms of an amazing team heading to Europe to present some of the very best of North American cannabis to new and emerging markets. We are pleased to introduce our High! Canada / High! Europe Tour team Editor, Cy Williams, High! Canada / High! Europe Grow Editor, Dave Macadam, High! Canada High! Europe Editorial team members Janine Morra and Micheala Freedman, High! Caribbean Magazine Editor - Benjamin Bacak and newest member of our

media group and tour team - Al Bear aka TheCannaCanuck. We are extremely proud to be once again Media sponsoring the ICBC series of conferences in 2020 and have a booth at ICBC Barcelona March 12th. We are covering these events as well as Spannabis, the Spannabis Champions Cup and the World Cannabis Conferences for our existing media platforms. While we are on our tour we will be promoting top shelf brands such as Onit Sciences, TheKindPen, We'dShare, Her medic, One World Ventures, The Native American Agriculture Company, Orange Hill Traders and the Hash Corporation. We cannot thank our wonderful

sponsors enough for being a part of this exciting tour. We are placed in a unique position where we can present truly Top-Shelf products, services and businesses to the European market through our 8 city High! Canada Magazine High! Euro Tour. On top of the events we are attending and have booths at - we will also be stopping at cannabis speci ic locations all over Europe and we cannot wait to sample some of the best cannabis that Europe has to oer. To request a stop on our tour, to invite us to see your cannabis based business or for more information please email editor@highcanada.net

Photo by @umairshaikh - Model - @lunaxtremeofficial



NEWS page









32 HERMEDIC page

Photo by @umairshaikh - Model - @lunaxtremeofficial












Woman In Weed




FEB 2020 / MAR 2020 ISSUE #2

EDITORIAL TEAM Cy Williams Publisher/Editor

Rainbow Smithe Editorial Team

Dave MacAdam Editorial Team

Al Bear Editorial Team

Janine Morra Editorial Team

Benjamin Bacak Editorial Team

High! Europe is not responsible for the

any advertising or contributor. High! Europe

High! Europe assumes no responsibility for

For more information on High! Europe

Photographer: @Ryit Photography Model: @AidenRichardson_




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t is amazing to see how many ‘best of’ lists Remo of Remo Nutrients has been on so far in 2020. Remo is interna onally acclaimed and considered one of Canada’s very best growers and is a medical cannabis pa ent as well. Back in 2001, he became one of the first people in Canada to be allowed to grow cannabis at home and carry it on himself legally, for medicinal purposes. Since then, he has been teaching people to grow safely and legally, and has been producing cannabis content on Youtube channel since 2006 (www.youtube.com/urbanrem o). He developed the Remo Nutrients line in 2014 as a way to h e l p p e o p l e g ro w t h e cleanest and best cannabis, in a way that is both easy and cost effec ve.

Remo Nutrients was truly spawned from a passion for growing. As “Urban Remo”, Remo has helped thousands of people to learn the skills necessary to produce a world class product. His exper se covers all levels of growing and has landed him 34 awards, worldwide. Remo brings his vast ex p e r i e n c e to Re m o Nutrients, crea ng 8 products that offer a complete system of the vitamins, minerals, and extracts that your plants need to achieve their maximum growth poten al. By using pharmaceu cal grade ingredients, our system opens up your garden’s

growth poten al to the maximum degree. Remo’s facility is located in beau ful Maple Ridge, BC.

of our registra on efforts. A l m o s t e v e r y s t a t e ’s agriculture department requires that companies producing inputs, such as plant enhancers, fer lizers, soil condi oners, etc., register those products before offering them for sale within the state,” explained Dennis Locke, chief opera ng officer and head of registra on and compliance with ONIT. “Registra on is one of the most important aspects of being market-ready as these product orders build from organic farmers.”

ONIT Sciences Expands Product Registra on to 30 States Management is currently In response to the rapidly increasing demand for ONIT Sciences’ products from organic food and c o m m o d i e s fa r m e rs , distributors and applicators, the company has sought and obtained registra on with the agriculture departments in the top 30 farming states in the country. Registra on is pending in five more states, with approvals expected over the next 60 days. “Growing demand has necessitated the expansion

nego a ng with poten al s a l e s a n d d i st r i b u o n partners to support our market expansion in these states. The company looks forward to announcing distribu on agreements soon. Orders from food and commodi es farmers are on track to outpace those from cannabis growers by the end of the year. Call ONIT Sciences at (949) 317-1811 now to find out how you can par cipate in the tremendous upside poten al of the medical

cannabis market—while avoiding regulatory hurdles faced by growers, processors and retailers.

ONIT Sciences Secures D i s t r i b u o n Agreement for Mexico ONIT Sciences has announced that it has secured a contract for the distribu on of its products by Yei Tec S.A. De C.V. Yei Te c i s a f u l l - s e r v i c e distribu on company with 70 seasoned sales experts covering all farming regions of the country and a team of 35 agronomists, who set input protocols for Yei Tec customers. The company currently services over 1,000 farms with sizes from 5,000 acres to over 100,000

acres, growing crops ranging from mango, guava and strawberries to corn, beans, zucchini, jalapenos and other peppers.

territories. The agreement also provides that Yei Tec will not sell products that compete with ONIT Sciences in Mexico.

“We have enjoyed a v e r y c l o s e rela onship with our distribu on partners in Mexico during their successfully tes ng of our product on a variety of crops,”

Call ONIT Sciences at (949) 317-1811 now to find out how you can par cipate in the tremendous upside poten al of the medical cannabis market—while avoiding regulatory hurdles faced by growers, processors and retailers.

stated Jeff Moses, ONIT Sciences’ chief marke ng officer. “The Yei Tec

ONIT Sciences believes that n o p l a n t- b a s e d fo o d , supplement or drug should be produced from chemically grown plants.

team will promote, represent and market our products throughout Mexico, with a strategy to address each growing region by crop and season. We expect tremendous results from their efforts.” This contract provides Yei Te c w i t h e x c l u s i v e distribu on rights to ONIT Sciences branded product throughout all Mexican

Simply put, chemicallybased growing protocols can hurt people, plants and the planet. Unfortunately, a common misconcep on among cul vators is that organic, natural, non-GMO protocols do not provide adequate returns on investment. ONIT’s secret ingredient is a rare combina on of ions and isotopes that is extremely difficult to source. A nanosurfactant addi ve to nutrient or fer lizer

conferences, we intend to delve into the different dimensions of this controversial plant.

solu ons. ONIT Grow™ is formulated with the highest quality, purified a n d a c vate d o rga n i c ma er carbon source. It is a non-ionic input, with beneficial soil health and plant s mulant proper es. ONIT Grow unlocks the full poten al of macro & micro nutrients by manipula ng their molecular structures. Ÿ Breaks surface tension

of leaves and soil, allowing plant to breathe Ÿ Penetrates cellular wall

and injects directly into chloroplasts Ÿ Converts nutrients to a

recognizable form Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll

produc on for greener and healthier leaves Ÿ Op mizes plant oxygen

and nutrient uptake Ÿ I m p rove s e n zy m a c

process to s mulate plant immune system

In March 2020, the eigh h e d i o n o f t h e Wo r l d Cannabis Conferences will be held together with Spannabis. In this new edi on we will have the presence of scien fic, medical and poli cal personali es; as well as relevant agents of the cannabis sector. The World Canabis Conferences have become a reference event thanks to the transmission of a d v a n c e s a n d e ffo r t s carried out in the field of cannabis. Through thema c blocks in forum format, and also specific

We con nue believing that it is essen al to approach regula on from an interna onal perspec ve, to analyze in depth the problems experienced by our own country, to approximate the scien fic perspec ve for a be er understanding of the poten al and viability of standardiza on, and to understand the medical needs of sick people and the progress that is being made despite the prohibi on. T h e Wo r l d C a n n a b i s Conferences will be held in a framework of reflec on in which the a endees will have the possibility of being part of the debate and transfer their ques ons to the speakers. M o r e i n fo r m a o n a t www.worldcannabisconfe rences.com


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www.idevaffiliate.com/33166/163.html #bekindandtakeitEZ

The Kind Pen is a New Jersey-based vape pen company that has quickly become one of the worlds most trusted brands in the industry. These Kind Pen vaporizers are innovative and offer an effective, cutting edge, delivery

system that makes us one of the best vape pens for weed, hemp, hash and CBD and other vapeable products. Their vape pens are an affordable alternative to crude resin- illed pipes and bongs. They believe their products have the perfect balance of potency with discreet portability, which is just part of what makes them

the best vapes for weed, CBD, and hemp. With ive clicks and a deep breath, they’re helping people taste the world in a wonderful, new way. Now…. Meet Their Team...

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The Kind Pen is led by a team of KIND, creative thinkers and visionaries.

if it fails to do its job they will replace it no questions asked!


They inspire and challenge each other everyday. #BEKIND

We had a chance to look at our favorites and were especially fond of the STATUS herb pen with:


They have over 1,000,000 satis ied customers and they stand behind their p ro d u c t s w i t h a f u l l LIFETIME WARRANTY on most models. That's right


Ÿ Ÿ Fre e B i - L eve l

Aluminum Grinder Included! ($25 value) Ÿ Digital Portable Vaporizer


E R O Combustion Digital OLED Display Ceramic Chamber (.5 g r a m capacity) 350-430 d e g r e e T e m p Control 5 C l i c k On/Off –

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Safety Feature Smart Memory – Remembers your last temp setting 3-4 Hour Battery Life 5 M i n u te S h u to ff – Safety Feature Universal Micro USB Charging Port Black Matte Finish Lifetime Warranty

We were also very excited about the STORM for concentrates available in an assortment of cool

#bekindandtakeitEZ colours and complete with stylish carrying case.

Ÿ Magnetic

The STORM comes with


Ÿ 2500mAh Li-ion Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Battery (pre-installed) Glass Water Bubbler Quartz Nail Ceramic Nail Magnetic Carb Cap / Dab Tool



Base / Stand USB Charging Cable User Manual Hard Carrying Case Lifetime Warranty



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with any input protocol and in all growing conditions.


The application of ONIT G row ™ a m p l i i e s t h e natural capacity of a plant's capacity to absorb nutrients through leaves and stems while strengthening root development and enhancing soil uptake. By rapid nutrient transport a t t h e c e l l u l a r l eve l , resulting in improved photosynthesis and increased absorption of the primary keys to growth: water, sugars, and minerals.

ONIT Grow™ has been proven effective at augmenting plant health on crops around the world.

Onnit Sciences Flagship product ONIT Grow™ is a proprietary input technology that utilizes a groundbreaking nonGMO, all organic formulation to dramatically enhance Coop growth by stimulating the nutrients and water uptake in plants.

It is the perfect adjunct to any organic input protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. ONIT Science’s lagship product, ONIT Grow™ is a plant-based extract that is all natural, organic, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-ionic, carcinogenfree, biodegradable and safe for use in conjunction

ONIT Grow™ is formulated with the highest quality, puri ied and activated organic matter carbon source. It is a non-ionic import with

ONIT Grow™ is a registered organic input that enhances plant and soil health -naturally. Real-world results

Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic


bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties.

surfactant additive to nutrient or fertilizer s o l u t i o n s .

Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll

Ÿ Breaks surface

Ÿ Improves enzymatic

From the Heartland’s fertile prairies to the sun-baked soil of the Southwest, ield testing of the ONIT Grow™ formulation has con irmed:

process to stimulate plant immune system

Ÿ Shorter Plant

Ÿ It is used as a nano-

tension of leaves and soil, allowing plants t o b r e a t h e Ÿ Penetrate cellular

wall and injects directly into chloroplasts Ÿ Converts nutrients

into a recognizable form

production for greener and healthier leaves

Germination Time Onit Sciences mission is to revolutionize agricultural production with proprietorial Organic N a t u r a l I n p u t Technologies that are all natural, organic and nonGMO.

Ÿ Improved Disease &

Drought Resistance Ÿ Increased Plant






Ÿ Higher Crop Yields

Nano-surfactant. Emulsifier. Adjuvant. We er. Soil Condi oner.


ONIT Grow’s unique formulation has been tested and proven effective in the commercial agriculture sector around the world in the most demanding conditions, from South East Asia to Central and South America to right here in the United States. ONIT Grow™ has been helping farmers grow h e a l t h i e r, m o r e productive crops through Organic Natural Input Technologies. With realworld results! ONIT Grow™ has been p r o ve n e ff e c t ive a t augmenting plant health on crops around the world.

“ I t i s t h e p e r f e c t a d j u n c t t o a n y o r g a n i c i n p u t protocol, increasing p e s t a n d d i s e a s e r e s i s t a n c e a n d increasing quality and yield.” Master grower, 25+ years’ experience

"I experienced a 26% increase in bloom yield and 1 7 % o v e r a l l v e g e t a t i v e growth increase i n m y h y d r o stalks and joints of the branching grow.” were noticeably Master grower, 10+ t h i c k e r a n d years experience “ b u l k i e r , ” “ F o l i a g e w a s i n d i c a t i n g noticeably lusher overall strength w i t h a d a r k e r and health was g r e e n c o l o r … increased.” Master grower, 10+ years experience






High end facility for controlled cul va on.

High quality extracts from our own cul vated crops

The products are sold by selected premium partners.

D U T C H A G R I C U LT U R E M E E T S S W I S S Q UA L I T Y S TA N D A R D S Two world collide where the seed enhancement cra of the Dutch meets the well known Swiss high quality standards. Switzerland, with its strong presence of Pharmaceu cal related companies, s currently the Cannabinoid frontrunner in Europe. Our facility is located in Rothenthurm from where we cul vate, extract, produce and distribute Swiss-Made top quality high-end products. The Netherlands is worldwide respected for its agricultural history. Dennis Hermens, founder and director of Hermedic, gained his knowledge in the Dutch agricultural scene. Together with his team that has over 30 years of experience in plant cul va on they apply the high standard Dutch agricultural principles to grow dis nguished crops. Controlling the en re process in-house, from seeds to sales, guarantees excep onal quality throughout the process. Hermedic is commi ed to develop safe, legal, and scien ďŹ cally validated cannabinoid products. All products are third party tested prior to distribu on to our premium partners. This ensures the safest user experience for their customers. The combina on of Dutch agriculture and Swiss quality standards make Hermedic cannabinoid products top of the industry.

www.hermedic.eu www.hermedic.eu

EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY In our controlled 3.200 m2 facility the highest quality of seeds and clones are cul vated. The spotless facility computer regulates light recipes, temperatures, humidity and CO2, and many other variables to grow a uniform crop that is ready for extrac on and distribu on. All processes meet the highest regulatory standards.

www.hermedic.eu www.hermedic.eu

ACTIVITIES Hermedic is commi ed to staying at the forefront of cannabinoid development. We are driven to improve the quality of products and aim to demonstrate uniformity of the products by collec ng data. To ensure safe and high quality products for the end users, we only work with selected premium partners and provide them with advice.

www.hermedic.eu www.hermedic.eu

FLOWERS Hermedic has a wide selec on of strain varie es. In consult with our partners, we can develop customer-speciďŹ c varie es through pheno and geno hun ng.

EXTRACTS Hermedic delivers a variety of extracts based on partners’ demands by using solvent and non-solvent extrac on methods.

CONSULTING Hermedic and his team of experts aim to raise the quality of the cannabinoid industry and are open to provide all partners with knowledge and support where needed. The products are sold by selected premium partners. Address: Hauptstrasse 51, 6418 Rothenthurm, Switzerland Website: www.hermedic.eu Email: contact@hermedic.eu

www.hermedic.eu www.hermedic.eu





Alex Rogers had a dream to create a series of international cannabis business conferences in as many world-class cities around the world as you could and truly make cannabis a global market well. Alex has successfully done this in his vision, ICBC the International Cannabis Business conference hit Vancouver last year and it is truly a rare gem stone of the cannabis trade show circuit. Earlier in 2020, ICBC hit San Francisco and now ICBC is preparing to take Barcelona and Berlin and then Bern by storm in Europe. Alex, it is such a great pleasure to have you sit down with us and talk to us about the global cannabis market and what you're doing with ICBC. Oh man Cy, dude, thanks for having me man, very nice introduction, appreciate that bro. From our perspective watching the ICBC conferences grow over the last number of years and you have you know you've taken the Canadian market, the market in the United States and then the European market by storm and have managed to combine all these very rare elements and p a r t s o f t h e o f t h e g l o b a l cannabis market and churn out just some of the most amazing networking events out there okay so bring us back a little bit, give us a little bit of the history of ICBC from your perspective. I produced events since I was a young man. I started this Medical Marijuana clinic in Oregon. A lot of laws changed in Oregon and my patients. I'm not a doctor. I have a lot of doctors supporting me. A lot of my patients were asking all these questions about, about you know, kind of regulatory stu and

what's going on and I was like and I was, you know kind of this Oracle in my community for a few years about Oregon Medical Marijuana Laws speci ically and I was like man I gotta start charging these people, it's not that. It was so overwhelming and people were just coming to me for free advice and I was just like what? Here's a business model you know and here's where I can now educate the people. I can create a curriculum. I can create an environment where they can look at, learn information that was kind of how it started, was learning information and then I realized after we did the irst few. Wow! Business, was all this business was being made from, from just the networking so I realized that networking was just as important if not more important than the actual information we were we were disseminating and that kind of started me. We started the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference and that

became the biggest in the state and from that model, we started that International Cannabis Business Co n fe re n c e wh i c h di dn' t g o international until we went to Va n c o u v e r w h i c h i s h i g h l y international for me. I live in the Paci ic Northwest you know I mean, I go to Vancouver and I feel like I'm home completely, such a wonderful place And so it wasn't until we did Germany into what was it? 2017 that I felt now we're really international so I kind of took that same model that I had started. I made it in Oregon and we took it International. And of course with each respective location, we adapt our curriculum accordingly in each area which has its own nuance and we ind those intrinsic elements that connect it all and therein lies our International branding T h e b e s t t h i n g a b o u t t h e International approach that you've taken is you really do attract the best of the best from

t h e g l o b a l i n d u s t r y f r o m entrepreneurs to policymakers from countries all over the world that are interested in, in the global cannabis market and I ind it just amazing that you were able to do what you did in the United States, expand out here into Canada and have the foresight and the vision to see what was happening in Europe and how you could tie it all together. It was perilous man, just think about all that work it took me... You know I'm PTSD man, I guess every psychopath entrepreneur is. You have a great team and you've had a great team for a number of years and being able to produce these events it's no small feat and you do produce world-class shows Alex. The thing is, I love what I do right? I lived all over, well not, all over Europe, all over the States. I consider myself a global soul you k n o w I s p e a k fe w d i ff e re n t languages. I really like languages and I really like different cultures and I'm just fascinated by, by the earth then so it's, it's you know congruent and I love cannabis and I like to throw parties so you know ICBC is the culmination of that. I call it a show because you go to a lot of other conferences and it's not really expressly, they're not really expressly curated you know, the highest experience. Of course we could be better and what we do, and I will tell that but I tell you right now. We try to spice it up and make it interesting and not this kind of exercise with lethargia or shit show

I ind with ICBC, it's quality over quantity and there's not a lot of people patting themselves on the back for a good job done. It's more looking to the future to see how we can make it a better global economy which brings me to my next question. I was, I was very excited, the magazine is very excited about the Global Investment Forum going on in Berlin this year, could you tell us a little bit about that? And that's a really great addition and a step forward in the of evolution for ICBC as well. Yeah you know, I'm not really a inance guy, I'm more of a blood sweat and tears, nose to the grindstone dude that's just creates equity from sweat. However we have found that there is a great d e m a n d , h a v i n g s o m e b o dy, investors of all types come to these events, come to the ICBC events, we've recognize that there's a need to specialize in this niche which is investment and inance. And so there is a big need in Europe. I mean if you did do something like this in Canada or the States, it would be not an original thought but to do it in Europe is, it's still a novelty. I don't think there's anything like this Global Investment Forum which i think is really going to springboard off the amazing platform you already built with ICBC and attract world-class inance to that to the table which is what we're all looking for. Exactly! I'm kind of excited because it's something totally different. I'm not a inance guy. I was a inance guy when I was 13 to 18. I know that sounds kind of funny but I was. Once I was a child prodigy, I was a child entrepreneur

psychopath who was a little bit famous in that community in Minneapolis because we had this investment newsletter when I was 13 so that was a big thing we did. Then I was one of the youngest people ever to study their Series 7 to become a stockbroker which I d i d n' t , T h a n k G o d . B u t I ' ve invested in stocks since I was 13 then I started smoking weed, taking mushrooms, contemplating life. I kind of went away from that. So now I'm coming back to it. So I have my roots, actually. I have a lot of inance gifts in my roots so I am able to at least understand when people talk to me, I can kind of get the gist. With tech stuff I don't get anything right, you could talk to me about Bitcoin right all day long. I'm going to be like...okay. I'm still in the exact same place I was when we started talking about Bitcoin 3.5 hours ago but for inance, I have some propensity towards it, so some passion there for me, it's a different niche, it's a different market, it's really fresh in Europe. It's exciting. And we have a whole series of investment forums that we are about to announce in the next few weeks. You have just inished your San Francisco show and you are launching the next three in Europe what are you most excited about over the next couple of months? Is it the Barcelona show or is it the Berlin show? It's Berlin. Berlin, I call it my greatest masterpiece, it's the, it's the one with people from 70 countries right so this is the stuff that just kind of tickles me pink right. Like to know that there's people from 70 countries at my event. Is this... it's really cool!

It is! It's a natural evolution of ICBC to see that and to be honest we have been at the magazine have been hearing buzz about the Berlin show since December and that is the one show that we feel at High! Canada magazine that cannot be missed for any global Cannabis professional this year! Honestly it is going to be one of the most amazing shows ever! ICBC has become a meeting point for that part of the world, " Tre  p u n k t " a s t h ey s ay i n German, that part of the world. It's really cool and this year's gonna be twice as big as last year so the potential is pretty scaring what I consider to be a rapid rate. A r e t h e r e a n y p a r t i c u l a r speakers or sponsors you'd like to shout out gearing up for ICBC Barcelona, Berlin or Bern? Yeah one little cool announcement, that has not been announced yet. We got Jim Belushi coming to Berlin, former U.S. House Dana Rohrabacher coming to Barcelona to keynote, DJ Muggs from Cypress Hill doing the after party at the Ritz Carlton at the most amazing space in Barcelona. I mean it is just phenomenal. We are going all out. The money I am spending for this party is o the charts and it's just going to be super fun. We can pu too and celebrate. It is going to be all that. For the Global Investment Forum we have Graham Dallas from TMX. He is the European representative over there so things are really popping up in Europe in that regard. Peter Oliver from Dettman's, which is one of the biggest International Law irms speaking in Berlin.

What I haven't announced yet we have for our afterparty, we have Germany's biggest reggae star, Gentleman, one of the world's biggest reggae stars actually performing at our after party. That is very amazing! We a l s o h a v e a n a d o p t e d European. He was the formerly with Mergers and Acquisitions branch of the DZ Bank in Germany which is Germany’s second biggest bank. We have some major cats coming in on that and they are from other institutions coming in to speak in Berlin. We will also be hosting one of the greatest cultural icons of Germany for our after party in Berlin and we will have a hidden day of networking as well. We are going to let it out at the after party. Work hard - play hard! Someone once told me, someone once told me. Thank you so very much for taking this time to speak with us about the the upcoming ICBC events and the experiences that have led you up to this point. We personally cannot wait for both the Barcelona and Berlin show but Berlin sounds like it's going to set a new standard for events across the board. Word Up! Word Up Bro! Appreciate it Bro! Thank you so much Alex!


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LOOKS AT THE TOP 5 APAC COUNTRIES FOR LEGAL CANNABIS THE GLOBAL CANNABIS MARKET IS GROWING RAPIDLY. WHICH NATIONS ARE LEADING THE INDUSTRY IN ASIA-PACIFIC? T h e g l o b a l l e ga l c a n n a b i s market is projected to reach US$97.35 billion by the end of 2026. More than 50 countries worldwide now permit access to regulated medical marijuana, and several nations–like South Africa and Mexico–have even l e g a l i s e d c u l t i v a t i o n f o r personal use. While much of this d e v e l o p m e n t h a s b e e n concentrated in Europe and the

US, several nations in AsiaPaci ic have also recently shifted towards greater tolerance. We've identi ied the 5 nations in the region that offer the greatest access to legal marijuana.

use in some jurisdictions. No other nation in the region has laws quite so liberal–though rifts between commonwealth and district laws may lead to con lict in the future.



Australia ranks as APAC's most marijuana-accessible nation both because of its booming medical cannabis market and its legalisation, in part, of recreational

While accessibility of and tolerance for marijuana use in New Zealand was only recently realised on the national scale, momentum towards legalisation has escalated

r a p i d l y. I n f a c t , d o m e s t i c cultivation of medical cannabis will be permitted as of April 2020 and citizens are already set to vote on legalisation for recreational use. If Parliament follows through and approves such a bill, New Zealand will be the irst APAC nation to legalise cannabis for both medical and personal consumption.

3. THAILAND Thailand is known as a regional leader in making medical m a r i j u a n a a c c e s s i b l e to i t s citizens. In fact, its move to legalise medicinal use is largely thought to have opened the door for other APAC nations to follow-suit. Unlike other nations, however, Thailand's decisions have been predominantly driven by economic factors, with domestic

commercialisation of the medical marijuana industry just on the horizon. Nonetheless, the Thai government's recent war on drugs has sti led any social outcries for recreational legalisation.

raw m a r i j u a n a i s ex p re s s ly rejected and harshly penalised, the government is actively funding the development of synthetic cannabinoids for use in select medical treatments.



S o u t h Ko re a i s s u r p r i s i n gly amongst APAC's most marijuanaaccessible countries–though policies and culture certainly limit consumers' ability to use or even afford products. While medical cannabis was recently legalised, recreational use is still illicit and penalised harshly.

5. SINGAPORE Singapore may be known as one of the strictest anti-drug countries in the world, but it's actually a bit more permissive and exploratory than expected. While the use of

PHILIPPINES Many immediately associate the Philippines with its violent and ongoing war on drugs, spearheaded by President Rodrigo Duterte. Nonetheless, the use of medical marijuana is technically legal within the state–though there are so many barriers to access that it's generally viewed as inoperative. There's no legal supply within the country, and import measures are incredibly

The Future is Now!



strict. A bill that would broaden access and create a Medical Cannabis Compassionate Center was approved by the House of Representatives in early 2019. However, the proposal was shut down by Duterte once it reached the Senate.

all of these fronts. In February 2019, Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye stated that the government would consider medical cannabis products that were shown to be "safe and eective for use for certain conditions."

In a subsequent press brie ing, the President responded, "Not during my time," indicating that access to medical marijuana is unlikely to broaden until there's a change in of ice.

The government may also be working with cannabis company THC Global Group Ltd to develop policy framework for eventual medical legalisation. At the same time, the government is also moving to decriminalise (but not legalise) personal use of the drug. Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulke ly Ahmad recently stated, "Malaysia is about to embark on a signi icant game-changer policy of decriminalisation of drug addicts and addiction", and "an addict

Malaysia Neither medical nor recreational marijuana use is currently legal in Malaysia, and the nation is known for its strict penalties against drug oenses. However, Malaysia is also approaching greater tolerance on

shall be treated as a patient (not as a criminal), whose addiction is a disease we would like to cure." The Malaysian government is even moving to abolish its current death penalty for drug oenses.

Japan Japan also has not truly legalised medical or recreational marijuana use. While it is legal to import CBD oil, products must have 0% THC (the psychoactive component of cannabis). Prescribing or consuming natural cannabis is strictly forbidden Source: www.valuechampion.sg/top-5apac-countries-legal-cannabis


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WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Anthony (Tony) Lawand, Entrepreneur One World Ventures Inc (OTC: OWVI)

Three years after speaking with him last, High Canada Magazine c a t c h e s u p w i t h A n t h o ny Lawand, the man we once referred to as the “Godfather of CBD in Canada” back in our May 2017 issue. Tony is a pioneer and expert in N u t r a c e u t i c a l s f o r b o t h Hemp/CBD based products for Canada. His career spans over t h re e d e c a d e s wo rk i n g i n several industries but always h o l d i n g a p a s s i o n f o r t h e “unconventional” business ventures that have taken him all over the world including Russia, Middle & Far East , Africa, C a r i b b e a n a n d U S A . H i s extensive multilingual skills including English, French, Spanish, and good knowledge of Russian and Arabic, have also led to way to his involvement in several successful ventures in travel, real estate, solar energy , and cannabis. In 2015, Tony moved to Toronto where his focus shifted to the emerging Cannabis and CBD markets with an eye and vision of creating one of the irst and largest CBD organizations ( H e m p M e d , J o s h u a T r e e Brands, Dr Furbaby & several others) in Canada. In 2017, this business was acquired by a publicly traded company which has grown exponentially since. Since we last spoke, Tony has joined forces with OWVI in support of its key business a c t iv i t i e s & d e ve l o p i n g a campus of cannabis companies on the Sovereign Navajo Nation, USA. Tony is motivated to create a n e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t i s designed for all businesses to t h r i v e w i t h o u t t h e i n t r u s ive n e s s , t a x a t i o n &

complicated laws this industry f a c e s . T h e a t m o s p h e r e i s inclusive & conductive in an environment that companies, even competitors, can co-exist & work together.

cannabis companies and people from the USA, and internationally to base their operations on the Navajo Nation in USA. Ÿ Supporting the NAAC vision of

developing the largest campus of cannabis companies in the world, based in same region. Ÿ Bringing health, wealth and

Company Snapshot: One World Ventures Inc. (OWVI) is a publicly traded company listed on the OTC: OWVI. With a strong focus on the legal hemp & cannabis industry & other environmental sustainability ventures, OWVI develops and invests in technologies, communities and systems that facilitate trade, inance, communication and travel across international boundaries, cultures and languages. Management has substantial domestic & international experience in setting up companies and establishing trade & commerce in the United States, Europe & Asia. With building shareholder value irst in mind, OWVI continues with ongoing audits & submitting applications to achieve its goal of being listed on all major stock exchanges. Their portfolio of activities is revenue driven, ensuring multiple revenue streams in several markets with easily de ined margins, minimum overheads and costs and growth strategies. OWVI’s key business activities include: Ÿ Working with Native American

Agricultural Company’s (NAAC) mission to recruit, invite, welcome & work with

prosperity to Native American people as well as all people Ÿ Investing in sustainable

products and industries while accomplishing strategic goals that build shareholder value. Ÿ Developing a Direct Marketing

strategy that manufactures and sells health & wellness products including Hemp and CBD to Asian markets and creating a robust marketing network. Ÿ Investing in a premium

Hemp / CBD product line that includes tinctures, edibles, Ÿ Topicals, hemp cigarettes, and lower. Ÿ Developing a CBD/Hemp

Marketing Division to sell bulk CBD Isolate and CBG. How long have you been with O W V I a n d h o w b i g i s t h e company? Since I semi-retired two years ago after selling my previous successful CBD (Cannabidiol) business HempMed, a good friend and business partner introduced me to OWVI and I was so impressed with their mission & vision I immediately wanted to work with them. Since 2018, we have expanded to two of ices, one in Las Vegas Nevada and one in

Toronto, Canada and will consider m o re l o c a t i o n s a s t h e n e e d permits. W h a t w a s i t a b o u t O W V I b u s i n e s s a c t i v i t i e s t h a t impressed you the most? As you know I’ve always tried to be ahead of the curve in this industry and can sense a truly historic opportunity when I see one. What I started to see happening was that with the more & more acceptance hemp & CBD products gained in the market, the more taxed and regulated it became too. Local governments have also tried to prohibit cannabis businesses from operating in some local communities & anywhere in the USA this billion dollar industry operates almost exclusively in CASH (lack access to banking). Businesses can’t deduct business & o p e ra t i n g ex p e n s e s f ro m Federal taxes & subject to paying a penalty for paying in cash (subject to intense scrutiny by IRS). As a result, it was the partnership between OWVI and the NAAC (another company I helped found) through its acquisition with Aqueous International Corporation that irst caught my attention. This alliance solved a lot of the problems that were crippling the industry & also allowed for international companies to have a presence in the USA quickly & ef iciently. I got very excited at the prospects and untapped potential it offered. Some advantages to operating on the Nation include a higher ef iciency model with lower labor & operational costs, Federal tax bene its available, less taxes & regulations than other States & Countries & a swift permitting & licensing process. Located at the

center of the four corners of the southwest United States with access to nearby domestic and international airports, airstrips, railroad and major highways (I-40 corridor), the Navajo Nation also has an unlimited water & power supply made available to the business. Also, I’d heard several times from speakers at national industry events that many investors were turning to economically distressed areas to operate a cannabis business as these communities were welcoming cannabis businesses with open arms. Can you tell us more about the Sovereign Navajo Nation & what does Sovereign mean? The Navajo Nation has an area of over 27,000 square miles and is situated on the four corners of the southwestern Colorado Plateau, within the CO, NM, AZ, UT States in America. Very often, the size is compared to that of the state of West Virginia and remains the largest reservation in the United States with a population of over 350,000. They have their own corporate banking, environmental and diplomatic missions. They also have many strategic relationships with other Tribes and other countries, such as Switzerland, Israel and Cuba. The Navajo Nation has remained completely Sovereign through their refusal to sign the Indian Reorganization Act, presented by the U.S. Congress in 1934. As a Sovereign Nation of the USA, the Navajo can enact their own regulations and laws concerning cannabis but model their rules to align with those States that have already legalized so not to be in con lict. While the US

government's position on cannabis production does not allow for any business to receive any tax credits and employer bene its in this industry, on the Navajo Nation there are several readily available. Near Farmington, New Mexico there is 110,630 acres of farmland watered by the Navajo Reservoir and the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project (NIIP) canal. This project delivers water from the San Juan River which is connected to the Colorado River basin. The Navajo Nation maintain 51% ownership of the San Juan River water rights and make available to the business. The Navajo Nation also has access to unlimited and low cost electricity with large, multiple facilities that produce energy. These include power plants, natural gas and solar arrays. A r e t h e r e o t h e r g l o b a l b u s i n e s s e s t h a t c u r re n t ly operate on the Nation already? A b s o l u t e l y. We i n v i t e a l l o rga n i z a t i o n s to j o i n o t h e r successful businesses already operating such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America. Orville Redenbacher, Peabody Energy, Raytheon Missile and more. What are some of the recent h i g h l i g h t s yo u ’ ve a l r e a dy accomplished? When OWVI and Aqueous International Corporation merged c o m p a n i e s i n J a n u a ry 2 0 1 9 forming a strategic alliance with the Native American Agricultural Company and the Navajo, we then provided the funding for their P i l o t H e m p P ro g ra m . T h i s program was brought up to USDA approved standards, resulting in the production of Hemp seeds and

Biomass We are incredibly proud of all that our team accomplished so far and will continue to create a tremendous amount of opportunities for the small family farm, local communities, the U.S. economy, and a myriad of other industries bene icial to the Navajo. Other highlights included: Providing on-the-job training for traditional Navajo farmers and laborers: We assembled a task force of over 200 farmers / laborers to rehabilitate over 300 acres of local farms and teach them how to grow the hemp plant. They went from ield to ield to help each other irrigate, water, plant seeds, weed, and harvest their farms, producing millions of viable seeds. Submitting Navajo Hemp Regulations to USDA: To maintain our primary regulatory authority. Developing a brand strategy and prototypes for Navajo Gold: As Navajo Nation’s signature CBD/Hemp brand, we created its visual identity and began production of hemp/CBD prototype products that will be

launched in 2020. We opened irst Hemp & CBD Store on Navajo Nation: The Navajo Gold Health & Wellness Center is based in Shiprock, NM featuring tinctures, capsules, topicals & edibles for sale. Online ordering and sales to begin in late 2020. NAAC envisions hemp as a way to re b u i l d t h e N ava j o fa r m i n g economy and also bring the young people back to the Nation to an industry they can work, grow and thrive in and I certainly agree. Hemp cultivation can connect the Navajo people’s past to its future and can provide many agricultural and economic advantages for the Tribe.

What are some of the products and services you now offer? We are very proud of our current involvement with the Native Americans in the USA and in developing their lands for hemp and cannabis businesses to thrive. By inviting businesses to operate on Sovereign Nations, we aim to bring wealth and prosperity to Native American peoples while accomplishing strategic goals that build shareholder value. We offer several opportunities for the broader cannabis industry with a focus on commercial cultivators, processors, manufacturers, distributors, and re t a i l . We c o m p ly w i t h government regulations, and work with our national and global partners to educate and advise them on operating a hemp or cannabis business in the USA. Through this work with the Navajo, we also saw the opportunity to create a unique signature brand for their Reservation that ultimately will have a portion of sales going back to support native community programs. We are currently developing a premium full spectrum hemp product line that features everything from hemp cigarettes, tinctures, cosmetics, pet products with some other new innovations coming very soon. I’ve


always been adamant on producing the very best CBD products possible and not for just higher margins. We will also create custom private label products. Our research has shown that people especially Europeans and Asians identify with Native Americans in a positive light as their spiritual and natural culture are well suited to bring all organic crafted products to these markets. We have designed Navajo Gold to become a leading brand on the market and want our tag line “All Native. All Natural� to really mean something. Lastly, to supplement our own supply cultivated on the Navajo, we represent two of the largest manufacturers in the world to sell CBD and CBG in bulk who have given our organization the rights to publicly market their products. We have some of the best pricing in the industry with all the proper certi ications and lab results available. We launch our website in Spring 2020 with over 200,000 KGs of CBD and 50,000 KGS of CBG pharma grade product ready for delivery anywhere it is allowed.

Does your organization have any expansion plans? As I predicted during our last interview the CBD industry became much bigger and more exciting than THC, especially with the legalization of hemp through the 2018 Farm Bill that was passed over a year ago. The cannabis-related products and mixed lines are growing exponentially as CBD helped fuel the cannabis renaissance and solidi ied its medicinal and nutritional value worldwide. Even the previous skeptics of cannabis legalization are coming to realization that CBD and its relatives such as like CBG (Cannabigerol)/ CBN ( C a n n a b i n o l ) / C B C (Cannabichromene) are gaining traction as the industry emerges extremely fast.

So, as a result we are working on several projects to add other revenue streams with one including developing a Direct Marketing Division along with a signature product Scienatra that will both manufacture and distribute hemp and CBD products catering to the Asian immigrant market in the USA with a strong focus on the China & European markets too. This brand will aim to provide products that perfect balance of all natural ingredients combined with the latest scienti ic breakthroughs. Where do you see yourselves a year from now? In the coming year, we look forward to building upon our success and accomplishments as we continue to rapidly expand our footprint and bring new hemp products to market. We are very satis ied with the Navajo on having the land, water, energy, people, regulations, as well as the systems and controls needed to allow for commercial hemp production in a secure, accountable, track-able, and Federally compliant manner. It is our goal that for 2020 that we create even more jobs for the local

farmer, including all “A to Z” services from harvesting to drying, bagging, curing, storing, nitrogen sparging, machine trimming, hand trimming, extracting and selling creating a “one stop shop” for the small to large family farm. Any inal thoughts you want to leave us with? Doing business on the Navajo Nation is both smart business and personally ful illing and it is incredible to be a part of such a unique, pro itable, and sustainable venture. I have inally found an ef iciency model that meets the needs of all parties involved while still building shareholder value for the company. I’d like to think of this as the next Silicon Valley but with cannabis companies instead of technology…or as we like to refer to it as “Canna Valley”. So, we’re taking a place at the table of the 4.41 Billion USD global hemp

industry which can literally replace and transform much of the material, food and energy of the world. As hemp returns as a viable, organic alternative for food, clothing, housing, medicine and fuel systems, we are keen to not only be a part of the industry, but to transform these communities as well. Hemp is also known to

have properties that bioremediate toxins in the soil and sequester carbon—both of which could help address the environmental challenges the Navajo face.


Woman In Weed Photography by @thecannacanuck


s she packs for a whirlwind professional tour of Europe, starting in Barcelona, Spain next week, Niagara area mother of ive Alysia (Al) Bear inds it hard not to re lect on how much things have changed. Just a few short years ago she was a depressed stay at home mom

“ a v o i d i n g a c o c k t a i l o f chemical concoctions” (prescribed everything from pain medications to muscle relaxants to anti depressants after being hit by a truck as a pedestrian.) As a result of the accident, she had to leave a thriving career in sales and marketing. “I was in pain on a

regular basis. I was like a wounded animal, it changed who I was,” she says, the pain of those days still evident in her voice. “That was how i lived my

life. I was suffering, it hurt my

mood, my speech. It affected how I related to my kids, my movement, how I could play with them - everything.” And what does she credit with changing her life? Cannabis. If that surprises you, well, it surprised HER even more. She wasn’t always a fan of cannabis - in fact, for most of her life, she was pretty much against it. “I had a

negative and stigmatized view of cannabis, I have to admit that if I'm honest” she said in a recent interview. “ “I had very limited personal experience, but I had family members that partook- but they also used drugs, so I associated cannabis with negative behaviours because it was the substance I saw, or smelled. I had a narrow-

minded view of it based on those things and zero education regarding the potential bene its. And then I became a mom who used cannabis because I had no other choice. They had put me on pain medications, on muscle relaxants, pills to help me sleep, anti-in lammatories, just so many things and I couldn't take them, knowing the potential costs. Then they wanted to put me on a daily antidepressant, not for my mood but to prevent migraines, so they wanted me on a cocktail of chemical concoctions - liver damaging, habit forming, making me miserable…. or I could take a chance on cannabis. So I tried it, iguring it was the lesser of two evils, and it quite literally changed my life - I had no idea you could use cannabis and be even more productive! It gave me my life back. Cannabis is

Model: @thecannacanuck Photographer: @chadxu_

the only reason that I function that's what brought me to The Canna Canuck.” Anyone who follows Alysia - “The CannaCanuck” on social media can tell you she’s smart, skilled, and business minded as well as passionate about the plant. A real power woman, she’s as unafraid to set her own track as she is to speak her mind - and anyone who knows her can attest that last part is true. Alysia isn’t one to follow the crowd. She forges her own path … and that path is taking her, in March, to some of the most glittering capital cities in the world. It all started with Instagram. As many women home alone with small children will tell you, it can feel isolating. Alysia, dealing with the physical, emotional and mental aftermath of literally being hit by a truck, then raising a family above the average household size on top, felt particularly alone...until she found a supportive community in her niche on Instagram. “I have lost 65 pounds with a lot of hard work and an incredible support network in my online "cannafam", even though I have limited mobility on the right side of my body. I still get choked up when I think of the messages I got

from followers, saying that I was inspiring them the way they were inspiring me. For me social media opened things up, especially when it came to talking to other women, supporting each other and cheering each other on...knowing we are all facing the same type of judgements by the common bond of womanhood, no matter what size, age or physical package we come in. Then cannabis helped eliminate the barriers between us and it snowballed from there… I started my instagram because I was isolated and I wanted to ind to someone like me- the productive, passionate pothead. I didn’t know there were so many of us!” she says.

“An d I n e ve r co u l d h ave expected all of this to come out of it..:” she says in amazement. If you ask anyone in the Canadian c a n n a b i s i n d u s t r y, t h e y ’ l l undoubtedly tell you that Alysia is an in luencer with a capital “I”. But it’s a word she has never been crazy about - “I almost resent the term In luencer being used to describe me in meeting especially, just because you see the derisory gaze spurred by preconceived notions and false judgemenets sometimes, even though it’s a facet of what I do- one that's proven to

be a growing advertising market, not to mention an incredible springboard for me personally. There can be some negative connotations around the "In luencer" label though. I didn’t build my brand around cannabis because it's the next hot thing, or position myself with that used as a clever prop in a rapidly expanding trend- let's face it , clever entrepreneurs have jumped onto THC and CBD but the disingenuity can be just as palpable here as it is in any other trade. I dislike the "In luencer" stigma as much as the cannabis stigma and have set out to combat both simultaneously, I suppose. Cannabis literally made me who I am, I’m passionate about it., I can’t help it. For me, it’s not some new, popular thing I jumped on to build my brand but something I did out of necessity, even fear at the time, due to a lack of education and conversation being available. It’s the next natural step in my career because it is my life now and so I'm setting out to start those conversations, as many as I can and with as many different crosssections of people possible, in case there's someone out there who's just as stuck, sad and sore as I was such a short time ago.”

“I wear a lot of hats in cannabis,” Alysia says, laughing. “Because I am so interested in every aspect of the plant, from seeds to consumption and the vessels in which you consume it - yes - I make glass as well - so you know when i say it’s my life - it truly is my life. So just what will she be doing overseas? She’ll be working as a member of the editorial teams for High Canada, High Europe and High Caribbean (to be announced formally by the magazine empire soon.) She’ll be serving as a journalist, content creator and broadcaster as their “Canadian Correspondent Abroad" on their High! Canada Magazine High! European Tour starting with ICBC Barcelona conference March 12th. “I’ll be attending as the newbie in the fold, which has been unbelievably welcoming and wonderful to work with so far. We will be creating content, producing an upcoming web series and writing articles. Basically we’ll be covering the Cannabis scene in each area, stories and causes of importance- and the cultural differences, diversity and similarities too. We’re looking to ind and present the hardhitting, impactful, world news in Cannabis. I will also be attending as a consultant for Annelida Castings, in a joint venture with Marketing Director Marshall Smith, as well part of a collective that is representing multiple other private Canadian interests and investors abroad. When asked to put into words what the trip means to her, she pauses before answering, and when she begins speaking again, you can hear the emotion in her voice. “To be honest I think this trip is a testament to cannabis giving me my life back. It’s opened so many doors for me physically, mentally, emotionally, inancially, career-wise and now this? I feel so incredibly blessed.”

Model: @thecannacanuck Photographer: @chadxu_






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