High! Canada Magazine Issue #96 - July 2024

Page 44


From the island to the

interior, BC has a booming summer fun schedule for canna lovers. There are consumptionfriendly events for any taste allalongtheWestCoast.

Begin July with a three-day wellnessretreatatoneofthe island's greatest gems. This exclusive event offers nextlevelglampingwithacurated menu of activity and nourishing food, hosted by The Holistic Cannabis Nurse at Hi Point Guest Ranch in Duncan,BCJuly5-7.

OnthemainlandJuly6it'soff to the races. Cannagolf Classic is hosting the inaugural Canna Kentucky Derby at Hastings Race Track. Awonderfulexcuseto dressupandvisitfriends.

Vancouver's art scene is goingpsychedeliconJuly20. Art by Nishita is hosting a paint-along night with a twist. Dose-wellness joins Nishita to bring an educated mushroom experience to interested artists. Puff and PaintreturnsinAugust.

Traveling up to Prince George,forJuly27,thetown hasonceagainsecuredacitypermittedstreetclosurefora cannabis event. The historic


irst (in Canada) street party happened in Prince George for the 420 celebrations alongside the BC Craft Cannabis Farmers

Summit. And now we are

Dancing in the Streets to celebrate cannabis community

o u t r e a c h w i t h J o i n t Connections.

July 28 and Aug 25 are the summerdatesfor420church,a hash lovers dream. Spend time

sharing insight with the absolute top players in their arena,intheidyllicsettingofthe Cowichan Valley. hosted by DabbleCannabisandAlternabis Farms.

Thesummerhighlightformany canna-folkistheUnicornMusic Festival and Rosebud Bowl, August9-11thisistheeventthat is looked forward to all year

round. An opportunity to disconnect from devices and drop into whatever moves you. TheHCMBCteamwillbeinfull

attendance. Iconic Vancouver consumption lounge the New AmsterdamCafeishostingHappy Dazebbqinthecafe,August10th forallthedowntowntouristsand regulars.

August20thand21stwrapupthe Cannagolf Classic west coast events with their annual golf tournament and evening boat

cruise. These networking

occasions are always well attended and enjoyed. Truly a classicwaytoenjoythebeautiful West Coast sunshine. Finish the summer with Sarah Gamer

presents Stoner Crafts, partnership with the Imagineers Den on August 24th in Victoria, then right onto the ferry to be backinVancouverbyAugust27th for the irst of the Sarah Gamer presentsBackdoorVIPseries.

AttheveryendofthemonthAug 31 we look forward to see the return of the North Shore Canna expowhichdebutedlastyear.

West-coast cannabis

players brought the looks to a sunny afternoonatHastingsracetrack - canna derby style. There's no need to name-drop, but more than a few former HCM cover stars attended the fancy dress, private marquee event. The irstcannabiseventatthetrack, Jan Correia CEO of Cannagolf Classic hosted a lovely lunch socialbringingtheindustryinto a public platform helping to continue our shared ight of breaking free of classic stereotypes.

The derby was an inaugural event, but it is just part of a series of elite networking opportunities that have been crisscrossingCanadaforthelast fewyears.

Unfortunately the track did not allow for consumption in the privateareaforthegroupsowe madethemostofashadedarea just outside of fairgrounds and built a nice repertoire with the womanworkingthegate.

The inclusion of professional athletes as special celebrity guestsfurtherhelpstobreakthe stigmaawayfromwhatmightbe considered a typical cannabis consumer.

Cannabis and sports have a beautifulrelationshipthatison

itswaytobecomingmainstream. We are likely to see more and moreendorsementsofthiskindat cannaevents.

As a community, we are bridging together the cannabis and tourism industries simply by being present at public events. With plenty of room to grow, the CannagolfClassicserieshelpsthe industrytostepforwardwiththis goal. The derby in Vancouver allowedforcannabrandstohave their names on display without pushingthelimitsofinducement, and showcased members of our industry enjoying a responsible jovialafternoon.

I am looking forward to the next pairofeventsthisAugustaspart ofasummerfullofcannafun.Join us on the water and the links for theCannagolfharbourcruiseand golf tournament August 20 & 21, 2024.




Weed culture is

primarily everywhere in the world in some form. When you think of Hawaii youthinkofparadise,volcanoes, hula dancers, beaches, awesome surfandpineapples!

Cannabis culture began around the1830sandwasreferredtoas “Pakalolo” by locals. Pakalolo is the Hawaiian word for cannabis, also known as “ numbing Tobacco” back then. Hawaii’s cannabis scene is present however

Cannabis in Hawaii is illegal for recreational use, but decriminalized for possession of threegramsorless.

They still have a long way to go. Advocates in Hawaii are highly passionate when it comes to the legal issues Hawaiians face and continue to lead the ight for legalization.

Cannabis grown outdoors in Hawaii contains some of the highest THC levels in the nation because of the optimal growing conditions, and nutrient- and mineral-rich volcanic soil. However, due to the increase in weather abnormalities and volcano eruptions growing in potsispreferred.

Strains from Hawaii

SomeoftheHawaii'smostpopular strainsandseedsare:

Itdatesbacktothe60satthattime it was pretty potent compared to what we get today. Maui Wowie would be considered mild today. Maui Wowie is a Sativa Dominant strain.Someeffectsofindulgingin this strain are typically uplifting, energetic,andeuphoric,makingit anidealchoicefordaytimeuseor socialactivities.

Maui Wowie

Kona Gold

Oneofthemostsought-after Hawaiianstrainsofalltime,and forgoodreasononehitofKona Goldwillknockyoulatlikeone meanHawaiianPunch.

Thissativadominanthybrid strainKonaGoldhasatastejust likeasweettropicalpineapple butwithaslightlydiesel-tainted taste.

PunaBuddazisa100%Indica strain.Itsnameisaftertheregion itcomesfromPuna!

PunaBuddazhasasupersweet yetspicytropicalfruitylavour withjustahintofsourskunk uponexhale.Thesmellisvery pungentandskunky.Puna Buddazisperfectfortreating inlammation,nausea,chronic pain,andcramps.

Whateverstrainyoudecidetoindulgeinonthesebeautifulislands.Aloha ismeanttobesharedandenjoyed.


Puna Buddaz


FOUR54 also launched the perfect summer playlists and they are now available on Spotify!

The Electric Butterly Stage is our centrepiece of the Galactic Centre,whichisthemainhubof

The Lilypad Floating Stage graces Rosebud Lake as a serene oasisofmelodies,offeringintimate

Our Healing Hollow, a sanctuary for rejuvenation, hosts insightful conversations around plantmedicine,mentalhealth,and


The show started in 2020

during the time of the pandemic - a time when wecouldnotgatherinperson.

Comedian Reese Turner had beenproducingaseriesofshows called“thesesh”whenReverend Kelly asked Reese to bring his showovertoKGLTVandtryoura night-timetalkshowformat-and theLateNightSeshwasborn!

ItstartedasaFridaynightshow butassoonastheworldopened backup,thesein-demandcomics wereneededbackonstage.

We moved the show to Wednesday nights and there it hasstayedforthelastthreeyears at10pm-exceptforahandfulof weeksofre-runs...thisshowhas beenLIVE!

Walter J. Lyng (Montreal)isthe

Season Four saw the addition of two New York City comics who begantojoinusmonthly.Itwasa pleasure to welcome Shawn WickensandJaredWilderof“The Stoner Morning Show” onto the team. Guests reach out all the timetotellushowmuchfunthey had.Theyoftentellusitwasthe bestsesheverandthatthey(our guests)hopetobeinvitedbackto sesh with the Late Night Sesh team again. Past guests have included Ed the Sock, Carla Collins, Ted Reader, Ross Rebagliati, Sublimator Warrior, Bicycle the Band and our very owneditor-in-chiefCyWilliams.

The Late Night Seshishostedby comedian Reese Turner and cohosted by Walter J. Lyng with Sports!byChrisVenditto.

Special monthly guests have included Chef Melissa Anthony, NYCcomicsShawn Wickensand Jared Wilder. Caryma Sa’d also does a reoccurring segment called Caryma’s Corner which is alwaysawesome.

It is all produced by the phenomenal Reverend Kelly Addison.

allowed to gather. Reverend Kellyfoundcannabisexperts,and educators who were willing to volunteer their time to create content for the KGL audience. Duringthedayswhenthelounge was open the LIVES would be produced there, or LIVE on LOCATION. Hostswouldconnect to Facebook LIVE and viewers wouldtuneinandchatalongside the hosts. For 3 years, for 420 KGLTVhosted12hourstelethons toraisefundssotheloungecould stay open during the pandemic. Thevariousshowsoffercomedy, wellness, spirituality, education, and discuss all cannabis related topics. The channel is seen on most social media platforms. With a collection of hosts, comedians, educators, and inluencers, KGLTV continues to createnewandoriginalcannabis content every week. KGLTV has produced hundred of hours of original content, the hosts join from all over the world and guests are interviewed on every continent.

Why is independent cannabis

m e d i a l i k e K G LT V i s important?

The mainstream media isn't interestedincannabisyet.They'll tell the stories of crime, or accidents caused by cannabis consumption, anything to continue to demonize the plant. We,thecannabismedia,sharethe

stories of the real people pioneeringinthisspace.Whether they are patients who have had their lives saved by the plant, activists, warriors, and what society would call criminals for using this medicine illegally to save their own lives. We ind the animals advocates who care that the Cannabis Act left out veterinary services, we ind parents who have to sacriice everything to save their children withplantmedicinebecauseitis still illegal all around the world, and we ind humans who have such severe mental unrest that they use cannabis to cope every day and save their own lives. Thousand of people, stories, and educational research to share… andwehaveNOOTHERchoiceto create this content because mainstream media doesn't care. One hundred years from now humans will look back and see howlegalizationstarted,theywill seeourcontentandtheywillsee

how we have to climb tirelessly uphill with restrictions, and regulations,sowecanscreamso loud for the world to hear " we have been lied to, cannabis is a plant that saves lives and it will helpyouifyouletit!"

What programming KGLTV is currently offering that we cannot afford to miss out on?

Currently in production:

• theLateNightSesh

• WellnesswithToni

• Herstory, hosted by Laura Hamilton

• ThisoldTentwithGrofessorX andDaveSealey

• KellyintheMorning

Coming this summer:

• The Cannabis Tourism Chronicles with Brendon Roberts

• Lit with Murrisa Bourdeau andColinJames

• The Voice, A Cannavenger Series

KGLTV Specials (annual / regular)

• Educational Round Table Discussions

• CJ the little Pothead on the RoamwiththePottedNation

• BlackExcellence

• AspotlightonMentalHealth

What does the future of KGLTV look like? What do viewers have to look forward to?

KGLTV is headed to internet television! We're expanding to other markets (Roku, Rumble, and other cannabis afiliated channels) We're really looking forwardtoournewsshowstaking offtoo.Thedifferenthostsalways bring unique voices and perspectives.

Weprideourselvesinindingand fostering talent and we look forward to sharing these


Wearelaunchinganexcitingnewshow called"thevoice"anditisproducedin connectionwith"theCannavengers"in Australiawhichisgoingtobeamovie andseriesfranchise.

The irst episode will be released in relation to the full moon this month. Jackson Lawson is the creator of this image.

Thank you!

There are a lot of

n e t w o r k i n g opportunities in BC for our sector, and I feel privileged toattendawidevarietyofthem.

From the perspective of someonewhosometimeshosts, I have an unequivocal appreciation for a well run series of events. As a media

guest I often attend the periphery of activity, happy to beanobserverandlistentothe knowledge around me. I've beendoingthatregularlywhile attending the 420 church over t h e l a s t y e a r, a f t e r serendipitously discovering it whenitwasstillinitsinfancy. It has become a beacon of rest among the endless sea of pop ups,panelsandafterparties.

The congregation includes the obvious growers and dealers, but the community ripples out to include glass blowers, store owners, independent artists, multi-generational groups, four legged friends, yoga teachers, political pundits, cannabis scholarsandmore.Everyoneof us,hashlovers. Arguablythere is a strong bias to solventless methods,butthestrongculture of hash history that resides in BC, particularly Vancouver Island gives due respect to all the producers. Unlike the plethora of other industry networking events, church doesn't feel like work. It is a

relaxed gathering of friends, sharing good food, good conversationandexcellentdabs. Partshow&shineandpartshare &learn,theglasscommunityisa welcoming sidearm of hash consumption.TheeducationI've personally gained attending churchsurpassesthemajorityof learning offered at the more publicized events. Sitting down and breaking bread with the upper echelon of cannabis makers opens the door to intimate conversations and sharing insights and tips. The affection and admiration among thegroup,coupledwithanidyllic naturalbackdrophasbuiltbonds and bridges allowing for heartfeltmomentsofconnection and communal growth. The energy of competitiveness is completelyabsent.

However, just like every other operation in the industry, its proitabilityisquestionable.This group is absolutely not about

promoting itself. it's arguably not advertised at all, and remains an if you know - you know sort of assembly. There are not any sponsors, and the admission cost is easily bypassed with a donation to a local charity. Each gathering includes the option to pay cash to cover costs or bring an item for a speciic recipient which rotates with the seasons. Although there are whimsical thoughtsof"wouldn'titbenice" to see the group expand, and take up larger areas of the property, the likelihood of turning church into a business seemslow.

While the essence is simply to gather, an activity to encourage engagement is often offered.

from blind joint rolling competitions, to soup contests and bake offs, every contest awards boasting rights. but there are always plentiful door prizes to be won by guests. In truecommunityspirittheprizes are donated by the guests themselves as a humble yet shameless self promotion. Everyone who attends church

feels like they ' ve won something.It'saprizetospend time in such a beautiful place, celebratingtheworkofthefarm and communing with people who share a few of the same values.

420 church meets (usually) on the last sunday of the month at one of two family run cannabis farms in the heart of the Cowichanvalley.Itisacherished treasure by anyone who is fortunateenoughtoattend.

Welcome to the wild

west of weed, where cannabis startups sproutlike,well,weeds,andthe regulatory rollercoaster keeps everyoneguessing.Picturethis: marijuana, currently chilling in the Schedule I club alongside heroin and ecstasy, might just get a promotion to Schedule 3. Yep, you heard it right. We're talking about upgrading from thestoner'sbasementtothebig leagues of federal regulation, where the FDA, DEA, and FTC rule the roost. But hold onto your hats, folks, because this ride isn't all sunshine and rainbows, especially for our b e l ove d l i t t l e g re e n entrepreneurs.

Let's start with the potential perks, shall we? Imagine Mary Jane strutting her stuff in the Schedule 3 arena, opening up a treasure trove of opportunities for the industry. We're talking access to banking, folks! No more shady cash transactions behind the 7-Eleven; cannabis companies could inally stroll into the bank and ask for loans like regular folks. And get this: credit card processing! Say goodbye to awkwardly stufing twenties into your sock at the dispensary. But wait, there's more!Stricterregulationsmean safer products. No more mystery brownies launching you to the moon and back –

everything would be FDAapproved,baby!Now,you'dthink ourpalsdownsouthwouldhave learned from the Canadian cannabis calamities – where the onlyonesrakinginthedoughare thegovernment,sittingbackand collecting the spoils while the restofuspotpioneersdoallthe heavy lifting. It's like the wolves guarding the henhouse, with us scrambling around like headless chickens.

But hold your horses, because wherethere'ssmoke,there'sire. And in this case, it's a blazing infernoofregulatoryhurdlesthat could turn our little cannabis entrepreneurs into charred marshmallows. Compliance costs? Try throwing millions of dollars down the bureaucratic rabbit hole just to jump through hoops. We're talking testing, safety protocols, and more p a p e r w o r k t h a n a procrastinating college student during inals week. For small businessesbarelyscrapingbyon dime bags and dreams, these costscouldbethekissofdeath.

And let's not forget the federal agencies ready to rain on our parade. The FTC could swoop in with marketing restrictions tighterthanapairofskinnyjeans after Thanksgiving dinner, makingitharderforsmallbrands to shine. So, what's a ganja guru todo?

Getcreative,myfriends.Picture this: forming pot collectives to sharetheregulatoryburden.It's likeahippiecommune,butwith more paperwork. Or how about focusing on high-margin products? Who needs budget budswhenyoucansellpremium lowerthatcostsmorethanyour monthly rent? And let's not forget the power of direct-toconsumer sales – who needs middlemen when you can slide intoyourcustomers'DMs?

But hold onto your bongs, because the real kicker is yet to come. Picture this: the FDA knocking on your door, demanding your grow house be uptosnuffwithpharmaceutical standards. That's right, folks, we're talking millions of dollars just to make your weed plants FDA-approved.It'sliketryingto turnacollegedormroomintoa sterilelab–goodluckwiththat!

And if you thought the compliancecostswerehigh,just wait until you see the tax bill. UncleSamwantshiscut,andhe's not taking IOUs. With stricter regulations come stricter tax codes, and let's just say the IRS isn't known for its leniency, especiallywhenitcomestoboth yourgreens.

But hey, it's not all doom and gloom.Picturethis:bigpharma, big tobacco, and big alcohol

waltzingintothecannabisspace likeit'sthehottestclubintown. With their deep pockets and fancysuits,they'rereadytoturn our beloved weed industry into their personal cash cow. And whoknows,maybethey'llthrow usabone–orajoint–alongthe way.

But amidst all the chaos, one thing'sforsure:thelittleguysare in for a wild ride. So buckle up, buttercups, becau

e the cannabisindustryisabouttoget awholelotcrazier.Andwiththat beingsaid,theBlackMarketwill thrive bigger, better, and much cheaper, and world order has beenrestored.

Now,ontotheCanadiancannabis iascos–wherethemaplesyrup lows freely but the legal weed market stumbled like a hockey playeronafrozenpond.Despite the na

governmental monopolization left entrepreneurs feeling like they were playing a game of curlingonthinice.

Thelessonlearned?Sometimes, even when you ' ve got the munchiesforsuccess,youendup biting off more than you can chew. But fear not, fellow green enthusiasts,foreverycloudhasa silverlining,orinthiscase,apot ofgoldattheendoftherainbow.

So,let'srollupoursleeves,light up our spirits, and blaze a trail through the regulatory haze, becauseinthecannabisindustry, it'salways4:20somewhere. In conclusion, the potential rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule 3 is like inviting a bus load of clowns to a board meeting – it's bound to bring somelaughs(mostlytears)anda whole lot of chaos. This move promisesmoretwistsandturns than a high-speed rollercoaster at a theme park. While the regulators are aiming for enhanced legitimacy and consumer safety, entrepreneurs inthecannabisindustryareleft scratching their heads harder than a cat trying to solve a Rubik'sCube.

Sure, the regulatory changes might sprinkle some legitimacy fairy dust over the industry, but they also come with a hefty serving of confusion and uncertainty, like trying to navigateacornmazeafterafew toomanyhitsfromthebong.And let' s not forget about the compliancecosts–it'senoughto make even the most budgetconscious entrepreneur considertaking up a second job asaclownatchildren'sbirthday parties,ordriveyoutoaquicker bankruptcy!

With federal scrutiny looming over their shoulders like a nosy

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In recent years, the cannabis

landscape has undergone a signiicantshift.

Theoncecovertactivityofhomegrowingmarijuanahasemerged into the mainstream, bolstered bytheincreasingacceptanceand legalization of cannabis across the globe. With this new paradigm, many Canadians are exploringtherewardingpractice of growing their own (GYO) cannabisathome.

As a beginner, you may be wonderingwheretostart.That's whereMr.Clonescomesintothe picture, making your entry into the world of home-grown

cannabis a seamless and rewardingjourney.

Cannabis clones offer a remarkable solution to many challenges novice growers face. These ready-to-grow plants can simplify the entire process, accelerating your path from novice grower to home-grown connoisseur.


Cannabis cultivation typically beginswithtwooptions:starting from seeds or starting with clones.

Seeds,whileanintriguingoption, require a level of expertise, patience,andprecisionthatmay be daunting to the newcomer. Enter clones: mature, rooted cuttings taken from a mother plant that are ready to grow as soon as they arrive at your doorstep.

Quicker Harvest Times and Energy Savings

Oneoftheprimaryadvantagesof starting your cannabis journey withclonesisthesigniicanttime andenergysavings.

Seedstaketimetogerminateand grow into mature plants, requiring a higher energy input andanextendedwaitbeforeyou can enjoy your irst harvest. On

the other hand, clones, already partway through their growth cycle and conirmed female, can cutweeksoffthetimeittakesto get to harvest. This means not only quick access to your homegrown cannabis but also a reduction in energy costs associated with the prolonged growthphaseofseeds.

Ease of Growing and Consistency

Clones also offer consistency, a boonforthebeginnergrower.

Eachcloneisageneticcopyofthe mother plant, meaning it will grow and produce in a predictably similar fashion. This takesalotoftheguessworkoutof the growing process, allowing youtofocusonlearningtheartof cannabis cultivation without worrying about inconsistent growthoryieldbetweenplants.

Cost-Effective Cultivation

When it comes to cost, clones oftenoutshineseeds.

Withseeds,youmayneedtobuy in bulk to ensure germination, leadingtoincreasedinitialcosts. Additionally,you'llhavetoinvest time and resources to nurture themtothesamestageasaclone. Clones, on the other hand, are a one-time investment that

provides a head start on your cannabiscultivationjourney.

Nurturing Clones: A StepB y - S t e p G u i d e t o a Flourishing Harvest

Embarking on your homegrowing journey might initially seem intimidating, but with cannabis clones, the process is straightforward and rewarding. To help you understand the basics, let's walk through the general stages of growing your owncannabisfromaclone,from themomentyourclonearrivesat your doorstep to the day you harvestyourirstcrop.

Stage 1: Transplanting Your Clone

WhenyourclonearrivesfromMr. Clones, it is ready to be transplanted into the media of yourchoice.

Thisprocessissimple–youjust need to ensure a high-quality media mix or suitable hydroponics setup if you ' re growingindoors.Oncetheclone issecurelyplanted,you'llwantto wateritgentlyandplaceitunder properlighting.

Stage 2: The Vegetative Stage

Thisisthegrowthstageforyour clone, where it will develop the majorityofitsfoliage.

Inthisstage,yourclonerequires amplelight–around18-24hours adayisoptimal.Regularwatering and adding cannabis-speciic nutrients will help ensure a healthyplant.

Stage 3: The Flowering Stage (This is the exciting part)

After a few weeks, when your clonehasreachedasuitablesize, you can trigger the lowering stage by reducing the light your plantreceivestoabout12hoursa day.Thissignalstotheplantthat it's time to start producing lowers–thepartoftheplantthat contains the cannabinoids we all love.

Stage 4: Harvesting

Whenyourplant'sbudshavefully formed and matured – this can take several weeks – it's time to harvest. The timing of your harvest can inluence the effects of your cannabis, with earlier harvests generally leading to a moreupliftingeffect.Incontrast, later harvests can create a more relaxingeffect.

Growingyourowncannabisfrom clonescanbeadeeplyrewarding experience.Itoffersanincredible opportunity to learn more about this unique plant, its growth process, and the factors that inluence its inal product. Plus, nothing quite compares to the sense of accomplishment that comes with using cannabis that you'vegrownyourself.

The Future is Green with Mr. Clones

Jointhehome-growingrevolution with Mr. Clones. Our top-quality cannabis clones simplify your journey, saving time, energy, and money. You're not just buying a clone you ' re stepping into a more sustainable and rewarding cultivation experience. Ready to taketheleap?VisitMr.Clonesand discover how easy it is to grow yourowncannabis.Whetheryou fancythepotentDeathBubba,the intenseIslandPink,thesweetLA Runtz, or the robust Rockstar Platinum, we have these and manymorecloneoptionswaiting foryou.

The future of home-grown cannabisishereandgreenerthan you think. Visit Mr. Clones today and grow together toward a sustainable harvest of crystalcovered cannabis buds. Are you readytoturnoveranewleaf?

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