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Cannabis Advocacy goes Classified
In your new video ‘Legal Marijuana’, from the new album 'Tomorrow Could Be The Day Things Change', you showcased a lot of cannabis advocates such as Amy Anonymous, Naomi Poley and Tweedledoob. Are you familiar with that community? I have known Amy for years now. She’s been in the cannabis community for years, we had mutual friends and she came to shows we would shoot the shit. Most of the people I had already met or ran into.
In this song you speak about medical cannabis, what is your rela onship to that; are you a medical user or do you know of medical users?
I never really smoked weed as a teenager. My dad, now that I am older, we now smoke together. He has done a lot of things to his back for years and now cannabis helps with that. Recrea onal is good I don’t think people are smoking any more or less now that it is legal but medical is super important. Before some pa ents would feel like they are breaking the law medica ng and now they can medicate and get off pills without worrying about the law and for pa ents I think that is a really great thing.