High! Canada Magazine Issue # 56 - June/July 2020

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EDITORIAL - Cy Williams -

Future Cannabis Industry Leaders Will Need to Focus on Sustainability and Social Impact The global legal marijuana market is predicted to reach $66.3 billion by the end of 2025. Many businesses and brands have emerged with the objec ve to secure a slice of that great big green pie. As with any new market, there will be those brands that rise like cream above the rest. and as sustainable and ethical business prac ces increasingly fuel consumer spending habits and investors’ decisions, significant compe ve advantage is available to businesses that invest in sustainability and other important social impact efforts.


Although in its infancy, the cannabis industry possesses a unique opportunity to achieve supply chain transparency. It can do this by leveraging exis ng traceable packaging technology used throughout the industry. In an effort to combat illicit compe on from the unlicensed market, most states in the USA that have legalized cannabis have adopted radio frequency iden fica on (RFID) tagging. These tags track the en re process from seed-to-sale. The process starts by inser ng a blue barcode in the soil with a tag containing a microchip with a serial number. As the plant grows, the tag is placed on a branch. Then a s cker is placed on the cannabis product’s packaging before shipment to stores. This seed-to-sale technology is supposed to ensure controlled and consistent produc on. Beyond iden fying and tracking cannabis products however, smart tag technology can be used to validate and assure that sustainable measures and responsible prac ces were leveraged all the way through the process. At the environmental level, such prac ces can include lowering energy consump on, water use, and implemen ng effec ve waste disposal, all of which can be traced through seed-to-sale tracking. Packaging’s accountability in the cannabis market In addi on to leveraging traceable packaging technology to keep companies accountable, companies must also focus on the sustainability of their products’ packaging material. Take at look at N2 Packaging for a leader in sustainable packaging and materials. Recent data es mates 10,000 tons of packaging waste were generated by cannabis sales in the first year of legaliza on in Canada. While the industry con nues to experience unprecedented growth, today’s record level of cannabis consump on is crea ng a tremendous amount of packaging waste ending up in landfills. Cannabis companies must focus on developing and implemen ng sustainable packaging materials. One avenue for sustainable packaging is to incorporate renewable packaging materials. Cellophane, derived from natural resources such as hemp and wood, is increasingly becoming a biodegradable alterna ve to other materials. Partnerships are also key in finding the most innova ve packaging solu ons that help the environment rather than damage it. In addi on to the companies we discuss this issue we would like to shout out another company leading the way. Sana Packaging, a supplier of packaging made from 100% plant-based hemp plas c that just last year launched a line of packaging made from ocean plas cs through a partnership with Oceanworks. As we con nue to work toward a greener future, all industries need to be held accountable for their environmental footprints. Cannabis businesses have an opportunity to make a difference as the industry evolves. Within this decade, we will see that the dominant business and brand leaders that emerge will protect consumers as well as the environment. Here is hoping anyways...

Cy Williams Publisher/Editor - High! Canada Magazine email - editor@highcanada.net


igh! Canada Magazine is pleased to celebrate SIX of our favorite cannabis Industry leaders who are making headway in the facilita on of a greener planet by focusing on sustainability and social Impact as a part of their exis ng business models. These include:

N2 Packaging Ltd and their patented Nitrogen canning system as well as their amazing foray into sustainable packaging with N2's latest sustainable packaging solu on - the N2 Paper Can.

Onit Sciences and their agship product, O N I T G ro w ™ p ro d u c t h a s to b e commended on a product that helps to reduce the overall carbon footprint produced by commercial and cra growing by helping farmers grow healthier, more produc ve crops through Organic Natural Input Technologies. ONIT Grow™ has been proven to increase cannabis yields by 30% on average while also reducing water and nutrient requirements, improving plant health, and pest resistance and reducing or elimina ng mold, mildew and fungus.

The Hempcrete Natural Building Ltd. is the sustainable solu on for people seeking housing solu ons, and want to reduce their global footprint. Their

modular Hempcrete homes are an easy, d u ra b l e s o l u o n . They replace petrochemicals with natural materials, and fiber reinforced lightweight concrete, for a dynamic and energy efficient sanctuary, free of concerns like pests, water and fire.

Santa Cruz and their Santa Cruz Shredder i s o u r l i s t fo r a n e x c e p o n a l biodegradable grinder. Made with all-natural hemp with a hempbased binder -you can feel good about throwing it in household garbage if you wanted to do that. The grinder itself is 100% biodegradable and extremely durable!

technology has opened the door to a new breed of eco-friendly polymer. No longer reliant on petroleum, these bioplas cs are renewable, sustainable and o en made using agricultural waste. The Hemp Plas c Company IS invested in resolving one of the world’s biggest problems. There’s no escaping polymers, they ’ve infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Yet, we are no longer beholden to petroleum-based materials. There are hemp plas c alterna ves that resolve the plas c issue for good. The Hemp Plas c Company has bioplas cs that offer a gamechanging solu on to manufacturers who wish to con nue producing the same low cost products without harming our planet. Hemp plas c is the way of the future—The Hemp Plas c Company is encouraging companies to become part of the solu on by suppor ng a newer, The Hemp Plas c Company greener plas c resin supply alterna ve. Collec vely, modern society needs to transi on to become more ecofriendly. In 2017, 300 million tons of p l a s c wa s co m m i s s i o n e d b y manufacturers worldwide. There is no doubt this is having a serious impact on the health of our planet and changes need to be made to protect future genera ons. Recent

Avicanna Ranks Highest Amongst Global Cannabis Companies in the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) Avicanna Inc. is a biopharmaceu cal company focused on the development, manufacturing and commercializa on of organic and sustainable plant-derived cannabinoid-based products,. Rated the highest amongst global cannabis companies par cipa ng in the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). The 2020 Sustainability Yearbook that was published on January 30th by S&P Global, showcases the sustainability performance of some of the world's largest companies. As an emerging segment, there were only a handful of companies assessed from the cannabis sector,

however, Avicanna obtained the highest score out of all cannabis companies evaluated. With this achievement, Avicanna is proving its commitment to corporate governance, sustainable and responsible prac ces in the cannabinoid space. "This year's score will serve as a baseline for Avicanna as we intend to fulďŹ ll their corporate vision of being a responsible and sustainable global company. In addi on, we believe our score further validates our leadership posi on on that vision in the industry," stated Aras Azadian, Avicanna's Chief Execu ve OďŹƒcer.

The SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), established by RobecoSAM, is now issued by S&P Global. RobecoSAM, an asset manager focused en rely on sustainable inves ng, established the CSA in 1999. The CSA has become the basis for numerous S&P ESG Indices over the last two decades a rac ng billions of dollars in assets. This sustainability index family is among the most pres gious benchmarks for investors who recognize sustainability as the key engine of business models to generate long-term shareholder value and have a posi ve impact on their investments.

OVERVIEW UNLOCKING THE FULL GENETIC POTENTIAL OF EVERY PLANT. ONIT Grow™ is a registered organic input that enhances plant and soil health -naturally. Real-world results ONIT Grow™ has been proven effective at augmenting plant health on crops around the world. It is the perfect adjunct to any organic input protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. ONIT Science’s lagship product, ONIT Grow™ is a plant-based extract that is all natural, organic, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-ionic, carcinogen-free, biodegradable and safe for use in conjunction with any input protocol and in all growing conditions. The application of ONIT Grow™ ampli ies the natural capacity of a plant's capacity to absorb nutrients through leaves and s t e m s w h i l e s t re n g t h e n i n g ro o t development and enhancing soil uptake. By rapid nutrient transport at the

cellular level, resulting in improved photosynthesis and increased absorption of the primary keys to growth: water, sugars, and minerals. Onnit Sciences Flagship product ONIT G ro w ™ i s a p ro p r i e t a r y i n p u t technology that utilizes a groundbreaking non-GMO, all organic formulation to dramatically enhance Co-op growth by stimulating the nutrients and water uptake in plants. ONIT Grow™ is formulated with the highest quality, puri ied and activated organic matter carbon source. It is a non-ionic import with bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties. Ÿ It is used as a nano-surfactant

additive to nutrient or fertilizer s o l u t i o n s . Ÿ Breaks surface tension of leaves and

Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic enhancing soil uptake. By rapid nutrient transport at the cellular level, resulting in improved photosynthesis and increased absorption of the primary keys to growth: water, sugars, and minerals. Onnit Sciences Flagship product ONIT Grow™ is a proprietary input te c h n o l o g y t h a t utilizes a groundbreaking nonGMO, all organic formulation to dramatically enhance Co-op growth by stimulating the nutrients and water

uptake in plants. ONIT Grow™ is formulated with the highest quality, puri ied and activated organic matter carbon source. It is a non-ionic import with bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties. Ÿ It is used as a

nano-surfactant additive to nutrient or f e r t i l i z e r s o l u t i o n s . Ÿ Breaks surface tension

of leaves and soil, allowing plants to breathe

Nano-surfactant. Emulsifier. Adjuvant. We er. Soil Condi oner.

Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic Ÿ Penetrate cellular wall

formulation has and injects directly con irmed: into chloroplasts Ÿ S h o r t e r P l a n t Germination Time Ÿ Converts nutrients into Ÿ Improved Disease & a recognizable form Drought Resistance Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll production for greener Ÿ Increased Plant Growth and healthier leaves Ÿ H i g h e r C ro p Y i e l d s Ÿ Improves enzymatic process to stimulate O N I T G r o w ’ s u n i q u e plant immune system formulation has been tested and proven Onit Sciences mission is e ff e c t i v e i n t h e t o r e v o l u t i o n i z e commercial agriculture agricultural production sector around the world in w i t h p ro p r i e t o r i a l the most demanding Organic Natural Input conditions, from South Technologies that are all East Asia to Central and natural, organic and non- South America to right GMO. here in the United States.

ANY SOIL. ANY REGION. ANY TIME. From the Heartland’s fertile prairies to the sunbaked soil of the Southwest, ield testing of the ONIT Grow™

ONIT Grow™ has been helping farmers grow healthier, more productive crops through Organic N a t u r a l I n p u t Technologies. With realworld results!

It is the perfect adjunct to a n y o r g a n i c i n p u t protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. Master grower, 25+ years’ experience " I ex p e r i e n ce d a 2 6 % increase in bloom yield a n d 1 7 % o v e r a l l v e g e t a t i v e g r o w t h i n c r e a s e i n m y hy d r o grow.” Master grower, 10+ years experience “Foliage was noticeably lusher with a darker green color… stalks and joints of t h e b r a n c h i n g w e r e noticeably thicker and “ b u l k i e r,” i n d i c a t i n g o v e r a l l s t r e n g t h a n d health was increased.” Master grower, 10+ years experience

ONIT Grow™ has been proven effective at augmenting plant health on crops around the world.

Nano-surfactant. Emulsifier. Adjuvant. We er. Soil Condi oner.

Unlocking the Full Genetic Potential of Every Plant





here are many different types of hemp plas c; from standard plas cs reinforced with hemp fibers, to a 100% hemp plas c made en rely from the hemp plant. The most common type of hemp plas cs are those plas cs which infuse hemp fibers. The benefit of infusing hemp fibers lies in that less plas c is used (less oil, less pollu on) and a more durable, biodegradable product is created. Some mes, the oil used in conven onal plas cs can also be replaced with renewable resource feedstocks including cellulose from h e m p , m i c ro b i a l l ygrown polymers, or those extracted from starch. Hemp plas c can be five mes s ffer and 2.5 mes stronger than polypropylene (PP) plas c. It also does

not pose the health and safety risks associated with certain plas cs that are reinforced with glass fibers. Hemp plas c has the ability of being implemented in standard injec on molding machines w i t h n o modifica ons needed. Current research into this field has produced fire-retardant products in UL94 V0, V-1, and V-2 grades. 1

The basic building block of plas cs is cellulose taken from petroleum, but toxic petrochemical composi ons are not the only way to derive plas cs. Plas cs can be derived from plant cellulose, and since hemp is the greatest cellulose producer on Earth (hemp hurds can be 85% cellulose), it only makes sense to make non-toxic,

biodegradable plas c from hemp and other organics, instead of le ng our dumps fill up w i t h re f u s e . H e m p hurds can also be processed into cellophane packing material, which was common un l the 1930s, or they may be manufactured into a low-cost, compostable replacement for Styrofoam.



RECENT STUDY: 43% of Cannabis Consumers Say They Prefer to Purchase Products Online. Nearly half (43%) of Canadian cannabis consumers prefer to purchase cannabis products online rather than in store, according to a new study by na onal data services and research firm M a r u / B l u e , commissioned by cannabis brand Figr. This is a marked increase from the 13.3% of cannabis sales that were

complet ed online during the first year of legaliza on, as reported by StatCan in December 2019. The shi in consumer preference represents a notable change in the market that may have been brought on by changes to consumer shopping habits during the COVID19 pandemic.

But will this trend c o n n u e ? P ro v i n c i a l regula ons con nue to fluctuate on whether p r i vate reta i l e rs ca n conduct online sales a l o n g s i d e p ro v i n c i a l distributors. Addi onally, how much do consumers rely on the in-store experience?

Figr asked what Canadian cannabis consumers prefer to use as a resource when unsure about what product to purchase: - 35% of cannabis consumers said they would prefer a conversa on with a budtender at a retail store. - 23% of cannabis consumers prefer to research products online on their own. - 22% of cannabis consumers prefer asking a friend. - 16% of cannabis consumers prefer reading

r e v i e w s o r recommenda ons online. “A lot has changed over the last few months, but what hasn’t is the need for consumer educa on,” said Z a c k G ro s s m a n , V i c e President, Marke ng of Figr Brands, Inc. “Budtenders con nue to be a significant resource for consumers, but with an increased preference for online shopping, we have to ensure consumers have a c c e s s to i nfo r m a o n through other channels to o . T h at ’s w h e re alterna ve pla orms, like the FIGR Budtender app, can help bridge the gap to

keep consumers informed even when learning from home.” Download the FIGR Budtender app and get to know your cannabis on a first-strain basis. Just scan the logo on your package to track and trace your cannabis from seed to sale u s i n g yo u r u n i q u e l o t n u m b e r. S h o p t h e growroom, and come faceto-face with a mother plant. To download the FIGR Budtender app -

p l e a s e

g o

t o

h ps://apps.apple.com/ca/app/figrbudtender/id1479600204

HEXO launches medical cannabis products in Israel OTTAWA, July 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)

HEXO Corp was proud to announce that it has launched medical cannabis products in Israel through a 24-month agreement with leading Israeli medical cannabis company, Breath of L i fe I n t e r n a o n a l L t d . (“BOL”).

“For the first me, HEXO’s high-quality medical cannabis is available to medical pa ents outside of Canada,” said Sebas en St-Louis, CEO and co-founder of HEXO.


BOL is a leading, GMP cer fied,


Israeli medical cannabis company,

T o d a y ,

with an established distribu on

m e d i c a l

network through pharmacies

pa ents in Israel

including Super-Pharm, Israel’s

are able to access

largest pharmacy retailer with 258

s o m e o f H E XO ’s

loca ons. The agreement

bestselling flower

concluded a er collabora on

products packaged in a

between BOL and HEXO to adapt

1 0 - g r a m format and designed

HEXO products to meet the specific

exclusively for the Israeli market,

needs of Israel’s medical cannabis

including bilingual (English and

pa ents, all while strictly adhering

Hebrew) packaging and labels.

to regulatory requirements under

“Launching the HEXO brand in Israel is a testament to the con nued work we are doing to expand our interna onal footprint and find new markets for our award-winning products.” HEXO completed the first shipment of 493 kilograms amidst ghtening interna onal borders, a significant reduc on in air cargo availability, and increased safety measures within its facili es due to the global

I s r a e l ’s M e d i c a l C a n n a b i s “We are proud to introduce HEXO’s

regulatory body.

premium indoor medical cannabis products into the Israeli market,”

About HEXO Corp

said Hugo Goldman, BOL’s CFO and

HEXO Corp is an award-winning consumer packaged

interim CEO. The products are

goods cannabis company that creates and

already receiving posi ve feedback

distributes innova ve products to serve the global

from both pa ents and retailers,

cannabis market. The Company serves the Canadian

and we are looking forward to

adult-use markets under its HEXO Cannabis, Up

con nuing to expand our strategic

Cannabis and Original Stash brands, and the medical

rela onship with HEXO in Israel.”

market under HEXO medical cannabis. For more informa on please visit hexocorp.com.







rohibi on farms is a incredible cra cannabis company.

They use their own pheno to create some of the best cannabis I’ve ever tried. This company puts sustainability first and here’s how they do that ; PF believes in using as many recyclable or reusable materials for packing and shipping. From the Kra boxes with li le ink to make easier to recycle them or use them for storing things around the house. And They give out pack of hemp papers with every order as hemp is a sustainable and carbon neutral plant. They have a line of beau fully made rolling trays That are made from naturally falling black walnut trees from Ontario. These trees are harvested by the local Amish and is sold to a local on sta on carpenter that turns this rescued mber into the beau ful trays. They now have a new life that will last genera ons of taken care of! Prohibi on farms is soon going to

release a line of pre-rolls and the plas c packaging will be 100% made from recycled ocean plas c. And as soon as there is hemp plas c bags available we will be switching to them. But for now they use

the plas c bags to keep the flower fresh and s cky just for you with a boost pack in every bag.




or the Summer Issue of High! Canada Magazine, we present Bowlino e and Ice cream Cookielino e Miss Lino e propose a bowlino e with crispy scallops and a cashew dressing and a decadent ice cream

cookielino e intended to make your tastebuds and grey cells dance together. Just wow, because chocolate and mangoes are always a winner. With Miss Lino e it is always fun and delicious!!!

BOWLINOTTE & CRISPY SCALLOPS INGREDIENTS - 1 cup organic buckweat - 340 g scallops - 2 yellow beets cooked and sliced - 1 avocado in slices - 2 green onions finely chopped - 1/4 cup cashew nut roasted - 2 oranges peeled and sliced - 2 mini libanese cucumber finely sliced - 1/2 cup frozen peas - 1 cup frozen edamen - 1 lime - 2 tbsp cilantro finely chopped - 1/4 cup shredded carrots - 1/4 cup shredded cabbage

- 2 eggs - 1 1/2 cup panko - 1/3 cup coconut flake unsweet - 1/2 cup flour - salt and pepper to taste - 7 ml smoked paprika - dry cannabis flower - 1 tbsp ras el hanout

CASHEW DRESSING - 1 cup cashew bu er - 2 tbsp thc honey - 1 cup chicken broth - 2 tbsp soy sauce - 1 tbsp sesame oil - 1 tbsp minced fresh ginger - 1 tbsp thc coconut oil - 30 ml cbd ncture - 2 tbsp lime juice - 1 tsp fish sauce

10- In a small saucepan, bring all the ingredients to a boil and whipping at the same me. Let it simmer 2 minutes or un l sauce thickens. 11- Transfer to a serving bowl, add cbd isolate. Let it cool down and mix before serving.

STEPS 1- Cook buckweat, 1 cup of water for 1 cup of buckweat for 20 minutes. 2- Boil the yellow beets and slice in fine round pieces. 3- Boil peas and edamen 1 minute and dip in iced water. 4- In a big bowl, assemble all the ingredients except the scallops and the last 8 ingredients. 5- Make 3 deep plates. The first one flour, the second one, beat the eggs with 1/4 cup water and 15 ml thc ncture. In the third one, mix panko bread crumbs with coconut flake, ras el hanout, smoked paprika, dry weed flower, salt and pepper. Flour the scallops and shake off the excess of flour. 6- Dip in egg mixture. 7- Finish with the panko mix. 8- Put on a lined baking tray in the oven at 425F for 15 to 20 minutes un l cooked thru and golden. 9- Put it on top of the bowl.

ICE CREAM COOKIELINOTTE INGREDIENTS COOKIELINOTTE - 2/3 cup thc coconut oil - 1 cup brown sugar - 2 eggs - 1 1/2 cup oatmeal flake - 1 cup flour - 1/2 cup spel our - 2 cup chipits chocolate chips - 1/2 cup hemp seed - 1 tsp baking soda - 1/2 tsp salt - 1 tsp vanilla

INGREDIENTS ICE CREAM - 1 cup fresh mangoes - 1 &1/2 cup coconut cream or milk - 1/3 cup coconut sugar - 1 tbsp arrow root - 1/4 tsp salt - 1 tsp vanilla extract - 300 mg cbd isolate

STEPS FOR COOKIELINOTTE 1- Mix flour, oatmeal, baking soda, salt, chocolate chips, hemp seeds in a bowl. 2- In another bowl, beat eggs, brown sugar, coconut oil and vanilla. 3- Add dry mix to wet mix. 4- Make 2 dozens of balls. 5- Put in on 2 lined baking tray and with a fork, push down a li le on the cookies -balls. 6- In the oven at 375F for 12 to 14 minutes. 7- Let it cool down. Keep in an air ght container for up to 5 days.

STEPS FOR ICE CREAM 1- In a blender, reduce mangoes in purée. 2- Whip coconut cream, sugar, arrow root, salt in a small saucepan. 3- Bring to a boil con nuing mixing. Incorporate mangoes purée and vanilla. 4- Retrieve from fire, add cbd isolate and transfer in a bowl. Cover with plas c wrap. Let it cool down and put to the freezer for 1 hour. 5- Take it out of the freezer and with a handmixer, whip the mix. 6- Put it back to the freezer un l solid and firm. 7- Take one cookie, put ice cream on it and cover it with another cookie and serve right away!!











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