#36 OCT 2018
As this issue comes out the day before legaliza on, it marks our last issue featuring the ‘unregulated’ market adver sers that have allowed High! Canada Magazine the opportunity to grow and thrive as Canada’s #1 free source for all things cannabis based informa on and educa on. Next issue we take a look at the first days of legaliza on and take a really good look at what the new laws bring to Canadian cannabis consumers. If you are out and about around the 17th celebra ng Canada’s new laws, please remember to consume responsibly, don't drive high. The driving laws around cannabis are going through some changes as well and no one wants a he y cket , a suspended licence or a road side seizure. Laws around the four plant law and public consump on differ from Province to Province so I encourage you to do your research and find out what the skinny is in your part of Canada. Live in Quebec? You may have it harder then most. Live in Victoria - be er not light up in public, live in Manitoba? Be er not light up that joint in any provincial parks.
High! Canada Magazine Issue 36 - OCTOBER 2018 Digital downloads available online at www.twi
Lastly. I was nominated for Influencer at this year’s Li & Co Canadian Cannabis Awards and I was extremely honoured and very grateful for the nomina on. You can vote un l late October at
Cy Williams - Publisher - High! Canada Magazine
Model Photographer:
Contributing Artists/Writers: The usual gang of stoners. The names and characters used in High! Canada are ctitious except when identied as real in interviews, stories and other types of interesting and factual articles. Any similarity without satirical purpose to a living person is completely coincidental unless permission was given.
High! Canada is not responsible for the actions, services or quality of the products and services advertised within. We will not knowingly support unethical practices of any advertiser or contributor. High! Canada does not support the illegal use of any of the products or services mentioned within no matter how cool or life changing they may be. High! Canada assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication. All material presented within is intended for entertainment purposes only unless of course you nd it educational. All rights reserved. Printed and produced proudly in Canada. For more information on HIGH! Canada please email us at or visit us online at High! Canada is distributed to age verified shops and services and by subscrip on. High! Canada is intended to educate and inform adults over 18 about the complexi es of cannabis consump on and reflects the mul faceted nature of this new industry.
HIGH! CANADA MAGAZINE For general inquiries regarding content:
HIGH! CANADA MAGAZINE EDITORIAL TEAM For inquiries to our graphic design department: crea
Cy Williams
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Tammi Stanhope
Editorial Team
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Bruce Ryan Contributor
Erika LaBlonde
Colin Bambury
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LEGALIZATION With less than a handful of days away before recrea onal cannabis becomes legal in Canada, and s ll months out before cannabis edibles become regulated, it's important to understand and be educated going forward. Over the last couple of years, Canadians in the cannabis scene have been fortunate enough to see the crea on and execu on of MANY dierent forms of edibles for both medical and recrea onal consumers. From gummies to recreated childhood candies like the fuzzy peach, to teas and ice cream sandwiches and steak dinners, pre y much ANYTHING can be infused with cannabis. However, without regula ons, rules or quality control it's been an overwhelming area of the industry to dip into if your not cannabis and food safety educated. Whether your a medical pa ent who doesn't want to smoke cannabis and edibles are the only way you can take your medica on, or if your a recrea onal consumer, then it can be hard to decide which edibles are best for you. Let's start with some basic informa on.
can buy packaging these days and Vistaprint can send you all your labeling needs in one order, so if you don't want to make your own edibles, then do your research on where the edibles you will consume come from. Look at the companies website and social media pages and just pay a en on to small details. I can't tell you how many mes I've seen some awesome new edibles at markets that I want to buy, but a er checking out social media pages and discovering the treats were made by some person in their apartment in their underwear, with dirty hands or showcasing their treats in a picture where its all been set upon a dirty counter or table, is endless. I'm all for small cra and even home based business, but overall knowledge of Health and Safety is of the utmost importance. Make sure to ask the vendor:
Ask where the cannabis that is used in the edibles comes from. Is it an LP? a local grower? Has it been lab tested? Ask if vendor is educated in medical/recrea onal dosing and recommenda ons.
Just because something is in a nice package, does not mean the product is safe to consume. Turns out anyone
Who personally makes the edibles? Is it made with bu er? oil? Concentrates? Find out if they hold their Food handlers cer ďŹ cate and if they make their product at home or in a commercial, city approved kitchen?
UNDERSTAND THE INGREDIENTS Much like we pay a en on to the ingredients in the foods that we buy at the grocery store, it's important to pay a en on to WHAT is going into your edibles. Sure, cannabis is the main reason for your wan ng to purchase an infused item, but understanding how the ingredients may affect you from an overall health standpoint is cri cal. If a company or vendor is pushing Medical edibles, then use some basic common knowledge to be er asses your purchases. For instance, we KNOW that many ar ficial food dyes contain known human and animal carcinogens. For example, one carcinogen called benzidene is found in the food dyes Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6. Allura red (Red 40), tartrazine and other dyes have been associated with condi ons like atopic derma s, eczema, allergic rhini s, food allergies, food intolerances and artrazinne can trigger asthma a acks and atopic derma s symptoms. With an ENDLESS supply out there in the cannabis market of cereal bars, I find it SHOCKING that they are being targeted at medical pa ents. How can any seller of something like infused cereal bars argue the health benefits to a medical pa ent about food dyes, overuse of sugar and corn syrup?? Especially since it has also been brought to light that MOST of the cereals based with wheat also contain harmful levels of Roundup. If you want to purchase a cereal bar for recrea onal purposes, that's your call, However, if you are sick and need relief from said illness and chemicals and pills are not for you, then an infused cereal bar may NOT be the way to go. There are specific ingredients used in edibles designed to enhance the benefits of cannabis while others also add medicinal value because they can reduce inflamma on, give you energy, and strengthen the immune system. If you have a serious health condi on and edibles are the only way you can take your medica on, then consider extracts, bu er or oils that you can start to
bloodstream. That means it can take anywhere from 30min to 2 hours to feel the full impact, and also depends a great deal on the par cular person. Someone who weighs 90lbs and hasn't eaten that day will likely feel the effects more intensely than someone who weighs more and has just eaten a big meal. It really pays to be pa ent. It may take 2 or 3 tries to get your dosage right but that's a lot be er than taking 3x what you need in one si ng and having a panic a ack.
IF you do happen to overindulge and find yourself in somewhat of a panic a ack, drink lots of fluids and go to bed. There are some home remedies said to help such as munching on black peppercorn or chamomile tea to calm as well as CBD drops. Most important thing is to stay calm. Since cannabis is a psychedelic substance, it's largely mind over ma er when it comes to the way people react. infuse into your already controlled diet so not to create any new symptoms or problems going forward. You can always seek out a lab tested cannabis edibles company that makes healthy choices suited to your specific needs, Or, if your like me and just prefer to know exactly what your pu ng into your body even for recrea onal purposes, be conscious of the ingredients. Remember: "The longer the shelf life, the shorter yours”
CONSUMING Whether your consuming an edible made with extracts, bu er or oils, start low and go slow un l you find the right dosage. With edibles, the body has to digest the food or drink. It's absorbed through the stomach, passes through the intes ne and makes its way to the liver, which breaks down the THC and allows it to enter the
Just breathe, relax, and ENJOY! With adequate safety measures, edibles present a hugely profitable opportunity for the Canadian food industry. As of October 17, 2018 it will be legal in Canada to make your own edibles at home or have someone else make them for you with your own personal supply of cannabis. If making your own sounds too daun ng of a task, then make sure that you educate yourself going forward of your future cannabis edibles purchases and research the products and companies you plan on trying out. Remember Consume Responsibly, Have fun and #CannabisEduca onIsKey
By Tammi Stanhope
With legaliza on here at last it only seems fair to give a few nods to some of the cool brands, people, businesses, services, products that have led the way over the last few years. Some are s ll around, some are best kept secrets, others have already transi oned to a more regulated role within the Canadian cannabis space. Some will con nue to fight the good fight and many will find a way to do it within the new legal regulatory framework and some will not. Prohibi on in Canada put a lot of people in jail and that did not stop very many from believing in the plant anyways. One of the most important things we can remember as Canadians right now during this historic me is that it is not true legaliza on without decriminaliza on. Its just not and if its going to be truly legal we need cannabis amnesty and we need it retroac vely applied. I hope you enjoy our best of lists as much as we did crea ng them. On behalf of the en re High! Canada Magazine team - Welcome to the end of prohibi on!
YEARBOOK EDITION Dispensary culture was such a big part of prohibi on over the last few years and such an interes ng culture has risen out of this. That of the savvy cannabis consumer. A brand new, ever growing, consumer group becoming hyper aware of things like how a store looked and represented itself with its customer base and with it’s own community and municipality. Inside the store things like packaging and proper labelling, selec on and consistency became very very important. Over the last five years we have seen countless cannabis based brands start and thrive and fail and some were amazing and other were not. A select few however, really stood out to us here at High! Canada Magazine and we would like to take a moment to shout out some of the be er shops we have encountered in our travels. Narrowing it down to our top 10 was too difficult so we whi led it down to our top 15 instead. These were are the opinions of High! Canada Magazine and we have toured a phenomenal number of dispensaries over the last four years. They are not ranked in any par cular order but they do represent some of the best dispensaries we have had the pleasure of visi ng pre-legaliza on.
1. MMJ Canada 2. BC Pain Society 3. Budd Remedy 4. Canndo 5. TorontoDispensary 6. Medicine Wheel 7. Toronto Holis c Cannabinoids 8. Eggs Canna 9. Barrie Dispensary 10. Lotusland 11. Weeds Glass & Gi s 12. Okanagan Cannabinoid Therapies 13. Canada Bliss Herbals 14. Shadow Mountain Society 15. Mar n Medical Services
MAGAZ NE What’s in a Grizzler? These aren't your ordinary pre rolls. Cra ed by true connoisseurs, there are a few components that put Grizzlers on a whole new level.
High Quality - The star ng material is carefully selected by curators, with a focus on gene cs, flavour and effect.
Locally Grown - Each and every one of the strain selec ons has been sourced from beau ful, Bri sh Columbia.
Small Batch - Grizzlers’ premium line of pre rolls are produced using small batch, cra cannabis, grown with exper se.
From sourcing material through to customer service, the level of care and a en on to detail displayed by our team consistently ensures that our customers receive the highest quality end product following every purchase. Each convenient, durable, flip-top package of Grizzlers Pre Rolls comes individually sealed for freshness. Once unwrapped, the contents will remain fresh for up to 5 days. To be sure you get the most our of your Grizzlers, store in a cool, not-so-dry environment a er opening. Our signature blends are produced with emphasis on quality and consistency. Available in both Indica and Sa va varie es, our line of blended Grizzlers pre rolls offer an outstanding solu on for any preference. Our Premium Line of Grizzlers Pre Rolls render our customers an addi onal, higher caliber experience. These limited collec ons are produced using organic, small batch, cra cannabis grown by expert cul vators using only the finest gene cs.
Available in both Indica and Sa va, the Grizzlers Premium Line is a curated selec on of strain specific pre rolls designed to offer a heightened level of sa sfac on. Enjoy your consump on to the fullest with Canada's premier packaged pre rolls.
Premium star ng material, careful produc on and quality assurance ensure an op mal smoking experience, every me. Grizzlers signature Indica and Sa va blend pre rolls provide an excep onal overall experience for a great value.
CBD related products really began to take off the last few years leading up to the end of prohibi on in Canada. With more and more cannabis users now discovering the benefits that came with use. Very li le THC levels made it appealing to seniors and soon people with a wide assortment of ailments have started looking into this remarkable alterna ve to tradi onal pharmaceu cals. There have been some really great companies out there over the last few years producing both hemp and cannabis based, high quality CBD products. The market has really exploded and will con nue to do so a er prohibi on is all said and done but some of our favourite companies up to date have included Medigreen, Joshua Tree and Sky Extracts. Harry’s Honey produces cra honey, infused with cbd that will astound and amaze you. CBD Therapu cs is highly recommended and a solid choice for hemp based cbd and certainly know their way around the hemp plant. The Herb Angels line is also a solid hemp based line with a good lineup of top shelf product, consistent dosing and a pre y decent product line.
HIDDEN GEM! Our personal favourite is Grassroots Essen als because of their incredible product line, the commitment they have made to their customer base to not only deliver the very best, cannabis based CBD product they can but to also serve the medical needs of the community by providing small batch, grassroots reliability. By offering small batch cra CBD manufacturing with a solid high quality product line consis ng of nctures, E-Liquids, creams, salves, lip balm, CBD oil tank cartridges and more For more informa on email: grassrootsessen
The Airistech Mys ca Vaporizer has a small, sleek, & discrete design, an internal 650mAh Ba ery and 360 Degree Leak Proof Design and is one of our top picks. The cartridge system is foolproof. Editor’s Pick! Available at Majes c Vapes in Brampton, Ontario and wherever great vapes are sold.
MAGAZ NE The Sha erizer is the best and newest vaporizer pen to hit the market and is sha ering expecta ons. The people who produce the Sha erizer are always so excited and pleased to introduce the Sha erizer to those who are new to, or very experienced with vaping technology, vape pens and portable vaporizers.
The Sha erizer delivers perfect clouds, every me! The en re High! Canada Magazine team loves, endorses and supports this uniquely Canadian brand. The Sha erizer is a dream staple in your life if you love concentrates. Period.
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.ca ww LOOK FOR
weedstock AT THE
Coming October 26th, 2018 to The International Centre in Toronto, Ontario, the upcoming Weedstock Cannabis Living Expo will be a dynamic marketplace with a full array of cannabis lifestyle products and services that have had a long and positive association with cannabis users. Ÿ
Cannabis Living Expo will be an exchange of knowledge as old friends reacquaint and new people join our community. Cannabis Living Expo will showcase medical and product experts to answer questions and educate... Cannabis Living Expo will be a one-stop shop for the cool, the curious and the connoisseur!
OCT 26 -28, 2018 Tickets: $20.00 Three day pass: $30.00 VIP Package: $95.00 VIP Package includes a 3-Day Pass, VIP T-Shirt, VIP Swag Bag, and access to our Opening Night VIP After-Party. Limit of 100 available for sale to the public. Get your tickets today at
grow models for new growers
MAGAZ NE In deciding to try out growing my own - I wanted a better , more sustained way of doing things. I wasn’t looking for complicated but if I could do something sustainable - now we were talking. I did a little research and here is a list of cannabis growing essentials I will need for a small indoor home grow.
Part One The Gathering Of Everything I Will Need To Grow filters help scrub the odours that come from my garden. I am keeping in mind the size of my grow and buying duct fans and filters accordingly (no need to buy too many fans or filters if I don’t need them).
I will need a good and strong light source suitable for indoor growing. Plants need light to grow, and not any light will do. Especially as I am growing cannabis I will want to make sure that my lights are strong enough to cover the canopy of my plants to give me the harvest I am looking for. For my first grow, a friend gave me a fairly standard set of generic low grade LED lights to start.
I am looking for soil next because I hear it’s very forgiving on plants compared to coco and hydroponic mediums. A basic bag of soil for potted plants could do fine in the beginning and I know for cannabis that I will want to avoid big name brands like MiracleGro, as they are not intended to grow what I want to grow. I have started looking into premixed soils intended only for cannabis growth and I keep going back to coco as a possible medium.
I will need high output duct fans and carbon filters for sure. These are vital in any grow for a few reasons: they help bring fresh into my garden, help pull stale air out of my garden, and
I still need to do some homework on liquid fertilizer aka nutrients. These are one of the other vital elements that plants need. Feeding plants the right food and the right amount of
food is the difference between an awesome harvest and a poor one. Some brands are more concentrated or designed different from one another, so I am doing a little research on brands before I start buying nutrients. No matter what brand they are, I know enough to make sure base nutrients have the famous “7-5-6” proportion of 7% nitrogen (N), 5% Phosphate (P2O5), 6% Potash (K2O) on their bottles. I will need a watering can and a larger one at that. Not only will I need a watering can to give my plants the nutrient-rich water they need, but I want a can that can hold at least 10 litres or more. Otherwise I’ll be mixing up nutrients several times within a watering cycle. I will need a timer- These normally come in grow light kits and I may have to get my own. These will make sure to automatically switch the lights on and off for as long as I need them to. I’ll need to simulate the day and night cycle in my grow room, and a timer is the only way to do that outside of manually turning my lights off and on. (Note: make sure the maximum wattage for the timer switch is well above the total wattage of all my lights) I will need small pots. These pots are for my young clones and seedlings, because too big of a pot can lead to over-watering. I will want these
for every plant I intend to grow, preferable made out of plastic and in a dark color. These won’t dry out as fast and will absorb a bit more heat. (Note: No matter what pots I choose, I will need trays under them to catch run-off water) I will need a thermometer– I’ll need to know the temperature in my garden at all times to make sure my plants aren’t too hot or cold. If the temperatures are off it can dry my plants out or stunt their growth. Thermometers tell me the highs and lows in my grow room so that I can monitor the weather and control it inside the grow room according to my necessities. I may also want to invest in a hygrometer to also read the humidity levels in my grow room. I will absolutely need cannabis seeds or seedlings. Last but certainly not least, I will need something to grow! I can either choose to germinate some seeds and grow the old fashion way, or I can get some clones and quickly and easily start growing pants. No matter what, I will want to love them, pamper them, and most of all feed them properly. So much to learn still, but very exciting.
By Cy Williams
CONTACT: TOLL FREE 1-877-799-8854
By Cy Williams
Everyone loves talking to Terry Roycro and we are no dierent. We have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend some me with Terry Roycro . Like us, he is ac ve on the cannabis conference circuit and we have enjoyed talking with him at a number of events and conferences across Canada over the last
few years. He has to be listed among the most passionate people within the Canadian cannabis industry. Terry is the Chief Execu ve OďŹƒcer and President at Global Health Clinics Ltd. and owner at MCRCI. Which was recently nominated for Top Clinic at the Li & Co. Canadian Cannabis Awards.
In 2010, Mr. Roycro founded MCRCI, a private organiza on with licensed physicians that educate and support qualified pa ents looking for legal access and guidance for medicinal cannabis. MCRCI soon became the leading cannabis clinic in Canada with a team of doctors who specialize in prescribing cannabis. Terry was quoted in 2014 by the Toronto Star as sta ng “Doctors are uninformed about the benefits of cannabis because it’s not taught,” said Roycro . “Doctors who have been in prac ce for a while do not want to be in that role, they don’t want to be prescribing you something that they don’t know what it’s going to do.”
S i n c e t h e n Te r r y h a s expanded MCRCI considerably and this past summer, Terry took MCRCI public on the CSC on August 29, 2018, under the symbol "MJRX".
With his knowledge and experience in the medicinal cannabis industry, Mr. Roycro has become one of the top consultants in the country for the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regula ons (ACMPR), as well as the former Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regula ons (MMPR) and Marihuana Medical Access Regula ons (MMAR). Terry con nues to expand his network and database within the industry, locally and interna onally, by working with produc on sites, pharmacists, medical laboratories, doctors, and pa ents. In 2018, Mr. Roycro was the voice actor for MCRCI’s radio commercials on SportsNet650. Terry has also recently been invited to join the Stakeholder Advisory Commi ee by the Project Director of the Cannabis Legaliza on and Regula on Secretariat of Bri sh Columbia. He is an accredited speaker for various groups across Canada educa ng employers on cannabis within workplace. Such groups include HR and healthcare associa ons.
By Cy Williams
Virgina Vidal is a staple in the Canadian cannabis scene. If there was one product to really stand out over the last few years it is without a doubt - Marys Wellness. The person behind Marys Wellness is Virginia Vidal.
When asked by High! Canada Magazine about his Mother Virginia, her son Ricardo, had this to say: “Virginia Vidal; is so much more than words. She is my mother; an Ac vist; and a Mo va onal public speaker; She is the mainstream face of Cannabis, a symbol for mothers; women and entrepreneurs. She is the friendly face at every Cannabis event; she is the personality people gather around just to feel the energy she brings to the room. A marke ng Guru and webmaster early on; she was taken back by the responsibility of caring for triplets; and her aging grandma.” Discovering the benefits of medical cannabis more than a decade ago, and used it to help bring her triplet pregnancy full term followed by 6 surgeries in 3 years a er the birth of her triplets. Facing an arrest and criminal charges in 2010 V. Vidal was charged for using cannabis to relieve her symptoms. As a mother of six concerned about the pungent odour of cannabis smoke, she found her own way to medicate inconspicuously, and turned that into one of Canada’s fastestgrowing edibles companies. Vidal launched M a r y s We l l n e s s C a n n a b i s i n f u s e d Beverages - a healthy, tasty, infused line of products available across Canada.
Most recently she’s appeared on CBC’s Dragons Den represen ng Marys Wellness as the CEO and Founder;
Virginia, Tell us about how you got involved in the cannabis industry and what led you into a career within the Canadian cannabis industry? Essen ally, what is your par cular cannabis industry entry point origin story? A er self represen ng for 12 month and being acqui ed, I felt the need to medicate discreetly and felt others like myself would also benefit from the ability to medicate discreetly while caring for themselves and others . The Tea is a healthy way to medicate
Did you encounter any challenges or adversity to adop ng a full me role in the expanding Canadian cannabis market and if so what did you do to overcome them and successfully move forward?
Va Sto po ref riz ro er nt s - No Pa w in Se /S lli kin ng Cr He ea mp m s- &C Ca BD nn P aR rod eli uc ef ts Dr in k
RETAIL STORE LOCATED IN MISSISSAUGA 133 Queen Street South Mississauga (Streetsville) Ontario, L5M 1K9 Open: Monday to Friday 10-7 Saturday 11-5 CLOSED SUNDAYS
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Specializing in Hemp and CBD products including edibles, oils, patches, creams, salves, and pet products. Other merchandise includes vaporizers, smoking supplies, books, gi items, natural body products.
NOT A DISPENSARY ...... YET ASK A FRIENDLY CONSULTANT WHICH PRODUCTS CAN IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH Are you a pa ent 20+ who needs informa on about ge ng a medical cannabis prescrip on from a doctor, to allow you to purchase medical grade cannabis and cannabis oil from a Health Canada licensed producer?
Visit our website at for informa on or to buy products from our online store. Ships anywhere in Canada. WE CARRY TOP BRANDS
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Do you suffer from Anxiety, Arthri s, Cancer, Chronic Pain, Depression, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Gastrointes nal issues such as Crohns and Coli s, Glaucoma, Insomnia, Inflamma on, Migraines, Mul ple Sclerosis, Nausea, Osteoarthri s, Parkinsons, Seizures, Scia ca?
@cannarelief420 WE ARE A 19+ STORE
Contact us for informa on, or send us a message at NEW PRODUCTS ARRIVING DAILY
In the beginning we have had many challenges and learning curves; partners provide sub quality products for our line; We learned to manage every aspect with our own team to ensure quality; We learned that bootstrapping a company; and keeping it family owned and run is a challenge in the industry where companies are diluted; with shareholders and large corporate interests; We learned that people care about authen city; and through hard work and genuine interac ons; our brand has grown to be loved across the country; making those late nights working over me on the 7th day of the week worth while. Thanks to everyone that has supported us in our cannabis market place.
What are you working on now. Can you run us through an average day for you?
Ok I will give you an example of today. I woke up at 6:30 am; made a Marys Wellness energy blend of Green tea with Ginseng. Than on to breakfast with the triplets then to making them lunch and dropping o the triplets at school. Into my oďŹƒce for 8:45; strategic sessions with my business partner; looking over the facility to make sure everything is in order; checking stock logs; Interviews and phone calls; speaking with various collec ons of magazines; podcasts; online bloggers; and conferences; foreign press; TV producers for industry documentaries or local news programs; booking speaking appointments and appearances; outlining ar cles; Then its on to Lunch; Vegetarian of course :) and another glass of Marys Tea; Mee ngs and checking email; the rest of my days are typically mee ng my business partner and various other interested par es looking to contribute towards the company in one way or another; whether it be business strategy; PR; manufacturing; other business
ventures; or possibly even a beauty care line; my days are typically ďŹ lled with mee ng a variety of people and personali es; o en in the cannabis industry, and even outsiders looking for a relatable; honest; authen c brand to stand behind and get into the cannabis industry; Email is much more complicated these days; its not just my personal and business email address; I am o en pressed to answer mul ple people via phone calls; facebook; twi er; instagram; direct message all asking a variety of ques ons from; how do I make a glass of tea; to where do I buy tea; how do I do what I do; the ques ons are quite the variety and are ever changing; however, I enjoy making sure I personally respond to the people who have taken the me to reach out to our brand. Then its back home to pick up the triplets from school; cook up an a er school snack; bond and talk with my children about their day; their life; their plans; and then the uncomfortable part their homework;
A er the children are red from playing and ďŹ nally asleep; I have me to work on Speech wri ng for the next upcoming speaking event; whether it be Cannabis Life; Pace Radio; Tea and Herb associa on of Canada; a CTV appearance; or even the book my son insisted I write., Once my energy is spent on those tasks ; I brew a Marys Wellness Sleep and Relax tea; enjoy some light reading and proceed to sleep;
few have go en to experience; and we look forward to sharing this experience with everyone; Personally; I look forward to a beau ful “garden of flowers” on the islands of Portugal; with wifi; s ll checking my emails and making sure everyone who reaches out to Marys Wellness gets the compassion they deserve; providing the healing power of tea to as many people as we can possibly reach.
in an cipa on of the next day where I get to do it all again;
Plans for the future - personally and professionally? Look forward to Marys Wellness Tea products being sold everywhere Cannabis is sold; our product has the reach and the wings to do so much right now in this ripe industry; we are mee ng with strategic partners on a daily basis all with amazing inten ons; fantas c connec ons and such great personali es all working together to bring this authen c family owned company into the homes of Canadians and the world; to inspire healing through Cannabis in a medium very
Last ques on - what are three things that you think everyone should be doing? 1)Drink Marys Wellness Tea; Great way to introduce Cannabis into your life; this low level dosage of cannabis in the form of a tea, is a great way to bring the healing powers of cannabis into your life with the inability that o en comes with cannabis use; 2)Visit ; Watch our story; see our brand; join us in support of providing the world with the healing power of Cannabis through our tea; 3)Love your Family; be kind to each other; share a pot of Marys tea with someone and bond to another human through a genuine experience;
Thank you so much for taking the me to answer these ques ons, we do adore you as High! Canada Magazine’s Best of Prohibi on top brand.
WOMANIN INWEED WEED WOMAN IN WEED WOMAN VIRGINIA VIDAL Mary's Wellness has been selected to appear in an upcoming episode of DRAGONS’ DEN, airing October 18, at 8:00 PM (8:30NT) on CBC Television. Mary’s Wellness is currently the most established infused tea brand in the country. They are a trusted family-owned business with a loyal following. They are highly recognized within the cannabis industry. Launching a business is no small task. No ma er how big an idea you think you have, it s ll takes a lot of work and a ton of cash. Enter DRAGONS’ DEN, where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their business concepts and products to a panel of Canadian business moguls who have the cash and the knowhow to make it happen. They've all been there themselves, so pitchers be er not enter the Den unprepared. It takes more than passion to convince these boardroom barons that an idea is worth their investment. The Dragons are ruthless and rightly so - it's their own personal money on the line. In addi on to its success on-air, DRAGONS’ DEN is also a hit online, boas ng an ac ve and engaged online community and averaging more than 450,000 page views per month. Full episodes and exclusive behind-the-scenes content can be viewed at
DRAGONS’ DEN is filmed at the CBC Broadcas ng Centre in Toronto and airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. (8:30 NT) on CBC Television. Tracie Tighe is execu ve producer and Molly Middleton and Ye e Vandendam are senior producers. Dianne Buckner hosts. Find the show online at: @cbcdragon #cbcdragonsden
This month I sat down with Danny Raposo who is known for his season on Top Chef Canada as well as his appearance on Dragons Den and now he's the new spokesperson for the Magical Bu er Machine.
DANNY RAPOSO aka @TheStonerChefCanada
Danny is the brains behind his new company called Munchalishus MediMeals, and we were lucky enough to par cipate as he showcased some of his kitchen skills for some guests and I, and we couldn't be more delighted. Once we finished ge ng to know each other be er and smoked a few delicious joints, it was me for some ques ons!
Where did you grow up? Toronto, Ontario.
When did you know you wanted to be a chef? At a very young age. Around 9 or 10 years old.
Where were you trained? I’m a Home cook and never went to culinary arts but was trained and worked for some of the Top Chefs in Canada including my father, who was one of the head chefs at The Royal York Hotel in Toronto for over 18 years.
How do you get inspira on? Cannabis, music and food…that’s it! Give me all of that and I’m good to go.
Are you available to create meals without cannabis? Absolutely! I am available to do catering without cannabis. I’ve been catering events, private par es for celebri es and people for many years now.
How much food is actually infused with THC or cooked with it? All of it. A lot of the planning goes into our meals. We make sure that we spread the dosage throughout the whole meal and not just concentrate on one por on of the meal.
Do you choose speciďŹ c strains? How much does each person get in a full meal? Strains are decided by the pa ent we are dealing with. For instance, someone who has anxiety or depression, we will choose the strains that work for those illnesses.
Strains such as Pineapple Express., which is good for anyone suffering from depression, chronic stress, anxiety, fa gue or general restlessness. It's minor seda ve proper es are also good for mild pains, inflamma on as well as migraines and muscle ghtness. As for the dosage of each meal, it is determined by the doctor and how much mg he/she will be able to ingest per day. Regular user can consume anywhere from 250mg – 500mg per day. For someone who has never tried it, we start them off with very low mg and work their way up un l they feel comfortable with their dosage.
Where do you see yourself in the coming months with edibles transi oning into legaliza on? We are working very hard here at Munchalishus MediMeals #MMM and we are expec ng to be one of the top leading medical edible producers in all of Ontario and perhaps even Canada.
Best p of advice for newbies to cannabis infused dishes? -Start slowly. -Small amounts. -Feel out how you feel and don’t overeat or you may go to sleep or “green out” -ENJOY! Overall Danny and his teams ul mate goal is to provide medicated meals to those with prescrip ons and using specific strains in combina on with his amazing food talents. E a c h m e a l i s d o s e d fo r t h e p a e n t s requirements and they will get to decide what meals they would like to enjoy while medica ng. With the edibles side of the industry some months out of being regulated and legalized its amazing to see what the behind the scenes look like among all of this talent and how they are posi oning themselves for the very near future. One thing I am certain of is that you will be seeing and hearing a lot of Danny Raposo and his amazing team, and hopefully we will ALL be able to enjoy his MunchalishusMediMeals #MMM In the mean me, if you want to see Danny and try the MagicalBu erMachine be sure to use magicalbu code for a special Danny discount!
By Tammi Stanhope
Coming soon
‘INFLUENCER’ “If you are not in service, at least partially giving back in some way to the rest of your community then why not??”
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