High! Canada Magazine Issue #48 - October 2019

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Wholesale opportunities email info@twistedsisterscbd.ca



Tammi Stanhope


Ontario Editor

Rainbow Smithe

Janine Morra

BC Editor

Ontario Editorial Team

Dave MacAdam

Phil Wong

BC Editorial Team

Ontario Editorial Team

Miranda Hawryliw

Katherine Kononow

Alberta Editorial Team

Guest Reviewer

Miss Linotte

Michaela Freedman

Quebec Editorial Team

Ontario Editorial Team

Stephanie James

Rhys Dsouza

Maritimes Editorial Team

Ontario Editorial Team

High! Canada is not responsible for the actions, services or quality of the products and services advertised within. We will not knowingly support unethical practices of any advertiser or contributor. High! Canada does not support the illegal use of any of the products or services mentioned within no matter how cool or life changing they may be. High! Canada assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication. All material presented within is intended for entertainment purposes only unless of course you nd it educational. All rights reserved. Printed and produced proudly in Canada. For more information on HIGH! Canada please email us at editor@highcanada.net or visit us online at www.highcanada.net High! Canada is distributed to age verified shops and services and by subscrip on. High! Canada is intended to educate and inform adults over 18 about the complexi es of cannabis consump on and reflects the mul faceted nature of this new industry.























Photographer: Crystal Fhang Photo www.instagram.com/crystalfhangphoto/ Tee by www.peacepipeapparel.com/ Model: Shannon Marie www.instagram.com/shannon.marie.xo/


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n October 17th, 2019 - Canada celebrated it ’s first year of legaliza on and also issued a second wave of regula on. Added to the list of ‘now legal’ items are cannabis edibles, cannabis-infused beverages, extracts, and a few other products. The Canadian market will see a limited selec on of products in legal retail outlets and online stores but not before December 2019 and this is what most people have been saying. This includes the Aurora-owned Anandia Labs, who have stated that they have had every type of product you can possibly imagine coming through there for tes ng. Despite a turn towards more realis c stock valua ons for a number of cannabis based companies, our editorial office has been no ng a return to op mism as of late. Canada’s edibles market will likely grow immensely. Based on Deloi e’s es mates in its recent research report, “Nurturing new growth,” the Canadian market for edibles and alterna ve cannabis products could reach 2.7 billion Canadian dollars annually. There will be countless cannabis edibles available including but not limited to gummies, cookies, brownies, and chocolates. The Deloi e survey showed consumers’ preferences for various upcoming edible products. Check out the Deloi e Survey yourself at www2.deloi e.com/content/dam/Deloi e/ca/Documents/c-and-ip/ca-enconsumer-nurturing-new-growth-enaoda-may31.pdf Photographer: Crystal Fhang Photo www.instagram.com/crystalfhangphoto/ Tee by www.peacepipeapparel.com/ Model: Shannon Marie www.instagram.com/shannon.marie.xo/

Health Canada ensured that there are stricter regula ons and guideline for the products. Notably, Health Canada released a new set of guidelines on June

14 for edible cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabis topicals. The regula ons include marijuana and industrial hemp regula ons. The new cannabis regula ons include: Ÿ licenses for research, cul va on, and sale of cannabis Ÿ permits for imports and exports Ÿ simple packaging with strict instruc ons for the logo, color, and branding Ÿ product labels with mandatory health warnings and specific informa on about the product. Special Shoutouts to Peace Pipe Brand for allowing us to put Shannon Marie and some really cool tees on the cover and in the magazine! I love Canada but I am equally excited about the cannabis space and industry exploding in Europe and the Berlin ICBC event is the one Cannabis event in Germany that we most excited for in early April 2020. Look for the display ad in this issue and stay tuned for more details on the next issue of sister publica on High! Europe Magazine. Cy Williams Publisher/Editor High! Canada Magazine editor@highcanada.net











any predict we will see a massive increase in demand in the Canadian legal cannabis market this year. Due to small-batch organic cannabis being in high demand, coupled with the addi on of vaporized concentrates being legalized, the cannabis extract market is set to boom like never before in late 2019. The same can be said for the legal dispensary market as the race to secure and open storefronts in

some of Canada’s best neighbourhoods con nues. Of note is Eden Empire as it con nues it ’s Bri sh Columbia ex p a n s i o n l a n d i n g Two addi onal Municipal approvals. Eden Empire (“Eden” or “the Company ”) is pleased to announce that it gained municipal approvals for loca ons on Davie Street and Cambie Street, respec vely. The next phase of approvals, which would result in Eden obtaining licenses for these loca ons, is provincial approval. Both retail stores are in arguably two of the best loca ons in BC and amongst the best loca ons in Canada. Our prospec ve loca ons on Davie Street and Cambie Street fit well

with Eden’s footprint in BC, where Eden currently has the largest footprint, with the maximum eight loca ons permi ed. In addi on to the Davie Street and Cambie Street loca ons, Eden also has a p p r o v a l s f o r : Va n c o u v e r (Kingsway Street), Vernon, Salmon Arm, Victoria and Nanaimo. The Wildfire Collec ve is one of the first cannabis companies in Canada to allow equity investments from Canadians across the country through their crowdfunding campaign at h ps://t.co/TDlgjuG6Jk We have been ac vely following their progress and were hyped by their recent announcement.

GROWING LIKE WILDFIRE - NEW INITIATIVES IN FUNDING Wildfire Collec ve signs $2,500,000 LOI with Global Grow Inc. Over the summer the Wildfire campaign has generated widespread engagement within the cannabis industry, which has resulted in significant brand recogni on across the country. Wildfire is pleased to share some major company updates. In order to expedite the buildout of the produc on facili es for the 2020 growing season, while honouring early investors in the equity crowdfunding campaign, the company has entered into an LO I fo r a u n i q u e fi n a n c i n g agreement. This agreement allows the company to maintain th e an cip ated p ro d u c o n meline while respec ng its commitment to the grassroots investors. Wildfire has signed a le er of intent with a lead investor, Global Grow Inc., who is building a por olio of low-cost, high-quality, outdoor cannabis and hemp cul va on facili es around the world. Global Grow is commi ng

to funding $2.5M over 3 branches based on milestones. The defini ve agreement is subject to sa sfactory due diligence by both par es. Wildfire has also added two new industry experts to their advisory board. The company is pleased to welcome Dr. Hyder Khoja, a PhD in Molecular Biology, who will assist with R&D strategy. The second advisor is a cannabis extrac on process and systems expert with extensive industry experience (temporarily c o n fi d e n a l d u e t o a N DA agreement). Consumer demand for premium cra cannabis is high, and is expected to increase with the inclusion of future formats in Cannabis 2.0. These developments posi on the Wildfire Collec ve for success at scale, while staying true to its local roots. Wildfire will exceed industry standards for ecofriendly business prac ces and provide sustainable opportuni es for small farmers across the country. Full details of the offering can be found at www.wildfirecollec ve.ca/campa ign. For informa on purposes only. Please consult your financial advisor before making an investment.

ABOUT WILDFIRE COLLECTIVE: Wildfire Collec ve is a network of experienced Canadian farms that includes a team with decades of experience in the highly-regulated legal cannabis industry. Wildfire is cra focused, fueled by a passion for the plant and a relentless pursuit of quality. Headquartered in the heart of the O awa Valley, Wildfire’s unique, organic, small-batch cul va on plans maximize quality produc on while minimizing overhead and the impact on the environment. ABOUT FRONTFUNDR: FrontFundr is an online investment pla orm and a registered exempt market dealer. FrontFundr is the bridge that connects investors and entrepreneurs. They use today ’s technology to enable entrepreneurs to raise money from a much larger investor community. This is an opportunity for seasoned investors and the wider public to come together to directly drive innova on and entrepreneurship. With FrontFundr, both experienced and regular investors are able to exercise posi ve influence on businesses they would like to see succeed.


DetectaChem has released the CBD/THC Differen a on Te s t P o u c h f o r t h e MobileDetect App. Law enforcement officers can now obtain a fast and accurate automated CBD and THC differen a on result with a field test kit that agencies of all sizes can afford.

New smartphone-based test helps law enforcement navigate legal complexi es of mul -state trafficking, grow farm regula ons and usage of CBD and THC products. DetectaChem, the global leader in handheld drug and explosive detec on technology, in response to overwhelming industry demand, has released the CBD/THC Differen a on Te s t P o u c h f o r t h e MobileDetect App which accurately differen ates between CBD and THC while also providing an indica on of legal concentra on limits.

T h e C B D / T H C Differen a on Test Pouch has been specifically engineered and developed with input and feedback from law enforcement agencies across the country and tested against hundreds of CBD and THC products. As an industryfirst, the MobileDetect A p p a l s o p rov i d e s a n automated presump ve determina on of THC content above the federal 0.3% limit. The app can generate and send probable cause PDF result reports together with photos, me and date stamp, GPS mapping and more.

DetectaChem Releases Automated C B D / T H C Differen a on Field Test Kit

In recent years, the legal landscape for CBD and THC products has become exponen ally complex. The CBD product market is now a mul -billion-dollar industry with varying legality across the United States. The T H C / m a r i j u a n a m a r ke t con nues to expand and adapt as legality varies by

state and city while s ll remaining illegal at a federal level. Due to this complexity, law enforcement agencies face increasing challenges managing interstate trafficking, grow farms and produc on, seizures and alignment with regulatory agencies. In response, state, local and federal law enforcement agencies have been seeking an accurate and reliable field test. To address this need,

V i s i t t h e D e te c ta C h e m CBD/THC Differen a on Test Pouch Product Page for more informa on and purchasing. The free MobileDetect App is available on Apple and Android app stores.

INFORMATION! W h e r e D o e s Yo u r Cannabis Come From? New App Addresses Consumer Educa on.

the company’s web track-andtrace applica on, which has been available since October 17, 2018, o n F i g r ’s w e b s i t e (www.figr.com/quality).

According to a recent survey, commissioned by Figr, one-third (34%) of Canadians wish they were provided more informa on about their cannabis products, and almost half (44%) don’t feel like they are more informed about cannabis since legaliza on. Figr, Inc., a ver cally-integrated legal cannabis company, officially launched its Figr Budtender app, an interac ve tool intended for budtenders and consumers. The app displays data drawn from the traceability pla orm, SENTRI SM, to provide users with informa on about their product throughout its supply chain journey.

"The Budtender app permits retailer and consumer access to informa on about the source of products and how they are processed. With access to this informa on, app users can begin to educate themselves on what products they prefer,” said Zack Grossman, Marke ng Director, Figr.

“Transparency in the industry means providing consumers with the knowledge they need and deser ve to make informed decisions,” said Harvey Carroll, President, Figr. "Figr is focused on providing this transparency through its various services, including the Budtender app." By scanning the Figr logo and inpu ng the product lot number on the packaging, app users can access product details including where and when the cannabis plant used to create a product was harvested, how long the specific cannabis was cured and its terpene and cannabinoid profile. The app expands upon

T h e F i g r B u d te n d e r a p p i s available for Apple and Android devices. Development of the app i s c r e d i t e d t o F i g r, I n c . , Wunderman Thompson and Thinkingbox. With the official launch of the Figr Budtender app, Figr aims to encourage educa on through access to informa on. Users can scan their product packaging and input the lot number to access their product’s details, including where and when the cannabis was harvested, the THC/CBD profile, quality assurance cer ficates, and more. The app draws data from a technology called SENTRISM that tracks every Figr product throughout its lifecycle. Here are a few addi onal stats on consumer educa on: Ÿ Half of Canadians believe it is

important to know where their cannabis is grown (49%) and how it was processed


Ÿ Canadians rely on friends and

family, searching online and tradi onal media as their sources of cannabis educa on. About Figr, Inc. Figr is a ver cally integrated legal cannabis company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, that operates under one sole purpose: to put character into everything it does. Figr cannabis is sourced from the company's two l i c e n s e d s u bs i d i a r i e s l o cate d i n Charlo etown, Prince Edward Island, and Simcoe, Ontario. Figr is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Pyxus Interna onal, Inc. (NYSE: PYX). For more informa on, visit www.figr.com. About SENTRI℠ SENTRI is a traceability pla orm that combines technology, people and processes to provide insight into a product’s source-to-market journey. SENTRI is a proprietary tool designed and maintained by Pyxus Interna onal, Inc. (NYSE: PYX), a global agricultural company with more than 145 years of experience delivering value-added products and services to businesses and customers.

AWARDS! Top People of the Year Announced for 2019 Canadian Cannabis Awards

Li & Co. Corp. revealed a sneak peek at the shortlisted Canadian Cannabis Awards (CCAs) nominees in six key categories which represent the spirit and ingenuity of the first year of legaliza on in Canada: Entrepreneur of the Year, Womxn i n We e d — Tr a i l b l a z e r, To p Budtender, Top Master Grower, Top Retail Store—Single Loca on, and Startup of the Year. Winners

in a total of 32 categories will be announced at the CCAs black- e gala on November 8, 2019 at the Fairmont Royal York hotel in downtown Toronto. The CCAs are the country ’s preeminent cannabis awards and represent excellence in the industry, while providing winners with an essen al point of differen a on in the upcoming year. This year ’s awards are par cularly notable as they mark the first full year of legaliza on. With the CCAs taking place on November 8th, the Canadian cannabis industry establishes a firm posi on within a broader fall awards season. “The industry marked the first full year of legal recrea onal sales on October 17, 2019 and we are all looking ahead to a

s i g n i fi ca nt s e co n d y e a r i n Canadian cannabis,” said Matei Olaru, CEO, Li & Co. “To be shortlisted in these categories is a major accomplishment. Our congratula ons go out to these leaders who have shaped the last year, and who are poised to set the standards for excellence in cannabis in Canada and around the globe.” The 2019 CCAs cover a total of 32 judged and consumer choice categories: Judged Categories: Nominees in categories for people, organiza ons, retail, cul va on, and accessories—including these announced six categories—were collected via nomina on s u b m i s s i o n t o CanadianCannabisAwards.com between August 23 and

September 20, 2019. The shortlisted nominees are the top entries and the final winners are currently being deliberated by industry and subject ma er expert judging panels. Consumers’ Choice: The top cannabis products—dried flower, oil, capsules, sprays and prerolls—are determined by Canadian consumers. Votes are submi ed via consumer cannabis reviews and uploaded receipts to Li .co. and winners are determined by an algorithm that weighs the volume of submi ed reviews and receipts against the overall product ra ng. With thousands of votes through reviews and receipts already submi ed to-date, compe on was fierce and consumers had un l October 25, 2019 to make t h e i r vo i c e s h e a rd fo r t h e

products they’ve tried and loved this year. Li .co is considered a trusted authority for cannabis product i n fo r m a o n a n d co n s u m e r reviews across the Canadian cannabis industry. Full category and vo ng informa on can be found on the li .co website.

The 2019 CCAs shortlisted nominees in the people and retailer categories include: Entrepreneur of the Year T h i s awa rd re co g n i ze s t h e e n d e avo u rs o f exc e p o n a l people who create the products and services that keep our industry moving forward. The winner embodies the spirit of cannabis entrepreneurship: t e n a c i t y, c r e a v i t y a n d leadership. Ÿ Darren Bondar, Spiritleaf Ÿ Angela Marks, B.C. Trimmers Ÿ Pat McCutcheon & Keith

Strachan, MediPharm Labs Ÿ Drummond Munro, Supere e Ÿ Joshua Vera, Elevate Womxn in Weed-Trailblazer This award recognizes the high achievers, advocates and role models for womxn within the cannabis industry. Ÿ Sony Gokhale, The Supreme Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Cannabis Company, Inc. Mimi Lam, Supere e Angela Marks, B.C. Trimmers Rebecca Phillips, 7ACRES Trang Trinh, TREC Brands Inc. Jo Vos, Leafly

Top Budtender This individual displays a high

Ÿ Ameri—20 Cumberland,

Toronto, Ontario Ÿ Elevate—14454 -118 St. NW, Ÿ

level of passion and knowledge about the products and industry, shows a commitment to customer service and consistently displays a posi ve a tude.


Ÿ Ÿ Jessica Cadney, Hobo, O awa Ÿ Liam English, Fire & Flower

O awa Ÿ E l l e n M c Kay, S u p e r e e , O awa Ÿ Mona Pine e, Spiritleaf, Calgary Ÿ J o r d a n P r e n c e , N O VA Cannabis Off Whyte, Edmonton Top Master Grower The backbone of the industry, these individuals excel in all phases of the growing process, se ng themselves apart by demonstra ng superb management characteris cs, commitment to quality product and a passion for the industry. Ÿ Kevin Anderson, Broken Coast Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Cannabis Ltd. John Barnet, Aurora Cannabis Leo Benne, Zenabis Global Inc. Melanie Carruthers, 7ACRES Liam McKenzie, Experion Biotechnologies Inc.

Top Retail Store—Single Loca on This retail loca on and its team delivers unparalleled excellence for its customers. From the look and feel of the store to the buying experience — everything about this loca on is top notch.

Edmonton, Alberta Hobo Recrea onal Cannabis Store—4296 Main St., Vancouver, Bri sh Columbia K i a r o — 1 3 1 6 K i n g s w a y, Vancouver, Bri sh Columbia NOVA Cannabis Off Whyte—8015-104 ST. NW, Edmonton, Alberta Supere e—1306 Wellington St., O awa, Ontario

Startup of the Year This company exemplifies the quali es that define promising startups: plucky, innova ve and crea ve. Its top-notch team iden fies and solves industry problems and contributes beneficially to the cannabis sector. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

ND Supplies Inc. OGEN Bloom Cul va on Quality Green Inc. Supere e TREC Brands Inc.


Recently, two new studies have found that many medical pa ents are replacing prescrip on painkillers with marijuana: www.marijuanamoment.net/tw o-more-studies-show-pa entsa re - re p l a c i n g - p re s c r i p o n painkillers-with-marijuana/ Although it seems a bit like an oxymoron, cannabis products are becoming increasingly more mainstream in recovery.

OF NOTE 3rd Na onal Cannabis and Hemp Conference designed to address the policy issues Na ons considering cannabis are facing, to be held at the Delta Marrio Grand Okanagan Resort, in Kelowna, November 26-28, 2019

This 3rd Na onal Cannabis and Hemp Conference designed to address the policy issues Na ons considering cannabis are facing, to be held at the Delta Marrio Grand Okanagan Resort, in Kelowna, November 26-28, 2019.

Skateboarder David Hafsteinsson Steps Forward in Support of CBD. A er struggling with an addic on to painkillers for over a decade resul ng from injuries sustained while skateboarding, David got sober with the help of CBD products. He now has 4 years clean, and has been speaking out about his journey to des gma ze addic on, especially as it relates to needing painkillers from injuries. CBD creams and lo ons helped steady David's hands from withdrawal, while nctures helped give him relief from pain and nausea.

Some of David's main talking points include: Ÿ CBD products playing an

Roxanne Lindley - Former Chief, Westbank First Na on invites Chiefs, Council Members, and Senior Managers to a end and is quoted saying that “The

Ÿ M a ny o t h e r at h l ete s a re

passage of Bill C-45 last October put our communi es and economies on a new path. A path where the ques ons and challenges are many; How do we iden fy and incorporate the harm reduc on benefits of cannabis into our community wellness programs? How do we invest and maximize the return for our people both on and off Na on? Where does governance and taxa on rest? Where is Indigenous experience in se ng community standards and policy? As the industry evolves, it is important that those Na ons with interest in cannabis and hemp have access to the best informa on available and the ability to network with Indigenous leaders with first hand experience. Please join us this November 26-28 when we meet here in Kelowna in an open forum to address these issues”.

star ng to use CBD products to help with injuries but have not spoken about doing so publicly

For further details and conference registra on, please visit www.NICHC.ca

instrumental role in his recovery process Ÿ The recovery community is

divided between members who are open to CBD and those w h o o p p o s e i t Ÿ CBD and cannabis products are

a wonderful alterna ve to opioids when someone who has struggled with addic on needs painful surgery Ÿ CBD is free from THC and

p syc h o a c ve i n g re d i e nt s


Canadian Cannabis Companies Just Dodged a B u l l e t S ay s D av i d Jagielski, writer for online Cannabis Stock site The Motley Fool David Jagielski certainly makes a convincing argument in saying that the federal elec on in Canada could have been a big setback for the young industry had Trudeau lost the prime ministership. David goes on to explain that “ S to c k p r i c e s fo r C a n a d a ' s cannabis companies have been struggling since marijuana was made fully legal there last year. The reasons why are numerous: A poorly organized rollout resulted in there being too few retail shops across the country, CannTrust Holdings (NYSE:CTST) was involved in an illegal growing scandal, and the companies t h e m s e l ve s h ave d e l i ve re d disappoin ng financial results. The last thing that shareholders in these businesses need is even more adversity, but that could

have been on the horizon had Canada's Prime Minister Jus n Trudeau not retained power in this week's na onal elec on. Marijuana legaliza on has been a polarizing issue on both sides of the American and Canadian b o r d e r, a n d C a n a d a l i ke l y wouldn't have led the way on it if Trudeau's Liberal Party were not in power. In 2015, when he was elected, he succeeded Prime Minister Steven Harper of the Conserva ve Party, a man who has described pot as "infinitely worse" than tobacco”..

Davis also said that “while the current Conserva ve leader, Andrew Scheer, pledged to keep marijuana legal if his party took control of Parliament back, that doesn't mean that a Conserva ve government would not have imposed a lot more red tape and created hurdles for the industry. Cri cs have leveled a lot of blame at Trudeau over how the rollout has gone, par cularly on the subjects of law enforcement and protec ng the safety of Canadians”.

CannTrust takes significant steps to return back to regulatory compliance A er a rough 2019, CannTrust is exploring up to 140 jobs cuts, and submits a new compliance plan to Health Canada. CannTrust Holdings’ move back to regulatory compliance made a

significant step forward a er the emba led cannabis producer said it submi ed a remedia on plan to Health Canada. The company said it aims to complete all of the ac vi es detailed within the plan by the end of the first quarter of next year. The plan includes “an expanded internal training program, a strengthened governance and opera ons framework, infrastructure enhancements, and prescribed accountabili es and melines for a variety of specified tasks.” However, CannTrust plans to furlough as many as 140 people in light of “significantly reduced opera ons,” a move that will save the company about $400,000 a month says www.bnnbloomberg.ca

Hexo shuts down Beamsville facility in costcu ng measure cannabis producer Hexo is hal ng opera ons at one of its Ontario facili es as the company looks to cut costs amid a drive to be profitable. The Canadian Press reports that Hexo’s facility in Beamsville, Ont. will be winding down but may bring it back online in the future. While the amount of job cuts at the company is unknown, the Hamilton Spectator – which was first to report the news – said about 100 people will be impacted by the facility’s closure. Hexo said on Thursday it plans to reduce its workforce by about 200 people, including some key execu ves. The company will report its fourth-quarter results late October.

Did you know that Wednesdays and Fridays are the busiest days for dispensaries? Or that 10 a.m. is equally as busy as 4 p.m. on average? Dispensaries have had a steady up ck in customer visits - in fact, daily visits have tripled since March. Thanks to six months of WalkThru™ data, Zenreach is bringing new insights to marketers across industries including cannabis. Here are a few key takeaways: Ÿ Most customers (70%) in

most industries visit a place once and never come back. Ÿ Industries that see 50% or

DATA MANAGEMENT more repeat customers are places of worship, medical facili es, hotels and RV parks, casinos, parks, and shopping malls. Dispensaries, performance venues and retail stores are surprisingly busier with foot traffic on weekdays. Ÿ Laundry customers are the only ones who prefer promo onal email subject lines. Ÿ Customers may be reading casino and auto emails at church. Ÿ Museum patrons are among the few who read emails on Fridays.

Ÿ Loving email subject lines draw

the most in-store traffic. We believe loyal customers plan their in-store cafe trips the night before, based on open rates and walk-thru traffic mes. With Zenreach, a customer can access free WiFi at one loca on and be recognized across the pla orm's broad network (from casino to pizza joint to the dispensary around the corner). Zenreach Dispensary Data Points: Ÿ Dispensary customers typically

go an average of 7.8 days between visits.

Ÿ About 25% of dispensary

customers open their emails, which rises to 30% if the emails feature non-promo onal s u b j e c t l i n e s . Ÿ The average dwell

me spent in cannabis dispensaries is 20 minutes, which fluctuates to around 30 minutes in the morning and 19 minutes in the e v e n i n g .

Ÿ Weekdays see higher visita on

v o l u m e t h a n w e e ke n d s . Ÿ On average, 60% of dispensary

customers visit once and 40% of clientele are return visitors. Zenreach is able to collect "walkthru" data on behalf of its clients. The pla orm knows when a customer simply walks into a retail space, how long they stay, and even what they buy at some places. We don't have to guess anymore about which online ads are working for their offline sales. According to Zenreach Walk-Thru data, on average 60% of cannabis dispensary customers are first me visitors. Regular customers typically go an average of 7.8 days between visits and they’re more likely to come in on a weekday than over the weekend. They typically spend an average of 20 minutes in the store, which fluctuates to 30 minutes in the morning and 19 minutes in the evening. We should men on that Zenreach doesn't sell customer data. Ever. In fact, Zenreach users own their customers' data -- in other words, t h e re ' s n o G r u b H u b f u n ny business.

Everyone seems to be talking about a great new campaign from luxury lifestyle cannabis brand VerdeVie and Cannabis Amnesty It ’s called

#BurnTheS gma! #BURNTHESTIGMA From October 17th un l November 17th, 2019 VerdeVie will be dona ng ALL of its proceeds off ALL items purchased from its online store (www.VerdeVie.com) to Cannabis Amnesty! This ini a ve seeks to create greater awareness amongst Canadians on issues of injus ce and the undo harms caused by Canada’s history of cannabis criminaliza on, par cularly its dispropor onate incarcera on of Black, Indigenous and vulnerable m e m b e r s o f s o c i e t y. T h e VerdeVie community is one that

sha ers ceilings, blazes trails and contributes to the ever-evolving cannabis sphere in our country. That’s why, woven in the brand’s founding principles, is a strong commitment to educa on and ending cannabis s gma. Celebrate one year of legaliza on with VerdeVie and Cannabis Amnesty and join the fight to #BurnTheS gma! Legaliza on is not enough, but together we can cul vate a fresh future for all – including those with simple possession records.For more informa on on VerdeVie and Cannabis Amnesty respec vely and their awareness campaign together, please check out their websites.

L e t ’s b u r n t h e s g m a around cannabis together!


tests. These include the full suite of tes ng services required by Health Canada, plus other value-add tests such as full cannabinoid, terpene, and flavonoid profiling; gene cbased tes ng; predic ve profiling; and gene cs archiving services. While opera ng independently, Anandia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aurora Cannabis.

Photo by Rainbow Smithe

Already the industry leader, Anandia is now the largest analy cal dedicated cannabis tes ng laboratory in Canada. Headquartered in Vancouver's burgeoning tech community, Anandia's new state-of-the-art facility was custom designed for cannabis tes ng. Between the c o m p a ny ' s Va n c o u v e r a n d Toronto labs, Anandia currently provides 20 different cannabis

Their new, state-of-thea r t , C a n a d i a n headquarters opened on Va n c o u v e r ' s G re at Northern Way in July, 2019 and had it’s ribbon cu ng and Open house in October, 2019. This expansion makes B.C.-based Anandia the largest cannabis-tes ng facility in Canada and the fastest growing in the world. By the end of 2019, Anandia will have increased its square-footage footprint by 700%. Addi onally, Anandia has plans to expand interna onally before the end of 2019, with official announcements forthcoming. The new facility at Great Northern Way adds 12,600 square feet and

will add approximately 40 new employees, bringing the total company headcount projec on to approximately 100 by the end of 2019. A further 13,000 square feet will be added to the headquarters before the end of 2019. In April of 2019, Aurora Cannabis Inc., Anandia's parent company, acquired Ontario tes ng facility, Chemi Pharmaceu cal, which is now Anandia Toronto. Anandia will triple the size of the lab to 9,000 square feet by early 2020, and offer a full suite of tes ng services. Anandia's original 5,500 squarefoot UBC-based lab will con nue to support Anandia's opera ons. This combina on of expansion and acquisi on, as well as investment in automa on t e c h n o l o g y, w i l l i n c r e a s e throughput capacity exponen ally. The new facility is capable of performing 19 different tests on cannabis and cannabis products, including tests for 14 cannabinoids.


The six major components of the new headquarters are as follows:

Beyond compliance tes ng, t h e n ew A n a n d i a headquarters will offer several new proprietary tests such as:

1. Sample receiving and sample vault 1. Sex iden fica on test for plants to support cul va on and breeding

2. Microbiology lab 3. Molecular R&D and plant culture lab


4.Analy cal chemistry and instrument lab 5. Chemistry and new method R&D lab 6. Execu ve and staff offices and mee ng space

2. Predic ve Profiling for the ra o of cannabinoids (THC v CBD) 3. Stability tes ng for shelf life of consumer packaged goods such as edibles The new headquarters contains a unique plant ssue culture facility that will offer gene cs archiving and backup services to support the

gen e c s n eed s o f lic en s ed producers. Anandia was founded in 2013 by scien sts Jonathan Page and John Coleman, and was wholly acquired by Edmonton-based Aurora Cannabis Inc. in August, 2018. Jonathan Page, who was the first to sequence the cannabis genome, is currently the Chief Science Officer at Aurora Cannabis Inc., while John Coleman is President of Anandia Laboratories Inc. which con nues to operate en rely independently.


nandia is the first cannabis lab in North America to implement a PerkinElmer's JANUS® G3 worksta on. This state-of-the-art robot will increase efficiency and eliminate human error in sample prepara on and potency-tes ng prepara on.

CANADA’S LARGEST TESTING FACILITY OPENS Photo by Rainbow Smithe. From Left to Right: Cam Battley, Jonathan Page, John Coleman, Mayor Kennedy Stewart, Terry Booth










$19.593 BILLION


$28.53 LAST MONTH $31.87












$36,72 MILLION

$0.13 LAST MONTH $0.17





$2.38 LAST MONTH $4.17




$511.,15 BILLION

$1.62 LAST MONTH $1.59








$1.036 BILLION




$547.47 MILLION

$0.91 LAST MONTH $1.46




$25.67 MILLION

$0.12 LAST MONTH $0.18




$51.54 MILLION

$0.12 LAST MONTH $0.22





$471,23 MILLION

$0.81 LAST MONTH $1.27





$37.36 MILLION

$0.29 LAST MONTH $0.30












$1.09 LAST MONTH $2.25



The following information is provided as ‘opinion’ only and you should always do your own research before making any sort of stock purchase. . This list is based on High! Canada Magazine office discussion and current as of the month published.



n recent months Rennie Smith, the author of Tribeless: Cannabis, Rock ‘n Roll and Kicking Rare Cancer’s Ass, and I have sat on the phone (as if we were long me friends burning doobies on the balcony that is 5 or 6 degrees warmer than anywhere else in the city of Vancouver) sharing and bonding through our love and gra tude of cannabis and our heritage. Rennie’s journey, thus far has been of ins nct, survival and the gene c, spiritual and powerful essence of what “be” blood. This vibrant and earth feeling woman is a survivor- not only because she lives with and ba les a very rare Cancer of the sweat glands (Apocrine Eccrine Spiradenoma), but because she

has spent a life me being devalued for being a physical and spirited reminder that her Grandfather was Indigenous. Rennie was born with dark hair and eyes- her eyes revealed that within her lived a wild and free warrior. Note that I did not classify her father as a Na ve man. The reason being as simple as this- like so many of our rela ons have, Rens Father (Herbert) suffered the haun ng consequences of being an indigenous child in a new white world and years later when returning home from World War II would find a white woman to marry and shed himself (as well as his family) of their Indigenous culture. He was ashamed- and as much as my heart aches, I feel I understand how that happened.

Although the Smith family would become a part of Canada’s Big White Lie, li le Rennie would grow up living (without understanding) as “one of them” and a “throwback to the park.” One of who? Throwback to what park? Rennie would spend decades seeking answers to those painful iden fiers. Seeking truths (as I have learned) is o en accompanied by tragedy. Rennie, at the age of twelve would find herself in front of a mirror, sure she was about to take her life, when what she thought was just a pimple on her le shoulder would explode as if all of her inner turmoil was gooing and dripping down the walls and of course staring back

at her in the mirror. Tumelot, her cleverly named tumour, would be the first of many to appear a er the mass erup on of angry pimple. From then on Rennie would endure painful and damaging symptoms while Tumelot and the yearning for iden ty con nued to grow. It seems her head was Tumelots focus from 12 on, as her mucus lining in her nose par ally dried up, her le ear developed a las ng swimmers ear, a subcutaneous sponge developed under her right bo om lip, and her right eyebrow was in constant itching pain. At 14 Rennie would experience what being in “full on pain mode” meant. The pain in the right eye would spread into every bit of her eye socket and eye-ball. A visual discolora on

on her spleen would map a new world of pain. Soon, her body had trouble regula ng her temperature. At 22, Rennies pain intensified and presented itself on her le groin which traveled to her quad. She would then visit a dermatologist in Toronto to have Tumelot laser removed and begin an bio c therapy. Soon, Rennie’s symptoms would intensify and the growth of her tumor would be felt. As we learn in her book (which will be revisited and reviewed in High! C a n a d a ’s D e c e m b e r i s s u e ) Spiradenoma becomes increasingly aggressive a er being cut. It would not be un l she was 23 years old that Rennie would be diagnosed with Cancer - perhaps finally understanding why her

body was in constant excrucia ng pain from a young age- perhaps not. That damn C word. In Rennie fashion, here is where I digress with intent. Last week my son was learning about the le er “C” in his kindergarten class. Every week the classroom transforms into a land reflec ve of their though ul teaching. C is for “construc on.” Naturally, during the week, my studious 5-year-old and I explore his in-class lessons at home. While reflec ng on the word construc on and going through the shape, sound and words with C- I light-heartedly joke that “c” is for Cannabis. I uncomfortably and quite shallowly joke on October 17th that Cannabis in Canada is under Construc on. Now, thinking on a much deeper (always ini al but not o en communicated) level, I reflect on

the theory of the word “construct,” which then leads me down a path impossible to expand on in limited words. I am le thinking of how powerful that li le le er “c” and words like “construct” “compassion” “care” “community” “connec on” “ceremony” “culture” “crea ve” “Cancer” and many others are. I am certain that these c words are not only relevant in t h e w r i n g s m a ny d o i n re l a o n to va r i e d current/historical events but powerfully significant in Rennie’s story. During the me of that diagnosis, her cancer condi on was referred to as Eccrine Spiradenoma. Tumelot would forcefully bring about more damaging symptoms. When speaking to Rennie, she describes her bodily experiences in such descrip ve detail that I become aware that this indeed has been a very alive and intelligent form of e in her life. Not only do I sense Rennies deep understanding of the cycles of her condi on, but I admire that despite the medical field having limited informa on on her cancer, she takes it upon herself to study and con nue healing. While speaking to Ren (and reading Tribeless) it is undeniably gripping the “process of truth and reconcilia on is in tandem with Canada and this disease” As Rennie suggests. Apocrine Eccrine Spiradenoma was discovered in a late-night a empt at understanding her physical, and seemingly parallel, emo onal pain. Rennie has been told that her benign Cancer may or may not take her life. It is painful, it is messy, and it is rare. It is incurable according to modern medicine, and lives on sweat glands (the apocrine and eccrine glands.) To deal with the pain, Rennie was prescribed oxycon n. Over the phone she says to me “no, no, not me.” Cannabis was not new to Ren, and although in her 30s she began using it for pain relief brought on by osteoarthri s, it wasn’t un l much later, while visi ng her Cannabis dispensary in Vancouver, “Karuna,” that Tumelot would meet its maker. In my other wri ngs I have spoken of legacy dispensaries and my favorite elements of the pre regulated cannabis industry. One of those elements was the friendly cannabis exchange between member

and trusted provider. Another element being the willingness to openly communicate in a safe environment free of judgement. Rennie, that day at Karuna, would receive guidance from the original Karuna owner. Phoenix Tears. The phoenix tears would not be the end cure, but the conversa ons between Karuna, R and a Cannabis Guru; Rens thoughts, theories and resourcefulness would open a door to a temple unknown. In 2018 Rennie Smith wrote a poem tled:

“Without a Tumour” I do not know my name without a tumour. I do not know my address without a tumour. I do not know my country without a tumour. Let's face it, I do not know who I am without a tumour. Come on, I know who I am it's just- that I am - only knows tumour me all the me. What I wonder is how and who I'll be without a tumour. How life unguarded of bodies touching me, garmets that grind me, shoo ng pain, plenty morphine moments, shower tac cs endured,

lying down, loving up, on and on in every way every where, every when, every why, dodge n' parry my brain in on pain. Who will I be without this pain bearing down on me? Seven months later. Today I stand before me without a tumour. Free Free Free Freakin Free. I mean I am free. Feeling the stranger in a new land that is me. No words can describe the never ending state of goofy grins that I'm in defying gravity as they trickle up mes tributaries. Today I live tumour free. That is the new me. Rennie Smith It began with a Water Based Cannabis Resin, which she calls “Rennies Regular Resin.” The W. B .C . R wo u l d re l i e ve h e r crippling pains, and on one fateful day Rennies Regular Medicine would be burnt and become what she referred to as a “cannabis coal ball.” When she shared this part of her story with me, we sure did laugh. Though I did not feel any discomfort from her sharing that her batch of stem sourced product had accidentally been

crisped, I admit I was hesitant to share a chuckle ini ally- oh but this is how the universe works. Ren called it “the cannabis coal ball” and though it seemed unusual at the me, her despera on pushed her to bring a chunk of it home. She would develop a black soupy topical that could also be eaten. Her coal ball became “Cougar Claw Medicine” and it began working immediately. Rennie also began infusing Kif in Emu oil- her “Oz Time Intensity” blend. Rennie was able to shrink Tumelot down to an operable size using a combina on of co created herbal cannabis remedies in 2016. Tumelot was removed and she, well she is tumor free! Her cancer s ll lives inside of her, but because of cannabis Rennie manages the physical, mental and emo onal side effects with great grace. In her tale Tribeless: Cannabis, Rock ‘n Roll and Kicking Rare Cancer’s Ass, Rennie goes into deep detail about her experiences with water-based cannabis oil and includes a quick recipe worth no ng. I will be covering more of Rennie Smith in months to come- watch as we carefully discuss cannabis resin, healing and culture! Puff, puff, pass!

Miranda Hawryliw






ctober 2019 will be a pivotal month in Canadian history. Besides Halloween celebra ons, ci zens will have had a whole year of legal cannabis and more recently, a new Liberal minority government. The elec on votes were largely seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Jus n Trudeau, whose first term brought the current state of cannabis legaliza on in Canada. "Minority parliaments are wonderful things when members decide to put cons tuents first, before party label, as we've seen in BC. They force poli cians to work together, and can help reduce the arrogance that can come with majority control. They also help open the possibility of posi ve change coming from all MPs', not just

those in the biggest party. I'm glad we have a minority government in Canada. It won't be easy, but I'm hoping it will lead to be er government, more focused on the people it is elected to serve.” Spencer Chandra Herbert, MLA Vancouver - West End

Here's hoping a new coali on federal government will bring more reasonable cannabis regula ons. All adult-use consumers should be able to access and enjoy the benefits of cannabis in a mely manner. Among the new legal product choices for consumers this Fall include edibles, infused beverages, vape pens and topicals.

Following are a few anecdotes on the first year of legaliza on: Bert, a First Na ons cancer pa ent is looking for affordable cannabis for his medical needs. “I'm curious why bud isn't covered by our health care system. Would rather smoke a joint or two than be taking a bunch of pills. It's a vitality restoring plant, so why isn't it

part of my wellness and recovery plan? Seems like it's only for the wealthy, not for us old- mers on fixed incomes. Maybe as me goes on, there will be community garden co-ops that allow me to pick up what I need at a compassionate price where I can look and see what I am ge ng just as easily if I were to visit the farmers' markets and buy my tomatoes." Dimitra, a first me home grower experienced problems with her 4 legal plants. "I recieved a gi of seeds but only one sprouted. I nurtured that seedling into a gigan c plant but nothing came of it because it turned out to be a male! None of my friends or I a r e ex p e r i e n c e d i n c a n n a b i s cul va on. Wish there were

gardening centres nearby where I could ask ques ons or groups of long me enthusiasts that could help me troubleshoot along the way so I don't waste me, money and energy. Reading books and visi ng online forums has only informed me so much but the actual prac ce of growing is truly an art of respect and pa ence. It would be nice to be learning with someone experienced so I could be successful my second me around next summer." Nate, a dance teacher favors nctures. With Cannabis Legaliza on 2.0, edibles are a quick and easy way to consume and gain the desired results. "Few drops underneath my tongue when I need my medicine and my day or night is good! I prefer not to smoke because I need all the lung capacity for my classes, performances and for guiding my students during rehearsals. What I am looking forward to is the day when there is a wide selec ons of colours and flavours to choose from and in

plen ful supply. Variety is the spice of life and edibles are going to be my new fave treats! Going to love the non breakable, toss them in my backpack fun factor. Perfect when I'm biking with my husband along the Seawall!" Cindy, a senior, is very excited over HEXO's new cannabis value brand, Original Stash. 28 grams (1 oz) at a retail price of $125.70 including sales taxes, equivalent to $4.49 a gram. Original Stash’s first product, OS.210, is offered as a hybrid sa va dried flower blend at 12%-18% THC. "I'm interested in legally buying, regular and tested products. Some mes I just can't afford to buy the amount that I'd like to due to the high prices online. An ounce online at $350+ is ridiculously expensive and out of my price range! I've even seen one legal store's price of $98 for 3.5 grams! Outrageous! Hexo is a much be er deal for me at 28 grams for $125.70. I've got problems moving around due to my weak back and legs. My only pain relief is a nice puff on something potent enough for the pain

yet that leaves me clear-headed enough to do the things I need to do on a daily basis at the senior center. I have lot of life le in me and having affordable cannabis will greatly enhance the quality of my remaining years.” Raj, a longshoreman, enjoys relaxing with ice cold drinks a er his taxing days on the waterfront. "My buddies and I are wondering about the new nonalcoholic, cannabis-infused beverages due to come out in the middle of December. Will they taste good? Will they give me a good feeling of comfort? Soothe the aches away? Hopefully we'll have the answers soon. These new infused drinks will be a huge game changer to a healthier way of living. I want something that can really quench my thirst and I can feel great about having in my fridge and cooler. I'm making these choices so I can reduce my stress levels and live longer. Who knows, maybe I can share my experiences with my workmates and become a trendse er."

Shannon, celebrates her Cel c roots with Samhain night, the origin of Halloween. "Thankful the Federal Elec ons are over and now we can start looking forward to the next wave of legalized canna products. Topicals are what I'm keen on - lo ons, sprays, salves, balms, and oils. My bathroom is overflowing with bath and beauty products and soon the stores shelves are going to be filled with canna creams just in me for the holidays. For Samhain, I'm going to a farm house where we will have a bonfire and dance the night away. I will be making special pumpkin pies with maple canna fros ng for sweet treats to eat and infused breads as a way to honor my ancestors. What is more Canadian than maple syrup and cannabis? Mmmm! Delicious!!" Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you get tasty treats in your goodie bags. Here's hoping the rougher edges of Canada's legaliza on of Cannabis will be smoothed over with our new federal government.


Well I would really LOVE to say that I am able to write about LEGAL edibles, topicals and extracts since this is THE MONTH of legaliza on 2.0_oooh Noooo BUT I cannot. The newly legalized products are not likely to hit our legal OCS stores un l some me in December. However, anyone who knows KNOWS that the edibles, topicals and extract game is strong in Canada and for some of us, access to said products has never really been an issue. Myself, I have owned and operated my edibles business KhronikKrea ons for many years now and unfortunately regardless of Legaliza on2.0 cra businesses like myself, have been le behind with no near date in sight for us to be able to do what we have always done, but on a “ l e ga l ” p l a o r m s u c h a s a storefront/bakery etc...


High! Canada Magazine Ontario Editor

Regardless of these limita ons, there are some highly educated, talented and knowledgeable Cra growers, extractors and edible makers out there that deserve to be appreciated and recognized for their contribu ons. Hopefully in the coming years there will be room for everyone at the Legal table…Un l then research your op ons, research your products and research what you are pu ng into your body. #cannabiseduca oniskey




By Tammi Stanhope


he Heightened Chef consists of friends from High School who came back together through a passion for food and cannabis in 2017. Sensing the prospects in the emerging cannabis market and the need for a unique dining experience, they set out to create something new. The outcome is now the standard by which all others should be measured and has inspired many. With over 50 combined years experience in both cannabis and cuisine, Chef Alfred, Chef Marc and host Sean con nue to amaze their guests month a er month with stunning menus, exclusive venues and unforge able memories. Serving hundreds of guests over the last 3 years has allowed them to fine tune and perfect the formula for an evening of fine dining and cannabis consump on. Always pushing the cannabis culture forward,

The Heightened Chef team ensures the pla orm they have created is being used to showcase the very best cannabis companies in the community. including: Ÿ Iriemedzz Ÿ Choast Ÿ Merry Meltaways Ÿ KhronikKrea ons Ÿ ArchaicCrea onz Ÿ Flight9bakery Ÿ Backwoodsbakeshop Ÿ Missvedibles Ÿ Cotc edibles Ÿ Canna cookery crea ons Ÿ Vala Delights Ÿ StayLi edd Ÿ Lakeside Collec ve Ÿ Marys Wellness Ÿ Dirty Desserts Ÿ KaliKare

Now I’ve personally a ended 4 of these amazing dinners over the course of the last several months and oh my It’s a brilliant and beau ful new kind of li ed state, one where cannabis is recognized as a normal part of func onal people's lives — a kind of dinner-party high not normally associated with the heavy marijuana edibles of our high school stoner pasts. With hand-rolled joints and treats circula ng throughout the crowd nearly constantly from the moment everyone arrived, The Heightened Chef experience is one to be noted. Crea vity in cra and presenta on allows the chefs to conceive breathtaking meals. The dinners themselves are medicated with sauces and sides for individual guests, meaning everyone at the table is able to enjoy the en re meal, regardless of their tolerance level or usage. From planning to execu on to cleanup, The Heightened Chef team take care of everything, leaving guests to enjoy the experience worry free. Events include an educa onal session about cannabis dosing and edibles, pairing informa on, and introduc ons to some of the finest Cra cannabis companies making these catered dinners accessible to all levels of pa ent, regardless of their experience with either cannabis or cuisine. Dinners I a ended were: 420 Ba le of Champions: Sweet Potato chipotle croque e stuffed with jalapeno Havar , and topped with triple smoked bacon, fresh scallions, creole aioli and infused peach mango puree. Jerk Chicken, coconut cilantro rice, friend plantain, infused pineapple chutney. Funnel cake, scoop of co on candy ice cream, cream anglaise and infused strawberry sauce.


Taste of Europe:


Lasagna Bites with rico a, mozzarella, Italian sausage in a lasagna roll breaded and deep fried with infused marinara dipping sauce. Braised Short Rib, escabeche mushrooms, roasted garlic truffle mash potato on top of bu ernut squash and cauliflower puree, sautéed asparagus and pimento drizzle. Infused Salted Caramel crème brulee.

Bu ernut squash soup with infused roasted garlic and s a g e b u e r medallion. Sweet potato riso o, mushrooms, triple smoked bacon with infused garlic parmesan corn on the cob, Roasted turkey, cornbread jerk stuffing, brown bu er mashed potatoes, green beans, baby carrot with infused tangerine/cranberry jam. Apple and Salted Caramel blondies with infused apple sauce and crème anglaise.

Tapas by Starlight: Fresh made flatbread, Cheese A n j i t o s , B e e f sliders/caramelized onion, Pulled jerk chicken sliders/coleslaw, Philly cheesesteak wonton cups. Paired with: Truffle aoli, Apicy apple bu er bbq sauce, Bacon jam, 3 cheese spinach ar choke and sundried tomato.



ollec ve as by defini on: a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole. A collec ve is a group of en es that share or are mo vated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objec ve.

“It’s a way to gather, to learn, to build, to grow, to share, to co-work, collaborate and rise together. To fuel meaning and impact on a level that is near-impossible to a ain working alone. It is an in mate, fiercely-devoted collec ve of mission-driven conscious business founders with a commitment to connec on, expression, growth and impact.”

~Goodlife Project~

Columbia Coast Collec ve – Bri sh Columbia Last month I flew to Abbotsford, BC and drove 1500km the long way around the Okanagan to visit with some of the finest cra cannabis connoisseurs I have had the privilege of working w i t h . O n e o f my s t o p s included outside the Revelstoke area where I met up with Columbia Coast Collec ve. They are made up of several other Canadian Cra Cannabis companies which each bring their

By Tammi Stanhope

special es to this group of commi ed and quality driven connoisseurs. Milkyway Extracts – Their products have helped the collec ve reach their local market and help clients across Canada. They provide vape cartridges that ONLY contain cannabis dis llate and terpenes. Terpkings – Small batch premium Canadian extracts (diamonds, sauce and BHO) ArchaicCrea onz – Veteran owned and operated making some of the best quality, lab tested medicated gummies and edibles Hora o Delbert Concentrates - Hora o Delbert creates petroleum-free extrac ons and is the inventor of “LHO” using d-limonene. Flower – All Flower is locally grown in/around the valley (mostly family) All rosin is made only from hash and from there it is processed into sauce and a stable rosin product.

Being a localized retailer relying on local growers and makers taught them the power of working together as a collec ve, and it shows. I was lucky enough to try some delicious products and even take a few things home with me which I was able to share here in Ontario. My favourite by far was the Cake Ba er Hash Rosin! These are quality companies with countless reviews and tes monials and years of experience. Like almost any and everything we purchase and consume whether medical or recrea onal we live in me where we can be educated in our knowledge of cannabis and cannabis products. Research your op ons, research your products and research what you are pu ng into your body . #cannabiseduca oniskey #supportlocalcra cannabis



REVIEWS By Tammi Stanhope

HIGH'ER QUALITY Tropicanna Cookies

eath Bubba Live Resin - Created by crossing Death Star and Bubba Kush, this pungent pairing reeks of grass and skunk while the smoke is sweet, earthy, and clean on the palate. Its semi-seda ve effects lock the consumer to the couch, unkno ng tension and soothing minor physical discomfort with ease. Pink Hindu Live Resin - Pink Kush, as coveted as its OG Kush rela ve, is an indica-dominant hybrid with powerful body-focused effects. In its excep onal varia ons, pink hairs burst from bright green buds barely visible under a blanket of sugar-like trichomes, with traces of a sweet vanilla and candy perfume. The potency of this strain could be considered overpowering, and even small doses are known to eliminate pain, insomnia, and appe te loss. Where’s My Bike Flower - Where's My Bike is a sa va-dominant hybrid strain that targets the head with a euphoric and energe c vibe that fires up the crea ve mind. Where's My Bike is the offspring of parent strains Amnesia and Biker Kush, a gene c pairing that has produced a highly produc ve strain with massive flowers coated in trichomes. Tropicanna Cookies Flower – Bred by Oni Seed Co, Tropicana Cookies crosses Forum GSC and Tangie. The result is a sa va-dominant strain with strong tangerine and citrus notes backed up by a smooth cookies flavor.Very gorgeous dark purple buds that smell strongly of orange juice. The taste is very sweet and is also reminiscent of oranges with a floral undertone. Produces a very nice head high that keeps you feeling alert and aware.

Where’s My Bike

REVIEWS By Katherine Kononow


he recent legaliza on of cannabis has opened up many doors in the cannabis community. With different ways to smoke , eat or drink cannabis THC and CBD. October 2019 is the month that edibles and topicals are finally legal! Hallelujah! #1 The first company I’m going to talk about is called Bebidaverde. They specialize in infused natural pressed juice! With flavours like ; Mango lemonade , Sorrel & Lemon , Pineapple/ Cranberry , Ginger/Lime & Black Current Pear. These delicious drinks are infused with 70mg THC and 35mg CBD. They also have them in just THC or just CBD op ons as well. This amazing company truly cares for its customers and tries to help out in the community as much as they can. This juice has helped me with my anxiety, headache , cramps , and nausea. #2 The next product and company I’m talking about is King Louis Edibles. This company makes their edibles with RSO (Rick Simpson oil). These edibles are Hand made, not sprayed, not store bought melted gummies. They are made in small batches to ensure proper dosing. Made with RSO and not dis llate because RSO contains both CBD and CBN to work together with the THC and give that seda ng entourage effect. CBD gummies are coming soon to this company! Made in Victoria BC and available in dispensaries in every province in Canada & online. #3 Gramdads Gummy Company is a single person who makes all tasty treats himself. Various doses , flavours & shapes! My personal favourite is his “Ganja Leafs” they’re 50mg THC and they personally give me the best high! Gramdads started making gummies because he was red of ea ng gummies with no effects. He wanted something with a punch so he started making gummies

on a small scale. Gramdads Gummy Co. uses only high quality ingredients including award winning Apocalypse Processing products helps produce some of the best gummies out there. The 50 mg sweet leafs and 30 mg drops have become fan favorites boas ng special edi on seasonal flavours and shapes. However, the CBD 3:1 gummies are gaining quickly in popularity for the ease of use for new users or people looking for a more relaxing and subtle buzz. If you haven’t tried these edibles you need to!! If your new to edibles or cannabis in general and you’d like to try some but your scared of the effects or don’t know how much to take ? Always remember start low and take it slow. If your new start off with 5-10mg first. Wait 30-1 hour. If you don’t feel anything or very li le effects then take another 5 mg. Never take edibles on an empty stomach. Just like drinking on a empty stomach is no good it’s the same with edibles. When it’s your first couple of mes trying edibles I suggest you stay at home or close to home, because you never know how it will truly effect you. I would call myself “a seasoned edible professional” and s ll some mes I will get “too high” from the edible and don’t like the experience I’m having. When that happens, I turn right away to anything CBD. CBD will bring down the “high” off thc. Which is known as the "entourage effect". Data proves that CBD & THC work together to create various posi ve effects in the immune system and psyche. @katskannabisreviews


ovember, month of the dead, with its darkness and cold rain. I find that only one THC infused boston cake can revive my spirits. Make to share with loved ones, as each layer of decadence will fire up your body and soul and it contains enough maple caramel popcorn for a movie marathon. Prepare for a chill out & cocoon day!!


Cake - 1 1/2 cup of all purpose flour - 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder - 1/2 tsp of salt - 4 eggs - 1 cup of cane sugar - 1/4 cup thc infused bu er - 1/2 cup of milk - 1 tsp of vanilla extract

Icing - 1/3 cup of coconut cream - 1 tbs of bu er - 1 tbs of thc infused honey - 100g chopped dark chocolate - 1/4 tsp of cayenne

- 2 eggs - 2 tbs of corn starch - 1 1/2 cup of milk - 1/2 cup of sugar - 2 tbs of thc infused bu er

Maple Caramel Popcorn - 8 oz salted bu er + 2 tbs - 1 pound of popcorn - 2 cup of sugar - 1/2 cup maple syrup - 1 tsp salt - 1/2 tsp baking soda - 500mg thc dis llate or to taste

The Steps Maple Caramel Popcorn Preheat oven at 350, cover a baking pan with aluminium paper and bu er it. Make popcorn in a air popcorn machine. In a sauce pan, melt sugar in bu er. Add maple syrup, salt and thc dis llate. Remove from heat and add baking soda. Pour over the popcorn, mix with a spoon to cover well. Bake 30 minutes.

Let it cool 10 minutes and enjoy.


In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients and reserve. Beat eggs and sugar together 3 to 4 minutes to light and foamy and reserve.

In a small sauce pan at medium heat, melt THC coconut oil, add milk and vanilla extract. Heat to warm the milk no more. Add to the eggs mixture and mix well together. Add and mix dry ingredients and pour in the mold.


Bake 30 to 35 minutes and let it cool down completely.

In a bowl, whip eggs, corn starch and vanilla extract. Reserve.


In a small sauce pan at medium heat, heat milk and sugar 1 to 2 minutes un l the sugar is dissolved. Pour the eggs mixture gradually while whipping. Pour cream on a clean tray to spread it in a thin layer and cover with cellophane. Put in the fridge at least 30 minutes or un l cool. Whip cream un l smooth at the moment of use.

Cake Preheat the oven at 325°F, bu er a 9 inch cake mold and reserve.

In a small sauce pan, combine cream, coconut cream, thc coconut oil, honey and vanilla extract. Bring to a boil. Pour on chocolate and mix to obtain a smooth and shiny texture. Reserve.

To Assemble Garnish one cake with the pastry cream (custard), put the other half on top and pour icing over it. Decorate with maple caramel popcorn. Keep refrigerated. By Miss Linotte

Woman In Weed

SHANNON MARIE H igh! Canada Magazine was pleased to talk to Shannon Marie. Model, Mother and Cannabis Advocate. How did you get involved with cannabis Shannon? What is your cannabis origin story?

I have been an advocate of the use of cannabis, and even hemp products, as long as I can remember. Growing up as a kid, I lived in an area that was rather auent with cannabis and hemp users. In university, I wrote several academic reports on the posi ve eects of cannabis upon a variety of physical, and mental, ailments. It's only in the past year with my modeling career, that I have become more open about my involvement in, and support of, the cannabis community. Have you encountered any challenges or adversity in the cannabis space? Within the community itself the members are rather accep ng because we face adversity and challenges from outside groups. I

believe it is because of the challenges brought to our community that we are generally rather accep ng within the cannabis space. Mind you, even with the legaliza on of cannabis across Canada, it seems non-cannabis communi es s ll remain rather uneducated and nonaccep ng to those who par cipate or promote 'cannabis spaces', especially women, and even more so women with children. How did you move past these challenges?

Most of us in the cannabis community are very informed on the posi ve and nega ve impacts of the uses of marijuana. As for facing the adversity from outside groups, I simply remind myself that old saying 'ignorance is bliss', and I con nue to try to educate people in a posi ve manner. Advice for other women entering or thinking about entering the cannabis space?

Like every industry, or community, women seem to be judged harder than men, especially mothers. It's unacceptable, yet this s ll remains a reality. Currently this is changing a ny bit each day, and on a global scale. However, un l this is a no longer the reality, for any woman entering any space (especially the cannabis community) my advice is simple: as long as you stay healthy, do whatever you are happy and passionate about. Last ques on - What are three things that you think everyone needs? Three things everyone needs is a sense of humor, an open mind, and an accep ng heart. Photographer: Crystal Fhang Photo Instagram @crystal angphoto www.instagram.com/crystal angphoto/ Hair and Make-up by: Novia Makeup Instagram @noviamakeupforall h ps://www.instagram.com/noviamakeupforall/ Model: Shannon Marie Instagram @shannon.marie.xo www.instagram.com/shannon.marie.xo/ Clothing & Background Posters Designed by: Peace Pipe Apparel Clothing & Background Posters available at: www.instagram.com/peacepipebrand/ www.peacepipeapparel.com/ h ps://linktr.ee/peacepipeapparel



By Tammi Stanhope

To p i c a l s a r e cannabis-infused lo ons, balms, and oils that are absorbed through the skin for localized relief of pain, soreness, and inflamma on. B e ca u s e t h ey ’re non-intoxica ng, topicals are o en chosen by pa ents who want the therapeu c b e n e fi t s o f marijuana without the cerebral euphoria associated with other delivery methods.

annabis-infused lo ons, salves, oils, sprays, and other transdermal methods of relief work by binding to a network of receptors called CB2. These CB2 receptors are found throughout the body and are ac vated either by the body’s naturally-occurring endocannabinoids or by cannabis c o m p o u n d s k n o w n a s “phytocannabinoids” (e.g., THC, CBD). Even if a topical contains ac ve THC, it s ll won’t induce that intense “high” you’d get from smoking or inges ng cannabis. With most topicals, cannabinoids can’t breach the bloodstream; they only penetrate to the system of CB2 receptors. Topicals are most popularly chosen for localized pain relief, muscle soreness, tension, and inflamma on, but anecdotal evidence is beginning to show a widening spectrum of poten al benefits, from psoriasis, derma s, and itching to headaches and cramping. Here we look at a Hamilton, ON based topicals business owned and operated by a seasoned professional in the cra cannabis space. Royal Oil Rub can be found on Facebook and Instagram as well as at many local events and can be contacted directly! For myself personally, his oils work amazing for my sensi ve face and weather related skin condi ons. RORs infused sleep mask is calming and definitely become part of my sleep rou ne!

Royal Oil Rub ROYAL OIL RUB was established to help people with more natural topical products for different ailments. All natural - Pain relief (back, arthri s, headache) Skin Condi ons & Rashes/Psoriasis/Excema Relief/Insect bites/Nut allergy F r e e / V e g a n / M a d e i n Canada/Bathbombs/Oils /Pain salve

What people say: “helps with my fibromyalgia and disk degenerate disease to my leg circula on problems highly recommended ...... And it's just a natural rub away .. ROR is awesome and does relieve alot of my pain issues” “I have plantar fascii s in both feet and they are so sore! well at a vendor show today I got some of the royal oil rub

and omg it works wonders..I can't feel any pain in my feet, its amazing and smells good too. Highly recommend this product 100%” “I love the smell, but more than that, I love the result. the pain oil is amazing for my sore joints, and a combo of a bath bomb followed up with the rub makes for an amazing night's sleep! Thanks John for the deluxe products, as usual”



tayli edd is a company based out of the Niagara region and they are passionate a b o u t p rov i d i n g h e a l t h t h ro u g h cannabis. Their products generally fall within one of the following categories: Gluten Free Edibles, Topical Pain Relief or Solvent-less Extracts. Stayli edd has been assis ng pa ents deal with pain since 2015 when the company launched its first product, a topical pain balm. Ini ally created to help one of the owners with a painful joint disease, the balm was quickly picked up by family and friends and is now a staple in their medicine cabinets. The company then released their Gluten Free Edible lines with flagship products like the 200mg Caramel Chocolate Brown and Infused “Munchie Mix” Nut mix; and their Solvent-less Extracts line focused on high quality Rosin and Hash. In 2019 Stayli edd formed the Lakeside Collec ve to provide its customers with Premium Cra Cannabis and Solvent Based Extracts at affordable prices. They work with a collec on of growers and processors from all over Canada to ensure top quality, cra products, that are safe and enjoyable to consume. No ma er what industry Stayli edd and Lakeside Collec ve compete in one thing is clear, they are a passionate customer focused company that is always commi ed to bringing the highest quality products to market.


EXTRACTIONS By Tammi Stanhope


uphoria Extrac ons prides themselves in leading the way on how edibles should be produced with lab tested, por on controlled, and great tas ng Sha er Bars and Infused cookies. They understand the importance of providing end users with all the info on what ’s exactly in the products they consume so they have pioneered a labelling system that shows the full cannabinoid profile in each bar/cookie. So by giving end users full transparency to the contents of their products they will be able to medicate themselves accurately. Not only do they lab test every batch, they have state of the art machinery that ensures consistency and accuracy for each product. In the near future they plan on introducing new packaging which will include more tested info that includes the terpene profiles to give even more informa on to end users. Euphoria Extrac ons will also be bringing on brownies and chewables (staying away from labelling them Gummies to avoid appealing to children) in the near future!

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