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Reel Good News for Greenback Restoration
by Colorado TU Staff
At the February Fly Fishing Show in Denver, Mayfly Outdoors and Colorado
Trout Unlimited unveiled a limited-edition Greenback reel as part of a new Native Reel Series. The collaboration will generate awareness and funding for restoration of the Greenback cutthroat trout.
Inspired by the state fish of Colorado, the first reel in the series is built on a Ross Reels Colorado 2/3 – perfect for the small headwater streams where Greenbacks can be found. It is the first Ross Reel to be anodized in a dark orange color— meant to capture the colors of the spawning cutthroat trout, as well as the first to include hand painting on the clicker plate based on the cutthroat’s spots.
On each of the 495 limited-edition reels produced, Mayfly Outdoors will donate a portion of the purchase price directly to Colorado Trout Unlimited in support of the Poudre Headwaters Project, which is focused on restoring a large stronghold for native greenback cutthroat in its original South Platte River basin.
“We are extremely excited to partner with Mayfly Outdoors and appreciate their dedication to restoring and protecting Colorado’s native trout,” said CTU Executive Director David Nickum. “Greenback cutthroats are near to the heart of many Colorado an- glers, and with Mayfly’s support, we can secure a longterm future for these unique fish.”
Jeff Wagner, CEO of Mayfly Outdoors (Ross Reels, Abel Reels, Airflo Fly lines, and Dyna-King Vises) noted, “As a member of the greater fly-fishing industry and as stewards of our lands, we, therefore, have an obligation and duty to conserve and protect our native fish heritage and our river ecosystems that are the lifeblood of the lands we enjoy. It’s the least we can do to partner with Trout Unlimited and help in their efforts to conserve, protect, and restore river habitat in order to preserve existing populations and reintroduce native fish. This mission is not just for today, but for generations to come.”

The Poudre Headwaters
Project is a multi-year effort to restore Greenbacks into some 40 miles of connected habitat in the Roosevelt National Forest and Rocky Mountain National Park. The project entails construction of both permanent barriers to secure habitat, and temporary barriers to break the watershed into manageable chunks for removal of nonnative fish and reintroduction of Greenbacks. The first major barrier – on the Grand Ditch at La Poudre Pass – was completed last year, while continuing work is slated for more than a decade ahead. Revenues from the Greenback reel will help sustain that work, leveraging other state and federal funds as well as a mitigation Trust put in place by the Water Supply and Storage Company. The Rocky Mountain Flycasters chapter of Trout Unlimited is providing extensive volunteer leadership and support for the project as well.
Anglers interested in purchasing one of these special reels should contact their local Ross Reels dealer or sign up for a pre-order waiting list online at www. rossreels.com/nativereels