3 minute read
by Walt Gasson
Clint Packo. If you don’t know him, you should. He was one of the first people I met back when I first started with TU. I liked him from the get-go. He was sharp, a no-nonsense guy who clearly loved fish and fish habitat. His outfit, Freestone Aquatics, Inc. in Littleton, CO became a TU Business member almost immediately. And in time, we became friends.
The old saying goes that they don’t care how much you know until they know how much they care. Clint Packo and the staff at Freestone know fish and fish habitat. And they care deeply. Take stream restoration, for example. The whole thing starts with an evaluation to find the hidden potential within any piece of property. Whenever considering a project related to stream restoration, it’s extremely important to understand the present conditions and dynamics of the aquatic ecosystem. This can be as simple as taking a few samples or it may involve a more intensive analysis that can take several seasons. The primary consideration of Freestone Aquatics on any ecosystem evaluation is to understand the goals and vision of the project, large or small. Once the goals of the project have been clearly established, Freestone Aquatics can then provide a plan to meet those goals that is economically viable and biologically sound.
Design comes next. This is crucial to the
Freestone Aquatics led the design/build efsuccess of any stream fort at the Fraser Flats near Tabernash, the restoration project. Different projects re- first cooperative project for the Learning by quire different objec- Doing partnership among Grand County, tives including improved riparian habitat, Trout Unlimited, Denver Water, Colorado waterfowl habitat, or Parks and Wildlife, and others. The project trout habitat. The de- led to a major boost in wild trout populasign phase is about the tiered collaboration of tions for the reach and has become a poplandowners, fisheries/ ular angling spot for locals and visitors to wildlife profession- the area. This video tells a bit of the story als, hydrologists, engineers, and permitting of this project and how Freestone helped agencies to produce a the local partners make a real difference comprehensive stream design for a sustainable for this important fishery. aquatic ecosystem.
Then the exciting part begins – real work, in stream habitat construction. Again, Free- bank stabilization and the creation of new stone Aquatics does it. They provide general habitats, the fish will most definitely know. contractor, and construction management And what’s more, you’ll know you’re doing services to make the design a reality in the the right thing. stream and remain one of the only firms in Clint Packo always goes the extra mile. the country whose staff designs, permits and That’s just who he is. That’s why he’s a Gold builds all phases of the aquatic ecosystem. Level TU Business member. That’s why he Their goal throughout this phase is to pro- serves on the board of Colorado TU. That’s mote long-term sustainability while main- why he’s a well-known and respected memtaining the integrity of the natural environ- ber of the fly-fishing community across the ment. Their trademark is a light hand on the West. Freestone Aquatics – they’re the real land and in the stream. A year post-con- deal. struction, you might not ever be able to tell they were there. But the fish will know. With habitat enhancement structures, stream- About the author.
Walt Gasson is TU’s Director of Endorsed Business and makes his home in Laramie, Wyoming.
Virtual River Stewardship March 11, 2021 Gala JoinColoradoTroutUnlimitedfortheRiverStewardship Gala-thisannualeventisgoingvirtualin2021withan onlinesilentauction,uniquelineupofonlinecontent,and virtualliveprogramonMarch11th.
FundsraisedatColoradoTU’ sGalaareusedacrossour beautifulstatetorestoretrouthabitatandreintroducenative cutthroatstotheirhomewaters,engageyouthin conservationeducation,partnerwithour24chapterson localprojects,andadvocateforColorado'sriversand fisheries.