mma Brown recently stepped up as the leader of Colorado TU’s affinity group for younger adults, The Greenbacks. High Country Angler had the chance to sit down and visit with her about her past involvement and future plans with The Greenbacks.
High Country Angler • Winter 2022
HCA: Emma, you are stepping into a leadership role for The Greenbacks, but how did your involvement with The Greenbacks start? When I was 15, I was starting to plan my senior project in high school. The project required something like 120 hours of volunteer work, so I knew I needed to do something that was engaging, fun and meaningful. I decided that fly fishing was the perfect subject to pursue and create a project out of, so I responded to an ad in a fishing magazine for “The Greenbacks”. The ad said that they were looking for volunteers to join, and it offered a fun and engaging environment. The next day I received an email from the president at the time, Heather Sees. When I finished my junior year of high school, I got my driver’s license and signed up for my first volunteer project. Heather Sees was my primary mentor, who really took me under her wing. She taught me the foundation of everything I know about running events, marketing, being a female leader in the outdoor industry, and just having FUN. The Greenbacks continued to be a place where I had community, friendship, and a sense of belonging all throughout my college years and to the present. www.HCAezine.com