Live Well September 2014

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SEPTEMBER 25, 2014

Health • Fitness • Lifestyle

HEALTHY HABITS Healthy lifestyle choices can lower your cancer risk

COMBATTING CANCER How to reduce your risk for colorectal cancer

ON THE MEND Coping with the side effects of chemotherapy

ALL ABOUT BREAST CANCER Charmaine Earle, M.D., of Choice

Medical Group and Choice Physicians Network explains clearly and concisely

BE CANCER AWARENOT CANCER SCARED Holly Handorf, RN, BSN, of Heritage Victor Valley Medical Group offers sound advice for both women and men

THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY DETECTION Desert Valley Medical Group will offer mammograms at special rates throughout October, in recognition of Breast Health Awareness Month

A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO w w w. v v d a i l y p r e s s . c o m

w w w. d e s e r t d i s p a t c h . c o m

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Desert Valley Medical Group Promotes

Breast Cancer Awareness In Recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Desert Valley Medical Group is offering $45 Mammograms during the month of October. Breast Health Awareness Month focuses on educating women about the importance of detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages through self-examination and regular mammograms. Mammography is the best method readily available to detect breast cancer at an early stage. We encourage women to make a mammography appointment. Desert Valley Medical Group will be providing mammograms at a discounted rate for the entire month of October. Call 241-8000, ext. 5160 to make your mammography appointment.



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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Understanding lymphoma and its potential causes


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Understanding lymphoma and its potential causes Healthy habits to lower your cancer risk Learn to recognize potential cancer symptoms 11 little-known facts about cancer Reduce your risk for colorectal cancer The stages of colon cancer How antioxidants play a role in cancer prevention Recognizing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer Understanding bone cancer GMOs and cancer potential cause worry Coping with the side effects of chemotherapy The relationship between vitamin D and cancer Fighting cancer with food How to establish a cancer fundraiser Be cancer aware, not cancer scared Skin care tips when in cancer treatment Alcohol and cancer risk Breast cancer Breast cancer — the importance of early detection

Live Well! Health s Fitness s Lifestyle

is published and copyrighted 2014 by the Daily Press, 13891 Park Ave., Victorville, Calif. 92392 and the Desert Dispatch, 130 Coolwater Lane, Barstow, Calif. 92311 Publisher: Amy Pack Advertising Director: Angie Callahan Project Coordinator: Ray Marien Editor and Page Layout: Micki Brown, Special Sections Editor For Daily Press advertising information, call 1-760-951-6288 For Daily Press subscription information, call 1-760-241-7755 For Desert Dispatch advertising information, call 1-760-256-2257 For Desert Dispatch subscription information, call 1-760-256-8589




he human body’s immune system is integral to its short- and long-term health, helping guard the body from a host of threats, including germs and viruses. But the immune system can be compromised, and when this happens, the results can be severe. Lymphoma is one of the more troubling issues that can compromise a person’s immune system. A cancer of the lymph system, which is a part of the immune system, lymphoma comes in many forms, and recognizing which type of lymphoma a person has can help a doctor tailor a treatment plan and provide a more accurate prognosis to his or her patients. But men and women also can benefit from understanding lymphoma, as it can help them more effectively manage their disease or better understand what a loved one diagnosed with lymphoma is going through. What are the types of lymphoma? There are many types of lymphoma, and these types fall into one of two categories: Hodgkin disease and nonHodgkin lymphomas. • Hodgkin disease: Hodgkin disease begins in white blood cells known as lymphocytes, and because lymphoid tissue is present in many parts of the body, Hodgkin disease can start nearly anywhere on the body. However, Hodgkin disease most often starts in the lymph nodes of

the upper part of the body, such as the chest, neck or under the arms. Hodgkin disease will spread gradually, most often from lymph node to lymph node. But because there are different types of Hodgkin disease, the disease can grow and spread differently depending on the type a person has. • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma also begins in the lymphocytes and can begin almost anywhere in the body. There are many types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but they were often grouped as slow- or fast-growing lymphomas. The former grows so slowly that it produces few symptoms, while the latter spreads so quickly it can cause severe symptoms and may be referred to as an aggressive lymphoma. What causes lymphoma? Though researchers are not always certain why certain factors make a person more likely to develop Hodgkin disease, they have determined a handful of factors that increase a person’s risk. People who have had mononucleosis, an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, have an increased, albeit small, risk of Hodgkin disease. DNA from EBV is found in roughly half of Hodgkin patients’ Reed-Sternberg cells, which are a type of cell found in people with Hodgkin lymphoma. But many people SEE LYMPHOMA • PAGE 24

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Healthy habits to lower your cancer risk


ertain types of cancer are more likely to strike certain types of people than others. For example, while men can be diagnosed with breast cancer, women are far more likely to develop the disease. But just because a person’s risk of developing cancer is low, that does not make that person immune from the disease. As a result, it’s important that men and women take steps to lower their cancer risk. One of the more effective ways to lower your risk for cancer is to ensure your lifestyle choices are as healthy as possible. Choosing habits that benefit your short- and longterm health can reduce your risk for cancer and a host of additional ailments. • Maintain a healthy weight. According to the American Cancer Society, men and women who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk of several types of cancer, including cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, colon and rectum, breast, kidney, and thyroid. The National Cancer Institute defines obesity as someone with a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or above, while someone with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. Maintaining a healthy weight or shedding excess weight if you are already at an elevated risk for cancer can lower your risk for cancer and other potentially debilitating diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. • Quit smoking. Smokers might be surprised to learn that tobacco use, according

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Regular physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the breast and colon. to the ACS, is responsible for nearly 20 percent of all deaths in the United States. That might have something to do with tobacco’s role in causing more than a dozen types of cancer and its link to heart disease, emphysema and stroke. But smoking can even harm nonsmokers unfortunate enough to spend time in the vicinity of smokers. Such nonsmokers take in nicotine and thousands of additional chemicals, including carbon monoxide and cadmium, a chemical element used in batteries, when people smoke near them. In addition, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that nonsmokers exposed to sec-

ondhand smoke were 25 percent more likely to have coronary heart disease compared to nonsmokers not exposed to smoke. Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to children, as kids whose parents smoke around them get bronchitis and pneumonia more often than kids whose parents abstain from smoking in their presence. • Exercise regularly. The NCI notes that there is strong evidence that physical activity is associated with reduced risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the breast and colon. More than 60 studies published in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia have indicated that physically active women have a lower

risk of developing breast cancer than inactive women, with some active women reducing their risk by as much as 80 percent. Studies conducted around the world have produced similar findings with regard to colon cancer. Research has consistently indicated that adults who increase their physical activity, be it in intensity, duration or frequency, can reduce their risk of developing colon cancer by 30 to 40 percent relative to adults who are sedentary. The ACS suggests adults include at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity in their weekly routines, though many studies have found that 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day is the most effective way to reduce cancer risk significantly. • Reduce alcohol consumption. While many adults may be quick to point out the benefits that a glass of wine can have with regard to a person’s risk of heart disease or stroke, the National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as recently as 2011 listed the consumption of alcoholic beverages as a known human carcinogen. Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for various types of cancers, including head and neck cancers, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, and breast cancer. Adults who continue to consume alcohol should do so in moderation, which the ACS defines as no more than two drinks per day for men and no more than one drink per day for women. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Learn to recognize potential cancer symptoms


cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event. Those diagnosed with cancer typically wonder how the disease will impact their futures, including their ability to work and how the disease may impact their family’s security. Men and women diagnosed with cancer also often wonder if they missed any warning signs that might have alerted them to their disease prior to their diagnosis. Unfortunately, many forms of cancer have no symptoms in their earliest stages. When they do, conditions may be so mild that they are easily mistaken for something more innocuous. But that does not mean men and women should not familiarize themselves with the warnings signs of cancer. Early detection of cancer factors heavily into the efficacy of treatments, and the Cancer Cure Foundation notes the following signs and symptoms could be warnings signs of certain cancers: • lumps or thickening in tissues of the body • sores that do not heal or noticeable changes in warts, moles or beauty marks • unusual bleeding or discharge • weakness, persistent aches or constant fatigue • unexplained weight loss • persistent cough or blood in sputum • constant indigestion or trouble swallowing Additionally, the American Cancer Society uses the word CAUTION to help people recognize the most common early signs of cancer.

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Certain physical abnormalities may be more than just signs of aging. They could be early indicators of cancer. C hange in bowel or bladder habits. A sore that does not heal. U nusual bleeding or discharge. T hickening or lump in the breast, testicles or elsewhere. I ndigestion or difficulty swallowing. O bvious change in the size, color, shape, or thickness of a wart, mole or mouth sore. N agging cough or hoarseness. Keep in mind that cancers in particular areas of the body may have their own unique symptoms that do not include any

of the ones already mentioned. For example, bloating could be a sign of ovarian cancer, but some may look at it as a symptom of indigestion. Dizziness or drowsiness may be indicative of brain cancer. The presence of cancer symptoms does not mean a person has the disease. However, symptoms that persist beyond two weeks should be investigated by a doctor. Cancer screening is specific to age and risk factors. A doctor is best qualified to determine which screening options are in your best interest. Blood tests and minimally invasive tests, such as biopsies

or CT scans, can help to determine if cancer is present. The good news is that recognizing cancer early can make treatment more effective. The ACS notes that early diagnosis generally translates to a higher rate of survival. Routine screenings for cancer in those who have a family history or other risk factors can be helpful. However, understanding your body and being mindful of even the slightest changes can prove even more effective in recognizing symptoms that may be the early stages of cancer. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


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11 little-known facts about cancer D

espite the prevalence of cancer, some information about this potentially deadly disease is not widely known. The following are some facts about cancer that may surprise you. 1. Cancer is officially known as “malignant neoplasm.” 2. Married people or those in steady relationships are more likely to survive cancer, which may be linked to couples’ increased concern and awareness of each other’s conditions and their push for cancer screenings. 3. Researchers believe that more than half of all cancers and cancer deaths are potentially preventable. 4. Most cancers develop through a combination of environmental factors and heredity. 5. Ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer are typically asymptomatic until they spread elsewhere in the body. That is why routine screenings for these diseases are so vital. 6. Those who sleep fewer than six hours a night are more likely to develop colon cancer than those who sleep more. 7. Despite what is known about protecting oneself from the sun, skin cancer is still the most often diagnosed type of cancer, and rates continue to steadily increase. 8. The highest rate of people diagnosed with melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, are white men over the age of 50. 9. Men with a family history of breast cancer are at a higher risk for prostate cancer. 10. The left breast is statistically more prone to developing cancer than the right breast. Unfortunately, doctors and scientists are unsure why. 11. Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are significantly more likely to carry breast cancer genes than the general population. — Metro

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reduce your risk for colorectal cancer

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A diet that is high in red meat, and red meat cooked over an open flame in particular, increases a person’s risk for colorectal cancer.


olorectcal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in both the United States and Canada. So say the American Cancer Society and the Canadian Cancer Society, who project nearly 60,000 Americans and Canadians will lose their lives to colorectal cancer in 2014 alone. Though many risk factors for colorectal cancer, including age, heredity and racial and ethnic background, are

beyond an individual’s control, that does not mean people are helpless to reduce their risk for this potentially deadly disease. Maintaining or adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce a person’s risk of developing various cancers, and colorectal cancer is no exception. The following are a few ways adults can reduce their chance of developing colorectal cancer. • Get screened. As is the case with many cancer

treatments, colorectal cancer treatments are much more effective when cancer is detected and treated early. Colorectal cancer screenings help find polyps before they become cancerous. In addition, people may not immediately associate symptoms of colorectal cancer with the disease, instead thinking such symptoms are indicative of a less serious illness or condition. Screenings can not only determine if those symptoms are a result of colorectal cancer but also find colorectal cancer before such symptoms even develop. Screenings and screening guidelines vary depending on the individual, as people with a higher than average risk for the disease may be told to start receiving annual screenings before they turn 50, which is the age when people are told to receive such screenings regardless of their backgrounds. • Reconsider your diet. Adopting a healthier diet is another way many men and women can reduce their risk for colorectal cancer. Red meat is a great source of many nutrients, including protein, iron and zinc. But studies have shown that a diet high in red meat increases a person’s risk for colorectal cancer, which may be due to chemicals known as nitrites forming when meat is digested or processed. In addition, the CCS notes that red meat contains higher amounts of heme iron than white meat. That’s significant, as heme iron has

been shown to cause damage to the innermost layer of the colon wall, which is known as the mucosa. A diet without much red or processed meats, which are those preserved by curing, smoking or salting, can lower one’s risk for colorectal cancer. • Cut back on alcohol consumption. The International Agency on Cancer Research notes that there is sufficient evidence linking alcohol consumption to colorectal cancer. Men and women who excessively consume alcohol may be at greater risk of colorectal cancer because such consumers tend to have low levels of folic acid in the body. Numerous studies have linked low levels of folate to a higher risk of colorectal cancer, and one study that examined the effects of folate deficiency on mice concluded that folate deficiency increased DNA damage by decreasing the expression of two genes involved in DNArepair. When consuming alcohol, men should stick to no more than two drinks per day while women who are not pregnant should limit their alcohol intake to one drink per day. Pregnant women should not consume alcohol. • Reduce exposure to heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Meat that is barbecued, fried, broiled, or cooked to well done can produce heterocyclic amines, or HCAs, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, both of which have been found to cause changes


Thursday, September 25, 2014 in DNA that may increase cancer risk. According to the National Cancer Institute, HCAs form when amino acids, sugars and creatine react at high temperatures, such as those necessary when frying foods or grilling over an open flame. PAHs, which also can be found in cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes from automobiles, form when fat and juices from meat grilled directly over an open fire drip onto the fire and cause flames, which contain PAHs that then adhere to the surface of the meat. To reduce exposure to HCAs and PAHs, avoid prolonged cooking times and direct exposure of meat to an open flame or high heat source, flip meat often, discard charred areas of meat before eating and never use meat drippings to make gravy. Many risk factors for colorectal cancer are beyond an individual’s control, but men and women still can take steps to significantly reduce their risk of developing this deadly disease. — Metro

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Did you know? Though it is the most common cancer among children and teens, childhood leukemia is a rare disease. So says the American Cancer Society, which notes that roughly 75 percent of leukemias among children and teens are acute lymphocytic leukemia, or ALL. When a child has ALL, his or her leukemia begins to form in the lymphoid cells of the bone marrow. ALL is most common among children between the ages of two and four and is more common in boys than girls. Acute myelogenous leukemia, or AML, is another type of acute leukemia and accounts for much of the other cases of leukemia in children. AML starts in the myeloid cells where white and red blood cells and platelets are formed. In rare instances, a child may have a hybrid type of leukemia, often referred to as a “mixed lineage leukemia,” where cells have features of both ALL and AML. Children with this hybrid form of leukemia are often treated as if they have ALL, and that course of treatment is typically effective. While many adult cancers are linked to lifestyle choices or environmental risk factors, childhood cancers do not have a strong link to such factors. Many childhood cancers can be traced to gene changes inside cells, and these changes often occur early in life or even before a child is born. — Metro

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The stages of colon cancer


hile the death rates for colon cancer have declined considerably over the last 20 years, it remains the third-deadliest cancer among both men and women in the United States and a considerable threat overseas. But when discovered and treated early, colon cancer has a five-year survival rate of roughly 90 percent. Upon receiving a colon cancer diagnosis, men and women will be informed which stage their disease has entered, and that stage may dictate treatment and influence the diagnosing physician’s prognosis. The following are the stages of colon cancer. • Stage 0: Also referred to as carcinoma in situ, stage 0 colon cancer is diagnosed when abnormal cells have been found in the mucosa, which is the innermost layer of the colon wall. These abnormal cells may become cancer and eventually spread. • Stage I: When a diagnosis of stage I colon cancer has been made, this means that the cancer has formed in the mucosa and spread to the submucosa, a layer of tissue beneath the mucosa. In addition, a stage I diagnosis could mean the cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the colon wall. • Stage II: Stage II colon cancer is broken down into three categories: stage IIA, stage IIB and stage IIC. A stage IIA colon cancer diagnosis means the cancer has spread through the muscle layer of the colon wall to the wall’s outermost layer, which is known as the serosa. A stage IIB colon cancer diagnosis means the cancer has spread through the serosa of the colon but has not spread to nearby organs.

When a person has been diagnosed with stage IIC colon cancer, their cancer has spread through the serosa and to nearby organs. • Stage III: Stage III colon cancer also is divided into categories. A stage IIIA diagnosis can mean the cancer has spread through the mucosa to the submucosa and may have spread to the muscle layer of the colon wall. In addition, a stage IIIA diagnosis means the cancer has spread to at least one but not more than three nearby lymph nodes or that cancer cells have formed in tissues near the lymph nodes. But a stage IIIA diagnosis also is made when the cancer has spread through the mucosa to the submucosa and to at least four but not more than six nearby lymph nodes. A stage IIIB diagnosis means cancer has spread through the muscle layer of the colon to the serosa or has spread through the serosa but not to nearby organs. Stage IIIB also means the cancer has been found in at least one but not more than three nearby lymph nodes or cancer cells have formed in tissue near the lymph nodes. If none of those signs are present, a doctor may still diagnose stage IIIB colon cancer if the cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the colon wall or to the serosa and to at least four but not more than six nearby lymph nodes. But a stage IIIB diagnosis also is made when cancer has spread through the mucosa to the submucosa and possibly to the muscle layer of the colon wall and to seven or more nearby lymph nodes. A stage IIIC colon cancer diagnosis means the cancer has spread through the serosa

but has not spread to nearby organs, though it has spread to at least four but not more than six nearby lymph nodes. When such evidence is not present, a doctor still may diagnose stage IIIC colon cancer if the cancer has spread through the muscle layer of the colon wall to the serosa or if it has spread through the serosa, but not to nearby organs, and to seven or more nearby lymph nodes. Cancer that has spread through the serosa and to nearby organs is also indicative of stage IIIC colon cancer, but that diagnosis would not be made unless a doctor also notices the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or that cancer cells have formed in tissue near those lymph nodes. Stage IV: Stage IV colon cancer is divided into stage IVA and stage IVB. Stage IVA means the cancer may have spread through the colon wall and to nearby organs or lymph nodes. This diagnosis also means that the cancer has spread to one organ that is not near the colon or that is has spread to a distant lymph node. Stage IVB colon cancer is diagnosed when doctors suspect the cancer may have spread through the colon wall and to nearby organs or lymph nodes. In addition, this diagnosis is made when cancer has spread to more than one organ that is not near the colon or has spread to the lining of the abdominal wall. As with any cancer, early detection is often the key to surviving colon cancer. Men and women can visit to learn more about colon cancer diagnosis and risk factors. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Did you know?


f you want to cut your risk of developing many types of cancer, quit smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. Smoking has been linked to cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, kidneys, throat, pancreas, cervix, and stomach, and may also contribute to acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, and at least 250 are known to be harmful, including carbon monoxide, ammonia and cyanide. The National Cancer Institute says at least 69 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known carcinogens. Some of these cancer-causing agents are benzene, cadmium, nickel, and vinyl chloride. Smoking causes 80 percent of lung cancer deaths among women and 90 percent among men, and many chronic lung diseases are attributed to smoking. What’s more, in addition to increasing one’s risk of developing cancer, smoking can increase one’s risk of heart attack by up to six times compared to that of a nonsmoker. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


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How antioxidants play a role in cancer prevention


ach year, about 1.4 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, while a National Post breakdown notes that every hour an average of 20 Canadians are diagnosed with this deadly disease. Although the causes of each particular case of cancer may be unknown, doctors do know that a combination of heredity and environmental influences can contribute to cancer risk. It’s also known that the foods a person eats can help increase Metro Creative Connection his or her chances of prevent- Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can be a ing cancer. viable defense against cancer. Free radicals and antioxidants Antioxidants often come up in conversations about cancer

prevention. Many people understand that antioxidants can be beneficial in a diet but may not be entirely sure what

ability to harm cells. Formed naturally in the body, free radicals play important roles in cellular processes. But at high concentrations, free radicals can be hazardous to DNA and other cell components. In addition, free radicals form from the damaging effects of processed foods, radiation, tobacco, and pollution. Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances found abundantly in fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants include vitamins A, C and E. Alpha lipoic acid, lycopene, coenzyme Q10, and selenium are antioxidants or substances that work with antioxidants to maximize role they play in cancer pre- the disease-fighting potential vention. of the immune system. The Free radicals are highly reSEE ANTIOXIDANTS • PAGE 13 active chemicals that have the


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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer

rostate cancer is a deadly disease that forms in the tissues of the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system that is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers), while the National Cancer Institute estimates that nearly 30,000 American men will lose their lives to prostate cancer in 2014, and roughly 15 percent of American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their life. Despite its status as a potentially deadly disease, prostate cancer can be beaten. In fact, the NCI notes that the five-year survival rate for men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 2004 and 2010 was 98.9 percent, proving that a prostate cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. Like many types of cancer, prostate cancer is most effectively treated when discovered in its early stages. For example, the five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, which describes cancer that is found only in the part of the body where it started, between 2004 and 2010 was 100 percent. Men are often their own best friends when it comes to fighting prostate cancer. Men over 50 should speak to their physicians about routine prostate cancer screenings, which include the prostate-specific antigen test or the digital rectal examination. Such screenings

can help detect prostate cancer early and dramatically improve a man’s prognosis. In addition to screenings, men can learn the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer to further improve their chances of surviving a diagnosis. Early signs of prostate cancer Prostate cancer does not always show signs or symptoms in its early stages, and that’s because it tends to be slowgrowing. A sign of prostate cancer refers to something that a physician or healthcare professional can observe and recognize, while a symptom is something that only the person experiencing it can feel. It’s important men recognize that certain symptoms associated with prostate cancer may be caused by other conditions and that the presence of these symptoms does not mean a man has prostate cancer. However, it’s equally important that men who notice symptoms associated with prostate cancer bring them to the attention of their physicians immediately. Changes in bladder habits are among the most common symptoms of prostate cancer, and these symptoms tend to be early indicators of the disease. These changes may include a frequent need to urinate, especially at night; an intense need to urinate; difficulty in starting or stopping the flow of urine; inability to urinate; weak and/ or interrupted urine stream; and burning or pain during urination. Blood in urine or semen and

Metro Creative Connection

Men who learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer can improve their chances of surviving a potential diagnosis. painful ejaculation may also indicate the presence of prostate cancer. Late signs of prostate cancer When prostate cancer is not detected early, the cancer then grows larger and may metastasize, or spread to other organs of the body. This spreading can produce the following late signs and symptoms, which differ greatly from those that appear during the early stages of prostate cancer. • bone pain, especially in the back, hips, thighs or

neck • weight loss • fatigue • low red blood cell count (anemia) • weakness or numbness in the legs or feet • loss of bladder or bowel control Though prostate cancer is a potentially deadly disease, men who prioritize screening and learn to recognize its signs and symptoms can vastly improve their chances of surviving a diagnosis. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Did you know?


ccording to the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program from the National Cancer Institute, prostate cancer is most frequently diagnosed among men between the ages of 65 and 74. Though any man can get prostate cancer, older men are far more likely to be diagnosed than younger men. Of the new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the United States between 2007 and 2011, less than 1 percent were among men between the ages of 35 to 44. While prostate cancer has excellent survival rates, death rates are higher among certain groups of men, including those between the ages of 75 and 84 and men of African-American descent. The benefits of early detection of prostate cancer are obvious in the death rates, as just 0.1 percent of prostate cancer deaths between 2006 and 2011 were among men between the ages of 35 and 44, while just 1.6 percent of those deaths were among men between the ages of 45 and 54. — Metro


body also makes some of the antioxidants it uses to neutralize free radicals, which are called endogenous antioxidants. Antioxidants go after free radicals and essentially consume them, neutralizing their damaging effects to the body. In laboratory and animal studies, the presence of increased levels of antioxidants has been shown to prevent the types of free radical damage that can be associated with cancer. Some research points to taking antioxidant supplements to help prevent cancer, but such studies have yielded mixed results.

Page 13 Increasing antioxidant intake The best way to get antioxidants into your body is through healthy, low-fat foods. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. High-fiber foods also are beneficial. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food guidelines recommend men and women consume 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day. Black and green tea also are healthy sources of antioxidants, and some research has suggested tea can help prevent cancer. A combination of healthy, antioxidant-rich foods and beverages can make for a great defense against cancer. Loading up on nutrient-rich foods will keep the body in top form, which goes a long way toward reducing cancer risk. — Metro


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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Understanding bone cancer


ew things in the world are stronger than bone. According to the American Cancer Society, some bone is able to support as much as 12,000 pounds per square inch, and it can take as much as 1,800 pounds of pressure to break the femur, which is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the human body. Though bone may appear invincible, anyone who has ever suffered a broken bone knows that’s not the case. In addition to breaks, bones can fall victim to disease, including bone cancer. Cancers that start in the bone are uncommon, so many diagnosed with bone cancer often have lots of questions about their disease. Gaining a better understanding of bone cancer can help men and women in their fight against the disease. What is bone cancer? According to the National Cancer Institute, bone cancer is a malignant tumor of the bone that destroys normal bone tissue. But the presence of a bone tumor does not necessarily mean a person has cancer, as not all bone tumors are malignant and benign, or noncancerous, bone tumors are more common than malignant tumors. Benign tumors do not spread or destroy bone tissue, though they can grow and compress healthy bone tissue.

How do doctors distinguish between the types of bone cancers? There are different types of bone cancers, and doctors distinguish one from another by determining the type of tissue in which the cancer began. Cancer can begin in any type of bone tissue, including osteoid, cartilaginous and fibrous tissues. What are some types of bone cancers? Osteosarcoma is a type of primary bone cancer that arises in the osteoid tissue in the bone. This type of tissue is hard or compact, and tumors that begin in osteoid tissue most often occur in the knee and upper arm. Chondrosarcoma is another type of bone cancer that begins in the cartilaginous tissue, which is tough and flexible tissue that pads the ends of bones and lines the joints. Chondrosarcoma is typically found in the pelvis, upper leg and shoulder, and a chondrosarcoma that contains cancerous bone cells may be classified as an osteosarcoma. There are also a family of tumors that may arise in soft tissue, such as muscle, fat, fibrous tissue, or blood vessels, but typically occur in bone. This family of tumors is known as the Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors, or ESFTs. These types of tumors are most often found along the backbone and pelvis and in the legs and arms.

What causes bone cancer? There is no definitive cause of bone cancer, though several factors have been identified as increasing a person’s likelihood of developing bone tumors. For example, osteosarcoma occurs more frequently in people who have previously been treated with certain anticancer drugs and those who have undergone highdose external radiation therapy. Studies also have indicated that people with hereditary defects of bones are more likely to develop osteosarcoma, as are people with metal implants that were used to treat past bone fractures. Are there symptoms of bone cancer? The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain, which may be persistent or unusual near a bone where a tumor is present. But such pain does not necessarily indicate cancer, so men and women dealing with pain in their bones should visit a doctor, who can conduct tests to determine the cause of the pain. Swelling in or near a bone also may be a byproduct of bone cancer. How is bone cancer diagnosed? When an individual reports persistent or unusual pain or swelling near a bone to a doctor, that physician will likely inquire about the individual’s personal medi-

cal history and that of his or her family. A physical examination also will be conducted, after which the doctor may order certain tests. One of the tests doctors use to diagnose bone cancer is an x-rays of the area, which can provide a depiction of the tumor, including its location, size and shape. Special imaging tests, such as an MRI, a CAT scan, a PET scan, and a bone scan, may also be ordered for patients whose pain is especially unusual or persistent. A biopsy also may be ordered to determine if cancer is present. During a biopsy, a tissue sample will be taken from the bone tumor to determine if it is malignant or benign. Biopsies of bone tissue are often conducted by orthopedic oncologists. Some doctors dealing with patients experiencing persistent or unusual pain in their bones may order a blood test to determine if a high level of alkaline phosphatase is present in the blood. High levels of this enzyme are normal in children and adolescents because they are still growing, so parents should know that a high level of alkaline phosphatase in their children’s blood does not necessarily mean the child has bone cancer. More information about bone cancer is available at — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Page 15

GMOs and cancer potential cause worry


he use of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, in foods remains a controversial subject. The concerns about modifying genetic material in foods surrounds the uncertainty about the medical implications of consuming foods that have had their DNA changed in a laboratory. One such concern is whether or not there is a link between GMOs and cancer. To understand such a potential connection, it first helps to understand GMOs and why they spark such controversy. What are GMOs and why are they used? GMOs are plants or animals that have been genetically changed, but many people associate GMOs with foods, namely corn and other grain products. Genes from one species are inserted into another to create a desired trait. This is known as gene splicing. Plants may be modified to be more resistant to drought or harsh conditions. Other genes may be altered to make plants more resilient and resistant to pesticides or certain diseases. Most commonly altered foods Certain foods are subject to genetic modification more so than others. Soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, papaya, zucchini, and other squashes are some of the more commonly modified crops. The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications also lists alfalfa, chicory, eggplant, flax, potato,

Metro Creative Connection

Some studies point to a link between GMOs and cancer, while others are inconclusive. rice, sugar beet, and tobacco clusively confirmed if GMOs on its list of GM crops. increase a person’s risk of developing cancer or other Concerns about GMOs diseases. Some experts say The risks associated with the benefits of eating whole consuming GMOs are largely grains and vegetables -- even unknown. According to the GMO varieties -- outweigh the MD Anderson Cancer Cen- concerns about GMOs, while ter, researchers have not con- others are not so sure.

According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology, French researchers discovered that rats fed genetically engineered corn or those exposed to the active ingredient in the weed killer Roundup over a long period suffered premature death and developed mammary tumors while also suffering from kidney and liver damage. Researchers fed rats GM corn or gave them water laced with Roundup at levels allowed in the United States. The research found that even limited exposure to these products produced mammary tumors and led to severe liver and kidney damage, which occurred in as little as four months in males and seven months in females. Fifty percent of the male rats and 70 percent of the females died earlier than the rats in the control group. The corn studied was Monsanto’s NK603 seed, a variety developed to live through heavy dosings of pesticide. Roundup is a pesticide that plants can consume at levels many toxicologists say could cause harm to humans. Conclusions More research is necessary to confirm or debunk any suspected link between GMOs and cancer, and even then it may be difficult to weed out risks between brands, foods and types of modification. People concerned about GMOs can eat organic foods or GMO-free foods. — Metro

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Coping with the side effects of chemotherapy


pon receiving a cancer diagnosis, men and women are often quick to inquire about their options with regard to treating their disease. Treatments vary depending on the type of cancer and whether or not the cancer has begun to spread, or metastasize, beyond its point of origin, but chemotherapy is one option used to treat various cancers. First used to treat cancer in the 1950s, chemotherapy drugs help kill cancer cells and may be used to keep the cancer from spreading, slow its growth and/or relieve certain symptoms caused by the cancer. As effective as chemotherapy treatments can be, the drugs used in such treatments are very strong and kill any cell that’s growing fast, even if that cell is not cancerous. The death or damage of these normal and healthy cells is responsible for the side effects of chemotherapy. Some people do not experience any side effects of chemotherapy, while others develop side effects that can be painful, effect self-esteem negatively

and make it difficult to maintain a normal level of activity during ongoing treatments. The following are some common side effects of chemotherapy and some suggestions on how to best cope with them should they surface during treatment.

time after they begin. Coping with nausea and vomiting is something that should be discussed with your physician, who may prescribe medications to make these symptoms subside or at least lessen in severity. If the medicine does not work or if the vomiting continues Nausea and vomiting for more than one day, call Because chemotherapy your physician. drugs are so strong, many people feel sick to their stom- Hair loss achs or vomit during their Upon beginning chemotreatments. Nausea and vom- therapy, many people are iting that results from che- understandably concerned motherapy typically surfaces about losing their hair. But a few hours after a treatment, only certain chemotherapy and men and women might drugs cause hair loss. Before feel their effects for a short beginning chemo treatments,

your physician will likely discuss the potential side effects of the drugs that will be administered during the treatment, including the likelihood that you will lose your hair. Hair loss may occur slowly or rapidly, and sometimes hair only thins. When doctors advise you that hair loss is likely to occur, speak to the doctor about how to take care of your hair and scalp during treatment and ask about any potential solutions to mask the hair loss. Many people find their self-esteem suffers when they experience chemo-related hair loss, but such loss is nothing to be ashamed of

Thursday, September 25, 2014 and you can employ head covers, wigs and scarves to mask hair loss during treatment. Your health insurance may even cover the cost of a wig or hairpiece you might need as a result of chemo treatments. Memory loss Some people find their memory slips and their ability to concentrate is compromised during and after chemotherapy treatments. This is more likely to happen among people whose chemotherapy drugs are administered in especially large doses. Memory loss and other side effects that effect the brain remain somewhat of a mystery. But men and women who find their memory and concentration suffering during chemotherapy treatments should speak with their physicians, who may suggest certain mental exercises to counter the memory loss and keep the brain going strong throughout the treatment process. Changes in the mouth and skin Dental care is an important part of chemotherapy treatment. Certain chemo drugs can cause sores in the mouth or throat, and the American

LIVE WELL 2014 Cancer Society recommends that men and women visit a dentist prior to beginning chemotherapy treatments. A dentist can show you how to take care of your teeth and gums during chemo, which may require you do more than your normal dental routine. In addition to dental issues, skin changes are a side effect of certain chemo drugs. Redness, itching, dryness, acne, and peeling are some of the skin problems people have reported while receiving chemotherapy treatments. Others have reported allergic reactions that can cause hives and make it difficult to breathe. These particular issues must be treated right away, and if you report them to your physician, he or she may insist that you receive treatment in his or her presence so he or she can treat this reaction immediately. Chemotherapy is an effective way to kill cancer cells and prevent them from spreading, but such treatment may produce potentially painful side effects. Men and women should not suffer these side effects in silence, as there are many ways to lessen their severity and make it easier to endure treatments. — Metro

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

The relationship between vitamin D and cancer V

itamin D has long been a friend to men, women and children. Obtained primarily through exposure of the skin to sunlight but also procured in certain foods and dietary supplements, vitamin D helps the body use calcium and phosphorous to improve bone health and build healthy teeth. But as valuable as vitamin D can be to your bones and teeth, it also may play a role in reducing your risk for certain cancers. The National Cancer Institute notes that many studies have suggested that higher intake of vitamin D or higher levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. To understand this relationship, it helps to first understand vitamin D. What is vitamin D? A group of fat-soluble prohormones, vitamin D comes in two forms that are important to humans. Vitamin D2, also known as ergocalciferol, is made naturally by plants, while vitamin D3 is produced naturally by the body when it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. How are vitamin D levels in the body measured? When vitamins D2 and

D3 enter the body, they are converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the liver before traveling through the blood to the kidneys, where the 25-hydroxyvitamin D is modified to calcitrol, which is the active form of vitamin D in the body. When a person has their vitamin D levels measured, the most accurate method of doing so is to determine the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in their blood. How do I get enough vitamin D? The NCI notes that most people already get at least some of the vitamin D they need through sunlight exposure. In addition to sunlight exposure, many people get plenty of vitamin D from their diets, including foods such as fatty fish, fish liver oil and eggs that naturally contain vitamin D. But foods fortified with vitamin D, such as milk, juices and breakfast cereals, also ensure many people get adequate amounts of vitamin D. For many people, the combination of exposure to sunlight and diet is enough to produce strong bones and healthy teeth and reduce risk for colorectal cancer. But people who are diagnosed with low levels of vitamin D can look to sup-

plements to ensure they’re getting enough. Recommended daily intake guidelines vary depending on age, but those interested in learning these guidelines can find them on the Institute of Medicine website at Why study the connection between vitamin D and cancer? While studies have previously linked higher levels of vitamin D with reduced risk of colorectal cancer, research is ongoing to determine if vitamin D plays a role in lowering a person’s risk of developing other types of cancers as well. Driving this research are early studies that discovered incidence and death rates for certain cancers were lower among people living in southern latitudes than those living in northern latitudes. That’s a significant distinction, as levels of sunlight exposure, which is a chief source of vitamin D, are relatively high in southern latitudes and considerably higher in such areas than in northern latitudes. Studies are ongoing into this particular link and if vitamin D is, in fact, behind the lower cancer incidence and death rates. Another reason to

study the connection is that experimental studies conducted on cancer cells and tumors in mice found that vitamin D may play a role in slowing or preventing the development of cancer. Does vitamin D definitively lower risk for certain cancers? Though evidence has suggested a link between high vitamin D intake and lower risk of specific cancers, the NCInotes that, thus far, studies have been inconsistent. While numerous studies have concluded that vitamin D reduces a person’s risk for colorectal cancer, even that widely acknowledged link remains open to debate. For example, a 2006 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that healthy women who took vitamin D and calcium supplements for an average of seven years did not have a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer, though some scientists questioned if that study was extensive enough to support its ultimate conclusion. More information about the relationship between vitamin D and cancer is available at www.cancer. gov. — Metro


Thursday, September 25, 2014

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Fighting cancer with food F ew, if any, families can say they have never had an experience with cancer. Cancer is a potentially deadly disease with no cure. While cancer can be treated effectively, there is no way for men and women to eliminate their risk of developing c ancer. Though cancer may strike even the healthiest of persons, there are ways men, women and even children can reduce their risk. One such way is to consume certain foods that researchers feel can reduce cancer risk. Though precisely how these foods fight cancer remains a mystery, cancer researchers feel they can effectively lower an individual’s

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cancer risk when combined to form a healthy diet. • Beans: Beans boast numerous healthy attributes, and their potential to reduce cancer risk is one such attribute. Beans contain many phytochemicals that researchers feel protect the cells from the type of damage that can ultimately make a person susceptible to cancer. Beans also have been shown to decelerate tumor growth and prevent tumors from releasing potentially harmful substances that can damage nearby cells. • Colorful fruits and vegetables: It may seem odd that a food’s color can have an impact on cancer risk, but colorful fruits and veg-

etables contain more cancerfighting nutrients than fruits and vegetables that aren’t as flashy.Consuming such fruits and vegetables also helps men and women maintain a healthy body weight, an important benefit when considering overweight and obesity increases a person’s risk for multiple cancers. • Foods with folate: Folate is a B vitamin that can reduce a person’s risk of developing several cancers, including those of the colon, rectum and breast. Those who are fond of a healthy breakfast to begin their day may already be getting healthy doses of folate, which can be found in eggs, fortified breakfast cereals, or-

ange juice, and strawberries, among other foods. If toast is your breakfast of choice, opt for whole wheat toast, as whole wheat products are a good source of folate. • Grapes: Studies have shown that resveratrol, a key ingredient in grapes, may prevent the type of damage that triggers the production of cancerous cells. Though scientists are not yet comfortable saying grapes, or beverages like grape juice and wine, can reduce cancer risk, they believe that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of grapes make them a healthy option. SEE FOOD • PAGE 24

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

How to establish a cancer fundraiser C

ancer and its associated treatments can rob patients of their energy and enthusiasm for daily activities. But cancer also can prove taxing on a person’s finances. Depending on an individual’s health insurance coverage, treatments can be costly and out-of-pocket expenses numerous. Those incapacitated by cancer also may find they are unable to work, resulting in lost wages. Some cancer fundraisers aim to provide funds for families or individuals in financial peril as a result of their diagnoses, while others hope to raise money for cancer research. Millions of dollars are raised annually both by national foundations and individuals. Successful cancer fundraisers follow the same guidelines of any successful fundraising effort, with dedication of time and devotion to the cause playing a key role. With dedication and commitment in tow, the possibilities to raise money for a worthy cause are endless. • Establish your cause. Set the fundraising objective, which will include how the

money will be raised and how it will be spent. If you are raising money for a specific type of cancer, it may be easy to pair up with an organization that already works toward that cause, such as the American Cancer Society, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the Canadian Cancer Society, or CureSearch. Of course, you can start from scratch, but donors may be more inclined to give to a charity that has already established itself. • Make it personal. It’s much easier to stand behind a cause in which you have a vested interest. This is why many cancer fundraisers are so successful. Many people start a fundraiser in the name of a friend or family member battling cancer or someone who has lost his or her battle, and that personal connection can be a motivating force as you raise awareness for your cause. • Establish a fundraising team. Fundraising is more manageable when there is a team of people working together to raise money and organize how money is spent. Assign responsibilities based on personal skills and areas of expertise. For example, a

person with accounting experience can handle the bookkeeping work, while someone familiar with marketing can work to raise awareness for the cause and any fundraising events. • Solicit community attention. Getting the word out about your organization and fundraiser may require the help of others in the community. Find out if you can join a school-sponsored “Relay for Life” event or have an information booth at the entrance to supermarkets or other high-traffic businesses. • Maintain transparency. The success of fundraising may revolve around how much potential donors trust your efforts. Make every attempt to be as open and honest with people as possible. Be willing to share information about charitable organization documents, funds raised, distribution of money, and administrative costs.

• Establish a website. A website enables you to continue spreading the message of your charitable efforts after hours. Donors can look up your charity online and learn about the story behind your fundraising efforts. Promptly return any phone calls or emails from people interested in more information. Frequently update the website so the public has reason to come back for more information. • Personally thank donors. Send a letter or place a phone call to thank donors for their contributions. This establishes your charity and fundraiser as one that cares about its cause and the people who help that cause. It also puts a face to your efforts. Cancer fundraisers are quite popular and relatively easy to establish. It takes a group of people willing to devote time and effort to a worthy cause. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Be Cancer Aware, Not Cancer Scared


e have seen a rise in cancer diagnoses over the past s everal years. Lifestyle and environmental changes have been identified as the main reason for this increase. Or are we just more aware of it? It is all over the news, television, movies, and media. With this sudden focus on cancer, it is very easy to become paranoid about getting cancer. Here are some things you can to be cancer aware:

HOLLY 1. Get regular check ups HANDORF See your doctor regularly, about every 3 to 6 months depending on your health. Just like you take your car in for regular tune-ups, you need tune-ups, too. Checking in with your doctor insures you the formation of cancer cells. are on the right path to health Decreasing stress and allowand well-being. ing yourself the chance to rest and relax has also been proven 2. Check yourself to lower your risk of cancer. Women should perform It goes without saying that self-breast exams monthly a fit body is a healthy body. on about the same day of the Cancer finds it hard to thrive month. Men should perform in a strong, fit body. self-testicular exams monthly on about the same day of the 4. Trust yourself month. Any unusual lumps We know ourselves better should be evaluated by your than anyone else. If you feel doctor. Everyone should exam- something is wrong, chances ine their body for any unusual are you are right. Don’t be moles or skin conditions on a afraid to ask your doctor for regular basis. Any change in a a cancer screening if you are mole or skin condition should concerned. Many doctors will be evaluated by your doctor. order an annual mammogram or colonoscopy test as a 3. Eat well, rest well, be fit cancer prevention screening. The trifecta of healthy living! Eating a diet high in By Holly Handorf, RN, BSN nutrient dense vegetables Heritage Victor Valley such as kale, cucumbers, and Medical Group cauliflower may help prevent Health Education

Page 21

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Skin care tips when in cancer treatment


he effects that cancer treatment can have on a person’s skin have long been overlooked. But patients who have suffered through skin rashes and burns will be glad to know that a growing trend in treating cancer focuses on curing both the disease and helping patients maintain their self-esteem and quality of life. A new movement combining oncology and dermatology aims to address both the disease and the potentially negative consequences that rashes, burns and blemishes can produce. “For obvious reasons, the skin, hair, and nails have not been the topmost concerns in oncology — the most important goal is to treat and cure the cancer,” said Mario Lacouture, M.D., who specializes in dermatologic conditions that result from cancer treatments. “But skin side effects can affect patients’ sense of self and their interactions with others. These side effects can lead to costly treatments, affect overall health, and perhaps most significantly, they may require that anticancer treatments be reduced or stopped altogether.” Upon receiving a cancer diagnosis, patients concerned about the potential impact that treatment may have on their complexions should discuss their options with their physicians. After initiating such discussions, men and women being treated for cancer can take additional steps to maintain their appearance and quality of life both during and after treatment. • Alter your skin care

routine. Upon receiving a cancer diagnosis, patients must make a host of lifestyle adjustments to many things, including to their skin care routines. Intense skin rashes and burns are common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and certain side effects are actually an indicator that the treatment is working. While such consequences can affect patients’ self-image, these side effects are entirely manageable. “What many patients do not realize is that most dermatologic side effects are manageable, allowing people to maintain their quality of life and continue their cancer treatments,” said Lacouture. Recognizing traditional skin

care products’ ineffectiveness at combating the dermatologic side effects of cancer treatment during her own battle with the disease, cancer survivor and entrepreneur Lindy Snider began working with dermatologists, oncologists, nurses, and skin care formulators to address the issue, eventually developing Lindi Skin (www., a collection of skin care products designed specifically for individuals undergoing treatment for cancer and related disorders. Combining state-of-the-art technology with innovative natural ingredients, Lindi Skin products include a host of botanical extracts boasting anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties,

while providing a soothing and gentle solution even for those patients with especially sensitive skin. “Tarceva, the medication I take for lung cancer, has played havoc with my skin, which has become unbelievably dry and sensitive,” said Phyllis of Coral Gables, FL. “(Lindi Skin) products are the only ones I can use on my face and body. They actually soothe, whereas all others create a burning sensation.” • Embrace antioxidants. Often touted as miracle ingredients in a host of foods, antioxidants can be found beyond the dinner table as well. In developing Lindi Skin, Snider and her team designed an exclusive formulation of concentrated botanicals that deliver high levels of beneficial antioxidants to the skin. Known as the LSA Complex, this formulation includes Snider’s pioneering use of astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that is only now beginning to receive widespread recognition for its restorative properties, a decade after Snider began using it in her skin care products. While astaxanthin can relieve the pain and inflammation in the skin that cancer patients often feel, it also can help those suffering from less severe, noncancer related skin problems, such as sunburn, rosacea, dry skin and UV damage. Skin damage is an often overlooked side effect of cancer treatment. But cancer patients should know that side effects like skin rashes and burns are manageable and don’t have to negatively impact self-image or quality of life. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Page 23

Alcohol and cancer risk attempt to repair that damage, mistakes in the DNA may result, increasing a person’s risk for cancer. In the colon and rectum, bacteria can convert alcohol into acetaldehyde, a chemical which studies have shown causes cancer in lab animals. • Body weight: Excessive consumption of alcohol often causes people to gain weight, and being overweight or obese is a major risk factor for various types of cancer. • Hormones: Women who consume alcohol may be prone to elevated levels of estrogen, a hormone associated with hormone-re-

ceptor-positive breast cancer that plays a significant role in the growth and development of breast tissue. According to, when compared to women who abstain from alcohol, women who have three alcoholic drinks per week have a 15 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer, and that may be a byproduct of the effect alcohol has on a woman’s hormone levels. • Effect on harmful chemicals: Alcohol can dissolve other harmful chemicals, including those found in tobacco smoke, making it easier for them to enter the cells lining the upper diges-

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tive tract. The ACS theorizes that this may play a role in why the combination of smoking and drinking is far more likely to cause cancers in the mouth or throat than either smoking or drinking alone. • Effect on nutrients: The body’s cells need a vitamin called folate to stay healthy. But alcohol consumption can compromise the body’s ability to absorb folate from foods, which is especially problematic for heavy drinkers who do not get enough nutrients in their daily diets. Low folate levels have been linked to breast and colorectal cancers. — Metro

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hough the exact details of how alcohol increases cancer risk are unknown, the American Cancer Society notes there are several different ways that alcohol may contribute to a person’s elevated risk of developing cancer. • Tissue damage: Alcohol can be an irritant in the mouth and throat as well as other areas of the body, forcing damaged cells to repair themselves. That forcing of the hand may lead to DNA changes in the cells, and such changes may act as a steppingstone to cancer. Alcohol also can cause inflammation and scarring in the liver, and as liver cells



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Thursday, September 25, 2014


• Tomatoes: Tomatoes are widely beloved, and perhaps that love affair stems from the tomato’s role in fighting cancer. Though the reasons are unknown, tomatoes have been linked to lowering men’s risk for prostate cancer. One such study, a 1995 study from researchers at the Harvard Medical School, found that men who ate 10 or more servings of tomatoes per week reduced their risk of developing aggressive prostate tumors by nearly 50 percent. Later research from the author of the 1995 study found that processed tomatoes, such as those found in tomato paste and tomato sauce, were even more effective at reducing cancer risk than fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes have also been linked to lowering a person’s risk for lung and stomach cancers. • Water: Water may not


infected with EBV never develop Hodgkin disease. Age is another risk f actor for Hodgkin disease, as the disease is most common among people between the ages of 15 and 40, especially men and women in their 20s. But many men and women are diagnosed with Hodgkin disease in late adulthood as well. Age also is a risk factor for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, though the majority of cases are diagnosed in people in

Metro Creative Connection

Tomatoes, whether served fresh or as a paste or sauce, have been linked to reducing a person’s risk for various cancers, including cancers of the prostate, lung and stomach. qualify as a food, but it may protect people from bladder cancer. Potential cancer-causing agents in the bladder are diluted when drinking water. In addition, the more water you drink the more frequently

you’re likely to urinate, which means cancer-causing agents have less time to come into contact with the lining of your bladder. Many foods can help individuals in the fight against

cancer. Though one food alone may not be potent enough to do the job, when several cancer-fighting foods are included in a person’s diet, the effects may be significant. — Metro

their 60s or older. Family history also plays a role, as brothers and sisters of young people with Hodgkin disease have an elevated risk, one that is especially high for the identical twin of a person with Hodgkin disease. But the American Cancer Society still notes that a family link is still seen in only about 5 percent of all cases of Hodgkin disease. Some studies have suggested that exposure to certain chemicals, most notably benzene, and certain herbicides and insecticides used to kill weeds and insects, may be linked to an elevated risk

of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. However, such research is ongoing. Patients treated with radiation therapy for other cancers may also be at an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and this risk is even greater for those treated with both radiation and chemotherapy. Immune system deficiencies and autoimmune diseases have also been linked to a greater risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. People who have received organ transplants are often treated with immune system suppressants to ensure the immune system

does not attack the new organ, and such suppressants put people at a higher risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Children born with immune system deficiencies also have an elevated risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, as do people with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and celiac sprue. Lymphoma is a potentially deadly disease, but one that is often treatable. More information about lymphoma and lymphoma treatment is available at cancer/lymphoma. — Metro

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Did you know?


he foods a person eats can increase his or her risk of developing various types of cancer. Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are widely used as preservatives, antimicrobial agents, colorings, and flavorings in cured meats and many other products. Nitrates and nitrites are commonly found in hot dogs and lunch meats. Once they are consumed, nitrates turn into nitrites in the digestive system, and it is believed that nitrites react with certain bodily chemicals and turn into cancer-causing carcinogens known as nitrosamines. Green, leafy vegetables and root vegetables contain naturally occurring nitrites as well. However, it is believed that nitrites in vegetables do not have the same effect on the body as artifically added ones, so the benefits of eating vegetables outweigh these risks. But avoiding nitrites does not mean people have to give up their favorite foods. Many types of bacon, hot dogs, bologna, and other foods now come in nitritefree varieties, which is possible by using salt, vinegar and sugar rather than sodium nitrite to cure the meat. — Metro


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Breast Cancer BY CHARMAINE EARLE, M.D. What Is Breast Cancer? Each month, a woman’s breasts go through temporary changes associated with menstruation, and a lump may form. While the vast majority of these growths are not cancerous, any lump should be examined immediately. Lumps are most common in the lobules — small sacs that produce milk — or the ducts that carry milk to the nipple. But they occasionally start in other tissue. The two main categories of breast cancer are lobular and ductal carcinomas. Breast cancer usually begins with the formation of a small, confined tumor. Some tumors are benign, meaning they do not invade other tissue; others are malignant, or cancerous. Malignant tumors have the potential to metastasize, or spread. Once such a tumor grows to a certain size, it is more likely to shed cells that spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Fortunately, breast cancer is very treatable if detected early. Localized tumors can usually be treated successfully before the cancer spreads; and in nine in 10 cases, the woman will live at least another five years. Experts usually consider a five-year survival to be a cure. Improved screening procedures and treatment options mean that at least seven out of 10 women with breast cancer will survive more than five years after initial diagnosis, and half will survive more

than 10 years. What Causes Breast Cancer? Although the precise causes of breast cancer are unclear, we know what the main risk factors are. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. A woman whose mother, sister, or daughter has had breast cancer is two to three times more likely to develop the disease, particularly if more than one first-degree relative has been affected. A link between breast cancer and hormones is gradually becoming clearer. A woman’s exposure to estrogen and progesterone rises and falls during her lifetime, influenced by the age she starts and stops menstruating, the average length of her menstrual cycle, and her age at first childbirth. A woman’s risk for breast cancer is increased if she starts menstruating before age 12, has her first child after 30, stops menstruating after 55, or has a menstrual cycle shorter or longer than the average 2629 days. Current information indicates that the hormones in birth control pills probably do not increase the risk. Some studies suggest that taking hormone replacement therapy after menopause may increase risk, especially when taken for more than five years.

Dr. Earle is part of the team of exclusive caring physicians of Choice Medical Group / Choice Physicians Network. She is a Board Certified Family Practitioner and has been providing comprehensive medical care to the residents of the High Desert for over five years. Her office locations are: 12332 Hesperia Road, Ste. A, Victorville, California and 12384 Palmdale Road, Ste. 203, Victorville California. She can be reached at (760) 243-4009. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Earle call (760) 242-4009. For more information on becoming a member contact Member Services at Choice Medical Group at (760) 242-7777, Ext. 224 or visit us at

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Breast Cancer — the importance of early detection


ctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month but this is not the only time you should think about a breast exam. Desert Valley Medical Group is educating women about the importance of early detection and the importance of mammograms. Mammography is the best method readily available to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Throughout the month of October we encourage women to make a mammography appointment.

breasts look and feel like and checking them regularly can help you detect when something is wrong. Look out for new lumps and changes in shape. Detecting cancer early can mean treatment is more effective. Knowing what your breasts normally feel like will help you be aware of any abnormal changes. But not all changes are a sign of breast cancer. Some women have cysts or thickening of the breast tissue, which is normal. Your breasts appearance and feel can change at different times of the menstrual cycle. The milk-producing tissue in the breast becomes active in the days before a period starts. Some women find their breasts feel tender and lumpy at this time, especially near the armpits.

Know the Facts The statistics speak for themselves. About 1 in 8 U.S. women (just over 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Simply put, the chances are that someone in your family or someone you know is likely to fall victim to this devastating cancer. For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer. In addition, besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Just under 30% of cancers in women are breast cancers. Who Should Get a Mammogram? According to the American Cancer Society the recommendations for early breast cancer detection in women without breast symptoms are as follows: Women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year and should contin-

ue to do so for as long as they are in good health. Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam (CBE) as part of a periodic (regular) health exam by a health professional preferably every 3 years. Starting at age 40, women should have a CBE by a health professional every year.

Prevention Choosing the right imaging center can be just as important as your decision to get a mammogram. With experienced radiologists and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment Desert Valley Medical Group is the smart choice for your next mammogram. In recognition of Breast Health Awareness Month, Desert Valley Medical Group will be providing mammograms at a special rate for the entire month of October.

Breast self-exam (BSE) is an option for women starting in their 20s. Women should know about the benefits and limitations of BSE. Women should report any breast Call Desert Valley Medical changes to their health proGroup at 760-241-8000, ext. fessional right away. 5160 to make your mammography appointment. Early Detection Knowing what your — Desert Valley Medical Group


Thursday, September 25, 2014

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

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