5 minute read
2002 Fall - Higher Things Magazine (with Bible Studies)
By Rev. Daniel Woodring
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Into the Jordan River goes the Son of God. He, made flesh for us, steps into the stream “making waves” of eternal proportion. Into this “wave making” you have been brought by your baptism into Christ. By this “wave making,” your sins have been washed away, and you have been brought to the harbor of eternal salvation in the ark of the Holy Christian Church. This “wave making” has united you with Christ, and one another.
You are not here as 900 individuals, or nearly one hundred congregational youth groups. You are all mutually joined together in Christ, one body, a new creation.
And this is the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ steps into the Jordan River. It is not because He somehow needed to be washed from sin or delivered from death. Perish the thought!
Nor did Christ our Lord step into the river in order to leave you an example. Christ is not in the example-setting business. Imitating Jesus’ example is never the route to our salvation. In fact, since we can never do what Jesus would do, following his example only separates us further from God, and results in His wrath and punishment.
That is why we are not here to give you 7, 10 or 12 steps to better Christian living. That is why we are not here in order to hype you up with an emotional, mountain-top experience so that you will be inspired and motivated and goose-bumped into Christ-like living.
Just as Christ is not in the example-setting business, neither is He in the self-improvement or mountain-top experience business. Rather, our Lord Jesus is in the “wave making” business. He is in the baptizing and saving-sinners business.
But you know, sometimes it seems that baptism isn’t quite enough. It seems like we also need some process or experience to get us on the right track as Christians. There are a lot of books at your local Christian Bookstore that tell you how to be a better disciple. There are a lot of devotional books and praise song CDs that promise an inspirational experience. But you would be hard-pressed to find one or two books on the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. And books about baptism are never on the top-sellers lists.
The Devil is at work in this. He wants you to think that baptism is not very important or powerful. Do you realize just how ticked off the devil is because you are all here at this conference that is all about baptism? He’s probably been telling you that this isn’t the place for you or that you should just ignore all this talk and liturgy and just have a bunch of fun. You need to be aware of these devilish tactics. He’ll do anything to distract you from the purpose of this conference.
And it is easy to buy into the devil’s lies. It’s easy to think that baptism didn’t really do you that much good.
Do not underestimate the power of baptism. Look again to what happens when Christ your Lord steps into the wave. The Bible says that the heavens were opened. So for you who are baptized heaven is opened to you. Then the Holy Spirit descended as a dove. At your baptism, the Holy Spirit also made His dwelling in you, giving you faith and every blessing. Finally, God the Father spoke from the great cloud, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” And that is what God says to you because of Holy Baptism. “You are my son. I love you. I am well-pleased with you.”
Did you know that? God is pleased with you. All those books in the Christian Bookstore tell you that this is what you must do in order to please God. Isn’t that stupid? God is already pleased with you. You are baptized.
How can that be? You’re a sinner! How can God be pleased with you with all that sin? It’s because in Baptism you are given the Lord’s own righteousness—a righteousness that exceeds our notions of “Christian Living” and “Discipleship”. He takes all your sin, and you get all His righteousness.
This, then, is what we celebrate and give thanks over at this conference. Not that Jesus tells us what to do or how to live, but that He shows Himself to be your Savior from sin, death and the power of the devil.
This Baptism of Jesus will lead to His persecution, His suffering, His cross, and His death. And your own Baptism into Him also brings you the same things. To be baptized into Christ is to be baptized into His suffering and death. But His Baptism—and yours—doesn’t stop there. It brings you through death and the grave to the glory of the resurrection.
We died with Christ in the waters of Holy Baptism. And we believe that we shall also live with Him. Not even death can undo what God did at your Baptism. So let all the baptized say this: “Bring it on, O death. I am baptized into Christ.” “And do your worst, you miserable devil. I am baptized into Christ.” Your sin, your grave, your devils, your hell, your sufferings are no match for our Lord’s “wave making.” You are baptized into Christ’s holy death and glorious resurrection.
All of God’s grace, His unending absolution, His unquenchable mercy, all this is your in Holy Baptism. Yours in spite of yourself and your failed efforts of following Jesus’ example. Yours in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The peace of God, which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.