4 minute read
Anchors Aweigh! Keeping afloat on the college sea of confusion
By Rev. Marcus Zill
Setting sail on the college journey can be quite exhilarating, as is any maiden voyage. It can also be quite scary.
One of the things that you will find when you go to college is that most everything you have known to be an anchor in your life will be challenged. You will quickly realize that you really have left the calm waters of safe harbor.
You will also face temptations when you go to college, none of which is any greater than Satan’s attempt to dislodge the anchor of your faith in Christ, and to lead you into doubt or despair. In describing this temptation, James (1:6) paints a picture of those who doubt as being “like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.”
Many college students feel just like that! This sea of confusion can be very choppy. Before you realize it, the undercurrents beneath the surface of these uncharted collegiate waters can pull you in any number of directions.
In addition to being confronted with “new ways of thinking” about such things as evolution, sexuality, religion, tolerance and truth in general, you will other basic questions to answer at the time you set sail:
• You mean I have to do my own laundry? Yes, there is a high price for independence!
• How do I choose what “groups”to join? Go slow. Don’t rush in to anything. Choose your friends wisely.
• Should I join a sorority or fraternity? Be careful. Don’t join until you have seen exactly what you will be asked to vow. Many Greek organizations are quite religious in nature. Even if they don’t take using God’s Name seriously – God does! If you feel pressured, that’s all the more reason not to do it.
• Why am I so lonely even though I’m living with 20,000 people my age? Because it’s not about numbers. It’s about relationships. No matter how lonely you may feel, remember that you’re in Christ!
• Doesn’t anyone want to do anything for fun besides for getting drunk? There are many wonderful choices that you can make to have fun. Life is good. Enjoy it. But be careful. Just because everyone does it doesn’t make it right or necessary.
• But who will my friends be? Don’t forget – there are a lot of other Lutheran students waiting to be your friends at a local campus ministry. You’d be amazed how much fun Lutherans can have together!
• Why didn’t someone wake me up to go to Church? Because the dog that woke you up every day in high school by licking your face is still at home, and dogs aren’t allowed in the dorms.
• Yikes.What am I going to do with my life? You don’t have to declare a major right away.Explore. Cultivate a love for learning for learning’s sake, and take opportunities to develop a healthy view of Christian vocation, regardless of what you do for a living someday.
• Who will I marry? Only God knows.But where better to meet a future spouse than at a local Lutheran church or campus ministry?
• Why does everyone seem to think that being a Lutheran means being outdated and weird? There is a reason you always see the words “Dare to be Lutheran!” on the front cover of this magazine.
• Who can I turn to when my parents aren’t around and I really need someone to talk to? You know, those pastors might just come in handy every now and then.
Getting a little scared to take this journey? Don’t be. Yes, it is easy to feel like you are being tossed to and fro, and the whitecaps can seem rather large. But rest assured, Jesus will be there to settle down the waves and calm you, too!
Here’s a few sailing tips:
• Enjoy your college years. Savor your opportunity to travel toward the distant horizon. Take your time. It’s a long voyage. But beware of the temptations.
• Realize that the lifeline on your college voyage is the same as it was before you boarded, namely Christ and His Gifts. Stay connected to a local congregation. Get involved in the local LCMS campus ministry. Take very opportunity to learn more about God and grow in the faith.
• Relish that which is yours in Christ! You are a baptized child of God.The raging world around you cannot drown you for you have been drowned already and given new life in Christ through your Baptism. He has not left you rudderless.
When Noah and his family set sail, they didn’t know where they’d end up. But one thing was sure – “the Lord shut them in.” (Gen. 7:16b) You are not at the mercy of the waves either, no matter how rough the water gets. God has shut you in and He will keep you safe and secure in the Holy Ark of the Christian Church.
College is an exciting time. Have a safe and blessed trip! “Anchors aweigh!”
Rev. Marcus T. Zill is Pastor at St. Andrew Lutheran Church and Campus Center, Laramie, Wyoming. He is the Vice-President of Higher Things, Inc. and is the chair of the newly formed Higher Things Campus Ministry Committee.