3 minute read

Spending the Riches of a Reckless Ruler

By Rev. Bruce Keseman

How should you spend your money? Jesus explains with a parable in Luke 19:12–27.


Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem. There He will die for us and then rise and ascend to a distant country. There He is crowned with glory and honor. Soon the king will return from the distant country to judge the living and the dead.

A nobleman went to a distant country to receive a kingdom for himself and then return.

Those are $10,000 coins! What king in his right mind hands $10,000 to any slave, let alone $10,000 each to ten slaves? Maybe King Jesus? With generous, joyous, even reckless abandon, Jesus hands His riches to sinners like us. “Here. Use these while I’m gone.”

Think of the riches King Jesus gives you. We can buy so much food that we overeat and so many clothes that our closets overflow. The most modest of our homes could house ten third-world families. But He gives us more than money. Some of you are artsy, some are brainy, some are athletic. Your King says, “Here. Use these while I’m gone.”

Jesus gives you Baptism and Absolution, His Scriptures and Supper. He says, “Have My forgiveness, My life, My love, My strength.” It’s like a millionaire going on vacation, handing you his whole fortune, and saying, “Here. Use this while I’m gone.”

When the king returned, he asked that those slaves to whom he had given money be called to him. The first slave came forward and said,'Master, your coin made ten coins!' And the king said to him,'Well done, good slave. Because you have been faithful in this small matter, take charge of ten cities.' The second slave came and said,'Master, your coin made five coins.' And the king also said to that one, 'You be in charge of five cities.'

I would rejoice over a 10 percent return on an investment. These guys get 500 percent and 1000 percent returns! For one, $10,000 becomes $50,000. For the other, $10,000 becomes $100,000. The slaves know they can’t take credit. They don’t say, “Look at all the money we made.” They say, “Master, look at all the money your coin made.”

The king knows the slaves don’t deserve credit. But this king represents generous Jesus. So he gives them credit anyway: “Well done, good slaves! You have been faithful.” Ahh, notice what pleases our king: not that His slaves accomplish awesome things with His riches but that we are faithful. In other words, that we actually believe He entrusts us with money we don’t deserve, compliments us for work He has done, and then rewards us as if we had done it all.

Then the other kind of slave came and said, “Master, here is your coin which I wrapped in a cloth. I was afraid of you, because you are a harsh man. You withdraw what you did not deposit and harvest what you did not plant.”

The problem with this slave is not his lack of stewardship. It is his lack of faith. He is scared to use the money because he doesn’t believe his king could possibly be that generous.

King Jesus gives, gives, and gives some more. But if in unfaith we insist on believing He is a demanding taskmaster, that’s what He’ll be for us on Judgment Day. Read the rest of the parable in Luke 19, and you’ll see.

Meanwhile, Jesus shows that there are two kinds of people: those who live in faith and those who live in fear. Slaves who know the generosity of their king don’t spend their time fretting.We just use His gifts in whatever way our faith-filled consciences find best.

King Jesus leaves you His priceless Gospel. He doesn’t tell you whether to attend one Bible study a week or four. He doesn’t tell you to use the ESV or the NKJV. He doesn’t insist that you receive His blood from a chalice or an individual cup. So don’t worry yourself sick. Don’t leave the King’s money wrapped in Kleenex. Use His riches while He’s gone. Whether you were immersed or sprinkled, bask in your Baptism. Whether it’s corporate or individual, enjoy Absolution. Whether you take it in your hand or your mouth, feast on Christ’s body.

Jesus entrusts you with money. Surveys indicate teens have more disposable income than anyone else. Yet Jesus doesn’t tell you, “Give 15 percent to the church, 5 percent to help earthquake victims, and 10 percent to buy clothing for yourself.” Spend His riches whatever way your faith-filled, Holy Spirit-guided brain sees is best. Do not splurge selfishly like an unbeliever. You are not an unbeliever. You are a forgiven citizen of Christ’s Kingdom. So ask, “How can I use my King’s riches in ways that serve His will, His people, and His Kingdom?”

With generous, joyous, even reckless abandon, use your King’s riches wherever and whenever they seem to be needed. I have a feeling that when your King returns from the far country, you’ll be flabbergasted. “Lord, look what Your coin did!”

Rev. Bruce Keseman is pastor of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Freeburg, Illinois, on the Board of Directors for Higher Things, and can be reached at keseman@sbcglobal.net.

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