What’s a Body to Do? By Rev. Mark Buetow
Do you like your body?
H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 14
Chances are, if you’re a teenager, you can find something wrong. Too many pimples. Abs not ripped enough. Too skinny. Too plump. Too short. Too tall. It’s easy to be dissatisfied with the body our heavenly Father has given us. But there is some false teaching out there that dislikes your body, even more than just because of a few blemishes. There’s a whole way of thinking that says that the “body” and “flesh” and “material things” are bad or not worth considering, or at least not as important as the things that are “unseen” or “spiritual.” A lot of Eastern religions (like Hinduism or Buddhism) think that material things are not that great. The big deal for them is leaving the body behind for something completely spiritual. The Devil tries constantly to bring