Answering the
By Rev. Brent W. Kuhlman
There they are! You spot them. White shirts.
Black ties. Handsome young men. Sometimes they’re lovely young girls. They come in pairs. Walking down your street. Or riding bicycles on the sidewalk. Walking right up to your house! Then to your door. The doorbell rings. You open the door. And the first words out of their mouth are: “Hello, we’re from The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints (LDS).” Mormons!1 H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 22
Be warned! They don’t come a knockin’ to chat about the weather or about how nice your house is. They are on a mission! A very dark mission to turn you from the Christian faith. To get you to deny your baptism. To deny the holy Trinity. To get you to trust in what you do or don’t do perfectly for “salvation.” To get you on the road to becoming a god yourself!2
And it all starts with that opening greeting at the door: “We’re from The Church of Jesus of the Latter-day Saints.” Their official name reveals a great deal of what Mormons believe. Let’s break it down. When they say “the” church, the emphasis is on the definite article. It means exactly what it says! “The” means “only.” As in the one and only church that exists on