Two Voiceless Prophets By Rev. Tim Lorenz
King David sits on left and gives Uriah the letter for Joab. On right Rabbah is besieged and Uriah is slain.
H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 18
o you remember the story of David and Bathsheba? David and Bathsheba sinned by committing adultery. The punishment for doing so was death—the man and the woman who were caught in adultery were to be stoned. In their sin, Bathsheba became pregnant by David, and they were about to be caught. Everyone would know what they had done—unless it was covered over. And so, in order to spare their lives, the king sent the righteous man, Uriah, to his death— the innocent husband being slaughtered so that his adulterous bride would live. The sin was covered over. Bathsheba would not die. No one would know about this sin—no one, that is, except God.