The Battle Is Already Won Rev. John Dreyer
H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 20
you get up in the morning, you probably have a regular routine as you get ready for school or some other activity of the day. As you set out about your routine, how do you see your day? What’s on your mind? Perhaps there are exciting things that you’re looking forward to or perhaps you’re dealing with a particular struggle or crisis in your life that’s been plaguing you. In many ways our circumstances in life affect our attitudes, and sometimes we find ourselves just not knowing what direction to go in life. The stuff of this life tends to greatly influence how we view the world around us and may seem more real than the greater life God has given us in Christ as His baptized children. Let’s be honest, life is not always easy and sometimes we have no choice but to confront some tough situations in our day.
Our culture, how we were raised, our experiences, and our encounters in life tend to play a big role in how we see the world. How we see things is key to the biblical understanding of our daily Christian life. This is called a Christian worldview. Worldview is the lens through which we see