2016 Spring - Higher Things Magazine (with Bible Studies)

Page 20

Teach Us to Number Our Days By Rev. Joel Fritsche

What happens when a person dies? What is it like? Is there really a white light?

H I G H E R T H I N G S __ 20

I remember being at my grandfather’s bedside when he died. I was already a pastor. I had studied theology. I knew God’s promise of eternal life through faith in Christ. That doesn’t mean it was easy. I’ve spoken those promises at the bedside of the dying before. It’s not always the same. Sometimes I cry tears of joy for the dying, knowing their suffering will soon be over. Sometimes I shed tears for the family left behind, sharing in their grief. My grandpa’s death sticks with me. Although he had been mostly sleeping before he died, his eyes opened up wide as he breathed his last breath, as if he saw something amazing. What did he see? I don’t know.

We can ask those who died and were resuscitated, but we won’t know what is fully experienced at death until we experience it ourselves. However, let me return to the bedside of the dying. It’s at the death of a loved one when we especially crave answers. I remember one particular time holding the hand of a church member hours away from death. Off and on for over 24 hours with the family I read Scripture, prayed and sang hymns. His grandson asked me,“Pastor, what is heaven like?” So we turned to Revelation, particularly chapters 7 and 21. I could see the comfort on his face as we heard about the holy city, the new Jerusalem and God dwelling with His people.

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