Insight 9

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News from Highgate Wood School arts college


Issue No 9 December 2012

GOVERNING BODY UPDATE The Chair of Governors, Charles Wright, writes: Our last meeting of the year was a chance to look at the way the curriculum is evolving and the sort of changes we need to make to meet government requirements. Although not referred to in this edition of Insight, you will be hearing more about these changes from the Headteacher in the coming weeks. We are committed to offering the widest possible educational experiences for all our students at Highgate Wood School, covering statutory obligations but going further so that enrichment of all kinds, arts, music, sport and a range of extra‐curricular opportunities remain available. Many of you will have attended the Winter Concerts – and these are a great example of students of all ages and different abilities coming together to share an experience which is educational in the broadest sense as well as being a fantastic celebration of what Highgate Wood School is about. Events like this couldn’t happen without the hard work and commitment of our teachers and support staff – who of course also have a day job working with our students to achieve the excellent academic results at the end of Year 11 and at Post 16 that we’ve seen over the past few years. Teachers don’t always get a good press, so it’s a good time, at the end of a long term, to remind ourselves of the hours our staff put in, and thank them for their work. Finally, on behalf of the Governing Body, can I wish all of you a happy and relaxing Christmas and New Year – and thank you again for your support for Highgate Wood School.. Cover picture: The school Winter Concert ‐ photographed by Emily Mort and Shoma Dhar As Mr Harlow says in the concert programme the Winter Concert “is our chance to show parents some of the fantastic work that goes on in the department on a day to day basis.” Thanks are due to Ed Harlow, Mon Ekstrom, Kate Dornan and Anna Ryan, to the Peri teachers Nick Would, Nick Wilkinson, Paolo Vanoncini and Sarah Williams and to the admin and support staff Tina Hassan and Andrew Green, as well as to all the students involved in making these concerts such an extraordinary display of talent and an inspiration to us all. More photos from the Winter Concert will appear on the school


Spendandraise ‐ which you can access through the school website ‐ allows you to buy on‐line from a huge range of retailers, including John Lewis, Halfords, Currys, Habitat, Evans Cycles, and Asda. There are no charges for using it, but every purchase through provides extra funds for the Highgate Wood School PSA. Please keep it in mind for your last‐minute Christmas shopping and any on‐line shopping in the New Year.

INVIGILATORS WANTED! We are looking for Exam Invigilators. For more details contact our exams officer, Joe Demetriou, at

GOVERNOR VACANCY A Parent Governor Vacancy exists on the Governing Body. If you wish to put your name forward for election please write to Charles Wright c/o Mrs K Ozturk at the school.

HIGHGATE WOOD SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY Chair of Governors: Charles Wright (Community Governor)

Vice Chair: Imogen Pennell (Representative Governor)

Representative Governors: Cllr Eddie Griffith • Oliver Blackaby • Brenda Allan

Parent Governors: Andrew Boardman • Diana Brown • Philip Cavendish Caroline Conlon • Elizabeth Hess • Rob White

Community Governors: Phil Cocksedge • Violet Hazelwood‐Henry • Chris Parr Carol Vincent Headteacher Governor: Patrick Cozier

Staff Governors: Tristan Ashman • Jack Fitzgerald • Saad Gul Mohammed

If you wish to contact the Governing Body please write to the Chair of Governors, c/o Mrs K Ozturk, Highgate Wood School, Montenotte Road, London N8 8RN December 2012

MESSAGE FROM THE HEADTEACHER Welcome to the last Insight of 2012! Much has happened since I last wrote to you in October as you will see when you read through this edition. I also hope that you get a real sense through reading our Insight publications of the way that Highgate Wood School has thrived over the last few years, and is a vibrant community of positive activity where students feel safe, enjoy school and achieve really well. This is shown through our exam results over the last two years and our most recent Ofsted Report (Nov 2011). However, what conveys this message even more powerfully are the responses that we got from you ‐ our students and parents ‐ in the recent survey that we conducted on the Academic Review Day. You can read the outcomes of the survey later on in this edition. We are very pleased with what you have said as it represents an improvement on what was an already positive survey last year. However, we are not complacent and we remain mindful of those areas in which we know we can do even better. Thank you as always for your very valued and valuable feedback.

Post 16 Open Evening – the natural route from Year 11 into the 6th Form We held our Post 16 Open Evening on Thursday 13th December for all current Year 11 students (and some Year 10s) and their parents to come and view the school. Like last year, I was thrilled with the number of people that attended the event – particularly the mix between students who currently attend Highgate Wood School and students from across Haringey (and beyond). As with last year, there weren’t enough seats in the main hall to accommodate all those who attended! This is a testament to our growing reputation locally. I am proud that more and more we are being considered by our community as the local school of choice. This autumn, the number of students who chose to stay at (or join) Highgate Wood School was very December 2012

encouraging. There was a significant increase in the number of Year 11s who stayed on and a record number of places offered to and taken up by external students who were keen to join us. We had the unfortunate situation at the start of September of having to let down a number of disappointed students and parents for whom we did not have sufficient places on courses, or where students did not achieve the grades required for their chosen courses. We are keen that as many of our Year 11 students remain here as possible as we believe that it represents a very good and positive decision for them to do so based upon... 

Our belief in the seven‐year commitment that the school has to all of its students that tracks their education, growth and progress from Year 7 to Year 13 – we see Post 16 as a natural continuation of the learning that takes place in Key Stage 4. 

The benefits or remaining at a school that students know, but more importantly a school that knows them; where their teachers know their strengths and how to build upon them; where their teachers are aware of their areas for development and will not allow these to be overlooked or left unchallenged – our standards and expectations of our 6th form students are high. 

Remaining at a school where they have made good progress, knowing that progress in the 6th form is further accelerated according to all national benchmarks and measures. 

The knowledge that teaching in the 6th from is of a high quality.

The wide (and growing) range of opportunities available to our students at Post 16 to experience leadership roles and responsibilities and to ‘give something back’ to the school community that has helped develop them. 

A belief that our Year 11s are very much a part of Highgate Wood School and Highgate Wood School is a part of them... a partnership and relationship that is beneficial to all during A’ level study at Post 16 

Knowing that at Highgate Wood School, our students benefit from teachers who really do care about them and will go the extra mile to support them throughout their studies


One of the most important things to emerge out of the evening is the clarity that our Year 11s now have about the expectations of them in terms of securing a place in the 6th Form. For every student that wishes to secure their place they must... 1. Work really hard between now and the summer exams to secure the very challenging grades necessary to gain access to our Post 16 courses – for many students there is now a realisation of just what it will take 2. Ensure that they continue to make a positive contribution to Highgate Wood School as a positive reference from their tutor or their Head of Learning is also a pre‐requisite for entry We will have, over the coming weeks, a whole series of activities for Year 11 students which are designed to give them all a taste of what to expect in the sixth form and to aid the choices that they will have to make. I look forward to yet again being involved in the interview process and look forward to seeing our very successful Year 11s here in August 2013 at enrolment.

Free School Meals (FSM) – Is your child eligible? Last year, the Government began giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called the ‘Pupil Premium’. This year the sum of money that we receive has increased. For every child registered for FSM Highgate Wood School gets £600 this year (The figure was £488 last year). We believe that everyone matters and with this money we could subsidise students for school trips; improve facilities and staffing for students to study at school; provide hardship support for students in need; improve access to guidance, mentoring and support and fund a variety of other methods for supporting students and families. If you are registered for FSM you could also get subsidised music lessons, subsidies for school trips, 16‐ 19 bursary grants, priority access to careers guidance and other opportunities during your seven years at Highgate Wood School. If you are unsure or need any further advice or support, please contact Steve Hatch (School Business Manager) as soon as possible. In order for your child and the school to benefit it is essential that you are registered in the first two weeks in January.


Good Luck to Staff Who are Leaving Unfortunately we will be losing three members of staff at the end of this term. Ryan Pryor from the PE department, and also more recently the Acting Head of Learning for Year 9, left the school on Friday 14th December. He is going back home to New Zealand to start a new life and get married. He has been an excellent teacher at Highgate Wood over the last three years and we will very much miss his calm and measured, yet inspirational approach. Natalia Bierc, one of our science technicians, also worked her last day on the 14th December. She has served Highgate Wood well for the last five years. She has provided valuable support to the science department and they in particular will miss her contribution. Our Learning Resource Centre (LRC) Manager (and English Teacher) Ellie Green is leaving at the end of this term. Ellie has only been with us for a year, but in that time she has done incredible things with the LRC. Her impact, in terms of the events that she has organised (e.g. Debate Mate) and the plethora of speakers that she has invited into the school, has been significant. Ellie is leaving us to go travelling. We will miss her enthusiasm and excellent contribution. We wish them all the very best for the future!

Other Staffing Issues for your attention Unfortunately we currently have a number of members of staff who are absent on long term sickness or extended leave of absence. Dawn Spence (Assistant Headteacher) John Howley (Head of Learning for Year 9) Kevin Brokenshire (Head of Learning for Year 10) Leon Mitchell (Pastoral Mentor for Years 7 and 8) Deborah Wilson (English Teacher and Post Holder within the English Department) Covering for Absence We have some new members of staff mentioned below who are covering for the absences of Dawn Spence and Leon Mitchell. The Acting Head of Learning for Year 10 role is currently being covered by Anna Ryan. She has been doing this for a few weeks now and has already started to make a positive difference in supporting our December 2012

Year 10 students in an effective way. She will continue with this role at least until Easter Now that Ryan Pryor has departed, we will be advertising internally for another Acting Head of Learning for Year 9 shortly. The new post holder will be in place after the Christmas break and will be in post at least until Easter. We are hopeful that all of our long term absent staff will be back with us as soon as possible to rejoin us and continue their significant contribution. Welcome to New Members of Staff We have some new members of staff to introduce – some of whom have already started work and some who will be joining us after Christmas. Jess Canty, an experienced senior leader, is currently with us on a fixed term contract as an Assistant Headteacher and is covering some of Ms Dawn Spence’s responsibilities during her absence. He is line manager to Year 9 and is also teaching English. Mohammed Hussain Ahmed is currently covering Leon Mitchell’s absence as the Pastoral Mentor for Year 7 and Year 8. He has a very good way of working with the students and is proving to be a valuable addition to the staff here at HWS. Mary Findlow is a new member of staff, but not an unfamiliar one. Mary having spent over 20 years at Highgate Wood School has re‐joined us for a fixed period of time and is working with us for two days a week to cover some aspects of Dawn Spence’s child protection and liaison work. We are very grateful to Mary for agreeing to support the school in this way. As mentioned in the October edition of Insight, Emily Ford will be joining us after the holiday as our new Head of English. We are very pleased to welcome her to the school, optimistic about the qualities that she will bring, and wish her the best of success over the next few years at Highgate Wood School. Richard Lamb will be joining us in January as our new Learning Resource Centre (LRC) Manager. He will also be teaching some English. We are confident that he will carry on much of the good work that has been started by his predecessor Ellie Green.

... And Finally At the end of another successful and busy year, I thank you all for your continued support. I am tired, as we all are, but also fulfilled with the sense of reward that comes with leading such a wonderful school. For those of you who celebrate Christmas, have a good Christmas! For those of you who don’t, please enjoy the break. I wish you all good health for the holiday period and the very best for the New Year ahead. Regards Patrick Cozier

Below is the termly breakdown of the specific focuses under the Learning and Progress strand of the School Development Plan. Securing Outstanding Teaching and Learning AUTUMN  Teachers routinely plan and deliver lessons that use effective questioning to move all students forward and stretch the most able  Teachers routinely plan and deliver lessons that are based on meeting the needs of all students with clear evidence of assessment, SEN and EAL data being used to inform planning  Homework and extended learning work is routinely set and marked according the to Whole School Schedule/Policy; MLE usage is embedded.

SPRING  


Develop and embed a shared approach to the teaching of literacy across the curriculum Develop and embed a shared approach to the teaching of numeracy across the curriculum Develop and implement a series of strategies to raise the achievement of boys (and further narrow the gap between boys and girls)



Develop and increase the use of student feedback to inform planning for learning so that it is routine

December 2012



Mr Fitzgerald writes: Congratulations to everyone, but especially the School Council for organising the sale of the wrist bands for our first non‐uniform day of the year. We are confident that we have raised over £1,000 which will be going to support our Hillcrest team and the work that they do to help children in South Africa.

OPTIONS PROCESS BEGINS FOR YEAR 9 Ms Pinnick writes: The first month of 2013 is going to involve making some really important decisions about your future. You will be choosing the Options you wish to take at Key Stage 4. In the first week back we will be having an Options Assembly on Wednesday 9th, followed by the Options Evening on Thursday 10th. Options Evening will start at 5:00 pm with a “Market Place” in the Dining Hall where you will be able to get more information about the various choices available. This will be followed by a presentation for parents in the Hall at 6:30. Students will need to make their choices and complete the Options Form by Thursday 25th January. The Options Handbook will soon be available on the school website. 6


Mr Charlesworth writes: The Sixth Form Open Evening on December 13th was a great success. The hall was so full that more than a hundred people had to be standing. We even ran out of prospectuses and application packs. A large number prospective students from other schools were at the evening, reflecting the growing strength and reputation of the Highgate Wood School Sixth Form. The application process will begin in earnest at the start of next year, with the deadline for the first round of applications happening on the 15th February 2013. The prospectus and application pack is available on the school website, where you can see some videos of our sixth formers discussing their experience of A Levels at Highgate Wood School as well as those of past students who reflect on their time here and the successes they have enjoyed as a result.

YEAR 11 ‐ MOCK EXAM RESULTS DAY Mr Mansfield writes: Well done to everyone in Year 11 (and also Year 10) who conducted themselves so well in the December examinations. Year 11 will be receiving the results of these exams on 17th January ‐ in the afternoon before Parents’ Evening. Mock Results day is designed to give students some sense of what it will be like in August, when they pick up their real results. It will also, help students to focus on what needs to be done to achieve the very best grades in the summer in all their courses. December 2012



Ms Roberts writes: On Friday 14th December, Year 9 students were given the opportunity to speak to a range of people from various professions such as accountancy, engineering, journalism, medicine, civil service and many more. The aim of the event was to provide students with some guidance which would enable them to make more informed GCSE choices next term. Students were engaged, following the 4 Cs and asked lots of interesting questions. I'd like to thank the guests for their participation, our staff who assisted with the preparations for the day and the students for their enthusiasm and courtesy during the event. Some feedback from guests who participated: "I thought it was very well run and an excellent thing for pupils to attend and get a feel for what career options there are. From my point of view the pupils were both interested and well behaved despite it being a Friday afternoon." Andrew Mather, Structural Engineer, Ramboll "The students asked some intelligent questions. I wish I had experienced a similar event when I was in school to help me with my career choices." Alex Weaterton ACCA, accountant, C C Young & Co.

Ms Gunes writes: The Geography department took all Year 7s to Kew Gardens to investigate our international connections through plants and ecosystems. Students visited and collected information from three greenhouses; Princess of Wales Conservatory, The Palm House and The Temperate House. In each greenhouse they investigated the various ecosystems that exist in different climatic zones and tried to work out if they were dependant on resources from other countries ‐ i.e. were they a global citizen. We were very lucky that the weather was on our side. It was a beautiful day. We would like to thank all the staff who were involved in the planning and running of the trip. We would to take this opportunity to compliment all Year 7s on their excellent behaviour ‐ they were a credit to our school!


Ms Kemp writes: Thanks to all student who donated shoeboxes as part of Operation Christmas Child. The pleasure you will bring to children in need of some Christmas joy is something you can be very proud of. In the New Year we will find out exactly where your gifts went. Merry Christmas everyone. December 2012




Ms Clyne writes: 8S decided to raise some money this Christmas for the Oxfam charity. For the week of 10‐14th December they have done a sponsored silence every day in registration ‐ believe me this was not an easy activity for them... (Ms. Booth and Ms. Clyne were delighted!) They are also asking fellow Year 8 students to guess the name of a cuddly giraffe and the person who guesses the name correctly wins the giraffe. It is too soon to say how much money we have raised, but we are going to donate it to Oxfam where the tutor group hopes to be able to buy a goat for an African family, or something else from the catalogue which will benefit people with far less than ourselves.

Ms Dodds writes: Congratulations are due to the Year 10 Dance group who have just completed their first GCSE assignment. The standard within the group is extraordinarily high and they are working fantastically to deliver some really extraordinary results. Well done to the whole group.


Ms Allaway writes: We have had some great winners of Jack Petchey awards over the first three months of this year. There is Johnny Roberts for his great work supporting the open evening along with Savannah Mundle, and James Courtney who did a great job supporting the sponsored walk for the Bobath Charity for children with cerebral palsy. We have had thanks from the Bobath charity and certificates for all those that took part. So far we have raised £665! 8

SOAS SATURDAY SCHOOL Ms Roberts writes: Students from Years 9 and 10 attended a taster session at the School of Oriental and African studies, University of London for their Saturday club. The Saturday School is run by university students for secondary school students to experience some more unusual subjects not taught in schools such as Anthropology, Economics, History of Art, Mandarin, Dance, Model United Nations, and World Music. It provides an excellent opportunity for students to experience different subjects, have a taste of University life and develop transferable skills. The Saturday School starts on 19th January and will run every Saturday until 9th March 2013, from 11:30 until 17:00. Students will be provided with complimentary lunch, snacks and drinks. If you're in Year 9 or 10 and would like to attend the Saturday School there are still some limited places left. Please email your full name and year group as soon as possible if you wish to sign up. December 2012

FACT FINDING FOOD TRIP Ms Went writes: Our Year 10 Food Technology group are currently undertaking a project to design a healthy school meal for infant and primary aged children, so what better way to find out what the target group like to eat, than asking them in person. And this is exactly what happened on our fact finding trip to Rokesley Primary school. Our students went prepared with a questionnaire that we had discussed and prepared in class and conducted a Target Market Research Survey on the whole of Rokesley’s Year 4, followed by individual target Consumer Profiles amongst individual Year 4 children. Our students now have all the information they need to design and make a healthy school meal that their target group will enjoy and that meets all their dietary needs. A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all as well as having completed a crucial part of the research for their projects.

A THIRD EXHIBITION FOR OUR STUDENTS’ MOSAICS Ms Jones writes: BTEC Year 11 Sustainability Level 2 group have a Christmas mosaic exhibition at Coffee Circus N8 (opposite Natwest on Crouch Hill nr the W7 bus stop). The students have previously had two successful exhibitions at Lauderdale House Highgate N6, and at Graham Fine Art N8. The new exhibition at Coffee Circus ( will run until 30th December. It's their most successful exhibition to date with many of their mosaics selling, and the proceeds going towards the Highgate Wood School Organic Garden, which is a Capital Growth Growing Space. Visitors have also been putting fantastic comments about the work in the visitors’ book.

OPENING TIMES Weekdays: 8am ‐ 6pm Weekends: 9am ‐ 6pm Coffee Circus 136 Crouch Hill, London N8 December 2012


INTERNATIONAL MODEL UN CONFERENCE Mr O’Connor writes: Highgate Wood School sent 18 delegates to the Global Classrooms International Model UN Conference in December and did remarkably well in a fascinating two days of debate. The main theme of the conference was Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, although there was a crisis committee composed of the Security Council and the Africa Union who were locked in debate about the current crisis between Sudan and South Sudan. This year we took a range of delegates from Year 9 to Year 12 and we also provided 6th Formers to help Chair the committees. Although the International Maritime Organisation HQ can be an intimidating venue (it is the meeting place for UN ambassadors in London), our students quickly adjusted to the atmosphere amongst 450 other students (including delegations from Japan and Saudi Arabia) and were at the heart of all the debates in Conference. This genuinely was a conference to be proud of all our delegates. Our experienced students dominated the Crisis Committee, proving expert at procedure,


negotiation and conflict resolution, in a fast moving and complex situation, and they won the majority of the awards. But even our newest students from Year 9 proved up to the task in a very competitive environment – winning awards at their first ever Model UN. The whole school is proud not only of their achievements, but the commitment that both they and our staff demonstrated in the build up and training for conference With HWS students now competing in Model UN at 6th Form and University level (where our students recently had a fantastic conference at York University) Model UN has never been more confident and capable at our school. In March 2013 we will again be hosting our own conference at HWS (our 6th North London MUN) on the theme of Global Development. With 13 schools already registered, we are involving and energising young people across our school and in the wider community and engaging in global citizenship at the highest levels.

December 2012

YORK UNIVERSITY MODEL UN Niall Kennedy writes: On the 16th to 18th of November, a Model United Nations conference took place at the University of York. Here's how it works: students are allocated a country and a topic to research, then come together over two days to debate with other like (or not‐so‐like) minded individuals in a mock‐UN committee. This time we were at York's university conference. As the only school invited, it could have been difficult to raise any sort of funding; but fortunately the PSA stepped in to register seven Sixth Formers on what turned out to be one of the most fun, tough and rewarding conferences any of us had been on. Organised by Mr Robertson, the trip went ahead and we made it to York in time to feel suitably nervous about the prospect of having to debate alongside students a couple of years our senior.

As soon as we got into the conference itself, we were not only met with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, but swept up in some of the most involving debates we’d ever been a part of. Halfway through, secret missions were handed out to some of the delegates, telling us what our countries had to achieve in the debate in order to be successful. Without the compulsion to change our country’s view based on what we thought was logical or sensible, the debate became about as impassioned as it’s possible to be when you’re North Korea denying what you think are basic human rights. Which is pretty impassioned, by the way. Complete with everything from the threat of nuclear war and a scheming press team to the chance to debate with delegates from all over the world about real issues, the MUN at York is easily the most fun December 2012

debate I’ve ever been a part of. That, coupled with an amazing delegation from HWS that was variously funny, kind and involved enough in their debates to be annoyed, made for a truly unforgettable weekend. We even managed to grab a couple of awards, Sam Tims receiving ‘Distinguished Delegate’ in his committee, and myself collecting ‘Honourable Mention’ in my own. All in all, an amazing experience, and one I’d highly recommend – if you get the chance, take it – debate, as it turns out, is way more fun than it looks on paper.


Ms Birnie writes: Highgate Wood 6th Form students attended the Woodhouse MUN conference in December. The subject of the debates was wide ranging, including such hot topics as the admission of Palestine as a member to the UN, human rights in Syria, the nuclear capability of Iran and the militarisation of space! The majority of the our delegates had never attended a MUN conference before and were nervous about competing with others at a such a high level. But every single one of the them contributed magnificently to their committees and to the final debate. Two of our students, Gabriel Neophytou and Silas Scott, won best delegates. They truly were great ambassadors for the school and dispel the myth that young people are not interested in global politics.



Ms Lacroix writes:

Approaching the end of the year I would like to reflect on our fantastic Paris trip over the summer. It was a great success, and I would like to thank everyone involved. Isabella Terrington: “The trip to Paris was really fun ‐ we managed to cram in lots of site seeing in such a short time.” Joe Dodd: “The Paris trip was fantastic, as everyday there was an interesting schedule. there was never a dull moment, even on the coach trip at 1 am. Going up the Eiffel Tower was incredible and extremely memorable. There was stunning views, especially in the evening with the lights around Paris.” Hannah Barkhouche:”The trip was a great experience. It provided an opportunity to use what we had learnt in real life situations and learn even more. I would definitely recommend it.”



Jack’s Italian Artichoke and Best’s Jamaican Chicken Mozzarella Bruchetta and Rice with Coleslaw

Daniel’s Ghanaian oxtail stew with flat bread December 2012

A few of the dishes prepared by GCSE Food Technology students.

Marianne’s Greek potato, courgette and mushroom omelette



Thanks to the PSA the Science Department has been able to renew its subscription to Doddle (which used to be called My Works). All students have a login for this, which is their school username The password is highgate. SAM Learning username and password is even easier. Both are the same, and are your date of birth, followed by your initials. If you have any problems logging onto these resources, or onto the MLE through which you can access them, please contact Mr Ashman at

HOMEWORK PROJECTS ON THE MLE The first half‐term of 2013 has the following Homework projects for Key Stage 3. You will be able to find details on the MLE Year 7: History:‐ Castles Music:‐ Create a musical instrument Year 8: History:‐ Historical Fiction competition Geography:‐ Rivers Drama:‐ Leaving Home Year 9: Citizenship:‐ Crime & Punishment History: ‐ Dictators

HIGHER EDUCATION NEWS King's College London, along with the Universities of Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, East Anglia, Exeter, Lancaster, Leeds, Southampton, St Andrews and Warwick have all gone into a partnership with FutureLearn, a company set up by the Open University that will offer free courses to internet‐users around the world. The courses are modelled on the American 'massive open online courses' (Moocs), which have already attracted millions of users across the globe, and may to be the direction that higher education will develop in the coming years. Maybe our future students won’t go to University. Instead University will come to them. December 2012

Ms Keates writes: Well done to the A2 Drama and Theatre Studies students who completed their unit 3 practical exam based on the works of Antonin Artaud and ‘The Theatre of Cruelty’. It was a very successful evening where both groups produced a very harrowing and provocative piece of drama.

DEBATE MATE Ms Green writes: Debate Club is up and running again. Three university students from London’s top universities come to Highgate Wood School every week to train debate club members in valuable debate club skills. The first of three annual competitions is coming up in January so we’re working hard to make sure we’re all prepared. Anyone is welcome to join this fun, friendly and challenging club. Debate Club is after school every Monday (and Wednesdays for Year 9s) STAY SAFE ON‐LINE Mr Ashman writes: Safer Internet Day is on 5th February, but you don’t need to wait until then to get safe on‐line. As one of your New Year’s Resolutions why not make sure your privacy settings are in place and that you are not doing anything on‐line that you wouldn’t be happy for your sister, brother, mother, father, grandparents or teachers to know about. 13

LIVING THE OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC VALUES An appropriate end to the year of the London Olympics has been for the school to recognise those students who best represent the Olympic and Paralympic Values These were not easy decisions. So many of our students have achieved so much in the past year, and have demonstrated many admirable qualities. But tutors and year teams eventually decided on the following:‐ Year 7 Lorcan Duffy is living the Olympic Value of Courage by standing up for his friends. Rachel Watson is living the Olympic Value of Determination by giving 100% into all her work and not giving up, despite the difficulty of the challenge. Charlie Clarke is living the Olympic Value of Equality by always being helpful and including everyone in all aspects of school life Zoe Pavey, is living the Olympic Value of Excellence, by always trying to achieve her best and in succeeding. Mya Gomez, is living the Olympic Value of Friendship, by her open and friendly attitude to all members of her new class. Miya Johnson is living the Olympic Value of Inspiration by being a role model and inspiration in representing all students with the same fairness. Savannah Mundle living the Olympic Value of Respect by always being polite and courteous and thinking of others Year 8 Maddie Stott is living the Olympic Value of Courage by her enthusiasm in and around school and for being a good friend. Jahidul Hussein is living the Olympic Value of Determination through showing a commitment and determination to always improve. Ned Scott is living the Olympic Value of Equality by his determination and contribution to music and his ability to share with friends and others. Rachel Gamble is living the Olympic Value of Excellence by displaying her commitment to the 4C’s and always considering how she can be respectful whilst striving for excellence. Elizabeth Oliver is living the Olympic Value of Friendship by consistently following the 4C’c, being a positive role model, showing kindness and friendship. Leo Pitsillides is living the Olympic Value of Inspiration by being cooperative, courteous and unassuming in the way that he goes about his day and inspiring others as a role model to his peers. Hannah Franks is living the Olympic Value of Respect by always showing courtesy and a willingness to take any role within a team and gaining the respect of others. Year 9 Ned Clarke is living the Olympic Value of Courage through always giving his best in football games and never backing down to a challenge. Zoe Hutchings is living the Olympic Value of Determination by always giving her best and challenging herself to succeed no matter the size of the challenge. Beth Goschalk is living the Olympic Value of Equality by always being helpful and including everyone in all aspects of school life. Faye Heron is living the Olympic Value of Excellence by consistently producing outstanding work across school life. Libby Archer is living the Olympic Value of Friendship by being able to be friendly, relate and engage with everyone. Rasheed Kamara is living the Olympic Value of Inspiration having come back to school after a long period of illness and putting his energy in to everything he does. Yoshiki Vernon is living the Olympic Value of Respect by always being polite and courteous to everyone.


December 2012

Year 10 Charlotte Cairns Thomas is living the Olympic Value of Courage as she faces problems head on and never complains! Dan Butuc is living the Olympic Value of Determination by improving his English constantly and achieving 18 merits in GCSE lessons despite the extra challenge of doing it in a foreign language. Cam'Ron Gordon is living the Olympic Value of Equality by thinking of other people first and always treating others with kindness and respect. Fraser Frengley is living the Olympic Value of Excellence by spending hours of his own time producing outstanding music technology compositions and entering online competitions with his music. Kaz Lungah is living the Olympic Value of Friendship by being friendly to everyone and being everyone’s friend. Susie Friedman is living the Olympic Value of Inspiration through being an example to everyone, and demonstrating how high we should all aim and how far we should be able to go. Susie strives to achieve this in everything she does. Joe Stoneman is living the Olympic Value of Respect by being a fantastic but modest student who has equal respect for everyone. Year 11 Ayce Ozdemir is living the Olympic Value of Courage by coming to school during a very difficult time and doing her very best to achieve. Emma Gilligan is living the Olympic Value of Determination by always giving her best and challenging herself to succeed. Gizem Alici is living the Olympic Value of Equality by being courteous and helpful and for her contribution to many areas of school life James Barth is living the Olympic Value of Excellence through his excellent work in school and extra‐curricular activities. Joe Dodd is living the Olympic Value of Friendship through his positive relationships with other students and a friendly and respectful attitude. Ashyha Broome is living the Olympic Value of Inspiration by being a positive role model for others and her constant happy demeanour. Barney Mort is living the Olympic Value of Respect by being kind, courteous and friendly to everyone.


Students at Highgate Wood School are often doing amazing things and enjoying extraordinary achievements outside the school gates. But we don’t always get to hear about it.

We now have an email address which you can use tell us about these things, and anything else positive connected to Highgate Wood School and our students. Email: . Alternatively, if you have a concern you could email

CAST CONFIRMED FOR SCHOOL MUSICAL The school musical, Return to the Forbidden Planet, has been cast with a collection of great talents from all year groups. It includes Alice Goss, Shakrah Siffre‐Banerji, Joshua Riley, Neena Afua‐Nsafoah, Max Gerstein, Fionnuala Stevens, Maya Kally, Hannah Dalgliesh, Kika Adamou,Sim Ferhad, Mia Clifford, Holly Cassidy, Alaine Demosthenous, Ellie Phillips, Ellie Whitlock, Rosy Hoyland, Ruby Cowan, Chloe Petmezas‐Walker, Holly Stott, Imogen Marks, Elsie White, Dmitri Dzunov, Eliza King‐Lassman, Gianluca De Markis, Emma Atkinson, Akiha Kuniyoshi, Ashya Broomes, Maddy Grant‐Pyett, Lucy Parfitt, Isobel Agnew. Matthew Mucahy, Alexandra Burgess, Frankie Shand, Rosa Elson, Alessandra Dakovic, Celine Gyamfi, Zoe Hutchings, Sam Ayres, Phoebe Bennett. The show will take place on 27th and 28th February and 1st March, with tickets available from 4th February. December 2012





Ms McGurk writes: October of this term saw eight Sixth Formers travel to the Basque Country in Northern Spain to take part in the Comenius project, a Europe‐wide initiative to bring students from different countries together whilst focusing on a particular aspect of health. The focus of this trip was 'Healthy Body: Inside and Out' and year 12 and 13 sociology and psychology students were selected to go. Our host school was IES Hernani (near Bilbao, the Basque capital). Dorletta, the assistant head, made us feel extremely welcome and coordinated a very valuable experience for the students. From surfing on a beautiful beach in San Sebastian, to experiencing (and contributing to) a demonstration of relaxation techniques, our hosts ensured there were a multitude of opportunities to engage with the topic in a practical way. There was even a lecture from a university psychology lecturer, in which emotional intelligence was discussed. There were also opportunities to get to know the students from other countries, which included Romania, Belgium and Hungary. The Highgate Wood students really enjoyed getting to know the Basque students and were brought to their homes for a traditional Basque meal. IES Hernani even organised a big party for all of the visiting students on the last night, after a speech from the mayor of Hernani. All in all, the Comenius trip was a huge success and all students were superb ambassadors for HWS and for London ‐ they were extremely open, pleasant and respectful and wholeheartedly got the best out of their experience. Also, a big thank you to Ms. Christodoulou who organised everything seamlessly from our end.

Ms Pinnick writes: "Read books? You mean, we can't just use the internet for research?!" exclaimed one Media Studies student as I explained a proposed trip to the British Film Institute Library. The BFI Reuben Library on the Southbank houses a huge collection of books, journals, documents and audio recordings about the world of film and television. The library collection spans the history of cinema. The Critical Investigation coursework requires students to research and write 2000 words on a contemporary topic of their own choice. Questions vary from 'Why has there been an increase of women gamers in recent years?' to ' With particular reference to Downton Abbey and The Paradise, why are costume dramas so successful?’ On Monday 12th November, the A2 Media Studies students visited the BFI Reuben Library and embarked on a three hour session of reading and making notes from books and periodicals. Our students sat in the quiet desk area – where Pixar‐style white angle lamps cut a suitably filmic figure – and got their heads down to “read books!” Their essays are developing well with all students expected to meet or exceed their target grades. Some have even planned a second visit in the school holiday – what more could we ask for? 16

December 2012


Mr Brown writes: Sixty‐five potential fashion designers travelled up to the Clothes Show in Birmingham on 10th December. As well as seeing the extent of the fashion industry, the catwalks, the displays and the shops they were also able to see JLS. For most of them that meant it was the perfect day out! A few comments from our students: “Today was the best day of my life because it was the first time I’ve been to a show like this, and the first time I’ve seen celebrities like JLS. “Today was absolutely amazing. I loved it.” “I enjoyed myself so much. The catwalk was so much fun, and to watch the clothes was amazing. And I loved all the free stuff!“ “The college catwalks were astounding. One day that will be my designs up there.”


A really impressive collection of Desk Tidies has been produced by Year 7 in Design and Technology. Many more will be on show on the new gallery area of the Design and Technology MLE in the New Year. December 2012


SCHOOL SURVEY RESULTS A big thank you to all the parents, carers and students who completed the school survey at Academic Review Day in November. The results deliver a huge vote of confidence in the school whilst also allowing us to identify those areas where we will be focussing our energies to improve still further.


Our survey is based on some of the questions available on the Ofsted Parent View site which are judged to be good indicators of the success of a school. You can complete the Parent View survey at any time if you register at

Statement: The teaching is good at the school

% Strongly Agree





Statement: My child enjoys school.

Strongly Disagree

% Strongly Agree






Strongly Disagree


Statement: The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour

3.9 0

Statement: The school helps me to support my child’s learning. % Strongly Agree






Strongly Disagree


Statement: The school meets my child’s particular needs. % Strongly Agree





6.1 0

Strongly Disagree

Statement: My school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle.

% Strongly Agree






Strongly Disagree


Statement: The school keeps my child safe. % Strongly Agree




Disagree Strongly Disagree

17.6 1.1

% Strongly Agree





Statement: My school makes sure my child is well prepared for the future.

Strongly Disagree

% Strongly Agree





Statement: The school takes into account my suggestions and concerns. %



Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree






TOTAL RESPONSES: Parents\Carers: 386 completed surveys Students: 350 completed surveys



Strongly Disagree December 2012



Statement: My child is making enough progress at Highgate Wood School

Statement: The school informs me about my child’s progress



Strongly Agree


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree


Statement: The school is led and managed effectively.

Strongly Disagree


Statement: Overall I am happy with my child’s experience at Highgate Wood School.

% Strongly Agree Agree


27 69.4

Strongly Agree








Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


STUDENT SURVEY RESPONSES Statement: I enjoy school.

Strongly Agree 30% Agree 66% Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: I feel safe in school.

Strongly Agree 44.3% Agree 54.3% Disagree 1.1% Strongly Disagree 0.3%

Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: The school informs me about my progress.

Strongly Agree 24.5% Agree 65.7% Disagree 9.5% Strongly Disagree 0.3%

Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: I am making enough progress at school.

Strongly Agree 28.2% Agree 66.6% Disagree 4.9% Strongly Disagree 0.3% Strongly agree Agree

Statement: Teaching is good at Highgate Wood School.

Strongly Agree 27.6% Agree 68.6% Disagree 3.5% Strongly Disagree 0.3% Strongly agree Agree

Statement: I feel supported by staff in my learning.

Strongly Agree 24.9% Agree 67.7% Disagree 5.1% Strongly Disagree


Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: My school helps me have a healthy lifestyle Strongly Agree 20.1%

Agree 59.2% Disagree 19% Strongly Disagree 1.7%

Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: I feel well supported with change.

Strongly Agree 27.7% Agree 67.9% Disagree 4.1% Strongly Disagree 0.3% Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: I feel my particular needs are met.

Strongly Agree 19.3% Agree 72.8% Disagree 7.6% Strongly Disagree 0.3%

Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: HWS deals with unacceptable behaviour.

Strongly Agree 32.8% Agree 54.1% Disagree 11.9% Strongly Disagree 1.2%

Strongly agree Agree Disagree

Statement: The school takes account of student voice

Strongly Agree 22.4% Agree 59.8% Disagree 15.7% Strongly Disagree


Strongly agree Agree Disagree December 2012



Ms Zwicky writes: The Year 11 Art & Design students have worked incredibly hard creating personal and exciting outcomes to their coursework in the 10 hour exam. As you will see from a visit to the art rooms, their hard work has paid off. We wish you all the best of luck in the Exam Unit, which is to start in the new year! We know you can do it, you are all fantastically creative, and we look forward to seeing you put everything you have learnt in the last two years into practice!


Ms Zwicky writes: The Set Club has started! The set designers this year are making a terrifying Alien Monster inspired by all the Sci‐fi greats, and are well on the way to ensure this will be the most impressive set made by our talented students yet! The set will be a spaceship forming the backdrop of this years Musical 'Return to the Forbidden Planet' If you are interested to join in, there are very limited spaces left, come and get a letter from Ms Masters or Ms Zwicky asap!

THE WINTER CONCERT Ms Dornan writes: This year’s Winter Concert has involved nearly 200 students of all ages and musical tastes. There are those who have been involved centre stage, and many others who have contributed behind the scenes to make the performances such a success. The choir, orchestra, jazz band, funk band, brass ensemble, guitar group and mandolinis are all performing again this year. And there are many other delights too. Students from across the school have been able to stage performances that they have organised themselves, including a guitar duet, a piano duet, acoustic and electric bands. Kesanna Bryan (8D) has been performing a song that she composed herself, whilst others are performing their own arrangements of more familiar classics. For Year 13 students, the 2012 performance represents their final Winter Concert performance at Highgate Wood School ‐ in some cases, after seven years of concerts and tours with us. At the other end of the spectrum, Year 7 students are taking part for the first time, appearing in Choir and other groups. As usual, each performance begins with festive carols by our Parents’ Choir outside the hall, and each evening ends with parents, friends and teachers having the chance to see everyone onstage at once for the traditional Finale. 20

December 2012


Mr Rowlands writes: As many people noticed, a few brave souls within the school who, after putting aside their pride and boyish good looks, embarked on the moustache growing journey during November. November, or Movember, is the month when you find the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in the UK and around the world. The aim is to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer. We are now asking you to help support our journey by making a donation. The size isn’t important, every little contribution helps Movember to continue its funding of world class programmes. To highlight the importance of the campaign take a look at these statistics:  1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime  This year 40,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed in the UK  47% of testicular cancer cases occur in men under 35 years and over 90% occur in men under 55 years

If you’d like to help change these statistics, please donate to by: Donating online at: , , owenbrennan or By writing a cheque payable to 'Movember', referencing Registration ID: 3595153 and mailing it to: Movember Europe PO Box 68600 London EC1P 1EF December 2012


Back to Netball is a club that runs on Monday nights in the Sports Hall and is open to parents, staff, past and current students. It is run by Jo Stevens, a certified netball coach whose children are at Highgate Wood School. The club has only been running since September but they are already enjoying some success. They played in a Back to Netball Festival at The Sobell Centre in December and came third out of six teams, which is a fantastic result considering the short amount of time the team have been together. If you would like to be part of the Back to Netball team please contact Jo Stevens at

Arabella Weir writes: There are 1370 students at Highgate Wood School, with around 1000 parents/carers. If every family/household bought JUST ONE lottery ticket for only £1 a month (a very manageable £12 a year) ‐ the lottery would raise over £10,000 a year for much needed and hugely appreciated school 'extras', benefiting ALL Highgate Wood students. So, please, if you can, buy just one ticket and you'll be part of making a huge contribution. For details contact Jane or Arabella on or text us on 07850681140 or call on 0207263.9867 Dates for PSA meetings in 2013 24th January 12th March 16th May 21


Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger – Benjamin Okri Mr Russell writes: The First Story Creative Writing Workshop has now been running for eight weeks. Thirteen students have been working alongside Anthony Anaxagorou, an acclaimed poet and spoken word performer. Students have focused on developing characters, exploring wordplay and creating their own stories – as well as lambasting Mr Russell for not bringing sweets! Their stories will eventually be published in their own Anthology (due 2013 – watch this space) A special thanks must go to Ms Emery, Mr Papagno and Ms Taylor for helping to run the project during a busy Autumn term. Below, Caleb (7I) tells you about the mischievous and sometimes troubling objects in his home and Davina (9G) shares what she has and has not done. Home Paranoia by Caleb Wyckoff‐Smith This is about my lazy bed, my paranoid bookcase, my maddened clock, my informative computer, my loyal hat, my self‐contained drawings and my gluttonous fridge.

SIXTH FORM PAIRED READERS Ms Green writes: Well done to all sixth‐form paired reading volunteers who are making a huge difference to the confidence and reading ability of the Year 7 students they have been working with. Since October half term, a team of sixth form students have been meeting weekly with a Year 7 student to mentor their progress in reading. The Year 7s involved have all responded extremely well and are making good progress with their new reading mentors. Sixth form volunteers: Alana Leissle, Kate Gosschalk, Naimish Thanki, Himaya Dhar, Dondu Ocak, Alpa Joshi, Ellie Whitlock, Sule Yusuf, Yasmin Esayg‐Lee, Andrew Osborne, Faith Asemota, Andre Jackson, Julian Posada, Jake O’Donovan‐Cudsi, Madeleine Sellers and Farhan Ahmed.


I am paranoid in my house: My fridge eats anything I put into it. My clock is mad from the sound of its own ticking. My bookcase just stands there menacingly. I haven’t done everything by Davina Jackson‐Keen I have not made my way under moonlight but I have nursed a bird back to health. I have not been on tour with a successful band but I have watched my brother on a West End stage. I am not a head chef in my own 5 star restaurant but have been to Las Vegas. I am not a computer genius but I have biked through San Francisco. I haven’t done everything but...


Mr Ashman writes: Lots of students have been asking about how they can learn to code and program. As a result we are launching a Computer Club in the New Year. The club will be open to all students from Years 7 and 8. The first meeting will take place at lunchtime on Wednesday 9th January in A35.

LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE Open: every school day at 8:00 am every break time every lunchtime and... every school day after school: until 5:00 pm Monday to Wednesday until 4:00 pm on Thursday and Friday December 2012



Ms Green writes: Book Club members have been whizzing through novels since the half term break. Weekly meetings on Friday lunchtimes have led to plenty of lively, varied and interesting discussions comparing two books set in Afghanistan: ‘In the Sea there are Crocodiles’ and ‘The Breadwinner’. Many students have been able to link what they’ve read to what they have been studying in Citizenship this term. One student said: “seeing how much the main characters have suffered makes me really value my own life, education and opportunities.’ Well done to the following students for your enthusiasm and thoughtful discussions at Book Club: Alex Vidic, Demet Duman, Elif Celik, Melisa Sahan, Faye Heron, Abel Kent, Sarah Free, Liliana Ricketts, Hannah Ramsden and Hamdi Dalmer. New members are always welcome. Please speak to the LRC staff if you wish to join Book Club. We have now started ‘The Messenger Bird’.

THANK YOU LRC ASSISTANTS Ms Green writes: Well done to all of our fabulous LRC assistants who do a fantastic job in helping to keep our library service running smoothly. The following students have shown particular commitment and enthusiasm: Madeleine Baron, Peter Moore, Alex Diaferia, Ebru Cokgezici, Sibel Biner, Armelinda Idrizi, Maya Eagles, Charlotte Ley, Louie Shann, Conrad Pope, Mahjaben Hussain and Somiya Shabir. December 2012

Ms Green writes: Congratulations to 42 of our students whose poems entered into the ‘Poetry Games’ competition will be published in a new ‘Young Writers’ anthology. This anthology is scheduled for publication in February 2013. A copy of this book will be available in the LRC as a lasting record of their achievement. Every student whose work is published has the chance to win an iPad! Twelve finalists will be selected nationally after the anthology is published.


Ms Ronay writes: Highgate Wood School has embraced Literacy Across The Curriculum in a big way. All our teachers are now teachers of literacy. Key Stage 3 Form Tutors are giving 10 subject key words to their tutees weekly, in a drive to improve spelling across the school. Students have responded positively to the initiative and are motivated to get them right. They have learnt a range of spelling strategies including the multi sensory method "look, say, cover, write and check", mnemonics and words within words. As the Literacy Coordinator I am really impressed with how committed the students are to learning their spellings and would like to thank Year 8 and 9 Form Tutors for all their hard work in making spelling a weekly focus.” 23

School starts again on Monday 7th January It will be Week Two. Lessons will start at 10:50 Thursday Jan 10th

Options Evening 5:00 pm Market place 6:30 pm Presentation

Thursday Jan 17th

Mock Results Day and Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Friday Jan 18th

Late Start—school begins at 9:35

Tuesday February 5th


18th—22nd February


27th—28th Feb/ 1st March


Parent Consultation Evenings


Year 7 Tuesday 7th May 2013

Tuesday 5th February Inset afternoon

Year 8 Wednesday 6th March 2013

Monday 18th March Inset afternoon Tuesday 23rd May Inset afternoon

Year 9 Thursday 15th November 2012

Monday 3rd June INSET DAY

Year 10 Tuesday 29th January 2013 Year 11 Thursday 17th January 2013 Year 12 & 13 Wednesday 28th November 2012 AUTUMN 2012



Wed 5th September

Term Starts *

Mon 7th Jan

Term Starts

Mon 15th April

Term Starts

29th Oct ‐ 2nd Nov

Half term break

18th Feb– 22nd Feb

Half term break

27th—31st May

Half term break

Friday 21st Dec

Term Ends

Thurs 28th March

Term Ends

Wed 24th July

Term Ends

The school calendar is now available on‐line at

Keep informed Find out what is going on at Highgate Wood School and keep up with our news

visit us at our website

follow us on twitter

Insight is available on‐line at With the possibility of winter weather disrupting normal life you can check on whether the school is open and what actions we may need to take in the event of severe weather by calling 0208408 7508 and giving the school’s DfE code 3094030 We will also always endeavour to update our website, twitter feed and send text messages to keep parents informed

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