Key Stage 4 Options 2014

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Key Stage 4 September 2014 Highgate Wood School Montenotte Road London N8 8RN tel: 0208 3427970 email:

Index Letter from Mr Hartley Informed Choices Key Dates; types of qualifications Learning Pathways Student checklist

4 5 8 9 10

The Core English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics Science Ethics and Cultural Studies Citizenship\PHSE Physical Education

11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19

Options Art and Design Business Studies Business and Economics Computer Science Dance Design and Technology: Food Technology Design and Technology: Resistant Materials Design and Technology: Textiles Technology Drama Foundation Learning Programme Geography History ICT Media Studies Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish) Music Music Technology Physical Education Sociology

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

March 2014 Dear Year 9 Student, t month we about your future. Over the nex ke ma to ns isio dec ant ort imp ely. You have some p you make those decisions wis hel to le sib pos as ce dan gui aim to give you as much help and riculum. You will be Key Stage 3 onto the 14 to 19 Cur m fro ve mo you 4 201 ber tem r 11. However, In Sep your public examinations in Yea to up you e tak l wil t tha dy stu beginning a course of Sixth Form and on to y towards Post 16 courses in the rne jou ger lon r you of t par as s we see thi Higher Education. ns for your information to make good decisio the e hav you ure ens to is s ces The options pro maintain progression courses very carefully in order to r you ose cho you t tha l cia cru of work. future. It is her Education and for the world Hig for e par pre to o als and rs, over the next four yea will be r subjects, a number of subjects ilia fam of ge ran a h wit e tinu con Though you will nal courses (courses 4 Curriculum offers some vocatio ge Sta Key The . you to ential new completely jects. You should discuss your pot sub ic dem aca new as ll we as e) related to the workplac t teachers. Head of House and your subjec or, tut s, ent par r you h wit dy areas of stu e the best pathway for take the subjects that will provid ts den stu t tha ant ort imp lly oy. It is vita jects that you are good at and enj sub the ut abo nk thi to is s thi of dge, their future. A big part to provide a breadth of knowle ts jec sub of ice cho r you for is n ed for your Another important consideratio eriences and qualifications requir exp c cifi spe the as ll we as g, skills and understandin future. at their subject offers. Be of Subject has written about wh ad He h eac es pag ing ow foll staff In the it is not clear, go and talk to the of any if and lly, efu car n atio students in the current sure to read the inform end of each subject), and to any the at d nte pri are es nam eir concerned (th jects you are interested in. Year 10 who are taking the sub clear to Core subjects. It has been made the on n atio rm info the g din rea First, spend time g you do’. Ask the ey are at the centre of everythin ‘th , are ts jec sub se the ant ort where it you how imp p your skills and knowledge and elo dev l wil it how nk thi and teachers about the course can take you on your journey. l be chosen for you hway to follow; this pathway wil pat lar ticu par a d ere off be l wil follow Students t under half the year group will Jus . ure fut r you and you for t sciences. About half depending on what is bes g course including the separate gin llen cha hly hig a be l wil ich selects ‘Pathway A’ wh a rigorous academic pathway but o als is ich wh B’ ay thw ‘Pa ow pported Pathway’ of the year group will foll students will be following a ‘Su of up gro all sm A e. cor its at ” lish and “double science t to achieve a grade C in their Eng por sup ra ext d nee o wh ts den need in order to be which is intended for stu e the focused support that they eiv rec l wil ts den stu se The SE. hway will Mathematics GC ent. Students following this pat ym plo em or on cati Edu r the Fur s. If any parent has a able to move forward to eting at school with their parent me a in m for ons opti ir the te need to comple tact Mr Hartley. you are following they should con ay hw pat ich wh ut abo n stio que rs, you will klet and spoken to your teache boo s thi in n atio rm info the all After you have read given a form to fill in study in the option. You will be to h wis you ts jec sub ich wh however, have to decide ne is happy with their choices; ryo eve t tha ure ens to try l wil e occasions showing these choices. We ces, staffing and aptitude. On som our res t ins aga s ice cho e anc bal we also need to . onsider when choices cannot run students are approached to rec Yours sincerely, Mr Hartley Assistant Headteacher Page 4

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

The English Baccalaureate

The English Baccalaureate was introduced as a performance measure for schools in England in the 2010 performance tables. It is not a qualification.

The Russell Group of Universities consists of 24 of the leading universities in the UK. Their publication, “Informed Choices”, provides some things to consider in selecting your options at Key Stage 4. Pre-16 Qualifications and University Entry General Entrance Requirements

Universities may ask for a specific number of GCSEs (or their equivalent). For example, a number of medical courses ask for five (sometimes more) A* grades. GCSE English or another standard level equivalent is very often required at grade C at least. At many universities, this is a universal entry requirement for any course. Mathematics is also often required at grade C at least. Currently University College London (UCL) is the only Russell Group institution to require a Modern Foreign Language GCSE at grade C or above for all of its programmes. However if you did not take a Modern Foreign Language GCSE, or if you got a D grade or below, you can still apply to any UCL degree programme, and it won’t negatively affect your application. You will not be rejected just because you don’t have it but you will need to complete a short course in a Modern Foreign Language, either on a summer school or in the first year of your degree, to catch up. For many courses a B grade at least in GCSE English is needed with science and engineering courses in particular often specifying this. Equally, courses such as Business and Psychology, which may attract applicants who aren’t necessarily strong mathematicians, commonly ask for a B grade in Mathematics and, in some cases, sciences.

The measure recognises where pupils have achieved a C grade or better at GCSE in English, Mathematics, History or Geography, two sciences and a Modern or Ancient Language. From 2014 Computer Science will be included as a science option in the English Baccalaureate performance measure. The English Baccalaureate includes academic subjects highly valued by the Russell Group, but it is not currently required for entry to any Russell Group university. Most universities require English and mathematics. A few also particularly value a Modern Foreign Language.* All successful applicants are normally expected to have achieved good grades in a range of subjects at GCSE or equivalent, and to meet any specific requirements for their chosen course. Requirements for specific subjects

The GCSE or other standard level entrance requirements for individual degree courses are quite varied. In some cases, a particular subject or grade is required at standard level if it isn’t being offered at advanced level. The summary below gives an idea of some of the GCSE requirements that you might come across for certain degree courses. Remember that these are only examples. It’s important to check university websites for detailed requirements before applying: 

Applicants to study Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science are usually required to have very good GCSE results in mathematics, science and English.

* If you speak a foreign language at home it may be possible to sit a GCSE examination for that language. A GCSE in a community language means that you will have covered a “foreign language” within your GCSE results. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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Applicants to study Teacher Training are required to have a minimum grade C in GCSE Mathematics, science and English.

For a degree in English, universities often look for applicants to have a GCSE in a modern or classical language.

For a Business degree, sometimes a grade A, or more often at least a grade B, in GCSE Mathematics is required.

A grade B in mathematics is often required for a degree in Psychology, and a grade B in science may sometimes be required.

To study a science subject at university (including Biology, Chemistry or Physics) applicants who are not offering mathematics at advanced level will often need to have achieved a minimum of a grade C in mathematics at GCSE

Facilitating Subjects

The Russell Group identify certain subjects as those most likely to be required or preferred for entry to degree courses, and choosing them at A Level will keep more options open to you at university. These facilitating subjects currently include Mathematics, English Literature, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History and Languages, but may expand in the coming years. If you wish to take a particular subject at A Level it would be wise to check whether you will be required to take the subject and achieve a particular grade at GCSE level. Useful sites

If you wish to explore the sort of courses currently available at university the two sites that will help are UCAS and Do remember that university courses and requirements are likely to change a great deal over the coming four years. Page 6

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014


In 2016 you will be completing your Key Stage 4 courses and looking to build on those achievements in the 6th form. Many things will change between now and then. It is possible that entry requirements for some of the courses will change and it is quite likely that new courses are going to be on offer. Even so, it is worthwhile knowing what is currently available and what our current Year 11 students need to achieve to get on to their chosen courses. All courses have specific entry requirements and to study A Levels you will have to achieve at least 5 GCSEs at A* - C, and usually these include at least C grades in English Language and mathematics. To study Mathematics at A Level students need to have achieved at least an A in their Mathematics GCSE. Those who are studying Further Mathematics will have had to have achieved an A*. If you wish to study English Language or English Literature at A Level you need to have achieved at least a B in those subjects at GCSE.

Level 6 to 8 Honours Degree Postgraduate qualifications


Level 5 HND/C Ordinary/Foundation Degree

Level 4

Those students studying A Level Biology, Chemistry or Physics will have received at least a B in the relevant science if they have studied Biology, Chemistry and Physics separately or would have achieved an A in Double Science. They will also have received either at least a B or, for Physics, at least an A, in GCSE Mathematics. Many subjects at A Level do not require previous study at GCSE level. These include Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Government & Politics, Economics, Business Studies and Media Studies. Other courses do not insist on previous study at GCSE but do require a GCSE in a related subject. For example, you do not require Textiles GCSE to study Textiles at A Level, but you will be expected to have achieved a C or above in one of the Design Technology GCSEs (Textiles, Food Technology or Resistant Materials) or a B in Art and Design.

Certificate of Higher Education NVQ level 4

Level 3 AS and A levels BTEC Nationals International Baccalaureate OCR National level 3 Cambridge International Awards Level 3 Diploma NVQ level 3

Studying a modern language at A Level will require you to have succeeded in that language at GCSE. Similarly those students studying History or Geography in the sixth form will have achieved a B or above in that subject at GCSE level.

Level 2 GCSEs grades A* - C BTEC First Awards, Certificates and Diplomas OCR Nationals NVQ Level 2

More information about requirements at A Level are available on the Sixth Form section of the school website and in the Highgate Wood School Sixth Form Prospectus.

Level 1 GCSEs grades D - G BTEC Introductory Certificates and Diplomas NVQ Level 1




Option 1

Option 2

Option 3




Pathway A










Pathway B










Supported Path











* English is English Language and English Literature # Students on Pathways A and B will be given the opportunity to also pursue a further GCSE course in Mathematics, either Statistics or Further Mathematics. There will be an opportunity for Pathway A students to attend extra ECS sessions outside of the normal timetable to enable them to achieve a full GCSE in the subject . GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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KEY DATES Monday 3rd March

Introduction to Options Assembly

Friday 7th March

Year 9 Careers Fair

Monday 10th March

Options Assembly

Tuesday 11th March

Year 9 Options Evening

Tuesday 25th March

Options hand-in deadline


Confirmation of options choices

Types of Qualifications in Key Stage 4 Between the ages of 14 and 16, you have the opportunity to work towards a number of qualifications. They are your ‘passport’ to further and higher education, training and employment. General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) - Key Stage 4 of the National Curriculum is usually assessed in terms of GCSEs. The government has recently made a decision to change GCSEs to a linear assessment scheme, which means students are assessed via controlled assessment coursework tasks and a terminal exam at the end of the course. Level 1 and 2 GCSE tiers are offered. BTEC qualifications - are Level 1 and 2 qualifications which offer on-going assessment of academic achievement. These courses are examined through assignments at regular intervals and an exam at a specific point in the course.

How are KS4 courses assessed? GCSEs are assessed largely or entirely by a final exam or series of exams at the end of Year 11, all GCSE courses are linear meaning there are no modular exams taken before the end of the course. Any remaining part of the assessment is usually by controlled assessment; this takes different forms in different subjects but is they are all carried out in school and under a high degree of control. BTEC courses and some GCSEs are largely assessed by coursework which is carried out during the two year course and submitted at the end. There is always an examined component to these courses.

What is controlled assessment? Controlled assessment is a form of internal assessment of the work of the course. Replacing coursework, controlled assessment: 

encourages a more integrated approach to teaching, learning and assessment

enables teachers to confirm that pupils carry out the work involved.

Controlled assessment differs from both coursework and external examinations. It may, for example, allow supervised access to sources, such as the internet, for research purposes.

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GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

How much choice is there? The remainder of this booklet describes both the “Core” subjects and the “option choices” subject by subject. The Core Subjects = courses every student follows: English Language and English Literature

Ethics and Cultural Studies (ECS)


Citizenship students (non-examination)

Science Courses

Core Physical Education (non-examination)

The Pathways Explained The school will decide on whether you will be on Pathway A, Pathway B or the Supported Pathway. This is not part of the choice students have in the process.

Pathway A Pathway A students study the three sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics as a part of the core offer, they study for the short course or the full course GCSE ECS You choose three options subjects (or two if one is a BTEC) including a language if appropriate.

Pathway B Pathway B students study double science as part of their core offer and also the full GCSE course ECS. In addition pathway B students choose three option subjects (or two if one is a BTEC).

The Supported Pathway Students on the supported pathway receive extra support in their literacy and numeracy and take BTEC science instead of GCSE. In addition to the core offer students on the supported pathway choose two option subjects (or one if another BTEC is chosen). The subjects chosen must be agreed in a meeting in the SEN department to ensure that students take courses that are appropriate.

Where can I get more information about options? In order to make sound choices, students must be well informed. Information can be obtained from a variety of sources: 

The Careers Library in the LRC has many resources regarding a whole range of Careers and post-16 opportunities. The school employs a consultant on Careers Advice and Guidance: Chris Kennington.

There are Drop-in Sessions on Wednesday lunchtimes – your form tutor will have the information on these.

You can also make an individual appointment through Ms. Angove (in Technology).

Subject staff are happy to tell students as much as they need to know about GCSE courses in their departments. Heads of Department will be able to advise at the Year 9 Option Evening. – available online will give advice on different subjects and career paths.

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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Student checklist – choices for Key Stage 4 1. Which courses should I choose? Choose courses that: 

you know you can do well in

will help you keep your options open in the future

are in subjects you like

reflect your interests and personal qualities

help you learn in the best way for you.

2. Why should I not choose some courses? Don’t choose courses because: 

you like the teacher, or reject courses because you don’t like him/her – the teacher could be different next year 

your friends are choosing them – they are different from you and have different strengths and interests.

3. Is it okay to not continue with some subjects? Yes, but remember: 

you can sometimes take a course, Media Studies for example at A Level, even if you haven’t taken it at Key Stage 4. You will need to have evidence of ability to achieve success, such as a good GCSE grade in another humanities subject or English 

quite a few jobs which are not directly related to a subject may make use of it, for example art and music are very useful in primary school teaching.

4. What else should I consider? If you: 

have a clear idea about doing particular work-based training or a specific job – find out the most appropriate courses for it 

have a general idea of the broad area of work you’d like to go into – find out whether you can do any courses which would start you on the way without stopping you from doing other things if you change your mind 

want to continue in learning – find out what subjects you could do and whether you need to take certain courses to help you achieve your aim 

don’t have any clear ideas now? Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to do in the future. It is pretty rare for someone in Year 9 who has their life-plan mapped out. And even those who do are likely to change their ideas over time. Make sure you keep your options open.

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GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

The Core

Think of the centre of the Earth, we call this the Core. Think of a magnificent building, it has strong core foundations. Your learning is the same. The Core is central, it is the foundation. You must work hard to get the core right. The three main Core subjects are English, Mathematics and Science. During Key Stage 4 you will all study Ethics & Cultural and Studies, Citizenship\PHSE and core PE. Each Pathway differs slightly it what constitutes its core. Which Pathway each student will follow will be determined by the school. CORE: FOR PATHWAY A

Core lessons Pathway A (bold type indicates that a full GCSE qualification is obtained)

English Language





English Literature

Xtra Maths*

ECS (full or short)

Core PE



Core lessons Pathway B (bold type indicates that a full GCSE qualification is obtained)

English Language


Core Science

English Literature

Xtra Maths*

ECS (full)

Additional Science Core PE


Xtra Maths* Students on Pathways A and B will be given the opportunity to also pursue a further GCSE course in Mathematics, either Statistics or Further Mathematics.


Supported Pathway (bold type indicates that a full GCSE qualification is obtained)

English Language


BTEC Science

English Literature

ECS (full)

Core PE

Literacy & Numeracy Support Citizenship

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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Exam Board: AQA 4705

English Language GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? GCSE English Language allows you to demonstrate your ability to use English in real life contexts and uses an investigative and analytical approach to language topics drawing on personal experience. You will read and understand a range of non-fiction texts, identifying the writers’ crafts and transfer these skills into your own writing for a range of genres, audiences and purposes. You will also continue to develop your skills in speaking and listening activities. How will I be assessed? You will assessed through a mixture of examinations and controlled assessments: Exam: (60% - Reading 30% & Writing 30%) Written controlled assessments (40%). These will include:  Extended reading (15%)  Creative writing (15%)  Spoken Language Study (10%) A separate Speaking and Listening certificate is issued.

Progress Routes and Careers Employers and universities want young people who can communicate effectively in both the written and spoken word, regardless of the job they are doing or the course they are pursuing. As with the other core subjects, English supports other job-specific skills: for example, the engineer or architect who wants to progress will need to show a good ability in English and communication skills. Among the graduate-level areas of employment for the English specialist are: advertising, journalism, marketing and teaching. English Language A Level can be studied at Highgate Wood School 6th Form.

For further information contact: Ms Ford or any other teacher in the department. Page 12

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: AQA 9715

English Literature GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? GCSE English Literature involves analysing a range of texts including novels, poetry and plays and understanding how writers use language to achieve different effects. You also have the opportunity to explore texts from a personal perspective and develop an understanding of historical and social influences on writing. How will I be assessed? You will be assessed through two examinations: Exploring Modern Texts (40%) and Poetry Across Time (35%), along with a controlled assessment on The Significance of Shakespeare and the English Literary Heritage (25%).

Progress Routes and Careers Many students develop a love of literature and go on to study at A Level. As with English Language, it is an excellent subject for developing the communication and analytical skills needed for many jobs and is an excellent preparation for a range of Arts and Humanities degrees. English Literature A Level can be studied at Highgate Wood School Sixth Form.

For further information contact: Ms Ford or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 13

Exam Board: Edexcel 1MAO\ Statistics Edexcel 2ST01

Mathematics GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? The GCSE course will develop your interest, enjoyment and understanding of Mathematics. We all realise that Mathematics plays an important part in all our daily lives and so the course is essential in preparing you for the future. We will encourage you to read, write and talk about Mathematics in a variety of situations. You will be expected to be capable of performing mathematical operations on paper, mentally and by using a calculator. A key aspect of Mathematics is developing resilience when problem solving and meeting new ideas. Over the two years you will develop your knowledge and skills in key areas of mathematics. 

Using and applying Mathematics

Number and Algebra e.g. decimals, fractions, equations and graphs

Shape and Space

Handling Data

How will I be assessed? Most students will take the Edexcel Higher Tier Exam. Students in set 5 usually take the Foundation Tier Exam. Two papers sat in Summer 2016 Paper One (50%) Non-Calculator Paper Two (50%) Calculator Extra Options: It is very likely that many students will be given the additional opportunity to pursue either GCSE Statistics or the AQA Further Maths extension course.

Progress Routes and Careers Maths competency, often at grade C standard, is essential for most careers. Further study at A Level is desirable for higher education in many areas such as engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, pharmacy, medicine, veterinary science, insurance, banking, business management and many others.

For further information contact: Ms Payton or any other teacher in the department. Page 14

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: OCR J241-5

Science GCSE and BTEC

Overview of the course What will I learn? The Key Stage 4 Science course at Highgate Wood School has three pathways and students will be guided by their teachers onto the most appropriate path Pathway A: GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics. Students will be chosen for the separate science course. Edexcel BTEC First Awards in Applied Science. This course is also known as Triple Science and you will be taught by three separate teachers, each a specialist. Students will be examined for this course at the end of Year 11. Pathway B: Double Science GCSE Science (examined at the end of Year 10) and GCSE Additional Sci9ence (examined at the end of Year 11) Supported Pathway: BTEC Science The BTEC Science course will, for a small number of students, be the most appropriate course. It is a vocational course and is widely recognised by colleges and employers. Students complete the one Award (Principles of Applied Science) in Year 10 and then a second Award (Application of Science) in Year 11.

How do I choose which course to do?  Pathway B students will follow the double science GCSE (Science and Additional Science)  Pathway A students will be chosen for Triple Science.  For a small number of students the BTEC Science will be the most appropriate course.

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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Science GCSE and BTEC (contd.) What will I learn? GCSE Science aims to develop your understanding of the science around you that affects your everyday life. In addition, you will also be developing scientific skills and learning how science works. This course is suitable for the majority of students. It will prepare you for further studies at AS and A level in the sciences or vocational courses. Some of the topics: Biology - you and your genes, keeping healthy and life on earth. Chemistry – air quality, material choices and chemicals in our lives: risks and benefits. Physics – the earth in the universe, radiation and life, radioactive materials. Separate scientists will cover extra units in Year 10 and three large extension units in Year 11. In BTEC Science, for the Award in Year 10, students will take four units of: Principles of Science, Chemistry and Our Earth, Energy and Our Universe and Biology and Our Environment. How will I be assessed? BTEC First Awards in Applied Science BTEC Science encourages the development of vocational scientific skills. There are two external units, one in Year 10 and one in Year 11. For the other units, students build up a portfolio of assignments that are based on real-life, workplace scenarios. These are mainly investigative or practically based. The coursework assignments are marked internally and verified by the exam board. Students will receive grades of a Pass, a Merit or a Distinction for each. Marks over the whole course are collated and used to issue a final grade.

GCSE Double Science (Science and Additional Science) Each GCSE is examined as four Units and comprises: 75% Examination papers and 25% controlled assessment. Each GCSE is examined at the end of each year. Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) Each GCSE is examined as four Units and comprises: 75% Examination papers and 25% controlled assessment at the end of the course in Year 11.

Progress Routes and careers Students completing the Double Science and Separate Sciences can progress to AS Levels in any scientific subjects including Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Science GCSEs and BTECs provide an excellent qualification that is valued by colleges and employers. Students are taught analytical skills which are vital for almost any sector they chose to enter into.

For further information contact: Mr Brennan, Mr Nayar or any other teacher in the department. Page 16

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: WJEC Spec B


Overview of the course What will I learn? This GCSE helps students to reflect upon ultimate questions about the meaning and purpose of life, and to develop their own reasoned response to those questions.. By evaluating ethical issues, and expressing views using reasoned arguments, you can enhance your capacity and desire to make a positive contribution to debates and decisions in society. How will I be assessed? This course is 100% externally assessed examination. Students answer four topics for each exam paper. Each question is worth 24 marks with 5 additional marks for Spelling, punctuation and grammar – a total of 101 marks. Unit 1 – Religion and life issues Unit 2 – Religion and Human experience

(50%) (50%)

1h 45min 1h 45min

Topic titles within Unit 1: Religious Attitudes to: Relationships Is it fair? Looking for meaning. Our World Topic titles within Unit 2: Religion and Conflict Religion and Medicine Religious expression Religion and State.

Progress Routes and Careers It is a subject that fosters respect and tolerance for the beliefs and values of others. In the world of work, employers look for someone with an enquiring mind, an appreciation of different viewpoints, an ability to arrive at clear, balanced decisions. These skills are all develop through Ethics and Cultural studies GCSE. The study of Ethics and Cultural studies at GCSE lays a good foundation for further study of Philosophy at A level and will complement other related and popular A level subjects including History, Government and Politics, Sociology and English Literature. .

For further information contact: Ms Burniston or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 17

Citizenship and PHSE Overview of the course In Citizenship you will build on the learning from Key Stage 3 to deepen your understanding of democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens as well as issues of justice and citizenship in local, national, international and global contexts. The new national curriculum has a focus on the following areas at Key Stage 4:  parliamentary democracy and the key elements of the constitution of the United Kingdom, including the power of government, the role of citizens and Parliament in holding those in power to account, and the different roles of the executive, legislature and judiciary and a free press  the different electoral systems used in and beyond the United Kingdom and actions citizens can take in democratic and electoral processes to influence decisions locally, nationally and beyond  other systems and forms of government, both democratic and non-democratic, beyond the United Kingdom  local, regional and international governance and the United Kingdom’s relations with the rest of Europe, the Commonwealth, the United Nations and the wider world  human rights and international law  the legal system in the UK, different sources of law and how the law helps society deal with complex problems  diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom and the need for mutual respect and understanding 

the different ways in which a citizen can contribute to the improvement of their community, to include the opportunity to participate actively in community volunteering, as well as other forms of responsible activity  income and expenditure, credit and debt, insurance, savings and pensions, financial products and services, and how public money is raised and spent These areas will be partly covered within other subjects whilst Citizenship will continue to provide a wide range of opportunities, both within and beyond the curriculum, to develop a range of understandings and skills, equipping you to work in partnership with others, to solve problems, identify issues and contribute to society. You will be encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers, approach all subjects using a wide range of research strategies, weigh up evidence, make persuasive arguments and substantiate your conclusions. The specialist team in Citizenship will continue to provide Sex & Relationships education as well as Drugs education to all students in Key Stage 4.

For further information contact: Mr O’Connor or any other teacher in the department. Page 18

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Core PE What will I learn? In Physical Education lessons, many activities will be covered. These will include most major games and various alternative activities. Everyone taking part is expected to change into School PE Kit. In line with National Curriculum recommendations, students as part of their core Physical Education course will follow a broad and balanced programme of activities.

At Key Stage 4, this programme includes: Basketball, hockey, football, cricket, rounders, softball, netball, badminton, table tennis, tennis, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, swimming, orienteering and camping skills.

Throughout the above programmes of study, students will be encouraged to understand and appreciate the importance of fitness and the need for a healthy lifestyle as well as life-long participation in physical activity

In addition students are presented with a range of scenarios which will develop self-esteem, the ability to work as part if a team and build mental capacity.

For further information contact: Mr Ibrahim or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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Option 1

Option 2

Option 3




Pathway A










Pathway B










Supported Path











OPTIONS AVAILABLE For all Key Stage 4 pathways there are three Option blocks. Most students will take three different option subjects except those studying Music Technology or Business Studies. Both of these are BTEC courses and take two blocks. Dance is offered as an extracurricular option and is studied in addition to the other options available. Art and Design: _____________________ Business Studies (Btec) : ________________ Business and Economics: ______________ Computer Science: __________________ Dance: * __________________________ Design and Technology: Food Technology: ___ Design and Technology: Resistant Materials: _ Design and Technology: Textiles Technology: _

Drama: ____________________________ Foundation Learning Programme: _______ Geography: _________________________ History: ___________________________ ICT: _______________________________ Media Studies: ______________________ Modern Foreign Languages (French): ____ Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish): ___ Music: ____________________________ Music Technology (Btec) : _____________ Physical Education: _________________ Sociology: ________________________

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GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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Exam Board: Edexcel (2AD01)

Art and Design GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? In GCSE Art and Design you will develop an understanding of past and contemporary art and design and be able to produce your own personal response, embracing a range of ideas. You will develop a working knowledge of the materials, practices and technology of art and design. You will develop the skills to investigate, analyse and experiment using art, craft and design. You will develop your imaginative powers and an understanding of the language and conventions of art and design. After working on a series of teacher directed workshops designed to build your skills and knowledge you will develop your own ideas and work on them in a series of three timed tests, a five hour session in year 10 and two ten hour sessions in Year 11. How will I be assessed? Students are assessed on controlled assessment which is worth 60% of the final grade and an externally set assignment which is worth 40%. Controlled assessment is made up of two units, Surfaces and Revolution. First project: Surfaces Second project: Revolution Externally Set Assignment (theme set by exam board): starts in January of Year 11 Summer 2015: GCSE exhibition

Progress Routes and Careers: Art and Design GCSE is a useful beginning qualification for careers in advertising, marketing, design, architecture, publishing and the media. It can lead to A Level Art and Design or Photography, and subsequently an Art Foundation or Degree course.

For further information contact: Mr Astrop or any other teacher in the department. Page 22

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: Edexcel JD933

Business Studies BTEC

Overview of the course What will I learn? The course consists of studying seven units of work related to the world of business: Unit 1: Enterprise in the business world Know how the trends and the current business environment many impact on a business Plan an idea for a new business

Unit 2: Finance for business Understand the costs involved in business and how business make a profit Understand how business plan for success and measure success.

Unit 3: Promoting a Brand Explore the use of branding in business

Unit 8: Recruitment, Selection and Employment Know about job roles in business Demonstrate interview skills and plan career developments

Unit 9: Principles of Marketing, Branding and Promotion Explore the role of marketing within businesses Develop and promote a brand for business

Unit 13: Financial planning and Forecasting Demonstrate the use of breakeven analysis in business and the use of cash flow forecasting. Investigate the use of budgets and budgetary control in business.

Unit 15: Business Online Explore business activity online and understand the issues relating to online business Investigate the use and features of business websites Design a website to meet the needs of a business

How will I be assessed? Five units are internally assessed through a coursework portfolio. Unit 2 is assessed via an onscreen exam. Unit 9 is a written paper based examination. You will be graded Distinction*, Distinction, Merit or Pass. This course is broadly equivalent to two GCSEs.

Progress Routes and Careers: Business Studies BTEC provides a good practical base on which to build a strong foundation of knowledge, understanding and skills designed to prepare students for further study or for the world of work, including establishing their own enterprise.

For further information contact: Ms Hastings or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 23

Exam Board: Edexcel 2BE01

Business and Economics GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? While studying the first two units (business) of this course you are likely to learn a lot of new things. You will be introduced to the world of small businesses and will look at what makes someone a successful business person. You will find out how to develop an idea and spot an opportunity, and turn that into a successful business. You will understand how to make a business effective and manage money. You will also see how the world around us affects small businesses and all the people involved. The economic aspect of the course you will begin to think like an economist and learn how the economy functions, the government’s role in the economy and its impact on business. You will also examine what causes businesses to fail and how businesses grow. You will study many issues within the world of economics such as inequality. How will I be assessed? You are assessed through two written examinations (75% - Unit 1 25%; Unit 5 50%) and one controlled assignment (25%).

Progress Routes and Careers A Business Studies GCSE provides a sound foundation to a range of careers and further studies. It could lead to work in a business-related profession such as accountancy, law, marketing or the leisure and tourism industry. It can also help you prepare for further and higher education such as AS/A2 Levels and BTEC Level 3 courses. You will become skilled in making decisions, being creative, solving problems, understanding finance, dealing with data, communicating and working as part of team. All these skills will be useful if you chose to develop your entrepreneurial skills and start up your own business.

For further information contact: Ms Hastings or any other teacher in the department. Page 24

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: Edexcel

Computer Science GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? The GCSE in Computer Science will help you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, develop and apply computational thinking skills to analyse problems and design solutions across a range of contexts and gain practical experience of designing, writing, and testing computer programs that accomplish specific goals. Further to this, you will develop the ability to reason, explain and evaluate computing solutions, develop awareness of current and emerging trends in computing technologies, develop awareness of the impact of computing on individuals, society and the environment, including ethical, legal and ownership issues and communicate computer science concepts and explain computational solutions clearly and concisely using appropriate terminology. How will I be assessed? Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science (Examination: 75%) In this unit you will need to demonstrate: Understanding of what algorithms are, what they are used for and how they work; ability to interpret, amend and create algorithms. Understanding of binary representation, data representation, data storage and compression, encryption and databases; ability to use SQL to insert, amend and extract data stored in a structured database. Understanding of components of computer systems; ability to construct truth tables, produce logic statements and read and interpret fragments of assembly code. Understanding of computer networks, the internet and the World Wide Web; ability to use HTML and CSS to construct web pages. Awareness of emerging trends in computing technologies, the impact of computing on individuals, society and the environment, including ethical, legal and ownership issues. Unit 2: Practical Programming (Controlled Assessment: 25%) This is a practical ‘making task’ that enables you to demonstrate their computational techniques using a programming language. You will:  decompose problems into sub-problems  create original algorithms or work with algorithms produced by others  design, write, test, and evaluate programs.

Progress Routes and Careers: A Computer Science GCSE is a good foundation and introduction to the world of computing which also helps with the progression into A Level Computing as well as course other computing related courses.

For further information contact: Mr Talbert or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 25

Exam Board: AQA 4242

Dance GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? On this course you will have the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of dance as a choreographer, performer and critic. There are five main areas of study: Performance: Demonstrating an increasing physical competence and effectiveness as a performer. Safe Practice: Developing knowledge and understanding of health, fitness and safe working practice relevant to performing and choreographing dance. Choreography: Demonstrating an increasing effectiveness as a choreographer. Critical appreciation: Demonstrating an ability to appreciate and critique dance. Professional dance works: Studying two dance works, demonstrating an ability to appreciate and critique each performance. Please note that this GCSE is delivered through an extended day option – the day of the week will be confirmed later in the year. How will I be assessed? Written examination Unit 1 Critical appreciation of dance (20% ) Practical examinations Unit 2 Set dance (20% ) Solo performance Unit 3 Performance in a duo/group (20% ) Unit 4 Choreography (40% ) Solo composition (15%) Solo/duo/group choreography (25%)

Progress Routes and Careers: You can progress on to AS Level Dance or a BTEC Level 3 in Performing Arts or a Level 3 Creative and Media Diploma.

For further information contact: Ms Allaway or any other teacher in the department. Page 26

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: AQA (4545)

Design and Technology: Food Technology GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? GCSE Food Technology gives opportunity to learn how to cook. The course engages students in understanding ingredients and processes in cooking to be able to create products that are aesthetically pleasing, nutritious and safely produced. The course is varied and allows students to develop their practical skills along with theory. Students study topics about nutrition, hygiene and safety, practical skills, product analysis, sensory analysis and development and modification of existing products and about food in industry. This knowledge is then represented in the coursework portfolio. Students participate in practical activities once per two week cycle and spend some time in addition to these sessions doing experimental practical work. The practical work has to be supported by theory work involving research, analysis and evaluation. All the work undertaken contributes to the knowledge needed to complete the written examination taken at the end of the course. How will I be assessed? Controlled assessment 60%: Design and Make Practice (Controlled Assessment, approximately 45 hours work, with 90 marks available). Written exam 40%: One two hour paper, pre-release material available for exam preparation for Section A; Section B is based on Specification with 120 marks available overall

Progress Routes and Careers: You can progress into A Level Product Design Courses, or use this GCSE as a first step into careers in catering, hospitality and environmental health and nutrition.

For further information contact: Ms Went or Ms Allaway GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 27

Exam Board: AQA (4560)

Design and Technology: Resistant Materials GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? In Year 10 students undertake a variety of design and make assignments. The purpose of this is to equip students with a greater understanding of the design process and to expand on their subject knowledge as well as further developing essential designing and making skills. Towards the end of Year 10 and throughout Year 11, students are expected to engage in a single design and make activity selected from a choice of controlled assessment set tasks, consisting of the development of a made outcome and a concise design folder. Students are expected to use a variety of information and communication technology wherever it is possible to do so and address the moral, social, cultural and environmental issues arising from their work. How will I be assessed? Controlled assessment 60%: Design and Make Practice (approximately 45 hours work, with 90 marks available). Written exam 40%: One two hour paper, pre-release material available for exam preparation for section A; section B is based on Specification with 120 marks available overall

Progress Routes and Careers: You can progress into A Level Product Design Courses, or use this GCSE as a first step into careers in Architecture, Product Design and Engineering.

For further information contact: Mr McDonagh or any other teacher in the department. Page 28

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: AQA (4570)

Design and Technology: Textiles Technology GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? In Year 10 students undertake a variety of design and make assignments. The purpose of this is to equip students with a greater understanding of the design process and to expand on their subject knowledge as well as further developing essential designing and making skills. Towards the end of Year 10 and throughout Year 11, students are expected to engage in a single design and make activity selected from a choice of set controlled assessment tasks, consisting of the development of a made outcome and a concise design folder. Students are expected to use a variety of information and communication technology wherever it is possible to do so and address the moral, social, cultural and environmental issues arising from their work. How will I be assessed? Controlled assessment 60%: Design and Make Practice (approximately 45 hours work, with 90 marks available). Written exam 40%: One two hour paper, pre-release material available for exam preparation for Section A; Section B is based on Specification with 120 marks available overall

Progress Routes and Careers: You can progress into A Level Product Design Courses, or use this GCSE as a first step into careers in design fashion/fashion, marketing, art, clothing manufacture, interior design, theatre design, costume design and clothing technology.

For further information contact: Mr McDonagh. Mr Brown or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 29

Exam Board: AQA (4242)

Drama GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? In Year 10 students develop practical skills relating to assessments they do in Year 11. They will use drama to explore ideas and issues in response to stimulus material selected from different times and cultures; study a published play to gain an understanding of the ways in which playwrights, performers, directors and designers; use the medium of drama to communicate ideas to an audience; prepare a devised performance in the summer term of Year 10 and a scripted performance in the Spring term of Year 11. They will view a professional play and be able to evaluate critically its worth. Apart from the inherent performance skills that the students would learn, they would develop generic ones which could be applied to their future work and social lives. Group interaction, collaboration and negotiation, team and project management, and confidence in public speaking skills would be very useful life skills. How will I be assessed? Unit 1 Written Paper 1 hour 30 minutes 80 marks 40% The written paper comprises three sections: A - Practical work completed during the course B - Study and performance of a scripted play C - Study of a live theatre production seen Externally set and marked in the summer term of Year 11 Unit 2 Practical Work 120 marks 60% Task one: Devised group play Task two: Scripted group play Task 3: Journal documentation of practical work

Progress Routes and Careers: For a career in performance or on the technical side, it is normally necessary to think in terms of further study. You could go on to take an AS or A2 level in Drama and Theatre Studies or a BTEC National Certificate or Diploma in Performing Arts or the Level 3 Creative and Media Course.

For further information contact: Mr Contor or any other teacher in the department. Page 30

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: Edexcel

Foundation Learning Programme BTEC

Overview of the course What will I learn? Foundation Learning is the national suite of learning for 14 to 19 year old learners working predominantly at entry level or level 1. Some students will work at Level 2. BTEC Sustainability Skills is a Level 2 course, equivalent to one GCSE Grades A* - C. The teacher works with each student to agree an individual learning programme, reflecting the student’s entry point. This programme offers more flexible opportunities for students to achieve and progress; this includes ‘bite-sized’ progression options within qualifications themselves. A Foundation Learning programme is aimed at those students who will struggle with four GCSE option choices. It is taken alongside other qualifications, such as GCSEs or BTECs. There are different components to the Foundation Learning programme: Personal and Social Development – to be delivered through BTEC Sustainability Skills Functional skills in English, mathematics and ICT – embedded throughout the programme Work Skills – embedded throughout the programme How will I be assessed? The units can be assessed through portfolios of evidence. Students are assessed in a number of ways including observations, checklists, scenarios, role play, multiple choice, photographic evidence.

Progress Routes and Careers: This course equip you with the skills to obtain employment and build confidence so that you can retain jobs and improve your life chances. At every stage of their lives, people need work-related skills.

For further information contact: Ms Jones GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 31

Exam Board: Edexcel Spec B

Geography GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? This course will show give you an insight into our ever changing world, from changes that are happening on your doorstep to those across the world. Much will be new to you, but your previous study of geography will help prepare you to think like a geographer, so the development of new skills and concepts will be relatively easy.

How will I be assessed? There are three written examinations worth 75% of the marks. Controlled assessment – in the form of a geographical enquiry and research, analysis and evaluation of a geographical issue are worth 25% of the marks. The GCSE is based around four units: Unit 1: Dynamic Planet Topics include important physical processes such as the atmosphere and climate, geological processes and ecosystems. Unit 2: People and the Planet This unit focuses on human geography and you will study how populations grow and change, where people live and work and how they exploit and use resources. Unit 3: Making Geographical Decisions In this unit you will study a specific topic, such as Antarctica, in detail. This is designed to teach you how to make decisions based on evidence available. Unit 4: Researching Geography This is the controlled assessment unit, which will involve you in a practical fieldwork study away from school during which you will collect the data required to complete your investigation.

Progress Routes and Careers: Geography is a valuable area of study which sits at the cross-roads of the ‘arts’, the ‘sciences’ and the ‘technology’ subjects. Above all it has an important environmental role to play and can compliment a variety of other qualifications for a range of jobs and courses in Further and Higher Education. Possible occupations linked to Geography include: town planning, civil service, journalism, law and civil engineering.

For further information contact: Mrs Hickey or any other teacher in the department. Page 32

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: OCR (J417)

History GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? The course focuses on the turbulent history of the twentieth century, its key events, people, and issues. Viewing history from both a national and global perspective, students will learn about international relations, global conflict and the political development of key countries, and take a detailed look at changes in British society. This includes the changing roles of women, changing patterns of ethnicity and how young people’s lives have changed. If you are interested in finding out and understanding more about the world in the past and today, and if you enjoy discussions and arguments then history is for you. You will need to be able to read and write well and wish to develop your essay writing and research skills further. How will I be assessed? Paper One exam (45%): Essay based  The USA, 1945 – 1975: Land of Freedom? African American Civil Rights Movement; Hispanic Americans, Native Americans; Fear of Communism and McCarthyism  Aspects of International Relations: The inter-war years, 1919-39. Peace treaties of 1919-23; The League of Nations; Origins of World War Two. Paper Two exam (30%): Source based  How far did British society change 1939-1975? Experiences of immigrants in Britain; Teenagers; Women Controlled assessment –(25%) 2000 word essay Historical Enquiry on Russia 1905-1939  Russia under the Tsars  The Russian Revolution and Lenin  Russia under Stalin

Progress Routes and Careers: Getting a good grade in GCSE History shows you have a high level of literacy and good analytical skills, which are highly respected by employers and universities. The skills developed through a History qualification will prepare you for a wide range of careers and support you in the further study of all subjects.

For further information contact: Ms Kingston or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 33

Exam Board: Edexcel 2IT01

Information and Communications Technology GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? The GCSE in ICT qualification will help you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current and emerging technologies and their impact on individuals, organisations and society, a range of ICT tools and techniques and the ways they are used in different contexts to develop ideas and solve problems and legal, social, economic, ethical and environmental implications of the use of ICT for individuals, organisations and society. Further to this, you will learn about issues of risk, safety, security, and responsible use of ICT, collaborative working and the use of ICT to support. How will I be assessed? Unit 1: Living in a Digital World (Examination: 40%) In this unit you will:  explore how digital technology impacts on the lives of individuals, organisations and society.  learn about current and emerging digital technologies and the issues raised by their use in a range of contexts (learning and earning, leisure, shopping and money management, health and wellbeing and on the move).  develop awareness of the risks that are inherent in using ICT and the features of safe, secure and responsible practice. Unit 2: Using Digital Tools (Controlled Assessment: 60%) This is a practical unit where you will:  broaden and enhance their ICT skills and capability.  work with a range of digital tools and techniques to produce effective ICT solutions in a range of contexts.  learn to reflect critically on their own and others’ use of ICT and to adopt safe, secure and responsible practice.

Progress Routes and Careers: An ICT GCSE is a good foundation and introduction to the world of IT which also helps with the progression into A Level Information Technology (IT) as well as other IT related courses. Employers invariably now require well developed ICT skills and this course will demonstrate your proficiency in a wide range of applications and processes.

For further information contact: Mr Talbert or any other teacher in the department. Page 34

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: AQA 4812

Media Studies GCSE

Progress Routes and Careers: A Media Studies GCSE is a good, solid introduction to this diverse industry. It is an excellent foundation for A Level Media Studies as well as a course that will develop students’ analytical and production skills transferable to A Level Photography, Art and Product Design. According to the Office of National Statistics 2013 report, people with a degree in media have the second highest employment rate in the UK.

Overview of the course What will I learn? You will develop your knowledge and understanding of print, broadcast and e-media products as well as the areas of marketing, advertising and promotion including the institutions that create, produce and monitor media texts. The course will build on some of the media work you will have already done in English at Key Stage 3. You will produce drafts, plans and fully realised pieces in print, moving image and e-media, analysing and evaluating your work. Media Studies students use Apple Mac computers to create and edit products using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, iMovie and Publisher. All students can borrow film and still image cameras to complete their coursework. Students will attend GCSE Study Days at the British Film Institute as well as Film Screenings during National Schools Film Week. Students will be given the opportunity to apply for short courses at Camden Roundhouse as well as suitable contests. Some students may be selected to apply for the National Youth Film Academy or other extracurricular events. How will I be assessed? Controlled Assessments 60% Unit 2: Understanding the Media 3 assignments (Magazines, Film Promotion and Music Video) Examinations 40% Unit 1: Investigating the Media Written Paper on pre-released topic

For further information contact: Ms Daws-Knowles or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 35

Exam Board: AQA 4658/4659

Modern Foreign Languages GCSE

Overview of the course AQA GCSE Languages is all about making Languages work for you, and making it fun and relevant at the same time. You will be given all the tools you need to develop your French or Spanish (grammar, skills and vocabulary) and plenty of interesting topics so that you can talk about the things that really matter to you. We offer French and Spanish GCSE at Highgate Wood School. What will I learn? You will be developing your skills of communicating in another language through four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Topics covered are: Leisure, Lifestyle, Work and Education, Home and Environment. How will I be assessed? For the AQA GCSE exam, you will be tested in four skills. Speaking and Writing count for 60% of your total mark (see pie-chart), so for 60% of the exam, what you will end up with in the assessment is up to you! Listening and Reading are assessed in exams. The examiners are not trying to trick you or confuse you. All instructions will be in English. Speaking and Writing are tested by controlled assessment. There will be two assessment tasks for each exam.

Progress Routes and Careers: Being able to speak another language can be useful in a wide range of careers. Careers using Languages include: Law, Travel and Tourism, Journalism, Teaching, Sales and Marketing, Banking, Public Relations and Politics. You can also progress on to study languages at ‘A Level or university.

For further information contact: Ms Lacroix or any other teacher in the department. Page 36

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: OCR 3535

Music GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? Music GCSE is a course that allows you to build and expand on your own skills as a musician. There is a a practical focus to much of the course where you will have opportunities to practice, perform, improvise and compose music. Much of the course is flexible and allows you to focus on your on musical style. You can perform and compose in whichever style you wish for the My Music module and this allows you develop your own musical identity. There will also be opportunities for you to rehearse and perform in groups with other students and to use music technology. Students will study four areas:    

My Music – is an overarching module that is taught across the whole course Shared Music – is a module that will be taught throughout Year 11 Dance Music Descriptive Music

How will I be assessed? There is one examination worth 20%. The Controlled Assessment consists of Performing (playing an instrument or singing) 30% Composing two compositions 30% Controlled Assessment is teacher assessed and moderated by the examining body. Creative task 20% This is an individual controlled assessment at the end of the course. Students will produce a response to one of a choice of musical stimuli - date set by exam board. Please note, students should be able to play an instrument at the start of the course.

Progress Routes and Careers: Students who take GCSE Music are provided with a challenging and firm grounding in a wide range of music. This will enable those who wish to progress to music courses in KS5 with a good foundation.

For further information contact: Mr Harlow or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 37

Exam Board: Edexcel

Music Technology BTEC

Overview of the course What will I learn? The course will give you a grounding in the basics of music production and an introduction to how the music industry works. Much of the course focuses on you being able to develop your own style of production. You will have access to excellent facilities with industry standard software applications such as Logic for your practical work. You will also have the opportunity to use the recording studio. The main unit of work is to create a music product, an album of your music, ready to be put out to market. Students in the past have created Dubstep, Grime, Hip-Hop, Funky House, Trance, Drum n' Bass and lots of other music for their albums. You will also research your market and audience and look at promotion and publicity. Other modules taught include:  Managing a Music Product  Introducing Music Recording  Introducing Music Sequencing How will I be assessed? The course is mainly coursework which is internally assessed with work being sent away for examiners to moderate. There is also an exam focussing on the music industry and music production analysis. The final grade is given as Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Progress Routes and Careers: A First Diploma of merit grade or above will enable the option of choosing A-Level Music Technology, as well as the BTEC Music Technology Level 3.

For further information contact: Ms Harlow, Mr Ekstrom or any other teacher in the department. Page 38

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Exam Board: Edexcel 2PE01

Physical Education GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? The GCSE in Physical Education requires you to develop your knowledge and understanding of how a healthy, active lifestyle contributes to the growth and development of body systems, and structures (including the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and skeletal systems), as well as general wellbeing. This GCSE gives you the opportunity to develop skills relating to performance in physical activity, including:  practical performance, in roles such as player/participant, official and leader  analysis of performance 

personal exercise plan.

How will I be assessed? There is one examination on the theory worth 40%. There are five pieces of controlled assessment worth 60% in total: 2 x Practical performance activities – (minimum 9 hours per activity) 1 x Coaching Performance module – (minimum 9 hours of coaching) 1 x Officiating Performance module – (minimum of 9 hours of officiating organised competition) 1 x Analysis of Performance examined in one particular area chosen by the student

Progress Routes and Careers: As well as being the ideal preparation for many Level 3 courses, PE GCSE develops the transferable skills and key skills that employers are looking for and can lead to a wide variety of employment opportunities. This can include further training in areas such as recreational management, leisure activities, coaching, officiating, the fitness industry, the armed forces, the Civil Service physiotherapy and sports science.

For further information contact: Mr Ibrahim or any other teacher in the department. GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

Page 39

Exam Board: AQA 4192

Sociology GCSE

Overview of the course What will I learn? Sociology is the study of society. The role of the sociologist is to investigate how our lives are affected by the world around us. Why are families important? Why is it that girls perform better in their GCSEs than boys? How does the media influence the way we see our own bodies? Why are there such massive differences between the richest and poorest in society? What are the different explanations for why people commit crime? All of these important, challenging questions are learnt about and discussed in GCSE Sociology.

Unit 1 - Year 10 The sociology of families The sociology of education Studying society

Unit 2 - Year 11 Sociology of crime Sociology of the media Social Inequality

Throughout the course, you will develop a Sociological imagination; you will be able to think critically about some of the most important issues in our society and consider the different ways in which they can influence the way we live. To stretch the most able students, the department also boasts an extensive selection of additional learning resources to develop your sociological thinking outside the confines of the classroom. How will I be assessed? The course is assessed entirely through written exam: there are two papers of 90 minutes each, to be sat at the end of Year 11. Students should feel comfortable about this method of assessment before choosing to take the course.

Progress Routes and Careers: Sociology provide skills and knowledge which are desirable in a wide range of different occupations. Sociologists have been known to enter journalism and the media, law, social work, politics, youth work, the police force, healthcare and countless different businesses. Some have enjoyed the subject so much that they have chosen to become full-time sociologists themselves.

For further information contact: Ms Dabrowska, Mr Robertson or any other teacher in the department. Page 40

GCSE Options Handbook—Sept 2014

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