1982 April FYI

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The Lower Connecticut

Valley Educational

Riding Association,


FYI: foryour information April 1982 North Plain, Conn. Vol II, No. 2

. . '·' The Outlook


will run June 17th


Valley Pony Club Horse April 25th, Sunday


LCVERAwill enter 6 riders; we will need 12 volunteers!!!! Sign-up week of April 19th Westbrook Hunt Club Show May 1 6 riders• 12 volunteers Sign-up as above LCVERA Conference - Demonstration May 14, Friday ALL VOLUNTEERSNEEDED LCVERA Conference May 15, Saturday Volunteers needed in every capacity: call Judy Lightfoot assignment at 526-2914 Childrens Services Show May 16, Sunday 5 riders= 15 volunteers


Friday,April 23, 1982 10:00 - 1 :00 Old Lyme Town Hall Training Seminar for & Friends Volunteers


Yes, some of it is magic- the mystique of the horse and all that but most of it is good solid reality. At an LCVERA Seminar on April 23, 1982 from 10:00 to 1 :00, Anne Wolcott will discuss the recognition and management of handicapping disabilities with specific application to therapeutic riding. An open discussion of case histories, instructor's preparation and goals, and plans to make our program more effective will be part of the seminar. 11 Patti Heads-Up 11 Peoples will lead a section on Horse Sense including managing the horse as leader, side-walker or observer. In addition there will a member of the Old Saybrook Ambulance Association who will talk about emergency procedures. This seminar will be the first of a monthly series to be held on the last Friday of the month at the OLD LYME TOWNHALL from 10:00 - 1 :00. Bring your lunch - coffee and tea available, smoking permitted.

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