1982 Feb FYI

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FYI: for yourinformation WHENDO WE START? Get out your jumper cables and your running gear; we start ALL programs the week of l>'iARCH 15th Monday night 6:30-9:00 Adult group Westbrook Hunt Club Tuesday morning 9:00-11 :00 Essex Elementary Cricklewood Farm Tuesday morning 11 :00-12:30 Adult CP Cricklewood Farm Tuesday afternoon 2:30-5:00 Lyme/Old Lyme Dist. 18 3 groups of 5 riders Brush Patch, Hadlyme Wednesday morning 9:00-12:00 Guilford/Madison riders Westbrook Hunt Club Thursday afternoon 2:30-4:00 3 riders, incl. Kurt Ziemann Brush Patch, Hadlyme RUN to the nearest phone and CALL Jonnie Edwards 421-4414 or Molly Francisco 434-9323 IF you CANNOTbe at your usual post or IF you find a different time more suitable or IF you would liketo ADD to your present committment •••

Feb1•uary 1982 North Plain, Conn, Vol, II

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LCVERASPONSORSCONFERENCE May 15th is the day and New Haven is the place. LCVERAand Southern Connecticut State College are cosponsoring a major confe:ence designed to instruct a vari~ty of participants in the benefits.of therapeutic riding, its impli?a7 tions in the classroom and clinic, and related areas such as psychotherapy, competition and the Human/ Horse Bond. The Outreach Committee has been hard at work with Conference Coordinator, Natalie Bieber, booking speakers, arranging for rooms and lunch at Southern, where the Conference will take place. LCVERAis underwriting part of the cost of this event, with hopes of covering all expences through a large response. We will break even when 200 people register. We NEED all our volunteers to work on this effort, both before the date and on the day of the Conference. There will be an added attraction on Friday evening, May 14 - a demonstraion at the Yale barn, using some of our riders and horses. And on the evening of May 15 we will host~ :eception for all registered participants.


More on this Small hard





w. harness

Nonprofit, tax 11xempt organization


i.--------------------------------------------CLASSES FOR RIDERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN SEVERALAREAHORSE SHOWS April 25 Pony Club Show at Cricklewood May 16 Children's Services Show Farmington

The Lower Connecticut Valley Educational Riding Association, Inc.

FYI: for yourinformation May 1982 North Plain, Conn. Vol II, No. 3

SECONDVOLUNTEERSWORKSHOP Friday, May 28th 10 :00-1 :00 Old Lyme Town Hall

1982 SHOWRECORD Handicapped Equitation Command Classes were included in three recognized shows this Spring, At the Colll:lecticut Valley Pony Club Show on April 25th, the following riders competed: John Broderick, John Morris, Debbie Mason, John Davis, Karen Eckstrom, Steve Chadwick, Dennis Fitzpatrick, Jenny Hotchkiss and George Decosta. On May 2nd Becky Mohr, Stacey Bromund and Christopher Foucaud rode in the Westbrook Hunt Club Show, The Children's Services Horse Show on Sunday May 16 Jenny Hotchkiss, Karen Eckstrom, Kurt Ziemann and Lynn Barnes and Lisa Boyb competed against four riders from other programs, Whereas there have been mixed reactions to our entering the "show circuit," by and large the riders have benefited by the experience and certainly the world has had a little more exposure to therapeutic riding, The most positive result is the recommendation of Rot Ferguson, President of CHSA, that all CHSA Shows include a Handicapped Equitation Command Class, rules for the class and guidelines for the judge to be submitted to CHSA by Nat Bieber.


a new Volunteer!!

The second in a series of workshops for volunteers will be held on Friday, May 28 at the Old Lyme Town Hall from 10:00 to 1:00. For those who missed the LCVERAConference at Southern Connecticut College, there will be a synopsis of the content of speeches and workshops. We are indebted to Natalie Bieber, who coordinated a masterful program which came off without a hitch. Following the review of the conference, we will look back at our

6 year




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Nonprofit. tax 11xempt orgomzation


slides, progress reports and annual reports. Discussion of the past oftens brightens enthusiasm for the future and clarifies long term goals. Do NOT bring lunch as it will be provided - compliments of a friend!


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