The Lower Connecticut Valley Educational Riding Association, Inc. L.C.V ER A Hadlyme , Ct.
THE ALEXANDERTECHNIQUE ••• a system for teaching people how best to use their bodies in ordinary action to avo id unnnecessary physical strain and regain natural e ase . ~ ~ ' On MONDAY,OCTOB.2R18th I from 1-4 pm at the Old Lyme Town Halli
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••• LCVZRA is sponsoring a ver y special workshop t o be conducted by two Alexander Techni que practitioners. Both are certifi ed gr adua tes of The American Center for Alexander Technique in New York. Bar bara Grant, YlA., has a ba ck ground in Music History and Pe rformance, especially Choral Condu cting
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She is now most interested in how breathing, sensory awareness, and sturdy, easeful kinesthetic exerience can form a strong, authentic center for our changing lives. Anne Marie Roth , RPT, lives in Weston and has had a lifelong interest in Jungian Psychology with a particular interest in bringing psychological awareness to all movement. These two women have observed volunteers and riders for four hours at Cricklewood and have devised a workshop for us that will hel p us make better use of our own bodies, hei ghten our awareness of the needs Nonprofit, tax exempt organization
October 19 82
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of the children we are working with and add to the knowledge we already have of the dynamics of the horse and the human in motion. These three hours should prove useful to the program and personally rewarding to all participants. Please call Anne if you are able to come - 434-9132. DAY IN THE COUNTRY Sunday, September 27th was a great day for LCVERA. The sun shone, balloons fluttered from the fences and everything wore a smile. 7 LCVERA riders rode in the demonstration, aided by 13 volunteers. Mothers and friends provided a smoothly served and delicious lunch (see salad recipe below), carriage a nd cart carried guests for miles around Barzillai Farm and small ponies provided pleasure for dozens of small children. As usual we made new friends for therapeutic riding •••••• and we took in about $3500 1 NOTES FROMTHE MANAGEM3NT ••• Westbrook programs are rnnning smoothly, although we mis s Mark Albrecht, Shana and Melanie on Wed. ••• could use two more volunteers on Monday night ••• Cricklevolunteers are coming in two shifts with a few stalwart folks staying from 9-2. This will work well if you all arrive on time, take over you~roles and help with equipment and horses. 23 riders in 5 hours takes a lot of energy and initiative from everyone ••• a zillion thanHS to Patti (gretalPeoples for finding a PT in her barn,.,