The Lower Connecticut L.C.V.E.R.A. Hadlyme, Ct. 06439
Riding Association,
tax exempt organization
Vol, 5
SUMMER Symphony in Meadows Fundraieer "Memorable and Magic" by Richard Lightfoot "The best party in years." The warmest, friendliest big party 11 ever." A memorable, magic evening." These were comments expressed in letters to Benefit Chairman Grace Hamilton following June 27th 1 s Symphony in the Meadows benefit for LCVERA. Nearly 700 people attended the cocktail party, silent auction, picnic and symphony orchestra concert at the Hamilton's Twelve Mile Island Farm in Hadlyme. Al presstime accounting is not complete, but LCVERA Treasurer Stanley Babson believes the net proceeds are the largest in LCVERA's fundraiaing history.
LCVERA President Judy Lightfoot said, "The funds will allow us to reduce the waiting list for LCVERA services by fifteen or twenty people. If a wonderful event like Symphony in the Meadows can do that, let'a have the party every year. 11 Planning for the event began in March 1985 and involved the efforts of more than 150 volunteers. LCVERA Executive Director Judy Lovelace commented on how wonderful it wae lo extend the LCVERA family lo include for fundraising purposes the volunteer work of so many people with no previous involvement with LCVERA. As Benefit Chairman, Grace Hamilton was assisted by a commillee of 63 persons responsible for everything from balloons, invitations, auction, food and graphics to cannons for the 1812 Overture, soda for the musicians, parking and porta-pottiea. Honorary Chairman of Symphony in the Meadows was Mrs. George Bush, wife of the Vice President. Honorary sponsors were Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Chairman of Special Olympics; our own Sis Gould, founder of LCVERA; and Speed Davis, President of North American Riding
for the Handicapped Association. Special benefactors were Connecticut National Bank whose generosity underwrote much of the production coals. Additional benefactors were Boline Really of Lyme; Connecticut Valley Realty, Inc.; The Dunham Company, Realtors; A. G. Edwards and Sona, Essex; Marsh Motors (Mercedes and BMW dealers) of Hamden; and Samuel M. Strong, Inc., Realtor. Hors d'oeuvres were contributed by 22 restaurants and grocery stores. Drinks and wine were selected by Colonial Wine Cellars of Old Lyme. Picnics were furnished by La Cuisine of Guilford. Music was supplied by 65 New Haven Symphony Orchestra musicians led by music director Murray Sidlin. Pieces performed were excerpts from "Man of Lo Mancha" which was written at Twelve Mile Ielnnd Farm; compositions celebrating the outdoors and rivers by Copland, Handle and Smetana; Strauss waltzes; and the grand finale, Tchaikovsky's renowned 1812 Overture, aided by 13 stunning cannoneers. A highlight of the evening was a silent auction which yielded nearly $20,000. Among the items offered were use of houses in Ireland, the Bahamas, Nantucket, Block Island and Manhal tan; use of golf courses in Stonington and Fishers Island, and an inflatable boat with outboard motor. During concert intermission the Benefit Commillee presented Grace and Frank Hamilton a Chet Reneson print of a Bahamian scene in appreciation of Grace's leadership and their generous contribution of Twelve Mile Island Farm as home for Symphony in the Meadows. Asked jf she would chair the event next year, Grace replied, "IL is hard to say no when you see how much good results from everybody's efforts. Yet it would be nice lo share the responsibilities with a co-chairman. And, yes, Frank and I would be glad to have the affair al our house again."
the Board of Directors, the volunteers (with special thanks to our Volunteer Chairman, Sherley Furgueson, the horses, the stables, but most especially to our staff, Judy Lovelace, Jonnie Edwards, Edi Griswold, Carolyn Jagielski, and Holly Ridgway. Without them LCVERA would not be the professional organization it is today. Thanks to all of you.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT June 19,1986 (Presented at LCVERA BOARD MEETING) Although this is not the time of year for the President's Annual Report, I feel that with the conclusion of our second ten week session this month it is appropriate for me to speak for e minute Rbout the accomplishments of the LCVERA riding year. Our Classes were first rate this year. We have 2 year old children with cerebral palsy showing tremendous improvement according to their own physical therapists in trunk and head control after only a few weeks of tr.erapy on horse back. Because she is riding, we have given the joy of living back to a twenty-two year old who has lost the use of her body from her chest down. She feels sh'cl can do anything now. I could go on indefinitely about our riders, but there are other more subtle but equally important events I have noticed and want to share with you. Normally as we wind down at the end of June everyone is tired and ready for a little break. Not this year. We had no trouble finding volunteers for Special Olympics last weekend, and I wish you could see the sign up sheet for volunteers for the summer program. We have to worry about u,;ing all of them just once. Why is th113 happening? I'm convinced it's because of the improvement of each individual class, the quality of instruction, the implementation of team teaching for volunteers, and the excitement of new challenge each vrnek. I know that even the horses feel it. Usually they too are tired and a little bored by year end, not this year. They would have gone on indefinitely if we had asked them. The program is working beautifully. We've had a lot of firsts this year, 1.,ur Horse Show, Special Olympics, Symphony in the Meadows, a smashing annual meeting honoring our founder, Sis Gould to name just a few. It's been a banner year. We owe our thanks to everyone involved,
LCVERA riders, volunteers and instructors thank Patti Peoples for loaning us Apple for the fall semester. Apple is a star 4 legged volunteer. He has given confidence to our meekest rider. has allowed more advanced riders to canter independently, and has stolen most hearts. We all LOVE Apple!
WELCOME to new LCVERA volunteers: Mary Bartels, Linda Berg, David Brock, Anne Congdon, Emily Fisher and her horse, Target, Greg Gardener, Phylis Keel, Sherry Langan, Marcia List.itano, Anne Marie Marrz, Mary Nodden, Anna Norden, Phy !is Quinn, Dot Scoville, Marcia Smith, Cookie Strong, Deedee and Judy Telford, Jeanne Thomson, Jane Tuttle and Nancy Wood.
Our Volunteers
GOALS 1 - Offer therapeutic riding in the shoreline area. LCVERA currently offers riding to over 60 individuals who live in the geographic area from Guilford to Middletown to Gales Ferry.
5 - Develop skills of students to highest possible level, Each rider is given a specific goal by their instructor, The goal may be for a straight back, learning to follow a two step instruction or riding independently at a walk or canter.
- Maintain a high level of safety at ~,l times, Safe facilities are used. Distroctions are kept to a minimum. Safety equipment is used ( hard hots and peacock stirrups), Horees are screened carefully before being ueed in the program. Instructors and volunteers are trained.
6 - Recruit and train volunteers. Announcements are made in local newspapers. Orientation sessions are held at the beginning of each semester. Training days are on-going during the program and over our winter and summer break, 7 - Educate the public. Speaking engagements to community service groups are held, " I THINK I CAN", LCVERA's movie, is being shown across the country. Feature newspaper articles are written, Fund raising. Winter classroom projects,
3 - Operate LCVERA in such a way that it will always receive accreditation from NARHA. Last spring LCVERA received a score of 97% on our accreditation. Each year parent and doctor permission forms must be completed, Evaluation and progress reports are completed on each rider, 4 - Receive professional advice on physically disabled students. A horse knowledgeable Physical Therapist is on LCVERA's staff; before a hysically handicapped person Joms .;Ur program, our P. T. talks with the individual doctor.
LCVERA strives to meet its goals and to set new ones. Do YOU have a speciality that could help LCVERA? Let us know. ~0
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In the background of the LCVERA program are the rarely publicized hard working people who comprise the Board of Directors and their various committees, especially those who put in many hours raising funds, large and small, so that LCVERA riders may continue to benefit through riding therapy.
Over the past few months LCVERA,s award winning film, "I THINK I CAN" has been shown to the following groups: New Haven Junior Leaque, Old Lyme Congregational Church Women, St. Ann's Youth Group, Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES), Easter Seals of Portland, Middlesex County 4-H, Old Saybrook Seniors, Madison Women's Leaque, Middletown Exchange Club, and LCVERA parent groups. It was selected to be shown at the annual meeting of NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association), Delta Society and American Association of Mental Deficiency. If your group would like to see the movie please contact Judy Lovelace at 767-1974.
Dear Judy, I am writing to thank all the LCVERA volunteers for making the past ten weeks session so wonderful for Susannah. Special thanks to those gifted "singing sidewalkers" Judy and Sue, and our talented leader Sis, for her lovely harmonies. To Carolyn, our sincerest, whoops, most sincere thanks. Without her unique qualities as a wonderful therapist and gifted horsewoman, Susannah certainly would not have shown the progress she has made. She's now able to maintain an "all fours" position and we are hoping she'll be creeping in the next 3 - 6 months. Her P.T. Bea Reynolds credits a lot of Susannah's improvement to her riding. I know there are other volunteers who worked with Sussanah but since I'm running out of room, I'll simply have to say thanks and our love to all of you. We're looking forward to the summer session. Special thanks also to Alex and Mary Jean Vasiloff for the sweet, kind and gentle Sylvia. Steve, Judy and Susannah
This film will be shown on CPTV (Connecticut Public Television) at a later date. Watch your Newsletter, or local newspaper, for further information.
The cannons have stopped echoing on the river, the tents are down and life has returned to normal in Hadlyme. We have only our memories of a wonderful evening with all of you here on Twelve Mile Farm. We want to thank you all for coming to 'Symphony in the Meadows'. It was a very special evening for LCVERA and could never have happened if you all had not given us your support. We know you helped us to accomplish more than raising funds for our organization. Together we increased the awareness of our program in the commun_i\Y and enriched it by the addition of permanent friends. Gratefully
The LCVERA program, which benefited sixty riders during the last session, is totally dependent on seventy dedicated volunteers. Some drive riders to and from the classes, others groom, tack and lead horses, still more walk beside riders, wipe noses, dry occasional tears and cheer wildly at every success. They are coordinated by executive director Judy Lovelace and a staff of professional instructors.
Grace Hamiliton (Chairman of SIM)
Horses seen everywhere People walking around Someone saddling a horse Someone helping a child down
You see the child smiling now as he sits on the horse with pride ¡ Thia special child is handicapped Yet he already knows how to ride Volunteers next to him To teach him what to do He appears truly happy when his riding lesson is through This riding program is very special L.C. Vera is it's name Many wonderful things are happening You're Thankful that you came You watch your child growing each and every day You wonder if this experience will help him on his way
You realize these are professionals and yet you know inside That they are truly happy and they too are bursting with pride You watch as they slightly to remind him to sit tall Two side walkers to protect in case he starts to fall
Your heart is bursting with joy when the progress you start to see Somehow you always knew L.C. Vera was the key You want to Thank the Volunteers as they give their time free Without them no progress would be made none that you would see So just a note to Thank you all for all you always give and for teaching our children to grow and giving them reason to live. BY: MAXINE CINTRON
LCVERA volunteers are wonderful people! I can make that statement having had the fun of working with all of you this Spring. The instructors have felt your enthusiasm as have your co-workers and students. It is contagious! Your dedication has been unquestionable. Thank you all for being so willing to share your time. It has made the program the success it is and made my part in it a pleasure. Particular thanks to the drivers, Although the Baldwin Bridge may have lengthened your trips and shortened your fuses, you continued, Have a wonderful summer. Sherley Furgueson Volunteer Chairman
The spring session has ended for most of the LCVERA riders but a few, whose major need is continued physical therapy, are looking forward to a summer session which will be overseen by LCVERA physical therapist, Carolyn Jagielski. Included among this small select group are two tiny tots and a young woman, previously a. riding enthusiast, recently paralyzed below the chest in an automobile accident, The spring session was highlighted by several special events for the children and adult riders of the Lower Connecticut Valiey Educational Riding Association. The first was a very successful first annual horse show at Kingswood Farm in Lyme, solely for LCVERA riders, courtesy of Kingswood and John Annello the Farm's manager, Next was the selection of five riders from the Westbrook Hunt Club LCVERA classes for the competitions at the Special Olympics at Storrs. Third was a demonstration of LCVERA techniques featuring physical therapist Carolyn Jagielski backriding a tiny rider at the Morgan Horse Versatility Event at McCullough Farm in Old Lyme. Whippoorwill Morgans are among the horses in the LCVERA program because of their une:rccelled temperaments and sound movement,
Dear Kingswood I liked that Place to ride at and Do you know what I really liked your horsis There and do you know what Thank you very very very very much. Love from your very best friend Colleen Q.
Dear Kingswood Thank you from uncle Bill. Ken
me ride
Dear Kingswood folks, It is so hard to say Good by. I wish I could stay. I like the horses thaer. You taught me so maih. Erin
Dear Kingswood I like hors and Thank you from Michelle
Horseback riding is fun. I learn a lot in the past ten weeks. I ride a new horse. Its name is Apple, Apple loves to eat apples. I trot and canter and jump on Apple. I like to ride horses. It's fun I feel gcod about myself riding horses because i know what I am doing. By, Brett
Dear Kingswood folks, I thank you for letting me ride the horse. I hope you guys will have fun. I wish I had Tinto Because I like him. I wish I could keep him next time I come, Then can I stay? Yes or No. (circle one) Thank you love Alicia (Letters from the Mile Creek School
I learn that a horse is sensitive to the moves I make. The two horses I ride are Pepsi and Romy. I liked learning how to trot and the posting trot. I learn to put on a saddle and fix the stirrups. I thought that horse back riding was fun, I feel that going horse back riding taught me a lot about horses and riding horses. My Mom was surprized that I can ride. Mike
students at the Old Lyme)
I learned how to ride a horse, I learned how to groom a horse and Ilearned how to bridle the horse. First I rode Bollard and then I rode Sonny, I learned how to jump, Joony is very nice and so are all the other people, I feel good about horse back riding because I never thoot I wodl ride a horse, I feel proud of my self, Tina
(Brett, Mike and Tina are all in Sandy Meissen's class at the Old Lyme Elementary School) 6
SPECIAL OLYMPICS The horseback riding events of the Special Olympics took place on June 14th at Storrs, Connecticut. The riders who represented LCVERA were: Lisa Adrian, Lisa Boyd, Nancy Ghens, Faith Lord and Cheryl Phoenix. They spent a wonderful weekend, arriving on Friday evening in time for the banquet and dance; Saturday was their turn in the show ring and Sunday they remained to cheer on their friends who were participating in other competitions. Saturday was a special day and the five riders, looking very jaunty in their matching LCVERA shirts, all won rib hons. The rib hons were presented by Pat Kennedy Lawford. Another celebrity who was present was Susan Saint James. She is a Connecticut resident and a spokesperson for the Special Olympics. It was a tremendous thrill for Lisa Boyd to be able to meet her in person, Lisa has long been an admirer of the Dracula stories and remembered Miss Saint James in the movie, "Love at First Bite", a spoof of that tale in which she starred with George Hamiliton. When Miss Saint James asked Lisa how many times she had seen the movie, Lisa replied "Four or six times". What greater adulation could there be for any actress? As you can see from both their happy faces, it was a moment to remember, Miss Saint James is going to become a .mother herself soon and Lisa asked her if she wanted a boy or a girl, No preference was her reply. There may shortly be a journalist in the Boyd family!
Dear Everyone, I want to thank you for helping me make a dream come true. Mom has always wanted to ride in a horse and buggy since she was five years old, She's often expressed this wish to me, I never thought I would be the one to ¡ be able to make her wish come true. I also want to thank all of you for the trail ride. It was so much fun, I couldn't wait until Spring when we could ride again. It was a long winter until then. I would rather ride a horse than anything else, Lots of love
to all, Sylvia