The Lower Connecticut L.C.V.E.R.A. Ridge Road Centerbrook, CT 06409 767-1974
OFFICERS/DIRECTORS Mrs. Richard Lightfoot PRESIDENT (Lyme) Mrs. Stuart Hotchkiss VICE PRESIDENT (Madison) Lyttleton Gould Jr. SECRETARY (Hadlyme) Stanley M. Babson Jr. TREASURER (Lyme) DIRECTORS Mrs. Natalie Bieber (Lyme)
Mrs. William Boyd (Madison) Mrs. Arthur P. Christianson (Chester) Mrs. Ashton Edwards (Madison) Mrs. Michael Furgueson (Centerbrook) Mrs. Lyttleton Gould Jr. (Had!yme) Mrs. John Greene (lvoryton) Mrs. Frank Hamilton Jr. (Had!yme) Frank Hamilton Jr. (Hadlyme) John Jacobs (Old Saybrook) Mrs. John Kashanski (East Haddam) Mrs. Jeffrey Lovelace (Centerbrook) Bruce McGhie (East Haddam) Ms. Sandra Meinsen (Essex) Mrs. Andrew Pfeiffer (Old Lyme) Richard Rieder {Essex)
HONORARY Paul Pierson, M.D. ADVISORY Barry Russman, M.D. Hon. Richard Schneller Wayne Southwick, M.D. E. Maurice Wakeman, M.D. CONSULTANTS Jan R. Conant Duncan Craig Robert G. Daly Thomas N. James Mary Jean Vasiloff Anne T. Wright EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mrs. Jeffrey Lovelace Ridge Road Centerbrook, CT 06409 (203) 767-1974
Valley Educational Riding Association, FOI, YOUR H:FORMATIO!:
Nonprofit, tax exempt organization
Symphony in the Heaaows, our gala fundraiser for take place on Friday, June 27 under the blue skies of Jv'r, and Mrs. Frcink Hamilton's Twelve Mile Island Farm in Hadlyme, The rain date - which ~~ we will not need - is Sunday, June 29, The festivi~'!l ties begin qt j:4j, Invitations will be mailed sometime during Mciy, The first event of the evening will be a cocktail party which is being arrangea for your pleaii, sure by Elly Ba.relay of Lyme and Jeannie Johnson of Essex. The cocktails will be accompanied by exhilerating river breezes, intoxicating views and the joyous song of Hadlyme's birds. c!;D• Dinner is next. Anne Southwick of Old Lyme and Pat Pierson of Madison aro responsible for the ~elegant, boxed, gourmet repast. The Hamiltons are for the green meadow dir1ing room. The •i~- responsible for the accoutrements of 1'§)}.ediners are responsible .,ct!'!, their choice - picnic cloths of gaudy paper or elegant, collapsible furniture of aluminum and plastic or Greataunt I-iary' s carved mahogany •v~ Garden party ·.'~Q) dining set (if she can get it there). attire is encouraged for those who enjoy airy ele*:<=&·gence(o ~,r,, Meanwhile the guests will be teased with the 11 11 Irresistibles unforgetta.ble A silent auction has • &~ been arranged for you by Cynthia Rowley of Stonington and Lee Rhodes of Lyme. Circulating among ~-'ifi imbibers and diners will be "the Sandwich Bo&rd L2,dies and Gentlemen", each displaying a fasciits value to be determined .-,,_ nating "Irresistible", by the highest bidding guest, Among the "Irresist)?·"& .. ibles" are: a behind-the-scenes tour of the Met . with lunch for four at the VIP Lounge, a 11 fun fur" from William Harris of Providence, sole owner@-,;, ship of a country club with an eighteen hole ~~{ golf course for one day, an Irish cottage for a two week period, a limousine trip to a ~ew York ~✓.: airport, hors d'oeuvres for fifty gu~sts, a glider trip and various other delightful surprises. All this ends promptly at 8:00 at which time "''i:? the sixtyfive member New Haven Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Murray Sidlin will delight ?f&;. <t)'l~. you with a concert of light classical music. Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture is sure to be included, ~- .:
1986, will
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for Rufus Barrir,ger of Hadlyme and his brigade of carmoneers have engaged to fire the cannons that are part of the score. Smetana's holdau, Strauss' Blue Danube, Haydn's Natermusic as well as music from Man of La Mancha which was composed at Twelve Mile Island Farm by Mitch Leigh, have all been mentioned as music which might be included. Meanwhile the sun will set and the summer constellations will appear on the Hamilton's sky. It will be a memorable evening! Grace Hamilton, the chairperson of the committee who is arranging Symphony in the hee.dows, wishes all of us to thenk the business whose sponsorship of this event has made possible the committe's firm and stable commitment to the various elements of Symphony in the ;.;eadows. This sponsor is the Connecticut }:otional Bank. Other businesses who also have given generous aid are to date: A. G. Edwards of Essex, Connecticut Valley Realty, Inc., Dunham Realty of Lyme and Marshmotors of Hamden. Bol;IU, e.utt1 -} 0atch your newspapers for further.developments, Symphony in the geadows is on the way! 'l'ne riders of LCVEPA will be a.ssured of another year of therapeutic riding.
HELP! Wanted: Names and addresses of persons who might wish to be added to our Symphony in the Meadows mailing list. Send these to Susan Foote, P.O. Box 653, Old Lyme 06371,
CPTV TO SHON LCVErlA FILH Connecticut Public Television has accepted the LCVERAfilm ''I Think I Can" for airing during the coming season. Filmed by Peter Pearce of Old Lyme and New York, "I Think I Can" stars the children riding in the LCVERAprogram. The film has won several awards at film festivals in hew York and California. The date for airing has been set tentatively for June. "I Think I Can" is also available to groups and organizations through Judy Lovelace, our executive director, at 767-1974, :,CVERAARTICLE TO APPEAR IN R:b.:ADER 'S DIG:t:ST Reader's Digest magazine has accepted an article about the LCVERA program. Nritten by Andrew Jones, a professional writer from Old Lyme and Santa Fe, the article will appBar sometime during the late summer or fall of this year. Mr, Jones spent many hours last year observing our classes and interviewing many of our riders, parents, staff and volunteers, LCVERAis proud and happy that we will be the agent to give such wide publicity to therapeutic riding.
for our LCVERAriders Help us make it When¡? Where'? What? Who7
If you
at their first a big success!
Sunday, May 18, 10 - j, rain or shine, Kingswood Farm, Rt. 1:;,6, Lyme. Eleven classes, dressage events. LCVERArideis of all ages, from all classes. Volunteers, staff, teachers, families, classmates, the public and YOU!
Marion LeQuinit of Branford is chairperson. Watch your local papers for details. volunteer time on this day, call Y,arion LeQuinn at 481-9352 or Judy Lovelace at 767-1974
BAKE SALE 'rhe Parents Committee of LCVERAis busy planning a bake sale to be held at the LCVERAhorse show. Donations of baked goods will be accepted from our volunteers as well as all of our parents on iv,ay 18th. Parents will be contacted asking for their donation as well as an hour or two of time to help at the bake sale table. Proceeds from this endeavor will be used to purchase a needed piece of equipment for the program to be donated by the LCVE;RAparents. Bim Christianson of Chester, 526-9386, and Barbara Kashanski of East Haddam, 434-2558, are chairpersons.
A SPECIALTHANKS FOR FINANCIAL AID 'l'he Essex Community Fund and the Pequot Community Foundation both awarded funding to us this winter. The Essex Community Fund again provided funding to help cover the cost of students from Essex, Centerbrook and Ivoryton. The Pequot Community .Foundation, based in hew London, gave LCV.ERAa generous grant to cover the costs of several much needed saddles.
SPRING SEMESTERSTARTS The spring semester started the last week of March. Seventy volunteers signed up. Many are "old timers", twenty are new. Welcome to all of you! Sixty riders are scheduled including several tiny tots. As usual, we have a waiting list of prospective riders. Westbrook Hunt Club continues to host the Monday classes. Kingswood FErm in Lyme has generously alloted us both 'l'uesday and Wednesday space. The Gould''s "Brush Patch" in Hadlyme is our meeting place on Thursday. Come watch a class or two! Call Judy Lovelace, 767-1974•
SPECIAL OLYMPICS Connecticut Special Olympics will be held this year on June 13, 14 and 15 at Storrs on the campus of UConn. Equitation events are scheduled horses and volunteers to help on the 1Lfth. LCVERAwill send several LCVEHAriders. 'rhis is the first year that competitive equitation events have been scheduled. We expect to help make it a success. If you are interested in assisting, please call Hike Boyd of Eadison at 421-3069 or Judy Lovelace of Centerbrook at 767-1974 ■
L.C.V.E.R.A. Ridge Road Centerbrook, CT 06409
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Hadlyme. Conn. 06439 Permit No. 1