1990-1991 High Hopes Annual Report

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Annual Report

1990 $~>:: HIGH



This annual report covers the fiscal year of July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990. Great care has been taken to recognize all who have contributed so thoughtfully to High Hopes, to respect those individuals who do not wish their names to be published, and to ensure the accuracy of the lists included in this report. We profoundly regret any errors or omissionsand ask

you to notify the High Hopes office of any corrections so that we may update our records.

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding is located at the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding at 36 Town Woods Road, Old Lyme, Connecticut, telephone (203) 4341974. Founded in 1974, High Hopes is part of a worldwide movement that recognizes the unique value of therapeutic riding. We are affiliated with and accredited by the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA),which establishes program standards and techniques and provides other professional support. High Hopes conducts an award-winning program that has been among the leaders in the field.

Sis Gould,founder of HighHopes

coverphoto:KelseyFournierduring a hippotherapy session

President's Report


Barbara Kashanski Saddle #5 rests securely on rack #5, Romey's bridle hangs in place with her name and chart above it, the hats are neatly hung numerically on their wooden pegs. They are here today and will be for all the tomorrows - no longer to be stuffed in bags and old trunks for storage in someone's barn or attic in between the fall and spring sessions. They have a home - a permanent home - at last! The sixteen years of our nomadic existence are over. The Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding is a reality! As this year of uncertainties, frustrations, and a lot of hard work ends, our staff must be commended. They demonstrated their professionalism, versatility and adaptability by conducting the program under very trying conditions while maintaining the highest safety and performance standards. Their caring and concern for the riders, horses and volunteers was always evident. Thank you, Judy, Kitty, Holly, Jonnie, Carolyn, Lynn and Ann. Special recognition must be given to our executive director, Judy Lovelace, who managed to come through the year in one piece and still smiling after meeting the demands the Capital Fund Drive and building made on her time and energies over and above her regular responsibilities. To the Lovelace family, thank you for giving up so much of your home and privacy for our office. The energy of the Board of Directors this past year have been concentrated on raising the money to build our new facility. As the year ends, over seventy-five percent of the building phase of our drive has been raised. In order to address the larger financial and organizational demands that will come with owning our own facility, the following Board committees were given permanent status by being included in our by-laws as standing committees: planning, development, finance, building and grounds, and personnel. Each of these committees has been working to establish a secure base from which to launch the next stage of our history. Many thanks go to a wonderful, hardworking and dedicated Board. We face increased responsibilities that come hand in hand with maturity and independence with determination and confidence. The loyalty, commitment and generosity of our Board, staff, volunteers and friends has been proven over the years. We look forward to expanding our circle of friends and supporters now that we have the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding where all our belongings are in one place, where we can have our own address and telephone number, where we have the freedom to plan for a year-round program, and where our own door will always be open to those who would like to walk through and join us.

Over 600 people enjoyed box suppers before the New Haven Symphony Orchestra and Morley Safer entertained for Symphony in the Meadows at the Lighifoots' on June 22.


Director's Report Judy Lovelace The past year has been a year of hard work and tremendous progress for High Hopes. First came a new name and now as the year ends, a new home ... at last, our own home. This has been a year of challenges which were met by dedicated and determined board members, staff and volunteers. The "high hopes" of all of us carried us through-keeping us on top, looking forward, concentrating on what we do best: running an outstanding therapeutic riding program. With 100% board participation, we launched our capital campaign for the construction and furnishing of the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding. Director Bruce McGhie contributed of his time and expertise during the writing, designing and publishing of our campaign literature. Director Sally Mayer's tireless enthusiasm and organization netted us a successful raffle and phonathon. The dedication of all board members, staff and volunteers to spread our story about the therapeutic value of horses



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is evident in our success to date.

Our building committee, under the leadership of Herb Clark and Rives Potts, listened to our dreams and turned them into a specially designed therapeutic riding center. Financial and moral support as well as numerous gifts in kind have made the building of the Sis Gould Center possible. Our long range planning and personnel committees continue to evaluate our organizational structure. Kitty Stalsburg was hired as acting program director to assist with the growth of our programs. Emily Fisher and her committee should be commended on presenting a concise, straightforward long range plan to our board for approval and implementation. The continued success of Symphony in the Meadows is the result of Judy Lightfoot's excellent leadership and the hard work of over 100 volunteers who gave unselfishly of their energy to create a magical evening. Morley Safer, the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, the picturesque setting at the Lightfoots', the starlit evening, the exceptional auction, the warm friendly ambiance of the evening, and of course, the financial success contributed to a memorable evening. To end our fiscal year on such a high, enthusiastic note means the best is yet to come. As construction began on our new facility, and energies were directed to it and the capital campaign, our primary focus was never forgotten. First and foremost we are a therapeutic riding program-we are providing a unique and valued service which is

The Delta Award

not duplicated in our area. The needs of our riders, their smiles and thumbs up got us through the rough spots. Classes were offered in sports riding, hippotherapy, driving, and vaulting to 75 individuals ranging in age from 2 to 63 from Branford to Middletown to Stonington and 21 towns in between. Seventy-five percent of our riders are school age. Fifty percent ride during the school day, coming from 9 different schools. High Hopes's 3 specially trained instructors, 2 licensed physical therapists, and over 100 "in the ring" volunteers work with riders, providing over 21 hours of instruction each week. Disabilites encompass learning disabilities, mental retardation, Down's syndrome, communication disorders, autism1 emotional impairments, develop-

mental delay, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, amputation, and blindness. SPECIALPROGRAMHIGHLIGHTS International recognition was bestowed on High Hopes by the Delta Society, an international organization dedicated to promoting the animal-human bond through research and education. High Hopes received the International Model Therapeutic Riding Program Award and was recognized for "setting a standard of excellence to which all


other therapeutic riding programs should aspire." Carolyn Jagielski, Ann Bond and Holly Ridgway presented a professional demonstration of an exercise regime for the treatment of scoliosis at the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association Annual Conference. An enthusiastic group of riders, parents and volunteers gathered

outside High Hopes on a cold December afternoon to trim our first Christmas tree, take hayrides and greet Santa.

The Voluntary Action Center presented High Hopes with the Carnation Cup for being the outstanding volunteer program in southeastern Connecticut. Sis Gould and Rives Potts received honorable mention for their contributions to High Hopes. Fifty visually impaired and braille readers from across Connecticut had an opportunity to learn about horses, grooming, tacking and riding during a specifically adapted hands-on series of learning experiences designed by High Hopes staff members.

Our winter enrichment program continued to expand our volunteer base and further educate all volunteers.

Our annual horse show was judged by instructors from other therapeutic riding programs. They were impressed with our riders' skills, the camaraderie of parents, volunteers, friends and siblings, as well as our

Ash Edwards, Jr. Memorial Fund monies were used to purchase Mr. Ed,


a mechanical horse.

High Hopes became an accredited training school for coaches and athletes for equestrian events for Connecticut Special Olympics. Memorial funds were established in honor of Marilyn Mosher, volunteer, and Ray Roper Jones, mother of Nancy Potts.

James Gage, MD, director of Cerebral Palsy Services, and Valerie Rhodes, senior staff physical therapist, both from Newington's Children's Hospital, support High Hopes's hippotherapy program as "an effective approach to physical development as well as recreation for physically and developmentally disabled children and adults." Student interns from Connecticut College, University of New England and Eastern Connecticut State University conducted independent and research studies with High Hopes.

As we move into the Sis Gould Center we will be focusing on ways to enrich our programs, to provide more opportunities to meet the special

Kerry Christianson, winner of the 1990 High Hopes Rider of the Year Award

needs of our riders, volunteers, horses and staff, to expand the number of riders, to educate others and to continue to offer our exceptional programs to all who can truly benefit. Our horses are enjoying the freedom of a large pasture, our riders and volunteers like having their own home, and the staff delights in knowing that everything is under one roof. High Hopes is dedicated to people ... to enriching lives by providing services for the disabled. The board is dedicated and committed; the staff is energetic, flexible and willing to learn; our volunteers are insatiable; our riders give to each of us more than any of us feel we can ever give to them. Come visit, see High Hopes in action. Watch a rider, talk with a parent, see the smiles 1 share our joy, experience the successes for



Financial Report Stanley M. Babson,


Financially, the last fiscal year for High Hopes was somewhat stressful. Having faced the realization that we must move from Kingswood, and having decided to build our own permanent facility at new leased property at Town Woods Road, Old Lyme, we faced the dilemma of whether to delay construction until our Capital Fund Drive was well under way or to jump in and arrange bank borrowings to get started immediately. Our concern about the momentum and growth needs of our program prompted us to choose the latter course, and we proceeded to borrow $300,000 which enabled us to initiate construction. Admittedly, this was a higher risk plan than we would have liked, but we unanimously felt that we must not let our worthy program flounder in the transition. The accompanying financials reflect the year we have had following this decision. Operationally, as in prior years, the shortfall of operating revenues to support our program was met by our highly successful benefit, Symphony in the Meadows. The net proceeds of this benefit not only covered our operating deficit for the year then ended, but gave us a surplus of $16,908 to start the new year. Our Capital Drive took time to get organized, and considerably lagged behind our need for capital funds. The accompanying financials show that we spent for our construction program $67,388 more than the capital funds available. To cover this, we have had to temporarily use cash from our operating reserves built up in prior years. With the Capital Fund Drive resuming momentum, we are fully confident that new pledges, together with cash coming in from existing installment pledges, will more than redeem this temporary use of operating funds for capital purposes. Our construction program should be substantially completed within the next few months. Thereafter, our capital objective will be to obtain funds to retire the bank debt and eliminate the burden of interest payments on such debt, and to build an endowment fund that will sustain the maintenance and growth of

our program as we go forward with plans for the future in our permanent home. The accompanying financials show a healthy and vigorous growth, not only in facilities, but in net worth, and more importantly, in positioning High Hopes for an aggressive extension of what it does best in the years ahead. A certified audit of our most recent fiscal year is available and will be furnished on request.

The Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding


HIGH HOPES TIIEllAPEUIIC RIDING, INC. Soun:cs ol Operating Puods and Dispositioa ol Funds foe the Year F.aded June 30, 1990

June 1990 (unaudited)

SOURCES OF OPERATING FUNDS: Contributions on behalf of riders Memberships annual giving Contributions from Civic Organizations and Friends Horse Show and other activities Fund Raising Benefit Interest income

Misc. income


3,645 72,756

Cash in Banks:

Operating Funds Endowment Funds


Total Cash in Banks Marketable Securities

Total Income in support of Operating Program TOTAL OPERATING HXPENSES

Net Surplus of Operating Funds

June 1989 (audited)

17,510 18,350


• • •


ol Fiaancial -and June 30, 1989 •• Statcmcat June 30, 1990


Capital Assets: Land and leasehold interest in land (with option to buy) Land improvements under construction Building under construction Equipment Value of horses donated or purchased Less, reserves for depreciation Net Capital Assets

Bank Loan Capital Fund Drive - Unrestricted Funds Capital Fund Drive - Restricted Funds

300,000 306,436

Capital Fund Drive - Endowment Funds Donated Horses and Equipment

10,250 4,100

Total Capital Funds Received



Prepaid Expenses

Total Assets

80,373 10,305

77,744 0


77,744 63,414

0 31,767


148,039 410,222 16,457 20,500 (9,554)

0 0 13,332 16,400 (3,360)








Unpaid contractor and other bills Notes Payable to Bank Restricted Grants and Endowments

11,682 240,000 18,890

0 7,140

Total Liabilities




Land improvement costs and fencing Building construction Purchase of equipment Value of donated horses and equipment Administrative Costs of Capital Fund Drive Repayment of Bank Loan, per terms of agreement Interest Expense - net of Interest income

148,039 398,629 3,125 4,100 60,000 22,511

Accumulated Surplus at start of year Current Year Surplus

196,219 243,526

160,786 35,433

Total Capital Funds Disbursed


Accumulated Surplus at end of year



Excess of Disbursements over Receipts


Total Liabilities and Net Worth






Capital Fund Donors Capital Campaign Report Rives Potts, Chairperson

As of the middle of September, we have reached over 75% of our goal for the "bricks and mortar" phase of our campaign and close to 10% of our endowment goal. A recap of our goals and present positions are as follows:

Founders Janie and Cortie Davison Sis and Lytt Gould Emily T. Fisher and Evan S. Griswold John and Kelly Hartman Foundation, Inc. Judith and Richard Lightfoot Gertrude H. Nightingale Nancy and Rives Potts

Capital Needs Building, grounds, equipment Land Total pledged to date "Bricks and mortarn needs

Endowment goal Endowment gifts Endowment needs


700,000 200,000 765,915 134,085 1,100,000 90,000 1,010,000

To complete the building phase of the facility to insure a home for our program by this fall, it was necessary to borrow $300,000 until sufficient cash was received from pledges to cover our costs. Our policy from the beginning was to "pay as we go," and we have honored all of our contractors' and suppliers' payment requests on a timely basis. We have retired $60,000 of our loan and anticipate paying off the balance over the next year and a half. The endowment phase of the campaign is just beginning with our goal of securing a principal of$ 1.1 million which will provide income to support approximately half of our program operating expenses through rider scholarships. This is a very essential part of our overall plan to insure a sound fiscal base for our future. Our committee is working on securing the donations necessary to achieve these goals from individuals, corporations and foundations. With the competition for these funds being very strong, we welcome help from anyone who would like to get involved in this meaningful way. The enjoyment and rewards of helping the special people in our program are immeasurable. To the people who have joined us in this effort so far, we thank you for your generosity and kindness. Let's work hard to complete the job.

Champions Sally H. Aubrey Millie and Stan Babson Lorri and Charles Beauvais Nan and Howard Brundage Sherry and Herb Clark Ted Crosby Sylvia and Chuck Erhart Hope and Russell Ford Lee Funsten Sherley and Mike Furgueson Grace and Frank Hamilton Katie Ireland Greta andJohnJacobs Barbara R. and John Kashanksi Vee Lardner Sally and George Mayer Elizabeth Funsten McCarthy Barbara and Bruce McGhie Sandra Meinsen and Bill Harreys Alden and Jamie Murphy Joseph H. and Florence A. Roblee Foundation Deborah and S. Spencer Scott, Jr. Cookie and Sam Strong Vicky and Bill Winterer Medalists Rosamund R. Arthur Natalie and Alan Bieber Mary and Phillip Broughton Anne and Carroll Boynton

Peggy Clucas Madora Cooke Donnell-Kay Foundation, Inc Maud and Ben Duke Kathy and Ted Etherington Willa Feeney Cathy and Everett Fisher Alva and Fritz Gahagan Esther and Dick Goodwin Kitty and Jerry Greene Betsy and Bill Horn June and Stu Hotchkiss Jacobs Children Judy and John Johnson Kie and Tim Johnson Elinor Johnston The Kitchings Family Nora and Shepard Krech, Jr. Coco and Dick Lovelace Judith and Jeffrey Lovelace Pauline and Clifford Mallory Sheri Matthies Marguerite McConihe Eleanor and Jack Meyer Northeast Nuclear Energy Company Terry and Greg O'Connell Bobbie Parker Pattie and Dennis Peoples Nancy and Don Rankin Holly and Jeff Ridgway Lisa and Ed Russell Joan and Lee Sillin Marcia and Roger Smith Anne and Wayne Southwick Betty and Fred Sturges Marian and Bill Wenck Cynthia and George Willauer Linda and Ted Williams Jenny and Rudolphe Wood-Muller Barbara and Walter Wright Equestrians Eleanor and John Barclay Mike and Bill Boyd Sally and Chet Braman


Eliane and Jonathan Bulkley Marty Burd Mary and Dick Burke Pamela Clement and Rick Butt Vallery and Marshall Clark Kinky and Philip Cowles, Jr. Speed Davis Cynthia and Malcolm Davison Darline and Bob Doane Annabel and Bruce Ebersole Barbara and David Edwards Debbie and Bob English Sallie and Frank Farrel Barbara and Chamberlain Ferry Lois and Frank Fitzgerald Jane Flynn Pat and Jake Foley Ginny and Sam Galpin Janet and Peter Good Peggy and Jack Greenwood Charlotte B. Griswold Lyn and Donald Hanberg Sally and Parker Handy Sylvia Harding Bob Herbst Selina Hewlett Elise Irving Jonathan Isleib Jeannie and Hap Johnson Mary and Doug Jones Shirley and Sam Jones Hooker and David Judson Elizabeth and Peter Karter Marjorie Stratton Kaufmann Jean and John King Kathi and Bjorn Kjellstrom Barbara and Ellwood Koontz Sheila ffolliott and Shepard Krech III Marion and Donald LeQuin, Sr. Jenepher R. Lingelbach Bill Little Ruth Lord Ethel M. Loorman Foundation, Inc.

Ann and Charles Luce, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney Burge Janet T. and Robert M. Lynch Bella and Gene Martin George A. Mayer Anne McDermott Judy McLennan Jane and Edward McMillan, Jr. Cyndie and Steve Melcher Elinor and George Montgomery Ann Musgrove Elsie and Andre Newburg Judy and Stan Patrick Constance Pike Sally Pinchot Nene and Larry Pool Mary P. Pullen Peg and Ed Quirin Nancy and Jack Ripley Meg and John C. Ripley, Jr. Penny and Bud Risley Meredith and Bill Robbins Nathaniel Robertson III Connie Robinson Beckett and Jack Rogers Judith M. Schaaf Carol and Robert Schneider Charles Schwartz Kame and Bernie Schwarz Southern New England Telephone Company Marion and Bill Taylor Nika Thayer Sandy and Tony Thurston Winnie and Bill Webster Jeannie and Eric West Linda L. and Frank E. Wolcott III Nancy and Bob Wood Mille Wrege

Friends Barbara Agar Peg and Pete Aldrich Sally and Peter Andersen Fay and John Ashton Tricia Bailey Barbara and Ellis Baker Beth and Larry Baker Caroline and Peter Balistrieri Mary Lee Banfield Trecie and Joe Bardenheier Deitra Bardon Leslie and Cotty Barlow Myrna and Arnold Baskin Sharon and Stan Bates Rose and Arnold Benak Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Besier Sally Bill Annie and David Bingham Rose and John Bininger Joan and Barry Bloom Sallie and Robert Boodie Bobby and Lloyd Booth Gerry Bothwell Simeon Braguin

Jackie and Ken Bridges June and Ralph Brown Helen Bruce Bill Bryant Nancy and Don Buebendorf Ellen Burnham Tia and Jim Burns Marian Burr

Marilyn and Gene Burton Sandra and John Cahill Jane Caldwell Judy and Steve Caldwell Margaret and Beekman Cannon Dorothy and Tom Cathcart Betty and Val Chamberlain Geraldine and John Chandler Bim and Art Christianson Molly Clark Lucile and Harry Clarke

Evie and Christopher Clarkson Sally Cleaver Connie and David Clement Betty and Fred Cliffe Claire and Bob Coit B.J, and Bob Colburn Gretchen and Robert Colby Tillie and Bill Colihan Frannie and Sam Comstock Wanda Condict Sue and Bob Connell Ginny and George Connerat Elizabeth Cook Rosemary and Charles Cowley Janet and Charlie Crump Josephine Cumber Karen and Peter Cummins Flip and Earle Dane Dottie Davis Betty and Phil Davis Barbara and Ed Delaney Karen and Dave Deleeuw Avery and Dick Dickson Polly and Courty Dixon Bill Dodge Nancy and Bruce Dodson Gordie Dyer Jonnie and Ash Edwards Mary Ellicott Shirley and Matt Ely Janice and Jack English Elaine and Bo Erdman M'Lou Escher Valerie andJohn Evans Katherine Evans Margaret Fay Margaret Fisher Cappy and Walter Fisher Barbara Ford Kitty Ford Florence and John Fort Barbara and Michael Fountain Judy and John Friday Patty and Nick Frost


Myrle and Bernard Gaffney Mary and Jim Gage Gene and Al Gardiner Betty and Gil Gilman John Goetcheus Chip and Kathleen Goodrich Heather and Michael Greenaway Betty and John Greene Lynn and Earl Greenho Dee and Bill Gustafson Liz and Barse Haff Claire Hall Anne and Ted Hall Nancy and Reese Harris Liz and Max Hartman Eleanor A. and Eldon Harvey Claire Hemboldt Niles Hemboldt Edna Hilley Lee and Al Hine Elizabeth Hird Gerry and Richard Hodgson Pat and Rick Holloway Patti Holmes Mar and Hos Hosley Susan and Bill Hostnik Janie and Joe Hotchkiss Peg and Art Howe Sally and Arthur Hughes Andrew Hunter Elmira Ingersoll Ethel and Colman Ives Mag and Tim James Molly and Chuck Jewett Allura and Glenn Johnson Audrey and Bob Johnson Winnie Johnson Anne and Andy Johnston Kate Johnstone Nan and Guy Joly Janet and Andy Jones Jeannie Kaiser Bernie Karp Jeanie and Mike Kashgarian

Jane Kauffman Carol and Bob Klimek Mary Ellen Klinck Mary Knollenberg Katherine and Sidney Knowles Amy and Tim Knowles Judy and Vaughn Knowles Al Krech Dinny and Lou LaFage Melissa Lankier Janet and Martin LeBoutillier Judi and Bud Lethbridge Jean and C.S. Lovelace Grace and Bob Marrion Emma L. Marvin Ellen and Mike Maus Margaret and Daniel Maus Nancy McAllister Julie and Michael McConihe Barbara and Bill McCullough Kathy and John Mccurdy J. Alexander McGhie Julie McGovern Renee and Bruce McIntyre Diane and Rod McNeil Louise Mellon Jeanne Meredith Beverly and Peter Metz Joan and Art Meyers Catherine Miller Dionne and Weldon Miller Elizabeth S. Miller Lella and Danforth Miller Gloria Molloy Maria and George Montoya Elizabeth Moore John and Margot Morgan L. Ford Morgan Ellie and Victor Morrison Nancy and John Morse Mary Muhlhausen Lynda and Osbore Murphy Ginnie and Bob Murphy Ronda Muschenheim

Rosemarie and Richard Myerson Lili Neale Eva and Rodney Neibauer Heidi and John Niblack Marietta and John O'Connell Mimi and Harold Obstler Nancy Oliver Nancy Olmstead Corrie and John Paardenkooper Michael Page Jo Anne and Charlie Park Ruth Perry Grace and David Pesapane Caroline Peters Alberta Pfeiffer Pat and Pete Pierson Pammie and Bill Post Caroline and Jack Prizer William Pugh Jane and Bill Purtell Charlotte and Don Quigley Edith and Thomas Quigley Linda and Dick Quigley Katherine and William Reese Barbara and Bagley Ried Susan and George Reigeluth Barbara and Spencer Reitz !me and Leland Reynolds Jean M. Richards Richard Rieder Gladys and Raoul Roberts Pat and Tom Rogerson Carol and Robert Russell Frances and Richard Salam Margaret and Philip Scheide Joel Schiavone Jane and Rick Schulten Dudley and David Semmes Lukie and Harry Semmes Elise Seymour Nan and Russ Seymour Dottie and Richard Sheble Sharon and Bill Sheedy Valerie and Rob Shickel

Kathy Skolem Marty and Bill Slater Dot and Vernon Smith Ann and Jim Spillane Sally R. Sprague Laurie Sprague Carol and Vic Stancliff Clinton and Joe Stan dart Frank Stephenson Beverly and Richard Stevenson Patricia and Gregory Stratos Wezzie and Steve Swift Cherry Swords Jeanne Thomson Bea and Cam Todd Chevy and Hank Towers Dorothy and Willis Umberger Diana and Gustav Van Hover MauriceWakeman Linda and David Ward Deborah and Richard Warren Polly and John Webster Tom Webster Gail and Bill Werwaiss Shelley and Bill White Whitelaw Wilson Marion and James Wilson Edmund and Lynn Wolcott Jean and John Wolff Harriet Wood Sylvia Yarrow Matching Gifts Citicorpt and Citibank Pfizer, Inc. Reader's Digest Foundation, Inc.


Building Committee Report Rives Potts, Chairperson We 1re in!

At long last, we are operating out of our own facility. The past year and a half have been trying, to say the least, but most obstacles have been overcome and the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding is now a reality. There are many small items that will need attention over the next few months, but the majority of the primary construction punch list is completed. A great deal of thanks should be given to Tom Metcalf, Tom Elliott and Dick Gates, site engineer, architect and surveyor, respectively, who

have donated their services in designing the new facility. Herb Clark has given us many hours of his valuable time in coordinating the design and budgeting process, evaluating and executing the contracts and steering us through the construction phase by sharing his knowledge at almost every turn. The countless details and the supervision of the dayto-day construction of the facility were handled with great skill by Jeff Ridgway. His common sense, knowledge and wonderful attitude have proved invaluable in listening to the ideas and suggestions of many people and somehow filtering them into concise instructions for the contractors. The results of his persistent attention to detail can be seen throughout the facility. Dozens of volunteers have worked at the facility over the past year helping with cutting and clearing trees for the road and trails, installing the fencing, painting, seeding and countless other jobs. Over sixty companies and individuals have provided gifts in kind from furniture to lumber to pick-up trucks to temporary facilities to garbage removal. These efforts have allowed us to stay within our budget and still construct a facility that will meet the needs of our program for many years into the future. A great thanks to all of you who have helped so far and will continue to donate your time and effort.

Aerial view of High Hopes property on Town Woods Road, Old Lyme

Our facility: barn, caretaker~ apartment, lounge, offices, and indoor arena


Members Life Members Mr. F. T. Crosby Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Potts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Patrons Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Broughton Mr. & Mrs. Endicott Davison The Chester W. Kitchings, Jr. Family Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Sponsors Mrs. Leslie G. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueson Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Dr. & Mrs. James R. McAraw Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McGhie Mr. & Mrs. S. Spencer Scott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stix Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Wright Sustaining Members Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Adrian Mr. & Mrs. Stever Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Babson, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Barry Bloom • Mr. William Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Brundage Mr. & Mrs. S. E. Canaday Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark III Mr. Ferdinand W. Coudert Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremond Emily T. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Mrs. Willa B. Feeney Mrs. Jane Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Goodwin

Mr. & Mrs. L. B. P. Gould Mr. & Mrs. John Greenwood Mrs. Matthew Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. John Hargraves Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harper Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. Ward L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Waldo C. M. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. John Kashanski Mr. & Mrs. Martin LeBoutillier Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Mrs. R. E. D. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maus Mrs. Roblee McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Dixon Merkt Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Pearce Col. & Mrs. Brewster Perry Mrs. Gifford Pinchot Mr. Michael Pollowitz Mr. & Mrs. John C. Prizer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ridgway Mr. & Mrs. William T. Robbins Ms. Alice. F. Schmutz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Richard Schulten Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stanners Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong III Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Mr. & Mrs. William G. Winterer Supporting Members Mr. & Mrs. John Alsop Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Baskin Mrs. Sally J. Bill Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Broom, Jr. Mr. James P. Blunt Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Burkharth Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Burke Dr. & Mrs. John P. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Mr. & Mrs. Harwood Comstock

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cooper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Crump Mr. & Mrs. Courtland P. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Jeb Embree Mr. & Mrs. Stuart English Mrs. Robert English Mr. & Mrs. Robert English III Mrs. Robert Fay Mr. & Mrs. Rene Frechette Mrs. Samuel Galpin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene Mrs. Claire Hall Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hanberg Mr. & Mrs. Parker Handy Mrs. Roger Hewlett Mr. & Mrs. David Hyde Mrs. Elise K. Irving Dr. & Mrs. W. Raymond James Mrs. Stafford Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Yale Kneeland Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn C. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Elwood H. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lightfoot

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Lindholm Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. James V. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Marx Mr. & Mrs. James D. Matschulat Mr. & Mrs. George J. Michel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison Mr. & Mrs. John Niblack• Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Peoples Mrs. William Pike Mrs. Alice S. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Chester Reneson Mr. Leland Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Robbins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shickel Ms. Mary Sipkoski Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speirs Mrs. John Thayer Mrs. Helen Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Vincent, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Walden Mrs. John Warren

HighHopesvolunteersreceiveVoluntaryAction Center's CarnationCupfor outstandingvolunteerprogram.


Mr. & Mrs. Eric West Mr. & Mrs. George Willauer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Wimpfheimer Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Wolcott Friends Mrs. Ellen Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph F. Besier Mr. & Mrs. David Bingham Mrs. Charles Burd Mr. & Mrs. James F. Burns, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Burton Mr. & Mrs. V. B. Chamberlain III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Earle B. Dane, Jr. Mr. R. Speed Davis Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. David Edwards Capt. & Mrs. Robert Erdman Mrs. Marie Louise Carroll Escher Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Farrell III Mr. & Mrs. Chamberlain Ferry Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frankovich Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday, Jr. Mrs. Lucy Donaldson Gerr Mrs. William Grover Mrs. Max C. Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Douglas N. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. David Judson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karter Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kashgarian Mr, & Mrs. Forrest Kelsey Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klimek Mr. & Mrs. Russell Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Donald LeQuin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lovelace Mrs. Eugene McCarthy Mrs. Thomas J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Harold Obstler Mrs. George T. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pfeiffer

Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Platt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieder Mrs. John C. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Rogerson Mrs. Frederick Sauer Mrs. Judith Schaaf Mrs. Anna P. Schilder Mr. & Mrs. Denison Schweppe Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sheedy Mr. & Mrs. Elting H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Soper Mr. & Mrs. Victor Stancliff Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Stevens Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Fred Vigorito Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. Winifred Webster Mrs. Mildred Wrege Mrs. Denise Wright • matching gift received

Ali Harrison on Apple

Board of Trustees

High Hopes Staff

Class of 1992 President Barbara Kashanski

1st Vice President Bruce McGhie

2nd Vice President Elizabeth Horn

Secretary Elizabeth Strong

Mr. Frederick T. Crosby Mrs. E. P. Davison Mr. Ralph DiSaia Mr. John Duncan Mrs. John Kashanski Mrs. Donald LeQuin Mrs. Deborah F. Scott

Class of 1990


Mrs. Stever Aubrey Mr. Stanley M. Babson, Jr. Mrs. Emily Fisher Mrs. L. B. P. Gould Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Mrs. Pattie Peoples Mrs. Samuel M. Strong III

Barry Russman, M. D. Honorable Richard Schneller Wayne Southwick, M. D. E. Maurice Wakeman, M. D.

Mr. Herbert T. Clark III Mrs. Michael Furgueson Mrs. William C. Horn Mr. Bruce McGhie Mr. A. Rives Potts Mr. Thomas J. Rogers

Campaign Secretary Tammy Grillo

Barn Manager Ann Bond

Stanley Babson

Class of 1991

Judy Lovelace

Honorary Board Members Mr. L.B. P. Gould Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilton Dr. Paul Pierson


Executive Director

Acting Program Director and Instructor Kitty Stalsburg

Head Instructor Holly Ridgway

Instructor Jonnie Edwards

Physical Therapist Consultants Jan R. Conant Duncan Craig Robert G. Daly Mrs. John Greene Thomas N. James Mary Jean Vasiloff Anne T. Wright

Carolyn Jagielski

Physical Therapist Lynn Kaufmann

Photo credits: Frank Marcbese 1 Ted Crosby 1 Judy

Lovelace,JeffreyLovelace, Holly Ridgway Thanks to Kristan Higgins and Shannon Printing in helping with

the design and printing of this annual report.

Table of Contents

President's Report ................................................... 1 Executive Director's Report .................................... 2 Treasurer's Report ................................................... 4 Capital Campaign Report ........................................ 6 Capital Campaign Donors ...................................... 6 Building Report ....................................................... 9 Members ................................................................ 10 Officers and Directors ........................................... 12 Staff ........................................................................ 12

Highlights • 100% Board participation launched our Capital Campaign • International Model Therapeutic Riding Program Award received • 75 riders with 13 different disabilities benefit from High Hopes programs • Horses moved to Sis Gould Center • Kerry Christianson received 1990 Rider of the Year Award • Nancy Boyd recognized as outstanding volunteer • 75% of building phase of the Capital Campaign complete • Fall classes are held at Sis Gould Center



High Hopes Therapeutic Riding P.O. Box254 36 Town Woods Road Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371

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