Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Farrel Ill Mrs. Robert Fay Mr. & Mrs. Chamberlain Ferry Ms. Emily Fisher & Mr. Evan Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Everett Fisher Mrs. Robert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fitzgerald Mrs. John Foley Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Rene Frechette Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday Mr. Robert L. Funsten Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueson Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Gahagan Mr. & Mrs. S,A. Galpin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Good Or. & Mrs. Richard Goodwin Mc. & Mrs. L.B.P. Gould Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Greenwood Ms. Edi Griswold & Mr. Bruce Benvie Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Griswold Mrs. William H. Grover Mrs. Claire Hall Mr. & Mrs. Frederic L. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilton Ms. Helen Hamlen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hanberg Mr. & Mrs. Parker Handy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartman Ms. Elizabeth K, Harvey Judge & Mrs. David Hensley Mrs. Roger Hewlett Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Hosley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs, Joseph W. Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. David Hyde Dr. & Mrs. Thor Hyyppa Mrs. John Ingersoll Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. W. Raymond James Miss Mary Janvrin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jones Mr. & Mrs. Douglas N. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Jones III Mr. & Mrs. David Judson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karter Mr. & Mrs. John Kashanski
Dr. & Mrs, Michael Kashgarian Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly Ms. Cara E. Kenny Col. Victor H. King Mr. & Mrs. Chester W. Kitchings, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klimek Mrs. M.T. Knollenberg Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn C. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Elwood H. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. M. Chapin Krech Mr. & Mrs. F.L. LaFage Mrs. Richard Lardner Ms. Jean Lasser Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Donald LeQuin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Lethbridge Mr. & Mrs. Sol LeWitt Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot 1 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Lin dholm Ms. Jenepher R. Lingelbach
Mrs. R.E.D. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. James Luft Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James V. Lyons Ms. Kathleen Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford D. Mallory Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marrion Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin Ms. Jerrillyn Massi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Mazer Mrs. W.B. McAllister Ms. Deena McCarthy Mrs. Roblee McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. David McDermott Mrs. Thomas J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McGhie Ms. Julia McGovern Ms. Diane Dent McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Edward McMillan, Jr. Mrs. Sunny McNeil Mr. & Mrs, Roderick McNeil III Ms. Sandra Meinsen & Mr. William Harreys Mr. & Mrs. A.S. Melcher Mrs. Harold Melcher Mr. & Mrs. Dixon Merkt Mr. & Mrs. Newton P.S. Merrill Mr. & Mrs, Beckwith Merryman Mr. & Mrs. John M. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. R.F. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Moore II Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan Mr. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. James Morris Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison Mr. & Mrs. John Morse Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Andre W.G. Newburg Mr. & Mrs. John Niblack Mrs. William Nightingale Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Harold Obsder Ms. Barbara Odell Mrs. Nancy C. Olmstead Mr. & Mrs. James Orr Or. & Mrs. John Paardenkooper Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parisen Mrs. B.B. Parker Mr. & Mrs. David Payne Mr. Richard L Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Peoples Col. & Mrs. Brewster Perry Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pfeiffer Or. & Mrs. Paul S. Pierson Mrs. William Pike Mrs. Gifford Pinchot Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Platt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Post Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Potts Mrs. Alice S. Powers Mr. & Mrs. John C. Prizer Mrs. Leonora Prowell Mrs, Mary Pullen Mr. & Mrs. William Purtell Rev. & Mrs. George W. Razee Mr. & Mrs. William B. Reese Capt. & Mrs. Spencer Reitz Mr. & Mrs. Chester Reneson
Mr. Alfred Reylek Mr. & Mrs. Leland Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rhodes Dr. & Mrs. Roger P. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ridgway Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ripley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hollis P. Risley Mr. & Mrs. William T. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Roberts Mr. N.G. Robertson III Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Robins, Jr. Ms. Tirza Roda Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J.Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Rogerson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.Russell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryland Mrs. Frederick Sauer
Mrs. Judith Schaaf Mrs. Anna P. Schilder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider Senator & Mrs. Richard Schneller Mr. Charles H. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. S. Spencer Scott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Sheble Mr. & Mrs. Lelan F. Sillan, Jr. Ms. Mary Sipkoski Mr. & Mrs. Elting H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Or. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speirs Ms. Kitty Stalsburg & Mr. Robert Hageman Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Stancliff Mr. & Mrs. John Stankus Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Mrs. Duncan Sutphen Mr. Robert D. Taisey Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Terry Mrs. John Thayer Mrs. Elmer Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Ben Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Thurston Mrs. Margaret H. Tilney Mrs. William M. Tingue Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Todd, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger Col. & Mrs. G.J. Van Hover Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Slyck Dr. & Mrs. E. Maurice Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Walden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Warren Mr. & Mrs. William Webster Dr. & Mrs. Wil!iam A. Wenck Mr. & Mrs. Eric West Mr. & Mrs. Richard Whitehead Ill Mr. & Mrs. George Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Wimpfheimer Mr. & Mrs. David Winer Mr. & Mrs. William Winterer Mr. & Mrs. Page Wadell Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Wolcott Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Wolcott llI Mr. & Mrs. John B. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. L. Robert Wood Mrs. Mildred Wrege Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Wright Mrs. Bernard Yarrow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ziemann Mr. Paul Ziml
Reaching out and changing lives through therapeutic riding
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. P.O. Box 254 36 Town Woods Road Old Lyme, Connecticut06371 (203) 434-1974
Annual Report October, 1991
The Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding is one year old! High Hopes' friends have worked hard for 16 years to make this goal a reality-a very exciting and challenging one. I am most grateful to our fine, selfless staff and tireless, dedicated volunteers who, together with an energetic and committed Board of Directors and many, many other friends have worked as a team to effect the following accomplishments this year:
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances June 30, 1991 and 1990
June 1991 {Audited) Total All Funds
• Increased the number of riders accommodated to 115a 44% increase in one short year. • Added an instructor, enabling us to reach more clients. • Sponsored and ran a 4-day Hippotherapy Workshop, led by Myriam Rehle, an internationally renowned hippotherapy specialist from Germany. This was a national workshop to train instructors and therapists in the therapeutic use of the horse. • Operated a special 5-week Winter Program for the Visually Impaired. A number of these new riders have joined our regular program. • Began our first Summer Camp, two two-week sessions which utilized able-bodied youth as counselors for peers facing greater challenges. It was a big success. • Expanded a Volunteer Enrichment Program. • Ran our first Annual Ride-A-Thon from our own facility. • Fielded a very successful Horse Show, where our riders proudly showed a crowd of family and friends their achievements. We were as proud of them as they were of themselves! Our wonderful new facility and the continual efforts of our 200 loyal volunteers have afforded us these new program opportunities. The Center and these additional, creative programs bring a heavier financial responsibility. Our diligent Board of Directors (many of whom are active volunteers) has focused on the completion of our building and land phase of the Capital Fund Campaign, which is planned for completion on June 30, 1992. If we could pay for the land and retire our mortgage debt, the funds from our generous members, community sponsors, corporations and foundations could be utilized primarily for our riders, removing those on our waiting list who are eager to become High Hopes riders. We could also i!1crease our innovative offerings, fine-tune our training of volunteers and instructors, and become a national name in therapeutic riding. Each and every one of you has earned my sincere gratitude for your part in the growth and success of High Hopes. Your dedication to civic responsibility is even more vital in these troubled economic times than ever before. Your time, talent and financial support mean everything to our present-and future-riders. We have "High Hopes" that your continued loyal support of our fundraising efforts will be stronger than ever.
Betsy D. Horn Presidentof the Boardof Trustees
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances - Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1991 and 1990
June 1990 {Audited) Total All Funds
ASSETS Cash Marketable equity securities at lower of aggregatecost or market, net of allowance for unrealizedlossesof $3,525in '91 Prepaid Expenses Lease assignment, net of accumulated amortization of $8,734 in 1991, $5,651 in 1990 Land, Buildingsand Equipment, at cost, lessaccumulated depreciation of $36,074 in 1991 and $7,924 in 1990
$ 35,606
$ 90,678
79,750 1,679
June 1991 {Audited) Total All Funds
June 1990 \{Audited) Total All Funds
REVENUES Memberships Rider Contributions Scholarship Contr ibutions Interest-Endowment Funds School District Contributions Civic & Foundation Grants Other Contributions Horse Shows/Other Programs Income from Fundraising Interest Income-Other Riding Lessons/OtherIncome Horse Sponsorships Capital Drive Contributions Land Gift
$ 27,175 10,798 3,104 6,619 5,220 7,258 7,516 13,442 16,660* 2,990 3,756 2,954 336,456 18,000
$ 18,350 5,408 6,772 -05,330 2,497 3,468
92,429 52,436 77,784
69,906 34,857 61,017
76,757 5,069 -04,100 316,686 -0-
LIABILITIESAND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Note Payable,Current Portion Deferred Revenue Depositsfor Antique Show Note Payable, Less Current Portion TOT AL LIABILITIES
$ 8,598 60,000 4,140 8,480
-060,000 8,640 -0-
FUND BALANCES Unrestricted Restricted: Endowment Plant
101,020 599,092
10,250 368,281
EXPENSES Operating Program Expenses FacilityManagement Expenses Depreciation, Interest, Other
*June Fundraiser deferred to October, 1991
Listed below are those who contributed an Annual Membership Gift or a Capital Campaign Gift to High Hopes from July I 1990 to June 30, 1991. We are extremely grateful for these gifts A special vote of thanks to those who supported our Horse Sho\l and other events during the year or gave needed "gifts in kind.' To all who care about High Hopes in so many ways we extend our heartfelt thanks.
Mr. & Mrs. G. ChristopherAbbott Mr. & Mrs. JorgeAdrian Mr. & Mrs. John Alsop Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Stever Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. StanleyM. Babson,Jr. Mr. & Mrs.John Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Ron Barkyoumb Mr. & Mrs. RufusBarringer Mr. & Mrs. Dana Bartholomew Dr. and Mrs.Arnold Baskin Mrs. Kathy Bassett Mr. Robert L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. RudolphF. Besier Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bieber Mrs. SallyJ. Bill Dr. & Mrs. DavidBingham Mr. & Mrs. BarryBloom Mr. JamesP. Blunt Mr. Gary Borla Mr. & Mrs. WilliamBoyd Mr. & Mrs. Chester Braman Mrs. LeslieG. Brennan Mr. & Mrs.John D. Brewer,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. RichardBrooks Mr. & Mrs. PhillipC. Broughton Mr. & Mrs. HowardD. Brundage Ms. T urie Brunschwig Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Buchalter Mrs.Charles Burd Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Burkarth Mr. & Mrs. RichardS. Burke Ms. SuzanneE. Burnham Ms. ClaudiaBuzzi& Mr. Pietro DeCamilli Mrs. Hugh T. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. S.E. Canaday Mr. & Mrs. V.B. ChamberlainIll Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Champion Dr. & Mrs.John P. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. CharlesM. Chapin Ill Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark Ill Mr. & Mrs. Harry Clarice Mr.& Mrs. NicholasClements
Mr. & Mrs. FredericT. CliffeJr. Mrs. MargaretClucas Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Mr. & Mrs. WilliamJ. Colihan J1 Mr. & Mrs. HarwoodComstock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connell Mrs. BarclayCooke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cooney Mr. FerdinandW. Couden Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cowley Mr. Donald Craft Mrs. BarbaraS. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. AlfredCrosby Mr. FrederickT. Crosby Mr. & Mrs. CharlesG. Crump Mr. & Mrs. EarleB. Dane Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremo1 Mr. R. Speed Davis Mr. & Mrs. Endicott Davison Mr. & Mrs. MalcolmDavison Dr. & Mrs. Joao PauloDeAzeved, Mr. & Mrs. EdmundT. Delaney Ms. DarcyDickinson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DiSaia Mr. & Mrs. Courtland P. Dixon Mr. WilliamDodge Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan lII Mr. Gordon Dyer Mr. & Mrs. MichaelEagle Mr. & Mrs. R. BruceEbersole Mr. & Mrs. WilliamEddison,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Edwards Mr. Yartan Eghigian Mr. & Mrs. MatthewG. Ely Mr. & Mrs.Jeb Embree Mrs. Robert English Mr. & Mrs. Stuart English Mr. & Mrs. Robert EnglishlII Mr. & Mrs. ChaunceyH. Eno Ill Capt. & Mrs. Robert Erdman Mr. Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Mrs. Marie LouiseCarroll Escher Mr. & Mrs. EdwinD. Etheringro1