Mr. & Mrs. Dana Duncan Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan Ill Gordon W. Dyer Paul Dykas Mr. & Mrs. R, Bruce Ebersole David & Barbara Edward~ V. Eghigian Mary Gould Ellicott Thomas & Gloria Elliott Joseph W. Elnisky Mr. & Mrs, Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jcb N. Embree Josephine C. English Mr. & Mrs. Robert English !I! Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey H. Eno Ehiine M. Erdman Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Mrs. Marie-LotiiseCarrol Escher Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Etherington John & Valerie Evans Sa!!ieG. Farrel Mrs. Robert Fay Roberr & C'l.rolynFay Dr. John E. Fenn Mr. Chamberlain Ferry Ernest & ElizabethFetske J. Robert & Patricia Q. Finch Kurt & Susan Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fischer EmilyFisher/EvanGriswold Mrs. Robert Fisher Walter & Katherine Fisher Ardean Fishman Mr. & Mrs. FrancisJ. Fitzgerald Kathleen D. Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. Chad Floyd Nancy Reardon Flynn Barbara Ford Mr. & Mrs. RussellFord Mrs. Carolyn H. Forman John H. Forsgren Mr. & Mrs.John F. Fort Dr. & Mrs. John W. Foster Anne A. Francine Rene & Jane Frechette Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueson Alva & FritzGahagan Anne Gallant Timothy E. Gannon Photography Inc. Elise j. Garvin Mr. & Mrs. Hallett R. Gates, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Gaulton Nancy & Gerald Gehman Toppie & Chrls Getman Deborah Giaconia Mr. & Mrs. John S. Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giordano Dr. EdwardH. Gleich Dr. Herbert Goldenring Donald A. Gonci Mr. & Mrs. Peter Good Chip Goodrich/Kathleen Maher Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Lytt & Sis Gould Mr. & Mrs. Barron Gourlay Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John G, Greenwood John S. Griswold John S. Griswold,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Gri5wold Mr. & Mrs. William H. Grover C'lpt. & Mn;. Robert B. Gustafson Mrs. Donna Gustafson-Tardif
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Hall VemeM. Hall Mr. & Mrs, Ralph Halsey Mr. & Mm. Frank Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. W. Rush G. Hamilton Mrs. Helen F. Hamlen Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hanberg Mr. & Mrs. Parker Handy Charles J. Harding Margaret T. Harper Paul Harper Mr. & Mrs. fara R. Harris Mrs.Reese H. Harris, Jr. Alla L. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Harvey,Jr. ElizabethK. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Horace Havemeyer Richard Hem & Doris Meyer Mrs. R.S. Hewlett Mr. & Mrs, EdwardHildreth ElizabethHird Janet Hoadley Julie Hoadley Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Hollis Mrs. George Holloway William & Mary Horn Susan R. Hostnik Joseph W. Hotchkiss June & Stuart T. Hotchkiss Allan Howat Margaret B. Howe Roger & Donna Hurley Mr. & Mrs. David Hyde Elmira S. Ingersol! Dr. & Mrs. W. D. Irving John Jacobs Diane JeSliup Mrs. Charles W. Jewett Mm. Albina M. Johnson Mrs. EadsJohnson, Jr. Edwina W.P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ward L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. DouglasJones Mr. & Mrs. David Judson Diane Kane-Fournier ElizabethKarter Barbara R. Kashanski John Kashanski Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Kaste!owitz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Katz Mrs. 0.W. Kauffmann Cara E. Kenny Marilyn & Justin Kerwin & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Sherman King Co!. Victor H. King, Ret. Gretchen H. Kingsley J. Kirchner Mr. & Mm. Chester W. Kitchings,Jr. Carol Klimek Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn C. Knowles Mrs. Arthur Knox, Jr. Dr. Kate Kolibaba Mr. & Mrs. ElwoodH. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. J.J.Korst Mr. Alvin W. Krech Mrs. Robert H. Krieble Silvia LaChape!le Alexis Lambert Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lane Mrs. Richard Lardner Sally LaRue Jean M. Lasser Martin & Janet LcBoutil!ier M. Lcquin
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lcthbridgc,Jr. Joan Levin Mrs. John B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Herbert W. Lindholm Gertrude G. Lott Mr. & Mrs. JeffreyLovelace Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lovelace Oscar & Miriam Lubow Mr. & Mrs. George R. Lucas The Luft Family Barney & Bruce Lutsk Mr. & Mrs, Robert M. Lynch Marily MacKinnon/Dan Buchalter Sally C. MacNichol Michael R.T. Mahoney Donald J. Mannix MaplesMotel Dennis & Kathleen Marois Mr. & Mrs. Rohen Marrion E. Lea Marsh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin Virginia H. Martin Maryann Martino Mrs. Harry Marvin-Smith Jerri Mr. & Mrs. G.C. Matth'icssen Maus & Son, !nc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maus Mr. & Mrs. Hiram P. Maxim !! Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer Mrs. W.B. McAllister Mrs. Roblee McC1rthy Mrs. W.F. Moran McConihe David & Caroline McCord Tom, Colleen & Maura McCormick Donald M. McCue Mrs. Thomas J. McDermott Angus L McDonald/GarySharpe & Associates, Inc. Phyllis M. McDowell Bruce McGhie J.Alexander McGhie Ms. Julia McGovern Stratton N. McKi!lop Mrs. Marian Burr McKnight Mr. & Mrs. DavidJ. Mclaughlin Mrs. Juliette C. McLennan Mr. & Mrs. Edward McMillan, Jr. Sunny McNeil Ms. Sandra Meinsen & Mr. William Harreys Mrs. A.S. Melcher John & Sandra Md!o Sara V. & Thomas S. Melvin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dixon Mac.D. Merkt Leo & Marie Metz Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger BambyMiller Mr. & Mrs. Srnnley R. Miller, Jr. Mrs. B.C. Milner Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mo!! Clement & Eliz:1bethMoore Mrs. ElizabethBird Moore Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. EdgarMorgan Mrs. Margot Morgan Mr. & Mm. Victor Morrison,Jr. John & Nancy Mom· Richard & Manha Morse Walter & Ellen Mueller Mary S. Muh!hausen Margaret & Earl Mummert Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Murphy Barbara L Murrny
Mrs. Eunice N. Murtha Mrs. Car! Mmchenheim Rodney & Eva Neibauer Michael Newburg Niantic Lumber Co. John & Heidi Niblack L.D.No!an Eleanor Norton Mrs. Thoma:, F. Oakes Harold 0bstler Mrs. John P. O'Connell Mary O'Connor Barbara OJell Sara 0'Hearn John & Jackie Opeka Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. 0'Rourke John & Corrie B. Paardenkooper Michael 0. Page Mr. & Mrs. Harold C Parisen Mrs. Janet W. Parker Mrs. George Parsons Mr. & Mrs. John T. Patrizio Mrs. H.M. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Payne Richard I. Pearce Pattie Peopb Chris & Jane Percy Thomas J. Perrone Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pfeiffer Sarah H. Pinchot Pipeline Petroleum Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Platt, Jr. Mrs. Robert A. Poisson Jeremy Pond S, Pope, Inc. David & Gail Portem Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Potts F.T. Pritchard T. Pritchard Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. William A. Purtell, Jr. Donald & Charlotte Quigley Mr. & Mrs. EJ Quirin The Rev. & Mrs. George W. Razee Mr. & Mrs. BagleyReid Chester W. Reneson Mr. & Mrs. Leland H. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Rhodes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Rhodes, Jr. Mr, & Mrs. James R. Rice Thomas Richmond Hollis Ford Ridgway Mr, & Mrs. John C. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Risley Mrs. Thomas M, Ritchie Mrs. William T. Robbins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Roberts Jack & Beckett Rodgers Omnie & Al Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Romanowski Mrs. Bu~wn C. Rowley Martin & Rona Rutchik C'lro\ Ryland Lucy Ellen Sa!lkk Sanford Farms, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David C. Sargent Claire Satier Saybrook Point lnn Saybrook Veterinary Hospital Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schaper Alice Schmutz Dean & Jean Schneider Mrs. John A. Schneider Robert & Carol Schneider
J. FrederickScholes Agency, Inc. Linda K. Schroeder Jane Schulten Charles H. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. S. Spencer Scott, Jr. EliseD. Seymour Kara Seymour Mrs. Al!en E. Shepard Mm. Elizabeth P, Shum Mr. & Mrs. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr. Barbara Silver MnrySipkohl:.i Brian & Mary Skelly Harry & Tonia Slifer Mr. & Mrs. Eltin12H. Smith Roger & Marcia Smith Seymour & Tia Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speir~ Richard & Kathryn Spero Anne Spillane Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spratt Kitty Sta!sburg/RobHageman Robert Stabburg Mr. & Mrs. V.A. Stancliff Mr. & Mrs. John S. Stankus Mr. & Mrs. Rkhard Stanwood Peter, Melinda & Valerie Stelzner Barbara D. Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Stevena Cynthia Stix-Bennett Harriet R. Strain Mr5.Thora Bird Streeter Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong lll Mr. & Mm. FrederickSturges Charlotte R. Sutphen Robert D. Taisey Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Nika P. 11iayer Mrs. Elmer Thoma~ Helen Thomas Patricia A. Thoma:, Tony & Sandy Thurston George & Pauline Tilghman
Ms. Wil!iam M. Tingue Carol Todaro Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Tolderlund Denise Tucker Kelvin Tyler Judy Ulrich Dr. & Mrs. Willis H, Umberger Mr. & Mrs. G.J. Van Hover Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van S!yck Mr. & Mrs. Alex Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Vedwni Jane A. Walker Linda Ward Christine Wa5hbum Margart[ W. Wnshbum Elb1beth Watkim Mr. & Mrs.John K, Wmson, Jr. Rose Weaver Mr. & Mrs. John R. Webster Pete & Rec Webster Mr. & Mrs. William R. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. West Mrs. Joseph T. Weit Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Whitaker Dr. & Mrs. Martin White Richard H. Whitehead !ll Mrs. Grafton Wiggim Cynthia C. Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Willets Mr. & Mrs. EdwardP. Williams Marion B. Wilson Mrs. Jacques D. Wimpfheimer David & Judy Winer Mrs. John K. Winter Mr. & Mrs. William 0. Winterer W. Page Wodel! Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Wokon Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Wolcott !ll Mr. & Mrs. John B. Wolff, Jr. Mrs. Ralph Wolff Mr. & Mrs. R,G. Wood-Muller Joanne Woodward Donna Zarn1rJi/AStyle Above
Reaching out and changing lives through therapeutic riding
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. 36 Town Woods Road P.O. Box 254
Old Lyme,Connecticut06371 (203)434-1974
Annual Report October, 1992
High Hopes has just completed its second year in the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding! We have continued to grow in outreach to clients and richness of program offerings. l am sincerely grateful to our fine, selfless staff, to our tireless and dedicated volunteers, to our riders and their families and caregivers, and to our energetic, committed Board of Directors for enabling this past year to be so successful. Our accomplishments this year included the following: • A growth in membership from 312 to 475 0 The maintenance of last year's 44% increase to 115 riders in our main programs and the expansion of our special programs which enabled us to reach 35 more riders. • The support of over 300 volunteers throughout the program year, through involvement with the program, assistance to the staff, and the presentation of our fundraising events. • The presentation of a five-week Volunteer Enrichment Program which concluded with a Volunteer Dinner attended by seventy volunteers. • The expansion of our program to include inner city youth from New Haven during a special four-week summer session, • The operation of another early-summer program for wait-listed riders who had not had an opportunity to ride during the spring semester. • The presentation of our Seventh Annual Horse Show featuring 90 High Hopes riders and the participation of seven of our riders in the Connecticut Equestrian Special Olympics. Our riders were high achievers in both of these events. ® The selection of High Hopes as the site of the 1993 Connec~ ticut Equestrian Special Olympics. ® The presentation of a NARHA certification class for instructors and therapists. 0 The receipt of a grant from Ronald McDonald Children's Charities to enable us to pave the barn aisles, install a perma• nent mounting ramp, and purchase an automated mounting lift for our riders. • The first annual presentation of the Old Lyme Antiques Show which brought over 1,200 people to our facility, The fourth Symphony in the Meadows was attended by over 700 people. Both major events augmented our operating income with the proceeds. T award the end of this year, the "High Hopes" which I ex~ pressed in last year's Annual Report for a year of continued support and growth were realized in a particularly significant way. High Hopes was notified of a $100,000 Challenge to assist us in our capital campaign, This challenge, which will be detailed in our Annual Membership mailing, requires that we raise $100,000 in matching funds by December, 1992, I sincerely hope and believe that each of you will help us meet this challenge. I conclude my two-year term as President of High Hopes with heartfelt gratitude for your part in the growth and success of High Hopes to date. I am confident that this growth and success can continue due to your loyalty and your demonstrated ability to reach out and involve increasing numbers of like•minded individuals in our mission.
Betsy D. Hom, Presidentof rh, Board of T rusrees
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances June 30, 1992 and 1991
June 1992 (Audited) Total All Funds
June 1991 (Audited) Total All Funds
$ 75,003
$ 35,606
Marketable equity securities at lower of aggregate cost or market, net of allowance for unrealized losses of .Q. in '92
Prepaid Expenses Lease assignment, net of accumulated amortization of $11,817 ;n 1992, $8,734 in 1991 Land, Buildings and Equipment, at cost, lessaccumulated depreciation of $73,380 in 1992 and $36,074 in 1991 TOT AL ASSETS
LIAB!LITlES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Note Payable Deferred Revenue Deposits for Antique Show
8,598 108,997 4,140 -0121,735
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances • Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1992 and 1991
REVENUES Memberships Rider Contributions Scholarship Contributions Interest-Endowment Funds School District Contributions Civic & Foundation Grants Other Contributions Horse Shows/Other Programs Income from Fundraising Interest Income-Other Riding Lessons/Other Income Horse Sponsorships Capita! Drive Contributions Land Gift Unrealized Gain on Equity Securities TOTAL REVENUES
8,598 180,000 4,140 8,480 201,218
$ 34,765 21,555 575 7,083 2,960 5,320 8,604 9,866 137,710 674 8,218 10,473 148,577 -0-
$ 27,li5
10,798 3,104 6,619 5,220 7,258 7,516 13,442 16,660* 2,990 3,756 2,954 336,456 18,000
EXPENSES Operating Program Expenses Facility Management Expenses Depreciation, Interest, Other
127,131 63,088 114,467
92,429 52,436 77,784
106,646 632,789
101,020 599,092
June 1991 (Audited) Total All Funds
FUND BALANCES Unrestricted Restricted: Endowment Plant
June 1992 (Audited) Tota! All Funds
*June Fundraiser deferred to October, 1991
Listed below are those who contributed an Annual Membership Gift or a Capital Campaign Gift to High Hopes from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992. We are extremely grateful for these gifts. A special vote of thanks to those who supported our Horse Show and other events during the year or gave needed "gifts in kind." To all who care about High Hopes in so many ways we extend our heartfelt thanks. Mr. & Mrs. G. Christopher Abbott
Frederick & Francc5Acker Bob & Lee Adrian Tony Alfieri Nancy H. Altrui Peggy Amata Ellen R. Anderson Mrs. W.D. Anderson Mrs. D:.maldArthur Fay Ashwn Curt & Dorothy Askelson Sally H. Aubrey R;1lph P. Aufheimer Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Babrnn Louis & Cynthia Bacon Mrs. Martin R. Baer Mr. & Mrs. Lmy C. Baker Lydi,1Baldwin Mary Lee Banfield Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ban::by Mr. & Mr:;. Rufus Barringer Arnold & Mrrna Baskin Bee & Thistle lnnJThc Robert Nelsum Mimi Benner Robert L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Besier Ernest A. Bigelow Sally J. Bill Mr. & Mrs. John Bininger Audrcv L. Bird Oirol Birdsey Eleanor
H. Bishop
John & Blood Barry & Joan Bloom James P. Blunt Wi!li,im C. Bodgc Keith & Lane Bolles Mr. Charles Bombaci Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boody Gary F. Borla The Malcolm Bowers Family Mr. & Mrs. William A Bord Mr. & Mrs. Wilson G. Bradford Simeon Brnguin Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Brainard Mr. & Mrs. Chester Braman Leslie G. Brennan John & Margaret Brewer, Jr. Col. Perry Brewster, USA Rec Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Broughton Kenneth & Emily Brown Ralph & June Brown Mrs. George C. Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Brundage Mr. & Mrs. George R. Bullitt Mrs. Charles R. Burd Robert & Helen Burk:mh Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burke Carl E. Burks Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burr
B£ Burton
The Burler Family Kail Cadman Dehm Campagna S.E. CanaJay/E. Cwven U!dene Capuci,iti Richard G. Casey M,uy E. C1s.siJy-Srnith Alice J. Castelli Mrs. Willard Cate, Mr. & Mrs. V.B. Chamberlain I!! Robert & Eleanor Champion
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Chapin Ill Christ the King Church Herb & Sherry Clark Cr·nthia Clarke Mrs. Harri' Clarke Adele Clement lvfrs.David H. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Frderic T. Cliffe, Jr Mr. & Mn. Robert A. Coit Chr1r!,,ne Colhy-Danl\ Mrs. lvfati!da Colih\in Harwood B, Comstock Jan Royce Conant Wanda A. Condict
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connell Mr. & Mrs. Geurge H. Connerat Mr. & Mr1,.Wells W. Comrantme Mrs. George Cook, !ll Mrs. Barc!av Cc>oke Mr. & Mrs. M, Wayne Conn The William Comelius Family Ferdinand W. CPuden Frank & Arlene Covone Kr1therine E. Cowb Homer & Sar;1 T. Cr;1wford Jean C. Crawford Mrs. James L Crider Ted Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Sumner McK. Cnhby, Chf1rles & J<1J1etCrump Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cvmbab Mr. & Mrs. E.irk• B, D~ne, Jr. Mrs. F. Edg\1r Davi, Phi! & Bette Davia Speed Davi, Mr. & Mr~. Endtcott P. Davhon Mr. & Mr~. Malcolm P. Dav1,on Mrs, Henry B. D;iy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Decker Edmund & Barbara Delanev Mary S. Devins Margaret Dewing Ms. Darcy Dickinson Marion L Dickinson William Dion Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DiSaia Bob & Darline Doane
Wi!liam Dodge John & Kathy Doherty Co!. & Mrs. J. Hunter Drum Paul R. Dueve! Maud B, D,1ke