Christopher & Evelyn Getman Kr. & Mrs. John Giaconia, Jr. £wily P. Gilbert Mr. & Hrs. Johns. Gillaspie Edgar R, Gl;;iss tts. Jacqueline Connet Mrs. ttaurice F. Goodrich Mr. & Hrs. Richard H. Goodwin Lytt & Sis Gould or. & Hrs. Michael D. Greenaway Hr. & Hrs. Joseph ll. Greene, Jr. John G. Greenwood Edith S. Griswold Hr. John S. Griswold Hr. & Hrs. Timothy C. Griswold John Griswold, Jr. w. £. s. Griswold, Jr. Hr. & Mrs. William H. Grover Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gunn Hrs. Carolyn Guptill L. H.,_11 Mr. & Hrs. Frederic Verne H. Hall Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Halsey Frank W. & Grace Hamilton Donald & Lyn Hanberg Parker & Sally Handy Linda M. Hankard Mr. & Mrs. Adlai Hardin Charles J. Harding Hr. & Hrs. John A. Hargraves Mrs. Reese H. Harris, Jr. Alla L. Harrison Philip & Beth Hart John & Kelly Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Max c. Hartmann Mrs. Paul H. Harwood Eugenic c. Havemeyer Yvonne Haynes Interiors Hrs. Ruth Heller The Hendel Petroleum Company Robert F. Herbst Richard Hertz & Doris Moyor Lilileletto Htms Mrs. Roger s. Hewlett Hideaway Restaurant Inge Hicret Hr. & Hrs. Edward W. Hildreth Elizabeth Hird John & Jessica Hoadley Mr. & Hrs. Robort L. Hollis Hrs. George Holloway Mr. Richard P. Holloway Betsy & Bill Horn Mr, & Mrs. H. E. Hosley, Jr. J. w. Hotchkiss T. Hotchkiss Mr. & Hrs. Stuart Mr. & Hrs. Allan Howat Margaret B. Howe The David Howell Fnrnily Elizabeth tt. Hubbard Hrs. Frank W. Hubby Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Huebner Harriet Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hurley Maureen & David Hyde Images and Frames Photographies Elmira S. Ingersoll Stuart Ingersoll Dr. & Mrs. William D. Irving Jonathan a. Isleib Mr. & Hrs. Colman Ivos John JacobG' III Mary Janvrin Ruth E. Jensen Diane Jessup Mrs. Charles w. Jewett Tho JH Foundation Albina M. Johnson Mr. & Hrs. Ends Johnson,Jr. Edwina W. P. John111on Glenn & Allura Johnson Mr. & Mni:. John Johnson Mr. & Hrs, Robert D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johnston Elinor D. Johnston Nancy & Guy Joly Andrew & Janet Jones Clyde s. Jones Hr. & Hrs. Douglas Jonea I!l Mr. & Mn;. Samuel B. Jones, Thomas A. Jonea Diano Kane-Fournier Poter & Elizabeth Karter Barbara R. Kashanski
AJI.y K. Knowlell
Katherine Dutcher Knowles Mrs. Arthur Knox, Jr. Dr. Kathryn Kolibaba Mr. G Mro. Elwood H. Koontz Hr. & Mrs. James J. Korst Cherry & Hnffy Krech Hr. & Mrs. Robert Krioble Alice G. Lachapelle Mr. G Mrs. F. Louis LaFage Peter A. Lapolla Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LaRuo Laysvillo center Hardware Martin & Janot E, LeBoutillier Hrs. Elizabeth Leonard Mnrion LeQuin Louise Lei;tage Mr. & Hrs. George M. Lethbridgo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth c. Levin Ms. Dorothy K. Lewis Sol LeWitt Hr. & Hrs. Richard Lightfoot Ruth W. Lightfoot Jonophor Lingelbach Ruth Lord Lord Creek Farm Robert G. Luberg Lucy Ellen Sellick Barney & Bruce Lutsk Alexis Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Dann HacHillon Mr. & Mrs. Roland s. HacNichol Michael R. T. Mahoney Richard Maltby Donald J. Mannix Haplos Motel Maritime Bank & Trust co. Donis Haroi& Grace Marrion E. Lea Marsh, Jr, Sundy Martin Hr. & Mrs. Arthur Marx James & Habel Hatschulat Mr. r. Mrs. G. C. Matthiessen Hrs. Sidney L. Mattoon Hr. & Mrs. Michael Maus Maus & Son Inc. Hrs. Hiram P. Maxim, II Mr. & Mrs. George L. Hayer Hr. & Hrs. K.C. Hazer Ms. Donna Mazza Nancy B. McAllister Hrs. Robleo McCarthy David & Caroline McCord Donald H. MCCuo Anno Burr McDermott Angus L. McDonald/Gary Sharpe & Assoc. Phyllis M- HcDowoll Bruce HcGhie Julie McGovern Hr. & Mrs. Hark McGrath Hrs. David H. McKillop Harian Burr McKnight Mr. & Mrs. David J. McLaughlin Mrs. T. P, McUiughlin Hiss Marjorie McHen<nay Sunny McNeil Bill and Sandra Meinson-Harroye Cyndie Gould Melchor Mr. & Hrs. Thomas Holvin Holzon Farm supply Barbara & Dixon Merkt Hr. & Mrs. ttowton P.S. Merrill Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Metzger Barbara a. Moyers Joan K. Meyers Michael's Dairy Bamby Hiller Stanley R. Miller, Jr. James Mitchell Brian Molloy Gail A. Monaco Mrs. Douglass. Moore Hr. & Mrs. Thoman F. Moore Hr. William H. Moore Morelock Ltd. Mo.rgarot Morgan Margot W. Morgan Morgan Guaranty Truat Co. of NY Dio.nn A. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. John 0. & Nancy Morso Marqaret Fay Morse
David Newton & Holly LeVnn John & Heidi Niblack Hrs. G.H. Nightingale L. Douglas Nolan Mr. & Mrs. David Norling Northeast Utilities pr. i:, Mrs. w. s. Uorton Mr. & Hrs, William B, O'Boyle Mrs. John P. O'Connell Sara O'Hearn Barbara Odell old Lyme fr..tme Shop Old Lyme Inn Tho Old Lyme Liam; CLub old Lyme Vpterinary Clinic Mr- & Hrs. James Orr Jim & Jackie OWcns John & Corrie Paardonkoopor Georgette Page The Painted Surface Panache Hair Salon Mr. r. Hrs. Louis W. Pansius & Molloy Associates Parente Hr. & Mrs. Harold c. Parisen c. Taylor Park Hrs. George A. Parsons Hr. & Mn;. John T. Patrizio David M. Payno or. & Mrs. Erle Peacock, Jr. Susan Peucock R. r. Pearce Pattie Peoples Thomas J. Perrone col- Brewster Perry USA {Ret.} Personal Business Services Dr. & Hrs. Roger Tory Peterson Thomas Petrick Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pfeiffer Pfizer, Inc. Lilbourn A. Pharr ii::, Jr. W. E. Phillips Constance A. Pike Sarah H. Pinchot Tho Pink Tulip of Old Lyme Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt, III Platt, Jr. Hr. & Mrs. Livingi;iton s. Pope, Inc. Mr. & Hrs. Williams. Post Rives & Nancy Potts Mrs. Alice S. Powers or. David M. Primo Mr. & Mn;. Francis T. Pritchard John & Lee Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. John Prizer Mary P. Pullen Hr. & Mrs. Clifford w. Purinton Susan H. Raible Don & Nancy Rankin Reaction Technology, Inc. Reader's Digest Foundation Hr. & Mrs. William B. Roose Mrs. violas. Reid Chet & Penny Renoson Hr. & Mrs. John Rexroad Mr. & Mrs. Leland H. Reynolds Ann M. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Richardson & !lolly Ridgway Joftrey Mrs. John Ripley Mrs. T. M. Ritchie Rivcn;ide Press Mr. & Mrs. William 'l'. Robbins, Jr. John o.nd Jessie Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Sumuel o. Robins, Jr. Christopher Robinson William H. Robinson Tirza Roda Jack & Beckett Rodgers & Allan Rogers Constance Ronald, Janet & Ryan Romanowski Nancy Rosso Mr. & Mrs. James Rutledge Carol K. Ryland Saint Ann's Episcopal Church-Old Lyme Saint John's Episcopul Church-Essex Salem Valley Equine Clinic Lucy Ellen Sallick Samuel M. Strong, Inc., Realtors David & Joan T. Sargent Claire Sauer Saybrook Oil Co., Inc. Saybrook Point Inn Hrs. Charles J. Scanlon Barbara & Michael Schaffer
The Douglas Seaman Family Foundation Luette SC!!ll!lCS Sennheiser Electronio Corporation Hrs. Fredda S. Sexton Elise D. Seynour Kara B. seynour Bill & Potra Shearer Hr. & Mrs. Allon E. Shepard Patricia M. Shippee Shoroline Pediatrics Elizabeth P. Shurts Paul W. Sic.go Mary h. Sipkoski Mary & Brian Skelly Harry & Toni Slifer Andrew B. Sloan Dorothy E. Smith Hr. & Mrs. Elting IL Smith Seymour & Tia Smith federal Credit Union so. Now England Telephone Soroptimist Intl. ot Lower ~r Southern Uew England Telephone Anne & Wayne Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speirs Richard & Kathryn Spero Laurie Sprague Mr. & Mrs. John c. Spratt & Rob Hagomo.n Kitty stalsburg Mary Stanford Mr. & Hrs. Johns. Stankus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanwood Harrison & Hildred Stevens Mr. & Hrs. Daniel Stix Harriet R. strain Regina A. Strand Doctors Elgart, Pinn, Gordon & strand, Optometrists Mrs. Thora a. Stroeter Hr. & Hrs. Samuel M. Strong, III Hr. & Hrs. Frederick Sturges Sundstrand Corporation Charlotte R. Sutphen Hr. & Mrs. Stephen swift Ji 11 Symonds Robert D. Taisey Tamarack eoarding Kennel Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tuylor Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Nika P. Thayer Mrs. l::lrnor P. Thomas Hr. & Mrs, Ben Thomson Mr. & Hrs. Anthony C. Thurston Hr. & Mrs. John Timken, Jr. Marjorie c. Tingue Mary II. Tisdalo Carol & Dave Todnro Hr. & Mrs. Harold c. Todd, Jr. Hr. & Mrs. o. s. Toldorlund Trail Riders of the Shoreline Treasures, Old Lyme William E. Tucker Kol & Karen Tyler David Vogel Uihlein H. Umberger Dr. & Mrs. Willis Mr. & MrB. J. van den Beemt Mr. & Hrs. Peter Van Slyck Cheryl & Ronald Vedrani Alfred & Linda Vigorito Mrs, Robert C. Vincent, Jr. Capt. & Mrs. F. L. Wadsworth or. E. Maurice Wakeman Joseph w. & Katherine G. l'h!.ldon Hrs. Jane A. Walker Mrs. s. R. Walker Linda Ward David T. & Dale M. Warner Meredith Warren Margaret W. Washburn wutcr's Edge Inn & Resort Elizabeth Wutkins Roso G. Weaver Mrs. John R. Webster Pote & Ree Webster Mr. & Mr&. Robert D. Webster Mr. & Hr&. w. o. Webster Winifred o. Wetmter Hr. & Mrs. Eric F. We&t Mrs. Jean M. West George w. Whelen, IV Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whitley Mrs. Grafton Wiggins Richard S. Wilkins
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High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is founded on the belief that experiencing and riding horses in a secure, challenging, and companionable environment can significantly improve the lives of individuals who are physically, emotionally or developmentally challenged. Our goal
is benefits of through the experience,
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to bring the extraordinary therapeutic riding to people sharing of our knowledge, and inspiration.
Listed below are thm;e who contributed a11 El1rnu.:d Hember:;llip Gift, a Scholarship Gift, a Challenge Grant Gift, or a Corporate Gift to 11igh Hope,;; from July 1, 1992 to June JO, 1993. We are very grateful to those at. we are to tlw:.o who twve helped with their voluntuer given support to our J!Or$O Show and other cvenb, of the year, provided us wiUi countless gifts in kind.
an exciting
/Iaving just year .in Uw such a mode
View: time
completed Sis Gould of growth
to bo involved
our 19th year of operation and our 3rd Center tor Therapeutic Riding we llre in tliere is simply no stopping us!! J !
High We informed you last year of the wonderful $100,000 Challenge campaign. The goal was to Grant to 1Jssist us in our capital match this grant dollar for dollar by December, 1992, In a fact, we not only matched tliis gift but exceeded it raiGing total of $256,000!l High Hopes has now completed its capital campaign and effective September 20, 1993 owns the building and land on which we reside.
1 am sincerely grateful to our tine, dedicated staff, to our energetic, committed volunteers, our riders and their families and caregivers, the wonderful educators who support our programs as part of their curriculum and to our fantastic Board of Directors for all the successes and accomplishments year. achieved this Rives
Other Stellar
Board of
in membership
from 475
to over
The support of over 300 volunteers throughout the program year, through involvement with the program, assistance to the staff, and the presentation of fundraising events. Working with the City of New Haven and the Volunteer Action center of New Haven to offer programs to 55 youth from the inner city as part of a crime prevention grant and program. Expansion of our summer camp programs to serve a new population of younger (age 5-7) special needs children working on fine and gross motor skills through a combination of therapeutic riding and a variety of other mediums to promote self expression and self esteem. The presentation of our Eighth 90 High Hopes riders.
June 1993 (Audited) Tota}
June 1992 (Audited) Total
Presentation of Educational course "The Horse as u Facilitator: A Workshop in Hippotherapy". This course presented by our High Hopes Therapist, Program Director, Instructors and Barn Manager was attended by seven medical professionals earning continuing Education Units (CEU's) from the American Physical Therapy Association. and Scary
Equity at lower of cost or market
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Revenues, Expense and Changes in Fund Balances - Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1993 and 1992
Memberships Rider Contributions Scholarship Contributions 97,611 Interest - Endowment Funds School District Contributions 546 civic and Foundation Grants other Contributions Horse Shows/Other Programs Income from Fundraising Interest Income-Other 16,183 Riding Lessons/Other Income Horse Sponsorships Capital Drive Contributions Land Gift Unrealized Gain on Equity Securities 74] 786
Lease assignment, net of accumulated amortization of $14,900 in 1993 and $11,817 in 1992
Land, Buildings, and Equipment at cost, less accumulated depreciation of $107,676 in 1993 and $73,380 in 1992 TOTAL ASSETS
Show featuring
Host Site for the 1993 Connecticut Special Olympics Equestrian Games held on June 11, 1993. Over 40 athletes from throughout Connecticut competed in the event.
Presentation of the 1st Annual Ghoulfest family fundralser in October, 1992.
Inc. Fund
June 1993 (Audited) Total Al) Funds
June 1992 (Audited) Total
$ 42,905
$ 34,765
36,145 3,785 7,844 6,225
All funds
ASSETS cash Marketable Securities aggregate
Reaching out and offering our programs and adults with special needs.
Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Assets, Liabilities and June 30, 1993 and 1992
from this
8,034 12,007 7,293 78,860 1,796 21,595 23,723 168,222 19,000
575 7,083 2,960 5,320 8,604 9,866 137,710 674 8,218 10,473 148,577
-o3 525
EXPENSES LIABII,ITIES Accounts Payable Note Payable Deferred Revenue Deposits for Antique
8,598 -04,140 2,100
> 11, a:rn
8,598 108,997 4 140
FUND BALANCES unrestricted Restricted Endowment Plant
102,753 786,308
106,646 632,789
114 r 467
127,131 63,088
Operating Program Expenses Facility Management Expenses Depreciation, Interest, Other
Hr. & Hrs. G. Christopher Abbott Hs. Puty Acampora Frederick E, Acker Hr. & Hrs. R. & Lee Adrion Jorge Aegean Tr<>asures Mrs. George Ainsworth Alsop John & Augusta Mn:;. ~. tl<!vid Andcr$Or1 Bruce E, Andres Hr, & Hf$, The Arabiun Horne Club R. Attridge Hr. & Hr$, W1lliam Stever Aubrey Hr. i; Hrs. R;;ilph Autheuwr a. Ayer Mrs. Winslow Bab:,on Hr, & Mn>. Stanley & Cynthia Bacon Louis Mn;. Hartin Baer The Bafflin foundation Lydia Baldwin Barclay John w. & Eleonor Dr. Joseph A. Bardenheier Hr. M. A. Barnes Hrs. Rufus Barringer Arnold & Myrna Baskin The Russell Bastedo family Stan H. Bates Mr. & Hrs. B,eacor, Cleunerz, Inc. Francis Beuley American Arts Charles Boauvais Hr. & Hrs. Boe and Thistle Inn Benner Him1 & Bill L, B?nnett Robert & Ann Lane Ruud Bergrnans The Bermuda Shop Rudolph Bcsier Mr. & Hrs. Beta Sigrnu Phi , Bieber Fred & Jennifer A. Bigelow Hr. & Mrs. Ernest Sully J .· Sill David ·& Anne l3ingham Rober'ta Bininger Audrey L. Bird Hrs. Eleanor.H. Bishop Blood John & Diane Bloom ,Joun & Barry James; P. Blunt Bohannon Duvid & Libby Charles Bombaci Mr. & Hrs. Eliiabeth H. Booth Leila R, Bowman William A. Boyd Hr. & Hrs. A. Boynton Hr. & Hrs, Carroll Mary & Alan Bradford B. Bruinard Hr. & Hrs. ,Peter Chester 8raman Branford Veterinary Ho1>pit11l G. flrenrn,n Leslie Hr. & Mrs John n. f\rewor, ,Jr. l.orratne & Harry !lroom Mary L. Broughton Smily D. Brown Brown ,James & Cheryl & Helen Bruce George Hr. & Mrs, Howard D. Brundage WlllHm Cullen Bryant, 111 Hr. & Hrs. George R. Bullitt R. Burd Mrs, Charles Burlrnrth Robert f. & Helen s. Burke Hr. & Mrs. R1chard Burr Hr. & Mri,. Charles B. E. Burton Knil Cadman Mrs. Huqh T. Caldwell Dobro Campaqnu Siosel E. Canudlly, .Jr. & E. Craven Candlewood G;tt:; Uldene C.ipuciati HI". & Mrs. John H. Carl & cutherine Hackey Willlam Carley & Laura Gagnon Ors. Kenneth Carlough Hury E. Cassidy-Smith Hrs. Willard Cates Christopher caul!1old Mr. & Hrs, Centerbrook Architects Champion International Corp. Geraldine B. Chandler Charles H. Chapin Chel!lical Bank Chester Veterinary Clinic Inc. Chrisholm Marina Mabyn s. Christianson Citib,rnk
Shirley Conroy Mrs:, George Cook 111 Mrs. Barclay Cooke & Dana Cooley Jotf Mrs. Robert B. Cooney Ferdinand W. Coudort Philip Cowles Mr. & Hrs. Homer Crawford Hr. & Hrs. & Hrs. James Crawford xr. Hr:.. William Crawford Hrs. Jomes L. Crider Ted and Rebecca Crosby Sumner HcK. Crosby, Jr. Mr, & Hrs. Martha H. Cro;';S Crossroads Travel G. Cumber Hrs. Warner & Alexandra Scanlan Peter Daitch Dane, Jr. Hr. & Mrs. Earle Hr. & Mrn. David w. Dangromond F. Edgar Davis Hrs, & Malcolm Davison Cynthia Endicott P. Davison Mr. & Hrs. Mr. Curtis Denno Tho Deep River Rotary Club DeKalb cenoticu Foundation Edmund Deluney DeLinks Hr. & Mrs. Charles Mrs. Rachael H. DeLonge Denison Tim & Chris Barbara Deutsch Charles Dey & Lucy Dinneen Peter William Dion Ralph DiSaia Mr. & Hrs. H. Dixon Penelope Doane Bob & Darline Doherty Kathy & Jack & Elsie Doolittle William Doug's Garage Dover Fund, Inc. Edwurd du Moulin Pamclu B. Duffy Maud B. Duke Mr, & Mrs. John Duncan Hr. & Mn;, Henry E. Dur>n, 111 Dominick Dunne Hr. & Mrs. Loo A. Duran Dyar Mr. & Hri,. T. Gerold Gordon W. Dyer p,iul Dyks1s East cos1st security Services, Inc. Eust Haddum Community Lions Club R. Bruce Ebersole Mr. & Hrs, Mrs. w. a. Eddy & David Edwards Barburu Edwards Jane Mni. V. L. Ellicott Thoma!! Elliott Commander Barbar11 El 1 io u:;1i ( Htot, Joseph W. Elniuky Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr, & Hrs. Mr. & Hrs. Job N. Embree Hrs. ,John E. English Mrs. Robert English B. English, Jr. Hrs. Robert Charle& II. Erhart, Jr. Hr. & Hrs. Mrs. Mario-LOuiao Euchor Essex Community Fund Essex Elementary School Essex Savings Bank Edwin D. Etherington Hr. & Hrs. c. Farrel Sallie Mra . .Ja1:Hrn A. Parroll, Jr. & Carolyn Fay Robert Richard Forguson Hr. & Hrs. chamberluin Forry .J. Robert finch Edward L. Firgelewski Hr. & Hrs, Ludies Benevolent Society First Congregutionul Church Old Ly Fischer Kurt c. & Suson Mary Pischcr Mr. & Mrs. R. Fischer C. R. fisher & Emily fisher Evan Griswold Fisher Mr, & Mrs. Everett Mrti. Robert finhor l'leur-do-Lia Cnrolyn l'lowor Suann C, Foote Barbnro Ford John H. Forsarcn