1994-1995 Annual Report

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High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Equestrian Venue for the 1995 Special Olympics World Games


High Hopes Rider Tyler Zuppe

October, 1994

Board of Directors Officers A. Rives Potts,

President Kelvin N. Tyler,

1st Vice President Judith F. Lightfoot, 2nd Vice President Thomas J. Rodgers,

Treasurer Sally Aubrey,


Directors Myrna F. Baskin Libby Bohannon Frederick T. Crosby Elizabeth David Jane I. Davison Ralph DiSaia Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Inge Hieret Ken Kitchings Sandra Meinsen Thomas J. Perrone Mary P. Pullen Ann Rice Harry S. Slifer, Jr. Anita P. Smith Dr. Wayne Southwick

Honorary Board


Dear High Hopes Family, Our 20th Anniversary Year has been a year of continuing achievement and growth. The excellence of our organization has enabled us to be selected as the site of the Equestrian Games for the 1995 Special Olympics World Games. This is an honor which has come to us because of the hard work and dedication of our riders and their families, our volunteers, our founders and governing boards, and our staff Our program operated year-round, with two primary JO-weekprograms,five-week winter and summer programs, and seven weeks of summer camp. We served 150 riders in our JO-week programs. We also served over 55 inner city youth through summer field trips. Other highlights of our 20th year include ... Hamburg Cove Parade ~ July 4 Summer Camp: 4 Sessions~ July and August~ Serving 40 Children Summer Programs for inner City Youth from New Haven Therapists' Camp ~ August inn at Chester/Whalers Benefit ~ August 3 Old Lyme Midsummer Festival~ August 7 Purchase of Land ~ September Dedication of Hartman Landscaping Project~ September 3rd Annual Old Lyme Antiques Show~ September 24-26 Annual Membership Meeting at the Old Lyme inn ~ October 20 2nd Annual Ghoulfest and Scary Hayride ~ October 30th Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - April 6

Mary K. Gould Lyttleton B.P.Gould Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Grace Hamilton

2nd Annual Spring Fling ~ May 14

High Hopes Staff

9th Annual Student Horse Show ~ June 4

Barbara M. Schaffer

Executive Director

Old Lyme Memorial Day Parade and Tag Sale~ May 30 Host Site Jar the 1994 Equestrian Games- Connecticut Special Olympics~ June 11 Symphony in the Meadows V ~ June 11

Kitty Stalsburg

Program Director Dee Dillon

Equine Manager Kim Murphy Volunteer Coordi11ator Holly Ridgway

Senior Instructor Jonnie Edwards

Instructor Mary Jane Fegan Carolyn Jagielski

Physical Therapists Petra Shearer

We closed the 20th year with the inclusion of a New London inner city class in our fall program and increasing our fall roster to include new riders. 1 am repeatedly humbled by the outpouring of support for High Hopes, from throughout the communities whose people we serve. That support continues to come in so many, varied, and wonderful ways - in time and talent volunteered, in treasure and gifts in kind donated, in facilities enhanced and cared for, in landscape planted and tended, in an ever-stronger herd of donated horses working faithfully and patiently with our riders. Thank you all for making High Hopes possible. Through our joint efforts we are enriching the lives of some very special and very dedicated people.

Administrative Secretary Chip Mcilwain



Rives Potts, President



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94 Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation.


Mr. G. Christopher Abbott Miss Thelma F. Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Abrams Ace Security Inc. Fred & Frances Acker The Rev. Hope Adams Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Adams, Jr. Jorge & Lee Adrian Aegean Treasures Jeff L. Alexander Liesa & Milton N. Allen Anthony Alfieri Mrs. Margaret Amata Mr.& Mrs. C. Oarke Ambrose American Quarterhorse Association New England Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson Mrs. Ross J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Andreozzi Bruce & Elizabeth Andres Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Andrews Anne's Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Annon Anonymous The Arcadia Players Deborah Argosy Great Atlantic & Pacific a Company, Inc. William & Mary Attridge Ms. Diana Atwood Sally H. Aubrey & Stever Aubrey Mr. Ralph Aufheimer Mr. Peter Austin Ms. Betsy Averill Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Babson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bacon Mrs. Martin Baer

~~~~ Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. George Ballek Mr. & Mrs. Rowland Ballek Ballek's Garden Center Banfi Vintners The Bank of New Haven John W. & Eleanor P. Barclay Dr. Joseph A. Bardenheier,III Mr. Felix Barisano Mr. & Mrs. Carlton M. Barlow, Sr. Leslie Barlow Mr. Chaplin Bradford Barnes M. A. Barnes Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Barri Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Barringer () -.Mary Bartels , . & Mrs. Charles E. Baskett Dr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Baskin The Bastedo Family Beacon Cleaners

Francis Bealey American Arts Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beauvais Mrs. John (Margaret) Becker Bee & Thistle Inn Mr. & Mrs. Frank Behrendt Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell M. Belding Mimi & Bill Benner Robert L. Bennett Bennie's Farm Market Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Bentley Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph H. Bergmans The Bermuda Shop R. Besier Bess Eaton Donuts of Old Lyme Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bieber Natalie Bieber Ernest A. Bigelow Sally J. Bill Dr. & Mrs. David Bingham Rosemary Bininger Carol C. Birdsey Mrs. Eleanor H. Bishop Nicholas Blazensky Mr. & Mrs. John Blood James P. Blunt Mrs. Pege Boccia Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bocwinski Libby Bohonnon Mr. & Mrs. John Bolebruch Keith & Jane Bolles Charles Bombaci Mrs. Margaret Bonville Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boody Mr. & Mrs. Charles Booth Mrs. Lloyd Booth .---------------------,

Gary F. Borla Leila R. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Carroll & Anne Boynton Mr. & Mrs. Wilson G. Bradford Mrs. Anne McA. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Chester Braman Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brasher Leslie G. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brewer, Jr. Dorothy Briggs Brooks Pharmacy Mr . Harry Broom Jr. Lorre Broom Mrs. Karen Brossard Mr. & Mrs. Guy Brossy Mary L. Broughton Brouwer's Flowers & Gifts Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brown Donna Brown Brown's Hardware Inc. Mr. George C. & Helen A. Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Brundage Mr. William C. Bryant III Mr. & Mrs. R. George Bullitt Mrs. Charles R. Burd Mr. Alfred E. Burdick Timothy Burgess Mr. & Mrs. A. Ward Burian Robert & Helen Burkarth Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burke Mrs. Richard S. Burke Burnett's Landscaping Mr. Charles Burr B. E. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Butler The Butler Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Byrne






~~~~ Dorann Cafaro Mr. & Mrs. George Cahill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. Caine Richard & Margot Calder Mrs. Hugh T. Caldwell Mr. Richard Callahan John A. Caltabiano, DVM Anne & David Campbell Candlewood Gifts Dr. & Mrs. I. L. Cantner, II Capitol Cities/ ABC, Inc. Cappuccino's Cafe & Bake Shop Carefree Small Buildings Norm Gustafson Mr . & Mrs. John H. Carl Mr. Jonathan Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carlson H. Judson Carr, Esq. Richard Carson Catering by Jennifer



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94 Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons who have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Mrs. Willard Cates Chris & Libby Cathcart Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Caulfield Caulfield & Ridgway, Inc. Centerbrook Architects Elizabeth C. Chamberlain Dr. & Mrs. John Chandler Mr. & Mrs. W. Knox Chandler Lorna M. Chang The Chart House Restaurant Chemical Bank Cherrystones Chichester duPont Foundation, Inc. Susan K. Childs Kerry Christianson Cilantro's Citizens Bank Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark, III Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Clark Molly B. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Clarke Kay & Logan Clarke Adele Clement Mrs. David H. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Clements Mr. & Mrs. Frederic T. Cliffe, Jr. Cliff's Quality Meats Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Clough Mrs. Margaret M. Clucas Mr. & Mrs. Calvin C. Coburn Coca Cola Bottling Company of Southeastern New England Mr. Jerry A. Cogan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Matilda Colihan Colonial Market Colonial Wine Cellars The Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Comstock Jan Royce Conant Wanda A. Condict The Connecticut Light & Power Co. Connecticut Public Broadcasting Connecticut Valley Orchard Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association Bob & Sue Connell Mrs. George H. Connerat Mr. & Mrs. John F. Conroy The Cooked Goose Mrs. Barclay Cooke Jeff & Dana Cooley Mrs. Robert B. Cooney Copper Beech Inn Ms. Kathleen Cornelia Sally F. Cornish Frank Corsino

Mrs. Irene Corsino Mr. Ferdinand W. Coudert Frances J. Couture Mrs. Charles C. Cowley Barbara S. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford Sara T. Crawford Eleanor S. Crider Ted & Rebecca Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Cross Crossroads Travel Susan Griggs Mr. Christopher S. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Crump Cuckoo's Nest Mrs. Lois Culver-Orswell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cummins Mrs. Francis Currie Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cushman Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Cuzzocreo J. Alden Rutland D'Alessio Christopher D'Amanda Karen Dahle & Sue Hessel Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dahlke Peter & Alexandra Daitch Mrs. Earle B. Dane Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremond Ms. Charlotte Colby Danly Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Ms. Karen Davidson Mrs. F. Edgar Davis Speed Davis Cynthia & Malcolm Davison Mr. & Mrs. Endicott Davison

High Hopes Rider Lisa Adrian astride Tiger

Mr. & Mrs. Joep de Koning The Exchange Club of Deep River Deep River Marina Mrs. Sarah F. Deitz Edmund & Barbara Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Delinks Rachael M. DeLonge Bill & Laurie DeMayo Andrea DePonte George & Evelyn Dermer Design Label Manufacturing Barbara W. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dey Darcy Dickinson The E. E. Dickinson Co. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Dickson Diana Dillon Peter & Lucy Dinneen William P.& Susan P. Dion Karen & Ralph DiSaia Mr. & Mrs. Courtland\ P. Dixon Do Run Run Photos Bob & Darlene Doane Doctors - Elgart, Pinn, Gordon & Strand, Optometrists William B. Dodge Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Dodson The Doherty Family Mr. Paul Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Donnan Mrs. John Q. A. Doolittle William & Elsie Doolittle Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Dorman Doug's Garage Ms. Wendy A. Downs Drexel Enterprises Edward du Moulin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Dubey Paul & Pamela Dubey Duble & O'Hearn, Inc. New Haven, CT Mrs. Maud B. Duke Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan, III Dunham, Ltd., Realtors Ward Burian & Lyn Hanberg Dunkin Donuts of Old Saybrook Ms. Mary C. Dunn Mr. Dominick Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Duran Helen & Gerry Dyar Gordon W. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dykas East Coast Security Services, Inc. East Haddam Veterinary Clinic Mr. John E. Echlin Echlin Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Eddison, Jr. A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. C. C. Coburn & G .. S. Phelps



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94 Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons ) have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Mr. & Mrs. Ashton Edwards Barbara Edwards Richard & Barbara Edwards Patti & Bill Egress Mrs . Valcoulon L. Ellicott Barbara Ellis Joseph W. Elnisky Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Janice B. English Josephine C. English Mr. & Mrs. Robert English, III Saint Ann's Episcopal Church Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Mrs. Marie L.C. Escher Essex Community Fund Essex Parent Teachers, Inc. Essex Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Etherington Mr. & Mrs. Marc Evankow The John & Valerie Evans Foundation, Inc. Josephine Evans Captain & Mrs. Philip W. Evans Expressions : A Floral Boutique Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fabiaschi & Mrs. A. W.Fach & Mrs. Thomas Fagan Ignacio Fanlo & Collette Minnock Wendy Farley Mrs. Franklin Farrel, III JohnM. Fay Robert & Carolyn Fay Margaret Fay-Morse Mary Jane Fegan Richard & Marissa Ferguson Chamberlain Ferry Fetter's Package Store, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Ficke Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ficker Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Finan Mary E. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. CR.Fisher Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Everett Fisher Mrs. Robert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Fisher Jim & Ardean Fishman Flagg Foundation,Inc Fleet Bank, N.A. Fleet Investment Services Mr. & Mrs. Chad Floyd DeborahJ. Flynn Lori-Ann Folkman 1( e Foodsmith Nlf. Richard L. Foote, Jr. Susan G. Foote Ms. Barbara Ford Mrs. Frances H. Forde


John H. Forsgren Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Forte Geraldine U. Foster Dr. & Mrs. John Foster Patricia Foster Mr. & Mrs. W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fournier Pearl Fournier Bayard Fox/Equitour, Bitter Root Ranch Fox Ledge Tack Shop Anne H. Francine Molly Francisco Allan Dodds Frank & Lillian M. King Mr. & Mrs. Rene Frechette Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Friday Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday, Jr. Joshua Friedman Woodworking Friends & Company Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees Mr. & Mrs. Jack Frost Michael & Sherley Furgueson Ms. Anna Gabriel Mrs. Charles S. Gage Fritz & Alva Gahagan Mr. Patrick Gallagher Mrs. Virginia M. Galpin Whitney & Nancy Garlinghouse Ms. Elise Garvin Mr. & Mrs. Hallet R. Gates, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Gaulton

Susan Gavronski Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Gehman Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy George Lucy Donaldson Gerr James Gibbs & Pamela Cramer Mr. & Mrs. David Gibson E.P.Gilbert Mr. & Mrs . Donald Gilha Gillette's Tavern Melanie Ginter Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Giordano Mac Godley & Roz Christison Edgar & Barbara Glass, Fleur-de-Lis Robert & Keli Goff Mr. & Mrs. Peter Good Good Food Catering Mrs. Deming Goodale Mrs. Percy Goodale Mr. & Mrs. Ed Goodman Chip Goodrich & Kathleen Maher Good-Spirits Shoppe Richard & Esther Goodwin Sis & Lytt Gould Mr. & Mrs. Barron Gourlay Elizabeth Gourlay Historic & Modern Surfaces Beverly Granat Ms. Margo Grant Mr. Thomas Grant

Physical Therapist Carolyn Jagielski watches as Volunteer Laurie DeMayo helps Rider Lisa Adrian mount Jeremy.



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members . To these supporters and to those additional persons who have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Grapentine Company The Greenaway Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenho Margaret A. Greenwood Bill Gregory Mary Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Griggs Bob Grillo's Centerbrook Package Store Grist Mill Mrs. Charles H. Griswold Ms. Edith Griswold Griswold Inn Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Griswold Mrs. William H. Grover Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gustafson Betz Haartz Joseph H. Hackett, Farrier Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haders Mr. & Mrs. C. Barse Haff, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haff Rob Hageman & Kitty Stalsburg Ann Hale Hale & Hearty Anne W . Hall Mr. & Mrs. Frederic L. Hall Verne M. Hall Anthony P. Halsey Relph W. Halsey, Jr. Betty Hamilton Marion H. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Rush Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hamilton, III Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Mrs. John E. Hamrick James & Gail Hamsher Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hanberg Sally & Parker Handy Linda M. Hankard Mr. Brian Hanna Patricia A. Hannon Mr . & Mrs. Adlai S. Hardin Richard Harding The Old Lyme Frame Shop Mr. John Hargraves & Ms. Nancy Newcomb Mr. William Harreys & Ms. Sandra Meinsen Dorothy R. Harris Jane C. Harris Mr. & Mrs. John Harris Alla L. Harrison Varick D. Harrison Hastings House Antiques Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hart

The Hartford Roofing Company lnc./The Simon Brothers Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Max C. Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Haynes Charles R. Hazuka Ms. Kathleen Heller & Mrs. Ruth Heller Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Hellier Mr. & Mrs. Myron H. Hendel Robert F. Herbst Mr. & Mrs. James Herman Richard Hertz & Doris Meyer Alan & Anne Hevey Mrs. Roger Hewlett Hidden Meadow Bed & Breakfast The Hideaway Restaurant Ms. Inge Hieret Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hildreth Mrs. Elizabeth Hird Ms. Sharon K. Hirsch John & Jessica Hoadley Dr . & Mrs. Gilbert F. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hollis Mrs. George Holloway Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Holloway Linda E. Holt Horizon Music Group Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn Dr. & Mrs. John Hornby Mr. & Mrs. George Horning Horse Country Ltd. Horses of Connecticut Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Horwitz

High Hopes Rider Kerry Christianson receiving a medal for her winning style at the 1994 Connecticut Special Olympics Equestrian Games.

Mr. & Mrs. H. Everton Hosley, Jr. Mimi McKenna Hostetter & Jay T. Hostetter Susan R. Hostnik Stuart & June Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. A. Howat The Howell Family Suzanne D. Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hubbard Mrs. Lawrence J. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hubby, Ill Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Huber Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Huebner Faulkner Hunt & Ann Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Tanner T. Hunt, Jr. Ms. Erin Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hurley Images & Frames Indian Point Foundation Elmira S. Ingersoll Stuart Ingersoll & The Essex Boat Works The Inn at Chester Insurance Management, Inc. Old Saybrook & New Haven , CT lnterdesign , Limited Dr. & Mrs. William Irving Mrs. Barbara Irwin Jonathan T. Isham Mr. Jonathan B. Isleib Ivoryton Store Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Milton Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. John Jagielski Ms. Mary Janvrin Mr. Frank Jarrabeck Ms. Ruth Jensen Mrs. Charles W . Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joblin Mr. & Mrs. Eads Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Edwina W.P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson Johnnie D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Stafford Johnson Ward & Jean Johnson Mr. Waldo C. M. Johnston Guy & Nancy Joly Mr. & Mrs. Douglas N. Jones Ms. Linda Jones Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Jones, III Dr. Judith Mead Jorgensen Mr. & Mrs. David Judson J Y Sailboats - Noank Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karp Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karter Barbara & John Kashanski



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94 Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiqt1es Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons o have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Mr. & Mrs. Rolf G. Kasper Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Mrs. Godfrey W. Kauffmann Ms. Elaine Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Kehoe Thomas Kelley Alexandra Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Haynes Kelly Mrs. Grafton S. Kennedy, Jr. Andrea Kennett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. John King Col. Victor H. King Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kingsley Mr.& Mrs . Chester W. Kitchings,Jr. The Kitchings Family Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Kitchings Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Klimek Mr. Harry Knapp Knights of Columbus, Westbrook Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knoll Katherine Dutcher Knowles Mrs. Arthur Knox, Jr. Mr. Robert Kochman Kathryn Kolibaba, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Elwood H . Koontz I\-. & Mrs. James J. Korst "' Krech Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Krieble Tim Kriz Horseshoeing Alice G. Lachapelle Ladies Benevolent Society of First Congregational Church of Lyme Mr. & Mrs. F. Louis LaFage Ms. Jein E. Lai Mr. William H. Lanagan Mrs. Jean B. Lange Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lange Shirley S. Langford Lanza, Smith & Company The Allene & Jerome Lapides Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs . Peter LaPolla Mr . & Mrs. Stephen LaRue Mr. John C. Laundon Doina Lavoie-Gonci Laysville Hardware Mr. & Mrs. Donald Leach Mr. & Mrs. Leighton Lee, III Judith Lefebvre Legg Mason, Inc. Philip C. Scheide Elizabeth Leonard Marion LeQuin ~ tendre, Moore, O'Connell ~ -& Mrs. George M. Lethbridge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lethbridge Molly S. LeVan & David I. Newton

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Levin Mr . & Mrs. Kendall Lewis Leslie Bieber Lewis Donna Lieberman Leonard & Lorraine Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Mrs. Ruth W. Lightfoot Mr. Limo of Madison & Georgette Klinger In Memory of Herbert W. Lindholm Mr. & Mrs . John V. Lindsay Mr. Frank Lionetti Ms. Mary Ann Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Terrance D. Lomme London Products Ms. Ruth Lord & Mr. John G. Holmes Lord Creek Farm Barbara & Carleton Loucks Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lovelace The Lower Connecticut River Board of Realtors, Inc. Miriam & Oscar Lubow Mr. & Mrs. Charles Luce, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Lusk The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club Lyme Shores Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lynch Peter & Kathryn Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. W. Cecil Lyon Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lyon Jr. Lyons II Fabric Warehouse Mr. & Mrs. John A. MacFadyen


Marily MacKinnon Dana MacMillen Mr. & Mrs. Roland S. MacNichol The Mad Hatter Madison Beach Hotel Madison Cable Corporation Richard & Elizabeth Maltby Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Mancheski Charles -Henri & Marguerite Mangin Pat Mangs Mr. & Mrs . R. Mowry Mann Richard R. Manning City Coal of New London, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Manville Ill Maples Motel Maria's Breads Maritime Bank & Trust Co. Mr . & Mrs. Denis Marois Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marrion E. Lea Marsh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jean Martin Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Martin Ms. Nancy Mathieu Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Matthiessen Mrs. Sidney L. Mattoon Maus & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maus, Sr. Mrs. Hiram P. Maxim, II Mr. & Mrs . George L. Mayer Mr. & Mrs . Kevin C. Mazer Diane M. Mazza Joe McAllister Rolling M. Ranch Mrs. William B. McAllister Dr. & Mrs. James R. McAraw Mrs. Roblee McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Elton B. McCausland Mr. & Mrs. David McCord Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. McCue Mr. & Mrs. John McCurdy Anne Burr McDermott David & Sally McDermott McDermott Lexus of New Haven McDonald's of Old Saybrook Mr. & Mrs. F. Patrick McFadden, Jr. Bruce & Barbara McGhie Julie McGovern Chip Mcllwain Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. McIntyre Mimi McKenna Mrs. David McKillop Stratton McKillop Dr. & Mrs . Robert McKnight Mrs. T. P. McLaughlin Miss Marjorie McMenemy Mr. & Mrs . Edward L. McMillan, Jr.



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons who have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Sunny McNeil Mr. & Mrs. James J. McQuade, R.P.T. Mrs. Marjorie C. Mead Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meade Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Melvin Melzen Farm Supply Barbara & Dixon Merkt Mr. & Mrs. Newton P. S. Merrill Merrill Lynch Metcalf & Sanborn Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger Mr. & Mrs. John M. Meyer Barbara & Bob Meyers Bamby Miller Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Soule Milner George & Maria Montoya Deborah & Roy Moore Mrs. Douglas S. Moore Mr. & Mrs . Thomas F. Moore Mr . William H. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Moore II Mr. & Mrs. John Moran Morelock Ltd. Margaret Morgan Margot W. Morgan Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Andrew & Gail Morris Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. Mountain Spring Water, Inc. Ms. Mary S. Muhlhausen Sandy & Robert Mulligan Drs. Earl J. & Margaret C. Mummert Alden & Jamie Murphy Mr. & Mrs . Charles M. Murphy, Jr. Kim Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Murphy Mrs. Ronda Muschenheim Mr. & Mrs . Vernon R. Muse Mystic River 1 Hour Photo Napier Jewelery Bob & Penny Nelson Jeffrey T. Nelson The New Haven Symphony New Haven Telephone Employees' Community Services Fund Niantic Lumber Company John & Heidi Niblack Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Nichols Michael & Marney Noble L. Douglas Nolan Mr. & Mrs. David Norling Cynthia & John Nor ris Northeast Utilities Dr. & Mrs. William S. Norton Mr. & Mrs. William O'Boyle Mr. & Mrs . Edmund J. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. O'Connell

Mrs. John P. O'Connell Mary S. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. O'Rourke Oakridge Arabians Mr. & Mrs. Harold Obstler Old Lyme Inn Old Lyme Pharmacy Old Lyme Seafood Old Lyme Veterinary Clinic Olive Oyl's Carry Out Cuisine Oliver's Taverne Nancy C. Olmstead Mr. & Mrs. John F. Opeka Dorothy Orr Ortronics Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Orvedal Barry Osborn Our Daily Bread Marion (Jackie) Owens Dr. & Mrs. John Paardenkooper Georgette Page The Painted Surface Doreen Palmer Panache Hair Salon Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Pansius Rolf & Marianna Pansius Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parisen Mr. & Mrs. C. Taylor Park Mrs. Janet Parker Mrs. George A. Parsons Kelly & Cheryl Parsons Pasta Unlimited Pat's Kountry Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Patterson

TLC is very important at High Hopes

Michael & Elena Patterson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Payne Susan L. Peacock Richard I. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Enok Pedersen Mrs. Robin Pelletier Pattie Peoples Pepperidge Farms Michael & Eileen Perkins Paula F. Perlini Thomas J. Perrone Col. & Mrs. Brewster Perry Mrs. Ruth N. Perry Personal Business Systems Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Roger T. Peterson Marianne G. Pfeiffer Pfizer Inc. Elizabeth M. Pfriem Mr. Gordon Phelps John W. G. Phillips The Prudential Connecticut Realty W.E. Phillips Mrs. Constance Pike Pilot's Point Marina The Pink Tulip Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt, III Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Platt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Phelps Platt, Jr. Sharon Platt Ms. Linda Plyler Ms. Lisa Pogwizd Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pollard S. Pope, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Porter Mr. & Mrs. William S. Post Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Potts Mr. J. Robert Poulter Alice Powers David & Barbara Preston Dr. & Mrs. Gary J. Price Ms. Liz Prime Dr. & Mrs. David Primo Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. John Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. John C. Prizer PRO-AM Paint & Wallpaper Ms. Patricia Proctor Gwendolen B. Proud Mrs. Leonora Parsons Prowell The Prudential Connecticut Realty Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Quigley Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rafal Susan M. Raible The Raible Foundation Don & Nancy Rankin Reader's Digest Foundation Mrs. Viola S. Reid



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94 Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Renaissance Chet Reneson Restaurant du Village Reynolds Garage & Marine, Inc. Gary & Marilynn Reynolds Reynolds' Subaru Mr, & Mrs. Leland H. Reynolds Les & Diane Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr. AnnM. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rice Mr. Alexander Richardson & Ms. Elizabeth Karter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Richardson Jeff & Holly Ridgway Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway Mrs. John C. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. Hollis P. Risley Mrs. T. M. Ritchie Rob Rivers - The Salon Riverside Press Mr. & Mrs. George Roach Mr. & Mrs. William T. Robbins, Jr. Wayne Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts & Mrs. Raoul Roberts ''•":ob•erl:sFood Center Sam & Ruth Robins Mr. Christopher H. Robinson Mr. William H. Robinson Jack & Beckett Rodgers Connie & Al Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Romanowski Ms. Elizabeth Rooney Nancy & Jon Rosso RPS DeskTop Publishing Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ruberti Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Rutchik Ms. Jeanne C. Rutigliano, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Rutledge Carol K. Ryland Mr. & Mrs. Edward Safdie Saint Ann's Episcopal Church The ECW & The Outreach Committee Saint John's Episcopal Church Outreach Program Salem Country Gardens Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic Jeff Salkin LucySallick David C. & Jean T. Sargent Claire Sauer ,i !eobin & Lance Sauerteig '¥-Ann T. Savage Mrs. Linda Sawicki Saybrook Office Equipment Saybrook Oil Company, Inc.

Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Janet !-1.Scanton Judith M. Schaaf Mr, Howard Schachter Barbara & Michael Schaffer Gloria Schaffer Shirlee & Larry Schaffer Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schaper Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schavoir Mr. & Mrs. Philip Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Schellens Alice F. Schmutz Dean & Jean Schneider Mrs. John A. Schneider Robert M. Schneider Thomas & Brenda Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schneller The J. Frederick Scholes Agency, Inc. Mr. Curt Battey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Dr. & Mrs. Richard Schulten Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Schumann Mr. Charles H. Schwartz Mrs. Philip Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Schwarz Deborah & Spencer Scott Sea Air Holidays Seaflour Foods Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seel Sennheiser Electronic Corporation Senning & Rieder Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Serio Mrs. Fredda S. Sexton



"Running Gonzo

up his Stirrups"


Elise D. Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shaw Shawmut Bank She Sells Sandwiches Bill & Petra Shearer Mrs. Allen E. Shepard John Sherman & Jean Callan King Mr. Tim Shriver Ms. Janet Shoemaker Shoreline Eye Group, P.C. Drs. Klimek, Reilly & Famiglietti Shoreline Family Restaurant Shoreline Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Elizabeth P. Shurts Shoreline Sanitation Mr. & Mrs. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr. Mary & Brian Skelly Harry & Toni Slifer Mr, Andrew Sloan Mrs. Bulkeley Smith Anne & Elting Smith Carolyn C. Smith Dorothy E. Smith Marcia & Roger Smith Tia & Seymour Smith Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Smaller Dennis R. Solomon & Linda Dyar Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappan Soper Ann & Wayne Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Speirs Richard & Kathryn Spero Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spratt Stalsburg Express, Inc. Ms. Patti Stalsburg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stalsburg Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Stancliff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Standart Mr. & Mrs. John Stankus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanwood Melinda & Valerie Stelzner Nancy F. Stephenson Joey Stetz, Ramona Farms Steed Read Mrs. John W. Steube Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Stevens Mr. John Stichter Storer Cable of Groton Harriet R. Strain Regina A. Strand Mrs. Thora Bird Streeter Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong, III Samuel M. Strong, Inc., Realtors Mrs. Frederick Sturges Mary C. Sullivan In Memory of Thomas Sullivan Summer Music, Inc.



Listed below are those who contributed to our 1993-94Membership Annual Appeal, The Old Lyme Antiques Show, Symphony in the Meadows V or the 9th Annual Student Horse Show; those who provided scholarship funds; those who gave a capital or endowment gift, a corporate gift, or a gift in kind; and our life members. To these supporters and to those additional persons who have given of themselves in countless volunteer hours, High Hopes expresses its sincere appreciation. Sundstrand Corporation Foundation Maureen Sveilich Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Swift Mrs. Gerard Swords Jay & Tammy T & J Tack Barn Robert D. Taisey Tamar Tambil Foundation Trust Mrs. Donna G. Tardif Mr. & Mrs. George B. Tatum Taylor Business Systems, Inc. Mr. Paul E. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Nika P. Thayer Mrs. Elmer R. Thomas Mrs. L. Leroy Thomson Alan G. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thornton Sandy & Tony Thurston Mr. & Mrs. John M. Timken Jr. Marjorie C. Tingue Mary H. Tisdale Carol C. Todaro Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Todd, Jr. Melanie C. Tofil Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Tolderlund Ms. Shavaun R.Towers Trail Riders of the Shoreline (TROTS) Treasures Mr. & Mrs . Denis M. Turko Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin N. Tyler Tylerville Spirits Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger Vanderbrooke Bakers & Caterers Dorothy Van Deusen Col. & Mrs. G.J. Van Hover Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Slyck Maria Varga Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vernon Alfred & Linda Vigorito Village Builders Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Walden Mrs. Jane A. Walker Mrs. Samuel R. Walker Wayne Walker, Walker Painting Mr. & Mrs. Cope B. Wallridge In Memory of Roberta Walton Walt's Food Market Linda & David Ward Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Wardlaw Mr. & Mrs. David T. Warner Mrs. Margaret W. Washburn Water's Edge Inn & Resort Elizabeth Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Watts Rose Weaver Mrs. John Webster Mr. & Mrs. Peter Webster Mr . & Mrs. Robert D. Webster

Mr. & Mrs. William 0. Webster Mr. Burton J. Weinbaum John & Debbie Welles Mr. & Mrs. William A. Wenck Mr. & Mrs. Eric West Women's Club of Westbrook Westledge Real Estate Wethersfield Stroke Club Wheatmarket Mr. & Mrs. George Whelen Ms. Barbara White William Blunt White Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Wiesbrock, Jr. Wiggin & Dana, Attorneys at Law of New Haven & Old Lyme, CT Mrs. Grafton Wiggins Steve Wilkinson, Fine Bouche Mr. & Mrs. George Willauer Mr. & Mrs . Thomas S. Willets Mrs. P. Edward Williams Roger Williams & Stacey Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Williams, III Glory &Jack Wills The Wills Company, Realtors, Inc. Margaret & Whitelaw Wilson


Marion B. Wilson Mrs . Jacques Wimpfheimer David & Judy Winer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wing Mr. & Mrs. William G. Winterer Lauren E. Wipprecht Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Wolcott Mr . & Mrs. Frank E. Wolcott III Mrs . Margaret Wolff Mr. & Mrs . John B. Wolff, Jr. Jenny Wood Mr. & Mrs. L. Robert Wood R. P. Wood-Muller Mildred Wrege Mrs. Walter Newcomb Wright WTYD

Arthur S. Yanke Dorothy I. Young Mr. & Mrs. Donald Yousey Mrs. Estelle Ives Zahn Kristen A. Zarfo s Mr. & Mrs. Carl Zirchenback Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zollshan Mr . & Mrs. John Zuppe


:Higfi:Hopes'Ifierapeutic !Rj.rfi1l!J, Inc. isf ounrferf on tlie6e[ieftliat ~erienci1l!Janrfrirfi1l!J liorses in a secure,cfia[[e1l!Ji1l!J, anrf companiona6[e environmentcan significant[gimprovetlie fives of inrfivirfua[s wlioarepliysica[[g, emotiona[[g or rfevefopmenta[[g cfia[[efl!Jerf. tlieeKJ;raorrfinarg Ourgoa[is to 6ri1l!J benefitsof tlierapeuticrirfi1l!J topeop[e tlirouglitliesliari1l!J of ourR._nowferfge 1 ~erience, anrfinspiration. ./

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances in Fund Balances - Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1994 and 1993 June 1994 (Audited) Total

June 1993 (Audited) Total

All Funds

All Funds


June 1994 (Audited) Total

June 1993 (Audited) Total

AU Funds AU Funds


Cash Marketable Equity Securities at lower of aggregate cost or market Lease assignment, net of accumulated amortization of $14,900 in 1993 Land, Buildings, and Equipment at cost, less accumulated depreciation of $136,383 in 1994 and $107,676 in 1993 TOT AL ASSETS

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balances - Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1994 and 1993

$ 92,057

$ 76,766








$ 930,413


Memberships Rider Contributions Scholarship Contributions Interest - Endowment Funds School District Contributions Civic and Foundation Grants Other Contributions Horse Shows/ Other Programs Income from Fundraising Interest Income - Other Riding Lessons/ Other Income Horse Sponsorships Capital Drive Contributions Land Gift

$ 44,503 42,254 8,930 16,594 11,005 1,800 10,504 5,540 197,557 254 26,672 24,979 122,166 -0-

$ 42,905 36,145 3,785 7,844 6,225 8,034 12,007 7,293 78,860 1,796 21,595 23,723 168,222 19,000


$ 512,758

$ 437,434

Operating Program Expenses Facility Management Expenses Depreciation, Interest, Other

$ 120,837 70,034 192,296

$ 135,364 63,980 131,909


$ 383,167

$ 331,253


$ 129,591

$ 106,181


$ 915,575

$ 809,394



$ 915,575

LIABILITIES -0-08,598 4,140 2,100

Mortgage Payable Note Payable Accounts Payable Deferred Revenue J osits for Antique Show

$ 127,575 10,000 8,598 4,140 -0-



$ 150,313

$ 14,838

FUND BALANCES Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Plant


76,804 123,006

$ 26,514 102,753





$ 915,575



$ 930,413


Executive Director Barbara Schaffer with her mother-in-law, High Hopes rider Shirlee Schaffer on Tiger, and her father-in-law Larry Schaffer.

High Hopes Rider Nicholas Fondulas on Gonzo






Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage



Hadlyme, CT 06439 Permit #1


High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Equestrian Venue for the 1995 Special Olympics World Games


36 Town



out and changing lives through



~ P.O. Box 254 ~ Old Lyme, CT 06371-0254



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