~ High Hopes /
Therapeutic Riding, Inc .
Annual Report 1995-96 High HopesTherapeuticRiding, Inc. isfounded on the beliefthat experiencing,riding and driving horsessignificantlyimprovesthe lives of individualswith physical,emotionaland developmentaldisabilities. At the Sis Gould Centerfor TherapeuticRiding, our mission is to providea secure,challengingand companionableenvironment that brings the extraordinary benefitsof therapeuticriding and equineactivitiesto a wide range of individuals through the sharingof our knowledge,compassion,experienceand inspiration. - High Hopes Mission
Dear High Hopes Family,
riding center, will provide:
This year's hosting of the Special Olympics World Games was truly a testimonial to just how far and wide High Hopes can reach to touch the lives of individuals, and it gives me great pride to see the interna tional acclaim that High Hopes has achieved.
• First and foremost, quality personalized equine programs integrated with complementary services and activities to help those, who in our professional judgment, will benefit from our programs.
We are now a major part of a global movement to bring therapeutic riding to more and more people through the excellence of our organization. This excellence is exemplified by our highly qualified staff and governing board, carefully trained and,selected horses, and a full complement of extremely dedicated and talented volunteers.
• Training programs for High Hopes participants , volunteers, and horses. In addition, as a leader in the therapeutic riding industry, provide NARHA approved training to meet the needs of other therapeutic riding programs nationally.
Along with our international strides, High Hopes has taken important steps organizationally to prepare itself for the future. This year, we directed our efforts toward building our Endowment to ensure that our financial needs will be met well into the 21st century.
• National leadership in research, and advocacy for the benefits of therapeutic riding and other equine activities .
We also took the essential first steps of a compre hensive long-range planning process by reaffirming our Mission and developing a Vision and Values statement. Thiswillbe the core of our 5-year Strategic Plan.
Our work is centered around the individual needs of our participants, and is guided by a core set of val ues. We believe in:
Another major step toward preparing High Hopes for future growth was the completion of a long awaited Caretaker's Cottage and expansion of the office space. These facility enhancements have opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for improving and extending the therapeutic riding and training services that we may someday provide.
• The importance of compassion and sensitivity for our horses and participants.
Our shared vision is that High Hopes, as a premier therapeutic Kelvin N. Tyler, President Jeffrey Ridgway, 1st Vice President Elizabeth David, 2nd Vice President Thomas J. Rodgers, Treasurer Sally H. Aubrey, Secretary DIRECTORS
Myrna F. Baskin Geraldine U. Foster Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Inge Hieret Charles Kingsley Ken Kitchings Judith F. Lightfoot Sandra Meinsen Rives Potts Ann Rice Anita P. "1ia" Smith Roger Smith Wayne Southwick, M.D. Gurdon B. Wattles HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS
Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr. Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Grace T. Hamilton
• The potential for improvement in the lives of our participants.
• The therapeutic and rehabilitative value of the equine experience. • The immeasurable worth of our volunteers.
Alison Zack, Executive Director
Kitty Stalsburg, Program Director Petra Shearer, Administrative Officer Kristin Elliott, Barn Manager Pauline Knoll, Volunteer Coordinator Holly Ridgway, Senior Instructor Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Dawn Zornig, Instructor Amara Alpert, Driving Instructor Mary Jane Fegan, Physical Therapist Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist Chip Mcilwain, Caretaker
Presiding with the High Hopes Board of Directors over the past year has left me with tremendous gratitude and appreciation for the commitment and ever-increasing dedication of our staff and volunteers. I wish to thank all of you for your boundless energy and heart for High Hopes - and for making this year one of inspiration and growth toward the future.
• The leadership role of our Board of Directors. • The professionalism of our staff and programs. • The appropriate quality horses to suit our participants' individual needs. • The effective allocation and efficient management of our resources and facilities to ensure high quality and maximum impact.
Kelvin N. Tyler, President
• The opportunities to extend and diversify our services to reach a wider community.
Dear High Hopes Family, Wecan all take great pride and share in the accomplishmentsof High Hopes over the past year. It was a year that started and ended with milestoneachievements, opening with the SpecialOlympicsWorldGamesand closingwith the reaccreditationof High Hopes TherapeuticRiding,Inc.by the North AmericanRidingfor the HandicappedAssociation(NARHA).
It was also a year in which High Hopes realizeda profound loss when SisGould, our belovedfounder and "spiritualleader" suddenlydied, leaving we mortals to herdreamalive! keep This came as a tall order given the hands-on support, spirit and visionwhich Sisbreathedinto every aspect of High Hopes. I am extremelypleased to report, that through the strengthand loyaltyof the many remarkableindividualswho share Sis's visionand values,High Hopes continuesto be at the forefrontof the therapeutic riding movement,while at the same time maintainingits localintegrity. Thispast year,in addition to achievingNARHAreaccreditationunder the newly establishedsite visitationprocess,High Hopesbecameone of only two operating centersin the countryapprovedby NARHAto offer an InstructorTrainingCourse;was honored nationallythrough the JamesBradyProfessionalAchievementAward, which was receivedby our very own Boardmember,Judy Lightfoot;and receivedthe NARHARegionI Horse of the YearAward,which was given to Romey,our 30year old thoroughbredwho valiantlyserved in our program for 15 years. Meanwhile,as High Hopes continued to achievenationalacclaimin the therapeuticriding industry,we began to reach out to localeducatorsand communitygroups to build programs for youth-at-riskto volunteer with our horsesand specialneeds riders;for other young people to learn to volunteerthrough High Hopes mentors;and for people with varyingdisablingconditionsto participatein carriagedriving. Weofferedfield trips and experientiallearningsessionsto hundreds of children,including those from the Girl Scoutsof America,Cub Scouts,LEARN,BigBrothersBigSisters,New LondonCommunityCenterand the FoundersSchool. Other groups who were part of the High Hopes familythis past year,and offeredinvaluableserviceas volunteers,includeVistaVolunteers,CommunityService Volunteers,NianticWomen'sCorrectionalInstitution,Gate's CorrectionalInstitution, RSVPand ConnecticutValleyHospitalVolunteerProgram. Wecelebratedour 120-125year-roundriders at the AnnualStudent Horse Show,and 3 of them representedHigh Hopesin the CTSpecialOlympics. Througha scholarshipgift from The ChesterW.KitchingsFoundation,a group of 7 specialneeds childrenfrom Nathan Hale Schoolin New London were able to ride throughoutthe schoolyear;and a grant from the FrankLoomisPalmerFund enabled10inner-citychildrenfrom the EdgertonSchoolin New Londonto ride during the Fall program. Numerousother specialgifts enabledanother 15individualsto ride during the year through the financialassistanceof our scholarshipprogram. The accomplishmentsof our volunteerswho brought about the 1995Old LymeAntiquesShowand the Symphonyin the Meadowsbenefiteventsfor High Hopes are simply unmeasurable,and I continueto marvel at the depth of support that High Hopes enjoysfrom over 200program,barn and officevolunteers. In my first year as ExecutiveDirector,I have cometo know that High Hopes is more than a set of riding servicesfor people with specialneeds...it is a set of values and practicescreatingan environmentthat changespeopleslives...it is the realizationof a dream envisionedby our late founder,SisGould,of a place where in her words, "kindness through givingcreateslove." It is these words that bind the High Hopes family together,and it is these words that will continueto bring nourishmentto our many faithfulsupporters, riders and
their families,horses,volunteersand staff,to keep Sis's dream alive!
Alison Za.ck,4.xecutiveDirector
High Hopes remains indebted to those wlio supported its early membership appeals with a long term commitment.
Cynthia & Louis Bacon Ted & Rebecca Crosby Jane I. Davison Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold Sis & Lytt Gould John Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski The Kitchin s Famil Lightfoot Judith F. & tchard Debbie & K.C. Mazer Bernard & Karen Schwarz
Special thanks is extended to all those who gave so generously to the Annual Membership Appeal It provided vital operating funds for High Hopes in the amount of nearly $60,000. Our operating funds enable us to provide our riding services to all riders for just 30% of the real cost to High Hopes, acting essentially as a "natural" scho1arship fund for all riders.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brewer, Jr. Mrs. Culver Orswell BENEFACTORS
Maud Duke John & Katrina Hele Rigmor Her.denryk Peter & Gail Lundin Robert & Sandy Mulligan Jame s Rosenfield Bernard & Karen Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr. Roger & Marcia Smith PATRONS
Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr. John S. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Krieble Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick
Stever & Sally H Aubrey Myrna & Arnold Baskin Ann Lane & Rudd Bergmans Joan & Barry Bloom Mrs. Margaret M. Clucas Mrs. Maud B. Duke, Jr. Margaret Fay-Morse Margaret M. Fisher Inge Hieret Elizabeth Hird Wyman Gordon Investment Castings Kate Ireland Mrs. Janet G. Jainschigg Shirley S. Langford Mr. & Mrs. Ro1and S. MacNichol John & Lily Patrizio John W.G. & Linda Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt III Dr. & Mrs. David Primo Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Sennheiser Electronic Corporation Seymour & Tta Smith Marney Sprague Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong III Mrs. Donna G. Tardif Ke! & Karen Tyler Judy & David Winer SUSTAINERS
Bob & Lee Adrian Mr. & Mrs. C. Clarke Ambrose John W. & Eleanor P. Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick P. Bieber Ernest A. Bigelow Gary Borla Mrs. Edward L. Brennan Mary L. Broughton Joseph P. Carta Herb & Sherry Clark Adele Clement Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Mr. & Mrs. Wells W. Constantine Ferdinand W. Coudert Philip F. Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dorman Mr. & Mrs . David A. Eck Elizabeth H. Eddy Mr. Joseph W. Elnisky Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. English, III Mr. Edwin D. Etherington Barbara Ford Catharine Ford-Daly Pearl Fournier Anne H. Francine Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs . Ralph Halsey Sally & Parker Handy Ruth Ann & Sephen Heller Brita Herman Mrs. Roger S. Hewlett Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hollis Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Horwitz Susan R. Hostnik Allan & Jane Howat
Kie & Trm Johnson Ward & Jean Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski Andrea Kennett Mr. & Mrs. Elwood H. Koontz The Ladies Benevolent Society First Congregational Church, Lyme Mrs. F. David Lapham Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lethbridge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Levin Bruce & Cathy Littman Mr. & Mrs. W. Cecil Lyon Anne MacKenzie Grace & Bob Marrion Mr. & Mrs . G. C. Matthiessen George & Sally Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. McAdoo, Jr. Robert & Sarah McCracken Renee & Bruce McIntyre Tom & Sally Melvin Dorothea Moore Morgan Guaranty Trust Andrew & Gail Morris Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David R. Norling Micahel & Elena Patterson Mr. David M. Payne R. I. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Pfeiffer Pfizer Inc. David & Barbara Preston Mrs. John C. Prizer, Jr. Ms. Gwendolen B. Proud Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Recor Diana Ricci Mrs. J. Bartlett Richards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ruberti Mr. & Mrs. James Rutledge Bob & Sue Sciarroni Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Smo ller Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappan Soper Mr. & Mrs. Fredenck Sturges Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Sandy & Tony Thurston Mrs . William M. Tmgue Mr. & Mrs. William E. Tucker Deep River Marina , Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Slyck Mrs. John R. Webster Eugenia L. West George & Cynthia Willauer Mr. John B. Wolff, Jr. SUPPORTERS
Sarah & Brad Allin Bruce & Liz Andres Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Curtis E. Askelson Millie & Stan Babson M. Baer Joseph A. Bardenheier, III M.D. Stan &; Sharon Bates Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie Sally J. Bill James P. Blunt Leo & Irene Bocwinski Mrs. W. Bradford Briggs L. M. Broom
Octavia Brown Wanda TIilman & Van Brown Mr. George C. Bruce Robert & Helen Burkarth Mrs. Richard S. Burke William Carley & Catherine Mackey Chrisholm Marina Kay & Logan Clarke Karen Dafile & Sue Hessel Mrs . George H. Darrell Mrs. Dorothy C. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Edmund & Barbara Delaney Barbara W. Deutsch Bill Dion Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Doane Kathy & Jack Doherty Louise & Larry Drew Keith & Dee Driftmier Helen & Gerry Dyar Gordon W. Dyer The Dykas Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Mr. David Etzel , Jr. & Ms. Jan Walzer-Etzel Mrs. Franklin Farrel III Barbara P. Ferry Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Finan Mr. & Mrs. William Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday , Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueson Virgin!a M. Galpin Mr. & Mrs H.R. Gates Trm & Susan Gavronski The Greenaway Family Margaret A. Gree nwood Susan & John Griggs Kitty Stalsburg , Rob & Kathryn Hageman Varick D. Harrison Mrs. Ruth Heller Richard Hertz & Doris Meye r Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hildreth Mr. & Mrs. John V. Hinshaw Betsy & Bill Horn Frank W. Hubby Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Huebner Elmira S. Ingersoll Stuart Ingersoll Dr. & Mrs. William Irving Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johns on Varick Johns on Waldo & Renze Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Douglas N. Jones Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kingsley Robert & Pauline Knoll Mr. & Mrs. James Korst Martin & Janet LeBoutillier Dorothy Leib Mrs. John B. Lightfoot Den-Mar Maintenance Diane M . Mazza Mrs. W. B. McAllister John Y. & Arny McCauley Mrs . Thomas P. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. James J.McQuade Sand ra Meinsen
Mr. & Mrs. Newton P.S. Merrill Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger Mary S. Muhlhausen Jeffrey T. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Harold Obstler Dorothy Orr Ors. John & Corrie B. Paardenkooper Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Pansius Susan L. Peacock Gordon Phelps & Kyung Chung Mary Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F. Ranelli Chet & Penny Reneson Mr. & Mrs. Leland H. Reynolds Ann & Jim Rice Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Richardson Wendy Rieder Designs Jack & Beckett Rodgers Connie & Al Rogers Claire Sauer Bill & Petra Shearer Mr. & Mrs. John Sherman Shoreline Pediatrics Harry & Toni Slifer Mr. & Mrs. Elting H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speirs Mary G. Steube Robert D. Taisey Nika B. Thayer Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger E. Maurice Wakeman, M.D. Mrs. Samue l R. Walker Linda & David Ward Gurdon B. Wattles John & Debbie Welles William Blunt White Mrs. Joseph Whitley Marion B. Wilson Mrs. Jacques D. Wirnpfheimer R. G. Wood-Muller Clara & Carl Zirkenbach
FRIENDS Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Abrams Fred E. & Frances L. Acker Ellen R. Anderson Julie Bayram Mr. & Mrs . Thomas Bellingham Mimi & Bill Benner Eleanor H . Bishop Leila R. Bowman Mary & Alan Bradford Shirley R. Brown Mrs. Charles R. Burd Elizabeth C. Chamber lain Robert & Eleanor Champion Joline Chapman Muriel Clou gh Matilda Colihan Jan Royce Conant Mr. & Mrs. George Connerat Isabel X. Cooney Sally F. Comish Mrs. Charles Cowley Teresita S. Currie Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Delaney
Mrs. Kenneth DeLonge Laurie DeMayo Sarah F. Dietz B. & D. Edwards Mrs. V. L. Ellicott Barbara Ellis Josephine C. English Rocco & Susan Forte The Chase Manhattan Foundation Celia M. Francis Linda Freedman Elise J. Garvin Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Gaulton Herbert Goldenring M.D. Paul A. Grace Edi Griswold Mrs. Wtlliam H. Grover Maureen Guenther Bob & Bobby Gustafson Jacqueline Haefs Elizabeth E. Haff AnneW.Hall Elizabeth Hamilton Marion H . Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Max Hartmann Lucinda Hautaniemi Samantha Healy Mrs. George Holloway Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. lrvin_g Mr. & Mrs. Eads Johnson, Jr. Peter & Elizabeth Karter Mrs. Grafton S. Kennedy, Jr. Caro l Klimek Mrs. Arthur Knox John & Irene Kritzer Mark & Ann Lander Marion Lequin Elizabeth Marks Ms. Sidney L.Mattoon Mrs.EugeneMcCarthy Mr. & Mrs. David G. McCord Donald & Virginia McCue Mrs.Carmen McKee Mrs. David H. McKillop Yellow House/Margaret Morgan MaryMrouse Mary Munson Patricia Neibrief-Trimble Mrs. Claudia Newell Mrs. John O'Connell Kelly & Cheryl Parsons Melanie Phoenix Margaret & Donald Porter Helen W. Powers Mr. & Mrs. William A. Purtell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Quirin Viola S. Reid & Marjorie McMenemy Les & Diane Reynofds Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway Mrs. John C. Ripley Mrs. T.M. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Romanowski Dana & Greg Rutten Carol K. Ryland Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schaper Elise D. Seymour Carolyn Smith
Mrs. Nancy F. Stephenson Harriet Rice Strain Mrs. Agnew Allen Talcott Mrs. Eliner R. Thomas Douglas & Sandra Tolderlund Colonel & Mrs . G. J. Van Hover Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wing ADOPT A HORSE
Christiane Beebe Irene & Leo Bocwinski Anne & Carroll Boynton Joline Chapman Susan K. Childs Homer & Sara T. Crawford Mrs. Culver Orswell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Ignacio Fanlo & Collette Minnock Mrs. Everett Fisher Geraldine U. Foster Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt Betz Haartz Grace & Frank Hamilton IngeHieret Susan Ingersoll Mrs . R.E.D. Lord Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs, m Andrea Kennett Ms. C~thia McFadden Niantic Women's Correctional Institution Diane Ricci Jeff & Holly Ridgway Avana Hassad, Holly & David Ronick Amy Rosenfie ld Jason Rosenfield Jean T. Sargent Mr. & Mrs. Wtlliam G. Wrnterer START A RIDER
Cynthia & Louis Bacon Christiane Beebe Sharl YI!R. Carter Ted & Rebecca Crosby Mrs. Culver Orswell Katharine Gilders leeve Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt Kitty & Jerry Greene Rigmor Heydenryk Bruce McGhie John & Heidi Niblack Rives & Nancy Potts Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schavoir George Whelen Dorinda & Mark Winkelman
Each rider's successes in the High Hopes programs are a celebration of the miracle of therapeutic riding. We are grateful to those who chose to support our programs by honoring the following persons:
Sally & Stever Aubrey were honored by Harry & Jackie Kennedy
Mary Jo Bell was honored for her volunteer work at High Hopes by her mother Mary Bell Karen & Ralph DiSaia were honored by Wanda Tillman & Van Brown Susan Ingersoll was hono red by her grandmother Mrs. Louise J. Ingersoll Shirley Langford was honored by Charlotte Quigley John Schloss was honored on the occasion of his birthda by his wile Janet Rives & Nancy Potts and their family were honored by Doreen Palmer Leah Seldin-Sommer was honored on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah by Chris McLaughlin Patricia Neibrief-Trirnble Denise & Paul Perzanoski Mr. & Mrs. William Werwaiss were honored by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Drew
The extent to which our founder touched the lives of others was realized with an outpouring of s~al gifts to High rfopes in her memory. Barbara Abrams Ms. Betsy Ross Averill Stanley M. Babson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Barclay Mrs. Carlyle F. Barnes Dunny Barney Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Barringer Dr. & Mrs . Arnold M. Baskin Sally J. Bill Dr. & Mrs. William E. Boutelle Mickie Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Carroll A. Boynton Mr. Henry Brightwell Elizabeth N. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Brundage Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Burkarth Bill & Pat Burns Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Cissel Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Oark Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Clem ents Mrs. W. Scott Cluett Mrs. Katherine E. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Earle B. Dane Mr. & Mrs Henri M. David, Jr. Ms. Frances Dennie Davis Mrs. W.T. Dean Charles & Barbara Dearborn Ann & Karel den Tex Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dey Betsy Dill Driving for the Disabled, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Courtlandt P. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dota, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Benjamin Duke, ill Mrs. Maud B. Duke, Jr. Sybil K. Dukehart Mrs. Eleuthere L. duPont Mrs. Morris Earle Mrs. George S. Ebbert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Eddison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert English, ill Mr. & Mrs. Charles H Erhart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marc Evankow Mr. & Mrs. John Ewing Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold Ms. Marjorie D. Fondulas Geraldine U. Fos ter & Johnnie D . Johnson The Donnell-Kay Foundation Miss Anne Francine Victoria Freeland Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueso n Ruth & Stephen Galpin Mr. Stephen M. Garratt Ms. Elise Garvin The Peter Gasperini Family
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Gerry Helen C. Gillespie Barbara Glasow Marilyn J. Gleeson Mr. Curtis E. L. Gould Pam & Aubrey Graham LyttGould Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Greenwood Mike Griggs Morgan Guaranty Trust Betz 1-:l.aartz Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Harder John & Margee Harper Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Harvey, Jr. Catherine Harwood Margit R. Heydenryk Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hom Horse Power H. Everton Hosley, Jr. Margaret B. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson , Jr. Miss Kate Ireland Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Cha rles W. Jewett Audrey H. Johnson Mrs. David M. Johnstone Helen C. Jones Virginia Jones Mr. & Mrs. John Kashanski Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey W. Kauffmann Jane R. Keener Mr. Geoffrey D. Kimball Mr.& Mrs. Robert Knoll Barbara Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Al Krech Kendall Lewis & The Reverend Mrs. Betsey Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Litchfield Little Britches Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. MacGruer Mr. & Mrs. Roland MacNichol Ms. Vi · ·a Martin Mr. &~ Francis H. McAdoo, Jr. Mrs . Roblee McCarthy Betty Lou McColgin Ms. Spencer K. McLean Elinor McLennan Mrs . Sunny McNeil A. Stephen Melcher & CY.!'die Gould Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Millett Mr. David W. Moore Nancy H. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. James Morris Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. Ms. Mary Mrouse Diane Mrozowski Ms. Mary S. Muhlhausen Mr. & Mrs. Percy L. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. David C. Noyes Mrs . Nancy C. Olmstead Mr. & Mrs. David Payne Pegasus Therape utic Riding, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Peoples Mr. & Mrs. William S. Post
Charlotte Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Jofin Rafal Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Recor Kathy Reese Mr. & Mrs. William B. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Rodgers Kate Dupont Ross Mrs. Peter Sanger Robert Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Schuler Mrs. Mary Peck Schwartz Deborah McLennan Scully Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seaman Paul E. Betts, Shawmut Bank Bill & Petra Shearer Alger Shelden, Jr. Jessie Y.Shepard Kathleen Skolem Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Slifer, Jr. Carolyn Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Helen B. Spaulding Mr. & Mrs. Louis Starr Meredith & Rebecca Stoever Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Ms. Peg Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Thomson Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Urband Mr. & Mrs. William V. Washburn Elizabeth Watkins Mr. Gurdon B. Wattles Mrs. George T. Weymouth Mr. & Mrs. William White Mrs. Edward P. Williams Charles L. Willoughby Judy & David Winer Mr. George D. Wrightson, Jr.
This report to our members and supporters is dedicated to our founder and eternal inspiration, Mary K. "Sis'' Gould ... to her indomitable spirit, and to her undying belief that therapeutic riding and carriage driving can bring immeasurable good and love into the lives of those who need it so much. We dedicate this annual report to her to mark the year in which she passed, with the hope that her inspiration and vision will continue to guide us from this day forward. With her perpetual guidance, High Hopes holds great promise to seek ever greater heights and new horizons for the future of therapeutic riding and carriage driving, and to continue to be the "best at what we do."
Sis Gould, Founderof High Hopes
High Hopes is extremely grateful to the individuals and foundations who gave to the Endowment Fund. Since only a _portion of the Endowments interest is used each year, these gifts will continue to grow ID perpetuity to sustain the High Hopes programs well into the future.
High Hopes never turns away a prospective rider due to Jack of funding. This policy is enabled by the generous support of community, ,corporate, foundation, and individual scholarship gifts and grants.
Stever & SallyH. Aubrey Millie & Stan Babson The Bafflin Foundation Myrna & Arnold Baskin Howard & Nancy Brundage Mrs. Walter H. Oement Jan Conant Ted & Rebecca Crosby Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan, ill Kitty & Jerry Greene Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Richard H . Goodwin Sis & Lytt Gould The Sis Gould Memorial Fund Inge Hieret The Ingalls Foundation Greta & Jake Jacobs Barbara & John Kashanski The Kingsley Family The Kitchings Family Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Nancy & Rives Potts Linda & John Phillips Mary Pullen Jim & Ann Rice Jeff & Holly Ridgway John & Jessie Roberts Jack & Beckett Rodgers Harry & Toni Slifer Roger & Marcia Smith
Anonymous Astrea Clothing Julie Bayram Cornelia Bessie Mike & Bill Boyd Molly Carta The Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut Maril Conklin The ~nnecticut Light & Power Company Community Service Invofvement Program Connecticut Vetennary Medical Association SallyComish Judith Crawford Essex Community Fund Essex Savings Bank Community Investment Program Anne H. Francine Helen Gillespie LyttGould The Hartford Courant Muriel Hinkle International Yacht Restoration School Kelsar Physical Thera_py The Chester W. Kitchings Foundation The Ladies Benevolent Society, First Congregational Church of Lyme Kendall & Elizabeth Lewis Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club Mrs. Katharllle K. McLane Million Dollar Round Table Foundation Edward Nevins Town of Old Lyme, World Special Olympics Host Town Program Frank Loomis Palmer Fund Thomas Perrone Mrs. Constance Pike Carol & Steve Rosenfield Saint Ann's Episcopal Church, Outreach Committee, Old Lyme Jane Sanchez SNET Corporation's Employees Community Services Fund Clement E. Watson Donald Watson Harvey White John B".Wolff
High Hopes thanks those who have seen a particular need at our facility and have prov ided the resources to meet that need.
High Hopes appreciates those who have chosen to honor the memory of their family and friends with a gift to High Hopes.
Stan & Millie Babson Myrna & Arnold Baskin Leo & Irene Bocwinski Ted & Rebecca Crosby Cottie & Janie Davison Elizabeth David Sis & Lytt Gould Kitty & Jerry Greene Norm Gustafson Amanda Hager Inge Hieret Suzanne Judson Barbara & John Kashanski Andrea Kennett Ken & Christine Kitchings Thomas Lazouras LCRV Horsemen Charles Kinsgley Judith F. Ligntfoot Charlene Lynch Sundy & Jean Martin Susan McNeil Joe & Ken Melzen Mary Mille Candy Miller Nancy Newcomb Bill Nelligan Kirin Peagler Jann Petersen John Phillips Rives & Nancy Potts Mary Pullen Susan Raible Wendy Rieder Designs Jeff & Holly Ridgway Jane Samuels Shirlee & Larry Schaffer Schering-Plough Corporation Mary Peck Scnwartz Bill & Petra Shearer HarrySlifer Roger Smith Tia Smith Carry Spaulding Kitty Stalsburg Kel & Karen Tyler Vista of Westbrook, Inc. Gurdon B. Wattles Wendi Wilcox
In memory of Brian Andreozzi a summ er camp scholarship was made possible by the Brian Andreozzi Memorial Fund In memory of Deborah Flynn, Betsy Averill Essex Medical Group Karen & Erik Klockars Linda Mariani & Associates Whiting Davis/Safety In memory of Susan Brandt- Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Baldwin John & Sandra Brandt Lucinda G. Brandt Karl Brooks Lucille & Roger Carlso n Mr. & Mrs. Severn S. Carlson Ann & Karel den Tex Mr. & Mrs. M. Dieckerhoff Robert B. Goldfarb William Goldfarb The Harvey Robbin Company Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holmstedt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas McKay Mrs. Arthur F. Miller Claire A. Murphy Dennis A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Rooert Browning Nickerson Nea l & Alice O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Powell Mike & E.B. Read Jeanne & Webster Roberts Shirley & Thoma s Van Winkle Susan K. Wirth In memory of B. A. Dario, Elizabeth Roone y In memory of Edward S. Fun sten, Betty McCarthy In memory of Nancy Khoury, Elizabeth Rooney In memory of Kent Mueller, BMG Direct Cheryl & Jame s Brown, Susan J. Cohen Hill Arts & Entertainment Mr. & Mrs. Robert Koplitz Pamela & Stephe n Rottier In memory of George Wilk, Helen Wilk
GIFTS IN KIND High Hopes is forever indebted to the many individuals and businesses that offer their goods and services to help meet our needs. This year we wish to extend an enormous thank you to Pfizer Animal Health, for their stellar contribution of Strongid C2x to improve the health of our herd. Sally Aubrey The Bastedo Family Jeanne Bellows Betsy Averill Fred & Jennifer Bieber Black Hall Club Don Bloom Leo Bocwinski John Caltabiano, DVM Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Southeastern New England Ronald Cole Wendy Conlon Ted Crosby Erin & Keith Daly Phil Darrell Cottie & Janie Davison Bill Doane Jonnie Edwards Kristin Elliott Mary Jane Fegan Edward Firge1ewski Robert Firgelewski Family Maria Fisher Russell Ford Fox Ledge Tack Shop Molly Francisco Sis & Lytt Gould Jerry Greene Joseph H. Hackett, Farrier Hartford, CT Police Department Rigmor Heydenryk Inge Hieret Daryl Hornby Images & Frames Carolyn Jagielski Just Vacs Kalamian's Rug Shop , Inc. Barbara & John Kasfianski Connie Kastelowitz Andrea Kennett Pauline Knoll Lanza, Smith & Co. Mark Leas Donna Lieberman Aileen Livingston Marinpro Advertising & Design Cis Matthiessen Chip Mcllwain Sanora Meinsen Melzen Farm Supply, Inc. Mountain Spring Water, Inc. Bill Nelli an New Eng1and Gro up
George Norman Olympic Floor & Tile The Paddock Pennsylvania Vet Supply Nancy Peterle Pfizer Animal Health Rives & Nancy Potts Mary Pullen The Quarter Horse Journal Jeff and Holly Ridgway Riverside Press Inc . RPS DeskTop Publishing Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic Saybrook Office Equipment Schering-Plough Corporation Mary Peck Schwartz Bill & Petra Shearer Harry Slifer Roger & Marcia Smith Tia Smith Sonalrsts Studios Cary . Spaulding Kitty Stalsburg Grace & Bob Stalsburg Stalsburg Express Cookie Strong Carrie lhibodeau Tue Country Ke! Tyler Bob Vankeirsbilck Gurdon B. Wattles Glenda Wenz Jacques D. Wrmpfheirner Alison Zack Zelek Electric Co. DawnZornig MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES
High Hopes is grateful to those corporations wflo extend their support to the High Hopes Mission. Champion International Corporation The Chase Manhattan Foundation JPMorgan Pfizer Inc.
The 1995 Old Lyme Antiques Show and the SymJ>honym the Meadows VI, raised substantial funds to ease the growing strains on the High Hopes operating budget. High Hopes extends its deepest appreciation to the many generous individuals and businesses who supported our special events, including the .Annual Student Horse Show. G. Christopher Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Abrams Anonyinous Bob & Lee Adrian Ame E. Ahlberg, Antiques Liesa & Milton N. Allen Mr. & Mrs. David Alpeter John & Augusta Alsop Mrs. Margaret Pumpflret Amata Mr. & Mrs. C. Clarke Ambrose Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Anderson Sharon E. Andreoz zi Bruce & Elizabeth Andres Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Andrews Anne's Kitchen, Old Lyme Antiques Council Astrea Clothing Company Athletes, Inc. Bill & Mary Attridge Diana F. Atwood Sally & Stever Aubrey Peter K. Austin Babfar Equipment Corporation Milly & Stan Babson Cyni:hia & Louis Bacon James & Marion Bairstow Elizabeth Baker Rowland & Nancy Ballek Mr. & Mrs . R. Dun can Balsbaugh Banfi Vmtners Bank of Boston, Connecticut, The Private Bank John W. & Eleanor P. Barclay Joseph A. Bardenheier, ill MD Elena Barker Leslie Barlow Photography Cotty & Leslie Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Carlton M. Barlow, Sr. Mr. & Mrs Chaplin B. Barnes Dunny Barney John & Trudy Barr Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R Barri Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Barringer Chip & Nicki B Mr. & Mrs. Dan~artholomew Basic Goods Mr. & Mr s. Charles Baskett Myrna & Arnold Baskin The Bastedo Family The Beanery Mr. & Mrs. David V. Beaudette Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Becker Mr. & Mrs. John T. Becker
Bee and Thistle Inn, Old Lyme Robert & Marcia Beeckman Mimi & Bill Benner Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Bennie's Farm Market, Centerbrook Mr. & Mrs. G. Spencer Berger R Besier Bess Eaton of Old Lyme Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. B,errie Ogden Bigelow Sall J. Bill Bill{ Seafood David & Anne Bingham Roberta Bininger Trudi Bird Carol BirdseyAllan R. & B.J. Birnbaum Eleanor Hofmann Bishop Mr. & Mrs. David Blackstone James P. Blunt Keith & Jane Bolles Mr. Charles Bombaci Sallie P. Boody Dennis & Laurie Bougie Mr. & Mr s. William A. Boyd Carroll & Anne Boynt on Mr. & Mrs. Wilson G. Bradford Walter Bragoni Mr. & Mrs. Peter Brainard Byron Brewer Helen Brewster Brooks Pharmacy Nannette H. Brossy Mary L. Brought on Fenton L.B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Howard 0. Brundage Brustolon Buick-Pontiac, Inc. Mr. & Mrs . Steams Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buchanan Martha Burd Patricia A. Burd Alfred E. Burdick Mr. & Mrs. Ward Burian Robert & Helen Burkarth Mrs. Richard S. Burke Burzenski & Company, P.C. Irene Kearns & Doug Buttendorf James Byrnes Kail Cadman Lori & No rman Caine Mr. & Mrs. S. E. Canaday Jack & Liora Cannon Captain Bob Charter Fishing James & Cathy Carley Jonathan Carlisle Walter & Nancy Carlson Elliott Caro l's Family Betsy Carr H. Jud son & Shirley Carr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cathcart Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ca tlett Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ca ulfield Caulfield & Ridgway , Inc. Centerbrook Architects Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain Geraldine B. Chandler Loma M. Chang Chelsea Gardens Caterin g Cherrystones , Old Lyme
ANNUAL BENEFITS CONTRIBUT ORS Chesebrou~h-Pond's USA Gene & Elsie Cheston Chicago Title Insurance Co. Sam & Elsie Childs Susan K. & Thomas S. Childs The Chocolate House Art, Bim & Kerry Christianson Ciel, Inc. City Coal of New London, Inc. Judy & Bill Clark Herb & Sherry Clark Mr. & Mrs. Harry Oarke Kay & Logan Clarke Mrs. Christopher Clarkson Adele Clement Mrs. David H. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Clement Nicholas Clements & Elizabeth Lightfoot The Clippersfup Book Shop Mrs. Margaret M. Clucas Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Southeastern New England Mrs. Leah Cohen Mr. & Mrs. James Coker Colonial IGA, Essex Colonia l Wme Cellars Companion Animal Hospital Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Woody Comstock Wanda A. Condict Connecticut Valley Orchards Bill & Nancy Connell Mr. & Mrs. George H. Connerat Alison Conrad Mr. & Mrs. John Conroy Shirley Conroy Mrs. George Cook, m Madora Cooke Jeff & Dana Cooley Robert & Isabel Cooney Copper Beech Inn, Ivoryton Feii:fmand W. Coudert Joan A. Couture Katherine E. Cowles Mrs. Charles Cowley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M . Cox Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford Sara T. Crawford David W. Crockett Ted & Rebecca Crosby Crossroads Travel Cuckoo's Nest, Old Saybrook Cummings & Good Christopfier Curran Rose Katherine & Robert Cushman Cyphers & Dubey Karen Dahle & Sue Hessel Daphne & Gerald Dahlke Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Erin Daly Earle B. Dane, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremond David Chevrolet Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Bette Davis Speed Davis
Janie & Cottie Davison Joao Paulo & Lidia T. De Azevedo Deep River Marina, Inc. Bill & Laurie DeMayo Design Label Manufacturing, East Lyme Kathleen Devine Mildred Devine Dr. Philip Devine & Dr. Theodore Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diamond Charles & Phoebe Dey Jennifer Morgan Diebolt The E.E. Didinson Company Ralph & Karen DiSa.ia Christopher P. Dixon & Barbara S. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Courtlandt P. Dixon Mrs. Francis C. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Doane Dock&Dine Torn & Fassy Dodds Kathy & Jack Doherty Adelaide M. Donnan Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Doolittle Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Dorman Doug's Garage Barbara & Tao Dowell Cynthia & Gerry Dubey Nancy S. Duble Duble & 0'Heam, Inc. Hutchinson DuBosque Kate Duffy Michael & Pamela Duffy Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan, m Dunham Ltd., Realtors, Lyn Hanberg & Ward Burian Mr. & Mrs. Irenry E. Dunn, m Dominick Dunne Judith G. duPont Reynolds duPont, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Duran Helen & Gerry Dyar Gordon W. Dyer Echlin, Inc. A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc., Brokers & Staff, Essex, CT Jonnie & Ashton Edwards Dr. Matthew E. Elgart Kristin A. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Janice B. English Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. English, ill Envirographics Charles H: Erhart Essence Essex Capital Strategies, Inc. Essex Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Etherington Mr. & Mrs. European Auto, fad. Helen W. Eustace Mr. & Mrs. Marc Evankow Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Captain & Mrs. Philip W. Evans Expressions Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Pach Leo & Alanna Fagan Ignacio Fanlo & Colette Minnock
Mr. John M. Fay Margaret Fay-Morse Mary Jane Fegan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferrebee Mr. & Mrs. A. Searle Field, II Mr. & Mrs. Fred Finkauer Mary E. Fischer Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold Everett & Catherine Fisher Geoff & Dana Fitton Fleet Foodslnith, Essex Alison & John Forbis Barbara Ford Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford John H. Forsgren 41 Degrees North Restaurant Geraldine U. Foster & Johnnie Johnson Pat Foster Diane & Mark Fournier M.H. Francisco Douglas Frank Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Friday Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday, Jr. Friends & Company, Madison Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees, Old Saybrook Jack & Chip Frost Kathleen L. Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueson Fritz & Alva Gahagan Patrick Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gannon Gardens by the Sea Mr. & Mrs H.R Gates Trm & Susan Gavronski Mr. & Mrs. P. Gerald Gehman Betsey Henley-Cohn & Sam Gejdenson Gelston House River Grill, East Haddam K.H. Gildersleeve Jennifer & David Gilletti Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Godbout Good-Spirits Shoppe E.E. Goodrich & Kathleen Maher Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gorman Lyt & Sandie Gould Lytt & Sis Gould Mr. & Mrs. Barron Gourlay Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Gourlay The Gourmet Galley, Essex Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grace Sarah E. Grader The Greenaway Family Heather Greenaway Elizabeth Greene Kitty & Jerry Greene Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenho Henry & Vrrginia Greenleaf Mr. & Mrs. John G. Greenwood Martha Greenwood & Eliza & Madeline K}'\Vack Susan & Johri Griggs The Grist Mill, Ola Lyme The Griswold Family Florence Griswold Museum
The Griswold Inn Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. John Sloane Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Trmothy C. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. William Grover Mr. & Mrs. William Groves Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gunn Captain & Mrs. Robert Gustafson Joseph H. Hackett, Farrier Richard Haders Mr. & Mrs. C. Barse Haff, Jr. Kitty Stalsgurg, Kathryn and Robert Hageman Anna Hale Hale & Hearty, East Haddam Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Hall Miss Verne Hall Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hamilton , m Frank & Grace Hamilton John & Joan Hamrick Sally & Parker Handy Harbor Seal Caterers, Essex Mr. & Mrs. John Hargraves Margaret T. HaIJ>er Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harper Brian Harra Sandra Meinsen & William Harreys Jerry & Jean Harrigan Helen & John Harris Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Max C. Hartman Mrs. Eldon Harvey, Jr. Phillip H. Haynes Samantha Healy Cheryl & Mitch Heffernan John R. Hellier Jonathan Henken Bob Herbst Mr. & Mrs. James Herman Richard Herz & Doris Meyer Selina W. Hewlett The Hideaway Restaurant , Old Lyme Inge Hieret Mrs. Edna M. Hilley Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hinkle Roger S. Hinze Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hollis Richard P. Holloway Paul & Linda Holt Mrs. Herbert J. Horan Mr. & Mrs. Willaim C. Hom Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Horwitz Mr. & Mr. Everton Hosley, Jr. Maurenn Hosley-Jones Miini & Jay Hostetter Stuart & June Hotchkiss Shirley Flower Howard Margaret & Arthur Howe Ann -Marie & David Howell Mrs. Lawrence J. Hubbard Frank W. Hubby Al & Julie Hudenets Mr. & Mrs. Tanner T. Hunt , Jr. Arthur E. Hursi The Inn at Chester, Chester Dr. & Mrs. William Irving Mr. Jonathn Isleib
Ivoryton Store Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs John Jacobson Martha B. Jacques Bob & Pat Jaeger Carolyn & John Jagielski Frank Jarrabeck Mrs. Charles W. Jewett Glenn & Allura Johnson John S. Johnson Johnnie D. Johnson & Co. Shirley Johnson Ward & Jean Johnson Waldo & Renze Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jones Mr. & Mrs. Douglas N. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Jones ID R.J. Julia Booksellers Louise A. Kalamian Peter & Elizabeth Karter John & Barbara Kashanski Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kashgarian Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Kelsar Physical Therapy Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Kehoe Haynes & Sally Kelly Sarah Keogh Mr. & Mrs. John King Allan Dodd Frank &1-illian King Sam King & Family Col. Victor H. King Charles & Gretchen Kingsley Cind Kissin Ken Christine Kitchings The Kitchin s Famil Dr. & Mrs. obert J.klimek Robert, Pauline & Stephanie Knoll Mrs. Arthur Knox, Jr. Robert D. Kochman Ms. Susanna Koezeniak Barbara & Elwood Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Kops, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Krieble Glenn & Catherine Krokus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kulina Mr. & Mrs. F. Louis LaFage Tom & Ursula Lamotte Breck & Susan Lardner Fred & Ann Larson Laundon Products Laysville Hardware Tom Lazouras Mr. & Mrs Donald W. Leach Mark Leas Mr. & Mrs. Leighton Lee Barbara Leap Marion Lequin Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lethbridge Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lethbridge Catherine & Scott Lethbridge Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lethbridge Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Levin Mr. & Mrs. Sol Lewitt Liberty Bank Donna Lieberman Mrs. Ruth W. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. John V. Lindsay Leigh & Frank Lionetti
Nathan Liverani & Son Arthur & Gigi Liverant Zeke & Joanna Liverani Mary Ann Livingston Ruth Lord Miriam & Oscar Lubow Mr. & Mrs. G.R. Lucas Frank & Shirley Lusk Lyme Academy of Fine Arts Lyme Design Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lyon Malcolm & Kay MacDermott Mr. & Mrs. Roland S. MacNichol PatMadacsi Doreen Madden Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Mancheski Charles-Henri & Marguerite Mangin Mr. & Mrs. R. Mowry Mann Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Manning Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Manville Maples Motel Maria's Breads, Hadlyme Maritime Bank & Trust Co., Inc. Marlborough Country Barn of Saybrook E. Lea Marsh, Jr. Roger Martin Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation James & Mabel Mitschulat Mr. & Mrs. G.C. Matthiessen Mrs. Sidney Mattoon Maus & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Hiram P. Maxim, II George & Sally Mayer Mr. & Mr s. K.C. Mazer Mazer & Son, Inc. Mrs. W.B. McAllister Dr. & Mrs. J.R. McAraw Amy & John McCauley Dean & Pam McChesney Kathleen T. McCurdy Donald M. McCue Anne Burr McDermott Dave & Sally McDermott Mr. F. Patrick McFadden, Jr. Thomas F. McGarry Bruce McGhie Chip Mcilwain Mrs. David H. McKillop Mr. & Mrs. Roderick C. McNeil Donald J. McSparran Dr. & Mrs. Peyton H. Mead Jack & Iyl Meier Mr. & Mrs. Thoma s Melvin, Jr. Melzen Farm Supply Mark & Anna Mercurio Polly & Newt Merrill Merrill Lynch John Merrill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger Barbara & Bob Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Milke Mary Mille Bob & Caro l Miller Catharine M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Miller Mrs . Dorothy Soule Milner
Abby Miner The Montague Family Maria L. Montoya Dorothea B. Moore Elizabeth F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Margot W. Morgan Andrew & Gail Morris Ma~aret & Jonathan Morris William B. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Morse Mr. & Mrs. John D. Morse Mount Kisco Scottish Pipes & Drums MaryMrouse Robert & Sandy Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Jam es B. Murphy, II Mystic Factory Outlets Mystic Marinelife Aquarium Bob & Penny Nelson Jeff T. Nelson Lori Nelson Dr. John Nelson New England Group/ A & P Stores Old Lyme The New Haven Symphony Orchestra Niantic Awning Kel Tyler, Niantic Lumber John & Heidi Niblack Marney S. Noble Gerard Nuber Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. O'Brien Greg & Terry O'Connell Mrs. John P. O'Connell Lynn & Jim O'Halloran Richard T. O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Harold Obstler Town of Old Lyme Old Lyme Frame Shop Old Lyme Inn Old Lyme Seafood, Old Lyme Old Lyme Shopping Center Olive Oyl's Carry Out Cuisine, Essex Oliver's Taveme, Essex Libby J. Orvedal Daily Bread, East Haddam Drs. John and Corrie B. Paardenkooper Carol Palermo The Frank Loomis Pa lm er Fund Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parisen Charlie & JoAnne Park Mrs. Janet W. Parker Cheryl & Kelly Parsons Pasta Unlimited, Deep River Michael & Elena Patterson Doug & Joan Paul Geoffrey Paul The Paul Family Mr. & Mrs. David M. Payne Susan L. Peacock Kate & Stevens Peale Richard I. Pearce Nina Cuccio Peck, Architects & Interiors Paula Perlini Stephen & Marilyn Percy Perfect Parties, Madison
Mrs. Brewster Perry Susan & Bruce Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pfeiffer Pfizer, Inc. John & Linda Phillip s W. E. Phillips Linda & Tom Picazio Constance Pike Pilot 's Point Marina, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt ID Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Platt, Jr. Sharon Platt John, Dorothy & Kathleen Pogwizd Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pollard S. Pope, Inc. Margaret & Donald Porter Mr. & Mrs. William S. Post Rives & Nancy Potts Alice Powe rs H elen W. Powe rs David & Barbara Preston Dr. & Mrs. David Primo Lee & John Pritchard Mrs. John C. Prizer Patricia Proctor Ms. Gwendolen B. Proud Mary Pullen Quarry Town Stables Don & Charlotte Quigley John & Dyanne Rafa! John W. Rafa! and Associates, Inc. The Raible Foundation Susan M. Raible Don & Nancy Rankin Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Rascoe The Red Balloon Mr. David W. Redfield Mr. & Mrs. William B. Reese Henry & Daphne Resnikoff Michel & Cynthia Keller of Restaurant du Village, Chester Reynolds Garage & Marine, Gary & Marilynn Reynolds G. Hayden Reyolds & Lauren Cantner Kathryn Reynolds Leland & Irene Re}'llolds Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rhodes , Jr. Virginia & Joe Rhodes, ID Jim & Ann M. Rice Jean M. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Addison Ricker Jeff & Ho lly Ridgway Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieder Wendy Reider Designs River Linens River Walk Cafe Rob Rivers - The Salon & Spa, Inc. Riverside Press Inc. Christopher Robinson Thomas J. & Beckett Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Holly & David Ronick Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenblum Caro l & Steve Rosenfield Nancy & Jon Rosso RPS Desktop Publishing William Ruel
ANNUAL BENEFITS CONTRIBUTORS Rona & Martin Rutchik Jeanne Rutigliano Carol K. Ry1and Peter Sacco Susan Saint James Dave Burnett & Salem Country Gardens Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic Jeff & Sheila Salkin Lucy Sallick Robert & Mary Sanderson Mrs. Jean T. Sargent Claire Sauer Mr. & Mrs. John Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Savage Saybrook Office Equipment Saybrook Oil Company, Inc., Jun Connors & Charlie Hall Saybrook Point Inn Mr. & Mrs. James R Scala Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Judith M. Schaaf Tom & Mary Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Rud olph Schaefer Gloria Schaffer Shirlee & Larry Schaffer Michael & Barbara Schaffer Mr. & Mr s. Peter Schaffer Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schaper Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Scnavoir Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schavoir Tom & Jane Schellens John & Janet Schloss Alice Schmutz Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Schneider Carol & Robert Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Shoreline Eye Group, P.C. Robert J. Klimek, M.D. John J. Reilly, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Jane Schulten Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Schumann Mrs. Philip Schwartz Bernard &i Karen Schwarz Bob & Sue Sciarroni Scott Pools Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott Deborah & S. Spencer Scott Seaflour Foods, Essex Charlie & Julia Secor Senning & Rieder Jim & Margaret Servies & Family Mrs. Fredcfa S. Sexton Shannon P rintin g Bob Shaw's Custom Audio & Video She Sells Sandwiches, Essex Bill & Petra Shearer Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Sheble Carl Sherman & Judi Belluci John Sherman & Jean Callan King Mr. & Mrs Charles L. Shumway Joan & Lee SUiin Dean & Lucille Singewald Toni & Harry S. Slifer Bill Small
Carol}'ll C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Seymour & Tia Smith Nancy & Arnold Smoller Edwin & Eleanor Sollis Sonalysts Studios Mr. & Mrs. A. TapJ>an Soper Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Dr. & Mrs. Stacey Sparks Richard & Kathryn "Spero Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spratt Grace & Robert Stalsburg Joe & Clinton Standart Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanwood Star Fish Market, Guilford State of Connecticut Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stix Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong, ill Elizabeth de R Sturges F.L. Sullivan, Jr. Joan Sullivan The M.J. Sullivan Automotive Center Sweet Martha's Sweet & Savory, Madison Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Swift Mrs. Gerard Swords Robert D. Taisey Tamar Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Susan Tepping Nika B. Thayer Mrs. Elmer R Thomas Sandy & Tony Thurston Tiger Home & Building Inspections ~atjorie Tmgue Tire Country Nancy Townshend Karen & Kel Tyler Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger Vanderbooke's, Old Saybrook Village Photolabs, Inc. Vista of Westbrook Cen tral Connecticut Volvo Dealers Mrs. Jane A. Walker Mrs.SamuelR. Walker Waller, Smith & Palmer, P.C. Walt's Food Mart, Old Saybrook Linda & David Ward Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Wardlaw Mr. Mark Warren Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Warren E.F. Watermelon Gallery Gurdon B. Wattles Caro l F. Watts Interiors Mark Wayland Mrs. Johri R Webster Mr. & Mrs. Peter Webster Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Weiss Allen & Mary-Ellen Welch Eugenia L. West Westbrook Pharmacy, Inc. Colleen Wetsel Whaling City Ford The Wlieatmarket, Chester Mr. & Mrs. Robert White Wiggin & Dana, Attorneys at Law ofNew Haven & Old Lyme, CT
William Blunt White George & Cynthia Willauer The Wills Company Realtors, Inc. Glory & Jack Wills Marion B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. RT. Wilson Mr. Thomas D. Wing Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Wmgate Mr. & Mrs. Wtlliam G. Winterer W. Page Wodell Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Wolcott Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Wolcott, ill Nancy & Rob Wood Christine Woodside Heidi & Rick Worcester Mildred Wrege Mrs. Walter l'Jewcomb Wright Yankee Packet Mr. & Mrs. Donald Yousey Shoreline Sanitation Alison Zack & Philip Darrell Mrs. Estelle Ives Zahn Kristen A. Zarfos Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zelek Clara Zirkenbach DawnZornig The Zuppe Family
Financial Statement
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balances - Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1996 and 1995
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances Modified Cash Basis Years Ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 June 1996 (Audited) Total All Funds
June 1996 (Audited) Total All Funds
June 1995 (Audited) Total All Funds
Cash Marketable Equity Securities at lower of aggregatre cost or market Accounts Receivable Land, Buildings and Equipment at cost, less accumulated depreciation of $213,633 in 1996 and $174,593 in 1995 Due from Other Funds
$ 111,824
$ 109,142
400,864 6,753
226,196 -0-
919,651 56,707
837,210 69,200
99,225 14,522 42,463 56,707
113,400 8,598 53,640 69,200
$ 212,917
$ 244,838
Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Plant
413,663 788,220
168,589 795,580
$ 996,910
June 1995 (Audited) Total All Funds ASSETS
REVENUES 55,891 44,834 6,831 10,144 7,457 8,563 309,160 18,179 120,703 785 20,754 19,827
Memberships Rider Contributions Scholarship Contributions Interest - Endowment Funds School District Contributions Civic and Foundation Grants Other Contributrions Horse Shows/Other Programs Income from Fundraising Interest Income - Other Riding Lessons/Other Income Horse Sponsorships
$ 623,128
50,385 42,307 3,588 11,108 7,445 9,100 58,937 12,654 35,543 1,418 35,816 17,070
$ 285,371
EXPENSES Operating Program Expenses Facility Management Expenses Depreciation, Interest , Other
$ 130,303 86,868 119,985
$ 135,683 78,450 99,494
$ 337,156
$ 313,627
Mortgage Payable Accounts Payable Deferred Revenue Due to Other Funds TOTAL LIABILITIES
$ 285,972
$ (28,256)
$ 996,910
$ 996,910
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage
Annual Report
PAID Hadlyme, CT
Pemit #1
Reachingout and changinglives throughtherapeuticriding 36 Town Woods Road • Post Office Box 254 • Old Lyme, CT 06371-0254 • Telephone (860) 434-1974