~ AnnualReport =
High Hopes TherapeuticRiding, Inc.
1996-97 High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is founded on the belief that experiencing, riding and driving horses significantly improves the lives of individuals with physical, emotional and developmental disabilities. At the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding, our mission is to provide a secure, challenging and companionable environment that brings the extraordinary benefits of therapeutic riding and equine activities to a wide range of individuals through the sharing of our knowledge, compassion, experience and inspiration. -
High Hopes Mission
FOUNDER Mary K. "Sis" Gould
HIGHHOPES BOARDOF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Kelvin N. Tyler, President Jeffrey Ridgway, 1st Vice President Elizabeth David, 2nd Vice President Thomas J. Rodgers, Treasurer Sally H. Aubrey, Secretary
DrRECTORS Myrna F.Bask.in Jane I. Davison Geraldine U. Foster Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Lawrence Kaplan, M.D. Charles C. Kingsley Judith F. Lightfoot A. Rives Potts Ann Rice Anita P. ''Tia" Smith Roger Smith Wayne Southwick, M.D. Charles Terrell Gurdon B. Wattles
HONORARYBOARD MEMBERS Lyttleton B. P. Gould, Jr. Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Grace T. Hamilton
HIGHHOPESSTAFF Alison Zack, Executive Director Kitty Stalsburg, Program Director Petra Shearer, Administrative Officer Kristin Elliott, Barn Manager Pauline Knoll, Volunteer Coordinator Holly Ridgway, Senior Instructor Barbara Abrams, Instructor Jonnie Edwar ds,lnstructor
Dawn Zornig, Instruct or Amara Alpert, Driv ing Instru ctor Mary Jane Fegan, Physica l Therapis t Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist Chip Mcilwain, Caretaker Beth Ehlers, Barn Assistant Dawn Chacho, Barn Helper Andrea Kennett, Bam Helper
REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT This past year has been one of planning and growth at High Hopes. Thanks to the loyal friendship and support of many friends as well as businesses and foundations, we are financially sound and in a strong position to face the challenges that lie ahead . Much of my attention, along with the Board and the staff, has been toward maintaining the success of our current program operations, while at the same time developing a five-year strategic plan. The latter contemp lates exciting enhancement of our programs and of our physical facilities. To ensure a predictable stream of income to support these undertakings, we have continued our campaign to raise $ 1 million for our endowment. As we approach our annual meeting of members , we have received gifts and pledge s totaling $810,000, and we are confident that our campaign goal is within reach. The number of responses to our Annual Membership Appeal increased by 30% over last year. We proudly list in this report the names of all those whose gifts help make it possible to continue to offer the immeasurable advantages and pleasure of our programs to hundreds of individuals with disabilities. We have also been encouraged by the generous response to our benefit event in June, Judy Collins in concert with High Hopes , which attracted the support of over 750 individuals and businesses. The scope and generosity of our support continues to enable us to offer scholarships to riders who could not otherwise participate. The Board of Directors has named one of these in memory of Howard Brundage, in grateful recognition of his significant gifts over the years to our endowment and membership appeals. Having completed my second year as President of High Hopes, I want to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who have made this job so rewarding: to the High Hopes staff, for their skills and dedication; to the Board of Director s, for their unstinting commitment to the High Hopes mission; to the hundred s of volunteers, whose special glow in their hearts makes them dedicate themselves unselfishl y to making a real difference in the lives of our riders; and to all our loyal members and contributors.
Kelvin N. Tyler, President
REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR At High Hopes, this past year has been one of looking ahead , planning and strategizing our course for the future centers.
with a tremendous outlook as one of the nation's premier therapeutic riding
Our reputation for success and our potential for growth are practically unparalleled in the world of therapeutic riding, and this is what propels an organization such as High Hope s into the future - impelling us to reach ever greater heights in fulfilling our mission. On our planned continu um of growth, I am extremely proud to report that High Hopes reached the highest enrollment in the history of our riding programs, totaling 198 in fiscal year 1996-97. This number includes 33 additional riders who enrolled in our programs over the course of the year, and represents a 20% increase over fiscal year 1995-96. The increase is primarily due to our outreach to school children in the inner city of New London , and to other special needs school children for whom horseback riding would never be possible without the generous support of many Foundations. Throu gh our Summer Camp program, High Hope s served 45 children ages 4 through 16, and varying between those with and without disabilities. This "integrated" program addresses our desire to bring all children together in an environment that stimulates laughter, learning and love. During our 6 weeks of Summer Camp, 30 young volunteers were also mentored to work with our horses and riders. We continued to work with Vista of Westbrook, Community Service Volunteers, York Correctional Institution, RSVP, Connecticut Valley Hospital Volunteer Program, and the Killingworth H.S. Adult Vocational Program. In addition to our work with community volunteer groups, we offered 5 workshops, including one on Sign Language and one on Equine Denti stry, to High Hopes volunteers and others. This past year brought new examples of High Hopes' emerging reputation as one of the nation's pre-eminent therapeutic riding centers. Eleven individuals participated in our NARHA approved Instructor Training Course to become certified therapeutic riding instructors. High Hopes was able to offer the course twice within the year through a major combined grant from the Howard Bayne Fund and the New York Community Trust, designated by our Board Member, Gurdon Wattles. Along with our program growth , both in ridership, and through the inception of the instructor training course, came the need to increase our "key" personnel - the High Hopes horses. We are currently stabling 20 program horses, up from 16 last year, and for the most part, they reside out in the fields, creating the need for more outdoor shelters. Through a generous gift from Sennheiser Electronic Corporation, honoring the retirement of our past Board Member, Inge Hieret , we were able to build two additiona l turn-out sheds to acco mmodate our growing herd. Other facility enhancements were made possible through specia l gifts listed in this annual report, and they hearten all of us through their extraor dinary sentiment and thoughtfulne ss. One that I will highlight came from Lytt Gould, who donated Sis's Ford pick-up truck and the original L.C.V.E.R.A horse trailer to High Hopes. In order to garage these two vehicles properly, we built an addition to our exist ing utility shed with a gift from Rigmor Heydenryk in honor of her late husband, Henry. The Ronald McDonald House Charities provided a major grant to High Hopes to purchase and install an audio visual system, providing sound for both the indoor and outdoor arenas, lounge and barn. As an additio nal part of this "electrica l" outfitting project, we received an anonymous gift to install outdoor lighting from the barn to the pastures. More than 350 volunteers inspired and enhanced every aspect of High Hopes. They served in the barn and program, giving us endless hours of their time doing barn chores , leading and longlining our horses, sidewalking and encouraging our riders. They heroically planned and coordinated our new benefit event, our Annual Student Horse Show, our Spring Fling ride, and several other High Hopes "Do's." They valiantly worked away at office project s and recruited new volunteers. They are indeed a precious resource for High Hopes! Reflecting over the past year - upon the wonderful accomp lishments, and the extraordinary people that made them happen - makes me proud to be in the "driver's seat" of this impressive organization. Our growing ambitions seem to take on growing support, creati ng a vitality that makes our future look bright. With this inspiration, there is no limit to that which we can achieve.
1996-97 ANNUAL
l\1EMBERSHIP APPEAL CONTRIBUTORS Each year that the Annual Membership Appeal grows we become ever more grateful to the hundreds of individual s and businesses that give so generous ly to provide a solid financial base of operating support for High Hopes. LIFE MEMBERS We continue to acknowledge the long tenn commitment of our Life Members. Cynthia & Louis Bacon Frederick & Rebecca Crosby Jane Davison Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher LyttGould John Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski The Kitchings Family Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Potts Bernie & Karen Schwarz
SPECIALBENEFACTORS Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brewer, Jr. John & Heidi Niblack
BENEFACTORS Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Buonanno Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hele Marguerite & Thomas Moore Robert & Sandy Mulligan LoisOrswell James Rosenfield Bernie & Karen Schwarz Douglas & Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Roger & Marcia Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick
PATRONS Gary Borla Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Duffy Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Rigmor Heydenryk Shirley Flower Howard Jake & Greta Jacobs Mrs. Janet G. Jainschigg Shirley S. Langford Mr. & Mrs. William B. Reese Teedie & Syd Rogers John & Janet Schloss
ADOPT A HORSE & STARTA RIDER By directing their Annual Membership Appeal gifts to the care of our horses and tuition for our riders, the following individuals have shown a special commitment to what High Hopes is all about. ...our horses and our riders! Pictured is ·•surrogate Parent" Frank Hamilton and his adopted horse, Kea.
Leo & Irene Bocwinsk.i Carroll & Anne Boynton Susan K. Childs Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Geraldine U. Foster Kelsey Fournier Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt LyttGould Betz Haartz Grace & Frank Hamilton Brita Herman Rigmor Heydenryk Susan Ingersoll Ruth Lord Lois Orswell Tom, Linda & J .T. Picazio Amy Rosenfield Jason Rosenfield Jean Sargent Charles Terrell York C.I. Project F.T.T. Program
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Joao Paulo & Lydia T. De Azevedo Dr. Alice Duckworth John Duncan Kathleen K. Fulle11on Katharine Gildersleeve Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt Lyn Gould Kitty & Jerry Greene Barbara R. Kashanski Maritime Bank & Trust Co., lnc. Marlborough Country Barn of Old Saybrook Mrs. Cyndie Gould Melcher Therese Mille & Family William H. Moore Susan L. Peacock Peter & Betsy Russell Mr. &'Mrs . Peter L. Schavoir Mrs. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr.
SPONSORS Augusta Alsop Stan & Milly Babson John W. & Eleanor P. Barclay Myrna & Arnold Baskin Ann Lane & Rudd Bergmans Joan & Barry Bloom Mr. & Mrs. George R. Bullitt Mrs. M.M. Clucas William J. Drakos Margaret Fay-Morse Mrs. Robert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grace Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gunn The Heffernan Family Inge Hieret Betsy & Bill Horn Bob & Pauline Knoll Pam & Bill Lambot Elise S. Lapham Mr. & Mrs. Roland S. MacNichol George & Sally Mayer Bruce McGhie CatharineM. Miller DorotheaMoore Bob & Penny Nelson Marney & Michael Noble Mrs. Michael Patterson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Payne R. l. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt llJ Lee & John Pritchard Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Torn & Mary Schaaf Deborah& S. Spencer Scon Mrs. Allen E. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong lll Lester E. Tomback Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin N. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. W. 0. Webster K.C. & Sonny Whelen Linda P. Williams Judy & David Winer SUSTAINERS Sally H. Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Dr. Pat Brines Wanda Tillman & VanBrown Mr. & Mrs. John G. Greenwood Stuart Grodd Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Halsey Edward]. Hayden IV Mr. & Mrs. Victor Mo1Tison,Jr.
Bill & Parmnie Post Mr. & Mrs. John S. King Elizabeth de R. Sturges
SUPPORTERS Jorge & Lee Adrian Susan Anderson Dorothy & Curt Askelson Georgeann& Joe Bardenheier Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Barringer Stan & Sharon Bates Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Gregg C. Benson Natalie Bieber Sally J. Bill MargaretCarpenter Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Chapin Ill Mrs. Marshall Clark Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark Ill Kay & Logan Clarke MarilynJ. Conklin The Cooley Family Charles & Janet Crump Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Courtlandt P. Dixon Bob and Darline Doane Col. & Mrs. James H. Drum USA Ret. Eleanor du Moulin Elizabeth H. Eddy Joseph W. Elnisky Bob & Debbie English Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Etherington Anne H. Francine Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furgueson Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Mr. Cu1tis E. L. Gould The Greenaway Family Donna Gustafson-Tardif Mr. & Mrs. Parker D. Handy Selina W. Hewlett Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hildreth ElizabethHird Jane & Allan Howat Wyman Gordon investment Castings Patricia W. & Robert A. Jaeger HelenCordier Johns Mr. & Mrs. Ward L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Waldo C.M. Johnston Janet W.Jones Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Leslie G. Kirkpatrick MarjorieV. Kittredge Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kops Mr. &_Mrs. James Korst Willian1H. Lanagan
Mr. & Mrs. G. Palmer Leroy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Levin Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lyon M.S. MacGruer Robert & Joyce Mailhouse Grace & Bob Marrion Peter Matthews Mr. & Mrs. George C. Manhiessen Mrs. Sunny McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Harold Obstler Margaret & Donald Porter Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Potts Ann & David Mark Primo Mrs. John C. Prizer Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Ranelli Susan Reigeluth Ann & Jim Rice Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rice Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Richardson Beckett & Jack Rodgers Carol & Steve Rosenfield Mr. & Mrs. James Rutledge Alice F. Schmutz Robert & Carol Schneider Bob & Sue Sciarroni Shoreline Pediatrics Toni & Harry Slifer Tia & Seymour Smith Nancy & Arnold Smoller Katharine B. Strong Robert D. Taisey Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Sandy & Tony Thurston Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Warren Mrs. John R. Webster Mrs. HuntingtonWelch Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. West George & Cynthia Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Wingate Carl & Clara Zirkenbach
FRJENDS Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Andres Mrs. Peggy Baer Charles & Robin Baskett Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Besier Ernest A. Bigelow Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bloom John & Sandra Brandt Robert F. & Helen Burkarth Mrs. Richard S. Burke Ethel C. Cates Mrs. VB. Chamberlain [I]
Nicholas Clements & ElizabethLightfoot Mrs. W.W. Constantine Mrs. George H. Darrell Mrs. F.Edgar Davis Edmund & Barbara Delaney Mildred E. Devine Charles & Phoebe Dey Sarah F. Dietz Bill & Sue Dion Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P.Dixon Helen & Gerry Dyar The Dykas Family Sue Keith Elverston Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Jan Walzer-Etzel& David Etzel Mrs. Franklin Farrel Ill Alison Forbis Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday. Jr. VirginiaM. Galpin EliseJ. Garvin Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Gates Tim & Susan Gavronski Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Goldenring Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold, Jr. Jacqueline Haefs Elizabeth E. Haff Kitty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathryn Hageman Mr. & Mrs. Frederic L. Hall Donald & Lyn Hanberg Dorothy R. Harris Varick D. Harrison H. Everton Hosley, Jr. Stuan & June Hotchkiss Jane & Stuan Ingersoll Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kaner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Knox Mr. & Mrs. Elwood H. Koontz Mr. and Mrs. Al Krech Dr. & Mrs. Shepard Krech, Jr. Breck & Susan Lardner Dorothy Leib Mrs. John B. Lightfoot Catherine & Bruce Littman Mary Ann Livingston Mr.& ~ti-s.G. Rodman Lucas Kay T. Mac Dermott Ms. Sidney L. Mattoon Mr. & Mrs. Hiram P. Maxim 11 Diane M. Mazza Amy Mc Cauley Mr. & Mrs. David G. McCord Barbara & William B. McCullough Kathy & John McCurdy Mr. & Mrs. James McQuade
Mr. & Mrs. Newton P.S. Merrill Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger Kasey Miller Robert & Carolyn Miller John & Nancy Morse Claudia}. Newell Olympic Tile & Floor Covering Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. O' Rourke Libby J. Orvedal Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Pansius Mrs. Janet W. Parker Kelly & Cheryl Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Peoples Dr. Stephen E. Permut Eileen S. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Plan, Jr. Mary P. Pullen Mr.& Mrs. Leland Reynolds Mrs. T.M. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Roberts Katharine H. Robinson Connie & Allan Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Romanowski Carol K. Ryland Claire Sauer Judith Operhall Schaaf Mrs. Fredda Sexton Bill & Petra Shearer Max Showalter Mr. & Mrs. Elting H. Smith Malcolm & Donna Speirs Mrs. Harriet R. Strain Nika B. Thayer Mrs. William M. Tingue Dorothy & Willis Umberger Colonel & Mrs. Gustav Van Hover Frank & June Wadsworth Mrs. Jane A. Walker Linda & David Ward Mark Warren John & Debbie Welles Mr. & Mrs. William F. Werwaiss Louise Wimpfheimer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wing Mr. William A. Young
ADMIRERS Fred E. & Frances L. Acker Saad & Elizabeth Ahmed Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer Julie Behounek Tom & Margaret Bellingham Eleanor Hoffman Bishop Mrs. L. R. Bowman
Mary & Alan Bradford Caroline & Grant Brainerd Dr. & Mrs. Mark Brown Octavia Brown Shirley R. Brown Marilyn Buel Jeannette Q. Byers Kail Cadman Dr. & Mrs. John Cannon Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl Loma M. Chang Edward W.Cissel Muriel Clough Matilda Colihan Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Cowley Barbara W. Deutsch Debra Duncan Gordon W. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott Barbara Ellis Josephine C. English Megan Eno Susan Cooney Evans Chamberlain Ferry Wendy & Debbie Fisher Edith & Stephen Flagg Robyn & Mark Fortier Linda Freedman The Peter Gasperini Family Mr. & Mrs. William A. Gregory, Sr. Mike Griggs Mrs. William H. Grover Elizabeth Hamilton Eleanor Harvey Cody Haumann Samantha Healy S.M. Larkin & P.E. Heyniger Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Hirth Constance Holth Gail & George Homing Roger & Donna Hurley Martha B. Jacques Mary Janvrin Mrs. Charles W.Jewett Audrey H. Johnson Mr. Eads Johnson, Jr. Susan E. Knirscb Nancy J. Knowles Mrs. Arthur Knox KathrynLangston Anna F. Lukas Ellen Maus Mrs. W. B. McAllister Mrs. Stratton A. McKillop
Kathy C. Michaud Amanda Miles and Family Jeffrey T. Nelson Mrs. J. O'Connell Jim & Dot Orr Lynn Dee Payeur.Jacobson Richard Pettit Alice Powers The Rev. & Mrs. Erl Purnell Charlotte Quigley Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway William H. Robinson, Jr. J. Greg & Dana Rutten Dr. & Mrs. Robeit Schaper Elizabeth M. Schuler Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Shippee Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Sollis Al & Martha Solnit Mrs. Elmer R. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Tolderlund Judy Ulrich Lynda & Dan Wilkes Mary Wilson Mildred N. Wrege Mrs. Lloyd V.Young
High Hopes is setting records for overall Annual Membership Appeal gifts ...raising $68,800 this year. The growth of this fund since its inception in 1988 is phenomenal, reflecting the overwhelming momentum behind the High Hopes mission.
Growth of Annual Membership Appeal $70,CXX) $00 ,CXX) $50 ,CXX) $40,CXX)
$20,CXX) $10,CXX)
ENDOWMENT GIFTS Keeping a dream alive ...the dream of dozens of special riders benefiting each day from therapeutic riding and carriage driving programs at High Hopes. This was the dream of our founder, Sis Gould. A dream which, through her inspiration and leadership, turned into a thriving reality. This is the dream the High Hopes Board of Directors committed to when it established the High Hopes Endowment Fund in 1992. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all the individuals listed in this annual report as well as all the individuals who have contributed to the Endowment Fund since its inception. It is because of you that High Hopes will enter the new millennium with renewed strength to meet ever greater challenges and to reach out to more and more people through riding and volunteering.
High Hopes is your organization. You have invested in us with your faith, support and financial commitment.
Endowment Net Value (dollarsin thousands) $700 $600 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0
"The Endowmenrgrew by 82% from the previous year, and an astonishing 430% from its inception. A resounding THANK YOU to those who made this happen ..... "
LEADERSHIP Howard & Nancy Brundage The Sis Gould Memorial Fund ... John & Kelly Hartman Foundation The Ingalls Foundation Greta & Jake Jacobs {J'heKitchings Family John & Jessie Roberts Schering-Plough Foundation
CHAMPIONS Anonymous Susan K. Childs Dana & Jeff Cooley Peter & Alexa Daitch Hope & Russell Ford John, Lee & Abbey Holstein Kate Ireland • Anne Lawrence Sally & Roland MacNichol Marguerite & Thomas Moore Family Foundation Lee & John Pritchard Karen & Kel Tyler
EQUESTRIANS Mr. & Mrs. John W. Barclay Ernest & Marion Bigelow Mr. & Mrs. David Bohonnon Colgate-Palmolive Company Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Geraldine U. Foster John Griswold Mrs. Delano W. Ladd, Jr. Amalia Seggos-Martin and The Martin Family Elizabeth Bird Moore William & Lily O'Boyle Mary Pullen Deborah & Spencer Scott Petra & Bill Shearer John & Claire Simon Tia & Seymour Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong III
CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION GRANTS Grants to High Hopes in 1996-97 ranged from a tuition grant for 16 inner city bilingual children from the Edgerton School in New London, funded by the Bishop's Fund for Children, to funding for an audio visual system from the Ronald McDonald House Charities. High Hopes is grateful to the many Foundations and Corporations who responded favorably to our "special pleas. " Toe Howard Bayne Fund The Bishop's Fund for Children Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut The Community Foundationof Southeastern Connecticut ConnecticutLight & Power Community Service InvolvementProgram Essex Savings Bank CommunityInvestment Program Frank J. Kinney, Jr. Fund Hewlett-PackardCompany Toe Chester W. Kitchings Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities The New YockCommunity Trust Community Funds, Inc. The Northeast Utilities System Charitable Giving Campaign The Northeast Utilities CommunityService Involvement Program SNET Corporation's TelephoneEmployees' CommunityServices Fund
High Hopes is gratefu l for the companies that extend their support on behalf of their employees' commitment to our mission. Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Citicorp Foundation The Chase Manhattan Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation J .P.Morgan & Co., Incorporated Pfizer Inc.
SCHOLARSHIP GIFTS High Hopes received many gifts to help support riders in financial need. This scholarship support is vital to the success of our "needs blind" policy for tuition. Anonymous Mr.& Mrs. William A. Boyd Mrs. M. M. Clucas First CongregationalChurch of Lyme Connecticut VeterinaryMedical Assoc. Jackie & Cindy Dorwin Katie Elia Deborah & James Eskra Mr. & Mrs. RusselJFord Paul & Betsey Horovitz Ladies BenevevolentSocietyof the Firsl Congregatonal Church of Lyme Kathryn Langston The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club Joe&KenMelzen Mrs.Constance Pike Jack Rodgers Carol & Steve Rosenfield Jane Sanchez
GIFTS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES Gifts came to us this year to fund everyth ing from our Endowmen t Consultant salar y to shoes for the horses. High Hopes thanks those who have responded to many of our special needs with your gifts. Dawn Allard Linda Almeida Anonymous Howard Brundage Marilyn ConkJjn Sharon Grip Rigmor Heydenryk Inge Hieret High Hopes Volunteers LCRVHorsemen's Club Mary Mille Maria Pierce Danyelle Puzzo Jane Samuels Louise Shea Bill & Petra Shearer Betsy Swenson
GIFTS IN KIND The gifts in kind that came to High Hopes this year provided us with suc h essentials as office paper, horse blankets and tack, computer printers, fill for the driveway and vacc inations fo r our horses and cats . Othe r gifts included I00 pails of Strongid C2X daily horse wormer from Pfizer Animal Health, and three wonderful horses. High Hopes remains indebted to the many individuals and businesses that donate their goods and serv ices to help meet o ur needs. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Abrams Henry Allain Linda Almeida Amara Alpert Sally H. Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. M. Axelrod Stan Babson Myrna & Arnold Baskjn Saida Baxt Mr. & Mrs. David V. Beaudette Bee and Thistle Inn Jeanne Bellows Mary Benthien Bess Eaton of Old Lyme Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Bieber Gary F. Borla Fenton L.B. Brown Gale Buckius Erin Cain Dr. John A. Caltabiano Liora Cannon Molly Carta Joan Chesler Ciel, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Southeastern New England, Inc. Ronald Cole Marilyn J. Conklin Ted & Rebecca Crosby Philip F.& Alison Zack Darrell Jennifer Davis Jane Davison Tom Deere Bill Doane Mr. & Mrs. Ashton Edwards
Maty Jane Fegan The Firgelewski Families Nancy Fomenko Kelsey Fournier Mont M. Frazier Kathleen K. Fullerton Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt LyttGould K;ny & Jerry Greene Stuart Grodd Joseph H. Hackell. Farrier Edward J. Hayden IV Kitty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathryn Hageman Grace Hamilton Susanne Haseman Kathy Heller Rigmor Heydenryk Mr. & Mn. Emanuel Hirth Mary Hotchkjss Susan Ingersoll Colman S. Ives Carolyn JagieJskj Jean Jerben Doug, Jean & Laurel Johnson John & Barbara Kashanskj Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Andrea Kennett Kelly King BrentK;rby Jane Kitz Bob & Pauline Knoll Steven Kurlansky Heather Lacy Stephanie LaFarge Laysville Center Hardware Kristin Elliott & Mark Leas A;Jeen Livingston Lord Creek Farm Mr. & Mrs. George C. Matthiessen Chip Mcllwain & Donna Liebennan Mr. & Mrs. John McNeil Melzen Farm Supply Thomas E. Metcalf, P.E., LS . MruyMille John Molochko Mountain Spring Water, Inc. Art Nardi Bill Nelligan Clifford R. Nelson Niantic Lumber Company John & Heidi Niblack Old Lyme Frame Shop Old Lyme Inn Mru·ianne Pfeiffer Pfizer Animal Health S.Pope
Geri Rakosky Jeff & Holly Ridgway Riverside Press Wayne Robinson Carol & Steve Rosenfield Salem Valley Veterina.iy Clinic Jane Samuels Saybrook Office Equjpment Margaret Servies Cookie Shea Bill & Petra Shearer Toni & Han·y Slifer Roger & Marcia Smith Tia & Seymour Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stalsburg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong lil Mrs. Gary Swenson G. L. Taylor CaITieThibodeau TiIcon Connecticut, lnc. Jean Tulimieri ValleyPress Bob Vankeirsbilck Linda & David Ward Gurdon B.Wattles Amory Winthrop Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Wolcott III Zelek Electric Co. DawnZomig
MEMORIAL GIFTS Specia l apprec iation is extended to those who made gifts to Hi gh Hopes in memory of fr iends and loved ones. /11Memory of Susan Brandt Cole
John & Sandra Brandt In Memory of Collie Davision Mrs. Arthur Knox Mrs. William H. Osborn In Me11101yof Deborah Flynn
Susan L. Peacock In Me11101yof Sis Gould
Augusta Alsop Natalie Bieber Sue Keith Elverston The Peter Gasperini Family Susan L. Peacock Bill & Pammie Post Teedie & Syd Rogers
In Memory of Cathy Heffron
Gail, Richard & Amy Puzas In Memo,y of Henry Heyde nryk
Rigmor Heydenryk "For Love of Man and Beast" In Memory of Robert Livingston
The Moswansicut Riding and Driving Club Ill Memory of Rocco
Gail. Richard & Amy Puzas In Memo,y of Elizabeth Bird Moore
Chips & Liz Moore David E. Moore In Memo,y of William Porto
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Nuber
Betsy & Bill Hom Stuart & June Hotchkiss Barbara & John Kashanski Tom & Lori Montano Justin Moore Bill & Cindy Palmer Susan L. Peacock Tom, Linda & J .T. Picazio John, Lisa & Johnathan Pogwizd Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Addison G. Ricker Toni & Harry Slifer Laurie Title Maria Varga
BUSINESSES Doug's Garage Brewers Pilots Point Marina Caulfield & Ridgway, lnc. Gladeview Health Center Good-SpiritsShoppe Joseph H. Hackett, Fan¡ier Kelsar Physcial Therapy Laysville Center Hardware Maples Motel Marvel Farm Maus and Son, lnc. Salem Valley VeterinaryClinic Shoreline Sanitation Stalsburg Express, Inc.
HONORING GIFTS Each year, High Hopes is fortunate to be the recipient of many special gifts which are made honoring others. We are grateful not only to those who have made these gifts , but especially to those whom they ho nor. Ian Moses Cannon was honored 011the occasion of his fourth birthday by
Jack & Liora Cannon John & Doris Cannon Emanuel & Ann Hirth Caroline & Grant Brainerd Dr. & Mrs. Mark Brown Cody Haumann Anna F.Lucas Kathy C. Michaud Kasey Miller Lyn Dee Payeur-Jacobson
The Annual Studen t Horse Show is a day for all our rider s to beam with confid ence and joy. Many thank s to a ll those who made this day a reality - including our Board members, Jeff Ridgw ay and Jerry Greene, pictured with Mr. Ed!
Myrna Baskin
Shirley S. Langfo rd
Jorge & Lee Adrian Sharon E. Andreozzi Apple Betsy Ross Averill Stan & Milly Babson Robert & Martha Baratt Leo & lrene Bocwinski Donna W. Byrne John & Athana Catlett Jane R. L. Cornelius Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford Ted & Rebecca Crosby Andrew Devine KelseyFournier Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Fox LyttG ould Pam & Aubrey Graham Elizabeth Greene Kitty & Jerry Greene Samantha Healy Steven & Trudy Hinkle
Barbara C. Wareck Emanu el "Mike" Hirth
Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmers Association
Charlotte Quigley Linda Lee-Picazio
Susan Goldman Thomas & Jan e Schei/ens
Millie Devine
1997 ANNUAL BENEFIT CONTRIBUTORS High Hopes extends its heartfelt thanks to all the individuals , businesse s and other friends who contribut ed to the success of the Judy Collins in concert with High Hope s benefit event . The outpouring of support for this event provided 20 % of our vital operating funds for 1996-97. CORPORATEUNDERWRITER FLEET CORPORATEBENEFACTORS Brewers Pilots Point Marina Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of S.E. New England, Inc. Maritime Bank & Trust Co. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. New Haven Savings Bank John W. Rafa! and Associates, Inc. Tire Country• Jim and Joanne Graybill The Wilkes Group CORPORATESPONSORS A & P Wines & Spirits
Banfi Vintners - Charles & JoAnne Park Caulfield & Ridgway, Inc. Essex Savings Bank The Griswold Inn Mazer & Son, Inc. Niantic Lumber Company Reynolds' Garage & Marine, lnc. - Gary and MarilynnReynolds Senning & Rieder, Attorneys at Law, of Essex.CT Wiggin & Dana
CORPORATESUPPORTERS CandlewoodGifts CenterbrookArchitects Chesebrough-Pond's USA DeWolfeNew England Essex/Old Lyme/ Old Saybrook Doctors Elgart, Pinn, Gordon & Strand Doug's Garage Inc. - Douglas L. Maynard Duble & O'Heam , Inc.
ESSENCE• A Center for Beauty & Wellness Fulton-Theroux Funeral Service Inc. Harbor Motors Inc. - Hugh Fiore Interdesign Ltd. Architecture,Interiors, Historic Preservation and Landscape Design Nina Cuccio Peck, Architect River Linens Saybrook Oil Co., Inc. Shoreline Eye Group, Robert J. Klimek, M.D. & John J. Reilly, M.D. The Strong Agency Realtors Waller, Smith & Palmer, P.C. The Wills Company Realtors • Glory and Jack Wills
OTHER BUSINESSSUPPORTERS AAA American Storage & Ice Co. A & P Food Stores AJeia's Alfomo Ristorante and Brick Oven Pizzeria Anne's Kitchen and Bistro Beaux Pres Farm Ltd., Marcia & Roger Smith The Bowerbird Chip Bates' Angler Adventures Camelot Cruises Inc. Chamard Vineyard Cherrystones Cloud Nine The Cooley Gallery Copper Beech Inn Crow's Nest Cuckoo's Nest Dock&Dine The English Lady Findings of Stonington Flanders Fish Market Friends and Company,Inc. Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees Grist Mill Hideaway Restaurant & Pub High Output The Inn at Chester Lake Nona Club Niantic Awning Old Lyme Frame Shop Old Lyme Inn Olive Oyl's Carry Out Cuisine Oliver's Taverne Oriental Rugs Ltd. Pasta Unlimited Paul's Pasta Perkins Barn, Dan Russ Pine Point School
S.Pope Rob Rivers, The Salon and Spa Russell's Ribs Shannon Printing VanderbrookeBakers & Caterers Walt's Food Market The Wheatmarket Zelek Electric Co.
BENEFIT PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. C. Clark Ambrose Sally & Stever Aubrey Peter Austin Cynthia & Louis Bacon Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Myrna & Arnold Baskin Sally J. Bill Trudi Bird Nicholas Clements & Elizabeth Lightfoot Barclay Cooke Frederick & Rebecca Crosby Richard & Corinne Daily Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Mary & David Dangremond Jane Davison Christopher & Barbara Dixon William Doane Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Dorman Dr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Ducey Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dunn Ill Dominick Dunne Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans LyttGould Roy & Marcia Grace Jim & Joanne Graybill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Peggy & Jack Greenwood Robert & Wendy Gunn Frank & Grace Hamilton, Jr. Helen Hammond Jane W. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Parker D. Handy Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. John C.R. Hele Pedro & Linda Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keogh Charles C. & Gretchen Kingsley Chester & Margaret Kitchings Ken & Chris Kitchings Chet & Suzanne Kitchings Robert Kochman Jean-Marie& Sylvia Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightfoot John & Mary Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Roland MacNichol CaryS. Hull Steven & Madeleine Mattson Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer Mary Mille Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy ill John & Heidi Niblack Lucille Nichols Benjamin& Libby Orvedal Charles & JoAnne Park Douglas & Joan Paul W.E.Phillips Linda & Tom Picazio Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rafa! Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Recor Daphne Nielson & Henry Resnikoff Hayden Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Richardson Jeff & Holly Ridgway Richard & WendyRieder Thomas J. & Beckett Rodgers Peter & Betsy Russell Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Terry & Rick Schreiber Bernard & Karen Schwarz Deborah& S. Spencer Scot! John & Susan Senning Kara B. Seymour Anno & Charlie Shumway Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick Leslie & Richard Strauss Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong Ill Marshall C. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Charles Terrell Sandy & Tony Thurston David & Laurie Title Kel & Karen Tyler Gurdon Wattles & Kathleen K. Fullerton PollyWebster Lynda & Dan Wilkes Joan & P.O. Wingate Ray & Laureen Zelek • Zelek Electric Co. Eileen & Scott Zelken
BENEFIT CONTRJBUTORS David Aiken Augusta Alsop Anonymous Stan & Milly Babson Cinda Barbuto Leslie Barlow
NatalieBieber BJ & Allan R. Birnham Caroline & Grant Brainerd Mrs. RichardS. Burke KailCadman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Clarke Samuel & FrancesComstock MarilynConklin BarclayCooke Mrs. RobertB. Cooney Mr.& Mrs.Peter Cummins Gerald & DaphneDahlke Mr. & Mrs. Guy Deuterrnann Bob& LoreleiDiamond Mr. & Mrs. Courtland!P. Dixon BetsieDougherty Mr. & Mrs. A Searle Field Il Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Fisher Barbara Ford MollyFrancisco Tim & Susan Gavrooski Richard M. Grave Nancy & Reese Harris Phillip H. Haynes Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan RogerHilsman Stuart.&June Hotchkiss FaulknerHunt & Ann Lightfoot MarthaB. Jacques BruceJohnson PatriciaH. Keesee Frank & Joan Kenna Chris Knoll M~&Mrs. Kenneth C. Levin Mrs. JohnB.Lightfoot ·-PamelaMachold SuzanneMacLear Mr.& Mrs. George C. M'afthiessen Steven&MadeleineManson Mr. & Mrs. A.RichardMetzger Mari_el Miller ·Phil.Miller Mrs. DorothyMilner Mr.&Mrs. VictorMoaison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy ill Edmund & JanetO'Brien Harry& Debbi Oakley Kelly & Cheryl Parsons Diane & Guido Petra Deedee& SandyPrisloe James Prosek SusanRaible RamRodFarm GyothiaRowley BobWassung AJexanderWattles
BENEFlT FRIENDS Mauhew& BarbaraAbrams Henry& Lucille Allain Aileen D. Baker Charloue & Rufus Barringer David & Nicki Beaudette Anne Lane & Rudd Bergmans Chip & Nicki Berry Dan & Anne Bishop Mr. & Mrs. David Blackstone Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bloom Keith & Jane Bolles Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bourget Mr. & Mrs. W. Bradford Briggs Rosalie & Peter Brainard Fenton Brown David S. Brown Keith& Julie Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. WilliamJ. Bums m Gerard & Ann Burrow Erin Cain Walt& Nancy Carlson Chris & Libby Cathc:irt DebbieChieppa,R.N. Susan & Bill Christopher Kay & Logan Clarke Ian Cohen Ors. Donald & Carol Cole Gretchen& WoodyComstock Ginny & GeorgeConnerat AJisonConrad Jeff & DanaCooley Mrs. CharlesCowley Harriet Schnitman& Lee P.Crockett Glen Culver Nicholas W. Danforth,Jr. Mrs. GeorgeH. Darrell Philip F. & AlisonZack Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Galan G. Daukas Mr.& Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. CalvinDeal Mr,& Mrs.Richard B. Dickson Mark.& Jennifer Diebolt ChristinaDoyle Helen & Gerry Dyar Mr. & Mrs. AshtonEdwards KristinElliott Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr.& Mrs. Jeb N. Embree :Sob & DebbieEnglish Susan CooneyEvans Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fay Mr. & Mr&.Peter Ferrebee Dr.Francis L. Fmley,Jr. John & AlisonForbis Holly Foster Lilian M. King & Allan Dodds Frank Jack & Chip Frost
Mr. & Mrs. WhitneyGarlioghouse Tim & Susan Gavrooski Richard& KatharineGildersleeve Dick & Esther Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. CharlesGorroodona Lyt & Sandie Gould Ill Jamie Gourlay Leslie Gourlay Mimi Gourlay Alva G. Greenberg Mr.& Mrs. Robert H. Gregory Boonie & Bill Grey Cally & Man Griswold EmilyT. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Mik & Man Griswold, Jr. Jean Handley GeorgianaGoodwin& Michael Harvey Honor Havranek Chantel& RebeccaHodges Mrs.Hubert J. Horan Betsy & Bill Hom ShirleyF. Howard Scott & KathyHunter ArthurE. Hurst Bill & BarbaraIrwin Carolyn & John Jagielski Jonathanrewett GeraldineFoster & JohnnieJohnson Paul & Meg Johnson DianeKane-Fournier Bunt & Pete Karter Thomas F. Keogh, 1L Mr.& Mrs. John Sherman King Bob &Pauline Knoll Elwood & BarbaraKoontz Nancy & Dan Kops Maura Landry nm& HannahLawrence Peter G. Curtis &Mafy Lloyd Lee Kyra&PalmerLeRoy Mr. & Mrs. GeorgeM. Lethbridge, Jr. Meg Lyons & JeffreyLittle Jeanne &Jonathan Lovejoy Frank & ShirleyLusk Mr. & Mrs. RobertM.Lynch Claire & Bill Lyon Bill Machold PatMadacsi Nancy & Ed Manville Ashley Martin Em Martin Francois Martin Olivia Martin Jill & Jim Matthew George& SallyMayer Amy & John McCauley DonnaLieberman& Chip Mcilwain Lisa McCormick Newt & PollyMerrill Mr. & Mrs. John Meyer DorotheaMoore
Mr. & Mrs. John Morse Denise & StevenMyers Eva J. & Rodney D. Neibauer Bill Nelligan Mr. &Mrs. Harold Obstler Mr.& Mrs. DanielO'Connell Maureen &John O'Grady Mr.& Mrs. John C. Olmstead Mr. & Mrs.Peter Panciera Justus & Lillias Paul Sally & DavidPayne ., Nina CuccioPeck StevenE. Peanut Cathy & Ed Pfeiffer April Posson JenniferPosson-Brown KatherynPosson-Brown Ann & David Mark Primo Lee & John Pritchard PatriciaProci()r Don & CharlotteQuigley JonathanRecor Mr.& Mrs. CharlesH.G. Rees Mr.&Mrs. WtlliamB. Reese ;Lee& Jot Rhodes Mr. & Mrs.Joseph H. Rhodes Ill Ann &Jim.Rice AJex&ElizabethRichardson Carol &Steve Rosenfield CynthiaRowley JeanneRutigliano Mr.& Mrs. David Sams Claire Sauer Judy Schaaf Barbara& Michael Schaffer Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Scbavoir RosemarySeggos 13µ] & Petra Shearer Tool&Harry Slifer Mr.& Mrs.Roger M. Smith Tia & Seymour Smith Nancy & Arnold Smoller Kitty Stalsburg CharlesHuzuka& Patricia Stalsburg KirstenFu1lerton&Eric Stevens Joe & Clinton Standart Linda Taylor Marge Tortora Howard & Trish Treat, Jr. Dorothy& Willis Umberger Doug & Karen Vandyke Catherine& BartholomewVoorsanger WaldronInsuranceAgency Baxter& PatriciaWalsh Mrs.RobertB. Wassung Dan & Carol Wans Glory &John Wills V1rginia& Randy Wtlson Mr. &Mrs. 'lboma&D. Wing MildredWrege DawnZomig
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (audited) For The Year Ended June 30, 1997
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statement of Financial Condition
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. Statement of Activities
Current Assets: Cash and Equivalents Unconditional Promises to Give In vestments
Total Current Assets
$ 113,488 150,119 159.904 423,5 11
Endowment Investments
555, 146
Land, Buildings, Equipment and Horses, at Cost, Net
$1,89 1,966
Total Current Liabilities
4,022 769 14.175 18,966
Mortgage Payable, less current portion
Total Liabilities
89.84 1
Accounts Payabl e Vacation Accrual Mortgage Pa yable, curr ent position
Net Assets: Unrestricted Temporaril y Re stri cted Permanentl y Restricted
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
SUPPORT,REVENUE AND GAINS Support: Contr ibutions Member ship Grant s
Total Support Revenue: Fees for Serv ices Special Event s Investment Income Other Income Net Realized Investment Gains Unrealized Gain on Investment s Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Revenue Total Support, Revenue and Gains EXPENSES Program Service s General and Administrative Fund Raising
49 ,637 68,796 2.QQ0 120,433
38,703 72 ,25Q 110.253
$ 356,618 10.000 366,618
$444,958 68 ,796 84 250 528.QQ4
80,890 74,4 14 23 ,383 45 ,553 51 ,650
80,890 74,4 14 23,383 45 ,553 51 ,650
43 ,23 1
43,23 1
71,:Z0I 390,822
(71,701) (7 1,701)
5 ll ,255
319,12 1
312,794 78 ,691 48.860 440.345
312 ,794 78 ,691 48,8@ 440,345
366 618
4 13,663
1,015,145 81,7 15 705.265 1,802.125
$ 1,891.966
42.163 $
81,7 15
$ :Z05,265 $ 1.802.125
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Non-Profit Organizat ion U.S. Postage
Annual Report
PAID Old Lyme, CT 0637 1 Permit # 1
Reaching out and changing lives through therapeutic riding 36 Town Woods Road • Post Office Box 254 • Old Lyme, CT 06371 -0254 • Telephone (860) 434-1974