High Hopes TherapeuticRiding, Inc.
AnnualReport 1997-98 High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is founded on the belief that experiencing, riding and driving horses significantly improves the Livesof individuals with physical, emotional and developmental disabilities. At the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding, our mission is to provide a secure, challenging and companionable environment that brings the extraordinary benefits of therapeutic riding and equine activities to a wide range of individuals through the sharing of our knowledge, compassion, experience and inspiration. -
High Hopes Mission
Mary K. "Si s" Gould
• Weekly Th erapeutic Riding Lessons - through our Fall and Spring I 0-week sessio ns, our Winte r 5-week sess ion, our 4-week Summer sess ion. and other add itional unschedu led lessons . High Hopes delivered 3,0 IOlessons.
• Unmounted Stable Managcmem Lessons- unmounted sessions combining coopera tive social skills with instructi o n in equ ine care and stab le management.
Kelvin N . Tyler , President Je ffrey Ridgway. Vice Preside/11 Roger Smith , Vice Preside111 Elizabeth David , Vice President/Secreta ,y Thom as J. Rodgers, Treasu rer
• Integrated SummerCamp - forc hildren 4-18 years old to learn to ride and care for horses together as one, with or without specia l needs. • Car riage Driving Lessons -an additional equ ine therapy program begun by our founder. Sis Gould .
DIRECTORS • Annu al High Hopes Horse Show - for all our riders to demons trate their equestrian ski lls and have FUN .
Sally H. Aub rey Maureen 0. Augusciak Linda F. Bierrie Jane A. Bolles Jane I. Daviso n John C. Evans Gera ldine U. Fost er Joseph N. Green e, Jr. William D. l rving, M. D. Charles Kingsley Ann Rice An ita P. "Tia" Smit h Wayne South wick, M. D. Char les Terrell Gurdon B. Wattles
• St.ate and Regional Horse Show Competitions- for our accomplished riders who participate in Spec ial O lympics and other competitive events. • Field Tr ips - for school and other community groups. • NA RHA Approved Instructor Training Course- for student s from other parts of the cou ntry and the wor ld to become cert ified therapeutic ridin g instructors. • Educationa l Workshops and Seminars - for parents. volunteers and othe r profess iona ls in the field of therapeutic r iding.
HONORARY BOARDMEMBERS Lyttleton B. P. Gould , Jr. Frank W. Hamilt on, Jr. Grace T. Hami lton
HIGH HOPES STAFF Alison Zack, Executive Director Kitty Stalsburg, Progra m Director Petra Shearer , Business Manager Kristin Elliott Leas, Barn Mana ger Melissa Everett , Administrative Asst. Karen Avery, Volunteer Coordinator Barbara Abrams, Instructor Ann Bai ly, Instructor Amara Alp ert Co hn, Dri ving Instr.
Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Holly Ridgway, Instru ctor Dawn Zo mi g, Instruc tor Mary Jan e Fega n, Phys ical Therapist Caro lyn Ja gielski, Phys ical Therapist Chip Mcilwai n, Caretaker Elizabeth Watts, Barn Assis tant Dawn Chacho, Barn Helpe r Carol Brining , Barn Helper
REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT "The art of progress
is to preserve
and to preserve
order amid change
c hange amid order." -
Alfred North Whitehead
I could n"t have said it better myself. If 1996-97 was the Year of Planning at High Hop es, 1997-98 can only be called the Year of Progress. With pride and pleasure, I can an nounc e that High Hop es achieved its Endowment goal of$ I Million. This Endowment now provides 12% of our annual operating income. Response to our Annual Membership Appeal incr eased by 30% over last year. Adequate words are hard to find to express our grat itude for the contin ued and growing support we are fortunate enough to have earne d among the local communities. Enthusiasm for our benefit events is also increasing, as evi denced by the outpouring of public support when the Symphony in the Meadows abruptly became the Symphony in the Arena due to the inclement weather. Rather than be put off by the change in venue, everyo ne pitched in with good will and a wonderfu l time was had by all. Over 785 individual s and businesses s upported this venture, which earned High Hopes 26% of the revenue need ed to operate our pro gra m s. Fiscal stabil ity means investment in cont inued (and continuing) growth, as we turn our eyes toward the future with plans to further deve lop our facility, sta ff and infrastructure to meet the challenges of expanded programming. High Hopes cu rrent ly serves over 170 rider s per week. Our Summer Camp program has earned enor mou s popu larity in the co mmunity, and our NARHA Approved Instructor Training Course draws stude nt s nationally and internationa lly. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we co ntinu e to offer both riding and carriage driving sc holar ship s to those who could not otherwise parti cipa te. My three years as President of High Hop es are now at an end. In the mai n, this has been one of the highli ght s of both my perso nal and profess ional live s. The respect I hold for my fellow Officers , Board members, High Hopes Staff, Volunteers and , most particularly , the riders and thei r mounts knows no bounds. If l have learned anything in the last three years , it is that the human spi rit is possessed of an indomitabl e will . Against so met ime s see mingly overwhelming odds, ou r rider s succeed and exce l. As High Hopes faces bo ldly into the fumre, how can we he lp but to fo llow their
it~-ÂĽ, Kelvin
N. Tyler, President
"My D ad" by Katelyn Ty ler A key element of success at Higb Hopes is the encouragement given to se lf express ion. Katie Ty ler, daughter of Board President Kel Tyler, agreed to share her po rtrait of he r dad with all of us!
REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR "In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers , yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." - Booker T. Washington
Nowhere is the above more evident than at High Hopes. Though we lead our separate, independent lives, "united ," "we," and "us" are all important words , for it is by the melding of our energies that we continue to propel High Hopes into the future. 1996 was the year to take stock, a time to plan and strategize . 1997 became the year of action, change, and progress. Without question, it was an exciting year for me in my role as Executive Director. Implementation of our Strategic Plan took center stage as we worked toward building our program s to better meet the needs of every rider, and that meant embarking upo n a Master Plan for the High Hopes facility . With that came continued progres s toward our leade rship in the field of Therap eutic Riding. Enrollment reached an all-time high of 242 riders this year, const itu.ting 59% growth over the past three years in the total number of student s served through our therapeutic riding program. Our Summer Camp program served 54 chi ldren ages 4 through 16, both with and without special need s. The " integrated " aspect of this program brought children togethe r under the umbr ella of a mutual interest and left them with a deeper under standing of them selves and others. Twenty individuals participated in our NARHA Approved Instructor Training Course to become certified therapeutic riding instructors. Their presence in our program enriches us in much the way a resident doctor enriches a teaching hospital, instruct ing us even as we instruct them , sharing their wealth of knowledge , experience , and dive rse backgrounds. Thi s year , severa l of our long -time volunteers realized a dream, in terms of profe ssional development, through the ability to participate in our Instructor Training Course. Our work continued with VISTA of Westbrook , Community Service volunteers, the York Co rrectiona l Institution , and AVP to provide comm unity volunteer opportunities to these and other orga nizations. In addition, we sponsored community outreach events like our Spring Fling, Barn Danc e, and the lectu re "U ncovering the Secrets of the Deep Sea" given by Dr. Ro bert D. Ballard (noted discoverer of the ' Titanic') . Growth in our programs naturally led to growt h among our staff. Program Directo r Kitty Stalsburg earned her Master Level Certification through NARHA. Instructor Dawn Zornig attained her Certificat ion in Therape utic Recreation. Driving Instructor Amara Alpert received her Reg istered Level Certification and Barn Manager Kristin Elliott Leas earned her Advanced Lev el Certification. Melissa Everett joined us as the new Administrative Assistant. Ann Bailey join ed the ranks of our instructor staff after completing the High Ho pes In structor Training Course in the winter of 1998. Cody, the horse used most in our Hippotherapy Program , earned the Profe ss iona ls Choice Award , courtesy of Carolyn Jagielski, our Phy sical Therapist. Over 350 volunteers contributed more than 16,500 hours of their time and energy to our program s, enhancing every aspect of High Hopes with their willingness and vitality. In 1998, our longtime volunteer, Judy Lightfoot, was hono red by The Hartford Courant for her outstanding co mmunity service. Anot her highlight is the fact that John Molochko tallied better than 1,500 volunteer hour s at High Hopes over a period of ten months. So many individual s contributed the ir energies, talents and compassion to the High Hopes Mission this year .. . and all in the name of the "hand " that is High Hope s.
Alison Zack, Executive Director
1997-98 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPEAL CONTRIBUTORS Each year. High Hopes is honored by the increasing support of hundreds or individuals and businesses. Their generosity provides the solid financial base needed to operate our di verse programs.
LIFE MEMBERS We continue to acknowledge the long term commitment of our Life Members. Cynthia & Louis Bacon Ted & Rebecca Crosby Jane I. Davison Evan S. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher Lyn Gould John Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski The Kitchings Family Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Mazer Rives & Nancy Potts Bernie & Karen Schwarz
SPECIALBENEFACTORS Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brewer. Jr. John & Heidi Niblack
BENEFACTORS Trudi Bird Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch John & Valerie Evans Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hele Barbara & John Kashanski Nancy B. Krieble Robert & Sandy Mulligan LoisO rswell Elizabeth M. Pfriem Bernie & Karen Schwarl Mn,. Lelan F.Sillin. Jr. Marcia & Roger M. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick
R. Bruce, Linda-Lea. & Jennifer Andrews Joan & Barry Bloom Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brewer . Jr. The Rev. Patricia F. Davidson. Robert T. H. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Halsey Brita Herman Mrs. Janet G. Jainschigg Ken & Chris Kitchings Shirley S. Langford George & Sally Mayer Mary Mille& William Doane Clement & Elizabeth Moore. The Indian Point Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell Bernie & Karen Schwarz Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Wardlaw Gurdon B. Wattles
These individuals have chosen to express their commitment to the High Hopes mission by designating that their Annual Membership Appea l gifts be used as tuition for our riders in need of financial assistance.
Therapy does not happen by riding alone. Our programs arc able to grow and diversify thanks to the generosity of individuals committed to the many benefits to be derived from therapeutic involvement with horses.
Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Keith & Jane Bolles Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Marc & Melanie Feigen Patricia Goldblatt Lyn Gould Kitty & Jerry Greene Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Mrs. Chauncey Fox Howe Nancy B. Krieble Peter & Elaine LaPolla Dr. & Mrs. James 8. Matthew Martha & Hiram Maxim Bob & Penny Nelson Rives & Nancy Potts Helen W. Powers Jean T. Sargent Amalia E. Seggos-Maitin George Whelen Linda P. Williams William A. Young & Family
Marilyn Conklin Patricia Goldblatt Curtis E. L. Gould Lyn Gould Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harper Mrs. Cyndie Gould Melcher Clayton K. Morse Nancy C. Olmstead Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Pfeiffer Bill & Pammie Post Kara Seymour Gurdon B. Wattles
ADOPT-A-HORSE The following individuals have earmarked their Annual Membership Appeal gifts for the care of our horses. Susan K. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Geraldine U. Foster Kelsey Fournier Patricia Goldblau Lyn Gould Grace & Frank Hamilton. Jr. Rigmor Heydenryk Susan Ingersoll Connecticut Dressage & Combined Training Association Linda. Tom. & J.T. Picazio Holly & Jeff Ridgway Kara B. Seymour Charles & Martha Terrell Mr. & Mrs. William G. Wimerer
1997-98 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPEAL CONTRIBUTORS SPONSORS Alison Arter Maureen & Joseph Augusciak John W. & Eleanor P.Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie Gary F. Borla Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Sumner & Susan Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David. Jr. Thomas & Sarah Quigley Dodd Mrs. Henry E. Dunn Ill Mrs. Robert Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grace Sally & Parker Handy Paul & Linda Holt Charles C. & Gretchen H. Kingsley James J. & Hedy Korst Mrs. Delano L'ldd, Jr. Elise S. Lapham Mrs. R.E.D. Lord Roland & Sally MacNichol Maritime Bank & Trust Co. Bruce McGhie Catharine M. Miller Wtlliam H. Moore Marguerite & Thomas F. Moore, Jr. Andy & Gail Morris Bob & Penny Nelson Harold Gray Osborn Mr. & Mrs. David M. Payne Susan L. Peacock Mr. & Mrs. FrederickJ . Plattill Bill & Pammie Post Lee & John Pritchard Katharine J. Reese (Mrs. William B.) Craig Saxton Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Deborah & S. Spencer Scott Tia & Seymour Smith Hyler & ValerieStanavage Frank Sullivan Judy & David Wi.ner SUSTAINERS Sally & Stever Aubrey John & Trudy Barr Myrna & Arnold Baskin Wanda E.Ttllman & Van M. Brown
Laurie DeMayo LyttGou ld William & Bonnie M. Grey M. Michael Griggs Mrs. R.E.D. Lord Dorothea Moore Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. VictorMorrison. Jr. David Newton Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Nika P. Thayer Mrs. John Webster
SUPPORTERS Jorge & Lee Adrian Augusta R. Alsop Mr.& Mrs. C. Clarke Ambrose Dorothy & Curt Askelson Miriam Astmann Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Augustadt Stan & Milly Babson Alexandra & Daniel Barber Charlotte P. Barringer Bruce & Kraemer Becker Mr.& Mrs. Robert L. Bennell Gregg C. Benson Ann Lane & Rudolph Bergmans Sally J. Bill Henry P. Brightwell MeredithM. Brown Mr. & Mrs. George R. Bullitt Alfred E. Burdick Sharlyn R. Carter Ceramica Importing, Tnc. Maia & Kay Chiat Herb & Sherry Clark Mrs. Marshall Clark Kay & Logan Clarke Margaret Clucas Mr.&Mrs. SamuelM. Comstock Charles G. Crump Mr. & Mrs. William Curran Philip P. & Alison Zack Darrell Jane l . Davison Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon Eleanor du Moulin John Duncan ill Dick & Susan Saint James Ebersol Joseph W. Elnisky & Sandra Clemmons
Charles H. Erhart Margaret Fay Morse Alison Forbis Sherley Furgueson Tllll & Susan Gavronski Nancy & Gerald P. Gehman Esther & Richard Goodwin Curtis E. L. Gould Alva G. Greenberg John S. Griswold Stuart D. Grodd Wendy & Robe11Gunn Mr. & Mrs. A. P.Halsey Nancy & John Hargraves Kathy & Ruth Heller Robert F. Herbst Sue Hessel lngeHieret Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hildreth Elizabeth Hird Mr. Robert L. Hollis Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hom Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hostnik Stuart & June Hotchkiss Shirley Flower Howard Jane & Allan Howat Frank W. Hubby Mr. & Mrs. Ward L. Johnson Janet W. Jones Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz John & Jean King Sally S. King Marjorie V.Kittredge Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LaRue Kyra & Palmer LeRoy Joan & Kenneth Levin Mickey & Bruce Lorenzen Frank Mac Lear Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. MacGruer Joyce & Robert Mailbouse Robert & Grace Marrion Peter Matthews Dean & Pam McChesney Robert & Sarah McCracken Ors. John & Marcia McGowan Bruce & Renee McIntyre Mrs. Sunny McNeil Newt & Polly Merrill Arlene & David Norling Drs. Jobn & Corrie Paardenkooper
R. l. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Pfeiffer Caroline C. Prizer Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Philip F.Ranelli TI1eRev. George Wells Razee Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Recor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Richardson Jack & Beckett Rodgers Glen & Constance Rokicki Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Romanowski Mr. James Rosenfield Marian Rowland Mr. & Mrs. James Rutledge Thomas & Mary Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Schavoir Robert & Carol Schneider Mary Peck Schwartz Douglas & Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Petra B. Shearer Mrs. Allen E. Shepard Toni & Harry Slifer Nancy & Arnold Smaller Mrs. Rober1J. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappan Soper Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong ill Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Sandy & Tony Thurston Karen & Kel Tyler Mrs. Samuel R. Walker Linda & David Ward Mrs. Huntington Welch Cynthia C. Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wing Clara & Carl Zirkenbach FRIENDS Bruce & Liz Andres Charles & Robin Baskett Mr. & Mrs. David V. Beaudette Mimi & Bill Benner Mr. & Mrs. Charles R.Berry Katherine & Thomas Bishop Donald & Peggy Bloom James P. Blunt Eleanor Bonafonte
1997-98 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPEAL CONTRIBUTORS Branford Veterinary Hospital Patricia Brines Mr. & Mrs. H. Templeton Brown, Jr. Robert F. & Helen Burkanh William Carley & Catherine Mackey Ethel C. Cates Robert & Eleanor Champion David & Loma Chang D. L. Chieppa JohnC. Cini David & Sharon Co lvin Gretchen & Woody Comstock Robin Conboy Madora Cooke Pau¡icia A. Daragan Dorothy C. Davis Barbara Deutsch Mildred E. Devine Charles & Phoebe Dey Bill & Sue Dion Mr. & Mrs. Courtlandl P. Dixon Helen & GeITy Dyar Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ekstrom Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Jan & David Etzel Mr. & Mrs. William F. Flaherty Robert N. Fountain Pearl Fournier Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday. Jr. Jack & Chip Frosl Mrs. Virginia M. Galpin Whitney & Nancy Garlinghouse Elise J.Garvin Dr. Edward H. Gleich Patricia Goldblatt Curtis E. L. Gould The Greenaway Family Jacque line Haets Mr. & Mrs. Robe rt P. Haff Kilty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathryn Hageman Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harper Dorothy R. Harris Varick D. HaITison Mr. Charles R. Hazuk a Eleanor & Roge r Hilsman Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Hinh Margaret 8. Howe ln Harmony Therapeut ic Ridin g, Inc. Elm ira S. lngersoll Jonathan Jewell Eads Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Waldo C. M. Johnston Peter & Elizabeth Kat1er Patricia H. Keesee Robert P. & Gloria S. Keim Anne & Helen Klingler Mr. & Mrs. Al Krech Shepard Krech, Jr. Bill & Martha Lacy Kathryn Langston Elizabeth Lightfoot & Nicholas Clements Mrs. John 8. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Love lace C laire & Bill Lyon MichelJeMatTa Ms. Sidney L. Mattoon Diane M. Mazza Isabe lla M. "Boo" McDaniel Mrs. Stratton N. McKillop Dorothy C. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. James J. McQuade Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger Ms. Marie Miller Jennifer Morgan ClaudiaJ. Newell Nancy C. Olmstead Jim& Dot Orr Harold Gray Osborn Dorothy E. Pansius Mrs. Brewster PerTy Virginia Q. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Pfeiffer Linda. Tom. & J.T. Picazio David & Barbara Preston Chet & Penny Rene son Mr. & Mrs. Leland Reynolds Diane & Les Reynolds James R. & Ann M. Rice Mrs. Thomas M. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Roberts Constance Rogers Tom & Ginny Rubert i Michael & Caro l Ryland Max Showalter Cla ire & John Simon Bill & Bess Small Mr. & Mrs. Brant R. Smith Mr. Elting H. Smith. Mrs. Angela 8. Smith Malcolm & Donna Speirs Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Stancliff Frank Sullivan Robert D. Taisey
Alan G. Thornton Mrs. William M. Tingue Willis & Dorothy Umberger Mrs. Jane A. Walker John & Debra K. Walland Mr. & Mrs. Randall Ward Gail Werwaiss & William Werwaiss Mrs. William Blunt White Honey Wilcox Bob Williamson, M.D. Marion 8. Wilson Louise Wimplheimer Zelek Electric Co.
ADMIRERS Thomas G. & Joyce S. Ahern Suzanne Angier Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer Peggy Baer Georgeann & Joe Bardenheier Juli e Bebounek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bellingham Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Besier Eleanor Hoffm an Bishop Leila R. Bowman Mary Broughto n Cheryl & James Bro wn Shirle y R. Brown Mr. David Brubaker Mrs. Robert Brubaker Mr. & Mrs. Paul Butler Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Byrne The Char les G. Carlson Fami ly Joseph P. Carta Elizabeth C. Chamber lain Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Clement Matilda A. Coli han Roben & Isabel Cooney Mrs. Katherine E. Cowles Charlotte C. Danly Mary S. Devins Jacqueline A. DeVoe Wayne & Patricia Devoe Mr. & Mrs. John Dirks Gordon W. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. David Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ellioll Barbara Ellis Franklin Farre ll Ill Elizabet h B. & Clive R. Fisher
Celia M. Francis Margaret Frisch The Peter Gasperini Fami ly Dr. Herbert Goldenring Mr. & Mrs. Gary Goodrich Sherrell Grean Bill Gregory Mr. & Mrs. William H. Grover Gull Assoc iates Inc. Elizabeth E. Haff Elizabeth Hamilton Alla L. Ha,,-ison Douglas & Kelly Henke Louise Hexter Richard & Carol Hindman Matthew Hine Mary 8. Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hurley Ms. Martha B. Jacque s Melanie & Eric Jarvis Mrs. Charles W. Jewell Katherine & Margare t Kane Jane Kitz Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Klimek John & Irene Kritzer Elizabeth Leona rd Marion Lequin Mr.& Mrs. Geo. R odman Lucas Patricia Madacsi Charles-Henri & Marguerite Mangin Virginia H. Mart in Nancy 8. McAlliste r Ors. Christopher & Susan Mccawley Donald & Virginia McCue Mr. & Mrs. John McNeil John & Pamela Melroy Bamby Miller Judith Miner Belinda Monat Margaret Morgan Margot W. Morgan D.J. Morri s Mary Mrouse John & Ja ckie Opeka Laura M. Pedersen Melanie H. Phoenix Sam uel D. Robins, Jr. Gillian Rose J. Greg & Dana Rutten Saybrook Office Equipm ent, Inc. Anna P. Schilder
Janet & John Schloss Alice F. Schmutz Rick & Terry Schreiber Luette G. Semmes Elise D. Seymour Mrs. Vernon E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edwin 8. Sollis Harriet R. Strain John Streeter & Marianna Wilcox Katharine 8. Strong Andrea Stultz Mrs. Helen T. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Tolderlund C. Michael & Laurie Walker Jim Walton Deborah K. Warren B rian & Rosemary Willis Mary Wilson
"W ithout High Hope s there would be a void in Jane' s life. It has helped her regain some of the selfconfidence that she lost due to MS. It is a place where Jane feels at home and she looks forward to every visit. Jane joins me in thanking everyone for their help and dedication." Jan Cornelius
ENDOWMENT GIFTS In 1997-98 , _HighHopes reached its Endowment Campaign goal of $1 million. We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who have invested their gifts in the futur e of the High Hope s mission.
LEADERSHIP John & Kelly Hartman Foundation, Inc. Cheryl & Mitch Heffernan The Ingalls Foundation Greta & Jake Jacobs The New York Community Trust-Wattles Family Charitable Trust Fund John & Jessie Roberts
CHAMPIONS Anonymous The Bafflin Foundation Jeffrey & Dana Cooley Hope & Russell Ford Grace & Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Hargraves John, Lee & Abbey Holstein John S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mellon Lee & John Pritchard Christopher Robinson & Kate Mitchell Roger & Marcia Smith
EQUESTRIANS Sally & Stever Aubrey Maureen & Joseph Augusciak Dr. David S. Brown Charles M. Chapin Ill Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremond Mrs. George H. Darrell Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Henri M . David, Jr. MaudB. Duke Dominick Dunne Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Geraldine U. Foster Mrs. Sergio Franchi Kathleen K. Fullerton Katharine Gildersleeve Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Geoffrey S. Little & Meg Lyons George & Sally Mayer Newt & Polly Merrill Mary P Pullen Mr. & Mrs. S. Spencer Scott Amalia E. Seggos-Martin Mr. & Mrs. Charles L . Terrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Webster Dr. David & Judith W. Winer
June 1998 Total All Funds
June 1997 Total AU Funds
$228.014 101,699
$) 13,488 150,119
423 ,511
ASSETS CurrentAssets: Cash and Equivalents Unconditional Promises to Give Investments
TotalCurrentAssets EndowmentInvestments
Contributions Membership Grants
Total Support Revenue: Fees for Services Special Events Other Income
June 1998 Total
$294,373 79,170
June 1997 Total
Investment Income
Land,Buildings,Equipmentand Horses, At Cost,Net
Temporarily Permanently Restricted Restricted
Net Realized Investment Gains
$444,958 68,796 84,250 5.2.8.,QQ1
116,628 106,286 45,774 11,207 27,146
116,628 106,286 45,774 11,207 27, 146
80,890 74,414 23,383 45,553 51.650
3 19,121
274,459 52,291 400 644
3 12,794 78,69 1 48,860 440,345
$22,763 79,170 2,121 104,054
$ 15,232 ~
Unrealized Gain on
Investments Net Assets Released
from Restrictions
Current Liabilities: $-02.759
$4,022 769
MortgagePayable,less currentportion
Accounts Payable Vacation Accrual Mortgage Payable, current portion
Total Revenue Total Support, Revenue and Gains
Net Assets: Unrestricted Temporari Iy Restricted Permanently Restricted
1,148.272 110,415 2.8l_.M3.
1.015, 145 81,715 705.265
TotalNet Assets
(75 532) (15,532} 28 700
.:0: 276.378
EXPENSES Program Services General and Administrative
Fund Raising
274,459 82,29 1
11...821 .:0:
Total Expenses
1,802. 125
$1, 148,272
$1 10,415
$28 1,643
$2,240 330
$1,802, 125
Eac h year, High Hope s is for tunate to be the rec ipient of many special gifts wh ich are mad e honoring others. We are grateful not on ly to those who have made these gifts, but es peci ally to those whom they honor.
Grants to High Hopes in 1997-98 we re made for a wide varie ty of purpo ses, includin g program funding for inner-c ity and multi-h andicapped ch ildr en from New Haven, New London and Middlesex cou nties; cap ita l funds for facility expans ion and the Training and Ed ucation Program; and upgrading of ou r co mput er sys te ms. The Howard Bayne Fund Bodenwein Public Benevolent Founda1ion Chiches1er DuPonl Foundation. Inc. The Communily Foundation for Greater New Haven The Community Foundation of Southeastern Conneclicut Essex Savings Bank Community Inveslment Program The Chester W. Ki1chings Founda1ion The Forrest C. Lattner Foundation, Inc. SNET Corporal ion's Telephone Employees' Communi1y Services Fund Max Solomon Foundalion
MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES High Hopes grate full y ac know led ges those compa nies that ge nerou sly extend their support on behalf of the ir emp loyees' co mmitment to our work. Champion Citicorp Foundation The Chase Manhanan Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation Pfizer Inc.
Ted Crosby Belton & Genie Copp
Paul & Marcella Finan 011the Occasion of Their 50'1' Wedding Anniverswy Anonymous Friends John & Ceclia Cowler Linda M. Hogan John & Margarel Lyons Aurelia Palazzo Charles & Doris Whelan
High Hopes co ntinu ed its tradi tion of prov idin g fund s for those ride rs who are in financial need. These gifts, in add ition to our Start-A-R ider Annu al Appeal gifts, enab le us to con tinue to serve all ou r riders regard less o f their ab ility to p ay. The Bowerbird Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Harry Clarke Marilyn Conklin Congrega1ion Be1hShalom S1uden1s Ladies Benevolent Society of the First Congregational Church of Lyme Connecticut Ye1erinary Medical Assoc. Charles & Phoebe Dey Christopher Evers Fitzgerald, Gordon, Chinigo & Leone, P.C. Ka1harineGildersleeve Lyn Gould Sandra Meinsen & William Harreys Knightsof Columbus Kimberly & John Lehet Lyme-Old Lyme Lyons Michael T. Perkins & Eileen M. Perkins Mrs. Cons1ance Pike Shoreline Communi1yWomen Lester E. Tomback Judy & David Winer
Debra Ko/111 Chery I Zaccaro Shirley La11gfcml Linda Camarra Charlotte Quigley Robert Sta/sb11 rg Anonymous
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GIFTS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES These gifts provided for a wide range of items on the High Hopes wish list. They included stall name-p lates, horse blankets, halters, bridles and other tack , carro ts, new computers, an instructional skele ton, improve ments to the sheds for our horses, and for our veh icles and tools. A ll the touches, big and sma ll, which these gifts added to our yea r have been appreciated by many in the High H opes fami ly. Linda Almeida Amara Alpe11 Myrna & Arnold Baskin Ernest A. Bigelow CFM Constrnction Corp. Lyn Gould Susan & Henry R. Healy Barbara & John Kashanski Andrea Kennell LCRV Horsemen's Club Geri Rakosky Sara Elizabeth Scou Petra B. Shearer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stalsburg Betsy Swenson Linda Taylor Laurie Title
''H igh Hopes is the BEST! The growth and achievement that Jason has had here has improved his life beyond measure. Thank you for listening and understanding parental concerns and for acting on those concerns so successfully. Yourcommunication with parents is one of the strongest aspects of th.isprogram." Margaret Servies
GIFTS IN KIND Gifts in kind are gif ts of ¡'treasure and talent" which enrich High Hopes in many ways; they provide items on our wish list, tack and equipment, hea lth care and medicatio ns for our horses and our cats, books fo r our library , office suppl ies and many professional ta lents and ski lls provided by our volunteers. Richard Alexander Henry Allain Linda Almeida Amara Alpert Deborah Ambrose Sally Aubrey Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Nicki Beaudeue Mrs. John Beebe Natalie Bieber Peter Bien-ie Ernie Bigelow Jeanne Blackwell Libby Bohonnon Lisa Boyd Cynthia Brake Michael & Barbara Brock Dr. John A. Caltabiano Marilyn Conklin Ted & Rebecca Crosby Mark Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremond Erin Cain Daly Bertram Dean Pat Deragan & Mike Axelrod Joyce Eddy Melissa Everett Vicki Harlow Kathy Heller Missy Feeney Emily Fisher Marge Fondulas Robyn Fo11ier & 4-H Club Kelsey Fournier Foxledge Tack LyttGould Pam & Aubrey Graham Kitty & Jerry Greene Sara Greenwood Carolyn Guptill Betz Haartz
Vicki Harlow Alan Hauser Cheryl Heffernan Mu,iel Hennessy Sheila He112og Rigmor Heydenryk High Hopes Volunteers Carolyn Jagielski Barbara & John Kashanski Andrea Kennett Kelly King Brent Kirby Bob & Pauline Knoll Amanda Kokoska Pam & Bill Lambot Sue Lardner Kristin Elliou Leas TheLehet Family Judith F.& Richard B. Lightfoot Aileen Livingston Frank Marchese Jane Marsh Pam &Jen McNeely John McNeil Joe & Ken Melzen Liz Michalski Ashleigh Milardo John & Jessica Morgan Mountain Spring Water Bill Nelligan Beth Olmstead Jack Ostroff Pfizer Animal Health Cindy Pedersen Marianna Pfeiffer Pfizer Animal Health J .T. Picazio Rives Potts Professional Choice Michael PschOIT John & Jessie Roberts E. Robinson Steve Rosenfield Catherine Royster Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic Jane Samuels Bernie & Karen Schwan: Susan Senning Petra B. Shearer Bill Small Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stalsburg Rosemary Slrukals Betsy Swenson Tack Action Jack Tiffany
Russell Title Paul Valliese Gurdon Wattles & Kathy Fullerton Lynda Wilkes William Robinson Ann Yacovino Alison Zack TylerZuppe
"Pfizer Animal Health keeps us well by donating our annual supply of Strong id C2x." The High Hopes Herd
ANNUAL STUDENT HORSE SHOW The Ann ual Studem Horse Show is a day when all High Hopes riders can proudly display their talents . Many thanks ro everyone who helped make this special day a reality!
Apple Jorge & Lee Adrian Sally & Stever Aubrey Stan & Milly Babson Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie Michael & Cori nne Bigim·elli Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Donna W. Byrne John & A1hana Catlen Ted & Rebecca Crosby Kelsey Fournier LyuGould Elizabeth Greene Kiny & Je,ry Greene Susan & Henry R. Healy lnge Hieret Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Holmes Stuart & June Hotchkiss Dr. & Mrs . William Irving Saybrook Office Equipme nt Barbara & John Kashan ski Larry & Mary Beth Keefe Kelly King Greg & Terry O'Co nnell Linda . Tom. & J.T. Picazio Ann & Jim Rice Caro l & Steve Rosenfield Kathy & William Salli Linda & Rick Sawicki Deborah & S. Spencer Scot! Toni & Harry Slifer Marcia & Roger M. Sm ith Tia & Seymo ur Smi th Melinda & Valerie Ste lzner Callisla Stoddard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong UI Olympic Tile & Floo r Cove ring The Zuppe Family
Barri Cosmetic Laser Center Cau lfield & Ridgway. fnc. Coca-Cola Bot1ling Company of Southeastern New England. Inc. CompuCons ul1ing Country Restaurant Doug' s Garage. Inc. Good-Spir its Shoppe. fnc. Kelsar Physical Therap y Laysville Deli L & Z Indu strial Circu its Maples Motel Marve l Farm Melzen Fann Supply Niantic Lumber Office Alternatives Riverside Fore ign Motors William Robin son', Major Appliances Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Shoreline Sanitation, Inc. Stalsburg Express, Inc. The Yankee Tin smith
High Hopes extends its heartfe lt than ks to all of the indi victuals, businesses and othe r friends who answered the ca ll and devoted so much of their time and energy into makin g the Symph ony in the Meadows such an eno rmous success. The ir unprecedented support provided 26% of our vital operati ng funds for 1997-98.
CORPORATE BENEFACTORS Cit izens Investment Serv ices Dunham Ltd .. Realtors - Lyn Hanbereg & Ward Burian Essex Sav ings Bank Maritime Bank & Trust Co. Men ·ill Lynch John W. Rafa! & Assoc iates. Inc. Gary & Marilynn Reynold s Reynolds· Garage & Marine Smith Barney Asset Managemelll Jim & Joanne Graybill - Tire Country
CORPORATE SPONSORS Aegean Treasures Caulfield & Ridgway. Inc. Daniels Oil Co .. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Welles - Fulton -Theroux Funeral Home The Griswold lnn Wendy & Robert Gunn Insurance Management, Inc, & The Burton Company Divi sions of H ilb. Rogal & Hamilton Company The Mac hine Works of Essex Niantic Awni ng Co., LLC Niantic Lum ber Co. Pfizer Inc. Sennheiser Electronic Corp . John & Susan Senn ing Shore line Eye Group The Strong Agency Chris Crowell Structural Graphics. Inc. Wiggin & Dana Lynda & Dan Wilkes
CORPORATE SUPPORTERS Angler Adventures Cente rbrook Architects & Planners Dahlk e Financ ial Group, Inc. Duble & O' Hearn, Inc. Had lyme Country Store, Inc. Lux, Bond & Gree n-Jew elers since I 898 Maus and Son . Inc. Angus McDo nald/Gary Sharpe- Engineers & Surveyo rs Bob & Carol Mill er Michae l T. Perkin s & Eileen M. Perkin s River Linen s Saybrook Oil Company. Inc. Seawo11hy Systems, Inc. Rosemary & Bob Shaw Waller, Smith & Palmer, P.C. G lory & Jack Wills The Wills Company Realtor s, Inc. Zelek Elctric Co. - Ray & Laureen Ze lek
OTHER BUSINESS SUPPORTERS AAA Ame rican Storage& lee Co. A & P Wines & Spir its Aleia's Anne·s Bistro Banfi Vint ners. Char les & JoAnne Park
The Bee and Thistle Inn Bennie"s Fann Marke t Cafe Routier Chai mers & Company The Chart House Cherrystones Cloud Nine Coca-Cola Bonling Co. ofS.E. New England, Inc. Co lonial Market The Coppe r Beech Inn Crow"s Nest Gounnel Deli Cuckoo ·s Nest The English Lady Essence. A Center for Beauty & Wellness The Foodsmith-Alison Marcinek Friends & Company Fromagc Fine Foods & Coffees Goodspeed Opera House The Grist Mill The Griswo ld Inn The Hideaway Jonathan Isleib Ken· s Coffee House Mazer& Son. Inc. McDonald"s of O ld Saybrook Merr ill Lynch, Chapman Berry. Jr. Mike"s Bake Shop Musical Masterworks. fnc. The New Haven Symphony Orchestra The Old Lyme Inn Old Lyme Seafood Olive Oyl's Cm,-y Out Cu isine Oliver's Taverne Our Daily Bread Page Hardware & Appliance Compa ny Pasta Unlimited Pasta Vita Pilots Poin t Marina Quimper Faience Restaurant Du Village Saybrook Country Barn Pat Sprau for the Home, Mr. & Mrs. John Spra tt Tama r The Wheatmarket Wall's Food Market Worcester & Worcester
BENEFIT PATRONS Miss Jennifer Andrews Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Andrews Mr. William Attridge
1998 ANNUAL BENEFIT CONTRIBUTORS Sally & Stever Aubrey Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Rowland Ballek John W. & Eleanor P. Barclay John & Trudy Barr Myrna & Arnold Baskin Robert Beeckman &Barbara Linsley Ann Lane & Rudolph Bergmans Trudi Bird Allan R. & B.J.Birnbaum Ward & Martha Burian Deborah & Jonathan Butler Jean & Richard Caron Thomas & Susan Childs Margaret Clucas Sumner & Susan Crosby Ted & Rebecca Crosby Chris & Jennifer Crowell Robert & Pamela Daniels Galan & Denise Daukas Mr. &Mrs. HenriM.Da vid, Jr. The Rev. Patricia F. Davidson Jane I. Davison Mary Mille & Bill Doane Carl & Linda-Donatello Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn m John & Valerie Evans Emily T. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Geraldine Golet Polly Webster & Lytt Gould Mr. &Mrs. Roy Grace Jim & Joanne Graybill Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Greene Kitty & Jerry Greene Wendy & Robert Gunn Grace & Frank Hamilton, Jr. Lyn & Don Hanberg Ann Hoy &Brian Harra Reese &Nancy Harris John & Kelly Hartman Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. John C. R. Hele lngeHieret Shirley Flower Howard Jake & Greta Jacobs Mr. Waldo C. M. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jones Barbara & John Kashanski Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Charles C. & Gretchen Kingsley Mrs. C. W. Kitchings
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kops Nancy B. Krieble Nicholas Clements & Elizabeth Lightfoot Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Rob Linde & Joan Bozek Peter & Gail Lundin Lee & Jack Mac Williams Dave & Sally McDermott William &Donna McNamara George.M. Milne · Marguerite & Thomas F. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James B. Mu.phy II Ronald & Susan Nelso John & Heidi Niblack Michael & Elena Patte.rson Douglas & Joan Paul Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt m Lee & John Pritchard Mary P. Pullen John W. Raf al & Dyanne M. Rafa I Gary & Marilynn Reynolds Joe Rhodes Mr. &Mrs. Thomas F.Richardson Jack &Beckett Rodgers CynthiaB. Rowley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell Jeanne Rutigliano Jane & Tom Schellens Richard & Nancy Schneller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Deborah & S. Spencer Scott John & Susan Senning Petra B. Shearer Mrs. Lelan P. Sillin, Jr. Marcia & Roger M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spratt Ralph & Jeff Sturges Mr. & Mrs. Charles Terrell Sandy Kane & Brooks Thomas Sandy & Tony Thurston Jim & Marty Travis Karen & Kel Tyler Peter & Maria VonHalem Jacqueline Walker Mrs. Samuel R. Walker Gurdon B. Wattles & Kathleen Fullerton Dan & Carol Watts Allen & Mary-Ellen Welch Mr. & Mrs. Jordan A. Welles Kathleen & George Whelen IV Mr. & Mrs. William Blunt White
Lynda & Daniel Wilkes Nancy Hutson & Ian Williams Mark & Dorinda Winkehnan Mr. & Mrs. William G. Winterer Mrs. Valentine Zahn
BENEFITFRIENDS Barbara & Matthew Abrams Amara Alpert Mrs. Margaret Pumphret Amata Mr. & Mrs. C. Clarke Ambrose BilJ & Linda Anderson Bea Anderson Mr. &Mrs. Joseph Andress Bob & Diana Annon Maureen &Joseph Augusciak Ann Bailey Eileen D. Baker John Ball Frank & Lynda Barone Rufus & Charlotte Barringer Edna Perry & Michael Beaudette Mimi & Bill Benner Dorothy Bennet Mr. &Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Chip & Nicki Berry Mr. &Mrs. Fredrick P. Bieber Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. BietTie Sally J. Bill James P. Blunt Keith & Jane Bolles Byron Brewer Mr. & Mrs. W. Bradford Briggs Lynn & Lissie Brooks Penton L.B. Brown Karla Brown Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Camarra David & Ann Campbell William Carley & Catherine Mackey Walt & Nancy Carlson Chris & Libby Cathcart Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cerio Valerie J. Koif & Richard T. Cersosimo Karen D. Cichon Herb & Sherry Clark Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Clarke Kay & Logan Clarke Jay Colan & Judy Iwaoka Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Comstock
Woody& Gretchen Comstock Karen Coni.ff Marilyn Conklin Mr. & Mrs. George H. Connerat Alison Conrad Mrs. Katherine E. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Donald Craft TeresitaS. Currie Sue Schaffer & PeterG. Curtis Rose Katherine & Robert Cushman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Keith & Erin Daly Mrs. George H. Darrell Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell 'Bob & 1!.oreleiDiaroond Mr.& Mrs.iRogerH. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. GhristopherP. rnxon Mrs. Connie-Dixon John & Joyce,Doaahue Mr.& Mrs. Lawrence B. Dorman Judith G. du Pont Cynthia & Gerry Dubey Pamela & Paul Dubey Helen & Gerry Dyar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Bob & Debbie English Maw-eenHaseley-Jones- The English Lady Charles H. Erhart Melissa Everett Kirsten Fairfield Mr. & Mrs.Peter Ferrebee Dr. Francis L. Finley, Jr. Ardean &Jim Fishman Richard Foote, Jr. & Carol Griggs John & Alison Forbis Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford Geraldine U. Foster Allan Dodds Frank & Lillian King Lyle Frank Bob Anderson & Kimberly Fullerton E1icStephens & Kirsten Fullerton Tim & Susan Gavronski Richard & Katharine Gildersleeve Keren Gersten & Neal Goldberg Esther & Richard Goodwin Marily & Charles Gorrondona Mimi Gow-lay Mr. & Mrs.Earl Greenho Carolyn & Hank Greenleaf
1998 ANNUAL BENEFIT CONTRIBUTORS Sally & Stever Aubrey RobertD. & Barbara Earle Ballard Mr. & Mrs.Rowland Ballek John W. & Eleanor P. Barclay John & Trudy Barr Myrna &Arnold Baskin Robert Beeckman &Barbara Linsley Ann Lane & Rudolph Bergmans Trudi Bird Allan R. & B.J. Birnbaum Ward & Martha Burian Deborah & Jonathan Butler Jean & Richard Caron Thomas & Susan Childs Margaret Clucas Sumner & Susan Crosby Ted & Rebecca Crosby Chris & Jennifer Crowell ;Robert& Pamela Daniels Galan & Denise Daukas Mr. &Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. The Rev. Patricia F. Davidson Jane I. Davison MaryMille & Bill Doane Carl &Lin da-Donatello Mr. & Mrs.Henry E. Dunn m John & ValerieEvans Emily T. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Geraldine Golet Polly Webster & Lytt Gould Mr. &Mrs. Roy Grace Jim & Joanne Graybill Dr. & Mrs.Nicholas M. Greene Kitty & Jerry Greene Wendy & Robert Gunn Grace & Frank Hamilton, Jr. Lyn & Don Hanberg Aon Hoy & Brian Harra Reese & Nancy Harris John & Kelly Hartman Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Mr. & Mrs.John C. R. Hele Inge Hieret Shirley Flower Howard Jake & Greta Jacobs Mr. Waldo C. M . Johnston Mr. & Mrs.Douglas Jones Barbara & John Kashanski Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Charles C. & Gretchen Kingsley Mrs. C. W. Kitcbings
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kops Nancy B. Krieble Nicholas Clements & Elizabeth Lightfoot Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Rob Linde & Joan Bozek Peter & Gail Lundin Lee & Jack Mac Williams Dave & Sally McDermott William & Donna McNamara GeorgeM . Milne · Marguerite & Thomas F.Moore, Jr. Mr. &Mrs. JamesB. Murphy II Ronald & Susan Nelso John & Heidi Niblack Michael & Elena Patterson Douglas & Joan Paul Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt m Lee & John Pritchard Mary P. Pullen John W. Rafal & DyaoneM. Rafa! Gary & Mruilyno Reynolds Joe Rhodes Mr. &Mrs. ThomasF .Ri chardson Jack &Beckett Rodgers CynthiaB . Rowley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell Jeanne Rutigliano Jane & Tom Schellens Richard & Nancy Schneller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Deborah & S. Spencer Scott John & Susan Senning Petra B. Shearer Mrs. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr. Marcia & RogerM. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spratt Ralph &Jeff Sturges Mr. & Mrs. Charles Terrell Sandy Kane & Brooks Thomas Sandy & Tony Thurston Jim & Marty Travis Karen & Kel Tyler Peter & Mru'iaVonHalem Jacqueline Walker Mrs. Samuel R. Walker Gurdon B. Wattles & Kathleen Fullerton Dan & Carol Watts Allen & Mary-Ellen Welch Mr. & Mrs. Jordan A. Welles Kathleen & George Whelen JV Mr. & Mrs. William Blunt White
Lynda & Daniel Wilkes Nancy Hutson & Ian Williams Mark & Dorinda Winkelman Mr. & Mrs. William G. Winterer Mrs. Valentine Zahn
BENEFIT FRIENDS Barbara & Matthew Abrams Amara Alpert Mrs. Margaret Pumphret Amata Mr. & Mrs. C. Clarke Ambrose Bill & Linda Anderson Bea Anderson Mr. &Mrs. Joseph Andress Bob & Diana Annon Maureen & Joseph Augusciak Ano Bailey Eilee~ D. Baker John BaJJ Frank & Lynda Barone Rufus & Charlotte Barringer Edna Perry & Michael Beaudette Mimi & Bill Benner Dorothy Bennet Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Chip & Nicki Berry Mr. &Mrs. Fredrick P. Bieber Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie Sally J. Bill James P. Blunt Keith & Jane Bolles Byron Brewer Mr. & Mrs. W. Bradford Briggs Lynn & Lissie Brooks Fenton L.B. Brown Karla Brown Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Camarra David & Ann Campbell William Carley & Catherine Mackey Walt & Nancy Carlson Chris & Libby Cathcart Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cerio Valerie J. Koif & Richard T. Cersosimo Karen D. Cichon Herb & Sherry Clark Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Clarke Kay & Logan Clarke Jay Colan & Judy Iwaoka Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Comstock
Woody & Gretchen Comstock Karen Coniff MariJynConklin Mr. &Mrs. George H. Connerat Alison Conrad Mrs. Katherine E. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Donald Craft Teresita S. Currie Sue Schaffer & Peter G. Curtis Rose Katherine & Robert Cushman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Keith & Erin Daly Mrs. George H. Darrell Phj]jp F. & Alison Zack Darrell Bob & Lorelei Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon Mrs. Connie Dixon John & Joyce Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Dorman Judith G. du Pont Cynthia & Gerry Dubey Prunela & Paul Dubey Helen & Gerry Dyar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Bob & Debbie English Maureen Haseley-Jones - TheE nglishLad y Charles H. Erhart Melissa Everett Kirsten Fairfield Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferrebee Dr. Francis L. Finley, Jr. Ardean & Jim Fishman Richard Foote, Jr. & Carol Griggs John & Alison Forbis Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford Geraldine U. Foster Allan Dodds Frank & Lillian King Lyle Frank Bob Anderson & Kimberly Fullerton Eric Stephens & Kirsten Fullerton Tim & Susan Gavronski Richard & Katharine Gildersleeve Keren Gersten & Neal Goldberg Esther & Richard Goodwin Marily & Charles Gorrondona Mimi Gourlay Mr. & Mrs.Earl Greeoho Carolyn & Hank Greenleaf
1998 ANNUAL BENEFIT CONTRIBUTORS Mr. & Mrs. John G. Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. William Groves Capt. & Mrs. Robe1t Gustafson Betz Haartz Rob Hageman & Kitty Stalsburg Anne Hale Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilton III Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hammond Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick Lyn Hanberg Sally & Parker Handy Nancy & John Hargraves Max & Liz Hru1man Phil & Yvonne Haynes Mr. Charles R. Hazuka Mr. & Mrs. James Her man Edna Hilley Eleanor & Roger Hilsman Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Hogan Robert & Linda Hollis Lisa & Stephen Holmes Paul & Linda Holl Mrs. Hubert J. Horan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn Dr. & Mrs. William Irving Carolyn Jagielski Frank Jarrabeck Mrs. Charles W. Jewett Susan Evans & Jonathan Jewett Bruce Josephy & Amy Sullivan Ursula Kaech Diane Kane-Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Richard G . Kehoe Bob & Ruth Kelly Cliff & Carmel Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Keogh Mr. & Mrs. John Sherman King Jean Wilson-Kirschner & Ernest Kirschner Bob & Pauline Knoll Stephanie Knoll William T. Koch. Jr. Ms. Suki S. Koczeniak Hedy & Jim Korst Patti Kortkamp Mrs. Delano Ladd, Jr. Breck & Susan Lardner Mark Leas & Kristin Elliott Leas Dr. Katherine Black Lee Kyra & Palmer LeRoy Catherine & Scott Lethbridge
Joan & Kenneth C. Levin AJexru1dra Lightfoot John & Mary Lindsay Frank & Shirley Lusk Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lynch Claire & Bill Lyon Roland & Sally MacNic bol Chip McIIwain Mr. & Mrs. R. Mowry Mann Mrufon & Bill Mathes George & Sally Mayer John & Amy McCauley Kathy McCurdy Bruce & Barbara McGhie Richard & Judy McKnight McLaughlin Personnel Jack Meier Robert & Carolyn Miller Abby Miner Mru·gru·etMorgan Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison. Jr. Becky Morissen Jessica D. Mon-issey Margaret & Earl Mummert Bob, Penny, Jeff & Lori Nelson Dr. John Nelson Jon & Jill Nelson Crary Pullen & RobertNickelsberg Mr. & Mrs. William B. O'Boyle Ms. Edith Ordazzo Ben & Libby Orvedal Max Pan-ott Mr. & Mrs. David M. Payne Kate & Stevens Peale Mr. & Mrs. Enok Pedersen Cynthia L. Pedersen Jim &Bobb i Pedrick Tom & Linda Picazio Constance Pike Margaret & Donald Porter Rives & Nancy Potts Alice Powers David & Barbara Preston Mark& Tammy Putnam Don & Char lotte Quigley Susan Raible Daphne Nielson & Henry Resnikoff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr. James R. & Ann M. Rice Jean M..Richards Liddy Kru1er& Alex Richardson
Holly & Jeff Ridgway Connie & Al Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Tom & Ginny Rube11i Dave & Betsy Sams Mrs.Chru·lesJ.Scanlon Bill & Sherri Scebbi Judith Operhall Schaaf Thomas & Mary Schaaf Barbara & Michael Schaffer Mr. & Mrs. FrederickL. Schavoir Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Schavoir Janet & John Schloss Alice F. Sclunutz Robe1t & Carol Schneider Bernie & Karen Schwarz Mrs. Rjchard N. Sheble Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Shepru·dIll Anno Shumway Mr. & Mrs. Brant R. Smith Tia & Seymour Smith Grace A. Stalsburg & Robert R. Stalsburg Richard & Nancy Stanwood Richard & Leslie Strauss Sabin & Beverly Streeter fan Svielich Molly Sweeney Robert D. Talsey Linda Callan Taylor Nika P.Thayer Trish & Howard Treat Dr. & Mrs. Felix Tronuner Uzanne & Tim Tyler Willis & Dorothy Umberger Candy Vandeven Beth & Michael Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Walz Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Wan-en Mr. & Mrs. Peter Webster John & Ellen Wells Charlotte & John Westerfield Colleen G. Wetsel Sydney & Caroline Williruns Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wilson Randy & Virginia Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Windatt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wing Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wingate Betsy & Page Wodell Mm·y Wolve11on Nancy & Bob Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Worcester, Jr. Clara & Carl Zirchenbach DawnZom ig Joerg. Niels & Manon Zumbaum
BENEFITGIFTS Mr. David M. Aiken Mr. & Mrs. Alec Allison Anthony & Mru1yAstmann-Top Cat Farm Cotty & Leslie Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Beldjng Kail Cadman Norman & Lori Caine Libby Calder Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl John & Athana Catlett Elizabeth C. Chrunberlain Mrs. F. Edgar Davis Mildred E. Devine Mr. & Mrs. Courtlandt P. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Hutchinson DuBosque Maud B. Duke Sybil K. Dukehart Everelt Fisher&Famil y Richard Grant Anne & Charles Haddad Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harper Eleanor Harvey Stumt & June Hotchkiss Martha B. Jacques Eads Johnson, Jr. Frank & Joan Kenna Mrs. Chester Kitchings Elwood & Bm·baraKoontz Mr. & Mrs. Albe11Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Charless-Henri Mangin Mr. &Mrs . Newton Men-ill Anoe Millru·d Mary S. Muhlhausen Robert and Frances Perfetto Barbara Smith & William E. Phillips Mrs. Constance Pike Walter & Betsy Piotrowski Toni & Harry Slifer Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0 . Southw ick Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanwood Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong 111 Mrs. Will.irunM. Tingue George & Cynthia Willauer Zelek Electr ic Co.
MEMORIAL GIFTS The outpouring of gifts honoring the memory of the loved ones in the High Hopes family was a living 1esiame11110 our mission. High Hopes is humbly grateful 10have been chosen as the recipie111 of these gifts.
In Memory of Apple
Patti A. Peoples lore/la Boucher
Eleanor Bonafonte Ma,y K. "Sis" Gould
Natalie Bieber Clayton K. Morse Jeff & Holly Ridgway
Jean & Paul Hopkins Linda B. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Kingsley Bob & Pauline Knoll J uclith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Emma Lincoln Peter& Elaine Lowe Evelyn & Gilbert Mather Stanley & Violet Miezejeski John & Nancy Morse Bill & Jeanne Nickse John J. Puhl Holly & Jeff Ridgway Mrs. Harold M. Samuels Jane Samuels Kellyanne Scully Petra B. Shearer Pauline E. Shoneck The Daniel F. Spallone Family Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Strempel Judy & David Winer Daniel & Belly Zanardi DawnZornig
Jeff & Linda Hostetler Susan Johnson Bob & Pauline Knoll Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Susan A. Ludwig Roland & Sally MacNichol Richard & Mmjorie Martin Maijorie McMenemy Mr. & Mrs. John McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Philmore Meserve Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Metzger John & Heidi Niblack Bernard & Barbara OJender Robert W. & Cheryl M. Parsons Viola S. Reid Petra B. Shearer Mabel D. Ward Margaret L. Wetherell June & Carlton Woodhouse Robe11aYeaton Franci s Sicuran:a
lesrer Harrson
Adrienne J. Mansfield John K111u/rn1
Lyme/Old Lyme Middle School Part Time Staff E. lea Marsh. .Ii:
David & Caroline McCord Eli:aberh Bird Moore
Robert & Rita Bell Capt. Wayne R. Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Cramer Caffie Gerofsky Gladys & Robert Griffin Harbor School PTO Harbor School Staff Chris & Robin Hess R. William Mortensen Lynne & Ed Stankiewicz
Diana Von Ho, ,er
Mrs. William E. Carroll Dr. & Mrs. Forest K. Harris Nicholas & Nancy Mihael Louisa B. Parker Elizabeth Ann Plack Dorrie Shipp Ken11e1hE. Wes/
David & Catherine Moore
Carol L. Yeo
Harold .I. "Bu::y'' Sralsburg Ill Consrance '"Connie'" Crosby Rice
Patricia Goldblall William W. ''Bill" Shea rer
Archives Committee o f the Business & Professional Women's Club of Hanford Inc. Sally & Stever Aubrey Myrna & Arnold Baskin Mary T. Bergan Donna D. Brown Marilyn J. Conklin Ted & Rebecca Crosby Peg & "E.T." Dewey Lynda Dyar Joseph W. Elnisky & Sandra Clemmons Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher Geraldine U. Foster Bill & Dorothy Gender Ki11 y & Jerry Greene Diane F. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn
Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Maureen M. Manuelos Holly & Jeff Ridgway Petra B. Shearer Tia & Seymour Smith
American Legion Auxiliary American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 97 The American Legion - !bell Jacobson Post No. 6 1. Inc. Howard & Naomi Anderson Anonymous APCO Products. Inc. Myrna & Arnold Baskin Gloria A. Burdick Paul & Valerie Calamari ADC Broadband Communication Jane Davison Darcy Dickinson Dr. Alice Duckworth Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Godfrey lll Kiny & Jerry Greene Mary R. Gricder & Betty G. Welles Jayne & Thomas Griffin Betz Hamtz Kenneth & JanetHallden, Jr. Mr. Charles R. Hazuka Mm-ionHebert
Ann e Ta/coll Wrigh r
Marilyn Conklin Cynthia & George Willauer Holly & Jeff Ridgway John A. Zack
Sally & Stever Aubrey Myrna & Arnold Baskin Wilma V. Bo land Erin Cain Daly Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell Jane Davison Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon LyllGou ld Killy & Jerry Greene Mary & Tom Hatton The High Hopes Board of Directors & Staff Mrs. Donald Jacobson Andrea Kennett Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Kingsley Bob & Pauline Knoll
1l1e losses in the High Hopes fmnilythis year includedthatof Apple. an Appaloosageldingwho servedthe High Hopesprogram for over IOyears. Apple was loaned to the programby Patti Peoplesand cared for by Emily Fisher during his retirement. Our progmms could not be canicd out withoutthegenero~ity.devotionand caring shown by these friends in provid ing horses forour progmm and in caring for ourhorseswhen they reach retirement.
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
Annual Report
PAID Old Lyme, CT 06371
Permit #1
Reaching out and changing lives through therapeutic riding 36 Town Woods Road • Post Office Box 254 • Old Lyme, CT 06371-0254
• Telephone (860) 434-1974