High Hopes Therapeutic Ridin g, Inc .
AnnualReport 1998 -99
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is founded on the knowledge that riding, driving and caring for horses significantly improves the lives of individuals with physicai emotional and developmental disabilities . At the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding, our mission is to p rovide a secure, challenging and companionable environment that brings the extraordinary benefits of therapeutic riding and equine activities to a wide range of individuals through the sharing of our knowledge, compassion, experience and inspiration. -High
Hopes Mission
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PRESIDENT'S REPORT The words that come to my mind in reflecting over this past year are galloping to keep pace with our growing p rograms! 1998 was a year of comm itment and in ves tment by the Board of Dir ec tors and Sta ff in the qu ality of our fut ure progra ms. We reco gnize that, while our existing facility has served us admirabl y in the past, it is inadequate to meet our futur e goa ls and obj ect ives . With that knowledge as impetu s, we made great progr ess on our Master Planning process with Centerbrook Architects and Planners. We also commited to the continuation of a maj or fu nd ra ising campaig n that will supp or t the necess ary buildin g expansion, increase our pastureland , and provide us with further endow ment fundin g to maintain our expandin g facility and programs . Fundrai sing reached an unprece dented leve l thi s year, tota ling $275 ,000, and giving us a 23% increase in operating fun ds raised over 1997 . Each year our supp ort build s it pro vide s th e entir e Board and Sta ff w ith a huge vo te of confid ence in the work we are doing and makes us eve r more gratefu l for a wonderful communi ty that believes in our mission. Our fundraising efforts peaked with our year-end benefit event, Ri ta Coolidge in Concert with High Hopes, a truly memora ble evening that was enjoyed by near ly 600 patrons and friends . The colossal volunteer effort that made this eve nt happen is, to my mind , the most important highlight of my report. I am in awe of the time and energy that people contribute unselfishly to not only our annual benefit event, but to all aspec ts of our volunteer needs. Every year that I am involved with High Hopes, I beco me more and more amazed at the ca ndle that keeps burning- the candle that Sis and her original volunteers lit 25 yea rs ago. Thi s yea r, many o f tho se orig in al vo lunt ee rs a nd suppo rters returned to High Hopes to celebrate our first Annual Founders' Day, durin g which we j oined toget her for a walk on the High Hopes tra ils up to Critter Rock (it's a very spec ial place where our young riders have create d a monument of " rock cr itters"). Once there, we dedicated that day in ceremony to all those who served as Board of Directors throu gh our first 25 years, and enjoyed a read ing of the story of High Hopes, as told by Mari anne Pfeiffer. In closing, I extend my sincerest congratu lations to all of the Board Member s, both past and prese nt, and to all of the staff, volunteers and donors who have kept the High Hopes candle burning in celebration of its 25 th anniversary. May they keep it burning for the next twe nty-five years ... and beyond.
Now many peo ple come to High Hope s. They grow stro ng. They work hard . They learn a lot. They all have fun.
Elsie Vern, the fairy so tiny and
transparentshe was almostjust an idea, has becomestrong, real, and very colorful. Sunbeam s o f happi ness stream
fromher wann brown hair. She lives
with all her mend s in the forest fairyland ofH, gh llopc s
Jg_ ;
Excerp t from "Hi gh Hopes," the children's story written and illustrated for Sis by Ma rianne Pfeiffer. Th is story was dedicated to our child ren by our founders on our first Ann ual Founders ' Day walk on March 25, 1999 .
FOUNDER Mary K. "Sis" Gould HIGH HOPES BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Roger M. Smith, President Jane Bolles, Vice President Jeffrey Ridgway, Vice President Elizabeth David. Vice President/Secretaiy Thomas J. Rodgers, Treasurer DIRECTORS Maureen 0. Augusciak Barbara Earle Ballard Linda F.Bierrie Jane I. Davison John C. Evans Geraldine U. Foster Che,y l Kelly Heffernan William D. lrving , M.D. Charles Kingsley Judith F. Lightfoot Ann Rice Anita P."Tia" Smith Wayne Southwick. M.D. Charles Terrell Kelvin N. Tyler Gurdon B. Wattles
HlGH HOPES STAFF Alison Zack Darrell, Executive Director Kitty Stalsburg, Program Director Petra B. Shearer, Business Manager Kristin Ellion Leas, Barn Manager Dawn Zornig, Program Associate Patti Coyle, Instructor Melissa Everett, Program/Volunteer Coordinator Helene Fenger, Capital Campaign Associate Judy Driscoll, Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Barbara Abrams, Instructor Ann BaiIcy, Instructor Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Bill Nclligan. lnstructor I lolly Ridgway, Instructor Amara Alpcn Cohn, Driving Instructor Mary Jane Fegan, Physical Therapist Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist Beth WatL~.Barn Assistant Carol Brining, Barn Staff/Receptionist Dawn Chucho, Barn Staff Heather Rice, Barn Staff Johnl>ri..coll. Caretaker
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Twenty-five yea rs. An amazing milestone. An amazing yea,: Our 25th Anniversary Year was one of taking stock in order to stay apace with our riders' needs . Belie ve me when I say (with joy, exhi laration and excitement) that the pace has not begun to let up. 1998 became the year that marked a new horizon for High Hopes and our ability to fulfill our mission.
It is only through the relentless and unwavering dedication of our staff, volunteers, donor s and horses that High Hopes has reached this new plateau. Our professional staff are sought internationally for their expe11ise and mentoring. Becau se our program s are cons idered among the BEST in the world of therapeutic riding , professionals throughout the country visit High Hopes in order to learn how to make their programs safe AND effective. As for our specific accompli shments , we provided 27 weeks of therapeutic riding lessons to 214 children and adults with special needs. Our Summer Camp program served 58 chjldren and approx imately 100 youth volunteers. In addition, we offered a special week- long program for 41 children from Camp Hazen. Throug h our NARHA approved Instructor Trruning Course, we graduate d 14 students. The se grad uates have taken the professional knowledge gained fro m High Hope s and are contr ibut ing to the global mission to provide therapeuti c riding to more and more people throughout the world. One graduate, Patti Coyle, has joined our staff in addition to working at Pegas us Therapeutic Riding, and others are now working in therapeu tic riding programs in Japan and New Mexjco. Our population of riders continues to diver sify as we reach out to those who need us most. This year, 17% of our riders came to us from the inner cities of New London, New Haven and Norwich. Twenty-five percent of our riders came from special needs school classes and received full funding from grants provided by the Commun ity Fou ndation of Southeas tern Connectic ut, the Bodenwein Publi c Benevolen t Foundat ion, the Kitchi ngs Family Fou ndation, the Forrest C. Lattner Foundation and the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven. Another 14% of our riders received scholarship funding provided by the Schering -Plough Foundation. In order to make the wonders of our healing equi ne enviro nment accessible to the children in our community, we offered experie ntial learning field trips for a variety of groups including Storefro nt Camp and loca l nursery schools . Our efforts throughout the year also focused on train ing and education for our volunteers, fam ilies and the horse community. High Hope s offered a Community CPR Course, a Winter lecture series and Tack 'n Talk 'n Tea sessions on topics such as Horse's Ho oves, Equine Nutrition, and Behavior Management for Children with Autism. At the Annual Horse Show, we officially retired our very own 1998 Cosequin Horse of the Year - KEA. Ridden by Kristin Elliott Leas, he performed a beautiful dressage demonstra tion and was presented with bundles of carrots by two of his adoptive families, Grace and Frank Hamilton and Mari lyn Conklin. The entire High Hopes herd of 24 horses worked rigorously throughout the year, providing more than 4,000 lesso ns to our weekly riders. And, to help ensure the good care of our vital herd, Pfizer Animal Health donated a two-year supply of their newest parasite control product Strongid C2x. In writing this report, I must admit that my own enthusiasm grows each year as I take accou nt of our successes - large and small, they all mean a great deal to the com munity that is High Hopes , and to the therapeuti c riding comm unit y at lar ge. I know that you joi n me in taking great pride in the accomp lishments of this, our 25 111year. We are well positioned to face the adventure that lies ahead over the next 25 years in our quest to continue to be the best at what we do .
Alison Zack Darrell , Executive Director
1998 - 99 VOLUNTEERS Megan Bell Liz Belli Jeanne Bellows A heartfelt THANK YOU to our many Daniel Bendfeldt volunteers who contributed 20,015 hours Chapman Berry, Jr. of their time and Jove assisting in our Caroline Bick programs, on our Board, managing our benefits... YOU continue to be the lifeblood Jennifer Bieber Linda Bierrie ofHigh Hopes. Peter Bierrie Corinne Bigiarelli M.ichael Bigiarelli Barbara Abrams KendraBigl Matt Abrams Trud.iBird Scottie Adams Elise Bischoff Lindsay Ager Maria Blackstone Kate Alberts Rebecca Bodfish Chris Allen Peter Bogoian Prue Allen Jane Bolles Simone Allen Keith Bolles Peter Alley Patricia Bolles Linda Almeida Eleanor Bonafonte Amara Alpert Debra Bonin Whitney Althouse Abigai.1Borchert MargieAnderson Gary Borla Joseph Annello Danielle Boucher CatherineApgar Chris Bourne CarolynAselton MeganBowers Cathy Athome Amanda Bowles James Atwood Peter Bradford Sally Aubrey Melissa Brady SteverAubrey David Brainard Maureen Augusciak KristinBreiseth Joseph Augusciak Meg Bremer Robin Augustadt Carol Brining StephaniAward Jeff Brining Stanley Babson Christopher Devlin Brown Elaine Backiel Morgan Brown Ann Bailey James Browne Trudy Balboni Betsie Brownell Barbara Earle Ballard JamieBryda Roland Ballek Nancy Bryda Terry Balough Marion Buchanan BrendanBansavage Karen Bullock Sara Barcewicz Charlie Burnell Tara Bartlett Liz Burnell Arnold Baskin Pat Burns Myrna Baskin Sara Bushy Erin Bauer Jill Butler Jen Baxter KenByington Tom Beaudoin Marianne Byrne KatherineBechtel Kelly Cahill Aaron Begaye VOLUNTEERS
Michael Cahill Erin Cain Carolyn Caine Barbara Cangiano Carol Cannata Julia Carey Sarah Carlson Daniel Carrero Jody Carver Matthias Case Athaoa Catlett John Caulkins DawnChacho Joyce Chandler Joline Chapman-Grieder Helen Chatman Tip Childs John Cirrito Alyssa Clark Ginny Clark Jeff Clark NicholasClements Janet Cody Tim Commander Becky Congdon Linda Congdon Marilyn Conklin The Connecticut ValleyPony Club StephanieConrad Alison Cook ElizabethCorrado Chris Coyle Patti Coyle Ann Crosby Becky Crosby Ted Crosby Beth Crowley Bill Cummings GretchenCummings Kelsey Cunningham Mary Cunningham Thomas Currier Marjorie Curtis Jeanne Cushman M.ichael Daigle Stuart Daly Allison Zack Darrell Ashley Darrell Philip Darrell ElizabethDavid Henri David
Eliza Davison Hallie Davison Janie Davison Taylor Davison Amy Day Brian DeCosta Teri Deede Debra Denison Darcy Dickinson-Scoville Anita Difabio Lisa DiGirolamo Gene DiNuzzo Melissa DiVincent Dana Dixon Kathy Doherty Dee Doolittle Justin Dorazio Sonia Dorazio Janice Douglas Erin Doyle Nancy Draayer John Driscoll Judie Driscoll Lori Ducharme KatherineDugas Michelle Dunn Harry Duval Deann Dykas KelliannEckert Ashton Edwards Barbara Edwards Jonnie Edwards John Egan Sharon Egan Beth Ehlers Phil Ellsworth Joseph Elnisky Kiisten Emanuelson Heather Engle Becky Epperson Nigel Escobedo Ruth Etchells Brendan Evans John C. Evans Anthony Everett Edward Everett Melissa Everett Theresa Everett Christina Evers Lauren Ewell Jack Faniola
MargaretFanning Diane Faryniarz Mary Jane Fay WendyFazzino Mary Jane Fegan Lauren Felix Helene Fenger Peter Ferrebee Marcella Finan Paul Finan Mary Fischer Emily Fisher Sharon Fisher Mark Foley Jared Ford Erin Fortier Jill Fortier KatherineFortier Robyn Fortier Gerald.ineU. Foster Holly Foster Sheila Fox Molly Francisco Henry Francolini Timothy Frederickson Amy Friedman Kathy Fullerton SherleyFurgueson Eliza Gager Rene Gagnon Gina Gallo Nixa Garcia Angela Gardega Cathy Gargiulo Emily Gassman Susan Gavronski Carol Gilchrist Koko Gildersleeve Kari Ann Gilland GinaGillia Dorothy Gilman Michael Girard Allison Goldsnider Damaris Gonzalez Claudia Goodrich Christopher Gorman Serena Gonnan LyttGould M.irniGourlay Jamie Gourlay Leslie Gourlay Aubrey Graham
1998-99 VOLUNTEERS Pam Graham Theresa Grano Kathleen Grater Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Keith Greene Kitty Greene Anna Greenfeld Evan Griswold Kim Groves William Groves Doreen Guarino Elizabeth Guernsey John Gundy Wendy Gunn Diana Guyton Jennifer H aagensen Kathryn Hageman Jenn ifer Hall Tara Hall Frank Hamilton , Jr. Grace Hamilton Lauren Hammea] Amanda Hardgrave Lindsey Hardin g Brian H arra Megan Harrington Liz Hartma nn Elizabeth Hartnell Maureen Haseley-Jones Meg Haskins Gail Haynes David Heath Jason Heath Chery l Kelly Heffernan Mitch Heffernan Greg Hems Kathlee n Heller Elizabeth Hemond Amber Henderson Lisa Henderson Melissa Hennessey Katherine Herbst Betsey Hernandez Allison Herren Angelina Hidal go Lisa Higgins Kathryn HoUand Dona ld Holm es Chery l Holtz- Gonnan EdenHommes Betsy Horn Bill Horn
Libby Hotra Ann Hoy John Huggins Betsy HunnewelJ Andrea Huntley Marisol Huerta s Virginia lie s William D. Irving , M .D. Laura Irwin Marylys Jackson Lisa Jaeger A lex Jagielsk i Carolyn Jagiel ski Christ ie Jagiel ski Malena Jerome George John son Karen Johnson Susan Johnson Elizabeth Johnston Becky Jones Betty Jone s Pau!J ones Valerie Jones Bunny Joseph Christy Juli an Katie Kahler Aryn Kalson Hannah Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan , M.D. Daniella Karasevi cz Barbara Kashan sk:i Connie Kastelowitz MoriaKasto Karen Keelan Alexis Keeney Kathy Keeney Janet Keffer-Nel son Robert Kelly Ruth Kelly SalJy Kelly Samantha Kennedy Jeff Kent Van Kenyon CissieKeog h Thomas Keogh Megan Keough Emily Kernozek Nancy Kindell Sheree King Charles Kingsley Kenneth Kitchings Jessica Kniesly
Pauline Knoll Robert Knoll Stephanie Knoll Phoebe Koch Maura Kolarcik Kathy Kopylec Camille Korb Kathy Korb James Korst Wendy Kozikowski Kathy Kristopik Richard Kristopik Irene Kritzer Regan Lachut Stephanie Lafarge Jessica Lampin g Jacque Landers Maura Landry Elaine LaPolla Cruz Laracuente Sue Lardner Lawrence Lavagne Noelle Lawrence Kristin Elliott Leas Mark Leas Debbie LeBlanc Christine Leopardi Marion LeQuin Alison Letourneau Joan Levin Ken Lev in Jim Lewi s Pamela S. Lewis Karen Leydet Donna Liebennan Elizabeth Lightfoot Judith Lightfoo t Richard Lightfoot Erika Lindberg Stephanie Linsenbigler Shanna Lisitano Aileen Livingsto n Ginger Lockwood Bethany Long Barbara Longo Lord Creek Farm Jean ne Lovejoy Anita Low ery Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club Judy MacDonald Sandra MacDonald Rob Madden
'The Johns" - John Molochko (above), John Sturges, Jr. (below) . They are our faithful barn and grounds volunteers who eac h work over 30 hours a week .
"I know what happiness is, for J have done good work ." - Robert Louis Steve nson
Melanie Magil ton Carole Magna no Emily Maisannes Cu,tis Manganello Alexander Manse Rod Marcoux Beth Marek Kallie Margiotta Grace Marrion Jane Marsh Vanessa Mason Jill Matthew Cis Matthiessen Scott McEver Jennifer McGaiTy Amanda McGarry BruceMcGhi e Chip Mcilwain Jessica McLain Erin McLaughlin Sharo n McLaughlin Laurie McLeod Ash ling Mcloughlin Pain McNeely John McNei l Karen McNeil Rose McRae KellyMcTurk Sue Mead Sandra Meinsen Chr is Melillo Rose Mendez Bob Messina Ca thie Mestemaker Liz Michalski Melissa Miko Margaret Milardo Katie Milbrandt Joseph Milke Mary Mille Jim Miller Aubrey Milton , DDS Abby Miner Louisa Min er Morgan Miner Jen Molochko John Molochko Chery l Monahan Andres Montoya Stephanie Moore Frances Moppen Juanit a Morale s
1998-99 VOLUNTEERS Courtney Murphy William Musgrove Patricia Myers AnneNagan Sarah Natale Claudia Natorski Bill Nelligan Jill Nelsen Jeffrey Nelson GinaNese Jo hn Niblack Aran Nichols Ear line Nicholson Maribel Nieves Beth Norton PatNuromi JaneNygran Lawry O'Connell Kathleen O'Connor DawnOduor Nancy Okie John Oliver Diane O'Nei l Jessica Owsiany Lourdes Pagan Lisa Page Cindy Pa lmer Mia Palumbo Jenn ifer Parsons To m Partridge Beth Pastor Martin Pastor Emily Peacock Kirin Peagler Barbara Pecirep Gloria Peduzzi Steven Pemmt Danielle Perry Lisa Pertoso Wendy Peterson Alissa PhilJips Ji ll Phillips Kerri Picardi Tony Picarillo Linda Picazio Tom Picazio Clare Pierfederici Meryl Pinette Steve Plyler Suzanne Pomazon Nancy Potts
Rives Potts Iris Preson Lee Pritchard John Pritchard Mary P. Pullen Mark Putnam Charlotte Quigley Donald Quigley Robert Quimby Hector Quinanes Laura Quintavalla Susan Raible Anna Ramos Janette Reid Sarah Rex road Rod Reynold s Joseph Rb odes Joseph Rhode s ll Lee Rhodes Virginia Rhode s Ann Rice Heather Rice James Rice Alex Richard son Holly Ridgway Jeffrey Ridgway Madeline Rivera Jack Rodger s Maritza Rodriguez Denise Roge rs Kati na Roger s Crystal Root Carlos Rosario Amy Rosenfield Caro l Rosenfie ld Louis Rothwax Melis sa Rowe Brenda Rowley Cynth ia Rowley Jessica Rowl ey Jennifer Ruscyzk Rebecca Russell David Saenz Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic, P.C. Donna Salemi Dawn Samborski Stephanie Sampson Mario Samual Jane Samuels Emily Sanders
Thayer Sanderson Teresa Sandoval Kelly Sauer Justin Scace Barbara Schaffer Michael Schaffer Jan Schoales Dan ica Scott Debbie Scott Molly Scott Margaret Servies Bet sy Shafer Russell Shaffe r Joel Shapiro Petra B. Shearer Meghan Sherburn Ano Shumway Nicole Siemiaszko Cherisse Simmons Karen Sinnott Harry Slifer Erin Sliva Linda Slusarz Bil l Small Che lsea Smith Marc Smith Marcia Smith Roger Smith Seymour Smith Tia Smith Tim Smith Lyn Snyder Matth ew Solak Karen Soliday Timot hy Sommella Vittoria Soto Wayne Southwick, M.D. Elizabeth Spak Suzanne Spencer Erica Stachura Siobhan Stack Terry Staderrnan Jenny Stallard Grace Stalsburg Kitty Stalsburg Robert Stalsburg Jeff Standish Carol Stan land Kristin Starr Eileen Steinfeldt Kris Stevens
Kathy Stoddard Leslie Strasser Cathy Sturges John Sturges , Jr. Taja Sullivan Coleen Sutherland Stephanie Sylvester Am1and Sylvestre Melissa D. Symonds Casey Syvertsoâ–Ą Cathy Taft
MonicaTaggrut Keleann Tamaki Alyda Tamayo Susan Tangari Barbara Tardy Carmelita Taylor Linda Callan Taylor Meghan Taylor Alex Teachworth Charles Terrell Rebecca Thin g Gary Th ompso n Kate Thompson Tiffany Thompson Lynn Thrall Nancy Tiffany Laurie Tille SkyrenTodd Lynn Toohey Iris Torre s John Tracy Sara Tunick Thom as Tunstal l Sandra TurbyfLIJ Cory Tuthill Karen Tyler Katelyn Tyler KelTyler Maritza Umpierre Les LieUrsini JeffValace Linnea Yan Gansbeke Maria Varga Marina Verhoeven Gail Wade Sarah Walker Amy Walsh Jim Walton Stacey Wanat Linda Ward
Rio Watanabe Jud y Watson Gurdon Wattles Beth Watts Carol Watts Jennifer Wayne PamWealand Anna Weisberg Amy Weiss Kyle Wells K.C. Whelen Sonny Whelen Carolyn White Johanna Wh ite Megan Whiton Amy Wilder Karen Williams Ashley Winchester Andrea Wing Thomas Wing PegeW itham Rebecca Wa llack Je ssica Worst Megan Wustman Ann Yacov ino Caitlyn Zatursky SarahZemko Fri ts Ze mike DawnZornig ZeeZornig
Achievement and self-confidence abound at our Annual High Hopes Horse Show. Thanks LO all who made this highlight of our riding year possible. BUSINESSES IND fVTDUAL SUPPORTERS Bob, Lee & Lisa Adrian A lfie, Penny & O.C. Apple Maureen, Joseph & Peter Augusciak Milly & Stan Bab son Linda & Peter Bierrie Mr. & Mrs. John Bonelli & Family John & Athana Catlett Janie Davison LyttGould Tim & Rita Grant Betty Greene Samantha Hea ly Cheryl & Mitch Heffernan lngeHier et Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Hirth Betsy & Bill Horn June Hotchkis s John and Barbar a Kashan ski Mr. & Mrs. Law rence Keefe & Family Kelsar Physical Therap y Kitty, Kathryn & Rob Mercede s Mercado The Picazio Fan1ily Mary P. Pullen John W. Rafa) & Associates AnnM.Rice Toni & Hairy Slifer Marcia & Roger Smith Tia Smith Melinda & Yalereie Stelzner Scott & Call ista Stoddard Cookie & Sam Strong Russell, Laurie & David Titl e The Zuppe Family
"Where there is great love there are always miracles. " - Willa Cather
Agway, lnc. Barri Cosmetic Laser Center Caulfield & Ridgwa y, lnc. Coca-Cola Bottling Co.of Southeastern New England , Inc. Country Restaurant Doug 's Garage, Inc. Fleming 's Feed & Hardware Fox Ledge Tack Shop Good-Spirits Shoppe, Inc. Harbor Motors Kahn Tractor & Equip ment, lnc. L & Z Indu strial Circuits Leaning Bi rch Equestrian Center M. J. Sullivan Autom otive Corner Maples Motel Marketing Horizo ns Ltd. Melzen Farm Supply Middlesex Medical Center- Shoreline Niantic Lumber Company Pilgri m Bassett Rescue Plainfield Tack Shop The Red Balloon Riverside Foreign Motors Will iam Robinson - Major Appliances Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic , PC Shoreline Sanitation, Inc. Tia Smith-Custom Stationery Photography Stalsburg Express, Inc. Steed Read Su re Nutrition The Yankee Tinsmith
1998-99 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPEAL CONTRIBUTORS High Hopes realized the increasing support of hundreds of individuals and busmesses. This outpouring of generosity provided th_e solid financial base requu-ed to sustam our diverse programs. LIFE MEMBERS We continue to acknowledge the long tenn commitment of our Life Members. Cynthia & Louis Bacon Ted & Becky Crosby Jane I. Davison Evan S. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher LyttGoul d J ohn S. Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski Th e Kitchings Family Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Mazer Rives & Nancy Potts Bernie & Karen Schwarz SPECIAL BENEFACTORS Jane I. Davison Barbara & John Kashanski Lord Creek Farm John & Heidi Niblack BENEFACTORS Robert & Barbara Earle Ballard Connect icut Morgan Horse Association Peter & Alexandra Daitch Charles H. Erhart Rigmor Heydenryk Nancy B. Krieble Mr. & Mrs. Th omas F. Moore , Jr. Robert & Sandy Mull igan Kathatine J. Reese (Mrs. William B.) Bern ie & Kare n Schwarz Marcia & Roger M. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick Sab in & Beverley Streeter Nozomi Tsuda
.. . . Barbara & Matt Abrams Maureen & Joseph Augusciak Nancy W. Brundage Mary Mille William S. Doane Mrs. Maud B. Duke Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Halsey, Jr. Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan John & Katrina Hele Mr. & Mrs. James Herman Greta & Jake Jacobs Shirley S. Langford John J. MacWilliams Mr. & Mrs. George L. Mayer (Sally) Sharon McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell William Sani Joan 0 . Sillin John M. Sturges, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Wardlaw Gurdon B. Wattles & Kathleen K. Fullerton Linda P. Williams Dorinda & Mark Winkelman
Start-A-Rider donors to our Annual Appeal are becoming a stronger source each year of th~ financial assistance needed by so many of our nders. Keith & Jane Bolles Connecticut Quarter Horse Association, Inc. William Carley & Catherine Mackey Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit Westbrook Emblem Club 535 Patricia C. Goldblatt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. The Hmtford Couram Elaine & Peter Lapolla Anne L. MacKenzie Catherine McGrady Franklin Farms, Inc. Susan Peacock Steven & Mary Pope & ECO-LOGIC Team Caroline C. Prizer Dad & Mom Stalsburg George W. Whelen IV William A. Young
Many donors memorialized and honored loved ones with contributions to the Annual Appeal. Katharine Bmtison
Robin and Brad Purcell Ernest A. Bigelow
Trudi Bird June Bob,vwitz
Petra B. Shearer Scott Boss
Patricia C. Goldblatt Ali son Zack Darrell
Ginger Bronson Gladys Doane
Petra B. Shearer
Phil Ellsworth Pratt & Whitney
Our horses are part of our staffoifts earmarked fortheircar e ~e re provided by the following individuals and families.
Sis Gould
Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Albert & Jean Graglia
Judith G. MacDonald
Linda & Jaime Almeida Carroll & Anne Boynton Susan K. Childs Peter & Alexandra Daitch Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Geraldine U. Foster Patricia C. Goldblatt Lyn Gould Betz Haartz Grace & Frank Hamilton, Jr. Kristin Karabees Bob & Penny Nelson The Picazio Family Jeff & Holly Ridgway Connie & Al Rogers Bonnie & Phil Seagull Kara Seymour Victoria & William Winterer York C. I. Recreation Dept.
Donald W Leach
Mr. & Mrs. John Morse, Jr. Judy Lightfoot
Ginger Bronson E. Lea Marsh David & Caroline McCord B elinda Monat
Jim Walton Mt: & Mrs. William W Morey Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Berardesca Jeri O'Lc111ghlin
Carol K. Ryland Holly Ridgway
The Honorable Nicola Rubinow & Scott L. Frew SIS GOULD DRIVING PROGRAM
Bill Shearer
Nancy & Don Lack June & Carlton Woodhouse
This program continues to thrive because of its generous and loyal suppo1te rs. Mm¡ilynJ. Conklin Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Patricia C. Goldblatt LyuGould Cyndie Gould Melcher Kara Seymour Gurdon B. Watlles & Kathleen K. Fullerton
Linda Almeida and Bosco .. .the following friends of Linda gave a gift to the Annual Appeal to adopt Bosco in honor of her: Susan Detz, Richard & Deena Fabricant, Dennis & Marylynn Fallon, Edgar C. Forest, James & Sandra Forest. Pat Madry, Patri cia & Ronald Maikowski, Antonio & Anne Robaina, and Julie Tunucci.
Kitty Stalsbwg
Ginger Bronson Stephen Wilk
Petra B. Shearer
The Hor Celebrating A well-trained horse is a won< responsive. Attuned to humans c had mythic power in the shaping c For people who are challenged in i be a highly effective vehicle form alike sense the animal's power inexplicable bond of nature betwe1
Building on this relationship in a st is able to bring to people extraordinary benefits as they lean Physical improvement. Confidenc ceptual gains. And ju st plain fun. The story of High Hopes over the benefits to ever more people. This techniques to deepen the effects; Therapeutic Riding (named in honi ity of the many programs; funding t and sharing its facilities , knowlec leader in national and international Credit for High Hopes' achiev ongoing leadership, highly professi unteers, and the communities that
s Healer nty-Five Years us animal - strong, gentle and n through the ages, the horse has 1ents, large and small. d or body, the horse has proved to ¡ levels of therapy . Young and old d warmth, and there occurs an hem. tured and safe setting, High Hopes ' widely varied disabilities care for and ride or drive a horse. 1dself-esteem. Social skills. Per,rses are therapeutic magic. t 25 years has been to off er these . meant refining and advancing its ~ating the Sis Gould Center for fits founder) to enhance the qual >rganization's remarkable growth; and inspiration with others as a :rapeutic riding. ents goes to its founding and .1staff, hundreds of dedicated vole supported its programs. â&#x20AC;˘ Bruce McGhie
1998-99 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPAPPEALCONTRIBUTORS SPONSORS R. Bruce, Linda-Lea Andrews Alison B. Arter Sally H. & Stever Aubrey Robin & Bruce Augustadt Jane Bennett Ann Lane & Rudolf Bergmans Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Van Brown & Wanda Tillman David P. Chatfield Roy Dubs Mrs. George S. Ebbert, Jr. Margaret M. Fisher Anne Francine LyttGould Sally & Parker Handy Sandra Meinsen & William Harreys Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hollis Mrs. Chauncey Fox Howe Mr. & Mrs. Tanner T. Hunt, Jr. Janet G. Jainschigg Cissie & Tom Keogh Charles & Gretchen Kingsley Elise S. Lapham Mrs. R.E.D. Lord Roland & Sally MacNichol Michele Mitchell Dorothea Moore William H. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt ill Bill & Pammie Post Ann & David Mark Primo Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Jean T. Sargent Mr. & Mrs. Craig Saxton Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Tom & Mary Schaaf Tia & Seymour Smith Judy & David Winer Heidi & Rick Worcester SUSTA.INERS Anonymous Mrs. George H. Darrell Elizabeth H. Eddy Kathy & Ruth Heller Mr. & Mrs. George C. Matthiessen
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. David & Barbara Preston Mr. & Mrs. James Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappan Soper Mrs. John Webster SUPPORTERS Bob & Lee Adrian Richard Alexander Aug4sta R. Alsop Dorothy & Curt Askelson Patricia A. Daragao & Michael A. Axelrod Stan & Milly Babson John & Jackie Ball Alexandra & Daniel Barber Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Barringer Myrna & Arnold Baskin Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Belding Mr. &Mrs. RobertL. Bennett Gregg C. Beason Chip & Nick Berry Mr. & Mrs. F. Bieber Sally J. Bill Joan & Barry Bloom Gary F. Borla Mary L. Broughton Mr. & Mrs. H. Templeton Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George R. Bullitt Norman & Lori Caine Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Chapin ill Chrisholm Marina Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark ill Kay & Logan Clarke Mrs. MargaretM. Clucas Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Comstock H.B. Comstock Family Jay & Devon Cross Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell Joseph W. Elnisky & Sandra Clemmons Sue Keith Elverston Frank Jarrabeck/ESSENCE Center for Beauty and Wellness Ed & Melissa Everett MargaretFay-Morse Paul & Marcella Finan John & Alison Forbis Pearl A. Fournier Michael & Sherley Furgueson Tim & Susan Gavronski Patricia C. Goldblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grace Heather & Michael Greenaway John S. Griswold Donna Gustafson-Tardif Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Halsey Robert F. Herbst Sheila Herzog Sue Hessel - Karen Dahle Selina W. Hewlett Inge Hieret Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hildreth David & Muriel Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Hirth Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn Stuart & June Hotchkiss Shirley F. Howard Mr. Frank W. Hubby Ill Ano & Faulkner Hunt Miss Kate Ireland Dr. & Mrs. William Irving Interdesign Ltd., Jonathan B. Isleib Susan & Jonathan Jewett Caroline B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ward L. Johnson Janet W. Jones Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Robert P. Keim Marjorie V. Kittredge Mr. & Mrs. James Korst Alvin W /l(rech Sheparci'Krech,Jr. William H. Lanagan Joan & Kenneth Levin Juditl1F. & Richard B. Lightfoot The Rev. & Mrs. James Lowery Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. MacGruer Joyce & Robert Mailhouse Mr. & Mrs. Charles-Henri Mangin Amalia Martin Chip & Donna Mcllwain Bruce & Renee McIntyre Mrs. Thomas P. McLaughlin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Newton P.S. Merrill Gail & Andy Morris Helene Nichols Thomas J. & Maureen O' Gorman Harry & Deborah S. Oakley Ors. John & Corrie Paardenkooper R. I. Pearce Stephen & Marilyn Percy
VIrginiaQ. Peterson Constance Pike Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Ranelli Dr. & Mrs. Robert Recor Mr. & Mrs. John Rexroad James R. & Ann M. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Richardson Jack Rodgers Glen & Constance Rokicki Alice F. Schmutz Richard & Nancy Schoeller Mrs. Marianna Shepard Toni & HaITySlifer Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Strong Ill Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Nika P. Thayer Sandy & Tony Thurston Tire Country Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin N. Tyler Tim & Suzanne Tyler Dr. Manfred & Patricia Schach van Wittenau Linda & David Ward William Blunt White George & Cynthia Willauer Clara & Carl Zirkenbach FRIENDS Joseph A. Aceto Peggy Baer Dr. & Mrs. Jospeh A. Bardenheier Robin & Charles Baskett S. W. Beckett VeterinaryServices Ben Begleiter & Anna Weisberg Eleanor L. Bonafonte Branford VeterinaryHospital Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brightwell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Burkarth Mrs. Richard S. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Roger Caras Dorrit P. Castle David P. Chatfield Connecticut VeteiinaryMedical Assoc. Peter & Karen Cummins Sue B. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. Earle Dane Mrs. F. Edgar Davis Barbara & Jan Deutsch Mildred Devine Charles & Phoebe Dey
1998-99 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPEAL CONTRIBUTORS BiJI& Sue Dion Mr. & Mrs. Courtland! P. Dixon Elizabeth W. Doering Col. James H. Drum USA-Ret. Mrs. Sybil K. Dukehart Helen & Gerry Dyar Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ekstrom Commander Barbara Ellis Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Jan Walzer Etzel & David Etzel Sallie G. Farrel Dr. Francis L. Finley, Jr. Robert N. Fountain Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday, Jr. Reginald H. Fullerton, Jr. Mrs. ViTginiaM. Galpin Whitney & Nancy Garlinghouse Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Goldenring Edith S. Griswold Dorothy R. Harris VarickD. Harrison Hans-Jurgen & Liselotte Hess Louise Hexter Eleanor & Roger Hilsman Margaret B. Howe Katherine & Margaret Kane Sally S. King Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LaRue Leslie Bieber Lewis Susan & Bob Ludwig Diane M. Mazza Mr. & Mrs. Elton B. McCausland Ors. John & Marcia McGowan Mrs. Straiton N. McKillop Mr. & Mrs. James McQuade Mrs. B. C. Milner Ill Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Moll Claudia & David Natorski Claudia]. Newell Carol Ann Newman Nancy C. Olmstead Cynthia R. Palmer Dorothy E. Pansius Mrs. Eileen S. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Livingston Platt, Jr. Donald A. Quigley Dr. & Mrs. Donald Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Leland H. Reynolds Jordan Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Romanowski Rebecca A. Russell Carol K. Ryland Claire Sauer Janet & John Schloss
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Mary Peck Schwartz Sara Scott Petra B. Shearer Max Showalter Mr. & Mrs. Elting H. Smith Malcolm & Donna Speirs Beverly, David & Suzanne Spencer Jon Irwin & Siobhan Stack Peg Sweeney Nancy Taubman Mrs. William M. Tingue Willis & Dorothy Umberger Doug & Karen VanDyke Mr. & Mrs. David Viola, Jr. Mrs. Jane A. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Randall Ward John & Debbie Welles Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. West Louise M. Wimpfheimer Mary C. Woolverton Mary E. Worthen ADMIRERS Fred E. & Frances L. Acker Joyce S. Ahem Anonymous Michael & Suzanne Aubrey Cathy Auger Ayer Mountain Farm Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bellingham Mimi & Bill Benner Maria Blackstone Leila R. Bowman Mary & Alan Bradford Kl'istin Breiseth Lynn & Lissie Brooks Shirley Ross Brown Hanna & Steven Calcagni Linda & Anthony Camarra Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl Peter F. Carlson Sarah & Sabrina Catlell Mrs. B. B. Chamberlain Ms. Loma M. Chang D. L. Chieppa Muriel Clough Jan Royce Conant Jane Allen Conn Isabel X. Cooney Karyn Cordner Barbara S. Crawford Freddy & Horner Davis
Rachael M. DeLonge Patricia Cyr & Wayne E. DeVoe Kathy & Jack Doherty Debra & Dana Duncan Virginia Earle Mr. & Mrs. David Edwards Jane H. Edwards Mary Gould Ellicott (Mrs. V. L.) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely, Jr. Josephine C. English Megan Eno Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fach Mary E. Fischer Elizabeth B. & Clive R. Fisher Robyn & Mark Fortier Liz Frankel Victoria G. Freeland Sheila Giordano Mary Ann S. Goodrich Sherrell Grean Mr. & Mrs. Willam A. Gregory, Sr. Mike Griggs Robert & Rena Grodd Mr. & Mrs. William H. Grover Elizabeth Hamilton Jennifer Hammond Susan & Henry Healy Richard & Carol Hindman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hurley Martha B. Jacques Melanie & Eric Jarvis Diane1essup Janet P. Keffer-Nelson Jane Kitz Anne & Helen Klingler John & Jrene Kritzer Breck & Susan Lardner Marion Lequin Marji Lexton Betty L. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Rodman Lucas Charlene Lynch Patricia Madasci Virginia H. Martin Rod & Marguerite Mattison Michael & Ellen Maus Eugene & Deena McCarthy Ors. Christopher & Susan Mccawley Donald & Virginia McCue Kathy & John McCurdy Ms. Julie McGovern MMjorieMcMenemy
John & Pamela Melroy Anne & Paul Millard Mrs. Bamby Miller D.A. Morris R. William Mortensen Ill MaryMrouse Erl.ing& Dorothy Nord Mrs. John O'Connell John & Jackie Opeka Rob Palmer Kelly & Cheryl Parsons Laura M. Pedersen Jim & Bobbi Pedrick Mr. Richard Pettit Melanie Phoenix Walter & Betsy Piotrowski Michele Pipkin Louis Proto MMgaret Quirin The Rev. & Mrs. George Razee Margaret & Colin Revill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway Mrs. T. M. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Roberts Gillian Rose Marian Rowland Louise W. Russell Anna P.Schilder Jessie Y. Shepard Miss Pauline Shoneck Mark A. Simiola Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Sollis Virginia W. Sperry Kitty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathryn Hageman Mr. & Mrs. John S. Stankus Carol & David Stanland Scott & Callista Stodd3J'd Regina & Mitchel Strand Katharine B. Strong Seaworthy Systems, Inc. Linda Callan Taylor Mrs. Peter S. Thacher John J. Torrenti Mark Warren Gail R. Werwaiss William F. Werwaiss Phyllis & Marc Zakrajsek
CORPORATE & FOUNDATION GRANTS Grants to High Hopes in 1998-99 provided program funding for inner-city and multihandicapped children from New Haven, New London , and Middlesex counties and a major portion of the scholarships needed by our riders. The Howard Bayne Fund Bodenwein Public Benevo lent Foundation Carolyn Foundation The Essex Community Fund Essex Savings Bank Community Investme nt Program FLEET The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven The Chester W. Kitching s Foundation T he Reynold s Charitable Foundation , Inc. Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. Douglas & Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Elmina B. Sewall Foundation Max Solomon Foundation The Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut Louis F. & Mary A. Tagliatela Foundation Telephone Employees' Community Services Fund l\lATCHIN(; GIFT COMPANIES High Hopes gratefully acknowledges those companies that genero usly extend their support on behalf of their employees' commitment to our work. AES Thame s, Inc. Champion The Cbase Manhattan Foundat ion The Henry Luce Foundation Pfizer lnc. Ziff Brother s Investments ENDO\Vl\lENT GIFTS We are grateful to those who help us secure our future by thoughtful gifts to our Endowment Fund. Anonymou s Maureen & Joseph Augusciak Mr. & Mrs . Russell Ford Geraldine U. Foster Mitch & Chery l Heffernan The Holstei n Foundation John S. Joh nson Mr. & Mrs. Geor ge M. Lethbrid ge, Jr. Roland & Sally MacNichol Lee & John Pritchard John & Jessie Robert s Chri stopher Robinson & Kate Mitchell Deborah & S. Spencer Scott
SCHOLARSHIP GIFTS The generosity of these dono rs, coup led with our Stait-ARider and gra nt scholars hips, continues to enable High Hopes to enroll riders regardless of their need for financial aid. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Sharon & William Chene tte Marilyn J. Conk.Jin lrene & Nunzio Corsino 11 Ted & Becky Crosby Westbrook Emblem Club 535 Dick & Jenny Fischer The Peter Gasperini Fami ly Katharine Gi ldersleeve Bob & Paul KnolJ The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club The Rev. & Mrs. James Lowery Marcia M. Scha ller Marcia & Roger M. Smith The WiUiams School Judy & Dav id Winer
Beverly. Dav id & Suzanne Spencer Dad & Mom Sta lsburg Mrs. Gary Swenson Jordan Thompson Beth Watts DawnZornig I
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who provide funds for special needs, often meeting demands which are beyond our budgeted capac ity. Barbara & Matt Abrams Dylan Abrams Linda & Jaim e Almeida Trudi Bird Richard, Carol, & Jeff Brinin g Marilyn J. Conklin Ted & Becky Crosby John & Judi e Driscoll Elizabeth Ehlers LyttG ould Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Judith G. MacDonald Bruce McGbie Arcolina Monzeglio Charles F. Monzeglio David P. Monzeglio Charles F. Monzeglio, Jr. Nancy Okie The Picazio Family Rives & Nancy Potts Je ff & HolJy Ridgway George, Sharon, & Marisa Rockwel I Saddle Sores Riding C lub Petra B. Shearer Diane Silveria Marcia & Roge r M. Smith
GIFTS IN KIND Gifts in kind, of goods and serv ices, enric h High Hopes in many ways, and often come anonymous ly in response lo a keen observation of need. We are grateful for all of these gifts. Barbara & Mau Abrams Dylan Abrams Anonymous Sally H. & Stever Aubrey Patricia A. Daragan & Michael A. Axe lrod Rowland & Nancy Ballek Suzanne Birks - Source, lnc. Keith & Jane Bolles Caro l Brining John A. Caltabiano, DVM Lesl ie Chambers Burton Chapman Child & Family Agency of Southeas tern Connec ticut, Inc. Ceil, Inc. Marilyn J. Conkl in Ted & Becky Crosby Custom Wood Turnings, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon Elizabeth Ehlers Kristin Ell iott Leas Fast Trac Ideas, lnc. Mary Jane Fegan B ilJ & Dorothy Gender Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Guptill
Horse Country Sadd lery Betsy Hunnewell Ja ke Kirschner Laysville De li Ailee n Livingston Joe & Ken Melzen Cathie Mestemaker Mountain Spring Water, lnc. Bill Nelligan DawnO duor Old Lyme Frame Shop Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Osborne P fizer, Inc. The Picazio Fantil y Che t & Penny Reneson Mr. & Mrs. John Rexroad Riverside Press Salem Valley Veterinary Hospital, PC Marcia M. Schaller Mr. & Mrs. John L. Senn ing Petra B. Shearer Cheryl Fogg Sheridan The Siborg Fami ly Marcia & Roger M. Smith Tia & Seymou r Smith Joanne Staley Dad & Mom Stalsbu rg Kitty Stalsb urg Jo hn M. Sturges, Jr. Mrs. Gary Swenson Mr. & Mrs. William R. Taylor Rich & Lesley Ursini Linda & Da vid Ward Stacey Ward Hunter Watts Barbara White Lea Williams Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Wolcott rn
1999 ANNUAL BENEFITCONTRIBUTORS High Hopes is fortunate to have so many individuals, businesses, and other friends who stepped forth to make Rita Coolidge in Concert with High Hopes a great success, providing 26 % of the operating funds required to run our programs. CORPORATE UNDERWRITER
FLEET DINNER SPONSORS BankBo ston First Union Capital Markets Corp. CORPORATE BENEFACTORS The Advest Group , Inc. Brewers Pilots Point Marina Citizens Bank Essex Savings Bank & John W. Rafa) & Associates Menill Lynch Reynolds' Garage & Marine,lnc. Shoreline Eye Group, RobertJ. Klimek,M.D. & John J. Reilly , M.D. Smith Barney Asset Management U. S. Trust Company of Connecticut Webster Bank CORPORATE SPONSORS Aegaen Trea sures Carrier Corporation Caulfield & Ridgway, Inc. Daniels Oil Company The Griswold Inn New Haven Savings Bank Niantic Lumber Company Old Lyme Shopping Center& Mystic Factory Outlets Saybrook Country Barn Saybrook Oil Comapny, Inc. Sennheiser Elctronic Corporation John & Susan Senning The Strong Agency Chris Crowell - Structural Graphics Wiggin & Dana
CORPORATE SUPPORTERS Angler Adventures Bill's Seafood Restaurant Centerbrook Architects Susan Griggs - Crossroads Travel Dahlke Financial Group, Inc. Duble and O'Heam, Inc. Gladeview Health Care Center Hadlyme Country Store Interdesign Limited Liberty Bank Maus & Son , Inc. Angus McDonald/Gary Sharpe & Associates , Inc. New England Consulting Group of Guilford,lnc. Niantic Awning Co., LLC Nina Cuccio Peck Architecture Mary P. Pullen River Linens Waller, Smith & Palme r, P.C. The Wilkes Group, Inc. Zelek Electric Co. - Ray & Laureen Zelek OT HER BUSINESS SUPPORTERS A & P Wine & Spirits James D' Alessio. J. Alden Clothiers Aleia's, Old Saybrook Anne's Bistro Banfi Vintners. Charles & JoAnne Park Beaux Pres Farn1 Ltd. Bee & Thistle Inn, Old Lyme Bennie's Farm Market BJ's Wholesale Club. Inc. Black Seal Seafood Grill Black Whale Antiques The Bowerbird Cafe Routier The Chart House Chen-ystones Restaurant Cheste r Village West Cloud Nine Coca-Cola Bottling Co.of Soutl1eastern New England , Inc. Columbia Air Services , Inc. Copper Beech Inn Creative Cooking Crow 's Nest Gourmet Deli Cuckoo's Nest Phil Darrell Lighting Design Eco-Logic Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale Restaurant
Flanders Fish Market- Paul M. & Donna M. Formica The Foodsmith - Alison Marcinek Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees, Old Saybrook The Grist Mill The Hideaway Restaurant & Pub, Old Lyme High Output, Inc. The Inn at Ches te r It's Only Natural Restaurant, Middletown Kebab ian Oriental Rugs , New Haven Landing Market- Cafe & Bakery - East Haddam LaysvilleDeli Lux , Bond & Green Manchester Ice, Old Saybrook Abby Miner Catering, Essex Mohegan Sun Mystic Scrimshanders The Needlepoint Shop of Guilford Olive Oyl 's Carry Out Cuisine , Essex Oliver's Taverne Pasta Vita Pasta Unlimited The Pattaconk 1850 Bar & Grille Michel & Cynthia Keller, Restaurant du Village, Chester Rob Rivers, The Salon & Spa Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Richard D. Scofield Historic Lighting, Chester Shaboo Productions Shore Discount Liquors Sorella's Fine/e,~eler SpeedVisiiodNetwork, LLC Summer Music, Inc. Sunbeam Fleet Susan Senning Tamar Vanderbrooke Bakers & Caterers R. J. Vickers Herbery Water's Edge Inn & Resort, Westbrook The Wbeatmarket Wine & Roses, Old Saybrook BENEFIT PATRONS Matt & Barbara Abrams Mr. & Mrs. C. C larke Ambrose Maureen & Joseph Augusciak James Bairstow Barbara Ear le Balla.rd Myrna & Arnold Baskin Trud i Bird John & Athana Catlett
Thomas & Susan Child s Penny Cook Ted & Rebecca Cro sby Henri & Liz David Janie Davison Mary Mille & William S. Doane Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn llT Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Phil Evans Emily T. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Geraldine U. Fos ter Dr. & Mrs. Steven & Patricia Goldblatt Henry & Geraldine Golet Polly Webster & Lytt Gould Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grace Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Grace & Frank Hamilton. Jr. Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Shirley F. H oward Greta & Jake Jacobs Pedro & Linda Johnson David Lamer & Kristin Karabee s Barbara & John Kashanski Mrs. Ado lph Kastelowitz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keogh John Sherman King & Jean Callan King Allan Dodds Frank & Lillian M. King Breck & Susan Lardner Kathereine B lack Lee Mr. George M. Leth bridge, Jr. Leonard Liebennan N icholas Clements & Elizabeth Lightfoot Richard B. & Judith F. Lightfoot Claire & Bill Lyon Lee & Jack Mac Williams Jim & Jill Matthew Peter & Susan McCall Amy Mc Cau ley Richard & Judi McKnight Bill & Donna McNamara Wilhelm Meya & M ichelle Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy, Jr. John & Heidi Niblack John Paardenkooper Tom & Linda Picaz io James & Nancy Plyler Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Richardson Joyce Zissu & Elizabeth Ridgway
1999 ANNUAL BENEFIT CONTRIBUTORS David Savin John & Janet Schlo ss Bernie & Karen Schwarz Petra B. Shearer Kev in J. Small Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Smith Penny Snow Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick Robert R. & Grace A. Sta lsb urg Kirsten & Eric Stephens Richard & Leslie Strauss Sandy & Tony Thurston Dave & Laurie Title Gurdon 8. Wattles & Kathleen K. Fullerton Dan & Carol Watts Tish & Ned Wedlake Mrs. Valentine Zahn Ray & Laureen Zelek BENEFIT FRIENDS Bon nie Wolfrat & John Al len, M.D. Linda & Jaime Almeida David & Charlene Amacher Eileen D. Baker John & Jackie Ball Robert & Marcy Baratt Mr. & Mrs . John W. Barclay Aaron Begay Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Benson Chip &Nicki Berry Linda & Peter Bierrie Sa lly J. Bill Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert E. Borden Robert & Margaret Brady Meg & Ed Bremer Mr. & Mrs. Mason Britton Lynn & Lissie Brooks David S. Brown Suzie & Temp Brown Amy Bruch C. P. Burdi ck & Son, lnc . Gregory Cahill Kelly & Michael Cahill M. J. & D. P. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Camarra Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Clark Gretchen & Woody Comstock Mr. & Mrs. George H. Connera t Mr. & Mrs. Robert 8. Cooney Katherine E. Cowles Patti Coy le Peter G. Curtis & Sue Schaffer Jude Read & Sloan Danenh owe r
Phil & Alison Zack Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Di ckinson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon Constance Dixon Diana Doolittl e Mr. & Mrs. Lawrenc e Dorman Jonnie & Ash Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott Bob & Debbie English Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferrebee Holly Fo ster Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fournier Jack & Chip Frost Whitney & Nancy Garlioghouse Tim Gavronsk.i Ed & Cathleen Gerwig Rich ard & Katharine Gilder sleeve Mimi Gour lay M. Lichter-G reenwald & Alan J. Gree nwald Dale Callaway & Matt Griswold Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick Sally & Parker Handy Ann Hoy & Brian Harra Dr. & Mrs. RandaJl Harris Ann Haviland Mrs. Astrid Horan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Horn Marivn & Sue Horwitz Be.tsy & Bob Hunnewell Frank Jarrabeck Susan & Jonathan Jewett Susan & James Johnson Philip M. & Elizabetl1 John stone Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kane Ann Bazinet & Susan P. Kane Elizabeth & Peter Karter Betty & Dick Kehoe Bob & Ruth Kelly Cliff & Carmel Kelly Sol & Turdy Klioze Dr. Gerry Fischbach & Stephhanie Knoll William T. Koch, Jr. & Virginia Rhode s Richard T. Cersosimo & Valerie J. Koif Kate Haakon sen & Chris Larmour ine Appolonia Morrill & John Lightfoot Joh n Lindsay John & Mary Lindsay Catherine & Brnce Littman Mr. & Mrs. Ro land MacNichol
Rob ert W. & Grace Marrion Espen Lea Marsh Anne & Peter Matthews George & Sally Mayer Angus & Mary McDonald Bruce McGhie John Tracy & Sharon McLaugh lin Thoma sa McNamara & Lisa Faris Mark Miminos Dorothea Moore Frances & Char les Moppett Anne & Douglas Nagan Jack & Betty Nelsen Mr. & Mrs. John Nelsen Jeffrey T. Nelson Mr. Harry S. Oakley, Jr. John & Beth Olmstead Ben & Libby Orvedal Cindy Palmer James & Paula Palmieri Justus & Lillias Paul Kate & Stevens Peale Mr. & Mrs. Jame s Pfeffer Sara Qua & Tony Piccirillo Walter & Betsy Piotrowski Dr. & Mrs. David Primo Lee & John Pritchard Don & Charlotte Quigley Susan M. Raible Nancy & Don Rank.in Leland & Irene Reynold s Les & Diane Reynolds Lee & Joe Rhodes James R . & Ann M. Rice Alex Richardson & Liddy Karter Connie & Al Rogers Frank Finley & Cynnthia Rowl ey Judy Schaaf Gary & Phyllis Sharpe Ano Shumway Tia & Seymour Smitl1 Charles R. Hazuka & Patti Stalsburg Eileen M. Steinfeldt Mitchel & Reg ina Strand John M. Sturges, Jr. Ms. Sari Roboff & Dr. Joseph Sussman Ken & Cari Sweitzer Linda Callan Taylor Dave & Nancy Tiffany Don Schweitzer & Laurie Tomlinson Dou g & Jen Torey Peggy & Felix Trammer Suzanne & Tim Tyler Willis & Dorothy Umberger Leendert & Tracy Van Vliet
Margaret Von Ehr Brooke & Chris Walsh Monte & Sally Wetzler Lee & Doug White Andrea Wing P.O. & Joan Wingate Lyn & Ed Wolcott Clara & Carl Zirkenbach BENEFIT GIFTS Ernest & Beatrice Anderso n Nancy Anderson Anonymous Delphine & David Archamb au lt Dr. & Mrs. Jospeh A. Bardenheier Robert W. Baumer Daviid & Allison Beaudelle Brnce & Kraemer Becker Frank & Joan Behrendt Ann Lane & Rudo lf Bergman s Trudi B ird Donald & Peggy Bloom Robert & Margaret Brady Virginia lie s Chris & Libb y Cathcart Mr s. V. B. Chamberlain m Bill & Helen Chatman Kay Chiat Mr. & Mrs. Harry Clarke Patti Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Jay Cross Peter & Alexandra Daitch Mrs. George H. Darrell Janie Davison Guy & Diane Deutermann Bob & Lorelei Diamond Darline & Bob Doane Dr. & Mrs. John R. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mr. & Mr s. Mat thew G. Ely, Jr. Charles & Sylvia Erhart Margaret Fay Morse John & Alison Forbis Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford Tim & Susan Gavronsk.i Katharine Gilder sleeve Lytt Gould Timothy & Diane Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Halsey Eleanor A. Harvey Mitch & Cheryl Heffe rnan Mr. & Mrs. James Hennan Stuart & June Hotchkiss Ann & Faulkner Hunt
Martha B. Jacques Mr. & Mrs. Douglas N. Jones Chris Kno ll Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kops Nancy B. Krieble Mr. & Mrs. Delano Ladd , Jr. Sam Lardner Joan & Kenneth Levin John A. Locus Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Lovelace Tonya Lyn ford & Dylan Abrams Mr. & Mrs. Charles-Henri Mangin Bill & Marion Mathes Peter & Susan McCall Sharon McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. New ton P.S. Merr ill Anne & Paul Mi llard JoAnn & Jon Millen son TheMiltmore s Mr. & Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. Leif & Katherine Nilsson Elena & Michael Patterson James & Jacquelyn Pedrick Constance Pike Lee Justice & Robert Pope Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Jean T. Sargent Robert & Caro l Schneider Deborah & S. Spencer Scott Petra Shearer Charles A. Shepard m Joan 0. Sillin Toni & Harry Slifer Kevin J. Small Marcia & Roge r M. Smith Tia Smith Bill & Lynda Steere Sab in & Beverl ey Streeter Katharine 8 . Stro ng Robert D. Taisey Don & Jen Torey Linda & David Ward Mr. & Mrs. Peter Webster George W. Whelen IV Lee White, Krista Kern , & Jack Flaws Mr. & Mrs. Ken Zak
June 1998 Total All Funds
ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and Equivalents UnconditionalPromises to Give Total Current Assets
Endowment Investments
Land, Buildings, Equipment and Horses, At Cost, Net
21....!.M. $256,059
44.499 $245,721
1, 119,907
Due from Endowment
Long-term Unconditional Promises to Give
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities: Mortgage Payable, current portion
Due to operating
Total Liabilities Net Assets: Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
June 1999
June 1998 Total
308,427 19,005
262,082 53,000
Unrest ricted
1,212,351 95,630 1.Q51,@l $2,359.669
1,104,900 110,415 1,025,722 $2,241.037
*Audited.finan cial stateme/11savailable in High Hopes' office.
Operating Capital Endowment Total Support Revenue: Fees for Services Investment Income Other Income Net Realized Investment Gains Umealized Gain on Inve stments Net Assets Released from Restrictions Total Revenue Total Support, Revenue and Gains EXPENSES Program Services
97,085 19,005
$2 1).342
$52 1,46Q
119,107 45.902 9,604 27,943
119,107 45,902 9,604 27,943
U6,835 45,774 11,207 27,146
~ ~
(13Q,875} $(13Q,875}
$58!:! 856
323,22 1 93,634
275,358 82,835
General and Administrative Fund Raising Total Expenses
323,221 93,634 45,369 $462,224
~ $400,644
$1 104,20Q
$110,4 15
$2,211 Q31
$1,212,35 1
$I,Q51 688
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Non -Profit Organization U.S. Postage
Annual Report
PAID Old Lyme, CT 06371 Permit #1
Twenty-five years of changing lives through therapeutic riding
36 Town Woods Road • Post Office Box 254 • Old Lyme, CT 06371-0254
• Telephone (860) 434-1974