High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. 1999-2000
Annual Report
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is founded on the knowledge char riding, driving and caring for horses significantly improves the lives of individuals with physical, emotional and developmental disabilities. Ac che Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding, our mission is to provide a secure, challenging and companionable environment that brings the extraordinary benefits of therapeutic riding and equine activities co a wide range of individuals through the sharing of our knowledge, compassion, experience and inspiration. -High Hopes Mission
Founder Mary K. "Sis" Gouldt
High Hopes Board of Directors
H orseschangelives. They give... peopleconfidenceand self esteem.They providepeaceand tranquility to troubledsouls- they give us hope.I - Toni Robinson
Officers Roger M. Smith, President Jane Bolles, Vice President Jeffrey Ridgway, Vice President Elizabeth David, Vice President I Secretary Charles Terrell, Treasurer Cheryl Kelly Heffernan, Vice President of Development
o rhar end, chis year bas been marked by increased programs
Sharp Trainio,g Inc., a local vocacional training agency, we provided a
and acrivicies chat provided hundreds of individuals wirh rhe
job sire for a young hig h school client .
ext raordinary benefits of therapeutic riding and equine acriviries. Against rhac backdrop, 1 am very proud ro high light some of our accomp lishments: High H opes provided weekly rherapeuric riding lessons ro
Directors Sally H. Aubrey Maureen 0. Augusciak Barbara Earle Ballard Linda F. Bierrie Jane I. Davison John C. Evans Geraldine U. Foster William D. Irving, M.D.
Charles Kingsley Judith F. Lightfoot A. Rives Potts Ann Rice Wayne Southwick, M.D. Kelvin N. Tyler Gurdon B. Wattles
Honorary Directors Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr. Grace Hamilton Frank Hamilton, Jr.
High Hopes Staff Alison Zack Darrell, Executive Director Kitty Stalsburg, Program Director Petra Shearer, Business Manager Helene Fenger, Development Officer Kristin Elliott Leas, Barn Manager Dawn Zornig, Program Associate Melissa Everett, Program Administrator Judie Driscoll, Administrative Assistant Barbara Abrams, Instructor Ann Bailey, Instructor Patti Coyle, Instructor Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Bill Nelligan, Instructor Holly Ridgway, Instructor Amara Alpert Cohn, Driving Instructor Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist Carol Gilchrist, Barn Assistant Carol Brining, Barn Staff I Administrative Assistant Heather Rice, Barn Staff John Driscoll, Caretaker
227 special needs children and adults, including srudenrs in schoo l gro ups from the inner cities of New London, New H aven and
Helene Fenger. The immediate impact of her work was evident this year in what was a major milestone for H igh Hopes ... we were awarded a $220,000 Challenge Granr from the prestigious Kresge foundation for rhe future expansion of the H igh Hopes facility.
Middlesex Counties. I am pleased ro report chat we were once again
Because of Hi gh Hopes¡ accomplishments, we're often asked ro
able ro provi de scholarships ro more than 45~f of these students
consult on whar it rakes to make a successful therapeutic rid ing
through rhe generous support of individuals and Foundation grants.
center. Afrer lengthy conte mplation, J've finally concl uded rhat
Another 200 of our program parricipants came co us as field rrip groups, and for ocher experienrial learning acriviries. Some of those groups were from Ease Lyme Middle School, Lillie B. Haynes Elementary School, and Connecticut Services for the Blind.
the answer is not something rhar we could ever "packa,ge." Our success doesn¡r come from gimmicks or magic. It's very straig htforw ard. H igh H opes works because of YOU , t he dedicated, caring and generous people in our communiry. And because we remain sceadfasrly dedicated ro providin g each of our riders wirh
H igh Hopes brings ch ildren of ALL abilities rogerher each year in
personal arrention from our ourscanding staff and volunteers. And
our Summer Camp program. Tbi s year, we served 78 children and approximately JOOyouth volunteers.
that's something abour High Ho pes rhat will never change.
In addition ro our core group of approximately 125 volunteers who work regularly in our programs, we were joined by individuals from Vista of Westbrook, AJC, Church ofLarrer Day Saines, United Scares
a!wxJu;O~ Alison Zack Darrell Excmtire DireC/or
Coast Guard Academy, Youch and Family Services of Old Saybrook, Dow Chemical, rhe 4-H Club, Mr. Saint John School , Sea Scout s and Community Service volunteers. Their generosity provided
Shaping the future of Therapeutic Riding , one graduate at a time .
Hi gh Hopes wirh more than 16,000 recorded hours of service. Board Members and ochers who worked on our benefit evencs and other projects gave countless additional volunteer hours. H igh H opes was again approved by the North Ameri can Riding for che Handicapped Association (NARHA) ro offer the lnscru cror Training Course. We contin ue to be one of just a few rherapeuric riding centers in the country with the capacity and ability ro rrain instructors for cerrifi cacion. This year, we graduated I 4 students from our course. In add ition, through rhe excellence of our programs, we were able ro host rhe NAR H A Master Exam for 4 inscrucrors seeking NAR HA cerr ificarion ar che Master level. We emba rked upon a pilot program for mentoring and skills develo pment in stable management. In partnership with
t Deceased
High Hopes rook a big step coward ensuring rhe future growth of our programs rhis year when we hired our Development Offi cer,
Instructor training course graduates, Becky Cahill (L) with Poncho and Kate Beaugard (R) with April.
s J reflect upon my two years as President of the Board of High Hopes, it seems like only yesterday that we sac down ro talk about our vision for rhe future and, consequently, mustered up rhe courage to embark upon rhe second phase
of a major fundraising campaign co expand the facility and increase our endowment.
Now, a year and a half later, we have a Building Expansion Plan and have raised nearly $2 million coward our $2.6 million Campaign goal. As part of tliat fundraising effort, we app lied for and were awarded a $220,000 Challenge Grant from the Kresge Foundation. The Kresge Foundation is one of che most prestigious and sophisticated foundations support ing the work of nonprofit organizations, with very high expectations and guidelines for giving. Receiving this award is a testimonial to rhe
Building Our Futur
progress High Hopes has made over its first twenty-six years. While this grant award is a real boost co the Campaign, receipt of the $220,000 is contingent upon our raising approximately three times chat amount by September I, 2001 . We are optimistic char chis will be done, bur it will require continued hard work and a lot of support from the community. As you read chis, we will have begun requesting bids on our expansion projecr. Riders, staff, parents and volunteers have all
been involved in designing the increased space, and we are confident chat t he new facility will enable us co improve the ourcomes of the High Hopes experience for the many people we serve. Thanks ro both the Dairch and Gui tat families, we were able co acquire another 62 acres of land contiguous to our existing property, giving us a tota l of l 25 acres of land. As pare of our overall expansion projecc, the additional land will give us increased flexibility as we move forward. We are fortunate co have such generous friends and neighbors co help us achieve out goals. Speaking of friends, Mark and Dorinda Winkelman hosted our biennial benefit event, Symphony in the Meadows, at their home in Essex on June !Och. With more than 750 contribucors in attendance, chis event was a record-breaking success.
As we look forward co the future wirh optim ism, we also reflecc on our past and all of the wonderful people who make up ou r history and share in our achievements. They are our roots, and ma ny of them are still active supporters and volunteers . Ir is because of their strength, wisdom and insight rhat High Hopes is as strong as it is today. J look forward to building on this strength as we continue to meet the challenges chat lie ahead.
Roger M. Smith
Facility rendering courtesy of CenterbrookArch/
Annual Appeal Contributors FISCA L Y EA R ENDING
We are grateful to the hundreds of Individualsand businessesthat give so generouslyto our Annu al Appeal providing a solid f inancial base of operating support for High Hopes. Life
B:ubua & Matt Abrams Joseph & Maureen Augusciak Mrs . Nancy W. Brundage Mr. Robert Daniels Bill Doane & Mary Mille Mrs. Maud B. Duk e
Mrs. Robert Fisher
Cynthia & Louis Bacoo
Ted & Rebecca Crosby Jane
r. Davison
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gr.tee Mr . & Mrs. Ralph W. Hal sey Mr . & Mrs . James Herman
Evan S. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher
Kelsey Fourn ier
Sta r t-A - Rider
Ms. Becz Haa rtz Mr. & Mrs. Frank \'I/. Hamilron,Jr.
Maia & Kay Ch iac
Frank l in Farms, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Jo sep h N. Greene.Jr .
Lycc Gould
The Hart ford Couranr
Mrs. Cyndie Gould Melch er
Mr. & Mrs. Pecer Lapolla
Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H . Rogers
Ms. Cindy Palmer
Carherine McGrady
Ms. Kara B. Seymour
Jennifer & Joseph Parsons Linda & Tom Picazio
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murph y II
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ridgway
Ms . Susan L. Peacock
Connie & Al Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Pose
& Famil y Dr. & Mrs. Sreven Goldblacc
Krisrin Karabees John & Mary MacDo nald
Bob & Penny Nelson
Roberr & Barbara Bollard
Si s Gould Program
Drs. Ear l J. & Marga ret C. Mummerr
Sponsors Mr. & Mrs . R. Bruce Andre ws Mr. & Mrs. Curris E. Aske lson
Lyn Gould
Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobs Mrs. Shi rley Langford
John S. Johnson
Mrs. Katherine Woodward Mellon
Barbara & John Kashanski
Mr. & Mrs. Perer Russell
The Kitchings Family
Mr. & Mrs. Dav id Sargent M r. & Mrs. Pcrer Schavoir
Van Brown & Wanda Tillman
J udith F. & Ri cha rd B. Lighrfoot Mr. & Mrs . K .C. Mazer
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Smith
Mrs. Margarer M. Clucas
R ives & Nancy Potts
Mr. & Mrs. Sabin C. Streeter
D . S. Dibble
Bern ie & Karen Schwan
John M. Srurges , Jr. Gurdon B. Wattles & Kachy Fullercon
Dr. & Mr s. John R. Drew
Mrs . Edward P. Williams
Mrs. Mary C. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Philip
J. Seagull
M r. & Mrs. Charles Terrell
Lisa Ann Ruglio Mr. & Mrs. George \'II. Wh elen JV
Mr. & Mrs . Williom Winterer
Seever & Sally Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. Bru ce H. Auguscadc Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie William C.,rlcy & Cather ine Mackey
Mr . Roy 0. Dubs Mrs . Margar et Foy-Morse
M r. & Mrs. John C. Evans Lord Creek Farm J ohn & H eidi Niblack
Mr . & Mrs. Michael Furgueson
Adopt-A -Horse, Start-A-Rider & Sis Gould Carriage Driving Program
Mr . & Mrs. John Greene Mr. & Mrs. Anth ony P. Ha lsey Mr. & Mrs . Parker Handy
Benefactors Char les & Sylvia Erhart
Mr. & Mrs. Russe ll Ford Mr. & Mrs . Micchell Heffernan M rs. Nancy B. Krieble
Mr.t & Mrs.John].
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Moore, J r.
By directing t heir Ann ual Appea l gifts to t he care of our horses, t uit ion for our riders, and our driving program the fo llowi ng individuals have show n a special commit ment to what High Hopes is all about...our horses and rid ers!
Ms. Inge H ierec Mr. & Mrs. Roberr L. Ho llis Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. H. Hol t Mrs . Chauncey Fox Howe Mr. & Mrs. Tanner T. Hunt , Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Kings ley Mr. & Mrs . William L,mbot Mrs . F. David Lapham
Robert & ~ndy Mu lligan Bernie & Karen Schwarz
~fr. & Mrs. Roge r Smith
Mar ion R. Buchana n
Dt ."& Mrs. Wayne Southwick Mr . Lester
Webster Bank
M rs. Js.,bel C. Leach Mrs. Rurh Lord Tondra C. Lynford
Ian Moses Cannon, His Classmates,
Ms . Anne L. MacKenzie
H is Friends and His Family ¡
S. MacNichol Dr. & Mrs. James B. Macthcw Mr. & Mrs. Roland
Thomas S. & Susan K. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Rohen A. Coit
Ms. :Marilyn Conklin Pete r & .AlexaDaicch Mr . & Mrs . Henri M. David, Jr. Ms. Geraldine U . Foster
Mr. William H. Moor e Mr. & Mrs . Charles C. Osborne This year one of our riders asked his dassmates to help High Hopes Instead of bringing gifts to his birthday party. They made donations in th e amount of $900 and decided toge ther to adopt a horse/ Pictured above is that ve,y special young man, Ian Moses Cannon, proudly displaying a photo of his class'sadopted horse, Ben.
Mrs . David M . Payne Mr. & Mrs . Frederick
J. Platt
Ann & David Mark Primo
1999-2000 Mr. & Mrs. John Rexroad Mr s. Charles J. Scanlon Tomf & Mary Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. S. Spencer Scorc
Dr. & Mrs. John Cannon Mrs. Marshall Clark Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark lll Kay & Logan Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappan Soper
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Coker Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Comstock
Judy & David Winer
Michael Crain, MD Charles & J anet Crump
Sustainers Joan & Barry Bloom Mrs. George H. Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Chrisrnpher P. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Ethe r ington Mrs. Rurh Heller Mrs. Muriel N. Hinkle Dr. & Mrs. William D. Jrving Mr. & Mrs . Waldo C. M. J ohnston John & Wendy Lord Mr. & Mrs. George C. Matthiesscn Mr. t & Mrs. Victo r Morrison Mrs. Helen W. Powers Mr . & Mrs. David Preston Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Prit chard Virginia Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs . James Rutl edge Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Thurston Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin N. Tyler
Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell Ms. Frances Dennie Davis Mr. John Duncan Ors. ~{ichael & Dana Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Elnisky Marc A. Feigen & Melanie B. Shulman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fenger Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Finan
J oyce & Roberr Mailhouse
Grace & Robert Marrion Marion H. Mathes
F ri e nd s Amhony & Marry Ascmann
Bruce and Barbara McGhie Drs. John & Marcia McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. Michae l Aubrey
Mr. & Mrs. Newron P.S. Merrill Ms. Dororhea Moore
Mrs. Peggy Baer Mr. & Mr s. Rufus Barringer
Frances Kahle Moppccc Gail & Andy Morris
Mr. & Mr s. Chip Bares
Mrs. M. PatriciaNewman
Mr. & Mrs. Chapman Berry, Jr.
J. & Maureen
Mr. & Mrs. H arold Obsrler O ld Lyme Frame Shop Mr. & Mrs. John C. Olmscead Drs. John & Corrie Paardenkooper Mr. Richard l. Pearce
Patricia A. Daragan & Mi chael Axelrod
Beckerr & Assoc. Ver SVCS, LLC Mr. Ja mes P. B lu nt Mrs. Eleanor Bonafonre Mrs. Elizabeth B. Briggs Mr. He nry P. Brightwell Mrs. Olive Brose
John & Alison Fotbis Mrs. Pearl Fournier
Srephen & Marilyn Percy
Meredith M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. P au l E. Burdick
Mrs. Constance Pike
Robert & Barbara Burian
Mrs. Robert W. Franklin Mrs. Ann Freeman
Steven & Mary Pope Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Pom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Burkarrh Mr. & Mrs . J ohn Cahill
Tim & Susan Gavronski
Mrs. Mary P. Pullen
Rebecca & Lawrence Cahi ll
Mr. & Mes. Richard Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Phi lip F. Ranelli
Mr. Curtis E. L. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Richardson
John S. Griswold Mr. Robert F. Herbst
Mrs . Julie Sanderson Ms. Alice F. Schmutz
Sue Hessel & Karen Dahle Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. H ildreth
William A. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Will iam C. H orn,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sruart T. Hotchkiss
Mrs. Shirley F. Howard Mr. Frank W. Hubby
Mr.& Mrs. Jorge Adrian Mr. & Mrs. Berna rd Aidinoff Mrs.AuguscaAlsop Mr.& Mrs. Clarke Ambrose Mrs.MiriamAsrmann Mr.& Mrs.Stnnlcy M. Babson, Jr. TrudyBarr Dr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Baskin Bruce& KraemerBecker Mr.& Mrs. MaxwellBelding Mr.& Mrs. RobertL. Bennetr Ann B. lane & '.Rudolph H.J. Bergmans Fred&l JenniferBieber Ms. SallyJ. BilT Ms. lI'rudiBird Mr.& Mis. KelchBolles Mr. Guy Borla Mrs.MoryL. Broughton Mr.& Mrs.GeorgeBullier
Annual Appeal Contributors continued
Miss Kate Irel and Mr. Jonathan Isleib
Theresa M. & J ohn J. Casrag no, Jr. Tom & Dorrie Casrle D. L. Chieppa
Marilyn MacKinnon & Cha rles Gotrondona Mr. & Mrs. A lan Greener Mr. M. Mich ael Griggs Ms. Edirh Griswold Mr. & Mrs. T imothy C. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. William H . Grover Varick D , Harrison Mrs. Eleanor Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Phill ip Haynes Ms. Louise Hexcer E leanor & Roger H ilsman Arc & Peggy H owe Amy Sullivan & Bruce R. Josephy Patricia H. Keesee Jane Kitz Anne & Helen K lingler Mr . Alv in Krech Mr. & Mr s. Srephen LnRue Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Linman Melanie Mag il ton Marguerire & Charles-Henri Mangin Sharon & Guy Marhewka
Miss Vfrginia H. Marrin
Mr . & Mrs. Roberr Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Harr y R. Clarke Woody & Gretc hen Comstock
Hen ry & Joan May Ms. Diane M. Mazza David & Caroline McCord
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seaman Mrs. Marianna Shepard
Mrs. Wells Constanrine Mrs. Madora Coo ke
Mr. & Mrs . Roberr F. McCracken
Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Slifer, Jr. Mr . & Mrs . Frank L. Scnnley
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Corrao Mr. & Mrs. Earle B. Dane
Mrs. Frederick Srurges
Mrs . F. Edgar Davis William Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Jam es J. McQuade Mrs. Nancy Moroso
Moye Thompson & Douglas Suisman
Mr. & Mrs . John M cCu rdy
Mr . R. William Morrensen lll
Ms. Mary Mrous e
Susan & J onathan Jewett
Michael & Cynthia Sullivan Mrs. William R. Taylor
Ms. Mildred Devine Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Dey
Caroline B. Johnson, Ph.D.
Ms. Nika P. Thayer
Mr. & Mrs. Courrlandr P. Dix on
Barbara & J ohn Kashanski Mrs. Adolph Kasrelowir,
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Tyler
Mr . & Mrs. Robert L. Doane
Frank & June Wadsworth Mrs. Cope B. Walbridge
Dr. & Mrs. R. Gordon Douglas,Jr. Ms. Eleanor Du Moulin
Fronk & J oan G. Kenna
Mrs. John Websrer
Cdr. B arbara Ellis, Rerired
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keogh
Susan Chaffee Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Ely,Jr.
Ped iatric Associares of New London, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs.John
Mr. & Mrs. More EvankOw Kurt & Susan Fischer
Mr . & Mrs. James E. Pedrick
Mr. Robert P. Keim
Sally S. IGng Mrs. MarjorieKimedge Hedy &Jim Korsr Mr. & Mrs. M. Chapin Krech
ShepardKrech,Jr. Mr.& Mrs.BreckS. lardner Mr. & Mrs. KennethC. Levin Mr. & Mrs.JeffreyLovelace Mr.& Mrs.RichardLovelace The Rev. & Mrs.Jamesi.. Lowery,Jr.
A. Welles.Jr.
John & Ellen Wells Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. West
Mr.&Mrs. Thomas D. Wing Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Wingare
Mrs. William F. Flaherty Roberr N. Founrain M r. & Mrs. J ohn E. Fri d ay,Jr.
Susan Wrooowski
I.auric Gagnon
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zelek
Whirncy & Nancy Garlioghouse Ms. Elise Gnrvfo
Mr. Carl Zir kenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Gildersleeve, Jr Dr. & Mrs.Heri;,caGoldenring
Mr . & Mrs . Douglas Nagan Claudia & Dav id Natorski Mrs. Claudia J . Newell Mrs. Nnocy C. Olms read Jude Pag e Bech Pasror
Mrs. Eileen S. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Peterson Sandy & Deedee Prisloe Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Leland H. :Reynolds
Mr.& Mrs. Joseph
l:J. Rhodes,
Mr. & Mrs. John C. 1Ripley "Mrs. Dorothy S. Rir chic Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Romanowski
999-2000 Annual Appeal Contributors continued
Carol K. Ryland
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Chamberlain
Marcia M. Schaller Dr. & Mrs . Robert A. Schaper
Ms. Lorna M. Chang Mrs . Isabel Cooney
J oanna Scharf Mr. & Mrs . Richard Schreiber
Mrs . Katherine E. Cowles Mrs. Barbara S. Crawford
Amy & Herbert Searle Mr. & Mrs . Joel Severance
Timothy & Christina Denison
Shoreline Pediatr ics Mr. Max Shownltert
Liz. Doering David & Barbara Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. John Simon Mr. & Mrs. Elting H . Smith Mr. & Mrs. Malcol m A. Speirs Beverly & Dovid Spencer Scott & Callista Stoddard Regina & Mit chel Strand Mr. & Mrs . Samuel M. Strong 111 Mr. Roberr D . Taisey Nancy Taubma n Mrs. Marjorie M. Terry Mr. Alan G . Th ornron Mrs. William M. Tingu e Alan & Skyren Todd Dr. & Mrs . Willis H. Umberger Douglas & Karen VanDykc Mr. &Mrs. David). Viola,Jr . Mrs. Jane A. Walker Mrs. Samuel R. Walker Mrs. Elizabeth D.G. Whitley
Ms. Barbara Deucsrh
Dr. & Mrs. Nigel Evans Sallie G. Farrel Ms. Mary Fischer Dr. Caroline M. Flower, V.M.D. Edgar C. Forest Charles & Sherrell Grean Elizabeth A. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hanberg Susan & Henry Hea ly Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Hinh Miss Mary B. Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs . John Jagielski Mr. Eads Johnson , Jr . Mrs. Theodosia B. Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Knox John & Irene Kritzer Kath y Kurylo Diana Lafer
Wildwood Pediatrics Louise M. Wimpfheimer
Mark & Ann Lander
Mr. & Mrs . Ronald Zollshan Susan Zimmerman
Tom & Karhy Levanci Ms. Charlene Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. \V/. Zornig
Lisa McGowan
Admirers Vincent S. Agosrine & Lisa Bosquet Ayer Mounmin Farm Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer William & "Milrsha Bansavnge Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bellingham Mr. & Mrs. William R. Benn er Mrs. Eleanor H. Bishop Maria Blackstone
Ms. Jeanne Blackwell Mr. Philip J. Bliss Mr. Penton L.B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Wi lliam Burr Kail & "Ralph Cadman Peter .F.Carlson Mrs. Ethel C. Cares
t Deceased
Marion & Donald LeQuin
Mr. & Mrs. John McNeil Mrs. B. C. Milner Ms. Margot W. Morgan Mrs. J ohn O'Connell Kelly & Cheryl Parsons I.aura M. Pedersen Mrs. Virginia Q. Peterson Mr. & Mrs . Richard Petcir Melanie H. Phoenix Dr. & Mrs. Gary J. Price Mr. & Mrs. J. Colin Rcvill Vernon & Gisela Rhodes H6irher & James Rice
Mr. &Mrs.Jamesll.
Rice Mr. & Mrs. llaoul Roben-s Rebecca A. Russell ~ona
& Hugh Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Sollis Rob & Kathryn Hageman. Kitty Srnlsburg
Anthon y & Norma Rug lio
Linda Callan Taylor Jerome Nathan Weiss
D iane Smicl1 Mrs. Dorothy E. Smith Carol & David Srnnland
Douglas & Sandra Tolderlund Mrs. Margaret W. Washburn
Mr. & Mrs. Frederi ck E. Acker Ms. Suzanne Angier Raymond W. Atcheson
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Williams JII Barbara
High Hopes gratefully acknow ledges the Companies and Foundat ions that extend the ir support on behalf of their employees' commitment to our work.
J. Woodside
Aetna Foundation, Inc. Champion
Rick & He idi Wor cester
Mr. John W. Barclay
The Chase Manhacran Foundation
Mary & Alan Bradford Shirley R. Brown
The Henr y Luce Foundation, fnc.
The Pfizer Foundation Phili p Morris Companies Inc.
Mrs. Richard S. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bueler Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl Mrs . William Everett Carroll
Jeanetre C. Ciciora
EdwardAltey,on,MD, Ph.D. Maiy Jan e Fegan, PT
Rebecca Reiche nbach Marrhew Romanski
Jim Obtrg
Marjorie M. Curtis Dana & Debm Duncan
]11/iaA. Bro11gh1on
Marissa Shannon Luke Srontostefuno
john O'Brim, MD
Alexander Zlotkus
Cindy Pa/m,,.
Mrs. V. L. Ellicott Sue & Al Eng el A. W. Fach Rebekah Fielden Danie l & Janet Fox Toddie & Chri s Getman Richard M. Grave Dr. & Mrs. Forest K. Harris Dian e F. Hirs ch Margaret Holt Mr . & Mrs . Roger Hurley Manha B. Jacques Perer & Elizabeth Kaner Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klimek
Ms. KarherineD. Knowles Ann P. Lehman Mr. & Mrs. William D . Lyon
Jan Marrin Ors. Christopber & Susan McCnwley
Ms. SpencerK. McLean John & Pamela Melroy
WendyMurdoch CarolAon Neal Erling & Dorothy Nord
Jim&Dot Otr Robert& LindaPandolfe Anne Pererson Pere& Pat Piei:son, CarolineG. Pelzer Mr.& Mrs. ChesterReneson Gillian Rose
& Memorials
Katherine W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Colson Joan E. Luster Fran & Par O'Brien
Ian A-IotaCarmon
SuG011/d Helen Powers
S11ril/e"Mi»y" Harvty
Nicolas & Alex Augeri
David & Martha Coffield
Rose Bayer
George & Marian Diener LouAnn Pletcher Duane & Elizabeth Holbing
Joseph Boccia Lexi Burke Dr. & Mrs . John L. Cannon Liora & John L. Cannon, Jr . Ja ck Carangelo Max Carrozella J ulia Carter Dylan Chester Megan Conte Michael Fishman Sean Flynn Dominic Guliano
Hannah Glass
Jean Hobling
John ''Jake"ja rob, Greta Jacobs
Dia11,Joh,won Mr. & Mrs . James Griswold Louise Griswold
ToryRmsoand Nicol, Hot Kmga Lynda & Nicholas Tragakes
R111h Lightfoot
Stephen & Carol Huber Mary Jane Fegan, PT Daniel M. Shepherd Karin Whitcemore
Lando11Po11J Mr. & Mrs. L. Dean Milrim ore
John Robtrt, Barbara & Marr Abrams Peter & Catherine DofTek Jea n Dye Katherine Euorco Grace & Frank Hamilton, Jr. Mirch & Cheryl Heffernan Peter & Phyllis Knucson Elizabeth & William Ogle Pe rra B. Shearer Ann Smith
R:ichel Goldste in
Caro lyn & Bob Fay
Lucy B. Srreerer
Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Hirth W'illiam Husic
Helen Powers
Doug las & Sandra
Ni ck & Par McDcrmorr Kelly McHugh
M. Patrici:.iNewman Lyndce Payeur Ni cole Pease Rachel Pizzo
Bob & Grace Sralsburg
Christophe,· A1011ino. MD Mary Jane Fega n, PT Belinda Mona/ Ji m Walron
Caroline1llo rri1011 Anonymous
LenoreShapiro,PT Mary Jane Fegan, PT
Pa11lViuorio & Ptt \Vte Farm Nancy Vittorio
Elhab,rh Walton Mr. & Mrs . Richard B. Stee l
Scho l arship
The generosity of these donors , coupled with our Start-A-Rider and grant scholarships, continues to enable High Hopes to enroll riders and Instructor Trainees w ho need fina ncial assistance. Dr. Norman Ashcroft K,ithryn Beau.regard Jane Angilly Bennett Mr. & Mrs. \'<lillirunA. Boyd Sharon & William Chenette CT.&P Marilyn Conklin George P.Davison &Judith F. Rifkin Connccticu, Dressage Associa,ion, Inc. Connccticu, Morgan Horse Associa<ion Connecticu, Quartechorse You,h Association Connecticut Valley Pony Club Eugenie Copp Marian & George Diener Bill Dillon Judie Driscoll Diane Farynian Pat Fel,ham Ka,harine Gildersleeve Lnyne & Laurene Gobrogge Ly<t Gould
Kiwanis Club of Old Saybrook Bob & Pauline Knoll William Lnwrence The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club Niantic Lions Club, Inc. Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Ox Ridge Summer Dressage Show Kerriann Sullivan Ka,e Thompson URS Greiner Woodw ard Clyde Dr. Manfred & Patricia Schach von Wittenau Judy & David Winer
Gifts for Special Purposes Each year many individua ls and businesses see a particu lar need at High Hopes and are wil ling to provi de t he funds to meet t hat need. The gifts f unded everythin g from medicat io n for our elder ly horse, Dandy, to special paper for our Campaig n case statement. Barbara & Macc Abrams Dylan Abrams & Tondra Lynforcl Debora Aldo Linda Almeida Dr. Norman Ashcraf~ Lisa M. Berard Kristin Breiseth Moura Brock The Ca<lett Fam ily Marilyn Conklin LisnCorrivt>au Toni L. Cyie Suson Destefuno Melissa Everett Mary Feeney Helene Fenger J ane Holly Foscer Catherine Gargiuolo Lyrr Gou ld Kachryn H ageman Gail H aynes Mitch & Cheryl H effernan Inge H ieret Margaret Kane Em ily Ltwrence Zachnry McClelland Karen & Michael M ilano
Mary Mille & Bill Doane Bech & George Norcon Cindy Palme r Cnron & James Pecci220
J. T. Picazio Su,nnne & Craig Poner Lisn Rader Mary & Michael Rose Jean T. Sargent Scnnheiser Electronic Corp. Pena Shearer SJ Ranch Robin & limo,hy Smith Susan Somerville Kirry Scalsburg Keriann Sullivan Peg Sweeney Kare Thompson Jordan Thom pson Ginger Tullai
Nancy L. Virmrio Kyle Wells
In Kind
Gifts in kind, of goo ds and services, enr ich Hig h Hopes in many ways, and often come ano nymously in response to very t hought ful awarene ss of our needs. A2Z Screen Printing Barbara & Marr Abrams Dr. Pe,er Aide Debora Aldo Linda Almeida Dr . Norman D. Ashcmfc Sharon Bano n Suzie Birks Ga ry F. Borla The Bowerb ird Rudy & Irma Brandt Krisrin Breiserh Helen Burkanh Lisa Bu,karrl1 Erin Cain J ohn A. Caltabiano, D VM Sabrina Catlett Sarah Cade n Norman Cavallaro ar North Cove O utfitters J im Childress, Ccnrerb rook Archi,cc,s & Planners Joanne Church Ciel, Inc.
Kathy Cipriani Coffee¡s Marker Marilyn J Conklin Connecticut QuarcerhorscYouth Association Mr. & Mrs. George H. Connerac
Cooperman Fife & Drum Co. Parti & Chris Coyle Ted & Becky Crosby Connecricur Valley Pony Club Toni L. Cyie Jane I. Davison Carmine DeSrcfano Susan DeSrefano Bill Doane & Mary Mille
Denise Donofrio John & Judie Driscoll, Jackson & Joe l Ease Coast Security, Jnc. Helen & Gerry Dyar Elizabeth Ehlers Linda Elgart Walter Engle Charles & Sylvia Erharr
Essex Priming Mary E. Feeney Pacricia Feltham The Fcn,gers Knrhleen M. Ferraro Fleer Holly Foster Fox Ledge Tack Shop Debbie Gagliardi
Gifts In Kind continued Githerine Gargiulo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gares
Lee MacWilliams Frank Marchese Photography Jane Marsh, Attorney at Law
Joe Hacker,, Farrier Kathryn Hageman Gail Haynes Inge Hieret
Aon-Marie Marrin Henry & Joan May Zachary McClelland James D. McGimy Maria McGowan James McHutchison Melzen Farm Supply Elizaberh Michalski Karen & Michael Milano Gail & Andy Morris G,rey Lowe of Mounrnin Spring Waters Robert & Sandy Mulligan Bill Nelligan Old Lyme Frame Shop Cindy Palm er
Jam es 0. Joanou Karen Johnson Margaret Kane John Knshanski Bob Keirn
Pfizer Animal Heal th Therese Popinchalk Susan Regan - Simsbury Farm Hunt ,& Polo Mark & Rita Rohrbcrg Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ridgway
Carol Gilchrist Patricia Gracbner Janic e L. Gregory Edit Griswo ld Barry Guitar Girroll Guitar Gordon Guitar uonard Guitar Terry Gu itar DeCabcllero BerzHaarrz
Valerie J. Koif Andrea. Kennett Stephanie Knoll Sue Lardner Laysville Deli Laysville Ha rdware • Jim Lewis Barbara Longo
Toni & Harry Slifer Mary & Bill Smith Susan Som<.'rville Dad & Mom Sralsburg Kitty Sralsburg
High Hopes is committed to serving our community with excellent the rapeut ic riding programs, and to provid ing trai ning and education for therapeutic riding instructors
Dawn Srix
Regina & Micchel Srraod Ralph A. Srurges Ill John M. Sturges , Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gory Swenson
therapeutic riding pro fessio n, High Hopes embarked on a $2.6 million campa ign to bu ild endowment and expand and renovate our facil ity. We gratefully acknowledge the individuals, foundations and corporat ions that
Vita-Flex Wiggin & Dana Ziff Brothers lnvcstmenrs Lara Zimmc:rman
have contr ibuted to our campaign to date, and the list below includes all dono rs to Phases I & II throug h September 15, 2000 .
Campaign Donors
The fo llowing Corporate and Foundation Grants, received between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000, provided the majority of our scholarsh ip funding for riders from the
J ocelyn Ritter Riverside Press, Inc. William F.Robinson, Equine Dentist Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic. PC Saybrook Office Equipment, Inc. Laura & Timothy Shea
J. Walmn Bissell Foundarion, I nc.
Petru B. Shearer Kathy Skolem
Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation The Essex Community Fund
inner-cities of New London , New Haven and Middlesex counties .
Essex Savings Bank Community lnvescmenr Program The Fish Talc Inc. Fleer The Community foundarion of Greater New Haven The Allene & Jer ome Lapides Foundarion. Inc. Douglas & Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Max Solomon Foun&Hion The Community Foundation of Somheasrern Connccricur Schering-Pl ough Foundarion. Inc. SNET Corporation's Employees' Commun iry Services Fund Louis F. & Mary A. Tagliatela Foundation. Inc. The J.F.C. Charitable Trust TAP Holdings, Inc.
t he wor ld . To ful fi ll t hat
commitment to our riders, famil ies, and the
Tire Country Timothy & Suzanne D. Tyler Madeleine Van der Pool
Corporate Foundation
The Baffiin Foundarion Alexa & Peter Oairch
Ingalls Foundation T he Kresge Foundac ion• The New York Commu nity Tnist Wattles Family Charirnble Trust Gertrude N ighringalet
Pr i x St . Georges How,rdt & Nancy Brundage Chichester du Pone Foundacion Sist & Lyrr Gould John & Kl·lly Hartman Foundncion Cheryl & Mirch Heffernan Th e K irchings fam ily Judith F.& Richard B. Lightfoot John t & Jessie Roberts Marcia & Roger Smith
Lead e rship Anonymo~1s
The Howard Bayne Fund Endicott P.j & Jane I. Davison The Sis Gould Memorial Fund Grace & Frank Ham il ran, Jr. Greta & Jake Jacobs John & Heidi Niblack Rives & Nancy Ports
Jeff & Holly Ridgway
Lindo & Perer Bierrie
Schering-Plough Corporacion _ Mr. & Mrs. William Winterer
Ernesrt & Morion Bigelow Keirh & Jane Bolles
Achievement and self-confidence abound at our Annual High Hopes Horse Show. Thanks to all who made thi s hig,h light of our riding year possible.
G inger Bronson Capirol Cities/ABC
Champions Anonymous Stever & Sally Aubrey The .Elinor Patterson Boker Foundation Roberr & Barbara Ballard · John & Athnoa Catlett Charles M. Chopin Ill Thomas J. & SusanK. Ch ilds Dana Cooley Jeff Cooley Ted & Rebecca Crosby David & Mary Dangremond Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David , Jr. Mr. & Mrs . Charles H. Erharr, Jr . Mr. & Mrs. George L. Esres ill
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Hope & Russell_Ford Geraldine U. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve John A. Hargraves & Nancy Newcomb John, Lee, & Abby Holst ein KatelttL,nd John S. J ohnson Barbara & John Kashanski
The Kiagsley Family Anne Lawrence Nancy B. Krieble Sally & Rolund MacNicbol Mr. & Mrs. Timorhy Mellon George Mooret Marguerite & Thomas Moore Family Foundation Linda & John Phillips John & LeePritchard Mary Pullen Christopher Robinson & Kate Mitchell Sillin
Swenson Family Foundation Karen & Kel Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Dovid B. Clark Constance C. Clement Colgate -Palmolive Company Jan Conant The Dophne Seybolc Culpeper Memorial Foundorion Mr . & Mrs. J ohn Duncan Ill Mr. Dominick Dunne Mrs. Sergio Franchi Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. 'Goodwin Kirty & Jerry Greene Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold John Griswold Inge Hi rrcr Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Hirch Mrs. Delano W. Lldd , J r. Mr. & Mrs. George Lerhbridge Johnt & Lee MacWilliams Amolfa Seggos-Morrin & The Marcin Family Bruce McGhie Elizobeth Bird Mooret Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Gorman Old Lyme Inn Mrs . Nancy C. Olmscead Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pacrerson Mr. William E. Phillips Jim & Ann Rice Ja ck & Beckett Rodgers Deborah & Spencer Scocr
Anonymous In Memor y of Apple Sally H. Aubrey
e rs
Businesses Caulfie ld & Ridgway, Inc. Coca-Cola Bott ling Company of
Scan & Milly Babson Linda & Perer Bierrie Ian Moses Cannon Liora Cannon C.A.R .E., Inc. The Catlett Family
Sourheasrern New England, Inc. Coldwell Banker - Alexis Devlin Colonial Bassett Hound Rescue, Inc. Counrry Rescauram Doug ·s Garnge Fox Ledge Tack Shop Good-Spirits Shoppe, Inc.
Kerry Ann Christianson CL&P ].me I. Davison Lytt GoLJld
HSS - Hardware & Sofrwate Services, LLC Kahn Tractor & Equ ipment, Inc. Kelsar Physical Therapy Laysvillc Deli
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Mirth & Cheryl Heffernan [ng e Hieret
L & Z lndusrrial Circuits Maples Morel MarkeringHorizons Melzen Farm Supply
Betsy Horn June M. Hotch kiss Bob Keim Shirley King Michael & Ellen Maus Penny & 0.C. The Picazio Fam ily Michael Reisman \'v'illiam Reisman BiII & Bess Small Marcia& Roger M. Smirh Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick Woodsrock Acres
MJM Builders, Inc. M. J. M. Industrial & Commercial Properties Niantic Lumber Nichols Foresrry & Logging, LLC Norwich Animal Hospital The Red Balloon
Riverside Forc•ignMorors William Robinson Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic, PC Tia Smith Pho tography Scalsburg Express
Petra & Billt Shearer Mr. & Mrs. John Sheppard, Jr. John & Claire Simon Harry & Toni Slifer Tia & Seymour Smich Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick
Mr. & Mrs . Samuel M. Stro ng JU Mr. & M rs. C:harles Terrell Bersy & Rob Webster The John Zack Memorial Fund
Equestrians Mr. & M rs. Clark Ambrose Jo seph & .Maureen Auguseiak Millie & Stan Babson ·
•High Hopeswas au-ar<kd n $220,000 ch,11/engt gra,r/ from Th, Krug, Fo1111dation 011 Jim, 6, 2000. Rtnipt of
Myrna & Arnold Baskin
tlJtJtfauds ii conlingem11/)011 011rraiiiug appro,.-imately Jhrtt1i111u that amo11nt by S,pre,nbtrI. 200 I. All CamPflig"mntrib11tiom afttr J11nr6, 2000 will ,011nt
Bee & Thistle Inn
towardthe challmgt.
Mr. & Mrs. t John W. Barclay
Jake and Greta Jacobs pin a blue ribbon on April for rider Whitney Viola.
t Deceased
Above: Linda Almeida with Cloud.
"High Hopes is one of the very few not-for-profits
Right: Cheryl Heffernan with rider Sabrina Catlett on Filly.
whe re a volunteer can feel the direct impact of their efforts. In the ring you see and share the joy and pride experienced by a rider-you r rider - as they reach toward a new level of achi evement. On an event committee , you are swept up in posit ive energy created when a group of dedi cated volunteers produce an event that is both successful and truly enjoyed by all who attend. As a membe r of Hi g h H opes' Board of Direccors you can actively participat e in building the foundation and providing direction ensuring H ig h Hopes' continued success."
Cheryl Heffernan
John Sturges (L) and John Molochko (R).
Gary Borla and Poncho.
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pine "At Hi gh H opes it's all about attitud e th e positi ve, encouraging, loving attitud e chat just continu es to be pr esent every day."
High Hopes voluntee r Mary Mille and Poncho •celebrating the dedi cation of the volunteer• on the cover of Strides, summer 2000.
Gary Borla
U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets assisting High Hopes.
PhotoscourltJ)'of Kristin £1/iolf Lttt1and Sttph,mie K11 0I/
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pine "At Hi gh Hopes it 's all about attitude -
the positive, encourag ing , loving attitude
chat just continu es to be present every day."
High Hopes volunteer Mary Mille and Poncho "Celebrating the dedication of the volunteer" on the cover of Strides, summer 2000.
Gary Borla
U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets assisting High Hopes.
Ph(}tOJro11rtesy of K1'i11111 ÂŁ1/iou Um ,md Supb11111e Knoll
1 999 Voluntee r s Whethe r they give an hour ... a day ... a week ... or a lifeti me, our volunt eers are t he life blood of High Hopes! Barbara Abrams Mace Abrams
Mild~leineBailey SCll.Ccy Bailey
John Boesch
Ken Byington MarianneByrne
Jessicn Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham
Jessica Bogucki Jane Bolles
Kelley Cahill
Faith L. Baldwin
Michael Cahill
Mary Cunningham Nicole Cuomo
Barbara Earle Ballard Be njamin Ballard
Keith Bolles Pat ricia Bolles
Robert Bal lard Mrs. Rowland Ballek
Lesley Bolcon
Brendan Bansavage
Eleanor Bonafonte
J acqueline Baker
Marni Adamson Ltt Adrian
Leslie Bar low Carlton M. Barlow, Jr.
Lindsay Ager Ken Ahnell
James Barr Rufus Barringer Eli:zabech E. Barrlerr
Men Alakan
1 Rebecca Bodfish
- 2000
Prancis 0. Albert Lauren Alexa
Inn Barconicell
Simone M. Allen Brian Almeida
Myrna Baskin Melissa Bates
J ason Almeida
Susan Bacrles Erin Bauer
Arnold M. Baskin
Mary Bombaci Delyonne Boone Abigail Borchert Gary Borio
Rebeccn Cahill Erin Cain Carolyn Caine Keren Carnean Sal Carninito Sarah Carlson Nancy Cash
Thomas B. Currier Marjorie Curtis Dennis Oaesener Michael J. D:iigle, Jr . Alison Zack D:irrell Ashley Darrell
Athana Caclect
Philip F. Darrell Elizabeth David
Megan Bowers R. Luke Boyd
John Caden Kelly Chapman
Heidi Davis Katie Davis
Jessica Boyden Britt Boynton
Lili Chapman Joline Chapman-Gr ieder
Kelly Davis Shi won Davis
D:in Brackley Matthew Bradbury Melissa Brady
Laura Charlton Melanie Chasse
Eliza Davison
Helen Chatman Pamela Lynn Cheney
Hallie Davison
Rachael Drozd ¡ Brenda Dubin Jeremy Dufour Rennene Dufour Michelle Dunn Diane Dupont Emery Duq uecre Amy Dur inick Harry Duval
Diane Eastman Kelliann Eckerc J onnie Edwards Bech Ehlers Don Eldridge Kyle J. Eldridge Kristin A. Elliott Leas Philip Ellswonh Jr .
Janie Davison
Joseph W. Elnisk y Jeb N . Embree
Ka.ccD-.ivison Taylor Davison
Jane Emery Debbie English
Natalia De Chabert Katie Deegun
Becky Epperson Emily Estabrook
Emily Baz:zano
J ohn Brailsford D:ive Brainard
Hi lary Bazzano Kathryn \Y/. Beaugard
Megan Breen Kristin Breiscrh
Bea Anderson
Allison Becker
Meg Bremer
Jeffre y Clark Nicholas Clements
Todd Annis C1rherine Apgar
Aaron Begaye
Dnrcy Briggs
Phil Cocchiola
Anica Dees Rulo Deisher
John C. Evans
Carol L. Brining
Janee Cody
William Dejesus
Jeffrey J. Brining Karen Brooks Lissie Brooks
John Timothy Collins Chris Conboy
Laura DeMaio
Melissa Everett
Matt Derrenbacher Carmine DeStefano
Theresa Everen
Lindo Almeida Amara Alperr Cohn Whimey Althouse Nicole Amendola
Crystal-Jo Arpin
Jeanne Bellows Rudd Bergmans
Sally Aubrey
Leah Bernacki
Maureen Augusciak
Kevin Bernard
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself . Ralph Waldo Emerson Michelle Austin Stephani Award Emily Ayers Kerri Aylward Stanley Babson Ann Bach Anastasia Bailey Ann Bailey Donald
J. Bailey
Jeff Bailey
Thomas Childs William Christopher
Allison Congdon Lyle Congdon Marilyn Conklin Alison Cook James Cooley Betsy Copp
Emily DeStefano Susan DeStefano Heidi Deurs ch Emily Devan
Christina Evers Lauren Ewell Kacey Farrington Diane S. Faryniarz Wendy Fazzino David Feeney
Alexis Devlin Tiffani DeWolf
Amy Cowgill
Wi lliam Diaz
Perer Ferrebee
Jonathan Cox Christopher Coy le
Darcy Dickinson Scoville
Rebekah Fielden Kate Fillmore
Grace Brown
Linda Bierrie
James Browne
Patci Coyle Clark Creswel l
Pani Brunson Marion R. Buchanan
John L. Crolly, Sr. Tanisha Crook
Dan Buchman Sean Buchman
Ann Crosby Rebecca Crosby
Christopher Burrus Sara Bushy
Ted Crosby Berh Crowley
Ja ckson Driscoll
Claudia Bucz
David B. Cummings
Judie Driscoll
Krista Bigiarelli Michael Bigiarelli Kevin Birch Trudi Bird Suzanne H. Birks Cynrhia Bliven
J. Everett
Mary-Lyn Costa
Joseph Andrew Bianco Jennifer Biebe r
Kirk Brown
Kate Estabrook
Bill Doane Arin Doherty
Helene Fenger
Emily Fisher
Dee Doolitt le Justin Dorazio
Joann Flynn
Sonia Dorazio Nancy Dcaayer
Michelle Fontaine
Cynrhia Driscoll John Driscoll
Gretchen Ficcon Mark E. Foley Jared Ford Lauren Ford Jane Holly Foster Deborah Fox
Volunteersr999 -2000 continued
.Knte Fox
Rosemary Gurpide
Virginia Iles
Molly Francisco
Robert B. Gustafson
William D. lrving, MD
Henry Francolini
Jennifer Haagensen
Kacie Jackson
lifliiny Allen Franke
Kathryn Hageman
Marylys Jackson
Jaime Fries
Patricia Haley
Meredith Jackson
Nancy Kindell ElizaberhKirby CaseyKirwin Ken Kirchings NarasbaKlein
Mary Ann Fuggerre
E . .Jennifer Hall
Grera Jacobs
Bob Knoll
Bacbaru G. Longo
Laura Millen
Scacey Fulkerson
Russell Hall
Jake Jacobs
Jeanne Lovejoy Mark Lull
James D. Miller Rache l Miller
Andtta Lipsky
Liz Michai;ki
Aileen Livingscon
Marie Mil.ach
Bethany Long
Karen Milano
Connie Long
Margarec Milardo
Erin Long
Mary Mille
Kachy Fullerron
Tara Hall
Abby Jacobson
Teri Furr
Andy Halvorson
Alex Jagielski
Laurie Gagnon
Grace Hamilton
Carolyn Jagielski
Wayne Gallup
Ted Hamilcon
Chriscie Jagielski
Pauline Knoll SrephanieKnoll Kam Kochanski KarhyKorb James Korsr
C.chy Gargiulo
Frank W. Hamilcon, Jr.
Amy Jago-Ford
lrenc Kritzer
Susan Gavronski
Lauren Hammeal
Eva Maria Jarwrus
Rich Kuzak
Jake Gay Carol Gilchrist
Georgia Hanna
Malena Jerome
Beve:ly Harding
Emily Johns-Ahern
David Gilchrisr
Brian Harm
Jenni Johnson
Elise Gilchrist
Rick Harrison
Jennifer Johnson
James Gilchrisc
Liz Harrmann
Karen Johnson
Koko Gildersleeve
Gail Haynes
Scephen Johnson
Carol Gill
Cheryl Kelly Heffernan
Susan Johnson
Noelle Gill
Mirch Heffernan
Waldo C. M . Johnston
Radek Lacey
Kachleen Maher
Lindsay Gillem
Kachleen Heller
Elizabeth Jones
Christopher Laine
Kristin Malaro
Andrew Montanaro
Trudy Gillecce
Mal!hew Heller
Grera Jones
Jonarhon Laine
Kare Mance
Jesus Manciel
Whimey Gillet1e
Lisa Henderson
Jonathan Jones
Jessica Lamping
Jome Manning
Graham Mooney
Gina Gillia
Julia Herbs,
J onachan A. Jones
Maura Landry
Mn«hew Manofsky
Dorochea Moore
Dorochy Gilman
Katherine Herbst
Joselyn Jones
Elaine LaPolla
Alexander Manse
Srephanic Moore
Aaron Gi ugno
Allison Ht ·rren
Leara Jones
Sue Lardner
Al ice Marrinan
Frances K. Moppect
Hugo Goicoechea
Inge Hierec
Negus Jones
Rachel Larkin
Grace Marrion
Ga il Morr is
Susie Lusher
Charles B. Milligan JJI
Johanna Lurz
Anna Mock
Lyme-Old Lyme Lions
Donald Moisa
Judy MacDonald Dan Magano
Jen Molochko
Kara Moky
Tenderness and k indness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution . Kahlil Gib ran John Molochko
Arnold Gonzalez
Bonnie Hilcz
Valerie Jean Jones
Victor Larraza
Ton) 1a Marrin
Joan Mulkey
Paula Gonzalez
Jim Hiltz
Richard L. Jung
Emily Lawrence
Mabel Marschulac
Anya Mummert
Claudia Goodrich
Lori Hochheiscr Aaron Holler
Laurie Jurkiewicz
Noelle Lawrence
Jill Matthew
MargarN Mummert
Kacie Kahler
Wyanri Leary
Cis Marrhiessen
Cricket Murphy
Tamarha Gorman
Lis• Holmes
Bechony Kanfer
Leslie Lemert
Danielle Maura
Denn is Murphy
Ly« Gould
Peggy Holt
Zachory Konfer
Shannon Leonard
Lisa Maurice
Kare Murphy
Jamie Gourlay ~farion ··Mimi" Gourlay
Melissa Horan
Barbara Kashanski
Derron Lepoucre
Amanda McBride
Patrick Murphy
Paul Horan
Aubrey Graham
Becsy Horn
John Kashanski Constance L. Kascelowirz
Pam Graham
Erin Horn
Kitty Greene
William Horn
Joseph N. Greene, J r.
Marion LeQuin
Scott Jason McCann
Pacricia Myers
Ali McC lain
Ann Nagan
Samuel Kasten
James N. LeRoy Alison Letourneau
Mal!hew McClure
Gary R. Nas h
Tom Kaye
Eli isa Lerourneau
Emily McDowell
Samuel Nash
Mimi Hosrecter
Karen Keelan
Dan Levesque
Annc-Margarer McElroy
Gary Nash, Jr .
Janice Gregory
Libby 1-locra
J. A lexis Keeney
Kate Levesque
Scott McEver
William S. Nell igan
Evan Griswold
Chip Howard
Kathy W. H. Keeney
Joan Levin
Sharon McLaugh lin
J ill Nelsen
Kim Groves
Cynthia V. Howard
Mrs. Richard G. Kehoe
Ken Levin
Joseph W. McPherson
William Groves
Sarah K. Hufford
Deirdre Kenny
Lewis Levin
Susan McWay
Laurie Nelson Mary Nelson Penny Nelson
Doreen Guar ino
Becsy Hunnewell
Van Kenyon
James Lewis
Susan Mead
Sue Guida
Andrea 1-lundey
Cissie Keogh
Elizaberh Lightfoot
Sally Melvin
Robert Nelson
Elizabeth Gunn
Dovid Hurlbut
Thomas F. Keogh
Judith Lightfoot
Cathie Mescemaker
John Nelson , M.D.
Wendy Gunn
Melody Huttinger
Emily Kernozek
Richard Lightfoot
Kristin Meuselbach
John Niblack
VolunteersI 999 -2000 continued Mad eleine Nichols John Northrop BechNorcon Heidi Noccelman Maureen O'Gorman Edwin Oquemdo Brinn Pace Lauren Padula Cindy Palmer J anin e Palmer Jessica Palm er
Lywon Reg inald Ward
Grace Stalsburg Kirry Stalsburg
Rio Wnrnnabe
Kira Savino Wendy Savino
Susan Rimki e
Barbara Schaffer
Lauren Pcice
J essie Robercs
Mi chael Schaffer
J ohn Pritchard ltt Pritchard
J ohn Robert s J osephine Roberts Sherrie Roder ich
Joanna Scharf Jane Schellens Stephanie Schmi rr
Katie Stephenson
Judy Wurson
Donald Srerren
Beckett Rodgers J ack Rodgers
Alice Schmurz
Rich Stickley Kathy Stoddard
Andrew Watterson Gurdon B. Wacrles
Nancy Poets Rives Potts
1<1ltherineProven cher Lauren Pszczolkowsk.i Mary Pullen Keich Puzder Charlorre Qui g ley
Crystal Rooc Carlos Rosario
Donald A. Quigley Susan Raible
Edgardo Rosario Pt.odroRosario
J ennifer Parsons Janet Paralano
Roy Ramoc Caiclin Rawson Sarah Rexroad
Me lissa Rowe Lindsay Roy
Roberr Pau l
Rodney Reynolds
Jennifer Ruscyzk
Erika Pansius 1<1ltePaquerre Ann Parkinson
Jenny Srnllnrd
Debbie Rigsocc T. ]. Rile y ill
Amber Port er
Vinctnc Ruicco
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. Life is no 'brief candle' to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to the future generations. George Bernard Shaw
Bryna Schoenberge r Terry Schreiber Paul Schurke
Danica Scorr Donna Scorr Macr Seaforth Chuck Segar Linda Segar Emma Sellers Susan Senning Hea rher Servies Margaret Strvits Amy Sescske
Perra Shearer Meghan Sherburn Lisa Shoaf Adam Shrcders
Mart Simpson Mary-Lawrence Sinclair Mary Sipes Harry Slifer Erin Sliva Linda Slusarz Bill Small Chelsea Smith
Carol Sranland Eilein Sceinfcldr
Calyn Sroro Rosalind Barr Streeter
Derik Waterm an Bruce Warford Brinn Warson
Carol Wans Emily Welle s
Carol Scuder
Lindsay Wei !es Kyle Wells
John M. Sturges, Jr. l..aurnSrurm
Colleen Werzel K. C. Whelen
Cynchia Sullivan Rhonda Sussman
Johanna Wh it e
Coleen Surherland Stephanie J. Sylvesrer
Ali W ilhelm Ben Wilhelm
Cathy Taft Monica Taggart
Penn y W ilhelm
Barbara Tardy Linda Callan Taylor
Carol Wilkin son Maggie Williams
Charles Terre ll Em ily Thar p Nathan Thermer
Nicole Leig h William s
Amy Thimstn
W illiam G. Winterer
Kare Thompson Skyrcn Todd Karie Tolliver
Pcge Wirham Rebecca Wollack
Cynthia Tomlinson Lynn Toohey
Jessica \1v' o rsr
How.1rdTrear Thomas Andrew Tunsrall
Hayward Smich
Benjamin Turner Katelyn Tyler
Carolyn Whirr
Elizabeth Wilhe lm
Zach a ry Willi ams Gai l Albino W inter
HeiJi Worces rcr
Jessica \v'ronowski Meg..111 \Xlusrm::rn
Jess ica Yoo Celesre Elena Young Delores Z-iccaro
Jenna Pecoraro Gloria Peduzzi
Rusry Reyno lds Amanda Rhodes
Burgess Russell
Marcia Sm i ch Pablo Smith
Rebecca Russel I
Roger Sm ith
Kel Tyler Jeff Valace
Gillian Perry Nancy Pererson
Joseph Rhodes
Seymour Smich
Meredith Van Leer
Devin Zalewski K:iyla 7_,Jcwski
Tia Smirh
Marianne Pfeiffer
Joseph Rhodes 111 Calla Harrmann Ric cio
Jimmy Russo Catherine Lee Rynning-Browne Amanda S.1bolesky
Jodi Vanloan Marin;.1Verhocv~n
Caitlyn Zarurs ky Emily Zarursky
Alissa Phillips Krispin Phil lips
Lte Rhodes
Dn.vidSaenz Addison Saffiori
Penny Snow Gail Soderstrom
William Villa.Jr.
FriesZt:rnike Adam Zieg ler
Kerri Picardi
Heather Ann Rice
Donna Salemi
Neal Sorensen
Jess ica Villar Alissa Von Schmi<lt
Linda Lee Picazio Clare Pierfederici
James Rice
Jane Samuels
Jessica Rice Holly Ridgway
Melissa Sanchez Sandy Sansrrom
Travis Soult Cory Sparrow
Patrick Walsh Bmr Walrer
Jeffrey Ridgway Wendy Rieder
Yanira Santiago
Ben Spector Reba Sr. Onge
Jim Walton Ted Wang
Matt Sarti
Erica Stachura
Linda Ward
Dan Plancon Sean Plankey Alejandra Poblete
Ann Rice
Susan Somerville
Ashley Zalewski
Kim Zimmnman Lara Zimml'rmann Dawn Zornig Lin Zornig
Zee Zoin ig
ooo Annual Benefit Event Contributors
High Hopes is fortunate to have so many individuals, businesses,and other fri ends w ho stepped forth to make Symphony in th e Meadows a record breaking success. Corporate
Firsr Union St·curirit·s,[nc.
The Stroni, Agcnrr Zelek Elecmr Co. - Ray & Laureen Zelek
Ors. Elgarr. Pinn & Gordon Duble & o·Hearn, Inc.
Gladeview Health C.'lreCenrer, Inc. Hadlyme Country Store
Abby's Cater ing Co. A nne 's Bistro
The Great A & P Tea Company
Maus & Son. Inc.
Banfi Vintners, Charles & JoAnne Park Leslie Barlow Pho tography
Cencr.tl Conneccicut Co -op Farmers Assoc.
Angus McDonald I Gary Sharpe & Associates. In c. Niantic Awning Co., LLC
Chrysal is Psychotherapy Center
Nina Curcio Peck Architecrure
Susan Griggs - CrossroadsTravel Dahlke Financial Group. Inc.
River Linens
The de Wolfe Companies
Lynda & Daniel Wilkes
Ang ler Adventures Bilrs Seafood Resmuram
Waller. Smith & Palmer , P.C.
The Bee & T histle Inn Bennie's Farm Marker The Black Seal Caff Roucier C Design, Kelley Cahill Cenccrbrook Architects and Planners Chalmers & Co.
BrewersPilots Poim M::uin:::i
Citizens Bank
Chester Village West Cloud Nine
Dunham Ltd .. Realtors lyn Hanber1,, Ward Bur ian & Janice Murphy
Coca-Colo Boccling Co. of
Essex Savings Bank &
Souchcasrern New England, Inc.
John W. Rafa! & Associates, Inc. Merrill Lynch
Harry Hole & Arth ur Mau r ice - Columbia Air Services John Leonard, Cove Landing Macina
Pfizer Inc.
Design Label Manufuccuri ng Inc. E. F. Wacecmelon Gallery
Reyno lds' wragc & Marine. Inc. Salomon Sm1th Barney
Essence Cencer for Beauty & Wellness Essex Printing Company
Tire Cou nt ry - Jim & Joanne Graybill U.S. Trust Co. ofConneccicuc Webster Bank
Fiore Pizzeria & Ristorancc Firness on the Waterfront
Wiggin & Dana
Fosccc, Cole & Co. Friends & Compa ny
At'gean Treasures
Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees Tim G<tvronski
A.G . Edwards & Sons, In c.
Georgianna Goodwin Desig n LLC
Blackledge Country Club, Inc.
Gourmet Galley
C,ulficld & R idgway, Inc.
The Grist Mill
D aniels Oil Company The Griswold Inn
The Griswold Inn Hale & Hearty
J ean Callan Kins I ncerior Desi1,n Mazer & Son, Inc. - K. C. Ma:tcr
The Hideaway Jlliano's Rescauranc
Middlesex Supply Co. - Bob & Carol Miller New Haven Savings Bnnk
The Inn ar Chester Jonachnn B. Isleib
Niantic Lumber Co.
Johnny Ad's Luigi's Resmurnnc
Thomas Rubcrri - Madison Chrysle r Jeep Dodge Saybrook Country Barn Sennheiser Electronic Corp.
"On every level. .. High Hopes has taken an important place in my heart. I, as a volunteer, have been part of a very positive, hopeful process."
John & Susan Senning Shoreli ne Eye Group, P.C.
Tia Smith, NARHA Region I Volunteer of the Year
Jan Lukens Sarah Wood McCcncken , ASLA Manchester Ice of Old Saybroo k Mike's Bake Shop Ors. Encl & Margaret Mumme rt, DVM
Annual Benefit Event Contributorscontinued
The Needlepoinr Shop of Guilford
Small Plane,
Bill Nelligan Cliff Nelson
Srop & Shop Thar's rhe Spirit Shoppe
The New Haven Symphony Or chesrra Leif & Katherine Nilsson Maurce<1Olansen ofR.J. Vickers Herbery The Old Lyme Inn
Sally). Bill David S. Brown, M.D.
Penny Snow
Tia Smith Phorography
Mr. & Mrs. Jonarhan P. Buder
Sandy & Tony Thurston
SoreIla's Patricia Spratt for the Home
Mr. & Mrs. John Caden Elizabeth Lighcfoor & Nic holas Clemencs
Korhy Fullerron & Gurdon B. Wattles Charlotte & John Westerfield
Village Provisions
Peter G. Cunis Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dangremond
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Worcescer, Jr.
Walr's Food Markee
Olive Oyl's Carry Our Cuisine
The Wheacmarker
Ann B. Lane & Rudo lf H.J. Bergmans Thomas & Susan Chi Ids A. Crichton Ted & Rebecca Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daicch Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Geraldine U. Foster Geraldine Goler Emily T. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Grace & Frank Hamilton , Jr. Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan James & Audrey Simon - J ames Simon Archirecrs John & Badr.1ra K,1Shanski Cher & Suzanne Kitching, Ken & Chris Kir chings The AJ!ene & Jerome L,pidcs Foundation Richard & Judirh Lighrfoor Mr.t & Mrs. John J. MacWilliams F. Parrick McFadden John & Heidi Niblack
Oriental Rugs, Led. Our Doily Bread
Charlie & Tamera Pompca Mt . & Mrs. Roger M. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Woyne Southwick
Henri & Liz David Janie Davison Mary Mille & Bill Doane Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn Ill Drs. Dana & Michael Dunne Sarah Elliott
Tim & Susan Gavronski Polly Webster & Lyre Gou ld Robert & Wendy Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Jo hn Hargraves Anne Hoy & Brian Harra John & Kelly Hartman Muriel & David R. Hinkle Bersy & Bill Horn Marvin & Sue Horwirz Mrs. Adolph Kasrelowitz Mr. & Mrs . W illiam T. Koch Nancy & Dan Kops Jim &Jill Matthew John & Amy McCauley Salliâ&#x20AC;˘ & Dave McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McGhie Bill & Donnn McNamara Franklin Farms, Inc. David &Joanne O'Neil Elena & Michael Pacrerson Barbara Smith & William E. Phillips Lee & John Pritc hard
Pnsca Unlimited
Pnsm Vira
Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Ambrose
Resrauranr du Villoge Wendy Rieder
Jennifer Andrews
Peter & Bersy Russell
Mr. & Mrs . R. Bruce Andrews
Sage Am erican Bar & Grill Sam Kare Clorhing
Seever & S.,Jly Aubrey
Jean & David Sargent Mrs. Charles Scanlon
Maureen & Joseph Augusciok
Robert & Carol Schneider
Saybrook Poinr Inn & Spo Seaflour Foods
John & Jaclcie Ball Myrna & Arnold Baskin David & AJlison Beauderre
Richard & Nancy Schoeller
Sennheiser Elecrronic Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Benson
t Deceased
\X/illiam & V icroria \~incerer
Mr. Sceven & Dr. Debra Daren
Roberr D. & Barbara Earle Ballard
One of a Kind Antiques
Brant & Terry Smith
Fenton L. B. Brown
Old Lyme Seafood
Oliver's Toverne
Kevin & Meg Small
Mary Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Rogers
Karen & Bernard Schwan: Deborah & S. Spencer Scott, Jr.
Ev ent
Fr iends
Bea Anderson Jean & Joseph Andress Stever & Elsie Aubrey Stanley & Milly Babson
Marian & James Bairstow Cotty & Les!ie Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baskett Robert W. Baumer Kathleen A. Bolles & Wayne M . Beaulieu Mimi & Bill Benner Dorothy F. Benner Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Chip & Nick i Berry Jennifer Wells & Frederick Bieber
Linda& PecerBierrie Eleanor Bishop Michael W. Bloom Richard & Margaret Bolles J ane & Tom Boyd Robert & Margaret Brady Rudy & Irma Brande Meg & Ed Bremer Lynn & Lissie Brooks Henry & Karen Brown Brad & Cynthia Burgess M.J. & Dorothy Cahill Tony & Linda Camarra Linda Canrncr Wair & Nancy Carlson Judson & Shirl ey Carr Chris & Libby Carhcarr D.D. & Jeff Charnok Helen S. Chatham Keith & Debbie Chrisman William & Susan Christopher Herb & Sherry Clark
Kay & Logan Clarke Donald R. Cole, MD Gretchen & Woody Comstock Karen Conniff Mr. & Mrs. J. Cheston Constable Robert & Isabel Cooney David & Kathi Courant Paul Courn Karherine E. Cowles Chris & Pani Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Donald Craft Bech Macisco & Michael Crain Mrs. Teresita S. Currie Mrs. R. Katherine Cushman Karen & Donald Danielson Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell Dixie & Jocp de Koning Guy & Diane Deucermann
Christopher & Barbarn S. Dixon Robert & Darline Doane Mr. & Mrs. J ohn F. Donahue Larry & Jan Dorman Mr. &Mrs. William M. Dow,Jr . E. F. Watermelon G.illery Thomas & Gloria Ellio" Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree Bob & Debbie English Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Erda Ann & Jim Erhridge Cape. & Mrs. Philip Evans
MnrgarerFay-Morse Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fay Rocco & Suson Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. Pecer Ferrebee Linda Cnl1'm Taylor & Jack Filkey Russell & Hope Ford Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fournier
PearlFournier Lilian M. King & Allan Dodds Frank Lyell Erwin & Kurr D. Franke Jack & Chip Frost Fritz & Mary Lou Gnhagan
Richard& KatherineGildersleeve Sheila & MichaelGiordano Dr. Edward& Rose Gleich Mr. & Mrs. Gregory]. Godbour
Ann ual Benefit Event Contributors continued
Elizabeth McGuire & Neal Goldburg Elizaberh Goldscein Hank Golec Richa rd & Esther Goodwin Bob & Judy Gorman Mrs. Michael Gourlay Heather & Michael Greenaway Alva Greenburg Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenho Dr. & Mrs. Alan Greenwood Mr . & Mrs. Thomas Griffin Mr. & Mrs. John Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Timorhy C. Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Griswold XJ Capt. & Mrs. Robert Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Frederic L. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hamilton JU Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick Jean Handley .M:ix & Liz Hnrcmann Kenneth D. Hedgebeth Karen Dahle & Sue Hessel Eleanor & Roger Hilsman Gilbert & Carol Hogan Lisa & Scephen Holmes Astrid Horan Jay & Mimi Hosrener Arthur & Margaret Howe CnryS. Hull Becsy & Robert tfonnewell Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hutchings Susan & Jonathan Jewett Waldo & Renu Johnstone Penny & Ted Jones & guesr Mrs. Elizabeth Kane David Larner & Kristin Karabees John Knrabees Mr. & Mrs. ruchard G. Kehoe Bob & Ruch Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keogh Sally S. King Mr. & Mrs. Michael K.Her Bob & PauUne KnoU
Mr. & Mrs.Jomes J. Korst Theodore Kulpilc Mr. & Mrs. Delano Lidd, Jr.
Maura T. Landry Isabel C. Leach K. B. Lee
Sue Wha rfe & Ja y Porcengcr David & Barbara Prescon Deedee Pr isloc
Joan & Kenneth Levin Lewis Levin Frank & Shirley Lusk JoAnn & Richard Mangi Gre<chcn & Mowry Mann Nancy & Hiram Manville Alice Kroger, DVM & Neil Marrinan, DVM Robert & Grace Marrion Mr. & Mrs. Roger Martin
Donald & Charlotte Qu igle y Christopher & Holly Read Cory & Ron Reider Joe Rhodes Lee & Joseph Rhodes Jim & Ann Rice
Mabel Marschulat George & Sally Mayer Peter & Susan McCall John & Karhy McCurdy Angus McDonald / Gary Sharpe & Assoc. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. McKnight Richard & Judi McKn ight Jack Meier Mr. & Mrs. Newton Merrill Michael & Karen Milano Dotothea Moore Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Frances & Charles Moppert Marga.recMorgan Joanne Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy II Douglas & Anne Nagan Jillj,:John Nelsen Bob & Penny Nelson Lori Nelson John Nelson, M.D. Peter Nichols Maureen & Thomas J. O'Gonnan Cynthia R. Palmer Paula & James Palmieri Harold & Marcia Pariscn
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Parkinson Geoffrey Paul.
Jusrus & LiUias Paul James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick Mr. & Mrs. Abbot Peterson ill Jane & ]runes Pfeffer Mr. & Mrs. Fttderick J. Platt ill Mnrgnrcc& Donald Porrer
Jean M. Richards Elizabeth Karrer & Alexander ruchardson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieder Mettdith & Bi ll Robbins Al & Connie Rogers Sue & Wayne Rosenfield Mr. Mark Roth Cynthia 8. Rowley Bill & Burgess Russell Karhryn Russell Jeanne Rurigliano Judy Schaaf Peter & Shelby Schavoir
Annua l Benefit Event Contributors continued
Alice Schmutz Donna & Hugh Scott Robin & Henry D. Sedgwick Petra Shearer Ann B. Shumway
Toni & Harry Slifer Seymour & Tia Smith Lon A. Smi,h Dave & Ginny Speirs Mr. & Mrs. Joh n Spratt Robert & Sheri Stalsburg l'llr. & Mrs. Richard Stanwood Mitchel & Regino Srrand Richard & Leslie Strauss Rosalind Srreeter Frank & Ellen Sullivan Robert D. Taisey Mr. & Mrs. Don Torey Sharon Mcbughlin & John Tracy Jim & Marty Travis Trish & Howard Trear Felix & Peggy Trommer Bill Turner H ans & Barbara Ullstein Chris & Maureen VanDerSrad Mr. & Mrs. Terence Walley J ohn Wamp ler David & Dale Warner Jean & Rk hard Caron - Washington Trust Co. Daniel M. Wans Bersey & Bob Webscer Colleen G. Weese! Judy Rathbun Whitney Patricia M. Wiley Lynda & Dan Wilkes Brian & Rosemary A. \'(llllis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Wilso n Mr. & Mrs. Rkhard A. W indatt Peggy & Mel Winkley Janis Witkins Martin Wolman Mr. & M°is.L. Robctt Wood Julie O'Shaughnessy & Jeffrey D. Woods Paul & Cicely Worml l Fdts & Barbara B. Ze rnike
Bob & Lee Adrian Delphine & David Archambau lt Marian Bairstow Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Robert W. Baumer Ann B. Lane & Rudolph H .J. Bergmans Linda & Perer Bierrie Eleanor Bishop Jeanne Blackwell Eleanor L. Bonafonre Chris Bongo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Borden Robert & Margaret Brady Henry P. Brighrwell Norman & Lori Caine
Don & lyn Hanberg Nancy & Reese Harris Yvonne Haynes lnrerior Design Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Astrid Horan Jay & Mimi Hostetter Stuart & June H0tchkiss Erica & Andrew Howat Betsy & Robert Hunnewell Faulkner & Ann Lightfo0t Hunr Martha B. Jacques Lee J useice & Robert Pope Michael & Jean Kashgarian Cher & Suzanne Kitchings Cherry & Hafer Krech Theodore Ku lpik
Tony & Linda Camarra Chris & Libb Cathcart
John & Wendy Lord Frank & Shirley Lusk
Mr. & Mrs. John Catlett Sara Child-Bushy Thomas & Susan Childs He rb & Sherry Clark Mr. & Mrs. George Connerar David & Kathi Couranr Chris & Parci Coyle Ted & Rebecca Crosby Jan & Barbara Deutsch Bob & Lorelei Diamond Mr. & l\irs. Courtland, P. Dixon
John D. MacDonald Dr. & Mrs. James D. Matthew Peter & Susan McCall John & Amy McCauley Sharon McLaughlin & John Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Donnan, Jr. Rob & Linda Douglas John & Kristine Drew Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn Ill Sarah Elliot t Thomas & Gloria Elliocr Sue & Al Engel Capt. & Mrs. Philip Evans Geraldine U. Foster Lillian M. King & Allan Dodds Frank Adam &Janie Frieman Alexis & Elise Gnhagan Richard & Katharine Gildersleeve Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt Jim & Joanne Graybill Kitty & Jerry Greene
Richard & Judi McKnigh t Bill & Donna McNamara Sunny McNeil Mary Mille & Bill Doane Mr. & Mrs. John Molochko Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Victort & Ellie Morr ison · John & Heidi Niblack Paula & James Palmieri Charles & JoAnne Park Bob & Beth Peirce Tom & Linda Picazio Constanc e Pike Susan Raible Jeff Renk! J oseph & LeeRhodes Holly & Jeffrey Ridgway Al & Connie Rogers Cemmy & Michael Ryland Patricia Russell Mr. Boynton Schmitt John & Susan Senning Petra Shearer
Toni & Harry Slifer Kevin & Meg Small Seymour & Tia Smith Jane Steinke Sabin &: Dcvcrlcy Srrceter Mrs. Bonsall Srrong Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sutton
Sandy & Tony Thurston Mrs. William M. T,ngue Don & Jen Torey Karen & Kel Tyler Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger Mrs. Samuel R. Walker Kathy Fullerton & Gurdon B. Wattles Charlotte & John Westerfield Sonny & K. C. Whe len Lee & Doug Wh icc· Janis Witkins Janet & John Woods Capt. Mark Yuknat
Financial Statements for the Year ending June 30, 2000*
of Financial Condition Jun e 2000 Total All Funds
Jun e 1999 Tora ! AU Funds (rev ised)
Unrestr icted
Accounts Receivable
Unconditional Promises co Give
Tora! Cur rent Assets
Endowment Inve stment s
Faciliries Expans ion
846,593 74,9 11
Due from Endowment Long-term Cond itional Pr omises ro Give Long-rerm Unco nd itio nal Pr omises ro Give
Total Assets
S3 Z!!2,l!l!0
Ju ne 2000 Total
June 1999 Toca! (rev ised)
67,307 695,789
Total Support Revenue :
l nvesrmenr Income
Si 076690
Other Income
Ner Realized Investment Gains
Unrealized Ga.in (Loss) on Investments
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Rev enu e: 183,407
Permanently Rescricccd
Pees for Services Land, Buildings, Equipment and Horses, ac Cose, Nee
Temporarily Restr icted
Support, Revenue and Gains
Curr ent Assets: Cash and Equivalents
of Activities
, Total Support, Revenue and Gains
illLl222l fil10J!22l lli..iQj_
SI 223 727
s2 499613
Expenses Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilitie s: Morrgage Payable, current portion Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenue
42,525 853 220,000
368 ,302
General and Administrative
Fuod Raising Tora.I Expenses:
Due to ope rating Tora! Liabilities
Pwgrnm Services
S 152,474
Change in Net Assets
1,201,222 766,826 I 0'54 454
1,189,316 106,135 I OSI 688
Net Assets, Beginning of Year
S3 o;zz,202
Net Asse ts: Unrescricced Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
â&#x20AC;˘1t11dirtd finanrial Jldl,,,,,nlJavailab/, ,n H1gbHop,,o/Jirr.
Net Assets, End of Year
I 244 560
u 201 m
SI 054151
2 347 132
2 241 037
$3 022 502
$2,347 132
Non-Profir Organ ization U .S. Posrage
PAID Old Lyme, CT
High Hopes Therapeuti c Ridin g, Inc.
06 37 1
r 999-2000 Annual Report
Permit # I
Twenty-six years of changing lives through therapeutic
36 Town Woods Road • Post Office Box 254 • Old Lyme, Conne cticut 06371-0254 • Telephone (860) 434 -197 4