2000-2001 High Hopes Annual Report

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High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

Annual Report 2000-2001

Embracing Change



Founder wl1at

Mary K. "Sis" Gould

a year of challenge, faced. \X'hat a year of change, embraced. \"X/hata year of dreams, realized.

High Hopes Board of Directors Officers

As I face the end of my term as Board President, J look back on this year with an overwhelming sense of pride in High Hopes and the people

Rofler M. Smith, President Jane A. Bolles,Vice President, Secretary

who make up its extended family. Through the efforts of our riders and their families, Volunteers, Board, Committees, Staff and the

Elizabeth David, Vice President, Treasurer John C. Evans, Vice President

community at large, we have pushed ourselves into a new place in High Hopes' history. \Xie challenged ourselves with the desire to build


new facility to meet the needs of our growing family. The Kresge Foundation challenged

us in turn and in the process of meeting their requirements we reached new heights of professionalism.

Embarking on a capital campaign of

Chery! Kelly Heffernan, Vice President for Development Jeffrey Ridgway, Vice President

such magnitude in a small organizarion like ours takes courage, and once again the High Hopes family was up to the task.


Initiating so much change required us to rake a long, hard look at ourselves from many perspeetives. We grew in the process, both

SallYH. Aubrey MaUreen 0. Augusciak

Ba'rbaraEarle Ballard Linda:. F.Bterrie

)ane.J. DavlSon

,"Gl?raldineU. Foster

:t::'H'eather L~ighHarrison

William D. Irving, MD Charles Kingsley Judith F. Lightfoot

personally and professionally. Change, by definition, is a training ground, and we have learned a great deal about adaprntion and preparation

for the future.

A. Rives Potts

\X/l' invite you all ro visit us in our newly rl'lllMtted facility. It is bright, warm, and wekoming, with room to hsiuse the dreams, changes and

Ann Rice

challenges of the future. \Xlith the Grand Opening of our building and the rededication of our purpose, the latest in a long line of dreams

CharlesTerrell ··

has come true.

Gurdon B. Wattles

f;lonorary Directors ~yttl_etcm_ B,P.Gould, Jr. Frank.Hamilton,Jr.

<-'·GfilCE! Hamilton Roger M. Smith

A proud moment for the High Hopes family.


't}(;A;lfo'OffZack Darrell,Executive Director _itlf_~talsburg, Program Director (?:Fenger,Directorof Development _atf h~arer,Business Manager i_nElliottLeas,Barn Manager EVerett,Program Administrator ri_scoll 1 Administrative Assistant


'You must 6e the change you wish to see in l!ft. ,, Mahatma Gandhi

ar'nStaff I Administrative Assistant

Roger M. Smith & Alison Zack Darrell hold a check for $220,000 from The Kresge Foundation.




rom the moment you fin<l our that a loved one has a disability - whether at birth or due to an accident or


illness - your life is changed forever. Challenges you never anticipated seem to emerge at every turn, and

adapting to change becomes part of your daily life. And so it goes at High Hopes. Our riders and their families are masters at managing the unexpected, and they were our best teachers during this year of transition for High Hopes. They showed us daily what it means to reach for a dream, catch it, and excel, not leering unforeseen obstacles keep them from reaching cbeir goals. Their example inspired us to continue operating at a high level during construction, and to be-am with pride at what we have achieved. Like so many of our participants, we have made sacrifices to move forward, but the results have been incredibly rewarding. When you visit High Hopes you'll see a lot of physical changes. Offices are moved around, walls are a different color, and rooms have been added. The sense of accomplishment and heightened air of excitement are palpable. But throughout this entire project, as we pursued the significant goals highlighted on rhis page, we never lost

sight of what is important, what is at the core of our mission - our love for our riders and horses, and our commitment ro the work we do cogecber. Isn't it nice to know that some things never change?

Alison Zack Darrell Exm1tive Director

2000 - 2001 Highlights • Served 45 J p:irticipnnts through our riding progrnms, Summer Camp, Field Trips and Birthday Parries, providing nenrly 5,000 riding lessons • Provided full or purtiid Scholarships for ne:1rly 509{; of our riders

• Held 3 Instructor Tniining Courses, one being our first Summer Course, grnduming 16 Instructor Training srndems: and a NAJUIA Registered Instructor \\(/orkshop & On-sire Certification progrnm for 25 students • More tlmn 300 volunteers donated over 20,000 hotirs assisting with riding lessons, horse care, foci!iry maimenance, office duties 1111d fundrnising • Other Volunttcr Groups participuted from: Alternui:ive to Incarceration, The U.S. Coast Gunnl Arnde111y,Wesley,111University Day of Caring, United Wuy De1yof C1ring (Dow Chemical), 4-1-1Club, Vist:i of Westbrook, Community Service, Job Shadows, Youth and Pamily Services of Old Saybrook, Voc11tiom1lTraining, Connecticut Collegt, t-.TiddlesexCom-Tech College, and Noank Baptist Group Homes • Rtceived our 5-year North American Riding for the I landicapped Association (NARHA) Accreditation, and our renewed NAIUJA npprov.i! w offer the Instructor Training Course • 1-li,g:hHopes' Program Director, Kitty Srnlsburg, was elected President of rhe NARI-IA Board of Directors • High Hopes received the following awards: NARI-IA Region I Volunteer of the Year ~ Tia Smith; the Adule lndependem Rider of the Year ~ K11thyIfrl!er; and the Region ! I Iorse of rhe Year ~ Cody (pictured)

2000-2001 Annual Avveal Contributors iihi·iMC.i·i;ii~i•Jl~l-'f..+t,1•i We are grateful to the hundreds of individuals and businesses that ,give so generously to our Annual Appeal providing a solid financial

Lyn Gould

Patrons D1rnids Oil Company Mrs, Mam! B. Dukt

base of operating support for

Ors. Dana & Michatl Dunne-

High Hopes.

Charles & Sylvi11Erhan Mrs. Roberc Fisher Dave & S11llyMcDermott



Mary T. ll..fille & William S. Donne

Louis Bacon

The Pic1zio h1rni!y

Ted & Rebecrn Crosby

Charles M. Royce

Jane L Davison

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell

Evan S. Griswold & Emily T, i:islwr

Je11n & David Sargent

Lyn Gould

Mary Cummings

John S. Johnson

William I. Sllni

Barbara & John Kashanski

Mr. & Mrs. Crni5 Saxton

The Kirchings familr Judirh I1.& Richard B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer Rives & N:mcy Pom

John M. Srnr5es,Jr.

Karen Sthwan

Satti, i\LD.

Peter & Shelby Sdiavoir Kar<:n & Kd Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Gurdon It Wattles Webster Bank

i\frs. Linda P. Wil!iams •f Mr. & Mrs, F. L. Worcem:'r,Jr.

Special Janel,



Geraldine U. Fost(-r Barbarn & John Kash;mski

Adopt-A-Horse, Start-A-Rider & Sis Gould Carriage Driving Program

Lord Creek Farm

John & Heidi NibhKk Karen Schw:1fl


By directing their Annual Appeal gifts to the care of our horses, tuition for our riders, and our driving program the following individuals have shown a spedal commitment to High Hopes.

Maureen & J1m•ph Auguschik Pncr & Alexandra Dairch


Mitch & Cheryl He!Tcrmm

Eleanor L Bonafomc

,coon_..:,d;Pt bM

t Deceased

Kristin Karnbees Johanne & Richard .Mangi Joan Mulkey Bob & Penny Ne!~on Cynthi:1 R. P.i!mt-r Quintin, Oliver & Charlie Parsons i\lary P. Pullen Jeff & I lolly Ri<l5wny Connie & Al Rogers Bonnit & Phi! Sellgull Karn 13. Seymour Petr,1 B. Shearer

Bill & Susan Stn1ir Vinoria & William Wimen:r

David &Judy



Sis Gould Program

Anonymous Robert D. & Barb11rnE.1rle Balillrd

Marilyn Conklin

Carroll A, Boynton

fan MosesCannon,His Clru:smatcs 1 His Pritndt and His FamUy

Su,ianK, Child,


Keith & J1ne lfolk-s

Keith & Jane Bolles Mr. & Mrs. George R. Bullitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coir Franklin Farms, Inc Dr. & Mrs. Goldbhttt

Dr. & Mrs. Goklblan Cynthi;i Gould

Mr. & Mrs.Joseph N. Greene.Jr. Roben & W'endy Gunn Ebine & Peter Lapolla John D. & Mary Besen Mud)on:dd Susan Peacock Danielk· Vetsch

ilfr. & Mrs. Willi,1m S. Post Mr. & Mrs. Sydney !-!. Rogers K;iw B. Seymour Tia & Seymour Smith

Lyn Gould

Berry & John Greene Inge Hierer

Sponsors Anonymou~ Bruct', Linda~l.ea & Jennifer Andrews Sallr 1-1.& Stever Aubrey Chris & Sara Battison

Juw Bennen Deborah & Gregg Bc"mon Ann B. Lane & Rudo!{ H.J. lkrgm,1m

Natalie" & Alan Bieber Lrnda & Peter Bierrit' Sally

.J, Bill

Jrnrn & Barry Bloom

Mc & il-frs. Robert E. Borden Mr, & Mrs, Willi;im A. Boyd

Mrs, H. D. Brundaftt Wil!i.im Cl!dey & Cadwri1w M;Kkty Caulfield & Rid.4:wlly, Inc. Dennie D,ivis

Mr. & Mn, lknry

Katharine Gildcrslcew:

Greta & Jake Jacobs Mrs.John J, MacWH!iams CharlesF, hfon:wsJlo,Jr, 1'.r:.Ir: Wu:,ThornilllF, Moore.Jr, ~-t'J•~Ho_r¥e, Assocfado,ri :i.obm,.li: ~fld:r lfoUiJltlc

Betty & John Greene Elizabeth Haartz Grace & Frank 1-lamilton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. lfamrick Abbey Holstein

TI. Dllnn Ifl

Jonnie & Ash Edward\ Pat & Ritk Ermlcr

i\k & Mrs, John C Evans Margaret Fay Morse Mr. & Mrs, Russell Ford

Michael & Sherley Furgueson Lyn Gould Sally& P;irker Handy

Kathy& Ruth Heller

2000-2001 Annual Appeal Contributors (continued) I\1ul & Linda Holt

Myrrn1 & Arnold B:1skin

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LtRue

Bill & Btcsy Horn

Mr. & Mrs, Robert L Bennett

Joan & Kcnnech Levin


V:1rick D. Harrison

Mrs. Chauncey Fox Howt

Dr. & Mrs. Willi11m A. Lieber

Abigail P. Jacobson


Janet G. Jainschigg

J'vfary L Broughton

Bob Keim

Mr. & Mrs. 1-LTempleton Brown,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F, Burkarth


Norman & Lori C:1in1: Mr. & Mrs. Charks M. Ch:1pin Ill

Cis & Carer Manhiessen

Patricia B. Russell

Marty & Tony Astmann Suzy & Mich11d Aubrrr Bets)-' Ross Averill Dr. Jospeh A. B;1rdenheier Ill Chip & Diane Bares Kraemer & Bruce Becker Chip & Nicki Ikrry Ditvid & Annie Bingh;1rn bry Bloom & Elizabi:th Gwillim James P. Blum Mr. & Mrs. Srnnford Brainerd 1-lenry P. Brightwell Lynn & Lissie Broob Harrr P. Broom, .Jr. Mrs. Mary C. Burkt· Hanna & Steven Calcagni Nancy & Bill Cash Alice J. C1stt!li Tom & Dorrit Castle I.cslie K. C!mmbers Debor,1h L Chieppa R. N. Sarah Child-Bushy Kay & Losan Clarke Mr. & Mr~. Ifarry Clarke Mr. & Mrs.Juli.in Cole!!i \'v'oody & Gretchen Com\tock 1-fadorn.T, Cooke Mn. Karherim' E. Cowles

Roderic M. Hartung, Architecr

Mr. & Mrs. Tanncr T. Hum,Jr.

G:1rr F. Borla Rudy & Irma Brandt

M,. Mnjgan Samardar

Mr. & Mrs. Earle Dane

Drs. John&. 1forcia McGow,1n

Mrs. F. Edgar D,.vi, Mr. & Mn, Laci de Gerrnday L:mrie DeMayo Guy & Diane Demtrmann Mildred KDevine Charle, & Photbt Dey Mr. & Mrs. C P. Dixon Bob & Darline Drninc Doug's Garnge Bnbarn & DavlJ Edward\

Judy & Jim McQuade

Charles & Gretchen Kingsley Shirley S. Lmgford

Bruce & Cithcrine Linman

J. Brost

Mrs. t.farshall Cbrk

Mrs. R.EJ). Lord Mr. & }.frs. Charles C. Osborne Claude R. Pdlcgrino

Dorothy R. Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Lovelace

James Lowi:ry,Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roland MacNichol & Marguerite


Roben & Graci: Marrion Brnce & Barbarn .McGhic-

M:1rg;1tet 1L C!ucus

Rcntt & Bruce Mcintyre

Mmilda Colihan

Mr. & Mrs. Newton Merrill

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Crain

Dowt!m1 Moort

Charles & J:inec Crump

Anne & Douglas Nagan

llelen Rogers

Richard R. Dailer Philip F. & Alison Zack D;trrdl

May & Rohen Nelson

James & Am:mda Rudedgt·

Georj.;e P, D;1vison & Judith F. Rivkin

Drs. John & Corrie Paardenkooper

Mary K. Sdwaf

/-.fr.& Mrs. Christophtr P. Dixon CoL J1mes I-I. Drum USA-llet.

Georgia Payne

John Duncan Joseph & Sandra Elniskr

R. I. Pearce Steve & J\farilyn Percr

1-ltlent & Charles Fenger

Consrnnce A. Pike

Anne Perminwn, L1ndscape Architens Mr. & t.frs. Frederick


Plan III

Toni & Hurry Slifor D. M. Smid1 Manfred & Patricia Schad1 von \'V'ineoau

Alison &John Forbis

Sustainers Bob & Debbie English

Pearl Fournier Genie Fr,mklin

FrnnkJarrnbn:k/ES.SENCE 9·nrer for Be,mty

Ann Freeman

and Wellness

Regirn1ld H. flullenon,Jr. Tim & Susan Gavronski

Barhmt & Midiad Fonda

N:1ncy C Olmstead

Sally Payne

Nancy & Rives Potts

Mr. & Mrs. John Rexroad Ann M. & James R. Rice Glen & Conmmce Rokicki

Lisa & Stephen Holmes

Emily P. Gilbtrt Rkhard & Esclwr Goodwin

Mr,. Charles

John R. & Wendy V. Lord

Erica & Henri Gourd

Mrs . .Marianna Shepard

R, E Herbst Mr. & Mrs. Edward \V. Hildreth Muriel N. Hinkle June Hotd1kiss Shirley F. Howard Miss Kaw Ireland lntcrdc$i.gn Limited Sman & Jonathan Jewett Cam!int B. John&nn, PhJ). Jwm & \\/ard Johnson Jann and Andrew Jont'.l

Tia & Seymour Smith

Ted & Pumda Hami!mn

William IL Moore

.Mrs.Vinor MorriMm,Jr B11rbarn&. David Presron Lee & John Pritchard Carollnr C, Priier Virginia Rhodes Kathuine

L S,mi

Mc & Mrs, Frnnk L Srnn!ey


M,1.q;aretGa Kane

Bob& Lee Adrian Mc St Mrs, Berm1rdAklimlf

Mrs, Adolph K@tdowin: Tht Kendulls

Anonymom & Curr Azkdson

't'om & C!R$ieKeogh Roget & Bnm Ki!!ion

Stn11& Milly Bnhson Akx«nd!'-< [},;,nie!Barber

NtllyS, King UnwsrKirsdmer Roben & Pauline Knn!J

Rufos& Chndotte


J. So1nlon

Mr. & Mrs. A, Ta:ppt'n Snptr

Mrs. Eli1abcrh Sturges TAMAR Marlon G. Taylor Sandy & Tony Thurnon Timothy & Su.rnnne Ty!n Caryl & Ditvid Viola Linda & David Ward

Mrs. John Webster John & Ellrn Wells Cnl!een


Judith Rnthbun Whiuwy Wildwood Pcdimrks Mr. & Mrs. Thon-ms0. Wing Su&rtf\A, \Vronowsk!

ELlgtm:& GtorgiR York WlHiatn


lfo.rl.xtrnEllis, Rcrirtd

1\fr. & Mrs, Jcb Na EmbriX' Sallie & Franklin Farrel Ill

Paul W, Finan falzar C. Forest

Louist Heam Barbara Silver Holt Arthur,

Jr.,& Margaret B. HO\w

Arthur E. Hurst Mary!ys Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jackson

Mr. Eadsjohnson,Jr. Mr. & .Mrs. Dou._i;hisN. Jones Karen Keelan P,1tricia H. Kl"esee

Nancy C. Kindell Roger L Klein Anne P. Klingler

Shepard Krech,Jr. Michdk· & Steve Kurz Rohen & Susan Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. Henry hfar Diane M. Mazza

John&. Erin McCal!um Drs. Christopher & Susan McCawley

Don & Virginia McCue Karhy & John .McCurdy

B,1rbarn B. Meyers Bill Montn~on Clnmlia & David Narnrski

Mr, & Mrs. Eugene Nichols John & Susan P.u;mre!le

Mn, Eileen S. Perry

Leslie 1-LQuarrier fxm & C!rnrlottc Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Leland H Reynolds Dorothy SaRlrchifCarot K RyLmd

Mr, & .Mn,, John E, Frid11y,Jr,

Jeff & She!hi Salldn

Whitney &


Or, & Mts,

GarUnghotwe Goldwring

Dti!naL favo!t>Gonci ),fr, & Mm, Robert Green Mr, & 1-frs,UatlGreenho

EdithK Gdswo!d Mc & .Mrs; TJmorbyC


Donnn & Hugh Scorr Chay! Fogg Sheddan Claire&.John Slmnn BJH& !kn Smitll Mc & Mrs, Mako!m A, S1xirs

2000-2001 Annual Appeal Contributors(continued) Beverly, David & Su7~"lnneSpencer

Janice B. English

Scon & Callista Stoddard

Dave & Christina

Rick, Kim & Kelsey Rose Swan

Mary Fischer

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Sollis Evers

Peg Sweeney

Robyn & Mark Fortier

Robcrr D. Taisey


Judy & David Ulrich Doug & Karen VanDyke Marina Verhoeven

Frank & June Wadsworth Mrs. Jane A. Walker

Nick & Susan Webb John & Debbie Welles John & Ellen Wells

Elizabeth D. G. Whitley

M. Frnnk

Toddie & Chris Getman Margaret Westby Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Goodrich

Kitty Stalsburg, William

Rob & Kaduyn

Steer, Mary Ellen l\fa!one, &



James &Jeanne

Regina & Mitchel Strand

Louis Proto

Selden Summ

Gillian Rose

James R. Thompson,Jr./Karen



Bill & Burgess Russell

Aetna Foundation,


Ms. Curtine


C. Michael & I~1urie \'7alker

Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Toldedund

P. Sw,1nson

Peter & Elizabeth Karter John & Irene Kritzer Tom & Kathy Levami


The Pl!zer Foundation

Paul & Maureen Butler

Belinda Monat

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Gld

Margot W. Morgan

E. C. Chamberlain

Diana :,!orris

Stephen P, Connolly


Mary Mrouse

Sally F. Comish

Joe & Leslie Aceto

Jeffrey Nelson Nichols Forestry & Logging, LLC Kcl!y & Cheryl Parsons

Laura M, Pe<lcuen

Vfr1;iniaQ.-Permo1i t

:W:tl•nli H. Phrninlx

P•~~-:.;-Pit Pi10o~

The Times Mirror Foundation


Dr. & Mrs. Mark Brown

Dr. & Mrs. Robert McKnight


Philip Morris Companies

Sing Rong & Don Zhang

Shirley Ross Brown Marilyn Buel

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Acker

Mrs. Lawrence G. \'7ashburn

Suzanne Angier

T. Earon & Erin S. Burr

Car! W. Zirkenbach


The Chase Manham1n lloundation

Roger & Donm1 Hurley Melanie & Eric Jarvis


The Henry Luce Foundi1tion, lnc.

Michael & Ellen Maus

Mni:.W!n.dowB. Aye_r

High Hopes gratefully acknowledges the Companies and Foundations that extend their support on behalf of their employees' commitment to our work.

Jenna Pecornro

Frank & Helen Marand:i



Wendy Murdoch

David & Cary Walker

Ward & Barbara Woodside

W. {Zee) & Lin Zomig

Ms. Spencer K. McLe,1n

Charles & Sherrell Grcan

Nancy 1-L Wood

Mc & Mrs. Ronald Zo!lshan


-,,--,,:so~il' Driflli.i, sai:iii::a'i~lcii :~'i~/M_~ci'fa~h:<: 11/U,,,/ Sal.t,1(,. ),bicha RkhmOnd

JW.,,J,,,J,<,.&,,,~ Mary C, Begen

Marjorie M, Curtis Susan Deu Wayne E, & Parrida

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur &:hiller Cyr

Jackie & Cindy Dorwin



Dana & Debra Dunrnn & Family Mr. & Mrs,_Matthew G, Ety,Jr,

Sue Bi Al Engel

& The'Soutte Fainlly

'"_d.11 'J,•'~l

Mr. & Mrs, John SchH!er

Trading Co,, Inc,

Wynrn Distributors

W. F. Young, Inc

H, C. ''Sandy"


E, U:1rlf,m/J Caroline & David McCord

Melissa Everen

DPmMCr/Jcrn:re, MD Mary Jane Fegan, PT

AJJs,rlit1.1 Ferran! Jo-Anne

& Lou Gulino

Jane Fegan, PT


Mary Jane Fegan, PT

Cindy & Billie Palmer

Ti1Smit/2 Cynthia & George Wi!lauer In Celebration

of her

NARI-IA Region I



C,1ro/h:e;l/;;ni.JfJtJ John R. & Wendy V. Lord

of the Year


C!wrlu Tend/

''Nkk" tk f1fJ1:re Andrew & Rosemary

Pem1 B. Shearer


SIJ Go,vlrl Sue Keith E!verswn



;lfi!.hr.l tllo,;r;,m

Lillie Cwlttwre

Evelyn& Geor,geDermer Al#!)' ?lx/JN//!i!l,!IID

Lu/i Smith 6 Rk&m/ Blmf;,

Cbri1t/J/Wr,· ;lf,-1Jtit1t1, Nd



Karen Gasiorowski

D,nirl & 1l!Hrid Hil1irle Frank & Erica Cosenza

1: /.:lieH11rlrp,1b Nathan


& Carol Coffman

Iln Mae Wilson Downs

Jdw O'/Jrim, 1IID 1fary Jane Fegan Jh11 & P11/~J!L{J[t'Ptttt:r

Jennifer Wolf


Hazel D. Long Karen Sue Mayfield The Marcus Strnwn Family

1/oll}' Rirl,_t;m1J' The Honorable

Everett & 1forjorie Lindsey


& fomily

Stephen, Sarnh & Sydney Wilson

Tamatha Gorman

Mary Cow

Lyct Gould

R. F, Cunningham

Louise Hearn

Christopher & Dororn Fields

& Company,


Cheryl & Mitch Heffernan

Frontier Commodities,

Robert & Pauline Knoll

Janet & Don Germaine

Lindsay Lewchik

Mrs. Sally Goodsrine & Molly Richlx路rg

The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club

Edna H. Harris


Kristin Mason

Rose M. Hassen

Madison Newcomers Club

Sandra & Roberr

Ox Ridge Summer Dressage Show

Lynne & Jose I-Ienriquei.



Pfizer Employees

Faye Hoisington

Susan D, Regan


St. James Episcopal Church

Ronald & Ruth Jacobs

Women - West Hartford

Farmers Cooperative Assn. Jnc.

Robert & Dorothy Jucquier

Saybrook Country Barn Mr, & Mrs, John S. Stankus

Jay & Halinajerardi

Katherine Steer

Con~t;inre E. Kaph1n


Veterinary Hospira!

David &Judy Winer

Shirley R, Juran

Harrier P. & lrwin R. Karnssik Eleanor &Jules Karp Velta Klavins

Emanuel Hirth Scholarship Gifts

The Allan \YI. Koernt'r Family

This scholarship has been established in memory of Emanuel Hirth, the grandfather of High Hopes Rider Ian Moses Cannon.

Mr. & Mrs. George T. LaBonne

'The Emmanuel Hirth &ho!arship for

The Family of Mark Krnviri Alice B. Kulpa

from medication for our elderly horse, Dandy, to our horses' Holiday Wish List and an electric sweeper for the barn.

Mr. & Mrs. Simon Lipton

Linda Alrnr:ida

Mr. & Mrs. Geoq;e Marlow


Brian & Lauren Mathews

r-.tyrna & Arnie lfaskin

Richard & Barbim1 Nickless

Erin Bauer

Individuals with Spedal Needs has been

Linda Nussbaum & Richard Shurran

hfary Begen & fomilr

csmbllshed to enable others m enjoy and

Ohio Blenders, fnc.

beneflc from the therapeutic ridin,g

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P11uze

Jamie Blencowe Christopher Brnb:

expedence(s) :wailable at High Hopes

Lynn Dee Payeur

Robin Brewer

as has his grandson, fan Moses C:rnnon."

Norman & fhi-rier lbshbn

Christopher Bushy

Gail & Edwin Adams Andrew Ammldi, Sr. Andrew An%ldi,Jr, Marsha & Peter Berenson She.1la N. Berkowsky

BFS Corporntion Boston Feed Supply Phyllis Blizzard Mrs, Judy Bogan:

Melissa & Steve Bogan

Kathryn Si1rges

Theresa Casrngno

Pctrn B. Shearer

The Catlett family

Donna Sicuranza

Sarah Cadecr

Sigel, O'Connor, Sd1iff & Zang:iri, P.C

Chili's B:ir & Grill

Jucqueline R. Somberg

Kerry Christianson

Edid1 & Seymour Spilka

,\farilyn Conklin

Ida Swin

Ted Crosby

United Co-operarive Farmers, Inc

Bt'verly & Richard \'v'oodhouse

Gernldinr: tJ. Foster

Members, Patrons & Staff of Central Connecticut Cooperntive Farmers Association.

Central Soy;, Company, Inc.

Abraham & Yvonne Cohen Foundarion, lnc. Barry & Yvonm路 Cohen,

Denise Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Yvene(Cohen) & Steven Pomenintz. Mr, Joseph G, Cohen

Kristin Elliott Leas

The Everett Fi1mily

Gifts for Special Purposes Each year many individuals and businesses see a particular need at High Hopes and are willing to provide the funds to meet that need, This year's gifts funded everything

Lyn Gould Phy! Graglia Gr,Ke & Frank l路famih:on,Jr. Andrew Han

Cheryl & Mitch Hefform1n Louise l路lc)(ttr Rigmor Heydenryk lngt 1-Iitrec

Diana Doolittle John & Emm:1 Driscoll John &Judie Driscoll, Jackson & Jod Jennifer Dupuis Judirh A. Durames


A;_UJ.lrnbiano, DVM

Old Lyme Frnme Shop Quintin, Oliver, & Charlie brsons Pfizer Anim;1! Health Linda Lee-Picazio Pro-Formula Lib, lnc.

Elizabeth Ehlers

Don & NHncy lt111kin

Joseph & Sandra Elnisky

Cllit!in Rawson

Waker Engle

Bonnie Reemsnyder

Farnham Co.

i'.fr. & Mrs. John Rexnmd

The Feed Bag Emily T. Fisher & Evan S. Griswold

Jeff & Holly Ridgw;1y Riverside Press, Inc.

Kelsey Fournier

\'v'i!liam R. Robinson, Equine Demist

Pend Fournier Teri Furr & Rusty Reynolds

Slllem Valley Veterirmry Clinic

Richard Gates


S:tybrook Office Equipmenr, Inc.

Monirn L. Gnudio

Petra B. Shearer

Kristi Gonrnrous Georgian!lil Goodwin

Toni & Harry Slifer

Buddy Grimley

Bil! & Bess Small

CUppei Ship Bookshop~ Roy & Ruth Craven

Joseph 1-1.J-lacken, Farrier

Diane Smirl1 Marcht & Roger M. Smith

_COfrcc's Market Hannah Coflslglio Coo1Wrman Fifu & Drum Co. Jan_cCorflelius

John I-far.graves & Nancy Newcomb

SOURCE, lnc.

Chris & Patti Coyle T<:d,St'Rd:xx:ca Crosby

Mitch & Cheryl 1-ldfornan

D11d& Mom Swlsburg

Kathy & Ruch Heller

Kitty Srn!sburg, Rob & Kathryn l lageman

Horse Coumry

Melinda & Vnlerie Stelzner

Abigail P. Jacobson

Bill & Susan Strnit

Gcor.ge James Eva Mnria Janerns

Kelsey Rose Swan }.farion G. Taylor

Jean Jerbert

Tire Counrry

Jake Kirschner

Robert & Pauline Knoll

Dina & Paul Tresnan Univtrsal Coop-Anim,t! Ht·alrh

Stephanie Knoll

Bob V11nkeirsbikk

David M. Lamer

Viw-Flex, Inc.

Elaine & Peter Lapolla

Wiggin & D.1na

Laysvi!le Deli

S!mri F. Wolf

Laysvi!k Hardware

Mr. & 1\-frs.F. L Wnrcester,Jr.

Little B Barn

\'«. F. Young, Inc

Joan Lurnson Susan Srnniewicz McA!pine James D. McGimy Mehen Farm Supply

Corporate Foundation



Thomas E. Metrnlf, P.E .. LS.

The following Corporate and Foundation

Elizabeth Michalski Mary T. Mille & William S. Do;me

Grants, received between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2001, provided the majority of

Carey Lowe of Mountain Spring \'<1;1rers

our scholarship funding for riders from the inner-cities of New London, New Haven and

Joan i\folkey

Bill Nelligan Bob & Penny Ndson New England Communicm:ion Systems, Inc.


New England \'<loodmrnin;;

Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation

Northeast Utilities Sho Ogaw,i

The Episcopal Church Women, Diocese of Conm·cricur

Middlesex counties. W1dton Bissell Focmdation, Inc.

Essex Savings Bank Community lnvcscment Program

:;:;tJ\2--::\'--':--Jt: "·tbf'!ish-T•l• Iii~.

Diane Eastman-Dumais

'\th.;).,'.t.Chirki.bt• 'fru.c

The Everett Family

Businesses C.trefo.'e Proptny 1fan;igt'mtm & Ptt Cure, Inc

')!Ji-'. Kii~~}oJ~, J?ouod1don

Mark Foley

Caulfield & Ridgway, lnc

:"f,h~----E'ii!~~-f C,-Lli:roctrFoundation.foe

1k & Mn;, Wayne Fox

Coca-Coln Bottling Comp;1ny of

'.-'Sr:hti:iin&~flou1b\touod1tion, Inc ;-?nui,D1ptii1• Srybolt CulpeperMemorial

Tim & Susan Gavronski

Fouri<lildon; foe.

,_-!NJiT-Corpor1tfon'1 Employee!;:'

Colonial Bassett ! found Rescut, Inc

1n Memory of Alben & Jean Gr,1glia

Timothy F. Denison, DMD, MSD

Buty Greene

Coinrn\miQ' StrvkcsFund

Kitry &Jerry Grtene

The CominUnity Foundadon of

Grant Harris Hamilron

Soudwrulrern Connectkur ThC_SwertsQn fluml!y foundation toufa F, & Mary A, TagHutda Foun<latlon

Southtn.sttrn New Englund, Inc

Lyu Gould

The 1-Ieffernans

lnµ-e Hierer

Bnsy Horn

June Hotchkh,

ANNUAL HIGH HOPES HORSE SHOW iJheteam work of riders and volunteers is the halfmarkof our Annual High Hopes Horse ;s,h,oW:i_Th~nks to __ allwho made this celebration of Jherapeutic Ridingand {,1h~_,,fi,igh_-Hope; Familypossible.

John & Barbara Kash:1mki Bob Keim Shirley Kinµ Jmm & Kennnb Levin Judith

F. & Richard 13, Up;!ufoor

Cis & Carey Matthiessen Bob & Penny Nelson Katherine & Dhtne Ne~k(·


Heidi Nottdm;111

,;_J:i~IJ.11 Ab~m•

Cindy Palmer

'.J~?;fcc,oo_rr_,or Ap~lc

Claude R. Pe!!egrmo

The Dime Savings B,ink


Mary P. Pul!t·n

Doug's Garngt·


Mark & Deborah Srnrpa & Trtvor McGhie

Fox Ledgt Tuck Shop

, :,'.I,'bii/Balltri.l_P,mlly

Donna & Hugh Scott

j:t'~J"iiiri~-~:: P~rnily

:t,::{\ii~ __ llC':'. f'~lntlty

The Scrvies Family Jordan Siborg


Beverly & David Silliphimt


Shoppe, !nc

1-ISS .. Hardware & Software Services, LLC Knhn Tr,Ktof & fa1uipmenr, Inc.

Kel~ar Physic1l Therapy

North Cove Ourfiners

KFI-I iVkd Office Solutions

Plninfie!d Greyhhound P,irk Tht Red Ballnnn

~~i-f f ~'iif __ p,:~jt, Jii~rfie

Toni & Harry Slifer

Liywil!e Deli


Lillian Soroka

Liuk B Barn


Red Oak Stable

Marda & Roger M. Smith

L & Z Industrial Circuits

\V/illiam Robinson

Ann & Wayne Southwick

J\faples Motel

Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic, PC

Kitty Srnbburg, Rob & Kathryn Hngeman

1kColl Chiropr,1etic



Kyra & Rhttt Steiner

'Abt¥::,~;t~: :1n,n, II. Chri,ri•o•on


Melinda & Valc-rie Steimer

Sum & Gilli~ta Stodd,1rd John M. Sturges, Jr,

Shoreline Sanitation,

McCulloch Farm-\V/hippoorwill



Sigma) Associates

Mtlzen Farm Supply

Tia Smith Photograph)'

Middlesex I-Iospirnl Shoreline .Medical Center

Srnlsburg Express

MJtv[ Builders, Inc

Srced Read

M.). M. Industrial


Commercial Properties

TK's Custom Auto

Rick & Kim Swan

My Toy Kennel


R(ln & Page Vedrnni

Ring's End!Niamic Lumber

Caryl & Dave Violn

Nichols Forestry & Logging, LLC

Dtbonih A Wclks, CPA (wurd•smirh)

Thoughts from the Building Project Committee


Co-Chairs - Sally Aubrey and Jeff Ridgway

ow blessed are we! Not only do we have a fabulous new addition, but also the older pans of our building have been remodeled and brought up to date, We hope that all of the High Hopes family will enjoy the new facilities and furnishings. These improvements wil! enable the sraff and volunteers of High Hopes to be more productive, comfonab!c, and better able to serve our riders, the community and the world at large.


Our road to this point has been guided by many wonderful people and orgariizations. Centcrbrook ArchitectS started the wheels turning with their creative designs, followed closely by Essex Commercial Construction, who brought the design to concrete reality. Morton Buildings should not be left out, as they covered the new and the old building with a beautiful green metal roof and added natural light to our indoor arena.

For the inside of the building we were fortunate to work with HB Communicacions to imta!I a state-of-the-an audio/visual system, connecting us to each other and to the world-wide-web. Charlie Dclinks and Ted Crosby set up our computer network as we moved in and out of temporary offices and into our new building - no small feat. East Coast Security insmlled an improved and more reliable fire/security system, and the terrific interior colors, floor coverings, and furnishings were the creative effons of Suzanne Tyler Design and McCabe Office Furniture. \Xie could not wrap up this report without extending a very special thanks to the hundreds of friends not mentioned here - the volunteers, individuals, foundations and businesses that supported our dfi.irts with financial contributions, time and in-kind services. This resulted in the happy conclusion that we have completed our project under budget, while giving the High Hopes family a facility well equipped to meet the chal!enges of the futmc.

CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Lyrdeton B.P.Gould, Jr., Cheryl Kelly Heffernan, Elizabeth David, Co-Chairs Maureen 0. Augusciak Alison Zack Darrell Jane I. Davison John C. Evans Helene Fenger Geraldine U. Fos1er Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Judith F. Lightfoot John \XI.G. Phillips t\. Rives Potts Mary I~ Pullen B.trbarn Scluffer Deborah Scott Petra B. Shearer Harry Slifer Roger M. Smith Kelvin N. T)'lcr Gurdon B. Wattles


Sally Aubrey and Jeff


Barbara Earle Ballard Jane A. Bolles Alison Zack Darrell Jane I. Davison Peter Ferrebee Judith E Lightfoot A. Rives Potts Roger lvLSmith Kitty Stalsburg Kelvin N. Tyler Gurdon B. Wattles

Endowment & CapitalCampaignContributors We gratefully acknowledge the individuals, foundations and corporations that have contributed to our campaign to date, and the list below includes all donors to Phases l & II through August 31, 2001

Grand Prix Anonrmous The Ba(/lin Found:ition Chichester duPont Foundmion

Grnce & Frank I-fomi!ton, Jr,


Prix St. Georges

John, Lee & Abbey Holstein

Stever & Sally Aubrey

The Howard lhyne Fund Howardt & Nnncy Brundage

Homdimd Foundation, Inc -

The Elinor Patterson Baker

Sist & Lyn Gould

G1·ern& Juke Jambs Burbarn & John Kashanski



Kelly 1-farrman Foundution

Foundution Robert D. & Barbara Earle Balhml

Mr. & Mrs, John W, Barclay



Mr.& Mr&,Jo~eµh N; Greene,Jr, Mr, & Mrs, Robert Gunn ' John A, Hargraves& Nan,:y Newcomb

Mitch & Cheryl Heffern:m The Kitchings F:unilr

J\fashuntucket PelJllOt Trib,11Nation

John & Adrnna Cuderr

Kate Ireland

Charles M, Chupin III

John S,Johnson_

Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfom

Marguerite & Tom Moure·

Thomas J, & Susan K Childs

The Klngsley Family

Johnt & Jessie Roberts Roger M. & Marcin Smith

John & lkidi NibhKk Mr. & Mrs. A. Rives Pom

Dana Cooley

Nancy 8, Krieble Anne bwrence

Alexa & Ptrer Duitch

John & Lee Pritchard

lni-;,t!b Foumfation


The Kresge Foundation

Anonymous Frederick T. & Rebecca T. Crosby

The New York Community Trust~

E. Lisk Wyckoff, Jr.. President

The MabelBurchardFischer

Jeff & Holly Ridgway Sch,·ring-Plough Corpor;1.tion

Jd'fCoo!ey David & Mary Dangrt'mond Mr. & Mrs, Henri M. DaviJ,Jr, Mr, & Mrs. Charles H. Erhurt,Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William Winterer

Mr. & Mrs. George L fares III Hope & Russell Ford


Sal!y& Roland Mm:Nkhol Mc & Mrs. Timothy Mellon Geor_ge Mbore l\fo & MM, James B, Murphy II

Wattles Family Chariwble

),l!le l. & Endicott P.l' Davison

Trust Fund

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans


Gernldlne U, Foster

PaulL Newman,,NcwmJn's Ow't1,Inc Mr. & Mts, Wi!liam B, O'Bciy!e

The Sis Gould Memori:1!11und

Elsie & Bernie Aidinoff

Mr, & Mrs. Richard Gil<ler$letvc

Linda &John PhUllps

Germ1Je Nightingale t

.Endowment& CapitalCampaignContributors (continued) Audre}'Brabctwn& CharlesDickens,Jr,

Nkhola:, fondu!as

The MacPhee 11amily

Mrs. Sergio Franchi

Johnt & Lee i\facW!!liams

The Jerome· & Marlene Sch,1rr Family Fund

Michael & Sherley Furgucson

Bob & Grace Marrion

Rick & Terry Schreiber

Susan & Tim Gawronski

Amalia Seggoo-Martin

Donna & Hugh Scon

!lkhanl & C1rol Brining

Carol Gilchrist

Vlrg-lnlaM, Bronson

Mr. & Mr~. Richard H. Goodwin

Kristin E. Wfason

Mr. & Mrs, John W. Sheppard, Jr.

MaryC Burke

Sherrell & Charles Grean

Carey & Cis Manhiessen


De6?mh &Jonrtthan Burler

Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold

Bruce McGhie

John & Claire Simon


John Gris.wold

Stnimm N. McKi!lop

J·farry & Toni Slifer

~fancy & Bill Cash

Heather Leigh Harrison

Elizabeth Bird Moorer

Bi!! Small

Mr; & Mrs, David B, Clark

Breton & Megan Haskins

Stephanie L 1foore

Ti,1 & Seymour Smith

},{r, &,Mn, Herbert T, Clark III

Kathy Heller

Gail & Andy Morris

The Solinsky Family

COO.stance C, Clement

Inge Hieret

Mr, & Mrs. William lvtusgrove

John & Patricia Spn1tr


Met & Mrs, Emmanuel Hirth

William S. Ncl!ig:m

Kitty Srnlsburg, Kithryn &

Jan Conaut

The Holmes F,1mily

Penny & Bob Nelson

Coime<dcutllght &

June M. Hotchkiss


Power Company

& The Martin F.1mi!y

Debornh & Spencer Sum

& Beverly Sil!iplrnnr

The Clwse Manhnrran Found;1tion

Special thanks to the following individuals and businesses for gifts in kind:

Rob lfagemun

Cid, Inc.

De & Mrs, William D. Irving

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Gorman

Cookie & Sum Strong Ifl

Carolyn & John Jagielski

Mrs. Nancy C. Olm~tend

The Rich:1rd C. Swan,Jr.

Thc,DJphne Seybolt Culpeper

Mn. Adolph Kasrclowirz

Cynthia R. P,1lmcr

Mr.i' & Mrs. Charles Terrell

Memorial Foun<ladon

Nancy C. Kindell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Panerson

Kite Thompson

Anne Klingler

Clnude R. Pellegrino

James R. & Karen JC

PhHi11F, & Alison Zack Darrell

John & Irene Kritter

Mr. William E. Phillips

Karen Davldovkh

Mrs, Delano W. l.add,Jr.

The Picazio Pamily

Makolin P. & Cynrhla L Davison

Ann Lane & Rudolph Bergmans

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick


Thompson, Jr, Ashley N. & Jord:ui S. Thompson

J. Plutr


Nancy Byrb Cemerbronk Architects nnJ Planners

Mom & Di1dSwlsburg


The 1-lenry Luce Found:1rion, Inc. Aema Jloundation, Inc.

Chris & Patti Coyle

, hfo.r,geCurds

High Hopes gratefully acknowledges the following foundations and corporations for supporting our Campaign with matching gifts:

Richard \XI. Gates, Lind Surveyor

I IB Communications,


Penny Johnson Long Cit Graphics

Thomas i\frtcalf, P.I ., LS. Brure McGhie

The Thompson Fnmi ly


Old Lyme Inn


Christina' Denison

William W. & Lois B, Lawrence

Therese Popindialk

Eileen 1-LV:1n Bree

Ju~Uc&John DriKoll

Kristin El!ion Leas, Mark Le:is,

Dr. Donald.(. & Nancy Rankin

Jim \'v';dton

Salem Coumry Gllrdens

I V!rginhi"llhodes

Nick & Susan Webb

Shannon Printing, Inc

M~, &_Mrs,John DuneatnIII

& Chelsea

1fr, Dominkk Dunne

Mr. George M. Lethbridge, Jr.

Jim & Ann Rice

Bttsy & Rob \XIcl)Ster

Sign Lire, Inc.

J6nnie & Ashfahvards

Mr, & Mu, Kenneth C. Levin

Jack & Beckett Rodgers

Ann Yacovino

John M. Sturges,Jr,


Jeff & Judy Lovelace

Murk A. & Rim A. Rohrberg

The John Zack i\kmori,1! Fund

Suwnne Tyler Design

Marion Lovig

Burgess & Bill Russell

D.1wn Zornig

Rick \X/orcester

& Jl!HanEdwards

,'H&[ene & Charle~Fcn,g-er

Volunteers Whether they Qivean hour, a da'y,.,a week..,or a !lfet!me, our volunteers are the life blood of High Hopes! BarbarrtAbrams Man Abrams Marni Adamson

Ken Ahnell

Kristine Barrone Rug'itrBa_n Sar-.i.h Banlla Rufill Barringer Arnold Baskin Myrna Baskin

nieknn/:ri~oii.funre AbigaHJ3ore,hi:rt

Paufa ffateman

Patrkia Boyles Matthew Bradbury

Melis~a Bates Erin Bauer

Emily Banano Hilary B,1nano

Gary Boda Penfr Boonun M'eganBowers Mike Boyd

Melissa Bmly Megan Breen Meg Bremer Sandy Brewer


Heidi I);ivls

Sa!'.ith. Catlett

Elfra 0-.iyiion


Cittt1!yn Carnn'

Jan¢ Davison

John C, Evan$

Adam Cernovkh Kosin Chantlkul Laura Cburlron

K:\lreDavison Taylor Davison

Anthony Everett Melissa Evernt

Sophie de Tbeux

Thereiit Everett

Helen Chatman

Kade Dtegim

Chrlsdna Ever.~

A!exnndm Cherry

Anlm Ott!;

Llluren Ewell

Thomas ChilJs

Katrina Deleo Carmine DeStcfano

Peter Ferrebee

Emily DeS.efano

Sheila Fanelli

Ri,ky Chmiekcki \Xfil lium Chrbwpher


Kristy Fairclorh

Kristen Albano Don Alger Kyle Alw~r Sarnh Allen

Kathryn Beaugard Matthew Beck Allison Becker

Jeffrey Clark

Andrew Devine

Diane Faryniarz

Darcy Brigg\ Sara Brighi

Janet Cody

Rob Dickens

Seba.stinn F.i.uino

Sean Cody

Frnn Dickerman

\X'endy Fazzino

Brian Almeida

C1trolyn Beekman

Carol Brining

Nntlmn Co!foy

Helene Fenger

Jaime Almeida Linda Almeida Whitney A!thous,·

Jeanne Bellows

Jeffrey Brining

Jimmy Coll<1w

Anita DiFabio Rachel DiG,iudio

Kryrn.'n Benjamin

Ritlrnrd Brining

Lindsay Benjamin

Theresa Brooks

John Timothy Collins J;met Conary

b1ura DiRobertc,

Nancy Finn

Bea AoJerson Robert P. Andrew,Jr,

Jllne Bennett

Mary Brower

Lyle Cong<lon

W'illiam DtMnt

Pac Bergem

Courrney Brown

R,J, Congdon

Sar.t Doerner

1fary Fischer Emily Fisher

Bren Arnold

Rudy Berwrnms

Lyn Brown

Marilyn Conklin

Sally Aubrey

Rob Berry

LiL Bucharnm

Stepht·n Connolly

i\faureen Augu~ciak Michdle Austin Karen). Avuy

S;imantha Bercr

1'.farion Bud1;1nan

Cameron Cooke

Theresa Domen Lu(y Domeoie fa,;m Donlan

Jason Flynn

Kim Bi:mrnmano

Peter Burbank

Midwel Courtney

Mary Doolan

Mark Foley

Linda Bit:rrit·

Amanda Burgin

Dei: Doolittle

Michelle Fontaine

Emily Ayers Kerri Aylward

Ptter Bierrie

Sam Bushy

John Covello Richard Cowan

Jured Ford

Krisrn Bigiare!li

Lillian Bunerwonh


Cassie Dorflingcr Nor,1 Dougheny

Sranley Babson John Bach Bri;m Bnchtd

Michael Bigiare!!i

Mari:mne Byrne

Patti Coyle

Jill fortier

Trudi Bird

Michad Cahill

Linda Crabtree

Erin Doyk> Nancy Dra,1yer

Stu.;1nne Birks

Rebecca Cahill

Sarah Cre~cimanni

Jackson Driscoll


Stephen Crtscimanno,

One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. Helen Keller John lhrbis Anasrnsill Bailey Ann Jhiley Madeleint· Bailey Srncey Bailey ll1rbarn E.1r!e Balhir<l

Anne Bizub Jan Blencowe A:iron Bod1m;m Jtssica Bogucki Jeremy Bohn

BMbarn DiRobcm

Rebecca Crosby Tnl Crosby


Peter Ferrebee Rebek.1h Fielden

Gretchen Firwn Lurry Floyd

Logan Forsey Robyn Fortier Gt'r;ildine Foster

Joel Driscoll John Dri5coll

Jane Holly Foster

Judie Driscol!

DeborJh Fox



Beth Crowley Mary Cunningh;1m

Brenda Dubin

Kate Fox

John Ducsay,Jr.

Rachel Francisco

Nicok· Cuomo

Thomas Duffy

Marjorie Curtis

Michael Dunrnn

Tiffaor Allen Frnnke )\fary Ann Fuggene

Becky Czlapinski

Diane Duporn

Erin Cain C1rolyn C1ine

Julie Czyzewski

.Jennifer Dupuis

Mary Ann Dabek

Amy Duri'nick

Kevin Gitrciii

Kelley Cahill Amanda C1pr,iri

Alexa Dairch

Lind:1 G:1rne!is

Peter Daitch

JeffDmnin Diane Eastman

Jtne Carley Sarah Carlson Term C1r!son

Srncy Dnlhis

Ashwn Edwards

Sus;m Gavronski

C11ris,a Daniels

Alicia Gayle

Alison Ziick Darrdl

Jonnie Edwmds I.u(ia Equilm

Philip F. Jhrrell

Philip E!lswonh,Jr.

Michael Geysen

Jennifor Datum

Joseph Elnisky

Andrew Gibes

Jillian Dauphinais

Jane Emerg:y

Caro! Gilchrist

Elizabeth Dnvid Kartn Davidovich

J. Empen

David Gilchrist

Enrico Enu1rnici11

Elise Gilchrist

Benjamin Ballard J\uricia Ifandzes

Mnnhew Bolden Jane Bolles Kiira Bolles

Cnrolyo Bane Bremhin Banwvn.i;e Amy B,mnko

Keith Bolles

Robert C:irney Kim C1rrnfo

Jnson Bolz D,1vid Bomster

Aaron Casavant N;1ncy Cash

Doreen Barbuto

Bailie Bomster

J:\son C:1ssdl

Laurie Gagnon Emily G,t!!op


Kathleen Gerlach

Dorothy Gilman Mario Glue Germd Glauner Glenn Goctthlus Jon Gomes Deb Goodrich Anna Goodrkh-Gotte Jesse Goo<lrich-Gotte Gloria Gorby Krisrn Gordon T.unatha Gorman Andy Goshorn Lyn Gould Jamie Gourlay .Mimi Gourlay Aubrey Gralrnm Molly GrnllJlm Pam Graham Christine Gr;mt Olivia Gr;1m Leslie Green Timothy Green Carolyn Gretne Kiny Greene Joseph N, Greene,.Jr. Molly Gregson Marc Gr<:nier Benjamin Griffin Ev:m Griswold Willi:1rn Groves Kimberly Grzyb Dore<:nGuarino Stw Guid,i Wendy Gunn .Jennifer l lnagenS<·n Kathryn Hageman Tenney 1-lajnal E. Jennifer Hull Frank I familron, Jr. Grace I lamilton Kare Hamilton Ti:d Hamilton Lauren Hamme11l Allie l·fanford

Kasrdowit,: Mary Katslafirns Karen Keelan Alexis Keenty Kathy Kerney Ben Ke/for Brian Keh(}{' Me--JghanKelly Sally Kelly Jeff Kem

Liz Hartmann Meg Haskins Don lfassman Veronica Hay Chris Hayden Gail Haynes Ellen Henor Cheryl Kelly Heffernan Elisa Heffern;m Mitch Heffernan Kathleen Helkr Amber Henderson Adam Herman Patricia Herm11n Inge Hiw:t Lori I-lochhtiser Melissa 1-lornn Paul Hornn Jeffrey Horget Whitney 1-lorick Betsy I lorn William Horn Ann Hoy Anr,1 Hughes Sar.1h 1-lummel Katie Hurley Pam Ingersoll Wi!fotm D. lrving, M.D. Ron J11blenski Justin Jackson i\fary!ys Jackson Jake Jacobs Abby J;1cob~on Carolyn J;igielski Christie Jagielski Jeff_Janaro Eva Maria_Janerw; Emily Johns+Ahern Karen Johnson Nicole Johnson Joselyn Jones Michad Joseph

Sue La.rdJl.er Linda Larkin Patrida Larkin Fred Lathrop Shawn Latocha Noelle Ltwrence Kristin Elliott Leas Mark Leas Matt Lehet







3" e




Van K<:nyon Ci,sie Keogh Emily Ktrnozek Savin:1Kim Nancy Kindell C!mrles Kingsler K<:nKirchings Rachel Klass Lisa Knauff Zvonimir Ktwzevic Anthony Knoll Pauline Knoll Robert Knoll Swphanie Knoll Keith Kolrnnski Dawn Kondratowiu. Matthew Konon James Korst

Leslie Lemert Jennifer Leong Derron Lepoutre Dan Li:vesqut· Kitte Lewsqtw Joan Levin Ken Levin Lewis Levin Siibra Levim· Br,1d Lewis Jim tewis Alexandra Lightfoot Eliz:ilwrh l.iglufoot Judith F. Lightfoot Richard B. Lightfoot Tim Lineberry Br,mdon Link Aileen Livin_i.;ston

Dorothy Lyons Judy MacDonald Sally MacNkhol Lee MacWHIJams Dan Magano Rajive Ma!hmrn Ke!!y Ma!inowsky Dorce Mann Eliiabeth Marek Alice bfarrinan Grace i\farrion Jacqueline Mnrswick Tonya Manin Christopher Mason Kristin Mnson Susan Matern Mabel Matschuhu Jill l>fatthew Joe Matthews Cis M:1rrhitssen Jason McBride l\iu!n McCrredy Emily McDowell Terry McGowan Alison McGrory Sharon McLaughlin ]\k;tg!mn Mercer Mi:gan Messin Kristin Metisellxich taurn Meuselbach Roben .Meuselbach Lii Mich:dski Andrew i\liedzinski Deanna 1-liaejeski Joe Migliaccio Karen Milano Mary MilkClint Miller Abby Miner Marie i\-lirliami Elisabeth Mitchell Mary Molitor

Sydney Morris James Morrow Michad Muirhead Joan Mulkey Anya Mummert Marg:art't Mummert Gary Murphy Kate Murphy Rusty Musame PacrlCia Myers Steven Myers Nirnle Nagel Bttsey Narwn Walt Neary Todd Neeley William Nelligan Bob Nelrnn Mary Nebon Penny Nelson Kadwrine Neske John Niblack Melinda Nkoleui Madeleine Nichols Beth Norton George Nonon Lesky Nosal 1-leidi Nottelnwn Lauren Nuckol, Mallory O'Connor Show Ogaw,1 J\nmnda Ogborn<· Richard Olson An Ortiz P,1ul Ouellent Yvonne Omhtnd Lauren Padula James Pafford Cindy Palmtr J,1nine Palmer Whirney Palmer James Panczykou5tn Erika Pansius

t Deceased

2001 Annual Benefit Event Contributors High Hopes is fortunate to have so many supporters - individuals, businesses

John & Susan Senning Tiffany Benson Inc

and other friends - who stepped forward to make The Kingston Trio in Concert with High Hopes a success beyond all

Corporate Angler Adventures




& Lyn

S. Brown

Business & Legal Reports Centerbrnok Archirens



Atty. Marilyn C. Clarkt CltvdanJ



Easrtm Mixers

Drs. Amhony & Angda Corrao

Essex Printing




The Great A & P Tea Company Abby's Catering Co. J Aldtn Clothiers Aleia"s Resrnurnm Anne"s Bistro Ban ti Vintners, Ch11des & .JoAnne Park Btt: and Thistle Inn Bennie"s Farm Marktt Birks Golden Retrievers, Suzannt H. Birks Blackledge Country Club

F1u:es Fish Tale Resrnunim Firntss on the \Xf11terfront Fromage Fine foods & Coffee Greater Hanford Jaycees The Griswold lnn Hale ·N' Hearty Restaurant The Hide-Away Resrnurant and Pub High Otitput, Inc. Homeworks I!liano"s Ristoranrt· The Inn at Chester Johnny Ad's Drive-In



KCs Contempory Fashion, Old S;tybrook Laysville Deli

Sovereign Bank

Luigi's Rtsrauranr Manchester kc of Old Saybrook



Surah Wood Mr.:Crachn, LanJ\cape Arc:hire,t

Brewers Pilors Point Marina

The Mixt::d Bag - .Jonatha Gorin

Essex Savings Bnnk &

Drs, Earl & Margarer Mummert, DVM

John W, Rafal & Associates, Inc

Mysric Whaler Cruises, lnc.

Mr. & Mrs. James Graybill

The Needlepoint Shop of Guilford

Pfizer foe

Old Lyme Inn

Reynol<ls' Garage & Marine, lnc.

Olive Oyl's Carry-out Cuisine

Shoreline Eye Group, P,C.

Oriental Rugs, Lrd,-Karen DiSala

U. S, Trust Company of Connecticut

Wiggin & Dana

Pasra Vita Par"s Koumry Kitchen

The Wilkes Group"Linda & Dan Wilkes

Phoenix Lt<l, Porrnbella & Nautical TreMures Gary



Aegean Treasures A,G, Edwards & Sons, Inc AT&T Buslne~ Services

Crossroads Travel Nina Cm:do Peck Archltenurt Dahlke Flnandal Group. Inc,

The Bowerbird C Design, .KeJleyCahlll Cafe Rouder

Duble & O'Hearn, Inc, Glru:Jevlew Health Care Center

Chip~ P_ub II & lff

Danleb OH Company

Jean CallanI(tng_Inwrlor-051,qn


Caulfield& Ridgway, Inc. Connecticut Llght & Power


P(~?b:~Ci:_~_! )1.Ultr




Prke, MD

Restaurant du ViI,lage

2001 Annual Benefit Event Contributors (continued) Lyn A. Fontanella

James S. Hurley

Annr: & Doug Nagan

Mr. & t.frs. Russdl ford

Dr. & Mrs. Allan Inglis

William S. Nellig,1n

Gale & Jim Scala

Di,uw Fournier

Dr. & Mrs. Srevtn Inglis

Bob & Pr:nny Nelson

Jerome & Marlene Schaar

Jim & Helen S,1m'Andrca

Pearl Jlournier

Fred & Janet Irwin

Madeleine Nichols

fi:ed & Michele Schavoir

Allan Dodds Frank

C1rolyn & John Jagielski

.t\!e,mndria & Brian Nordstrom

Shelby, Peter tl[)d Suki Schavoir

1fr. & Mrs. Ridrnrd Freeman

Frnnk Jarralx·ck

George S. & Beth Nonon

Rick & Terry Schreiber

Bob Anderson & Kimberly Ful!emm

Jonathan & Susan Jewett

Mr. & l\frs. Andrew R. Ohotnicky,Jr.

Mrs. Karen Schwarz

Deb G,1bridk·

Susan Kane

John & Beth Olmstead

Laurie Tomlinson & Donald Schweitzer

\Vi!!iam & lfarbi1ni Gagnon

Tom & Cissie Keogh

Ben & Libby Orvedal

Donna & Hugh Scon

Whirney & Nancy Garlinghouse

Je:m Callao King Interior Design, I.LC

Mr. & Mrs. D,u1iel O'Shea

Tim & Susan Gavrnnski

Charlie & GrNcheo Kingsley

Judy & Frank Owsi11ny

Carol Gilchrist

Gretchen Knauff

Cymhia Palmer

Kathy & Jerry Gimoff

Thom,1s & Linda Knightly

Hurold & 1\-farciuParisen

Hank & Gerry Golct

Bob & Pauline Knoll

Char!ts & JoAnne Park

Mimi Gourlay

Scott & Candace Konrnd

Mrs. Ann Parkinson


Karin & Reinhiird Krap,1!is

Cliff & Prudy Parris

D.1vid Graybill

Mr. & Mrs. Delano Ladd, Jr.

Judy P11yer

Jim &Joanne Gwybill

Mark & Kristin E!lion Leas

Carl Christensen & Paula Perlini

Alva G. Greenberg

Dorothy B. Leib

Curby & Miclrnd Petrillo

I-lank & Carolyn Greenleaf

Keith & l-karher Lemirr

Jim & Jane Pfeffer

John Griswold

Mr. & Mrs. Gtorge M. Lethbridge, Jr.

John & Murga Preiffer

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold

Lewis Levin


Tim & Diane Griswold

Mr, & Mrs. Ed Liberantuwski

Margit Pierce

Wendy & Robert Gunn

John & Wendy Lord

Walter & Bcrsr Piorrowski

Kmy Sca!sburµ-& Rob Hageman

Mr. & Mrs. Wilham D. Lyon

Sharon & Phelps Platt

Anne Hak·

Mr. & Mrs. Roland MarNicho!

Mr. & Mrs. William A, Poll;1rd

John P, llammond

Mr. & Mrs. Michud M. Mant'y

Mrs_Allen R. Pom

Mr. & Mrs, John E. I-L1mrick

Kristin Ma.son

Rives & Nancy Potts

Nancy Harns

Sally & Georse Mayer

Don & Ch,1dottc Quiglr:y

Hearhtr Harrison

K.C. & Debbie M,uer

Karen Monahan & Derek Quigley

Annt' Haviland

Dr. & Mrs. William B. McCullou;.:h

Virginia Rand

Charles R, Hazuka

Brian & Bobbie McGann

John & Kachlttn Reilly

Mark He,ily

Richard & Judi McKnight

Gary H. & Marilyn C, Rtyno!ds

John lL Hellicr

John Tracy & Sharon McLaughlin

Lee & Joe Rhodes

John R, & Sman Hdlier

Ed & Peg Meehan


Skimmer Hellier

Arthur & Sandra Mebcer

Jim & Ann Rice

Jim & Brita Herman

PoHy & Ntwt Merrill

Jeff & Holly Ridgway

Karen D:1hk & Sue Beste!

Sam & Mary Mlrnbiw Anne & ThomM Mondeki

Mc & Mn, \\'iHlinm C, Ridgway, III

Noah Flaherty & Christie Hou.gland Tom & Kathleen Hobin

Jlm & Alrrt Morice

Jack & Be<:kettRodgers

Ed & PhylHs Hobson


Deborah Riley

John& Susan Swnlns A!lda & Tom Strrlc Angus Md)onald/ Gnry _Sharpe Assoc, PetraShLllttl'.

FinancialStatements for the Year ending June 30, 2001


· Statement of Financial Condition

. •Statement of Activities

June 2001

June 2000

Total All Funds

Total All Funds








Temporarily Restricted


Permanently Restricted



June 200l Torn!

June 2000 Total






SI 076,690


! 50,2.)8




3,461 126,181

'<~,g~:f}n'.~'.-~-quinlenu restricted for '>,l'.onJJ_TflrmPurposes





'.):,}bJ~rt/1--Eqtiiptmenr . -Not'BOOk: Value Icb-~~t:;~ctioO:' in progress

UiiiO-iidfriooal Promises roGive




771,81 I







S3 685 8~7

$3 065.880


AdY.:oc'ci-FCC, for Service




160,533 !\\It~'.f:'t;f-fdo'o-Cott Payable

_,;{¥wi~-~ge Pay_able tafliabiliti••






SI 251727







l 00,395

! 19,052

-~~;*k;t•r1 __ 1y:_Re1tricted

\P_e,1:i;n'ao~ndy Rtmkted



538,603 1,137,731

766,826 1,054,454

S3 471 148


S3 685 837

S3 065 880



7 'j







ijarig,.-in Nat Auets



81 9



S[77 (B7








SI 13001:i 1,024 9,322





:it;;,~t§,lFt_J 'r•r•ble





S)78 364


67'i 16'\


Assets, . •ginning of Year

, ':L<'

I 7 0! '21


794 814


$1 137 731

2 :l47 I 39




Lytt Gould, photographer

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID Old Lyme, CT 06371

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

Permit #l

2000-2001 Annual Report

Twenty-seven years of changing lives through therapeutic


36 Town Woods Road• Post Office Box 254 • Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371-0254 • Telephone (860) 434-1974

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