2001-2002 High Hopes Annual Report

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Founder MaryK. 'Sis' Gould High Hopes Board of Dired ors Offic ers JeffreyRidgway,President Barbara Earle Ballard,VicePresident John C. Evans, VicePresident Cheryl KellyHeffernan,VicePresident for Development Elizabeth L. David, Treasurer Jane A. Bolles,Secretary Directors

SallyH. Aubrey Linda F. Blerrle Jane I. Davison Geraldine U. Foster KatharineH.Gildersleeve Heather LeighHarrison WilliamD. Irving,MD Charles Kingsley Judith F. Lightfoot A. RivesPotts Lee Pritchard Roger M. Smith Kelvin N. Tyler Honorary Director s LyttletonB.P. Gould,Jr. FrankHamilton,Jr. GraceHamilton Wayne0 . Southwick,MD High Hopes Staff AlisonZack Darrell,ExecutiveDlreclor KittyStalsburg, ProgramDirector Helene Fenger, Directorof Development PetraShearer, BusinessManager

Kristin ElllotlLeas, BarnManager DawnNelligan,AssistantProgramDirector

he High Hopes family has seen many changes and improvements over the past year, some more apparent than others. Most apparent was the completion of the additio n and renovation of our facility that we proudly unveiled to our riders, fami lies, vo lunteers and supporters last October. But let me assure you that a lot has been going on "behind the scenes" that is as significant as the renovat ion project. We have seen changes and additions to our wonderful Staff, research and new ini tiative s in our programs, upgrades to our computer database that improve our information management, and the beginning of a new Strategic Plan to help guide us into the future. And of course, there is the incredible prog ress made by our riders, sometimes slowly, sometimes quite dramatically. From the adult with a b_rain injury who can cue a horse to "walk on" for the first time, to the chi ld who puts two words toget her to create his first sentence as he rid es on our trails. These are remarkable changes that can significantly improve the quality of life for riders and their families. Wonderful th ings like this happen all the time at High Hopes - quietly, and often unseen by most of us. As I think about our programs and the "behind the scenes" work that goes on, I immediate ly thin k of the hund reds of dedicated Volunteers who help us in countless ways. While the results of their labors are often obvious, many times we do not see them as they perform their tasks: feeding the horses at 7:30 a.m.; at home labe ling our newsletters; organizing the logistics for our annual benefit event; setting up for our horse show; creating beautiful trails for our ride rs; and helping us paint our sheds and keep ing our fences in good repair. All of these efforts make High Hopes the wonderfu l organizatio n it is today, and yet you might never meet the peop le who are so much a part of our success. And of course the re is our incredible Staff, whose dedication is without equal, and whose efforts are also often unseen. You may see our instructors hard at work in the ring, but you may not realize they have spent hours planning and organizing the ir lessons, talk ing with families, teachers and the rapists, and documenting rider progress. You also may not know that there are Staff members at High Hopes who do equa lly important jobs at home, or in quiet back rooms. We are treated to beautifully mowed lawns and brightly colore d flowers , but we don't often see the care and love that go into keeping them. We see the results of generous donat ions, but don't see the hours of grant writing, meetings, phone calls, and research that have generated these gifts. We know th at our office runs smooth ly, but we don 't realize the many tasks involved in making that happen. And as we watch our wonderful therap y horses at work, healthy and well groomed, we may not know how hard it is to manage a herd of 21 of these very special :reatu res. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. We have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I have been proud to serve as President of High Hopes during this exciting new phase of it s growth.

KristinMason, VolunteerCoordinator

MelissaEverett, ProgramAdministrator Judie Driscoll, AdministrativeAsslstanl BarbaraAbrams, Instructor Ann Balley,Instructor PattiCoyle,Instructor Jonnie Edwards, Instructor CarolGilchrist, Instructor BillNelligan, Instructor HollyRidgway,Instructor

Bless all of you who do so much work-both

seen and unseen-to make High Hopes the wonderfu l Family that it is.

EricaStachura, Instructor

Carolyn Jagielski,PhysicalTherapist MargaretDrummond,BarnAssistant Linda Almeida, BarnStaff Carol Brining, BarnStaff/ AdministrativeAsslslant Heather Rice, BarnStaff John Driscoll,Caretaker

Cover photo by Clare Torelli

Jeffrey Ridgway, Board President

rom the moment I first walked in the door , I saw that High Hopes was uniquely blessed and I was moved beyond my imaginat ion by the spirit of giving that exists on all fronts throughout the organiza· lion. That was seven years ago, and I am still moved today in the very same way ...the outpouring of support that emerges around everything that we do, from helping a rider take his or her first unassisted steps, to raising 2.6 million dollars, is amazing and

• Served 389 participants through our weekly riding lessons and Summer Camp program (prouiding nearly 6,000 lessons);serued an additional 1'10participants through our Field Trips & Birthday Parties. • Prouided full or partial Scholarships for nearly 50%of our riders . • Held 3 NARHA approued Instructor Training Courses, graduating 12 students ; a NARHA Registered Instructor Workshop & On-site Certification program and the first NARHA Aduanced Instructor Workshop & On-site Certification program for another 9 students . • More than 300 uolunteers donated ouer 20,000 hours assisting with riding lessons, horse care, facility maintenance, office duties , Board leadership and fundraising . Held 13 Volunteer Orientation sessions for l'l'f new uolunteer prospects . • Other Volunteer Groups participated from: Alternative to Incarceration, The U.S. Coast Guard Academy , United Way Day of Caring (Lewis Tree, CL&Pand Northeast Utilities), Community Seruice, Boy Scouts, Groue School, Youth & Family Seruices of Old Saybrook, 'f·H Club, St. John the Euangelist Church, St. Patrick 's Church, Mystic United Church of Chester, Vista of Westbrook, and International Volunteers . • Comple ted $2.6 million Capital & Endowment Campaign for the renouation and expansion of the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding. • Held our 17th Annual High Hopes Horse Show; and seueral High Hopes riders participated in the East Haddam Horse Show. • Held our 9th biennial Symphony in the Meadows benefit euent attended by ouer 700 guests. The proceeds from this e1Jentnetted more than $120,000 making it our most successful benefit euent in our 28-year history . • Hosted the NARHA Region I Conference attended by 150 profession · als and 1Jolunteersfrom other therapeutic riding centers in the Northeast. The Conference was kicked off with our first euer Instructor Training Course Reunion . • High Hopes & the Connecticut Valley Pony Club were joint beneficia · ries of the annual Lord Creek Farm Hunter Pace. • The Cain Family established a fund for High Hopes in memory of George Cain, FDNY Ladder 7 firefighter who lost his life in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. • Receiued major grant funding for two pilot programs : an Occupational Therapy program for children with Autism, including a research component, and an Equine Facilitated Mental Health pro· gramfor indiuidua/s with mental Illness from Fellowship Place in New Ha1Jen. • Held a weekly series of six Tack 'n Talk 'n Tea's for the general public. Thesesessions included guest speakers on topics such as Disability Awareness and Vaulting & Mouement Exploration on the Horse, while the attendees cleaned tack and enjoyed refreshments. • Held the High Hopes Winter Educational Series including six euening sessions on equine topics for the general public .

miraculous to me! This particular year, that spirit of givi ng that is a hallma rk at High Hopes became a pinnacle of hope and eve r more miraculous i n light of the profound change that altered ou r world on that one day in September , 2001. As of that day, new meaning arose for us al l that brings our desire to give to new heights. Now more than ever, we recognize the duty and need to he lp one another. Now more than ever, we appreciate bei ng able lo make a difference in the lives of our riders and their families, and now more than ever, we realize the good that comes of our stewardship within our community . As I look back over yet another year of growth and achievement for High Hopes, I want to celebrate this remarkable willingness to give that has always blessed us, and is now strengthened throughout our great count ry. Let's keep this giving candle burning bright - and maybe, just maybe, if we continue to help one person at a time - we can change the wo rld.






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Life Members


LouisBacon Ted& RebeccaCrosby JaneI. Davison EvanS. Griswold& EmilyT. Fisher LyttGould JohnS. Johnson Barbara& John Kashanskl The KilchlngsFamily Judith F. & RichardB. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer Rives& NancyPotts KarenE.Schwarz

Maureen& JosephAugusclak Mr. & Mrs. RobertA. Coll Mary MIiie & Wllllam Doane Mrs. Maud B. Duke Charles& SylviaErhart Greta& JakeJacobs Dave& Sally McDermott Elena& MichaelPatterson Mr. WIiiiam E. Phillips WIiiiam Reisman Mr. & Mrs. PeterRussell Jean& DavidSargent Peter& ShelbyG. Schavolr Mr. & Mrs. DavidViola, Jr. WebsterBank KC& SonnyWhelen

Special Benefadors


JaneI. Davison EssexSavingsBank Barbara& John Kashanski Heidi &John Niblack KarenE.Schwarz Marcia& RogerM. Smith Martha& NickSpofford



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RobertD. & BarbaraEarleBallard Mr. & Mrs.PeterDaltch Mr.& Mrs.John C.Evans MargaretM. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. RussellFord GeraldineU. Foster Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Dr. NancyHutson LeeE.MacWilllams Marguerite& ThomasMoore Robert& SandyMulligan Dr. & Mrs. Wayne0 . Southwick Sabin& BeverleyStreeter

Adopt-A-Horse EleanorL.Bonafonte SusanK. Childs Julie M.Czyzewski Mr. & Mrs. PeterDallch Mr.& Mrs. Henri M. David MarybethP. Ellison KelseyFournier Dr. Steven& Mrs.Goldblatt ElizabethHaartz Grace& FrankHamilton,Jr. Mr. & Mrs.John E.Hamrick KristinKarabees Terrance& BetteLomme Johanne& RichardMangi JoanMulkey Bob& PennyNelson CynthiaR. Palmer Holly & Jeff Ridgway Connie& Al Rogers LaurieSeagull& Family KaraB. Seymour PetraB.Shearer Victoria& WIiiiam Winterer


ErnestKirschner Ken& ChrisKltchlngs Hedy& Jim Korst EliseS. Lapham Judith F.& RichardB.Lightfoot Bruce& CatherineLittman Mrs. R.E.D . Lord Lymes Chapter Business Network tnlematlonal SisGould DrivingProgram Anne MacKenzie Dr. Steven& Mrs. Goldblatt Renee& BruceMcIntyre Inge Hleret IsabelleC. Osborne Holly & Jeff Ridgway The PlcazloFamily Syd& TeedleRogers Mr. & Mts. FrederickJ. PlattIll KaraB. Seymour David& Ann Primo lee & John Pritchard Sponsors Mr. & Mrs.John Rexroad Dorothy& Curt Askelson AnnM. Rlce Connecticut DressageAssociation,Inc. PatriciaRussell Sally H. Aubrey& SteverAubrey James& AmandaRutledge Chris& SaraBalllson Ann B.Lane& Rudolf H.J. Bergmans Craig& PletrlnaSaxton Mary K.Schaaf Linda& PeterBlerrle Mrs.Joan0 . Sillln Caulfield& Ridgway,Inc. D. M. Smilh MargaretM. Clucas Tia & SeymourSmith DennieDavis Mr. & Mrs.A.TappenSoper RoyO.Dubs TAMAR Mr. & Mrs. Henry E.Dunn Ill Tire Country Rick& PatErmler Alan Todd Michael& SherleyFurgueson Mary& RichardVartabedian Dr.Steven& Mrs. Goldblatt Manfred& PatriciaSchachvon LyttGould Wlltenau Sally& ParkerHandy John & EllenWells Ruth& KathyHeller George & CynthiaWlllauer Mr.& Mrs. JamesS.Herman Mr.& Mrs. F. L Worcester,Jr. RlgmorHeydenryk Mr. & Mrs.Will lam A.Boyd SaybrookCountryBam Dr. Steven& Mrs.Goldblatt Mr.& Mrs.JosephN. Greene.Jr. Elaine& PeterLapolla SusanPeacock Karen& KetTyler

IngeHleret Mrs. ChaunceyFoxHowe Mr.& Mrs.TannerT. Hunt,Jr. tnterdeslgnLimited KarenKeelan Charles& GretchenKingsley

Sustalners Mr. & Mrs.ChristopherP. Dixon Michael& BarbaraFonda Betsy& Bill Hom Jerry& Fleur Lawrence Mr. & Mrs.JohnR. Lord

William H. Moore Barbara& David Preston CarolinePrizer BIii Koch& Gigi Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. FrankL. Stanley

Supporters Bob& LeeAdrian Michael& SuzanneAubrey Bruce& Robin Augustadt Stan& Milly Babson Mrs.Martin Baer Daniel& AlexandraBarber Dr.& Mrs. JospehA. BardenlielerIll Rufus& CharlotteBarringer Myrna& Arnold Baskin Kraemer& BruceBecker JaneA.Bennett Mr. & Mrs. RobertL.Bennett SallyJ. Bill Gary F.Borla Mr.& Mrs. StanfordBrainerd Rudy& Irma Brandt Mr. Henry P.Brlghtwell Mary Broughton FentonLB. Brown Mr.& Mrs. H. TempletonBrown.Jr, Bruce& LauraBuchanan Mr. & Mrs. M. J.Cahill Norman& Lori Caine,CarolynCaine Mr. & Mrs. CharlesM.ChapinIll Mrs. MarshallClark Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T.Clark111 Marjorie M.Curtis Philip F.& Alison ZackDarrell Jan& BarbaraDeutsch Mr. & Mrs. Courtland!P. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan Sandra& JosephElnisky Mr. & Mrs. Jeb& DianneEmbree DianeS. Farynlarz MargaretFayMorse

Helen_e & Charli e Fenger Everett Fisher John & Alison Forbis Pearl Fournier Genie Franklin Reginald H. Fullerton, Jr. Gales Ferry Pediatric Group Tim & Susan Gavronskl Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold June Hotchkiss Shirley F. Howard Miss Kate Ireland Abigail P. Jacobson Bill& Erin Jorgensen Mr. Robert P. Kelm Thomas F. Keogh Sally S. King Robert & Pauline Knoll Joan & Kenneth Levin The Lieber Family Mr. & Mrs. Roland MacNichol Marguerite & Gharles-Henrl Mangln Robert & Grace Marrion Carey& Sis Matthlessen Mr. & Mrs. George L. Mayer (Sally) The McCallum Family Robert F. McCracken Bruce & Barbara McGhie Drs.John & Marcia McGowan Mclaug hlin Personnel,LLC Polly & Newt Merrill DorotheaB. Moore Claudia J. Newell

Drs. John & Corrie Paardenkooper GeorgiaPayne Rkhard I. Pearce

Ill e & Alan Proctor lry P. Pullen r. & Mrs. Philip F. Ranelli ltn & Constance Rokicki et & Ronald Romanowski IK. Ryland F. Thayer Sand erson rt Salli Charles J. Scanlon & Hugh Scott & Harry Slifer mtth

Kitty Stalsburg& Rob Hageman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Sturges Marlon G. Taylor Sandy & Tony Thurston Dina & Paul Tresnan Marina C. Verhoeven Linda & David Ward Jennifer Wells & Fred Bieber Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. West John R. Westerfield William & ElisaYoung Zelek Electric Co.

Friends Anonymous Maxwell M. Belding Mimi & Bill Benner Eleanor H. Bishop Philip J. Bliss Paul & Judy Burdick Robert F. & Helen Burkarth Chris Cahalane Dale V. Callaway Deborah L. Chleppa R. N. Mrs. Delos 8. Churchill Kay& Logan Clarke The Comstock Family Richard & Corinne Dalley Karen Davldovlch Charles & Phoebe Dey WIiiiam & Susan Dion C. Minot Dole Diane & Charles Dumais David & Barbara Edwards Cdr. Barbara Ellis, Retired Shirley B. Ely Kathy Etherington Marc A. Felgen Paul W. Finan Kurt & Sue Fischer Edgar C. Forest Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Fountain Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday,Jr. Laurie Gagnon RebeccaS. Gardella Whitney & Nancy Garlinghouse Margaret Westby Gibson Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Goldenrlng Deina I. Lavole-Goncl Heather & Michael Greenaway Edith S.Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Griswold SuzanneJ. Guida A. F.Hamlin

Maureen Hanlnk Heather Leigh Harrison Mr. Varick D. Harrison Roderic Hartung Eleanor Harvey H. John Hendrick Louise Helder Ruth & Ed Hildreth Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hostnlk Ari & PeggyHowe Mr. EadsJohnson,Jr. Nancy C. Kindell Roger L. Klein Anne P.Klingler Marie-Louise Knapp Stephanie Knoll & Gerry Fischbach Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kramm Shepard Krech,Jr. BreckS. Lardner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LaRue Deborah Z. Leonard Harriet & Thomas llnskey Mary BegenMacDonald Kristin E. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Hiram P. Maxim Henry & Joan May Diane M. Mazza Drs. Christopher & Susan Mccawley McColl Cl\lropraclic Caroline Marsh McCord Kathy & John Mccurdy Judy &Jim McQuade The MemorfalSchoolBuddyBunchStaff Michael & Karen Milano Mrs. Victor Morrison, Jr. Mary Mrouse Anne & Douglas Nagan Claudia & David Natorski Gene & Janet Nichols James& Jeanne Nichols Mrs. Louis 8. Palmer Dorothy E. Panslus Marcia Woolworth Porter Leslie H. Quarrier Virginia B. Rand Don & Nancy,Rankin Vernon & Gisela Rhodes Addison & Ellen Ricker Dorothy S. Ritchie Connie & Al Rogers Michele Russo Joan & Ralph Schoemann Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber Claire & john Simon

Penny Snow Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speirs PegSweeney ¡ Robert D. Talsey Alan G.Thornton Judy & David Ulrich Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger Doug & Karen VanDyke Matt & Ines Venetlaner Mrs. Jane A. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Weinstein Karin Whittemore Thomas & Andrea Wing Nancy H. Wood Eugene& Georgia York

Mrs. John C. Ripley Joanne, BIii Robi nson Lisa A. Ruglio Rebecca Russell John M. & Janet Schloss Mr. & Mrs. Edwi n 8. Sollis William Steer, Mary Ellen Malone & Katherine Steer Rebecca& Christopher Steiner Regina & Mitchel Strand JamesR. & Karen R. Thompson Tramontano Family Laurie & Michael Walker Holly Whitney/W indham HIii Farm


Joyce S. Ahern Jeanne Blackwell • Madcap Farm Megan Bowers AudreyBrabazon& CharlesDlckens,Jr. Mary & Alan Bradford Ginger Bronson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cahill Sally F. Cornish James& Gall Cortina Becky Czlapinski Rachael M. Delonge Megan Eno Mr. & Mrs. Frankli n Farrel Ill Catherine M. Frank Joshua Greenvall Karen & Jack Guarnaccla Dr. & Mrs. Forest K. Harris Richard & Carol Hindman Jan & Jonathan Hine Roger& Donna Hurley Elmira S. Ingersoll Susan & Jonathan Jewett JoAnne Kelly Russell V. Lewis Marj i Lex1on Jan Marlin Mary S. Muhlhausen Katherine, Elise& Diane Neske Norman & Harriet Rashba Anthony & Norma Rugllo Dr. Robert & Doris 8. Schaper Bill & BessSmall Roger & Pattie Stikeleather Scott& Calllsta Stoddard Michelle Suarez Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Tolderlund Mary Ellen Trimble Frank & June Wadsworth

Lella R. Bowman Olive J. Brose Mr. & Mrs. George R. Bullitt Peter F. Carlson Nancy & Bill Cash Rosemary S. Cowley Michael & Jennifer Datum John & Judie Driscoll Thomas & Gloria Elliott Sue & Al Engel Josephine C. English Mary Fischer Caroline M. Flower, V.M.D. Mark & Robyn Fortier Charles & Sherrell Grean Mr. & Mrs. Willam A. Gregory, Sr. Eleanor & Roger Hllsman Daniel A. Hurley, Ill Martha 8. Jacques Peter & Elizabeth Karter Michelle & Steve Kutz Mark & Ann Lander Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. Francis Maranda Don McCue Belinda Monat Margot W. Morgan Wendy L. Murdoch Jeffrey Nelson Nlchols Forestry & Loggfng, LLC Beth Pastor Sally S. Payne Jenna Pecoraro Diane D. Pettit Melanie H. Phoenix Colin & Margaret Revl ll James& Heather Rice

Other Supporters

matching gifts High Hopes grate{u/Jy acknowledges the Corporations and Foundations tha t match gifts from their employees: Aetna Foundation , Inc. The J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation Citigroup Foundation The Home Depot USA The Henry Luce Foundation The Pfizer Foundation Philip Morris Companies Inc .

memorials Gene Barone Gene & Janet Nichols Gerald Bouchard Susan & Chr istopher Mclaughlin Carro/1 A. Boynton Susan & Jeff Allen Mrs . Helen W. Bastedo Ms. Mary S. Blair Cindy & Peter Briggs Steve, Suzy & Lynnie Erickson Mrs. Norbert M. Ford Lyttleton B. P. Gou ld, Jr. & Family Ms. Lindsay Knowlton Doris W. McGowan Ms. Connie P. Moody Purnell School Ronn ie & Frank Record Mrs . Nancy G. Ripley Mr . & Mrs . Sydn ey H. Rogers Mrs. Susan R. von Stade Clinton & Joan Yeomans George C. Cain - FDNY Ladder 7, Engine A·l Home Inspect ion Joseph & Dolores Abitab ile Dr. Stephen Aletk i n Chris & Kerry Alexande r Laurie Amenta Ricardo & Paula Archule t

Sean & Maureen Culhane Henry & Shirley Damashek Dancej ock Product ions Ltd. Rose D'Angelo Nicho las & Linda Delude Noelle DeRosa Theresa Dia & Diane Zierau Anthony & Gi na Di Costanzo Richard & June Doane Ramo n & Haydee Domingue Gloria & Colleen Doyle Joseph & Isabel Dr iscoll Paula Dundas

Kathleen M. Swanton The Tal;iga Family Raffaela & Paul Veglaril Barbara g Wendy Wanchak Malcolm & Susan White Jane K. Wollack Mary "Sis" Gould Sue Keith Elverston Rooert Heller Debra Parkinson Elizabeth P.Kane Pearl Fournier Robert P.Kelm Jlm & Christina Storm- Byrne Marfaret K. Cummings Mary Jane Fegan/Rehab Concepts Natlonal Association of Broadcasters Aliso n, Adam & Stephanie Hub ley Catherine Jones & Denice Ch&ler, Allen Kay L.W. ' B1111 Lane, Jr. A.O. James P. Lefebvre Jeff Mill Grace & Peter Sakalowsky,J r. Bob Sembler/ Total Wellness, LLC Petra 8. Shearer Jack & Janet Siegal Jamie G. Wainw right Westfield State Coll ege Caroline Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Joh n R. Lord Hazel Recor William & Ellen Amo d eo, Jr. Eleanor Blake & Family Business & Legal Reports , Inc. Margaret Hinman Mr. & Mrs. Adolph T. Tela P,eterRobust el//, Jr. Bill& Susan Strait Jord an Lynne Slborg A&P Old Lyme Employees Dian ne H. Anderson Cheryll L. Frink Petra B.Shearer Helen M. Shelby Thomas, Maryellen & Morgan Solinsky KIiiy Stalsburg Lennea Smith Mr. & Mrs . Wlllam A. Gregory, Sr. Monlcils Taggart Dinah D. Beverley Gall & Duncan Campbell Chester Woods, Inc. Ric~ & /\Ida Cyphers l<aren Danie lson ifhomas &Judith Davies Doris 0 . Difede Stephen M. Garratt Mary Ellen Gladue Lyttleton B. P..Gould , Jr. AnneS.Johnston Elaine& Peter.Lapolla

Mr. & Mrs. RichardMayer

Charlotte P. Meyer Mary Mi lle Leslie & Russell Shaffer Paula & Bryant Taggart Constance Wadsworth Cheryl Heffernan Barbara Wanchak Debra Parkinson Dudley Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Willam A. Gregory, Sr. Rachel Wysocki Arthur E. Girard Griswold Public Health Nursing Service Margaret Kuzyk Ronald & Phyllis McCullough

Scholarship f ifts The generosity of these donors , coupled with our Start-A-Rider and grant scholarships , continues to enable High Hopes to enroll rid¡ ers and Instructor Trainees who need financial assistance. Anonymous Barbara & Mall Abrams Luc ian & Norma Allen Myrna & Arnold Baskin Richard S. Blinderman Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Olive J. Brose Mrs. H, D. Brundage Travis & Kelly V.J. Burton W. Mur ray Buttner Century 21 Heritage Co. Mr. & Mrs . David H. Chase Connecticut Quarter Horse Association - In memory of Ann and William McAllister, Sr. Stephen Connolly Core Sports DeMeo Enterprises Valerie & Peter Duda Russell M. Field, Jr. Gladeview Health Care Cente

Karen Milano Julie M. Nudler Brian J. & Mary Lou O'Rourke Perini Building Co. Photograph i x Landon Polls Scantic Valley Riders ~-H Kara B. Seymour Stonington Veterina ry Hospi tal Linda Williams David & Judy Wine r - In Honor of Justin Moore

Emanuel Hirth Sch o larsh ip g ifts The Emanuel Hirth Scholarship for Individuals with Special Needs was established in 2001 in memory of Emanuel Hirth, the grandfather of High Hopes rider Ian Moses Cannon. Melissa & Steve Bogatz Richard M. "Sandy Paws" Brooks Liora Cannon Bob Gilchrist Mrs . Ann Hir th Mrs, Faye Hoisington Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jacobs Shirley R.Juran M. Patricia Newman Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rashba



Ed & Melissa Everett Antho ny Everett Theresa Everett Cara Finan Nancy Finn Nicholas Fondulas Holly Foster Kelsey Fournie r Deborah Fox Gai l Perkins Gemme Katharine Gilde rsleeve Maria Gomes Phyllis Gragli a Pam & Aub rey Graham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene , Jr. Andrew Hart Eddie Hobson Jackie Kangley Nancy C. Kinde ll Anne P.Klingler lvona Kubiak Christine Lahm Jud it h G. MacDonald Helga Mackey¡Fardon & Zachary Fardo n Kr istin E. Mason The Mcca ll um Family Brendan & Cassidy McGirr Joan Mulkey Mark Murray Jeffrey, Darcy & Amanda Murtz Caro l Ann Newman Dennis J. O'Brien Amanda Ogborne Cynthia R. Palmer The Picazio Family Therese Popincha lk Rives Polls James & Heathe r Rice Mark & Rita Rohrberg Kim Roseman Deb Roy Miche le & David Russo Salem Val ley Veterinary Clin ic Rosellen C. Schnurr Petra B. Shearer The Siborg Family L.D. & Bever ly Silliphant Mary, Bill & Co nnor Smit h Marcia & Roger M. Smith Nicky Smith -Romansk i Morgan Solinsky Richard , Kathr yn & Krisiin a Spero W illiam Steer, Mary Ellen Malone & Katherine Steer Halsey & Betsey Stevens Stephanie Toefile Mr. & Mrs . David Vio la, Jr. Kevin & Kyle W hipple Brandon Wyatt

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Corporate & f oundation !!rants


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Thefollowing Corporateand Foundation Grants, received between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002, provided the majority of ;-~,, ~-.,.,,, scholarshipfunding for riders needin} financial assistance,especiallythose riders from the inner cities of Middlesex,


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• IL'_· TheThomasJ AtkinsMemori alFu.nd , 1:-·,-;'-~:·~~ Tia Smith - Custom Stalion_e_ry P~Ol':)g'rap ,hy . 1 ' A,,. ~ 11 ElmorPattersonBakerFoundaho 1' 1• • ' ·:r~,1 f~ 1 Smoker's Discount World 1 Suzie Birks& The Source Family · TheHowardBayneFund r1 1 r.i·i,.._·, \( u , '!;, ,• 1 Bodenwem Public B;.n_ev~l; n~t o~n_dal_i~ , _ EdwardAkeyson, MD , Grace Stalsburg 1 · /i . Citigroup Foundahon . ~\.._ • 1· ' , ' 1~ Mary Jane Fegan/Rehab Concepts , KillyStalsburg 1 1~ 1 ,.,.1r,, TheConcord1aFound ; t~on 1 / r .·, .•'.1:";;:i Car//onM Barlowm;1:ff• Patti Stalsburg r1 I i ~ I ' , ' , ... - I -,, -•.~•,. The Daphne Seyboll Culpeper Memon~~Foundaho~,.lnc. 1 , Harry S Slifer. Jr Susan Strait 1 1 l rr-.The Dime Savings Bank Foundation, Inc ' · ir. 1 1 \~ DonnaCmcenze, MDl 1_ 11, " John M. Sturges, J~. 11 ~. EssexSavings Bank J Mary Jane Fegan/Rehab ~once pis The Swan Family The Fish Tale 111 (. , Janie Davis'~ i~_F.!.' ~,'-..- · Ron & BillSwaney , The J.F.C. Charitable Trust' Rosemary ~~re~e~:1= ..~;:,: 11__ Tobacco Pl.iiza :..: The KitchingsFoundation EmilyFish~~~-, 1 ·. _.· Sky Todd 1 The CommunilyJ ~u~dation for Greater New Haven 1 ~-, · Molly Field I cfti' · = Clare Torelli 1.~The Perkin Fund ··. .··. LGoph'ef . ~..'i'(-+ Kel Tyler ,-',The Carse Robinson Foundation ; = Margaret G. Kane & ~! her!ne Ski~fKane, DVM Uptite Co. 1 ,.: ; schering-Plough Founda't'i'on, l~c. . · 1Judith F.Lightfoot~• 1 :--_·· • ' Whitney Viola I·•sNETC f • E I d Mrs.KatherineE.CowleS ',• ·"=' 1 orpora 10ns mp oyees' Community Services Fu~ _ Mary Beth Wafer \If The Community Foundat ion of Southeaste rn Connecticut -•,··n· ChristopherMastino, MD n" Marianne Weigh1s ; The Swenson Family Foundation Mary Jai:,ef egan/Rehab Concepts Wiggin& Dana · . ·:: · KateNicholsir,;'1:>'..i,-/ · ErinCain Zanardi & Family Ca pita l &· e ".l,dowmen t Ca mpaiin Mr. & Mrs. Jullan Colleli • . The Zuppe Family






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Collyn Here!


Eddie Hobson & Family ; Gabrielle Hoff~ -an : ,

Jennifer Hol) a~d . Amy Hosig

Susan Johnson Barbara & John Kashanski Nancy C. Kindell

Kathy & Jake Kirschner Robert & Paul ine Knoll Stephanie Knoll Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LaRue Linda Lee-Picazio

LahlTl The Lehet Family. Lewis Levin Lewilz, Balosie, Wollack,_Rayner & Giroux, LLC Alexandra Lightfoot, Ann Lightfoot Judith & Richard Lightfoot Cis Matthie.SSe·n Melzen FarmSupply Karen Mnano . ·.•. Mr. & Mrs. James Moran · Dorothy Morkls Joan _Mulkey .. · ,MysticColor Lab..,,: Dawn & BillNelligan Michelle Neuroth .-. Kale & Annie Nichols.· Mark Nimrod " · :.:), Old Lyme Fr~mes_i," oP •. l,: Pfizer, inc~-:._. . I :J) Therese Popinchalk f;',.John Rexroad - Pucuda, Inc. Holly& Jeff Ridg~~)'·:;.~-_--. The Saddle Doctor - Gary Severson Ben


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g ifts honor in~ Ian M oses Ca nno~

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We . _gr'atefullyacknowled9e the individuals · and foundations makin9 gifts to Phase II ~ Ofour Capitaland Endowment Campai9n f:o"!-~ef)~en:i~~~ l'.2001 _toJune 30 , 2002 .

Ian Moses Cannon, one of our faithful riders, was honored by many friends and family members during the year. They asked that theirMts be used to provide a di9ita/ camera,lo "adopt"Ian'sfavorite horse, Ben. afld to support our programsin Ian's name."


Deborah Bentrup Deborah James Bowen John L. Cannon, Jr. Llera Cannon Jennifer Gietek Bob Gilchrisl Nancy & Kevin McHugh M. Patricia Newman , LynnDee Payeur Nancy Woitkoski Rosemary Woilkoski


Prix St. .-.,The Howard BaYneFund I John & Kelly Hartman FoUndation , Jessie Roberts ·


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. ·.· Joh_n O'Brien, MD=····='.J~.•.{:-~.._

·':-;_._; Mary Jan_e Fegan/Rehab Co~c~pls ·• - ' Reale-=_ · · - ·1 '-·• · Pa"mela '\ i Middlesex Counly personnel . · MarYSchiemann, MD .- ·,·· - · Mary Jane fegan/Rehab Concepts i

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he team work among riders, volunteers and horses is the hallmark of our Annual High Hopes Horse Show. We extend our thanks to the follo111lnflndiulduals and businesses

Good-Spirits Shoppe , Inc. Kahn Tractor & Equipment, Inc.

Individual Sponsors Vince Agostine & Lisa Bosquet

Diane Kane-Fourn ier, P.T. - Kelsar Physical Therapy

Anonymous in Memory of Apple Jack- Melissa & Marni

Howard E. Kaplan-ADVEST Ernie Klrschner-HSS-Hardware&Software Services, LLC

Michael & Suzy Aubrey Sally H. Aubrey

Laysville Dell Middlesex Hospltal

Stanley Babson Deb Roy Donna & Hugh Scott

Nichols Forestry & Logging, U.C Salem Valley VeterinaryClinic

)ohn & Per<iBiercerka & Family

Harry & Toni Slifer Roger & Marcia Smith

P.eter& Linda Bierrie

Dr. & Mrs. Wayne0. Southwick

The Ballard Family The Bandtlowfamily The Bennetts

'Eleanor L Bonafonte

Kitty Stalsou,s, Kathryn & Rob Hageman

Nari'ey &BIiiCash Art, Blm & Kerry €hrislianson

The Steiner FamilY, Rick, Kim & Kelsey Rose S an

Margeeurtis KatFina Deleo

Jordy Thompson Whitney Viola

The Destefano family

The Viola Family Nancy K. Watkinson

MoJly Dunne Ed& Melissa Everett, Anthony Everett, Theresa Everett

Gurdon B. & Kathleen K. Wattles

Tim &Susan Gavronskl

Molly Webb

Aubrey & Pamela Graham

The Wyatt Family The Wyckoff Family

Betty Greene Mr. & Mrs . Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Tanya & Jake G reenvall


Greg & Shelley Gullette Grant Hamilton

ATLAS Outdoor - Branford Birks Golden Retrievers

Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Inge Hieret

Caulfield & Ridgway Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Southeastern

June M. Hotchkiss Karen Keelan

Connecticut Yankee Greyhound Racing,Jnc.

The Kraska Family Joan & Kenneth Levin

Carey& Cis Matthiessen

New England, Inc. The Dime Savings Bank Doug"s Garage Diane Eastman-Dumals:Val MorganCinema Advertising

Frances K. Moppet! & "Duke "

Fellowship Place

Dawn & Bill Nelligan


Red Oak Stable

MaryCummings Satll,M.D~LL€ - Primary Carefor Women Saybrook Country Barn Shoreline Sanitation , Inc. Tia Smith-Custom Slalioner,y Photography Steed Read Horseman 's Classified , LLC Deborah A. Welles, CPA W . "Zee" Zornig - L & Z IndustrialCircuits


Ho pes





"Walking into the High Hopes barn to volunteer, I become part of a bustling, thriving family that cares about me, not just the job I'm doing. We talk, we work, and we make a difference together. It just doesn't get any better than that." -High Hopes volunteer

olunteers are the life blood of High Hopes. We recognize the follow ing indiuiduals for their dedication, commitment and seruice from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002: Joel A. Aber

Arnold Baskin

Barbara Abrams Matt Abrams

Myrna F. Baskin

Linda Bierrie Peter Bierrie

William Boyd

Benjam in Baylis Kale Baylis

Krista Bigiarell i Mic hael Bigiarell i

Katrina Brewer Robin Brewer

Anne Marie Ahern Ken Ahnell

Cori nna Beale Allison Becker

Stephani Bischof Andrea Blunden

Carol L. Brining

Jennifer Alaimo Laurie Alexander Jeff Alfieri

Karen Becker

Jessica Bogucki

Marni Adamson

Jeffrey J. Brining Jan Briscoe

.. .. ...,.,

Linda Almeida


Whitney Althouse Kathleen Amoroso Bea Anderson

"O :,0

Richa rd J. Buchetto Gail Buchholz Ken Burgess Lisa Burkarth

a .... al "O :,-


Alexis Ang Marie Aparo Mer edyth Arcoria Brett Arno ld Sally Aubrey

Lyn Brown Michael Brown Dennis Brown. Jr.

"°' -~

Callie Andrews-Rankin

Sarah Briscoe Lissie Brooks

.. :,

John Anderson Rondell Anderson

CoryAwwa Ann Bailey Meredith Bailey Helen Hammond Baldwin Barbara Earle Ballard Robert D. Ballard Nancy Ballek Rowland Ballek

Krysten Benjamin

Patricia Bandtlow Amy Baratko

Jane Bennett Rudy Bergmans

Leslie C. Barlow

Colin Bernier Chip Berry

Lindsay Benjamin

Suzanne M. Berlhier Kim Biancamano Perci Biederka

Elizabeth Clark-Ga rvey Nicholas Clements Janel Cody Sean Joseph Cody Miles Cogswell Silvio Colagiovann i John Colle tt Joshua R. Coll ins Lyle Congdon Stephen Connolly Richard Rodney Cooch, Jr. Colin Cooper Marc Cournoyer

Dakota (Cody) Butler Marianne Byrne Kelley Cahill Carolyn Caine

Byron Creech

Sean Callahan Susan Sohn Canci

Maureen Auguscia k Bernard Aulh

Thom as Childs Melan ie Cirillo

Caitlin Court ney John B. Cove llo Chr istopher Coyle Patti Coyle

Jean Calamari

Steven Aubrey

Rufus Barringe r

Brittany Bridgman

:r ;.-

Jaime Almeida

Carlton M. Barlow, Jr. Sharon Barnaby Sarah Barrila

Meg Bremer

Barbara dane Stephen Crescimanno, Jr Becky Crosby

Carolee Cannata

Frederi ck T. Crosby Clare Cunn ingham

Mic hael Richard Capone Linnea Carlson

Nicole Cuomo Trevor Currie r

Sarah Carlson

Annie Curlis

James Carnelly Christophe r S. Carney, Sr.

Marjor ie Curtis

Eddy Cartagena

Julie Czyzewski Mary D'Ambrogio

Jane Bolles Kara Bolles

Nancy Cash Athana Catlett

Keith Bolles

Sarah Catlett

Eleanor Bonafonte Gary Borla Lorri Bosio

Danielle Chaffee Jared Chaffee

Kenneth M. Botzek Megan Bowers

Paul Chagnon Tracy Chambers

Lindsey Bowman

Helen Chatman

Michele Chaffee

Becky Czlapinski

Antho ny D'ero cle Josh D'Liza rraga Mary Ann Dabe k Donna Dagrosa Nikole Dagrosa Karen Daniel son Philip F.Darrell Ali son Zack Darrell

a Davenport

Nancy Finn Frantz

Jason Haag

Hannah Kahn

Joan Levin

Walter Hackett, Jr.

Meghan Kalisz

Ken Levin

Kathryn Hageman

Kimberly Kanab is

Lewis Levin

Tenney Hajnal

Jacqueline Kangley

Arie l Lewe ll yn

Michelle Davis

Mary Fischer Michael Fli ppen KarenFlorin MichelleFontaine

Leslie Hall

Anna Kaplan owit z

Teri Lewis Strain

Eliza Davison

Justi n Forb es

Kyle Halvorsen

Kristi n Karabees

Alexandra Lightfoot

Janie Davison

Geraldine Foster

D. J. Hame loth

Peter Kardas

Ann Lightfoot

Burt Dean

Jane Holly Foster

Margaret Hamilton

Barbara Kashanski

Dick Lightfoot

Irene R. DeBernardo

Debora h Fox

Frank W. Hamilton, Jr.

John Kashansk i

Elizabeth Lightfoot

Katrina Deleo

Charlie Frey

Frank W. Hamilton Ill

Constance L. Kastelowitz

Judith Lightfoot

Karen Dav dovlch Ashley Davis

Ashley Deline

Eri n Furano

Derek Hamlin

Mary Katsiaficas

Alan Linds ay

Anna Delucia

Victo ria Futc h

Helen Hammond

Roman Katynski

Ail een Liv ingston

Jason Desjardins

Cathe ne Gablne ll e

Heather Han

Anne Kearney

Erin Long

Wendy DesJardins

Sarah Ga loch

All ie Hanford

Jennifer Kearney

Barbara G. Longo

Carmine Destefan o

Maureene Gaff ney

Maureen Hanink

Karen Keelan

Jeanne Love joy Jonathan Luiz

Emily Destefano

Laurie Gagnon

Beverly Harding

J. Alexis Keeney

Sarah Destefano

Linda Garnel is

Brian Harra

Kathy W. H. Keeney

Ian MacDona ld

Andrew Devine

Karena Garrity

Robert Harringer

Meaghan Kelly

Cindy MacN eill

Ann DiCicco

Paul Garrity

Jonathan Harr is

Van Kenyon

Lee E. MacWilliams

Barbara Di Roberts

Zoe Gatch

Willia m T. Harris

Cissy & Tom F. Keogh

Dan Magano

Sam Dix

Channing Gau ruder

Heather Leigh Harrison

Gay Kepp le

Heidi Marchand

Bill Doane

Susan Gavronski

Liz Hartmann

Emily Kernozek

Lisa Marchand

Thomas Domen

Rachel Genesky

Veron ica Hay

Alexander H. Kim

Nicole Marchand

Mary Donlan

Caroline Georgetti

Cheryl Kelly Heffernan

Nanc y Kindell

Elizabeth Marek

Dee Doo little

Carol Gilchrist

Me lissa Heide

Beth King

Alice Marrinan

Cassie Derflinger

David Gilchrist

Amber Henderson

Charles Kingsley

Grace Marrion

Julia Downs

Elis e Gilchrist

Me lissa Hennessey

Chiharu Kitaj ima

Christopher Mason

Jackson Driscoll

James Gilchrist

Kathe rine Herbst

Kenneth Kit chings

Colleen Mason

John Driscoll

Koko Gilder sleeve

All i e Herman

Rachel Klass

Kristi n Mason

Judie Driscoll

Carol Gill

Josiah Hill

Dr. Robert Klimek

Melissa Maso n

Margaret Drummond

Lindsay Gillette

Douglas Hochron

Jenna M. Klinck

Lisa Mathiason

Diane Eastman Duma is

Trudy Gillette

Lisa Holmes

Anne E. "Lisa" Knauff

Russ Mat his

Carolyn Duncan

Whitney Gillette

Lee Holstein

Pauline Knoll

Mab le Mat schulat

Diane Dupont

Jerry & Kathy Gintoff

Gordon Hood

Robert Knoll

Jil l Matthe w

Amy Durinick

Remy Goldberg

Tasha R. Hood

Stephanie Knoll

Cis Matt hiessen

Russell Dykema

Deb Goodri ch

Jeffrey Horget

Amanda Kokoszka

Laura McCabe

Rev. George W. Easton

Anna Goodric h-Gotta

W illiam & Betsy Horn

James Korst

James McCarthy

Jonnie Edwards

Jesse Goodrich-Gotta

Elizabeth House

Kathleen Kozey

Debo rah McConnell

Michelle Eldridge

Georgiana Goodwin

Anne Hoy

Joanne Kraska

Paula Mccreedy

Kristin A. Elliott Leas

Gloria Gorby

Ellen C. Hunt

Eric Kratfelt

Tim McGuire Stephen McKnight

Philip Ellsworth Jr.

Lytt Gould

Jesse Hunter

Hanna Krauland

Jeb N. Embree

Jamie Gourlay

Ian Hu rst

Jen Krautmann

Maura McQueeney

Jason Esculera

Erica R. Govednik

Andrew lgersheimer

Matthew Krautmann

Joe Med iavil la

Emily Estabrook

Aubrey Graham

Peter Igoe

Irene Kritzer

Erica Merr ick

Kate Estabrook

Pam Graham

Kayleigh Ingraham

Adam Kroll

Kristin Meuselbach

John C. Evans

Douglas Grave

William D. Irving, M.D.

Gabriel Kruug

Lyndsey Meyer

Melissa Everett

Leslie Green

Andrea Isaacs

Susan Lamontagne

Liz Michalsk i

Lauren Ewell

Kitty Greene

Carolyn Jagielski

Maura Landry

Natasha Ewen

Joseph N. Greene, Jr.

Eva Mar ia Janerus

Elaine LaPolla

Shannon Fai rcloth

Matthew Greenleaf

Erin Lord Jansen

Frank G. La Ponte

Paullus Mikalainis

Kimberly Falvey

Joline Grieder

Frank Jarrabeck

Sue Lardner

Christine Mi lazzo

nd rew Miedzins ki Deanna Miezej eski

Diane S. Faryniarz

Evan Griswold

Emily Johns-Ahern

Josh Lawrie

Wendy Fazzino

John Griswold

Elizabet h Johnso n

Mark Leas

Helene Fenger

William Groves

Karen Johnson

Carolee LeBlanc

Peter Ferrebee

Karen L. Guarnaccia

Nathan Johnson, Jr.

Me liss a LeBlanc

Mary Mille Brian P. Monaglla JessicaMonroy Laura Mooney

Matthew Ferris

Wendy Gunn

Waldo C.M. John ston

Lindsey Lefebv re

Step hanie Moo re

Cara Finan

Yanan Guo

Barbara Joslin

Sarah Lefranco is

Dominiq u e Mooring

Derek B. Fine

Robert B. Gustafson

Kristin Josl i n

Derron Lepout re

Frances Kahle Moppett

BrendaA. Moriarty Gail Morris Matt Mothander Joan Mutkey Alysa Mullen RamonaMuncey Carol A. Musanle DawnNellisan WIiiiam S.Nelllsan Sob Nelson Jill Nelson PennyNelson SamNelson EliseNeske Katherine Neske Robert NevJco Michael Newell John Niblack Keidi Niemann CaraMaile Norman Beth Norton GeorgeNorton Wayne Norton CeceliaNunez Debbie Ament de Nunez Gabrielle Nunez Erin P.O'Donnell Phil Ogden Lindsay Oldman SethOlmstead RolandOrr Hank Paar JamesPafford Danielle Nicole Page Jenifer Pase Cindy Palmer Janine Palmer Khouri Papas/an KatePaquette JuanitaParis Jennifer Parsons Carolyn Pascarelli Gloria Peduul Alden Pelker Christine Perkins SarahPerkins TaraPerkins

SeanPeter..on Cathy Pelrllto Kerri Picardi Linda Lee Plcazlo BarbaraPickell RobertG. Pike Kimm Pishvanov ChristaPlzzoferrato John M. Pluoferrato Nick Plzzoferrato Jennifer Plecs Jill Portusal Vlclor Postel Nancy& RivesPotts A. RivesPotts.Jr. TomPresson Viclorla Price TannerPries1 John Prllchard lee Pritchard SteveProvost Mary Pullen DonaldQuliley PatriciaQuinlan ShannonJudith Rabel BenjaminRackliffe Jim Ready CandiceReavis Amy Reed JoeRhodes,Jr. Joe Rhodes Ill Calla Riccio Ann Rice Heather Ann Rice JamesRice Cynlhla Richards TraceyRichards Alex Richardson Holly Ridgway Jeffrey RldSway JessicaRiehl ThomasJ. Rodgers Cryslal Root Chris Roselli DanaRupprecht BurgessRussell Michelle Russo

Addison Safflotl SaverloP.Salmolrashl Robert Salvatore JaneSamuels EmilySandin Allcla Sapere Vito Savino Meshan Scanlon JaneSchellens Ashly SchJUlng Calherlne Schmitz Debral. Schmitz PaulT. Schmitz SarahSchmitz Allee Schmulz NancySchoemann StevenSchoppaul TerrySchreiber DonnaScott LaureenWilcox Scranton Laurie E.Seer JaimeSemmensohn Matthew Serra YanlShapiro ThomasShea PetraShearer SharonStcafuse NancySlekferskl Mary•LawrenceSinclair EsmeSinger Harry Slifer Ryan Slobln Sill Small KendraSmith Marcia Smllh RogerSmllh Seymour Smllh ThomasW. Smil h Tia Smilh LauraSohre Jeff Solsaa SusanSomerville Alexandra Spencer Kenneth SLPaul EricaStachura GraceSlalsburs: Kilty Stalsburf

JosephStandarl Amanda Stazlck Holly Stephens BetseyStevens Halsey•chip~ Stevens SaraStevens SaraStickney SandyS!lephaudl laura Stine AlexandraSlorm MaraStrader RichardStrauss BrianSlreeter John M. Sluf"ies.Jr. KarlaSweeper StephanieJ.Sylvester Monica TaSSart Linda CallanTaylor JamesTedford RosemaryA. Theriaque Alex Thomas AlyssaThomas Chrlsline Thomas DeannaThomas KathyThomas KarenR.Thompson KateThompson Tiffany Thompson SkyrenTodd StevenToledo ColleenTolle SharonM. Tracy Ann S.Traylor Todd Tuomi DennisTupper Kally Turley Nikkie Tumer Kel Tyler BenTyler Timothy Tyler JeannineUnihlre Jodi Van Loan MaureenVanders1ad BennyJ.Vazquez Ines Venellaner GregVera PatriciaVlfl'one

Whllney Viola Calllfn Wade PamelaR.Wade SharonWaldie ChristenWalenczyk John Walters Jim Walton TomWarner Mary Washburn BruceWatford RochardWatkins Nancy K. Watkinson DaveWalson RyanWatt Carol Watts Erin Weedon Stephaniel. Weidner StevenJohn Weisenburser Deb Welles Jennifer Wells RachelWertheimer PeterWelhly Colleen Wetsel Debra L Whalen K.C.Whelen SarahWhllney Marola ~Macy•Widofsky JeremyWiggs Christopher Wllllam Kevin WIiliams PeterWIison Andrea Wini JoanneWini Gail Albino Winier WIiiiam G.Winterer Jordanne Wood StacyWood TommyWood KarenWyzykowskl Mark Wyzykowskl DeloresZaccaro Julla Zambelli Erin Caln Zanardi Zee Zornli

"I be l ieve mentors during my lifetime are the most i mporta n t people I will know, and all of you mentored me. When I lea ve Hig h Hopes I k now that I will continue to be a p ar t of you r f amily. You are an inspiration." -M ichele Sanger, Instructor Training Course student .





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We are honored to haue the support of the followinf businesses and corporations In our community:

Event Sponsor · Sovereign Bank Platinum Sponsor Mohegan Sun

Gold Sponsors SBCSNET RachelThomas Real Estate Corporate Benefactors The Bank of New York & The George Link, Jr. Foundation Brewer Pilots Point Marina Brewer Yacht Yards Caulfield & Ridgway,Inc. The Connecticut Light and Power Company Essex SavingsBank - John W. Rafa!&. Associates, Inc. First Union National Wealth Management Group Fleet Lawrence & Memorial Hospital Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Merrill Lynch, Mr. FrancisG. Adams, Jr. MW Financial- David J: Scranton New Haven SavingsBank Pfizer, Inc PRUDENTIAL CT- DUNHAM REALTORS - Marilyn "lyn" Hanberg Reynolds' Garage& Marine, Inc.

Ring"sEnd/Niantic Lumber · - Kel & Karen Tyler JamesSimpn Architects U. S. Tnisi Company of Connecticut Wiggin & Dana Zelek Electric Co. - Ray& Laureen Zelek

Corporate Patrons A.G. Edwards& Sons, Inc. Aegean Treasures Arrow Paper Party Rental AT&TBusinessServices Centerbrook Architects and Planners Dewolfe ESSENCE Center for Beau_ty and Wellness The Griswold Inn The Hinckley Company JeanCallan King Interior Design M & M ExcavatingCo. Madison Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Tom Ruberti Bob & Carol Miller - The Middlesex Suppiy Company O'Brien, Shafner, Stuart, Kelly & Morris, P.C. Saybrook Country Barn Seaworthy Systems. Inc/ O'Neil Prop_erlies Sennh.eiser Ele ctroni5'<1:orp . su·san & John Senning Shoreline EyeGroup - Robert J. Klimek MD Trowbridge Stone Masonry ~LC Corporate Friends AGH Enter prises, LLC Amato Properties LLC Angler Adventures, LLC Beatty & Boucher.LL( Bill's Seafood

BIO-MEDDEVICES Businessa:Legal Reports Caliber Computing ChelseaGroton SavingsBank, Norwich Cleveland/Eastern Mixers CoastalSteel Corporation Dahlke & Associates Daniels Oil Company Dimensions in Glass, Inc. Ors. Elgart& Pinn Duble & O'Hearn, Inc. EssexCommercial Construction LLC EssexLimousine Service Inc. Gladevlew Health CareCenter Gull Associates Harbor Motors Inc. Alvin L.Jenkins & Son Kitchens by Gedney,Inc. - Madison, CT Laysville Hardware Marketing Horizons, LTD Maus and Son, Inc. Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc.

New England Hinge Co. Niantic Awning Co., LLC Nina Cuccio PeckArchitects PageHardware & Appliance Co. Page-TaftReal Estate,Inc. William R. Cadley - PagodaTi,mbe~ Frames PapaGino's, Norwich Pattaconk Millwork LLC People's Bank Prudential Signature Properties RenaissanceStone, LLP River Linens Ryther - Purdy Lumber Co., Inc. Sima Drilling Company Inc. Smith Barney Soundings Publications, LLG Spei rs Plumbing, Inc. Treasures,Old Lyme Waldron Insurance Agency PeterWhite Woods Lightning Protection <1:o ., Inc.



Benefactors Robert D.& Barbara Earle Ballard Olive J. Brose H.Judson & Shirley Carr ifhomas and Susan Childs Ted & RebeccaGrosby, Mr. & Mrs. Joep de Koning Mr-.John C. Evans EvanS. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher Alex & Francis Goudie Grace& Frank Hamilton, Jr. Mitch & € eryl Heffernan Barbara,& John Kashanskl Roger L. Klein RichardT.Cersoslmo& ValerieJ. Koif iudit h F.& Richard B. Lightfoot F.Patrick McFadden Robert & Sandy Mulligan John & Heidi Niblack Morris ,& Marni Propp Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rantz Jeffrey & Holly Ridgway Kevin & Meg Small Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Smith i\nn & Wayne Southwick Nick & Martha Spofford Sabln Streeter

Ors.Lee & Marybeth Ellison Michael & Linda Fischer, Geraldine U. Foster Lyttleton B.P.Gould, k Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grace Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Wendy & Ro!>ertGunn Anne Hoy & Brian Harra Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Ruth & Bob Kelly Elizabeth Lightfoot & Nicholas Clements Lee E. MacWilliams Charles-Henri & Marguerite Mangtn Bruce& Barbara McGhie Elena& Michael Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt Ill Lee & John Pritchard Mary P. Pullen Susan M. Raible & Michael Birch Jean M. Richards Jennifer Andrews & Mark Roth Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Boynton M. Schmitt Deborah Scott Kara B. Seymour Tony Thurston

Patrons Mr.& Mrs. elarke Ambrose BeaAnderson Bruce& Linda-Lea Andrews Sally & Stever Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. M. Andrews Baxter FentonL.B.Brown Mala & KayChia! Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daltoh Mary Mille & Bill Doane

Friends Barbara& Matt Abrams Bill & Linda Anderson Joseph & Jean Andress Diana & Bob Annon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Attoe Michael & Suzanne Aubrey Maureen& Joseph Augusclak Marian L. Balrstow Eileen D.Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J;f. Balawln John & Jacqueline Ball Rowland & Nancy Ballek Mr, & Mrs. earlton M. Bario~ Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Davld·Beauaette Mi mi & Bill Benner Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Benlle(J Ann B. Lane& RudolfH.J. Bergmans Mr. & Mrs. BruceBiddle Keith & Jan~ Bolles Wayne1M. Beaulieu~ KathyA. Bolles Richard & Margaret Bolles Mr. & Mrs. Rober.IE. Borden Carol Gilchrist & Gary Borla Bob & Margaret Brady Mr. & Mrs. Newton Brainerd Rudy & Irma Brandt Byron Brewer Ja<!k& Peg,Brewer Garol Brining Lynn & Lissie Brooks David S. Brown, MD James& Lyn Brown H. Matthew Holcomb & ~ols Brulnooge Sy& Maureen Buckner Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cadley Greg Cahill Kelley & Michael Cahill MJ. & D.P. Cahill Katherine Gahouet & Jpe Connolly Richard and Margot <::alder Anthony & linc!a Camarra John & Linda Carlin John & Athana Catlett Christopher & Jellnifer Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Charnok Helen & Bill <::hatman

Jim Childress Elsie& Sam€hilds Mr. & Mrs. William Chrlstepher Herb & Sherry €lark Kay& Loganelarke Woody & Gretchen €0.mstoak Mrs. ~afh.erlneE. eowles RosemaryS.Cowley Mr. & Mrs. Donald €raft Dr-.& Mrs.Miohael €rain Ellsc!beth(raven Mr, & Mrs. ErskineGrossley €arley €un lff l'fenri,& 6iz David Macy Devins Cliristopher & Barbara Dix.on Ellen D.odge & Boger Pile,Jr. Mr, & Mrs. JamesDonkin Mr. & Mrs. Robert D.ouglas John & Judie Drls<!oll Jonnie & Ash1 Eowards James& Cathy Elliott Mr. & Mrs. ~uenlln EllioU lhomas & Gloria Elliott Jeb& Dianne Embree Blf Endemann& Debbie 0akley €arole & David Enfield Bob & Debbie English Rfak & PatErmler Mr. & Mrs. MarcA. Felgen Helene Fenger Christopher & MarthaFicke Stephanie Knoll & Gerry Fischbach Chuck & Jane Fitzgerald Marla& KennethFontaine Mr. & Mrs. RussellFord Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fournier Pearl Fournier

Rio.hard& Edie F:reeman JaC!k& ©h(p Frost Nancy & Whitney Garllnglfouse Riel.hard& Katharine Gilder&Jeeve Simone & Scott Gladstone N~al Goldberg & Elisabeth Mc;_Gulre Georgianna Goodwin John &Gloria Gorby Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B.Gorin John & €ookle Gowaa €ahdy, & Keith Green li>r.Miahael & !;feather,Greenaway Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenl\o Mr. & Mrs. Hank"Greenleaf Mr.& Mrs. Robert H. Gregory Mr. & Mrs.>Jo l\n S. Griswold 'Matt& Mlk Griswold, Jrc Gapt. &.Mrs. Robert Gustafson ~adc,&(GracelYn, Guy,ol Anne D. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Johri E. Hamrick Donald Hanberg ly,n Hanberg Nan<!y& ReeseHarris Mr. & Mrs.John W. Hartman Phillip & :Yvonne,Hayne·s Charles R. H.azu._ka Brfla Herman Harold & BetsyHestnes Laurie Boone Hogen Lisa & Stephen Holmes Paul& Linda Holt Betsy& Bill Horn Cary Hull Betsy& Bob Hunnewell Deborali & Alan Hutchings Arthur E.Hurst pr. &,Mrs. Allen Inglis

Dr. & Mrs. Steven Inglis David & Marilyn Jacobs Carolyn & John Jagielski FrankJarrabeck Susan&Jonathan Jewett BIii& Erin Jorgenson Amy Sullivan & Bruce R.Josephy Alex Richardson & Liddy Karter Dr. & Mrs. R. Timothy Kearney Dick & Betty Kehoe Tom & Clssle Keogh Jean Callan King Allan Dodds Frank& Lillian King Chet & Suzanne Kitchings Keh& Chris Klt~hlngs Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klier Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klimek Bob & Pauline Knoll Jean & Nick Lamont Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Langmann Isabel C.Leach Mark & Kristin Elliott Leas David & Debbie Leonard Lewis Levin Ann Lightfoot & Faulkner Hunt Meg Lyons& Geoffrey Little Terrance & Belle Lomme Betty Lord John & Wendy Lord Roland & Sally MacNichol Al Malpa Maureen VanDerStad& Peter Mansueto Patsy Marshall Fred& Marie Marlin Sally & George Mayer John& Amy McCauley Bruce & Renee McIntyre Cyndie Gould Melcher Wilhelm & Michelle Meya Anne & Paul Millard Bob& Carol Miller K.George & Laura. Mooney Christi Mosser Mulford PestManagement Joanne Murphy Mr.& Mrs. James 8. Murphy II Dawn & Bill Nelligan Bob& Penny Nelson Helene & Brad Nichols George & Beth Norton KateNucera Connie O'Brien Mr.& Mrs. A.J. O'Falt John& Maureen O'Grady Joanne & David O'Neil Beth& John Olmstead Ed& Antonia Osgood

Harold & Marcia Parisen Charles & JoAnne Park Michael & ElenaPatterson Doug & Joan Paul JamesE.& Jacquelyn B. Pedrick Kristin Mason & Paul Pernal Eileen Perry James& Jane pfeffer MaggiePhillips Tom & Linda Picazio Mr. & Mrs. Norm Pichette Mr. & Mrs. John Pierson Flip Pohl Nancy & Rives Polls Sandy & DeeDeePrisloe Donald & Charlotte Quigley Dyanne & John W. RafaI Virginia Rand Mark Reiss Daphne Nielsen & Henry Resnikoff Joe & Lee Rhodes Joe Rhodes Ill Heather Ann & JamesC.C.Rice Jim & Ann Rice Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieder Helene Robbins Michael Rosadino Marian E. Rowland Tom & Ginny Ruberti Mr. & Mrs.Jim Ryan David & Kale Sandmann



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Benefit Gifts The Great A & 11Tea Company Abby's eaterlng Company Catherine Abercrombie Bruce & Linda-Lea Andrews Jennifer Andrews Anne's Bistro Anonymous Arrow Paper Party Rentals Sally Aubrey Suzanne Aubrey Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Mr . & Mrs. John W. Barclay Leslie Barlow Photography Myrna & Arnold Baskin The Bee & Thistle Inn Benjamin 's Bennie 's Farm Market Bill 's Seafood Black Whale Antiques Jane Bolles Mr . & Mrs. Robert E. Borden The Bowerbird Sally Bowles Rudy & Irma Brandt Jack & Peg Brewer James & Lyn Brown Ralph & Kail Cadman Cafe Routier Kelley Cahill, C Design Anthony Camarra Andrew Campbell Mark Capitella/MGC's Custom Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles & Fine Ari Mr . & Mrs. John H. Carl John Carlin Richard T. Cersosimo Elizabeth C. Chamberlain Dr. & Mrs. Arno ld Chassanoff Cherrystones JIm Vaughn Childress Chips Pub 111 Mr. & Mrs . Harry Clarke Cloud Nine Catering Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Southeastern New England, In c. Woody Comstock Mr. & Mr s. Joseph L.Connolly The Cooley Gallery Mr . & Mrs. Robert B. Cooney Chris & Patti Coyle Beth Crain Creative Cooking Restaurant Crow 's Nest Gourment Deli Cuckoo's Nest

Deep River Design Philip F. & Alison Zatk Darrell Barbara & Jan DeutsGh Edd's Place-Cuisine to Go Thomas & Gloria Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ely, Jr. The Wire Horse Serles - Equine Evoluti on Artwork Essex Printing ESSENCECenter for Beauty and Wellness Margaret Fay Morse Helene & Charlie Fenger Fiddlers Seafood Restaurant Ger ry Fischbach Fitness on the Waterfront Charles Fitzgerald John & Alison Forbis Foster-Casey & Co. Mr . & Mr s. Mark Fourn ier Allan D. Frank E.F.Watermelon - Richard & Edie Freeman/Jim & Cathy Elliott Friends & Company Fromage Fine Foods Garde Arts Center Tim & Su san Gavronski Georgia n na Goodwin Design, LLC John & Gloria Gorby Th e Grist Mil l Matthew Griswold The Griswold Inn Mr. Charles R. Hazuka Mitch & Chery l Heffernan The Hidea way Restaurant & Pub David & Muriel Hinkle Lyme Academy of Fine Arts lllian o's Rislorante & Pizzeria Imaging for Life , P.C.

Mr. & Mrs . John R. Lord Lu igi' s Luxe John D. & Mary Begen MacDona ld Jackie Macisco Manchester Ice, Old Saybrook

Marie Martin KristinE.Mason Jim & JIiiMatthew Wilhelm Meya K. George & Laura Mooney Moran U.S.A., LLC Joanne Murphy Mrs . William Musgrove Mystic Whaler Cruises, inc . Nature 's Art Cliff Nelson Jill Nelson New Haven Symphony Orchestra Leif & Katherine Nilsson Nishiki Japanese Restaurant Th e Old Lyme Inn Olive Oyl's Carry Out Cuisine Oliver 's Taverne Th e Organ ize r Our Daily Bread Bonnie & Joe Palmieri Mary Jane Panebianco Pasta Unlimited Pasta Vila Thomas & Cheri-Ann Perry Eliza Pfeffer Tom & Linda Picazio Robert B. & Mary L.Platt

The Inn at Chester David Jacobs

Lee Justice & Robert Pope Nancy & Rives Potts Bettie & Alan Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Morris Propp II Susan M. Raible Restaurant du Village

Martha B. Jacques Carolyn & John Jagielski Frank Jarrabec k Johnny Ad's

James & Heather Rice A lexander Richardson Jeffrey & Hollly Ridgway River Tavern

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson Jacqueline Kangley KC's/ Kay Chia! Larry & Mary Beth Keefe

Connie & Al Rogers Sage American Bar & Gril l

Alle n & Joanne Kraska Cherry & Ha fey Krech La Cuisine Laysville Deli Isabel C. Leach Joan & Kenneth Levin Betty L.Lord

Alty . & Mrs. C. Robert Salli KathleenJ . Savesk y Boynt on Schmitt Carol & Bob Schneider Laureen Scranton Seaflo u r Foods Kim Senay Sennheiser Electro nic Corporation Kara B. Seymour

Petra B. Shearer Congressman Rob Simmons James Simon Ton ia & Harry Sli fer Kev in J. Small Roger Smit h Roger Somerville Grace & Bob Stalsburg Nancy & Richa rd Stanwood Steve's Centerbrook Cafe The Stone House Restaurant Graeme & Kate Street Summer Music , Inc. Swaro vski No rth America Li mited Saybroo k Poin t Inn & Spa Tally Ho Tack Shop Tamar Ton y Th urston Mrs. Will iam M. Ti ngue David & Laurie Title Sharon & John Tracy Dina Tres nan Karen & Kel Tyler Kalie Tyler Ti mothy & Suzanne Tyle r Dr. & Mrs. Willis H. Umberger The Vickers He rbe , y Village Provis ions Vivo Walt 's Food Market Water's Edge Reso rt Thomas Wh idden Karin Whittemore & Peter Kepple Patric ia W iley Mark & Dorinda Win ke lman Raymond Zelek

Statement of Activities

Statement of Financial Condition June 2002

Un rest ricted

June 2001

Total All Funds Total All Funds

Temporarily Restricted

Permanently Restricted



June 2002 Total

June 2001 Total

Support and Revenue



Current Assets Cash and Equivalents Accounts Receivable Accrued Int erest Receivab le Prepaid Insurance

$167,470 21,231

$307,580 13,291




9,078 3,461

Dep osits




833,569 771,811

Constru cti o n in Progress Unconditional Promises to Give

Total Support














(93 ,574)






34 ,065







414 ,3 13















448 ,645

134,648 257,967



Revenue Investment Income

154,948 35,532


Net Realized and Unrealized

Proper ty & Equ ipmentNet Boo k Value

Special Events

Fees for Services

Cash and Equivalents Restricted fo r Long Term Purposes

Contributions and Gran ts


248 ,119



$3,735 ,110

$3,685 ,837

Gain s and Losses on Investments Ot her Income Total Revenue



290 ,104




684 ,63'!


Investments Held for Long Term Purposes Total Assets

Total Support and Revenue Net Assets Relased from Restrictions Restrictions Satisfi ed by Payments

Liabilities and Net Assets Total Support , Revenue & Reclassifications



Accounts Payab le


Accrued Expenses



Ad vance Fees for Serv ices


15,46 0 160,533

Construc tion Cost Payable Mortgage Payable



Expenses Program Services Genera l and Adm inistrative Fund Raisi ng Total Expenses

Total Liabilities




Asset Abandonment Total Expenses a nd Losses

Net Assets Unrestricted Unrestricted - Board Designated

$1 ,856,2 4 3




1,885 ,784


Tempo rarily Restric ted



Permanently Restricted


1,137,73 1



$3 ,73 5, 110

$3,685 ,837

Tola I Net Assets Total Liabil ities a nd Net Assets

Change in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginnin g of Yea r Net Assets, End of Year

90 ,970


34 ,065




3,471 ,148

3,022,5 01

$1,885 ,784





These statements are excerpted from Financial Statements prepared for Hi~h Hopes Therapeutic Rid in~. Inc. by Lewitz, Balosie, Wallack, Rayner & Giroux, LLC.


Lytl Gould,


Non-Profit Organiza tion U.S. Postage

PAID Old Lyme, CT 0637 1 Permit # 1

HIGH HOPES Therapeutic Ridins, Inc.


Annual Report

36 Town Woods Rd, P.O. Box 25'+, Old Lyme, CT 06371- 025'+ • (860)'+3'+- 197'+

Annual Report design

by Sky Hoyt

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