2002-2003 High Hopes Annual Report

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Hlqh Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. 2002/2003 Annual Report

Building relationships one rider , one horse , one step at a time .

Founder Mary K. "Sis" Gould t

Staff Alison Zack Darrell , ExecutiveDirector

Board of Directors

Barbara Abrams, Instructor Lindsay Ager, Barn Assistant Linda Almeida, Barn Staff Perci Biederka, Instructor Carol Brining, AdministrativeAssistant/Barn Staff Patti Coyle, Instructor John Driscoll, Caretaker Judie Driscoll, DevelopmentAssistant Margaret Drummond, Barn Staff Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Kristin Elliott Leas, Barn Manager Helene Fenger, Directorof Development Caro l Gilchrist, Instructor Kathryn S. Guernsey, Training& Education

OFFICERS President Jeffre y Ridgway Vice President John C. Evans Vice President for Development Cheryl Kelly Heffernan Treasurer Roger M. Smith Secretary Barbara Earle Ballard DIRECTORS Sally H. Aubrey Jane A. Bolles Jane I. Davison Geraldine U. Foster Katharine H. Gildersleeve Heather Leigh Harrison Charles C. Kingsley, Esq. Judith F. Lightfoot Mark O'Connell A. Rives Potts Kelvin N. Tyler Deborah A. Welles Dorinda Winkelman HONORARY DIRECTORS Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr. Frank Hamilton, Jr. Grace Hamilton Wayne 0. Southwick, MD Coverphotographby MarjorieFondulas; Back coverphotographyby Lytt Gould; Back coverinset by Kristin ElliottLeas.


Coordinator/Instructor Caro lyn Jagielski , Physical Therapist/ Instructor Bill Nelligan, Instructor Dawn Ne lligan, Assistant ProgramDirector Kristin Perna! , VolunteerCoordinator/Instructor Heath er Rice, Barn Staff Holl y Ridgway, Instructor Petra B. Shearer, Business Manager Kitty Stalsburg, Program Director

Who we are:

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. offers therapeutic riding and related equine assisted programs to individua ls of all ages who face physical, behavioral and developmental challenge s. Serving Southeastern Connecticut since 1974, High Hopes is committed to providing the highest quality servicesto our community , and to training and educating therapeutic riding instru ctor students from around th e wor ld.

Building Relationships Through ... Compassion Partnership Trust Understanding friendship Education Volunteering Encouragement Teamwork Collaboration Cooperation Sharing Accomplishment ...

Dear High Hopes Family Members, Maya Angelou once said, "If you find it in your heart to care for someone else, you have succeeded ." At High Hopes, we care about each and every person we meet: the young man with a brain injur y who is searching for an activity that will help with his balance and coordination; the child with auti sm whose parents seek a new way to encourage communication and int eraction; the vo lunteer who is looking for a meaningful way to contr ibut e to the community. All of these individuals become part of the High Hopes family, and we build relationships with them to create a powerful bond of support. During the past 12 months we have been building new relationships as well as foster ing long -stand in g ones, both of which are essential to our growth and development. We have been reaching out to the community with new program initia tives such as vocat ion al educat ion, and we attracted a record number of th erape uti c ridin g instructor cand idat es to High Hopes for certification and training. Our nationally recognized sensory integration trail system has been enhanced to pro¡vide more variety and challenge, and we broadened the range of creative activities we offer in our curriculum to keep our participants stimul ated and engaged . Another area of intensive focus was our volunt eer trainin g and orientation program, which we substan ti ally up graded to meet the needs of the more than 150 dedicated volunt eers who work with our riders and horses. This was an effort we know will have a long-term positive effect on the quality of our programs. Last, but by no means least, our Board and Staff spent countles s h ours creating a comprehensive strategic plan that will serve as our guide to organizational planning and achievement over the ne xt three years. Added together, these endeavors represent a sign ificant step forward for High Hopes. Each tim e we move ahead, ho wever, we also loo k back to be sure we are fulfilling our mission and serving our participants to the very best of our ability. We are committed to recognizing and staying in touch with those who founded High Hopes as we embrace new friends and supporters, and this year we h eld our fourth Founders' Day celebrat ion in their honor. Those early relationships are the foundation of our success and h ave sustaine d us from our humble beginnings in 1974 right up to today . We are privileged to have their continued support and encouragement, along with that of our new friends. Together we are building relationships for the future, one rider, one horse, one step at a time. With best wishes to you and your families, j

Jeffrey Ridgway Board President


Alison Zack Darrell Executive Director

Program Services High Hopes offers a variety of programs that are chall enging, fun, educational and th erapeuti c for more th an 700 participants annually. These programs are implemented by a professional staff who are speciall y trained and qualifi ed at the most advanced levels in th e field of therap eutic ridin g, including on e of only 30 therapeutic riding in structor s who hold a Master level certification . In addition, we are devoted to providing the best specialized Summ er Camp experience possible for children of all abilities, and we act on this through inclu sive programming. • Served 287 participants in our weekly therap euti c riding lesson program (providing nearl y 6,000 lessons ). • Served 350 participants through field trips, volunteer riding lesson s, and birthday parti es. • Partnered with individual and grant funder s to provide full or partial scholarship s for 43% of our weekly th erap eutic riding lesson parti cipants. • Served 79 children betwee n the ages of 4 and 16 in our int egrat ed Summer Camp Program . Approximately 350 Volunteer s contributed more than 19,000 hours of tim e assisting in lessons, helpin g with horse care and facility maint enanc e, special events, reception and office support, and providing Board leadership . Thi s past year, we held our first Volunt eer Horse Show for 35 volunteer s.

Participant Profiles We often say that th ere is no "typical" rider at High Hopes, because our clients come to us with a vast diversity of ages and disabilities, rangin g from adults who have become disabled, to children who are born with disabilities, people who are severely involved to those who need minim al assistance. The majority of our current population of client s fall into the following general disability descriptions: Cerebral Palsy 12% Mental Retardation 11% Autism 11% Developmen tal Disabilit y 6% Attention Deficit Disord er 6% Speech Impairm ent 5% Down Syndrome 5% Pervasive Developmental Disorder 5% Neuro logical Disord er 5% Oth er Physical Disabiliti es 3% Traum atic Brain Injur y 2%

Professional Education High Hopes is committ ed to strengthening the industr y of the rapeutic riding at large and impro ving th e quali ty of therap eutic riding services worldwide through offering trainin g and edu cation to professionals and volunteers. We remain one of only a few th erapeutic riding center s in the United States th at is approved to offer the NARHA Instru ctor Training Course. • Held 2 NARHAapproved In stru ctor Trainin g Courses for 20 stud ent s. • Held 3 NARHAInstru ctor Workshops and Onsite Certificati ons for 45 participants. • In conjunction with th e Inst~uctor Trainin g Cour se, held 10 full-day lectur es for volunteers and professionals in th e therap eutic ridin g field cover ing topics su ch as Cogn itive and Psych osocial Impairm ent s and Administration of a Therapeutic Riding Center. • Held a series of 6 weekly Tack 'n Talk 'n Tea educati on al sessions for volunteers on topics ranging from Understanding Learni ng Disabilities to Volunteer Tips. • Held a 6-week cou rse in Basic Horsema n ship .

Events • Suzy Bogguss in Con cert, atten ded by 450 guests, raising $90,000 . • 18th Annual High Hope s Horse Show for 80 riders and the ir famili es. • High Hopes and th e Connecticut Valley Pony Club were joint benefic iaries of th e an nu al Lord Creek Farm Hunt er Pace. • Weekend In The Co untr y for families of FDNY Ladder 7 atte nd ed by 60 peopl e and fund ed by th e George C. Cain Memo rial Fund.





Contributors Annual Giving is the heart and soul of our fundraising. Loyal donor support - year after year - enables High Hopes to serve our riders, care for our horses and maintain our facility. We recognize our Annual Giving donors below , and are grateful for their generous contributions between July 1, 2002 andJune 30, 2003:


Life Members

Richard & Katharine Gildersleeve

Geraldine U. Foster

Carriage Upkeep

Louis Bacon Ted & Rebecca Crosby Jane I. Davison Evan S. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher

Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot Thomas F. Moore

Diane Kane-Fournier On Behalf of Kelsey Fournier

Susan L. Peacock

Robert & Sandy Mulligan Elizabeth M. Pfriem Marcia & Roger M. Smith

Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldbl att


Mr. & Mrs.John Greene Betz Haartz & Walter Davis

Vince Agostine & Lisa Bousquet Dorothy & Cur t Askelson

Frank & Grace Hamilton,Jr.

Sally H. Aubr ey Mr. & Mrs. M. Andrews Baxter

Lyttleton B. P. Gould,Jr. John S. Johnson Barbara &John Kashanski The Kitchings Family Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot

Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick Webster Bank


Terrance & Bette Lomme

Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer Rives & Nancy Potts

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Cha se

Richard &Johanne Mangi

Maud Duke

Karen E. Schwarz

Gera ldin e U. Foster Susan Gonsalves

Joa n Mulkey Bob & Penny Nelson

Special Benefactors

Greta & Jake Jacobs Jean Callan King Int erior Design, LLC

Holly &Jeff Ridgway Jean & David Sargent

Charles & Gretchen Kingsley Irene Kritzer

Bonnie, Phil & Laurie Seagull

Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Jane I. Davison Mr. & Mrs.John C. Evans Mitch & Cheryl Heffern an Barbara &John Kashan ski Heidi &John Niblack Karen E. Schwarz Nick & Mart ha Spofford Martha Terrell Dorinda & Mark Winkelman

Ruth Lord Mary T. Mille & William S. Doane Mrs. Stanley R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Pete r Russell Deborah F. Scott Sabin & Beverley Streeter John & Debbie Welles K.C. & Sonny Whelen


John &Joan Hamrick Kristin Karabees

Cynthia R. Palmer

Petra B. Shearer William & Susan Strait In Memory of Peter Robustelli, Sr. Victoria & William Winterer

Start-a-Rider Elsie C. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Coit

Jane Bennett Linda & Peter Bierri e Susan & Robert Borden Dennie Davis Dr. & Mrs.John R. Drew David & Caro le Enfield Pat & Rick Ermler Karen & Mitchell Etess Michael & Barbara Fonda Michael & Sherley Furgueson Marcia Grace Greg & Shelley Gullett e Sally & Parker Handy Kathy & Ruth Heller Brita Herman Inge Hieret Mrs. Kathar in e V.S. Howe

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch

Nancy Huts on & Ian William s

Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldblatt Lyttleton B.P. Gould , Jr.

Lee M. Boucher

Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard

Mr. & Mrs.Joseph N. Greene. Jr.

Int erd esign Limited Janet G. Jain schig g Richard P. Kane & Kelsey Fournier

Susan K. Ch ilds Michael Dunne Charles & Sylvia Erhart

Elea nor Bonafonte Susan K. Child s

Susan L. Peacock Saybrook Country Barn (Keith &Jan e Bolles)

Karen Keelan Ken & Chris Kitchings Hedy &Jim Korst

Mrs. Joa n 0. Sillin

Shirley S. Langford

Barbara & Matthew Abrams

Russell Ford

Adopt -a-Horse

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David

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Dorothy B. Leib

Bruce & Kimberly Abraham

Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Littman

Dylan Abrams

John & Wendy Lord



The Astman n Family

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June M. Hotchkiss

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lethbridge , Jr.

Shirley F. Howard

Joan & Kenn eth Levin

Dorothea B. Moore

Kate Ireland

Mr.James L. Lowery,Jr.

Andy & Gail Morris

Robert & Grace Marrion

Lily & William O'Boyle

Bruce & Robin Augustadt

Frank Jarrabeck (Essence Center for Beauty and Wellness)

O.H. & G.C. Matthkssen

Charles & Isabelle Osborne

Babcock Hill Equestrian Center, LLC

Char les & Susan Johnson

Sally & George Mayer

Michae l & Elena Patterson

Stanley M. Babson , Jr.

Andr ew &JanetJones

Erin &John McCallum

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Bardenheier III

William Jorgensen

Bruce & Barbara McGhie

Charlotte P. Barringer

Mark]. O'Connell

Mrs. Ado lph Kastelowitz

Drs . John & Marc ia McGowan

Myrna & Arnold Baskin

Tom & Cissie Keogh

Stan ley & Violet B. Miezejeski

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett

Ors. John & Corri e Paa rd enkooper Georgia Payne

Brig. Gen. Wm. H. Lanagan USMC (Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Molon ey

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick]. Platt III David & Ann Primo Lee & John Pritchard Mary P. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. John Rexroad Ann M. Rice David & Kate Sandmann

Sally J. Bill

Mr. & Mrs. H. Templeton Brown,Jr.

Mary K. Schaaf

Norman & Lori Caine

Manfred & Patricia Schach von Wittenau

Gus & Peg Carlson Joe & Linda Chamrad

Mrs. Joan 0. Sill in

Mr. & Mrs. Ch arles M. Chapin Ill

Richard I. Pearce

Constance Pike

Olive]. Brose

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Saunders

Kate Norling

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Percy

Gary F. Borla Mary L. Broughton

Arlene & David Norling

James E. & Jacquel yn B. Pedrick

Joan & Barry Bloom

Mich ele Sanger

EIJie Morrison Claudia]. Newell In Memory of Wa lly

Rives & Nancy Potts Alan & Bettie Proctor Wi lliam Michael Reisman Glen & Connie Rokicki Janet & Ron ald Romanowski Mr. & Mrs.Jo hn Russell James & Am anda Rutledge

Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappan Soper

William T. & Susan H. Chr istopher

Frank L. Sta nl ey

Margaret M. Clu cas

Mrs. F. Thayer Sanderson

Alan & Sky Todd

Maril yn]. Conk lin

Katherine L. Satti

Karen & Ke! Tyler

Charl es Crump

Mrs. Charles]. Scanlon

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vart abed ian

Lisa & Bill Donovan

Donna & Hugh Scott

John & Ellen Wells

Roy & Kim Dubs

Marianna W. Sh epard

Cynthia C. Willauer

Dr. Alice Duckworth

Toni & Harr y Slifer

Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan

Tia & Seymour Smith

Sustainers Bob & Lee Adria n Mr. & Mrs . William A. Boyd Ch ristopher & Barbara Dixon The Goodric h /Maher Family Dr. & Mrs. Gerard]. Lawrence Elizabeth Lightfoot & Nicholas Clements

Carol K. Ryland

Mr. & Mrs.Joseph Elnisky

Kathryn & Richard Spero

Sue Keith Elverston

Mrs . Elizabeth Sturges

Mr. & Mrs.Jeb N. Embree Margare t Fay Mors e

Pau l E. Taylor,Jr. & Anne Alexis Cote Tay lor

Helene & Char lie Fenger

Mrs. William R. Taylor

Everett Fisher

Alan G. Thornton

Pear l Fournier

Timothy & Suzanne Tyler

Reginald H. Fulle rt on,Jr.

Linda & David Ward

Tim & Susan Gavronski

Jennifer Well s & Fred Bieber

Dr. Edward M. Goglia (Ridgehill Anim a l Hospital)

Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. West

Wi lliam H. Moore Barba ra & David Preston

Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin

Dave &Judy W in er

Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswo ld

Mr. & Mrs. F.L.Worcester,Jr.

Mr. & Mrs.John W. Hartman

Amy &John Mc Cau ley

Lynda & Daniel Wilkes William & Elisa Young


Car l W. Zirkenbach



Eleanor Har vey

Vern on & Gisela Rhodes

Richa rd &Joa n Ziemann

Mrs. Martin Baer

Peter & Suzett e Hearn Edwa rd Hildr eth Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Howe,Jr.

Connie & Al Rogers Ja ne t Rusconi Michele & David Russo


Su san &JonathanJ ewett Eads Johns on , Jr. Kath erin e S. Kane, DVM

Maure en G. Satti Clair e Sau er Alice Schmut z

Ann e Klin gler Th e Krautrn ann Famil y Shepard Krech, Jr .

Terr y Schreiber Brian R. &Jan et M. Slater Bess & Bill Small

Deborah Leonard Margu erit e Man gin Henr y &Joan May

Anne & Eltin g Smith Kitty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathr yn Hageman Stonin gton Vet erin ary Hospi t al

Ors. Chri stoph er & Susan McCaw ley Don Mcc ue Kath y &John McCurd y

Celine A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sutt on Mich ae(J . Tadde o

Dixon M. Merkt Paul & Ann e Millard Margar et & Earl Mumm ert

Sand y & Tony Thur ston Do roth y E. Umb erger Doug & Karen VanDyke

Claudi a & David Nato rski Eugene &Jan et Nich ols Doroth y E. Pan sius

Jacquelin e Walk er Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wein stein John Westerfi eld

Mr. & Mrs. Jo seph L. Parson s IV Eileen S. Perr y Margaret W. Philli ps

Karin Whitt em ore Ed & Lyn Wolcott Nan cy & Bob Woo d

Donald A. Quigley

Zelek Electr ic Co.

Mimi & Bill Benn er Angelica D. Bentl ey Elean or Hofm ann Bishop Rudy & In n a Brandt Henr y P. Bright well James & Lyn Brow n Fent on L.B. Brown Jonathan & Maura Bulk eley Robert & Helen Bur ka rth Torn & Dorrit Castl e Deborah L. Chi eppa , R.N. H.B. Comstoc k Famil y Mad ora T. Coo ke Isab el X. Coon ey Rosemar y S. Cowley Philip F. & Aliso n Zack Darr ell Karen Davido vich Jan & Barbara Deut sch Charl es & Phoebe Dey Dr. & Mrs. Jon Drisco ll Dian e & Cha r les Dumai s David & Barbara Edwar ds Richard & Barbara Edward s Cmdr . Barbara Ellis (Ret .) Franklin & Sallie G. Farr el 111 Paul W. Fin an

Michael & Patr icia Bandtlow Leila R. Bow man Gregory F. & Th eresa Holland Buckley

Eth el C. Cates

Holly H. Whitn ey Ann Yacovin o

E.C. Chamb erlain

Eliza beth G. Whitl ey

Mrs. Delos B. Chur chill Marj ori e M. Curti s Jenni fer Datum

Other Supporters David & Rosemar y And erson

Mrs.J osephin e English

Shi rley Ross Brown Paul & Ma ur een But ler

Ca roline M. Flower, V.M.D. Elise J. Garvin

Becky Ca hill Th eCa means

Margar et Westb y Gib son

Susan K. Child s Mr. & Mrs. Juli an Colelli

Susan Detz

Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldbl att Sh errell H. Grea n

Matild a Colih an

Jame s & Patricia Haefs Dani el A. Hurl ey III

Sally F. Corn ish

Nancy C. Kind ell

Mild red E. Devine Mrs. M. G. Ely, Jr.

To m & Kath y Levan ti

Sue & Al Engel

Judy & Jeff Lovelace Fran cis ] . Marand a Michae l & Ellen Maus

Joa nn e S. Fit zgibbo n s Debora h Fox

Belind a Mon at Margot W. Morga n

Alison & John Forbis Mr. Edga r C. Forest Rene & Jan e Frec hett e

Jeffrey Nelso n

Patt y Muir J oan & Scott Nichols (Nich ols Forestr y & Logg ing, LLC) Kelly & Cheryl Parsons Beth Pas tor, PT, HPCS

Patri cia & Clark Graebn er

Jenn a Pecora ro Dian e Pettit

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green

Melani e H. & Paul F. Phoe ni x

Suzanne) . Guid a Jud y & Bruce Han sen Susan Hardin g

James & Hea th er Rice Mrs.Jo hn C. Ripley

Mr. & Mrs. J . Colin Revill


Moir a & John Walz Mar k L. Warr en Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wein er

Kurt & Susan Fischer

Heath er Leigh Harri so n Varic k D. Harri son

Ron , Cher i & Page Vedr ani Whitn ey Viola & Famil y

Pete r F. Carlson Willi am & Nancy Cash

Micha el & Linda Fischer

Elizabeth & Charl es Gadon Ann e Gilb ert


Mr. & Mr s. Ma lcolm A. Speirs

Ms. Spen cer K. McLea n

Mr. & Mrs.J ohn E. Frid ay,J r. Jac k & Chip Frost

M r. & Mrs. Edwin B. Solli s

Joshu a Greenvall Steven & Nancy Hallaha n Dr. & Mrs. Forest K. Harr is Diane F. Hirsch Faye Hoisington Roger & Donna Hur ley Elmira S. Ingerso ll Peter & Elizabet h Karte r J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Stu art Klarma n Theodos ia B. Kna pp David & Virgini a Knau ss Irene Krit zer Marji Lexto n Ja n Martin Deena McCarth y

Rebecca Russell

Dr. Susa n McColl

Don na ]. Sicuran za

Rich & Gina McManu s

Mrs. Jam es F. Orr

John T. Darcy Douglas A. Diem , Jr .

William & Cath erin e Marshall An gela & Denni s Martin

Marcia W. Porter

Jam es &Judith Drake

Jam es McAJeer

Leslie H. Quarrier

Gary Duffy William N. Fanos lll

James & Laura McCabe

Mary S. Muhlhausen

Ethan & Seth Rohrb erg Anth ony & Norm a Ruglio

Feld stein Management Serv ices, In c. Doro th y J. Finn Robert H. & Paula A. Finn

Burgess Russell Jea n & David Sargent Saybrook Country Barn , In c. Dian e R. Silveria Lilli Siretta Mar y M. Thacher Ann S. Traylor

FJL Marketin g In c. Mary Grace Foti In Memory of Robert Foti G M Maintenanc e Corp.


Hans Ullstein

Mary Mascalo & Shirle y Annun ziata

Lauri e L. Walker

Thoma s & Marilyn Nystrom

Marshall Wilbur Victoria & William Win terer

Mr. & Mrs. RobertJ. Schreck

Matching Gifts High Hopes gratefuly acknowledges the Corporations and Foundations that match gifts from their employees: Aetna Foundati on, Inc. Altr ia Gro up , Inc. The Henr y Luce Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Progra m

Gifts in Memory It is a privilegefor High Hopes to be chosen as the recipient of memorial contributions. Listed below are the names of loved ones lost, and the donors who have made gifts in their memory:

Jolin Thomas Alexa11der Mrs. Willi am Bronson, H. Nan cy Carson , Mrs. William Hynes and Dr. WiLUam & Mrs. Joyce Lehmann Cedar Hill Cem etery D'Esopo Fun era l Chap el, In c. Friends at Fleet Bank , West Har ford Fran ces Y. Hur wit David P. Kelly Peter & Gina Legnani Jose ph Mart in o

Kay &Jim Scoville Staff of th e New Britain Department of Childr en and Familie s Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Welsh Applejack Melissa Crandall Everett Katie Battiso11 Chri s & Sara Batti son Carroll A. Boy11to11 Mar y Elizabeth Jencks George C. Cai11-FDNY Ladder 7, E11gi11eCompany 16 Ann M. Aiken s AMVETSMemoria l Post 88 In c. Michael & Dina Barbarino Franci Berg Chri stop her Betta Gerar d Bonn er Brentr onic s, In c. Sean W. Brown Robert & Mary Ann Buckley Dona ld Carcone Carm ella's Italian Restaurant Comm ercial Collec tion Consult an ts, New York Comput er Design & Edu ca tion Consult ant s, In c. Pat rick Cotto n D & D Land scap ing

Joan & Richard George John G. Gleason , Ar chite ct Maureen A. Haskell Mr. & Mrs. Georg e Healy Jame s & Cath erine Hea ly Thomas & Joa n Hea ly Thoma s P. Healy Hou se Fund Howe Mac hin e & Tool Corp . Innovation s Irish Coffee Pub , In c. Jame s Fun era l Home Alison A. Kaufman Henr y & Patricia Kiefer, Jr . Rober tJ. & Indiana N. Kirwan Mark & Mich ele Koetzn er Sandy & Lilian a Krigel Lahe y Construction James Lambrecht Pet erT . & Barbara M. Land sper g Lasti cks Aerospace, In c. Chri stin e Lauria Neil & Lorrain e Lavan Kath leen & Kenn eth Lavin Llewellyn Internationa l Keith & Stace y Long Soni a Lowe Debra A. Lynch Audr ey Mac Millan Andrew & Regina Madd en Tim oth y & Brigid Maguire Robert J. Man sberger

Maur een McKeon Elise &John McMahon Stephe n & Hope Fitch-Mickiewicz Diane Muro, Lisa Ranieri &A myS hur en New York Fire Departm ent Famil y Fund Paddy Reilly's Bar Raymond & Carol O' Rourk e Pennington Linda & Tom Pickford P.J. Curr a n Bar & Grill William T. Porter Pro-Tech Contractin g Corp . Reeves Plumbing and Heat in g Kenn eth J . Reilly William &Jud y Russell Jo seph A. & Frances M. Santillo Lois Schecht er Randa ll H. &Joanne M. Shane Donald R. Skuza Jeff rey & Karen Smith Ja mes & Debora h Spillane Spir it Marketing, In c. Joe l & Sally Stedman Th e New York Stock Exchan ge Fallen Heroes Fund Kimb erly K. Trabucchi Tri-State Kingdom Collectors Club George & Marga ret Vasselm an Jeff rey Vielandi Paul & Maria Yonick Jam es Zanardi Caleman Memorial John D. & Mary Begen MacDo nald Jean Macltold Debra11ac Carol L Brinin g Faitli Aruold Div er Nancy Baran & Family Terry J. Beards ley Sandra J . Easton

Cheryll L. Frin k Lael S. Mancib Lee King & Rob Tillotso n Hope Ford William & Rita Gregor y, Sr. Jean & David Sargent Margarete Gibson The Sp ecial Educa tion Departm ent of East Lyme High Scho ol Kimberly Golds11ider Ethel Nichol s, Jerr y & Debra Podgurski Mary K. "Sis " Gould Peter Gasper in i Bill & Pammi e Post Re11ere11dDermis Jarry Fraser & Ruth Matti son Robe rt P. Keim Melissa Crandall Everett Allen Kay Barbar a Keim Gloria Keim L.W. "Bill" Lane,Jr. A.O. Jam es P. Lefebvre Jeff Mill National Associati on of Broadcasters Holly A. Robbin s Grace & Peter Sak alowsky, Jr. Ja mie G. Wain wr ight Jolm MacD011ald Karen & Don Daniel son Malcom "Mac" Maynes Fraser & Ruth Mattison Mick tile Hor se Kathr yn J. Rosenfeld Jill & Scott Shap iro Caroline Morri so n John & Wend y Lord Jordan Ly 1111 e Siborg Melissa Crand all Everett Cheryll L. Frink Sand ra L. Robi ta ille Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rub ega Helen M. She lby


.. .. ...... ····· ··· · .. . ...... . .... . ... .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . ... .... . ..... . .. . .... . . . ..... .. ...... .. .. ........ Mo11icaTaggart Dinah D. Beverley Gail & Duncan Campb ell

Emanuel Hirth Scholarship Gifts

Judith & Thomas Davies

The Emanuel Hirth Scholarship for Individuals with Special Needs was established in 2001 in memory of Emanuel Hirth, grandfather of High Hopes rider, Ian Moses Cannon:

Stephen M. Garratt

Liora H. Cannon

Ches ter Woods, Inc . Karen Danielson

Anne S. John ston

Mrs. Eman uel Hirth

Char lotte P. Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Rashba

Mary Mille Leslie & Russell Shaffer

Gifts for Special Purposes

Paula & Bryant Taggart

Eachyear individuals and businesses make contribut ions toward specific needs we have at High Hopes - everything from saddles, bridles and books to horse medications. The following donors have helped High Hopes with special cont ributions this year:

Rosemary T11eriaq11e Fiberoptics Technology Incorporated

Dea1111aWood Karen Danielson

The Dunne Family Katherine Fields Cara Finan

Joseph & Kerry Marcolina Cis Matthiessen The McGirr Famil y

Willi am & Susan Strait Kelsey Rose Swan Michelle Tackett (Discovery Toys)

Chri stin e Ford

Shery l Milardo Joan Mul key J effrey & Darcy Murt z

Tiger 's Den (Elizabeth "Tiger " Whit e) Visual Art s of New London Vita Key (The Funimation Store )

North Amer ican Ridin g for the Handicapped Assoc., Inc./N ESAR Theresa O'Hara Kristen E. Perna )

Kevin & Kyle Wh ipple Wolf Radio Stat ion The Wyatt Family

Mauree ne Gaffn ey Gail Perkins Gemme Sand ra & Christian Gervais Glass America / Munroe Muffler Layne & Laure ne Gobro gge Gold Crow n Billiards Luis & Alison Gomes Josep h N. Greene, Jr. Matt & Mik Griswold Mitch & Ch eryl Heffern an Brittany Hoynack

P-N-C Wireless

Gifts in Kind

Th erese Popinc halk Landon C. Potts

Gifts of goods and services enrich High Hopes in many ways. The following donors have made in kind cont ributions this year:

Professional Financial Services Bethany Reiss

Lawrence C. Kapl an, M.D. The Keefe Family Edward]. Keelan

Jessi e Roberts Eth an & Seth Rohrberg

Deborah & Todd Abrahamsson

Scholarship donations, in combination with grant funding, enable High Hopes to offer financial assistance to riders and instructor training students . We offer our heartfelt thanks to the donors listed below for their support of our scholarship fund:

Action Amu sement s and Vendin g, LLC

Micha el & Ca th y Kerkes The Krautmann Family

Debbie Roy Michelle Russo

Marni Adam son

Steph ani e Lafarge

Salem Valley Veterin ary Clinic, P.C. Scott & Kate Saunders

Anonymous In Memo ry o f Ann & William McAllister, Sr. Anonymo us In Honor of Landon Potts 21st Birthday Nancy W. Brundage Connecticut Quarter Horse Association In Memo ry of Ann & William McAlli ster, Sr. Nancy A. Cusa k & Family Robert & Pauline Knoll For th e Peter H. Knoll Memoria l ITC Scholarship Joa n , Scott, Kate & Ann e Nic hol s In Hon or of Leban on Elem ent ary School staff members: Amy Bergeron, Jenn ifer Fernandes,Jan DeMontigny, Trish Muller & Valerie Taff Save The Kid Fund

Allied Printin g Servi ces, In c. Alph a Delta Kappa Soror ity, In c. An onymous (2)

J.E. Leary Lenny & Joe 's Fish Tale Levine Distributing

Laure en Scra nt on Hilar y Smith

Barb ara Earle Ballard

Rocky Lorello & Family

Bank Street Cafe Richard P. Barker

Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club

Mary Ann Smith Robin & Timothy Smith

Richard &Jo hann e Mangi

Roger & Marcia Smith

BJ's Wholesale

A & P Super Foodmart, Old Lyme Marie & Philip Abra ham (Th e Bee & Thist le In n ) Matt & Barbara Abrams Aiudi Conc rete, Inc. Aleia's Restaurant All Waste, Inc. Alvin Jenkin s & Sons Anonymous Tracy Arno n e (Tally Ho Tack Shop ) Margaret Avery Jea nn e Bellows Bess Eaton Donuts of Old Lyme Suzie Birks Andrea Blundon

William &Jani s Blencowe Lind sey Bolles William & Elizabe th Boyd

Donald & Barbara Bohn Elean or Bonafonte

Chri stop her & Eilis Brake Olive] . Brose

Gary Borla Lorri Bosio

Brownie Troop 2094 Cactus Jack Foundation, In c. Rosemary & Nancy Cain

Sue Brooke-Smith Dr. Caltab iano

Th e Carney Family

Athana Cat lett

Cheshir e Academy

Josh Cha lmers

Chili' s

Linda Chamrad Cloud Nin e Cater in g Hanna h Collings (Griswold Youth Cente r) Colon ial Market

Joseph P. Cognetta Clare Cun nin gham Jan e I. Davison Thomas & Susan Drew Peter & Valerie Duda

Henrietta S. Yount

Linda Lee-Picazio

Scholarship Gifts

Anon ymou s


. .... .... ... ... .. .. .... . . ... ... ..... .. .. . . .... .. .. .. . . · · ·· · .. . ... .... . ..... .. .... .. . . . . . .. .


Coop erman Fife & Drum

Chris & Patti Coyle Ted Crosby D & D Trucking Chris Denison William Doane The Driscoll Family John & Emma Driscoll E.F.Watermelon Mr. Ellis Essex Printing Co. Melissa Cranda ll Everett Farnham Co. Helene Fenger Linda Fiorentino Russell & Hope Ford Cheryll Frink Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees Ann Gardner Elise Garvin Terry M. Glendinnin g Lyttleton B.P. Gou ld, Jr . Richard Harding (Old Lyme Frame Shop) Heath er Leigh Harrison Bryant Heffernan Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Nick Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hildreth Sky Hoyt Impact Image, Inc . Int er lux Yacht Finishes Island Design Caro lyn Jagi elski GregJarrabeck Molly Jewett Joseph' s Photography Buck & Trish Kalinowski Dr. Lawrence Kaplan John Kashanski Ruth Kelly Helen Klingler Judith F. Lightfoot

Natalie Logan Sylvia Lowrey Kathy Marchant Peter & Susan McAlpine Bruce McGhie Cyndie Gou ld Melcher Melzen Farm Supply Karen Milano Mingo's Evergreen Products Bill & Dawn Nelligan Lori & Penny Nelson Mark]. O'Co nnell The O'Con nell Family Old Lyme Pharmacy Debra Parkin son Kristin & Paul Perna! Elizabeth Popinchalk Deb Prater Primedia Group Publishing Qua lity Insulation John & Teri Rexroad William Robinson Amy Rosenfield Rubberecycle Rebecca Russell

Tiger White Nancy Wilson Susan Wyatt Elizabeth Wyckoff Yale University Press

Corporate and Foundation Grants High Hopesis grateful to the following foundationsand corporationsthat have supported our scholarshipfund and other specialprojectsthroughout the year:

Elinor Patterson Baker Foundation The Howard Bayne Fund Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation The Carse Robinson et al Foundation Casner Family Trust via Hermosa Kiwanis Foundation Citigroup Foundation The Community Foundati on for Greater New Haven The Comm unit y Foundation of Southeastern Conn ecti cut


The Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memoria l Foundation, Inc.

Gifts in Honor

Ryefield Seniors Kate Sandmann Mr. & Mrs. William Sandrie Petra B. Sh earer Sheila Sibor g Harry Slifer

The Dime Savings Bank Foundation, Inc. Essex Savings Bank

Thomas Abraham Ors. George & Caro l Tenney

Tia Smith Source, Inc. Julie &John Spau ldin g Grace Stalsburg Su san Strait Kristi n & Steven Tellar

Schering-P lough Corporation Southern New England Telecommunicati ons Corporation's Employees' Community Services Fund

Clare Torelli Town & Country Greenh ouses David Triebe l Victoria Vance-Harrell Lisa Wadge Waterford Emblem & Badge Jennifer Wells

United Way of the Cap ital Area United Way of Greater New Haven

Homeland Foundation The Chester W. Kitchin gs Foundation SBC/SNETEmployee Community Services Fund

Norwa lk Telephone Employees Community Services Fund

United Way of Southeastern Connectic ut



Barbara &John Kashansk i

Edward Akeyso11, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts) Cat h erine An,old , MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts) Do1111aCriscenzo, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Reh ab Concepts) Pliillip Dicky, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concept s)

Greta &Jake Jacobs Patricia Proctor A1111K11app Alice Colonna Aubrey Leth bridge Sally Aubrey Elizabeth Muskin, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concept s) Jolm O'Brien, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concep ts)

Edward Dill, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts )

Janet Romanowski Ryan Romanowski Mary Sc1ieimam,, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts)

Alliso11 Fogel Diane & Andre Thouin

La11ree11Scranto11 Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Wilcox

Drs. Marie & Jim Fox John & Mary Begen MacDonald

Petra B. Shear er Eleanor Bonafonte Joe, Val & Co,mor Sullivan Jan e & Dennis SuUivan

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Fuller John & Mary Begen MacDonald Judith Gorelick , MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts)





Contributors At the High Hopes Horse Show, riders, volunteers and horses work together to do their best, and our community supports their efforts. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals and businesses whose support mad e this special day possible for our riders and their families: Individual Sponsors Vince Agosti.ne & Lisa Bousquet Anonymous

John Jacobs Barbara &John Kashanski Shirley King

Sally H. Aubrey

Helen & Anne Klingle r

Stanley M. Babson , Jr.

The Kraska Family Joan & Kenne th Levin

Rob ert & Barbara Ballard Patricia & Michael Bandtlow

Richard B. &Judith F. Lightfoot

Linda & Peter Bierrie

Accomplishment Kathy Thomas Jason & Amanda Thomson Ann S. Traylor Th e Whitn ey Viola Famil y Dr. & Mrs. Carl F. Washburn David, Tracy, Kevin & Kyle Whipple Beth White

Eleanor L. Bonafonte

Nicole Littell Sarah Loughlin

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd Audr ey A. Brabazon & Charles A. Dickens, Jr.

The Mccallum Family Linda &John McGirr


Nancy & Bill Cash

Joan Mulkey

Joe & Linda Chamrad Kerry Christianson

Neko & Wild er

Companion Anim al Hospita l Deborah A. Welles, CPA The Dime Savings Bank

Janet &Johnny Cody Ted & Rebecca Crosby

Penny & O.C. Mr . & Mrs. Paul Perna!

Jani e I. Daviso n

Therese Popinchalk

Mary Mille & Bill Doane Diane & Char les Dumais

Mary Pullen

Th e Gemmell Family

Cis Matthiessen

Bill & Dawn Nelligan

Maure en Ramsdell Family of Deborah Reisman

Lyttleton B.P. Gou ld, Jr.

The Ridgway Fam ily

Mr. & Mrs.Joseph N. Greene,Jr.

The Scott Fami ly Laurie E. Seer

John &Joan Hamri ck The Heffernans Inge Hieret

David & Beverly Silliphant

Sharon & Kendall Hinman

Harry & Tonia Slifer Bill & Bess Sma ll

Mrs. Ann Hirth

Roger & Marcia Smit h

The Hoynack Family

Dr. & Mrs.Wayne 0. Southwick

Betsy Hunnewell & Rocky Emily Fisher & Evan Griswo ld In Memor y of Apple

Kitty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathryn Hageman The Swan Family

Caulfield & Ridgwa y, Inc.

Fallon Insurance Agency, Inc. (Richard) . Torrenti ) Gales Ferry Pediatric s Holistic T.P.M. by Kristin E. Perna! James C.C. Rice Architect , LLC Kelsar Physical Th erap y The Kitchen Factor L & Z Indu strial Cir cuits (W. "Zee" Zorn ig) Nichols Forestry & Loggin g, LLC Philip Darrell Lightin g Design Plainfi eld Greyhound Park Salem VaIJey Veterinar y Clini c, PC Steed Read Hor seman's Classified, LLC Thompson Associates Topside Canvas & Upholster y, Inc.

Volunteers Volunteers are an integ ral part of daily life at High Hop es, offering us th e priceless gift of th eir time . We recognize the following individu als for thei r dedication, commitm ent and service from July 1, 2002 throughJune 30, 2003: Doreen Abbott Ted Abbott BarbaraAbrams Matt Abrams Stephanie Abrams Sandra Adams Marni Adamson LindsayAger Jaime Almeida LindaAlmeida BeaAnderson MarieE. Andrew EricaAnhalt Brett Arnold SallyAubrey SteverAubrey Joseph Augusciak EvanAward Cory Awwa Meredit h Bailey Jacqueline J. Baker KellyBalantic Janet Baldino Jenni Baldino BarbaraEarleBallard Robert Ballard RowlandBallek LindsayAnn Barr Jeffrey Barrett Arnold Baskin Myrna Baskin Erin Bauer

GeorgeBecker Karen Becker Jeanne Bellows Margaret Benoit RudyBergmans TaylorBergquist Charles Biederka Perci Biederka LindaBierrie PeterBierrie Michael Birch SuzieBirks Elizabeth Bohinc Kristin Boisclair Jane Bolles Kara Bolles KeithBolles Lindsey Bolles LesleyBolton EleanorBonafonte Anna Bonnell Gary F. Borla Lorri Bosio Lee Boucher Kimmberly Boyd MegBremer Amanda Brewer ByronBrewer Robin L. Brewer Carol L. Brining JeffreyJ. Brining Jesse Brockwell

LissieBrooks Courtney Brown Lyn Brown Michele Brown Sera Brown Victoria Brown Gail Buchholz KaceyBuckley EmilyBurke Marianne Burke KelleyCahill Erin Cain DeidreCalabrese Gerry AdeskiCameron LizzieCamlin-Irving Amanda Caprari AliciaCarlson Ellen Carlson Kristine Carney MaryCarniglia Jeanne Carpenter Nathan Carpenter Linda Carroll Emily Carruthers Joan Carson Nancy Cash Athana Catlett Sarah Catlett Thomas Childs SusanChristopher William Christopher Shayna Clancy

Volunteering Jocelyn Clapp AmyClark BenjaminClark JeffreyClark Shauna Clark Elizabeth Clark-Garvey Nicholas Clements Judy Cobb Janet Cody Sean Joseph Cody Dawn Calica Linda Comstock Allison Congdon Lexy Congdon Lyle Congdon R.J.Congdon Dianne E. Conner Inger Connery BethanyLong Conroy AmyCoroso Carol Cournoyer MarcCournoyer Chris Coyle Patti Coyle BarbaraCrane BethCriscione Rebecca Crosby Ted Crosby KoriCrosson Clare Cunningham

Jane Curran BrendanCusack Jason Cusack Nancy Cusack Julie Czyzewski Kyle Dallas Stacy Dallas Karen Danielson AlisonZack Darrell Philip Darrell Diane Daudt ElizabethL. David Henri M. David,Jr. Jane I. Davison JessicaDeConto Anita Dees Helen Degree Diane Deutermann Ann DiCicco Cheryl Dinglas BarbaraDiRoberts Laura DiRoberts Bill Doane Monica Dornfeld LucyDornfeld Nancy Draayer John Driscoll Ill Judie Driscoll MargaretDrummond Maureen Duffy


. .............................................. AmyDminick Kristin Durinick RussellDykema Diane Eastman-Dumais AshleyNicole Edwards Ashton Edwards BarbaraEdwards Jonnie Edwards Philip Ellsworth ,Jr. BeckyEpperson EmilyEstabrook KateEstabrook John C. Evans AnthonyJ. Everett EdwardEverett MelissaEverett Theresa Everett Marybeth FafaUa Dana Faulkner Wendy Fazzino Helene Fenger Peter Ferrebee Catherine Ferry Katherine Fields Robin Fields EmilyFisher Karen Florin MichelleFontaine KelseaFortner Geraldine U. Foster Jane Holly Foster Stephanie Foy Chris French Dina Fusco MariaGabrielli MaureeneGaffney Maribeth BlaneyGalster Stephanie Gaston Joe Genua JessicaGeorge BarbaraGermini Ashley Gervais Sandra Gervais Shelly Gibson

I 12

. ... . .............. Carol Gilchrist DavidGilchrist EliseGilchrist James Gilchrist Katharine "Koko"Gildersleeve Lindsay Gillette Trudy Gillette Whitney Gillette Jerry Gintoff KathyGintoff Claudia Goodman Gloria Gorby Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr. MaryTredennick Gould Jamie Gourlay LeslieGourlay Mimi Gourlay EricaR.Govednik AubreyGraham Pam Graham Christine "Kitty"Greene

. ..... ..... ..... ........... Joseph N. "Jerry" Greene,Jr. Joline Grieder Evan Griswold William Groves KatieGuernsey Kathryn Hageman RobHageman Sarah Hallwood FrankHamilton,Jr. GraceHamilton Ted Hamilton Jean Hampton Maureen Hanink RobertaHanlon Amanda Hardgrave BeverlyHarding Brian Harra Robert Harringer Heather LeighHarrison Bryant Heffernan Cheryl KellyHeffernan

Encourageme nt

.. ... .. .. . ..... . .........

... ·· •· ·· ..... .............

Mitch Heffernan Nick Heffernan MarciaHiggins Amelia Holmes Ann Hooker Jessica Hooker BetsyHorn William Horn,Jr. LauraHorton Pam lngersoll William D. Irving, M.D. William Irwin AlexJagielski Carolyn Jagielski Christie Jagielski John Jagielski PaulJagielski Gregory S. Jarrabeck KristinJastrzemski Hilary Johnson KarenJohnson Ann Joy NicoleKalata Jacqueline Kangley Hannah Kaplan Cheryl Kapustka BarbaraK. Kashanski John Kashanski Constance L. Kastelowitz Mary Katsiaficas RoxanneKearns KarenKeelan J. Alexis Keeney KathyKeeney CissieKeogh Gay Kepple Nancy Kindell Shellie King Charles C. Kingsley Chet Kitchings Kenneth Kitchings Pauline Knoll Robert Knoll Stephanie Knoll


JeffreyKolovson Carolyn Korale James Korst Anna Kozinski Joanne Kraska LouisaKrause John Kritzer Elaine LaPolla BreckLardner Sue Lardner Cynthia Lattanzio FrancescaLattanzio DebbieLawton Ann H. LeVasseur Kristin ElliottLeas MarkLeas AngelaLeBedis Carolee LeBlanc Melissa LeBlanc EmilyLehet MaggieLeonard PatriciaLeonard Carol Levy John Lewis Pamela Lewis Teri Lewis Jennifer Lieb Ann Lightfoot ElizabethLightfoot Judith F. Lightfoot Richard B. Lightfoot Jason Lillquist Brandy Lisle AileenLivingston Kelsey Long Barbara G. Longo Sarah Loughlin Colleen Luby Nancy Lucente Kathleen Lunz Dan Magano Mary Ellen Malone Jody Mancarella LauraManley

. . .. . .. ......................... GraceMarrion Brian Matthew James B. Matthew Jill Matthew Dee Maurice PaulaMccreedy Maureen McDonald BrianMcDowell EmilyMcDowell Shannon McEvoy Anne W. McHutchison Maura McQueeney Alan David McWhirter Susan Mead Sarah Meister Dixon M. Merkt Kristin Meuselbach LauraMeuselbach Karen Milano SherylMilardo Mary Mille Joshua Miller AbbyMiner MorganMiner Sarah Miner Thomas Miner LauraMooney MeganMooney BrendaA. Moriarty Jessica L. Mulhall Joan Mulkey Alanna Munzenmaier Maureen Mmphy Carol A. Musante BillNelligan DawnNelligan MaryNelson Penny Nelson RobertNelson John Niblack Beth Norton GeorgeNorton LesleyNosal Carolyn O'Brien

.. ..... .

Teamwork MarkO'Connell VeronicaOlsen GiseleOstrofe AshleyF.Page qanielle Nicole Page Jenifer Page Cindy Palmer Sarah Perkins Kristin E. Perna! Paul Perna! NicolePerrelli Anne Peterson Cathy Petrillo Linda LeePicazio BarbaraPickett Kathy Pizzagalli DevonPoeta PatriciaPostel VictorPostel

A. RivesPotts,Jr. RyanPouliot StacyPouliot Frederick Prentice John Pritchard Mary Pullen Donald Quigley Susan M. Raible Maureen Ramsdell Jonathon Recor Bethany Reiss Stephanie Reiss LaurenReynolds Gigi Rhodes Joe RhodesIll Joseph Rhodes,Jr. LeeRhodes Ann Rice Heather Ann Rice

James Rice AlexRichardson Holly Ridgway Jeffrey Ridgway Jessica Riehl Stephanie Rimes JessieRoberts Crystal Root Katharine Rozanski Thomas Rozanski Bill Russell StacieRussell PamelaRusso Tom Russo Cemmy Ryland Jihan Said Jane Samuels DavidR.Sanders Kathryn Sandmann Marian Sanko KarenSantacrou Alicia Sapere Deborah Saunders KarenSaunders Rhom Saunders Vito Savino Janet Schloss NancySchoemann HollySchroeder Nancy Schultz Donna Scott LaureenScranton NakaiSecki LaurieE.Seer Jaime Semmensohn Mary EllenSencer KimberlySeverance MargeSharon Petra B.Shearer HelenShelby KenShuey Sheila E.Siborg Michael Simeone BarbaraSinicrope


BethSkelly Pam Skelly HarrySlifer,Jr. EmilySmith HilarySmith Marcia Smith RogerSmith SeymourSmith Susan BallekSmith Tia Smith AvivaSnyder Dyana Sohl SuzSomerville Wayne0. Southwick Daniela Spera KittyStalsburg AmandaStazick KatherineSteer EileenSterrett SaraChild-BushyStevens RandyStevens ElizabethStoddard RichardStrauss Daryl Straw Sabin Streeter John M. Sturges, Jr. KelseyRoseSwan KimberlySwan RickSwan MelissaSymonds-Alsback BabsTaylor LindaCallan Taylor AmyTerray RosemaryA.Theriaque AnneThompson KateThompson AmandaThomson AshleyThomson Alan W. Todd SkyrenTodd VeronikaTolarova Sharron Torrenti Sharon Tracy David Triebel

BenTyler Ke! Tyler Brynne Underhill Jesenia Valentin Susanne Valerino MaureenVan DerStad VictoriaVance-Harrell NikkiVezina Alyse Vinoski Christian D. Viola MatthewJ. Viola Whitney M. Viola Caitlin Wade Elizabeth Wallach LindseyWalsh MaryE. Washburn BruceWatford Nancy K.Watkinson Carol Watts Erin Weedon Edna Weirs DeborahA.Welles Jennifer Wells LindaWestervelt Pamela Whitney SaraWhitney LizWhitty LynetteWiggins Patricia Wilding Susan Wilding TeresaWilding Max Wimmer Conrad Winalski Andrea Wing Joanne Wing Dorinda Winkelman BetsyWodell BrittanyWood Meredith Woods Julia Zambetti Amanda Zito


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Contributors The generous spirit of our community made High Hopes in Concert with Suzy Bogguss a successful and memorable event. We are grateful to each and every one of our supporters.

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Corporate Patrons A.G.Edwards& Sons, Inc. Aegean Treasures AngusMcDonald/GarySharpe & Associates, Inc. Event Co-Sponsors DanielsOil Company, Inc. Scranton Financial Group ESSENCE Center for Beauty SovereignBank and Wellness EssexLawGroup (Susan &John Senning) Platinum Sponsors Jean Callan King Interior Mohegan Sun Design LLC Mashantucket PequotTribal Corporate Benefactors Nation Brewer Pilots Point Marina MerrillLynch (Elizabeth L. David) BrewerYachtYards Opus Audio/Video/Control Inc. Caulfield & Ridgway,Inc. ResourcesManagement Corp. Connecticut Light & Power Co. (Henri M. David,Jr.) EssexPrinting Company foundation (David V.Winstead, Ph.D. SaybrookCountry Barn (Keith &Jane Bolles) & Pamela M. Reeser,M.D.) Sennh eiser ElectronicCorp. EssexSavingsBankand John W. Shoreline EyeGroup Rafa!& Associates,Inc. (Robert]. Klimek,M.D.) Franklin Farms, Inc. Jim &Joanne Graybill Corporate Friends Lawrence& Memorial Hospital Lewitz, Balosie, Wollack,Rayner A.G.H.Enterprises Amato Properties,LLC & Giroux, LLC Mortgage Lenders Network USA AnglerAdventures Reynolds' Garage & Marine, Inc. Anonymous Ring's End/Niantic Lumber Archambault Insurance, Inc. (Kel & KarenTyler) AtlasFenceCo. (Michael C. Picard) SBC/SNET Beatty& Boucher LLC,Certified James Simon Architects PublicAccountants The Bankof New Yorkand The George Link,Jr.Foundation Bio-Med Devices,Inc. WebsterBank Caliber Computing Wiggin & Dana Coldwell Banker U.S.Trust Company of Connecticut Commercial Cleaning & RefreshmentServices,Inc. Raymond& Laureen Zelek CORPORATIONS We are honored to have the support of the following businesses and corporations:

Shirley Curioso, 0.0. Dahlke Financial Group Design Essence,Inc. Ors.Elgart & Pinn, Optometrists Duble & O'Hearn, Inc. EastCoast SecurityServices, Inc. EssexPre-School Ltd. Gladeview Health Care Center Gull Associates, Inc. HarborMotors, Inc. Hudson Home Health Care/Rehab Equipment Kitchensby Gedney, Inc. Kitchings& Potter, LLC Laysville Hardware Madison Chrysler Jeep Dodge Marketing Horizons, LTD Sarah Wood McCracken, Landscape Architect Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. New HavenSavings Bank Niantic Awning Co., LLC (Peter & Gail Lundin) Page-TaftReal Estate, Essex/OldLymeOffice Prudential Signature Properties RiverLinens Royal Printing Service Ryther-Purdy Lumber Co., Inc. SaybrookConvalescent Hospital SeaworthySystems,Inc. (David &Joanne O'Neil) Shoreline Sanitation, Inc. Sima Drilling Company Inc. Soundings Publications, L.L.C. Speirs Plumbing, Inc. Smurfit Stone Container, Inc., UncasvilleMill TracyAgency, LLC

Collaboration Holly &Jeffrey Ridgway Treasures, Old Lyme Waldron Insurance Agency L.L.C. Michael & RobinSimeone Kevin & MegSmall YankeeGas ServicesCo. Mr. & Mrs. RogerSmith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Corporate Contributors Aaron Manor, Inc. Patrons Anonymous Myrna & Arnold Baskin Cashman Computer Assoc.LLC David Brzezon Dr. Anth ony A. Corrao Dan & Amy Carlin HideawayRestaurant Mr. & Mrs. GregoryJ. Godbout The M.J.Sullivan Automotive Lytt leton B.P.Gould, Jr. Corner & Rosemary Cowley The Paint Shop, Inc., EvanGriswold & EmilyFisher Old Saybrook Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Ruth & Bob Kelly INDIVIDUALS We gratefully acknowledge the Roland & SallyMacNichol following individua ls for their Jim &Jill Matthew support of our benefit event: Mary T. Mille & Wm. S. Doane John & LeePritchard Benefactors Mary P. Pullen Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Richard& Leslie Strauss Athana &John Catlett Sandy & TonyThurston Susan K. Childs Mr. & Mrs. W. PageWadell Ted & Rebecca Crosby Mr. & Mrs. LeonardWyeth Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch John C. Evans Friends RussellFord Mr. & Mrs.Ted Abbott Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Matt & BarbaraAbrams Lindsay & Nancy Ager Barbara&John Kashanski Chet & Suzanne Kitchings Bea Anderson Anonymous (2) Ken& Chris Kitchings Allen &Joanne Kraska Jennifer Aubrey Sally& Stever Aubrey Richard B.&Judith F. Lightfoot Maureen &Joseph Augusciak Robert & Sandy Mulligan

Mrs. Azza John & Jackie Ball Rowland& Nancy Ballek Bob& MarcyBaratt Wayne Beaulieu& Kathleen Bolles Rudolph Bergmans& Ann Lane John & Perci Biederka Linda& Peter Bierrie BrendaLee Bohinc Keith&Jane Bolles Gary F. Borla Lee& Norman Boucher Heather Bourne EdwardBrennan Jack & PeggyBrewer Buffy& BradBriggs Lynn & LissieBrooks David S. Brown,M.D. James & Lyn Brown Sharon Byron Gregory Cahill Michael & KelleyCahill M.J.& D.P.Cahill Katherine Cabouet &Joseph Connolly Erin Cain Richard& MargotCalder Cindy &Jay Cane John & Linda Carlin William &Jill Cascarelli RichardCersosimo & ValerieKoif Bill& Susan Christopher Sarah E.Clapp Dede& AllenCompagno Gretchen & Woody Comstock AlisonConrad Cosmo & Terry Corigliano Chris & Patti Coyle Frank & LisaCristofaro Richard& Corrine Dailey Thomas & Moira Daniells Robert& Pamela Daniels Philip F.& AlisonZackDarrell Henri & Liz David Patricia& LewisDavidson Deborah Davis Norbert & Amy Deslauriers Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Dexter Rob& Linda Douglas John &Judie Driscoll Jack & BetseyDunham Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn Ill Judith G. duPont Jonnie & Ash Edwards

Mr. & Mrs.James P. Elliott (EFWatermelon) Dianne &Jeb Embree Bob& Debbie English Marybeth & George Fede Helene Fenger Dr. & Mrs.Christopher Ficke Mr. Arnold Flaig & Mrs. Brenda Pelt Flaig Sharon Flannery Geraldine U. Foster &Johnnie D.Johnson Linda Freedman Carol Gilchrist & Dixon M. Merkt Richard & Katharine Gildersleeve Simone & Scott Gladstone Taffy& Bruce Glowack Mary Tredennick Gould Mimi Gourlay DaveGraybill Jeff Graybill Jim &Joanne Graybill Emily Green & Hayden Reynolds Keith & Candy Green Dr. Michael & Heather Greenaway Kitty &Jerry Greene Alan& MargotGreener

Lynn & Earl Greenho KatieGuernsey & Daniel Feeney Jennifer Ann Hamel Grace & Frank Hamilton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs.John Hamrick RodericHartung & Deborah Oscar Tom Neff& Mary Lyndon Haviland Bill& Lynn Herlihy Linda Hicks John & LeeHolstein Betsy& BillHorn Dr. & Mrs.Steven Inglis Carolyn &John Jagielski Gunilla & GeorgeJames FrankJarrabeck Gregory S. Jarrabeck Jennifer Johnson &John Wilbur Peter & Bunt Karter Dick&Joyce Kellish Tom & Cissie Keogh Lauren Kilian Jean Callan King Lilian M. King& Allan Dodds Frank Charlie & Gretchen Kinglsey Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klimek Bob& Pauline Knoll Stephanie Knoll& Gerry Fischbach William Koch& Gigi Rhodes Allyson Kounaris


John & Lynn Krawski Sue & Breck Lardner Jan Larson Dominick & Maryanne Lauria Mark& KristinElliott Leas Anne & PrescottLittlefield Ruth Lord Timothy & LeilaLoughlin Linda & Cecil Lyon David& KristineMacDonald PriscillaMartel & Charles van Over K.C.& DebbieMazer John & Amy McCauley Sally & DaveMcDermott Angus& Mary McDonald Bruce,Ann & Nile McGhie Mr. Wilhelm Meya Midagraphics, Inc. K.George& LauraMooney MargaretMorgan Ors.Margaret& EarlMummert Dawn & William Nelligan Bob& Penny Nelson MadeleineNichols Markj. & Donna L. Nimrod Kate Nucera Mr. & Mrs. Harry Oakley Greg,Terry & MarkO'Connell Diane & Tony O'Falt Mr. & Mrs. Max Okasha, M.D. John & Beth Olmstead David&Joanne O'Neil Charles &JoAnne Park Suzanne Pascarella& EdDz.iubinski Judy Payer James E. &Jacquelyn B. Pedrick Paul & KristinPerna! Tom & Linda Picazio Carla Pond Nancy & RivesPotts David& Barbara Preston Wendy & Gary Price Don & Muffin Quigley John & Dyanne Rafa! Nancy & Don Rankin Gary H. & Marilynn Reynolds Mr. & Mrs.Joseph Rhodes,Jr. James R.& Ann M. Rice Stella Rice Alex Richardson & Liddy Karter Mr. & Mrs.William Russell Kate& DavidSandmann BillSatti

Dr. Mary Cummings Satti & Attorney Michael E.Satti Fred& Michele Schavoir Peter & ShelbySchavoir John &Janet Schloss Terry & Rick Schreiber Donna & Hugh Scott Laureen & David Scranton Susan &John Senning Joseph &Judith Shea Petra 8. Shearer Greg& Nancy Shook James & AudreySimon Brant & TerrySmith Seymour & Tia Smith Dr. & Mrs. AlanSpagnola Dave & Ginny Speirs Laurie Sprague Kitty Stalsburg & RobHageman Dr. & Mrs. WilliamStubenbord John M. Sturges,Jr. Keri & KenSweitzer Alan & Sk'}'renTodd Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Toner Sharon Tracy Karen& Ke!Tyler Maureen Van DerStad Linda Clemente! Walsh Carol & Dan Watts Kathryn & Mark Wayland John & Debbie Welles Sean & Jennifer Welsh Andy Wentworth & Kathy Cietanno Linda Westervelt Donald & Maureen Wilcox Steve& Kathy Wilson Andrea&Tom Wing DavidV.Winstead, Ph.D. & Pamela M. Reeser,M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wood Nancy C. Young& DavidR.McKee,M.D. LauraYurch& Art Freund Raymond& Laureen Zelek Clara & Carl Zirkenbach Jennifer Zito & Michael Rosadino Other Contributors Charles C. Ambrose Suzanne Angier Rudy& Irma Brandt Ralph & KailCadman Norman, Lori & Carolyn Caine Mr. & Mrs.John H. Carl


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The Cooley Gallery(Mr.JeffreyCooley) TerryCorigliano RosemaryS. Cowley Chris & Patti Coyle Ted& RebeccaCrosby Thomas Daniells Pam Daniels Mr. Paul K.D'Arcy Deep RiverDesign Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Donnan, J r. Judie Driscoll BarbaraDurland E.F.Watermelon EssexWinter Series-Mr.Fenton L.B. Brown,President FacesAesth etics Skincare GeorgeFede HeleneFenger Foxwoods Resort& Casino AllenDodds Frank Carol Gilchrist KokoGildersleeve GregoryGodbout Jim Graybill Candy Green Kitty&Jerry Greene DickHarding Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan

Julie Inglis InterlakenInn Resort & ConferenceCenter FrankJarrabeck Gregrory5· Jarrabeck Jacqueline Kangley Mr. GeoffreyKarp John Kashanski • ) K.C's & Tamar (Kay Clmt 1sI1 D.1ck &Joyce Ke11· Maryann Lauria LighthouseInn & Resort Timothy Loughlin LuxeLLC KristineMacDonald Jim & Jill Matthew AmyMcCauley Kaitlin McDermott SallyMcDermott Captain Dixon M. Merkt MGC'sCustom WoodenJigsaw Puzzles & Fine Art (Mark Cappitella) K.George& LauraMooney Nature's Art Cliff Nelson New EnglandHorticulture (Stephen Dedman) MadeleineNichols

Auction Contributors Doreen Abbott Nancy Ager Anonymous Mr. DavidArchambault Dr. Robert D. Ballard BanfiVintners (Charles&Joanne Park) RobertBarbeau, Golf Pro Arnold Baskin PerciBiederka Jane Bolles LeeBoucher Margaret& BobBrady KelleyCahill ErinCain MicaCardoza Jill Vaughn Childress William & SusanChristopher




Diane O'Falt BobbiPedrick RedPepper PamelaM. Reeser,M.D. Restaurant du Village (Cynthia & Michel Keller) Hayden Reynolds Jeff & Holly Ridgway Al & Connie Rogers BurgessRussell MarySatti WilliamSatti SaybrookPoint lnn & Spa Shelby Schavoir John &Janet Schloss Donna Scott Bobbie Seebeck Sennheiser ElectronicCorporation Jennie Sjursen SkipBarberRacingSchool KevinSmall Smallrock DesignsLLCUohn King) PatriciaSmith Tia Smith SoreIla's LeslieStrauss Summer Music,Inc. Sunbeam Fleet/John'sSport Fishing Center, Inc. (Capt. RobertWadsworth) Swarovskiat MoheganSun MelissaSymonds-Alsback TallyHoTack& Apparel That's The Spirit Shoppe (Mr.Chris Bongo) The Bowerbird The Mixed BagUonatha Gorin) The Phoenix, Ltd. Sharon &John Tracy Vivoby llaina Clement LindaClemente! Walsh Deb Welles Sean & Jen Welsh Tom Whidden Lee& Doug White Maurene Wilcox Susan Wyeth LauraYurch

Gifts In Kind We extend ou r gratitude to the following businesses and individuals for their generous contribu tions of goods and services: A Thyme to Cook Abby'sCatering Company Aleia'sRestaurant ArrowEquipment Rental & Supplies Ballek'sGarden Center BanfiVintners (Charles &JoAnnePark) Benjamin'sRestaurant Bennie'sFarmMarket Bill'sSeafood C Design CafeRoutier Cloud Nine Catering Coca Cola BottlingCo. of New England, Inc. Coffee'sCountry Market Copper Beech Inn Cottrell BrewingCompany Cuckoo's Nest Philip DarrellLighting Design Edd'sPlace, Cuisine to Go Foodsmith(AlisonMarcinek) FromageFine Foods& Coffees (Christine M. Chesanek) Gourmet Galley The Griswold Inn High Output Imperial ShowsLLC Uanice& Chuck Reid) Mindy K. Deli& Catering Manchesterlee & Fuel, Inc., Old Saybrook MysticMarketEast Old LymeInn OliveOyl's Carry Out Cuisine PastaVita Pelton'sSurgicalSupply Mary Pullen Shaboo Productions Shore Discount Liquorsll The AllenS.Goodman Company The Bee& Thistle Inn The HideawayRestaurant& Pub The Wheatmarket Walt's FoodMarket WaterStreetCafe Water's EdgeResort& Spa


Statements for the year endingJune30, 2003 Statement

of Financial Position June 2003 Total All Fund s


ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AccountsReceivable




AccruedInterest Receivable 6,518 Prepaid Insurance 12,547 Cash and EquivalentsRestricted for 309,717 Long Term Purposes Propertyand Equipment Net BookValue 1,818,170 UnconditionalPromisesto Give 113,685 InvestmentsHeldfor LongTerm Purposes 1,35 1,426 $3,805,400 Total Assets

9,311 14,770 205,377 1,847,118 170,124 1,299,709 $3,735,110


$ 4,168









Net Assets

Unrestricted Unrestricted- BoardDesignated

Unrest ric ted

Temporarily Restricted

Permanent ly Restrict ed

June 2003 Total

June 2002 Total

$54,3 65




$ 178,440

AccountsPayable AccruedExpenses AdvanceFeesfor Services Mortgage Payable Total Liabilities

of Activities

June 2002 Total All Funds



29,541 $1,887,505

29 541 $1,885,784

TemporarilyRestricted PermanentlyRestricted Tota l Net Assets

630,5 10






Total Liabilities and Net Assets



Support Contributionsand Grants Special Events Total Support





$498, 133








(163,0 15)








$797,7 19





$486 ,386









$650 ,550


100,891 S2 11, 317

$232,45 1

Revenue Feesfor Services Investment Income Net Realizedand Unrealized Gainsand Losseson Investments Other Income Total Revenue



Total Support and Revenue



Net Asse t s Released from Restrictions Restri ctions Sati sfied by Paym ents



Total Support, Reve nu e and Recla ssifications



Expenses ProgramServices General and Administra tive Fund Raising Tota l Expenses Change in Net Assets


$180,014 43,699







Net Assets at Beginning of Year




$3,6 75,203


Net Assets at End of Year


$630,5 10




Thesestatementsareexcerpted fromFinancialStatementsprepared forHighHopesTherapeuticRiding, Inc. by Lewitz,Balosie, Wollack, Rayner& Giroux,LLC.


Celebrating29 years of changing lives through therapeuticriding.


~ IIJUqlhHopeยง



Therapeutic Riding , Inc. 36 Town Woods Road Post Office Box 254 Old Lyme, CT 0637 1-0254 860.434.1974 www.highhop est r.org


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