Melissa Everett, Editor
ents - Put these dates on your calendar.
larch 16 -Workshop on "The PPT Process", 11 :00 AM , March 20 - General Volunteer Orientation, 5:30 PM [arch 23 - Workshop on "Delicate Threads" - Socialization
for those with
larch 23 - Barn and Barn Buddy Orientation, 2:00 PM ril 15 through Saturday, April 20 - NO CLASSES! .pril 18 - General Volunteer Orientation, 5:30 PM . 1119 - Instructor Training Coune Reunion pril 20 thru Sunday, April 21- NARHA Region One Conference ril 22 thru Sunday, April 26 - National Volunteer Appreciation pril 27 - Barn and Barn Buddy Orientation, 2:00 PM 1y 20 - Demonstration Days Begin · 24 - Spring Program Ends 1111e1-Annual Horse Show- SAVE THE DATE! in the Meadows - SAVE THE DATE! 1111e8 -Symphony 1111e8 - General Volunteer Orientation, 10:00 AM June 12 - General Volunteer Orientation, 5:00 PM
Special Needs.
at High Hopes Week
, this issue: :HOPS! SHOW!
IDGH HOPES THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC. 36 TOWN WOODS ROAD , P. 0. BOX 254, OLD LYME, CT 06371-0254 PHONE (860) 434-19 74, FAX (860) 434-3 723 EMAIL: mceverett@highhopestr.org
HIGH HOPES BOARD AND STAFF Board of Directors 0/flcers Jeffrey Ridgway, President Barbara Earle Ballard, Vice President John C. Evans, Vice President Cheryl Heffernan, Vice President for Development Elizabeth M. David, Treasurer Jane A. Bolles, Secretary
Directors Sally H. Aubrey Maureen 0. Augusciak Linda F. Bierrie Jane I. Davison Geraldine U. Foster Katharine H. "Koko" Gildersleeve Heather Leigh Harrison William D. Irving, M.D. Charles C. Kingsley Judith F. Lightfoot A. Rives Potts Lee Pritchard Roger M. Smith Kelvin N. Tyler
Just a friendly that our new facility If spillage
Honorary Board Members Lyttleton B. P. Gould, Jr. Frank Hamilton , Jr. Grace Hamilton Wayne Southwi ck , M.D . Staff Alison Zack Darrell, Executive Director Kitty Stalsburg , Program Director Helene Fenger, Director of Development Petra Shearer , Business Manager Kristin Elliott Leas, Barn Manager Dawn Nelligan, Program Associate Melissa Everett, Program Administrator Judie Driscoll, Administrative Assistant Barbara Abrams, Instructor Ann Bailey, Instructor Patti Coyle, Instructor Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Bill Nelligan, Instructor Holly Ridgway, Instructor Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist Carol Gilchrist, Barn Assistant Linda Almeida, Barn Staff Carol Brining, Barn Staff/ Administrative Kristin Mason, Barn Staff John Driscoll, Caretaker
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to all of us. Please help keep High Hopes looking great forever by keeping our community areas neat and tidy. occurs, we have brooms, mops and cloths available for your use . THANK YOU/
This newsletter is underwritten
Service & J~n
Bank ce 1851
IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS by Alison Zack Darrell Here at High Hopes, we're blazing new trails , not only figuratively, but also literally. Thanks to our barn manager , Kristin Elliott Leas and (without exaggeration) one of the most loyal volunteers in the world, John Sturges , a trail clearing and development project has been underway for the past six months , gracing us with a new riding and carriage driving trail that ties into the Bunny Trail system. The new trail winds approximately one-half mile through the woods. John Sturges 's leadership and volunteer efforts on this project were recognized by the Board of Directors and Staff at our first Board meeting of the New Year on January 29, by the naming of this trail in honor of John . Jeff Ridgway , Board President, presented a homemade video " documentary " of our trail system, not only to introduce the Board to the new trail. (and showcase our new audio-visual equipment in the classroom) , but also to surprise John. We also welcomed two new Board members , Katharine H. "Koko" Gildersleeve and Lee Pritchard, both of whom were elected to the Board of Directors at our Annual Meeting in October 2001. They join High Hopes at an exciting time as the Board of Directors embarks upon a strategic planning process to define the direction of our goals and objectives for the next five years. This process will be led by a Strategic Planning Committee and will involve a one-day Board retreat on Saturday, April 6. The retreat will culminate in the presentation of a written plan to be approved by the Board at their June 18 meeting. Thank you again to all of the rider families, teachers , staff and volunteers who contributed to the data collection part of the process by responding to questionnaires , interviews , etc . And a special thanks to Mary Ann Dabek who was with us last summer as an intem Her work on the data collection was invaluable. (By the way, Mary Ann says hello to the High Hopes family from St. Andrews College in North Carolina, where she's ambitiously pursuing her four-year degree in Therapeutic Riding.
There's lots of love at High Hopes (Linda Almeida & Cody) (Photo Credit: Kristin Elliott Leas)
PROGRAM NEWS by Kitty Stalsburg Happy Spring! Our spring semester began February 23. We are working with nearly 190 riders per week . Our instructor trainees (more about them inside) have been instrumental in assisting our riders over the past few months. We are pleased to welcome students from Captain Nathan Hale School in Coventry to our program this spring. This group will be riding for a six-week program beginning in April. As in the past, spring riding activities will culminate in the weeklong student demonstration days and the Annual Horse Show. Through these events, we offer riders the opportunity to share the accomplishments of the past year with their family and friends . School groups will be celebrating on the last scheduled class day of the spring semester. We will make each of these days special for every rider. The Annual Horse Show is scheduled for Saturday, June 1. Our horses , riders and volunteers will be dressed in their finest for this very special day.
Plans for a swruner program are in progress . This will be a four or five week program in June and July. Please contact me at extension 13 if you are interested in participating in summer lessons. In April, High Hopes plans to offer the first NARHA On-Site Advanced Certification. There are three levels of instructor certification: Registered, Advanced and Master. There have been On-Site Registered Certification programs for two years. NARHA's goal is to improve the testing mechanism for certification at the Advanced level through the on-site process. This activity is scheduled to take place during our April break (April 15-21). High Hopes is also thrilled to host the NARHA Region Conference on April 19-21. This will be a two and one-half day opportunity full of educational sessions. There will be three tracks to choose from , depending upon your interest level. We will be utilizing the new classroom technology, as well as offering a variety of demonstrations and hands-on opportunities. This event is open to EVERYONE! For more information, please contact Melissa at Extension 15.
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... to Tom, Maryellen, Morgan, Hannah and Helen Solinsk:y on the birth of Kathryn "Katie" Rose on November 16, 2001. Katie weighed in at 8 lbs., 2 oz, and 19 ½ inches long.
WE GET LETTERS/ I just love my High Hopes birlhday card! It brought a smile to my face and the warm memories I have of your welcoming and caring kindness are always with me! Thank you for letting me be a part of your wonderful world! Nancy Cash Volunteer
••• Thank you for the opportunity of allowing five mentally disabled students from the Norwich Free Academy ABLE Program to porticipate in your fantastic therapeutic riding program. It truly is an opportunity of a lifetime and one they would not otherwise have had without your help and the funding.from the Dime Savings Bank. The lessons at High Hopes help me to be a more effective classroom teacher because of the emotional. soda/, physical and mental benefits the students receive from their lessons. It gives the students a safe environment to challenge themselves and succeed The self-esteem and pride they get from accomplishments at High Hopes carries over into the classroom. The social interactions they have with their instructor and one-on-one volunteers allows them a real life opporturuty to practice the social skills we have been working on in the classroom in a positive environment and with a variety of people. The students benefit physically by developing better gross motor skills and coordination. During their lessons, they gain and practice imporlant skills such as listening, following directions, sequencing, and right and le.fl differentiation. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about the first riding lessons my students had this year. John was so fearful of getting on a horse that he refused to bring the paperwork home for his porents to sign allowing him to porticipate in the riding program. He has a tremendous fear of heights and some trouble with his balance and coordination due to brain surgery. I had to promise him that he would not have to get on the horse on our first visit just to get him to bring the poperwork home. I alerted Kitty to John's fears prior to us arriving and High Hopes was ready far us. Smokey (a very small Shetland pony) was ready for John. John was poired with a skilled veteran volunteer who led him through the grooming of Smokey. In this non-threatening environment with tons of support, John groomed Smokey happily and successfully. He began to get up his courage and when asked if he would like to try to get on a horse, he surprised us all by saying YES! What a victory! He achieved something that in his wildest dreams he did not think he was capable of
achieving. High Hopes helped him to believe in himself After only a few weeks of riding John is so eager to go to High Hopes that we now have a countdown of the days until our next lesson. He told me his favorite part of the lesson is "that funny thing" and what he was referring to was the trot. He is so comfortable that he now enjoys going faster on his horse. Fred is a 15 year old with Cerebral Palsy. He has very limited communication and little strength on his right side. Due to his limited physical abilities he often cannot portidpate in activities with his classmates. His mother told me that she didn 't think that Fred was going to get on the horse. Fred. however, was so excited to ride that he didn't even hesitate to get on. He sat up so straight. I'd never seen him sit so tall. He had such a look of happiness and pride on his face. Physically it was a wonderful workout for him just being on the horse. Mentally and emotionally it has done wonders for his self-esteem and communication skills. Fred's speech is very limited and difficult to understand, but that does not stop him in his attempt to talk about riding and horses to others. Members of society and even some of the parents of my students tell me time and time again about what my students cannot do. My answer to them is come to High Hopes and watch my students ride and you will see what they can do. High Hopes is such an incredible facility with a wonderful staff, dedicated volunteers, and gentle equines. Thank you all. Sincerely, Mary E. Fischer NFA
••• Thank you for your thoughtful note of kind words about the loss of Apple Jack I know he will be missed by many people. It is comforting to know that everyone whose lives he ever touched knew what a special pony he was. Thank you to all the staff, volunteers and riders at High Hopes for the kind and loving care given to him during his years with you. Sincerely, Cathy Athome and Randi (Apple Jack's Family)
*** My experience at High Hopes is something I will cherish regardless of how my budding therapeutic_ riding career progresses . I commend all of you for how far you've come. 1 miss seeing you all and participating in your incredible program. Carolyn Beekman ITC Graduate
This Christmas, Tim and I have many things to be grateful for . One of the things is the kindness and support you gave us after Tim's heart attack. Your words of encouragement, the thoughtful cards and notes and your willingness to find program substitutes for me mean more to us than you know. I'm happy to report that Tim is recovering nicely and we 're getting back lo our normal lives. Thank you all f or the role you played in helping me and, ultimately, him.
I want to thank you for the wonderful tour you and the gals gave us of your perfectly beautiful new facilities! We were both surprised and impressed by the wonderful planning and the timely execution and completion of the work. I can 'I imagine how you incorporated so many great ideas in those plans . It seems to fill the needs of every department. We should all be very proud to have such a finished and handsome building. Our very best wishes and our love to you all.
Tim and I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year! Fondly, Susan Gavronski
Grace Hamilton
••• My son, Richard, ;us/ loves going to High Hopes. He bMbbles telling me about riding Latino and grooming him.
••• Our gifts to you this holiday season are an expression of thankfulness. We are grateful for the dreams you continue to help Kelsey Rose fulfill; for giving Rick and me a place to be just parents, not parents of "a child with a disability, " and for allowing us to share our hopes, and our fears, for our daughter. These gifts are for all of the riders you love, and offer hope. They are for all of the families you support and reach out to, and for all of the volunteers who give so generously of their time. They are for those of us who feel "different " - until we walk through the doors of High Hopes. They are for the girl who feels the Joy of a horse beneath her and the boy who thrills at the warm nuzzle of a velvet nose. They represent the broad, proud smile beaming at loved ones as the rider trots past the Common Room . Our gifts to you this holiday are tokens compared to what all gf_J!QJ!. at High Hopes have done for our family and countless others. There are no "gifts " equal to the courage and confidence you offer all of us; no pri ce tag for the unconditional love of a gentle horse. Rick and I are happy to be able to participate in High Hopes "wish list " this year. But the truth is, you have given us tenfold what we are able to give you . In this season of love, pea ce, and giving, we thank you all. May we share many more seasons of joy . Ri ck, Kim, Justin, Tanner, and Kelsey Rose Swan
Thank you, Georgia Payne
••• I thought you might like to know that I got my results back from NARHA. I have passed both exams and am very happy and excited about it! Thank you all once more for all the smiles, encouragement and support I received in the time I was at High Hopes. My "high hopes" came true and I am grateful for it. Wishing you all the best of luck and success for 2002. Lave, Tina Schmi/1 ITC Graduate I received my certifications last week I did so well, I can't believe it. I was so nervous during the past month or so, you can 't imagine. I wasn 't sure about the advanced test. I didn't f eel like I did so well. I thought the questions were a little tricky and it made me feel insecure about it . After I saw the grad es (J 00 and 94), I felt like I needed to thank High Hopes one more time. So thank you all for a wonderful experience. I can't think of a better way to do this course and to get so much knowledge in such a short time. I feel fortunate that I had the opportunity to be one of your ITCs and meet you all. Thank y ou!!!!!!!! Mi chal Veymayster ITC Graduate
••• You bring the moon and stars to all who ride with you . With love and great respect for all you do, Peg Sweeney Litchfield Little Britches
••• Thank you so much for writing that lovely recommendation. Two days ago, I received my acceptan ce letter into Northeastern University in Boston with my desired major in Speech Pathology and Audiology . Love Always, Kate Paquette Volunteer
(Editor':, Note: CONGRATULA110NS, Kate, from ALL of us! and dedication to High Hopes certainly Your hard 'IW>1'k eamed you that recommendation. Best of luck in Boston, and don't forget to visit us when you 're home on vacation!)
Volunteers are an extremely important part of High Hopes 's programs. It puts my mind at ease knowing that the volunteers are there. Having a conversation with my volunteers helps me to relax..
I believe mentors during my lifetime are the most important people I will know. Together, as High Hopes Therapeutic Ricing, Inc., you all have mentored me. Spending six weeks here at High Hopes ITC training has given me a world of knowledge in the ring and out.side of the ring. Most importantly, your fadlity has given me a dream for my community. How can I thank you for this?
By doing the same exercises every week, working on them slowly and mastering them, it gave me confidence in doing new and different things. I had never ridden a horse before I came to High Hopes and now being able to ride and groom a horse, even bonding with them, I feel I have conquered and instigated new potential in my life. I wish I could ride for the rest of my life.
Whether you are Holly, Jonnie or Dawn evaluating a lesson, or Marni showing up consistently on Wednesdays to give her assistance, or Carolyn giving her unique experiences and insights, you are cohesive, consistent, knowledgeable, aware, and caring. These attributes are a model for anyone parlidpaling in your program, whether a rider, a parent, or an instructor student.
High Hopes is the perfect name for this place because really riding a horse is something most people hope to do, at least I did, and it came true for me. I know that I will miss coming here, as I have been doing every week for the past few months, but I will treasure every moment I spent here.
When I leave here, I know that I will continue to be a part of your family . That alone gives me security in starting a new center. The knowledge from lecture and teaching experiences has prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead with teaching my own participants. Alison, Petra, Kitty and Helene have aided me in planning and creating the bare bones of the center. How can I thank you for this? You are an inspiration. Michele Sanger ITC Student Danmore Stables Stevensville. MT
VOICES FROM FELLOWSHIP PLACE We ' ve been fortunate to have participants from Fellowship Place, a non-residential membership " club" for individuals with mental disabilities , located in New Haven . As part of their work with CXJXCSSivetherapist Barbara Abrams, they wrote letters about their High Hopes experience , andwe'd like to share them with you.
The only pleasure I get is to rides horses. It gives me selfconfidence and a great feeling combined with lots of fun . My dream is to take a long ride and to be able to focus on life. When I am riding, I realize how important I am, it gives me a sense of responsibility and I love and care for them. Being with others who enjoy the same sport as I do gives a sense of belonging and it makes me feel great to be able to share stories, pictures and have common things we can agree on. Horses are very understanding and are strong. I feel if you can handle horses and get them to obey you, it gives you a sense of overcoming struggles, of overcoming fear .
(Editor's Note: This program is funded through the help of Wayne Southwick, MD., Orthopedic Surgeon and Honorary Board Member of High Hopes.)
STAFF PROFILES PETRA SHEARER Those of you who know Petra well, know what a joker she can be . In fact, when asked to write up her bio for this issue , she asked that, if she wrote it, could she pick out the picture . She was told yes, of course , and then tried to get us to print a picture of High Hopes! Nice try, Petra, but, as you can see, we managed to sneak in a picture of her anyway . (Editors are so evil .) Petra has been with High Hopes for 10 years. Born in Lewiston , ME , she grew up in Poland Spring Country in the town of Mechanic Falls which had (and still has) a population of around 2000 hardy souls . Her grandmother had a millinery shop and her mother taught elementary school for forty-five years , from age 17 to 62. Petra attended Wellesley College , continuing her exposure to strong women, and graduated with a B.A in Political Science. She describes her time there as "a wonderful experience in learning and diversity. " It was where she learned that strong people of either sex do best with the cooperation of the other. This held true through marriage and her business experiences . Studying comparative government, law, economic systems and special education instilled in her the value of understanding how and why others do things as they do.
However, my offer concerns, if we receive this grant ( which I will know by June/July) the opportunity to offer some of your international and American ITC students to visit the West of Ireland/or work experience. Sadly, I will not be in a position to offer a wage, but for long-term (4-12 week's minimum) students. I can offer free accommodations and meals in my house. Shorter stay-ers can be put up in the local B&B nearby. As we will employ seasonal staff only, there may be an opening for a paid full-time assistant post for six months in 2003 (Ire/and hosts the Special Olympics World Games!). Also, naturally, if you had a local team participating in the Games, we will find you sound accommodation. So, talk to me. There may be ways to accommodate all sorts of needs, work-holidays and other inspirations or aspirations. Don't forget to light a candle for my dream to come true. I know well myself that Ireland, especially the West, if full of /airy-tales. Luckily enough, the real fairies come with them. love and blessings, Tina Schmill ITC Graduate
*** I apologizefor not having written for such a long time. I have been very busy with my work. and now it takes me a lot of time to write in English. I tried to write a letter many times, but I cou/dn 't complete any of them. lots of unfinished letters are sleeping in the drawer of my desk I presume that you are all getting along well. Thank you very much for the invitation of the Instructor Training Course Reunion. Unfortunately I can't attend the reunion because I'm moving from I /okkaido to my hometown Kamakura, near Tokyo, and going to get married this summer. Please say hallo lo everyone. I enclosed a copy of newspaper that is my riding lesson .for handicapped children. I've enjoyed work with them. A.IlerI move new place, I 'II try to do riding/or handicapped again.
leave this wonderful place, I take with me each of your spirits and know my life has been enriched because of all of you. Peace to all, Ann Bailey (We 'IIall miss you, Annie, and those sweet girls, but we know that you 're headed off into a grand adventure with your new husband and new life in Pennsylvania. Best of luck and lots of love!)
STAFF PRORLES . .. JOHN, JUDIE, JACKSON, JOEL AND KAINE DRISCOLL The Driscolls have been part of the High Hopes family as our part-time caretakers for three and a half years. Judie also works in the office part-time as an Administrative Assistant/Receptionist (and computer wizard). John is a graduate of the University of New Haven with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. He recently completed courses at UConn and has received his certification as a Master Gardener. He has been employed full-time at Connecticut College for over twelve years, working half of the year in the Grounds Department and the other half of the, year in Dayton Arena (where he drives the Zamboni!) Judie graduated from Tunxis Community College with an Associate's Degree in Legal Studies. She was employed in the Legal Department at ESPN and pursuing her Bachelor's in Mass Communication at Quinnipaic College, when she decided to take a break from school to focus on raising Jackson and Joel. The Mighty Kaine is a seven year old Boston Terrier who loves his family, enjoys chasing balls and sticks, playing with his boys, and scaring away our resident geese. But his very favorite pass-time is trying to catch soap bubbles blown for him by his mom.
I hope that you are all has a lot ofgood luck and a happy life. Yourfriend, Rio Watanabe ITC Graduate (Rio, it's GREAT lo hear from you ! We all miss you. And CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement. We all hope that you and your fiancee have a long, happy and healthy life together. Don't forget to send pictures!) Dear High Hopes Family, Thank you! Thank you! Those words could never adequate~v describe the heartfelt gratitude that lives in my heart for each and every one of you. I have been blessed by the most precious of gifts -your time. 1 truly believe that the time we give to another human being is the reason we are on this earth. Thank you for your support and understanding. As I
The Driscofls
(Photo Credit: Melissa Everett)
r;;;;;;;:tsnirirciiiiMEMBERS;;;;,DR l
ON . .. NORM
f If you support therapeutic
Iii is for you!
Norm ' s real name is "Crazy For You, " and that's what High Hopes and our riders and volunteers have become over this 14. l 1/2 grey Connemara/Quarter Horse cross gelding.
Benefits of Spirit Club membership include:
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Quiet and easy-going , Norm arrived here in the Summer of 2001. A successful hunt.seat show pony in New York, he won many championships for his riders. After that career, he went on to help a young rider who had lost her confidence on another horse. After nurturing her for a couple of years, she was ready to move on to more challenges, so Norm looked around for someone else to help. Lucky for us, he picked High Hopes!
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Membership pin
Subscription to NARHA Strides magazine (4 issues) Subscription to NARHA News (8 issues) Access to the NARHA Membership web site area
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Volunteer recognition awards program
Rider recognition awards program
A subscription to The Stall Street Journal (4 issues)
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With his extensive show career , Norm is utterly unflappable . He is calm about trailering and going places, which is great because he has done several demonstrations offsite, the most recent of which was with Kitty at UConn. Lucky Norm has been adopted by Betz Haartz through our annual appeal Adopt-A-Horse program.
riding in any way, this membership
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NARHA Conference Scholarship Program
; If you join Spirit Club through High Hopes, $5 is ; automatically donated to our center. Join by June 30, 2002 and the membership fee is ONLY $20. (Starting July 1, the ; membership fee is $25.) 111.isapplies to new members only, not renewing members.
I fI
II ' For every 50 Spirit Club Memberships sent to NARHA by I f High Hopes , NARHA will give us a free 2002 NARHA I ~
, Conference registration to the national conference in Virginia ~ (a $400 value!). I
~ To join, just fill out a membership application attached to the ' Spirit Club Member poster located on the bulletin board at ~ High Hopes. You can also join by visiting the NARHA ' website (www .narha.org) , or call NARHA at I-800-369-7433 and get your membership over the phone with a credit card
,/~2'2'1;!!:.Z'l/l.'l/l/l,'l/.ttr/.l!r/l,'1,Z,,,W/I/AW-l.:.r..'l/l..:l/l,W/.,XI/I/I/IXl'✓M'M'~J"/I/I/M'I/I/J. VOLUNTEER ORIENTA llONS "Crazy For You" (Portrait by Jean Barrows)
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Yes, we know that the Wish List usually doesn't appear until Christmas, but there are just some things that the horses can ' t ~ wait to ask for, and we didn't want to disappoint them... $~
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Sprinkler system for the indoor arena Another set of bleachers
Arena lights
Remodel/expansion of the equipment shed
New footing for the arena
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Window treatments for the building Snow-removal equipment
ii JI $
Saturday, June 8, 10:00 AM Wednesday, June 12, 5:00 PM Saturday, August 24, 10:00 AM
High Hopcs ' s "Welcome Team" is a growing group of helpful folks whose job it is to make sure that everyone who comes through our doors feels welcome. The team is made up of volunteers and staff members who greet visitors in the reception area by our front entry. "Welcome Team" members include volunteers Sally Aubrey, Lee Holstein, Beth Olmstead, Laureen Scranton and Ann Traylor, · and staff members Carol Brining and Judie Driscoll.
We are actively recruiting volunteen to be "Welcome Team" members. Carol and Judie work with new team members to give them an opportunity to learn about High
Hopes and how to help the peopl e they meet and greet. New team members are taught how to use our phone system and assist in answering our phones , with an emphasis on the same need for being as helpful as possible and making people glad that they called High Hopes.
storage area under the indoor mounting ramp, and created a pulley system to secure a first aid kit in one of the sheds .
In his "spare" time, Chris sidewalks and polishes his horsehandling skills. He even won our coveted Barn Volunteer of the Year Award in 2001 !
Our goal is to have a ·'Welcome Team" member on duty from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm, Monday through Friday , and for variable hours on Saturday and Sunday, year-round. The most important qualification for a "Welcome Team " member is an understanding of the importance of a welcoming presence at our front desk. While we sometimes have administrative tasks on which help is needed , we rely first on '·Welcome Team " members to be "at their post " (as one of them describes it), and ready to be of help in person or over the phone .
What does a volunteer need in order to be a ··welcome Team " member? A love of people , the ability to meet new people in person and over the phone, and a desire to help High Hopes ensure that everyone who approaches us feels welcome and like a part of the family!
If you are interested in becoming a " Welcome Team " member (and we hope that you are!) , please contact Kristin Mason, our Volunteer Coordinator, at 860-434-1974 , extension 18.
Chris Coyle
Please join us in welcoming these new members of the High Hopes volunteer family: Sharon Barnaby , Andrea Blundon, Christopher Camey , Elizabeth Clark-Garvey , Linda Comstock , Caitlin Courtney , Annie Curtis , Donna Dagrosa , Nikole Dagrosa , Angela Davenport, Christina Denison, Sarah Destefano , Ann DiCicco , Margaret Drummond, Kimberly Falvey , Karena Garrity , Paul Garrity, Joline Grieder (welcome back!) , Leslie Hall , Phyllis Hobson , Erin Jansen , Hannah Kahn, Jennifer Kearney , MaryBeth Keefe , Beth King, Jenna Klinck , Amanda Kokoszka , Kathleen Kozey, Kathe Lauterbach-Bell , Carolee LeBlanc , Melissa LeBlanc , Cindy MacNeil , Colleen Mason , Melissa Mason , Anne McHutchison, Alysa Mullen , Mary Kate Mundell , Carol Musante , Ashley Fairchild Page, Danielle Page , Jenifer Page, Carolyn Pascarelli, Cindi Richards , Rita Rohrberg , Marian Sanko, Laurie Seer, Ashley Sperry, Sandy Stiephaudt, Rosemary Theriaque , Sharon Waldie , Nancy Watkinson, Rachel Wertheimer , and Emma Willenborg.
(Photo Credit: Melissa Everett)
Chris Coyle is probably the closest thing High Hopes has to a Renaissance Man. If there's something he doesn't know how to do, we haven't discovered it yet. Chris is responsible for such innovations as water purifiers and hot water guards on our faucets , and emergency lighting and toilet paper roll keys in our bathrooms. At the request of his wife (and High Hopes instructor) Patti, he created a special "seat cushion " for one of our riders. And he' s the mastermind behind much of our "Sensory Trail ," including the tetherball the ball hoop, and the much-loved Noodle Forest. He built a
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The crews from AIC who helped unload and stack our hay: Jennifer Alaimo, Rondell Anderson , James Carnelly , Eddy Cartegena, Jared Chafee, Paul Chagnon, John Collen , Anthony D'erocle, Wendy DesJardins, Matthew Ferris , Sarah Gacioch, Derek Hamlin, Jesse Hunter , Jr., Eric Kratfelt, Jonathan Luiz, James McCartJ1y, Erin O 'Donnell , Robert Nevico, Tanner Priest , Matt Serra, Thomas Shea, Kenneth St. Paul, and Steven Toledo , Benny Vazquez, Patricia Villone, Mark Wyzykowski , and (as always) fearless leader Ken Ahnell. Our helpers from St. Patrick 's Church in Mystic : Colin Cooper, Caroline Georgetti , Laura McCabe , Catherine Schmitz, Debra L. Schmitz , Paul T. Schmitz , Sarah Schmitz, and Lauren Stine. The following folks, who pitched in on the daunting task of sealing nearly 3000 newsletters: Barbara Abrams, Eleanor Bonafonte , Carol Brining, James Gilchrist , Carolyn and John Jagielski, Beth Olmstead and Kate Place . Thanks to Petra Shearer for sharing her office volunteers , to Harry Slifer for taking the newsletters to the post office , and to Judie Driscoll for batching them. Becky Czlapinski for britches and books. Michele Neuroth for tack and gloves. Joan Mulkey for bridle nametags. The Zuppe family for Nesquick Hot Chocolate Mix. Ruth and Roy Craven at the Clipper Ship Book Store for the book "Horses and Horsemanship Through The Ages." Heather Harrison for books and resource materials. Linda Almeida for bridle name tags.
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Kate and Anne Nichols for stuffed horse "Brussel Sprouts." Martie Sanger for two books on the Frick Family Art Collection and Homes. Lytt Gould for several books and carbon paper. Debbie Ament de Nunez for feed bags . Kitty Stalsburg for a bridle tag . Petra Shearer for two gallons of com oil and coffee . Heather FIYJl:Ilfor tack and a trunk . John Rexroad for six sets of rainbow reins, a short set for Smokey , and 36 double-ended leads. Helene Fenger for a First Aid stretcher cover. Richard Donelly at Heska Corp. for ten vials of Flu Avert nasal vaccine. Martha Crenshaw for an Aussie saddle , saddle pad, and breast plate. Nancy Kindell for books. Fife & Drum for shavings. Susan Strait for Engage supplement for Imus. Mr. and Mrs. James Moran for 400 wine bottle openers for Symphony in the Meadows. Bill Nelligan for text books. Jane Samuels for a muck bucket and cart. George and Kelly McPhee who, on the occasion of George's surprise 40 th birthday party , requested that in lieu of gifts , donations be made to the George C. Cain Memorial Fund at High Hopes. Kristin Elliott Leas for books. Therese Popinchalk for helmet covers. Dawn and Bill Nelligan for arts and crafts supplies. Judy and Alex Lightfoot for the book "I Wanna Take Me A Picture. " Susan Johnson for a metal saddle rack. Source , Inc. for four buckets of Source. Whitney Viola for three pair of black britches. Carolyn Guptill for bandage cotton for leg wraps . Farnam Companies for five cases of Perforrnax Ration Maximizer. Collyn Herel and his grandfather Burt Chapman, for horse care supplies. The Scouts who worked on the grounds and facility with John Sturges: Benjamin Baylis , Cody Butler , Benjamin Rackliffe , Steven Schoppaul , and Thomas Smith .
DON'T BEA FASHION OUTCAST! Jazz up your summer wardrobe with High Hopes logo items! You'll draw appreciative stares on the streets of Old Lyme, London, and Rome in your classy High Hopes clothing.
Adult Sizes POLOS: Grey shortsleeved in XL, L - $30 (ON SALE!) Tan shortsleeved in XXL , XL, L - $35 Green shortsleeved in XXL , XL , L, M - $35 Grey sleeveless in XL - $20 (ON SALE!)
T-SHIRTS: Purple in XL - $12 (ON SALE!) Tan in XXL , XL, L, M, and S- $15 Green in XL , L, M, and S - $15
SWEATSHIRTS: Green crewneck in XL and L - $30 Baseball-style caps in khaki and green - $15 High Hopes lapel pins - $2
Children's Sizes T-SHIRTS: Purple L, M, and S - $10 (ON SALE!) Tan in L, M, and S - $12 Green in L, M, and S - $12
SWEATSHIRTS: Green crewneck in Mand S - $15 (ON SALE!)
Other Merchandise High Hopes Volunteer Thermal Mugs- $5 High Hopes Volunteer Totes - $10 High Hopes mini-notebook/portfolios - $12
Eclipse (Photo Cree.fit: Carol Gilchrist)
PROGRAMNEWS by Kitty Stalsburg
by A6son Zack Danell Greetings of Sum.mer to everyone in the High Hopes family! As we anticipate our summer programs and activities in our new facility, I want to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" again to all of you who participated in the Capital Campaign to expand and renovate the Sis Gould Center for Therapeutic Riding. Our Center is unique and beautiful, and we are so very proud of our wonderful community that is the life of High Hopes. Our latest mark of distinction is that we are now one of the North American Riding for the Handicapped ' s (NARHA) Premier Accredited Therapeutic Riding Centers! This means that we are recognized nationwide , through NARHA Premier Accredited Center status, as being one of the leading therapeutic riding ceniers in the country. The accreditation process is voluntary, and of the 718 NARHA member centers, 164 of them are Accredited at the Premier status. Our history with NARHA goes back to our humble beginnings. Sis Gould was on the NARHA Board of Directors soon after High Hopes (then called the Lower Connecticut Valley Educational Riding Association - L.C .V.E.RA.) was incorporated. She was followed by longstanding High Hopes program volunteer and Board member, Judy Lightfoot , who became a NARHA Board member and, eventually , President of the NARHA Board Our most recent NARHA representation and "claim to fame" is having High Hopes ' s Program Director, Kitty Stalsburg, serving as President of the NARHA Board. It seems to run in the family , this leadership thing! Both Judy Lightfoot and Kitty are also NARHA trained site visitors. They volunteer their time to conduct site visits for the NARHA accreditation process. They are joined by High Hopes ' s Barn Manager Kristin Elliott Leas , Assistant Program Director , Dawn Nelligan, and Advanced Instructor Patti Coyle as site visitors.
The twelve weeks of the spring program have flown by! We welcomed a brand new school group that comes all the way from Coventry Middle School for a six-week session. The 2002 Summer Camp Program is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever. Great care and consideration was taken in planning the integration of our camp program. Due to summer growing 2001 ...
VERY popular demand, we have expanded our weekly riding program tremendously this year , from thirty-five riders for a four-week program in to nearly SEVEN1Y riders in 2002!
Plans will soon be underway for scheduling our fall classes. If you or your rider have specific scheduling requirements or changes for the upcoming semester , please be sure to let me know by early summer. With our ever-growing program (and barn) needs , we are always reaching out to recruit and train new volunteers . If you've never tried volunteering at High Hopes, I strongly urge you to come for a visit. I think that you'll love what you find. If you have a friend who might be interested in lending a hand, bring them along! We' d love to meet them! Are you part of a group that would enjoy a visit from a High Hopes staff person (or our therapy "pets" - Smokey and Chelsea)? We offer talks on many different topics related to Therapeutic Riding, and would enjoy the opportunity to meet you and share our knowledge.
As we face the second half of 2002 (already!), I find myself wanned by the continued presence , participation and support of so many High Hopes family members. You are the reason we are here ... and the reason that we can continue to do what we do. You encourage us to strive to become the best that we can be, to surpass old standards. For that , and for so many other things , I thank you.
Site visits to other programs give our staff knowledge and inspiration, creative ideas , and a frame of reference for always improving upon what we do for our riders and horses. Having active representation at the NARHA level brings a world of good to the heart of High Hopes - our Mission. It enables us to not only be standard bearers for our therapeutic riding services, but it keeps our staff and volunteers striving for excellence and professionalism in our field. Our leadership and participation at the national level is an important part of our history. I am very proud of and want to thank our Board and Staff members who volunteer their time, over and above their High Hopes duties, to keep High Hopes visible and on the leading edge of the field of therapeutic riding.
Rocky with Casey and Lois Snyder
(Photo Credit: Kristin Elliott leas)
SPECl4l THANKS TO ESSEX SAVINGS BANK'S COMMUNITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM -AND YOU! by Helene Fenqer For the se,·enth year in a row. Essex Savings Bank invited its customers in tl1e Essex. Old Saybrook and Old Lyme service areas to ,·ote for U1eir favorite nonprofit or community de, ·elopment organization . Fifty-eight nonprofit organizations were listed on the ballot. and 6.317 votes were cast. Thanks to tl1e entl1usiastic participation of our many friends who are customers of Essex Savings Bank, High Hopes came in third, receiving 305 votes and $2,271 - our largest award to date! These much needed funds will be used toward tllerapeutic riding scholarships for tlle more tllan 50% of our riders who require financial assistance to participate in our programs .
HATS OFF TO ... . .. our good friends Leslie and Richard Strauss of Century 21 Heritage Company, located al 1 Main Street in Chester! 1n conjunction witll tlle Town of Chester, their office participated in a community-wide tag sale on May 25. High Hopes was selected by employees of Century 21 Heritage Company to receive the proceeds from tlleir office's tag sale, thanks to a nomination by High Hopes volunteer and Century 21 Heritage employee Karena Garrity. To everyone who participated in tlle sale by donating or purchasing items. and to our good friends at Century 21 Heritage Company - thank you for Utinking of tlle riders and horses of High Hopes.
by Kitty Stalsburq An awards reception for the lop ten recipients was held at tlle
Plains Road. Essex Branch of Essex Savings Bank on April 10. and it was truly an honor for us lo stand among our peers and accept Ulis wonderful. generous contribution . We are grateful to Essex Savings Bank for supporting local nonprofits in tllis unique way. and we extend our heartfelt tllanks to all of vou for voting for us once again. How fortunate we are lo be pan of a community where businesses and indi\'iduals \\Ork together to make a dilierence .
OUR WEBSITE IS UP AND RUNNING! by Helene Fenqer We arc proud to announce U1c completion of our website! Please visit us at www .highhopestr .org and sec what's new. A very special thanks to two long time High Hopes friends who patiently took our ideas. photos and drawings. and created a terrific. user-friendly site - Liz Michalski of Gryphon Media and Bob Vankcirsbilck of Long Cat Grnphics. Staff members Melissa Everett and Judie Driscoll will post information on U1c What's New ,Uld Ca/emlar pages in tl1c monU1sto come. For your convenience. we have included a Forms & Applicati<ms page where you may download applications for our U1crapeutic riding programs or our Instructor Trnining Course. You may also send us email with questions or comments at Ilic following address:
info@highhopestr.org. We hope you find our website infonnativc and easy to navigate. If you have difficulty accessing the site. or have specific questions about its content. please feel free to call me at High Hopes at 860-434-1974. extension 22.
NARH.Ahonored High Hopes by choosing it as tl1esite for the first Advanced On-Site Certification . Three levels of certification are offered for instructors: Registered. Advanced and Master. Until U1e event in April, only tlle Registered certification was offered via tlle on-site metllod. NARHA is striving to raise professional competency in tlle field by ensuring tllat instructor candidates meet tlle criteria of tl1c level of certification tlley are seeking. UntiJ now, Advanced certification had been achieved by successfully passing a written exam and subrnitting a multi-pan video. The on-site process turns tllis into a live evaluation of teaclung and a demonstration of proficiency. Five participants visited High Hopes to be evaluated on teaching, riding, stable management, lunging. and to take a written exam. Many High Hopes participants volunteered to take part in tlle 20-rninute lessons during the certification process.
CONFERENCE by Kitty Stalsburq
High Hopes proudly hosted tllc NARHA Region l Conference April 19 - 21. Over one hundred and twenty people attended from all over tlle Northeast. th
The afternoon of tlle 19 began with a Reunion for tlle graduates of our numerous Instructor Training Courses. (To date. we have graduated 75 students.) High Hopes staff and retunling instructors enjoyed a lunch catered by Cloud Nine in Old Saybrook. Keynote speaker was rider parent and Special Education Specialist Kim Swan. who rerninded us of tlle value High Hopes has to Ule families we serve. She encouraged us to remember tl1e viewpoints of the participants. farnilies and caregi\'ers. Reunion attendees spent tlle rest of tl1e afternoon on horseback. catching up on news. and having fun. The Region I Conference kicked off iliat evening witll lectures on games and activities in ilie arena and desensitizing tlle horse. A Center Accreditation Training (CAT) was held for
centers Uiat ,viii ex-perience the accreditation process Ulis year. On Saturday. participants chose from three tracks: Disabilities. The Horse. and Business and Administration. The day was perfect for enjoying t11esensory trail during a break . and the speakers were phenomenal! The Wine and Cheese Networking on Saturday evening aJlowed everyone sufficient time to meet and mingle. On Sunday morning, groups worked on longlining and exercises. unmounted actiYities. and volunteer management Thank you to all who made Ulis weekend a success. (The best news is that our newly renovated facility easily accommodated a crowd of Ulis size. Visitors were delighted to tour the facility and we enjoyed sharing. We're already planning for the next ''big " conference!)
led to another, and Smokey made the journey with llis entourage in tow. Smokey was a true "matinee idol" as he stood quietly during the interview taping . Unfortunately, the cameras failed to capture llis better side - none of llis gorgeous mane was showing! Smokey has plans to continue making visits in the community. His next trip will be in June. to our wonderful neigl1bors at tl1eLymes ' Senior Center.
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE AT HIGH HOPES Kristin Mason, who worked so hard as one of tlle part-time Barn Crew. hasjoined our full-time staff as ilie new Volunteer Coordinator . This position focuses on volunteer management. and includes a substantial teaching component Please join us in welcoming Kristin to her new position!
Dr. Jonathan Jeffrey works on Poncho at the Region 1 Conference (Photo Credit: Kristin Elliott Leas)
UCONN 2002
EQUINE SYMPOSIUM by Kitty Stalsburg
High Hopes rider Kate Nichols and her equine pal Norm participated in t11erecent Equine Symposium at UCONN in Storrs. Nonn , unfazed by the numerous drnft horses strutting ilieir rather big stuff. remained his usual calm. unflappable self. Kate, ever U1estar. played the crowd as she demonstrated her skills. High Hopes volunteers and staff were instrumental in maintaining a booth at t11e exhibition hall. A lecture presentation providing an overview of 1l1erapcutic Riding was given as part of the educational aspect of the symposium. Aliliough attendance was a bit light. it was a wonderful opportunity for High Hopes to be visible in t11e equine community .
Kristin Mason and buddy Ben (Photo Credit: Kristin ~lliott Leas)
AND. we gleefully welcome back Heather Rice to our Barn Crew! She's been busy with school. instructing , and raising her ADORABLE son Christopher wit11her husband James. but even Uiat full plate couldn ¡1 keep her away from High Hopes for long.
PET TALK by Kitty Stalsburg Our very own star. Smokey. made his teleYision debut on
Cliannel 12' s PET TALK. When 1 was invited to speak about Therapeutic Riding, I was asked if iliere was a special "pet'¡ that I might like to bring along to ilie sJ1ow. Well. one Uling
Heather with her favorite mare, lady (Photo Credit: Kristin EHiott Leas)
Richard and two West Highland White Terriers. She has two married children, and one grandchild
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W<! mourn the loss of Pete Pierson, High Hopes's first Board President. Time took Pete away from southeastern Connecticut, but he never forgot us. In fact, he returned as Guest of Honor for our 25 th Anniversary. To quote High Hopes volunteer and former Board Member Joseph N . Greene, Jr., "Pete had an infinite capacity for compassion, and the capacity to make a difference in the world." to rider Jonathan Recor and his family on the death of his paternal grandmother , Hazel F. Recor. to instructor Erica Stachura and her family on the death of her grandfather. to rider Kelsey Fournier and her family on the death of "Grandma Betty" Kane. to the friends andfamily of Carroll Boynton.
Words cannot express my appreciation for the opportunity that you gave us in visiting your outstanding facility . My students and staff were not only in awe of the beautiful horses, but in the kindness you shared with us while we were there. Smokey and Ann are both gentle souls who brought out the best in my students. Some of my students have never been that close to a pony and Ann 's calming demeanor made all the difference in the world. Her patience and understanding of my students made the experience one that they will always remember. She is truly outstanding in her role. Please share with her my appreciation and the kids' observation that "she 's cool. " Thanks again for the great t-shirts and hats. It was a great treat and will remind us all of our wonderful day.
CONGRA TlflA noNS! ♦
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to Lee Holstein (and able midwife Beth Olmstead) on the delivery of eight black Labrador puppies over the course of THREE days! Mamadog and babies are doing well, and Lee is finally getting some sleep. to Kenny and Theresa at Coffee's Deli on their engagement. One thing's for certain -- no one in that family is ever going to starve. to Kelley Cahill on the birth of her daughter Chloe . to Ann Bailey and John Gardner on their engagement. to Kate Tyler on her birthday present - a pony named Jack Frost!
Sincerely, Susan Baier
••• I wanted to take a moment to thank al/ of you for organizing the Instructor Certification Workshop and Exam. I appreciated the opportunity to go through the testing process on site. I also enjoyed visiting your center and your hospitality . I am tru(v honored to become a participating member of the therapeutic riding field . The work being done with children and adults throughout the U.S. is profound. I am looking forward to offering therapeutic riding opportunities to the atrisk children in my community. 1hank y ou for your support and assistance in preparing for the exam.
Katharine Howe Gildersleeve (or Koko) is one of our two new Board Members. A graduate of Connecticut College with a BA in Art History , Koko worked as a travel consultant in New Haven and Milford, and as a docent at the Wadsworth Atheneum. She is heavily involved as a volunteer , with the largest part of her time being donated to The Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut (where she is on the Board and Grants Committee) , serving as PT A Cultural Arts Coordinator in New Haven, Outreach and the Children 's Ministry Boards in church, and High Hopes where she serves not only on the Board, but as a program volunteer . She has been with High Hopes since I 996. Her main interests include travel , writing children's stories , and gardening . She lives in Stonington with her husband
Best Regards, Cherie Ansin Harmony Farm, Inc .
••• I lope you 're al/ really well at High Hopes and thanks for your newsletter and the ITC-reunion invitation, which I unfortunately will not be able to attend, but please give my love to all of my recent new buddy's . I have an offer to make in respect of my proposed Riding Therapy Centre. As it is, things with receiving financial grant-aid are looking very positive at the moment. We, as well as our partner (in Northern Ireland) will hand in the final application for this unique joint "cross-border " project (for three years) by mid-March 2002. Please say a prayer for us you all. We might just qualify for it.I
At The Travelers Insurance Companies , she enjoyed a 28-year career in infonnation systems, experiencing first-hand the evolution from punch card technology to today's personal computers and telecommuting . She married Bill Shearer in 1980. They moved to Westbrook in 1988 and enjoyed their life together until Bill's death in 1997 from emphysema . Service has always been a part of Petra's life. She has been involved in church work, the Business and Professional Women's Club of Hartford, Inc., the Data Processing Management Association, as well as High Hopes. "I have had many occasions to experience service as a two-way street ," says Petra. "Probably most dramatically in the support I received from the High Hopes family when I joined the list of breast cancer survivors in 1994." The emphases in her life? In Petra's own words: "The importance of faith and being involved in a faith community , keeping physically and mentally active , keeping a focus on what is really imponant, staying in touch with the many folks I've come to care for over the years , music of all sorts and some piano work, reading, UCONN Women ' s ,Basketball, some historical projects forever on the proverbial back burner , gardening, caring_for my pets , and locating the cousins who are now my immediate family."
since the Fall of 2000, his history includes hunte r horse shows, and Qtwter Horse Congress, trail work and hunte r paces . His mom is very supportive of his involvement with High Hopes, and sent us 50 lbs. of carrots and 36 lbs. of apples during the holidays for Imus to share with his friends .
Our big boy is very laid back and gentle. As soon as some of the other horses discovered this, they started taking advantage of him. He finally found a good friend in anothc.r of our grey horses . Caleb is just a kid at heart and loves to play , so Imus joins right in. He' s definitely NOT a "morning person." Although he is never cranky , Imus doesn 't always want to eat his healthy portion of "cereal, " but would rather leave it until later . Maybe he ' s waiting for the morning paper and a cup of coffee?
KRISTIN ELUOTT LEAS Born in Westbrook, Kristin grew up on her parents ' farm breeding and raising Thoroughbreds. She started riding at three years old, and received her first pony when she was four. "Red'' was a fresh little chestnut Shetland pony with a mind of his own. Kristin explains, "I eventually learned to just hold on, and he would stop once he got to the gate ."
As she grew, Kristin moved on to training young.horses . She began riding huntseat and then joined the Connecticut Valley Pony Club, which emphasizes eventing. She graduated H-A level in Pony Club, and is still actively involved, teaching the winter lesson program, games, and her own summer camp . She has competed through the Preliminary level, eventing on a homebred horse . A graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a B.S . in Dairy and Animal Science, Kristin is working on a Masters in Agricultural and Extension Education . She lives in Westbrook with her husband Mark, dog Chelsea, and cat Sadie. Chelsea is a Delta Society Pet Partner , which enables her and Kristin to do home and hospital visitations, when she isn 't at High Hopes working to keep the fields free of Canadian geese.
SPOTLIGHT ON . . . IMUS "I'm a Success" is an eighteen year old, grey Quarter Horse gelding that stands 16.1 hands. On free lease to High Hopes
Imus (Photo Credit: Kristin Elliott Leas)
When we reported the passing of our beloved Apple Jack, we were moved by the outpouring of love and remembrance that came our way :
Patient. Kind Careful. He was that part of High Hopes. My condolences to all of Apple Jack's friends . - Cathy Piscitelli ITC graduate I' m very sorry to hear about the loss of AJ. He was a dear sweet pony, who really seemed to enjoy his job and his life.
I'll miss hearing that nicker every time you come to the field or his stall with his grain or a treat to put in his bucket. He was a special guy and I'll miss him. --Amanda Burgin ITC graduate A very dependable pony Playful Pony we will never forget Loved to be let out into the pasture after a long day at work Everyday he gave it his best
Just the right size for beginner riders Ate his food (with no teeth/) Cute as can be Kids and adults loved him to pieces
AJ was a 28 year old pony. small in stature, unassuming in presence, but whose worth was immeasurable. The passing of AJ, as with any therapy horse, is a tremendous loss, as replacing them is no easy task. AJ enriched many lives and comfort is found in knowing that his spirit lives on in the hearts of all his riders and all those who were blessed to have worked with and cared for him. It was a privilege to be by his side as he bid us fa rewell. Ride free, Mr. Nickers. Ride free. - Linda Almeida Barn Staff and Friend We were so very saddened to hear of the loss of dear Apple Jack. Joshua still talks about Apple Jack and has many happy memories with him. He will be truly missed!!
He surely will be missed!!!
Fondly, Joshua, Jennifer & Harry Tramontano
-- Michelle Suarez ITC graduate So long, old friend. You have run the road so many times. Always the first choice for many new riders because we knew that in you we had the absolute stoicism to meet any challenge. Countless are the times that you were burdened with that crying, first-time rider - who, within mere seconds astride your steady beat, would quiet and relax. Your size, your gait, your temperament combined made you a star. Your spirit made you so much more. For yearl; you have shared this gift with us . .. so much so that we have forgotten to say thank you enough. And now it is too late. Thank you for your early morning nickers, for your slow, dogged pace until the half-hour was up and it was time to line up. Thank you for the sight of a happy gallop into the back forty, especially when we thought for sure you cou/dn 't move another step. Thank you for so many of those first rides, for taking care and walking gingerly. There will never be another Apple Jack. Your hoof marks are simply too big lo fill. Happy Journey, Old Friend. - Kitty Stalsburg Program Director While each of our horses is special in its own way, there was definitely something extra-special about Apple Jack. And it wasn't the sort of thing you can easily identify or define. Some of it was the obvious care he took of each rider lucky enough to be put upon his back. Some of it was his stoicism in the face of well, everything. Some of it was that little gleam of mischief you'd see in his eye Just before this "old man" took off at a canter to Join his paddock mates. Some of it was his nicker of welcome and inquiry - "Good morning! Are there treats in your pocket by any chance?" And some of it was an indescribable sense of the mighty spirit housed in that small body. I feel honored to have known him, and honored lo call him my friend. We've said goodbye for now, AJ, but I will never , ever forget you. -- Melissa Everett Program Administrator
Attention all High Hopes Family Members: We are actively seeking artwork to grace the pages of our Demonstration Days and Annual Horse Show Program. In past years, you've been wonderful about bending your talents to our needs, and we hope that you'll help us again. Artists of all ages are welcome to submit their work. Please use pencil or a dark ink, and let your imaginations soar! In the past we've had pictures of people riding, horses flying, and all sorts of wonderful things. The pictures are one of the highlights of the Demonstration Days and Annual Horse Show Program. Year after year, people tell us how much they enjoy them. Please help us delight our audience once again by letting your creative juices flow! Please submit your pictures to Melissa by May I, 2002. Thank you!
Last year, many local businesses and individuals graciously donated items to be raffled at our Annual Horse Show. We offered books, videos, flowers and horse paraphernalia. The raffle was a HUGE success, not to mention a lot of fun! Plans are in the works to do it again this year, and we'd like your help. If you would like to donate an item to the raffle, please bring it to High Hopes by Monday, May 27 and leave it with Melissa. And don't forget to attach your name and address so we can send you a thank you!
Marni Adamson is a lot like Santa Claus. She's very quiet and goes out of her way to not draw attention to herself, but you can always tell she's been around by the smiles she leaves behind,andthe sheer amount of WORK that's been done.
General Orientations: March 20-5:30 PM April 18 - 5:30 PM June 8 - 10:00 AM June 12 - 5:00 PM
A High Hopes volunteer for the past four years, Marni is an indispensable part of our family. Always willing to help, she has filled the roles of horsehandler, sidewalker, and barn crew with equal talent, dignity and grace. Marni is truly a case of the quintessential still waters running deep . 1bere's a lot more going on here than people realize. She is extremely spiritual, and very much involved with her Native American heritage. Her heart knows no limits when it comes to her animal friends, and they respond in kind. As do we all Thanks for being a part of our lives, Marni.
Barn & Barn Buddy Orientations: March 23 - 2:00 PM April 27 - 2:00 PM
WELCOME NEW VOLUNTEERS/ Please join us in welcoming these new members of the High Hopes volunteer family: Debbie A Ament de Nunez, Meredyth Arcoria, Avery Awwa, Cory Awwa, Patricia Bandtlow, Suzanne Berthier, Stephani Bischof, Robin Brewer, Sean Callahan, Maria Caraballo, Danielle Chaffee , Michele Chaffee, Richard Cooch, Sam Dix, Cara Finan, Michael Flippen, Rachel Genesky, Carol Gill, Remy Goldberg, Erica Govednik, Emily Hanink, Melissa Heide, Allie Herman, Douglas Hochron, Elizabeth House, Kayleigh Ingraham, Andrea Isaacs, Anne Kearney, Gay Kepple, Joanne Kraska, Allison Lazarus, Ariel Lewellyn, Teri Lewis, Stacey Liebow, Erica Merrick, Holly Mick, Gabrielle Nunez, Vanessa Olsen, Veronica Olsen, Christine Perkins, Kathy Pizz.agalli, Christa Pizzoferrato , Nick Pizzoferrato, Liz Sasson, Laureen Wilcox Scranton, Laura Sohre, Larry Terwilliger, Denise Timoney , Karen Thompson, Ann Traylor, Nikkie Turner , Amanda Way and Steven John Weisenburger.
Marni and Lady (Photo Credit: Kristin Elliott Leas)
VOLUNTEERS Are you happy in your volunteer role? Would you like to learn more? If you would like to expand your horizons and learn more about any aspect of your volunteer experience, please let our staff know. We are happy to provide individual or small group training sessions in sidewalking techniques , grooming, tacking and horse handling.
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The cadets from the United States Coast Guard Academy for including High Hopes in their Day of Caring: Joel Aber , John Anderson, Bernard Auth, Nicholas Bagwell , Krysten Benjamin, Ken Burgess , Byron Creech, Julia Downs, Derek Fine, Justin Forbes , Victoria Futch, Catherine Gabinelle , Douglas Grave, Jason Haag, D. J. Harneloth, Jonathan Harris, Josiah Hill, Gordon Hood, Tasha Hood, Ian Hurst, Peter Igoe, Elizabeth Johnson, Peter Kardas, Alexander Kim, Gabriel Kruug, Lindsey LeFebvre, Russ Mathis, Stephen McKnight, Paulius Mikalainis, Brian Monaghan, Dominique Mooring, Matt Sam Nelson, Michael Newell, Keidi Mothander, Niemann, Cara Maile Norman, Roland Orr, James Pafford, Sean Peterson, Tracey Richards, Dana Rupprecht, Ashly Schilling, Connor Sullivan, Colleen Tolle, Jason Vera, Pamela Wade, John Walters , Ryan Watt, and Stephanie Weidner. Beth Olmstead and Michelle Russo for sealing newsletters. Kristin Elliott Leas for labels. Petra Shearer for a cordless mouse , bleach, com oil, coffee , filters , and a portable CD player .
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Judie Driscoll for mums. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of SE New England for providing soda for CL&P volunteers for the United Way Day of
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Gary Borla for notepads, hot and cold cups , a thennal lunch bag, pens, and the foresight to ask for the abovementioned soda Joe Beshara at the Uptite Company for Uptite Poultice . Paul Finan for counting a huge jar of coins. Salem Country Gardens for a discount on two benches for our foyer. Lewitz, Balosie, Wollack, Rayner & Giroux, LLC for a deep discount on our annual audit fee. . Shannon Printing for the layout for our recognition plaques. Georgiana Goodwin for the design layout for our Annual Appeal. Mary Beth Wafer for riding boots. Jeff and Holly Ridgway for a dolly and vacuum. Chris and Patti Coyle for cappuccino mix, tea, coffee , cider mix, microwave popcorn, cookies , dishwasher detergent, water filter replacement, the Spirit Horse print , and Judie ' s beloved janitor ' s cart Mark Nimrod for a western saddle , breast plate, and stirrups. Alastair Smith for Interlux Wood Sealer for our kickboards. Skye Todd for Virginia Gourmet Peanuts. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Barringer for the Una Hanbury bronze scu1pture in our foyer. Barbara Abrams for a set of stoneware dishes, silverware , riding britches, the children ' s book "White Stallion," a book on Equine Facilitated Mental Health, and the video "Dancing with Horses." Stever Aubrey for a base for the Una Hanbury bronze , and for a computer and scanner. Dawn and Bill Nelligan for a set of silverware. Amy Hosig for riding boots. Cooperman Fife and Drum for loose shavings . The Saddle Doctor (aka Gary Severson) for a saddle pad Suzie Birks and Source , Inc. for 50-lbs . of Source , 25-lbs. of Hf Source, a salt block, weight tape , two bags of grain, and joint supplement. Dina Borek for boot pulls , a helmet , and tall leather riding boots. Ron and Bill Swaney for backhoe service. Tracy Arnone of the Tally Ho Tack Shop for tack and supplies. Stephanie Knoll for photos of our Annual Meeting. Liz Schucht for buckets, clips, blankets and saddlepads. Salem Valley Vet Clinic for the herd 's vaccinations. Lytt Gould for two table top extenders, the books "Effective Board of Trustees ," and "Roberts Rules of Order ," peppermint creme candies, and the book "Wealth in Families. " Lyme Girl Scouts for their donation: Anneke Sharp , Sarah Sankow , Hannah Wilson, Amber Price, Emily Lewis , Amanda Sibley, Christina Mezes , Nikki Fogliano , Megan Radway , Hannah Kegley , Sarah Hallwood, and
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their leaders Arlene Sharp , Elizabeth Sankow and Mary Wilson. Kathy and Jake Kirschner for a bag of carrots , a bag of apples , and fourteen rolls of film. The folks at AIC who helped unload hay: Silvio Colagiovanni , Jason DesJardins , Thomas Domen, Matthew Ferris, Joshua Greenleaf, Heather Han, Roman Katynski , Adam Kroll , Tim McGuire , Steve Provost , Patricia Quinlan, Robert Salvatore , Matthew Serra, Thomas Shea, James Tedford, Mark Wryzykowski , and fearless leader Ken Ahnell . Patricia Smith-Romanski for the book "Understanding Showmanship ," and a gate latch. Mary Beth and Lara Ellison for sponges , duct tape and scissors. Kevin and Kyle Whipple for a feedbag. John, Erin and Elizabeth McCallum for clipper blades. Maria and Luis Gomes for Norm ' s nametag. Koko Gildersleeve for a manure bucket. Theresa Castagno and Dennis O 'Brien for film. Elizabeth and Therese Popinchalk for a Wish Tree gift . Kim and Lindsay Roseman for a Wish Tree gift . Brendan and Cassidy McGirr for a stall mat. Mark Murray for a mane and tail brush and future fork. Eddie Hobson for Cowboy Magic Detangler and candy. Judy Lightfoot for the book "What's Wrong with Timmy?" John Kashanski for photos of our annual meeting and grand reopening. Anne Klingler for a Wish Tree gift. Michele and Mark Russo for the book "Determining the Age of the Horse." Cis Matthiessen and Karen Milano for donations made from their nursing home visit. Stephanie Toefile for a Wish Tree gift. Joan Mulkey for Wish Tree gifts , a lightweight western saddle , two saddleracks with wheels , a western saddle pad, MANY bags of apples and carrots, and Latino's name tag. Pauline Knoll for two books on El Autobus Magico. Grace Staslburg for mini Christmas trees , greens, poinsettia, mum, and cigarette extinguishers. Philip and Marie Abraham at the Bee and Thistle Inn for fresh green garlands. Cynthia Palmer for a Wish Tree gift. Helga Mackey-Fardon and Zachary Fardon for a feed bag. Connor Smith for stirrup leathers. Lisa Boyd for a Filly's Christmas gift. Rita and Seth Rohrberg for a stall plate for Periwinkle . Robin and Nancy Brewer for a small Lidlocker helmet. Cynthia and Eilis Brake for a feed bag and gate latch . Perci Biederka for two packets of horse stickers. Collyn Herel and his grandfather for horse treats and supplies. Holly Foster for stirrup bands , a telescoping whip, and a future fork. Marge Curtis for Lubrum supplement. Mary Ellen Malone for a book and leather cleaner . Morgan Solinsky for the book "Dances With Horses."
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Christine Lahm for a gel pad and video. Jamie Blencowe and his family for carrots, apples, cookies and a saddle pad Mystic Color Lab for three rolls of film. The Swan Family for hot chocolate, books for our library , envelopes, paper goods, gloves, bleachers, and tall orange cones. Susan Strait for 50 lbs of carrots and 36 lbs of apples. John and Teri Rexroad for stuffed animals. Dick Harding for a framed print , and for framing a STRIDES cover. Kelly Cahill for cookies. Deb Roy for a book. Chip and Betsey Stevens for duct tape. Nancy Kindell for ''Think Riding - Vol. 2." William and Nancy Cash for color cones. Melissa Everett for leather therapy and the book "Snaffles." Beverly and Molly Silliphant for a feedbag. Nik Lehet for a play farm. Carol Gilchrist for mane and tail detangler, and shampoo. Jane Davison for tea and caramels. Harry Slifer for LOTS of yummy goodies. Pam and Aubrey Graham for "Fundamentals of Lunging." Linda Almeida for Lubrun supplement and plastic totes. Liora Cannon for a slide show photo disc. Molly and Dana Dunne for an arena block. Judith MacDonald for stallpads. Phyllis Graglia for stallpads. Valley Oil for a box of cookies. Patrick Kubiak for short colored reins. Roger and Marcia Smith for stirrup leathers. Amanda Murtz for the video "Meditation for Riders." Andrew Hart for Lubrun supplement. Matthew, Christian and Whitney Viola for storage totes, a book about dressage, and a dressage whip. Heather and Jim Rice for a bridle name plate for Lady. Kara Seymour for the "High Hopes" jar and money gift tucked inside. Nancy Finn Frantz for a stall plate for Peanut. J.T. Picazio for an arena block and body weight chart and tape. Jackie Kangley for an arena block. Sheila Siborg for Thrush Buster and a book on functional anatomy. Brandon Wyatt for bridle name tags. Kristin Mason for bridle name tags. Chandler Benoit for bridle name tag. Melzen Farm Supply for horse supplies. Olivia Denison for a hairbrush for Filly. Maddie Denison for a dressage whip. Kristina Spero for film.
DON'T BE A FASHION OUTCAST! Jazz up your spring and summer wardrobes with High Hopes logo items! You 'll draw appreciative stares on the streets of Old Lyme, London, and Rome in your classy High Hopes clothing. There are many items to choose from: Adult Sizes
Grey shortsleeved polos in XL, L - $35 Tan shortsleeved polos in XXL, XL, L, and M - $35 Green shortsleeved polos in XXL, XL, L, M, and S - $35 Purple tee-shirts in XL, M, and S - $12 (on sale from $15!) Tan tee-shirts in XXL, XL, L, M, and S - $15 Green tee-shirts in XXL, XL, L, M, and S - $15 Green 1/4 zip sweatshirts (for those chilly nights along the Seine) in XL - $30 (on sale from $35!) Green crewneck sweatshirts (for punting on the Titames - the real one) in XL, and L - $30 Baseball-style caps in khaki and green (to shield your eyes from the Bahaman sun) - $15 High Hopes lapel pins - $2 Children's Sizes
Piµ-pletee-shirts in L, M, and S - $10 (on sale from $12!) Tan tee-shirts in L, M, and S - $12 Green tee-shirts in L, M, and S - $ l 2 Green crewneck sweatshirts in L, M, and S - $15 (on sale from $20!)
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc . P.O. Box254 Old Lyme, CT 06371