2003-2004 High Hopes Annual Report

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HIGH Therapeutic

HOPES Riding Inc .

2003 / 2004 ANNUAL REPORT

30 Years of Leadership in Therapeutic Riding ..

Staff Alison Zack Darrell, ExecutiveDirector Barbara Abrams, lnstmctor Carol Brining,.Admh1istrati11e Assistant/Barn Steff Kyle Burkhart , DirectorefDevelopm ent {As of711104) Patti Coyle, bzstructor Renya Craig, Receptionist/ Prog ramAdministrative Assistant Joho. D,riscoll, Caretaker Judie Driscoll, DevelopmentAssistant Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Helen e Fenger, DirectorefDevelopment(Until 6/ 30/ 04) Amy Gardner, Assistant Barn Manager Kathry n S. Guernsey, Training& Education CoordinatorI lnstntctor Carolyn Jagielski, PhysicalTherapist/Instru ctor Kristin Elliott Leas, Barn Manager Nieo le McLure, Barn.Sta.ff Bill Nelligan, lnstmctor Dawn Nelligan, Assistant ProgramDirector l<ristin Mason Pernal, Volunteer Ooordinator,/lnsuu,tor Pmne QJeterson,lnstn,ctor Heather Ric e, Barn Sllfff/Instrnctor Holly Ridgway , I,nstructor Petra B. Shearer, BusinessManager Kitty Stalsburg, ProgramDirec?o r Susan Weber, Instructor

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\VHO \VE ARE High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. offers therapeut ic riding and related equine assisted programs to indiv iduals of all ages who face physical, behavoria l and developmental challenges .

Letter fro1n the Board President and the Executive Director Dear Friends of Hi gh Hopes, Thirty years ago, Sis Gould was giving horseback riding lessons to a handful of people with disabilities in the backyard arena she and her husband Lytt owned in Hadlym e, CT. Before long, she had several prominent people in the conununity meeting on a regular basis to for m a nonprofit organization through which she could bring excellence in therapeutic riding to her own corrununity ... she had come to the lower Co nnecticut River Valley with a vision ! Within a few years, this little all volun teer movement had hired a therapeutic riding instructor and gained the strength and momentum to carry out a riding program for 18 children. It then sought and received accreditation from the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, the national association that Sis and many other High Hopes staff and volun teers have served in leadership roles. From its very peginning, High Hopes had a commitment to leadership and excellence. These are words taken from the Instructo r's Report of Anne Talcott Wrig ht, first paid Riding Instructor:

"Jivearereadyto servea largerpopulationwith a wide rangeif disabilitiesbut must approachexpansionwith goodplanningand the prefessionalism whichalreadymarks our efforts."- Instructor's Report, 197 8 It has taken years, many challenges met and many milestones passed to get to where High H opes stands today, as a premier therapeutic riding center. In the late 1980's, it became clear to the Board of Directors that they needed to locate land, purchase it and -build our own facility.Th:et did that, and people came. Our ridership grew to more than 100 p er week and our volunteer core grew beyon'.;f}-~asure. By the mid 1990's, High Hopes' therapeuti c riding program officially qualified as one of the few programs in the country with the standards of excellence, volume and diversity in ridership and the professional staff to offer certification training courses to therapeutic riding instructors. We now train instructors from all parts of tl1e world, graduating well over 100 students to date from our Instructor Training Course. Our weekly ridership has grown to over 200.We are now supported by almost 600 volun teers. This is the vision that was brought to the lower Connecticut Ri ver Valley thirty years ago by our founde r. It now reaches to many corners of the globe as High Hopes touches the lives of thousands of people through our programs and services, with a worldwide reputation for excellence in therapeutic riding. Today,in 2004, our leadership in the field of therapeutic riding roust continue to symbolize the strength , persistence and dedication to a vision that Sis and all those who have continued to lead the way after her have woven into the enduring fabric of High Hope s.

Serving Southeastern Connecticut since 1974, High Hopes is committed to providing the highest

We celebrate our thirty-year history with a tribu te in this Annual Report to our legacy of leadership, our Founder and

quality services to our community, and to training

our past Board Presidents.

and educating therapeutic rid ing instructor students from around the wor ld.

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Mary K. "Sis" Gould


Board of Directors OFFICERS

If your actions inspir e others to dream more, learn more,

John C. Evans

do more and become more, you are a leader. -

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Vice President / Secretar y

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Barbara Earle Ballard

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Vi c e President for Deve lopment

Pete Pierso n 1977- 1982

Cheryl Kelly Heffernan



Roger M. Smith

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Judi t h E Li ght foot 1982- 1987


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Jeffrey Rid gway 2001-2 003

She rley F urg ucson 1987- 1989

Barbara Kashans ki 1989- 1990


Sally fl. Aubrey, Jane A. Bolles Elizabeth L. David Jane I. Davison Katharine H. Gildersleeve Charles C. Kingsley, Esq. Judith F.Lightfoot Heather Leigh Northrop Mark O'Connell A. Rives Potts Anthony C. Thurston Kelvin N. Tyler David E. Walker , MD Claudia T. Weickev Deborah A. Welles Dorinda Winkehnan HONORARY DIRECTORS

Kcl\'in N. 'l \•lcr 1995- 1998

Betsy Horn 1990- 1992

A. Rives Po tts 1992- 1995

Lyttleton.B. l?.Gould,Jr. Frank Harnilton,Jr. Grace Hamilton Wayne 0. Southwick , MD

t Deceased

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ANNUAL GIVING Annual Giving is the heart and soulofourfondraising. Loyaldonorsupport-year aftery ear-enablesHigh Hopesto serve our riders,carefar ourhorsesand maintain ourfacility. ~ recognizeour Annual Campaigndonorsbelow, and aregratefulfar theirgenerouscontributwnsbetweenJuly 1, 2003 andJune 30, 2004.

Leadership Circle Irwin Belk Educational Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dait ch Jane I. Davison Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Karen N. Horn John & Barbara Kashanski The H enry Luce Found ation, Inc. at th e request of Mr.John C. Evans Dr. & Mr s. Max Okasha Dorinda & Mark Winkelman

L ife M embers Louis Bacon Ted & R ebecca Crosby Jane I. Davison Evan S. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher Lyttleton B. P. Go uld, J r. John S. Johnson Bar bara & John Kashanski The Kitchings Family ' Judith E & Richard B. Lightfoot Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Mazer

Karen E. Schwarz Martha Terrell

Charles E Monzeglio,Jr. Bill & Pammie Post

Susan & William Strait, Jr. in memory of Peter Robustelli, Sr. William & Victoria Winterer

Mr. & Mrs. Tanner T. Hunt ,Jr.

B enefactors

Helen Rogers Saybrook Country Barn Keith & Jan e Bolles

R ider Scholarships

Jake & Greta Jacobs Jea n Callan King Interior Design, LLC

Barbara & Matt Abrams Lee MacWilliams Bou cher Companion Animal Hospital - Drs. Earl J. & Margaret C. Mummert Wilbur S. Edwards Richard & Kathar ine Gildersleeve The Kitchings Family Jud ith E & Richard B. Lightfoot Th omas E Moore Robert & Sandy Mulligan J ean & David Sargent Kara B. Seymou r Roger & Marcia Smith Dr. & Mrs. Wayne 0. Southwick Sabin & Beverley Streeter Anthony & Sandra Thurston Ke] & Karen Tyler Th e L. C. and Margaret Walker Foundation


Rives & Nancy Potts Karen E. Schwarz


Special B enefactors

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Chase Mr. & Mrs. R obert A. Coit

Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard Casner Family Trust via Hermosa Kiwanis Foundation Susan K. Childs

Maud B. Duke Mary Jane Fegan - Rehab Concepts Michelle Fontaine

Lyndon Haviland &Tom Neff The Heffernan Family

Charles & Gretchen Kingsley Kenneth & Christi ne Kitchings Ruth Lord Mary T. Mille & William S. Doane

Heidi & J ohn Niblack

Mrs.Stanley R.Miller


John & Deborah Welles K. C. & Sonny Whelen Cynthia C. Willauer Nancy Hutson & Ian Williams

A dopt-A -H orse Bruce & Cris Barlow Eleanor L. Bonafonte Curran Earle Carr Susan K. Chi.Ids Marilyn J. Conklin Connecticut Dressage Association Mr. & Mrs. H enri M . David,Jr . Mr. & Mrs.John C. Evans Kelsey Fournier & Family Patricia Goldblatt I Mr. & Mrs. John Greene Walter E. Davis & Elizabeth Haartz Grace & Frank Hamilton.Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Ham.rick Margit Rigmor H eydenryk Karen N. Horn Kristin Karabees Rochelle Lee & Family Johanne & Richard Mangi Bob & Penny Nelson Kr istin E. Pernal Jeff & Holly Ridgway Jean & David Sargent Shelby G. Schavo ir Bonnie, Phil & Laurie Seagull Petra B. Shearer

Anonymous Karen & Donald Danielson Mrs. Emanuel Hirth for the Emanuel Hirth Scholarship Save Th e Kid Fund

Sponsors The Agostine Family Anonymous Dorothy & Curt Askelson Sally H. Aubrey Babcock Hi ll Equestria n Cente rRon & Terry Glendinning Carley & Andy Baxter Jane Bennett Peter & Linda Bierrie Mr. & Mrs . R obe rt E. Borden CT Veterinary Medical Association Dennie Davis Dr. & Mrs.John R. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn lil Carole & David Enfield Pat & Rick Ermler Geraldine U. Foster Michael & Sherley Furgueson Lyttleton B. P. Gould .Jr. Mr. & Mrs .Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Parker & Sally Handy Kathy & Ruth Heller James & Brita Herman Inge Hieret

Robert & Linda Hollis Mrs. Kathar ine V. S. Howe

Charley & Susan Johnson Bill & Erin Jorgensen Karen Keelan Ernest Kirschner Hedy & James Korst Irene P. Kritzer Elise S. Lapham Isabel C. Leach Bruce & Catherine Littman John & Wendy Lord in memory of Caroline Morrison Lyme-Old Lyme Lion s Club

NYU Class of 2004 Charlie & Philla Osborne Tom & Linda Picazio Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt III Mary E Pullen Virginia Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Sydney H. Rogers Craig & Pietrina Saxton Mary K. Schaaf David & Kimberly Smith William E. Phillips & Barbara Smith Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappen Soper Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Steiner Jack & Sidscl Swendsen David & Caryl Viola David & Cary Walker Claudia Weickcr John & Ellen Wells

Sustainers Bob & Lee Adrian Douglas Levin & Abby Carter Rudolf Bergmans & Ann Lane Dr. & Mrs. Gerard j. Lawrence Marcia & John McGowan William H. Moore Barbara & David Preston John & Lee Pritchard James & Amanda Rutledge Betsey & Robert Webster Heidi & Rick Worcester

Supporters Beverly L. Alves Joan & Clarke Ambrose Bea Anderson Maureen & Joseph Augusciak Robin & Bruce Augustadt Stanley & Milly Babson Daniel & Alexandra Barber Charlotte E Barringer Myrna & Arnold Baskin Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett

SallyJ. Bill Joan & Barry Bloom

Gary F.Borla Henry P. Brightwell Mary Broughton Mr. & Mrs. H. Templeton Brown.Jr. Deborah & Jon Butler John & Sandy Cahill Norman & Lori Caine & Carolyn Caine Gus & Peg Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Chapin III Bill & Susan Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark III Margaret M. Clucas Alison Zack & Philip E Darrell Ma1jorie H. Darrell Birgit N. Deeds Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W Elnisky Sue Keith Elverston in memory of Sis Gould Michael & Barbara Fonda Mrs. Pearl Fournier Reginald H. Fullerton,Jr. Tim & Susan Gavronski Gaylord Hospital Patricia Goldlatt Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin Marcia Grace Patricia & Clark Graebner Mr. & Mrs. John S. Griswold John W. Hartman Bet~y & Bill Horn June M. Hotchkiss Shirley F.Howard Kate Ireland Erin L.Jansen, Magda G. & Richard E Jansen Jean T.Jolmson Andrew & Janet Jones Constance L. Kastclowitz Frank & Joan Kenna Joan G. Kenna in honor of Freda G. Leining Tom & Cissie Keogh Mr. & Mrs. George M Lethbridge,Jr. Joan & Kenneth Levin

Dr. & Mrs. William A. Lieber Elizabeth Lightfoot & Nicholas Clements Mr.James L. Lowery,Jr. Roland & Sally MacNichol Robert & Grace Marrion Cis & Carey Matthiessen Sally & George Mayer Amy Lipper McCauley Robert & Sarah McCracken Bruce & Barbara McGhie Newt & Polly Merrill Ron Milardo Mr. & Mrs. Philip Moloney Dorothea Moore Andrew & Gail Morris Claudia J. Newell Helene & Brad Nichols Arlene & David Norling Mark O'Connell Drs. John & Corrie Paardenkooper Michael & Elena Patterson Richard I. Pearce Constance Pike Rives & Nancy Potts Ann & David Primo Bettie & Alan Proctor James & Ann Rice Janet & Ronald E. Romanowski Mr. & Mrs. John Russell Carol K. Ryland Maureen G. Satti Saybrook Veterinary Hospital, PC Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon Richard & Terry Schreiber Deborah Skillin Harry & Toni Slifer Jeffrey P. & Karen S. Smith Mary Ann E. Smith Seymour & Tia Smith Frank L. Stanley Melinda, Peter &Valerie Stelzncr Mrs. Frederick Sturges Marina Surette Marion G. Taylor Paul & Anne Taylor

David D. Triebel Timothy & Suzanne Tyler Mary Beth Wafer Jacqueline W.1lker Linda & David Ward Lynda E Wilkes David & Judy Winer William & Elisa Young Raymond & Laureen Zelek

Friends Anonymous Michael & Suzy Aubrey Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Bardenheier III The Alan Buroff Family Michael S. Beda Mimi & Bill Benner Eleanor H. Bishop Rudy & Irma Brandt Robert E & Helen E. Burkarth Deborah L. Chieppa Madora T. Cooke Edward Coutant Mr. & Mrs. Guy Deutermann Charles & Phoebe Dey Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Dixon in memory of Marjorie Hamill Darrell Diane & Charles Dumais Cmdr. Barbara Ellis (Ret.) Dianne & Jeb Embree Helene & Charles Fenger Martha, Chris, Andrew, Dylan & Jack Ficke Paul W. Finan Mara & Derek Fischer Caroline M. Flower, V. M. D. John & Alison Forbis Mr. & Mrs.John E. Friday,Jr. Jack & Chip Frost Dina Fusco Anne D. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Green Candy & Keith Green Timothy C. Griswold Vicki Hammers-O'Neil

Varick D. Harrison Sharon & Kendall Hinman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Howe Marylys Jackson Gunilla James Eads Johnson,Jr. Barbara Keim in loving memory of Robert Keim Gloria Keim in loving memory of Robert Keim William & Claudia Kelly David & Judy Kelsey Nancy C. Kindell Barbara & Joseph Knee Dr. Shepard Krech Maryann Labrie William H. Lanagan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LaRue Dorothy B. Leib Charles-Henri & Marguerite Mangin John & Erin McCallum Drs. Christopher & Susan McCawley Carol & David McCord in memory of E. Lea Marsh,Jr. Kathleen T. McCurdy Stanley &Violet Miezejeski Claudia & David Natorski Eugene & Janet Nichols Heather Leigh Northrop Dorothy E. Pansius Susan Peacock John & Jeanna Pellino Don & Nancy Rankin Mr. & Mrs.John Rexroad Vernon & Gisela Rhodes Ann Curtice Rich Connie & Al Rogers Marlene & Jerome Scharr Alice E Schmutz Brian & Janet Slater Bill & Bess Small Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Speirs Kitty Stalsburg, Rob & Kathryn Hageman Sara & Randy Stevens & Family Callista & Frank Stoddard


Stonington Veterinary Hosp ital Celine A. Sullivan Linda Callan Taylor Dougl as & Karen Van D yke John Westerfield Elizabeth D. G. Whitley Karen Whittemore Mr . & Mr s. Donald Wilcox Nan cy & Bob Wood Wick & Rodi York

Admirers Michael & Lynn Baldi Susan Ballek Patricia & Michael Bandtlow Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barnard Matthew & Alexandra Batts Leila R. Bowman Dale V Callaway Peter F. Carlson & Associates, LLC N ancy & Bill Cash Elizabeth Chamberlain Mrs . Delos B. Churchill Julian & Constance Colelli Isabel X . Cooney Mr. & Mr s. Belton A. Copp Virginia Cottrell-Colassano Kath erine E . Cowles Ro semary S. Cowley Marjorie Curtis Barbara S. Delan ey Jo hn & Judie Dri scoll Josephine English Mary Fischer & Peter Powo roznek Edgar C. Forest Linda E. Freedman Mr . Peter Gasperini Sherrell Grean Mr. & Mrs. William A. Gregory, Sr. Pat & Jim Haefs Mr s. Anne W Hall Mr. & Mrs. Samuel T. H odgdon, Jr. Ro ger L. Klein Mark & Ann Lander Tom & Kathy Levanti McCo ll Chiropractic


Phyllis McDow ell Belinda Monat Margot W Mor gan John Morris Mary Mrou se Dianne M. Muro Jeffrey T. Nelson Scott & Joan Ni chols Beth Pastor, PT, HPCS Patricia H . Pierson R ebecca Ru ssell Claire Sauer Mr. & Mrs. William Sillin Mr. & Mr s. Edwin B. Sollis Th e Dohnna, LLC D onna A. Torza Page Vedrani C. Mic hael & Laurie Walker Tho mas J.Walsh Mark L. Warren Elizabeth & William Whit ehead Michael & Susan Wyatt

Others Patricia & D onald Abraham David A. & Ros emary Anderson Anon ymou s B eth Baran Lisa R. Bibbiani Sandra Blanchard Jean A. Bonafonte Audr ey Brabazon & Charles A. Di ckens,Jr . Ric hard & Mar ilyn Bu el Lee Cashman Sally F. Cornis h Dr. & Mr s. Jon Dri scoll Mark & Robyn Fortier Ri chard & Gwendolyn Go ldsnider Joshua Greenvall Diane F.Hir sch Elmira S. Ingersoll Ms. Martha B. Jacques Mr . & Mr s. Stuart Klarma n Theodosia B. Knapp Mark Kolovson Breck & Sue Lardner

Julie McGovern Mr. & Mrs.Joseph L. Parsons IV Marcia Woolwort h Porter Maur een E. Ramsdell Di ane R. Silveria Gerry & Dottie Simo nides Mr. & Mr s. D. S.Tolderlund Th e Tram ontano Family

Matching Gifts High Hope s gratefu lly acknow ledges th e Cor porat ions and Foundat ions that ma tch gifts from their emp loyees . Aetn a Foundation , Inc. Altria Group , Inc. Th e J.P.Morgan C hase Foundation Lehman Brother s Lincoln Financial Gro up Foundation T he H enry Luce Foun dation, Inc. Pfizer Foun datio n Matching Gifts Program The R ockefeller Foundation

Gifts in M emory It is a privilege for High Hopes to be chosen as t he recip ient of memor ial contr ibutions. Liste d are the names of loved ones los t, and the do nors w ho have made gifts in the ir memo ry. E ilis Margaret Brake

Cynthia Brake & Don ald Forte Joseph & C harlene Bride Mr . & Mrs. William Brid e Mr. & Mrs. R on Christman The Cooper Family Mr . & Mr s. Tom Eden John & Maribeth Esposito Mr. & Mr s. Marvin Gregor N icholas & Cynthia Grimaldi Harborwalk Association, Inc. Th e Heslin Family Raymond & Helen Keating

M & J Bus, Inc.

Joshua A. Forst Charles & Joan Grennan

Amy Knaggs & Ed Martor elli Dee Maurice

Debra Glua Mark & Jean-Marie Gutierrez

John & Linda Muller Petra B. Shearer

Maureen A. Haskell Timothy P.H ealy

Heidi Toussant Brian & Kathy Usher David & Tracy Whippl e George C. Cain - FDNY Ladder 7, En g in e Compan y 16

217 Beach 116th St. Corp ., DBA


Hou se Fund Joseph Hu dak !mac Inc. James Funer al H ome Jo-Vin De corators Inc.

Curran Bar & Grill Nicole & George Alamia Blue Knights NYX

Patricia & H enry Kiefer,Jr. R obert & Indi ana Kirwan Mark & Michele Koetzner

Bracelets for America Ro bert & Mary Ann Bu ckley Ro bert J.Buckley George & Vienna Cain

Sandy & Liliana Kr igel Lahey Constrnction

Rosemary Cain Donald Carcone Carmela's Pizzeria & R estaurant George & Marilyn Carney Paul F. Carney Carlo A. Casor ia Alfred J.Conforti John W Coo ney Peter & Lauren Corwin Patrick & Kathleen Cotton D & D Landscaping John T. Darcy Ronald Day Ri chard J. DeMarinis Jerry & Cheryl Demeo

Lynn & Pasquale Lapponese C hristine Lauria Neil & Lor raine Lavan Kenneth & Kathleen Lavin Llewellyn International T homas & Mi chelle Malloy Robert J. Mansberger Joh n & Laura Mark ey William & Catherine Marshall James H . McCabe George & Kelly M cPh ee Metro polis Funding Gary Moo re D iane M uro Terence & Nan cy Nee T homas J. O 'Br ien & Joan Iskyan Leonard & Elva Oliva

Detectives Association In corporated Mr. & Mr s. Bruce Di Pietro Daniel & Muri el Dooley Gary Duffy Eq uity Settlement Services, Inc.

On Point Process Solutions, Inc. M ary O' R ourke Tom & Linda Pickford William T. Porter Premark Internatio nal, Inc.

James & Donna Fallar Ri chard F. Fatscher Feldstein Management Services, Inc.

Michael & D ebra Ra gusa R amblewo od Lou ie Re migio Beth A. R ene ris William & Judy Russell Salem Rid ge & Associates Mary Ann Sanders

Figure Us Inc. Final Touch Funding Inc. Fire Heroes Inc. William & Heather Parris- Fitzpatrick

Justin Schweitzer

Robert & Christine Senn Petra B. Shearer

Tom & Peggy Metcalf

Kitty Stalsburg

Sam,Jane, Ethan & John Nesbitt

Amy Shuren

Mr. & Mr s. Anthony Persutti , Sr. Helene Perzanowski

John M. Scurges,Jr. Denise Summerville Thadd eus & Amanda Tatem

Elizabeth C. Sangster Edwin & Margaret Seder

Lois & HubertVogelsing er Alan & Pamela Yeomans

Donald R. Skuza Hugo Sosa & Blanca Delgado Eileen K. Sparano Dawn & Michael Spear James & Deborah Spillane Bruce & Renee Stegner Stitch Authority, Ltd.

Marianna W Shepard Gary & Carol Weed Jacquie & Danny Wolff

James & Renee Federico-Stundis James & ElinorTagg Teamworks Athletic Apparel -

Christopher Knoll

George Alamia Keith PT ill

Matt & Barbara Abrams The Agostine Family

Thomas G. Uschok & Elena Tormey Emily C.Van de Weijer

Walter & Diane Ar iker Maureen 0. & Joseph S. Augusciak Cliff & Shirley Barrett

George & Marga1¡etVasselman Wheels Auto, Inc. dba Tilden Car Care

Jack & Carol Bell Peter & Linda Bierrie

James & Joanne Whiston Ann Zahar

Donald & Margaret Bloom

Marjorie Hamill Darrell Robert & Anne Bingham Eleanor G. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P Dixon Dona Dodson Gary & Linda Douville Mr. & Mrs. Richard 0. Gildersleeve James & Patricia Haefs Eleanor A. Harv ey Cheryl Kelly Heffernan Marguerite Johnstone Judith F.& Richard B. Lightfoot Robert J. Pope & Lee Justi ce Petra B. Shearer Stop & Shop Systems Department Darline Doane Josephine 0. Bombaci Mary C. Burke Michael & Sherley Furgueson Whitney & Nancy Garlinghou se Martha & Leandre Giguer e, M.D. Strickland & Donna Hyde III Escott & Helen MacWhinney

CorporateHorse Sponsorships

Helen Leonard Mabel G. Woolley Mick the Horse

Henry the Horse Beth Baran

David K. VanVorst


Eleanor L. Bonafonte Carol L. & Richard J. Brining

The Buddy Bunch at Memorial Elementary School in East Hampton Margaret Fay Morse Marcia & Ronald Delfini Michael & Sherley Furgueson Michael & Sheila Giordano

The Carlson Family T heresa R . Conley

Jordan Lynne Siborg Cheryll Frink

John & Nancy Doheny John K. Doh eny John 0. & Marilyn M . Edwards Bradford & Gail Elker Fred Mackerodt , Inc. Katharine & Richard Gildersleeve Nancy & Alan Hanks Rob ert & Suzanne Higgins Rochelle & David Kaminsky Constance & Robe rt LeBlanc Judith F.& Richard B. Lightfoot Euni ce Logozzo Joseph & Mary Migliaro,Jr . D avid & Betty -Lou Morawski Ken & Diane Mull Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Reichenbach Ronald P. & Carol A. Scott Petra B. Shearer Roger & Marcia Smith Grace & Robert Stalsburg

Scholarships Scholarship donations provide much needed support to many of our participants and their families and instructor training students as well. Nancy W Brundage

H elen Shelby

For the Howard D. Brundage

Valerie Stelzner Gail Barber Patricia Chase Kelly Craddock Carol Fowler Karen Geisler Corr ine Good Louise Lubs Veronica McGill Susan Whritner-Somes Susan Stoehr Sunshine of Center Schoo l Patricia B. Watt Monica Taggart Dinah D. Beverley Joey Wollack Linda Lee-Picazio

Our horses provide the "backbone" Ruth Lord for our programs and we are committed to providing them with Others the best possible care. The The ir generosity comes in man y benevolent support of our guises. Whether providing lights in corporate friends helps us to supply our arenas, or a tractor to work our herd with the necessary care our fields, we are thankful t o these and feeding that they require . dear friends for giving us the means SBC Employees Community to maintain a safe and secure Services Fund: Berkshire area, environment for our participants , Southern area, New Haven area, horses, volunteers and staff Herb Chambers-New Tractor

Grace & Rob ert Stalsburg

David & Barbara Bryan

For the Peter H. Knoll Memorial ITC Scholarship

Central area, and Eastern area

Barbara & John Kashanski James & Marion Lightfoot Petra B. Shearer

John & Mary Olinieri Mr. & Mrs.Julian Colelli

Robert & Pauline Knoll

Scholarship I


Janie Davison-Proceedsfrom Lord Creek Farm Hunter Pace Mr. & Mrs. Peter Flagg-Contribution.

towardne1uindoorarenalighting Jean & David Sargent-Contribution towardnew generator Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. SwensonContrib11tio11 towardnew generator

Giftsfor Special Wishes

Alice J. Castelli City of New London - Employees of

Each year individuals and Dep artm ent of Finance businesses make contributions Margaret M . Clucas toward specific needs we have at Joseph Cognetta H igh H opes-everything from John B. Covello saddles, bridles and books to trees John Coyle & Lind a Langley for our landscaping. The following Micha el Crane dono rs have helped H igh Hopes w ith spec ial contributio ns this year. Ted Crosby Nancy A. Cusak B en Abraham Thomas Abraham Barbara Abrams Marni Adam son Kristin Alexandre Alpha Delea Kappa Sorority, Inc . Anonym ous Mr . & Mrs. Stanley Babson.Jr. Barbara Ballard Jami e Blencowe Boy Scouts of America Troop 540 Audrey Brabazon & Charles Di ckens Ro ss B. Braun Nancy Brewer Nancy Cash Marie Cassidy

Karen Danielson Janie Davison Olivia & M addie D enison The Dri scoll Family Essex Savings Bank Lind a Ferraro Katherine Fields Cara Finan Dina Fusco Michael & Patri cia Ganey

Gary Holland B etsy Hunn ewell

Reba St. Onge The He arth at Tuxis Pond LLC

Gunilla James Anne S.Johnston


Andrew Keefe Ann e Klingler Helen Klingler Amanda Kokoszka Jen Krautmarm & Fanuly Linda Larkin & Ian Coyne Lenny & Jo e's Fish Tale Jennifer Lieb Barbara Longo Ruch Lord Ro cky Lorello Lym e-Old Lyme Junior Wo men's Club Michael Lynch Jame s & Abigail Mann y Markel Insurance Company Jerr i Massi

Sanur Gautam Gail Perkin s Gemme

Elizabeth M cCall urn The M cGir r Family

Pamela & Aubrey Graham

Ms. Spencer K. M cLean

Th e Greenvall Family Greg & Shelley Gullette

Karen Milano Hel en Morgan

Melissa Evarts

Nico le Walstra Thom as Weigand-Wa tkinson

Scott Farley R obin & Katherine Fields and Fanuly

Westbrook Embl em Club # 535 Kevin & Kyle Whipple

Franklin Impressions, Inc.

Marshall Wilbur

Terri Furr

Marcia Zais

Laura Giordano

Cheryll L. Frin k

Monica Gaudio

Gifts in Kind

Grove Gardens Wendy Gunn

Gifts of goods a nd services enr ich H igh H opes in ma ny ways. The following dono rs have made in kind contribu tions this yea r. Patri cia Abraham All Waste, Inc. Enuly E. And ersen Ronda & Peter Auri genuna Deane & Shirley Avery Bess Eaton of Old Lyme Jennifer Bieber Perci Biede rka

Penny Nelson Th e Nicho ls Family

Peter Bilu obrzeski

North Ameri can Ridin g for the

Gary Borla

Handicapped Assoc. lnc./NESAR Old Lyme Children's Learning Center

Lois Brackmann Suzy Breiseth

Kristin Pernal

Kathy Buroff

T herese Popinchalk Pamela P Post

Bill & Joanne Ives - Burt on L. Ives

Riv es & N ancy Potts Nancy B. R eynolds Glen & Constance Rokicki

Came ron Taylor De sign

Mark Ru sso William I. Satti



Mr. Ellis Essex Printing Co.

Suzie Birks

& Sons, Inc. Kristine Ca rn ey Ciel, Inc. Cooperman Fife & Drum Chris & Patti Coyle

Dr . & Mr s. Robert C. Schn urr

Ted Crosby

R osellen C. Schnurr Th e Scranton Family

Cybe rshore

Petra B. Shearer

William Doan e

Marcia & Roger Snuth Shore line Hom e Schoolers

John & Enuna D riscoll

Patricia Daragan

Thoma s Elliott

Fox Ledge Tack Shop Carolyn Guptill Ri chard H ardin g Old Lyme Frame Shop Cheryl Kelly Heff ernan Th e Homeland Foundation Karen N . Horn Skip Hubb ard Sue Hug hes Betsy Hunnew ell Jennif er Johnson & John Wilbur K&G Graphics Barbara Kovach Linda Krausnick Sherry Lafuna Virgi.iua Leary Kristin Elliott Leas Lewi tz, Baloise,Wollack , Ra yner & Giroux, LLC Niko le Littell Erna Luering Ru ss M ack Dee Mauri ce Peter & Susan McAlpine Elizabeth M cC allum Alison M cGrory Melzen Farm Supply Jeanne M eredith Joan Mu lkey R obert & Sandy Mulligan Mar garet Mumm ert

Sue Newbury Scott.Joan, Kate & Anne Nichols Karen Nichols Elizabeth Nielson

Thomas J.Atkin s Memorial Fund The Howard Bayne Fund Bod enwein Public Benevolent Foundation

Heather Leigh Northrop

Chelsea Groton Fo un dation

Pfizer Inc.

T he Community Foundat ion of

Therese Popinchalk Lauren Price Nancy Gustafson Radoff

Greater New H aven T he Corrununity Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut

He lene Fenger James & Mary Ann Emswiler T he Ficke Family C harles D. Ficke & Maria A. Aureli Hunter , Sarah & Marca Ficke R.C. & Martha M . Ficke Scott & Virginia Junk.in Judith Gorelick, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts)

HoUy Ridgway

Concordia Foundation, Inc.

William F Rob inson Burgess Russell

The D aphne Seybolt Culpeper Memo rial Foundation , Inc.

Monica Sakolsky Salem ValleyVeterinary Clinic

The Dime Savings Bank Foundation, Inc.

Jane Samuels Laureen Scranton Petra B. Shearer

The Equus Foundation

John & Jody Lyon

Essex Savings Bank

Suzie Birks Cis & George Matthiessen

Shoreline Physical Therapy Services PC

The Howe C haritable Fund

Dottie Simonides

The Henry Luce Foundation , Inc.

Harry Slifer,J r. Tia Smith Source, Inc.

The Gildersleeve Wh ite Fund

James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedr ick Loren B. Sterman

Loren B. Sterman

Ma ry Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts) Elizabeth Muskin, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Reha b Concepts) Eric & Heather Northrop C heryl Kelly Heffernan John O'Brien, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts) Cynth ia Palm e r Marilyn Palmer Helmho lz Nathan Peduzzi The Carberry's Fengmin T ian & Ruitang Den g Fred & Andrea Fent on

Thomas & Mary Konishesky John & Eileen Mueller Paul Burdick Oil Co., LLC Alex & Patrice Romeo Scott & Melani e Sandora M . E. & D anielle Watts-St. Germain Robyn A. Willard Scott & Karen Winters Janet Romanowski Jan.ice M. Romanowski Ryan Romanow ski Mary Scheimann, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Con cepts) Amanda Sterman Anonymous Donn R . Trenner & Carmen Jones Kevin & Blythe Smith

at the request of Mr. John C. Evans

Susan Strait Kim Swan

SBC Employee Giving United Way Campaign United Way of the Capital Area, Inc. United Way of Southeastern Connecticut

Linda Callan Taylor

Wal-Mart Foundation

Girl Scout Troop 3418

Mitch & Cheryl Kelly Heffernan

D avid Monte, MD

Jordan Thompson Sky Todd Sharon Torrenti Town & Country Greenhouses Brad Turley Lisa Wadge Jill Wilson , Fran Dahbn eyer,Jess Mclain &Amy Parise The Wyckoff Family

Corpor ate and Found at ion Grants H igh H opes is gratef ul to t he followi ng foundatio ns and co rporations. Ameri can Quarter Hor se Foundation /C harles B. Wang Foundation Alliance Grant

Gifts in Honor Edward Akeyson, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts) Catherine Arnold, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts) Emily Cassidy Joseph & Mona Cognetta Donna Criscenzo , MD Mary Jane Fegan (R ehab Concepts) Ali son Za ck D arrell Calvary Nursery School Phillip Di ckey, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Re hab Concepts) Edward Dill, MD Mary Jane Fegan (Rehab Concepts)


Fees & Scholarships

Therapeutic Riding L esson Program

Our fees for lessons inc reased slightly in 2003-2004 covering app roximately


30% of th e actual cost of delivering each lesson.Throug h partnerships with

At the core of our mi ssion is our therapeutic riding lesson prog ram thr ou gh whic h we served 296 participants and provided 6,667 lessons. In addition, 198 individuals came to High Hopes with various group s to partake in mounted and unmounted field trip s,and we hosted 2 mounted birthday parties for 25 chil -

individu al and grant fu nders, we were ab le to prov ide full or partial scho larships covering these fees to 55% of our t herape ut ic rid ing lesson parti cipant s.

Named Scholarships

dren .Twenty -three vo luntee rs participated in volunteer lessons that were

Througho ut the years,the following scholarships have been estab lished in

offered again this year during the inter session tim es between our Fall and

honor or memory of special individ uals...

Spring semesters.

Howard D. Brundage Scholarship Emanuel Hirth Scholarship for Indi viduals with Special Needs

Demographic Data

Peter H. Knoll Instructor Training Scholarship

77 of our therapeutic riding lesson participant s came to us from 9 area Public

Justin Watson Moore Scholarship Fund

Schools; and 79 participants came to us through 6 different Social Service agencies. The remainder came to us independentl y from towns throughout Southeastern CT.

Marianne Pfeiffer Scholarship Jord an Siborg Memorial Scholarship Charles Terrell Scholarship

Disabilities Data The majority of our participant s came to us w ith th e following general disabilit y description s.

Age Data The majority of our part icipants are children between 3 and 14 years old ; our oldest participant is 80.



Sensory Integration Disorder Learning Disability


3 - 14 years 57%


Neurological Disorder Down Syndrome

15 -34 years 31% 35 - 80 years 12%

Language/Speech Impairment Mental Retardation Attention Deficit Disorder Developmental Disability Cerebral Palsy PervasiveDevelopmental Delay/ Autism











High Hopes continues to contribute significant ly to the growth and develop-

Eighty children between the ages of 4 and 17 participated in 5 week-long and 1

ment of the therapeutic riding industry internationally by offering training and education to professionals in the field. To date, we have trained and mentored 131 students in our North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) approved Instructor Training Course.Our reputation wor ldwide has attracted students from the following countries: Belgium, Canada,Croatia, Germany, Guatemala, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Mexico and Turkey.

two-week-long sessions of Summer Camp incl usive of chi ldren wi th and without disabilities partnering togeth er in a we ll-rounded equ ine camp experience.

Facility & Horses

This past year,we served 18 students in our Instruct or Training Courses,and 54 other professionals in two NARHA Instructor Onsite Workshops and Certifications, an American Hippotherap y Association workshop and a NARHA

High Hopes is able to provide our many programs and services with a loyal herd of 26 horses at our state -of -t he-art facility in Old Lyme, CT.

Associate Visitor Training workshop. We served an additional 45 people through a variety of other educational offerings including courses on Sign Language and Basic Horsemanship.

Most of our horses are don ated to High Hop es, and are senior citizens spending their "assisted living " days fulfilling their calling as therapy mounts. They are special animals indeed.

1/0CATIONAL TRAINING High Hopes Instructors and trained volunteer job coaches provided 525 hours of training and mentoring to 20 Vocational Training students wit h varying disabilities, betw een the ages of 13 and 49. On a case-by-case basis a core curriculum was modified to meet each student 's individual needs and goals toward three primary educational tracks: employment, higher education and lifelong learning, in areas of study including horse care, horse usage,equine health care,farm landscaping, barn cleaning and up-keep and stable management.

Our facility has undergone many significant capital imp roveme nt s this past year, including: ■ 4 new paddocks with 2 new automatic waterer s

■ new turn-out shed that we acquired by entering our t he rapy horse,

Cody, in a national eq uine service contest sponsored by the American Quarter Horse Association ■ access to several add itional pasture acres on neighboring ■


a generator

■ imp rovemen t s to the Sensory Integration Trail

■ landscaping around front of main building

In addition, we employed 4-6 individu als with disabilities from SARAH

■ new footing and lighting in th e indoor arena

Inc. to assist us with stable upkeep.

■ storage enclosure in the hay loft

new tractor

■ inst allation of a therap y eq uipment beam in the Therapy Room



EachspringHigh Hopescraclileswith excitementand activity as we mountourAnnual HorseShow. Thisyear~ event openedwith a thrilling "Riders'Drill" performedby ChelseaAbrahamson,Caitlin Courtney,Olivia Denison, CaraFinan and Derron Lepoutre. Threecheersfar ourridersand ourheartfeltthanks to thefollowing individuals and businesseswhosegeneroussupportmakethis specialdaypossiblefar ourridersand theirfamilies.

I ndividual Sponsors Th e Agoscine Family

Marge Curtis

Louise Hext er

Kyra Steiner & Rhett Steiner

Pete r & Alexa D aitch

Ing e Hi ere t

Callista & Scott Stoddard

Fallon Insuran ce Agency , Inc. Ri cha rd J.Torrenti

Jani e Davi son

Th e Hobson Family

Michele Tackett - Discovery Toys

Gales Ferry Pediatrics

Sally H. Aubrey

Emily Devoe

Be tsy Horn

Jason & Amanda Th omson

Greener Pastures Re scue

The Ballard Family

Ann DiCicco

The Hoynack Family

Sandy & Tony Thurston

Holistic T. P M. by Kristin Perna]

Patric ia & Michael Bandtlow

Noah Doucette

Betsy Hunnew ell

R osema ry & Peter Van Slyck

I design - Lisa M cNellis

The Driscoll Family

In Memory of Apple

Ron & Che ri Vedrani

L & Z Indu strial Circuit

Mr. & Mrs.John Jacobs III

J an1es & Diane Walsh

Barbara & John Kashanski

Dr. & Mrs. Carl F Washburn

Loren B. Sterman, MSW , LCSW

Karen Keelan

Ed & Ginny Wh ite

N ichols Forestry & Logging, LLC -

Myron & C indy Klein


North Cove Outfitter s, Inc.

Hel en & Anne Klingler

BL Companies - Pamela L. Perry

Michael & Joan Korale

Burton L. Ives & Sons, In c.

Judith F & Richard B. Lightfoot

Caulfield & Ridgway , In c.

Andrew Biederka Perci Biederka & Family

The Dumais Family

Scott & Joan Ni chols

Shirley King


& Ann Lane

The McCallum Family Mary Mille & Bill Doan e Bob & Penny Nelson

O.C. & Sam Paul & Kris tin Pernal Donna, Mike, Tyler & Zach Perry Jean Puleo Mary P Pull en Karin Sakul Kate & David Sandmann Linda & Peter Bierr ie

Kacie Guernsey & Dan Feeney

Eleanor L. Bonafonte

Ed & Mary Jane Fegan

Mr. & Mrs. William Boyd

Helene & Charles Fenger

Lauri e E. Seer

Audrey Brabazon &

Mark , Diane & Kelsey Fournier

Kara Seymour

Charle s A. Dickens,Jr.

Donna, Hu gh , Lindsey, Elizabeth & Olivia Scott

The Gemmell Family

Mr. & Mr s. L.D. Silliphant

The Bu ckley Family

Aubrey & Pamela Graham

Mr. & Mrs. H arry S. Slifer,Jr.

Nancy Cash

Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Greene

Bill & Bess Small

Kerry Christianson

Kitty & Jerry Greene

Mr. & Mrs . Rog er Smith

John & Joan H amrick

Kitty Stalsbur g & Rob Ha gema n ,

Marilyn Conklin in honor of Cody Ted & R ebecca Crosby


The Heffernan Family


W. "Zee" Zornig

Kathryn Hag eman

Citizens Banlc - Darin Meder Eastern Co nn ecticm State University, Chief Lewis

J.Perry, Jr.

Phili p D arrell Lighti ng Design Plainfield Greyhound Park Karen Keelan Pri mary Care for Women R ed Oak Stable LLC Transl ation Solutions , LLC



Thisyear 588 volunteersgave thepreciousgi,Jt ofrime to High opes.From board membersto event volunteersto barn bk/dies this adds up to morethan 26,000 hoursofservice,dedicahonand hard work. Volunteersare the embodimentofgenerosityand we recognizethisprecious gift and the individuals that offerit.

Do reen Abbott

Alicia Barrow s Kim Barrow s Arnie Baskin

Barbara Abrams Matt Abrams Marni Adamson Lindsay Ager N icole Ager Rob ert Ager Z achary Agostine Andrew Ahn Laurie Alexander Jaime Almeida Linda Almeida Beth Andersen Bea Anderson Kari Lynne Anderson Marie E. Andrew Erica Anhalt Brett Arn old Megan Kathleen Atwood Sally Aubrey Stever Aubrey Joseph Augusciak Evan Award Meredith Bailey Barbara Earle Ballard Rob ert D. Ballard Nancy Ballek Rowland Ballek Susan Ballek Patricia Bandtlow Carolyn Barber Carleton M. Barlow.J r. Leslie C. Barlow Lindsay Ann Barr Jeffrey Barrett

Myrna Baskin Kate Baylis Jane Beard Scott Beard Vera Bedrin Margaret Benoit John Beveridge Andr ew Biederka Charles Biede rka Perci Biederka Linda Bierrie Peter Bierrie Suzanne H. Birks Maria Blackstone Elizabeth Bohinc Jane A. Bolles Keith Bolles Mary Bomb aci Eleanor Bonafonte Gary F Borla Lorri Bosio Melissa Boston Meg Bremer Caro l L. Brining Lissie Brooks Sera Brown Stacy B rown Gail Buchhol z Alice Buckley Kacey Buckley Marianne Burke Kyle Burkl1art Denise Burt chell Kelley Cahill

Volunte ers

Carolyn Caine Deidre Calabrese Keren Camean Sarah Cannin g Amanda Caprari Simone Cardosa Alicia Carlson Sarah Carlson Ch ristoph er Carney Christop her S. Carney, Sr. Kristin e Carney Mary Carniglia Shannon Carrigan Linda Carroll Joan Carson Nancy Cash Athana Catlett Sabrina Catlett Sarah Catlett Dani elle Chaffee Michele Ch affee Emily Che llo Thom as C hilds Dayna Ch.insky Mary Beth Chinsky William Chr istopher Benjamin Clark Abby Clawson N icholas Clements Jud y Cobb Janet Cody John Cody Elizabeth. Collins Lexy Congdon Co nn ecticut Valley Pony Club Bethany Conroy Brenton Costa

Marc Cournoyer Caitlin Ann Courtney John B. Covello Chris Coyle Patti Coyle R enya Craig Barbara Crane Kori Crosson Clare Cunningham Marjorie Cur tis Nancy Cusack Julie Czyzewski Karen Dani elson Alison Zack Darrell Philip Darrell Daniella Daskan1 Angela Davenport Elizabeth L. David H enri M. David ,Jr. Jessica Davis Jane I. Davison Laetitia De Moroges Anna DeLucia Ingrid D eming Chris D ennison Meghen DeSan ta Cannine DeStefano Emily DeStefano Sarah DeStefano Susan DeStefano Diane Deut erm ann Emily Devoe Ann DiCicco Carolyn Dillenbeck Barbara DiR oberts Christine Dixon William Doane

D ee Do olittle Cassie Dorflinger Lucy Dornfeld Nan cy Draayer Jackson Dr iscoll Joel Dri scoll John Dri scoll III Judie Dri scoll Margaret Drum mo nd Amy Durini ck Krisrin Durinick Ru ssell Dykema Diane Eastman-Dumais Courtney Eaton Ashley Ni cole Edwards

John C. Evans Melissa Everett Theresa Everett Sally L. Faircloth Scott Farley Libby Fales Valerie Fales Zoe Fales Eli Fanelli R oxam1e Farlekas Liz Farrell D iane S. Faryniarz Dana Faulkner Wendy Fazzino H elene Fenger

Ashton Edwards Jonnie Edwards Natasja Katrien Eerens Geor gia Ellis Ph ilip Ellsworth,Jr. Jeb N. Embre e

Linda Ferraro Katherin e Fields Robin Fields Cara M . Fina n Gerry Fischbach Emily Fisher


Joe Flanagan Karen Florin

Jamie Gourlay Meagan E. Grndy

Michelle Fontaine

Pam Graham

Jane Holly Foster

Sarah Green Christine "Kitty" Greene Vanessa Greenfield

Julia Frank Dina Fusco Patty Ganey Amy Gardner Trnccy Gemm.ell

Evan Griswold John Griswold,Jr. William Groves

Melissa Heide

Lillian Kolack

Kelly V Henry Marcia Higgins

Jeffrey Kolovson

Cathy Kolovson

Amelia Holmes

Carolyn Korale

Betsy Horn Karen Horn

James Korst Joanne Kraska

William C. Horn,Jr. Heidi Howell

Reinhard Kratalis

Karin Kratalis

Anne Hoy

Irene Kritzer

Brittany Hoynack

Maura Landry Elaine LaPolla

Joe Genua Sandra Gervais

Kathryn S. Guernsey Wendy Gunn

Pam Ingersoll

Carol Gilchrist Elise Gilchrist

Capt. Robert 13.Gustafson

Joanne Ives Carolyn Jagielski

Cassie LaPorte

Gunilla James

Vanessa Lara-Russack Breck Lardner

Rob Hageman

Gregory S. Jarrabeck

Sue Lardner

Richard Gildersleeve

Tenney Hajnal

Hilary Johnson

Dan Magano

Carol A. Gill

Rebecca Haller

Chris Mahan

Rebecca Monroe Laura Mooney

Lindsay Gillette Trudy Gillette

Frank W Hamilton,Jr. Frank W. Hamilton III

Jennifer Johnson Karen Johnson

Emily Larson Francesca (Chelty) Lattanzio

Megan Mooney

Whitney Gillette

James Gilchrist Katharine H. Gildersleeve

Nancy Haddad Kathryn Hageman

Debbie Lawton

Laura Manley

Paul M.Jones

Kristin Elliott Leas

Kathy Marchant

Dorothea (Thea) Moore

Grace Hamilton

Amber Kalolo

Howard Marguler

Jessica L. Mulhall

Jerry Gintoff

Amber Leigh Hansen

Kathy Gintoff

Elana Hapis

Abby Kamp Jacqueline Kangley

Mark Leas L. Nicole LcCorgne

Grace Marrion Mabel Matschulat

Joan Mulkey Alanna Munzenmaier

Laura Giordano Kristy Goggins

Beverly Harding Brian Harra

Good News Clowns

Robert Harringer

Alexander Lehct

Connie Kastelowitz

Emily Lehet

Brian Matthew

Maureen Murphy

Mary Katsiaficas

John Lehet

James Il. Matthew

Carol A. Musante

Karen Keelan Thomas F Keogh

Kimberly Lehet

Jill B. Matthew

Dawn Nelligan

Patricia Leonard Debbie Lepoutre

Cis Matthicsscn

William Nelligan

Dec Maurice Paula McCrccdy

Jill Nelsen

Maureen McDonald

Penny Nelson

Gay Kepple David Kimmett James Kimmett

Jim Lewis Jennifer Lieb Alexandra Lightfoot

Shannon McDonough

Robert Nelson

Abby King

Ann Lightfoot

Alison McGrory

Elise Neske

Michelle King Charles C. Kingsley

Judith E Lightfoot Richard B. Lightfoot

Ryann Kinney

Nancy Kindell

Daryl Kita Kenneth Kitchings Suzanne Kitchings Rachel Klass Barbara Kligerman Robert Klimek, MD Jenna M. Klinck Pauline Knoll Mmja Gosler

Chelsea Hathaway

Robert Knoll

Lyttleton B.E Gould,Jr.

Cheryl Kelly Heffernan

Lyttleton Gould

Mitch HetlCrnan

Stephanie Knoll Amanda Kokoszka

Nicole McClure

Katherine Neske John Niblack

Nikole Littell

Erin McManus Lisa McNellis

Aileen Livingston

Alan David McWhirter

Joan Nichols Kate Nichols

Kelsey Long

Susan Mead

William Niedojadlo

Barbara G. Longo

Sarah Meister

Sarah Loughlin Caroline Luby

Cyndie Gould Melcher Wilhelm Meya

Heather Leigh Northrop Mark O'Connell

Nancy Lupienski

Jamie Mikolay Karen Milano

Evangeline Lyman-Munt Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Michael Lynch Cecil Lyon Kristine MacDonald

Mary Mille JanA.Milkr Joshua Miller Stephanie Misenti Ashley Mohler


Mary Nelson

Terry O'Hara Lindsay O'Neil Gisele Ostrofe Robyn O'Toole Nicole Otto Theresa M. Pagnozzi Cynthia R. Palmer Parent~ Group Volunteers

Juanita Paris Elizabeth Parsons Drew Pearson Jeanna Pellino Emily Peluso-LeMire Patti Peoples Kristin E. Pernal Donna Perry Anne Peterson Cathy Petrillo J.T. Picazio Linda Picazio Barbara Pickett Christa Pizzoferrato Nick Pizzoferrato John M. Pizzoferrato Laura Platz Jennifer Plecs A. Rives Potts Landon Potts Nancy Pom Stacy Pouliot Alyson Premo John Pritchard Lee Pritchard Jean Puleo Mary Pullen Donald Quigley Susan Raible Maureen Ramsdell Jonathon Recor

Priscilla Reedy Bethany Reiss Lisa Reneson Lauren Reynolds Joseph H. Rhodes,Jr. Lee Rhodes Ann Rice Heather Rice James Rice Alex Richardson Amanda Richardson Eliza (Lizy) Richartz Holly Ridgway Jeffrey Ridgway Kate Ridgway Stephanie Rimes Billy Ripley Carol Rodvogin Ethan Rohrberg Crystal Root Katherine Rossi Katharine Rozanski Thomas Rozanski Burgess Russell Rebecca Russell Rebecca A. Russell Tom Russo Pamela Russo Cemmy Ryland Jihan Said Karin Sakul

Jane Samuels Kathryn Sandmann Karen Saunders Rhom Saunders Vito Savino Nicole Sawyer Sarah Schaub Janet Schloss Alice Schmutz Nancy Schoemann Terry Schreiber Holly Schroeder Nancy Schultz Carol Ann Schwartz Donna Scott Hugh Scott Laureen Scranton Nakai Secki Laurie E. Seer Erica Semple !Gmberly Severance Marge Sharon Anneke Sharp LuAnn Shaw Cookie Shea Petra B. Shearer Gail Sheedy Helen Shelby Ken Shuey Sheila E. Siborg Michael Simeone Mary Lawrence Sinclair Barbara Sinicrope Pam Skelly Harry Slifer,Jr. Chelsea Smith Emily Smith Marcia Smith Roger M. Smith Seymour Smith Tia Smith Dyana Sohl Susan Somerville Debbie Sommers Wayne 0. Southwick, MD

Erica Stachura Grace Stalsburg Kitty Stalsburg Joseph Standart Amanda Stazick Katherine Steer Rebecca Steiner Amanda Sterman Loren Sterman Eileen Sterrett Sara Child Stevens Sandy Stiephaudt Elizabeth Stoddard Alexandra Storm Richard Strauss John M. Sturges,Jr. Amy Sullivan Kelsey Rose Swan Kimberly Swan Tanner Swan Linda Callan Taylor Morgan Tedeschi Jordan Termine AmyTerray Kacie Thompson Amanda Thomson Anthony C. Thurston Sandy Thurston Skyren Todd Veronika Tolarova Clare Torelli Sharon A. Torrent} Sharon Tracy David Triebel Kelvin N.Tyler Alexandra Uden Brynne Underhill Jeannine Unghire Jesenia Valentin Susanne Valerino Susan Van Winkle Victoria Vance-Harrell Nikki Vezina Aviva Vincent Kathryn Vine

Alyse Vinoski Christian D. Viola Matthew J.Viola Whitney M. Viola David E. Walker, MD Virginia Wallace Diane Walsh Lindsey Walsh Tom Walsh James T. Walton Margaret W Washburn Bruce Watford Nancy K W.1tkinson Carol Watts Joann Wayland-Doyen Erin Weedon Susan Weber Janice O. Wehner Claudia T. Weicker Leigh Weitzmann Deborah A. Welles John Welles Jennifer Wells Linda Westervelt Colleen Wetsel Sara Whitney Michelle Wieland Anne Wildcnnucb Teresa Wilding Max Wimmer

Andrea Wing ValWingate Dorinda Winkelman Mark Winkelman Gail Albino Winter William G. Winterer Brittany Wood Meredith Woods Cory Zachos Demi Zachos Elaina Zachos John Zachos Nathan Zeldes Patricia Zeldes Emily Zemba Jenn Zirbel

Volunteer Groups AIC CL&P

Filenc's Pfizer Inc. St. Andrews Church Suisman, Shapiro, Wool, Brennan, Gray & Greenberg United W.1yDay of Caring U. S. Coast Guard Academy Wal-Mart


ANNUAL EVENT Symphonyin the Meadows 2004 was graciouslyhostedby Dorinda and Mark Winklemanat their beautifulhome and supportedby morethan 600friendswho turned out to onceagain he entertained by the New Haven SymphonyOrchestra.

Weare grateful to eachand everyone of ourfriendsand supporters.


Even t Co-Sponsor s Scranton Financial Group Sovereign Bank

Nation Mortgage Lend ers Networ k USA NewAllia nce Bank Rey nolds' Garage & Mari ne, Inc. Ring's End / N iantic Lumber Kel & Karen Tyler ¡ Seawort hy Systems, Inc. - David & J oanne O'Neil Six Main Stre et, LLC The Bank of New York and The George Link ,J r. Foundation The Connecticut Light & Power Company U. S. Tru st Company of

Platinum Sponsor Mo hegan Sun

Conne cticut Wiggin & Dana R aymo nd & Laureen Zelek

We are honored to rece ive the genero us finan cial support of so many businesses and co rporations w ho ste p up to collect ive ly under wr ite I00% of t he ex penses of our Annual Ben efit Eve nt .

Gold Spon sors KoÂŁkoff Egg Farms SBC Co rpor ate Benefa c tors Brewer Pilots Point M arin a Riv es & Nan cy Pott s Brewer Yacht Yards Caulfield & Rid gway, Inc. C itizens Bank Essex Printing Co mp any Found ation David V.Winst ead, Ph. D. & Pame la M . R eese r, M. D. EssexSavingsBank/EssexFinancial Servi ces Franklin Farms Lawrence & Memorial Ho spital lyn Hanb erg, Prud enti al CT Dunham R ealtors


Mashant ucket Pequot Tribal


Corporate P atrons A. G. Edwa rds & Sons, Inc. Aegean Treasures Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage/O ld Lyme & Essex Dani els Oil Co ., Inc. D om inion's Millsto ne Station ESSENCE Center for Beaury and Welln ess The G r iswold Inn Gull Associates, Inc. M atthew Conroy Jean Callan Kin g Interior Design, LLC Lighthou se Ent erpr ises, Inc. Matthew Holcomb & Lois Bruinooge M errill Lynch - Liz D avid Middl esex H ospital People's B an k

Pfizer Inc. Saybrook Co untry Barn Keith & Jane Boll es Sennheiser Electronic Corp. Shoreline Eye Group , P. C. Robert). Klimek , M . D. Smith Barn ey - Essex Webster Bank

Mark eting Hor izons , LT D Sarah Wood McCracken Land scape Architect M ulford Pest & Prop erry Managem ent, LLC Mystic Seaport Mu seum , Inc.

Yankee Gas

Morr is O ld Lyme M arin a, Inc. Page Hardwar e & Appliance Co. Page- Taft R eal Estate , O ld Lyme, CT Rand-Whitn ey Co ntain er B oa rd

C orporat e Friends A 2 Z Screen Printin g, LLC Aaron Manor Nursing & Rehabilitat io n Center Am ato Proper ties, LLC Angl er Ad ventur es Archamb ault Insur ance, Inc. Beatry & Bou cher LLC Brewer Ferry Point Mari na Caliber Computing Shirley Curioso, 0. D . Dahlke Finan cial Group Drs . El gart , Pinn & Gordon Optometrists Duble & O 'H earn, Inc. East Coast Sec uriry Services, Inc. - Kare n Lynn Wil son Essex Pr eschool Ltd. Gladeview H ealth Care C enter H all Kinion Hanford C abinet & Woodwor kin g Kit chens by Gedney, Inc. K.E . B raza Const ru ction Kit chen s by Ged n ey Kit chin gs & Potter, LLC Laysville Hardw are Madi son Ch rysler Plymouth J eep Dodge Inc.

N iantic Awning Co., LLC O'Br ien, Shafoer , Stuart, Kell y &

Riv er Lin ens Saybrook Convalescent Hospital Shoreline Sanitation Soundings Publications , L. L. C. Tracy Agency, LLC Treasures, Old Lyme Village Photo Labs, Inc. Wachovia Bank , N . A. Waldron Insurance Agency

Corp o rate Co ntribu tors Cashman Co mput ers Coffee 's Country Mark et Com mer cial Cleaning & Refre shm ent Services, Inc. Dr. Anth ony A. Corrao, D. D. S. Guy's Incorpor ated Lighthouse Signs V. I. P. Supply . Inc.

I ndividuals B ene factors Jennifer Aubr ey in honor of Sally Aubrey

Barbara Earle Ballard Mr . & Mrs . Anth ony Camarra Jo hn & Athana Catl ett Ted & R ebecc a Crosby Mr. & Mr s. Peter Daitc h Charles & Sylvia Er hart Mr. & Mr s.J ohn C. E vans Flee t Bank Susan F.Go nsalves Mi tch & C heryl H effern an Judith & Ri chard Lightfoot Rut h Lord Sandy & Robert Mulli gan Jo hn & Lee Pritchard Manfr ed & Patric ia Schach von W ittenau Susan & J ohn Senn.ing M r. & Mr s. Roger Smit h Wayne & Ann Sout hwick

Robin & David Key The Kitchings Family Ni cho las Clements & Elizab eth Lightfoo t Ro land & Sally Ma cNic hol J udy Ma rinoff & Mi chael Co lm Sally & George Mayer Mar y Mille & Bill Doane Mr. & Mrs. Frederic k J. Platt Ill Richard E . Riegel.Jr. in ho nor of Joh n M. Sturges .Jr. Bill & Caro l Sahlm an Carol & Don Schwartz D ebo rah F.Scott Petra B . Shearer Kev in & M eg Small Sabin & Beverley Streeter Sandy & Tony T hurston Gurdon & Kathy Wattles

Lowe ll & C laudia Weicker Mark & Dorin da Win kelman Patro ns Victoria & William Winterer Joa n & Clarke Ambrose Mari an Young Elsie & Stever Aubre y M yrna & Arno ld Baskin Friend s Anne Baxter C arley & And y Baxt er Anonymous Rudo lf Bergmans & Ann B. Lane Barbara & Matt Abrams Debbie Amen t de Nun ez & Ri chard T. Cersos imo & Valerie J. Koif Luis L. N un ez, Jr . Bea Anderson Mr. & Mr s. Peter Flagg Bruce & Linda-Lea Andrews Patri cia & Mi chae l Gan ey Ri chard & Katharin e Gildersleeve Dia na & Bob Anno n Sally & Stever Aub rey Lyttlet on Gould & Ro semar y Cowley M aureen & Joseph Aug usciak Larry & Ju dy Ayers Evan Griswo ld & Emily Fisher G race & Frank H amilton .Jr. Jac queli ne Ball & John B. Ball Br ian Ha rra & Anne H oy Susan Ballek R owland & Nancy Ballek Barbara & John Kashanski Leslie & Carlton M . Barlow ,Jr . Mrs. Ad ol ph Kascelowtiz

Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Barnard Mrs. Rufus Barringer Wayne Beaulieu & Kathleen l3olles Kathe & Adam Bell Mimi & Bill Benner Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Bennett Dr. Richard & Jaimee Benoit Mr. & Mr. David Berks Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph F. Bcsier Harry Best & Candace O'l3rien Linda & Peter Bicrrie Mr. & Mrs. Michael 13loom Joe Boisscvain & Suzanne Arnmi Boissevain Keith & Jane l3olles Saybrook Country Barn Gary E Borla Mr. & Mrs. Kennth M. Botzek Malcolm & Natasha Bowers Brother James Boyle Bob & Margaret Brady Mimi & N cwt Brainard Carol & Dick Brining Lynn & Lissie Brooks Skip Broom & Sarah Jansen Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Burgess M.J. & D. P. Cahill Richard & Margot Calder Dan & Amy Carlin John & Linda Carlin Jennifer Cavalieri Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Charnok Helen & Bill Chatman Sam & Elsie Childs Arthur & Mabyn Christianson, Kerry Ann Christianson Mr. & Mrs. William Christophl'r Herb & Sherry Clark Karen Clarke Ms. Abby Cole & Gttl'st Jack Conant Gretchen & Woody Comstock Alison W. Conrad & Edward J. Brennan Matt Conroy & Tara Winch Gregg & Nancy Cook Katherine E. Cowles

Gregory Cox Chris & Patti Coyle Renya Craig Ray & Marie Currier Richard & Corinne Dailey Philip E & Alison Zack Darrell Allison D'Attelo Karen C. Dart Mr. & Mrs. Henri M, D;_ivid,Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Delfini Guy & Diane Deutermann Marianne Doran-Collins John & Judie Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Dunn Ill Drs. Dana & Michael Dunne James & Cathy Elliott Ash & Jonnie Edwards Bruce & Kacey Elfatrom Jeb & Dianne Embree David & Carole Enfield Bob & Debbie English Peter & Pam E vankow Liz & Uill Farrell Robert & Carolyn Fay Mr. & Mrs. George Fede Helene Fenger Joe & Marge Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Heath Fox-Larose Margot Gammerdinger Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gavin Tim & Susan Gavronski Sheila & Michael Giordano Mimi Gourlay Candy & Keith Green Kitty & Jerry Greene Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenho Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Griffith Matt & Mik Griswold John & Chichi Griswold Katie Guernsey & Daniel Feeney

Jill Hc,l\ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick Donald & lyn Hanberg Sally & Parker Handy Reese & Nancy Harris Mr. & Mrs. P.H. Haynes Brita Herman Matthew Holcomb & Lois Bruinoogt..¡

Lisa & Stephen Holmes Betsy & Bill Horn Rob & Lisa Hudson Carolyn & John Jagielski Frank Jarrabeck & Anne Haviland Susan & Jonathan Jewett K. E. Braza Construction Jacqueline Kangley & Stephen Dedman Bowen Kelley Jerry & Barbara Kil Robert & Carol Klimek Jean & John King Bob & Pauline Knoll Stephanie Knoll & Gerry Fischbach William Koch & Gigi Rhodes Hedy & James Korst Mark & Kristin Elliott Leas Ann Lightfoot & Faulkner Hum Alexandra Lightfoot Cecil & Linda Lyon Dr. & Mrs. David MacDonald Scott & Wendy Mahon Nancy & Ted Mallory Allison J. Manuel Fred & Marie Martin Claire Matthews John & Amy McCauley John & Kathleen McCurdy David & Sally McDermott Bruce McGhie Sharon & Hank Mclnenwy Bruce & Renee Mclntyrl' W. Matthew Mcloughlin & Mary Ellen Jukoski James & Barbara McMahon Dixon M. Merkt & Carol Gilchrist Polly Merrill Wilhelm Meya Dean & Irene Miltimore Ashley Mohler & Ian Lodovice Laura & Kieran Mooney Alden & Jamie Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William Nelligan Bob & Penny Nelson Kate Nocera & Michael Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. O'Connell Max & Dale Okasha Steve Olstein & Linda Morel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Park Douglas & Joanne Paul Kate Peal & Tim Griswold James & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick Keith & Bathsheba Pelkey Cale & Boo Penniman Paul & Kristin Pernal Tom & Linda Picazio Sonia & John Pierson Mort & Jeanne Guertin Potoff Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Powell Barbara & Dave Preston Pat Provost Mary Pullen John & Dyanne Rafa} Susan M. Raible & Michael Birch Lisa & Aaron Reneson Jim & Ann Rice Gary & Marilyn Reynolds Mr. & Mrs.Josl'ph H. Rhodes,Jr. Joe Rho(fos Ill Jim & Ann Riel' Jean M. Richards & Boynton Schmitt Alex Richardson & Liddy Karter Jeff & Holly Ridgway Wendy Rieder Hal Rives & Marki Ware Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rogers Marian Rowland Karin & Hakan Sakul David & Kate Sandmann Dr. Mary Cummings Satti & Atty. Michael E. Satti Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Saunders Judy Schaaf Peter & Shelby Schavoir Alice Schmutz Robert & Carol Sch1wider Dick Schneller & Mary Poliak Rick & Terry Schrl'iber Cliff Schultz Donna & Hugh Scott Deborah F Scott Scott Landscape Design Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Semple

Kara Seymour James & Cookie Shea Michael & Robin Simeone Brian & Janet Slater Rick & Sandy Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Seymour & Tia Smith Susan Ballek Smith Grace Stalsburg Kitty Stalsburg & Rob Hageman Dr. & Mrs. Christopher 13.Steiner Loren Sterman & Ellsworth Matthias Mitchel & Regina Strand Richard & Leslie Strauss Linda Callan Taylor & Professor Thomas H. Brown Stuart & Elizabeth Tillinghast

Alan & Skyren Todd Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Todd Mr. & Mrs. William H. Todd llI Kel & Karl'n Tyler Doug & Karen VanDyke Barbara & Bill Venable Mrs. Samuel R. Walker David & Cary Walker Brooke & Chris Walsh Rick & Susan Weber Dennis Welch & Elizabeth Monahan John & Debbie Welles Jennifer Wells & Frederick Bieber Mr. & Mrs.John R. Westerfield

Colleen G. Wetsel Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. White Kathy & Steve Wilson Gail Albino Winter David V.Winstead, Ph. D. & Pamela M. Reeser, M. D. Ed & Lyn Wolcott Mark & Alison Woods Mr. & Mrs, Frederick L. Worcester,Jr. Raymond & Laureen Zelek Clara & Carl Zirkenbach

Other Contributors Anonymous Stratton N. Barclay Brenda & Tom Bohinc

Rudy & Irma Brandt Fenton L. Il. Brown Ralph & Kail Cadman Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl Elizabeth C. Chamberlain Margaret Clucas Joseph P. Cognetta Barbara 0. David Janie Davison Charles & Phod1e Dey Alison & John Forbis Mary Tredennick Gould Ms. Martha B.Jacques Howard Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Delano Ladd,Jr.


Joan & Kenn eth Levin Mr. James L. Lowery,Jr. N ew En gland H ardware Co. Cyn thia R. Palmer Bob & Chery l Parsons Elena & Michael Patterson Robert B. & Mary L. Platt Don & Charlotte Quig ley Beth Reneri s Marth a Richmond Mrs. Charl es J. Scanlon Timothy & Suzan ne Tyler Karin Whittemore & Peter Kepple Zee & Lin Zornig

Wish L ist I tem Contributors Th is year there was an outpouring of generosity from our Benefit Event attendees to fund the purchase of a new John Deere tractor for H igh H opes . Th e following peop le made contribu t ions at Symphony in th e Meadows 2004 for this purpose : Beatrice Anderson Barbara Earle Ballard Dr. & Mrs . Richard Benoit Bob & Margaret Brady John & Margaret Brewer Lynn & Lissie Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Richard Calder Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Camarra Dan & Amy Carlin He rb Chambers Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Chrisropher Ficke,V .M. D. Mic hael & Judy Co hn Greg Cook Ch ris & Patti Coy le

Ted & R ebecca Crosby Stephen & Jackie D edman John & Judie Drisco ll Peter & Pam Evankow Bill & Liz Farrell Mark & Jean Ferris Heath & Kara Fox- Larose Richard & Edie Freeman Lytt Gould Joseph & Carol Griffith Timothy C. Griswold Anne Haviland Chery l Kelly H effernan Stephe n & Ruth Hendel Stephen & Lisa K. Holmes Frank Jar rabeck Judith F.& Ri chard B. Lightfoot Marily MacKinnon James & Denise Mason Bill & Dawn Nelligan Bob & Penny N elson Kate N ucera Stephen Olsrein James & Jaquelyn Pedrick Tom & Linda Picazio Mr. & Mrs. John Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Powell John & Lee Pr itchard John W. Rafal David V. Winstead, Ph . D. & Pamela M. Rees er, M . D. Lisa & Aaron R eneso n Jeff & H olly Rid gway Jeffery Rogers Bill Sahlman Shelby G. Schavoir Donald & Carol Schwartz Hu gh & Donna Scott John & Susan Sennin g Petra B. Shearer Tia & Seymour Smith Mr. & Mr s. Rob ert Stalsburg Mr. & Mrs. Anth ony C. Th urston Lowell & Claudia Weicker Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilcox T homas Wing Mark & Dor inda Wink elman

Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr . Lynn Greenho A Friend of High Ho pes Joseph & Carol Griffith D ebbie Ament de Nunez Susan & John Griggs Diana Ann on Dick Harding Arlin e R oberts-Stanton Interiors H ong Kon g Restaurant Jack & Sasse Baker H am.mered Edge Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ballard Dr. & Mr s. Steven Inglis Leslie Barlow J. Alden Clothie rs - Jam.es Ann B. Lane & D 'Alessio Rudolf H.J. Bergn1ans Johnn y Ad's Restaurant Black Seal David Kalayjian Blackledge Co untry Club Jacq ueline Kangley Handbags Frank Jam es & R ebecca Bo cian KC's Clotl1ing Natasha Bowers Cynthia & Mi chel Keller, ChefsLynn Broo ks Owners, Restaurant du Village Skip Broom Diane Kodama Kelley Cahill Jon Kodama,JTK Management Carlin Const ruction Company R estaurants Joh n Carlin Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale Ceramica - Carol LeWitt, Owne r R estaurant Mr. & Mr s. H erbert T. C lark III Lighrfoot Design Gretchen Comstock Ann Lighrfoot Connect icu t River Artisans Lucille's LLC Gregory Cook Mari e Martin Jeff & Betsey Coo ley Susan M cAlpin e Chris & Patti Coyle Cyn thia M cCallister Ted Crosby Dixon M. M erkr Crow's N est Gourm et Deli W ilhelm M eya Cybers hore, ln c. Ashley Mohl er Jacq ueline Kangley Dedm an K. Geo rge & Laura Mooney Deep Riv er D esign Linda M orel & Steve Olstein Dominick Du nne Jodi Mu enc h E. F.Watermelon Co. John J. Murph y Terry & Jerry Edwards N ew H aven Bruce & Kacey Elfstrom, Symphon y Orc hestra Overland Exp erts Leif Nilsson Emilio's Kate Nu cera Steven Evankow Lou Nunez Fenw ick Cottage, Essex David & Joanne O 'Ne il Maryberh Fede Joanne Park George Fede Kristin E. Pernal, Eq. , Cn .TP M Dee Ferris & Allen Divoll Pizza Works Flock Th eatre Compa ny Jeanne Potoff Brian Foley & Lisa Wilson-Foley R ena Powell Foxwood s Resort Casino Jo hn W. R afa! Margaret Gibson Pamela M. Reeser, M.D. Gone By Noon LLC - Liz Farre ll Gary H . Reyno lds Good-S piri ts Shoppe, Inc.

Auction Contributors

River Tavern - Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Rapp Hal Rives Rob Ri vers Th e Salon & Spa Ro ckingham Park, Karen Keelan Connie & Al Rogers William Sahl.man Kate Sandman n Michele Schavoir Shelby Schavoir Donna & Hu gh Scott Tony & Laura Scott John & Susan Senning Ro ger & Marcia Smith Mitchel & R egina Strand Talbots of Essex Tamar Th at's the Spirit Shoppe David & Lauri e Titl e Alan & Sky Todd Joan Todd Mr. & Mrs.William Todd Th e Beachside at Nantucket Karen Keelan The Bowerbird The Divin e W ine Emporium The Hid eaway Re staurant & Pub The R ed Balloon The Yankee Palm Th e Zemmel Family Tony & Sandy Thur ston Tracy Insurance Agency Sharon & John Tracy Dina Varano Barbara Venable Venetucci's Westbrook Hunt C lub Sonny Whelen Doug & Lee White Valerie Old Win gare Mark & Melinda Yuknat

Gifts in K ind A & P Group Abby's Catering Co mpany Ashlawn Farm Coffee Carol DaWke Ballek's Garden Ce nt er Banfi Vinrners

Benj amin 's R estaurant Bennie's Farm Market Bill's Seafood Boom R estaurant C D esign - Kelley Cahill Cafe Routier Che rryston es Clo ud N ine Cate ring Co ffee's Country Market Co ttrell Brewing Company Crow's Nest Gourmet D eli Cuc koo's Nest D eep River Baking Compa ny Design Label Manufacturin g Jeff Dunphy Edd's Place - Cuisine to Go Foster~Casey & Com pany From age Fine Foods Hadlyme Cammy Store, Inc. Lup o's Manchester Ice, Old Saybrook Moran U. S. A., L. L. C. Jim & Cathy Mor an Old Lyme Seafood Marker Olive Oyl 's Carr y Our C uisine Oliver's Taverne C harles & JoAnne Park Pasta Unlimired Pen ny Lane Pub & Restaurant Rive r Tavern Sage American Bar & Gri ll Saybrook Fish H ouse Seaflour Foods SeaSide Wine & Spirit Petra B. Shearer Sherlock's 221 W ine Bar & Grill Stop & Sho p - Old Saybrook Th e Bee & Thistle Inn The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of SE N ew England The Griswold Inn The Hideaw ay Restaurant & Pu b The Ivory Re stauran t & P ub The Old Lyme Inn The Wheatmar ket Two Sisters Design Lisa Reneson Village P rovisions Walt's Food Market

~inancial Stateillents FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE

30, 2004

Statement of Activities

Statement of Financial Position June 2004 Total all Funds

June 2003 Total all Funds


Total Assets

Permanen t ly Restricted

June2004 Total

June 2003 Total

$203,791 120,791



$450,384 120,791

$397,242 100,891






220,093 41,027


220,093 41,846

180,0 14 44,063

158,142 8,970

(9,145) 6,458


2ll, 390







568,175 88,983 94,583

568,175 88,983 94,583

486,386 90,769 73,395

Total Expenses




Change in Net Assets













$1,23 1,478




Current Assets

Cashand Equivalents Accounts Receivable Accrued Interest Receivable PrepaidExpenses Cashand EquivalentsHeld for LongTerm Purposes Property& Equipment - Net BookValue Unconditional Promisesto Give InvestmentsHeld for LongTerm Purposes

Temporarily Restricted


$333,082 23,396 5,822 20,165

$178,440 14,897 6,518 12,547

227,494 1,819,073 86,294 1,549,934

309,717 1,818,170 113,685 1,351,426



Contributions and Grants Special Events Total Support


Feesfor Services Investment Income Net Realizedand Unrealized Gainsand Losseson Investments Other Income

158,142 8,970

Total Revenue



Total Support and Revenue



Net Assets Released from Restrictions Restrictions Satisfied by Payments






Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Advance Fees for Services

$24,226 21,494 26,879

$8,417 15,971 36,836



2,046,346 29,541 2,075,887 685,296 1,231,478

1,857,964 29,541 1,887,505 630,510 1,226,161

Total Net Assets



Total Liabilities and Net Assets



Total Liabilities


Net Assets

Unrestricted Unrestricted-Board Designated TemporarilyRestricted PermanentlyRestricted

Total Support , Revenue and Reclassifications

ProgramServices General and Administrative Fund Raising

Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year

These condensed financial statementshave been derivedf romfinancial statementsaudited by Le1vitz, Balosie, Wollack,Rayner and Giroux, LLC. The completefinancial statements, and the auditor~ report on.them may be obtained by contactingthe High Hopes b1,1sinessoffice.


Desig11by 1i11osistersdesig11., 0111






Riding Inc.

36 Town Woods Road PO.Box 254 Old Lyme, CT06371 860.434.1974 www .highhopestr.org



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