2004-2005 High Hopes Annual Report

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Our Community oj:Hope HIGH









High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. isfounded on the belief that experiencing, riding, and driving horses significantly improves the lives of individuals with physical emotional and developmental disabilities.

Our Community ef'Hope


High Hopes Board of Directors


between our participants,


horses, volunteers, staff, families and friends makes

Mary K. "Sis" Gould

up the core of High Hop es. For over thirty years


we have explored the potential of that synergy by providing unique programs chat provide physical, emotional, social and recreational benefits to thousands of participants with varying degrees of challenges: a young adult dealing with mental illness, a chi ld challenged by physical disability, a troubled teen who has been moved from foster home


foster home, a parent recovering from


John C. Evans Vice President/Secretm1

Barbara Earle Ballard Vice President for Developm ent

Cheryl Kelly Heffernan n¡easurer

a stroke and the caregiver overwhelmed by stress and worry. These

Deborah A. Welles

are the faces at the heart of our programming. These are the people


whose lives we move in a direcl:ion of hope and happines s, reward and success. Working with our committed volunt eers, a dedicated professional staff and caring families, they have the possibility


push the limits of disabilit ies to new horizons in a safe haven where they receive unconditional care and love. These horizons go beyond the spiritual, to ones chat are truly pracl:ical in the carry-over benefirs that are gained from one participant to the next. One family experienced their 8 year-old son with Autism sleeping through the night for the very first time after spend ing 3 days at High Hopes with his mother in our multi-therapy immersion summer camp that we piloted for the second time chis year. This little gain is a big example of the profound impacl: we have on the lives of each and every person that walks in the door at High Hopes.

Sally H. Aubrey Jane A. Bolles Ch_ristopherM. Coyle Elizabeth L. David Jane I. Davison Katharine H. Gildersleeve Pauline C. Knoll Judith F. Lighcfoot Heather Leigh Northrop Mark O'Connell A. Rives Potts Jeffrey Ridgway Anthony C. Thursron Kelvin N. Tyler David E. Walker, MD Claudia T. Weicker Dorinda Winkelman HONORARY

Important gains such as tl1is are only made possible throu gh the synergy created by our community of dedicated people including participants,

volunteers, staff, families and friends, chat bond

together in th e spirit of High Hopes. We have a special community, a community of hope!

John C. Evans, Bot1rdl'resit!e,,r

Alison Zack Darrell, E\¡ewli/JeDireBor



Lyttleron B.P.Gould, Jr. Frank Hamilto n, Jr. Grace Hamilto n Wayne 0. Southwick, MD PRESIDENTS


Sherley Furgueson Betsy Horn Barbara Kashanski Judith F. Lightfoot* Pete Pierson t A. Rives Potts* Jeffrey Ridgway* Roger M. Smith Kelvin N. Tyler* * currentlyserving ns a Direllor

Programs and people served Through our core lherapeut ic Riding Lesson Program, 267 riders gained streng th in movement, mind and spirit ; 37 teens and ad ults ranging in age from I 2-50 years old grew wings of success working in our Vocation al Training program; 86 ch ildren were nourished by th e sense of equality and acceptan ce they experienced in ou r Equestrian Summer Cam p; and High Hopes ope ned its doo rs to another 368 people who were to uched by a one-time field trip to High Hope s or an offsite anima l-assisted therapy session with our Delea-certified Shetland Pony.



AutisticSpectrumDisorders Cerebral Palsy Cognitive Impairments Developmental Disability Down Syndrome AttentionDeficitDisorder

The desire to enhance the quality of life for peop le with disabilities through riding, bonding and working with horses is far and wide and growing as public awareness of chis unique therapy expands . This gives Hi gh Hopes the opportunity to share our professional knowledge and inspirat ion with peo ple who come to us from throughout the world to gain ed ucation and experie nce as Therapeutic Riding Instructor s. This year, the professional staff of High Hopes mentored and trained 53 Instructor students th rough our Instru ctor Training Course , and onsite certificat ion workshops sanctio ned by the No rth America n Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA).

EmotionalandMentalDisorders Neurological Disorders Other 10








High Hopes'profassionalflnjf lendershipwm exemplifiedand honored by NARJ/A when Kitty Stalsburg (center),our ProgramDirellor and one of an elitefew Maller lnflru{/011 i11the co,mtJ)\ receivedrhe 2004james Bmdy ProfessionalAchievement Award.

Participant Satisfaction Sur vey Our program participants gave Hig h Hopes exceptional marks when surveyed through a professionally implemented participant satisfaction survey this year. They expressed our achievements better than anyone in saying: "The prog ram is the best thi ng that has happened in our lives as far as helping (the rider) with the disab ility."

3-14 years 35-S0years


"Some of our clients have never comm itted to anythi ng (before); through their regular participation at High H opes, they are now looking for employm ent" . "Benefits (of the program) are truly life chan ging. All areas of our chj ldren's developm ent show a positive im pact from the program. " " ... chis is the mo st important th ing we do an d m y child loves chis above all activit ies."


A bond, shared

High Hopes Staff

Much of rhe benefit that comes from being a participant in Hi gh Hopes ' programs is from the bond s that are form ed; th e bond between hor se and rider an d the hu man bond betwee n a rider and a volunteer. Th e following statement from Hi gh Hop es instructo r Kacie Guernsey reflects on one student 's positive outcome as a result of his rime at Hi gh Hopes and the bond s he formed with his volunt eer sidewalker:

Alison Zack Darrell, Executive DireElor

'John (the name has been changed for confidentiality) is a terrific eight year old with Attention Defi cit/ Hyperaclivity Disorder. When john Harted the program he was shy and tentative and did not Hand out with any leadership role within his group. It was quickly apparent that John was a natural rider and with his eagerand curious nature he became one of the quickeH learners I have ever inflrucled. The Heady, rhythmic movement of johns horse helped him to focus and to work hard at underHanding and controlling his horse. Johns teacher remarked that this improved focus carried over to classroom aclivitiesfollowing his time at High Hopes.

Program Adminiflrative Assiflant

"But more than john's natural ability one other positive gain Hands out from his time riding at High Hop es and that was the incredible bond john formed with his side walker, the volunteer who walks next to the horse and acls as an assiflant, providing different types of support as needed by the rider: Because ofjohn's ability it was determined that he could ride without the benefit of the side walker, but after trying this john found that he missed the companionship and friendship he had formed with his volunteer: John's friendship with his volunteer was as important a component in his therapy at High Hopes as his riding and coupled with the bond and maflery that John had with his horse his self confidence visibly increased and he assumed a quiet Leadershiprole within his riding group. When other riders balked at having to use a side walker, John quickly defended their role Hating 'it'sjuH Likehaving a fr iend"'.

Barba ra Abrams, lnflruElor Carol Brining, Adminiflrative Assifla nt Erin Ca in, lnflruc!or Patri Coyle, lnflruc!or Ren ya Craig, Receptionifl I

John Dr iscoll, Caretaker Jud ie Dr iscoll, De velopment Associate Jon nie Edwards, lnflruc!or Amy Gardner, Equine Program Coordinator Kacie Guernsey, lnfl ruc!or Caro lyn Jagielski, Physical 1herapifl I lnflruc!or Nicole McCl ure, Ba rn Sta.If Bill Nelligan, lnflru {ior Dawn Ne lligan, lnflru{ior Jeanna Pellino, Volunteer Coordinator Kristin Pernal, Special Programs Coordinator Anne Peterson, lnflruc!or Linda Lee-Picazio, Business Manager Landon Potts, DevelopmentAssiflant Bill Prout , lnflru{ior Sara Slayton Qua, Dire{ior of Development H olly Ridgway, lnflru{ior Petra B. Shearer, Business Manager Emeritus Kitty Stalsburg, Program Direc!or Holl y Sundmacker, Barn Manager Mary Washburn, fnflru[lor Lorna Young, Lesson Coordinator

Vocational Training The human-animal bond is a powerful learning tool. Caring for and training animals, particularly in a large stable or farm setting, requires patience , communication skills, responsib le behavior and team work. These are all life skills that serve young people well in any work setting . A vocational training program in a farm environment that is coord inat ed with the school system and a social service or other counseling professional offers students an alternative to standard learning tracks. Visit High Hopes on any day of the year and most likely you will meet a participant in our expanding vocationa l training program . Man y of the students enrolled in this group have been identified by social service professionals and guidance counselor s as "at risk" youth and most have little or no family support systems in place, are not func\:ioning well academically and have social and/or emotional difficulties. Their chances for graduating from high school and going to college or finding a job that will support them are slim. High Hopes is a community-centered organization that encourage s collaborative efforts and wit h its pastures, barn, and horses offers students just such a healing environment in which to work. Students who come to High Hopes are exposed to a variety of challenges and learning opportunities through observing and assisting in therapeutic riding lessons, work ing and learning abou t hor se care and interac\:ing with the staff. In this struc\:ured and accepting environment these students are given a chance to gain self-confidence, learn some basic life and work skills, and perhaps achieve a level of success not attainab le in the past.


Autism Multi-therapy Program Autism is a severe disability affell:ing a growing number of children. Therapeutic riding as an intervention tool for this population is becoming the focus of increased study. Based on the success of our pilot program High Hopes is committed to further development and study for this type of therapy in the treatment of auti sm. Our exper ience in the therapeutic riding profession has proven that we can have a positive impall: on children with autism. Over the course of the academic year, as well as throu gh a special summ er camp, selell:ed participants were imm ersed in various therapeutic all:ivities to help them satisfy rhe myriad of needs chat accompany their diagnoses. All:iviries at each session combined eq uin e related therapy with a session of occupational therapy or an expressive therapy (arr and/or music) experience. The program was strull:ured to provide the int ense one-on-one therapy that better meets the needs of chis population; the variety of therapeutic experiences offered comp lemen ts and strengthens the effell:iveness of each treatment session. The participants of this program benefit in countl ess ways. They learn eye hand coordination, increase their muscle tone and strength , improve their balance and learn ro follow direll:ions. With the help of our ream of insrrull:ors, volunteers and gencle horses, riders learn to crust and overcome th eir fears and anxieties. We receive feedback from their parents and classroom teachers that these changes last beyond the lesson period - they extend into the classroom an d at hom e. We hear time and time again that the inattentive, disruptive stud ent becomes more focused and motivated to listen and behave in class and at hom e after participating in our therapeutic riding program. During chis summer's program, one parenc reported that her child went to sleep by himself for che first rime in his eight year old life, an accomplishment that can have a major impall: on the life of the participant and family. The ot her recurring message we receive is that for many of our participants it is the only all:ivity that makes them feel equal to ch ildren who do not have disabilities. It builds confidence and self esteem in anxious, withdrawn, socially disconnell:ed par ticipants, making it possible for them to achieve things they thought were completely beyond the ir reach. These are changes that ultimately will benefit others as these chi ldren grow into adulthood and become part of the community .


nnual (jiving Annual Giving contributors provide support for all of the programs at Hi gh Hopes . Our donor s, whether th ey give to our Annual Appeal Campaign, make a cont ribution in memory of a loved one or provide for a specific need by making a restricted gift, are affirmin g their belief in the importance of th e Hi gh Hop es mission. The following lists detail contributor s who generously mad e a donation to High Hopes between July

I, 2004


and June

30, 2005.



Leadership Circle

Special Benefactors


Roberr D. & Barbara Earle Ballard


John & Atha na Catlett

Judith & Richard Lightfoot

Peter & Karherine Baccile

Lord Creek Farm

Andy Baxter

Susan K. Childs M r. & Mrs. Peter Dait ch Jane I. Davison

- 2004

Hunter Pace

George & Vienna Cain

Rives & Nanc y Pores

Chris & Patr i Coyle

Karen E. Schwarz

Christy A. Fleurat

Martha Terrell

Gail Perkins Gemme

Estate of Ga il Werwa iss

G reg & Shelley Gullette

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gilders leeve Mitch & Che ryl H effernan

Wendy & Robert Gunn


Winrhrop & Ca rolyn Gupt ill - Fox Ledge Tack Shop

Barbara & Marchew Abrams

Lawrence & Mary Beth Keefe

Anon ymous

Edward J. Keelan

Lee MacWilliams -Bou cher

Kennet h & Christin e Kirchin gs

Karen Horn

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Childs

Mary Mille & William Doan e

Robert A. C urr y

Charles F.Monzeg lio, Jr.

John & Barbara Kashanski

LordC reek Farm - Dr iving Event

Bill & Pammi e Post

Karen Florin

Mary P. Pullen

Ruth Lord Estate of Nancy Olmstead

Russell Ford

Virginia Rhodes

Bill & Joanne Ives

Mr. & Mrs. Pete r G. Russell

Thomas T. Moore

Saybrook Co unt ry Barn

Robert & Sand y Mulligan

David & Jean Sargent Mark & Dor inda Winkelman

- Keith & Jane Bolles

Holly & Jeff Ridgway

Reba M. Sr. Onge

Deborah F. Scarr

John M. Sturges, Jr.

Roger & Marcia Sm ith

John & Deborah Welles

Sabin & Beverley Streeter

K.C. & Sonny Wh elen IV

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Thurston

George & Cynthia Willauer

Kel & Karen Tyler


Ga ry F. Borla

Heidi & John Nibla ck




Crysta! Harvey


Ruth & Kathy Heller

William Reisman

Lynleron B.l~ Gould, Jr.

Bruce & Cris Barlow

Muriel N. Hinkle

James & Amanda Rutledge

Robert & Nancy Green

Eleanor L. Bonafonrc

Horse Power

Saybrook Veterinary Hospital

John Griswold

Mrs. Curran Earle Carr

Katharine V.S. Howe

John & Ellen Wells

Susan K. Childs

Julie Inglis


Clark & Patricia Graebner

Inge Hierer Mrs. Emanuel Hirth

Dressage Association


G. & Richard P.Jansen

Connecticut Light & Power Co.


J. Karp

Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David,Jr. David F. DePaola Charitable Trust

Karen Keelan

Beverly L Alves

Susan & Jonathan Jewett

Charles C. Kingsley

Bruce & Robin Augustadt

Audrey H. Johnson

W.··tlterE. Davis & Elizabeth Haartz

James & Hedy Korst

Stanley & Milly Babson

Kathleen G. Johnson

'01e Revs. Jonathon

"foe Krautmann Family

Charlotte P. Barringer

Robert E. L Johnson Jr.

& Kimberly Folts


Robert & Linda Hollis Kate Ireland


Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Bennett

& Patricia A. Burr

Kelsey Fournier & Family

Elise S. Lapham

Sally J. Bill

Mrs. Adolph Kastclowtiz

t\my B. Gardner

Isabel C. Leach

Victor & Jean Birch

Cissie & Tom Keogh

Patricia Goldblatt

Bruce & Catherine Linman

David & Lynn Bocian

Mariette W. Ladd

Mr. & Mrs. John Creenc

Terrance & Bette Lomme

Gary E Borla

Kenneth & Joan Levin

Mr. & Mrs. Frank W Hamilton,Jr.

Roland & Sally MacNichol

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Brainard

Philip R. Logan

John & Joan Hamrick

Sarah K. Mayer

Rudy & Irma Brandt

John & Wendy Lord

Karen Horn

Dorothea lV1oore

Michael & Patricia Brines


Mr. & 1V1rs. John Jacobs Ill

Bob & Penny Nelson

Mary L Broughton


Johanne & Richard

J. Mangi

Dr. Lisa C. iVkCarrhy Bob & Penny Nelson Krisdn E. Perna!

Dr. & Mrs. Max Okasha

Suzanne & Templeton Brown

William E. Phillips

Ann Marie Buckley

& Barbara E. Smith 1he Picazio Family

J. Platt

L Lowery, Jr.

& Marguerite lv1angin Mr. & Mrs. Roben Marrion

Norman, Lori & Carolyn Caine

Cis & Carey Manhiessen

Gus & Peg Carlson

'n1e McCa!lum Family

Hol!y &Jeff Ridgway

Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick

Charles & Olivia Carniglia

Bruce McGhie

1V1ichellc & Roger Roche

John & Lee Pritchard

Douglas K. Levin & Abby Caner

Newt & Polly Merrill

Jean & David Sargent

Don & Charlotte Quigley

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Chapin III

Gretchen S. J\;lerkt

Shelby G. Schavoir

John & Teri Rexroad

Elsie C. Childs

Ronald F. Milardo

Bonnie & Phil Seagull

Glen & Connie Rokicki

Margaret Clucas

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Moloney

Perra B. Shearer

Ryan Romanowski

Joseph I~Cognetta


Alan G. Thornton

Kate & David Sandmann

Stephen & VeronicaCovent.')'

David & Arlene Norling

Victoria & \Vil!iam Winterer

Dr. Craig A.I~D. Saxton


and Family

J. Newell

Kare Norling

Mary K. Schaaf

Rosemary Cowley

Toni & Harry Slifer

Alison Zack & Philip F. Darrell

Drs. John & Corrie Paardenkooper

Tia & Seymour Smith

Barbara David

Georgia Payne

Bruce & Kimberly Abraham

Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappen Soper

Birgit N. & E. Andrew Deeds

Susan Peacock

Dorothy & Curr Askelson

James R. 'fhompson

Roy & Kim Dubs

Richard I. Pearce

Associates of Anthem Blue Cross

Alan & Skyren T0dd

David & Barbara Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. John Pe!lino

and Blue Shield Quality Con-

David & Cary Walker

Cdr. Barbara Ellis, RET

Anne Peterson

trol & Recoveries Department

Robert & Betsey \X'ebster

Sandy & Joe Elnisky

James & Jane PfeffCr

Claudia Weicker

Sue Keith Elvcrston

Constance Pike

Rudolf Bergmans & Ann Lane

Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree

Robert B. & Mary L. Platt

Linda & Peter Bierrie

Carole & David Enfield

Barbara & David Preston

Herbert & Sherry Clark

Helene & Charlie Fenger

Richard E. Riegel,

Peggy Ann Robinson

Sally & Stever Aubrey

Eric & Heather Leigh Northrop

Charles & Janet Crump

Bob & Lee Adrian

Michael & Barbara Fonda

Frances Dennie Davis

Emily Cassidy


Maud B. Duke

Donald M. Johnson

Pearl Fournier

Carol K. Ryland

Mr. Reginald Ful!erton, Jr.

Maureen G. Satd

Rick & Pat Erm!er

& Nancy Hillhouse

U. Foster


Ronald & Janet Romanowski

J. Scanlon

Michael & Sherley Furgueson

Anne & Helen Klingler

A. Gilbert

Mrs. Charles

Janet & Katelin Gochberg

Robert & Pauline Knoll

Ron & 'l"CrryGlcndinning-

Alice Schmutz

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin

Dr. & J'vlrs. Gerard H. Lawrence

Babcock Hi!! Equestrian

Donna & Hugh Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George tvL

Center, LLC

Shoreline Pcdiauics

Don & Doina Gonci

Barbara). Sinicrope

Cyndie Gou!d

Linda, Peter & Sara Austin-Small

Greg & Shelley Gullette Sally W. Handy



Martin & Janis Livingston




Mary Ann E. Smirh

Judy Hansen

Nancy & Bob Wood

Jake & Sharon Srar

Varick 0 . Harrison

Rodi & Wick York


Elizabeth De R Srurges

Marylys Jackson

Carl W Zirkenbach


Mrs. William R. Taylor

Gunilla B. James

Scott & Cath erine Abercrombie

Dina & Paul Tresnan

Eads Johnson, Jr.

Timothy & Suzanne Tyler

Jean T. Joh nson


Tiffany N. Bmhold

The Viola Kids

Katherine S. Kane, DVM

David A. & Rosemary Anderson

Michael E. Blefeld, M.O.

Jacqueline Walker

Bill & Claudia Kelly

Leila R. Bowman

Jean A. Bonafonte Audrey Brabazon &

Sandra Blanchard

Linda & David Ward

Srephanie Knoll & Gerry Fischbach

Nancy Cash

Karin Whittemore

Mark & Cathy Kolovson

Mrs. Delos B. Chu rchill

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Williamson

Jeff & Judy Lovelace

Mr. & Mrs. Julian Colelli

Heidi & Rick Worccsrer

Or. Lisa C. McCarchy

Mrs. Philip B. Cowles, Jr.

Karen & Lee Cash man

Linda S. Wysocki

Ors. Christopher

Beverly Crowther

Sally F.Cornish

Jong & Wendy Yang

Thomas & Gloria Elliort

Melissa Oaroff

Mary Fischer

Mildred E. Devine

Mrs. James Morris

Robyn & Mark Farrier

Wayne & Patricia Devoe

Claudia & David Natorski

Margaret Frisch

Richard & Gwendolyn Goldsnider

Deb Abrahamsson

Eugene & Janet Nichols

Dina Fusco

Maria & Luis Gomes


Open Ga irs Therapeucic Riding

Ms. Manha Jacques

Mr. & Mrs. William Gregory, Sr.

Michael & Suzanne Aubrey

Eleanor Os borne, PH D

Elizabeth & Pcrcr Karter

Or. & Mrs. Forest K. Harris, M.D.

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A.

Cynrhia R. Palmer

Mark & Ann Lander

Diane Hirsch Elmira S. Ingersoll

Bardenheier Ill

& Susan McCawley

Charles A. Dickens, Jr. David M. Brzezon

Roberr & Sarah McCracken


Patricia H. Pierson

Breck & Sue L1rdner

Myrna & Or. Arnold Baskin

Virginia B. Rand

Tom & Kathy Levanri

Michael S. Beda

Bethany Reiss

Arthur McCauley

Ma ry & Stuart Klarman Kathy Krebser

& Mary Muhlhausen

Mimi & Bill Benner

Lisa & Aaron Reneson

Margot W. Morgan

Eleanor Hofmann Bishop

Gisela & Vernon Rhodes

Jeffrey T. Nelson

Maryann Labrie

Joan & Barry Bloom

Mrs. John Ripley

Scarr & Joan Nichols

Mary B. MacDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm

Al & Connie Rogers

Emily Peluso

Minerva Malave

Saybrook Vererinary Hospiral

Mr. & Mrs. E.B. Sollis

Ms. Spencer K. McLean

Robert & Helen Burkarrl1

Judirh Schaaf

Jennifer Srarkey

Karen A. N ichols

Mary C. Burke

John & Janer Schloss

Regina Strand

Marcia A. Or-techowski

Alan Buroff & Karhy Barrus

Terry C. Shreiber

Laurie & Jack Sulger

Johan na B. Reinwald

Adam & JoAnn Burrows

Laurie E. Seer

Ron, Cheryl & Page Vedrani

Joseph & Shirley Secondino

Deborah & Jonat hon Burler

James & Louis Shea


Diane R. Silveria

AJ Casrelli

Eileen L. Shekosky

Mr. & Mrs. D.S . Tolderlund

Elizabeth C. Chamberlain

Helen M. Shelby

Robin B. Vitale

Ms. Deborah L. Chieppa

Dona ld R. Skuza

Harwood B. Comstock

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Speirs

Bowers,Jr., M.D.

Belton & Eugenie Copp

Frank & Callisra Stoddard

Charlot te Wrighr De Palma

Stonington Veterinary Hospiral

Charles & Phoebe Dey

Cather ine R. Sturges

William D. & Lisa Donovan

Celine SLLllivan

Diane S. Faryniarz

Peg Sweeney

John & Alison Forbis

Thaddeus C. &

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday,Jr.



Amanda Bryan Tatum

Jack & Chip Frosr

Mary M. Thacher

John Gallagher

Doug & Karen VanOyke

Tim & Susan Gavronski

Peter Van Slyck

Carol A. Gill & Cara M. Finan

The Dohnna, LLC

Michael & Sheila Giordano

Barbara & Bill Venable

Patricia Goldblatt

Janice M . Walden

Aubrey & Pamela Graham

Mark L. Warren

Josh Greenvall

Lyle P.& Nancy K. Watkinson

Timothy C. Griswold

Judith & David Winer

Mr. & Mrs. Frank W Hamilton Ill

Ed & Lyn Wolcorr


Barbara Abrams








Dr. Fred Jones

Jeffrey & Karen Smith

Jo-Vin Decorators, lnc.

Jeffrey Smith &

Robert M. Kane Agency, Inc. r6

Mary McWi!liams-Smith

Rohen & Kelly Ann Kel!ey

James & Deborah Spillane

Emily E. Andersen

9720 Rest. LTD.

Mr. Sean E. Kern

Squad 18 F.D.N.Y.

Scholm:ship Emily Rose Ballard Robert D. & BarbaraEarleBallard

George & Nicole Alamia

Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Kiefer, Jr.

Sdrch Authoriry, Ltd.

AH-American Hamburger

Brian Kilmeade

Susan & John Griggs

Rob Aniello - Wheels Auro, Inc.

Anonymous -

Joanne Ives - Scholarship

Drive-In Corp.

dba Tilden Car Care


TCmplarSales lnc.

So Lonely Productions Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert

Uniformed Firefighters Assn. of Greater New York

Pete King for Congress

J. Kirwan

George & Margaret Vasse!man

/Vlargaret & Alan Koepplin

Kristen Vassclman

Mr. & /vlrs. Mark l~ Koetzncr

Eileen T. Wagner


Donald Lancelot

Timothy C. Wayne

Atlantic \'fireless Communications

Christine Lauria

Fred & Patricia Wernig

PeterH. K110I!Memorial

James & Barbara Boyle

Linell Fitness, LLC

West End Co. No. 3 Inc.

ITC Scho/11rship

Mr. Kevin

Bob & Pauline Knoll for the Peterff. Knoll iv/emorial

ITC Scholarship Bob & Penny Nelson for the

Estate of Nancy Olmstead

Margaret Arce - In Memory of Michael and David

J. Brown

- Curves

for Women

- Bellmore Fire Department

Rohen J. Buckley

Uewd!yn International

James & Joanne \Xlhiston

Kristin Pernal

Robert & !vlaryAnn Buckley

Audrey MacMillan

Ann Zahar

Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schnurr

George & Vienna Cain

Mr. & Mrs. William 'C /vlmha!I

William & Jean Zorovich

Petra B. Shearer

Rosemary Cain

Daniel Marsicano

Mr. & !Vlrs.Anthony C. '!hurston

Campson & Campson

James McAlcer

Cap's Seafood Restaurant Inc. Carmela's Pizza, l nc. Mr. & Mrs. John

J. Cawley

Mr. Kevin l~ Coleman Alfred

J. Conforti



Jo-Anne & Lou Gulino

Ann Marie i\kAleese Mr, & Mrs. James H. McCabe


Arthur & Janke McCauley Barbara

E. McMahon

fvlr. & Mrs. GeorgeJ. McPhee

John W. Cooney

Merropolis Funding

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cotton

Kathleen Meyer


Coventry High School Class of! 989 Richard & Gwendolyn Goldsnider

Keith Daly

Kurt & Barbara Mietzner

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Demeo

Gerard Moriarty

Bruce & Catherine Di Pietro

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Mr. & lvlrs. Daniel Dooley

Mr. & Mrs. TCrence Nee

Patrick Dooley

Mike Nerney




J. ivlurphy, Jr.

New York Community

Mr. William N. Fanos, Ill

Mr. & Mrs.John

Mr, Todd Farber

Thomas O'Brien & Joan Iskyan

Mr. Richard E Farscher

Owens Brokerage lTD.



Jill E. Chambers

Services, Inc.


Sue Keith E!vcrsron Audrey 1-:L Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. James l~ Fallar

Feldstein Management


Maude B. Duke

J. O'Brien

Bar & Grill



Mara S. Dresner


Point Breeze Refreshment Club RoBI'.RT P. KEIM

Figure US Inc.

William T Porter

Mr. & iV1rs.John Enn


Mr. & Mrs. Richard George

J. Prince

& Lonni Michelson

J. Ragusa

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Golden


1Vlr.& Mrs. Charles Grennan

Rebar Lathing Corp.

Mark & Jean-Marie Gutierrez

Gloria Keim Barbara K, Keim SAM MF.REEN

Patricia Mereen

Operating Account

Maureen A. Haskel!

Peter T. Roach & Associates, !~C.


Timothy l~ Healy

William & Judy Russell

John & Wendy Lord

Heritage Capiral Morrgage, Inc,

Salem Ridge & Associates

Egon & Barbara Hetzel

Rudy Saviano, Inc.

House r:und

Craig & Christina Schelin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hurst

Peter & Lois Schmitt

Mr. Steven Innes

Christina Evans Serafin

Irish CoftCe Pub, Inc.

Mr. John Shorter

J & D D'Amico

Emerprises Corp,

James Funeral Home



Marjorie D, Fondulas

& Mr. Edward Buckley Donald R. Skuza I I


ill l'ionor




Perra B. Shearer







Frances Young

Barney Softness, M.D.



Sally & SwvcrAubrey Ann Marie Buckley

Adam & JoAnn Burrows

David & Charlom De Palma William & Timesa Fionddla

Linda Almeida COUTANT

Deb Abrahamsson JANE




Kathy Ross

Elise J. Garvin


Renee & Phyllis Goldsrein

Robert A. Curry

James & Hedy Korsr

Nancy Goldstein

Petra B. Shearer

Sharon Capezzone



Richard & Sharon Torrenri


Bill & Pammie Post

Judith & David Winer


Perra B. Shearer HEFFERNAN


Bruce & Renee Mclnryre

Chris & Patti Coyle Renya Craig The Fabianski Family Katherine l~iclds Robin Fields Cara Finan 111eHall Family

James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick

Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Wilcox



Alison Halligan

Rohen & Alberta \Xloodstock



Brian Hoadley

Jong & Wendy Yang

Patricia Bedard

Jeff & Mary Ballachino

Casey Kesselring

Scott & Celeste Bedard

Mark & Marianne DeBruyn

Kelly King

Margaret F.Carr, James J. Carr

Dean & Susan Fiscus

Anne Klingler & Family




Mary Schaaf

EusE DuBois

Lisa C. Flagge

Joanne Kraska

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P.Chrisrianson

Christopher & Mary Ann Srnkcs

Judy Leary

Clinton Grain &

Virginia & David Wiese

& John W. Carr SEYMOUR

Keith & Nancy Cook

Hardware Co., Inc.

Robert & Deborah Guy

lvlcri Greenwald

Mary & John Kenny, Jr.

Irene & Joseph Heller, Jr.

James & Sharon Seymour

Michelle lVlarieHeller & Andrew Ernest Bennett




Cheryll L. Frink

Monique Heller Patricia Heller Rurh Heller



Luann Saffiori

The Leher Family Joann & Frank Lishing



Ryan Romanowski

Gregory Magruder Chris Mahan Elizaberh McCa!lum



Caro! K. Ryland MrnEY


Linda Ambrose

Steven & Karen Howes

The McGirr Family Penny Nelson Kare & Annie Nichols Dennis O'Brien Kristin E. Perna!

John & Pamela Irving



Therese Popincha!k

Barbara & John Jargo-ford

Michael & Cheryl Zaccaro

TI1eRajkumar Family


Lisette Korcak

\X'omen's League - Madison

Lizy Richartz

Eileen L. Shckosky

Donald F.Lewis CARSON

"foe Saunders Family

Kathleen M. Marchant Nancy Maturo

Katherine Rossi SWOPE

Frank & Joanne Lishing

Sharon & William McCauL Jr. John & Helen Ouellette Padula Insritue of Vision Rehabiliration, LLC Debra Parkinson Peter N. Ray


The Chokas Family

Eliza DeSantis

Maude B. Duke


The Cash Family lhe Cinami Family



Nancy C. Strohla


Odd FellowsHome of Connecticut B.P.

& Charles Dickens, Jr. Todd Buroff


The Ledoux Families LYTTLETON

Audrey Brabazon

Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold

Perra B. Shearer MARY JANE FEGAN

Perra B. Shearer


The B!encowe Family

Mary Camiglia

Mr. & Mrs. \X1il!iam Gregory, Sr.

John & Janer Schloss



111eHeffernan Family

Joyce P. Pierson


Mr. & Mrs. John H. Noyes

Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold

Judith F. & Richard B. Lightfoot

Marni Adamson

Eryn Star & Family Carson Swope



The Heffernan Family DAVID


Jordy TI1ornpson Amanda ll1mnson l'v1ariaVarga


Nicole \'?alma

Harry Trichel

Wesley \X~-ilrers

Teri Rexroad

The Walz Family

Jean Arnold Vasileff

"foe Whipple Family

Roger A. Yates, D.C., l~C.

TI1eWyatt Family




Gifts In Kind

The Feed Bag

Diana & Arch ie Leslie

G. Emerson Sartain III

The Fitness Cenrer (NUEG)

Lewirz, Balosie, Wollack,

Cookie Shea

Barbara Abrams

Krista Field

Maryann Agostini

Robin Fields

Mona Mac Bain

Aiudi Concrete

Nancy Fischbach

Frank Marchese

Seever & Sally Aubrey

Judy Friday

Fred & Cheryl Mascele

Source, Inc .

Rayner & Giroux, LLC

Perra B. Shearer Tia Smid1 - Essex Maritime An & Custom Framing

The Bee & Thistle Inn

Party Ganey

Cis Matthiessen

Jennifer Sraehly

Jane Bigler

Rosemary D . Ganser, VMD, LLC

Kathy McCurdy

Wanda Stazick

Jane Bolles

Amy Gardner

Kathie McGinty

Archie Scone

Lisa Boyd

Joy Gi rardi

Middletown Place Glass Co., Inc.

Susan Strait

Donna Brodeur

Marcia Bell Grace

Norm a L. Mi les

Dawn Swope

Anthony Camarra

Betz Haacrz

Mary Mille & William Doane

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Thurston

Christopher Capezzone

Cheryl Kelly Heffernan

Bill & Dawn Nelligan

Sharon A. Torrenri

Mary Carniglia

Kathy Heller

Michelle Neuroch

Brad Turley

Mar ie Cassidy

Phyllis Hobson

Heather Leigh Nort h rop

Mrs. Varga

Gary Ho lland - Holland Farms

Bech Norton

1l1e Reverend Janice Walden

. Ciel, Inc. The Cinami Family

Janice Ho lland

Old Lyme Veterinary Clinic

Shirley Weinberger

Kay Clarke

Roger Horton

Jeanna Pellino

Lorna Young

Coffee's Country Marker

Horse Counrry - Jeff Manges

Kristin E. Perna !

Linda Collier

Betsy & Bob Hu nnewell

Holistic T.P.M. by Kristin E. Perna!

Chris & Parri Coyle

Susan Immordino

Don na Perry

Matching Gifts

Renya Craig

Bill & Joanne Ives

Joyce C. Perry

Aetna Foundation, Inc.

Nancy Cusack

- Burton L. Ives & Sons , Inc.

Anne Peterson

Altria Group, Inc.


Park Productions

Carol Phillips

Lehman Brothers

C harlie Delinks

John & Barbara Kashanski

Laurie Plourde

The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

Kelly King

An n Powers

1l1eJ.P. Morgan Chase Foundation

Dr. Donald Rank in & the

Pfizer Foundation

- Caliber Computing


Kerry Edwards

Barbara Kovach

Glenn & Nancy Elliocr

Linda Krausnick

Mr. John C. Evans

Donna Larson

Two Sisters Design - Lisa Reneson

Melissa Evans

Little B Barn

Teri Rexroad

Valerie Fales

Kristin Elliott Leas

Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic


& Foundation Gifts

Match ing Gifts Program

Friends of Hammonassecr

The Rockefeller Foundatio n

Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale Restaurant - Madison The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc .

Thomas J. Ackins Memorial Fund

at the request of Mr. John C. Evans

The Howard Bayne Fund

Lyme-Old Lyme Junior Womens Club

Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundat ion

Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Cl ub

BriscoI-Myers Squibb Foundation - Nancy Cusack Employee Award

North American Riding for che Handica pped Assoc., Inc. / NESAR

The George C. Cain Memorial Fund

Rotary Club of Essex

Elizabeth Carse Foundation

SBC Eastern Region Community Services Fund

The Casner Family Foundation

SBC Employee Giving United Way Campaign

Ci tigroup Foundation

Southern New England Telecommunicarions Corporation's

The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven

Emp loyees' Community Services Fund

The Community Foundation of Southeas tern Connecticut

Swenson Family Foundation

Concordia Foundatio n, Inc.

Telaka Foundation, Inc.

Equine Guided Ed ucation Association , at the request of Kitty Stalsburg

United Way of the Capit al Area

The Equus Foundation, Inc.

UniredWayof SoutheasternCormecticuc

Essex Savings Bank

Wal-marr Foundation

Essex Savings Bank Community Investment Program

The LC. & Margaret Walker Foundation

John & Kelly Hartman Foundation

ar the request of Mr. C. Nicholas Spofford

Homeland Foundation

Westbrook Emblem Club 53 5

The Chester W. K.icchingsFoundation

Women 's League




A nnu al Horse Show This glorious annual event is the culmination of our participants' hard work both in the arena and on the trail, and chis is th eir moment co shine for family and friends . Like all we do ar High Hopes , chis event would nor be possible wirhour rhe generous support of the following individual and business conrriburors.

Show Sponsors


1l1e Ballard Family

Sally H. Aubrey

Teb & Rebecca Crosby

Grace Basler

Burr Ives Tack Shop (BITS)

Don Lewis

Robert Cassidy, Jr. Plumbin g

Liberty Bank-Kathi Corrigan

Massage & WellnessCenter

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Flagg

Linda & Peter Bierrie

The Heffernan Family

Eleanor L. Bonafonte

Inge Hierer

Mr. & Mrs. William Boyd

Ciel, Incorporated

Barbara & John Kashanski

Audrey Brabazon

Clark G roup-Herbert T. Clark Ill

Judy & Dick Lightfoot

& Charles A. Dickens, Jr.

and Heating, Inc.

Coffee's Country Marker-

Laser Skin Care of Central CT -Ro bert & Valerie Fales

Lighthouse Signs Merrill Lynch -Elizabet h L. David, CFM Mystic Timber Framers, LLC

Ruth Lord

Janie Davison

Elena Patterson

The Gemmell Family

Companion Animal Hospira!

Mystic Valley Hunt Club, Inc.

Jean & David Sargent

Elizabeth Greene

-O rs. Earl & Margaret Mummert

Nichols Forestry & Logging, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Saunders

Kitty & Jerry Greene

Philip Darrell Lighting Design

Marcia & Roger Smith

Joan Hamrick

Equinox Awards Equesrrian

Sandy & Tony 1l1ursron

June Hot chkiss

Fenwick Cottage-Mimi Benner

Peter B's Espresso

Dr. & Mrs. Carl Washburn

Susan & Jon Jewett

Fine Arr Co nservation Framing

Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic

Ring Sponsors

Cindy Palmer

Hardware& SoftwareServices,LLC

Tower Laboratories Ltd.

Alan Buro ff & Kathy Barrus

The Picazio Family

Holistic T.P.M. by Kristin

Two Sisters Design

Norman, Lori & Carolyn Caine

Marlene G. Scharr

C. Co rbett

Kitty Sralsburg & Rob Hageman,

Connie Kastclowirz

1h e Davidovich Family

Kathryn Hageman

In memory of Apple

Jennifer Starkey

Anne Klingler

Callisra Sroddard

Nicholas & Noah L1montagne

Sharon & Richard Torrenti

Mark & Anne Lewchik

David & Tracy Whipple

The McCallum Family Gail & Andy Morris

Show Friends

Ors. Margaret & Earl Mumm ert

The Driscoll Family

-Compan ion Animal Hospira! Bob & Penny Nelson

Katie Guernsey & Daniel Feeney Megan MacArthur

Lee Pritchard

Pam & John Melroy

Sam & 0.C.

Ann S. Traylor

Donn a, Hugh , Lindsey, Elizabeth

Mayra Zayas

and O livia Scott Bill & Bess Small


The Steer Family

Amity Mortgage LLC

The Welles Family

- Michael Lombardi Richard P. Benoit D.M .D.


Body Kneadz 1l1erapeutic

Ken & Teresa Coffee

- Rhonda West

- Kristin Perna! Kelsar Physical 1l1erapy - Diane Fournier

- Peter& Constance McMorris

- Joan & Scott Nichols Page-T.,frReal Estate-Jamie Ch ilds

Sroningron Veterinary Hospital

Deborah A. Welles, CPA




Benefit Concert

Thanks co the extraordinary ¡efforts of Event Chair , Cheryl Heffernan, and her hard working volunteers , the


Concert in the Barn was a roaring success.

The Big Bad VooDoo Daddy Band had our 5 50 guests tapping their roes and dancing in the aisles as we raised over

$12 3 ,ooo

co benefit our programs .

$30 ,000


realized in our first ever scholarship challenge.

Event Sponsor

Ring 's End-Kel & Karen Tyler


Seawort hy Systems, Inc. Yankee Gas Services Company

Platinum Sponsor

Prudential CT Realry- Greg Young Treasures, Old Lyme

Archa mbau lt Insurance, Inc.

V.l.P. Supply, Inc.

Bank ofSoucheascern Connect icut -New London Caliber Comput ing Co ldwell Banker Residential

Mohegan Sun

Corporate Patrons

Gold Sponsor

A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.

Che lsea Groton Bank

Aegan Treasu res

6 Main Sc-Christopher Crowell

Angus McDonald/Gary Sharp e Corporate Benefa ctors

Corporate Friends Angler Adventures

& Associates, Inc.

Brokerage/Old Lyme & Essex Commer cial Cleaning

& Refreshment Services, Inc. Co nn ecticut Natural Gas Corpor ation


Benefac tors Barbara & Robert Ballard Judd & Shirley Carr John & Arhana Caderr Ted & Rebecca Crosby Jack Evans Mr. & Mrs. Peter Flagg

D r. Ant hony A. Co rrao, D .D.S.

1l1e Hall Foundation

Bank of Ame rica

Bomba rdier Flexjet

Dahlke Financial Group

Mitch & Chery l Heffernan

The Bank of New York & 1l1e

Dan iels Oil Company

Ors. Elgart, Pinn, Gordon & Elgart

Connie Kasrelowirz

George Link , Jr. Foundation

Dominion's Millstone

Duble & O' H earn, Inc .

Richard & Judith Lighcfoot

Brewer Pilots Point Marina -Rives & Na ncy Pons Brewer Yacht Yards Caulfield & Ridgway, Inc. The Connecc icur Light & Power Company Essex Printin g Co. Foundation - David V. Winstead, Ph .D .

& Pamela M. Reeser, M.D. Essex Savings Bank & Essex Financial Services

Power Station ESSENCE Center for Beaury and Wellness Essex Co mm ercial Construction, L.L.C. The Guilfor d Savings Bank Jean Cal lan King Interior Design Lighthou se Ente rpri ses, Inc. -Marthew Holcomb Todd Machn ik Mer rill Lynch-Liz David

East Coasr Security Services -Karen Lynn Wilson

Ruch Lord Jim &Ji ll Matthew

Essex Meadows

Robert & Sandy Mulligan

Essex Preschool Led.

Susan M . Raible & Michael Birch

Hanford Cabinet & Woodworking

Mr. & Mrs . Roger Smith

Harb or Motors Inc. - Hugh Fiore, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Sandy & Tony Thurston

Kitchings & Pott er, LLC Laysville Hardware Madison Chrys ler Jeep Dodge -Thomas A. Ruberti

Patrons Mace & Barbara Abrams Jane I. Davison

Fischer H eati ng

Middlesex Hospital

Maus & Son, Inc.

M r. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree

& Air Condi tion ing, LLC Gowr ie, Barden & Brett and

Resources Management Corp .

Sarah McCracken,

M r. & M rs. Gregory J. Godb out

Gow rie, Brett & Young - Insurance Benefits Planning Gull Associates, Inc . Kofkoff Egg Farms LLC Lawrence & Memorial Hosp italMashancuckecPequot Tribal Na tion

- H enri M. David, Jr., V.P. Saybrook Co untry Barn - Keith & Jane Bolles Shoreline Eye Group, P.C. - Robert J. Klime k, M.D. Scalsburg Express, Inc. -Robert R. Scalsburg, J r.

Landscape Architect The Middlesex Supply Co.

Emily T Fisher & Evan S. Griswold Lyndo n Haviland & Tom Neff

NewAJliance Bank

Pau l & Linda Ho le

Niantic Eye Care

Jennifer Johnson & John Wilbur

- Shirley M . C urioso , 0.0 O'Brien, Shafner, Stuart , Kelly

& Mo r ris, P.C.

Barbara & John Kashanski Lawrence & Mary Bech Keefe Ruch & Bob Kelly

Mortgage Lenders Network USA

U.S. Trust Com pan y

Old Lyme Marina

Raymo nd & Laureen Zelek

Webster Bank

Old Lyme Stone, LLC

Fleur & Jerry Lawrence

Page-Tafc Real Estate, Inc.

John & Am y McCaule y

People's Bank

Wilhelm Meya & Tammy Dean

Reynold's Gara ge & Marine, Inc.

Mrs. C. W Kirchings



Mary Mille & William Doane

Virginia & Frank Colassano

111e Hajnal Family

John & Lee Pritchard

Abby Ann Cole

·111eHall Foundation

Dick & Judi McKnight

Mary Pullen

Leslie Comerford

Steven & Nancy Hallahan

Colin & Suzanne McWay

Donna & Hugh Scott

Woody & Gretchen Comstock

Grace & Frank Hamilton, Jr.

Carol & Dixon Merkt

Kevin & Meg Small

Matthew Conroy

Reese & Nancy Harris

Dixon Merkt, Jr. & Bonnie Bolz

Penny Smyth

Chris & Patti Coyle

Roderic Hartung & Guest

Polly & Newt Merrill

Claudia & Lowell Wcickcr

Renya Craig

Susan Corra Heinemann

Michael & Jamie Mikolay

Mo McKean

Thomas & Moira Danidls

Brira Herman

Sheryl Milardo


Rohen Daniels & "D,eresa Rose

Alison Herr, DVM

Jim Miller

Todd & Deb Abrahamsson

Philip F. & Alison Zack Darrell

Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Hitchcock

Lynda B. Moecker

Vince Agostine

Henri & Liz David

Michael & Robin Holcomb

Margaret J\,Jorgan

Cynthia Miller Aird

TOm & Sarah Davidson

Paul & Cathleen Holland

Kiernan & Laura Mooney

Vicki De!Monte

Rick & Susie Hosley

Bryan Murphy & Jen Moros

Robert & Lisa Hudson

Eugene & Anno Murphy

C. Minot Dole & Burgess Russell

Paul Hunrley

Norman Needleman

Christine & Louis Drago

Carolyn & John Jagielski

Diana & Bob Annon

John & Judie Driscoll

George & Gunilla James

Bill & Dawn Nelligan

Chris & Amy Arnold

Mr. & /V1rs.Henry E. Dunn III

Frank Jarrabeck

Bob & Penny Nelson

Sally H. & Stever Aubrey

Rod & A!lison Duxbury

Susan & Jonarhan Jewect

Gini & Joe Nochera

Maureen & Joseph Augusciak

Bob & Linda Dwyer

J'vlarguerite Johnstone

Heather & Eric Northrop

Larry & Judy Ayers

Helen & Gerry Dyar

Jacqueline Kangley

Mary Jo & Roger Nosal

James & Marian Bairsww

Sracy Eder & Robert Lee

Rowland & Nancy Balick

Mr. & Mrs. Ashrnn Edwards

Liddy Kaner & Alex Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. O'Connell

Robert Baran, DVivl

Ignacio & Maria Egui!uz

Dianne Kent & Bob Tobin

Mark O'Connell

Lucia Egui!uz

Binky King

Dr. & Mrs. Max Okasha

C. Emerson & Michele Dexter

Jean & John King

Brian Oliver

Mr. & /'v1rs.Douglas Barrows

Bob & Debbie English

Ken & Chris Kitchings

Charles & Joanne Park

Rick & Kara Batts

Charles & Sylvia Erhart

Robert J. KJimek, M.D.

Adam & Kathe Bel!

Caryn Erickson & Mark Diebolt

& Stephen Aird

Bob & Nancy Albright Bea Anderson Lee & Debbie Andrews

& Marcy Baran, LCSW

Jvtrs.Stratton N. Barclay

& Lucian De!Mome

& Stephen Dedman

& Caro! A. Klimek

& Jacqueline Hubbard

David & Cathy Nye

Kelly & Cheryl Parsons James E. & Jacquelyn

B. Pedrick

Dana & John Evans

Bob & Pauline Knoll

Carl & Sharon Bergquist

Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fales

Stephanie Knoll & Gerry Fischbach

Jeanna & John Pel!ino

Linda & Peter Bicrrie

Brad Ferguson

Dawn Koonce & Kaitlyn Koonce

Marc l. Perkins

Neil B!indcrrnan

Jeffrey & A!lison Ferraro

Renni & Richard Korsemeyer

Kristin Mason Perna!

Mr. Joseph Boisscvain &

Michael & Linda Fischer

Al!en & Joanne Kraska

Tom & Linda Picazio

Michelle Fontaine

John & Lynn Krawski

Barbara Pickett & Richard Marlowe

Ellie Fox

Mark & Kristin E!liott Leas

Margie Pierce

Rudolf Bcrgm,ms & Ann Lane

Mrs. Sm..,nne Arcuni Bois.sevain Keith & Jane Bolles

Keith & Bathsheba Pelkey

Allan Dodd Frank & Lilian King

Robert Levitt

Mort & Jeanne Potoff

Eleanor Bonafonte

Michell & Peter Friel

Jean & Jim Lewis

Landon Potts

-Saybrook Country Barn Paul & Jacqueline Boutin

Sally & Andrew Gaiss

Adam & Jen Lieb

Rives & Nancy Potts

Newt & Mimi Brainard

Kerry Gal!agher

Ann Lightfoot & Faulkner Hunt

Sandy & Dee Dee Pris!oe

Caro! & Dick Brining

Art Gallotti & Jean Hamilton

Barbara Longo

John & Dyanne Rafa]

David & Diane Brown

Margot Gamerdinger

John & Wendy Lord

Carl & Kathy Reidemiester

David S. Brown, MD, PC

tviichael & Patry Ganey

Judith Lowe

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Reeds III

Lyn S. Brown

Tim & Liz Ganey

Rebecca Lynch

Janis Reep

Kelley & Michael Cahill

Amy Gardner & Robert Reep

Mr. & Mrs. W. Cecil Lyon

Lisa & Aaron Reneson

Erin Cain

Mike & Laura Giordano

Mike Maccarini

G. Hayden Reynolds

Dan & Trisha Carey

John Goff & Leanna Carter

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Machnik

Evan & Ann Carpenrer

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Godbout

Deborah Mandel & James Benn

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Caulfield

Nicholas & Jessica Corra

Anrnnio & Carol Matarese

Annie Chapman

Mimi Gourlay

Dr. James McArnw

& Elaine Godowski

& Emily Greene Gary H. Reynolds

& Marilynn Reynolds Joe Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rhodes, Jr.

Bill Childress & Randy Bradbury

Keith & Candy Green

Elsie, Sam & Teddy Childs

David & Erica Greene

Nicole McClure

Jeff & Holly Ridgway

Jamie & Hannah Childs

Kitty & Jerry Greene

John & Kathleen McCurdy

Alison & Charles Ritrovato

Mr. & Mrs. William T Christopher

Jessica Griswold

Allie McCrory & Rob Reale

Roger & Michelle Roche

Jenny Chun & John Schroeder

Katie Guernsey & Daniel Feeney

Bruce & Renee McIntyre

Connie & A! Rogers



MicheUe & Dave Ross

Jane & Gregg Cerosky

Scholarship ChallengeDo11ors

Carol Rudew icz

Marga ret Clucas

A z Z Screen Prim ing, LLC

Leslie Comerford

Peter & Betsy Russell

David & Susann Costa

Vincenr Agosrine

Mr. & Mrs. Harwood B. Comsto ck

Karin & Hakan Salmi

Mr; . Philip B. Cow les, J r.

Stephen & Cynthia Aird

Ch ris & Patti Coyle

David & Kare Sandmann

Bill & Sue Dion

Bob & Nan cy Albright

Franco & Lisa Cristofe ro

Bill Sarri & Guests

Joh n & Alison Forbis

American Air Tool Ent., LLC

Ted & Becky C rosby

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Saunders

Tim & Susan Gavronski

Ch ris & Amy Arnold

C hristopher Crowe ll

Rick & Terry Schreiber

Richard & Karharine Gilde rsleeve

William R. Attr idge

Thomas & Moira Daniells

Austin & Tranni Sedicum

Alma Goff

Sally Aubrey

Alison Zack & Philip F. Dar rell

Dona ld & Jeri Cole man

Dr . & Mrs . Joseph Semple

Barbara 0. David

Mr . & Mrs. James Shea

Elizabet h L David

Petra B. Shearer

ll1omas & Sarah Davidson

Mic hael & Robin Simeone

Vicki DelMo nt e

Pamela Sims

-The Saw Dust Shop, LLC

Bruce & Barbara Skinn er

Minot Do le

Bruce & San dr a Smit h

Louis T. Drago

Seymour &Tia Smith

John & Ju die Dri scoll

Par & Sue Staffaroni

Susan Dum as

Grace Stalsbu rg

Mary C. Dun n

Kitty Stalsburg & Rob Hageman

Henry E. Dunn llI

Sheri Stalsburg

Roderick Duxbury

Car la Steele

Bob & Linda Dwyer

Linda & John Sreindl

Mr . & Mrs. T.G. Dyar

Rebecca & Ch ristophe r Steiner

Stacey Eder & Robe rt M. Lee Ill

Jerry & Robyn Stickel

E. F.Watermelo n Co .

Mitche l & Regina Strand

Jeb & Diane Embree

Sabin & Beverley Streeter

Deb bie English

Sharo n Teel

John & Dana Evans

Laurie T ide

Jo hn C. Evans

Dona ld & Jennifer Torey

Dan Feeney & Katie Gue rnsey

Richard & Sharon Torremi

Jen ifer Grant & Ron Noe

Mr . & Mrs. Jam es B. Bairstow

Kel & Karen Tyler

Alva G. Greenbe rg

Roberr D. & Barbara Earle Ballard

-P owder Ridge Equine Vet Allison & Jeffrey Ferraro

Suzanne & Tim Tyler

Mr. & M rs. John E. Hamr ick

Susan Ballek

Gerry Fischbach

Julia Umlauf & Beth Jackson

Brita Herma n

Dr. & Mrs . Robe rt Baratt

Anne Marie Foster

Jeri & Dick Van Erren

Mrs. Ann Hirrh

James Beckstein

Kerry Gallag her

Dan & Caro l Wam

Darlene C. Jones

Kathe & Adam Bell

Margot Gamerdinger

John & Deb bie Welles

Nancy Kind ell

Rudolf Bergmans & Ann Lane

Patri cia & Michael Ganey

Matthew & Laurel W h ire

Joan & Ken Levin

Lind a Bierrie

Mike & Laura G iordano

Laureen Wilcox

Rev. James L. Lowery, Jr.

Nancy S. Bikerman

Mr. & M rs. Gregory J. God bout

ll1omas & Andrea Wing

Margueri te &

Neil Blinde rman

John Goff & Leanna Career

Lisa Winch

Charles- Henri Mang in

-Tham es Primin g Co., Inc.

Nicholas Gorra

Paul Winch

Sally & George Mayer

Joseph & Suzann e Boissevain

Gene & Jacqueline Gossage

Tara W inch

David & Ma riann e McCo urr

Eleano r Bonafonre

Ten ney Hajna l

Mark & Alison Woods

Mar ilyn Mu rph y

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boutin

Steve & Nancy Hallahan

Heidi & Rick Worcester

M r. & Mrs. Wi lliam O'Boyle

David M. Brown, Insurance

C heryl Kelly Heffernan

Joe & Cynrhia Zara schi

Joanne O ' Neil

David S. Brown, M .D.

Alison M. Herr, D.V.M .

Elena & Michael Patterson

Dan & Trisha Ca rey

Paul & Linda Holt

Janet & John Schloss

Evan & An n Ca rpenre r

Rob & Lisa Hudson

Other Co11trib11tors

Mr. & Mrs. Ger ry Simon ides

Shi rely Carr

Frank Jarrabeck-Essence Ce nter

Mr. & Mrs. C larke Ambrose

Penn y Snow

John & Athana Catlett

Myrna & Arn o ld Baskin

Barney Softn ess, M.D.

Ch ris & Jennifer Ca ulfield

Rudy & Irma Brandt

Betsey & Bob Websrer

James & Hannah Childs

Robe rt & Kimberly Kanab is

Fenton L.B. Brown

Donald & Maur een W ilcox

M r. & Mrs. W illiam Chr istop her

John & Barbara Kashanski

Ralph & Kail Cadman

Virginia C ocrrell-Colassano

Connie Kastelowicz

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl

Abby Ann Co le

Mary Beth Keefe

Raymond & Laureen Ze lek

for Beauty and Wellness Susan Jewett




Mr . & Mrs. Robert Kelly

Maureen McKean

Linda Lee-Picazio

Mark & Alison Woods

Jean Callan King

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mc Knigh t

Jeann e Guenin Poroff

Rick & Heidi Worcester

Co lin & Suzanne McWay

Rives Pores

lnr er ior Design, LLC Lillian King

Wilhelm Meya

Deedee & Sandy Prisloe

Auction Co11tributors

Ken & C h ris Kitching s

Sheryl Milardo

Lee Pritchard

Delphine & David Archambau lt

RoberrJ. Klimek, M.D.

Mary Mille

Mary Pullen

Sosse Baker, Chester Ga llery

Steven Milner

Phyllis & Arthur Reeds Ill

Dr. Robert D. Ballard

Bob & Pauline Knoll

Kieran & Laura Mooney

Robert Reep

The Beachsid e ar Nantucket

Richard & Renni Korsmeyer

Anno B. Murphy

Carl & Katherine Reidemeist er

Jim & Jean Lewis

Bob & Penny Ne lson

Lisa & Aaron Reneson

Ann Lightfoot & Faulkner Hunt

New England Yacht Services

Joseph & Lee Rhod es

Chr isropher Bon go

Richard & Judith Lightfoot

Joseph & Virginia Nochcra

Joseph Rhodes Ill &James Miller

TI1e Bowerbird

John & Wendy Lord

Northeast Marine Liquidation, Inc.

Jeff & Holly Ridgway

Brewer Pilot 's Poinr Marina

Rebecca Hathawa y Lynch

David & Cathy Nye

Sam & Janet Riggio

Chr istma s Barn

W Cecil Lyon

Gregory & Terry O'Connell

Mike Maccarini

Dr. Mahmoud S. Okasha

Doug las & Allison Dodd

-Shoreline Eye Group, P.C.

-R iggio's Garden Center, Inc.

Connecricur Sun, WNBA

Charles & Alison Ritrovato

Jeffrey & Betsey Coo ley

Charles & JoAnn e Park

M ichelle & Roger Roche, Jr.

Chris & Parri Coyle

Cheryl & Kelly Parsons

Al & Connie Rogers

Claud ia Cron

Madi so n Fresh Air Fund

Nicholas Passariello

Kath leen & John Rook

James D'Alessio, J. Alden Clothie rs

MacPherson Diane Ma llory

James & Jacq uelyn Pedrick

Hakan & Karin Sakul

Paul K. D ' Arey

Deb orah Mandel

John & Jeanna Pellino

David Sandmann

Oscar de le Re ma

John & Kathleen McCurdy

Marc Perkins

Bill Satri

Bruce & Renee McInty re

Kristin Perna!

Scorr & Kare Saunders Rick & Terry Schreiber

& Clive Lodge, Head Gardener Stephen Dedman , New England Ho rriculmre

Donna & Hugh Scorr

Mr. & Mrs . L. Allen Divoll

Austin & Tranni Sedicum

M r. & Mrs. Edmund A.

Joe & Erica Semple

Donnan , Jr .

Perra B. Shearer

Education Solutions , L.L.C.

Petra B. Shearer- in honor

EF \'Varermelon-

of th e H igh Hopes volunteers Steve Sigel

Edie & Richa rd Freeman , J im & Carl1y Elliott

Kevin & Margar et Small

Elements - Carla Steele

Bruce & Sandra Smith

Bruce & Kacey Elfstrom

Roger & Marcia Smith

-O verland Expert s

Tia & Seymour Smith

Essex Mari ner

Linda M. Somers

Essex Mar itime Arr

Par & Sue Sraffaroni

& Cusrom Framing

Kirry Sralsburg & Rob Hag eman

Sreve Evankow

C hris & Rebecca Steiner

Jack & Val Evans

Jerry & Robyn Stickel

Fenwick Cottage, Essex

Mitchel & Regina Srrand

Flock Thearre

Nancy Stulla & David Bikerman

Trish G inter

Therap euti c Massage Associates

G lass Basket

Tob in, Carberry, O'Malley,

The Gol f Shop at Mohegan Sun

Riley & Selinger, P.C.

Good -Spirits Shoppe , Inc .

Chris Temple

Grac ie's Corne r

Sandy & To ny Thursto n

Marr & Marrin Griswold

Don Torey T imorh y & Suzanne Tyler

-Judges Farm Harbor Posrworks - Michael Speirs

Village Express, LLC

Mitch & Cheryl H effernan

Daniel & Ca rol Warrs

Jacq ueline Kangley

Cla udia Weicker

K.C.'s - Kay C hiar

John & Debb ie Welles

Cy nth ia & M ichel Keller

Paul & Lisa Winch Tara Winch


-Karen Keelan Bombar dier Flexjet

-R estaurant d u Village Klingerman Travel, Inc.


CONTRIBUTORS Cottrell Brewing Company

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Srnlsburg

Wynn Sacri's instructors,

Creative Cooking

Staples, Inc.

volunteers, and friends at

Crow 's Nest

UST, Inc.

High Hopes

Cuckoo 's Nest

Vanderbrooks Bakery

SeaAour Foods

Philip Darrell Lighting Design

Walt's Food Marker

Shoreline Health Firness I & II

Susan Dumas

Water Street Cafe

Bill Saui - in appreciation of

-James Grieder Shoreline Health Fitness I & II -Diane Ruggiero

Edd 's Place-Cuisine to Go

Westbrook Lobster

Essex Television Group Inc.

ll1e \Vheatmarket

Flanders Fish Market

Swanton of Essex

Foodsmirh-Alison Marc inek

Tamar - Kay Chiat

Nancy Freeborn

That 's the Spirit Shoppe

Friends of High Hopes

Alan & Sky Tod d

From age Fine Foods

Sharon & John Tracy

Gabrielle's Restaurant

Letarte Swimwear, Michelle Ross


Gourmet Galley Catering

Ann Liglufoor Design


ll1e Griswold Inn

Mashanrucket Pequot Tribal Nation

l11e Yankee Palm

HB Gro up, Inc.

Lake of Isles

& Foxwoods Resort Casino

Mark & Melinda Yuknac

I.A.T.S.E. Local 538

J. McLaughlin

La Vita Gustosa

Cap tain Dixon Merkt

Gifts In Kind

Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale

Michael Jordan's Steak House

Abby's Cater ing Compa ny

Manchester Ice of Old Saybrook

Ashlawn Farm Coffee

Mulford Pest

and 23 .sporrcafe Terry & Greg O'Connell

& Property Management

-Carol Dahlke

Old Lyme Pharmacy

Ballek's Garden Cente r

Mystic Markee Ease and West

Kristin Mason Perna!

The Bee and Thistle Inn

The Old Lyme Inn

ll1e Rare Wine Company

Bill's Seafood

Pasta Vita

The Red Balloon

Bruehwiler's Bakery & Cafe

Restaurant du Village

Red Pepper Gallery

Cafe Ro uti er

River Cafe

River Tavern-Jonathan

Coca-Co la Bottling Co.

& Jean ie Rapp

Rosemary & Sage Seaside Wine & Spirit

of S.E. New England

Al & Connie Rogers

Coffee's Country Market


& Catering


Bar & Grill

Roger & Marcia Smith

First Annual Golf Classic Event Sponsor MORTGAGE






Commemorative Sponsors

Gifts i11Kind

Bio-Med Devices, Inc.

A Friend of High Hopes

Ceil, Inc.

Caulfield & Ridgway, Inc.

Fleet Bank

Tim Gavronski,

David H. Chase

Mary A. Bom baci

Golf Professional at Shutcle

Essex Savings Bank & Essex

NewAlliance Bank

Meadow Country C lub

Financial Services

Program Management Group,


The Heffernan Family

Fleet/Bank of America

Laurie & Sally Title

Marketing H orizons,

Tracy Agency

Lyman Orchards

Mashamucker Pequot Tribal

WeRecycle!, Inc.

Jim &Jill Matthew


William W. Winans 1H

Madison Chrysler Jeep Dodge


Jackie Kangley

Printing for Systems

Mashanrucker Pequot Tribal Nation

Stalsburg Expr ess, Inc.

Grace Sralsburg

Villiage Choco latier Webster Bank

Tournament Players Cl ub ac River Highland s Waterfo rd Group Charita ble Foundatio n WORLDTEKTravel,

Inc .

Volunteers Volunteering at Hi gh Hop es is so much more than a weekly, monthl y or even yearly donation of time and service. Volunt eerism at High Hop es is a willingness to become part of a larger comm uni ty. It is based on giving somethin g of oneself and receiving back into ones care ano ther person's hop es and dreams . On a mor e practical level the work that Hi gh Hopes volunteers perform has a substantial monetar y value. W ith nearly


volunteers donating

we realize a quantifiab le contrib ution of$



26 ,0 00

hour s in support of our programs

This represents a contribution of human resources

which dramatically decreases our operating expenses. VOLUNTEERS


Dor een Abbott

Nicole Bares

Kathleen Buckingham

Jenn Caldwell

Barbara Abrams

Kare Baylis

Chelsea Abrahamsson

Jane Beard

Kacey Buckley Sandra Bullock

Sheri Candrea

Stacy Adams

Scott Beard

Kyle Burkhart

Sarah Canning

Marni Adamson

Lauren Beck

Cynrhia Burler

Simone Cardosa

Zachary Agosrine Cindi Miller-Aird

Tim Behl

Debo rah Burler

Madison Benoit

Kelley Cahill

Sarah Ca rlson Christop her S. Carney, Sr.

Laurie Alexander

Margaret Benoit

Erin Cain

Christopher Carney, Jr.

Linda Almeida

Janice Berwick

Ca rolyn Caine

Kristine Carney

Mary Altonji

Jay Beveridge

Beatrice Anderson

Linda Bierrie

Beth Anderson

Peter Bierrie

Kari Lynne An derson

Michael Birch

Erica Anhalt

Suzanne H. Birks

Edward Ant onelli

Jane Bolles

Cynthia Arsnaulr

Jorine Bombaci

Sally Aubrey

Eleanor Bonafonre

Stever Aubrey

Gary Borla Nick Borzillo

Joseph Augusciak Evan Award

Lorri Bosio

Melissa Bachman

Melissa Boston

Rebecca Baehr

Charlotte Borhe

Ryan Bailey

Eden Chandler Brevik

Barbara Earle Ballard

Norrnajean Brevik

Robert Ballard Susan Ballek

Julia Briggs Carol Brining

Linda Fogleman-Baribeau

Jacqui Brooks

Lindsay Ann Barr

Linda Brown

Alicia Barrows

Lyn Brown

Kirn Barrows

Laura Buchanan

Patrick Basler

Mary L. Buchanan

Keren Camean

VOLUNTEERS Mary Ca rniglia

Renya Cra ig

Adam Fabian

Shannon Carrigan

Claudia Cro n

Libby Fales

Sarah Hallwood

Gretchen Carroll a

Clare Cunningham

Valerie Fales

Julie Halpin

Na ncy Cash

Caroly n Cu rry

Zoe Fales

Susan Halpin

Kristin Catanzaro

Marjorie Cu ni s

Eli Fanelli

Frank Hamilton, Jr.

Sarah Catlett

Nancy A. Cusack

Dian e S. Faryniarz

Grace Han1ilton

Carina Cavaliere

Mary Ellen D 'Agoscino

Dan a Faulkner

Nic k Hamilt on

Tracy Cavalieri

Nora Dah n

Cat Ferguson

Amber Leigh Hansen

Rebecca Hall er

Danielle Chaffee

Moira D an iels

Linda Ferraro

Beverly Harding

Ashley Chapman

Alison Za ck Darrell

Kath erine Fie.Ids

Robert Harrin ger

Da yna Chinsky

Philip Darrell

Robin Fields

Joe Marie H arr is

Mary Bech C hinsk y

Danie lla D askam

Cara Finan

Shelby Harris

Bill Christopher

Hillary Daub

Ger ry Fischb ach

Chelsea Hathaway

Benjamin Clark

Henri David

Elizabeth Flugrad

Lynd on H aviland

Nick Clements

Liz David

Kim Folts

Danielle H ayward

Jud y Cobb

Daria Davis

Mic hele Fosque

Ch eryl Kelly H effernan

Melissa Coccom o

Jessica Davis

Jane Holly Foster

Mitch Hefferna n

Janet Cody

Mary Lois Davis

Heachir Fostyn i

Sally Heffernan

Linda Co llier

Susan Davis

Julia Frank

Kelly H enry

Elizabeth Co llins

Jane Da vison

Nancy Freebo rn

Maggie H iggins

Lexy Co ngdo n

Jessica De Conto

Dana Froscio

Marcia H iggins Zoe Higgins

Darylle Con nelly

Steve Dedman

Tara Fuller

Jo-Ann e Co nsiglio

Ani ta Dees

Sherley Furgueson

Parci Hi tchcock

Co nni e Co rbett

C hri st ina Denison

Patty Ga ney

Cassidy Hoff Betsy Horn

Rebecca Corcoran

Meghen DeSanra

Amy Gard ner

Chloe Cornell

Eliza DeSantis

Linds ay Garison

Karen H orn

Kathi Co rrigan

Ca rm ine DeStefano

Tracey Gem mell

Heidi Howell Brittany Hoynack


Anthony Cosent ino

Em ily DeS cefano

Sandra Gerva is

Ma rie Coste

Sarah DeStefano

Jam es Gi lchrist

Faulkner Hunt

Caitlin An n Court ney

Susan DeS tefano

Kathari ne Gildersleeve

W hitn ey Hu tch inso n

Joh n Covello

Emil y Devoe

Caro l G ill

Laur el Irvine

C hris Coy le

Ann DiCicco

Trudy Gi llette

Steven Irvine

Patti Coyle

Phyllis Dietrich

Laura Giordano

Joanne Ives

Michael DiGiacomo

Sean Matthew Goi ng

Debra Jackson

Barbara DiRobens

Johnn y Golebiewski

Caro lyn Jagielski

C hristine Dixon

Cyndi e Gould

Gun illa James

Bill Doane

James Gourlay

Eva Maria Janerus

Jane Donnell y

Leslie Gourlay

Gregory S. Jarrabeck

John Donnelly

Mimi Gou rlay

Betsy Johanns

Cassie DorAinger

Meagan E. G rady

Jenn ifer Johnson

Lucy Dornfeld

Pam Graha m

Karen Joh nson

Carrie Doyle

Melanie Gramham

Jordan Jones

Judi e Drisco ll

Sara G rasso

Paul M. Jo nes

John Driscoll Ill

Melissa G reen

Amber Kalolo

Margaret Drummond

Lyttleton B.P. Gould , Jr.

Jacque line Kang ley

Susan Dumas

Kitty Greene

Co nni e Kastelowicz

Diane Dumais

Evan G riswold

Barbara Kashanski

Kristin Du rin ick

Linda Gronbach

Mary Kacsiaficas

Annie Eddy

Katie Guernsey

Emily Kearney

Ash Edwards

Wendy Gunn

Karen Keelan

Jonnie Edw ards

Kath leen Gwo zdz

Ariel Kent

Georgia Ellis

Kathryn Hageman

Ashley Kenyon

Philip Ellsworth , Jr.

Tenney Hajnal

Gay Kep ple

Cary n Erickson

Brittany Ha ll

David Kimmet t

John C. Evans

N ancy Hal lahan

James Kim mett 21

VOLUNTEERS Dawn Ne lligan

Dan Magano

Elise Neske

Carol ine Maguire

Hannah Nilsson

Chris Mahan

H olly Nilsson

Scott Maha n

Lisa Nilsson

Laura Manl ey

Chr ist ina Nob lick

Kathy Ma rchant

Marie Nocera

Beth Marcoux

H eathe r Leigh North rop

Frank Mar coux

Beth Norton

H oward Mar gules

Christine Nyberg

Elizabeth Marks

Mark O'Connell

Bonni e Martin

Terry O'Hara

Jill M atth ew

Berh Olmsted

Cis Marthiessen

Lindsay O'Neil

Na ncy Kindell

Denise Leary

Zofia Marysek

Dani elle O rtega

Abby King

Kristin Elliot Leas

Alexand ra Mave lli

Susan Orzechowski

Michelle King

Mark Leas

Lisa McCarthy

Katherin e O'Toole

Ryann Kinney

Caitlin LeBlanc

Nicol e McClure

Rob yn O'Toole

Ken Kirchings

Jacob Leeser

Paula McCr eedy

Dick Pagano

Laurie Klier

Rebecca Leeser

David McCurdy

Jane Pagano

Pauline Knoll

Emily Lehet

Kathleen McCurdy

Emi ly Pagliaro

Robert Knoll

Goody Lelash

Shannon McDonough

Theresa Mar ie Pagnozzi

Tess Kohanski

Em ily Peluso-LeM ire

Kathie McGinty

Cynthi a R. Palmer

Amanda Kokoszka

Jean Lewis

Alison McGro ry

Juanita Paris Janice Parm

Deanna Kokoszka

Jim Lewis

Sandy McLaugh lin

Joanne Kraska

Ad am Lieb

Kathlee n McManus

Elizabeth Parsons

Leah Krasno r

Jennifer Lieb

Lisa McNellis

William Patterson

Irene Kritzer

Ann Lightfoot

Susan Mead

Jean na Franklin Pellino

Lenore Kuhn

Judith F. Lighrfoor

Jesse Meadow

Partie Peoples

Kelley Lacoske

Liz Lightfoot

Jessica Meinke

Kristin Perna!

Wendy LaFemina

Richard B. Lightfoot

Sarah Meister

Donna Perry

Jennifer Lang

N iko le Littell

Caro l Me rkt

Ann e Peterson

Ela ine LaPolla

Janice Livingston

Wilh elm Meya

Sarah Perrella

Peter LaPolla

Martin Livingston

Jamie Mikolay

Bon nie Phillip s

Cassandra LaPorte

Michael Lombardi

Karen Milano

Linda Lee- Picazio

Sue Lardner

Barbara G . Lon go

Nancy M ilius

Barbara Pickett

Carolyn Larson

Sarah Lough lin

Mary Mille

Chr ista Pizzoferraro

Emil y Larson

Eliza Love

Cor ey M iller

John M . Pizzoferraro

Donna Latella

Caro line Luby

James Miller

Nick Pizzoferrato

Susan Laude

Michael Lynch

Mary Miller

Laura Platz

Camero n Leamy

Jenn ifer Maclean

Abby Miner

Pamela Platz

Marilyn Leamy

Dorothy Madden

Morgan Min er

Pat rick Plummer

"7his is the moff rewardingpart of my week,

especiallysidewalking (with my rider)we have a nice relationship." -


Sarah Ma der




Ashley Mohler

Kare Pomeroy

Joh n Molo chko

Landon Potts

Rebekah Moody

Nancy Ports

Laura Mooney

Rives Pons

D orot hea Mo ore

Stacy Pouliot

Jessica L. Mulhall

Ivy Pozzaro

Alanna Mun zenmaier

Alyson Premo

Maureen Mu rphy

Frederick Prentice

Caro l A. Mu san te

John Pritchard

Elizabeth Neighbor

Lee Pritc hard

Bob Nelson

Barbara Prishwalko

Penny Nel son

Bill Prout

Bill Nelligan

Jean Puleo


Crystal Roor

Sara Slayton Q ua

H annah Rossi

Susan M. Raible

Katherine Rossi

Mauree n Ramsdell

Katie Roth

Tamira Raymond

Stephan ie Rowley

Jonarhon Recor

Katharine Rozanski

Priscilla Reedy

Tho mas Rozanski

Gig i Rhodes

Carol Rudewicz

Joe Rhode s Ill

Burgess Russell

Joseph H. Rh odes, Jr.

Rebecca Russell

AJex Richardson

Stacie Russell

Eliza Richarrz

Cemmy Ryland

"HighHopesis an afloundingfociliryand expertlyrun, very organized. I certainlyget back morethan I can evergive. " -




Holl y Ridgway

Karin Sakul

Jeff Ridgway

Jane Sam uels

Joe Sem ple

Michael Simeone

Patricia Riley

David Sandm ann

Kimberly Severance

Ben Simo nds

Dawn Rine

Kathryn Sandmann

Ann ie Shariff

Dela ine Simond s

AJison Ritrovato

Bill Sarti

Cookie Shea

Nat alie Sims

Laurie Berl, Robercs

Karen Saund ers

Petra B. Shea rer

Mary Lawrence Sinclair

Andrea Rock

Nicole Sa,vyer

Helen Shelby

Barbara Sinicrope

Patr icia Rod e

Holly Schroeder

Lee Sheldon

Pam Skelly

Jen nifer Rodrigues

Caro l Ann Schwarcz

Laura She pard

AJyssa Skiba

Carol Rodvogin

Don na Scott

Chery l Sherida n

Harry Slifer, Jr.

John Paul Roesler

Hugh Scott

Ken Shuey

AJex Sm ith

Ethan Rohrberg

Laurie E. Seer

Kate Shug rue

Bruce B. Sm ith

Rachel Romano

Jaime Semensohn

She ila E. Sibo rg

Ma rcia Sm ith



"Thedepthand breadthof the long-timersat High Hopesand their willingnessto 'dowhat it takes'continuesto provide motivation and exampleto many of the refl of us. Theyareall 'pointsof light'for me in thinking about my own contributionand future at High Hopes,and in societyitself john F.Kennedysaid 'Thingsdo not happen. Thingsare made to happen. ' Thepeople involved with High Hopesexemplifythis better thanany organizationI'vebeeninvolvedwith. " -HIGH



Roger Smith

Whitney M. Viola

Sandra N. Smi[h

Mary Volk

Seymour Smi[h

Virginia Wallace

Tia Smi[h

Dav id E. Walker, MD

Debbie Sommers

Diane Walsh

Wayne Southwick, MD

Lindsey Walsh

Abigail Sperry

James T. Walton

Kiny Srnlsburg

Ken Walton

Dawn Srnnko

Kim Ward

Amanda Srnzick

Capt. (Rer.) Mary E. Washburn

Wanda Srnzick

Bruce Warford

Chr is Steiner

Nancy Watkinson

Rebecca Sreiner

Caro l Warrs

Amanda Sterman

Erin Weedo n

Loren Sterman

Claudia Wcicker

Sara $[evens

Lauren Welch

Sandy Stiephaudr

Deborah A. Welles

Alexandra Storm

Caitlin Wells

Dorothea Strib ling

Lind a Wcsterve lr

John M. Sturges, Jr.

Barbara White house

Laurie Sulger

Erin Whitish

Amy Sullivan

Laureen Wilcox

Holly Sundmacker

Carter Williams

Leah Sweet

Max Wimmer

Jim Sweney

Peter Wimmer

Sharon Sweney

Kathryn Winder

Morgan Tedeschi

Andrea Wing

Chris Temple

Valerie Wingate

Stephanie Teofilio

Dorinda Winkelman

Jordan Termine

Debie Wnek

Kacie TI1ompson

Norman Yeo

Amanda Thomson

Lorna Young

Anthony C. Thurston

Cory Zachos

Sandy Thurston

Damaris Zachos

Beth Tichacek

John Zachos

Skyren Todd

Emily Zemba

Veronika Tolarova

Jennifer Zirbel

Rich Torrenti

Stephen Zukowski

Sharon A. Torrenti Alexandra Tosi David Touranjoe Alison Towne


Sharon Tracy


David Triebel

Asplundh Tree Experrs

Kathy Trupin


Arthur Twombly

Old Saybrook Middle School

Ke! Tyler

World of Work

Linda Tyler

Old Saybrook Youth & Family

Alexandra Uden

St. Andrews Church

Torey Ungerland

U.S. Coasr Guard Academy

Jeannine Unghi re

United Way Day of Caring

Nikki Vezina Kathryn Vine Christian D. Viola Matthew J. Viola

Voluuteer statistics AGE BREAKDOWN 13 and under








Average age is 36





Dara nor provided


Statement of Financial Position

Asse_n ___

_ __

year ending Jun e

30, 2005

_ __________


Cash and Eq uivalents Accounts and Ocher Receivables



Accr ued Int erest Receivab le


Prepaid Expenses


Cash and Equi valent s Held fo r Lon g Term Purpos es Prop erty and Equipment - Ne e Book Value


Un con di cion al Promi ses co G ive



1,852 ,974

Inve stments H eld For Long Term Purpo ses TOTAL


$4 , I 94 , 22 I

Liabilitiesand Net Assets LIABILITIES .............. _................


Accounts Payab le

sS,34 7

00,-,m~O O >R•·•·-·••< H•------------

__________ Accrued Expenses

- --



.......... ... .... ......

Advance Fees For Serv ices

51,273 s83, 7 57



Unrescr icl:ed


Unr escricl:ed - Board Designa ted

29,541 $2,238 ,627

Temporarily Restricl:ed


Perm ane nd y Rescricl:ed

1,241 ,578







$4 , 194


Thisyear at High Hopes SJJjJ_p_ort and Rev__enu ~e _____

_ n_ot_al_$_90_6,_6,_60

Investment Re lated 12%

1herapeuticriding lessom

Contributions fromIndividuals

Fees forServices 24%




Corpo rateSupport I Foundat ion Grants 7% 12%

Expen ,"'-"'.,__ ___ ___ _______

of Riders receivescholarships

_ To _ta_l_$.:._ 78_I---= ,3____:___ 4I Volunteerhours

General and Administrative 14% Program Services 74%


PE Design: Michael Fanelli






Therapeutic Riding,lnc.


06371 l'ERM!T#I

36 Town Woods Road P. 0. Box 254 Old Lyme, Connecl:icut 06371

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