2005-2006 High Hopes Annual Report

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High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

Annual Report

200 5- 2006

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. isfounded on the belief that experiencing, riding, and driving horses significantly improves the lives of individuals with physical, emotional, rmd developmental disabilities.

"Ir is because of the collaborative leadership in education and programs shown by the staff and trustees of centers like High Hopes, that I have never had any doubt concerning the future of the therapeutic riding industry and the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association


High Hopes is the model for what is meant by the term Premier, in the qualification of a NARHA Premier Accredited Center." -

Paul Spiers, Ph.D., NARHA Board Presidem



High Hopes Board of Trustees

Setting the Pace LEADERSHIP

& GROWTH in the field of therapeutic riding have been

defining factors in High Hopes ' reputation, and continue to impel us in our mission. Our leadership is recognized because, over the years, High Hope s has never lost sight of the hard work and creativity required to meet the individual need s of its participants and their families. Examples of this over the past year have been seen in the development of ou r programs. One such is our partnership with Co nn ecticut Valley Hospital in providing a weekly program of riding, carriage driving and th erapeuti c horsemanship for patients with mental illness. They are often in desperat e need of refuge from the torment s of depression and schizophrenia. Another example is our Sensory Int egration Imm ersion Camp that we held for childr en on the severe end of the Auti sm spectrum, and their mother s. One mother not ed that "people are not necessarily motivated to work with children with Autism because of th e lack of responsi veness and low level of ent hu siasm the ch ildren express." Our staff and volunteers at High Hopes are eager to work with the people who need chem most; to find ways to improve their lives in a safe and compass ionate environm ent. They are leaders in their own right with the focus and courage to go where others don 't necessarily want to go. Setting the pace often mean s leading by example. With Instru ctor student s coming to us from all parts of th e world, High Hopes remains in the forefront as a nucleu s of training and edu cation. For our Instru cto r students, High Hope s develop ed and offered a first-tim e Instru ctor Advancement workshop in additi on to our NARHA approv ed Instructor Training Cours e and Onsite Worksh ops & Certificat ion s. For our volunt eers, we provided mult iple ongoing volunteer enrichment and training sessions. On the occasion of our 2005 Volunteer Social, Governor Rell recogni zed the singular examp le of the quality and extent of the contri bution s mad e by our volunte ers by issuing a proclamation making September 29, 200 5 High Hop es Volunteer D ay throughout the state of Connec ticut. In a burgeoning field of over 700 therapeuti c riding programs in North Ame rica with regular ann ual increases in individual NARHA membership including instru ctors over the past few years, High Hope s' mission has kept us all conn ected through equin e assisted activities, strengthening our leadership in making a significant positive differen ce in the lives of people with disabiliti es.


Mary K. "Sis" Gould



Chainnan John C. Evans Vice Chainnan Barbara Ea rle Ballard

Vice Chairman for Developmen t Cheryl Kelly H effernan Vice Chairman I Secretary Anthony C. Thur ston Treasm¡e1¡ Deborah A. Welles TRUSTEES

Sally H. Aubr ey Jane A. Bolles John M. Catlett Christopher M. Coyle Elizabeth L. D avid Katharine H. Gild ersleeve Lyndon Ha viland Pauline C. Knoll Judith F. Lightfo ot H eathe r Leigh Northrop Mark O 'C onnell A. Rives Ports Jeffrey Rid gway Kelvin N. Tyler David E . Walke r, MD Claud ia T. Weicker HONORARY


Lyttleton B.P. Gould , Jr. Frank H amilton, Jr. Grace H ami lto n Wayne 0. Sout hwick, MD CHAIRMEN


Sherley Furgueson Betsy Horn Barbara Kashanski Judith F. Lightfoot* Pere Pierson t A. Rives Potts* Jeffrey Ridgwa y* Roger M. Sm ith Kelvin N. Tyler*

John C. Evans, BoardChairman

Alison Zack Darrell , Executive Director

* cu.n-entLyserving as a Tntstee

High Hopes Staff Alison Zack Darrell, Executive Director Barbara Abrams, ExpressiveTherapistI Instructor Caro l Brining, Administrative Assistant Erin Ca in, Instrttctor Patti Coyle, Instructor Renya Cra ig, ReceptionistI

ProgramAdministrative Assistant Nicole C uomo, Occupational Therapist John Dr iscoll, Facility and GroundsKeeper





Judi e Driscoll , DevelopmentAssociate

Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Jonnie Edwards, Instmctor

Cerebral Palsy Emotional andBehavioral Disorders

Amy Gardner, Equine Program Coordinator

Developmental Disability Carolyn Jagielski, Physical TherapistI InstrtJctor

MentalRetardation Wendy Knight, DevelopmentAssistant


Donna Latella, Occupational Therapist

Attention DeficitDisorder

Kristin Mason, SpecialProgramsCoordinator

Neurological Disorders

Juanita Paris, Barn Staff

Traumatic BrainInjury

Jeanna Pellino, Volunteer Coo1dinator







15 (%)

Anne Peterson, Instructor Linda Lee-Picazio, BusinessManager





Bill Prout , lnstmctor Sara Slayton Qua , Director of Development Holly Ridgway, Instructor

3-13 years 57%

Kitry Stalsburg, ProgramDirector

14-20years 15%

Holly Sundmacker, Barn Manager Mary Washburn, lmtructor

21-61 years 2596

Tom Weingart , Caretaker Lorna Young, LessonCoordinator

62-100years lessthan 396

As the weathervane

ato p our gazebo roof shows, carriage

driving has been an integral part of H igh Hop es since its inception. Over the past year carriage driving cook on a renewed vigor enablin g chose who are too disabled physically or mentally, or are coo heavy or frail to ride the chan ce to work in harmony with the horse and learn an equine skill step by step. Working with our


certified driving instructors, Cyndie Go uld an d Mary Washburn, along with a core group of dedicated volunteers; Hi gh Hopes crafted a program chat met the highest professional stand ards wh ile embo dying the passion for excellence and compassion chat is ou r legacy from Sis Gould. Beyond th e physical benefits of impro ved balance and upper bod y strength ening, the mastery of the basic skills needed in driving encourages self-confidence, while fostering relationships, both huma n and equin e, built on mutual respect and trus t. The rewards of the program were immediately realized, as one participant recovering from mental illness said of her experience drivin g Candy, the program's ten-year-old Clydesdale/Hackney cross, chat it made her feel "like I was a Queen." Anot h er participant who has Parkinson's disease felt the tremor s in his h ands steady as he took contro l of Can dy's reins. One big hor se and two small victo ries for High Hopes in "setting the pace."


Carriagedriving is 11 newlyfa1111d passionfor a lifetime High Hopes ride,:

Peace of Mind Two years ago High Hop es began a special relationship with the staff and residents of Co nn ecticut Valley Hospital (CVH) and th e impact on both CVH and High Hop es has been tremendou s. For a half hour each week, over the course of the past year, sixteen patients with significant mental imp airment s have foc used on the task of maste rin g the skills of rid ing and horse care. What char activity has meant to th ese participan ts is best expr essed in the words of one such rider in a speech sh e gave several month s ago at CVH . Here are her words ... Dea r Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked to talk about my horseback riding lessons. When I was first asked if I wanted to take lessons, I said yes. As the first day came closer,I became more and more nervous. I have always loved horsesfrom afar, but I never imagined I would be riding one. Little did I know how mu chfun I would have. As thefirst day came, I was having increased anxiety and panic. I almost chickened out, but found I had the courage. I was tired of being afraid all the time . When we first arrived, I was overwhelmed by what I saw. There was a large indoor arena and barn filled with big stalls and so many beautiful horses. ~ were told some basic rules beforegetting on the horse. Thefirst time on a horse is so cool. I loved it a lot. They tried to give me the same horse every time, so I could get used to him and. . . believe it or not, so he could get used to me.

As the weeksprogressed, my horse and I went from walking around the arena to stepping over poles, riding on trails and trotting . .. which was pretty scary. I found my horses loved me as much as I loved them. They are very affectionate. This was an incredibly positive learning exp erience for me. Thank you for providing me with this awesome opportunity.


Meatballs in your glasses . .. "Carolyn you have meatbal ls in your glasses, and so do you Chris"! So begins anot her ride for High Hopes participant, Ian , along with his longtim e Instructor/ Physical Therapist Caro lyn Jagielski and his loyal sidewalker Chris Coyle. The thr ee are winding their way along the High Hop es Sensory Int egration Trail and along the trail they will enco unt er various and inn ovative int eract ive "station s" each with a specific cogn itive or physical goal and acheivement to be had. Some activities, such as the "ma ilbox bean bucket," work to impro ve tactile discrimination while another stop, th e "foam noodles," helps increase a rider's tactile tolerance and balan ce reactions. Conceptualized and developed by Ian's friends, Instructor/ PT Carolyn and Volunteer Chris (and the hand s of many other volunt eers), the Hi gh Hopes Sensory Integration Trail has proven to be of great benefit for childr en with autism and other developmental and cognitive disorders, and has become a model of distinction that is shared with othe r therapeutic rid ing center s across the cou ntry.



Calm and focused the High

Hopesparticipant steadieshis thoughtsas he prepareshis horseto be hitched up to the carriage. High Hopesbecomeshis sanctutllJ'¡


A young rider with

the goal of improved eye/hand coordinationusesa paddle to play a musical tune 011 our giant xylophone- the latestaddition to the High HopesSensory Integration Trail.


nnual (jiving ONE



GREATEST STRENGTHS is the diversity of our support and nowhere is this better

reflected than in our Annual Giving. The breadth and depth of our contributors ranges from our Leadership Circle donors who gave

$ 5000

or more, to the school children who raised money on behalf of High Hopes at

a weekly cookie and jewelry sale. Each year we are honored to receive gifts in memor y of a loved one or in celebration of a wedding, birthday, or other special occasion . We appr eciate these gifts, not just for their moneta ry value, but for the thoughtful spirit in which they are given. They affirm th e value of what we do and the belief in our mission that is shared by our community. Thank you to all the donor s listed on the following pages. ANNUAL



Leadership Circle

Life Members

Special Benefactors

An onym ous

Louis Bacon

RobercD. &

John & Athan a C atlett

Ted & Rebecca Crosb y

Susan K. C hild s

Jane I. Davison

Cath erine C ont e

Mr. & Mrs . Peter Dait ch

Evan S. Gri swold

Nancy Young &

Jane I. Davison

Barbara Earle Ballard

& Emil y T. Fisher

Paul Ford , Jr.

Mr. & M rs. John C. Evans

Lyttleton B.P. Gould , J r.

Judith & Richard Lightfoot

Kath arin e H. G ildersleeve

John S. John son

Lord Creek Farm

Mitch & C heryl H effernan

Barbara & John Kashan ski

- 2005

Karen & John Horn

Th e Kitchin gs Family

& Ho rse Trials

John & Barbar a Kashanski

Judith F. &

Ruth Lord

Hunt er Pace

Lyndon H aviland &

Ri chard B. Lightfo ot

Tom Neff

D avid & Jean Sargent

Mr. & Mr s. K.C. Mazer

Heidi & John Niblack

Marcia & Roger Smith

Rives & Nan cy Potts

Karen E. Schwarz

Karen E. Schwarz

Martha Terrell

Corporate & Foundation Gifts

Essex Savings Bank Communi ty Investment Program Fox Ledge Tack Shop The Ches ter W. Kitchings Foundation

AT&T Co mmuni ty Services Fund - New Haven Headquarters Region

Lenny &Joe's Fish Tale Restaurant-M adison

Thomas J . Atkins Memor ial Fund

The H eney Luce Foundatio n, Inc. - at the request of Mr. John C. Evans

The Ho ward Bayne Fund

Lyme-O ld Lyme Jr. Womens Club

Irwin Belk Educational Foun datio n

Lyme-O ld Lyme Lions Club

Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foun dation

North American Riding for the Ha ndicapped Assoc., Inc. I NESAR

Chelsea Groto n Foun dation

N iantic Senior Ho using, LLC

C hichester D uPont Foundation

AT&T Eastern Region Com mu nity Services Fund

The Commu nity Founda tion of Southeastern Connecticut

AT&T Employee Giving United Way Campa ign

The Comm unity Foundation for Greater New Haven

The Seraph Foundat ion, Inc.

Co ncordia Found ation, Inc.

South ern New England Telecommunications

Co nnecticut Center for Massage Therapy


Corpo ration's Employees' Community Services Fund

The Dime Savings Bank Foundation, Inc.

Un ited Way of Greater Richm ond & Petersbu rg

The Equus Foundat ion, Inc.

Un ited Way of the Capital Area

Essex Savings Bank

United Way of Southeastern Con necticut



Rebecca & Ted Crosby

Barbara & Matt Abrams

Mrs. Norman Boucher

CAMPAIGN Jim & Joanne Graybill

Liz & Henri David

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr.

Maria DePaola - In honor

Sally Handy

of David F. DePaola

Dorothy & Curtis Askelson Linda, Peter and Sara

Olive]. Brose

Dianne Embree

Brita Herman

The Sandra & Arnold Chase

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Evans

Donald M. Johnson

Family Foundation Robcn A. Curry

Mr. & Mrs. 1l10mas F. Moore

Ashley Fidd 1he Reverends Jonathan

& Kimberly Folts


Ruth & Kathy Heller

Austin-Small Alexandra & Daniel Barber

& Nancy Hillhouse Muriel N. Hinkle

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A.

Mr. & Mrs. Tanner T. Hunt,



Robert & Sandy Mulligan

1he Fournier Family

Julie Inglis

Douglas R. Barrows

111c Sally & Peter Parsonson

Robert Reep & Amy B. Gardner

John & Mary Jacobs

Myrna & Or. Arnold Baskin

Patricia Goldblatt

Dr. Mary Ellen Jukoski

Michael Bcda

Foundadon Inc.

& Dr. W Walter Mcloughlin

Robert & Heather Bennett

Rives & Nancy Pons

Betty & John Greene

Holly & Jcff Ridg..vay

Grace & Frank Hamilton

Charles & Gretchen Kingsley

Dinah Beverley

Renny & Judy Schoonmaker

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick

Margaret H. Kitchings

Peter Bialobrzcski

Sandy & Tony 'Ihurston

Macristy Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Knol!

Richard & Johanne Mangi


Harry & Susan Manin

Mrs. Elise Lapham

Gary E Borla

Kristin E. Mason

Isabel C. Leach

Peter & Rosalie Brainard

"01t.'Astmann Family

Or. Lisa C. McCarthy

Sally & George Mayer

Weston & Sharon Bray

Andy Baxter

Kathleen McManus

Ethan & Foster McCutcheon

John & Linda Carlin

Rodney Ballek

Ors. Margaret & Earl Mummert

Dorothea Moore

Robert Cassidy, Jr.

& Deborah Baxter

Bob & Penny Nelson

Isabe!le C. Osborne

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M.

Mary Mille & Bill Doane

Holly & Jeff Ridgway

Susan Peacock

Karen Florin

David & Jean Sargem

James E. & Jacqueline B. Pedrick

Chad & Brenda Floyd

William Satti

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick


Michael & Sherley l~urgucson

in honor of Wynn Satti


Alan & Natalie Bieber Joan & Barry Bloom


Chapin IlI

J. Platt


Ms. Deborah L. Chicppa William

¡c Christopher

Brian & Monna Reid

Joseph [~ Cognetta Chris & Patti Coyle

Michael & Patricia Ganey

Shelby G. Schavoir

Gigi Rhodes

Robert & Wendy Gunn

Bonnie & Phil Seagull

John & Pat Russell

Keith Daly

Walter E. Davis & BcrL Haam

Perra B. Shearer

Craig Saxton

Alison Zack & Philip F. Darrell

Edward Keelan

Alan Thornton

Donna & Hugh Scott

Barbara David

Dominick M. Lauria

Victoria & William Winterer

Barbara J. Sinicrope

Birgit N. Deeds

Richard Mattson

Annie Zabar & Bill Wachtel

William E. Phillis

Charles E Dey

& Barbara Smith

Mary P. Pul!en

Frank Lishing & Joann M. Reis

Roy & Kim Dubs

Seymour & Tia Smith

John Duncan

John & Diane Stabb

Ors. Dana & Michael Dunne

Bruce & Kimberly Abraham

Structural Graphics, LLC

Mr. Tim Elliott

David & Caryl Viola

Beverly L. Alves

Donna G. Tardif

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Elnisky

Dr. & Mrs. Carl F.Washburn

Associates of Arnhem Blue Cross

Dan Weekley

Helene & Charles Fenger

Michelle & Roger Roche Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell

Katherine Fields

John & Debbie Wel!es

and Blue Shield Quality

Cynthia C. Willauer

Control and Recoveries

Peter Flagg


John & Alison Forbis

Chris & Amy Arnold

Bob & Lee Adrian

Geraldine U. Foster Pearl Fournier

Sally H. Aubrey

Ken & Judy Bombaci

Elsie & Stever Aubrey

Linda & Peter Bierrie

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd

Reginald H. Fullerton, Jr.

'Die Bethany Horsemen

Anne Lane & RudolfBergmans

Barbara & Michael Fonda

Elise Reese Garvin

Keith & Jane Bolles

Deborah & Jonathan Burler

Or. & Mrs. Gerard H. Lawrence

Margaret Westby Gibson

Eleanor L. Bonafonte

Elsie & Sam Childs

Mr. & Mrs. George M.

A. Gilbert

Susan Fucci & Gary Borla

Charles & Janet Crump

Vanessa Tillman-Brown

Dr. & Mrs. John R. Drew

E!len L. Lindner

James & Hannah Childs

Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree

Heather & Eric Northrop

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green

Rick & Par Ermler

David & Kathryn Sandmann

Kevin J. Toner & Sara D.

Susan K. Childs

Diane FaryniarL

John & E!len Wells


Gail Perk(ns-Gemme

Deborah L. Whalen

and Family


Association, lnc. Connie & Steve Corbett

Lethbridge, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin

Greenwood Judy Hansen

Katelin & Janet Gochberg

Peter & Suzett Hearn

Lyttleton B. P. Gould, Jr.

Inge Hieret




Mrs. Ann Hirth

William Reisman

Mrs. Philip B. Cowles, Jr.

Judy Schaaf

Robert & Linda Hollis

Lisa & Aaron Reneson

Richard R. Dailey

Marlene Scharr

Bersy& Bill Horn

John & TCri Rexroad

Karen Davidovich

Rick & Terry Schreiber

Shirely F. Howard

Vernon & Gisela Rhodes

Lisa & Bill Donovan

Alan & Vio!era Scott


J. Hoynack

Randal & Laurie Roberge

Jon C. Driscoll, MD

Louise "Cookie" Shea

Kate Ireland

Glen & Connie Rokicki

Commander Barbara Ellis, Ret.

Tbnia & Harry Slifer

Gunilla & George James

Ronald & Janet Romanowski

William & Eli7~1bethFarrell

Bill & Bess Small

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jansen

Kay Rosenfeld

Caroline Flower

Anne & Elting Smith

& Erin Jansen

Mrs. Maureen Sarti

Mr. & Mrs, John E. Friday, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Speirs

Susan & Jonathan Jewett

Mrs. Charles J. Scanlon

Cheryll L. Frink

Ca!lisrn & Frank Stoddard

Jean 1~Johnson

Manfred & Patricia

Whitney & Nancy Garlinghouse

Sronington Veterinary Hospital

Robert E.L. Johnson, Jr.

Tim & Susan Gavronski

Rosemary Strckc!

Alice Schmutz

Patricia Goldblatt

William Srubenbord, M.D.

Susan Johnson

Peter Yan Slyck

Josh Greenva!l

Mrs. Adolph Kasrelowitz

MaryAnn E. Smith

Timothy C. Griswold

Karhlccn G. Johnson

Schach von Wittenau

& Jane Stubenbord Kim & Rick Swan

Karen Keelan

Reba St. Onge

Maureen & Dean Hanink

Peg Sweeney

Tom & Cissic Keogh

Eryn Star

Mr. Varick D. Harrison

Wi!liam H. Todd III Douglas J. Van Dyke

Ernest Kirschner

Elizabeth De R Srurges

Gary Holland~Ho!land Farms

Anne Klingler

Marina & Charles Surette

Lisa K. Holmes

Mark J. Kolovson

Marion G. 'faylor

James & Hedy Korst

James ll10mpson

Margaret B. Howe

Robin Vitale

William H. Lanagan

Lindsey Turner

Robin J. Hoynack

James Walsh, Jr.

Peter & Elaine Lapolla

Tim & Suzanne Tyler

Marylys Jackson

Joan & Kenneth Levin

Linda & David Ward

Eads Johnson, Jr,

Mark Warren Carol Weigand

& Stephen B. Holmes

& Karen F.Van Dyke Jean Vasileff

& Diane M. Walsh

Bruce & Catherine Littman

Betsey & Bob Webster

Myron & Cynthia Klein

John & Wendy Lord

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Weinstein

Anne Klingler

Elizabeth Whitley

Rebecca H. Lynch

John & Charlotre Westerfield

Hden Klingler

\Vi!dwood Pediatrics

Roland & Sandy MacNichol

Peter Kepple

Stephanie Karin Knoll

Dave & Judy Winer

The Kraska Family

Nancy & Bob Wood

Lynda & Danie! Wilkes

Philip Logan

Marc & Phyllis Zakrajsek

Heidi & Rick Worcester

Bonnie L. Martin

Stan & Linda Marcinicc

Linda S. Wysocki

"l11eMcCallum Family

Robert & Grace Marrion

William & Elisa Young

Dr. Christopher

Robert & Sarah McCracken

Carl & Clara Zirkenbach

Ms. Annie Manfredi Charles-Henri

& Marguerite Mangin

& Karin Whittemore

& Susan McCawley

David & Rosemary Anderson

Bruce McGhic

Kathy & John McCurdy

Grace Basler

Mr. & Mrs. Newton P. S. Merril!

Carol & Dixon Merkt

Kail Cadman

TOm & PeggyMetcalf

Ronald f. Milardo

Dale V. Callaway

Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Moloney

William & Mary Attridge

Andrew & Gail Morris

Mimi & Bill Benner

Mitchell Farm Equine

Peter Carlson

Retirement, Inc.

Michael Dove

Bob & Penny Nelson

Jane Bennett

MaryEl!en Monteiro, ET,

Michael W. Newburg

David & Lynn Bocian

Mrs. James Morris

Mrs. Delos B. Churchill

Claudia J. Newel!

'Ihe Bowers Family

Claudia & David Natorski

Mary Corbett

David & Arlene Norling

Rudy & Irma Brandt

Eugene & Janet Nichols

Beverly Crowther

Kate G. Norling

David Brzezon

Mary Jo Kelly & Roger Nosal

William & Susan Dion

John E. & Barbara S. Noyes

Helen E. Burkarth

Kelly & Cheryl Parsons

John M, Fay

Irving Oertel

Mr. A. Buroff

Pattie & Dennis Peoples

Mary Fischer

Joanne O'Neil

L1wrence & Rebecca Cahill

Teresa H. Perugini

Margaret Frisch

Ors. John & Corrie

& Carol Carpenter

Norman & Lori Caine

Rose Petersen

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Godbout

Alice Castelli

"foe Picazio Family

Sherrell Crean

Cynthia R. Palmer

Tom & Dorrir Castle

James Ricci

William & Rita Gregory

Michael & Elena Patterson

Elizabeth C. Chamberlain

Mrs. John Ripley

Edward W. Hildreth

Constance Pike

Margaret M. Clucas

Connie & Al Rogers

Darlene C. Jones

Peter & Robin Pool

John & Janet Cody

Rebecca Russell

Hannah Kalichman

David & Barbara Preston

Harwood B. Comstock

Carol K. Ryland


Donald & Charlotte Quigley

Mrs. RB Cooney

Claire Sauer

Joe & Beth LiPuma

Donald & Nancy Rankin

Dr, Anthony A. Corrao

Saybrook Veterinary Hospital

Ms. Aileen C. Livingston




J. Karp

GIFTS Arrhur

J. McCauley

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lavan

Joan & Richard George

Submarine Officer's Spouses'

Scott & Mary MaCoid

Mayra Zayas & Mincrya Malave

Charitable Association

Victoria George

Michael & Pamela Morandi

Douglas & AlyceMal!ck

- Equine Retirement

Diane & Donald Goldstein

Jeffrey Nelson

Elmira Ingersoll

Joan & Scott Nichols

& Mary Muh!hauscn

PatriciaT:1.ylor- Driving Program

Mark & Jean-Marie Gutierrez

Jason & Amanda 1homson

Maureen A. Haskell

Bill Prout

Joan S. Narad, MD

James & Heather Rice

Karen A. Nichols

Ryan E. Romanowski

Ruth O'Connell

Elizabeth & William Si!lin

Marcia Or.wchowski

Penny Snow

Eleanor M. Osborne, Ph.D.

in honor of"my first love,"

Edwin & Eleanor Sollis

Emily Peluso

Dandy Bar King - Equine

Rob Hageman & Kitty Stalsburg

Melanie Phoenix


Kathryn Stalsburg

John & Sonia Pierson

Sara & Randy Stevens & Family

Manha B. Hess-Pombcr

Mitchel & Regina Strand

Ernest B. Punzalan

Laurie & Jack Sulger

Joseph Reale

Mary S. Volk

Johnna B. Reinwald



Denise Walstra

Roi Haven forms



Burgess Russell

Aklerwoods Group, Inc.

DR Silveria

A-Plus Shectmcra!, Inc.

Kathleen & Francis Marsolais

Spring Val!ey Farm

Margaret Arce

J macs Mcaleer Laura & James McCabe

Bruce Gold & Judith Hasnas

- Memorial Garden

Timothy P.Healy

Tony & Sandy Thuman

House Fund E-r6TL-7

- Chevy truck bed liner

Irish Coffee Pub, Inc.

Caryl & Whitney Viola,


D D'Amico

Enterprises Corp. Anne Jclpi

Westbrook Tack Shop - Saddles

Dr. Fred Jones Richard & Lisa Justman Kel!y Ann & Robert Kelley


Henry & Patricia Kiefer CAIN -


Christine Lauria 16

Majestic Salon & Spa William & Catherine Marshall

Wayne G. Abrahamson

Douglas & Sandra Tolderland

Leslie Arem

Elaine Anderson

Laurie & Michael Walker


Barbara E. McMahon


Lorna Young

Robert E. Beer

Kathleen I~ Meyer

Sandra Blanchard

James & Barbara Boyle

Richard & Maureen Mikucki

Jean A. Bonaforne

Phyllis Brenna

Gary Moore

Charles A. Dickens, Jr.

Robert & Mary Ann Buckley

Gerard Moriany

Gail & Paul Bunce

Patrick & -u1eresa Mullan

& Audrey A. Brabazon Lois). Brockmann Marilyn E. Bud Karen & Lee Cashman Deborah Churchill Mr. & Mrs. Julian Coldli Sally E Cornish

Lorraine Fameux

Rosemary Cain

Dianne M. Muro

& Catherine Adornato

Campson & Campson

TCrence & Nancy Nee

- Equine Reriremem

Sean & Vanessa Canning

New York Community

Carmella's PiZ?A'lria& Restaurant

Njoydaze lnc.

Kevin I~ Coleman

Owens Brokerage ITD.

Commercial Collection

Parkview Plumbing

Susan K. Childs - Equine Retirement Church of Christ the King

Peggie Ford Crosgrove

- Scholarship field trip for

Rosemary S. Cowley

disadvantaged youth

Beverly Crowther Melissa Daroff Robyn & Mark Fortier


Connecticut Valley Driving Club, in honor of Janie Davison - Driving Program

Consultants - New York Alfred J. Conforti

Pete King for Congress

Patrick & Kathleen Corton

Point Breeze Refreshment Club

Keith Da!y

Raymond Prince


Jack & Chip Frost


Dr. & Mrs. Forest K.

David & Muriel Hinkle

Michelle Darcy

John Parnoff & Monique Heller Susan J. Hessel Diane Hirsch

- Equine Retirement Bill & Joanne Ives - Ourdoor Arena Expansion Bob & Pauline Knoll

& Heating, Inc. Par & Rick Enterprises Inc.

Matthew & Lisa Cones

Kim Halvorsen - Horse Care

Harris, M.D.

Promark International,

John J. Dee

Readers Digest Foundation

Crisrofor Dibendeno

William & Judy Russell

Richard & Christine Dileonardo

David Saltzman

Edward & Cecilia Donnelly

Sandra's Pizza, Inc. Rudy Saviano, Inc.

- for the Peter H. Knoll


Betsy M. Hunnewell

Memorial ITC Scholarship

Equity Settlement Services, Inc.

Peter & Lois Schmitt

Joseph & Adria Erlich

Scott & Scott, LLC

Elmira S. Ingersol! Rochelle & David Kaminsky Mary & Smarr Klarman Susan Van Kley Aida Regan-Kuranda Maryann Labrie Mark & Ann Lander Breck & Susan Lardner

Estate of Nancy Olmstead - Scholarships & Endowment David & Jean Sargent - New Wintec saddles T0mmy Saunders - Equi1~e Retirement Kara B. Seymour - Equine Retirement Petra B. Shearer - Defibri!lator


Raj & Raj Realty Ltd.

Ann Hirth

Roger & Donna Hurley



James l~ foller

Robert & Christine Senn

John I~ Fallon

Christina Evans Serafin

Bridger & Robert Fazio

Edward Buckley & John Shatter

Dawn M. Fedele

Donald & Philip Skuza

Feldstein Management

Jeffrey S. Smith

Services, lnc.

& Mary McWi!liams-Smith

Figure Us Inc.

Squad 18 ED.N.Y.

Joshua A. Forst

Paul A. Stoddard 11

GIEIT'S Anne & Bill Hull


Scott & Nadine Teman

Boyd & Barbara Johnson

Shirley Arsenaulr

Lisa & Rohen Merril!

Ian 'Ihomson

Dwight & Linda Juliani

Susan Buckley

Kathleen Sikkema

Uniformed Firefighters Assn.

Morris Klein, C.tA.

Carlos Cardosa, MD

Jay D. Lisnow

Par Clement

The Naigles Family

路1homas G. Uschok

\Xlil!iam & Shari Logozzo

Peg & Ed Cornell

Kevin & Lois O'Connor

of Greater New York



& Michael Merson

Federick W. Vasselman

Roy & Barbara Longo

Susan Dearborn

Joan & Stuart Sidney

George & Margaret Vasselrnan

Fran & Joe Manganello

Diane Guarino

Arthur & Carolyn Stearns

Ryan Vassdman

Ronald & Claudia Marks

Janine LaRochelle

Margaret & Robert Vorminag

George & Linda McKay

Richard B. & Judith F. Lightfoot

Walls Design Associates, Inc.

Grace & Raymond McMullen

Sandy Marks

Christine M. Morris

Raymond & Grace McCullen

Fred & Patricia Wcrnig

Musical Dreams

Diane Mongold

Jba Tilden Car Care Joanne & James \'v'histon



Trudy Corporation NANCY CASH

for I-luman Harmonies

Marilyn P. Hclrnhoh.

Richard Ownbey

Donald & Julie Palermo

Dr. Wayne D. Rosenfield

Anne Peterson

'!racy Sondik

Russell & Karen Pollard

Helene Vartclas

Jeffrey Rapoport

Steven M. Raser & Margaret Mitchell-Raser




Bonnie B!ucmling

V. Robert Roxbrough

Mary K. Schaaf

Carol Brining

Russell & Susan Samora

Judy, Ken & Haven Buder

Dayle H. Sheridan


Mr. William Cash

Patricia A. Sokolosky

Cheryll L Frink

Reverend Edward

Dom Cicchetti & Sara Sparrow




& Kitty Stalsburg

'Jhomas & Corliss Dargc

Alfred & Linda Vigorito

Alison Zack Darrell

Dr. & Mrs. Carl F.Washburn

Cathy Holingcr & Bill dd.ossy

Sherrill L Werblood, Pf-1.D.

Ellen K. Downes

Earl Lewis & Constance Young



Margaret R. Kelly-Gagliardi Cina Gallo Pat & Mildred Catzke R. Scon Potter





Richard & Gwendolyn Goldsnider

Delores!~ Goodling

Sis Gouw

Sue Keith Elver.mm KATl!AIUNE HOWE

Diane & Ken Mull

Rosalie Greenbaum, Ph.D.









Scone & Betsey Roberts LYrr


Bil! & Pammie Post CAROLYN


John & \v'erncrh Noyes I-IANNAH KAl.lCltM,\N'S BAT MJTZVAI!

Anonymous Demetria Cain Lisa A. Eaton

Hair We Arc, LLC

Barbara Keim

Jody & Daniel Flanagan

Paul & Cosette Heimann

Robert & Gloria Keirn

Mark Frydrnberg Daniel & Rachel Greblcr


C:irol L. Brining

Janice M. Romanowsk

Lisa Homes




Ryan Romanowski

Alma & Glenn Gundersen

Alison C. Hubley



Gina-Lyn Scoopo DAVID TRtEBEI.

Russell Ford

John & Charlotte Goodling iVlaryK. Green


Suzie Birks

& Sharon L. Gatzke

Linda K. Green


l.inda Ambrose

Eileen L. Shekosky HOPE


Janice M. Romanowski

Ellen Madert路

Dick Chandler

\'fcndy L. Fong Gary /vl. Cag!iardi &


Susan Coit

Leonard & Ann Farrell o( Madison


David & Judith Winer

Eileen L. Shckosky

John & Virginia Cosenza



Maud B. Duke

KEN \Vooow,rnn

Robert Hageman



Marjorie D. hmdu!as

Holly & Jeff Ridgway

First Congregational Church


\Xlenonah M. Robinson


Eleanor G. Casey

Ann 1-l.Shaw

Nutmeg Chrome Corporation

Roben & Joan rw Blake

Charles & Joyce Ehrgott



Mrs. Robert D. Gmhrie

\Xloodward North

\'fallacc & Elizabeth Anderson

& Margaret Cornell



Timothy C. Wayne

Wheels Auto, Inc.


Stephen & Andrea Marshall

Sunrise Chiropractic

Merry & George Hoag

Anonymous Harry 路1路riebcl


Kathryn Bartus Emily Cassidy

Patricia Charlton Audrey Brabazon

& Charles Dickens 'Jhc Gobbroggcs

Maria Gomes Kim Halvorsen

Kate Niamh Hickie

Brian Hoadley Gillian Holloway Anne Klinger Joanne Kraska Caitlin LcC!air

Elizabeth McCallum John & Linda McGirr

Cherly Miller Bob & Penny Nelson Kate Nichols Dennis O'Brien

Maria O'Hara Donna Perry

Peter & Elizabeth Popincha!k Landon Potts Sara Qua

Alexi Rashan Katherine Rossi

Elena Roy

Shagbark Lumber & Farm Supplies Shctuckct Valley Pony Club Debbie Stcdc

·1he Sullivan Family Carson Swope

Diane Walsh

Southern New England

Sandra Blanchard

Sarah Hallie Janson

Lisa Blough

Greg Jarrabeck

Horseman's Association

Eleanor Bonafante

Karen Johnson

Youth TCam Melinda Stelzner

Gary Boda

Paul Jones

Chris Brown - Photografix

TCrry Joseph

Karen Sternberg

Jeff Bugbee

John & Barbara Kashanski

Susan Strait

James Byrne

Wendy Knight

Marina Surette

Kelley Cahill - C Design

Little B lhrn

TOny & Sandy "Ilrnrston

Alina E. Camacho

Diana & Archie Leslie

Sharon Tracy

Laurel Camean

Debbie Liberty

Mary Carniglia Cloud Nine Catering

- The Canvas Lady l..ewirz, Balosie, Wollack, Rayner & Giroux, LLC

Catie Conte Ashley Cordi

Keir Magoulas

United Rentals Jo Ann Veillette-Stoneh;:irt Evelyn Bunk & Sally Venmra Mary Verdick Veterinary Products Laboratories

·1ony Cosentino

Kristin M;:ison

Kathryn Vine

Chris & Patti Coyle

Cheryl Matthewson

Michael W;:il!er

Erin Craddock


Diane Walsh

Nancy Cusack

Jessica McC;:irry

Geralyn Perpal Warren

Carol Dahlke - Ashbwn Farm

Elizabeth Michalski

John & Deborah Welles


Barbara Daniels

Chery! Miller

Wiggin & Dana

Daniella Daskam

Tfavis Natalino

Mr. & Mrs. Lucius

Stephen Dedman

Bill & Dawn Nelligan


Dilley Gr;:iphics

Bob & Penny Nelson

Emma Wright

Mr. Lindsay Downs

Northe;:ist Utilities

Peter & Christina Dukchan

Eric & I-leather Leigh Northrop


Glenn & Nancy Elliott

Nyman Jewelers

John Evans - Essex TClevision

O!d Lyme Veterinary Clinic

Aetna Foundation,

Cynthia Pedersen

Altria Group, Inc.


Xplore Productions

Michael Fanelli Steve Femiak - ·1hames Import Co., LLC

- Indian Spring Farm


Bristol-Myers Squibb

Lynda Perry


Anne & Greg Peterson

Ernst & Young, LLC

Krista Field

Pfizer !nc.

Lehman Brothers

Finkeldey's Waste Removal

Kristine Pierce

·1he Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

Fox Ledge ·1ackshop

Douglas & Pam Platz

IBM /Vlatching Gifts Program

Judy Friday

Peter Plude


Patty Ganey

Rives Potts

Northeast Utilities

Rosemary D. G;:inser,

Ann Powers


Frederick Prentice


Chase Foundadon

Service Comp;:iny Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts J>rogram

Roger Goodnow

Jeff Ridgway

Nicole Walstra

lvbrja Gosier

Riverside Press

Readers Digest Foumbtion

"Jl1omas Weigand-Watkinson

John & Sue Greenal!

'!'racy Whipple

Lisa Reneson-"l\vo Sisters Design

·n1e Rockefeller Foundation

William E Robinson

'Ihc Stanley Works

Ellen Greim

Amanda Rogers

Verizon Foundation

·1·imothy C. Griswold

S;:ilem Valley Veterinary Clinic

- Greenall Carriage House

Kim Halvorsen

Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schnurr

Barbara Abrams

Donald & lyn Hanberg

Mick Schum

Nancy Aiello

Jen Hasson

Donna Scott

Robert Albright

Alan Hauser

Sus;:in Senning

Alicia Alvarez

TOm Neff & Lyndon Haviland

Petra B. Shearer

Robin Augustadt

Chery! & Mitch HeflCrn;:in

Marilyn Shup

Ba!lck's Garden Center

Kathy Heller

Bruce & Sandy Smith

Grace Basler

Shirley F. Howard

Roger & /Vlarcia Smith

Kade Bevl.'ridgc

Betsy Hunnewell

Tia Smith

Lisa Bibbiani

Linda Hufzey

Source, Inc.

Jane Bigler

Mart lovanna




Annual Horse Show

Individual Spousors Show Spo nsors

Ruch H eller

TI1e skies poured but our riders soared! Despite the

Jorge & Lee Adrian

Anne Klingler

rainy weather rhe High Hopes Annual Horse Show

Barbara Earle Ballard

& Robert D. Ballard

was a great day for families, friends and supporters of our participants . Riders not only showed off the skills

Chuck & Olivia Anslinger Carniglia John & Atha na Catlett

Mark Kolovso n The Kraska Family M ichael & Dina Le Cla ir O rs. Christopher & Susan McCaw ley

they spent weeks perfecting, but for some it became

Stone Coleman

an opportunity co rake on a new challenge. One class

Ted & Rebecca C rosby

Kat hryn Rosenfeld

Stacey Eder & Robert Lee

Ma rlene Scharr

chose this day ro move from a trot ro a canter and one

John C. Evans

Donna , H ugh, Linsey,

young rider bravely rook rhe reins off lead for the first

Diane S. Faryniar,

Bob & Penny Nelson

Elizabeth & Olivia Scott

Kath erine Fields

Rosemary & Peter Van Slyck

time and steered her horse carefully over the course.

Mr. & Mr s. Peter Flagg

Cla ra & Carl Z irkenba ch

A blue ribbon performance was given by all!

Russell Ford - In memo ry of Hope McW illiam Ford


Don & D. Go nci

Scott Abe rcromb ie

The H effernan Family

Cynthi a Arsenault Sally H . Aubrey

Kathl een G. John so n

Linda & Perer Bierrie

Kelsar Physical Therapy

Birks Go lden Retrievers -

Ruth Lord

Event Sponsor MERIAL

C hester Veterinary Cl inic

Eleano r L. Bonafont e

Heather Leigh Northrop

Elizabeth C. C ha mbe rlain Aliso n Zack Da rrell

John & Lee Pritchard

Ma ud 8 . D uke

De bora h Reisman's Family

Koko G ildersleeve

Ellie Roy-In memory of

Betty Greene

F. Maureen Cob urn

ln ge Hi eret

The Beachside at N antu cket

Don & Caro l Schwartz

M aggie Higgins

Tower Laborator ies LTD .

Karen Schwa rz

Gun illa James

ll1e Sherm an Family

Barbara & John Kashanski Caitlin LeCla ir, Ch ristine


Mt. & Mrs. Roger Sm ith

RE/MAX Valley-Shore

Co nnecricur Parent

Ann & Wayne Southw ick

Advocacy Cen ter, Inc.

Compan ion Animal Ho spira! HSS ... H ardwa re

& Software Services, LLC

Tony & Sandy ll1ur ston

& Ca rl Sr. Mar ie Joan & Ken Levin

Page-Taft Real Estate

Dr. Carl F.Washburn, Jr.

Brian & Joan Little

- Jamie C hilds

G urd on & Kat hy Wattles

The McCallum Fam ily

Dr. Robert & Valerie Fales Laser Skin Care of Centra l CT Holistic T.l~M. By Kristin

Northeast Utilities

Mitchell Farm Equin e

Robert Cassidy Jr.

Retirement Inc.

Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

Kitty & Jerry Greene

Jean & D avid Sargent

Deborah A. Welles, CPA

Clark G roup

Art, Bim & Kerry Chr istianso n

M r. & Mr s. Richa rd l. Pearce

Coffee's Co untr y Market

Premier Sponsors


Suzanne Birks Michael E. Blefeld, M.0.

C is Matd1iesscn

& Eric A. No rthr op

Business Sponsors

& Er ik Cos tello

Pamela & Jack Irving

Jud y & Richard Lightfoot

Supp orters

Class Spons ors

Jan et & Katelin Gochberg

In memory of Apple & Pappy

E L. Montzo ures, Inc.

Drs. Ch ristop her

Ring Sponsors

& Susan McCawley

Bea Anderson

Mary Mille & Bill Doane

Mrs. Stratto n N. Barclay

0.C., Sam & Lily

D avid, Lynn, Gary

Ci ndy Palmer

an d Jack Ryan Bocia.n

The Picazio Family

Salem Valley Veterinary Cli nic

Peterson's Dirt Works LLC

Mr . & Mrs. William A. Boyd

Bethany Reiss

Shagbark Lumber

Equi nox Award, Inc.

Emily Cassidy

Jeff & H olly Ridgway

Saybrook Co untr y Barn

Janet & Jo hnn y Cody

Janet & Ronald Ro mano wski

Valeri Ann Varro, LLC

Karen Davidovich

Rebecca A. Russell

& Farm Sup plies


Mr . & Mrs. Jeb N . Embre e Joan & John Hamri ck

EVENT Tonia & Harr y Slifer

Connie Kastelowitz

MaryAnn E. Smith

Stu & Betsy Klarman

Callista & Scott Stoddard

Reb Mariano


SecondAnnual Golf Classic

Nancy C. Strohla

Pam & John Melroy

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Todd, 111

Sean & Em ily Peterson

Richa rd & Sharon Torre nti

Therese Popinchalk

Linda Ward

Heather Ann Rice

of golf at the magn ificent and newly opened Lake

Wendy Rieder

of Isles Golf cou rse. Playing under blue skies and

Last Octo ber over 96 golfers enjoyed a great day

Show Friends

Riverway Record ing Srudio

The Alfiero Family

Diane R. Silveria

over the links of the challenging South course, the following businesses and individuals helped raise a

Ma rge Cu rtis

T ia & Seymo ur Smit h

Jackson & Joel Driscoll

Kitty, Rob & Kathryn

Pearl Fournier

Corinne G. Weber

Margot Ga merd inger

David & Tracy Whipple

net of over


in support of High Hopes.

Kitty Stalsburg, Robe rt Hageman

Platinum Sponsor

& Kather ine Hageman

Mortgage Lenders Network

Sally & Parker Handy


Glen & Linda Herman Mrs. Ann Hirth

Gol.d Sponsor Pfizer ln c.

Silver Sponsors Mashanrucket Pequot Tribal Nacion Yankee Gas Services Company

C01porate Sponsors Bank of America Essex Financial Services, ln c. Essex Savings Bank David Chase & Don DeAngelis

Gifts In Kind

Holstein Fou nd ation

Rob Barbeau,


Go lf Professional

Ring's End N iant ic

- O ld Lyme Co untr y Club


Essex Printing Foundat ion

Scalsburg Express, Inc.

Tim Gavronski ,

- Robert R. Scalsburg, Jr. The Day

Go lf Professional - Shuttle Meadow Count ry Club Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan

Commemorative Sponsors


Dime Bank

Steve Marrson

Dom inion Nuclear

Madison C hrysler Plymouth

Co nnecticut Mystic Chips

Pequot Tribal Nacion

Jeep Dodge - Thomas Ruberti Old Lyme Country C lub Will iam Satt i Michael Wray, Jr.





Cmporate Benefactors

Symphony in the Meadow s Thanks rn the hard wo rk of over the generosity of Meadows


700 +


Madison C hrysler Jeep Dodge

Bank o f Amer ica

M cDe rmorr Chevro let

The George Link, Jr.

attendees, Symphony in the

was a great success and netted over


r 94,000

in support of the High Hopes programs. A

special highlight of this year's concerr was che


- Coldwell Banker River Linens - Mary Du nn

Ca ulfield & Ridgway

Saybrook Co unt ry Barn

Dom inio n

Foundation Fischer Heating & Air Cond itioni ng, LLC

raised that evening for a brand new C hevy Silverado

Geneve Corporatio n for the

truck that was desperately needed rn safely transport

benefit of the Alliance for Cancer Gene 1l1erapy

- Keith & Ja ne Bolles Shoreline Eye Group The Oakley W ing Group ar Smich Barney Webster Bank

Corporate Friends

our horses. High Hopes extends a Bravo thanks to

Gow rie Barden & Brett Insurance

Angler Adventu res

the hundreds of supporrers and to the Volunteers who

The G uilford Savings Bank

Archambaulr Insuranc e, [nc.

G ull Associates - Matt Conroy

Burnecr's Land scaping

made the transition from Symphony in the Meadows imo Symphony in the Barn a perfect reality. A special

lyn Hanberg, Prudential CT - Dunham Realty 11,e Hartford Steam Boiler

Caliber Co mpu ting Co ffee's Co untr y Marke r

Cove L~nding Marine, Inc.

thanks is also well deserved by the New Haven Sym -

Inspect ion & In surance Co.

Duble & O'Hearn, Inc.

phony Orchestra and M usic Director Jung Ho Pak

1l1e Herb Cha mb ers Co mpanies

Essex Meadows Lifecare

Leather Man Ltd.

for their glorious music and professional support.

Event Sponsors

Gold Spo11sors


Brewer Pilot's Poinc Marina Rives & Nancy Pott s




Chelsea Groto n Bank

Platinum Sponsors

Essex Preschoo l Led.

Norr heasc Utilities Transmission

Harbor Morors, Inc.

Mohegan Sun Mortgage Lend ers Network U SA, In c.

Lawrence & Memorial Hospital

Pfizer Inc.

and Power Company

Mashanrucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Workstage LLC

Norrheasr Urilities Service Company

Page-Tafr Real Esrace, Inc.

INN COM lncernarional, Inc.

Reynolds' Ga rage & Marine , Inc.

Kitch ings & Pocrer, LLC

Ring's End/Niantic Lum ber

Laysville H ardwar e

Seaworrhy Systems, Inc.

Midd lesex Hosp ira!

Stalsburg Express, Inc

M .J. Sullivan Auro morive Corner

Zelek Electr ic Co.

Niantic Awning Co ., LLC

- Raymond & Laureen Zelek

Coca-Cola of Southeastern New England

Retirem ent Commu nity

NewAJliance Bank and 1l1e Con nectic ut Light

- Gail & Peter Lundin Page Hardware & Appliance Co.

Corporate Patrom

Shoreline Sanita tion Sm ith Insuranc e, Inc.

A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.

Spei rs Plumbing, Inc.

Aegean Treasu res

Tower Laborator ies Led.

All- Pro Auromotiv e


Burd Building Company

Waterford Group

Jonathan P. Butler AlA LLC

Char itable Foundat ion

Co ldwell Banker Resident ial

People's Bank

Brokerage Corp. Dan iels Oil Compa ny

Readco, LLC Robin & Philip Schonb erger

Dim ensional Com muni cat ions,

In c. Essence Center for Beauty and Wellness ¡n,e Griswold Inn S.D. Hallahan Housewright , Inc.


M errill Lynch Jan e Pfeffer, Rcalror

Brewer Yach t Yards

Essex Print ing Co mpan y $

Design, LLC

A.J. Shea Const ruc tion LLC The Bank of New York &

volunteers and

Jean Callan King Int erior

Beuefacto1'S I N DIVID UA L S

Score & Cathy Abercrom bie Mr. & Mrs. Francis G . Adams, Jr. David & Charlene Amacher Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard



Andy Baxter

David & Kristin Lamer

Erik Block

Ignacio Eguiluz & Lucia Eguiluz

Ann Lane & Rudolf Bergmans

Timothy & Sharon Lynch

Michael & Debra Boardman

Jim Elliott

Mr. & Mrs.1110masT. Brand,Jr.

Sally & George Mayer

Keith & Jane Bolles

Bob & Debbie English

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carnarra

G. Clifford & 'Iheresa Myers

Richard & Barbara Booth

Rick & Par Ermlcr

Athana & John Catlett "!11omas& Susan Childs

E!ena & Michael Patterson

Susan Fucci & Gary Borla

John & Dana Evans

John & Lee Pritchard

Mimi & Newt Brainard

Josephine & Philip Evans

Ted & Rebecca Crosby

Mary Pullen

Timothy Lovejoy

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fales

Carl Donatello

Gigi Rhodes

Dianne & Jeb Embree

Mr. & Mrs. J. Stone Roberts

Jack & Peggy Brewer

George & Marybeth Fede

Charles & Sylvia Erhart

Richard & Mary Schneller

Carol & Dick Brining

Michael & Linda Fischer

John C. Evans

Donna & Hugh Scott

Lynn & Lissie Brooks

Christopher Calkins

Richard Goodyear

Michael & Robin Simeone

David S. Brown, M.D.

Grace & Frank Hamilton

Sandy & TOny1·hursron

Suzanne & TCmpleton Brown

Pau! & Wendy Flynn

Nancy Newcomb

Joan & BillTodd

Brad & Cynthia Burgess

Alison & John Forbis

Betsey & Bob Webster

Todd & '!i-udy Burgess

Chip Frost

Mitch & Cheryl Hdfornan

Claudia & Lowd! \X!eicker

Michael & Kdley Cahill

Michael & Sherley Furgueson

Nancy Hutson

Mr. & Mrs. 'Jhomas A.

Erin Cain

Margot Gamerdinger

Richard & Margot Calder

Michael & Patty Ganey

.Sherry& Jim Campbell

Robert Reep & Amy Gardner

F. Patrick McFadden

Dan & Amy Carlin

George Bourne

Wilhelm Mcy:1

John & Linda Carlin

& John Hargraves

Mr. & Mrs. James Lewis

Whidden II

Dick & Judy Lightfoot

& Christian Brechneff

Carolyn & Bob Fay

& Michelle Fontaine

& Charlotte Geer

Tim & Ginny Millhiser

Barbara & Matt Abrams

Joanne Carlson

Susan & Emile Gcisenhcimer

Robert & Sandy Mulligan

Ann & Michael Adair

Judd & Shirley Carr

Margaret \XlesrbyGibson

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy !I

Andrea Anderson

John Goff & Leeanna Ray Carter

Richard & Koko Gildersleeve

Lyndon Haviland & T(>mNeff

lka Anderson

l)l) &

Rives & Nancy Potts

Susan & Michael Angelides

Jeff & I-lolly Ridgway

Diana & Bob Annon

Herb & .SherryClark Calvin C. Coburn

Cyndie Gould

John Sholtis


Woody & Gretchen Comstock

Lyttleton B.I~ Gould, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith

Mr. & lvlrs. Christopher Arnold

Katlwrine Cahouer

Dr. & lv1rs. Wayne Southwick

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Anoe

Eunice E. '!Coney

William & 1\tlaryAttridge

Judr Rathbun Whimey Mark & Dorinda \Vinkdrnan

!v1r.& Mr. William Winterer

Joan & Clarke Ambrose

Jeffrey Charnok

& Joe Connolly

JillCladding !v1r.& Mrs. Gregory J.Godbout

Heather & Jeff Graybi!J Jim & Joanne Graybill

Matthew Conroy

Lauren & Dave Graybill

Jeff & Betsey Cooley Mr. & ivtrs.Steven Corbett

Michael & Heather Greenaway

Stever & Elsie Aubrey

Katherine E. Cowles

Ande Molherg & I-lank Greenleaf

Erick Augustson

Chris & !\mi Coyle

Mrs. Diane Guarino

Kent &Judy Augustson

Renya Craig

Steve & Nancy Hallahan

Cl1ristophcr Carnarra

Michael & Beth Crain

Kathy Hallberg

Chris & .SueCrowell

Mr. & Mrs. Frank\\?_

Jenni/er Aubrey - in honor of Sally Aubrey

& "fanya Augustson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr.

Bea Anderson

Larry & Judy Ayers

John & Jennifer Crown

Stever & Sally Auhrey

James & lvlarian B:1irstow

Richard & Corrine Dailey

Susan M. Raibli:

Rowland & Nancy Balick

Keith Daly

lyn & Donald Hanberg

Brian Stephens & Susan Ballek

Alison Zack & Philip F. Darrell

Anne Hoy & Brian Harra

Carlton & Leslie Barlow

Mr. & 1\tlrs.Henri M. David, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Randy Harris

Mona & Brian Carey

Charlotte Barringer

Sarah & Tom Davidson

Reese & Nancy Harris

Richard & Kathleen Cordscn

Charles & Robin Baskett

Dr. & l\fo. Loyd Davis

Paul & Kathlce11Holland

Jvlary l\'lil!e & Bill Doane

Betsy& Bill Horn

& Michael Birch

Fenton L.B. Brown

Hamilton Ill Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick

Myrna & Arnold Baskin

Jane !. Davison

Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher

John & Jean Baxrer

Guy & Diane Deutermann

Daryl & John Hornby

Wendy & Robert Gunn

Adam & Kathe Bdl

'Jhomas & Nicole Dolan

Arr & Peggy Howe

Paul & Eleanor Harper

Mimi & Bill Benner

Bill & lvlari Dow

Rob & Lisa Hudson

Garrett & Maureen l-:leher

Robert & Heather Bennett

Bob & Lynne Dow

Joanne & Arthur Hurst

Paul & Linda Holt

lvlr. & Mrs. Rudolph Besicr

John & Judie Driscoll

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jacaruso

Susan & Jon:1tha11 Jewett

Linda & Peter Bierrie

Bob & Linda Dwyer

Carolyn & John Jagielski

Barbara & John Kashanski

James l;itzpatrick

Cynthia & Gerry Dubey

Anne Haviland

Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz Cissie & "fom Keogh

& Lucretia Bingham

Eleanor Hofmann Bishop

l\fr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn Ill Drs. Dana & Michael Dunne

& Frank Jarrabeck

Robert & Ann Jose


EVENT Stephen Dedman


Martha & Steve Norcia

Terry & Rich Schreiber

David V. Winstead, Ph.D.

Daniel & Casey O'Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schwartz

Howard & Pauline Kaplan

Dr. & Mrs. Max Okasha

Teenie Schueler

James Kiely

Joanne O'Neil

Debbie Scott

Robert & Nancy Wood

Chet & Suzanne Kitchings

David Fairman & Libby Orvedal

John & Susan Senning

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Woods

Ken & Chris Kitchings

Charles & Jo Anne Park

Alicia C. & Daniel M. Sessa

Mr. & Mrs. James Zaccaro

Sarah Kirchings

Juanita Paris

Cookie Shea

Jason & Christine Zelek Ray & Laureen Zelek

& Jacqueline Kangley

& Pamela M. Reeser, M.D. Ed & Lyn Wolcott

Robert & Carol Klimek

Doug & Joan Paul

Petra B. Shearer

Wendelin E. Knight

Deborah Pearl

Matthew & Cheryl Sheridan

Mr. & Mrs. Rohen Knoll

James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick

Greg & Nancy Shook

Gerry Fischbach

Jeanna & John Pd!ino

Brian & Janet Slater

Greg & Anne Peterson

Brant & 'lcrry Smith

Reverend 'l110mas \YI.Ahern

William T. Koch, Jr.

Abigail Pfeffer

Bruce & Sandra Smith

Cecily B. Armentrout

Richard T. Cersosimo

Jim & Jane Preffer

Dan & Barbara Smith

David & Annie Bingham

'fom & Linda Lee~Picazio

Dorothy Smith

'Ihe Blackstone Family

Don & Lynn Ko!owsky

Sara Qua & Tony Piccirillo

Duncan Smith

Ms. Mary C. Burke

Hedy & Jim Korst

John & Sonia Pierson

Maryann Smith

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl

Joan Krenn

Graham & Sherry Poindexter

Rohen Smith

Elizabeth C. Chamberlain

Richard & Alicia Kuranda

Bruce & RaeAnn Posner

Seymour & Tia Smith

Diane S. FaryniarL

& Stephanie Knoll

& Valerie J. Koif

Steve & Stephanie Laird

Landon Potts

Penny Snow

Tim & Susan Gavronski

Isabel C. Leach

Pat & Dick Provost

Tfacey & Moshe Sondik

Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Gerster

Don & Charlotte Quigley

Dave & Ginny Speirs

Margaret Westby Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. George M.

Lerhbridge, Jr.

John & Dyanne Rafa]

Peter & Michellee Speirs

Richard Goodyear

Billy& Kelly Lewis

Carl & Kathy Reidermeister

Loretta Spencer

Mr. & Mrs. A. I~ Halsey

Jane & Dirk Lewis

Aaron & Lisa Reneson

Robert Spencer

Mrs. Ann Hirth

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lewis

Gary & Marilynn Reynolds

Dr. Paul Spiers

Ms. Manha B. Jacques

Faulkner Hum & Ann Lightfoot

Emily Greene

David & Judith Sr. George

Peggy & John Kenny

Grace A. Stalsburg

Nancy Kindell Mr. & Mrs. George M.

Cdr. Brian & Dr. Joan Little

& Hayden Reynolds

Frederick Lyle

Phil & Kirsten Reynolds

Rob Hageman & Kitty Stalsburg

Cecil & Linda Lyons

¡1homas & Shaleigh Reynolds

Robert & Sheri Sralsburg

James Benn & Deborah Mandel

Jim Mil!er & Joe Rhodes

Rebecca & Chris Steiner

Joan & Kenneth Levin

Hui! & Cally Manwarring

Mr. &Mrs. Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr.

Mitchel & Regina Strand


Judy & Steve Manin

Boynton Schmitt

Dr. & Mrs. Wi!liam Smbenbord

Kristin E. Mason

& Jean M. Richards

Lethbridgc, Jr.

& Marguerite Mangin

Jeff Bugbee & Holly Sundmackcr

Joseph & Linda Maxwell Newt & Polly Mcrri!l

Antonio & Carol Matarese

Jim & Carol Richmond

Nancy Platt & Hugh Taggart

Trustin Boyd & Claire Matthews

Alison & Charles Ritrovato

Joseph Semple & Erica Tannen

Robert & Virginia Montgomery

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Matthews

Gary & Kyrena Robinson

Elizabeth & Srnart Tillinghast

New England Hardware Co.

Steven & Maddy Mattson

Clint & Susan Rodenberg

Alan & Sky Todd

Peter O'Connor

Sidney Whelan & Pmy McCook

Sydney & Diane Rogers

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Toner

Robert B. & Mary L. Platt

John & Kathy McCurdy

Jeff & Sandy Rogers

Kcl & Karen T}'ler

David & Caro! Starkey

Sandra McCurdy

T0m & Ginny Ruberti

Peter & Rosemary Van Slyck

Eugenia L. West

David & Sally McDermott

Rebecca Russel!

Rohen D.H. Aft

Bruce & Renee McIntyre

Lucy Rutherford

Holly Merry

Karin Saku!

David & Cary Walker

Kelly Merry

David & Kare Sandmann

Diane Warner Dr. & Captain Carl F.

& Valerie Ann Yono

Dr. & Mrs. John E. Willson Lucius & Adda S. Wilmerding

Ray Willis & Sally Merry

Jean & David Sargem

Wilhelm Meya

Virginia Olsen & William Sarti

Craig & Kristin Millard

Claire Sauer

Mark & Kathryn Wayland

Stever & Elsie Aubrey

Paul & Anne Millard

Judy Schaaf

John & Debbie Well!es

James & Marian Bairsrow

Washburn, Jr.

Mr. &Mrs. Francis G. Adams, Jr.

Margaret Muir

Shelby G. Schavoir

Colleen G. Wetsel

Eleanor H. Bishop

Anno & Gene Murphy

Susanna Schavoir

Joel Estes & Luisa Kreis Whiting

Michael & Debra Boardman

June Nagel

Alice Schmmz

Daphne White

Keith & Jane Bolles

Bob & Penny Nelson

Robert & Caro! Schneider

Lisa & Paul Winch

George Bourne


Philip & Robin Schonberger

Tara A. Winch

Mr. & Mrs. Newton

Loren Cotoia & John J. Nelson

Renny & Judy Schoonmaker

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Windatt

C. Brainard II!



John & Margaret Brewer

Alice F.Schmutz

·111eGaney Family

Lynn & Alice Broob

Donna & Hugh Scott


Joanne Carlson

John & Susan Senning


Chester W. Kitchings

Christopher & Lisa Skomorowski

Mimi Gourlay

Ba!lek's Garden Center

Brant & Terry Smith

Hair Designs by Lisa & Co., LLC

The Bee and Thistle Inn

Herb & Sherry Clark

Roger & Marcia Smith

Paul A. Armond

Bennie's Farm Marker

Mr. & Mrs. Harwood

Tia & Seymour Smith


R Comstock

& Fred \YI.Harger

Ashlawn Farm

Bill's Seafood Restaurant

Robert A. Spencer

Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan

Bob's Centerbrook Package Store

Christopher & Parricia Coyle

Dr. Paul Spiers

Jacqueline Kangley Handbags

Boom Restaurant

Ted & Becky Crosby

S.P.O.T.S., Special Program

Yale Kneeland

'foe Cabin

Lake of Isles

Cafe Rouricr

Sralsburg Express, Inc.

Adam & Jennifer Lieb

Ceil, Inc.

Charles C. Taylor

Cdr. Brian & Dr. Joan Little


Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold

Tony & Sandy ·nrnrsron

Suzanne Drummond

Coca-Cola of Southeastern

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Flynn

Capt. Mary E.

John C. Evans Fischer Heating

& Air Conditioning

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Frost

in OT

& Dr. Carl F.Washburn

& Walker Loden

New England

Long Wharf'Iheatre

Coffee's Country Marker

Michael & Sherley Fergueson

Nicole A. Weissinger

Maggie's of Madison

Cottrell Brewing Company

Pat Gamcrdingcr

William & Victoria Winterer

Mashantucket Pequot

Crow's Nest Gourmet Deli

Paula K. McCrcedy & Andon P. George Lyttleton P. Gould,Jr.

Tribal Nation

Auction Contributors

Cuckoo's Nest

Kristin E. Mason

Edd's Place

Butzi Moffitt

Essex Printing Company Feast Gourmet Marker

Jeff & Heather Graybill

ii !a Jeunesse-European Day Spa

James B. Murphy II

Joseph & Christine Greene, Jr

Ann Lightfoot Design

Musical Masterworks

Foster-Casey & Company

Wendy & Robert Gunn

A~hlawn Farm

Mystic Seaport

Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees

Grace & Frank Hami!ton,Jr.

- Chip & Carol Dahlke

Lyndon Haviland & Tom Neff

1he Griswold Inn

John & Joan Hamrick

·n1e Ballard Family

Ji! Nelson

·n1e Hideaway Restaurant & Pub

Anne Hoy & Brian Harra

Bank of America

The New Haven

Mr. & Mrs. Breton H. Haskins

Blue Hill at Stone Barns

Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan

Brown Eyed Girl Salon

New York City Center

Manchester kc

Frank Jarrabcck

Brewer Pilots Point Marina

Novak Brothers Landscaping

Moran USA, LLC

Ann & Rohen Jose

CafC Allegre

Jacques Pepin

Office Express

Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz

·111eCooley Gallery

Petite Letarte

Old Lyme Inn

Pocantico Conference Center

Old Lyme Seafood

Rives Pons

Olive Oyl's Carry Out Cuisine

Tom & Cissie Keogh Sarah H. Kitchings

William T. Koch, Jr.

- Jeff & Betsy Cooley Coque!icot - Corinne G. Laird

& Beth Powers

Symphony Orchestra

The Ivory Restaurant & Pub Jenn's Jetty

John & Lee Pritchard

Oliver's Taverne

Rudolf Bcrgmans & Ann Lane

Corrngc Whimsey LLC

Susan M. Raible

Our Bakery & Deli

Dick & Judy Lightfoot

Chris & Patti Coyle

Jonathan Rapp - River Tavern

Pasta Vita

Brian & Joan Little

Custom Covers

Chet Rcneson

Pazzo Risrorame

Dcboarah Mandel

Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Reynold's Garage & Marine, Inc.

Penny Lane Pub & Restaurant

Kristin Mason

Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn III

1hc Samuels Family

River Tavern

David & Sally McDermott

E.F. Watermelon

William Satti - in honor of

Sage American Bar & Grill

Anne & Paul Millard

Bill Doane & Mary Mille Jamie & Alden Murphy

- Jim & Carby Elliott

E.E Watermelon - Richard & Edie Freeman

Libby J. Orvedal

E!emems - Carla Steele

John & Jeanna Pe!lino

fasex Maritime Art

James & Jane Pfeffer

& Custom Framing

Wynne Satti's Instructors,


Volunreers and Friends

Seaflour Foods

at High Hopes


Starbucks Swifty's Resrnuranr


Super Stop & Shop of Old Saybrook

Tony & Sandy Thurston

Tiberio's Restaurant Two Sisters Design

Linda Lec-Picazio

John C. Evans

Alan & Sky '!Odd

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Posner


Sharon & John Tracy

Rives & Nancy Potts

Ralf Fey!

Jim & Marty Travis

UST Inc.

John & Lee Pritchard


T\vo Ems, Inc.

Village Provisions

Joseph & Lee Rhodes, Jr.

Fox Ledge Tack Shop


Vinnie's Saybrook Fish House

Clinton Rodenberg

Foxwoods l,lcsort & Casino

\Y/mbrook Hunt Club Tack Shop

\Y/a!r'sFood Market

David & Kare Sandmann

Judy Friday

Young Audiences of Connecticut


Shelby G. Schavoir

Michael Ganey

- Lisa Reneson

Zelek Electric Co.

Volunteers ONE OF THE MOST FREQUENT COMMENTS we hear about High Hopes is "you have the best volunte ers." We agree wholeheartedl y and apparentl y so does th e North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA).Since I 994 five of our outstanding volunt eers have been recognized with a NARHARegion On e Volun teer of the Year Award, with the mo st recent given this past year to Cher yl Heffernan . This award acknowl edges, among many ocher things , Chery l's extrao rdinary time commitment to High Hopes in her service as Board member , horse leader, sidewalker, and major benefit chair. Anoth er highlight of our volunt eer pro gram in


was the proclamation by Connect icut Governor Jodi Rell declarin g September 29 as High Hop es Volunt eer Appreciation Da y throughout th e state of Connecticut. The Governors proclamation served to reinfor ce to the rest of the state that whic h we cherish ... that our volunteers are the best! VO

Cheryl Heffernan, 2005 NARHA Region One Volunteerof the Yem:



Alicia Barrows

Michelle Briggs

Kim Barrows

Ca rol Brinin g

Cather ine Cavanaug h Da nielle Chaffee

Emi ly Barron

Lori Bronars

Amanda Chadron

Patrick Basler

Chelsea Brooks

Patri cia Charl ton

Kate Baylis

Kim Brooks

Jamie C hilds

Tim Behl

Nichole Brooks

Susan Ch ilds

Allison Beiro

Laura Brown

Thomas C hilds

Megan Benjamin

Linda Brown

Benjamin Clark

Evelyn Bennetr

Kathleen Buckingham

Krist in Clark

Ch andler Benoit

Kacey Buckley

Jan is C lifton

Madi son Beno it

Mallie Buffum

Samara Co ble

Maureen Bergeron

Jeff Bugbee

Melissa Coccomo

Ruud Bergma ns

Sandra Bullock

Janee Cody

Linda Bierrie

Trudy Burgess

John Cody

Peter Bierrie

C helsea Burgoyne

Sean Joseph Cody

Suzanne H. Birks

Pamela Burr

Gretchen Co mstoc k

Barbara Abrams

Roberr Annon

Suzie Birks

Cynthia Buder

Harwood Co msto ck

Mate Abrams

Richard Ape

Ryan Blasch ke

Deborah Bueler

Co nni e Corbett

Scacy Adams

C hris Arnold

Jane Bolles

Emily Cah ill

Karen Corcell i

Ma.mi Adamso n

Barry Arpin

Keith Bolles

Kelley Cah ill

Rebecca Corcoran

Zachary Agostine

Cassie Arpin

Mar y A. Bombac i

Erin Cai n

Matt Corda

Nancy Alberr

C hristal Arp in

Eleano r Bonafonte

Laurel Camean

Riana Corne lius

KeUy Alexande r

Cylinda Arpin

Anna Bonn ell

John Campe rchioli

Kath i Corr igan

Toni Alfiero

Rya n Arpi n

Gary Borla

Sarah Ca nning

Tony Cose ntin o

Linda Almeida

Sally Aubrey

Nick Borzillo

Tanner Earon-Carberry

John Covello

Mary Alconj i

Jessy Babcock

Chelsea Bourn

Anna Ca rey

Caro le Cov iello

Debbie Ament de Nunez

Mary lou Balinskas

George Bourne

Sara Ca rmon

C hris Coy le

John Amnah

Barbara E. Ballard

Jordan Bourn e

Mary Carni glia

Patti Coy le

Bea And erson

Nancy Ballek

Taylor Bourne

Gretchen Carrola

Erin Craddock

Bech Anderson

Rowland Ballek

Lisa Bousquet

Wi lliam Cash

Renya Craig Geo ff C randall

Chelsea Anderson

Susan Ballek

Mim i Brainard

Lea Cas tle

Kari Lynne Anderson

Linda Fogleman -Baribeau

Newt Brainard

Vikki Cates

Dal e Cresco

Maxin e And erson

Leslie Barlow

Eden Chandler Brevik

John M . Catlett

Jessica Cromarcy

Erica Anhalt

Carlron Barlow

Car ter Briggs

Tracy Cava Iieri

Claudia Cron



Frederick T. Crosby

John C. L. Evans

Wendy Gunn

Rob ert Har ringer

Marcia H iggins

Nicole Cuomo

Ariel Fagen

Jenna Gunnell

Jo e Marie Harr is

Patti Hitchc ock

Carolyn Curry

Anne Fairfield-Sonn

Kathryn Gud eber

Shelby Harri s

Kristy Holch

Marjorie Curtis

Libby Fales

Kathleen Gwozdz

Chelsea Hathawa y

Sara Hold en

Nancy A. Cusack

Valerie Fales

Tenn ey Hajnal

Lyndon Haviland

Mackenz ie Holdme yer

Mary Ellen D'Agosti no

Zoe Fales

Ashley Hal l

Danielle Hayward

Bette Jane Hopkin s

Barbara Dan ids

Dian e Faryniarz

Nancy Halla han

Hannah Healey

Bill Horn

Philip F. Darrell

Cat Ferguson

Rebecca Hall er

Cheryl Kelly H effernan

Daryl Hornb y

Alison Zack Darrell

Dottie Ferguso n

Rebecca Hallock

Mitch Heffernan

Anne H oy

Dan iella Daskam

Lizbet Ferran re

Sarah Hallwood

Tyler Heffner

Dan a H oye

Hillary Daub

Linda Ferraro

Kim Halvors en

Maureen Heher

Linda Hyatt

Elizabe th L. David

Katherine Fields

Pamela H amilton

Kathy Heller

Pamela P.Irving

Natalie Davis

Robin Fields

Joan Hamri ck

Mary Hellman

Lee lsaacsoh n

Ashley Days

Cara Fina n

John Hamr ick

Kelly Henr y

Joann e Ives

Steph en Dedman

Emily Fisher

Beverly Harding

Melanie Herman

Debra Jackson

Olivia DelGiud ice

Joleene Fiske

Brian Harra

Maggie H iggins

Carolyn Jagielski

Dian e Deluca

Elizabeth Flugrad

Meghen DeSanta

Kim Folts

Eliza DeSan tis

Alison Forbis

Emily Devoe

Michele Fosque

Phyllis Dietrich

Jane Holly Foster

Michael DiGiacomo

Miriam G ardn er-From

Judy Dill

Tara Fuller

Wanda DiMarzio

Em ily Gabree

Barbara DiRoberts

Grace Gabree

Emily Dixon

Party Ganey

Bill Doane

Amy Gardner

Bridget Dola n

Caro l Garma n

Jane Donnelly

Will Ga rnicas

John Donnelly

Karena Garrity

Lucy Dornfeld

Julie Gasio rek

C arrie Doyle

Amy Gassman

John Driscoll

Em ily Gassman

Judi e Driscoll

Lauren Gervais

Denise Dube

Sandra Gerva is

Tayler Dube

Denise Gesner

Susan Dugan

James Gilch rist

Andree Duggan

Carol Merkt

Diane Dumais


Kristin Durinick

G ildersleeve

Rod Duxbury

Stephanie Gill

Annie Eddy

Trudy Gillette

Jo nn ie Edwards

Laura Giordano

Jennifer Elliott

L~uren Go lden

Georgia Ellis

Michelle Golden

Philip Ellsworth , Jr.

Greg Godbout

Brianna Elmore

Cyndie Go uld

Erin Elskam p

Mimi Gourlay

Jeb Emb ree

Emily A. Graniero

Debbie English

Melissa Green

Theodore Epstein

Chris tin e "Kitty " Gree ne

Caryn Erickson

Kelsey Gre im

Kimberly Esty

Nicole Grenier

Dana Evans

Evan Gri swold

John C. Evans

Linda Gronbac h

i>tatt of



By Her Excellency M. Jodi Rell, Governor: an

Official Statement 'lPHEREAS, volunteerism is a vital source of strength for our communities; and WH EREAS, the State of Connecticut strives to provide examples of how individuals come together and make positive changes through volunteer efforts; and W HEREAS, volunteerism builds upon a grassroots movement that uses service as an opportunity to positively impact our communities; and WHE REAS, on September 29, 2005, the Board of Directors o f High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. will host its annual event in honor and celebration of volunteer corps of over 300 citizens, to recognize the importance of volunteering in our local communities; now

YHEREFORE, I, M. Jodi Rell, Governor of the State of Connecticut , in recognition and ce lebration of the power of volunteerism and the efforts of the individuals being honored for their efforts, do hereby officially proclaim September 29, 2005, as HI GH HOPES VO LUNTEER DAY in the State of Connecticut.

;n . 4£¡~ .. ~cC::e rno~




Lisa McNel lis

Jen nifer Perry

Susan Mead

Anne Peterson

Jesse Meadow

Patricia Pfurr

Stacy Meisner

Bonn ie Phillips

Gretchen Merkt

Jeannin e Phillips

Jacqueli ne Messier

Linda Picazio

Krist in Meuselbac h

Barbara Pic kett

Wilhelm Meya

Kristine Pierce

Jackie Mildrum

Laura Platz

Mar y M ille

Pamela Platz

Cheryl M iller

Kare Po meroy

Co rey Miller

Landon Porrs

James Mill er

Nancy Pores

Allison Montesanto

Rives Potts

Ga il Mon resanro

Frederick Prentice

Rebekah Mo ody

Kary Pr ice

Dorothea Moore

Lee Pri rchard

Andrea Morin

Joh n Prit cha rd

Anne Mu lhern

Bill Prout

Gunilla Jam es

C athy Kolovson

Barbara G. Longo

Alanna Munzenma ier

Mary P. Pttllen

Allie Jensen

Joanne Kraska

Sarah Lough lin

Ald en Murphy

Sara Qua

Anne Jensen

Leah Krasnor

Eliza Love

Ca rol A. Musante

Susan M. Raib le

Jonathan Jewett

Joan D . Krinn

Nikki Lynn

1l1eresa Myers

Maureen Ramsd ell

Susan Jewett

Lenore Kuhn

Ceci l Lyon

Anna Naroli

Shirley Rascoe

Brittany Johnson

Alicia Kuranda

Co lleen Casey-Lyon

Elizabeth Neighbors

Jonathan Recor

Deborah Johnson

Wendy LaFemina

Lind a Lyon

Ji! Nel son

Lisa Reneson

Karen John so n

C hantal Laliberte

Rachel Lyon

Penny Nelso n

Joseph Rhodes lII

Susan John son

Jocelyn LaMarsh

Jen nifer Ma clean

Robert Nelson

Joseph Rhodes, Jr.

Victor ia Johnson

Al iso n Lamothe

Sarah Mad er

Cynthia Niedbala

Eileen Rice

Kathr yn Jones

Ann Lane

Jon Maderia

Holly Ni lsson

Kristine Rice

Chr istina Jump er

Elaine LaPolla

Caroline Maguire

Lisa N ilsson

Solange Richards

Nikki Jur y

Peter LaPoUa

Chelsea Mangs

Christina Nobl ick

Eliza Richarrz

Hannah Kalich man

Cassandr a LaPorte

K.-ithy Marchant

Emily Norford

Caro l Ridgway

Moira Kalich man

Jason LaPrade

Beth Mar coux

Heathe r Leigh North rop

Ho lly Ridgway

An1ber Kalolo

Sue Lardn er

Howard M argules

Jacquel ine Nos rramo

Jeffrey Ridgway

Jacqueli ne Kangley

Emil y L-irson

Karyn Markland

C hristine Nyberg

Patricia Riley

Holl y Karnes

Domen ic Latella

Elizabeth Marks

Casey O ' Brien

An ne Ringla nd

Nancy Karp

Don na Latella

Kristin Mason

Ma ria O'Hara

Chri stina Rio

Todd Kasack

Susan Laude

Jill Matthew

Miriam O lack

Alison Ritrovato

Consta nce L. Kasrelowirz

Ca iclin LeBlanc

C is Ma rthiessen

C hristophe r Olse n

Phoebe Ritrovato

Mary Karsialicas

Ca iclin LeClair

Steve Mazeau

Danielle Ort ega

Susan Robidoux

Mered ith Karz

Chr istine LeC lair

Debbie Mazer

Susan Orzechowski

Michel le Rob inelt

Emi ly Kearney

Shann on Lecuivre

K.C. M azer

Karherine O'Too le

Andrea Rock

Karen Keelan

Jacob Leeser

Lisa McCart hy

Cha rlott e Page

Clint Rodenbe rg

Ashley Kenyon

Rebecca Leeser

Co lin McCoid

Emily Pagliaro

Jen nifer Rodrigues

Ciss ie Keogh

Goody Lelash

Ma ry McCoid

Cynth ia R. Palmer

Amanda Rogers

Cindy Kiers

Jean Lewis

Paula McCreedy

Juanita Paris

Linda Rogers

Nancy Kind ell

Jim Lewis

Shannon McDo nough

Janice Parm

Rachel Romano

Ryann Kinn ey

Adam Lieb

Ju stine McEnerny

Elizabeth Parsons

David Rose

Suzan ne Kirch ings

Jenn Lieb

Becky McKeown

Jacqueline Peck

Samantha Rose

Jenna M . Klinck

Ann Lightfoot

Deborah McKeow n

Jeanna Pe.llino

Allen Rosens hi ne

Wendy Knight

Judith F. Lightfoot

Sandy McLaughlin

Patrie Peoples

John Rossi

Pauline Knoll

Richard B. Lightfoot

T.-iraMcLa ugh lin

Abigail Perkins

Kathe rine Rossi

Robert Knoll

Nick Lombardi

Amanda McLean

Emily Perrin

Stephanie Rowley

Amanda Kokoszka

Kelsey Long

Kathleen McMa nus

Donna Perry

Rebecca "Becca" Russell



John M. Srurges, Jr.

Mark Samburg

Brenna Sular

Jane Samuels

Laurie Sulger

Celesre Sanders

Ho lly Sundmacker

David Sandmann

Brandon Swan

Kare Sandmann

John Sweney

Karen Saunders

Sharon Sweney

Nicole Sawyer

Ann Talbott

Alic Schmutz

Valerie Tanguay

Terry Schreiber

Charles Taylor

Holly Schroeder

Pamela Taylor

Lisa Schuster

Morgan Tedeschi

Carol Ann Schwartz

Chris Temple

Sara Schwartz

Stephanie Teofilio

Donna Scott

Amanda Thomson

Hugh Scott

Anthony C. Thurston

Molly Seely

Sandy Thurston

Alicia Sessa

Bech Tichacek

Annie Shariff

Amanda Tichy

Cookie Shea

Kristina Tickle

Perra B. Shearer

Heather Tim ins

Dave Wes,

Volunteer Groups

Laura Shepard

Skyren Todd

Linda Westervelt


Lizzy Sheppard

William Todd

Colleen Wetsel

CL& P - United Way Day of Caring

Cheryl Sheridan

Veronika Tolarova

Jennifer Wheeler

O ld Saybrook Middle School

Miles Sherman

Sharon A. Torrenri

Beth White

Old Saybrook Yourh & Family

William Shreve

David Touranjoe

Kristina White

SARAH , Inc.

Marilyn Shup

Alison Towne

Barbara Whitehouse

Sr. Andrews Cong regational Church

Sheila E. Siborg

Sharon Tracy

Kelsey Whitney

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

Natalie Sims

David Triebel

Da nielle Wieland

Caitlin Wells

Alyssa Skiba

Kelvin N . Tyler

Herb Wieland

Harry S. Slifer, Jr .

Alexandra Uden

Jennifer Johnson

Jacquelyn Smakula

Doraine Van Lew

Brian Williams

Alex Smith

Valerie Vesnaver

Carter Williams

Audrey Smith

Vicror Vesnaver

Max W immer

Bruce B. Smith

Virginia Vesnaver

Peter Wimmer

Marcia Smith

Nikki Vezina

Heathe r W inchel l

Roger Smith

Allison Vicino

Valerie Wingate

Sandra N. Smith

Aviva Vincent

Dorinda Winkelman

Seymour Smith

Kathryn Vine

Mark Winkelman

William Sopelak

Christian D. Viola


Peter Speirs

Marrhew J. Viola

Norman Yeo

Robert Spencer

Whimey M. Viola

Lorna Young

Abigail Sperry

Mary Volk

Terese Youngclaus

Kitty Sralsburg

Carey Von Gal

Dolores Zaccaro

Dawn Stanko

David E. Walker, M.D .

Jason Zelek

Amanda Srazick

D iane Walsh

Lin Zhen g

Wanda Srazick

James Walton

Mary Katherine Ziegler

Kare Stearns

Ken Walton

Jennifer Zi rbel

Debbie Sreele

Capt. (Rec.) Mary E.

Step hen Z ukowski

Lisa Srefanko


Sandra Srefenack

Bruce Warford

Sara Stevens

Nancy Watkinson

Sandy Sriephaudr

Corinne Weber

Dorothea Stribling

Clau dia Weicker

Neal Srufano

Deborah A. Welles


Professional Leadership For mo st of its 32 years, High Hopes ha s been a leader in the therapeutic riding profession and our staff, vol unt eers, horses and participants have received nume rous h onor s and accolades for their achievements . A partial listin g illustrates th e breadth of talent and comm itm ent for which th e High Hopes Staff (equi n e included) and Volunteers have been acknowledged nationally: ?~ Two past North American Riding for th e Handi capped Assoc iation (NARHA)

Board Presidents: Jud y Lightfoot & Kitty Stalsburg

~ Two NARHA James Brady Professional Achi evement Awards:

Jud y Lightfoot & Kitty Stalsburg ?~ One NARHA National Adult Independent

Rider of th e Year Award:

Kathy Heller ?~ Several NARHA Region One Horse of the Year Awards:

Romey, Ger i, Cody & Poncho just since 1998 . ?~ Five NARHA Region One Volunteer of the Year Awards:

Sis Go uld , Sally Aubrey, Tia Smith , John Sturges & Chery l Heffernan. ~ One NARHA national award named in honor of our foun d er:

Th e Sis Gould Carriage Driving Award. In addi tion to these awards Hi gh Hopes is one of a select handful of centers qualified to offer training and last



certification in therapeutic riding instruction. Over the

years High Hopes has gradua ted

I 20

instructors from all over the world.

Numerous High Hopes staff m emb ers curren tly serve in leadership roles on


national and reg ional stand ing committees lending their advice and expertise to the betterment of all facets of th e therapeutic riding industry. ABOVE



Th is leadership translates into excellence for our participants and their families.

Avsh11/0111 Rothman, joined our

Excellence in our level of instruction and program content, in the supp ort and

Instructor Tirti11ingCoursefrom

understanding of our volunteer needs, in the quality of the horses that partner with

his kibbutz i11Ein-Hmifmtz,

our riders and in the facility that houses th e Hi gh Hopes community year round,

lsmef where he will retllm

rain or sh ine, six days a week.

to pmctice his newly .found profession as fl NARHA certified thempmtic riding instructor.





Therapeutic Horsemanship Lessons




2006 2,000








Number of Lessons

Integrated Summer Camp

InstructorTraining Program

Vocational Training Program




2006 1996




1996 0


2006 0









Statement of Financial Position

yearen din g Jun e 30 , 2006

A Cash and Equivalents Accounts and Ocher Receivables Accrued Interest Receivable



Prepaid Expenses Cash and Equivalents Held for Long Term Purp oses

350,3 19

Deposit - Lan d Purchase


Property and Equipm ent - Ne e Book Value


Uncondirional Promises co Give Investments Held For Long Term Purpo ses

1,738, 175 S4,3 27,





Liabilities and Net Assets LIABILITIES


Accounts Payable



......... ., ......... ........... ....... .


s 30,664

Accrued Expenses


Advance Fees For Services



$9 7 ,532




2,286 ,603

Unrest ricted - Board D esignated

29,541 $2,316,144

Temporari ly Restricted Permanencly Restricred

1,260, 578














1hisyear at High Hopes SuvDort and Revenue 1 1


'll-1erape11tic Horsemanshiplessons

Investment Related

Con tributions fromIndiv iduals 39%

Fees forServices 20%


Other Corporate Support 14%

Foundation Grants 9%

of Riders receivedscholarships

.&Jlflls~e~s ______________

Tr. _ot_aL_$_8_6I_,2_I_8


General and Admi nistrative 16% Program Services 72%


PE -----------~

Drsig11 ,md principt1lphorogr,1phy : Mid1,1elF-i11u¡lli

NON- rR Q Fl T



HI G H H OPES Therapeuti

c Riding , Inc.


06371 PERMIT # I

36Town Woods Road

P. 0. Box 254 O ld Lyme , Con necl:icur 06371

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