2006-2007 High Hopes Annual Report

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Partners in Diversity High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. I Annual ~eport

2006 -2007

Partners in Diversity Tms



is dedicated to Alison Zack Darrell ,

who submitted her resignation as Execur ive Dir ector of Hi gh Hope s just days after our fiscal year end ed . Alison is fulfilling a strong desire for new chall enges in the academic enviro nm ent, with her acceptance of an offer to become a Senior Development Officer at Co nn ecticut College.

It is most fitting that the th em e of chis repo rt ts Partner s in Di versity, as Alison in her twelve years as Executive Dir ecto r cha mpion ed diversity at all levels-t

he referrals ofour participants , che disabilities

of our pa rticip ants , and the ind ividuali zed pro grams we have designed to support our participant s and their families. Alison has led High Hopes th roug h an amazing perio d of growth and accomplishm ent since she jo in ed us in 1995 . Our annu al operar ing budget has increased from $400,0


co almost

$ 1,000 ,000

in chose twelve years,

while participants in our programs have more than doubled to over

800 .

And our programs themsel ves

Kitty Stnlsburg,md

have bran ched out to includ e inst ructor certification, voca tio nal trainin g,


phy sical th erapy, an d carriage dri ving.

wish ,111 equineJrimd.

Alison has always shown a stro ng affect ion for High Hope s -

th e staff, the

board , th e volunteers, the participa nts and their fam ilies, and the ho rses. Leaving th e orga nization was a hicrersweec decision for her, but somethin g she felt she need ed to do at this stage of her career. We will m iss her, and we wish her the best of lu ck in her new job at Co nn ecticut Coll ege.



ss I ON o F



is to improve the lives of people with cognitive, physical and emotional

disabilities through the benefits of therapeutic horseback riding and other equine-assisted activities, while serving the therapeutic riding profession through training and education. I

High Hopes Board of Trustees FOUNDER

Mary K. "Sis" Gould

Bur there's also extremely good news


offset our sadness as Alison moves

on. I am delighted rhar Program Director Kirry Sralsburg, a 22-year veteran at High Hopes, has been named to succeed Alison. And I'm pleased



as I write this at the end of Kitry's first month in her new position that the transition has been seamless. We are most fortunate to have "grown" someone of her qualiry ro promote from within -

a truly exceptional thing



Chairmnu Anthony C. Thurston Vice Chairmnu Barbara Earle Ballard Vice Chairman Cheryl Kelly Heffernan Vice Chriirmnn for Developmen t

for a small non-profit organization like ours.

John M. Catlett

Kitty is every bit as committed to High Hopes as was Alison. In a letter to the Executive Commirtee asking to be considered for rhe Executive

Secretary Elizabeth L. Da vid 'freasm·er

Director position, Kirty ended saying "My prim ary interest is in ensuring

Deborah A. Welles

that High Hopes has leadership in the form of an Executive Director who


has the knowledge and skill to maintain our strong, vibrant non-profit

Sally H. Aubrey Christopher M. Coyle

organization reflecting solid financials and continued highest respec t for rhe quality of the service we provide. To that end, please note that I will devote myself to the staff role that will best support this mission". That says ir all about Kicry's commitment. With our new management in place, High Hopes can look forward with confide nce to continuing on our path to a strong and exciting future.

Jane I. Davison Katherine H. Gilders leeve Lyndon Haviland Jennifer Johnson Pauline C. Knoll Judith F. Lightfo ot Penny Nelson Heather Leigh Northrop A. Rives Potts Jeffrey Ridgway Kelvin N. Tyler




Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr. Frank Hamilton , Jr.

Anthony C. Thurston , Board Chair-man

Grace Ha m ilton Wayne 0. Southwick, MD PR I MARY









John C. Evans Sherley Furgu eson

Emotional andBehav ioralDisorders

Betsy Horn Barbara Kashanski Judith F.Lightfoot*

Autistic Spectrum Disorders Cerebral Palsy

Pete Pierson

Developmental Disability


A. Rives Potts* MentalRetardation

Jeffrey Ridgway•

Neurological Disorders

Roger M. Smit h Kelvin N . Tyler*


• currentlysav ing ,rsfl Trustee


A ov1 s 0 1n

Traumatic BrainInjury I








Charles C. Kingsley, Legal Advisor David E. Walker, MD , Medic11iAdvisor


Dece11 sed

High Hop es Staff Stajf listi11gas of September I,


Kin:y Stalsburg, ExecutiveDirector Barbara Abrams, lnstructor!ExpmsiveArts 1berapies Patti Coyle, Instructor Renya Craig, Receptio11ist/Prog,-am Assistant John Driscoll , Caret11ker Judie Driscoll, OfficeM11n11ger Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Lauren Fitzgerald, Equine ProgramCoordinator Michelle Hayward, lnstr11ctor Carolyn Jagielski, Physical 7btrpistllmtructor Wendy Knight, DevelopmentAssistant Donna Latella, Occup11tional 7herapistllmtructor Kristin Mason, SpecialProgr11ms Coordinator Gail Momesanco, DevelopmentAssistant David Mulford, Farm M11intenance Supervisor Juanita Paris, Barn Assistrmt Jeanna Pellino, VolunteerCoordinator Pattie Peoples, lnstmctor Annie Peterson, Instructor Linda Lee Picazio, Directorof Finance Bill Prout , Instructor Sara Slayton Qua, Directorof Development Holly Ridgway, Interim Progr11m Director/lmtructor Amanda Srazick, LessonAssistant Holly Sundmacker, Barn Manager Carla Wardlow, Instructor Mary Washburn, /11str11ctor/D ri11ingProgram

Stnjf Members during 2006/2007

Fiscal Year

Alison Zac k Darrell , ExecutiveDirector Carol Brining, AdministrativeAssistant Erin Cain, J11str 11ctor Nicole Cuomo , Occupational Therapist Amy Gardner, Equine ProgramCoordinator Loma Young, Lesson ProgramCoordinator

• I

Learning to Fly A


behind High Hopes' mission is that our par-


ticipants can be a part of our programs for life. There is no prescribed time dictating when someone finishes at High Hopes, and no one ever says its time ro leave. Instead, there are transitions to other levels of achievement. For one particular group of young teenage girls, that transition meant growing from being participants to becoming High Hopes volunteers. Many of these young women came ro High Hopes during their elementary school years and presented a wide range of mild ro moderate disabilities. The girls started to ride and quickly fell in love with the world of horses. Over the years the instru ctors and volunteers at High Hopes watched this group grow from children into teenagers, watched them gain the physical and emotional strength needed co help them progress at schoo l and home and watched them become proficient horsewomen with a deep and abiding bond to their eq uin e partners. One such rider was Anya Mummert. For over seven years Anya rode at High Hop es, and during that time she blossom ed from a shy, withdrawn and timid girl in to a confident rider willing to rake chances by en tering the world of comp etitive riding . Anya has her own pony now, Cinderella, an d is an active mem ber of the Connecticut Valley Pony Club. But, for all the fun and joy that comes from inde pendent riding and compet ing, Anya and her friends wanted to maintain th e connection with Hi gh ,\BO\'L:


Hopes. For this group , High Hopes had become more than just a place


ride; it

ro111peri11g ,a th,· 2011-

had beco me an emotion al safe haven for them with the advent of their high schoo l

f.nrd Ci·l'ek Hum,·r l\m·.

years and the tumu ltuo us physical and social changes that come abou t. To suppo rt these develop ing needs, Kitty Stalsbu rg and her staff at High Hopes structured a volunteer program for Anya and her friends co meet regularly at H igh Hopes, where they can con tinue to develop their equin e skills while supporting a whol e new group of young and inexp erienced riders with special needs. Bur mor e importantly, they continue to belong


a place that offers comp lete acceptance


and unending support. Wi th Hi gh Hopes help, th ese youn g women are learnin g ho w


spread their wings and are beginning ro fly.

A Partnership of Trust FoR







at High Hopes, Andrew has

been a part of che fabric of our weekly program since we can remembe r. Andrew started out as a young rider on the ever-steady Latino and eventually reached rhe point where he was an independent rider with no sidewalkers or lead lines. Andrew enjoyed all che aspects of his weekly ride with Latino until one day, like all good riders eventually do, he fell from Larina's back. Physically unharmed, but with his confidence badly shaken, Andrew began a long push /pull relationship with che horses at High Hopes. Recognizing his need to continue with our program yet remaining fearful of remounting and riding, Andrew was placed in the vocational training program where he worked under rhe watchful eye of his training coach , and High Hopes instructor, Mary Washburn. Together Mary and Andrew worked to learn new skills in horse care and worked to learn crust of each ABOVE:

Dri11i11g imrructor.

other and rheir horse. Trusting Mary, Andrew wenr from grooming the smallest

Mnry Washburn,helping

member of our herd, Smokey, to eventually caring for and learning ro lead one of

A11dre111 Hnrt 11dj11st rhe reim.

our largest horses (and Andrew's old nemesis), Latino.



The journey from fear co pride for Andrew didn't happen in a semester, or even in

helping II young riderget rendy

a year, bur was che result of years of hard work and mutual respect, laced with lots

to mo1111t his horse.

of humor. This past year Andrew has begun carriage driving at High Hopes and is once again unde r rhe tutelage of Mary. With his regained confidence, Andrew is




High Hopes

caking the reins and learning co steer through not jusr the obstacle course ac High lmtructor Pnrti Coyle 111i1h

Hopes but through the obstacles of daily life. Cody 1111d S1111dm Am11go,1111 1nsrructor1mi11i11g rn11did11te

fi"0111 ?111111111,1.


Together is Better ONE


THE MANTRA'S HEARD around High Hopes is the expression "together

is better" and nowhere is that better demonstrated than in the special partnership that exists between the teachers, parents, volunteers, instructors and horses that serve the children from Killingworth Elementary School. Together they have forged a bond that has lasted over the years and continued through the student's transitions into Middle School. One demonstration

of that bond came this past year

when the teachers, parents and aides of our student riders grouped together and held several fundraisers co raise money to offset the cost of providing services to their children at High Hopes. Over the years High Hopes had provided critical scholarship doll ars to Killingworth

Elementary, but these caregivers now

wanted co make a contribution of their own towards the costs of their students participation. When thanked by the staff of High Hopes for making this truly heartfelt donation,

the parents and teachers emphasized chat

they wanted co make their own investment in a program that each week gives their students the skills needed to progress in both the classroom and at home, all while providin g a place of unconditional

acceptance. This partnership between home,

school and High Hopes enhances our program and helps these students succeed far beyond all our expectations.


A SpecialKinship HIGH






to be a part of

the beautiful and historic communities of Lyme and of Old Lyme. Aside from being locared in a rural countryside perfectly suited to horses and riding and benefiting from the support of a generous and service minded comm uni ty High Hop es also gains from its longstanding partnership with Regional D isttict

I 8.

Pat Varho ly, Regiona l

District r 8 Directo r of Special Services stares "The opportunity for a schoo l district to have a facility like High Hopes within its border s is uuly a unique blessing and a wonderful oppormnity for our students. The partnership rhar we experience with rhe staff at High Hopes enables us ro offer our students a therapeutic experience chat is excellent on so many levels. Nways looking for oppormniries ro meet rhe needs of a variety of stude ms, Kitty Stalsbu rg and her amazing staff respond to our smdenrs and their families wirh the highest degree of professionalism and compassion. Ir is not possible ro measure the impact char High Hopes has on our commu nity and the smdents and families who are served by its excellem programs. Lyme-Ol d Lyme Schools treasures its partnership with High Hopes." 1he teachers in the classroom support this partnership as an essential


part of their classroom curricu lum as well. Preschool teachers, Kinny Newman and Maria Varga, from Mile Creek Elementary Schoo l recently wrote "High Hope s is a magical place! Preschoolers and horses natur ally go together and che growth chat occur s because of chis special kinship is priceless!"

Thefull text of their statement isprinted below.

The High Hopes Experience High Hopes is a magical place chat provides enr ichin g and positive experienc es for our developmentally delayed preschoolers from Lyme and Old Lyme. A multitude of skills and abilities are developed and enhan ced through hor seback riding. Self confidence, bod y awareness and receptive and expressive language are supp orted thro ugh chis oppo rtunity. C hildr en often a rrive at High Hopes with significanc deficits in their language abilities. At High Hopes these hurri es are overcome as children learn to give com mand s, direct their horses and some tim es lead their classmates around the arena. Strength, coordination, balance and motor planning are AllOVE


Movemem explomtio11

areas essentia l to a young ch ild's overall developm ent. High Hopes addresses these while ridi11gbnckwnrd 011the horse.

areas directly and effectively through movement on and off the horses. AllOVE


Mile Creekuncher,

As children ride and feel successful their confidence, self-esteem and social com Mnrin \411gn,helpsn yo1111g smdem

petencies are also support ed as th ey develop lovin g relationships with their horses and the sensitive, responsive volunteers. Children are always excited to go co Hi gh Hopes, to ride their horses, chat with voluntee rs and to share th eir experiences with

prepnreto ride. BELOW



their teacher s, parents and peers. They enjoy learning co groo m the horses (thanks

for our st11dents from the Mile Creek

Smokey!) and nam ing the parts of the horse they learn during the un-mou nted ac-


tivities. Many of the childr en even get the chance to spend time in the tack room. The children feelgood, have fun, feel safe and are truly happy under the guidance of Kitty and her crew! Preschoolers an d horses naturally go together and the growth chat occurs because of chis special kinsh ip is tru ly pric eless! Sincerely, Kinny Newman and Mrwia Âź1:,g-a Mile CreekElementarySchool,RegionnlSchoolDistrict IB, Old Lyme, Co1111ectiwt

' 9

nnual (jiving ONE


HrGH HorEs ' greatest strengths is the diversit y of our support and nowhere is chis better reflected

than in our Annual Giving. The breadth and depth of our contributors range from Leadership Circle donors who each year give$


or more , to school children who raise money on High Hopes' behalf at neighborhood

cookie sales, co friends or family members who give through their company's United Way campaign, to rhe foun dations chat fund critical progr am improvements and scholarship supporr and rhe local businesses char provide gifts of goods and services char save us thousands of dollars. We appreciate all of rhese gifrs, not jus t for their monetary value, bur for rhe thoughtful spirit in which they are given. They affirm the value of what we do and the belief char our community shares our mission. 1l1ank you co all the donors listed on the following pages. ANNUAL

Le11dership Circle



Life Members


Louis Bacon

M. Andrew Baxter

led & Rebecca Cros by

John & Athana Carlect James & Hannah Childs Susan K. Childs

Jane I. Davison Evan S. Griswo ld & Emily T. Fisher Lytderon B. P. Gould , Jr. John S. Johnson

Peter & Alexa Daitch

Barbara & Joh n Kashan ski

Henri & Elizabeth David

The Kitchings Family

Jane I. Davison

Judith F.& Richard B. Lightfoot

John C. Evans Richard & Katherine Gildersleeve Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Mr. E. Lisk Wykoff, Jr. and The Homeland Foundation, Inc. Karen & John Horn John & Barbara Kashanski Richard & Judith Lightfoot Ruth Lord

Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Mazer Rives & Nanc y Pores Karen E. Schwa rz


Speci11lBe11ejactors Susan K. Childs The Daitch Family John C. Evans

David & Jean Sargent Hugh & Donna Scott

Special Benefactors

Roger & Marcia Smith

Robert D . & Barbara Earle Ballard

Tony & Sandy Thurston

Paul Ford, Jr. & Nancy Young Robin & Wendy John son The Jack Foundation - The LiPuma Family Lyndon Haviland & Tom Neff Heidi & John Niblack Jeff & Holl y Ridgway Karen E. Schwar, John M . Stu rges, Jr. The Swenson Family Foundation Martha Terrell



Hon. Elaine Gordon

& Peter Curley Maria J. De Paola - in honor

of David F. De Paola Janet & Katelin Gochbcrg

Ashley Field, J. Rex & Gail E. Sigler ·n1e Jack Foundation -

The LiPuma Family


Greta & Jake Jacobs

Betsey & Bob Webster

Kathleen G. Johnson

Hunt, Jr.

Ashley & Lisa [krardesca

Grerchen & Charles Kingsley

Eleanor L. Bonafonte

Richard & Renni Korsmeyer

Stephen & Alison Brinkman

Joan & Clarke Ambrose

Allen & Joanne Kraska

Vanessa Til!man~Brown

The Astmann family

Paulene F. Larocque

Burnen's Landscaping

Sa!ly H. Aubrey

Isabel C. Leach

Elsie & Sam Childs

Dr. Olive Brose

George M. Lethbridge,

Connie & Steve Corbetr

George & Vienna Cain

·111eLewchik Family

Ted & Rebecca Crosby

David Chase

Elizabeth Lightfoot &

Connecticut Dressage

Wilbur S. Edwards

Russell Ford Michael & Sherley Furgueson Edward

of The Welles Family

William Doane & Mary Mille

Mr. & Mrs. Timner'[

Domine Van Lew

L1.wrence& Mary Beth Keefe

Association, Inc.

Jamie & Hannah Chi!ds

Alan G. 'Ihornton

Cris & Bruce Barlow

Pat & Bill Cutter on behalf

Matt & Barbara Abrams


J. Keelan

Elizabeth & Henri David, Jr.

Robert & Pauline Knoll

Virginia H. Davison - in honor

Sally & George Mayer Bob & Penny Nelson

of Mrs. E.P.Davison


Nicholas Clements Bruce & Catherine Littman Dorothea Moore

Eric & Heather Northrop Nutrena - in honor of its Dealers and Customers Isabelle C. Osborne

'll1e Revs Jonathan &

Linda & Gary Rogers

Elena & Michael Patterson

Jeb & Dianne Embree

Kimberly Fo!ts

Peter & Bersy Russell

Susan Peacock

Alison & John Forbis

The Fournier Family

Renny & Judy Schoonmaker

James E. & Jaquelyn B. Pedrick

Patricia & Steven Goldblatt

Seaworthy Systems, Inc.

William E. Phillips &

Mr. & Mrs. John Greene

Bruce & Sandy Smith

Walter Davis & Betz Haartz

Dr. Carl & Mary Washburn

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick

The Zelmanow Family

Randal S. & Laurie B. Roberge

Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Dunn III

Linda & David Frankd Michael & Patricia Ganey

Jonathan Isleib


Barbara E. Smith

J. Platt

Enok & Christina Pedersen

Frank & Grace Hamilton,

Mary Pullen

John & Joan Hamrick

Missy & Allen Rosenshine

Judy Schaaf

Karen Horn

John & Pat Russell

Deborah Scott

Jacqueline Kangley

Kel & Karen Tyler

Margaret & Alexa Kangley in honor of Jackie Kangley

Lee M. Boucher

Mary K. Schaaf

Bruce & Kimberly Abraham Dorothy & Cunis Askelson

Karen Keelan

Stanley M. Babson, Jr.

Lyme/Old Lyme Middle School

Ann B. Lane &

Builders Club

Rudolf H.J. Bergmans

Manfred & Patricia Schach von Wirtenau Seymour & Tia Smith Sharon Tracy

'fhe David Viola Family

Richard & Johanne Mangi

Linda & Peter Bierrie

David & Cary Walker

Charles M.Chapin

Susan & Harry Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Brainard

L. Robert & Nancy Wood

Cinami Excavation, LLC -

Judy & Steve Manin

Mr. & Mrs. Newton C. Brainard

Sharon Brousseau

Kristin E. Mason

Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Brainerd

R. ;\, Curry

Dr. Lisa C. McCarthy

Charles & Janet Crump

Andrea Kennett

Mary C. McGuinness

Gary Cutler

Bob & Lee Adrian

Mr. & Mrs. 'I110masF. Moore

Kathleen McManus

Frances Dennie Davis

Janice Atkeson

Rives & Nancy Pons

Drs. Margaret & Earl Mununcrt

Dr. & Mrs. John R. Drew

Jennifer Aubrey

Cliff & "fheresa Myers

Maud B. Duke

Gretchen Comstock Barbara Fonda

"I11eCinami Family

Clim & Susan Rodenberg


Bob & Penny Nelson

Wilbur S. Edwards

Sabin & Beverley Streeter


Rick & Pat Ennler

Judy Hansen

John & Debbie Welles

Kathy, Sran & Sarah Peters

Katherine Fields

Tom & Cissie Keogh

Jeff & Holly Ridgway

Christy 1:Jeurat

Andy & Gail Morris

Dr. Craig A.l~D. Saxton

Mr. G. Ronald Furse

Glen & Connie Rokicki

Shelby G. Schavoir

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Greene, Jr.

William Webster

Matthew Scote!la

Greg & Shelley Gullette

John & Ellen Wells

Bonnie, Philip & Lmrie Seagull

Sally Handy

John R. & Charlotte Westerfield

Petra B. Shearer

Ruth & Kathy Heller

Grace Sralsburg

Ceorge & Cynthia Willauer

Ann & Way.ne Southwick

Brita Herman

·rhe Employees of

Muriel & David Hinkle

Structural Graphics, LLC

Daryl & John Hornby




Mr. & Mrs. Roben L Hollis

Philip F.& Alison Zack Darrell

Kate Ireland Foundation

Clara & Cul Zirkcnbad,

Mich.id W: Newburg

Eugene & Jallet Nichols

Gunilla & George james

U)uis W, & Dmorhy E. Pamius


Susan & Jonathan Jewett

Eli1.abethPascarella John & Jeanna Pe!Eno

A 2 Z Screen Priming, LLC Robin & Bruce Augrmadr

Susan & Chark-yJohnson

Melissa& Robert Bag<lorf

Rob::rt Jobnson & Trish Burr

Bill & Mary Attridge

Dr. & Mrs.Jou:phA

Geoffrey H, Karp

Suzy & Michael Aubrey

Cher & P:.:nnyRcocmn

Myron & Cindy Klein

Pat Bedard

Gisd;; & Vernon Rhodes

Charlo;re P. Barringer

Mrs. James Korsr

Millicent .Benner

James & Heather Rice

Myrna & Arnold Bttskin, ;\,tD.

Mr. & Mrs. Delano Lad,LJr.

Helen E. Burkarth

Tom & M;irla Richardson

Ht-arher & Robert L Iknnen

Joan & Ken Levin

Mary C. Burke

ML & l\frs, Willi;un C Ridb"vay

Peter Bi.,lobl:'1,eski

Julie Sanderson Lym:m Charles~Henri &

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Callahan

Mrs, John C. Ripley


Sally J. Bill

1t'resa H. Perugini

10m & Dorri, Casde

Eleanor J. Saundcr5

Ted & JoAnna Chapin

Saybrook Vcterin:uy Hospital

EleJnor Hofmann Bishop

Marguerite Mangln

B;1rry!vi. & Joan L Bloom

Stan & Lind;;.Man:inicc

Dtbora.h L Chieppa, R.~.

ClawJi;1Cron Sherman

Ken & Jndy Bombild

Robert \XI: & Grace E. Marrion

Pamda Christensen

Skip & Sheree Sibley

Gary Borla

Carey & Cis Matdticsscn

Mr. & Mrs. Harwood B,

Claire & John Simon

Emlly & Gilbert Bora

Erin & John .'VkCa!lum

Rudy & Irma Brandt

Grao: McCauli:y



W~,ston&:.Sharon Bray

Robert & Sar,;h McCracken

Edu:!E Davis

Mary L. .Broughron

Barbara & Bruce M;;Ghre

Christopher P. Dixon &


Barbara 0. David

J Bush

Barbara S. Dixon

Bill& BessSmail Mr. & Mrs. Eking H, Smhh Jeffrry P. & Karen S. Smith Mr. & Mn. Ma!ru!m A. Speirs Peg Sweeney

Deborah& Jon Butler

Bruce & Ren«: ~vfdnryre

MichaelT. Dzagan

lknjamin & M;1rjorieTerry

Norman & Lori Caine

Ncwr & Pol!yMerrill

Manha & Chris Ficke

Kevin & Sarn "foncr

Callber Comp ming -

Claudia J,Newell

Chad & Brenda Floyd

Doug & Karen Van Dyke

Arlscne& [}avid Norling

Genie Franklin

Jean Vasileff

Olivia Amliuger CamigHa

Mary Jo & Roger No~al

Eli,~1beth C Ornmlmlain

Mr, & Mrs.John E. Frklay Jack & Chip Frost

Vesnaver Family

John & Corrie B.

Whimt.)' & Nancy Garhnghousc

Ger.alynWarren Corinne W'eber

Charles L Ddinks,


Margaret M. Cluc;is

Paardcnkooper, M.D.

M";J.rk W;irrcn

Chris & Patti Coyk

.'vfark& Laura Page

Shdln & Michael Giordano

Dahlke Fluancial Group

Harris & E:lsk Parsons

Jeff & Hcarher Graybili

Grol Wcig;md

Keith Daly Debmah A. Clark &

The Picn:fo Famlly

Warren E. Hanna,; &

Wildwoml Pediatrics

Gcorg-t H. Darrell, Jr.

Tom Rubml Carol K Ryland

Christy Grnrcncc-Hannas

G:.:orgiaWeyer York

Mar.:& PhyllisZakrnjse-k

Mrs. tvfaurccn Sani

FJcanor Harvey

£. A1,drew& Birgit Deeds Phoebe & Charles Dey

Margaret H. Scanlon &

Suzette & Peter Heal n

Dt. & Mrs. Jon Driscoll

Marlene & Jerry Scharr

Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Dunn HJ

Rkk & "forry Schreiber

Shirley E HowanJ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Howe, Jr. Susan & Peter Immordino

Davicl & Barbar.t F.dwards

Shoreline Pediatrks &

Jonathan Jsldb

Barham S. Hmdr

Adolcscenr Medicine PC

David & Judy Winer

Mr. Varick H. Harrison

M. fred DeCaprlo

B & G Rmlty Co., Inc. David & Rosemary Anderson

Joseph & Sandrn Elnlsky

Marylrs Jackson Peggy & John Kenny

Cami & Dick Brining

Tonia & Harry S!ifor,Jr.

John & Alison Forbi~

Relxt,St. Onge

Kinct.i Kindell

K;;iilM. Cadman

Geraldine U. Fosri:r

Elizabeth De R. Sturges


Carol Carpenter

fvfo Reginald H, Fullerton, Jr.

Celine Suliiva::

Stephanie Knoll

Eleanor G. Casey

Margot P.G3merdinger

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Todd HI


M:s. Delos B. Churchill

Tim Elllnn


Lynn & LissieBrook~

Ms. Elise Garvin

Dina & Paul Tresn:m

Michael Lombardi

Tim & Susan G,wronski

Suzanne & Timothy Tyicr

Judy & Jeff Lovelace

Mrs. Philip 13.Cowles, Jr.

Anne Gilbcn

Susan Van Kley

Donna Mardn<:k

Marge Cunis

Patricin & Steven Goldbbtt

Peter & fui5crnary Van Slye'.-:

Drs, Christopher &

Keith Dauer &

Mr, & Mrs. Richard H. lJOodwin

"fh:.:Vidmar Family

Mr. & Mrs. Rohen£. Green

Mr. & Mrs, Lcwis Weinstein

Amhony Halsey

JennifCrJohmon & John Wilbur

Inge Hicret

Hcldl & Rick Worcem:t-

Mrs, Ann Hirth



thc Pesky Fa:ni!y Founilitdon

Susan McCawlc-y

Mr. & Mr$.John Mc-Curdy Mr. & Mrs, Robar L Montgomery Claudia & David Narorski

Deborah Churehili

S,mdy Sen)M-Dauer William & Elizabeth Farrdl Roger & Bt>thGoodnow Gds Johnson,


Susan & Timothy l<cssdring

GIFTS Alison Lamothe

Robert & lndiana Kirwan

Mr. & Mrs. Strickland Hyde III

Jeffrey Nelson

Mark & Michele Koetzner

D. W. Maynard, LLC

Scott & Joan Nichols

Lahey Construction

Gary & Georgia Mislick Friends & Family ar

Ms. Karen Nichols

Elizabeth G. Boyd - Scholarship

Mr. Edward]. Mc Lmghlin

Georgia Payne

Kathi Corrigan -

Mr. James McAleer

Ronald & Janet Romanowski Diane R. Silveria Penny Snow Edwin & Eleanor Sollis

Kitty Stalsburg, Rob Hageman & Kathryn Hageman Laurie & Jack Su!gcr

Steve Blanchard &

Kimberly Blanchard Cecily Athenian

Bridle for Latino Henri & Elizabeth David Purchase new Driving Carriage Cynthia Gould - Scholarship

for Carriage Driving Training David & Muriel Hinkle - Equine Redrement Bob & Pauline Knoll -

Wayne G. Abrahamson Beth Baran

Lisa Bibbiani Lois Brockmann

Alan Buro!T& Kathryn Bartus Mr. & Mrs. Julian Colclli Sally F. Cornish Anthony

J. Cosentino

Karen O'Neil

'foe McMahon family

John S. Parker

Kurt & Barbara Mietzner

Pharmacom Group lnc.

Mr. Gerard Moriarty

Alice E Schmutz

Ms. Dianne Muro

Eric & Michcl!e Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olsen

Jacguie & Danny Wolf

·c Porter

Mr. William

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Prcisd

for the Peter H. Knoll

Christina Evans Serafin

Memorial ITC Scholarship


Eileen K. Sparano

Kitty Stalsburg, Rob Hageman

Bob & Penny Nelson -

Ian 'Dwmson

Memorial !TC Scholarship

& Kathryn Hageman



Dwight & Linda Ju!iani

Theresa Dornbicr

Kara B. Seymour Equine Retirement


Petra B. Shearer - Barn Sweeper


Unity Hill United Church of Christ Women's l;el!owship

Kitty Stalsburg, Rob Hageman

Petra B. Shearer

& Kathryn Hageman MADORA

Susan M. Hart &


Sarah E. Tornow

Peua 13.Shearer

Bob & June McGoldrick

- Scholarship


Doraine Van Lew - Scholarship


John & Jeanna Pellino

'Jhe Coviello family



Mark & Robyn Fortier

Mr. & Mrs. T0m Picazio Perra 13.Shearer


Petra B. Shearer ARNOLD



Petra B. Shearer


Alison & Charles Ritrovato


Jessica Hotchkiss, Katy Bloss,

Sue Hessel & Karen Dahle

William Bloss and


Diane F. Hirsch


Roger & Donna Hurley


Manfred Jungcblut


Mary & Smarr Klarman

Stuart Frank Ponter &

Breck & Sue Lardner

Cynthia and Dale Gray

and other barn needs

Cdr. Barbara Ellis (Rct.)

Forest &Julia Harris

Petra B. Shearer

Jeffrey & Karen Smith

Monica Dornfeld

Joshua Crcenval!


Steve Mazeau - Scholarship

for the Peter H. Knoll Patricia & Donald Abraham

North Cove Outfitters, Inc.

Ms. Ann Marie McAlecsc



Amy Bender

Mia & Meredith Bloss Friends at Middlesex Hospital


Homecare ~ Clinton Office



Doris A. Harris

Karen Banhelson




Mr. Gerard Bonner

Li!ian Kandt

Peter & Sarah Canning

Michael & Ellen Maus

Deborah L Buchholz

Vera Rice

Linda Cernak & John Cody

Julia McGovern

Robert & Mary Ann Buckley

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McMullen

Gail & Paul Bunce

Margot \Y/. Morgan

Margaret & John Cawley

Eleanor M. Osborne, PhD

Mr. Alfred

Emily & Elaine Larson

Richard & Joan Cook KATHEIUNE


J. Conforti


Philip & Alison Zack Darrel! Dana & Charlayne Ekelund

P. K1;1M

Melanie H. Phoenix

Michelle Darcy

Barbara Keim

Ernesto B.Punzalan

John T Darcy

Gloria S. Keim

Kathleen Ross

Rosemary Desimone

John & Janet Schloss

Mr. Christopher Dibenedetto

Christina Evans Serafin

Richard & Christine Dileonardo

David & Beverly Si!liphant

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dooley

Lisa Stefanko

Mr. & Mrs. James Fallar

lndo TCppei

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fenger

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas

Mr. Joshua A. Forst

S. Ti:Jldcrlund

Bruce G,~ld &Judith

Michael & Cheryl J. Zaccaro

Laurel Buder & Chris Daniels

Ken & Diane Mui!

Margaret Frisch Robert & Margaret Gi!bcn TCrri Haas


Ms. Maureen A. Haskell




T(lpper E. Mack & Caroline Cutone Anthony J.B. Curone

W. 'fhomas & Jean C. Kavanagh Mr. Jon Kodama Bliss Matteson Charlotte Matteson

Elizabeth & Henri David

Lydia K. Matteson

'!he Members of the Foran

Richard & Elizabeth Momaner

High Schoo! Soccer Tl'am Kiny Sta!sburg, Rob 1-lagem,rn & Kathryn Hageman

Jane \'</.Parker Josephine Schmid Katherine Schoono\'cr

G l FT S James D. Sullivan

B. P. Gom.n~Jo. Bi!l& Pammie Pmt JXirLE.TOt'<

~fr & Mrs. 1homas W Warklm Karin Whittemore &

Peter Kcppk: Mr. & Mrs, K C. Wicks

Kelley C.ahil!

'fracy Lovdl

Lori Caine Susan Chodorov The Cinarni Family

Mick & Ltzz.icMarsJcn -

Cfassk Hits 98,7 WNLC-

Cheryl & Fred M:as:de

H:il! Radio Group DAvtn


Harry 1ficbd

Mo:-.11cA DoRNFt:u>'s

Cami & Gerald Beauton Santha ,\,fordn & Brad Hotchkiss }ENNll'ER


Janice & Dam:!! Christie







Conn,:cticut Valley

Driving Club, lnc

HuG1-1& Dm,NA ScoTT Eugenic & Jim Von Hoh Lynn & Jl;td Scott

Mortgage Lender:;


Caner Coqrmey

Ev Brown -

Chris: & Patti Coyle

Lyndon Haviland & Tom Neff

Mr. & Mn:, Peter Daitch

Scorr.Joan, Kw: & Anne Nichoh Eric & Heather Northrop Candy & Emliy Rose Oglar,d Ors, Neil & AliceMarrinan Old Lyme Vetcrin:,ry Hosplml

Ian Coyne


Network CSA, Inc

Renya Craig

Jane Davidson

Evan Fox


11v:Gomes H.unily Wendy Gunn

Mr, Lind~:\}'Downs

Chris Pasrchl

Breanna Hartman

Jeb Embree:

Jnmna Pdlino

Gillian Ho!lowar

BHi& Pammk Post Hilde Reichenbach

Moira Ka!ishman

Chris Elwoo<lEmcxArchlteo,utal Mi!lwork 'r:iaSmith - Essex Maritime An & Cmrom Framing:

Andrew Keefe


Rebecca RuMdl

Anne Kli:tgler

EssexTelevision -

The Scotdfa Eunily Ki:nbedy Scvcrn1Kc

Marcdyn Dallis Jones JANE

Chery! Manhe\VSOn

Erka CJrbcrt

Daryl Hornby

Smtr Coleman

"F,voUp Design

Barham Abrnms

Shctuckc: ValleyPony dub


Keir Magou!as

Jeffrey& Michelle Marquis

Bill Doane

Xplore Production:;

Kristin Mason

D.ina Evan;:

McCallum Family

~1ich;1dErndli - Ug,nure

"lhc McGirr·Family

Visual Cnmmunicarion

Lisa Reneson -

T\vo Sisters D1csign

Shagbark Lumber & Farm Supp!ll.'s

Cookie Shea

Travis Natalina

Kim fohs



Holly Foster

Jacquelyn Srnakula

Kare Nichols Norwich Fn:c Academy Dennis O'Brh:n ~lhc Olsen Family

Patry Ganey Rosemary D. Ganser, VMD :FrankMorill ~ Go Fly;, Kire

Janet Soares

Mr. & Mn, Don::ildG(Jnd


Eclw.J.rd & Lucille Mahon

Donna Perry

Corina Goodson

'Jbc Padd,)ck

W;;her & Mary MahM

Therese Popincha!k

Ronakl Gordon Jolm & Sue Gr,;,'t'rul!-

Tony & $;1ndyllmrston





Dor,akl Jnhmon & N,1ncr HJl!hoa~e MICHAEi. MELE'S 100TH


MEG,\111O'GAR.Jt. ON

nm OcCASIONOf mm


Pat & Annie Monahaa Cuo1.YN


\Vernerh W, Noye.~ & MITCH



Charlotre Quigley JANET



J;mice Romanow~ki P,HJUNE



Alexi& Trinity Rash;ui The Ros&ifamily Dz,bbie& Ellie Roy T:rytorSaunders

Karen 'Thompson


SharonTracy David Trkbd

Gn:cnali Carriage Home

- 'fh,; Feed Bag

fox Ledge'f:1ckShop

Jcmninc Unghire

Bob HaHe

Jo Ann Vci!lcuc-Stmtchan

Jackie Sm:;.kula

HB Group, Inc.

Caryl Viola

Lauren Smith

Cheryi Helferm:n

Carla W:1crd!ow

Jarncs & Knrcn1hompson

Kathy Hdk:r Janice Holland Paul & Linda Holt

Gernlyn PerpaJWarren

Diane Walsh

Nicole & Paige Walstra Wesley Waker;,; Madalyn Williams

Wiggin & Dana

Daryl Hornby

Jrnnifor Joluuon

Shirley E How;ml

Mr. & Mn,. Ludm Wilmerdingm Deb \'i:1nek

Burt [veslack lfarbam Abr:um

K:irhyWells jill Whitney

John & Karen Horn

Anrhony ln,ing

Ed & Penny Vaughn

Gregory S. Jarrabcck

Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bdlard

Hannah & Moira K:tlichm.t11

Jessica McGMry

Andrea K'!Jm<ctt


Sandra Blanchard

Pauline Kndl

Robyn & Len Wolman

LisaBlough Jane Bolles

Lewin:, B:iiosic,Wo!bck,






Source, Inc. Ann Sul!i~n

Rayner & Giroux, LLC


The Community Foundation of Southeas tern Connecticut

Corporate & Foundation Gifts

The Equus Foundation, Inc. The George Link, Jr. Foundation The Bank of New York

Aetna Foundation , Inc

The Henry Luce Foundation at the direction ofJohn C. Evans

AT&T Employees' Community Service Fund

The Homeland Foundation, Inc.

New Haven Headquarters Region

The Ho ward Bayne Fund

AT&T Eastern Division Community Services Fund

The Jack Found ation

AT&T Employee Giving/ United Way

The Marion Moore Foundation, Inc.

AXA Foundation

The Robert

Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation

Thom as J. Atkins Memorial Fund

Business & Legal Repotts, Inc.

United Way of the Capitol Area

Chester W Kitchings Foundation

United Way of Greater New Haven

Essex Savings Bank and Essex Financial Services

United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersbu rg

Essex Savings Bank Community Investment Program

Verizon Foundation

J. Daverman


Evans-Cockerline Foundation, Inc. Fox Ledge Tack Shop

Mntching Gifts

Frank Loomis Palmer Foundation Hamilton Sundstrand

Aetna Foundation, Inc

Johnson & Johnson

Business & Legal Reports, Inc.

Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale

Ernst & Young LLP

Lyme Old Lyme Jr. Womens Club


Midd lesex County Community Foundation River View Cemetary Funds

The Henry Luce Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Reader's Digest Foundation

Pfizer Animal Health

TI1.eRockefeller Foundation

Pfizer United Way Campaign

"TheStanley Works

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven

Verizon Foundation




CONTRIBUTORS Sho reline Pediatrics &

Annual Horse Show

Adolescent Medicine Ston ingron Veterinary Hospital

11,e Picazio Family Kathr yn Rosenfeld Maureen G . Sarti Ma rlene & Jerry Scharr

Our goal was to make che High Hopes Annual Horse Show a day of celebration and fun for the emire family and, judging by the numbers attending and all the smiling faces, we chink we succeeded! The day kicked off with the performance of ceremonial Native American dances invoking the Horse Show's Spirit of the

Imlivid111tlSpamors Show Sponsors The Ballard Family John & Athana Catlett The Russell Ford Family Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan Richard & J udy Lightfoot Rob ert & Penny Nelson

Bill & Bess Small Suzanne Wnek & Dav id H ickie

Participant Sponsors Pete r & Linda Bierrie Eleano r Hofmann Bishop William & Eli1.abeth Boyd El izabeth C. Chamberlain Lynne Ellison Betry Greene

Horse theme and concluded wich a rousing bluegrass

Roger & Marcia Smirh

concert by A my Gallatin and St i!lwaters. In between,

Ring Sponsors

John & Irene Kritzer

we proudly watched our participants

Ano nym ou s

Ken & Joan Levin

Chris & Patry Coyle

Kristin E. Mason


their equine skills before friends and family under a beautiful blue sky.

Parker & Sally Hand y

Ted & Rebecca Crosby

Karen O'Neil

Peter & Alexa Daitch

Jeff & Holly Ridgway

Ruth & Kathy Heller

Robert & Stepha nie Rossi

John & Daryl Hornby

Petra B. Shearer

Joh n and Greca Jacobs

Kitty Scalsburg, Roben Hag ema n

Bob & Grace Marrion

& Kathr yn Hag em an

The McCauley Family

Lisa Stefanko & Family

Robert & Virginia Montgomery

The Thomson Family

l11e Sargent Fami ly

Richa rd & Sharon Torr ent i

Hu gh, Do nn a, Lindsey,

Judy Townsend

Elizabeth & Olivia Scolt Anne Cote Taylor Ton y & Sandy Th urston Ca rl & Mary Washburn

Show Friend Audr e)' Brabazon & Charles Dickens, J r. Julian & Con stance Co lelli

Event Sponsors

The Hart Family

Matt & Barbara Abrams

The H olloway Family

Bob & Lee Adrian

Constance L. Kastelowirz

Sally H. Aubrey

Scu & Betsy Klarman

Foxwoods Resort & Casino

Stanley M . Babson, Jr.

Therese Popi nchalk

George C. Ca in Memorial Fund

Bruce & Leslie Barlow

Mary P. Pullen

Ralp h & Joanne Ce nto la

Daniel & Alicia Sessa

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Business Spo11sors Gold Sponsors The Guilford Savings Bank Juice Plus Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic

Jani e Davison

Hardwar e &

Pat Gamerdinger

Sofrware Services, LLC Shagbark I.umber & Farm Su pp lies

Deborah H. Welles, CPA

Elise {Reese) Garvin Jo hn & Joan Hamrick ln ge Hieret Barbara Kashanski

AXA Equirablc

Tower Laboratories

Seymour & Tia Smith

Fox Ledge Tack Shop

Lyme O ld Lyme

Companion Animal Hospira !

Dav id & Beverly Silliphant

Mar garet M . Cl ucas Jennifer Curley & Peter Scorella


Bronze Sponsors

Art, Bim & Kerry Christianson


Silver Sponsors Junior Women's C lub

Caro lin e Capira l Markets C indy"s Win e & Spirits , LLC Fine Arc Conservation Frami ng Holistic T.P. M. by Kristin Kelsar Physical Therapy Seabrook Greyhoun d Park


Class Sponsors

To m & C issic Keogh Cis & Carey Mat thiessen l11e McCa llu m Family Bruce & Barbar a McGh ic Andy & Gail Morris Cliff & 11,eresa Myers Pediatric Associates of New London,L.L.C.



Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Benefit Concert Back by popular demand, Big Bad VoodooDaddy, the nationally renowned swing band, helped make our 2007

spring concert a sold our event and netted over

$ I 97,000

for High Hopes ' programs and participants.

The Connecticut Ligh t

Corporate Friends

and Power Company

Amato Propert ies, LLC

Readco, LLC

Angler Adventures, LLC

Reynolds' Garage & Marine, Inc.

Archa mbau lt Insuranc e, Inc.

Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic

Carrier Optical

Seaworthy Systems, Inc.

Cenrerbrook Architects

The Cyphers Dubey Group at Smith Barney William Pitt Sotheby's lnrernarional Realty

Duble & O'Hearn, Inc .

Zelek Electric Co.

Essex Boar Works , Inc.

Corpm¡ate Patrons

Ga ney, pur together a spectacular evening of great

A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Aegean Treasurers

music, delicious food and fabulous auction offerings.

All- Pro Auromotive

An emotional high light of the evening was the pre-

Coffee's Country Market Coldwell Banker

goers the significant mental health benefits of eq uine

Compressor Maintenance

Service, Inc. Daniels Oil Company

assisted therapy realized by several residents from an

Dominion Resources Services

area mental health facility. Their compelling sto ry

ER Champion & The Tracy Insurance Agency

helped raised over $ 5 5,ooo in scholarship supporr.

Essence Center for Beaury & Wellness Gallagher Buick-Po ntiac

E11e11t Sponsors

Essex Savings Bank & Essex Financial Services


Inc .

Hi-Rel Products Tom & Nicole Dolan

AXA Equitable Financial

The Devoe/David/Wolcott

Bank of America -


Hal l Radio Group Essex Printing Company Foundation Franklin Farms Ironwood Capital Lawren ce & Memorial Hospital Page-Taft GMAC Real Esta te People's Bank Rin g's End Lumber of Niantic and Branford

Saybrook Point Inn , LLC Smith Insurance, Inc. Stencil Ease Br ian & Pam Gree nho Tare & Burns Architects , LLC Treasures, Old Lyme Waterford Group Charitable Foundation Whitney Ridge Stables

Special Corporate Contributors Videoand Production Services

Tribal Nation

Classic Hi ts 98.7 WNLC-

The Safery Zone, LLC

- Essex Television Group, Inc .

Merrill Lynch -

ChelseaGroron Bank

Kelly & Morris, P.C. Page Hardware & Appliance Co.

KofkoffEgg Farms, LLC Land O'Lakes, Inc.

Gold Sponsors

Middlesex Hospital O'Brien, Shafner, Stuart ,

Kellogg Marine , Inc.

Corporate Benefactors

Pfizer Inc.

Land Rover Guilford

Xerox Foundation

A.J. Shea Construction LLC

The Mohe gan Sun

Kirchings and Potter, LLC

Robin & Philip Schonberger

The Mashanucket Pequot 1l1e Herb Chambers Companies

Essex PreSchool, Ltd. Richa rd Gates

Jonathan Burler, AIA, LLC

Platin um Sponsors Foxwoods Resort Casino &

Essex Meadows

Jean Callan King lnrcrior Design, LLC

Business Sponsors

Dimensional Communications, Inc. Th e Dow Chemical Company

WaterChef, Inc.

Our volunteers, led by C heryl Heffernan and Patry

mier of a new High Hopes video that showed concert

and Planners Dahlk e Financia l Group

Private Banking

The Millard Group

and Xplore Productions, Inc.

Inviration & PosterDesign Services - Two Up Design

Brewer Pilots Poinr Marina

NewAlliance Bank

bulividwt! Spouors

Brewer Yacht Yards

The Oakley Wing Group


Cau lfield & Ridgway, In c. C lark Group Herb & Sherry Clark

ar S mith Barney Old Lyme Mar ina

Robert & Barbara Ballard

M . Andrew Baxter

Point One Architects & Planners

Rudolf Bergmans & Ann Lane

Coo kson Electronic s

Punch List Hom e - Doug 1\all

Thomas & Susan Childs

Dime Bank

S.D . Hallahan Hou sewright , I nc.

Ted & Rebecca Crosby

Geneve Corporation

Saybrook Country Barn

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch

Gowr ie, Barden & Brett

Shorel ine Eye Group

Mr. & M rs. Joep de Koning

UBS F inanci al Services -

Bill Doane & Mary Mill e

and Gowrie, Brett & Young Guilford Savings Bank Machnik Bros., Inc. Tod4 & Becky Machnik

Nile Pullin , CFP

Charles & Sylvia Erhart

Webster Bank, N .A.

John C. Evans

William Pitt So rheby's I

John & Nancy Har graves

Morgan Stan ley

Ellen Hend erson

Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan

NU Trans mission and

& Nikki Hosrn ik

Conni e Kastelowitz




Tom & Cis.sleKeogh

Stever & Sally Aubrey

Trac:, Correl!

Dave & Lauren Graybill

Richard & Judith Lightfom

Rkk & Sarnh Ayotte

Chris & Patti Coylt"

Mr. & Mr5, EarlGrcenho

Gretchen Man1i

Rcnra Craig

Brian & P:tmda Gre,·nho

Mr. & Mrs, Jeremy Crisp

Bob & Sman Gregory


Mau & Mik Griswold

'fom Neff & Lyndon Haviland

Fran B:ul:1lucc<; Mr. & Mn. James Bairstow Doug & Lynne P.nll Rowlan<l& Nan;:y Ballek

Chr:1 S, Crowe;! & Guest

Manin & Sondra Griswold

Gigi Becker Rhodes

Susan Ballek & Brian Stephens

Carlos Cruz & Norn:11Dilman

Diane Guarino

Hugh & Donna Scan

·nmBehl & Gum

Fmnk & Suran Curnmlskey

Kathryn Hageman

Petra ll .Shearer

Adam & K.·uluyn Bdl

Mr. & Mrs. George H.

Steve & Nan,;;y H;i,lkdrnn

E Patrick McFadden

RolY,:n& S:mdyMulligan

P,wl& Barb,m Hallwood

Roger & Marci:iSmith

BJll& Mimi Benner

Dr. & Mn. Wayne Southwick

Ausy Berglund


John & Joan Hamrick

Tony & Sandy lhurston

SteveBerke& Ann de Sdding Mr. & '.'vfr;;. John 13<.:rman

Phllip & J\!ison Darrell

Steve Hrtncrfcld

10m & Sar.1hD;intlson

Reese & Nancy Har:i-s


Chip & Nield lkrry

Fran Davld,mn

Greg & EllenHcndl·rson


Bob & Marcy K1rntt

Pcrt:r& Unda Blerrl<.:

Sttw & Dec Davis

Dave Hoiah;rn& Kyn Tolson

Jamie & Hannah Childs

Gary Borla & Gncst

Janie Da\·ison

Paul & Cathleen Holland

Ridwrd & Ktttr Cordsen

Emily S. Buro

Gabi Ddmomc

John &. Nikki Hostnik

John & Jam; Dcmp:;LJ

George Bourne &

Luciano Delmomc

Dnlc & !sabd Hovey


Mr. & :V1rs.. Robert Hudson

Jim & Cuhy Elliott

Char!ottc Geer

Pewr Emnkow

Paul & Jacquie Hou1in

Chris & B.,rb:1.raDixon

Faulkner 1-lunr & 1\nn Lightfoot

William & Elizabeth Farrell

Newr & t-.·1imiBrairmd

'fom & Nicole Dobn

Steven & Julie Inglh Cynde Iverson George & G1millaJames


Mr. & Mrs. -n,omas T. Brn:td

Dr. & ll.frs.John L Drvw

Richard & Edi<.:Freeman

Stephen & Alison IMnkm;mn

John & Judi.: Driscoll

Michael & Parrida Ganey

Kathy Brook.~on& Guest

GernlJ & Cynthia D:1bey

Edward & Rosem:uy Garg;mo

Jeff Bugbe,: & Hol!y Sundmacker

[\.,fr. &

Gn:g Jarrnb:x:k & Gue.st Mr, & Mrs. Samuel B. Jmies IV

Mr. & Mm, fuihron Edwards

Jacqm:!ine Kangley Mary Katslaficas

Mid & Donn.i Byrne

Bn;.;e& Kac('.y .Elfstrom John & Dana Evans

Carolyn Liban

Phi! & Mary C.1hil!

Mark & Suki fo.dcr

Amy Kaufrn;1n& Gues1

Dr. B. Jun;; .\l:tcklin

Erin Cain

De Robert & ValerieFales

Gil & Kris KctJ_,r,,n

Sn:vi:n Matz.kin &

Richard & Margot Cakfor

Paul & Jen Fcrrncd

Ph:lip & Hillary Kennedy

l,.iurcn Cald,wdl

Adam C,!kins

Cary Fischbach&

Dr. Ja.mcs.\1::Araw&


Gina Gr:-:y


b~n Griswold & Emily Fisher


Pan! & Linda Holr



Mrs. Henry E. Dunn l1l

S:epb,1le Knoll

!ton & fariba Kat:r.

Bin.ty Susan King

Ken & Chris Kitd1\ngo

Di~& Mrs. Robert Klimek

Jamie & Alden Murphy

Bill & JoAnnc C.irtcr

Cliff & 11.cn:satv1ycrs

Chris & LibbyCathc1rt

Beth Fitzpatrick Jan1t:sFit:1.patrkk& Lucretia Bingl1ilm

John & LeePri1ch,ml

'fom Ca:;rn &

Tom Fiupatrick &Tnnl Lynch

Ed & Peg Kobdski

John & Alison Forks


Ms. Mary!~ Pu!h:1:

lvbrilyn Reynoldi Charles, & Alison Ritmvaw

Dan & Pauida Carey

Pat:y O'Shaughnc~sy

Gerard F. Cattle. Jr. & Peter N. \Van

Erk & Monique Foster

\'v'enJy Knight Rrfan & Angda Kt:iglu

Christina Chiywn


Don & Lynn Kolowsky Dawn Koonce

Judith Schanf

Chris & Jrnnifer C..·m!fi.d<l

Michael& Keny Gallagher

Boymon Schmitt &

Simon & Jen Ci:alfon

Amy Gardner


Hc-rbCh:unbcrn & Gucsr

E.mlk & Susan Geisenhdmer

Rkh:m.l & Retrnl Knrsmr:y,:r

J,/,m t,,,t Ridu.rd~ Anthony & Pameb Sdnro

CJ. Charnok & Guest

Mr. & Mrs. Robert GLnmotti

Den!sc Kownlcwski& Guest

Mlch:id & Rubin Slmeonc

Christine Cht;£:mck

.\fanha Gibson & Ed lkmning

Joan Krenn

Dr. & ;\fo. Chrisrophcr

Dan & Gail Gaypoo!

Rid:ard & Koko Gildersle,:v,:

Gary & Ann Lenk


Patrick &' K:1.tlcGingras

Jim & Jean Lewis

B. Srdnc1

William & Corinna Clendenen


Prcmm & Anne Litdefidd


Ken & ·n:n:sa Coffee


Bru<X'& Catherine l..ittm:'.11

Todd & Deb Ab1ahnmssm1

Lte & Rurh Cok-Chu

Jason & Jennifer Gobey

Lee & /Vforgan:r LiYit1gston

Matt & l11tb:mtAbrams

lhomas i'v1.Conroy & Guest

J,met & Katdit1 Gochbcrg

John & Molly Lombardi I!l

Bea Andcr,;on

Matthew Conroy

Mimi c;our!ay

Tim Lovejoy

Bob & Di::maAnnon

Jeff & Bet;,cyCoolcv

Jonath:rn Gr:1.ves

Rebecca Hathaway Lynch

Mike & Anh•{;bArM!d

Stc·vcn& Connie Corben

Judy Gmy

Clui:. & Amy Arnold

William j, Cornelius,

Jim &Joanne Graybill

& Guest Ced! & Lind;.1Lyon

Jeff& Heather Graybill

Chm & Aii Macadam

Jim & I-lollyAi.traus:ky

& Gu,~;;t


EVENT Hugh & Peg MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Todd Machnik


Bruce Posner, PhD & RaeAnn Posner

George & Sally Mayer

Paul A. Spiers & Guest Steve Spirer

Marianne McCourr

Al Mack & Marilyn Shup

Dick & Carol Potash

Suzanne Spires

Newt & Polly Merrill

Mick & Lizzy Marsden

T)'!er & Kerry Potts

David &Judy St. George

Cynthia R. Palmer

Krisrin E. Mason

Sandy & Deedee Prisloe

Mr. & Mrs. Myron Stacks

Roben & Mary L. Platt

Jim & Jerri Massi

A.C. Proctor

Kitty Sralsburg

Tom Ruberti

James & T3mmy McAraw

Bill & Ann Prom

Jim & Laura Stefanski

Eleanor J. Saunders

TOm & Helen McAvoy

Pat Provost & Guest

Jeffrey & Linda Stein

Mrs. CharlcsJ. Scanlon

John & Amy McCauley

Niles & Amy Pullin

Mitchel & Regina Strand

Seymour & Tia Smirh

Mark & Melanie McConkey

John & Dyanne Rafal

Paul & Jill Stuart

John W. Soper

Fred McCullough &

Walter Rasmussen &

Pauline 'l'a!bott

Sabin & Beverley Streeter

Sue Corrigan

John & Kathy McCurdy

Sharon Craig Frank & Diana Reiss

·rhayer Talbott

Bob & Vicki Trainer

Todd & 'fora Taylor

Doug & Karen Van Dyke

Dave & Sally McDermott

Aaron & Lisa Reneson

David Tiffany

Kevin & Tracy McG\inchcy

Tom & Sha!cigh Reynolds

Alan & Sky Todd

Bruce & Renee McIntyre

Philip & Kirsten Reynolds

Mark Todd & Sara Morton

Michael & Vicki McKenney

Joseph & Lee Erwin Rhodes

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin TOner

Matt & Barbara Abrams

Wilhelm Mcya & Guest

Joe Rhodes & Jim Miller

Sharon Tracy


Robert Mcya

Jeff & Koni Rich

Paul & Dina Tresnan

Michael Arnold

Ron & Stacey Milardo

Jeff & Ho!ly Ridgway

Kcl & Karen Tyler

Stever & Sally Aubrey

Craig & Kristin Millard

Mr. & Mrs. Stone Roberrs

Timothy & Suzanne T)'!er

Richard & Sarah Ayotte

Paul & Anne Millard

Bill& Jessica Roberts

Dill& Marcia Vanderbeek

Michael & Fran Badalucco

Abby Miner

Keith Robins

Kathy Walburn

James & Marian Bairsrow

Donna Moody

Roger & Michelle Roche

Carol Watts

Lynne Ba!l

Jonathan & Margaret Morris

Steve Rodsrrom & Ellen Smol!er

John & Debbie Welles

Robert Ballard &

Dave Mulford & Sarah Fowler

Gary & Linda Rogers

Lmra Wessner

Noah & Robbin Myers

Jeff & Sandy Rogers

David Whitney

Susan Balick

John & Leslie Naizby

Andy & Pam Russell

John Wilbur & Jennifer Johnson

Edward S. Banning

Bob & Penny Nelson

Rebecca Russell & Guest

Steve & Kathy Wilson

M. Andrew Baxter

Lori Nelson

Hakan & Karin Sakul

James & Janis Witkins

Kathryn Lamerbach Bell

Roger & Mary Jo Nosal Dan & Casey O'Brien

Mark Samburg & Joanna Nairn

Bob & Nancy Wood

Rudolf Bergmans & Ann Lane

Mr. & Mrs. David Sandmann

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Woods

Steve Berke & Ann deSdding

Kar! & Tracey Ohaus

David & Jean Sargent

Rick & Heidi Worcester

Nicole Berry

Max & Dale Okasha

Bill Sani

David & Donna Yother

Peter & Linda Bierrie

Barbara Eade-Ballard

Barbara Oliver & Guest

Scott & Kate Saunders

Bob & Dana Zabi!ansky

Newton & Mimi Brainard

John & Beth Olmstead

Bob & Carol Schneider

Raymond & Laureen Zelek

Stephen & Alison Brinkmann

Ginny Olsen

Philip & Robin Schonberger

Jason & Christy Zelek

Whitney E Burr

Joanne O'Neil

Rick & 'lcrry Schreiber

Andrew Osinski

Eric Schreiber

Mr. & Mrs. George Papanicr

Peter Scotel!a & Jennifer Curley

Juanita Paris

Deb Scott

Charlie & Jo Anne Park

Joseph & Erica Semple

Robert & Jill Panen

Daniel & Alicia Sessa

Michael & Elena Patterson

Jim & Cookie Shea

Judy Payer

Wayne & Jennie Shen


E. & Jacqudinc Pedrick

Matthew & Cheryl Sheridan

John & Jeanna Pel!ino

Greg & Nancy Shook

John Pellitier & Nikki Smith

Skip & Sheree Sibley

Dave & Patry Perman

Jean Smith

Elizabeth Pester

Bruce & Sandy Smith

Mark Peters & Laurie lOm!inson

Gregory & Elizabeth Smith

Tom & Linda Pkazio

Penny Smyth

Tony Piccirillo & Sara Qua

Linda Somers

Scott & Kristine Pierce

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Sondik

Ed Plancta

Loretta Spencer

Doug & Pamela Placz

Robert Spencer

Other Contributors Michael & Ann Adair George & Janice Atkeson

Kail Cadman Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl


Tim & Susan Gavronski

John & Peggy Kenny Ken & Joan Levin John & Wendy Lord Charles~Henri & Marguerite Mangin Pamela Marks

Patti O'Shaughnessy Gerard F. Carrie Jr. &

Margaret Clucas

Betsy Horn

John & Athana Catlett

·1om Caron &

Jim Benn & Deborah Mandel

Jerry & Kitty Greene

Richard & Margot Calder Bill & JoAnne Carter

Stev." & Elsie Aubrey

Mrs. Philip B. Cowles

Mike & Donna Byrne

Peter N. Watt Herbcn G. Chambers Jamie & Hannah Childs 'Jhomas & Susan Childs JeffChrnok Danie! & Cail Claypool Coffee's Country Market Lee & Rmh Cole-Chu 'Ihomas M. Conroy Jeff & Betsey Cooley Chris & Patti Coyle . Sharon Craig

EVENT Michelle Crivelli

Faulkner Hunt & Ann Il. Lightfoor

Tyler & Kerry Porrs Sandy & Deedee Prisloc

Christopher & Rebecca Sreiner

Ted & Rebecca Crosby Chris Crowell

Gregory Jarrabeck

John & Lee Pritchard

Ca rlos Cruz Frank & Susan Cummiskey

Darlene Jones Judge's Farm

Lorraine Proctor Mary Pullen

Regina Strand TocaJVisionof Newington

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daitch

Ronald L. Katz

Frank & Diana Reiss

Margaret Thayer Talborr

George H. Darrell, Jr. Phil Darrell &

G il & Kris Keegan Philip Kennedy

Aaron & Lisa Reneson Philip & Kirsten Reynolds

Pauline T. Talbott

Tom & Cissie Keogh

'll1omas & Shaleigh Reynolds

Thames Chiropractic Center PC

Robert Klimek Brian & Angela Knight

Joe Rhodes

Tony & Sandy 11,urscon

Steve Davis

Joseph & Lee Rhodes

David Tiffany

Catherine de Koning

Or. Gerald Fischhach

Jean M. Richards

Christopher & Barbara Dixon Bill Doane & Mary Mille

and Srephan ie Knoll Edward & PeggyKobidski

JeffreyH. & Holly Ridgway Stone & BetseyRoberrs

AliciaT. Traub Kel & K.1rcnTyler

Tom & Nicole Dolan

Richard W. Korsmeyer

John & Judie Driscoll Gerry & Cynthia Dubey

Gary & Denise Kowalewski Prescott & Anne Littlefield

Jessica Roberts Roger, Michelle,

Toby & Mary Dunn

Bruce H. Lierman

Cathy & Jim Elliott Jeb Embree

John & Emily Lombardi Timothy Lovejoy

Jeffrey Rogers- CFS, Lrd. Gary & Linda Rogers Andy & Pam Russell

Diane Embree

Hugh & Margarer MacDonald

Hakan & Karin Sakul

A.C. Proctor John C. Evans

Todd Machnik

Mark Samburg

Two Up Design & Consulting

Raymond &

Alison Zack Darrell Frances Davidson

John & Dana Evans

- Lizzy & Mick Marsden

Liz Farrell

Kristin E. Mason

Brian Stephens

Paul & Jill Stuart

Todd & Tara Taylor

Tim & Suzanne Tyler John & Deborah Welles Steve & Kathy Wilson

Ben & Jared Roche

Judith Schoonmaker Peter Scotdla & Jennifer Curley

Tara A. Winch


Jim & Janice Witkins Robert & Nancy Wood Rick & Heidi Worcester Robert & Dana Zabilansky Jason & Ch ristine Zelek

A ua ion Contributors

George & Maryberh Fede

James R. McAraw DMD

Deborah Scorr

Art Emporium of Old Saybrook

John & Alison Forbis

Mark McConkey

1l1e Ballard Family

Eric & Monique Foster Michael & Kerry Gallagher

Fred McCullough

Joseph & Erica Semple Daniel & Alicia Sessa

Kathleen McCurdy

lames & Cookie Shea

Barron & Gray Mariners Club

Michael & PacriciaGaney

David & Sally McDermott

1l1e Bee & Thistle Inn

Charlotte Geer Susan Geisenheimer

Ki:vin & Tracy McGlinchey

Petra B. Shearer Gregory R. Shook

Bruce R. Mclmyrc

Marilyn Shup

Frank & Rcbecc:iIlocian

Martha Gibson

Mike & Vicki McKenney

The Bowerbird Carbone's Resruram

Alex Barber

T.1cia n na 13eedar

Parrick & Karie Gingras

Robert Meya- Franklin Bio Fuels

Arthur & Sheree Sibley,Jr. Bruce & Sandy Smith

Jill Gladding

Wilhelm Meya

Ellen Smaller

Gina Gray

Penny Smyth


Jim & Joanne Gra)•bill

Paul & Anne Millard 'TI1e Mohegan Sun

Suzanne & Steve Spires

Cove Landing Marine

David L. Graybill

John Morin

David Sc. George

Chris & Patti Coyle

Jeff & Heather Graybill

Jonathan & Margaret Morris Noah Myers

Jeff Stein

Rebecca & Ted Crosby

Earl & Lynn Greenho Sara D. Greenwood Robert & Susan Gregory Judith Grey Martin & Sondra Griswold Diane Guarino

Joanna Nairn Tom Neff & Lyndon Haviland Bob & Penny Nelson Roger & Mary Jo Nosal Dan O'Brien

Steven & Nancy Hallahan

M. Okasha

John & Joan Hamrick

John Olmsread

John & Nancy Hargraves Reese& Nancy Harris

Andrew Osinski


JoAnnc T. Park

Mirch & Cheryl Heffernan

James & Jacquelyn Pedrick Elizabeth Pester

Gregory & Ellen Henderson David \YI.Holahan Paul & Linda Holt John & Nikki Hoscnik

George & Julie Papanier

Tom & Linda l'icazio Kris Pierce Douglas & Pam Plac,. Bruce A. Posner



Cafe Roucier



Alison Zack Darrell

Marlene Weber, Pilates for Life

Janie Davison

Mark & Dorinda Winkelman

Mary & Toby Dunn

Yacht Services LLC

EF Watermelon

Gifts in Kind

ThirdAnnual Golf Classic The spectacular links at Lake oflsles were once again

Allison Duxbury Jonnie Edwards

Elements by Carla Steele

Abby's Catering Company

John C. Evans

Ashlawn Farm Coffee

Pacricia I~ Fales

Atlantic Seafood

Dr . Robert E. Fales

Bill's Seafood Resrauranc

Peter Good &

Boo 111 Rest au rant



The Choclare Shell

Harbor Poscworks, Old Saybrook

Chubb [nsurance

Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan

Ciel, Inc.

Arthur Howe

Coastal Wine & Spirits

Jacqueline Kangley &

Edd's Place-Cuisine co Go

Srephcn De,lman

Kim Kottke John R. Leonard & Rachel A. Chamberlain

this year over

raffle purchases and gifts in kind our golfe rs helped raise a record

Mortgage Lenders Network USA

Essex Printing Finkcld)', Inc. Win Freeman

Jane & Dirk Lewis

Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees Gabrielle's Gourmer Gallery

Gretchen Mann Design

Hanford Insurance Group

Claude Martin

Hideaway Rcsrnurant & l'ul,

Mashancucker Pequot

Jack's a, Harbor One


GoldS p omor

Pfizer Inc. Co1pomte Sponsors CB Richard Ellis N orth east Utilities & Co nn ecticut Light &

Tribal Nation

M,rnchester Ice

Power Co mp any

Mark McFcrrin

Fran McMullen

Essex Savings Bank &

John E McGillian

Nancy's Rosemary and Sage


National Grange

Essex Financial Services Foxwoods Resort Cas ino

Charlotte S. Metcalf

Lori Ndson

Hilb , Rogal & Hobbs

Mortgage Guarantee

The Novak Brothers Landscaping

MTM Technologies, Inc./

& Title Company

Office Express

James B. Murphy Il

Old Lyme Inn

Fred Newman

Old Lyme Seafood

Nyman Jewelers

Olive Oyl's Carry Our Cuisine

in nee proceeds co support

Platinum Sponsor

Tracy Insurance Agency

Liberty Bank


High Hopes.

E. R. Champion/

Ann Lightfoot Design

golfers played in the warm autumn


sunshine . Through their sponsorships, auct ion and

Cafe NV

Ann Guptill & Fox Ledge Farm

Jacqudinc Kangley Handhags

c:he venue for High Hopes annual golf outing and

Auction Do11atio11s Dr. Robcrr Ballard

Hewlett Packard Jamie C:hikls/Page -Ta£1

Jim Calhoun Sam & Elsie Childs

GMAC Real Esme

Foxwoods Resorr Casino

People's Bank

Mitch & Che,yl Heffernan

Charles Perini

Pasta Vita

Rives Pom

Restaurant du Village

Liddy Kaner

Gloria Priam & Gary Crump

River "fovern

Individual Spo11so1·s

Mashanrucke c

Priam Vineyards

Sage American Bar & Grill

John Carlert

Jonathan Rapp & The River Tavern



Pequot Triba l Natio n Robert

Christopher Cathcart

J. Miller

Saybrook Point Inn Saybrook Seafood


Robin & Philip Schonberger

Signore Septic Service

Chelsea Groton Bank

Hugh & Donna Scott

Traveler s Insur ance

S.D. Hallahan Housewright

Lake of Isles

Sig's Warcr Street Cafe

Two Up Design

Machnik Brothers, Inc.

-Thomas Ruberri &

Joyce Soucie

United States Beverage, LLC

Smith Insurance

M;idison Chrysler Plymourh Jeep Dodge

San kow's Be-aver Brook F:trm


Village Provisions

The Day

Alan & Sky Todd

Walt's Food Market

Tower Laborarorics Ltd.

Ktren Tyler

Wards Edge

Waterford Group

Doraine Van Lew

Zurich Insurance

Mi chael Spt'irs

L Warner Print Shop & Gallery

Gifts in Kind Essex Priming Foundation

Charitable Fau1Ufation


Fred Weber & Associates, Ll..C


Volunteers JEANNA PELLINO, THE VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR at High Hopes, is often asked "Where do your volunteers come from?" Not a quick and easy answer. With close to

active volunteers


they come from all across the state of Connecticut and into Rhode Island. They learn about High Hopes through word of mouth or after attending a High Hopes event. Many volunteers learn about High Hopes after reading about our program in a local paper or hearing a radio ad on a favorite station. Some volunteers are family members of participants and many of former participants who want to stay involved with our horses and staff. We have volunteers who are retired CEO's of major corporations working alongside elementary school teachers, high school students and Coast Guard cadets. This past spring and summer, High Hopes also benefited from rhe volunteer efforts of three young men working


attain their Eagle Scout badges. Together Adam Clark, Greg

Laird and Alex Jagielski from Troop 474 in Guilford helped to create a new mounting ramp for our outdoor arena, a kiosk with trail maps and a rider operared railroad bridge for our sensory trails. 1heir hard work created lasting improvements that will enhance the High Hopes experience for all our participants. We thank them, and all High Hopes volunteers, for their tremendous and invaluable dedication co our mission. VOLUNTEERS Sally Aubrey

Alyssa Birch

Lyn ne Burns

Stacy Adams

Elizabeth Bagdorf

Suzann e H. Birks

Todd Buroff

Danielle Chaffee

Marni Adamson

Melissa Bagdorf

Jorine Bombaci

Kristen Butler

Amanda Cha rlean

Zachary Agosti ne

Robert Bagdorf

Eleanor Bonafonre

Evelyn Butt

Patricia Charlton

Lisa Bousquet

Marylou Balinskas

Jesse Bonelli

Emil)' Cahi ll

Hannah Childs

Melissa Ahlgren

Barbara Earle Ballard

Tara Bonell i

Erin Cain

James M. Childs

Cyndy Ainsworth-

Robert Ballard

Cassie Bonin

Jessica Calcate rra

Thomas Childs


Rowland Ballek

Bethany Bon ner

Lois Ca ldrello

Susan K. Ch ilds

Kathy Alexander

Susan Ballek

Gary Borla

Laurel Camean

Audra Chmiel

Kelly Alexander

Jenna Barber

Emily Boro

John Camperchioli

Susan Chodorov

To ni Alfiero

Linda Foglema n-

Chelsea Bourn

Barbara Campo

Rebecca Chu rch Jocelyn Clapp

Kacie Alston


Debbie Bourwell

Sarah Canning

Beatrice Anderson

Jessica Barr

Amelia Bowen

Anna Carer

Kristin C lark

Beth Anderson

Caroline Barri

Mimi Brainard

Dan Carey

Vicky Cl ement

Kari Lynne Anderson

Kim Barrows

Newton Brainard

Mary Carniglia

Samara Cob le

Richar<l Apt

Patrick Basler

Eden Chand ler Brevik

Josh Carson

Janet Cody

Amy Arnold

Grcrchen Batte y

Carol Brining

Lea Castle

Rick Colangeli

Chris Arnold

Tim Behl

Emily Brown

Kristin Catanzaro

Harwood Comstock

Barry Arpin

Allison Beiro

Laura Brown

John Ca tlett

Lexy Con gdon

Cassie Arpin

Chandl er Benoit

Tom Brown

Sarah Catlett

Lyndsey Congdon

Christa l Arpin

Elizabeth Benoit

Mallie Buffum

Micaela Caulkins

Dianne Con no rs

Cyl inda Arpin

Madison Benoit

Jeff Bugbee

Tracy Cavalieri

Conn ie Co rbett

Ryan Arpin

Linda Bicrrie

Carissa Burns

Catherine Cavanaugh

Erica Co rbett

Jo ann e Centola

Karen Corcelli

Jim Asrrausky


Ralph Centola

Chelsea Abreu

Pete r Bierric

Jenna Burns

VOLUNTEERS Rebecca Corco ran

Yvonne Elwood

Renc'e Ginnetti

Bryanr Heffernan

David Joh nston

Matt Co rda

Jcb N. Embree

Marg aret Girard

Cheryl Kelly Hdfern ;1n

Cai di n Jones

Riana Corneli us

Kara Emery

Lauren Co lden

Kathy Heller

Hannah Kalichman

Kathi Corriga n

Robyn Engel

Michell e Go lden

Mary Hellman

Moira Kalichman

Tony Cosentino

Caryn Erickson

Martha Goodso n

Melissa Hemming

Am ber Kalolo

Tracy Came ll

Peter Evankow

Cyndie Gould

Ellen Hend erson

Jacqueline Kangley

Ca itlin Ann Co u rtney

Dana Evans

James Gourlay

Greg H e nderson

Margaret Kangley

Carole Co viello

John C. Evans

Leslie Gourlay

Brien Hen dri cks

H olly Karnes

Kaycee Cow perthw aire

John C. L Evans

Mimi Gourlay

Victoria Herbs t

Steve Karpf

Chris Coyle

Suki Fader

Jim Grabowski

Md an ie Herman

Constance L. Kastelowitz

Renya Craig

Anne Fairfield-Son n

Luke Grabowski

Maggie Higgins

Jani Kaszeta Mary Katsiaficas

Erin Cridland

Libby Fales

Madelyne Grabow ski

Marcia Hi ggins

Jessica Cromarcy

Valerie Fales

Carol yn Kilroy-

Patti Hit chcock

Emily Ke-.1.rney

Claudia Cron Sherman

Zoe Fales

Naomi Hochbe rg

Jeni Keating

Grabow ski

Rebecca Crosby

Dian e Faryniarz

Emi ly Graniero

Kristy Holch

Karen Keelan

Ted Cro sby

Marybeth Fede

Jodi Green

Macken,.ie Holdmey er

Jrssica Kennedy

Barbara Cummings

Ali Ferrandino

Brian Grcenho

Mark Ho lt

Ashley Kenyon

Marjorie Curris

Lind a Ferraro

Pam Greenho

Louann e Hopkins

Tom Keogh

Nancy A. C usack

Katherine Fields

Kelsey Grcim

Karen H orn

Cindy Kiers

Barbara Da niels

Cara Finan

Nicole Grenier

Dary l H or nby

Nan cy Kindell

Philip F.Darrell

Joleene Fiske

Ana Maria Griem

Nik ki Hostn ik

C hri stie Kinsella

Cathryn Davenport

Elizabet h Flugrad

Ca thy Groat

Faulkne r Hunt

Jenna Klinck

Elizabeth L. David

Brett Flynn

Linda Gron bac h

Pamela P.Irving

LuAnne Kneeland

Ashley Davidson

Kim Folts

Wendy Gunn

Lee lsaacsohn

Pauline Kno ll

Aaron Dav is

Alison Forbis

Jen na G un nell

Yuko Ishii

Robe rt Knoll

Christi e Davis

Jane Ho lly Foster

Kathryn H agem an

Kim Ivan

Keith Kohanski

Janie Davison

Keith Fox

Nancy Hallahan


Amanda Kokoszka

Aile de Cr isco

Pam Fox

Rebecca Haller

Carolyn Jagielski

Susan Koku lis

Stephen Dedman

Edward Fracasso

Barbara Hallwo od

Gun illa James

Hayley Koval

Jackie Deens

Katie Freaney

Saral1 Hallw ood

Gregory S. Jarrabeck

Joanne Kraska

Helen Degree

Edie Freeman

Kim Ha lvorsen

Allie Jensen

Leah Krasner

Olivia DelGiudice

Susan Fucci

Joan Han 1rick

Emily Joh nson

Joan D. Krenn

Diane DeLuca

Tara Fuller

Beverly Hard ing

Karen John son

Laura Kroll

Jason Dickey

Mike Gallagher

Chel sea Hathaw ay

Scott Johnson

Karen Kulick

Jud y D ill

Kevin Ganey

Rob Hath away

Susan Johnso n

Wendy Lafe min a

Christia n P.Di Ncllo

Michael Ganey

Lyndon Haviland

Victoria Johns on

N icole Lai

Barbara DiRoberts

Patty Ganey

Danielle Hayward

Jenni fer Joh nso n

Daniel le Lambert

Emily Dixon

Amy Gardne r

Bill Doane

Edward Gargano

Jackson Driscoll

Ca rol Garm an

Joel Driscoll

Will Garnicns

Judi e Driscoll

Kristina Garro

John Driscoll Ill

Julie Gasiorek

Jo hn Driscoll , Jr.

Amy Gassman

Josh Drysdale

Emily Gassman

Denise Dube

Rebecca Gentile

Tayler Dube

De rek Gcrmu ska

Susan Duga n

Kate Gerson

Rod Duxbu ry

Lauren Gervais

Tanner Eaton-Carberry

San dra G ervais

Barbara Edwards

Deni se Gesner

Jon nie Ed wards

Angelo Giardina

Jennifer Ellion

Ronald R. Gigue re

Lauren Ellion

Katharine Gildersl eeve

Briann a Elmore

Karie G ingras



Alison Lamothe Mallory Landry

Howard Margules Karyn Markland

Shiella McLean

Claudia Reid Narorski

Emelia Pererson

Liz McLaughlin

Abby Neale

Brian Phaneuf

Kathleen McManus

Bill Nelligan

Bonnie Phillips

Frances McMullen

Bob Nelson

Ashley Phoebus

Drue McNeil

Lori Nelson

Linda Picazio

Lisa McNellis

Penny Nelsnn

Barbara Pickett

Morgan McShane

Heather Leigh Northrop

Kristine Pierce

Stacy Meisner

Amanda Novicelli

Erin Platz

Carol Merkt

Casey O'Brien

Laura Platz

Lauren Merrill

Candy Ogland

Pamela Platz

Jacquelin e Messier

Emily Rose Ogland

Rives Potts

Wilhelm Meya


Cindy Powell

Jackie Mildrum

Christopher Olsen

Mary Mille

Steve Olsrein

Cheryl Miller

Gwen Olson

Bill Prout

James Miller

Knoll Osborn

Mary P. Pullen

Abby Miner

Kelly O'Toole

Sara Slayton Qua

Morgan Miner

Joyce Pagel

Candice Q uinn

Emily Pagliaro

John Rafal Susan M. Raible


Frederick Prentice Lee Pritchard

Ann Lane

D. Elizabeth Marsden

Tom Miner

Emily Langer

Michael Marsden

Janna Moen

Cynthia R. Palmer

John Molochko

Juanita Paris

Maureen Ramsdell

Janic e Parm

Jonathan Recor Aaron Reneson

Karhy Langer

Cis Matthiessen

Sally Lant

Holly Maynard

Allison Monrcs anto

Elain e LaPolla

Steve M azeau

Gail Monresanto

Laura Parr

Courtney Moody

Elizabeth Parsons

Lisa Rencson

Hannah Mooney

Cbloe Parron

Gigi Rhodes

Dorothea (Thea) Moore

Emma Pellerin

Joseph H. Rhodes, Jr.

Co urtne y Moreau

Catherine Pellino

Joseph H. Rhodes, 111

Andr ea Morin

Jeanna Pdl ino

Eliza Richartz

Anya Mummert

Patrie Peoples

Carol Ridgw ay

Margaret Mummert

Sarah Perini

Holly Ridgway

Ashley Perrone

Jeffrey Ridgway

Perer LaPolla

Kristin Mason

Jason LaPrade

Tammy McAraw

Sue Lardner

Barbara McCarthy

Donna Larella Susan Lmde Angela LeBedis Jacob Leeser

Carrie McCarth y Grace McCauley Laurian McCauley Becky McClain


Rebecca Leescr

Paula McCreedy

Alden Rockwell Murphy

Goody Ldash

Mary McGuin ness

Theresa Myers

Donna Perry

An ne Ringland

Jenifer Nadeau

Judi th Petersen

Alison Ritrovato

Donna Lemanski Anna Lennard Jean Lewis Jim Lewis Ann Lighrfoot Judirh Lighrfoot Liz Lightfoot Richa rd Lightfoot Nick Lomb ardi Barbara G. Longo Sarah Loughlin Nikki Lynn Rachel Lyon Jill Maclaren Alison Madol e Keir Magoula.s Kath leen Manero Marie Manero Chelsea Mangs Zachary Mangs Jane Manning Allison J. Manuel Donna Marcinek

Shirleyan McHale

VOLUNTEERS Isabel Ritrovato

Bruce B. Smith

Chris Vasiloff

Phoebe Ritrovato

Marcia Sm irh

Valerie Vesnaver

Randal S. Roberge

Roger M. Smith

Victor Vesnaver

Blake Roberts

Sandra N. Smith

Virginia Vesnaver

Susan Robidoux

Tia Smith

Allison Vicino

Linda Rogers

William Sopelak

Kathryn Vine

Ethan Rohrberg

Robert Spencer

Christian D. Viola

Rachel Romano

Abigail Sperry

Matthew J. Viola

Katherine Rossi

Joseph St. Germain

Whitney M. Viola

Donna Royston

Kitry Sralsburg

Marlena Vitali

Shawn Ruffer

Lara Stauning

Mary Volk

Rebecca Runkle

Amanda Stazick

Carey Von Gal

And rea Rusilowicz

Kate Steams

Erin Waldron

Nakita Russell

Debbie Steele

D iane Wa lsh

Rebecca Russell

Lisa Srefanko

Carla Wardlow

Stacie Russell

Sandra Stefenack

Bruce Warford

Ch ristopher Russo

Rebecca Steiner

Nancy Watkinson

Dennis Russo

Sandy Sriepba ud r

Corinne Weber

Pamela Ryder

Christ ina Srockford

Shanleye Weism iller

Cemmy Ryland

Jillian Stout

John We ismiller, Jr.

Karin Sakul

Justine Stufano

Claudia Weicker

Dan Salomone

Robert Stuller

Deborah A. Welles

Jane Samuels

Laurie Sulger

Linda Westervelt

David Sandmann

Margaret Sullivan

Kate Weyman

Bill Satti

Holly Sundmacker

Jenn ifer Wheeler

Volunteer Groups

Nicol e Sawyer

Ken Swaney

Kristi na White


Justin Scace

Christina Swedberg

Peter White

CL&P - Unit ed Way Day of Carin g

Andrew Scho lten

John Sweney

Danielle Wieland

Old Saybrook Middle School

Robin Schonberger

Sharon Sweney

Herb Wieland

Old Saybrook Youth & Family

Carol Ann Schwartz

Ann Talbott

Madalyn Williams


Ashley Scott

Morgan Tedeschi

Stephen (Joe) Williams

Sc. Andrews Congregational Church

Donna Scott

Joan Terranova

Valerie W in gate

U.S. Coast G uard Academy

Hugh Scott

Ashley Thomas


Molly Seely

Krystle Thomas

Abby Wojtcuk

Joseph Semple

Amanda Thomson

Robert Wood

Alicia Sessa

Anthony C. Thurston

Heidi Worcester

Kara Shannon

Sandy Thur ston

Norman Yeo

Cookie (Louise) Shea

Beth Tichacek

Alison Zack Darrell

Stefanie Shea

Kristina Tickle

Molly Zemmel

Petra B. Shearer

David T iffuny

Lin Z hen g

David Sheldon

Nancy Tiffany

Jennifer Zirbe l

Laura Shepard

Heath er T im ins

Robyn Zoufaly

Lizzy Sheppard

Skyren Todd

Chery l Sheridan

Sharon A. Torrenti

Miles Sherman

Alison Towne

Rob Shiely

Judy Townsend

Marilyn Shup

Sha ron Tracy

Richard Siborg

David Triebel

Sheila E. Siborg

Che ryl Tripp

Michael Simeone

Andres Trocaob.

Harry S. Slifer, Jr.

Molly Turner

Maggi Sliwinski

Kelvin N. Tyler

Jacqudyn Smakula

Alexandra Uden

Alex Smith

Natalie Urban

Audrey Smith

Domine Van Lew





3-13 years 51%

14-20years 20%

21-61 years 26%

62-100 years 3%

Statement of Financial Position

year ending June

30, 2007

Cash and Equivalents


Accounts and Other Receivables

_______ _

...................................... ..................... ....... ........................ ....

Accrued Interest Receivable ·········· ········ ·············· ··········-----------------



Prepaid Expenses


__ __ _____ _

Cash and Equivalents Held for Long Term Purposes ........... ........ -... .......... .....______ ___ ~





Propercy and Equipment - Net Book Value Unconditional Promises




126,510 ----······

Investments Held For Long Term Purposes TOTAL


····•·············· ·····-···•··•

2,089,994 $4,750,027



LiabilitiesaJldNetAs..s.et: ~ ------

- ---

LIABILITIES ······················ ············· · ··················· ········-·-------

Accounts Payable

- ---



Accrued Expenses ------------

__ _


...... .................... _ ,, __ ,..,.. .......,-.., ........... ,.. .. ...... ....,


....,........ ................. ........ ................................... ......... ..............



···················· ······· ................................. .............................................. ............

Advance Fees For Services TOTAL





················· ·-······································ ················· ··· ···················· ········-







······· ······················· ·........................................ ......- ..·-··-




···················· ············----

Unrestricted - Board Designated

29,54 1 $2,758 ,650

____ ........ ,

.......................... ,... ,... ....,........, ..

____ _

Temporarily Restricted ......... ........ ...... ......... ,


Permanently Restricted TOTAL TOTAL


I,260 ,9 78







, 02 7

Audits forfiscal )'earsending/1111e 30, 200 7 and 2006, wereperformed by Lewitz, Balosie,Wollack,Ra)'ner& Giroux, LLC. Copiesare available011 request.

7his year at High Hopes

Corporate Support 11%

lhempmt1c Hor,emnnship lessom

Foundation Support 9% Cont ributions fromIndividuals 40%

Fees for Services 16%



Investment Related 23%

of Riders receivedscholarships

Exp_e_12s _e.s_ __



Fund Raising 13%


Gen eraland Administrativ e 15% ProgramSer vices 72%


PE /)e,ig11:Michnd Fn11,lli,Ugat11reVi,unl Com,mmicntion Photogmphs :Judie Driscoll,Michnel Fn11,lli , E,,rlM11mm,r1,ClnySide,






The r apeutic Riding , Inc .


063 7r l'ERMIT #I

36 Town Woods Road O ld Lyme , Co nnecticut 063 7 I

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