Point of view High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc .
I Annual
2008 - 2009
Ages of our Riders
Primary Disabilities of our Riders
3- 13 years 54%
14-20 years 21 o/1
Neurological & Physical Impairments Sensory Disorders Learning Disabilities Development Disabilities
Language Disorders
Traumatic Brain Injury
Point of view
High Hopes Board of Trustees FOUNDER
Mary K. "Sis" Gould t OFFICERS HI G H HOPE
S' 2008-
looks at th e organization from th e point of view of our many constituents. Und er this theme, it seems appropriate for me to look at High Hop es from the perspective of our
Chainnan Anthony C. Thurston
Vice Chairman Michael V. Ganey Chery l Kelly Heffernan
twenty-one officers and trust ees.
Vice Chairman for Developmen t John Catlett
Our trust ees have respon sibiliti es that are
Ii·easurer Deborah A. Welles
typical of mo st non-profit organ izations: to formulate polic y and ensur e chat these poli cies are implemented;
to ensure the financial
Sec1·etary Elizabeth L. David TRUSTEES
equine assisted activities. To a person , Hi gh Hop es trust ees selflessly serve
Barbara Earle Ballard Sarah Hill Canning James M. Chil ds Chr istopher M. Coyle Jane I. Davison Jeb Embree Katharine H . Gildersleeve Jenn ifer Johnson Pauline C. Knoll Judith F. Light foot Penn y Nelson Jeffrey Ridgway Hugh Scott Kelvin N. Tyler
our riders and their families alongside our highly dedicated staff, with no
viability of the organization, including personal financial support; and to provid e leadership to the memb ership . Bur I believe there is something that distin guishes our board and sets it apart from man y other organizations. All too often , the mot ivation to be on a board is self-serving, e.g. the pre stige of a board position and th e privilege of being part of an elite group of people. But the Hi gh Hop es board is different in a very important sense. Our tru stees are from diverse backgrounds and are mo tivated by a strong belief in our mission to improv e the lives of people with disabiliti es through
thou ght of personal gain. And they live up to their financial responsibility, with
parti cipation in Annual Giving.
Charles C. Kingsley, Legal Advisor Dav id E. Walker, MD , Med ical Advisor HONORARY
Our trust ees do all of this good work because th ey care deeply about the
hor ses, and our dedicated staff. Th ese are the reasons why I was honored to
Lyttleton B.P. "Lyre" Gou ld, Jr. Frank W Hamil ton, Jr. G race H amilton Dr. Wayne 0. Southw ick
be asked to join the Hi gh Hop es board six years ago.
organization. And they care about the people we serve, our herd of loyal
I have been imm ensely proud of our board durin g the thr ee years I have
m ,ydo.1~
been Chairman and , as I comp lete my term of office, I thank chem for all
Tony Thur sto n, Board Chairman
Pete Piersont, 1977-1982 Judith F. Lightfoot*, 1982- 1987 Sherley Furgueson, 1987- 1989 Barbara Kashanski t, 1989-1990 Betsy Horn , l 990- 1992 A. Rives Potts, 1992-1995 Kelvin N. Tyler*, 1995-1998 Roger Smith, 1998-2001 Jeffrey Ridgway*, 2001 -2003 John C. Evans, 2003-2006
t Deceased
• Currently servingas a liwtee
Rider I
and all I
could chink of was Do c and Hi gh H opes. I was wishin g I could come here and ride before my scheduled time on Friday morning because it gives me such a sense of peace and happin ess. So mu ch was taken away from me, so many limitation s. Before I incurred a disability, I used to be a skier and loved it . I rememb er the day I wond ered why my legs were
ride now and stay on the horse is enou gh of a dream
buckling when I was skiing, then I found out the
come tru e. I'd like to take Do c home with me if I
cause and couldn 't ski any more. I love th e outd oors;
could . I look forward to my ridin g day so m uch . This
best place in the world. I used to be a very good rider.
is a piece of heaven here. I never th ought I would be
I went throu gh a terrible period of depr ession until I
able to ride again. It's trul y a miracle for me.
realized that I didn 't want to be dep ressed all of the time. I don't kno w what led me to Hi gh Hop es. It's a miraculous place and I never want to stop comin g here. I hope to God that some day I'll be able to rid e somewhat like I used to. Just being on top of the horse is wonderful. My dream, even thou gh I know it won't come true , is to be alone with Do c - ju st he and I out somewhere riding really fast up to the top of a hill to survey the whole land scape below. Being able to
M aria Gracie, adult participant
at High Hopes started
that volunteering at High Hop es makes a real differ-
out as a way to be around horses, which have been a
ence in people's lives and the thanks and appreciation
lifelong passion of mine, but I soon discovered a won-
extend ed co volunteers by the High Hop es staff ev-
derful world that I never knew
ery time I volun teer is genuin e
and heartfelt. I look forward
riding. And what a magical
to my volunteer hours at Hi gh
world it is, where small miracles
happen every day. To witness an
feed the horses, groomi ng or
autistic child coss a ball into a
tacking up, leading, sidewalk-
basket from horseback and say
ing, or even mucking stalls- it's
proudly "Tell Mom" when those
time well spent and makes me
are the only words I've ever heard
smile. I've made great friends at
it's helping to
him speak, or when I get a thank you not e from one of
High Hope s and witnessed the wond erful bond that
my riders that says "I love you Linda ... thank you for
is created between horse and rider. It lifts my spirit co
helping me ride", or to see parents choke back tears as
watch as the horses help to transform people 's lives
they watch their kids ride ind epen dently, something
and I thank Hi gh Hopes for this gift.
they never thought possible. These are truly some of
- Linda Rogers
the most rewarding experiences of my life. I realize 7
Instructor WHAT
In structor and wh at do es their role encompass? Our Instructors , like our hor ses, have a variety of backgrounds and expertise and at the start of each semester we take thi s diversity into account and pair each partic ipant 's goals and needs to an In structor 's skills and talents . First and foremost , at High Hope s the Instructor seeks to eke our every "teachable " mom ent in the precious time that they work with their riders. Knowing when to challenge, how to remediat e a skill, how to communi cate effectively, wh en to have fun and when to
Instructor assumes respon sibility for the safety and
relax are all part of each week's lesson. Working with
well-being of every participant , volunt eer and horse
the participant , their teacher or caregiver, our equine
entru sted into their care for the next hour and mu st
program staff and om volunt eer coo rdin ator, the
be willing and able to take charge of any situation in
Instructor creates an Individual Riding Plan that is
a calm an d know ledgeable manner . As our riders can
unique to that rider and requi res thorou gh knowledg e
attest, the Hi gh Hop es Instructor s "see all" "hear all"
and und erstandi ng of our hor ses, volunt eers, facility
and "know all"!
and NARHA stand ards. Onc e the lesson begin s, the
Educator WHEN
I was crazy about horses. Forty some years later, this love was rekindled whe n I had the oppo rtuni ty co conduct an educat ional program for LEARN that would use the barn, paddocks and trails of High Hopes as a classroom for
urban and suburban middle school stude nts.
The child ren were brought together co support their reading and writing skills while diminishing th e widening academic and social gap between their diverse school districts. For thr ee weekly sessions chis past summer ,
students at a time spent their days read-
ing, writing, producing collaborative projects ... and getting their hands, and seats, on horses. The goals of the program were met and the depth of the learning that cook place during these weeks was both unimaginable and imm easurable. Throughout the weeks, students stepped up and supported one another, worked as tean1s chat encouraged and celebrated those who cook risks and those who met challenges. They became guides, mentor s, instructor s, teachers, coaches, cheerleaders. One of my classroom partners, a middle school teacher, rode a horse for the first time and his side walker was one of his own spe-
needed academ ic skills, they acquired new friends,
cial needs students. She walked beside him offering
learned teamwork and, most importantly, had fun!! As
encouragement , affirming his efforts, providing him
an educator I can't think of how all these goals could
with the safety and security he needed and sharing
have been met without the help of High Hopes.
in his joy.
Going co summer school is never easy or fun ,
Pam Briddle
Teacher& ProgramCoordinator,LEARN
especially with a group of stran gers in an unfamiliar location. But the horses and special curricu lum created by the staff at High Hopes made these students ' summ er somet hin g special. Not on7 did they gain
Statement of Financial Position
yearendi ng June 30,2009
$ rr2,86r
Cash and Equivalents Account and Other Receivables
Prepaid Expenses
Uncondi tional Promises TO TAL
Property and Equipment - Net Book Value
Cash and Equivalents Held for Long-Term Purposes Uncondit ional Promises to Give
49 ,176
Investments TOTAL TOTAL
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expens es
Advance Fees for Services
34,r 34
Unrestricted Unrest ricted - Board Design ated Temporarily Restricted
Perman ent ly Restricted
29, 541
$ 4 , 160 ,327
Support and Revenue Equine AssistedActivities and 7herapySessions
Corporate Support 11%
Foundation Support 16%
Contributions from Individuals 47%
of Riders receivedscholarships
Functional Expenses Volunteerhours General and Administrative 11%
Program Services 75%
Audit for fiscal year end ing Jun e 30, 2009 was performed by Kostin , Ruffkess & Company, LLC. Cop ies are available on request. • Design & principal photography Michael Fanelli
c Riding , In c.
06371 PERM IT #I
36 Town Woods Road
Ol d Lyme, Co nnecticut 06371
Hi gh Hop es Therapeuti c Ridin g
It takes many.
Riding, Inc.
Annual Giving The
fiscal year was a challenging one
contributions of our volunteers, participant families
for High Hopes and our Annual Giving Campaign.
and incredibly generous community. Thanks
That we were able
tributions of the donors listed on these pages High
meet our budgetary goals is due
the tremendous hard work of the Annual Appeal
Hopes was able over
participants, while meeting their critical
along with the
need for increased scholarship dollars.
support of our board and the ANNUAL
Louis Bacon
Ted & RebeccaCrosby
John & Athana Catlett
Janie I. Davison
James & Hannah Childs
Evan S. Griswold
& EmilyT. Fisher
Susan K. Childs
Lyttleton B.P.Gould, Jr.
Jane I. Davison
John S. Johnson
Jeb & Dianne Embree
John & Barbara"I'Kashanski
John C. Evans
1l1e Kitchings Family
Michael & Patty Ganey
Richard B. & Judirh F. Lightfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve
Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan
Rives & Nancy Ports
John & Barbara Kashanski
Karen E. Schwarz
Robert D. & BarbaraEarle Ballard M. Andrew Baxter
TI1eHoward Bayne Fund Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch
Mr. &Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr. Susan Grcgorctti in honor of Monica,
Dominick, Bella and Robert Karen N. Horn
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation via Dorothy Anderson Karen E. Schwart,
Ruth Lord
Manha Terrell
at the request of Mr. John C. Evans John & Dyanne Rafa! Roger & Marcia Smith Tony & Sandy Thurston
A Friend In honor of Elaine & PeterCurley
Richard & Judith Lightfoot
The Henry Luce Foundation,
provide the highest quality services
Committee, led by Jamie Childs and Jeb Embree,
Susan K. Childs
Ke! & KarenTyler
John C. Evans
John & Debbie Welles
Jeff & Holly Ridgway
John & Elizabeth Greene
Adopt-A-lior::e Be,u:J;u;tors Connecticut Dressage Assoc., Inc.
David E DcPaola Charitable Trust Elizabeth L. David Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Jr.
Bob & Penny Nelson
J. Rex & Gail E. Sigler and Ashley Field
Templeton & Suzanne Brown
Elizabeth S. Howard
Dr. Bruce Abraham
Jonathan & Deborah Buder
Residents of Baroco
Peter & Linda Bierrie
M.J. Byrne
Karen Keelan
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Brainerd
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. C-mning
Bob & Pauline Knoll
Rick & Pat Ermler
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Canning
Liberty Bank
Robert & Margaret Feldman
Robert & Marie Ca.~sidy
Lyme,Old Lyme Middle School
Revs. Jonathan & Kimberly Folts
Alice J. C1Stel!i
Richard & Johanne Mangi
John & Alison Forbis
Ralph & Joanne Centola
Stephen McKay &
Fox Ledge Tack Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Chapin
James & Susan Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Christensen
Danielle Olsen
Ruth & Karhy Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Harwood B. Comstock
Stan, K.1thy & Sarah Peters
Peter, Althea & Alex Higgins
Charles G. Crump
Jean ·1~Sargent
Terese Newman,McKay
Ar:/01:1-!111-Acre ")
benefactors The Jack Foundation
Matt & Barbara Abrams in memory of Anne B. Abrams John & Margaret Brewer
Robert Crane & Sue Chodorov The Daphne ScybolrCulpeper Memorial Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kenny Mr. & Mrs. 'Ihomas E Moore
John & Heidi Niblack
Chris & Ellen Holloway
Leslie A. Curley
Shelby G. Schavoir
Mr. & Mrs. TannerT. Hunr, Jr.
Geroge H. Darrell, Jr.
"D1eSchwanz Family
Jim & Hedy Korst
Matthew Scotel!a
George M. Lcthbridge, Jr.
Petra B. Shearer
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Lieber
Birgit N. Deeds
Mrs. Julie Sanderson Lyman
Charles & Phoebe Dey
1he Jack Foundation
Roland & Sally MacNichol
William Doane & Mary Mil!e
-Jack UPuma
Mary E. Martinez
Monya Elgart
TI1eJack Foundation
Dorothea Moore
Ors. Bill & Lisa Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy II
Cynthia Doocy
Susan Peacock
Maud B. Duke
-Abbey UPuma The Jack foundation
James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick
Mr. & Mrs. William Dunbar III
Doraine Van Lew
Glen Rokicki
John Duncan
William & Victoria Winterer
Mr & Mrs. Michael T. Ryland
Joseph & Sandra Elnisky
-Max LiPuma
Deborah F.Scott
Swenson Family Foundation
George & Cymhia Willaucr
ildopt-A~-fforsr' jJfltroNs Bob's Discount Furniture
Eleanor L. Bonafome C·ugill Animal Nutrition -
Franklin, CT
Elsie C. Childs Steven & Connie Corbett Kathryn A. Corrigan Ted & Rebecca Crosby 13i!l& Pat Cutter in honor of The Welles Family The Dalio Family Foundation, Inc Walter E. Davis, II & 13e!:.lHaarrz Eugene V. Falcone
& Gay 13.Reichart Family Electric, Inc. Julie A. Gladstone The Goldblatt Family Cynrhia Gould Debby Green
Craig & Pietrina Saxton
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher l~icke
Renni & Judy Schoonmaker
Caroline M. Flower, V.M.D.
Barbara J. Sinicrope
Chad and Brenda Floyd
1he Amnann Family
Mr. & Mrs. A. 'E1ppen Soper
Geraldine U. Foster
Sally H. Aubrey
Robert G. Strachan
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday, Jr.
Robert & Michele 13agdorf
Van Brown & Wanda Tillman
Reginald H. Fullerton, Jr.
Bruce & Cris Barlow
T0wer L1boratories LTD
Ronald Furse
Stephen & Alison Brinkmann
David & Caryl Viola and Children
Don & Doina Gonci
Donna Scott Bruce & Sandra Smith
& Deborah A. Clark Frances D. Davis
'Ihe Bethany Horsemen
Gary & Linda Rogers
Hugh Sctm
Peter & Rosal!ie Brainard
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamrick
Dr. Olive J. Brose
Robert & Lorraine Graham
Chris & Patti Coyle
Martin & Sandra Gril,wold
Daniels Oil Company
Support en-'
Greg & Shelley Gul!eue
A 2 Z Screen Priming, LLC
Robert & Wendy Gunn
Wilbur S. Edwards
Jorge & Lee Adrian
Alexandra L. Halsey
Charles & Sylvia Erhart
Ellen V. Aidinoff
Maureen Hanink
Cynthia Finkle
Cun & Dorothy Askelson
Judy Hansen
Michael & Sherley Furgueson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Augustadt
Chris & Christa Harpin
Stacey H. Golub, DVM
Peter, Linda & Sara Austin-Small
Brita Herman
Stanley M. Babson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William
Marcy Baran, LCSW
Sam & Patsy Jones Outrhink - John Visgilio
& Ralph Guardiano
t T Hill, Jr.
& Muriel Hinkle
Alexandra Moore
Bi!! & Betsy Horn
John & Lee Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barnard
George & Gunilla James
Mary P. Pullen
Myrna Baskin
George A. James, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Roosevelt
Dwayne & Maureen Basler
Jonathan & Susan Jewett
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Rosen
Robert & Heather Bennett
Kathleen G. Johnson
Rudolf H.J. Bergmans
Robert E. L. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick Sabin & Beverly Streeter in honor of Anira !~Smith Dr. Carl F. & Capt. Mary E. Washburn
& Anne B. L1ne Eleanor H. Bishop
& Patricia A. Burr 'fom & Cissie Keogh
Frank & Elisabeth Bohlen
Richard & Anne Kimball
Gary Borla
Charles & Gretchen Kingsley
ANNUAL Ms. Marlene Scharr
Phillip Krall
J. Eddy
Richard & Sharon 'fbrrenti Timothy & Suzanne Tyler
Ors. Andy & Elise Kressley
Alice F.Schmmz
Mark & Susan Fader
Mrs. Delano Ladd, Jr.
Rick & Terry Schreiber
Celia M. Francis
Doug & Karen Van Dyke
Shoreline Pediatrics
Mr. & Mrs. William Furgucson
Mark \Xlarren
e Gamerdinger
Corine Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Landrey
& Adolescent Medicine PC
Elise S. L'lpham
Tim & Susan Gavronski
Peter & Elaine Lapolla
Harry & Tania Slifer
Dr. & Mrs. Gerard H. Lawrence
James S. & L,ura B. Smith
Grasshopper Green, LLC
Isabel C. Leach Interiors
Seymour & Tia Smith
Jeffrey & Heather Graybill
Larry & Denise Lee
Kitty Smlsburg,
Brian & Pamela Greenho
John & FayAshton
Doris A. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Besicr
Rob & Kathryn Hageman
Ken & Joan Levin Dr. & Mrs. Richard Linburg
Rowland & Carla Stebbins, III
Varick D. Harrison
Keith & Janice Bilodeau
Bruce & Catherine Linman
Mitchel & Regina Strand
Eleanor Harvey
Leila R. Bowman
Sarah Lively
Frederick Sturges
Charles R. Hazuka
Lois J. Brockmann
Jack & L1.urie Sulger
Marylys Jackson
Lynn & Lissie Brooks
Ms. Anne Alexis Cote Taylor
Anne Klingler
Marge Curtis
Stanley & Linda Marcinicc
Humphrey & Susan Tyler
Helen Klingler
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Godbout
Bob & Grace Marrion
Mr. Peter Van Slyck
Mark J. Kolovson
Marilyn Skipton Groth
Carey & Cis Manhiessen
Arnie & Gail Korval
Sally Handy
George & Sally Mayer
David & Carey Walker
Stanley & Diane Krieg
Philip, Beth & Andrew Hart
Bob & Betsey Webster
Elaine L1.rson
William & Susanne Webster
Ors. Christopher
Paula Hurtig
Marguerite Mangin
Vincent E. McCurdy Bruce McGhie
& Mary Voegeli
1110mas & Nancy Mcloughlin
George C. White
Kathleen McManus
John Wilbur & Jennifer Johnson
Newton & Polly Merrill
Wildwood Pediatrics
& Adolescent Medicine, Inc.
Tom & Peggy Mercalf
& Susan McCawley Dr. W. Matthew Mcloughlin
& Dr. Mary Ellen Jukoski Noah & Robbin Myers
Tarik Kardcstuncer & Gita Safaian Jeff & Judy Lovelace John & Kathy McCurdy Phyllis McDowell
Nancy Y. Williams
Karen Nichols
Marjorie P.Moore
Lucius & Adela Wilmerding
Fred & Joanne Nygard
Jeffrey Nelson
James ·1~Morley, Jr.
Robyn Wolman
Dan & Casey O'Brien
Charlie & Joanne Park
Andy & Gail Morris
L Robert Wood
Natalie Olson
Cheryl Parsons
David & Claudia Natorski
Rick & Heidi Worcester
Karen O'Neil
Clare Peaslee
James Zanardi
John Paardenkooper, M.D.
Angela Rizw
David & Arlene Norling
Louis & Dorothy Pansius
Susan S. Shulman
Roger & Mary Jo Nosal
John & Jeanna Pellino
Elting & Anne Smith
Werneth W. Noyes
Dr. Michael & Susan Perl
Neal Smfano & Justine McEnemey
Richard L & Virginia P. Montgomery
Irving Oertel
A Friend
Larry & Lynn Porter
Ted & Joan Operha!l
David A. & Rosemary Anderson
Lorna Chang Post
Isabelle C. Osborne
Don & Charlotte Quigley
Cynthia R. Palmer
Pat Bedard
Donald & Nancy Rankin
Harris & Elsie Parsons
James & Catherine Behan
Cher & Penny Reneson
Mitchell Albinski
Michael & Elena Patterson
Bil! & Mimi Benner
Vernon & Gisela Rhodes
Anonymous (18)
William E. Phillips
1110mas & Shirley Biddle
Jean M. Richards
Chris & Amy Arnold
Eileen B. Blette
Al & Connie Rogers
Michael & Suzy Aubrey
TOm& Linda Picazio
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph R. Brandt
James & Geraldine Rowland
Robert D. & Barbara
Brian & Beverly Plamer
Mary C. Burke
Rebecca Russell
Dwayne M. Basler Ann M. Bazinet
& Barbara E. Smith
Patricia Abraham
Richard & Margot Calder
Tommie Saunders
Rives & Nancy Potts
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl
Andre & Diane ·n10uin
Kim Beard
David & Barbara Preston
Lee & Karen Cashman
J. Sheppard
Jeanne-Marie Bellows Angelica D. Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick).
Platt III
Ronald & Janet Romanowski
Elizabeth C. Chamberlain
Shoreline Eye Group, P.C.
Allen Rosenshine
Deborah L Chieppa
Skip & Sheree Sibley
Sandra Blanchard
Ralph & Barbara Rotermund
Chinigo, Leone & Maruzo, LLP
Paul & Lorraine Spakowski
Jone Booker-Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Speirs
David T. Brown
Wayne & Donna Royston
- Nancy Bartlett
James & Amanda Rutledge
Mr. & Mrs. Belton Copp
Kande L Steele
Elizabeth Sandri
Jim & Mary Cullen
Celine Sullivan
Earl Ballard
& Ann Marie V.'llloti David M. Brze-zon
Mary K. Schaaf
Charles Delink~
Peg Sweeney
Burt Ives Tack Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Manfred
Timothy E Denison DMD
John T. Talbott
John & Athana Catlett
Jon C. Driscoll, MD
Anne Alexis Core Taylor
Schach Von Wittenau
Corporate & Foundation Gifts
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation via Dorothy Anderson Frank Loomis Palmer Fund Pfizer Inc. Pfizer United Way Campaign Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc.
J. Arkins
Memorial Fund
AT&T Employees' Community Services Fund
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Connecticut
& Western Mass, Inc.
The Howard Bayne Fund
The Seraph Foundation, Inc.
Bubel/Aiken Foundation
United Way of rhe Capital Area, Inc,
Elizabeth Carse Foundation
Wireless Zone Foundation for Giving, Inc.
The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven The David F. DePaola Charitable Trust Dime Savings Bank Foundation, Inc.
Matching Gifts
Essex Savings Bank's Community Investment Program
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Essex Savings Bank & Essex Financial Services
Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Matching Gift Program
1he Equus Foundation, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee Giving Program
Evans-Cockcrline Foundation, Inc.
Kraft Foods Marching Gifts Program
Frank M. Ewing Foundation, Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Marching Gift Program
The Fish Tale - Madison
Pfizer Foundation Marching Gifts Program
The Jack Foundation
Rabobank International Marching Gift
Chester Kitchings Family Foundation
The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
George & Grace Long Foundation
1l1e Stanley Works
The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
at the request of Mr. John C. Evans
WellPoint Foundation
Lyme-Old Lyme Junior Women's Club
Marion Moore Foundation, Inc.
Center for International Training, Inc.
Diane Faryniarz
Maryann L-1brie
Mary P. Pullen
Jason Finnegan
Mark & Ann Lmder
Shari Wolf Ruckh
Jamie & Hannah Childs
Tim & Mimi Furgueson
Shannon L1pierre
Elizabeth \Y/. Sawyer
Susan K. Childs
Michael Ganey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Larocque
Joe & Erica Semple
Julian & Constance Colelli
Richard & Koko Gildersleeve
Dominick M. Lauria
Christina Evans Serafin
Renya Craig
Harold & Nancy G!icklin
Richard & Judy Lightfoot
Ms. Diane R. Silveria
Ameko Crain
Joshua Greenvall
Ellen L. Lindner
Roger & Marcia Smith
Marge Curtis
Erin Hanley
Litchfield Little Britches
Richard & Fran Strukus
Karen Dahle & Sue Hessel
Chris & Christa Harpin
Keith Dauer & Sandy Senior Dauer
Forest & Julia Harris
Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club
Donna G. 'fardif
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David,Jr.
Gail C. Haynes
Richard & Johanne M,mgi
Kenneth W. T3rdif David \Y/.Tedeschi
'therapeutic Riding
Rowena A. Steadman
Karen Davidovich
Cheryl Kelly Heffernan
Christopher McCawley
Janie Davison
Althea Higgins
Jonathan & Kathleen Miller
E. Gilman 'Jenney
Deep River Elementary School
Diane E Hirsch
Paul & Gill Moorhouse
Marjorie M. Terry
Scott M. Deford
Ann Hinh
Noah & Robbin Myers
Tony & Sandy "llrnrston
Charles A. Dickens, Jr. and Family
William J. Hoynack
Nancy E. Olsen
Karen B. lfue
Nancy R. Doheny
Roger & Donna Hurley
Kathleen Padgett
Doraine Van Lew
Celia Edda
Pam Ingersoll
Teresa H. Perugini
Robin B. Vitale
Rev. George & Anne Easton
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Klarman
Melanie H. Phoenix
Westfield Grazers 4-H Club
Jeb & Dianne Embree
Doris Kennedy
Mark Plummer
Sam Wollschleager
Mark & Suki Fader
Andrea Kennett
Paul & Catherine Poulin
Linda S. Wysocki
Burt Ives Tack Shop to
Brittney & Bailey Downing
Peter & Lois Schmitt
Wayne Duckfield
Christina P. Evans Serafin
andfaithfid horseand.friend Nancy Watkinson
Daniella Dwyer
Donald R. Skuza
James & Janet Fallon
Benjamin & Kristen Spooner
John F. Fallon
SRB Convention
Vickie Lea
sponsor ribbons for Lord
William & Jaclyn Fanos
Creek Hunter Pace
Brian & Laura Finley
Craig Stroup
Evan Griswold & Emily
Antonia Joan Fontana
William & Joan Thomas
Fisher for Sis' Trail in honor of
Joshua Forst
Ian Thomson
John & Marianne Bartlett
Sally H. Aubrey and Roger & Marcia Smith
and Catering Corp.
Richard & Joan George
Keith Till
Neal & Jane Lassen Bobruff
William & Mary Ann Girimome
Jerry Tritz
Camp Horizons
John G. Gleason, Architect
Uniformed Firefighters Assn.
Timothy & Pamela Cronin
Robert & Pauline Knoll for
Bruce Gold & Judith Hasnas
the Peter H. Knoll Memorial
Maureen Haskell
George & Margaret Vassclman
Jane Lee Picot
ITC Scholarship
Healy Restaurant & Bar, Inc.
Viking Property Management LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Zaborowski
Petra B. Shearer for the
Timothy P. Healy
Walls Design Associates, Inc.
Bill Shearer Zest for Life
Steven & Barbara Innes
Timothy C. Wayne Fred & Patricia Wernig
who loved horses.
Scholarship Fund
Irish Coffee Pub, Inc. James Funeral Home
West End Co. No. 3 Inc.
The Buchanan-Barri Family
Unity Hill United Church of
Peter D. Johnsen
Wheels Auto, Inc.
Christ Women's Fellowship
Jacob's Light Foundation, Inc.
Paul Yonick
for the benefit of Daniel Elliot
Henry & Patricia Kiefer
The Woman's Club of Old
Peter King
Saybrook for Scholarship
Timothy Kircher
of Greater New 'i:'i.Hk
Pfizer Facilities Solutions
Charles & Helene Fenger
Matt & Barbara Abrams
in. f-fof!or
Fred & Barbara Kirk
Robert & Indiana Kirwan
Kitty, Rob & Kathryn
Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher
Melissa Kramer
Sandy & Liliana Krigel
Linda & Dwight Juliani
who hasgiven so much to so rmtny!
Mark & Michelle Koetmer GEORGE C. CAIN -
I 6
Keith Albertina Anonymous
A~Plus Shcctmetal, Inc. Margaret Arce John & Mary Anne Bates
Lindsay Biagini
Lahey Construction
Charles & Ann Lavin Philip
111e Kreglin&~
J. Maguire
Ann Marie McAleese
Perra B. Shearer
James & Laura McCabe John & Barbara McMahon Michael Merced Kurt & Barbara Mietzner
Christine Botti
Millennium Protective Services, Inc.
James & Barbara Boyle
'Ihomas & Mary Morgan Gregory & Rose Ann Morris
Chris Fondulas & Jessie Hoyr
Deborah A Zatlin Karn Kathleen Valone
Thomas Valone
Joe & Liza C1.rino
Ari Van Tienhoven
Thomas & Barbara Moss
Patrick & 11\Cresa Mullan
Scott & Wendy Wisniewski
Kevin P. Coleman 1homas & Loretta Coleman Matthew & Lisa Correse John & Margaret Crescione Evelyn Cruz John T. Darcy Michelle Darcy Crisrofcr Dibenedetto
1Crence & Nancy Nee Nt.·w York Community
Next Generation Fundraising, Inc. Parkview Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Point Breeze Refreshment Club
Eileen Van Bree JO!IN
Charlie & Cyndie Doocy
Devin Powers
Gloria S. Keim & Barbara Keim
Joann McGuire & Girlfriends PETER
lhe Scotella Family JANE
CT Valley Driving Club, Inc. Dusty & Virginia Davison Jeanna Pellino
William & Judy Russell Sreve & Jan Mazeau
A Friend
William Porter
Alexander & Maureen Santora
Jeff & Jenn Wyman ELIE CASEY
James & Lorraine Moss
Carmela's Pizzeria & Restaurant
Petra B. Shearer
Dorothy V. Fernald
Henry & Viola Cain
Donald Carconc
Source, Inc.
Jane Cofone
Henry Cain Campson & Campson
James McAleer
Gerard & Lea Bonner
Deborah L Buchholz
Susan Grcgoretti
PhilipT. Darrell & Alison Zack Darrell
Kara Lech
Dr. Chelle Anderson Barbara Engel 1herapy Services
Judith Lightfoot
BJ Bertolini
Joe & Beth LiPuma
Julie Meyer & Carl Todd
Blackhorse Equesrrian Center
Todd Machnik
Jane Bolles
Joanne Mangi
Gary Borla
Elizabeth McCal!um
Stephen & Alison Brinkmann
Laurian McCauley
Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher
Denice D. Chandler KIM
Jones Brooker-Bennett
Kim McEwen
Shelia Elliotr
Tom & Marsha Brunelle
Lisa Nazarro
Beverly Page
Henry Cain
Penny Nelson
Judy Warn
Sarah Hill Canning
Joan Nichols
Joan \Xlarren
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Northeast Utilities Leg..1!Department
Cashman Computer Associates, LLC
Old Lyme Veterinary Hospital
Lori Biancamano JOHNSON
Donald Johnson & Nancy Hillhouse Diane Munsell RNC, NM, Coastal Digestive Care Center
Physicians of Coastal
Bill & Pat Cutter
Digestive Care Center
Janice M. Romanowski
Trudy Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Phelan
Audrey Brabazon
Ryan Romanowski
Sarah Hi!\ Canning Emily Cassidy
Ava Rose Sullivan
Jenifer Gram
Chris Coy!e DEBBIE
Matthew, Andrew & James Scotdla
Lynne Ellison
Lisa Stcfanko
lhc Gomes Family ScoTELLA
Diane Curley & Sue Waters
Alan & Bonnie Gordon
Becky Rossof MATTIIEW 6TH
Mary Grenier ~rhe Holloway Family Sally Huck Katelyn Hughes Anne Lewchik Richard & Joanne Mangi
111eBarron Family
John & Erin McCa!lum
TI1cCurley Family
Laurian McCauley
Ccllia Edda
Scott & Joan Nichols
Christine Edda
Party Olsen
Hon. Elaine Gordon
Alexandra Koplas
ll1e Rashan Family
"Ihc LaBn.·cFamily
Donna Royston
-n1e Marcello Family
Taylor Saunders
~111e Schuster Family
Justin Scace
Andrew & James Scotdla
Tamara H. Scace
Darlene Tempesta
Beth Smith
Christopher Wanat
Debbie Steele Kathy Stephenson
Eugenie & Jim Von Hok
LEARN Alex Lcher
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Quigley T!IE HlGII HOPES STAFF
/;; Barbara Abrams
Alison Laszewski
Sabin & Beverly Streeter
Tanika & Mia 'faliaferro Maria Varga Frnnces~a \X'dmer
Sue Chodorov
Nancy Pardee
Chris Coyle
1he Paddock - Kyrena Robinson
Renya Craig
Jeanna Pe!lino
Marjorie M. Cunis
Jennifer Piner-Wyman
Daniella Daskam
Doug & Pam Platz
Donna Dean
Mary P. Pullen
Emily Destefano
Pucuda, Inc. - John Rexroad
Genie Dethloff
Ray of Light Farm, Inc.
Edwards Angel! Palmer
Alison Ritrovato
& Dodge, LLP
Joyce Ritter
Elements - Carla Steele
Gary & Linda Rogers
Equispirit Trailers - Pia Bennett
Donna Royston
Essex Printing Co. Foundation
Peter Scotel!a
Michael Fane!li
Kezzie Sharp
Sa.rah Fa1:lino
Cookie Shea
Fox Ledge Tack Shop
Claudia Cron Sherman
- Carolyn Guptill
Annette Smith
Virginia Freye
Tia Smith
GT Reid Equestrian Sales
Source, Inc.
Rosemary D. Ganser VMD
Kitty Sralsburg
Denise Gesner
Paul & Jo Ann Stonehart
Steven & Patricia Goldblatt
Holly Sundmacker
Laureanna Goodson-Williams
Peg Sweeney
Ha!I Radio Group, Classic Hits
Greg & Gale Terrill
98.7, KOOL l'M IOI
Maureen l"hompson
Hanford Marathon Foundation
James Tiirulow
Brita Herman
Alan & Sky Todd
Inge Hieret
Sharon Tracy
Kristy Holch
David Triebcl
Gillian Holloway
USAA - Marrin Pillar
Karen Horn
Doraine Van Lew
Daryl Hornby
Justin & Kathryn Vine
Elizabeth Howard
Paul Vine
Sally & Lauren Huck
Mary E. Washburn
Jonathan & Susan Jewett
John Welles
Kristin Karabees
Cynthia C. Wi!lauer
Karl Kaufmann Kim Knowles Jerry Kranich
Horse Show Days High Hopes Horse Show Days = A full week of smiles, family gatherings, school group celebrations and proud ribbon presentations. Thank you
everyone who gave their support of this momentous week for the entire High Hopes family.
We especially thank Horse Show Chairs, Chris, Party and Danielle Olsen for sharing their High Hopes story.
Peter, Alex & Althea Higgins Dwight & Linda Juliani
George C. Cain Memorial Fund
in Memory of Nancy Cash Richard & Johanne Mangi "01e Nicholas Family 111e Curley & Scordla Family Tony & Sandy Thurston DaveTriebcl
Silver Sponsor Deborah A. Welles, CPA
Bronze Sponsor Cargill Animal Nutrition
ClassSponsor Matt & Barbara Abrams Jorge & Lee Adrian Sally H. Aubrey
Supporter Robert CassiJy
Bruce & Cris Barlow
Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Ors. Elgart, Pinn, Gordon & Elgart
Jon C. Driscoll,MD Comprehensive Orthopaedics Magda Jansen (RE Agent)
by Kristin
Ruud Bergmans & Ann L-me Eleanor H. Bishop Rudolph & Irma Brandt Joe, L1.uren, Madeline
& Margaret Curley Walter Davis & Betz Haanz
Participant Sponsor
Nickerson Landscaping
Chad & Brenda Floyd
Bearrice I~Anderson
& Lawncarc Inc.
Margot P.Gamerdinger
Peter & Linda Bierrie
Lorraine Olsen/Len Gombert
Inge Hieret
Eleanor L. Bonafonte
Mary !~ Pullen
J. Bogon
Jack & Pamela Irving
Joe & Kande Brennan
Alec & Mary Lee Robertson
Karen Keelan
Fine Art, LLC
Brian & Susan and
1llC Olsen Family Allen F.Olsen, Sr.
Fenton L.B. Brown
Christina Evans Serafin
Bob & Pauline Knoll
Peter & Sarah Canning
'fhe Sheppards
11,e Ladds
Carolyn Card
Skip & Sheree Sibley
Roland & Sally MacNichol
Marge Curtis
Diane R. Silveria
Bob & Grace Marrion
Karen Davidovich
Richard & Sharon Torrend
Show Sponsor
Carey & Cis Matthiessen
Cyndie & Charlie Doocy
Ted & RebeccaCrosby
1he McCallum Family
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dunphy
Janet Scharr Gochbcrg
Bob & Penny Nelson
& Katelin Gochberg
Cindy Palmer & Bill Kavanagh
Eugene Falcone
& Kathleen J. Stephenson
Show Friend Shirley Biddle Audrey Brabazon and
Hon. Elaine Gordon
¡111ePicazio Family
The Hcffcrnans
Gary & Linda Rogers
Betty Greene
Elizabeth Cathcart
Roger & Marcia Smith
Becky Rossof
Marilyn U. Groth
Forsman Family
Or. Carl & Mary Washburn
Petra B. Shearer
Connie Kasrclowitz
Mackenzie & Madison Holdmeyer
Claudia Cron Sherman & Boys
Gloria S. Keim
Sm & Betsy Klarman
Ring Sponsor Stanley M. Babson, Jr.
Kitty, Rob & Kathryn in memory of May Bombaci
'The Ballard Family
Janie Davison
Joseph & Denise Wollack
Jim & Ben Gleason
Myrna Baskin
Nick Fondulas & Family
Charles & Nivia Dickens
Ken & Joan Levin
111erese Popinchalk
Kristin Ma.~on
Susan S. Shulman
Steve & Jan Mazeau
Corinne Weber
in memory of Marie Nichols Family
Ride-A-Thon What was the Ride-A-Thon? It was a fun, easy way for participants, volunteers, family and friends
show their
appreciation for all the hard work put in each week at High Hopes. It ran for the course of the fall semester and proved more successful than anticipated. So successful that in the future it will be known as the High Hopes-a-Thon!
1hc Gardner Family
John & Lee Pritchard
Gaile Greenwood
Pro TekAuto
Guy's Oil Service Station, Inc.
Helen Quinn
Jennifer Hamilton
Michael & Priya Rajkumar
RoseAnn Hardy
Bruce & Mary Rogers
Randal! & Patricia Harris
Gary & Linda Rogers
Dennis & E. Joan Hickey
Harold & Lois Rogers
Karen Horn
Wayne & Donna Royston
The Huck Family
Robert L. Salley
JMS Automotive Center, LLC
Craig & Shelby Santangelo
Dennis & Dianne Kelly
Donald & Caro! Schwartz
Joseph P. Kelly
111e Scord!a Family
Cissie Keogh
-111eScruggs fomily
Anne Klingler
Joseph & Barbara Segal
Helen Klingler
Marilyn C. Slrnp
Joan Knapp
Rita M. Spring
La Belle Aurore
Cal!isra Stoddard
Lisa LaMoncagnc
Theresa Strong
Steven & Lori Lesko
Supreme Pizz.1.,LLC
Mindy C. Linehan
Becky A. Swansron
Joseph & Elizabeth Catino
Jason P. Livingston
Victoria H. Swirsky
Karen Clarke
Susan J. Herold~Margolis
Dick & Sylvia Switzer
Coffee's Country Market, LLC
Kenneth & Barbara Mason
Leah Switzer
Matt & Barbara Abrams
Joseph P. & Mona B. Cognctta
Kristin E. Mason
'Ilic Tire Store, LLC
¡n10mas W. Ahern
Anthony & Geraldine Co!avolpe
Mabel Seaman Matschulat
Tony & Sandy TI1umon
Jim & Helen Coleman
Don & Denice McGregor
Rocco & Mary Timpano
Joseph & Judith Amato
George Corey
Jennifer Madison McNiff
Tissa's Country Market LLC
Carolyn B. Andrews
Kathy Covey
Suzanne McWay
Audrey Trombley
Chris & Patti Coyle
Deborah A. Milano
Bruce Trombley
Nicole Cuomo
James & Mary~Lou Moulron
Patricia Trombley
A+ Office Services - Marybeth Griffin Petersen
Aamco Transmissions
Elizabeth R. Amato
Anonymous (6) John & Joan Archer
Atlantic Excavation, Inc
- Charles Doocy
- Sa!dare Therapy & Yoga, LLC Ms. Mary Dangremond
Susan D. Nelson
David & Constance Vangorden
North Cove Outfitters, Inc.
Michael S. & Lynn M. Vitti
Ray H. & Elizabeth E. Decker
Catherine H. O'Bern
Donna Wasserman
Thomas A. Bailey
Elizabeth DePierro
One Dillon Road Corp.
Corinne Weber
Benjamin & Frances Batchelder
Cole & Caitlin Doocy
AV 'Iheater Designs LLC
Bennie Dover Jackson
Middle School Raymond & Anira Berube Robert & Linda Brown
Tracy Burrell
- Les & Jean Caldwell
John & Deborah Welles
John Douron
Albert & Beverly Page
Jill Wiesner
Paul & Marilyn Dunphy
Walter & Abby Pegoli
W. Douglas & Diane Willen
Eastern Connecricur
Jeanna Pellino
Karen Yeske
Judith Petersen
Richard Younger
& Oncology Associates Glenn Elliott
Peter & Sarah Canning
1he E!lion Family
Joshua & Kerri Carlin
Stephell' M. Elliott
Bob & Marie Cassidy
Dr. Alan L Gans
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifrs Program
Karen Zbierski James & Diane Zettcrgren
1he Picazio Family Lana Plecas 1he Popinchalk Family
Concert in the Barn Take countless volunteers lending time and talent, combine with the support of hundreds oflocal businesses, add great auction offerings and top it all off with a hot, swinging band and you have the recipe for a fun and successful Concert
in the Barn' Over
guests dined on the ultimate Farm Dinner and then danced thru the night in our magically
transformed barn and arena. Their generosity provided critical support for our operating and scholarship funds.
Corporate Benefactors All Pro Automotive
Essex Savings Bank
& Essex Financial Services, Inc.
AT&T BNY Mellon Wealth Management Brewer Pilots Point Marina
- Rives & Nancy Pons Brewer Yacht Yards Paul Burdick Oil Co., LLC. Caulfield & Ridgway, Inc. Clark Development - Herb & Sherry Clark
Xplore Productions
Comp:L~s Group Management,
& Essex Televison
Essence Center for Beauty & Wellness Geneve Corporation
Platinum Sponsors 'fhc Herb Chambers Companies Classic Hits 98.7 WNLC & KOOLIOI
& Memorial Hospital
Gold Sponsors Bob's Discount Furniture
Guilford Savings Bank Liberty Bank Merril! Lynch - Elizabeth David
READCO. LLC Reynolds' Garage & Marine. Inc.
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Smith Eye A~soicates, LLC
Madison Fresh Air Fund
Zelek Electric Co.
James R. McAraw D.M.D.
Caliber Computing
Carrier Optical, Inc.
- Ray & Laurie Zelek
Chelsea Groton Savings Bank Citizens Bank Connecricut
Light & Power
and NU Tfansmission .E.ssexPrinting
Franklin Organic Mushrooms, Inc. Ironwood Capital Advisors Lewmar Marine
US Trust-Bank of America Private \X'ealth Management
Xerox Foundation
Silver Sponsors William Pitt Sothcby's International
Realty - Jamie Childs
Corporate Patrons A.J. Shea Construction
Aegean Treasures
Ors. Elgart, Pinn, & Gordon
Champion & Sons, !nc.
Ring's End Lumber
Connecticut Entrepreuneurs
- Niantic & Branford Saybrook Coumry Barn - Keith & Jane Bolles
Cookson America
Centerbrook Architects and Planners
Dr.Timothy F. Denison, DMD
David M. Primo, D.D.S.
Connected Systems, LLC
M. Barlow, Jr.
Point One Architects
Jonathan !~ Buder, AIA, LLC
Coffee's Counrry Market
Pizzeria DaVind
& Planners, LLC
Shoreline Eye Group - Robert J. Klimek, MD
Essex Dermatology, LLC Essex Meadows Lifecare Retirement Community Gallagher BuickPontiac-GMC,
Hanford Cabinet & Woodworking INNCOM
Kitchings & Potter, LLC
Cooley Gallery
Storm Solutions
Laysvil!e Center Hardware
Dahlke Financial Group
Webster Bank
Madison Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Daniels OH Company Duble & O'Hearn,
Gull Associates, Inc. Guy's' Oil Service Jack & L'luric Heflin Kellogg Marine, lnc.
John Visgilio
& Ralph Guardiano
Barlow Yacht Associates, LLC
Middlesex Hospira]
Corporate Friends
Shoreline Medical Center
Advance Development
Nancy L'lrson Publishers, Inc.
& Manufucruring Corp. Archambault Inmrance, Inc.
RJS Associates and Restaurant Design & Equipment
Steven & Nancy Hallahan
Michael & Ann Adair
Michael & Melissa Hannifan
David & Barbara Preston
The Planr Group, Inc. Tower Laboratories LTD
Aegean Treasures - Nancy Harris
John Hargraves & Nancy Newcomb
John & Lee Pritchard
Donald & Ada Amaro
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Harpin
Bill Prout & Claudette Ohsann
Bea Anderson
Greg & Ellen Henderson
Don & Charlotte Quigley
Robert & Deborah Andreas
James & Brita Herman
John & Dyanne Rafa!
Paul Armond
Pam Hicks
Joe Rhodes & Dan McMahon
Bill & Mary A.midge
Famah Hoffman
Jeff & Holly Ridgway
Jim & Marian Bairstow
Shirley E Howard
Charlie & Alison Ritrovato
Matt & Barbara Abrams
Jeff & Mary Bal!achino
Faulkner Hunt & Ann Lightfoot
Gary & Kyrena Robinson
M. Andrew Baxter
Susan Ballek
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Roche
Frank Santoro & Jane Cavanaugh
Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard
Ruud Bergmans & Ann Lane
David & Marilyn Jacobs
BillSatti & Ginny Olsen
John & Arhana Catlett
Eleanor L. Bonafome
John & Carolyn Jagielski
Robin Schonberger
Tip & Susie Childs
Virginia Bottrell
George & Gunilla James
Kip Colligan & Tiffany Hendry
Peter & Rosalie Brainard
Chris & Pani Coyle
Michael Thomas Burke
Robert M. Pepe & Darlene C. Jones
Ted & BeckyCrosby
Richard & Margot Calder
Jacqueline Kangley
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Drew
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Canning
Dr. T. Kardestuncer & Dr. G. Safaian
Jeb N. & Dianne Embree
Gerard F. Carrie, Jr. & Peter N. Watt
Ronald Katz & Fariba A!iloo
John C. Evans
Elizabeth Chamberlain
Lawrence & Mary Beth Keefe
Richard & Vivie Farmer
Sam & Elsie Childs
Bob & Pauline Knoll
Michael & Patty Ganey
Jamie & Hannah Childs
Mr. & Mrs. James Korst
Janet Scharr Gochbcrg
Nicholas Clements
Smith Barney Oakley Wing Group
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan
Saren Langmann
& Eli1.abeth Lightfoot
Jim & Jean Lewis
Concert in the Barn facts: $95,860 donated by over 87 corporate sponsors
6r 3 guestsattended generating $56,635 in ticket sales
Chet & Suzanne Kitchings
Peter & Julia Corcoran
John & Wendy Lord
Richard & Judith Lightfoot Roland & Sally MacNichol
Charles Culliton
lhe Jack Foundation
Anita Dancewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Littler
$55,000 raisedfrom 6r donated
Mr. & Mrs. F. Patrick McFadden
Mark & Marianne DeBruyn
Terry & Bette Lomme
auction items.
Michael & Elena Patterson
Scott & Wendy Douglas
Les & Lu Lupovich
Chris & Roddy Roosevelt
Judie Driscoll
T0ny & Trish Lynch
Jon & Mary Samburg
Timothy & Shawn Dumark
Chris & Ali Macadam
E. Dunn III
4I restaurants donated hors d'oeuvres.
Gretchen Mann
Hugh & Donna Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Roger & Marcia Smith
Judith G. duPont
Jean & Sundy Martin
I38 volunteers gave over 5,000 hours
Ellen Smol!cr
Terry Eddy
Kristin Mason
of hard work and talented services.
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Southwick
Ash & Jonnie Edwards
Anne Matthews
Bruce & Kacey Elfstrom
Maddy Mamon
Tony & Sandy Thurston
Patrons Charles & Robin Baskett Stephen & Susan Bates
Renny & Judy Schoonmaker
Peter Evankow
Susan Maurizi
Mark & Suki Fader
John & Amy McCauley
Eric & Joel Schreiber
Eugene Falcone, Jr.
Bruce & Renee McIntyre
Rick & Terry Schreiber
Newt & Polly Merrill
Elias & Nancy Schwam
& Kathy Stephenson Dr. & Mrs. R.E. Fales
Nicholas Morizio
Peter Scotclla & Jennifer Curley
Janie Davison
John Favreau
Jonathan & Margaret Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Semple
Eugene Falcone, Sr. & Gay Reichan
Christopher & Martha Ficke
Noah & Robbin Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Mau Sharp
Dean & Sue Fiscus
Bob & Penny Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. James Shea
Tom & Cissie Keogh
Lauren Fitzgerald
Kathy O'Donnell
Perra B. Shearer
Todd Machnik
Tim & Mimi Furgucson
Jack & Mary~El!en Oliver
Alan & Shirley Sholes
Earl & Mac Mummert
Andon George & Paula McCreedy
Terry & Liz O'Ma!ley
Bruce & Sandy Smith
Patrick Gilbert
Ron & Dorothy Paine
Tia Smith
Richard & Koko Gildersleeve
Juanita Paris
Douglas & Ann Soper
Mimi Gourlay
JoAnne Park
Kitty Stalsburg & Rob Hageman
Robert G. Strachan
Gina Gray
James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick
Christopher & Rebecca Steiner
Bob & Betsey Webster
Michael & Heather Greenaway
Jeanna Pel!ino
Michael & Regina Strand
Brian & Pamela Greenho
Joe Penner & Judy Hansen
Holly Sundrnacker
Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher
Dennis & Pattie Peoples
Hugh Taggart & Nancy Platt
Timothy Griswold & Kare Peale
Tom & Linda Pica1.io
David Tiffrmy
Scott & Kristine Pierce
Alan & Sky T0dd
Mr. & Mrs. Newton C. Brainard III
Jonathan & Susan Jewett
Gary & Linda Rogers Michael & Robin Simeone
Bil! & Vicky Winterer
Reese & Nancy Harris
Central Pallet & Box Company, LLC
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan
- Michael Hannifan
Pam Hicks
Jamie & Hannah Childs
Famah Hoffman
Sam Childs
Faulkner Hunt & Ann Lightfoot
Steven & Connie Corbett
Lou & Jeanne Inzana
Peter & Julia Corcoran
David & Mari!yn Jacobs
Chris & Patti Coyle
John & Carolyn Jagielski
- Deb Marsden
David & Kathy Sampson
Dave Tricbcl
Jean T. Sargent
Anthony Vallentine & Ariana Eaton
John W. Wooney
Joseph & Jane Wasyl John & Debbie Welles Linda Westervelt & Doreen Abbott
John Wilbur & Jennifer Johnson
A Friend of High Hopes
lhomas & Andrea Wing
Michael & Ann Adair
Rick & Heidi Worcester
Tony & Diane Aeschliman
Jeff & Jenn Wyman
Stephen Aird All-Pro Automotive - James Graybill
Other Contributors Jorge & Lee Adrian Paul Ahnell & Jane Fimnauricc
- Kenneth Fontaine Don Armaro
George & Janice Atkeson
Robert & Deborah Andreas
Sally H. Aubrey
Robert Annon
lhomas A. Bailey
Paul Armond
Peter & Linda Bicrric
Chris & Amy Arnold
Island Physical Therapy - Kail Cadman Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl
Bil! & Mary Attridge Fran Badalucco Roben & Barbara Ballard
Mary Beth Casey
Charles & Robin Baskett
Joe & Liza Catino
David Baskin
in honor of MaryBcth C1scy
Bob & Debbie Englsih
Stephen Bares Carl & Linda Berard
John & Alison Forbis
Ruud Bcrgmans & Ann Lane
Tim & Susan Gavronski
Eleanor Bonafome
Mr. & Mrs. John K Hamrick Mr. & Mrs. David Hinkle
Bill Kavanagh & Cindy Palmer Peter Kepple & Karin Whittemore Kineta C. Kindell
Nancy King
Mr. & Mrs. Newton C. Brainard Brooks Ltd. Piano Products, LLC - Melanie Brooks O'Donnell Phoebe Brown Chris & Lisa Buckley Michael
Richard & Renni Korsmeyer
Jonathan & Deborah Butler
Kenneth Kraus
Brush Factory Complex
Dr. & Mrs. Gerard H. Lawrence
Amgraph Packaging, [nc.
- TCrry Mulcahey
Ken & Joan Levin
Donna Byrne
Al Mack & Marilyn Shup
James Byrne
David & Marianne McCourt
Richard & Margot Calder
T0m & Mary Miett
Calkins Electric - Chris Calkins
Sandy & Deedee Prisloc
Dan & Patricia Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ryland
Wayne & Laurie Carini
William Herbert
Christine Chesanek
CT Fann Fresh Express
Jim & Marty Travis
John Hargraves
John & Athana Catlett
George & Gunilla James Jonathan & Susan Jewett
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David, Jr.
John Kamishlian & Dave Bouffa.rd
Paul & Donna Dean
Jacqueline Kangley
Mark & Marianne DeBruyn
Kristin Karabees
Bill Doane & Mary Mille
"farik Kardestuncer & Gita Safaian
Judy Dole
Larry & Mary Beth Keefe
Edward & Madeliane Donnelly
Tom & Cissic Keogh
Scott & Wendy Dougla.,
Bob & Pauline Knoll
Peter Dowling
Richard & Judith Lightfoot
Timothy & Shawn Dumark
Nigel & Olwen Logan
Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Dunn III
Tony & Ti-ish Lynch
Michael & Dana Dunne
Chris & Ali Macadam
Ariana Eaton
Patrick M. Mahoney
Terry J. Eddy
Joseph Marini & John Simoudis
Bruce & Kacey Elfstrom
Joe & Beth Massoud
Jeb & Dianne Embree
Susan Maurizi
Euphoria Event Solutions
J & Tammy
- Stephen McKay
Dave & Sally McDermott
Gene Falcone & Gay Reichart
Bruce & Renee McIntyre
John !~Favreau
Newt & Polly Merril!
Chris & Martha Ficke
Midagraphics - Michelle Fontaine
Dean & Susan Fiscus
Gail Mulcahey
Michael & Cynthia Foster
Earl & Mac Mummert
Franklin Organic Mushrooms, Inc. - Wilhelm Meya
Bob & Penny Nelson Ji! Nelson
Tim & Mimi Furgueson
Dale Nicholson
Elizabeth Meyer-Gadon
Norwich Infectious Disease Assoc.
John & Phyllis Ganey
- Michael Rajkumar
Michael & Patti Ganey
Jack Olwen
Todd & Carrie Gibbs
Ronald & Dorothy Paine
Koko Gi!dcrs!ccvc
Philip & Cynthia Parcak
Patrick & Katie Gingras
Charlie & JoA.nne Park
Jason & Jennifer Go bey
Judy Payer
Janet Gochberg
James & Jaquelyn Pedrick
Elaine Godowsky
Jeanna Pellino
Mimi Gourlay
Dennis & Pattie Peoples
Jeffrey & Heather Graybill
Tom & Linda Picazio
Michael & Heather Greenaway
John S. & Kristine Pierce
Stephen & Daryl Greenwood
Douglas & Pamela Platz
Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher
Alysia Poe
Tim Griswold & Kate Peale
Point One Architects
Gregory & Barbara Hack
& Planners, LLC
Kristine Halleck & Nancy Bulkeley
David & Barbara Preston
Michael & Julie Hamill
John & Lee Pritchard
Judy Hansen
Donald & Charlotte Quigley
Aaron & Lisa Rcncson Jennifer Rider
Rendezvous Mountain Rentals
& The Ski Organizers
Cove Cakes Cuckoo's Nest
Ring's End Lumber - Kc!Tyler
Alejandra Aleman & Family
Chet Reneson
Charles & Alison Rirrovato
Alforno Risroranre
Residence Inn
Dock 'n Dine
Hayden Reynolds
Paul Armond & Fred Harger
AJison Ritrovato
First & Last Tavern
Atlantic Seafood
RIVER - Flowers & Events
Flanders Fish Market & Restaurant Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees Gabrielle's
Izzy Ritrovato Gary & Kyrena Robinson
Gary & Linda Rogers
Andy & Pam Russell
& Brick Oven Pizzeria
Sally H. Aubrey
Robin Schonberger
Frank Ryan
Back Porch - Old Saybrook
Scofield Historic Lighting
Ccmmy Ryland
Dr. Robcrr D. Ballard
Sandmann Family
Bill Satti & Ginny Olsen Saybrook Country Barn
- Jon Joslin
Leslie Barlow
Liv's Oyster Bar
Cafe Routier
Sea Research Foundation
Madison Chocolates
Marilyn Shup
Nancy's Rosemary & Sage
Heritage Company
The Bee & Thistle Inn & Spa
Robin Schonberger
Chester Gallery
The English Lady
Rcnny & Judy Schoonmaker
Copper Beech Inn
The Lyme Garden Club
- Leslie Strauss
- ChefTylcr Anderson
Richard & Terry Schreiber
Cove Cakes - Karen l}'!cr
Joe & Erica Semple
Cove Landing Marine, Inc.
Joyce Soucie
- Bobbie Pedrick 1l1e Mashantucket Pequot Nacion - Bill Sarti
James & Cookie Shea
Chef Brendon D'Arcy
Timothy Pamment Salon
Perra B. Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D'Arcy
Alan & Sky Todd
Al.m & Shirley Sholes
Jane I. Davison & Jonnie Edwards
Tony & Sandy 1hurston
Pamela Sims
Dish Bar and Grill
Dina Varano
Damon & Leslie Sloan
Bill & Lisa Donavan
White Gare Farm - Pauline Lord
Bruce & Sandy Smith
John Dude
Mark & Dorinda Winkelman
E.F. \\1/arcrmelon Co.
Winvian Resort
Greg & Berh Smith
It's Thyme
Donna Scott
- Keith & Jane Bolles Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider
Eric & Joel Schreiber
Ashlawn Farm Coffee
Annual Giving facts: Over 500 individuals and organizationsdonated to the appeal which raisedover$240, ooo. Over $I5,300
worth of in-kind
services were donated.
Annual appealcontributions
Nicole Smith
- Richard & Edie Freeman
underwrote one third of the cost of
Roger & Marcia Smith
- Jim & Carhy Elliott
everyHigh Hopesparticipant.
Tia Smith
S.P.O.T.S. - Paula McCrccdy Doug & Ann Soper Southern Exposure
- Les & Lu Lupovich
Essence Center for Beauty & Wellness Chamard Vineyard
Dana Evans
Ciel, Inc.
sale, and
John C. Evans
Cinderella's Cleaning
few of the specialways in which money was raisedby individuals to benefit High Hopes.
David & Virginia Speirs
Bi!! Stanley & Karen Buck
Mitchel! & Cheryl Heffernan
Cottrell Brewing Company
Chris & Rebecca Steiner
Ruth Hendel
Finkeldey, Inc.
Mitchel & Regina Strand
Ann Lightfoot
Hall Radio Group
Clark & Krista Sturrcvarn
Little L1.mb Co. - Debra Boardman
Novak Brothers Landscaping
Contractors, Inc.
Priya Tandon MD LLC
Judges Farm - Martin Griswold
United Rentals
Tony & Sandy 'lburston
Jacqueline Kangley
Zelek Electric Co.
DJ Tiffany Builders
Karen Keelan
- David Tiffany James & Marty Travis Dave Triche! Bill Turner Anthony Vallentine
One middle schooldance, one tag
Steven Evankow
Otter Cove Our Bakery & Deli
- Dr. Robert E. Fales
Penny Lane Pub & Restaurant
Lewmar Marine
Robert J. Miller
in-store promotions were a
Old Lyme Seafood Market
Laser Skin Care of Central CT
Charlotte S. Metcalf
Old Lyme
Alforno Ristorante
& Brick Oven Pizzeria
Samurai Seamen's lnne
Robert J. Virari, Jr.
Tom Neff & Lyndon Haviland
Atlantic Seafood
Simon's Marker
John & Debbie Welles
North Cove Outfitters, Inc.
Back Porch - Old Saybrook
Singapore Gri!l
Nyman Jewelers
Bill's Seafood Restaurant
Super Stop & Shop - Old Saybrook
Overland Experrs
Bluewater Wine Company
'TI1eBee & 'Ibistle Inn
L1.ura Wcsrner Marshal! Wilbur David & Virginia Wiese
Pasta Vita - Richard Cersosimo
Cafe NV
The Hideaway Restaurant & Pub
Madeline Wilson
Glen Perkins
Chester's BBQ
The Wharf Madison Beach Hord
Rick & Heidi Worcester
Lee Pritchard
Clams at Shore Road
Jeff & Jenn Wyman
John Rafa[
Coffee's Country Market
Volunteers Our volunteers are the super charged engine that keeps
maintaining the database, planning an event, attending
High Hopes up and running. On an average day a quick
a meeting and even baking cookies to fuel us all! We are
review around the facility will show a visitor, volunteers
tremendously grateful to the High Hopes volunteers for
feeding and grooming horses, mowing fields, cleaning
their willingness to take on these tasks and more. Your
paddocks and stalls, supporting riders, answering phones,
contribution to our mission is incalculable.
Patricia Abraham
Jessica Bartunek
Sydney Brown
Nick Clements
Elizabeth L. David
Barbara Abrams
Colin Basler
Laura Brown
Karie Clini
Sarah Davidson
Matt Abrams
Debbie Beauprez
Terri Bryant
Janet Cody
Janie Davison
Marni Adamson
Laura Becher
Ainsley Bryce
Ken Coffee
Lisa Debes
Alexa Agosrine
Madison Benoit
Mary L. Buchanan
Carol Colangeli
Stephen Dedman
Zachary Agostine
Molly Bernstein
Marilyn Buel
Katherine Cole
'Eue Delm1ra
Colleen Ahern
Becky Beyer
Allie Burke
Larry Cole
Olivia Dc!Giudicc
Alexandra Aksterowicz
Samantha Beyer
Rick Burke
Amanda Collins
Wanda Dempsey
Sarah Alben
'l;\ylor Bibbiani
Jenna Burns
Ian William Colson
Kim Desabrais
Kathy Alexander
Ellen Bibeau
Lynne Burns
Lexy Congdon
Nicole Dcssin
Kelly Alex:inder
Susan Bibeau
Todd Buroff
Lyndsey Congdon
Genie Dethloff
Rhonda Alfano
Kimberly Bienkowski
Kristen Buder
Sarah Conklin
Elizabeth A. Devlin
Taylor Alfieri
Linda Bierrie
Kelley Cahill
Austin Connaughty
Megan Devlin
Sam Alsback
Peter Bicrrie
Laurel Camean
Dianne Connors
Michelle Dexter
Roxane Althouse
Alyssa Birch
Stacey Canale
Connie Corbett
Vincent DiGiorgio
Jeff Ames
SU1~-mneH. Birks
Sarah Hill Canning
Erica Corbett
Judy Dill
Bea Anderson
Tfudy Bishop
Laurel Canova
Rebecca Corcoran
Jennifer Dill
Beth Anderson
Madeline Blank
Carolyn Card
Kyle Corey
Paul DiPietro
Bruce Anderson
Debra Boardman
Elizabeth Card
Kathi Corrigan
Chris Doan
Dorothy Anderson
Any Boddin
Anna Carey
Tony Cosentino
Bill Doane
Kari Lynne Anderson
Kelli Boike
Norene Carlson
Elise Couillard
Sarah Dodson
Amy Aquilino
Sara Boike
Sarah Carlson
Chris Coyle
Cyndie Doocy
Kathy Arcari
Mcghan Boling
Kristine Camey
Renya Craig
Kylie Dorothy
Amy Arnold
Eleanor Bonafonte
Margaret Casey
Susan Chodorov
Jeremy Doyle
Hayley Aron
Christine Bond
Mary Beth Casey
Julia Crespo
Mary Drew
Sally H. Aubrey
Annmarie Bonin
John Catlett
Kathy Crocketr
Jackson Driscoll
Inger Avery
Cassie Bonin
Tracy Cavalieri
Manha Crosskey
Judie Driscoll
Elizabeth Bagdorf
Emily Boro
Joanne Centola
Michele Crowley
Amy Durinick
Marylou Ba!inskas
Olivia Borsari
Ralph Centola
Anne Cullen
Nancy Durinick
Emma Bal!achino
Kate Boucher
Kirsten Chati!lon
Hope Culliton
Alex Duxbury
Dr. Robert Ballard
Chelsea Bourn
Helen Chartman
Kim Cummings
Tanner Eaton~Carberry
Barbara Eade Ballard
Mimi Brainard
Amber R. Chick
Marjorie Cunis
Jonnie Edwards Samantha Egger
Rowland Ballek
Briley Branden
Crystal L. Chick
Nancy A. Cusack
Susan Balick
Olivia Branden
Hannah Childs
Alison Czuhajewski
Maria Ehle-Meyer
Kathleen Balosic
Danielle Brandt
James M. Childs
Connor Dabbs
Mimi Elder
Jenna Barber
Kelli Brandt
Sam Childs
Kelly D'Ancicco
Katie Elliot
Marcy Barratt
Kim Brenner
Susie Childs
Alison Zack Darrell
Cathy Elliot
Kim Barrows
Eden Chandier Brevik
Brenton Church
Cathryn Davenport
Brianna Elmore
Rebecca Bartels
Jones Brooker-Bennett
Tony Cipriani
Henri David
Yvonne Elwood
Jeb N. Embree
Karen Johnson
Joseph Lipuma
Robyn Engel
Pam Greenho
Max Johnson
Sarah Lively
Kayla Murphy
Lisa Ennis
Gaile Greenwood
Jennifer Johnson
Barbara G. Longo
Alden Murphy Morgan Murray
Mac Mummert
Kati Ensulo
Bruce Gregor
Karen Johnson
Sarah Loughlin
John C. Evans
Christine Gregor
Joanne Julian
David Lucey
Robbin Myers
John C. L. Evans
John Gregor
Carla Kachadurian
Lu Lupovich
"focresa Myers
Vanessa Evans
Vivian Gregor
Jacqueline Kangley
Nikki Lynn
Jenifer Nadeau
Dana Evans
Anna Griffin
Kaitlyn Kasinskas
Rachel Lyon
Bronwynnc Nagle
Meredith Kasprow
Todd Machnik
Claudia Natorski
Diane Fahey
Megan Griffin
Libby Fales
Anthony Griffith
Mary Katsiaficas
Alison Madole
Caitlin Naughton
Zoe Fales Val Fales
Doreen Guarino
Jason Kauffroath
Neil Mann
Elisa Nazzaro
Mal!ory Guillemette
Emily Kearney
Allison J. Manuel
Heather Ncgralle
Eli Fanelli
Wendy Gunn
Karen Keelan
Donna Marcinek
Lindsay Nelson
Marybeth Fede
Jenna Gunnell
Nancy Kendall
Howard Margulcs
Annie Nelson Penny Nelson
Linda Ferraro
Brendan Hallahan
Andrea Kennett
Joseph Marini
Elly Field
Nancy Hallahan
Cathy Kenny
Mick Marsden
Robert (Bob) Nelson
Cindy Finkle
Carole Coviello
Julia Kenny
Alexis Martinez
Jeff Nelson
Jason Finnegan
Rebecca Ha!ler
Margaret Kimmett
Adily Martucci
Lori Nelson
Meredith Fiorino
Sarah Hammond
Meg Ellen Kimmeu
Kristin Mason
Hannah Newton
Patti Mathews
Fred Nygard
Mara Fischer
Beverly Harding
Nancy Kindell
Lauren Fitzgerald
Rob Hathaway
Nancy King
Diane Mathia.,on
Casey O'Brien
Elh.abeth Flugrad
Shannon Hawkins
Ryann Kinney
Jimmy Matos
Casey O'Dea Candy Ogland
Billy Fogle
Marguerite Hayber
Ken Kitchings
Steve Mazeau
Kim Folts
Danielle Hayward
Kathryn Kluchnick
Alison McCabe
Emily Rose Ogland
Scott Hayward
Wendy Knight
Ellen McCabe
Brigid O'Gorman Ilona Ohira Jeri Okeefe
Alison Forbis Christy Forsman
Chery! Heffernan
Pauline Knoll
Gavin McCarthy
Jessica "Jess" Foss
Mitch Heffernan
Robert Knoll
Lmrian McCauley
Caroline Foster
Kathy Heller
Samantha Kohles
Paula McCreedy
Christopher Olsen Joanne O'Neill
Jane Holly Foster
Ellen Henderson
Amanda Kokoszka
John McDonald
Judy Friday
Olivia Henderson
Paul Kotowski
Shannon McDonough
Beth O'Neill
Jordan Fritz
Bridget Hcnzy
Faith Kozikowski-Carron
Kim McEwen
Gary Orefice
Mimi Furgueson
Jerry Kranich
Brianna McGlone
Kelly O'Toole
Tim Furgucson
Maggie Higgins
Joanne Kraska
Mary McGuinness
Emily On
Patrick Gallagher
Marcia Higgins
Leah Krasnor
Shirleyan McHale
Stuart Otto
Kerri Gallagher
Gaye Hoffman
Danielle Krause
Sydney McKclvey
Janine G Palmer
Michael Ganey
Carrie Hogan
Melissa Kuczma
William McKenna
Julie Papanier
Patty Ganey
Kristy Holch
Sally Lant
Kathleen McManus
Lee Paradis
Karla Garner
Mackenzie Holdmeyer
Marie LaPointe
Casey McMorrow
Juanita Paris
Will Ga.micas
Madison Holdmeyer
Elaine L1.Polla
Fran McMullen
Jane I~ Parody
Karena Garrity
Oceane Hooks-Camilleri
Amanda Larder
Morgan McShane
E!izabcrh Parsons
Dianne George
Nicole Hopkins
Breck S. Lardner
Ciro! Merkt
Chris Patella
Sandra Gervais
Karen Hom
Sue Lardner
Dominique Merrick
Clare Peaslee
Brian Giacalone
Daryl Hornby
Kristy Latella
Lauren Merrill
Jeanna Pellino
Leslie Gilbert
Luci Horspool
James LaVoie
Amelia Merz
Donna Perry
"Koko" Gildersleeve
Colleen Hoyt
Larry Lee
Wilhelm Meya
Judith Petersen
Pamick Gingras
Spencer Hull
Jacob Lceser
Jackie Mildrum
Wendy Petersen
Johnny Golebiewski
Robyn Hurrell
Julie Leis
Mary Mille
Karen Pfeil
Justin Goodrow
Paula Hurtig
Lee Lcitzman
Cheryl Miller
Linda Lee-Picazio
Martha Goodson
Mercedes Arambula Ibanez
Goody L.dash
Rachel Miller
Andrew Qua Piccirillo
Larry Gormick
Pamela P. Irving
Jean Lewis
Janna Moen
Jonathan Qua Piccirillo
Kaila Gonlick
Carolyn Jagielski
Jim Lewis
Allison Momesanto
Barbara Pickett
Mimi Gourlay
Gunilla James
Kendra Lewis
Gail Montesanto
Kristine Pierce
Rosemary Grace
Erin Lord Jansen
Madeline Lewis
Jace Montesamo
Jennifer Piner-Wyman
L-iuren Graham
Gregory S. Jarrabeck
Judith F.Lightfoot
Susan Morris
John Pizzofcrraro
Susan Graham
Susan Jewett
Lizze Liglnfoor
Lindsay Mullen
Erin Platz
Carol Ridgway
Jane Samuels
Bonnie Sras
Mary Voegeli
Pamela Plar-l
Holly Ridgway
"froy Samuelson
Amanda Stazick
Heidi Vondermock
Rives Pons
Jeffrey Ridgway
Kathleen San Bento
Wanda Stazick
Kathy Walburn
Cathy Poulin
Wendy Rieder
David Sandmann
Debbie Steele
Diane Walsh
Richard Pracitto
Erin Kelly Riley
Amy Santangelo
Kande Steele
Kristen Walters
Tarun Prashamh
Bridget Riordan
Luci Santiago
Kathy Stephenson
Paulo Walters
Claire Price
AJison Ritrovato
Jacqueline Sanros
Amy Stevens
Capt. (Ret.)
Emma Price
Isabel (Izzy) Rirrovato
Judith Saunders
Alexis Srix
John Pritchard
Phoebe Ritrovato
Justin Scace
Maggie Stryker
Mary E. Washburn Nancy Watkinson
Lee Pritchard
Jocelyn Ritter
Barbara Scala
Neil Smfano
PeterN. Wan
Sarah Prpich
Angela Rizzo
Robin Schonberger
Corinne Weber
Hayley Pryski
Clint Rodenberg
Elliot Schwam
Emily Sullivan
Shanleye Weismiller
Mary Pullen
Kati Roessner
Nancy U. Schwam
Holly Sundmacker
Deborah A. Welles
Harpur Schwartz
Emma Sutphen
John Welles
Donna Scott
Eunice Sutphen
Linda Westervelt
Gordon Scott
Lee Swearington
Kristina White
Hugh Scott
Hoyt Sweeney
Madalyn Wi!liams
Erica Semple
Stanley Szwalek
Sara Williams
Pam Share
David ·n1ayer
Val Wingate
Matt Sharpe
Suzanne Wnek
Cookie Shea
Alyssa 1110mas
Debie Wnek
Nina Shea
Dylan Thomas-Cordoma
Andrew Wolff Kirn Wollschleager
Volunteer facts: 573 volunteers contributed their time and talents
far approximately 33,000 hours of service. 5,806 volunteer hours were spent in the barn on horse care and facility management.
Petra B. Shearer
Amanda ·1homson
L1.ura Shepard
Anthony C. "llrnrsron
Hillary Woronik
I6,437 volunteer hours were given to the riding
Cara Sheridan
Sandy ·nwrsron
Jeff Wyman
program as horse leadersand side walkers.
Chery! Sheridan
Beth Tichacek
Norman Yeo
Claudia Cron"Sherman
David Tiffany
Nathan Zcldes
Luke Sherman
L,urie Tide
Patricia Zcldes
Miles Sherman
Skyren Todd
Nan Zyla-Wisensale
Oliver Sherman
Sharon A. T0rrenri
Jennifer Zysk
Susan Shulman
Judy Townsend
Office and mailing volunteers donated I,789 hours. 68r hours were served by our driving program volunteers.
Marilyn Shup
Sharon Tracy
Crysta! Sides
Amanda Trehcrn
9,r45 hours were spent by volunteers in committee
Virginia Simmons
David Triebel
Citizens Bank
John Simoudis
Nathan Trucks
meetings, planning special events, working on training
Jessica Sims
Alix Turner
Lyme/Old Lyme
and education programs, manning our reception desk
Rachel Sinay
Karen Tyler
L,ra Slavtcheff
Kelvin N. Tyler
and just being here!
Middle School Pawing Ponies 4H
Elena Sloan
Humphrey T}'!er
Angie Smith
Susan Tyler
Target Waterford Employees
Gary Rogers
Arlene Smith
Jordan T}'rol
Linda Rogers
Bruce Smith
Christian Valli
Jessica Ramage
Shannon Rogers
Don Smith
Doraine Van Lew
Maureen Ramsdell
Caroline Rolfe
Marcia Smith
Mallory Vanderkloot
Arden Rand
Carolyn Ross
Roger Smith
Kayla Veilleux
Jesse Rando
Katherine Rossi
Sandy Smith
Valerie Vesnaver
Sara Slayton Qua Susan Raible
Katherine Raunig
Donna Roysron
Tia Smith
Victor Vesnaver
Jonathan Recor
Wayne Royston
Greg Smirh
Virginia Vesnaver
Samantha Regan
Meredith Ruggiero
William Sopelak
Kathryn Vine
Lisa Reneson
Rebecca Russell
Lois Sorace
Paige Vinson
Helen Renton
Nakiua Russell
Monica Spencer
Christian D. Viola
HIGH Therapeutic
HOPES Riding, Inc.
Andrew Reynolds
Pam Russell
Donna Spicer
Matthew J. Viola
36Town Woods Road
Daniel Reynolds
Mary Rustico
Joseph Sr. Germain
Whitney M. Viola
Old Lyme, Connecticut 0637 r
Mary Reynolds
Cemmy Ryland
Kitty Sta!sburg
David Virali
phone 860-434-1974
Margaret Ricciardi
Dillis Sabo
Grace Sta!sburg
Marlena Vitali