Core Values High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
I Annual
Remaining true to our mission, while creating a vision for the future, allows High Hopes to grow within the scope of our core value system.
Since r 974,
High Hopes Board of Trustees we have been led by a
visionar y group of volunt eers represented
by our Board of Trustees. The gover-
Mary K. "Sis" Gould
nance of our Board continues to provide
guidance and support for our staff and
Chairman Cheryl Kelly Heffernan
together these two groups remain united in upholding the follow ing intrinsic values: QUALITY: We are committed to maintaining the highest standards throughout our programs and that should be reflected in our care for horses and in our int eraction with partic ipants, voluntee rs, donors and ocher members of
Vice Chabman Michael V. Ganey Anthony C. Thurston Vice Chairman for Development John Catlett Treasurer Deborah A. Welles
the comm uni ty.
Secretary Elizabeth L. David
TEAMWORK:High Hopes ' certified instructors, qualifi ed staff and com-
mitted volunteers work together to create an inclu sive environment that provides th e optimal experience for our participants. EDUCATION: High Hopes promotes educa tion within th e field of therapeutic riding and values learning in collaboratioJl with our participants and comm uni ty. LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION: High Hopes develops leaders who are committed
to excellence, current with advances in therapeuti c riding,
and eager to share innovative solution s that will enha nce the experience for participants today and in th e futur e. SERVING THE Co
UNITY: High Hope s strives to effectively serve the
residents of Southeaste rn Connecticut and to be an active and valued commun ity participant. This annual report highlight s th ese core values as realized through our creation of an Equ in e Care Fund, our developing educational program s, our professional staff and our investment in our volunteers. I hope you can take some time and read how, over the last year, High Hopes has maintained the hi ghest quality of program s withi n the field of equ ine assisted therapy, while striving for a stronger and more sustainab le future. As always, we welcome you to visit our beautifu l facility at any time and witness for yourself the magic that is High Hopes.
Kitty Stalsburg, Executive Director
Barbara Earle Ballard Sarah Hill Cann ing Jan1es M. Childs Christopher M. Coyle Jan e I. Davison Jeb Embree Karnarin e H . Gildersleeve Laura Giordano Jen nifer Jo hnson Pauline C. KnoH Margaret Mumm err Penny Nelson Jeffrey Ridgway Hugh Scott Kelvin N . Tyler ADVISORY
Charles C. Kingsley, Legal Advisor David E. Walker, MD, Medical Advisor HONORARY
Lyccleton B.P. "Lytt" Gould, Jr. t Frank W Ham ilton, Jr. Grac e H amilton Wayne 0. Soutlnvick , MD CHAIRMEN
John C. Evans Sherley Furgueson Bersy Horn Barbara Kashanski t Judith F. Lighrfoo r Pere Pierson t A. Rives Poets Jeffrey Ridgway" Roger M . Smirn Anrhon y C. 1hurscon* Kelvin N. Tyler*
t Deceased * Currentlyserving as a Trustee
High Hopes Staff Kitty Sralsburg, Executive Director
This year High
Hope s' 2009-
Barbara Abrams , InstructorI LPC
20 IO Annual Report illustrates how
Liz Adams , ProgramDirector
the organization ha s maintain ed its
Alicia Barrows, DevelopmentAssistant
spoclighc on our core values and mis-
M ike Bianca, Farm Caretaker
sion while striving to build financial
Laura Brown, SpecialProgramsManager
stab ility in the face of tremendou s
Sarah Car lson, SpecialProgramsCoordinator Ren ya Craig, Receptionist I ProgramAssistant Jonn ie Edwards , Instructor Lauren Fitzgerald, Lesson Coordinator
economic change . This focus is timely
with cognitive,physical, and
the first year of implem enting our
emotional disabilities through
new strategic plan and one key area
the benefitsof therapeutic
was the great progr ess made toward
horsebackriding and other
impro ving the effectiveness of our 21
Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist/Instructor
member Board of Tru stees.
Donna Latella, OccupationalTherapistI Instructor
to improve the lives of people
as staff an d tru stees worked through
Michelle Hayward, Instructor
Wendy Knight, Development Assistant
The mission of High Hopes is
Ton y Thurston and the Co mmitt ee on Trust ees have directed their efforts
equine-assistedactivities, while serving the therapeutic riding professionthrough training and education.
Linda Lee-Picazio, Finance Director
toward reviewing and redefining the
Madelaine Leiker, SpeechLanguage Pathologist
role and responsibiliti es of the Boa rd and its member s. They've renewed
Dawn Nelligan, Instructor
their focus on recruiting a Board chat is diverse in term s of background,
Juanita Paris, Barn Assistant
talent, areas of influence and persp ective. Ocher work by the Board in-
Jeanna Pellino, Volunteer Manager
clude s che restru ctur ing of two key board commi ttees, Development and
Patrie Peoples, Instructor Karen Pfeil, VolunteerCoordinator Sara Slayton Qua , Development Director
Finance, with the goal of providing a greater focus on th e financ ial needs and stability of the organiz ation . The Development Co mmittee is facilitating long range plannin g with a five-year forecast of fund ing requirements while strategically ident ifying correspo nding sources of funds,
Holly Ridgway, Instructor
while che Finance Committee's duti es have been redefined to provide
Susan Shulman, OfficeManager
bette r focus on planning and analysis.
Holly Sundrnack er, Equine OperationsDirector
What will 2010-2ou Kathryn Vine , Instructor/Barn Assistant
bring to High Hope s' Board of Trustee s? During
chis next year we will contin ue to evaluate che effectiveness and the level of engagement of our Board and Board Committees. We will cont inu e co
David Bradham ,
Driving Instructor through May 2oro
recru it Tru stees who are selfless in their dedication to Hi gh Hop es and its mi ssion. And we will do our very best to be responsive co High Hop es'
Judie Driscoll ,
Office Manager throughJanuary 2oro
particip ants , staff, volunteers and the many individuals, foundat ions, and bu sinesses in chis commu nity who do so mu ch to supp ort Hi gh Hopes.
Krist in Mason ,
Special ProgramsManager through August 2009 Jennifer Piner -Wyman,
Development Assistant throughJune 2or o
Ch eryl Kelly Heffernan, Board Chairman
Ages of our Riders
Primary Disabilities of our Riders Mental Health Disorders Autism S ectru
3-13 years 56%
l.aiio'-iiiiiiiiiao...._._.. Developmental ~=iiiii;i;ai-.~.....1
Learning Disabilities
~~~=~ Sensory Disorders
Language Disorders
3% Traumatic Brain Injury
Education first Education
and ridin g have been intrin sically
linked since Hi gh H opes was initi ally found ed as the Lower Connecticut Valley Educational Riding Association (LCVERA). Today we continu e to build an educational componen t into all ou r activities. Examplesof
our educationalendeavorsover the past year include: i'f- O u R UNMOUNTED EQUINE LEARN ING PROGRAM
has challen ged a growin g numb er of participant s to learn a variety of hor seman ship skills while spending time with our wond erful equin es, thu s experiencing emotional and developm ental gains while acquirin g knowledge in a settin g designed to build confidence. i}f-
for several hundr ed pro fessionals from throu gh-
A RESEA RCH STUDY condu cted in, partn ership
out New England and New York and many of the
with LEARN examin ed th e carryover benefits of
Hi gh Hop es staff were key edu cational present ers.
beh avioral gains mad e in the riding arena into th e classroom settin g for two group s of middl e school childr en diagnosed with auti sm.
Fo R THE SECOND SUMMER in a row Hi gh Hop es offered three one week sessions of our uniqu e H orse Sense program which brings youth from rur al and suburb an settin gs together, imm ersing them in our equi ne world whi le bu ildi ng on academic skills. Working and playing togeth er in teams and small groups, the young "heroes in the makin g" buil t leadership and communi cation skills all while havin g fun with horses! This academic, experiential learn ing program was jointly led by certified teach ers and the professional th erapeuti c program staff of H igh Ho pes.
Incorporating learnin g objectives int o all aspects of our programs will enh ance the quali ty of th e services provided to each part icipant wh ile increasing their i}f-
pote nti al outcomes . W hether it's building num eracy
more than 1 oo hours ofl ectures to Instructo r Train-
kn owledge while count ing "bun nies" on a t rail ride
ing Can didates from arou nd the world who aspire
or developing sequencing skills th rough grooming
to be th erapeutic ridin g professionals. In Marc h
a horse, participant s are m aking crit ical edu cational
we hosted the NARHA Region I conference
gains - even if they don't know it!
Horse sense TWO 2008,
years ago at Symphony
in the Meadows
an option. The exceptional costs of Doc's care in
High Hopes laun ched a new fundraising en-
retirement here at High Hopes were comp letely
deavor - the Equine Care Fund. The establi shm ent
underwritten by the Equine Care Fund.
of the Equine Care Fund has enabled Hi gh Hopes to adhere to its core value of providing the highest
rf--PONCHO! A stunnin g sorrel Quarter Horse, he was loved by everyone who worked with him. If
quality of care to our gen tle partners throughout their
the re was a perfect therapy horse , it cou ld quite
lifetimes while guaranteeing that funding is available
possib ly have been Poncho and he cheerfu lly did
for other critica l needs such as scholarsh ips. The suc-
his job right up to the day of his retirement at the
cess of the Equine Care Fund is chat it allows High
age of 26, after 14 years of service at High Hopes.
Hopes to mak e care decisions char are exclusively in
Thank s to the Equine Care Fund , he moved just
the hor se's best int erest not influ enced by funding
up the road to Mitchell Farm Equine Retirement
concerns . The following stories illustrate the impact
in Salem, CT, where he will .liveout the remainder
the Equin e Care Fund has had in the last year alon e.
of his life in a supportive, compassionate and car-
rf--Doc was a mainstay of the High Hop es program for over I 5 years. Wise, gentle and with a wonderful rhythm to his gaits, he took many riders from the ir first steps on horseback
riding ind epen-
dently along the trails. As Doc aged, he developed arthritis and wou ld occasiona lly trip, making it un safe for him to stay in the ridin g program and, in
he was retired. Known in the hor se world
as a "ha rd keeper " due to his many health challenges, traditional retirement possibiliti es were nor
ing environme n t. ~
year old grey Lipizzaner mare
who has been a High Hopes horse all of her adult life. She is a fabulou s mount for riders who are working on their independent riding skills. Last fall, Geri was diagnosed with ocular squam ous cell carcinoma. le was thought char, to save her life, Geri would have co lose her eye. Medical cond itions that requir e highl y specialized care would previous ly have placed an enormous strain on the operational budget of our program. Last winter, however, thank s to the resources of the Equine Care Fund, High Hopes was able co cake Ger i to an Equine Ophthalmologist in Norwalk who prescribed 4 different medications to be applied to her eye 4 times a day. After weeks of treatment, Geri went back to Norwalk for her follow up appointment and her eye condition had heal ed completely!Today Geri is back at work at High Hop es, cont in uin g to serve her riders 5 days a week.
Ponchois enjoyinglife at Mitchell Farm after I4 years of serviceat High Hopes. LEFT:
Investing in our future Volunteerism
The engine char drives High
We recognize that our
Hopes is our incredible workforce of volunteers . En-
volun teers have a choice of
suring char our volunteers have a fulfilling experience
is a priority for High Hopes and we seek ways co de-
for their donation of time
velop their skills wh ile increasing "job" satisfaction.
and talent . Learning about
This past year, we have expanded our volunteer staff-
each volunteer's desires and
ing to create a two person team of Volunteer Manager
personal reasons for selecting
and Coordinator. With che dynamic energy of two
High .Hopes is an import ant
full time employees, H igh Hopes is able co ensure a
first step . Ourvo lunteerteam
consistent volunteer presence during all hours of pro-
and ent ire staff then help
gram operat ion. This past year we have also begun to
volunteers find the fulfilling
realize some of the other enhan cements identified as
role that allows them to con-
goals in our new strategic plan. Our staff has worked
tinu e to grow and develop
co provide a broader range of ongoing educational
wh ile helping High Hopes.
opportunities , from lectures on hor semanship skill
We have heard from parents of teen volu nt eers who
and understanding of specific disabilities, to hands on
report that working at H igh Hopes has been a life
training in th e arena and the barn.
altering experience for their child. Other volunteers have been so influ enced by exposure to our equine assisted activities and therapies that they have changed careers to become health care providers in the fields of Occupational, Physical or Mental H ealth . Some volunteers even resurface as High Hopes staff members: Holly Sundmak er, Equine OperationsDirector; Laura Brown, SpecialProgramsManager; Karen Pfeil, Volun-
teer Coordinator;and Saral1 Carlson, SpecialPrograms Coordinator,are just four examples of volunteers who are cu rrent members of th e Hi gh Hopes professional sea.ff. Our investm ent paid off!
High Hopes is very fortu-
nate to have an incredibly talented staff with diverse backgrounds both educational ly and experientially. Of the twenty six employees at High Hopes, ten are full time. Our instructional staff includ es NARHA Certified Therapeutic
Riding professionals at the
Master, Advanced and Registered Levels with add itional proficiencies in specialty areas such as Carriage Driving and Interactive Vaultin g. We also have specially trained Physical and Occupational Therapists; a Speech and Language specialist; a Licensed Professional Counselor with two Masters degrees, one in Expressive Therapy and one in Psychology as well as
administrat ive and program staff
a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialise. Many
all work as one team to ensure that
of our staff members hold one or more degrees in ar-
we are able to provide safe, high
eas such as Animal Science, Equine Studies, Eng lish,
quality instruction to each partici-
Sociology, Biology, Business, Account ing, History,
pant while meeting their individ ual
Education, Psychology, Law, and Special Educat ion ,
needs. We supp ort one another on
just co name a few. The combined years of therapeutic
many levels th roughout each day,
riding experience within our group of instructors is
providing back up in the arena,
into the thousands.
sharing job duties, casting vigilant
Beyond their credent ials, it is the sense of team-
eyes during special events, proof
wo rk and camaraderie chat secs our staff apart . Barn,
reading each ocher's written work or simply problem solving a challenge in the ring. Our high level of professional expertise and strong ethic of teamwork has not only made High Hopes an int ernat ional ly recognized leader in the field of equ ine assisted therapy and activity, but it also makes it a great place to wor k!
Statement of Financial Position
yearen dingJunqo,2010
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts and Ocher Receivables Prepaid Expenses
Unconditional Promises to Give
Property and Equipment - Nee Book Value
Cash and Equivalents Held for Long-Term Purposes Un conditiona l Promises to Give
Liabilities and Net Assets
1,715 ,445
$35 1,453 5,000
Investments TOTAL
Accounts Payable
s 29,147
Accrued Expenses and Deposits
Advance Fees for Services
$1 ,928, 7 55
Unrestr icted - Board Designated
Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL TOTAL
$4 ,1 55,034
$4,243 ,447
This year at High Hopes Support and Revenue Equine AssistedActivities and TherapySessions
Corporate Support
Foundation Support 14%
Contributions from Individuals 49%
of Riders receivedscholarships
Functional Expenses Volunteerhours donated
Fund Raising 13% General and Administrative 10%
Program Services 77 %
Audit for fiscal year ending Jun e
30, 2010
was performed by
Kostin, Ruffkess & Co mp any, LLC. Cop ies are available on request. Dc,i!ln & principal photogr.tphy ,\1ich.,d bndli
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• www .hi
HI G H H O P E S Th e r a pe ut ic Rid ing, Inc .
06371 PERM IT #J
36 Town Woods Road
Old Lyme, Connecticut 0637r
Supplement to 2009-2010
Annwil Report
It takes many.
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. I Annual Report
Annual Giving The phrase "It takes many'' sums up the power of the
offer the highest quality of services to an ever widening
High Hopes Annual Giving Program. Over
community. It is our donors' support that sustains us
$ I 0,000
daily and allows us to plan for a future where all who
donors made gifts that ranged from
and every gifr was gratefully received and vital to the
benefit from equine assisted therapies can participate,
success of our programs. Because of the strength and
regardless of their financial circumstances.
commitment of our supporters, High Hopes is able ro ANNUAL
Life Members
Louis Bacon
The Howard Bayne Fund
Ted & RebeccaCrosby
Pat and Ed Culhane
Jane L. Davison
Judith & Richard Lightfoot
Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard John & Athana Catlett
Evan S. Griswold & Emily T. Fisher
Directors' Discretionary
Susan K. Childs
Lyttleton B.P.Gould, Jr. t
Noyes Foundation
Peter & Alexandra Daitch
John S. Johnson
The Jack Foundation
via the HJ PromiseFoundation
John & Barbarat Kashanski
Karen E. Schwarz
The Kitchings Family
SwensonFamily Foundation
James & Hannah
Fund of the JessieSmith
I. Davison
Jeb & Dianne Embree
Richard B. & Judith F. Lightfoot
John C. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. K.C. Mazer
Tony & Sandy Thurston
Michael & Patty Ganey
Rives & Nancy Potts
John & Debbie Welles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve
Karen E. Schwarz
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan John Kashanski
Adopt-A-Horse SpecialBenefactors
Ruth Lord
Susan K. Childs
The Henry Luce Foundation
at the directionofJohn C. Evans John & Dyanne
Roger & Marcia Smith 2
John C. Evans Janet Scharr Gochberg Jeffrey& Holly Ridgway
Martha Terrell
Adopt-A-Horse Benefactors A.D. Bodelin The Familyand Friends of Joseph Michael Carta Connecticut Dressage Association, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. David.Jr.
David DePaola CharitableTrust Kenneth A. Fontaine - Amgraph Packaging,Inc. Debby Green Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilron, Jr. John & Karen Horn John Irving in honor of PamelaIrving Sandy Mulligan Bob & Penny Nelson Debra Palladino in honor of Skylar1l10mpson Tiffany Wyman-Sranron- Nurrena
Adopt-An-Acre Benefactors The Jack Foundation Petra B. Shearer
Robert Crane & Sue Chodorov
Gigi Becker Rhodes
Ted & Becky Crosby
Chris & Roddy Roosevelt
SamuelB. Jones Dr. Mary EllenJukoski & Dr. Matt Mcloughlin Dwight & Linda Juliani
Bill & PacCurter
Benjamin M. & Donna Rosen
Richard & Renni Korsmeyer
Sabin & Beverly Streeter
Mr. & Mrs. Del Ladd
Kathi Corrigan
Susan Peacock
Chris & Patti Coyle
James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick
in honor of the Welles Family
Walter E. Davis II & Bet1.Haanz
John M. Sturges,Jr.
GeorgeM. Lechbridge,Jr.
Nora Dixon
Dr. Carl F. &
The Lewchik Family
The Revs.Jonarhan & KimberlyFolts
Capt. Mary E. Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldblatt
Roland & Sally MacNichol George & Sally Mayer
David & Julie Gladstone
Barbara McGhie
Cyndie Gould
Jericho Day Program/
The Asrmann Family
Dorothea Moore
Mrs. Robert L. Bennett
Theodore Operhall
Room 3 at Baroco
Mrs. Stanley R. Miller
Don & Sue Jaffray
Peter & Linda Bierrie
IsabelleC. Osborne
The Jack Foundation
Stanford & Wendy Brainerd
Michael & Elena Patterson
Jones Brooker-Bennett
Glen & Constance Rokicki
MichaelT. Burke
Mike & Cemmy Ryland
Cargill, Inc.
Craig & Pietrina Saxton
Charles G. Crump
Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappen Soper
Terrance & Bene Lamme
David & Virginia Davison
Humphrey & SusanTyler
Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School
John & Kristine Drew
David & Caryl Viola and Children
Richard & Johanne Mangi
Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Dunn III
Bob & BetseyWebster
Wilbur S. Edwards
SylviaM. Erhart
Everett Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ermler
A-Horsepatron Liz David
John & Alison Forbis
Cynthia Finkle
Susan Gregoretti
Anne D. Gilbert
and Laura Brown, Special
Gail Chapman Haynes
Laura Giordano
John & Elizabeth Howard
Faculty & Staff of Lillie B.
- Jack LiPuma The Jack Foundation - Abby LiPuma The Jack Foundation - Max LiPuma
Phyllis M, McDowell Earl & Margaret Mummert Mr. & Mrs. WH!iamS. Post in honor of Lytt Gould Mary P.Pullen Dan, Tami & Justin Scace
Benefactors Stever& SallyAubrey Edna & MichaelBeaudette
Shelby Schavoir Judy Rathbun Whimey Mr. & Mrs. William Winterer
SusanChodorov & Robert Crane 1l1e Daphne SeyboltCulpeper MemorialFoundation,Inc. Michael & SherleyFurgueson Hon. ElaineGordon Gail C. Haynes Lane Construction Corporation Marguerite& Thomas Moore John & Heidi Niblack Gary & Linda Rogers Mr. Hugh C. Scan Bruce & Sandy Smith Dr. & Mrs. WayneSouthwick Ke! & KarenTyler George & CynthiaWillauer
Adopt-A-Horse Patrons Bob's Discount Furniture Eleanor L. Bonafonte Elsie C. Childs Jamie & Hannah Childs
Patrons Matt & BarbaraAbrams Sally H. Aubrey Robert & Melissa Bagdorf M. Andrew Baxter Stephen & Alison Brinkmann Dr. Olive J. Brose Vienna M. Cain Connecticut ValleyEquine Veterinary ServicesLLC Donna Craven-Scott
Bob & Pauline Knoll
Haynes Elementary School
Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club
Ruth & Kathy Heller
Th~ William & Ellen
Muriel N. Hinkle
Macristy Foundation
Raisin with Adopt-
Mt. & Mrs. TannerT. Hunt, Jr.
Supporters A 2 Z Screen Printing
Bob & Lee Adrian Paul & Jane Ahnell Thomas B. Allen, Il, Ph.D. Andre Prost, Inc.
Curt & Dorothy Askelson
CAMPAJGN Jack & Laurie Sulger
Elise J. Garvin
Amy McCauley
Gas Specialties, LLC - Dan & Audrey Trombley
George & Linda McKay
Peg Sweeney
Ian Mclachlan
Anne Alexis Core Taylor
& Cynthia Swienton
Tim & Susan Gavronski
Paul & Dina Tresnan
Kathleen McManus
Patricia Trombley
Susan Gregoretti
JeffreyN. Mehler & Mary S. Russell
Doug & Karen Van Dyke
Robert & Wendy Gunn
Newt & Polly Merrill
Doraine Van Lew
Ted & Pamela Hamilton
Jonathan & Kathleen Miller
Corinne Weber
Donald Hanberg
Alexandra Moore
Lyttleton B.P. Gould,Jr.
Maureen Hanink
Andy & Gail Morris
Judy Hansen
David & Claudia Natorski
Dr. & Mrs. John Wel!s Eugenia L. West John & Charlotte Wesrerfield
Doris A. Harris
Claudia J. Newell
John Wilbur & Jennifer Johnson
Eleanor A. Harvey
David & Arlene Norling
Wildwood Pediatrics
James & Brita Herman
Kate Norling
Lori Biancamano
Inge Hieret
Roger & Mary Nosal
Shirley Biddle
Werneth W. Noyes
Robyn & Len Wolman
Elisabeth Bohlen
SallyHill Paul & Linda Holt
Irving Oertel
L. Robert Wood
Gary Borla
Bill & Betsy Horn
Karen O'Neil
Rick & Heidi Worcester
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Brandt
John & Daryl Hornby
John Paardenkooper M.D.
James Zanardi
Templeton & Suzanne Brown
Shirley F.Howard
Cindy Palmer & Bill Kavanagh
Van Brown & Wanda Tillman
John E. Hufnagel
Wright & Anna Maria Palmer
George & Gunilla James
Harris & Elsie Parsons
Dennis T. Brown
Jonathan & Susan Jewett
John & Jeanna Pellino
Joseph & Judith Amaro
Jonathan & Deborah Buder
Kathleen G. Johnson
Bea Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Canning
Robert E.L. Johnson, Jr.
Joseph Penner Dr. Michael & Susan Perl William E. Smith & Barbara Smith
Animal Allergy and Dermatology
Bruce & Robin Augustadt
StanelyM. Babson,Jr. Marcy Barart, LCSW Myrna F.Baskin Ruud Bergmans & Ann Lane Peter Bialobrzeski
& Ann Marie Valloti
William & Jo Anne Carter
& Patricia A. Burr
& Adolescent Medicine LLC
Lucius & Adela Wilmerding
David A. & Rosemary Anderson Servicesof Connecticut, LLC
Geraldine U. Foster
The Picazio Family
Elizabeth Chamberlain
Donald Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Platt III
George & Janice Atkeson
Elmood F. Champion
Constance Kastelowitz
Rives & Nancy Potts
Peter, Linda, Sara Austin~Sma!l
Art & Bim Christianson
Karen Keelan
David & Barbara Preston
Mrs. Stratton N. Barclay
Mr. & Mrs. Harwood B. Comstock
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kenny
Mr. & Mrs, Andrew Barnard
Tom & Cissie Keogh
James Richmond Alec & Mary Lee Robenson
Karin Whittemore & Peter Kepple
Glen & Constance Rokicki
Bill & Mimi Benner Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Besier
Ralpht & Joanne Centola
Ms. Eugenie Copp Chuck Culliton & Margarita Torres
Kathryn Lauterbach Bell
Joseph Curley Elizabeth Danforth
Charles & Gretchen Kingsley
Ron & Janet Romanowski
Anne Klingler
Janice M. Romanowski
Cornelia Bessie
George H. Darrell, Jr.
Helen Klingler
James & Amanda Rutledge
Jim & Hedy Korst Amie & Gail Korval
Julie Sanderson Lyman
SallyJ, Bill Neal & Jane Lassen Bobruf:f
& Deborah A. Clark
Frances Dennie Davis Birgit N. Deeds
Drs. Andrew & Elise Kressley
Docrors Elgart, Pinn, Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Landrey
& Elgart Optometrists, P.C.
Cynthia Doocy Scott & Wendy Douglas Maud B. Duke John Duncan Michael & Dana Dunne David & Barbara Edwards Joseph & Sandra Elnisky Robert & Margarita Emerson
Elise S. Lapham Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lapolla
Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Schach von Wittenau William F. Schaeffer,Jr, & Paula Torgerson
Jerome & Marlene Scharr
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Brainard Lois J. Brockmann Helen Burkharth Island PhysicalTherapy -Kail Cadman
Isabel C. Leach Interiors
Robert & Carol Schneider
Ken & Joan Levin
Rick & Terry Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carl
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Lieber
Elias & Nancy Schwam
Howard Carlson
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Linburg
Philip & Bonnie Seagull
Chris & Libby Cathcart
¡nle Littlefield Family
Cookie Shea
Rev. Carol Ann Celella
Bruce & Catherine Littman
Shoreline Pediatrics
Nancy Barden - Chinigo, Leone
Cecil & Linda Lyon
Barbara). Sinicrope
& Maruzo, LLP
Kathleen Marchant
James S. & Laura B. Smith
Karen Davidovich
Stanley & Linda Marciniec
Seymour & Tia Smith
MaudB. Duke
Chad & Brenda Floyd
Bob & Grace Marrion
Mr. & Mrs. A. Tappen Soper
Marge & Nick Fondulas
Kristin E. Mason
Kitty Stalsburg, Robert
Tmy J. Eddy Eleanor & James Ferguson Dr. Christopher & Martha Ficke
Vanessa Evans Susan & Mark Fader
Russell Ford Mr. & Mrs. John E. Friday,Jr.
Car~y & Cis Matthiessen
& Kathryn Hageman
Steven & Maddy Mattson
Robert G. Strachan
Emily Fisher
John & Erin McCallum
Mitchel! & Regina Strand
Chris Fondulas & JessieHoyt
Corporate & Foundation Gifts AT&T Employees'
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation
Dwayne M. Basler
Frank Loomis Palmer Fund
Ann M. Bazinet
The Howard Bayne Fund
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Jeanne-Marie Bellows
The Elizabeth Carse Foundation
Quinnipiac University
Sandra Blanchard
Chichester duPont Foundation,Inc.
United Way of the Capital Area
David M. Bnewn
Community Foundation
United Way of Northeast
Scott M. Deford
& Central Connecticut
Brian Dougherty
Community Services Fund East
for GreaterNew Haven The Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut
Wireless Zone
Foundation for Giving, Inc.
Diane S. Faryniarz Michael Ganey
J. Hoynack
The David F. DePaola Charitable Trust
Dime Savings Bank Foundation, Inc.
Doris Kennedy
Matching Gifts
Dominion Foundation EQUUS Foundation, Inc.
Essex Savings Bank Community Investment Program
Essex Savings Bank
& EssexFinancialServices Evans~Cockerline Foundation, Inc. Frank M. Ewing Foundation, Inc.
The Fish Tale - Madison Goldman Sachs Gives
The Jack Foundation Chester Kirchings Family Foundation
LattnerFamilyFoundation,Inc. George A. & Grace L. Long
Rudolph G. Krause Aetna Foundation
Allstate Giving Campaign Bank of America Matching Gifts Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Pfizer Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
PfizerFoundationVolunteerProgram Wal~Mart Foundation
Wellpoint Rabobank International
The Henry Luce Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Business & LegalReports, Inc. The Stanley Works
The Lyme-Old Lyme Junior Women's Club
Shannon Lapierre Mr. & Mrs. Gary Larocque
Dominck Lauria Ellen L. Lindner Christopher McCawley Nancy E. Olsen
TeresaH. Perugini Mark Plummet Elizabeth W. Sawyer Peter Scotella Alan Smith
Rowena A. Steadman Donna G. Tardif Kenneth W. Tardif
The Henry Luce Foundation
at the request of Mr. John C. Evans
Employeeand United Way Giving
Christopher Voegeli
Mitchell Albinski
Karen B. True
Marion Moore Foundation, Inc.
Beverly L. Alves
National Inclusion Project
Glenn S. Bair
Linda S. Wysocki
GIFTS LeslieGilbert Peter& Dorothy Kashanski
Special Gifts
James & Donna Paxton
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Godbout
Mr. & Mrs. Sturat Klarman
M. Pietrosante, Inc.
Jeffrey & Heather Graybill
Mark & Ann lander
Bruce Anderson
Paul & Cathy Poulin
Timothy C. Griswold
Jeff& Judy Lovelace
Margaret Andreassi
D. Proto & Kim Saccucci
Varick D. Harrison M=h McCoÂŤl
Chris and Amy Arnold
Thea Pumam
Graham Jeffrey
Barbara E. Arnold
David & Jodi Richardson
Nancy King
Robert & BarbaraBallard
Gary & Linda Rogers
Larry & Denise Lee
Mr. & Mrs.EugeneNichols
Paul & Mary Bavier
Robin & Philip Schonberger
Sarah Lively
Lany & 4'nn Porter
Mark D. Bessette
Rebecca Lynch
John & Janet Schloss SusanShulman Mr. & Mrs. Elting H. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Caldwell
Frank Seigel EricaT. Semple
Douglas & Ann Soper
Jamie & Hannah Childs
Bruce & Sandy Smirh
John & Kathy McCurdy
Kande Steele
Janis Clifton
Tia Smith
Phy!HsM. McDowe!l
Clinton Country Club
Donna Spicer
Peter Monnoures
Judith Stelboum
Karen A. Nichols
Richard & SylviaSwio:er
Doris B. Coster
Raymon S. Sterman
Fred I. Nygard
Mr. & Mrs. LewisWeinstein
Nancy A. Cusack
Paul & Mary Strauss
Donna Marcinek
Drs. Christopher & Susan McCawley
Center for International Training, Inc.
& 9 Hole Ladies Club
Matt & Eliza Sharp James & Sandra Sinkowski
Kitty Stalsburg
Natalie P. Olson
Liz David
Structural Graphics
Karen O'Neil
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Zirkenbach
Jane I Davison
Submarine Officers' Spouses'
Cheryl Parsons
Christina DiGiandomencio
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Pfeffer
Barry F. & Winnie A. Edmonds
Charitable Association Hajime Taguchi
Lorna Chang Post
Other Contributors
Thomas M. & Mary J. Egan
Noel Tewes
Richard Post
Eliz Amato
Jeb & Dianne Embree
Jordan Thompson
Donald & Nancy Rankin
Michael & Suzy Aubrey
Mark & Suki Fader
Barbara Thorpe
Chet & Penny Reneson
Thomas A. Balley
Lynn Farrell
Unity Hill United Church
Man & Tiffany Riggs
Howard Carlson, Jr.
The Fish Talc
Mrs. John C. Ripley
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Colelli
Fox Ledge - Carolyn Guptill
Kristin Vaughn
Rebecca Russell
Rev. & Mrs. George Easton
The Friends of the
YalesvilleVeterinary Hospital, Inc.
Dr. Tarik Kardestuncer
Harold & Nancy Glicklin
& Dr. Gita Safaian
of Christ Women's Fellowship
Office of State Archaeology
Forest & Julia Harris
Michael & Parry Ganey
Sue Hessel & Karen Dahle
Jean Gerbert
Saybrook Verterinary Hospital
Diane F.Hirsch
H. Peter & Marcia Glenewinkel
Restricted & Scholarship
Judith Schaaf
J. Garrard Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldblatt
Skip & Sheree Sibley
Roget & Donna Hurley
FrancesH. Forde- Scholarship
Gail C. Haynes
Martha Smith
Peter & Susan Immordino
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan
Eleanor Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Speirs
Richard J. & Sharon A. Torrenri Harry Trichel
Joseph Kelly Margaret R. Kelly-Gagliardi
Ed & Penny Vaughn
Tim & Suzie Kesselring
Donna E. Jermar
Linda Ward
Edward & Susan Krinman
John & Jane Hufnagel Pauline W. B. Hunt Bill & Joanne Ives
Robert & Pauline Knoll - Peter Knoll Scholarship Fund Donna Latella - Horses for Heroes Veterans Program Bob & Penny Nelson - Peter Knoll ScholarshipFund
The Rev. Richard & Susan Watson
Karen A. Nichols
LasserFamily Philanthropic Fund
Carol Weigand
Kathleen Padgett
of the Jewish Communal Fund
Patricia G. Wilbur
Melanie Phoenix
Jim & Jean Lewis
Dr. John E. Willson
Wendy Rieder
Richard & Judith Lightfoot
Nancy Y. Williams
Carol K. Ryland
Perra B. Shearer -
Tyler C. Lindmark
Alison Zack & Philip F. Darrell
John & Janet Schloss
Technology improvements
Thomas & Harriet Linskey
James & Ginger Sheppard
and maintenance in honor
Curtis & Joan Mallory
David & BeverlySilliphanr
of Nancy Cusack for her
Richard & Johanne Mangi
Scott & Callista Stoddard
dedication to our database
Michele Marrin
SallyC. Bibbiani
Marjorie M. Terry
Belinda Massiel!o
LeilaR. Bowman
Timothy & Suzanne Tyler
Dorothy Milardo
Andrew & Kerry Buccaro
Eli2t3.bethG. Whitley
Terry & Liz O'Malley
Jack & Chip Frost
Jim & Celia Francis
-To Give Is Divine, Ltd.
Keith Dauer & Sandra Senior-Dauer
Daniel & Casey O'Brien
Marge & Nick Fondulas
ArrhurT. & Betty A. Olsen
Walter & Marica Shea - ITC Scholarship Fund
Gifts In Kind
Giftsfor Special Wishes
Gifts in Honor
Advice One
Marylou Balinskas
Kathy Balosie
Stever & Sally Aubrey
BarbaraEarle Ballard Nancy Ballek
Trudy Bishop
Cindy Balsome
Mabyn Christianson
Any Bodelin
Stever & Sa!ly Aubrey
Boehringer lngelheim
Dorothea Davis
Kathy Boyle Stella Briggs
Maria DePaola
Emily Fisher
Jones Brooker-Bennett
Charles Dickens, Olivia & Family
Jo Ann Galat Brown
Clark Finley
Stever & Sa!ly Aubrey
Jeff Bugbee ElizabethBusbee
Maria Gracie Justin Griffin
The Caulkins Family
Gillian Holloway
Jan Dia2
Neal & Jane Lassen Bobruff
Ciel, Inc.
Gunilla James
Judy Clark Kathy Cole Jen Colon
Sylvia LaChapelle
The Nygren Family
Lindsay Lewchik
Rev. Carol Ann Celella
Nyman Jewelers Inc.
Richard & Johanne Mangi
Nathan & Mary Hale, Jr.
Hannah Consiglio
Old Lyme Landscape
Claudia Cron-Sherman Cruzan Rum Distillery
Garden Center
Elizabeth McCallum Lori McRobbie
Leslie Paquette
Sarah Nicholas
Janie Davison
Jeanna Pellino
Joan Nichols
Stephanie Dean
Dirt Works - Greg Peterson
Dennis O' Brien
Andrea M. Deedy
Pam Plan
Daneille Olsen
Vicky Dubord
Elizabeth & Therese Popinchalk
Donna Perry
Jennifer McDermott
Linda Picazio
Emily Ballard in honor of her
Kim Pielli
teachers at the Country School
Fox Ledge - Carolyn Guptill
- Powerflow,LLC Equine Reiki
George & Linda McKay
Judy Friday
John Rexroad
'foerese Popinchalk
Emma Fries
Lizy Richarn
Shruti Rajkumar
Dr. Emily Rothstein
Rashan Family
Wayne & Donna Royston
Linda Rogers
Petra B. Shearer
Jean Gerben Christina Gotowka
Rob Hathaway
Sarah Sage
Debra Roy
Chery! Heffernan
John & Janet Schloss
Donna Royston
Marcia N. Higgins
Cookie Shea
The Scotella Boys
The Holloway Family
Walter & Marica Shea
The Scruggs Family
Daryl Hornby
Cheryl Sheridan
Marilyn Shup
Bruce & Lynn Johnston
Tia Smith
Caroline Smith
Judge's Farm
Annette Smith
Thomas Stottlemyer
Source, Inc.
Jordan Thompson
CT Valley Driving Club, Inc.
Kathy Stephenson
Colby Van Dusen
David & Virginia Davison
- Matt & Marrin Griswold
John Kashanski Jean Kauppila David Klein
Kim Knowles
& Ainsley Falcone Lawrence Stevens
The Scotella Boys in honor of the teachers and staff of Daisy Ingraham School (2 gifts)
Doraine Van Lew Maria Varga
Kathleen Marchant
Gary Swenson
Steve & Patty Kurlansky
Taylor & Francis - Deborah Lovell
Charlotte White
John Coffee
Thames Priming
John Wilbur & Family
Everett Fisher
The Granite Group
Sam Wolschleager
- Laysville Center Hardware
The Thompson Family
Lucerne Farms
Erin Tomporowski
Cheryl Matthewson
David Trichel
The Lehet Family
Brenda McCarty
Doraine Van Lew
Penny Nelson
Martha Walsh
New Horizon Graphic, Inc.
Debbie Welles
New London High School
Windcrest Farm
- Amanda Brown
Lindsay Lewchik KIM
Lori Biancamano
GiftsIn Kind
Giftsfor Special Wishes
Gifts in Honor
Advice One
Sha Aksman
Marylou Balinskas Barbara Earle Ballard
Kathy Balosie
Stever & Sally Aubrey
Nancy Bal!ek Cindy Balsome
Any Bodelin
BoehringerIngelhcim Kathy Boyle
Dorothea Davis
Maria DePaola
Emily Fisher
Stella Briggs
Ian Diaz
Jones Brooker-Bennett
Charles Dickens, Olivia & Family
Jo Ann Galat Brown
Clark Finley
Stever & Sally Aubrey
Jeff Bugbee
Maria Gracie
Elizabeth Busbee
Justin Griffin
The Caulkins Family
Gillian Holloway
Ciel, Inc.
Gunilla James
Judy Clark Kathy Cole
Mabyn Christianson
Seever& Sally Aubrey
Neal & Jane Lassen Bobruff & VETERANS
The Nygren Family
Lindsay Lewchik
Rev. Carol Ann Celella
Jen Colon
Nyman JewelersInc.
Richard & Johanne Mangi
Nathan & Mary Hale, Jr.
Hannah Consiglio
Old Lyme Landscape
Elizabeth McCallum
Claudia Cron-Sherman
Garden Center
Lori McRobbie
Leslie Paquene
Sarah Nicholas
Janie Davison
Jeanna Pellino
Joan Nichols
Stephanie Dean
Dirt Works - Greg Peterson
Dennis O'Brien
Andrea M. Deedy Vicky Dubord
Pam Platz
Daneille Olsen
Elizabeth & 'Iherese Popinchalk
Donna Perry
Michael Fanelli
Jennifer McDer~ott
Linda Picazio
Emily Ballard in honor of her
teachers at the Country School
Cruzan Rum Disriliery
Fox Ledge Carolyn Guptill
- Powerflow,LLC Equine Reiki
George & Linda McKay
Judy Friday
John Rexroad
Emma Fries
Uzy Richam
Shruti Rajkumar
Dr. Emily Rothstein
Rashan Family
Wayne & Donna Royston
Linda Rogers
Petra B. Shearer
Jean Gerbert Christina Gotowka
Sarah Sage
Debra Roy
Cheryl Heffernan
John & Janet Schloss
Donna Royston
Marcia N. Higgins
Cookie Shea
The Scorella Boys
The Holloway Family
Walter & Marica Shea
The Scruggs Family
Daryl Hornby
Cheryl Sheridan
Marilyn Shup
Bruce & Lynn Johnston
Tia Smith
Caroline Smith
Judge's Farm - Man & Martin Griswold
Annetre Smith
Thomas Stottlemyer
Source, Inc.
Jordan Thompson
CT ValleyDriving Club, Inc.
John Kashanski Jean Kauppila David Klein
Kathy Stephenson
Colby Van Dusen
David & Virginia Davison
Rob Hathaway
& Ainsley Falcone
111cScotel!a Boys in honor of rhe teachers and srnffof Daisy Ingraham School (2 gifts)
Doraine Van Lew ROBERT, JESSE
Lawrence Stevens
Maria Varga
Kim Knowles
Gary Swenson
Steve & Patty Kurlansky
Taylor & Francis Deborah Lovell
Charlotte Whire
Thames Printing
John Wilbur & Family
Everett Fisher
The Granite Group
Sam Wolschleager
John Coffee - Laysville Center Hardware
The Lehct Family
The Thompson Family
Lucerne Farms
Erin Tomporowski
Cheryl Matthewson
David Triebel
Kathleen Marchant
Eleanor Bonafonte
Brenda McCarty
Doraine Van Lew
Penny Nelson
Martha Walsh
New Horizon Graphic, Inc.
Lindsay Lewchik
Debbie Welles
New London High School
- Amanda Brown
Lori Biancamano
John Irving
Harry Trichel
Stever & Sally Aubrey
Bill & Pat Cutter
In Memory of
Alison Zack Darrell THE WEDDING OF
Roger & Fern Tryon
Everett & Barbara Berube
The Holloway Family MICHELLE
Irene W. Berg Eleanor Bonafonte Bertha Brown
Louis & Dorothy Pansius
David & Patty Cavallaro Paul & Audrey Clawson
Janice M. Romanowski MR. & MRS.
Robert & Alice Gorman Donald & Karen Gove Patricia Hall
Victoria L Hart
Mr. & Mrs. RobertJ. Phelan Ryan Romanowski
Roberta A. Long Mike & Carolyn Moberley Howard & Judith Morgan
LouiseNoyes and
Carol Colangeli
Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Noyes IV
Joseph Curley
William & Ellen Collins
Wolcott & Julianne Phelps
John Cooney
Larry R. Simmons
Coppola Paving
Leroy & Margaret Spiller
Sandra Joyce John & Janie Riordan
A smiling volunteer,
Kim Barrows,leadsMajor and a young rider.
& Landscaping Corp.
Charles T. Webster
Matthew & Lisa Cortese
West Hartford Lions Charities, Inc.
Robert & Indiana Kirwan
John & Margaret Crescione
CL Consulting Inc.
J. Bradford & Claire Young
John T, Darcy
John & Bernadette Lynch
Carol Colangeli
Joyce Zgorski
Michele Darcy
William & Samantha Marshall
Marie Dauphinais
James McAleer
Stever &
Paul & Norine Barr
Sally Aubrey
Robert & Lorraine Belyea OWEN
Talcott Mountain Agility Club SKYLAR THOMPSON
Debra Palladino
Richard Dileonardo
Ann Marie McAleese
Patrick Dooley
John & BarbaraMcMahon
James Fallar
John & Jennifer McNamara
John F.Fallon
Metro Comprehensive Physical
Antonia Joan Fontana
Joshua Forst
Adam & Jane Altman
& Aquaric Therapy Metropolitan Walters, LLC
Mark & Danielle Gawlak
Lawrence& Jennifer Miele
A-Plus Sheetmeta!, Inc.
Richard & Joan George
Gerard Moriarty
Maureen Haskell
Gregory & Rose Ann Morris
John & Mary Bates
Timothy & Kathleen Healy
James & Lorraine Moss
James & Barbara Boyle
Thomas & Lori Healy
Thomas & Barbara Moss
Henry & Viola Cain
Donal & Debra Hughes
Terence & Nancy Nee
Rosemary Cain
James Funeral Home
ParkviewPlumbing & Heating, Inc.
Carl Todd
Campson & Campson
Dorine Kenney
Virginia Parra
Carmela'sPizzeria& Restaurant
Henry & Patricia Kiefer
Point BreezeRefreshment Club
Thomas & Verot1icaKilcullen
Peter King
Matthew Preisel
Nathania Tooker
Kevin Coleman
Joan L O'Connell
The /MichaelJ. Cawley Memorial Fund, Inc.
GIFTS Ramblewood
John Kashanski
William & Judy Russell
Judith & Richard Lightfoot
Alexander & Maureen Samora
Susan Peacock
Michael & Sherley Furgueson
Peter & Lois Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Post
Anne C. Gaynor
Freedom'sWings Ind., Inc. - Richard R. Fucci
Roert M. Godley
Robert & Christine Senn LYNN HANBERG
Christina Evans Serafin
Arthur M. Hall
Donald Hanberg
Donald Skuza Jeffrey & Karen Smith
Benjamin & Kristen Spooner
Bridge Gardens
& Beatrice A. Banner WILLA
William H. Herrman Philip & Gayle Hoffman Bill and Betsy Horn
Andreas Stiebel William & Joan Thomas
Kevin Johnson
Keith Till
Barbara B. Ulrich
Patricia C. Kroepke
Jerry Tritz
Paul & LisaAltman Uniformed FirefightersAssociation of Greater New York
George & Margaret Vasselman Henry Vonkroge & Von K. Breeze
John & Diane Ward
David & Annie Bingham Peter & Dolly Burns Mr. & Mrs. Charles Caron Michael & Sherley Furgueson
1heodore L. Hargrove
Wheels Auto, Inc.
Al & Merrill Heubach
Bill and Betsy Horn
Par Cana
Don & Sue Jaffray
Lynn Boos Sophie Kashanski
& Ms. Barbara Kane New London Kiwanis Club
Annie Gorski
J. Sacadura
Perra B. Shearer
Richard & Susan Watson Ronald & Mary Webster Helen Wildermuth David & Judith Winer Women's Tri-County Golf Assoc., Inc. Alison Zack Darre!l
Manin T. Olsen, Jr.
Marcia N. Higgins Carlos
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lillibridge Mr. Mark Monette
Loreen A. Falvey
Petra B. Shearer Don Vosseller& Sandra Phillips
Helen H. McCarcin
Charlotte Bedard
& Barbara E. Smith
Cynthia H. Schwab
Richard & Judith Lightfoot
William E. Philips
Annual Giving facts:
William S. & Jane E. Taylor
Kurt van Heiningen
Woman's Club of Old Saybrook
Mr. & Mrs. Leland B. Paton
Elizabeth A. Rocco
Peter & Dorothy Kashanski
Mr. & Mrs. Pieter van Heiningen & Lisa Cemo!a
Blair Paddock
Janet U. Schaefer
John Kashanski RALPH
Margaret Manning
Arne Ahlberg & Gerry Porto
Esther Ashby Kane
Nicolas Mak
Joe Penner & Judy Hansen
Helen F. Hamlen
West End Co. No. 3, Inc.
Richard & Judith Lightfoot
Robert & Mary Meyer
Mary E. Dewaele Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher
Fred & PatriciaWernig
Ray & Sandra Ladendorf
Ed & Lainie Porter
Elmer & Susan Richards
Walter & Marcia Shea
Annual appealcontributions underwrite65-75% of the cost of everyHigh Hopeslesson. Over $38,000 was donated by individualsand their employers thoughmatchinggift programs.
Perra B, Shearer }AMES FLEMING
Eric Sorenson & Cathy Kashanski
Reich Family & United Express
Rosaline A. Tesrngrossa
Karen A. Nichols Von Holt
Individualsand organizations donatedto the Annual Appeal, raisingover $245,000.
Mr. & Mrs. William White HENRY FRANCOLINI
Phil, Leslie,Tyler & Chase Gordon
Thomas & Marilyn Nystrom
Barbara Keim
Adam Crudele and David & Marie O'Connor Richard E. Sonstroem GOULD,
Essex Financial Services,Inc. Charles & Helene Fenger Cynthia Gould Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher Kate Ireland
Donna Perry
Perra Shearer
Sally H. Aubrey Philip & Linda Auld Elizabeth S. Beck Joan R. Beller Ctmury
Two tack sales,threebirthday parties with donationsgiven in place of gifts, one bakesale,and a holidaychairsalesponsoredby the SaybrookCountryBarn are someof the unique waysthat moneywas raisedbygenerous individualsto benefitHigh Hopes.
Root Agency
William & Katherine Faye
Horse Show Days This was the third year of our week long Horse Show format and this event gets better every year! Over the course of the week we welcomed hundreds of family members, teachers, neighbors and friends and, in addition to watching our participants demonstrate their horsemanship skills, guests had the chance to refresh themselves in the Giddy Up Cafe, check out the tack sale from Fox Ledge Tack Shop or just enjoy the sunshine that we were blessed with for the week. Many thanks to Donna Spicer, Lauren Fitzgerald and Linda Picazio for chairing and planning a very successful horse show. Roland & Sally MacNichol
Show Benefactors
Phyllis M. McDowell
The Jack Foundation
Cheryl Parsons
Vince & Jane McCurdy
Philip Darrell Lighting Design
Shoreline Landscapes, LLC
The Picazio Family
Deborah A. Welles,CPA
Peter Scorella & Jennifer Curley David & Judy Winer
Show Sponsors Carlin Construction Company LLC
Show Friends
Janet Scharr Gochberg
Bob & Lee Adrian
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan
Paul & Jane Ahnell
MysticValleyHum Club Frederick & Amy Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith
Sally H. Aubrey Damon Bequary & Family in honor of Andrew
Shirley Biddle Linda & Peter Bierrie
Show Supporters
Eleanor L. Bonafonte
The Ballard Family
Henry Cain in memory
Mrs. Stratton N. Barclay
of George Cain NYFD
John & Linda Carlin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Canning
Janie Davison
Alice Castelli
Brenda & Chad Floyd
Libby & Chris Cathcart
John Kashanski
Kerry Christianson
Bob & Pauline Knoll Judith & Richard Lightfoot Johanne & Richard Mangi 1be McCu!lam Family
Kathy & Larry Cole Claudia Cron
Kenneth & Joan Levin
Ted & Becky Crosby
Bob & Grace Marrion
Terry J. Eddy
Cis Matthiessen
The Pettersen Family
Alison C. Forbis
Katie McManus
Ronald & Janet Romanowski
Michael & Sherley Furgueson
Bob & Penny Nelson
Missy & Allen Rosenshine
Margot P.Gamerdinger
The O'Dea Family
Mr. & Mrs. James Gleason
Gwen Olson & Natalie Olson
Tony & Sandy Thurston
Ellen Hall in honor of Heather
Cindy Palmer
Inge Hieret
Therese Popinchalk
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ward
Linda & Dwight Juliani in memory of Nancy Cash Lynn Kashanski
Show Patrons
Taylor McCall Saunders
Constance Kastelowitz
Petra B. Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeb N. Embree
Stu & Betsy Klarman
Tia Smith
Perer,Alex & Althea Higgins
Anni! Klingler
Richard & Sharon Torrenti
Kitty Stalsburg,
Mark & Cathy Kolovson
Dr. John & Mrs, June Wi!lson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter LaPolla
Car! & Clara Zirkenbach
Rob & Kathryn Hageman IO
Gary & Linda Rogers Sarah Sage
Show Supporter
Judy Lightfootpresenting a ribbon
High Hopes-A-Thon Walk-on!... Incorporating one of our riders' key instructions
to their horses into this year's High Hopes-A-Thonhelped
us attain our fundraising goal and gave donors a tangible reminder of their support. Thanks to the generosity of Pfizer and New London High School, we were able to give a pair of sturdy aluminum walking sticks to every $20 donor to the
High Hopes-A-Thon. Thank you to all who supported this unique fundraiser and have fun walking on!
Jennifer Johnson Karen Johnson Richard F. Kenney
Vince Agosrine
Renya Craig
Rev.ThomasW. Ahern
Vin Alberino & Nick Giannetti
Marjorie Cunis
Marylou Balinskas
Colleen Denegre
Amy Balosie& Dana Spencer
Betty Devlin Nora Dixon
Gina Barrachina
Cyndie Doocy
Kim Barrows
Kristine B. Drew
Laurie Bashaw Linda Bierrie
Edward Bishop Virginia Bladen
Robert Bode!in }'
Linda Culliton
$. Thomas Baldino & J. Carlos Velez
Barbara Ballard
Chris Coyle
Elaine Boudreau Karen Bowles
Karen Bull Sarah Hill Canning Suzanne Canning Pam Carr
Bob & Betty Cassidy Leon Chmielewski
Nancy Clarke Joe & Mona Cognena
Stone Coleman Connie Corbett Karhi Corrigan
Eric Egri Jen Ericson Michael Fanelli Barbara Finn Marge Fondulas Robert & Ann Fullan Maria Gracie John Gregor Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold Wendy Gunn Julia Veslocki Cheryl Heffernan Richard He!mecki Daryl Hornby Ginger Honan Eli:tabeth Howard Peter Hull Gunilla James
Dental Group, LLC Priya Rajkumar
Kim & Tammy Kenyon
Sandy Rake
Helen Klingler
Jennifer Rego
Pauline Knoll
Wendy Rieder
ValerieJ. Koif
Peter & Sheila Riggs
Jerry Kranich
David & Nancy Riggs
Marion LaBelle
Constance Ross
Jon Russell
Peter LaPolla
Bill & Linnie Russell
Lasser Family Philanthropic Fund
Sharon Ryan
of the Jewish Communal Fund
Barbara Abrams
R.accio& Drew
Cookie Shea
Patricia Laterza
James & Cheryl Shea
Judy & Dick Lightfoot
Mary Jo Shenk:
Susan Magaziner Frank & Sue~AnnMalinconico
Susan Shulman Marilyn Shup
Deborah Mandel
Donna Slate
Howard Margules
Linda S!usarz
Steve & Janet Mazeau
Bruce & Sandy Smith
Brenda McCarty
Sylvia& Caroline Smith
Laurian McCauley
Rita Spring
Lori McRobbie
Joe St. Germain
Susan Mead
Kitty Scalsburg
David Merio
Sue Stottlemyer
Tricia Mezzetti
Dr. R.ajeshR. Tampi
Penny Nelson
& Dr. Sunanda Muralee
Bob Nelson
Karen Thompson
Richard & Josephine Oeschger
Matthew & PaigeTobin
Gladys Otuorimuo
Karen Tomaszek
Gloria Owens
Lynn Turcotte
Debra Palladino
Karen Van Der Horst
Walter & Abby Pegoli
Maria Varga
Julie Pendleton
Mickey & Lynn Vitti
Donna Perry
Norma Walters
Judith Petersen
Capt. (Rec.)Mary Washburn
Karen PFeil
Corinne Weber
Linda Lee Picazio
Meghan Pierse
Debbie Welles
Pamela Platz
Elizabeth Ann West
John & Diane Poer
Carrie Wind
Liz Popinchalk
Frank & Keri Zito
High Hopes Hoedown In September
High Hopes launched a major new "friendraising" event, the High Hopes Hoedown. Designed as an
affordable, fun event for all ages, the Hoedown succeeded beyond our expectations. Firefighters competing for honor and glory, zany games and relay races, a delicious Outback Steakhouse barbeque supper and great music by country western favorites, Smokehouse, made the First Annual Hoedown a day to remember. Award Spomors
Michael & Patty Ganey
Essex Financial Services
Doreen Abbott
Richard & Koko Gildersleeve
Anne Astley
Leslie Gourlay
The Etess Family
Stever & Sally Aubrey
Maria Gracie
Poulin Wealth Management, LLC
Susan Ballek
Nancy Green
Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic
Ann Marie Beckwith
Delisa Grethel
Paul Bichon
Evan Griswold & Emily Fisher
Suzanne H. Birks
Robert Hageman & Kitty Stalsburg
Champion Insurance
Any Bodelin
Robert & Thelma Halloran
Ernie Boggs
Andrea Lee Hills
& Essex Savings Bank
Sharon Tracy
CHUBB FederalInsurance Company
Jean Bowlen
Chris & Ellen Holloway
Jones Brooker Bennett
John & Daryl Hornby
Dahlke Financial Group
Laura Brown
Sally Huck
Flavor King Ice Cream, Ltd.
Shannon Budds
Pauline Hunt
Kdsar Physical'lherapy
Todd & Trudy Burgess
John & Carolyn Jagielski
Peter & Sarah Canning
Jennifer Johnson
Kristine Carney
Blake, Kathy, Liam,
- Diane Kane Fournier, R.P.T.
Ihc Lyme-Old Lyme
Junior Women's Club
Event Sponsor
Jamie & Hannah Childs
& Katie Johnston and Joan Kelly Margaret Steele Kaczorowski
Team Sponsors
Arthur & Mabyn Christianson
Stephen Dedman & Jackie Kangley
Lawrence & Memorial
All Pro Automotive
Cluffs Carpet
Tammy Kenyon
Commercial Construction
Carol Colange!i
Tom & Cissie Keogh
Penny Cook
Myron Klein
Kathi Corrigan
Samantha Kohles
New London sponsor of rhe
Nunzio & Irene Corsino
Lori Kolar
High Hopes team
Chris & Patti Coyle
Peter & Kathy La Tronica
Renya Craig
Valerie Laming
Peter Scotella & Jennifer Curley
Mark & Ann Lander
Marjorie Cunis
Rochelle Lee
Group, LLC AAMCO Transmission of
Corporate Sponsors Media Sponsor 97.7 WCTY & 98.7 WNLC
Lyme Arr Association - sponsored anonymously Zelek Electric Co.
Phillip F. Darrell
Brand e!rCommunications Sponsor Outthink, LLC
Dinner Sponsor Outback Steakhouse of New London
Barn Dance Sponsors Bob's Discount Furniture David & Mary Beth Casey
Caulfield& Ridgway,Inc. Guilford SavingsBank Southern Exposure 12
Thomas & Margaret Casey
& Alison Zack Darrell
Mark & Anne Lewchik Jim &Jean Lewis
Henri & Elizabeth David
Prescott Lirtldield
Kimberly Davis
Jim & Louise Lubs
Virginie de Landevoisin
Maria Corrao Marchant
Robert & Barbara Ballard
Judie Driscoll
Michelle Marrin
John & Athana Caden
Joe & Sharon E!nisky
Fred & Chery! Mastele
Linda S. Corrigan
John C. Evans
Laurian McCauley
Janet Scharr Gochberg
Dana Evans
Abby Miner
Yale Kneeland & Judy Cotton
Hugh & Saskia Evans
Earl & Margaret Mummert
Richard & Judith Lightfoot
Cindy Finkle
Bill & Dawn Nelligan
Jeff & HoUy Ridgway
Lauren Firzgerald
Bob & Penny Nelson
Garf & Linda Rogers
'Ihe Folts Family
Joan Nichols
Roger & Marcia Smith
Penelope Gal!agher
Karen Nichols
Individual Sponsors
Tony & Sandy Thurston
Cheryl Norton
Shaun & Elaine O'Dea Candy Ogland
John & Jeanna Pellino Dennis & Pattie Peoples John & Berty Pettersen Tom & Linda Picazio
Mary P.Pullen Michael & Priya Rajkumar Aaron & Lisa Reneson
CJ& Ana Rinaldi Ringwood Consulting Group
Linda Rogers Ronald & Janet Romanowski Ryan & Linda Romanowski
Robert & Gail Rowe Wayne & Donna Royston
Andy Russell Michael & Cemmy Ryland Carrie Sargent
Rick & Terry Schreiber James & Cookie Shea
Cheryl Shirley
Bill Nelliganhorsing
around at the Hoedown.
Michael & Robin Simeone
Bruce & Sandra Smith
Tia Smith
time to visit with new and
Beth Smith
oldfriends, made the day
Diane Stevens
Holly Sundmacker
Richard & Sharon Torrenti Anthony Vallentine & Ariana Eaton
Doraine Van Lew
Raffle Donors
Judith Vinci
Bob's Discount Furnimre
Matt Ward
Donna Wasserman
Dude Ranchers' Association
John & Debbie Welles Linda Westervelt
Homeward Bound
Kristina White
Sourhern Exposure
Janis Wirkins
Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Kyrena Robinson
Contributors Janice Atkeson
Keith & Jane Bolles
Special Contributors & In-Kind Donors
Mary C. Burke
Ken & Joan Levin
Triple Springs - Robert 1110mpson
Tobie Meisel
Debbie Welles
Lynne (Boyd) Rost
A&P Wine and Spirits
Petra B. Shearer
Kande Steele
Christ the King Church
Z Screen Priming
Manchester Ice Mary Mille John Pizzoferrato Rogers Lake Liquor Shoppe Scott's Farm and Greenhouse of Essex Zelek Electric Co,
Symphony in the Meadows 20 r o The day started off overcast and the rain fell (at rimes heavily!) all through the afternoon but, one hour before the start of Symphony in the Meadows
ro, the sun came our and the magic began. Maestro Toshi Shimada led the Eastern
Connecticut Symphony Orchestra on a musical journey that ended with the booming canons of Tchaikovsky's r 8 12 Overture and capped off a successful event with record amounts raised in corporate sponsorships and in support of the Equine Care Fund.
Event Sponsor Essex Savings Bank & Essex Financial Services, Inc.
Diamond Sponsor The Herb Chambers Companies
Corporate Sponsors Platinum Sponsors Lawrence& Memorial Hospital The Trustees of the
Kinney Memorial Foundation
WNLC - Hall Radio Group
Gold Sponsors Bob's Discount Furniture, LLC Chelsea Groton Bank
Compass Group Management, LLC Connecticut Light
& Power Company Essex Printing Company Foundation
- David V. Winsread, Ph.D. & PamelaM. ReeserM.D. Franklin Organic Mushrooms, Inc.
- Wilhelm Meya Ironwood Capital
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management
In Memory of lyn Hanberg
All Pro Automotive
The Lech Family
Brewer Pilots Pooint Marina
Liberty Bank - Christopher Arnold
Merrill Lynch - Elizabeth David
Jon Buder, Architect
Outthink - John Visgilio
Champion Insurance- Sharon Tracy
Rives & Nancy Pons Brewer Yacht Yards
Paul BurdickOil Co., LLC Caulfield & Ridgway,Inc. Citizens Bank Clark Development - Herb & Sherry Clark Daniels Energy - Robert Daniels & David Daniels Dime Bank Dominion Essencefor Beauty and Wellness Geneve Corporation Gengras Volvo of East Hartford & Meriden - Chip Gengras Guilford SavingsBank
& Ralph Guardiano
Cinami Excavation,LLC
Reynolds' Garage & Marine, Inc.
Coffee'sCountry Market, LLC
Ring's End - Ke! & Karen Tyler
Connected Systems LLC
SalemValleyVeterinaryClinic Robert Baratt, DVM, FAVD Robin & Philip Schonberger
- Jason C Zelek Connecticut Currant - Allyn & Kim Brown
Shoreline Health & Firness
Cookson America
Smith Eye Associates,Inc.
The Cooley Gallery
William Pitt Sotheby'sInternational
Cooper Capital Specialty
Realty - Jamie Childs Xerox Foundation Zelek Electric Co. - Mr, & Mrs. Ray Zelek
Salvage,LLC Dahlke Financial Group Duble & O'Hearn, Inc. Thee-List The Ferrucci Family
Mr. Andrew Baxter
Rowland & Nancy Ballek
John & Vera Harsh
Edna & Michael Beaudette
Brian & Carole Barnard
John & Athana Caden
David Baskin & guest
Gu!l Associates, Inc.
Thomas& SusanChilds
Maire Baumuller & guest
Bryant Heffernan & Sara Galbo Myron & Rita Hendel LeslieHenebry
Guy's Oil Service
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daitch
Frank & Joan Behrendt
Mark Hoddinott
Hi-Rel Products,Inc. KofkoffEggFarms/ Land O LakesAll-NamralEggs Louis Vuitton - Cheryl Hallinan
Mr, & Mrs. JebN, Embree
Mimi & Bill Benner
Famah Hoffman
John C. Evans
Heather S. Bennett
Lisa Holmes
Janet Scharr Gochberg
RudolfBergmans & Ann Lane
Linda & Paul Holt
Daniel S. Hansen & David D.J. Rau Mitch & Cheryl HeffCrnan Judith & Richard Lightfoot Todd & BeckyMachnik Michael & Joanne Masin Mr. & Mrs. F. Patrick McFadden Lee & Michele Mergy Kathleen O'Donnell Chris & Roddy Roosevelt Marcia & Roger Smith Ellen Smoller Ann & Wayne Southwick Sabin & BeverlyStreeter Tony & Sandy Thurston Betsey & Bob Webster
Charles & Katharine Berry
Cary Schuler Hull
Linda & Peter Bierrie
Douglas Bjorn
Brooke & Bernhardt Nadell
Newt & Mimi Brainard
Bob & Pauline Knoll
Howard Brensilver& guest
David Lamer & Kristin Karabees
Katherine Cahouet Connolly
Craig & Kathy Lifland
GallagherBuickGMC, Inc. - New Brkain, CT
& Ann Morrison Calvert
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation MiddleCove Capital The Millard Group NURIDE, Inc, PageTaft Real Estate - Connecticut River PropertiesTeam People's United Bank Saybrook Country Barn Saybrook Wealth Solutions, Inc. Shoreline Eye Group, P.C. Shoreline Fire Equipment Smith Insurance, Inc. Storm Solutions
and Joe Connolly
Stuart & Monica Littler
Thomas Carver
Terrance & Bette Lomme
Gerard F.Cattie & Peter N. Watt
Lu & LesLupovich
Jeff & D.D. Charnok Helen & Bill Chatman Elsie & Sam Childs Cynthia Clegg & guest
Wilcox Fuel, Inc. & Old Lyme Oil
Andrew & Geraldine Collins
The Wi!liams School - Mark Fader
Peter & Rosalie Brainard
Gretchen & Woody Comstock
Hannah & Jamie Childs
Chris & Patti Coyle
Philip F. Darrell
Steven & Kathleen Crook
& Alison Zack Darrell
Becky& Ted Crosby
A 2 Z Screen Printing LLC Archambault Insurance, Inc.
James & Cathy Elliott
Janie Davison
Cartier Optical, Inc,
Robert & Margarita Emerson
Arthur & Wynne Delmhorst
CencerbrookArchitectsand Planners
Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold
Peter S. Dixon, MD
Enterprise Builders
Richard & Edie Freeman
Essex Dermatology, LLC
Michael & Patty Ganey
Richard & Katherine Gildersleeve
Barbara Earle
Eye Doctors Elgart, Pinn,
Susan & Jonathan Jewett
John Earle
Gordon & Elgart
Symphony in the Meadows Facts:
Nicholas Clements Marta Collins & guest
Webster Bank
Faulkner Hunt & Ann Lightfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Canning
& Anne G. Earle
$Io9,550 donated by over200 CorporateSponsors. 543 guestsattendedgenerating $54,690in ticket sales. 32 Restaurantsdonated horsd'oeuvres.
Barry Dowler & Barbara Pine
I 3 8 volunteersgave over 4,250 hoursof hard work and talentedservice.
Mark & Cindy Kenney
Robert & Margarita Emerson
Hamilton Capita! Investments
Cher & Suzanne Kitchings
Emily Endrich
Kitchings & Potter, LLC
George & Sally Mayer
Carrie Ermler & guest
Phyllis M. McDowell
Carter & Erica Evans
Levine Disttibuting Co., Inc
William Phillips & Barbara Smith
Dr, Robert & Valerie Fales
Steven Mankin & Lauren Caldwel!
Lomas Tree Service,LLC
Linnie & Frederick Pickering
Robert & Carolyn Fay
John & Amy McCauley
Madison Chrylser Jeep Dodge
Bettie & Alan Proctor
George & Marybeth Fede
Edith Lipper
Middlesex Hospital
Mary Pullen
John R. & Phyllis M. Ganey
Mr, Chris McGarry & guest
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Linda & Gary Rogers
Nancy & Whitney Garlinghouse
Ms. Suzanne McGraw
Hugh Scott
Jerry & Nancy Gehman
Sharon & Hank Mclnerney
Nancy Larson Publishers, Inc.
Joyce H. Sisk
Andon George & Paula McCreedy
Diantha McMorrow
Tower Laboratories Ltd.
Robert G, Strachan
Todd & Carrie Gibbs
Bob & Virginina Monrgomery
- Patricia Walsh
Treasures,Old Lyme
Individual Sponsors Benefactors Barbara & Matt Abrams Robert D. & Barbara Earle Ballard
Cecil & Linda Lyons
Laura Giordano & guests
Dorothea Moore
Jodie & Greg Godbout
Mac & Earl Mummert
Brendan & Liz Adams
Linda Goddard & guest
Denise Murray
Diane Aeschliman
Mimi Gourlay
Bernhardt & Brooke Nadell
Bill Anderson & guest
Alva Greenberg & Anthony Collins
Bob & Penny Nelson
Randy & Susan Anway
Daniel & LeslieGregor
Manha & Stephen Norcia
Rohen, Melissa & Elizabeth Bagdorf
Mrs, Anthony P.Halsey
Constance M. O'Brien & guest
James Bairstow
Donald Hanberg
Kathy O'Donnell & guest
CONTRIBUTORS Mark & Dorinda Winkelman & guests
Jeff & Heather Graybill Marcin & Sondra Griswold
Robert & Nancy Wood
Mitch & Cheryl Heffernan
Roberta Ziobron & guest
Jonathan & Susan Jewett Chet & Suzanne Kitchings
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klimek
Mary C. Burke
John Lombardi, III
Mr. & Mrs. John H, Carl
John & Amy McCauley
John & Alison Forbis
David McDermott
Tim & Susan Gavronski
Suzanne McGraw
Jennifer Grant
Dorothea Moore
Muriel Hink.le
Bob & Penny Nelson
Peyron C. Horne
Steve & Cheryl Norton
Kineta Kindell
Philip & Cynthia Parcak
Fleur Lawrence
The Picazio Family
Joan & Ken Levin
John & Lee Pritchard
Alan & Bettie Proctor
Polly & Newt Merrill
Hayden Reynolds & Emily Greene
Mr. & Mrs. A. Wright Palmer
Gary & Linda Rogers
Eleanor Saunders
Judith M. Schaaf
Humphrey & Susan Tyler
Karen Schwarz
Dr. & Mrs. John Willson
Mr. Hugh C. Scott James & Cookie Shea Marilyn Shup
Corbettcarriesa placardat Symphonyin the Meadows. Joanne O'Neil
Cindy & Bill Palmer Charles & JoAnne Park Gillian A.M. Parrick Elena & Michael Patterson James E. & Jacquelyn B. Pedrick Dennis & Pattie Peoples
James& Jane Pfeffer Tom & Linda Picazio
John & Sonia Pierson John & Lee Pritchard Don & Charlone Quigley Louis Raymond Aaron & Lisa Reneson
Joe Rhodes, III
Joseph & Lee Rhodes Jean M. Richards & Boynton Schmitt Rob & Barbara Richards Marla Richardson & guest
Alex Richardson & LiddyKarter Gregg Richardson & Julia Rathkey
Holly & )elf R;dgway Wendy Rieder Ryan & Linda Romanowski
Tom & Lucy Rutherford
Gita Safaian & Tarik Kardestuncer
Equine Care Fund Donor
Judy Schaaf & guests
James & Marian Bairstow
ShelbySchavoir & guests
Robert & Barbara Ballard
Rcnny & Judy Schoonmaker
Donna Barber~Dunn
Rick & Terry Schreiber
& William Herbert
Don & Carol Schwartz
Frank & Joan Behrendt
Roger & Marcia Smith Greg & Beth Smith Terry Stewart Tony & Sandy 1hursron Kel & Karen Tyler Mark & Dorinda Winkelman
Peter Scotella & Jennifer Curley
Peter & Linda Bierrie
John & Susan Senning
Howard Brensi!ver
Elliza & Matt Sharp
Jonathan & Debra Buder
James & Cookie Shea
Mike & Donna Byrne
Blue Oar, James & Jodi Reilly
Petra B. Shearer
John Callan
Deb Boardman
Marilyn Shup & Al Mack
John & Athana Catlett
Bob's Discount Furniture
Auction Donors Adantic Seafood, Lisa Feinman
Micahel & Robin Simeone
Gerard Cattie & Peter Watt
The Bowerbird
Seymour & Tia Smith
Herbert G. Chambers
Cafe Routier, Brian Parri
Thomas Soboleski
Susan K. Childs
Carbone's Ristorante
Kitty Stalsburg
Jamie & Hannah Childs
The Cinami Family
Chester Gallery
Eric Steinmetz & guest
Katherine Cahouet & Joe Connolly
Jamie & Hannah Childs
Laurel and Terry Stewart
Steven & Connie Corbett
Coastal Gourmet, Inc.,
& Kathryn Hageman
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Stonehart
Chris & Patti Coyle
Wanda E. 11llman
Alison Zack Darell
Charles Spathakis Anthony Collins & Alva Greenberg
Alan & Sky Todd & guests
Henri & Elizabeth David
BetsyCopp Steve Corbett, Cookson America
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Todd III
Mrs. BarbaraA. Earle
Cove Landing Marine,
Addison Van Ness
Jeb & Dianne Embree
& Van M. Brown
& Robert Robillard
& Philip E Darrell
Robert & ValerieFales
John Leonard & Rachel Chamberlain
Michael Speirs & Lori Warner
George & Marybeth Fede
Bill & Lisa Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Whitney
Carol "Chip" Frost
John Dube
Mark & Liz Williams
Michael & Patty Ganey
Mr, & Mrs. Henry E, Dunn, III
Sydney & Caroline Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve
Eastern Connecticut
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Windan
Jim & Joanne Graybil!
Symphony Orchestra
EVENT EF Watermelon Elements
Essence Center for
Renaissance Gardening, Ltd., Louis Raymond
Crow's Nest Gourmet Deli Cuckoo's Nest
Chet Reneson
El &Ela's
Alison Ritrovato
Foster-Casey & Co.
Eugene O'Nei!l Theater Center
River Tavern, Jonathan Rapp
Fromage Fine Foods & Coffees
John C. Evans
Roger Williams Park Zoo
The Griswold Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fordham
Roses for Autism
Hideaway Restaurant & Pub
The Sandri Companies
Ir's Thyme
Michael Ganey
Scandinavian Photography LLC
The Ivory Restaurant & Pub
Robin & Phil Shonberger
Liv's Oyster Bar
Goodspeed Musicals Hadlyme Country Score Hanford Stage Lyndon Haviland & Tom Neff
SeasideWine & Spirits, Russ Aglio
Mindy K's
Matt & Eliza Sharp
Old Lyme Seafood
Mr. Steve Solenzio
Olive Oyl's
Southern Exposure
Mitch & Cheryl Hefferman
Patricia Spratt for the Home
Our Bakery & Deli
Stone Kelly Florists
Paperback Cafe
Judge'sFarm JacquelineKangley
Tony & Sandy Timrsron
Pasta Vita
Lori Warner Gallery
Penny Lane Pub
The Katherine Hepburn
Bob & Betset Webster
River Tavern
Mark & Dorinda Winkelman
Stop & Shop - Old Saybrook
Beauty and Wcilness
Cultural Am Center
Tom & Cissie Keogh
Village Provisions
Joseph LiPuma Living Proof Dixon Merkt Metropolitan Museum of Arr
Mirch & Cheryl Heffernan Moving Target Jazz Band, Leslie Strauss
James B. Murphy II oomph Lee Pritchard
596 volunteerscontributedtheir time and talentsfor approxim-ately 34,400 hoursof service. 6,376 volunteerhours werespent in
the barn on horsecareandfacility management. I6,725 volunteerhours weregiven
to the ridingprogram as horseleadersand side walkers. I,978 officeand mailing
volunteersdonated I,789 hours.
Walt's Food Market
Lewmar Marine, Inc.
Ann Lightfoot
Volunteer Facts:
Restaurant In-Kind Contributors Abby Miner Catering Alfomo'sTrattoria
The Wheatmarket
drivingprogram volunteers
Atlantic Seafood
Special In-Kind Contributions
Bee & Thistle Inn
A&P Wine and Spirits, Old Lyme
Arrow Rentals
The Brushmill Restaurant
Cruzan Rum of St. Croix, VI
Vicki Dubord,
Coffee'sCountry Market
I,273 hours wereservedby our
8,049 volunteerhourswerespent in
committeemeetings,planning special events,working on trainingand educ, tion programs,manning our reception desk, and just being here!
Emphasis on Graphics
Essex Printing Finkeldey, Inc. Nancy Freeborn George & Mary Beth Fede Gosling's Rum, Bermuda Lisa Reneson, Two Sisters Design Maine Distilleries, Freeport, ME Rogers Lake Liquor Shoppe, Old Lyme SeasideWine & Spirits, Old Saybrook Shore Discount Liquors, Deep River That's rhe Spirit Shoppe, Essex Woody Wheeler Zelek Electric
Volunteers There is no one way to describe a "typical" High Hopes
a devotion
volunteer. Volunteers come from all age groups, from
others. High Hopes volunteers also like a challenge. They
various backgrounds with various talents, from country
see hope in connecting people with horses even, or perhaps
and city. They contribute
especially, when challenges must be overcome to make that
in diverse ways as well-
making a positive difference in the lives of
in program, in the office, for special events and fund-
connection possible. For all of the many ways in which
raising. What High Hopes volunteers have in common is
you contribute, we thank you.
Madi Benoit
Trudy Burgess
Pat Abraham
Molly Bernstein
John Cody Carol Colangeli Katherine Cole
Andrea Deedy
Marni Adamson
AllieBurke Rick Burke
Colleen Ahern
Ellen Bibeau
Lynne Burns
Larry Cole
Wanda Dempsey
Alexandra Aksterowicz
Susan Bibeau
Todd Buroff
Amanda Collins
Sarah Alben
Kim Bienkowski
Pamela Burr
Courtney Collins
Kim Desabrais Elizabeth DeShaw
Krista Albright Rhonda Alfano
Linda Bierrie
Lauren Butkus
Amanda Collison
Hanna DeShaw
Deborah Buder
Ben Collison
Sam Alsback
Suzanne H. Birks
Kristen Buder
Sarah Conklin
Laura Deskin
Roxane Althouse
Trudy Bishop
Nicole Cahill
Dianne Connors
Nicole Dessin
Bruce Anderson
Suzy Black Madeline Blank
Jason Cain Laurel Camean Cindy Camilleri-Hutson Peter Canning
Connie Corbett Erica Corbett SteveCorbett
Betty Devlin Megan Devlin
Dorothy Anderson PaigeAndrews Erica Anhalt Amy Aquilino
Marley Bocian Any Bodelin Kelli Boike
Amy Arnold SallyH. Aubrey
Eleanor Bonafonte Chrisrine Bond
Inger Avery Elizabeth Bagdorf Amy Bailey Devon Bakoledis
Annmarie Bonin Cassie Bonin Loni Bouchard
Marylou Balinskas Emma Ballachino Robert Ballard Barbara Earle Ballard
Newt Brainard BrileyBranden Olivia Branden
Nancy Ballek Susan Ballek Rowland Ballek
Ke!liBrandt Flo Bremner JcffBriddle
Bridget Balosie Karhy Balosie LeslieBarlow
Katrina Brisson Jones Brooker-Bennett
Carlton M. Barlow,Jr. Kim Barrows Colin Basler Anna Beatty Laura Becher Kathy Beck BeckyBeerwald
Chelsea Bourn Mimi Brainard
Jennie Broomfield Laura Brown-Moya Terri Bryant Ainsley Bryce Mary Buchanan Jeff Bugbee Courmey Burd Gloria Burdick
Sarah Hill Canning Laurel Canova Anna Carey Sarah Carlson AlexandraCarlton Cricket Carufe Margaret Casey Mary Beth Casey John Catlett Sarah Catlett Gerard Cattie MicaelaCaulkins Anna Cerbulis Sarah Chapdelaine Bill Chatman Helen Chatman Amber R. Chick James M. Childs Hannah Childs Susie Childs 1110masChilds Susan Chodorov Nick Clements Janet Cody
Karen Corcelli BeccaCorcoran KyleCorey Kathi Corrigan EliseCouillard Chris Coyle Parri Coyle Renya Craig AlyssaCrandal! Kathy Crockett Claudia Cron-Sherman Hope Culliton Kim Cummings Marge Curtis Nancy Cusack Alison Czuhajewski Brian Dagle Anna D'Agostino Deanna Dahlin KellyD'Ancicco Philip Darrell ElizabethL. David Sara Davidson Linda Davis Janie Davison
Stephen Dedman
Olivia De!Giudice
Anna Dexter Judy Dill Jennifer Oil! Paul DiPietro Nora Dixon Caitlin Doocy Cyndie Doocy Flora Drapeau Mary Drew Judie Driscoll Vicki Dubord Stephanie Ducharme William Dunbar Kristie Durante Tanner Eaton-Carberry FrancescaEdwards Ash Edwards Jonnie Edwards Eric Egri Maria Ehle-Meyer Katie Elliot Diane Embree Jeb Embree Lisa Ennis Kati Ensulo Jennifer Ericson
VOLUNTEERS Jerry Kranich
Brenda McCarty
Joanne Kraska
Grace McCauley
Courtney Gorham
YolandaHoule Colleen Hoyt Erin Hull
Leah Krasnor
Laurian McCauley
Marja Gosier
Spencer Hull
Melissa Kratochvil
Jenny McCoy John McDonald
Dana Evans
Jodie Godbout
John Evans
Martha "Bunny" Goodson
Vanessa Evans
Jack Fader Mark Fader Suki Fader Diane Fahey Brooke Fairbanks Libby Fales Eli Fanelli
Robyn Hurrell
Danielle Krause
Cyndie Gould
Paula Hurtig
Joan Kren
Dessi McEntee
Mimi Gourlay
Mercedes Arambula Ibanez
Victoria La Vista
Jeri McEntire
Jim Grabowski
Matt Iovanna
Molly RoseLadd
Brianna McGlone
Luke Grabowski Madelyne Grabowski
Steven Irvine
Marie LaPointe
Devon McLaughlin
PamelaP.Irving Carolyn Jagielski Christy Jagielski John Jagielski Gunilla James Gregory S. Jarrabeck Tameka Jeter Jonathan Jewett SusanJewett Karen Johnson Max Johnson Jennifer Johnson IGmberlyJoy Ashley Kane Elsbeth Kane Jacqueline Kangley-Dedman Kaitlyn Kasinskas Meredith Kasprow Paul Katowski LyndsayKay Sutton Keany Maggie Keating Karen Keelan Kathy Keeney Dick Kenney Cathy Kenny Clare Kenny Julia Kenny Thomas Keogh Stephanie Kerilla Kevin IGlbride Meg Ellen Kimmeu Nancy Kindell Nancy King Binky King Rebecca IGrkland Chet Kirchings Suzanna IGtchings Robert Klimek Wendy Knight Pauline Knoll Robert Knoll Samantha Kohles Morgan Kanney Paul Kotowski Caroline Kozlowski
Amanda Larder
Sue Lardner
Casey McMorrow
Dick Lasnier
Lori McRobbie
Angela Farrar
Carolyn Kilroy~Grabowski
Susan Farrar
Mary Beth Fede
Heather Graybill
Lindsay Fenn
Linda Ferraro
Gaile Greenwood
Ann-Kristin Feuser
Bruce Gregor
Cymhia Finkle
Christine Gregor
Clark Finley
John Gregor
Meredith Fiorino
Evan Griswold
Mara Fischer
Mallory Guillemette
Emily Fisher
Wendy Gunn
Lauren Fitzgerald
Jenna Gunnell
Barbara Fitz.simmons
Shannon Gunther
Brian Fitzsimmons
Kathryn Hageman
Elizabeth Flugrad
Rebecca Haller
Kim Folts
Lisa Hamler
Alison Forbis
Sarah Hammond
Darcie Forgue
Robert Hanley
Christy Forsman
Rob Hathaway
Susan Hathway
Caroline Foster
Marguerite Hayber
Jane Holly Foster
Erin Hayes
Hannah Franklin
Danielle Hayward
Nancy Freeborn
Edie Freeman
Bryan Heffernan
Denise French
Cheryl HeffCrnan
Mimi Furgueson
Mitchell Heffernan
Sarah Gabo
Nick Heffernan
Andrew Ganey
Kathy Heller
Jack Ganey
Olivia Henderson
Kevin Ganey
Dylan Heslin
Michael Ganey
Emily Hess
Party Ganey
Maeve Hickey
Pennie Garvin
Maggie Higgins
Lauren Gervais
Marcia Higgins
Sandra Gervais
Gaye Hoffman
Dinah Ghirardi
Kristy Holch
Katharine "Koko"
Mackenzie Holdmeyer
Madison Holdmeyer
Jade Gilman
Ellen Holloway
Laura Giordano
Nikki Hopkins
Emma Glassman
Shaune Horan
Deanna Glod
Hartley Horr.
Greg Godbout
Daryl Hornby
Jean Lasser
Susan Mead
Donna Latella
Tania Meisner
Kristy Latella
Carlos Mendez
James LaVoie
Lauren Merrill
Larry Lee
Mimi Menon
Julie Leis
Amelia Metz
Goody Lelash
Lisa Michaud
Jim Lewis
Diana Mignon
Jean Lewis
Jackie Mildrum
Meredith Libby
Cheryl Miller
Judy Lightfoot
Rachel Miller
Richard Lightfoot
Kate Mitchell
Alex Moen
Ashley Linden
Janna Moen
Tyler Lindmark
Cheryl Molina
Joseph Lipuma
Dorothea (Thea) Moore
Sarah Lively
Rachel Moore
Barbara Longo
Susan Morris
Bene-Lou Rush
Mary Morton
Sarah Loughlin
Fran Moya
Marion Lovig
Margaret "Mac" Mummert
Lu Lupovich
Donna Munhall
Cecil Lyon
Courtney Murphy
Linda Lyon
Patti Murphy
Todd Machnik
Alden Murphy
Eliza Macleod
Alec Murphy
Alison Madole
Graham Murphy
Susan Magaziner
Mary Kate Murray
Leigha Magro
Morgan Murray
Neil Mann
Donna Marcinek
Brook Myers
Howard Margules
Noah Myers
Deborah Marino
Robbin Myers
Darlene Marshall
Allie Naclerio
Jaclyn Martin
Bronwynne Nagle
Claudia Natorski
Patti Mathews
Shane Naylor
Diane Mathiason
Heather Negra!le
Steve Mazeau
Bill Nelligan
Bob Nelson
Ally McCabe
Penny Nelson
Ellen McCabe
Hannah Newron
Gavin McCarthy
Fred Nygard
Casey O'Brien
Sarah Prpich
Judy Saunders
Holly Sundmacker
Corinne Weber
Casey O'Dea
Mary Pullen
Brian Scacciaferro
Emma Sutphen
Betsey Webster
Colleen O'Dea
Sara Qua
Justin Scace
Eunice Sutphen
Jerilyn Weg!inksi
Cara Offredi
Kassandra Quan
Sara Schmidt
Lee Swearington
Kim Weglinksi
Candy Ogland
Morgan Quigley
John Schomaker
James Sweney
Shanleye Weismiller
Emily Rose Og!and
Taylor Quigley
Robin Schonberger
John Sweney
Deborah A. Welles
Brigid O'Gorman
Margot Raicek
Terry Schreiber
Sarah Sweney
John A. Welles, Jr.
Jeri Okeefe
Maureen Ramsdell
Eliot Schwam
Sharon Sweney
Sheila Wertheimer
Old Saybrook
Arden Rand
Harpur Schwartz
Colby Swope
Eric West
Katherine Raunig
Elizabeth Scott
Judith Sylvester
Linda Westervelt
Girl Scout Troop Christopher Olsen
Jonathan Recor
Lindsey Scott
Taylor Teixeira
Woody Wheeler
Joanne O'Neil
Meghan Redner
Hugh Scott
Margarita Te!lechea
Kristina White
Beth O'Neill
Taylor Redner
Laine Selander
David Thayer
Sarah Whimey
Gary Orefice
Ryan Reed
Erica Semple
Lauren Thiele
Tiffany Wieczorek
Knoll Osborn
Susan Regan
Louise "Cookie" Shea
Alyssa 111omas
Christopher Wilbur
Stephanie O'Sullivan
Lisa Reneson
Petra Shearer
Amanda Thomson
Jeanette Wilcox
Kelly O'Toole
Lee Rhodes
Cheryl Sheridan
Anrhony C. Thurston
Linnea Willard
Emily On
Joseph Rhodes, III
Luke Sherman
Sandy Thurston
Carrie Wind
Janine Palmer
Joseph Rhodes, Jr.
Miles Sherman
Beth Tichacek
Kim Wollschleager
Julie Papanier
Margaret Ricciardi
Oliver Sherman
Kathy Tisdale
Andrea Woolston
Lee Paradis
Carol Ridgway
Brittany Shinn
Joan Todd
Kaitlin Worden
Maria Paradis
Jeffrey Ridgway
Susan Shulman
Juanita Paris
Holly Ridgway
Marilyn Shup
SkyTodd B;JiTodd
Alison Zack Darrell
Elizabeth Parsons
Sarah Riley
Jeremy Siborg
Erin Tomporowski
Benny Zheng
Chris Patella
Sharon Riley
Sheila E. Siborg
Sharon A. Torrenti
George Fede
Sarah Pease
Alison Ritrovato
Crystal Sides
Bethany Toutant
Michael Simeone
Ann Peaslee
Izzy Ritrovato
Perry Silcio
Sharon Tracy
Rebecca Wyman
Clare Peaslee
Phoebe Ritrovato
Rachel Sinay
Krissy Trevena
James Pedrick
Angela Rizzo
Lindsey Skiba
David Trichel
Volunteer Groups
Jeanna Pellino
Betsey Robercs
Arlene Smith
Nathan Trucks
John Pellino
Susan Robidoux
Bruce Smith
Jessica Truelove
Eric Penniman
Kati Roessner
Don Smith
Rachel Tucker
Pawing Ponies
Patty Peoples
Gary Rogers
Roger M. Smith
Cadi Tupper
Mystic Pony Club
Donna Perry
Linda Rogers
Sandy Smith
Alix Turner
Citizens Bank
Judith Petersen
Ethan Rohrberg
Tia Smith
Catherine Twarowski
LOL Middle Schoo!
Wendy Petersen
Caroline Rolfe
Marcia Smith
Kelvin N, Tyler
Karen Ffeil
Will Romeo
Seymour Smith
Susan Tyler
Linda Lee Picazio
Lynne Rost
Bill Sopelak
Jordan Tyrol
Tom Picazio
Tori Rotermund
Lois Sorace
Sophia Valentin
Andrew Piccirillo
Donna Royston
Monica Spencer
Doraine Van Lew
Jonathan Piccirillo
Wayne Royston
Abigail Sperry
Lisa Vass
Barbara Pickett
Meredith Ruggiero
Nina Sperry
Kayla Veilleux
Kristine Pierce
Becca Russell
Donna Spicer
Kathryn Vine
Jennifer Piner~Wyman
Jon Russell
Joseph St. Germain
Christian D. Viola
John Pizzoferrato
Kyle Russell
Kitty Stalsburg
Matthew J. Viola
Stephanie Plasse
Pam Russell
Debbie Steele
Tommy Vocolina
Erin Platz
Carol K. Ryland
Kande Steele
James VocolinaJr.
Laura Platz
Sarah Sage
Amy Stevens
Lori Walker
Pam Platz
Sagune Sakya
Emma Stewart
Diane Walsh
Nicole Polimeni
Jane Samuels
Margaret Stracuzzi
Capt. (Ret.) Mary
Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
E. Washburn
Cathy Poulin
Teresa Sander
Eden Straub
Tarun Prashanth
David Sandmann
Maggie Stryker
Joseph Wasy!
36 Town Woods Road
Claire Price
Danielle Sanso
Laurie Sulger
Nancy Watkinson
Old Lyme, Connecricttt 06371
Emma Price
Kristina Samo
Brendan Sullivan
Peter Watt
phone 860~434~1974
Lee Pritchard
Linda Sanso
Maggie Sullivan
Kathryn Wayland