Inside this issue: Board Chairman & Executive Director Message
High Hopes and Lawrence & Memorial Hospital
Spotlight Success
A Collaboration
Ride Towards Independence
Ways to Give ■
New Board Members List ■ EssexSavings Bank ■ Sis's Trail of Hope ■ Wish
The Spirit of Giving ■
Volunteers Making it Possible ■ Barbara Kashanski
From the Horse's Mouth ■
Horse of the Year... Greco
High Hopes Happenings ■
Internationa l ITC Symphony in the Meadows 2010 ■ Upcoming Open House ■ Horse Show Days ■
In accordan ce with the Americans with Disabilit ies Act , The High Hopes Rider is available in alternati ve formats upon request . Please contact Wendy Knight at Ext. 19.
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Ther apeutic Riding .Inc. Phone: 860.434. 1974 Fax: 860 .434.3723
www .highhopestr .org
Winter / Spring 201 O
ne of the most exciting new adventures for us during the past year has been deve lopi ng and expanding our relationship with Lawrence and Memorial Hospital. For many years, High Hopes has been interested in forming collaborative relationships with the medical community. While those of us who see the day to day changes in our participants can truly appreciate the immense value of therapeutic riding, there needs to be additional research and corroboration from medi cal and educational professionals to further va lidate the service. Thanks to a visionary meeting made possible by Chet Kitchings, who has strong connections with both L & Mand High Hopes, we have begun to see the possibilities of a collaborative relationship.
The ideas and energy from the staff of L & M, from CEO, Bruce Cummings and Administrative Director, Max Gorski, to practitioners in PT,OT, Speech ' and Audiology, have been stimulating and rewarding. In June of 2009, we conducted a week long intensive Autism Immersion mini-camp. Children with autism between the ages of five and eleven experienced not onl y therapeutic r iding but a wide array of therapy services provided by medical professionals from L & M. Conducting this at High Hopes permitted us to provide a var iety of traditional therapies in a non-traditional sett ing. We met as a planning group we ll in advance of the first class. Staff from both L & M and High Hopes assessedparticipants and created goals fo r each individual. This one week morn ing camp was held for eight children between the ages of five and eleven . The pediatric rehab team from L&M, consistin g of a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech/language pathologist and two audiologists, partnered with High Hopes instructors to develop activities focused around the horse environment. Daily activities included mounted and unmounted work. Unmounted work included walks on the sensory trail, grooming, barn chores, music and other activities designed to provide physical, cognit ive, sensory and social stimulation. Changes were noted in several of the participants after just two days. Work ing together, we plan to offer a similar immersion camp again in June of 2010. L & M Hospital is a vital member of the Eastern Connecticut community and, as such, offers invaluable educat ional programs for fami lies and profess ionals. We are in the early planning phase for a Symposium on Autism to be offered in the Fall of 2010. Our collaborati on is a natural fit, as both Hig h Hopes and L & M staff see some of the same clients. High Hopes is also very fortunate and grateful to L & M for their support of our work through their sponsorship programs . For the past few years, L & M has been a lead sponsor for both of our major annual benefits. We are pleased to be partners w ith a health care facility that is proactively engaged in its COl'T)munity.Working together, combining our resources and energy, will help to enhance the outcomes for the many ind ividuals whom we both serve.
essa T
his is my first message as Chairman of the Board. I am honored to be in my new role and am truly enjoying my work with Kitty ~and her staff. We enter 2010 with a great deal of excitement and "high hopes" . In recent months we have begun to see some light at the end of the tunnel and the expectation of better economic times for our community and our nation .
Barbara Abrams, ~ MikeBlanca,Fann("afwtaker DavidBraclhani, fnstnlctodOrMtjg'" Program LauraBrown. Spec/a(l'rog,ari,s~ SarahCarlson,ProgramMilstant/ fnstructor
RenyaCraig.Reaptlonlstll'rogram Assistant JudieDriscoll,OfficeManager JonnieEdwards, Instructor Laurenfflzgerakl.EqulM Program
MichelleHayward,fnstructor CarolynJagielski,PhysicalTherapist/ Instructor
WendyKnight,~t Assistant DonnaLatella,OccupationalTherapist/ fnstnlSfar
Undalee-Plcazlo,Finance Director DawnNelligan,fnsttuctor JuanitaParis,BllmAssistant JeannaPelllno,ProgramDirector Pattie Peoples.fnsttuctor JenniferPiner-Wyman, Development
Assistant SaraSlaytonQua, DevelopmentDTrector HollyRidgway,fnstructor SusanRobidoux.VofunteerManager SusanShulman,AdministrativeAssistant HollySundmacker, EquTMOperations DTrector KathrynVine, Instructor MaryWashburn,/nstructorlDrivlng Program t docNMd
2 Winter
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I Spring 2010
adds greater meaning to
~ the term "sustainability ."
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For those engaged in implementing the new plan , the wo rd refers to more than our financial stability and encompasses critical areas such as vo lunteer support, equine resources and staffing. Our task is to identify solutions that are effective and efficient and can be maintained. -
The support of our community through contributions to our Annual Appeal is the single most important factor in sustaining High Hopes, like most non- profits, has been High Hopes' operating fund. This, in turn , greatly challenged this past year. The need supports the people, horses and facilities for scholarships has grown substantially crucial to the delivery of the services High and many of our riders would no longer Hopes provides. We thank those who have been able to participate without such have already contributed to the 2009-2010 assistance. However, the current economic Appeal and assure you that we will be situation has also reinforced the significance good stewards of your gifts. We know of the role High Hopes plays in our that times remain very challenging for community. We have been truly touched many families but please, if you haven't and grateful for the continued support of already done so, support High Hopes' so many who have made it possible for us to Annual Appeal to the degree that you can. meet the needs of our participants . We remain hopeful and excited about We have begun moving forward with the the future and, as progress is made in stimulating work of implementing our new the implementation of our strategic 5 year strategic plan and we are thrilled plan, we will keep you updated and that these efforts on behalf of the future informed . The future of High Hopes is full of the organization dovetail so we ll w ith of promise and, together with our family its immediate needs. Because so many of wonderful friends, we w ill continue to Board and staff members are involved in build a program that has a secure futu re the implementation of the new plan, the and which will have a far reaching and organization's focus has broadened from positive impact on our community. the view of High Hopes today to the vision of High Hopes in the future. This change in perspective challenges the definition of and
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t uccess
Riding Towards Independence Stacey Resnick began riding with High Hopes in the spring of 2004. Some of her early riding goals included improving her posting rhythm and balance at the trot. She worked hard with her team, including her equine partner, horse handler, sidewalker and instructor, in reaching each goal. It wasn't long before Stacey was seeking more challenges and independence . Stacey is now able to ride independently at the walk and trot. Recently, she has been working on her posting trot and correct diagonals so that both she and her horse are able t o find harmon y and rhythm. Whe n she first started working off lead at the t rot Stacey would only use a portion of the arena. She is currently working on steering into her corners, trotting around the entire arena, and working without stirrups, to strengthen and build upon many aspects of her riding skills.
to judge the distance between yourself and other drivers. The rider must be aware of their speed and communicate with their horse to control both speed and rhythm in order to maintain a safe distance from obstacles. All of these are key elements in riding and carry over to driving a vehicle . Through Stacey's experiences at High Hopes she has been able to overcome many challenges. Being able to participate in the riding program on a weekly basis has enabled Stacey to become a more independent woman both at High Hopes and in many other aspects of her life. She has most recently passed her Connecticut state driver's license test and has been driving herself back and forth to class. For Stacey, the most challeng ing component to passing her driver's test was fill ing out all of the required paper work. Taking the written examination and practical driving exam were a breeze. Stacey's determination and strong will have grown tremendously and we look forward to seeing what she will accomplish in the future!
To become a safe, effective and inde pendent rider, one must possessa variet y of skills. When working indep end ently with a horse, the rider must use appropriate judgment regardin ,g distance and speed. Just as in driving a car, one must be able Winter / Spring 2010
We need your help! David Speirsand David Tiffany of EssexSavings Bank present a checkfrom the Community Investment Fund to Sara Qua and Jeanna Pellino from High Hopes in April 2009.
If you are a customer of EssexSavings Bank, please cast your ballot between February 1 and March 15 for High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. in the EssexSavings Bank's Community Investment Program.
2010 Wish List Muck bucket cart for toting muck buckets around the barn - can be found on line or at Shagbark. Large size corn brooms found at Home Depot or hardware stores. Plastic Pitchforks Future Fork is the name brand we need, found on line or at Shagbark. 100' Heavy duty Hose founcl at har,dware st0r,es or Home e:enter-s . Dewormer - Zimectren or Equimax- found at tack and feed stores. For our riders we ask onceagain for cotton riding glovesand new ASTMriding helmets.
4 Winte r / Spring 2010
As an approved part icipant, High Hopes will receive a portion of the available funds allocated for this program based on the preferences of EssexSavings Bank customers and the number of votes we receive. Last year, because of your votes, we placed fourth out of 74 non-profit organizations on the ballot and received $3,065 - helping us provide much needed scholarship funding for our participants. Please cast your vote for High Hopes to help us raise even more scholarship funds this year, and encourage your friends and family members to vote for High Hopes too. Thank you for your continued support!
Trailof HoP,e
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ver this past summer and fall the Memorial Garden at High Hopes was transformed by our hard working and talented volunteer Greg Jarrabeck. Greg cut back several large bushes, pruned many trees, erected a wooden gateway, created an arbor and planted dozens of perennials while creating a peaceful oasiswith vistas of our pond and pastures. He was assisted by another High Hopes volunteer, Mallory Guillenette, whose work on this project contributed towards her Gir.l Scout Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can achieve. Mallory and Greg solicited several area garden centers for donations of plantings and also created a garden bench. The Memorial Garden is part of Sis'sTrail of Hope and provides a beautiful sanctuar,yfor the entire High Hopes Community including our volunteers, participants, parents, caregivers and staff members. Sis'sTrail of Hope recognizes friends of High Hopes who have made planned gifts to our center to enswe the future of our mission. For more information on planned giving and Sis's Trail of Hope, please contact Sara Qua at 860434-1974 x 22 or at
High Hopes
ays to
High Hopes was pleased to welcome two new Board members at our October A nnual Mee ting. H ere, in their own words, are their personal High Hopes histories and visions:
Laura Giordano Wh en I first learn ed of High Hopes I knew very little about the mission of the organizat ion. Many years ago I associated High Hopes w ith an event t hat I looked for w ard t o every year - the Lord Creek Farm Hunter Pace. Each year my husband and I, alon g w ith many of our equestrian friend s, anxiously awaited th e day we received the event fl yer in th e mail. It w as important that we promptl y mail ed our ent ry to reserve a start time and the opp ortunit y to rid e in w hat w as clearly one of th e most enjoyable and popular hunter paces in the area. In addition to the beautiful grounds , fabulous trail s, almost guaranteed good w eather and good co mpany w e alw ays th oroughl y enjo yed the hospitality of Jane Davison and all of the event organizer s. My relation ship with High Hopes developed some time later w hen a colleague at w<;> rk approached me w ith a request tha t w ould draw on our background in Human Resourcesas facilitators for a staff offsite retreat and w or king w it h Ali son Zack Darrell , the Executive Director of
Margaret "Mac 1 ' Mummert, o.v:.M My daught er An ya and I have been coming to High Hopes for al:!> 0ut 10 years. I first became aware of High Hopes th rou gh a riding program offered by 0ur local scho0 I clistrfct. Our shared love of liorses was the 0riginal draw . There are many things that I value at High H0pes. The most important aspect is th.e fabu lous experience my daughter has encountered the re over the years. N0t only has she learned to ride and care for horses, but more importantly High Hopes offers a safe place socially for kids with special needs. These are her friends and one of the places where she feels totally comfortable . The riders, instructors and volunteers are so caring and supportive of all the kids. That acceptance is very comforting and allows the children to feel valued and empowered. Personally High Hopes has given me a support network. The other parents and staff are always willing to listen and give
High Hopes at the ti me. That exper ience prov ided me w it h an opportun it y to wo r k w ith many out standin g indi vid uals as I became more fa miliar w it h th e mission of High Hopes, t he passio n and commitmen t of th e st aff and voluntee rs and t he impact of th e progra ms th at t he organization deli vers. I continu ed my involv ement supportin g vario us personnel related init iati ves and later became a member of th e Personnel Committ ee - a rol e that f urt her enri ched my understandin g and appr eciat ion of how High Hopes improv es the lives of so many, in so many wa ys. As my 'journ ey' continue s from th e t rails t o the Board, I look forward to wo rking w ith Kitt y and others as an acti ve board member, volunt eer and advocate of High Hopes. I know that each step alon g the w ay I will gro w personall y and professionally and I hope that thr ough my background and contribution s I am able to play at least some small part in High Hopes' cont inued fu t ure as a leader in the field of therapeu t ic riding.
advice as needed . My hope for High Hages is that it w ill cont inue t o be a strong and supportive community . As a new board member I w ill rtry to always keep the children and thei r families' needs as my first priority. As a doctor of veterinary medicine I also hope to bri ng some horse health knowledge to the group . Thank you for entrusting me with this honor.
Spring 2010
The •
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••Teamwork makes light work'' ithin the boundaries of High Hopes, all individuals are created equal and team spirit is the only prerequisite. Each aspect of the High Hopes organization is a well orchestrated act of teamwork: combine the perfect horse and rider, match with a great group of volunteers, add three best friends to the Friday morning feed or invite eighty of Connecticut's finest professionals to revamp the facility in one day ... no matter what the combination is, it's clear that teamwork gets the job done!
The most fundamental of all team units is the family and at High Hopes you can find many families enjoying time together volunteering. As an observer at High Hopes, you might not realize how many families enjoy this unique experience. During this fall semester, 19 families shared their time and energy with High Hopes participants and horses. These families
A wonderful volunteergroupfrom Citizens Bank were a combination of husbands and wives, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren and siblings too! In addition to being a family friendly environment, High Hopes also builds and promotes some great social relationship s as well. Many friends start volunteering together ; some reconnect throu g h
Participants,horsesand their great volunteersreadyfor class.
6 Winter/
Spring 2010
his past August High Hopes lost a dear friend and
extraordinary supporter,
Barbara Kashanski. Barbara first came to High Hopes,
when it was still known as the Lower Connecticut Valley Educational Riding Association (LCVERA), in her capacity as a reporter for the
Volunteersfrom Dominion make ourpaddockssafe. High Hopes, and others develop meaningful new friendships while working together in the barn or arena. For a center whose roots grew from a tight knit group of eight volunteers/friends, High Hopes has maintained its historical image as a warm and welcoming establishment.
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In this state of the art facility, located on our rustic slice of heaven, you'll often see the spirit of teamwork accomplishing some major tasks. Each year numerous companies come to High Hopes to celebrate a Day of Caring or Community Support and their employees donate enormous amounts of time and energy fixing miles of fencing, repainting barns, clean ing paddocks and clearing trails. Over the years we have welcomed groups from Pfizer, Citizens Bank, Dominion, Northeast Utilities / CL&P and Target . Their contrib utions have been inva luab le as they freq uentl y t ake on tasks too large for our daily crew to perform and ones that would cost thousands of dollars for an outs ide contractor to perform. Since its inception, High Hopes has been an advocate for volunteerism and team spirit. We celebrate how the contributions of many have helped to create a priceless experience for the individuals we serve. Not one family, group of friends or corporation could ever be thanked enough for their gift nor would it be fair to celebrate just one. Throughout the year High Hopes celebrates each member -of our t eam and the wo nd erf ul imp act you have on th e wo rld !
Old Lyme Gazette. Barbara's task was to write a profile of our founder, Sis Gould, but she quickly found the tables turned and was recruited to become a member of Sis'stravelling band of volunteers.
Over the course of t he next
30 years Barbara would serve as an active
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volunteer: leading horses,fundraising,
planning special events, serving as our Board President and even helping to clear the brush from the property when LCVERAmoved into its new home on Town Woods Road and became High Hopes Therapeutic Riding. Barbara's love for High Hopes was strong and constant as she strove to make it the best therapeutic riding center possible and she worked hard to ensure our long t erm future, even enlisting the support of her mother and children in our fundraising campaigns! Barbara's hard work and the many roles she played were reflected in the two major awards bestowed upon her, the Sally Aubrey Award in 1998 for her outstand ing volunteer contrib utions and, in 2007, the Lytt Gould Leadership Award which hon ored her phi lanthropi c commitment to the susta inabili ty of High Hopes. At her passing her famil y request ed that donat io ns be made to High Hopes in her memory, yet another exp ression of Barbara's abid ing ded icatio n to our programs and the people we serve. Last month, High Hopes was especially hono red to learn that it was Barba ra's w ish to make a gift to High Hopes in her will. Her beq uest is an act of faith that High Hopes will continue to bu ild upon the solid foundation she helped to establish with Sis so many years ago. High Hopes thanks Barbara, her loving husband John and the entire Kashanski fam ily for being a part of our past, present and future. We are honored that Barbara Kashanski's name will join that of Sis Gould on our Trail of Hope.
Winter / Spring 2010
out Greco Honored as Horse of the Year
Grecolovestrail riding except duringblackfly season!It is a specialpleasurefor me on the daysthat I canwarm him up for a classby taking him
how special Greco is within our program, many are not familiar with his prior life as a Grand Prix dressage show horse and we have asked Karen to share Greco's story: Soon after I bought Greco, I rode him in a clinic taught by Carol Lavell, the Olympic bronze medalist. After watching him work, she said his name should be Golden Moment. And so it should be. He has given many golden moments to all of us who have been fortunate to be his partners. Greco is a German Oldenburg born on a famous stud farm in Hamburg, Germany. Margot Kagan brought him to America as a three year old . She loved and trained him for a number of years until she had to give up riding for health reasons. He then went to her friend, Charlie Porter. Charlie had been a rodeo and gymkhana rider in his youth and was at that time starting young horses at a dressage farm. He always said that he would never show. a dressage horse because he would never wear those "silly" clothes. He changed his mind for Greco
Winter/ Spring 2010
out on the trail. If we can't go out on a trail and must work in the arena we sometimes amuse ourselves by doing some flying changes of lead just to remember the fun of the old days.
and the two of them won a numbe r of Grand Prix classes. Greco then became my beloved school master for several years. He taught me many things about both riding and partnership. Riding him is always a two way conversation. He is opinionated yet compliant to the rider's aids. He is sensible and energet ic, always focused and willing. All the time he is happy. He loves to interact with people. He is also a delightful companion from the ground. His personality ranges from affectionate to pushy, but he is always a gentleman. He greatly enjoys being the center of attention and showing off. He has always
Five years ago, when it was time for Greco to retire, he went to live at a beautiful farm, but he fa iled at retirement . He is a horse that truly loves his work. So after a year's attempted retirement, he found new work at High Hopes. Here he can continue to do what he likes best- having partnerships with adoring people. With the many friends he has here, he is completely happy and again loves his work. It is said that the ideal dressage partnership is one in which the horse generously offers and the rider gratefully accepts. That has described Greco's many partnerships and I think has earned him Horse of the Year honors. Karen Horn
High Hopes
High Hopes Annual Horse Show Days
May 17-22, 2010 Mark your calendar the High Hop es Horse Show Days are coming!!! On ce agai n we will p rese nt ~ full wee k of ridin g demo nstr at io ns and eve nt s. Spec ial ac tiviti es for the wee k includ e: •
Awa rds fo r o ur rid ers.
Refreshm ent s & go odi es for rid ers, famili es and friends.
A teac up raffie o f go ods and services .
VIP g ues ts, ribb o n p rese nt ers and th e opp o rtunit y to highli ght rid er skill s for famili es, neig hb ors, teac hers and friends .
A co mm em o rative pro gra m filled with a schedul e of th e week's eve nt s alo ng w ith th e good w ishes of indi vidual and bu sin ess ho rse sho w supp o rt ers.
Spo 11sored by th e
George C. Cain Memorial Fund Show classes ru11f rom .. .
Monda y thru Frida y ... 9:30 am - 7:30 pm Saturd ay ......... ........ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
1olenm about spo11sorship opport1111ities orfor
more i11f01wt1tio11 011the ll igh Hopes Horse Shou, Days, p!ettse co11tt1ct j e111111t1 Pelli110rlt jpe lli110~1 > highhopest1:orgor 860-434- 1974 x 16
Winter / Spring 2010
High Hopes
appen1ngs An International
Impact MercedesArambulaIbaneztraveled to High Hopes from her home in Mexico in summer, 2009 to realize her dream of starting a therapeutic riding center in her country. Exhibiting enthusiasm, extensive horse experience, and boundless energy, Mercedes quickly became a valued team member. Given the scarcity of centers in Mexico, her goal was not only to create a center, but to take immediate steps to develop a much needed resource network to draw upon. Mercedes is currently directing her inspiration and drive as a solo certified instructor at a small center in Mexico.
PaulaDeutz, AlysonRockwood,Apache,MerceMsArambulaIbanez,Rachael Moore& Co/ken O'Dea.Missingfromphoto: ChrisPatella,RhondaAlfano, Darcie Fargue ver the past 14years , High Hopes has been proud to play an important role helping inte rnational candidate s achieve NARHA Instru ctor Certification status. Ma ny of these students come from countries where there is a great need for equine assisted therapy but few facilities and instructor training opportunities.
In the US,there are currently six centers authorized to offer this specialized training. As one of the six,High Hopes has attracted students from sixteen countries. Students choose the successful training template at High Hopes and the supportive environment, to acquire the tools necessary to prepare them for realizing their dream of impacting peoples' lives through equine assisted therapy. Typically, applicants learn about High Hopes through personal and professional referrals in the field, as well as searching the internet for ITC training programs. As a premier accredited center, it is not only our objective to aid in growing our profession internat ionally, but also to benefit from the cultural diversity and awareness our wonderful students bring. While High Hopes has attracted students from Korea, Japan, Israel, Ireland, Panama and other far flung parts of t he world, here we want to share the stories of three recent ITC graduates.
10 Winter/
Spring 2010
KatrinKeplercame t o High Hopes from Germany in 2007 to gain certification so she could return as an instructor to Pegasus HorsesHelpPeopleLtd., in Ireland wher e she had previously been a volunteer. Unfortunate ly, Pegasus Ho rsesHelpPeople Ltd., had to close shortly after her return due to lack of resources. Committed to a career in equine assistedtherapy, Katrin learned that in Europe the requi rements for instruct ors vary from country to country. To expand her prof essional options, she has decided to study occupational therapy as a way to ready herself fo r additional opportun ities. PatriciaChumaceiro cameto High Hopes in 2008 with her husband, Alejandro. and their children for two reasons: First, to achieve certification to develop the field of therapeutic riding in their native country of Venezuela and, secondly, to give their youngest son, Juan, a child with special needs, the benefit of rid ing and learning from the High Hopes staff. While Patricia received formal classroom and practical experience, her family in turn provided High Hopes a first-hand view of what the lack of resources in other countries means to parents of children with special needs. It made more visible the powerful impact we have as an exemplary facility in the field. High Hopes is proud to play an active role in promoting the growth of equine assistedactivities and therapy internationally. This winter will be no exception, as our Instructor Training class includes a student from Argentina. Once again, the cultu ral and informational exchange wi ll enrich not only these students, but all of us at High Hopes.
This June 12th , unde r sparkling starlight (hopefully!) High Hopes Therapeutic Riding will host Symphony in the Meadows, our biannual gala which presents an evening of world-class music in a spectacular setting. This year's concert will once again take place at the waterfront estate of Mark and Dorinda Winkelman in Essex, Connecticut and will feature Toshiyuki Shimada conducting the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra (ECSO) in a selection of music from the Royal Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria, a suite from the musical "Showboat", along with a Beach Boys medley and our traditional conclusion of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Maestro Shimada, who is also the Music Director of the Yale Symphony Orchestra, has received rave reviews since his appointment this summer as Music Director and Conductor of the ECSO. High Hopes would like to thank Essex Saving Bank and Essex Financial Services for leading our corporate sponsorship drive by once again supporting this event as the premier Event Sponsor. Symphony in the Meadows is High Hopes' most important annual fund raising event and it promises to 'be a memorable evening . If you are interested in supporting this event as a corporate sponsor or in attending, please contact Sara Qua at 434-1974 x 22.
-!Jttlftlflu1~tt )) B. P. qrd.f As High Hopes went to press on this issue of the Rider we were saddened to learn of the passing of Lyttleton "Lytt" B.P.Gould . Lytt was a major force in the history of High Hopes and was as integral to our creation and growth as our founder, and Lytt's loving partner, Sis ¡ Gould . A memorial service is planned at High Hopes on April 24th at 1 pm and a tribute to Lytt will be in our next issue of the Rider. For more information on the memorial service please visit our web site or contact the Development Office at High Hopes.
Spring 2010
Non-Profit Org . U.S. Postage
PAID Old Lyme, CT
High opes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Permit #1
Sis Gould Centerfor Iherapeutic Riding 36 Tow n Wood s Road Old Lyme, CT 06371
-~ -+..i
February 20, 2010
12 week Spring Program Semester begins
March 2, 2010
Volunteer Orientation & Training, 4:30 - 8 pm
March 13, 2010
Volunteer Orientation & Training, 3 - 6:30 pm
March 13, 2010
Open House, 1 - 3:00 pm
April 8, 2010
Volunteer Orientation & Training, 4:30 - 8 pm
April 12 - 17, 2010
April 16 - 18, 2010
April 24, 2010 -
~ ~
Volunte_ er Orient at ,on & Training, 3 - 6;30 pm
May 8, 2018
Volunteer o z entation & Training , 4:30 - 8 pm._
May 12,20 10-.
May 17 - 21, 2~
May-25 -2 7, 2010 ) -
Junes, Z010
e, .ilno
June 12, 2010
June 2 1, 2010
High Hopes orse Show Days Volunteer Orienta ti on & Trainin g, 9:30am - 1 pm Vplunteer Oriehtation & Training, 4:30 - 8 pm Sympho,9y in the Meado w s 20 10
6-weekSummer Program Semester begin s
June 21 - 24, 2010
= 1
Autism Immersion Spedal ty Program
June 28, 2010
Summer Camp Programs begin
July 22 -25, 2010
NARHA Registered Certification
August 8, 2010
Lord Creek Farm Horse Trials
August 25, 2010
Instructor Course Begins
September 11,2010
High HopesHoedown
September 18, 2010
Mitchell Farms Music Festival
September25, 2010
Lord Creek Farm Hunter Pace
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Contributors to the
High HopesRider Winter / Spring 2010 Phot os & Art icles: Kitty St alsburg Cheryl Heffern an Susan Schulman Sarah Carlson John Kashanski Sara Qua Holly Sundmacker Judie Driscoll Karen Horn Laura Giordano Margaret Mummert Wendy Knight Editor: Sue Chodorov
Design er Linda Fiore ntino Essex Print ing
This n ews lett e r is unde rw ritten by