2011 (Winter & Spring) Newsletter

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Winter / Spring 2011

Inside this issue: Board Cha irman Message "Sensory Magic"

Challenge and Adventure on the Sensory Trail

Spotlight On Success ■

Award Winners

The Spir it of Giving ■

Corporate Citizenship ■ Wish List

Ways to Give ■ Day of Caring ■ Volunteers Ice Cream &


Hoedown Report From the Horse's Mouth ■ Nift y voted

Horse of the Year

High Hopes Happenings ■ Annual

Meeting Board Members ■ Winter Concert ■ Horse Show Days ■ Concert in the Barn ■

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, The High Hopes Rider is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact Wendy Knight at Ext. 19.


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Thera peutic Riding.Inc. Pho ne: 860 .434 .1974 Fax: 860 .434 .3723

www .highhopes t r.org


magine. You are six years old and it's your first semester riding at High Hopes. You've gotten used to your horse, Sonic - his pretty eyes and reddish color; his smooth, gliding walk, and bouncy, forward trot. You don't talk much and you see and feel the world differently than many others do - sounds seem louder or more disturbing, lights fascinate you, touch can be aggravating. Going new places is especially stressful for you. But you've gotten used to Sonic. You will even use your voice consistently to tell him: "Walk on." Then, your instructor says "Today, we're going on a trail ride." Your horse leader guides Sonic out of the indoor arena, towards the woods. You hear leaves crunch beneath Sonic's feet, but the sound is muted in a different way by the trees around you - a soothing way. You feel good out here and take a deep breath of sharp, fresh air. Sonic moves forward beneath you - one sure, long step at a time - and the trees pass by, and you feel - you are - peaceful and free. For almost twenty years, the sensory trail has provided a naturally rich environment for participants, where they can experience learning through play and adventure. In addition to the many activities and obstacles, the sensory trail offers participants an adventure. Consider the campers this past summer at High Hopes' inclusive summer camp. The children ride around the arena and learn the basics of horsemanship . Then, their instructor says, "Today, we're going to visit Critter Rock. This is the longest, most fun, most challenging trail at High Hopes!" Suddenly, the children are on a group adventure that has a quest-like element. It is necessary to read and follow the signs. One needs to assume a half seat position for an extended time to allow the horse to move freely up the steep hill. At the top of the long hill, all goes quiet and flat for a moment, and there sits the legendar y painted rock with its gaping tyrannosaurus grin.

ColbyVanDusenplaysbasketball.from Bert'sback. Volunteers Ben Quan, MargaretStracuzzi,and Harry Guiguimpport his efforts.

As riders navigate the trail they bu ild life skills: navigating a path, directionality and safety awareness. They also challenge themselves physically and engage all their senses. They learn to cooperate wit h others in order to reach a desti nation. All this in an atmosphere that is · natural, soothing, and fun. The sensory trail allows riders to invoke their sense of adventure, their sense of accomplishment, and their sense of self. The Sensory Trail: an ever-evolving, safe, creative space for explorat ion, challenge and learning.

LaurenSmith on Teddyplays tetherballwith sidewalkerWill Romeo.

Mary K. "Sis" Gould


Chairm an Cheryl Kelly Heffernan Vice Chairmen Mic hael V. Ganey An t hony C. Thu rston Vice Chairman For Development Joh n M. Catlett Treasurer Debo rah A. Welles Secretary Elizabeth L. David Barliara Earle Ball ard Sarah Hill Canning James M. Childs Christopher M. Coyle Jane I. Davison Jeb Embr ee Laura Gio rdano Jonathan Jewett Jennifer Johnson Margaret Mu mmert Penny Nelson Jeffrey Ridgway Hug h Scott Seymour Smith Sally Auli rey Lyttle t on B.P.Gould, Jr. t Frank Hamilton, Jr. Grace Hamilto n Judy Lightfoot Wayne 0. Southwick, M.D. Roger Smith

John C. Evans Sherley Fur gueson Betsy Horn Barbara Kashanski t Judit h F.Lightfoot


Pete Pierson t A. Rives Potts Jeffrey Ridgway • Roger M. Smith Ant ho ny C. Thurston • Kelvin N. Tyler


Char les C. Kingsley, Legal A d visor Davi d E. W alker, M.D., Medica l Advisor Kitty Stallburg, Executive Director Barbara A brams, Instructor/Exp r essive Arts Therapy

Elizabeth Adams, Program Director Alicia Barrows, Development Assistant Mike Bianca, fa rm Caretaker Laura Brown, Sp ecial Programs Manager Sarah Carlson, Special Programs Coordinato r

Renya Craig, Receptionist/Admln. Assistant Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Lauren Fitzgerald, Lesso n Coordinator Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist/Instructor

Wendy Knight, Development Assistant Donna Latella, Occupational Therapistllnrtrustor

Madeline Lefker. Special Language Pathologlst

Dawn Nelli gan, Instructor

Juanita Pa ris, Barn Assistant Jeanna Pellino, Volunteer Manager Pattie Peoples, Instruct o r

Karen pfeJI,Volun teer Coordinator Linda Picazio, Fin ance Director

SaraQua, Development Director Holly Ridgway, Instructor SusanShulman, Office Manager Holly Sundmacker,Equine Operatio ns Director

Kathryn Vine, Instructor/Barn Assistan t t deceased

2 Winter/

•currently serving as a Trustee

Spring 2011

ess from the

Board Chairman

.. s we enter the holiday season our thoughts turn to how grateful we are for all that we have and for sharing what we can with others. It is at this time of year that High Hopes reaches out to its community of participants, volunteers and supporters with its Annual Appeal.




require additional scholarship help to participate in the prog rams. The ability of High Hopes to keep its fees affo rdable 'I and to provide critical scholarship support is dependant in large part on contributions to its Annual Appeal Fund. ·~

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For over 36 years, High Hopes has led the therapeutic riding field in developing and adapting programs to meet the needs of people with disabilities . Over the last two years alone High Hopes has introduced three new educational endeavors. Horse Sense, a summer school program , uniting youths from inner-city and rural environments who worked together on both classroom and equine activities . Horses for Heroes reached out to the military community serving veterans with long-term physical and emotional disabilities. We collaborated with the professionals at L&M Hospital conducting an Autism Immersion program this past summer. Tuition for these services covers only a small fraction of the actual cost to High Hopes and many families

The Annual Appeal is High Hopes' single largest source qf revenue in support of its valuable work. Meeting our goal for this year's Appeal will be a major challenge in this economic environment. We need your support. This year your support will have an even greater impact as High Hopes' Board of Trustees has offered to match all new and increased donations, up to $20,000. This special gift comes at a critical time and we are very grateful to the Board and proud of their level of commitment to High Hopes. Please take advantage of this opportunity to double the impact of your gift by participating in the Board match and giving what you can to High Hopes Annual Appeal. Happy Holidays,

Cheryl Heffernan Board Chair


ot 1



Eachyear,our programstaff selectparticipantsto receiveannual recognitionin two categories,skill development and sportsmanship.Thisis alwaysa challengeas there are so many deservingcandidatesand this year was no exception.

Patrick Moreno Sportsmanship Award2010



the Patrick Moreno Sportsmanship Award is given to an individual who demonstrates outstanding sportsmanship, consideration for others, and encouragement of their peers. This years' recipient has been a High Hopes participant since the summer of 2007 and is known for her welcoming smile and upbeat attitude. Tina's enthusiasm for driving is apparent to all who see her at High Hopes. Her optimistic attitude coupled with her ability to always offer encouraging words to fellow participants, make her the truest example of a "good sportsman". Tina's dedication to her classmates' well being is second only to her love of Al. We would like to thank and recognize Tina for embodying the spirit of High Hopes as did Patrick Moreno ..... Congratulations Tina!!


Paul Burkarth Rider of the Year Award2010

Alexa Agostine

he recipient of the Paul Burkarth Rider of the Year Award for 2010 has worked tirelessly to improve her overall riding skills to increase her independence on the horse . When observing her class, it is Alexa's strong and confident voice that lets everyone know she is in charge. Alexa's continuing participation in our year long programs and summer camp have helped her to achieve such landmarks as steering independently, holding her half seat, driving both Al and Candy independently, and establishing a clear rhythm at the posting trot. The determination demonstrated by this young lady assures us that her future is limited only by her imagination. Congratulations Alexa for what you have already accomplished and for what you have yet to dream of . Winter/

Spring 2011


• Winter/ Spring 2011 Wish List

Why Corporate Citizenship?

0 Gently used or new riding lawn mower for mowing the paddocks


0 Large gasoline leaf blower

Understanding what motivates businesses to sponsor certain nonprofit organizations helps to foster mutually beneficial relationships.

0 Someone with the time and equipment to transfer High Hopes historical VHS to DVD 0 John Deere Gator or similar Utility Vehicle to use aroung the farm: feeding, maintenance, etc. 0 Muck buckets - 70 quart - $35 each - available at Shagbark Farm Supply 0 Muck bucket carts for toting buckets around the farm 0 Leather bridles and Halters O Corn brooms O Future Forks 0 Driving cones

4 Winter/

Spring 2011


here is an amazing level of corporate commitment to High Hopes, particularly through the sponsorship of our benefit events.

The forms of corporate support that High Hopes receives vary from community service work days, donations of goods and services and direct monetary donations. But why do businesses give? Many business owners indicate that they have a strong desire to give back to their community. It is those values of supporting the community and having a charitable world view which promote the concept of corporate citizenship. Corporate sponsors are a major asset to High Hopes. For every benefit event, it is our corporate sponsors who help to carry the burden of financing the ¡ activity. This, in turn, allows all of the proceeds from the event to go directly into our Operating Budget . Each year, our benefit events compri se over 25% of our fund raising and development efforts. As the number of nonprofits continues to grow, we recognize that businesses have numerous options. The decision as to which worthy cause to support may be based on many factors . The work that we do at High Hopes in bringing together horses and individuals with disabilities offers a compelling

Kathy Speroof RonaldMcDonald House Charitiespresenting a checkto Kitty.

appeal to many. For all of our corporate supporters, High Hopes remains committed to providing them with recognition and a return on their investment in their community . We thank every one of the businesses who have selected High Hopes as a beneficiary of their generous corporate citizenship. Please visit the High Hopes website at www.highhopestr.org to view our many generous Corporate supporters.

EssexSavingsBank makesa generousdonation.


1ve On Friday, September 10th High Hopes was once aga in the fortunate recipient of volunteer support from CL&P Employees during the 2010 United Way Day of Caring. For the 10th consecutive year, employees from CL&P have selected High Hope s as the non-profit to which they give generously of their time and energy. At lunchtime, CL&Pvolunteers and High Hopes staff gathered to celebrate their anniversary with a presentat ion of anniversary cake and gifts. Thank you Cl&P!

Volunteer Appreciation Ice Cream Party & Annual Awards Celebration 1

Although it's hard to show how much we truly appreciate all they do, on August 26"', High Hopes staff enjoyed serving volunteers ice cream at an appreciation party and presenting awards to some very special volun teers.


th so many wonderful volunteers, it can be diffi cult to select just a few, however , we think you'll agree that the following are outstanding in their efforts. The recipient of the Office Volunteer of the Year Award is Jackie Mildrum who has been volunteering since May of 2006. Her hard work and commitment are deeply appreciated.


This year's Nancy Cash Program Volunteer Award fittingly goes to Nancy's good friend Barbara Longo. This award is dedicated to the memory of program volunteer Nancy Cash whose incredible voluntee r spirit will be with us always. Barbara has been vo lunt eering in program since 2005 and her dedication to her role and to the High Hopes participants is inspiring. Volunteering since March 2009 with over 1000 hours donated, the recipient of the 8am Volunteer of the Year Award is Any Bodelin. Any's hard work , dedicati on and commitment to High

Kitty Stalsburg,ExecutiveDirectorservesup treats to our voltmteers

Hopes and the herd have made her an inva luable asset in the barn. Julia Kenny was selected as the recipient of the Janie Davison Youth Service Award. This award is presented to

the youth volunteer that demonstrates a commitment to the mission of High Hopes. Julia Kenny began volunteering in the fall of 2008. With her desire to work hard and learn new things, she has progressed from a sidewalker to horse leade r, summer camp vo lunteer , and most recently, long liner. Julia's positive nature and support are always apprec iated .


A ny Bode/in, Barn Volunteerof the Year with Team Captain Judith Petersen

VolunteerPhoebeRitrovato enjoyingall the fixings at the lee Cream VolunteerAppreciation Event

We were also pleased this year to present volunteers who have given over 1000 hours of service with a special enamel pin eng raved with the High Hopes logo and "1000 hours". Thank you volunteers; your dedication and energy add an amazing spirit and warmth to High Hopes!


Spring 2011


SEPTEM High Hopes would like to thank Co-Chairs Jeff Ridgway and Debbie Welles

emcee's for the day, Cathy Poulin and Ken Kitchings for keeping the day's ac1 the Hoedown Committee Chairs and committees for their hard work and ou generous support. The second annual Hoedown was a great success and it '_V without all of their help. To see the complete list of sponsors and committee web site at www.highhopestr.org/hoedown.





For the secondyear in a row the High HopesH oedown was a successful fun fil led day of games,music and goodfood enjoyedby guestsof all ages.



The Saliva Suckers (aka - the office ofp_eriodontists McAraw, Ctmtner:&. Cant1le1)came awaY,the elem路 winner, oli,.the team comp_etition.

6 Winter/

Spring 20 11

for their tremendous leadership; our tivities moving along with such good cheer; r corporate and teams sponsors for their ouldn't have been possible : members please visit our


Spring 2011


Froni the





his year over 150 votes from participants, volunteers and staff were tallied and their overwhelming choice for High Hopes' 2010 Horse of the Year was Nifty! Registered with the American Quarter Horse Association as "Prince Nifty Pine", Nifty has been an important member of our herd since April of 2002. A gelding, born in 1988 in Pennsylvania, Nifty has some of the best characteristics of the American Quarter Horse - including a handsome Dun coat, a compact yet substantial build and an easy going attitude.

In his previous career, Nifty spent a lot if his time in the show arena and was especially talented at reining - a western discipline that involves short bursts of speed and quick spins. Now, as a therapy horse, Nifty is best known for his reliability. Nifty is a true "Steady Eddy" and takes

8 Winter/

Spring 2011

very good care of his precious cargo. His slow steady walk helps his riders to feel safe and in control while his smooth trot has just enough suspension to invite his riders to post . Best of all, Nifty is our go-to man for smaller riders who are beginning to learn to canter . Barn and program volunteers know him as a pony who is opinionated - he sure lets you know if his dinner doesn't arrive in time or if the bugs are annoying him! Congratulations


High Hopes



We wish to thank our outgoing Board members for their many years of generous support of the High Hopes Community. Their time, knowledge, experience and enthusiasm have been invaluable.

New Board Members Seymour Smith



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My wife Tia and I have been involved with High Hopes for some twenty years. Tia started as a volunteer in the ring and lat er she was in charge of recruiting and organizing more than a thousand volunteers for the 1994 World Special Olympics at High Hopes. She then served on the Board of Trustees. I consider having been asked to join the Board a most flattering honor. Until now, my role for many years has been to vo lunt eer as the welcoming bartender for Symphony in the Meadows. I look forward to bringing business and financial experience to this great organization. High Hopes has a history of important service, strong growth and very bright prospects for the future.


Jonathan Jewett I began working with High Hopes in 2005 when I retired from my law firm in New York. Working on the 2006 Symphony in the Meadows was a wonderfu l introduction to our major benefit gala. I was then asked to be one of the Co-Chairs for both the 2008 and 2010 events. The Symphony requires assistancefrom all parts of High Hopes and it provided an outstanding opportunity to work with staff, Trustees and other volunteers . What a hard working, talented and committed group to wo rk with! High Hopes is indeed fortunate to be able to call on these great people. I am excited that, as a Trustee, I will have the opportunity to work with more members of the High Hopes community.

The Sally Aubrey Volunteer of the Year Award In 1998 Stever Aubrey established ~- · 1-this award in honor of his wife, ~-. - 1· Sally. In doing so, he donated his

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1: artisan's work of a remarkable

. bronze sculpture of a mare and

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foal which resides in our entrance. This year's winner is Penny Nelson. She exemplifies the true spirit of High Hopes through commitment, dedication and compassion. On behalf of all of us, staff and volunteers alike .... Congratulations and thank you.

The Lytt Gould Leadership Award This award was established in 2006 by the High Hopes Board of Trustees in recognition of Lytt Gould's extraordinary and exemplary leadership throughout High Hopes' history . This year's recipient, Kel Tyler, has been involved as a Trustee and past president over many years. Additiona lly his business wisdom and ability to get to the "meat" of the matter have made him an invaluable asset. Winter / Spring 2011


High Hopes

a _en1n


The winter elves are busy at High Hopes planning some exciting events for the net yel r. Check out what's happening and mark your calendar for the following:

ITheYaleWhiffenpoo& January 23

3:30 pm

First Church of Christ in Old Saybrook Tickets are ■ $50 Patron ■ $10 Children

■ $25 Adults

(12 and under)

The Yale Whiffenpoofs return!! This event sold out qui ckly two years ago and High Hopes is thrilled to bring back the worl d's oldest and best known collegiate a cappella group. Please contact Alicia Barrows wit h questions or for tickets. Her email is abar ro ws@highh opestr.org and her phone is 860-434-1974 x 23

Dancing With Horses May 1

3:00 pm

Tickets are ■ $50 Patron

High Hopes Therapeutic Riding In-Door Arena ■ $35 Adults

■ $15 Children (12 and under)

High Hop es is pleased to present THE EQUUS PROJECTSin "CELEBRATION"a benefit performance fo r our program and participants. The Equus Projects is a company of dancers that have been creating wo rks for dancers, horses and riders since 1998. The group is comprised of a small core group of seasoned professiona l da ncers, all train ed in natur al horsemanship. They create works wit h both ridden and riderless horses. The performance is the ultimate expression of the horse and human bond . Choreographed by Joanna Mendl Shaw with Equine Choreog raph er Patricia Norcia. Please contact Alicia Barrows with questions or for tickets. Her emai l address is: abarrows@highhopestr.org and her phone is 860-434-1974 x 23

Concert in the Barn June 11 - High Hopes ■ 5:30 pm Cocktails & Silent Auct ion ■

7:00 pm Dinner catered by The River Tavern & Dinners at th e Farm

8:00 pm Music and Dancing

Tickets start at $125 & Corporate Sponsorship opportunities are availab le Put on your dancing shoes and get ready for the coolest, hippest party along the shoreline, the High Hopes Concert in the Barn! High Hopes is looking forward to an evening of great music, fabulous food and enticing auction items. This year's concert is chaired by Patty Ganey and John Evans. They have put together a team of Committee Chairs w ho are hard at wo rk ensurin g that this year's event is a great success. For more informat ion and to be on our invitat ion mailing list contact Alicia Barrows at 860-434-1974 x23 or emai l abar rows@highhopestr.org. For more informa tion on any of these events contact : Sara Qua, 860-434-1974 x 22 or squa@highhopest r.org

10 Winter/

Spring 2011

High Hopes


a ---~ en1n This is a Free Event! Mark your calendar the High Hopes Horse Show Days are coming!!! Once again we will present a full week of riding demonstrations and events. Special activities for the week include: Awards for all our riders Refreshments & goodies for riders, families and friends An on-site tack sale from Fox Ledge Tack Shop A teacup raffle of goods and services VIP guests, ribbon presenters and the opportunity to highlight rider skills for families, neighbors, teachers and friends A commemorative program filled with a schedule of the week's events along with the good wishes of individual and business Horse Show supporters. Sponsored by the George C. Cain Memorial Fund January 6

Volunteer Orientation & Training4:30pm -7:30pm

January 8

6 week winter program begins

January 23

The Yale Wiffenpoofs

February 15

Volunteer Orientation & Training 4:30pm -7:30pm

February 26

12 week spring program begins

March 15

Volunteer Orientation & Training 4:30pm -7:30pm

March 26

Volunteer Orientation & Training 2:00pm - 5:00pm


Contributors to the High HopesRider Winter/ Spring 2011 Photos & Articles Cheryl Heffernan Jonathan Jewett

Sara Qua Susan Shulman

April 13

----Volunteer Orientation & Training 4:30pm -7:30pm

Wendy Knight

Bruce Smith

April 25-30

-------May 1

Spring Break - no classes

Jeanna Pellino

Seymour Smith

Dancing With Horses benefit performance

Karen Pfiel

Kitty Stalsburg

May 4

Volunteer Orientation & Training 4:30pm -7:30pm

Bob Pierson

Holly Sundmacker

May 14


• Volunteer Orientation & Training 2:00pm - 5:00pm

May 21-27

Horse Show Days

June 4

Volunteer Orientation & Training 9:00am - 12:00pm

June 6

Volunteer Orientation & Training 4:30pm -7:30pm

June 11

Concert in the Barn

June 20

6 week summer program begins

June 21-23

Autism Immersion Program

June 27-30

Summer Camp begins

July 5-7

Specialty Week

August 7

Lord Creek Horse Trials

August 26-28

Connecticut Horse Shows Association (CHSA)2011 Finals

September 10

High Hopes Hoedown

October 1

Lord Creek Hunter Pace


Sue Chodorov Designer Linda Fiorentino Essex Printing

This newsletter is underwritten


Winter/ Spring 2011


Non-Profit Org. U.S. Post age

PAID Old Ly me, CT

High opes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

Per mit # 1

Sis Gould Centerfor Iherapeutic Rid ing 36 Town Woods Road Old Lyme, CT 06371

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