Inside this issue: Appl icat ions Success
Board Chairman & Executive Director Message
Applications for Success
Spotlight on Success ■ Some Special Volunteer Stories
came to a High Hopes team meeting and joined in a live ly discussion regard ing communication issues.
Spirit of Giving High Hopes Legacy Society ■ Gordon Ulmer ■
Ways to Give ■ Wish List ■ Our Retir ing Board Members Symphony Report
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Horse Show Days The Horses ' Mouth
1, 1i.1. 111111
n Janu ary Citi zens Bank and WTN H News 8 named Hig h Ho pes a 20 12 Champi o n in Act io n in th e cate gory of Yout h Initi ati ves. Over t he six mo nt hs we have be nefit ed g reatl y fr o m thi s grant prog ram and we t han k Citizen s Bank and WTNH for honor ing Hig h Hopes. Besides a gene ro us unr estr icted mo netary gift of $35,000, Hig h Hop es received sup port in th e fo ll ow ing areas:
, ■ __ .Honor_.Roll__ _. _________ _ High Hopes Happenings ■ Lord Creek Farm Hunter Pace and Horse Trials ■ Vo lunteer Appreciation Barbecue & Barn Dance ■ 38th Annual Meeting and Ope n Barn Day ■ Hoedown and Holiday Market In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, The High Hopes Rider is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact Susan Shulman at Ext. 128.
Fall 2012
The rap euti c Riding ,ln c. Phone : 860.434. 1974 Fax: 860.434.3723
www .highhope str .org
media coverage from WTN H News 8
volunteer support from Citizens and News 8 colleagues ;
extensive public relations support;
promotiona l support highlighting the Champion in Action in all Citizens Bank branch DCN screens and on its ATMs; and
exposure on both Citizens Bank and News 8 websites and their social media.
An additional benefit was the opportunity for the High Hopes' Executive Director, Kitty Stalsburg to participate in a "president--to--president" mentorship with Citizens Bank of Rhode Island and Connecticut President, Ned Handy. As part of t his mentorship Ned
The immediate result of the Citizens Champions in Action program was a signi f icant increase in High Hopes' public exposure to a broader community with a posit ive impact on our annua l appeal and benef it ticket sales. The long term benefit is a deeper re lationship with an area business that has been a High Hopes supporter for many years. The Champions in Action program is awarded throug h a selective grant app lication process and this was High Hopes' third app lication submission (third time's the charm!}. Over the course of 2011/2012 High Hopes wi ll have submitted near ly 50 grant applications with a request total of $420,000. Our response this year has been high, with awards totaling slightly more than $250,000. Some of these awards were restricted funds for our scholarship and equine care programs, while near ly $100,000 was unrestricted and can be applied to where our need is the greatest. Foundation support accounts for nearly one quarter of High Hopes operating budget and we would like to recognize and thank the Foundations that gave their support this past year. Their contribution not only sustains our programs but is also an aff i rmation of High Hopes ability to carry out its mission. To view a list of the Foundations and the award designations please visit
Mary " Sis" Gould
Chairman Chery l Kelly Heffernan Vice Chairman for Development John Catl ett Vice Chairman/Treasurer Michael Ganey ViceChairman Barbara Earle Ballard
from the
Elizabeth David Sarah Hill Canning James Childs Christopher Coyle Jane Davison Jeb Embree Laura Giordano Jonathan Jewett Margaret Mummert Penn y Nelson Dyanne Rafal Jeffrey Ridgway Hugh Scott Seymour Smith Anthony Thurston Susan Tyler
A RivesPotts Jeffrey Ridgway • Roger Smith Anthony Thurston • Kelvin Tyler
Kitty Stalsburg. Ex«utlve Director Barbara Abrams, Instructor/Expressive Arts Therapist Liz Adams, Program Director Alida Barrows, Dewiopment Coordinator Courtney Bernard , Volunteer Coordinator Sarah carlson, Special Programs Coordinator
Renya Craig, R«eptionl st/A dmin . Assistan t Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Megan Ellis. Volun!Hr Manager Lauren Fitzgerald , Lesson Manager Patty Ganey, Instructor Deborah Hansen, Caretaker carolyn Jagielski, Phys/ca/Therapist/ Instructor
Donna Latella, Occupational Therapist/ Instructor Tracey Martineau, finance Director Laura Moya, Special Programs Manag er Dawn Nelligan, Instructor Juan ita Paris, Sam Assistant Erin Peabody, Sam Assistant Sar a Qua, Dellf!lopment Director Holly Ridgway, Instructor Susan Shulman, Marlceting Coordinato r" Holly Sundmacker, Equine Opera tions
Director td Keased
ur community is our world. This might seem a bold statement, yet it is true. Old Lyme, a sma ll community of 28.8 square miles and approximately 7500 people is our physical address, but our reach includes over 74 CT towns and we have a national and international reach through our training and education programs. Yet, despite this wide ranging reach through our programs it is our immediate community, Southeastern Connecticut, that has sustained us through our 38 years.
Sally Aubrey John Evans Lyttleton Gould , Jr. t Frank Hamilton , Jr. Grace Hamilton t Ju d ith Lightf oot Wayne Southwick. M.D. Roge r Smith John Evans Shedey Furgueson Betsy Horn Barbara Kashan ski t Judith Lightfoot Pete Pierson t
Board Chairman & Executive Director
Summer / Fall 2012
In particular, High Hopes has been very fortunate to be consistent ly supported by our area businesses. Their contribution may take the form of donated services such as veterinary care, farrier and marketing services or can be the donation of physical labor from a business's employees to work on much needed facility improvements. These in-kind donations save High Hopes thousands of dollars each year and ensure that more of our contributed dollars go directly to our program and participants. Many local businesses support our fund raising efforts with generous monetary contributions. While each year the list of Corporate Sponsors for our events may change there are many businesses that have been consistent supporters for many years, some going back to High Hopes' first decade of operation. We are grateful to each and every corporate sponsor as they provide a vital means of supporting our programs through their underwrit ing our various events. In turn, we work to provide our corporate partners with opportunities for increased visibility within our community. Please take a
moment to visit our website and view a complete list of our corporate sponsors to this past June's Symphony. High Hopes has a strong commitment to the towns we ser ve and has been entrusted to not only care for a special population but to also be a partner in our communities' health and vital ity. We are trusted by parents and teachers to care for their children both as participants and as young volunteers. We are trusted by the Town of Old Lyme to be good neighbors by maintaining our property to the highest safety standards and caring for our land in an environmentally sound manner. Last, we are entrusted by our donors to maintain good business practices, be fiscally responsible and to provide a quality service to those we serve in accordance with our mission. As High Hopes has grown and changed over the years, our community has grown with us. As riders and volunteers have gotten older, graduated and moved away , they have taken a part of High Hopes with them. Just today, I received an ema il from a volunteer who now lives in California where she volunteers for another therapeutic riding program. She emailed a picture of the child of a good friend in London, who is on his pony doing therapeutic riding. From Old Lyme to California to London, England - High Hopes' community is the world.
cy1~~ Cheryl Heffernan
Kitty Stalsburg
Board Chair
Executive Director
ot 1 Special Volunteer Stories
High Hopes often proclaims the fact that over 600 volunteers contribute to the fulfillmen t of our mission with hours of tireless service in program, horse care, administration, and special events. While our volunteers deservedly take pride in the benefits they bring to High Hopes, they are often shy about declaring the ways volunteering has positively influenced their own lives. In this article, you will read about three volunteers who opened up to us about the effect voluntee ring has had on them.
Nora Dixon
Noravolunteers 8 to 1Ohoursa weekat HighHopes, andhasfor manyyears.Fromherperspective asa retiree anda formersocialworker,Norafoundthat HighHopesofferedheran opportunityto learnnewskills,stay connected socially, andremainphysically active. Noraappreciates the teachingaspectof theHighHopesmission, andfindsthat the educational opportunities andworkshops helpherdevelopherskillsasa volunteer.Whenshefirst began,HighHopesenabledNorato havea littletasteof everyaspectof theorganization, so shecould narrowdownwhereherinterestslay. Nora hasfoundmanygreatfriendsat HighHopes,andshefeelsstrongerandhealthierthanksto the exercise that volunteering naturallyprovides. Theconnection to otherpeopleandthecommunity whiledoingsometh ing altruisticwasa themethat ran throughour conversation. Tosumit up,Nora sayshervolunteerexperience is simplyherwayof "giving." Noraencourages people,especially thosewhoareretired,to cometo HighHopesandfindthe "treasureof opportunityto meetsocial,physical, andintellectualneeds."
Nora with her "Barn Buddy " Hummer
Will Garnicas
Anotherlong-timevolunteer, Will lovesthat at HighHopeshecanseethefruitsof hislabor. Asa programvolunteer, he enjoysseeingprogression in participants overtime. Heemphasizes that at HighHopes, thereis relationship building amongtheteam:volunteers, participants, andhorses.Will alsoviewsvolunteeringasbeinganextens ion of the instructor.Hefindsit stimulatingto get on thesamewavelength asthe instructorandseethe wholeclass"gel." Will candidlyadmits that hevolunteers for "selfishreasons-it makesmefeelgood." Thisfeeling stemsmainly from bondingwith histeamandtakingpridein theiraccomplishments. However, Will alsofeels appreciated whenhe is at HighHopes.Henotesthat thisappreciation comesnotonlyfromthe staffandparticipantsat HighHopes,but alsofrom othersthroughoutthe community whorecognize the importanceof ourmission. Will wouldlikefuturevolunteers to knowthat "HighHopesis a healingplace,andnotjustfor the riders... it heals volunteers, too." While everyone comesfor a differentreason,the common threadisthat being at HighHopesis therapeutic for all.
Jennifer Dill
Oneof HighHopes'manyyouthvolunteers, JenDillhasfoundthat herexperience shapesthewaysheviewsothers andopensup excitingcareeropportunities.Jensays,"Bystartingto volunteerat HighHopesat a youngage,I have learnedgreaterpatienceandcommunication skillsin additionto acceptance of one'sdifferences." Volunteering at HighHopeshaspiquedJen'sinterestin fieldssuchas physical therapy,speechlanguagepathology, equine management, andtherapeut ic ridinginstruction. Jensaysherfavoritethingaboutvolunteering is seeinga rider'sconfidence growwith eachachievement. Jenalso says,"It is rewarding whena ridershowshisor herappreciation veryopenly,butalsothesubtlegratitudein a shyer riderthat canmakea bigimpact." Sheenjoysbeinga partof the senseof freedomherridersgetfromhorseback riding. Jenencourages newvolunteers to comebea partof theHighHopesexperience because "the atmosphere is always friendly andwelcoming!" In Jen'swords,"It isgreatto bea partof something that a HighHopes'riderlooks forwardto everyweek."
opesfor3y,an .
Summe r/ Fall 2012
his year High Hopes has made great strides in the launch of the Planned Giving program, the High Hopes Legacy Society. Many thanks go out to Roger Smith, for his leadership, and his Planned Giving Task Force Members - Dick Lightfoot; Barbara Smith; Millie Devine; Henry May; Dyanne Rafa I; and Tony Thurston. High Hopes is also grateful to Graham Gavert and Bill Stanley from Lawrence and Memorial Hospital for their early guidance in developing our plan. In January we unveiled this new program at our quarterly board meeting and over the next few months have shared information regarding Planned Giving with our High Hopes family of volunteers, participants and supporters. We are extremely grateful to have received 29
• Statements of Intent from individuals that have included High Hopes in their estate planning. To learn more about the Legacy Society or Planned Giving opportunities ...please visit our website or contact Kitty Stalsburg at to request additional information .
Barbara Abrams
John F. Niblac k
················ ···························· Matthew Abrams
Susan Peacock
············ ················ ·············· ··
················ ··············· ········· ········
Gary F.. Borla ................. . John M . Catlett
John Rafal ................ .................... ....... .....
Athana K. Catlett
Hol_lyRidgw ay ............... ..
Dyanne..Rafal................... .
Susan Chodorov ............................................ !~.ffr.~Y. ..~.i.~.9~~Y.............. . Robert Crane
Linda .Rogers .................. ..
Elizabeth L. David
Roger .Smith .................... .. Marcia Smith
Jane Davison .... ............. .......................... .
························· ············ ···········
M.ichael .Furgueson ....
Kitt y Stalsburg .............. ..
Sherley Furgue son .....
Rob .Hageman ................ ..
Cheryl..Heffernan ........
Anthon y C .Thurston ....
Penny. Nelson.............. .. Heidi G. Niblack
Susan. Ty ler ...................... .. A non ymous _(2)................
The Passing of Gordon Ulmer his spring High Hopes was touched and honored to have been the recipient of a planned gift from Gordon I. Ulmer, Jr. In 2007, Kiera Ulmer participated in our Summer Camp Program. For this 5 year old, her camp experience at High Hopes was positive and it left a strong impact on her grandfather , Gordon Ulmer. Gordon, a quiet man devoted to his family, moved to Connecticut in 1957 where he joined Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, ultimately serving as chairman and CEO. He also served as a director of Rayonier, Inc., a global forest products company. In 2010, based on his granddaughter's experience in summer camp and his daughter in law, Audrey's volunteer experience, Gordon designated High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. as a beneficiary of an annual charitable gift from the Rayonier Foundation after his death. Regrettably , on February 4, 2012, Gordon passed away after a brief illness. High Hopes is incredibly fortunate to be the recipient of his designated gift. We are deeply grateful to Gordon's family for their support of our progr am and honored to have Audrey as an active Gordon Ulmer wi th Ki era volunteer in our carriage driving program.
4 Summer /
Fall20 12
1ve Retiring Board Members ur Board members are a vital group of volunteers within High Hopes. This fall , we have three longt ime trustees ending their terms . Each has served High Hopes in critical ways and we are grateful for their leadership ..
Just as we require many volunteers to support our flourishing program, we also have other consistent needs to maintain the quality of service we offer. Here are
two very special needs:
John Deere Gator Our paddock truck is ready for retirement and we'd love to replace it with a gator, a small allterrain utility vehicle that is designed to serve on farms, worksites, and ranches. More versatile for our needs than a truck, it would also be more fuel efficient. Here's an example of what one likely model looks like .
Camera Our current camera is outdated and makes it difficult to capture our horses, riders and volunteers in action. The photo opportunities we observe every day tell the story of what we do at High Hopes so much more effectively than words alone could do and a new camera would enable us to share these wonderful images on Facebook, our website and our electronic newsletters .
Please contact Susan Shulman at 860-434-1974, ext. 128 if you would like to donate one of these items or make a financial donation towards their purchase.
Liz Dav id - Liz will be completing her second rotation on our Board . As Liz said at a recent Board meeting , she has been on the Board for nearly half of her life. Liz has given selflessly over the years and has held many leadership roles within High Hopes most recently as Secretary, a member of the Executive Committee and Treasurer. Liz and her husband Henri are strong supporters of our work with veterans. To better serve the needs of those individuals, the couple helped High Hopes purchase a specifically designed four wheel vehicle for the carriage driving program. Janie Davison - A lifelong
horsewoman, Janie is also completing her third full rotation on the Board, for a total of 27 years of service to High Hopes. Janie has opened up her farm for equine events such as the Lord Creek Horse Trials and the Lord Creek Hunter Paceto benefit not only High Hopes but also the local Pony Club. Most recently, Janie is spearheading an effort to formalize the riding potential of the extensive system of trails at Lord Creek for use by High Hopes participants. Tony Thurston - Tony's passion
for helping his community and his leadership skills have been instrumental during his tenure on out Board. He brought extensive experience to his role at High Hopes ' and during his chairmanship, Tony saw us through a significant period of staff trans it ion . Tony's service to High Hopes has become a fam ily affair with the active volunteer support of his two daughters, Dana Evans and Lisa Reneson, son-in-law John Evans and amazing wife, Sandy.
It is the dedication, expertise and invaluable wisdom of these three volunteers that helps to keep High Hopes at its very best. We are grateful that they have chosen High Hopes as a place of passion where we can benefit from their talent and time . It is our hope, tha t thro ugh their efforts, we have given them personal satisfaction in the knowledge that thei r gifts have created a strong, sustainable organization that consistently serves ou r community in a profession, quality manne r. Summer/ Fall 2012
Thank you!! High Hopes sends a big thank you to the incredible team that made this year 's Symphony a resoui the net result was over $200,000 raised in support of our programs, including over $44,000 for our Scholarship supper of beef tenderloin and roasted salmon prepared by Coastal Gourmet. Orchestra New England (ONE) pE time the music concluded with The Stars and Stripes Forever!, everyone was on their feet and napkins were w without the generous support of our corporate sponsors, led by Essex Savings Bank and Essex Financial Services. sponsors, view the Faces of High Hopes scholarship video that was :
ÂĽo/-1 ~
EmceeJoe Rhode,and Scholarsh ip hostBob Ballardltd 1,s throughthe evening
~ I I
\. Mitch Heffema11,EarlMummert and Jim Pedrick
Orchestra Nt C---.~, Joe RhodesJr., and Maryam Elahii
MelissaLeerand Herb Chambers
~ Junt PlacardbearersHollyRidgway,Mac Mummert and Tia Smith '
6 Summer/
Fall 2012
Roger Smith ringingthe bellfor the scholarshipdrive
,ding success. Our Event Chairs, Dianne Embree and Sandy Thurston, put together an amazing team and program. Guests feasted on hors d'oeuvres donated by over 35 area restaurants followed by a delicious !rformed an outstanding program ranging from Aaron Copland to a melody from The King and I. By the aving in the air for what was acclaimed as a stellar evening. Symphony would not have been possible Take a moment to visit the High Hopes website at www and review our list of corporate ;howcased that evening , and see photos of a fabulous event.
Ed Balfourand Rod Duxbury. bartmdersextraordinaire
Robin Scho11berger signalingscholarshippledgesat her table.
r9 ~ I
Judy and Dick Lightfootwith FrankHamilton, Honorary Chairof the event
Diamu Embreeand RogerSmith
Laurtn Graybill,David Graybill},ff Graybill Heather Graybill
Summer I Fall 20 12
Horse Show Days or more than 240 participants, Horse Show Days is a special week showcasing the new skills and achievements they have been working toward throughout the year, as well as introduce friends and family to their horses and volunteers. Each participant is awarded a High Hopes ribbon presented by a prestigious member of the local community, then everyone is invited to the Giddy Up Cafe for a bake sale, a tea cup raffle, and lots of fun High Hopes merchandise and horse-themed items available for purchase . As always, Horse Show Days 2012 was a wonderful time enjoyed by all.
8 Summer
/ Fall 201 2
SMOKEY 14 years of service
APACHE 16 years of service
I 24 years old
I 24 years old
Honor Roll
PETRA 13 years of service
I 17 years old
e are proud that six of our wonderful horses have served at High Hopes for 10 years or more. Did you know that our High Hopes horses have to successfully complete an evaluation and acceptance process to ensure that they will perform safely and competently in class? These equines have proven themselves time and time again over the years and are the stalwarts of our herd. Please join us in saluting them on their distinguished records!
W 16 years of service
I 24 years old
LATINO 12 years of service
25 years old
I 24 years old Summer/ Fall 20 12
e n1n ~ A
Sunday • August Jgth
Sunday _• September 2_Jrd
5 T September 29 - Save the date for the Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue & Barn Dance
E p
Team Captains at the 2011 Volunteer Ice Cream Social
VolunteerAppreciation Banner createdby our participants.
10 Summer/
Fall 20 12
High Hopes
a~ en1n Please join the High Hopes Family Board, Staff, Volunteers, Participants, Friends and Supporters
0 C
T 0 1:00pm to 3:00pm
• Demonstration
& Awards Ceremony
• Reception immediately after the awards ceremony
High Hopes Annual Open Barn Day 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Please reply by Monday, October 8, 2012 at (860) 434-1974 ext. 110
N 0 V E M B E R
• November
Featuring • CT's best "farmers market " vendors • Great food
18 2012 • Music • Children's activities
Check the High Hopes website for update s and more information as the event gets closer.
Staff Update HighHopesis experie ncingsome changesin our staffthis summer.Wewouldliketo extendoursincerely gratitudeto the following staffmemberswho have left or will be leaving : LindaPicazio, who as Finance Directorfor the past7 yearscontributed herskillandtalentin innumerable ways;KathrynVine,barnstaff andpart timeinstructor, for hermanyhours caringfor the herdandhelpingmanyridersachievetheir goals;and RenyaCraig,who after10yearsas receptior1ist will beheadingWest.Variouscelebrations haveoccurredalreadybut we inviteyouto celebrate "Renya Day"on July25th. Pleasestopin to wishher well or to join usfor a potlucklunchat 1 pmon the 25th. Summer / Fall 2012
~ ÂŽ
High opes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
Sis Gould Centerfo r Therapeuti c Riding 36 Tow n Woods Road Old Lyme, CT 06371
Contrib uto rs to the High Hope s Rid er Summer / Fall 20 12
July 5-8, 2012
PATH Intl. Registered OSWC
July 9-12, 2012
Summer camp begins
July 28, 2012
High Hopes at Mid-Summer Festival
August 6, 2012
Horse Sense begins
August 8, 2012
Vo lunteer Orientation
~ ..:
August 18, 2012
Volunteer Or ientation and Training
August 19, 2012
Lord Creek Farm Horse Trials
August 24-26, 2012
CHSA Finals at High Hopes
August 28, 2012
PATH Intl. Instructor Training Cou rse begin s
September 5, 2012
Volunteer Orientatio n and Training
September 10, 2012
12-week fall program beg ins
September 15, 2012
Volunteer Ori entation and Training
Mary Lou Bow en Michael Fanelli Susan Magaziner Howard Margules Holly Ridgway Daisy Winkel
September 19, 2012
Board of Trustees Meet ing
September 23, 2012
Lord Creek Farm Hunter Pace
Sue Chodorov
September 29, 2012
Volunteer Appre ciati o n Event
October 14, 2012
High Hopes Annual Meeting - Op en Barn Day
Linda Fiorenti no
Novembe r 18, 2012
High Hope s Hoedo w n and Ho liday Mark et
-~ -1,,i
Contribut ors
and Training
.... ~ ~
~ ~
g N
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= N
December 8-11, 2012 PATH Intl. Register ed OSWC
Liz Adams Megan Ellis Cheryl Heffernan Sara Qua Susan Shulman Kitt y Sta lsburg Holly Sundmacker
Essex Printing This newsletter is underwritten