High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
I Annual ~eport
About High Hopes High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is a premier the ra-
We offer PATH Intl. Approved Training Courses (ATC),
peut ic riding center and int ernat ional instructor t raining
att racting students from all over t he wo rld, as well as
site. We have served peop le with physical, emotiona l and
conti nuing professional education for anyone seeking
developmenta l disabilities fo r forty years.
increased education and lifelong learning. Our t raining is conduct ed by highly qualifie d professionals, who are
Our year-round prog rams in equine assist ed activities
widely recognized in the f ield of the rapeutic riding.
include t herapeuti c riding , carriage driving and equine learning. We also offer experiential learning throug h out-
High Hopes is a place where people come t o heal, to
reach programs, an int egrated summer camp prog ram
learn and to make fri ends that last a lifetime . We strive
and a variety of volu nteer oppo rtun it ies.
t o provide support and growth opportunities fo r all of our participants, fa milies and caregivers.
Agesof our Riders
PrimaryDisabilitiesof our Riders AutismS ectrum
Neu ro log ical & Physical Impairm ent s
Int ellect ual Impair ment s
Developmen t al Disabiliti es
Cerebral Palsy
Learn ing Disabilities
,_ ___
Sensory Disorders
Language Disorders 0
Sustaining Hope
Our next Strategic Plan is evolving and will help us ad-
The past 40 years have been a wonderful and amazing
ing more people through equine assisted activities and
journey for High Hopes . When we began as LC.VE.RA.
therapies, as well the development of critically needed
with the dream of a small group of visionar ies led by Sis
training and education programs. The knowledge gained
Gould, our focus was on enhancing educationa l experi-
over the past 40 years has enabled High Hopes
ences for children . Through the years our reach and exper-
a strong presence in our field and through our programs
tise expanded to working with children and adults with
we are truly making a difference in our community and
more physical issues. Today we offer a wide range of pro-
beyond. Your support in our mission enables us
grams while we continue to build the expertise needed to
tinue to grow and innovate, sharing the lessons we have
meet the growing demands of individuals on the autism
learned and positively changing the lives of thousands of
spectrum and our country 's rapidly increasing population
children and adu lts with disabilities.
dress these pressing issues as we prepare for a future serv-
of individuals dealing with mental illness, including veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The Board and the staff of High Hopes are engaged in thinking strategically about our future and how we ensure our sustainability. What is the next horizon for High Hopes as we address the present day concern of operat ing
Cheryl Kelly Heffernan
Kitty Stalsburg
Board Chairman
Executive Director
at capacity at our Town Woods Road facility? How can we serve the rising number of individuals needing our services in innovative ways? How do we maintain the high quality standards for which High Hopes is renowned, as we grow and possibly expand to satellite operatio ns? How do we keep our commitment
serve all individuals who
can benefit from our program, regardless of their financial circumstances? These questions are prompting us to look I
critica lly at our existing resources and to challenge our current business model.
Christopher ph er's goa ls during his first seme ster were co increas e his att ention co task s, improv e hi s core strength, lower his impul sivity and enco ura ge his use of verbal communi cation.
Chri stoph er
att ain
th ese
goals required teamw o rk, ingenui ty, communi cation and th e pow erful mocivacor of a hor se. First, th e scaff goc creati ve adju stin g his rack co accom modate his sm all size. For exampl e, his arm s were so shore that when he held onto th e handhold o n th e saddl e it ripp ed his upper body too far for-
he yo un g man gracing th e cover o f chis year's
wa rd and pull ed him out o f alignm ent. Th e soluti o n was
annual report and featured in our fall new sletter
to ad apt a lon ger handh old chat allowed him co sit tall
is C hristoph er, a five-year o ld, chree-foot talI,
whil e he rod e.
50-pound powe rho use who keeps everybod y o n th eir toes
during his weekly ridin g session. We cho se C hristopher
O nce safely mount ed , C hristoph er bega n d iscoverin g
for our cover nor ju sr for his infe ctio us smile {which is
th e joys o f ridin g. Hi s first instru cto r, Patty G aney, said
pr etty captivatin g) bur becau se we feel his relation ship
"Chri stoph er was a quick learner , and seemed to realize
co High Hop es exemplifi es man y o f rhe qualiti es char are
chat the sensory input fro m th e hor se's mori o n help ed
th e und erpinnin gs o f o ur mi ssion . Th ese qu alities h ave
him seccle and or ganize his th o ught s. Jc beca me clea r
sustained our growth over th e past 40 years and guid e us
rhac he thri ves on po sitive reinfor cement and loo ks for
as we look cowards th e futur e.
feedb ack." C hristo pher's first hor se, N ifty, was ch osen for his smooth , steady ride co h elp C hristoph er bu ild up his
Bo rn w ith D ow n syndr o me, C hristoph er is small for his ph ysical stam ina. Now he is ridin g Srraumur , an Icelandi c age. Whil e extremely phy sically active and tactil e, he was po ny with a uniqu e boun cy rhythmi c gait called a tolt no n-ver bal and had issues wich balance and strength w hen chat app eals co C hristo ph er's sensory need s. he began ridin g at Hi gh H opes two years ago . Chri sto-
hristoph er's in structors and volunt eers worked with Leah Booth, High H opes speech and lang uage
pa tholog ist, co provide speech modelin g in line with his goals both inside che arena, as well as at school and home. Progress has been
steady and now when C hri stoph er com es for his lesson he likes co qui ckly to ur th e parti cipant loun ge, staff offices and volu ntee r kit chen so he can co say hello and m ake as many new friends as he can before lessons begin. Our staff and volunt eers have learne d co use chis time to encour age C hristo pher's speech and language skills; what app ears co be a fun soc ial tim e is actu ally anoth er great op porcuni cy for learn ing and reinfor cem ent.
Christopher is one of 240 participants who come to High Hopes each week to ride) drive a carriage or spend time in our unmounted equine learning program. Like Christopher, each participant is carefully evaluated before entering our program to identify the appropriate activity and class based on physical emotional and other factors . LeeAnn , C hri stoph er's grand mot her, calls his progress
popul ation expa nd ed co include indi vidu als with cerebra l
"mir aculous" an d credits th e teamwork of th e volun teers,
palsy and multi ple sclerosis. Today our largest pop ulation,
staff and horses with his amaz ing progress . Teamwork was
representin g almost a quarte r of rhe coral, are chose o n
one of the hallma rks of our found er Sis Go uld's ma n-
the auti sm spect rum , closely followed by ind ividuals with
agement scyle and it is the core of our current prog ram .
ment al health issues. As the profil e of ou r participa nt s
Chri stopher's story also exemplifi es anoth er hallm ark of
needs have changed , and in all likelihoo d will contin ue co
Hi gh Hop es- inn ovation .
do so, we need co iden ti fy and evaluate facility and service altern atives chat are consistent with a financ ially sustain-
Forry years ago, when Hi gh H opes began as L.C.V.E.R.A,
able model, while ad hering co rhe h ighesr q ualicy and safety
th e first part icipants who came co Hi gh H opes were pre-
stan dards for our parti cipants, volunteers and horses.
do min antly faced with learning disab ili~ies, and th en rhe
INSPIRI HOPE High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
was founded in 1974 by Mary "Sis" Gould
as the Lower Connecticut Valley Educational Riding Association (L.C.V.E.R.A.). Therapeutic riding lessons were offered to eight students with disabilities from a local elementary scho ol, with one instructor, a few volunteers and borrowed horses.
Notable Achievements
Expanded to three locations in 1979
• The first meering of incorporarors of Lower Con-
• Three children with cerebral palsy received therapy ar chc Goulds'.
necricuc Valley Educariona1 Riding Associacion, Inc . was held in Essex on June 6, 1978.
• Six children wich learning disabiliries from Essex Elcmemary School rode ac Crickelwood Farm in Lyme.
• 1l1e inception of a volunreer training program was during rhc spring r979. TI1efirsr seminar was a four
• There were 18 children from Madison/ Guilford who rode al Race Hill Farm in Nonh .'vladiwn.
hour session. • In spring 1979 there were 30 volunteers working wirh 25 children • Within a year after opening me facility, High Hopes (known at rhat lime as L.C.V.E.R.A.) passed a rigorous review to receive a five-year accreditation by PATH llllernationa l (former ly ifo,.. RHA).
High H opes facts for 2014:
681 vo lun teers
from six area schools. By spring 1982, 62 srudems were being helped by 60 volunteers. • A small number of adulrs began riding. Among th<.:rirst was Sylvia LaChapellc in i981 (above righr).
co ntributed
rh eir rim e a nd ta lents for ~ppro x im a rely
ho ur s.
'~ well trained coreof volunteers is the single most important key to the successof this program."
-Srs GouLD
c., .al::,2:!SEZ:S:SZ:~~~.::::!.J
Sis worked tirelessly to make the experience of horses
and horseback riding available to all people, especially those with physical, mental, or emotional needs. She was convinced that horses, riding them and caring for them, could do won dersfor confidence and self esteem.
Fin anc ial Cons iderations
Extraor din ary People
• The 1979 budget was $5,030 .
• Proceeds from the Nov. 1977 Ride-a-Thon were $318.63. • A three week summer program was initiated in 1978, hue in 1979 d1ere wasn't enough money for gas to get ro the venues, so the program was suspe nded .
17,446 hours
first execut ive director
"PETE" PIERSON, first chai rman of rhe board 1977 TALCOT WRIGHT,
first instructor (shown above) one of the
first riders, still rides at High Hopes.
were given to our programs as horse leader s, sidewalkers, carriage drivers , and unmounted class assistants.
Finding a Home
Expanded Programs
• In 1984 a Transirion Commirree was created to
• In May 1986 rhe firsc Annual Horse Show was held
organize and direct the program. • Although rwo horse trailers were purchased, operacing our of four different locarions made it
classes and 47 riders.
• A vaulting program was introduced in 1987. • 1991 began the firsr summer camp -
two-week sessiom.
difficult ro deliver services and care for rhe horses. • 1991 began rhe first winter program - five weeks indoors. • In 1986 a faciliry was leased in Lyme, Connecricut. • The program expanded to rwo 10-week semesters with • Then a lease with an option ro buy Mr. and Mrs.
23 riding instruction hours per week.
John Roberrs' land on Town Woods Road was • In 1985 we were serving 69 riders with 74 volunreers .
signed. • Wirh a new name and logo design High Hopes, rhe Sis Gould Center for Therapeuric Riding, opened in Old Lyme in 1990, providing a single permanent home for High Hopes. • The dedicarion ceremony and opening day celebrarion was held ar 36 Town Woods Road on Ocrobcr 14, r990.
4,044 hours
were spent in the barn working on horse care and facility managem ent.
The first
Symphonyin the Meadow,June 1986,
was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton in Hadlyme. New Haven Symphony Orchestra performed. Mrs. George Bush was honorary chairman of the event .
High Hopes was host site for the 1993 Connecticut Special Olympics
Equestrian Games on June
Human Resources • Riding instructors,
Over 40 athletes from
a pan-rime
physical therapisc,
and an executive director were hired. • The first acting director, Judy Lovelace had been
throughout the state competed.
involved since 1975 as a sidewalker. • Spring 1987 Holly Ridgway was named head instructor. • In 1988 Kiny Scalsburg became barn manager. • Operations
began in the new center with nine scaff
members and 13 horses, serving 85 participants week with help from
I , 241
hours were spent working in the office and on special mailings .
In 1995, High Hopes hosted the
equestrian events in the Special
• 1995 High Hopes loses its
Olympics World Games, attracting 174 riders from
and 30 countries, resulting in national recognition beyond the therapeutic riding industry.
founder , Sis Gould. • Caretaker 's conage completed. • There were major renovations, and classroom and office space expansion. • Alison Zack was now executive director.
hours were given in committee meetings, board meetings, and planning special events.
--We have been involved with High Hopes since Kate was three and a half years old and she'sI9 now. When she came here to High Hopes she was on crutches.Kate is now walking.fully independently,and she'sdecided lastfoll she would come to High Hopes and volunteer. - JO A N N IC HOLS,
Leadership â&#x20AC;˘ High Hopes was rhe firsc independern
cherapeutic riding center
approved to ceach the PATH lnrl. inscruccor rraining course. Since 1996, High Hopes has been serving che profession as a training and education center for prospective therapeucic riding insrruccors from all over rhe world. High Hopes is one of only six centers in the country approved by PATH co offer their instruccor rraining course which attracts students from throughout chc United States and abroad. â&#x20AC;˘ High Hopes was honored nacionally through rhe James Brady Professional Achievement Award.
High Hope s has trained over 2 0 instructors from throughout the United States and abroad.
Statement of Financial Position
year ending June 30, 2014
Liabilities and Net Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts and Other Receivables
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses and Deposits
39,267 ··············· ·········· ····---
Prepaid Expenses
Advance Fees for Services
Uncondit ional Promises to Give
52,591 $723,958
Property and Equipment - Net
Unrestr icted LON G-TERM ASSETS
Cash and Cash Equivalents $24,648
Temporarily Restricted Unconditional Promises to Give
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
1,567,118 $5, 108,835
$3,253 ,357
Support and Revenue
Functional Expenses
Corpor ate Support
Foundati on Support
Program Services 74%
Contributions from Individuals
44% Fundraising
Administrative , 11 %
Our Staff Kitty St alsburg, Executive Director
High Hopes Boardof Trustees
Barbara Ab rams, Instructor and Expressive Art s Therapist Liz Adam s, Program Directo r
Courtney Berna rd , Special Programs Coordinator
Mary K. "Sis" Gould
David E. Walker, MD
Leah Booth, Speech-Language Pathologist Trudy Burge ss, Development Coordinator Sarah Carlson, Special Programs Manager Patti Coyle, Training and Education Director Carrina Echeand ia, Volunteer Coordinator lmano l Echeverria, Instructor Jonn ie Edwards, Instructor Megan Ellis, Volunteer Manage r Lau ren Fitzgera ld , Lesson Manager Patty Ganey, Instructor
Sally A ubr ey
Chery l Kelly Heffernan
Jane L Davison
Vice Chairman for Development
John C. Evans
Barbara Willken s
Lytt leton B. P Gould, Jr. t
Vice Chairman
Michae l V Gane y Secretary
M arga ret (Mac) Mummert
Lies! Grig erek, Barn Assistant
Laura Heyer, Development Coordinator
Susan S. Tyler
Caro lyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist TRUSTEES
Donna Latella, Occupational Therapist Barbara Earle Ballard Tracey Mar ti neau, Finance Directo r Jane Bolles Rachel Mose r, Office Manager Sarah Hill Cann ing Laura Moya, Instructor
Audit for fiscal year ending June 30, 20 14 was perfor ffl ed by MahoneySabol. Copies are available on request. Report design: Michael Fanelli
John C. Evans Sherley Furgueson Betsy Horn
A. Rives Pot ts
Penny Nelso n
Jeffrey Ridgway
Roger Roche
Roger M. Smith
Andrew Russell
Anthony C. Thurston
Hug h Scott
Kelvin N. Tyler
Seymou r Smith
t Deceased
Ca rrie W ind , Instructor
Kasey Higgins
A nt hony Thur ston
Laura Giordano
Holly Sundmacker, Equi ne Operat ions Director
Jeanne Nerkowski
Wayne 0 . Southw ick, M.D.
Pete Pierson
Susan Shulman, Commu nications Manager
Sarah Hallwood
Roger M. Smith
Jeb N. Embree
Ho lly Ridgway, Instructor
Conn ie Corbett
Judith F. Light foot
James M. Ch ilds
Liz Quinn, Caretaker
Karen Brittle
Barbara Kashanski t
Sara Qua , Development Director
Courtney Collin s
Grace Hamilton
Judith F Lightfoot
Juanita Paris, Barn Assistant
Staff changes
Frank W Hamilton, Jr. t
Jo hn Catlett Dawn Nelligan , Instructor
Alicia Barrows
Deborah Wel les
This Year at High Hopes
I , 7 7 5 People served
8, 52 5 3I , Q Q Q 50 O/o
Equine Assisted Activities and Therapy sessions
Volunteer hours donated
of Riders received scholarships
Hi gh H opes Therapeu cic Ridin g, Inc.
36 Town Woo ds Road • O ld Lyme, Conn ecticut 0637 1
Phone 860- 4 34- 197 4 •
Sharing Hope
Annual Giving Annual Appeal Campaign Participant fees meet less than one-third of our operating costs so we depend on annual gifts to provide High Hopes with the resources needed to support current program offerings. Thanks to contributions from the donors listed on these pages, High Hopes was able to provide the highest quality services to over 1700 participants, while meeting their critical need for increased scholarship dollars.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ballard John and Athana Catlett Jamie and Hannah Childs Mrs. Susan K. Childs Peter and Alexandra Daitch Jane I. Davison
Pamela Brewster
TedandRebecca Crosby
J.ScottandWendy Douglas
TheAndrew J.andAnitaG. Frankel Family Foundation
Evan S.Griswold T.Fischer andEmily
Jonathan andSusan Jewett
Lyttleton B.P. Gould, Jr.t
Richard andJudithLightfoot
Michael andJoanne Masin
t Kashanski JohnandBarbara
Jeb and Dianne Embree
TheKitchings Family
Michael and Patty Ganey
Richard andJudithLightfoot
Karen Schwarz
Martha Terrell
Rives andNancy Potts
Karen E.Schwarz
KelandKaren Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve Janet Schorr Gochberg and Katelin Gochberg Mitch and Cheryl Heffernan John Kashanski Lee and Bernadette Olivier The Rayonier Corporation The Roche Family Roger and Marcia Smith Elizabeth Craig Smith The Stanley R. Miller Foundation Barbara Willkens
Adopt-a-Horse SpecialBenefactors TheFamily andFriends ofJoseph Carta Susan Childs Gloria Gell JeffandHollyRidgway JohnandDeborah Welles
SueMcGraw Robert andMartha Monte Barbara andMattAbrams Susan Peacock Randy andSusan Anway ChrisandRoddy Roosevelt SallyH.Aubrey Raymond andJudithSchoonmaker JohnandJenBauman Family T.Cersosimo andValerie J. Koif TheSchwartz Richard JaneE.Sodergren Peter Curley andtheHon.Elaine Gordon Dr.andMrs.Wayne Southwick Matteo DiTommaso Swenson Family Foundation Dr.andMrs.JohnR.Drew Davis andCarylViolaandFamily Richard andSheila Fanelli MillonandCaroline Walters JohnandKaren Horn Dr.CarltandCaptain MaryWashburn Dorothy E.Hull Alastair andPollyHunt Adopt-a-Horse Patrons Laurie LaTerza andToddRake JohnandSusanna LeBoutil lier Friends andFamily InHonor ofEmma Romaine A.Macomb Boardman's Birthday Thomas andMarguerite Moore Eleanor Bonafonte Jamie andAldenMurphy Connie Corbett Tracy Nixon HenriandLiztDavid Ms.JanePicot Mr.Waller E.Davis II Linda andGaryRogers andElizabeth Haartz Seymour andTiaSmith Elizabeth Doering EllenSmaller Jonathan andKimberly Folts TonyandSandy Thurston JulieA.Gladstone Humphrey andSusan Tyler TedandPamela Hamilton Wilson andRebecca Vega Donald andSuzanne Jaffray Gurdon andKathleen Wallies Robert andPauline Knol I George andCynthia Willauer HarryandLana Lewis Eileen andGeorge Zambelli Joanne M.Mangi
Adopt-a-Horse Benefactors Connecticut Dressage Association ChrisandPattiCoyle Robert Crane andSusan Chodorov TedandBecky Crosby David F.DePaola Charitable Trust Gloria Geil TheGibson Family Debby Green Sandy Muiligan BobandPenny Nelson BillandVickyWinterer
Patrons AndyBaxter KeithandJaneBolles Dr.Olive J. Brose Danie! andPatricia Carey F.Callie. Jr.andPeter N.Watt Gerard Greg andRosemary Foy Michael andSherley Furgueson AnneGilbert AlvaG.Greenberg JohnandNancy Hargraves Or.JeanLasser TheWilliam andEllen Macristy Foundation Barbara McGhie
TheNolan Family Paulson Training Programs, Inc. MaryP.Pullen Sandra Reilly JeanT.Sargent Shel bySchavoir David andAnnMarie Shinn Sabin andBeverley Streeter JudyR.Whitney
Sponsors Bruce Abraham Tony Astmann BillandMaryAllridge Bruce andRobin Augustadt ChipandNickiBerry Peter B.andRosaliet Brainard Stanford andWendy Brainerd Wayne R.Buchanan Peter andSarah HillCanning Yalelmmunobiology Department ElsieChiIds Joe,Lauren, Madeline andMargaret Curley PatandBillCutler Francis Davis BirgitN.Deeds ClarkFinley JohnandAlisonForbis EliseGarvfn Laura Giordano
DonandDaina Gonci Robert andWendy Gunn EdandPatHelal SallyH.Hill MurielN.Hinkle Mr.andMrs.Tanner Hunt B.Jones Samuel Dwight andLinda Juliani Charles andGretchen Kingsley Richard andRenni Korsmeyer James andHedyKorst Peter andElaine Lapolla Or.andMrs.Christopher Lena DavidLesser George andSallyMayer F.Patrick andDana McFadden Dorothea Moore EarlandMacMummert Isabelle C.Osborne Michae! andElena Patterson James E.andJacquelyn B.Pedrick PhilipandThea Putnam TheReverand MarkK.J. andEleanor P.Rabi nson Ryan andLindaRomanowski Mr.andMrs.Michael Ryland Dr.Craig andPietrina Saxton J. RexSigler HarrySlifer Robert G.Strachan KyleandJoanne Turschman Addison VanNessandRobRobillard BobandBetsey Webster Dr.Steven Wolfson andDr.ElsaStone
Supporters JorgeAdrian Beatrice Anderson Dorolhy D.Anderson Andre Prost, Inc. JimandWendy Andrews CurtandDorothy Askelson LarryandJodiBackes Marcy Baran BiIIandMimiBenner Heather S.Bennett RuudBergmans andAnnLane Peter andLindaBierrie Frank andElisabeth Bohlen GaryF.Borla Mr.andMrs.Newlon C.Brainard IrmaP.Brandt Peter andCandace Briggs Suzannne Brown J. Byrne Michael Susan Canavan MallandShayGantner DanandAmyCarlin AliceJ. Castelli Frank andStephanie Chan
aljNJ WPl,J
Woody andGretchen Comstock Claudia Cron Bruce andEllenCummings CurtDanforth George Darrel I andDeborah Clark Mr.andMrs.Harvey C.Demovick, 1!1 J. Donohue Roher! Maryam Elahi Joseph andSandra Elnisky Angelina Caldwell Vanessa Evans MarkandSukiFader Mr.andMrs.Charles Fenger James andEleanor Ferguson ChrisandMartha Ficke Mrs.Peter Flagg Fortunate Blessings Foundation Mr.andMrs.JohnE.Friday Ronald Furse TimandSusan Gavronski Oorolhy Giiman JimandBertGleason Mr.andMrs.Gregory Godbout Bruce Goldstein AlanandBonnie Gordon Jeffrey andHeather Graybill Susan E.Gregorelti GullAssociales, Inc. MikeandBetsy Hally JudyHansen Richard HershaUer SueHessel andKaren Dahle IngeHieret Peter andAlthea Higgins Diane F.Hirsch Barbara A.Hollman PaulandLindaHolt BillandBetsy Horn
Ihe High HopesLegacySociety offersan opportunityto perpetuate your interestin High Hopesfor generationsto come.
Legacy Society by completing a Statement of
Intent notifying us that you have included
High Hopes in your will or by making another
planned gift benefitting High Hopes. People
who have made a planned gift are recognized by
including their names on a permanent plaque
at High Hopes, in the Legacy Garden near
You can become a member of the High Hopes
Hartman Pond, in the Annual Report, and by a special name tag to wear at High Hopes events.
You will be invited to a gathering of members EMILY FISHER
each year, and willreceive regular mailings. Best of all, you willhave the heartwarming experience of helping others in need. And to top it off, there can be significant tax benefits for you or your estate. We are committed to the highest level of quality throughout our programs, in the care of our horses and in our interaction with participants and their families. Your membership in the Legacy Society willhelp us to continue serving people with disabilities into the future.
Shirley F.Howard Thomas Howell and Maria Teresa Henderson Norman Needleman andJacqueline Hubbard Mr.andMrs.George James Theresa Jankowski Kathleen Johnson Robert E.Johnson andPatricia A.Burr Geraldine U.Foster David Kalayjian BillKavanagh andCynthia Palmer Kelsar Physical Therapy TomandCissie Keogh Marjorie R.Kiefer Barbara Kil CarolKlimek EricandJerilynKrisman IreneP.Kritzer Frank andElisabet Landrey KenandJoanLevin AnneLewchik Richard andVirginia Linburg Michael Lombardi Terry andBette Lomme Dawn Laughead Jennifer Lowney W.CecilLyon Roland andSallyMacNichol BobandGrace Marrion Carey andCisMattheissen TheMccallum Family JohnandAmyMcCauley Newt andPollyMerril! Ms.LucyD.Metcalf Alexandra Moore AndyandGailMorris RuthMowrey David andClaudia Natorski Nettleton Minot8. andAlycyn Claudia J.Newell ScaliandJoanNichols JohnandBarbara Noyes FredandJoanne Nygard JohnandAnitaOidtman JuliePapanier Michael andSusan Perl James andJanePfeffer William Phillips andBarbara Smith TomandLindaPicazio JohnandDiane Poer Rives andNancy Polls David andBarbara Preston AlanandBettie Proctor DonandNancy Rankin James Richmond Eleanor B.Rickel GlenRokicki Ronald andJanelRomanowski Janice M.Romanowski AndyandPamRussel I James andAmanda Rutledge
Sanderson Seasonal Services LLC JuliaS.Lyman Manfred andPatricia Schach VonWitlenau RickandTerry Schreiber MarkandHeidiShea SkipandSheree Sibley Sheila Siborg J.Sinicrope Barbara B.Smith Angela RobinM.Smith LindaSparzak Rowland andCarla Stebbins, Ill Mitchell andRegina Strand John,Eunice andEmma Sutphen William Tait Ms.AnneColeTaylor William Schaeller Mrs.Sharon Tracy Howard andPeggy TulUe Doug andKaren VanDyke Nancy Watkinson Carol Weigand Dr.andMrs.JohnWells Eugenia West TomandBetsy Whidden JohnWilburandJennifer Johnson Or.andMrs.JohnE.WilIson Joseph andDenise Wollack Wood Mr.andMrs.L.Rober! RickandHeidiWorcester PhilipF.Darrell andAlison ZackDarrell James Zanardi
Friends AlandCarol Akslerowicz TipandJanice Alkeson Michael andSuzy Aubrey Carole Baker Mr.andMrs.Calton M.Barlow Janet Barrett Kathryn Beck JulieBroadway LoisBrockmann Dennis Brown andAnnMarieVelloti Susan Bryant-Sill E.Burkarth Helen Jonathan andDeborah Butler Mr.andMrs.Rodney Buller Charlie Delinks Cynlhia Lynne Camilleri Rebecca Caruso Joanne Centola Pete andChrissy Cowell Kathy Crockett Edmond Culhane Marjorie M.Curlis JaniceK.Lehrman GuyandDiane Deutermann Kathy DiLuno Barbara Earle
Terry J.Eddy Jonathan andRuthFain Kevin andLisaFarrel I andFamily Dr.andMrs.Christopher Ficke Dawn Fisher Chad andBrenda Floyd JimandCeliaFrancis K.Fries Jennifer Timothy C.Griswold RobHageman andKittyStalsburg Varick D.Harrison JellandMarisa Hartmann Peter andJoyHewill Taylor andPamHicks PhilandGayle Hollman DickandGailHoxsey JeanJerbert Sandra Joyce Hope Juckel-Regan LynnKashanski Constance Kastelowitz Mr.andMrs.Timothy Kesselring W.King Nancy StuandBetsy Klarman TheKruger-Dull Family Steve Kurlansky AnnLander Mihae Lee Kathleen andMarieManero Sean andMoiraMartin Mr.andMrs.JohnMccurdy JaneM.Mclane TomandNancy Mcloughlin Michael andKimMel!uzzo MimiMerlan TomandPeggy Metcalf Tamara Miglio VilmaD.Moclair RickandLeighMorant JoanS.Narad, MD JoeNewman Roger andMaryJoNosal Natalie andGwen Olson JohnandCorrie Paardenkooper Harris andElsieParsons Steve andMarilyn Percy David andKaren Quinn CarlandDalReiser ChetandPenny Reneson Aaron andLisaReneson Janice M.Romanowski Rebecca Russell JoelandMarcy Sallzmans Alexander andMaureen Santora JudithSchaaf Jerome andMarlene Scharr JohnandPatricia Smith R.Speirs Mr.andMrs.David Mrs.RitaSpring ScottandCallista Stoddard Stonington Veterinary Hospilal PegSweeney
TheDonohue Group Richard andSharon Torrenti Patricia M.Trainor PaulandDinaTresnan TheTurdo Family KurtvanHeiningen andLisaCentola Peter andJennifer VanHorn David andLindaWard Noah Weingarten LewandDebbie Weinstein JohnMassaro Sr.andPalWhitaker Jeffrey Woods andJulieD'Shaughnessy PaulandSandra Woronik Yalelmmunobiology Deparlmenl Barbara Yolen
OtherContributors AlmaAlper! Majda Aviani Nancy Baldoni Mr.andMrs.Rudolph Besier Wa!ter andBetty Budney BradandCynthia Burgess AusiliaC.Casella William andJudithClark RickandCarolColangeli Mr.andMrs.JulianColelli Beverly Crowlher Kristin Decapua MaryFischer Robyn Fortier JackandChipFrost Jill Gorecki J.Garrard Holt Roger andDonna Hurley Mr.andMrs.Bryan F.Kielbania J. Lackman Beverly LarryandDenise Lee JellandJudyLovelace MikeandEllenMaus Dean andParn Mcchesney Reuben Mills Dr.JohnParnoff andMs.Monique Heller Larry andLynnPorter DonandCharlolle Quigley JohnandJanelSchloss Mr.HughScotl Chrlslina P.Evans Serafin Jeffrey andGene Shankman Petra Shearer Diane R.Silveria Donna R.Speirs Timothy Tyler Raymond andAndrea Volpe David andCaryWalker Elizabeth Whitley Vanda Winakor
Special Gifts AlexandAni,Inc. Hannah Babcock Saybrook Country Barn- Ekornes Stress!ess Charity Event Christopher L.Chamberlain Chelsea Groton Foundation Knights orColumbus Steffen EveConstantini Connie Corbett Mr.andMrs.Donald Corcoran DailyGood NoraDixon Ms.Patricia Dreaher TheEQUUS Foundation Fieldof Dreams FarmLLC TheFishTale TomFlynn LuciaM.Ford Sandra Gabree MariaGracie-G ofl ToddLaggis EllenLeBartielle GaryLehrman Patricia Lenihan DavidLesser Mr.andMrs.Frederick C.Levitsky Dawn Laughead Cynthia Milne Nutmeg Combined Federal Campaign Janice Oddo OldLyme Grange Mr.andMrs.MarkS.Plummer Sophie andGigiRankin Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. TomRicardell JellandHollyRidgway River Valley StudyClub Mr.andMrs.J. AllenRives, Jr. Savings lnstilure Bank &TrustEmployees Bruce andSandy Smith Memree Stuart Laurie Sulger JanisSzepkouski LizTaiIberg Touchstone Farm Walter TUmQuist PatWhitaker Kathleen Whitbread Whiling Ridge Farm WildChildTouring Women's Fellowship
DaisyIngraham Elementary School Andrew andJames Scotella
Ronald andJanetRomanowski LindaOlszewski Mr.andMrs.Robert J.Phelan JanetM. Romanowski Janice M.Romanowski
TheAmerican Morgan HorseAssociation JulieBroadway
TheMarriage ofJeanLasser & JeffreyElkin AlandCarol Aksterowicz AnneFribourg Mr.andMrs.MarkLewchik
Brenna Andrews JimandWendy Andrews
AveryLena Dr.andMrs.Christopher Lena
SallyAubrey Michael andSuzy Aubrey Shirley F.Howard
Dr.andMrs.LaiusLorio JackandPamIrving
Giftsin Honor Aladdin Colleen Falaguerra
Dr.andMrs.Richard Bernstein JackandPamIrving PeterBialobrzeski Glenair CTTeam EmmaBaardman's Birthday Francesca Biasucci Michael andDebra Boardman Russel I andSarah Bowman MarkandSukiFader Ainsley Falcone Michael andKerrie Kolesnik ElleMcAraw Eleanor Bonafonte's Birthday Friends ofEleanor Bonalonte RalphP.Centola KurtvanHeiningen andUsaCentola BillChristopher andMarilyn Jacobs Wedding Joanne andKyleTurschman PattiandChrisCoyle LoisBrockmann SueMcGraw
Dr.andMrs.Christopher Lynch JackandPamIrving Gretchen andMallyMann Taylor andPamHicks Haward Margules ScottColley SandraMeinsen Sydney Harreys RobertandPennyNelson Robert andPauline Knoll
EmmaandMichaelFanelli andAlisonZackDarrell PhilipF.Darrell Richard andSheila Fanelli ElaineGordon andPeterCurley William Schaeffer
~stherHolmstrom Dawn Fisher
RyanandLindaRomanowski Janice M.Romanowski Ronald andJanet Romanowski Mr.andMrs.Robert J.Phelan ClairRyland's 14thBirthday Mr.andMrs.Michael Ryland PaulaSanderson Fortunate Blessings Foundation JeanT. Sargent Anne Lewchik MallhewScolella's Birthday Sandra Joyce TheScotella children, their parents andgrandparents PaulCurley David Lesser
Anniston Parker Tradebe Environmental Services, LLC
Andrew, Mallew,JamesScotella Joe,Lauren, Madeline andMargaret Curley JimandBertGleason MikeandBetsy Hally EdandPatHelal Richard Hershatter Sandra Joyce VilmaD.Moclair
JannaandJohnPellino Mr.andMrs.BlairKiefer
Dr.andMrs.DerekShia JackandPamIrving
Dr.Harrison Picot Ms.JanePicot
PaulShinn David andAnnMarieShinn
Alycyn Nellleton's Birthday Brian Jones KaleNichols Mr.andMrs.JulianColelli
Dr.andMrs.AlanRezniz J.J. DibbleConstruction Company JackandPamIrving Kathleen Marchant LeeRhodes Toby andMaryDunn Mrs.Moricoandherstaff al EssexElementary School HollyRidgway Anonymous Kate Ridgway Mr.andMrs.Christopher Gosman
Hassie,a wonderful horse JohnandDiane Poer
HollyandJeffRidgway TheStanley R.MillerFoundation M.Gerard, GailM.Stoddart Pamela andCatherine M.deKoning RobRobillard ThestaffatSensible Organics Mr.andMrs.Ryan & Family Romanowski Mr.andMrs.Robert J.Phelan
TiaSmith LissieBrooks SabinandBeverley Streeter WilliamSopelak AnneSopelak ScallyStoddard ScottandCallista Stoddard PaulE.Taylor, Jr. Ms.AnneCoteTaylor DavidTriebel's Birthday Sarah Triebel TheVegas Kathryn Vega JoshWebster Sarah Mayer
Debbie Welles'Birthday ThePowers Family Justin am!Mary Welles TheWyglendowski Family Thestaffat Westbrook MiddleSchool Peter andJennifer Curley Matthew Scotella
Giftsin Memory
Carmela Dandio Yale Unions Retirees Association
Kenneth Fountain Robert Crane andSusan Chodorov
SteverAubrey EliseGarvin
LizDavid Constantine Alexander BillandMary Allridge Kelley Beach Peter andLinda Blerrie Black HallClub Black HallWomen's GollAssociation CllffBockard Richard andJean Caron Mr.andMrs.PaulM.Connolly Robert andKathryn Corrigan David C.Cruthers Anne B.Czepiel Mr.and.Mrs.Thomas Doyle David Drescher Hugh andAnne Fiore Geraldine Foster Ronald andCynthia Furr Richard andKoko Gildersleeve Robert amiFrancine Goldfarb Ryan Goudey MilchandCheryl Heffernan BillandBetsy Horn William andClaudia Kelly DanandJeanne Kleinman JackandSharon, JohnandTania, Chris andGarren Leavers Richard andJudyLightfoot Terry andBette Lamme Judith Lovelace Sarah Mayer Pamela McChesney TheMcFadden Family W.Mallhew andMaryEllen ~cLoughlin Anita Hamilton Michaels Andrew andGailMorris David andArlene Parmelee Robert andVictoria Pedemon\i William Phillips andBarbara Smith MaryP.Pullen Resources Management Corp Willard andMaryRobb Mary AnnRobinson Phalle DeSaint Sanborn Mortgage Corporation Joseph Silberberg Roger andMarcia Smilh Tony andSandy Thurston Sharon Tracy Mr.andMrs.Robert Vaudreuil Kathleen Woods andDavd Weil
Thomas F.Gibson Louise Camora Benson DonBurns Dr.Caimano Jack amlSueCarew Mary Jane Chicosko Glenn Churchill Jason Collins Ms.Curtis JohnandLynn Deegan JohnDelgrego Diane Delisio Lesley Devine BobDiRoberts Nancy Dometios Tracy Douglas P.Echtman Mr.andMrs.Joseph Mr.andMrs.Jonathon Ensign Nayada Flores LisaM.Gras Mark Grzymajlo WillyIsaac Barbara Jacius Paula Kavalhas RobLazar Ms.MarilyLemire Or.Luthra Jason Martin Dr.Nilanjana Maulik Deborah Miggins Jerry andBarb Mikan Shanta Nag Denise Phu011!J Judith AnnPlolki n Clyde ProllU MaryRice Lauren Roche Angela Romano Nicola Rubinow Christine A.Shangraw Jellrey andGene Shankman BaliSingh Dr.Paul Skolnik Ms.LouAnnStrasser Dana Wilson Mark andCsilla Worthington Mary Yabrosky Yale lrM1unobiology Department
Margaret Bellino Jeanine Garofalo
Joseph Carta Bruce andLeeBerman Dr.andMrs.Shlrvinda Wljesekera LawOffices ofMichael J.Boyle JackandPam Irving Patricia Carta Carla TheMarriage ofBarbara Wlllkens Louis Elaine Carta and WilhelmMeya Mr.andMrs.Russell Chapman Wilfred andFrances Blanchette David andJoAnn Clark KimBrown Ryan andLoriConnelly Dennis andBarbara Cambria Jess Corbett LouandChristine Drago Mr.andMrs.Gregory Dandio AllanElms Ronald Esposito JohnA Flannigan DanFarquharson Deborah Gagliardi MarkFirlaandLaurie Kennington TheHe!lernan Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaudioso Wilhelm andHelke Meya Mark and Kim Hall MaxandDale Okasha Mr.andMrs.Floyd Hall DickandJoanPacker Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Harris LeePierce Rita Hogan AmyRace Rev. Timothy Meehan LisaRoderick Mr. and Mrs. Michael MIiier Thomas andLisaShupe Jr. Gwen Mills Duncan andElizabeth Stoddard Mr.andMrs.SalPaolillo Daniel andMale Willkens William andLinda Pascale JuliaZambelli Adam Pallen George andEileen Zambelli Anna Aresco Peslrillo Mr.andMrs.James Riccio Dr.Richard Zelland DorisRogan Ms.Heather Kaufman Donna Romano andCathy Condon JackandPam Irving David Rubino KenSuzuki Mr.andMrs.PaulThurston LisaViglione Sharon Welch NancyCash Dwight andLinda Juliani Mildred"Sis"Clements Ms.Cynthia Dubea Ms.J.M.Glovinmo JohnA Lepito Mr.andMrs.William D.Lusk Frances C.Russell Mr.andMrs.William N.Schneider Petra Shearer JulianColelll JoeBrandon Jeannine Zebrowski Melissa Zebrowski Richard Curtis Margo Curtis ,
Roland Desnoyers MarieWolll Barbara Flohr Penny Nelson
SisandLyttGould TheAeverand MarkK.J. andEleanor PRobinson BettyGreene JohnC.Greene LynHanberg DonHanberg
JohnKangley 8. Comstock Mr.andMrs.Harwood Laura Field Barton andSandy Gray Mr.andMrs.William Grover JimandRobbi Storms Barbara Kashanski LynnKashanski BobKlimek MikeandSherley Furgueson M.SmithFamily TheRoger Sharon Tracy PelerKnoll Robert andPauline Knol I Hyman andRaeLehrman Gary, Jan,andDiane Lehrman BruceMcGhie Barbara McGhie Catherine M. andStanley R. Miller Catherine M.deKoning GailM.Stoddart Pamela M.Gerard Molly JudithRolhenberg GracePerkins Jeanne Baker Mr.andMrs.J.Francis Cook Louise Dickerson Wil!iamina Ferguson Patricia M.Haines A.Jackson Mr.andMrs.Steven Jonohar Santos 8
MillieSilver Thelma S.Swody Mr.andMrs.James A White Edward andRuthWilliams DavidRegan Hope Juckel-Regan JoeRhodes, Jr. & Susan Chodorov Robert Crane DickandJudyLightfoot AnnRice NealComstock andStephanie Corrao
Maurice Roberge HollyStevenson andfriends from theUniversity ofHartford Physical Therapy Program FireFighter Christopher Santora Alexander andMaureen Santora Ma!!Shea Walter andMarcia Shea JoanShukis Cheryl AnnAbella Janice C.Amara Benito andBellyAresco Ms.Margaret Cahil I andMr.Edward Holub Bette Flynn RexandKathleen Hill Mr.andMrs.Steve Jordan Mr.andMrs.Eldon Lauber Gary andDonna Nolan Glenn andJeannine Pyllik Roche Family Tom'·and PatSwiss Wendy Zito
UncleBIii- LCVERA TheQuigley Family PhyllisS. Weber Mr.andMrs.IkeAhalt Ms.Darlene Berkovitz Ms.LoriBotos CarlandAnneMarieBu!eigh Mr.andMrs.Burkard Ms.KimChivinsky AnneCohen Jonathan andRulhFain Ms.Fair-Rogalski MaryAnneFerland BethHallman Sharon Hardie Richard andHenrietta Kailajian Ms.Hannah Krause Dante Lalerra Andrea Lehman TerriLogan Ms.JenMarone Ms.Marilyn McGuire Joanna Meyers Michelle Pipkin Ms.Susan Portnoy Thomas Saxton Ms.JosieSchwartz Betsy Segall Cynthia Seybolt Ms.Lynn Thompson Penny Williams TheYousem Family Salvatore Zaccaro Ronald andGloria Owens
Stever Aubreyt Cecily Baran Midge Beecher JoelBergeron Suzie Birks SuzyBolduc Karen R.Bozak Elizabeth Busbee Connecticut College EQues\rian Team Chris andPatti Coyle Renya Craig Ms.KathDavies, Camp Director Camp Hazen Tanya Devean AmyDzlewski Michael Fanelli Charlotte Gelston JaeGilterman Palricia Goldblatt JohnGuenther Associates Carolyn Guptill Chris Hart RobHathaway Daryl Hornby Nancy Hudson Christie Jagielski Devan Karabees-Lamer TrishLaPointe Gerard Lefrancois Meredith Libby Mr.PaulZ.Marlin Kathryn Newlon Paige Nicholson ProBonoPartnership LisaReneson Denyse Roden JudithRolhenberg Ryan Electric, LLC Cheryl Saholes Barn Saybrook Country JudySchoonmaker Thomas Shakun Cookie Shea Walter andMarcia Shea Jeanelle Slickenmyer TiaSmilh KittySlalsburg PegSweeney TheSwenson Family Eunice Taylor Michael Terreri AlanTodd Dave Tribel JohnVogt Ann West t Deceased
A N N ll ,\ L
A l' P E A L
C A 1\1 P A I G N
Corporate Gifts
Foundation Gifts
Thomas Atkins Memorial Trust Fund
Bank ofAmerica
Bodenwein Public Benevolent Fund
Bertera Subaru ofHartford, Inc.
Chamber ofCommerce of
Boehringer lngelheim
Eastern Connecticut Foundation
Carlin Construction Company LLC
Chichester/DuPont Foundation
Citizens Bank
Community Foundation for
Greater NewHaven, Crippled Children's
Essex Savings Bank
AidSociety Fund
TheFishTale Henkel Corporation
Community Foundation ofEastern Connecticut
Pfizer Inc.
D'Addario Family Foundation
Pucuda, Inc.
DelisiFamily Foundation
TheDimeBank Foundation
Ryan Electric, LLC
EQUUS Foundation
& Trust Savings Institute Bank
Gardiner Family Foundation
Saybrook Country Barn
Hartford Foundation forPublic GivingBeatrice FoxAuerbach Fund
Matching Gifts Aetna Foundation, Inc. Allstate Giving Campaign Bank ofAmerica Matching Gifts Citizens Bank Cooper Surgical Dominion HPCompany Match MassMutual Financial Group OSIMatching GiftProgram Pfizer Foundation Matching GiftsProgram Unilever Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Jacobs Family Fund Chester Kitchings Family Foundation Knight ofColumbus Marion Moore Foundation Newman's OwnFoundation TheNewYorkCommunity Trust Howard Bayne Fund TheNewYorkCommunity Trust Wattles Family Charitable TrustFund R.S.Gernon Trust Ronald McDonald House Charities Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Thompson Family Foundaton Waterford Group Charitable Foundation Westbrook Foundation Wireless ZoneFoundation forGiving
Employee Giving /United Way Ms.Beverly Alves Anonymous - AT&T Anonymous - Norlheast Utilities UnHedWay Anonymous - United Wayor Northeast & Central Connecticut Robert Bagdorl Craig Barrila Mr.andMrs.Douglas R.Barrows Dwayne Basler LindaBerard Gary Borla Jean M.Breuler David Brzezon George Culmo Irene DeBernardo Lauria Dominick JodiEbersole Kristen Edwards S.Faryniarz Diane Michael Ganey Robin Hoynack BelhJennings Irene Krilzer Shannon Lapierre Dominick Lauria CalhyLezon Christopher Mccawley Vincent Mccurdy Nu!meg Combined Federal Campaign Bonnie M.Palmer Jeanne Ryan Patricia Sager-Aresco Kimbe~y Sanders Anthony Sarubbi Bizabelh Sawyer Judith Scranlon Souza Andrea Barbara W!IIkens Linda Wysocki
Horse Show Days Whether it's riding, driving or equine care and barn management, Horse Show Days each May is a time for our participants to demonstrate for family and friends and celebrate all the learning and accomplishments of the past year. It is also an opportunity to introduce friends and family to their horses and volunteers. Members of the High Hopes community and the community at large watch classes, present ribbons and see how their generosity allows participants, horses, instructors and volunteers to work together to create life-changing programs at High Hopes. Other highlights of the week include a bake sale in the Giddy Up Cafe, a teacup raffle and lots of fun High Hopes merchandise and horse-themed items available for purchase. EventSponsor
TheGeorge C.Cain Memorial Fund ShowPatrons Mr.andMrs,Peter Oaitch Capt. MaryE Washburn Deborah A.Welles. CPA
EventCommittee LindaCarlin Sheila Siborg Donna Spicer
ShowSponsors TedandBecky Crosby MurielN.Hinkle Richard andJudyLigh\lool Kathy Peters Dana andCarolyn Rotella Sco\el laBoys Roger andMarcia M.Smith
Dr.Barbara andMattAbrams TheBallard Family Marcy Baratt Claudia Barron mans andAnnB.Lane Rudolf H.J.Berg IrmaP.Brandt CarlinConstruction JohnandLindaCarlin SamandElsieChi!ds Peter andCarrie Clerkin CurtandBelsle Danforth JanieDavison Gloria AnnGell Steve andPatGoldblatt
AndyandKimGuedry TedandPamela Hamilton AnneKlinger Qr,MarkLopez Christopher Mccawley Mr.andMrs.Andrew K.Morris HeidiNiblack Elena Patterson ThePicazio Family JohnandDiane Poer Susan Shulman HarrySlifer, Jr, Beth, Greg andEmilySmith David D.Triebel Susan Tyler Eugenia L.West Adela S.Wilmerding JimZanardi
ShowFriends JorgeandLeeAdrian SuzyBolduc L Bonalonte Eleanor BillandMikeBoyd SueCanavan Joanne Centola Johnny andJanet Cody Peter andKaren Cummins Marge Curtis TerryJ.Eddy Megan Eno Robert A.Feldman Dawn Fisher Chad andBrenda Floyd RobHageman andKillyStalsburg IngeHieret DickandGailHoxey ,Dwight andLinda Juliani LynnKashanski Bryan andMargaret Kielbania StuandBetsy Klarman
BobandPauline Knoll Howard Margules BobandGrace Marrion CisMallhiessen TheMccallum Family Tamara Miglio GailMiller CindyPalmer Hope Juckel-Regan Harold G.andLoisI. Rogers Ronald andJanelRomanowski Rebecca Rosso! JoelandMarcy Sallzman Diane Lynch Curley andSusan E.Waters Nancy Watkinson Natasha Zeid
ClassSponsors Peter andLindaBierrie Mr.andMrs.Peter D.Canning ChrisandLibbyCathcart RickandCarolColangeli MikeandSherley Furgueson Therese Popinchatk JudithSchaaf Christina P.Evans Seralin Petra Shearer R.M.Sirignano Donald andColleen Smlth Waller andLynnTurnquist Raymond Volpe Tammy Alyssa Welsch Mathew Winakor
HOLIDAY WISH TREE ChrisCoyle Donna Spicer andAinsley Falcone Dawn Fisher Dawn Fries Ethan andMichaela Green ScottandLieslGrigerek KimGuedry William andBarbara Irwin JeanLasser MarkandAnneLewchik Kelsey Long Elizabeth Mccallum Dawn andDanielle McCarthy SueMccawley Aiden Meyer Ricardo andLeighMorant ScottandJoanNichols
Marney Noble EmilyNygard Christopher andPatricia Olsen Elizabeth Popinchalk Mallhew, Andrew andJames Scotella Valerie Soule LindaSterling Aedan Tenbrunsel James, Karen, and Jordon Thompson David Triebel Isabella Vega Thomas Weigand-Watkinson Wesley Wailers RonandLoriWeingarten Stephen Wollschteager
High Hopes Holiday Market The third annual High Hopes Holiday Market drew a record crowd for an afternoon of shopping, dining, activities and live music; ending with the raffle drawing and door prize awards. Over 50 vendor booths filled the arena with crafts, gourmet food and other gift items for sale while Dylan Sevey and the Gentlemen played. A fleet of food trucks drew hungry members of the crowd outside to dine on grilled cheese sandwiches, cupcakes and more. Also outside were games and activities for children, which are becoming a popular feature of the afternoon, as are the Foxglove Farm hayrides around the property. While admission was free, the, suggested donation of non-perishable food items for the Shoreline Soup Kitchens yielded over 2,300 pounds of food to help fill their pantry.
Holiday Market Committee
Corporate Sponsors Event Sponsor
Event Chairs
Bertera Subaru
Kalherine Gibson Jeffrey Ridgway
MediaSponsors WNLC andWCTY
Committee Chairs Courtney Bernard KyleBernard Chelsea Bourn Trudy Burgess ChipDahlke Irene DeBernardo ScaliDouglas DanEppich SaraQua HollySundmacker Susan Shulman Bruce Smith Donna Spicer Debbie Welles
Brand andCommunications Sponsor: JuliaBalfour, LLC. Kid'sActivities Sponsor Citizens Bank MusicSponsor Ironwood Capital Program Sponsors Caulfield andRidgway, Inc. Coastal Veterinary Surgical Services, Ors.MacandEarlMummert Dahlke Financial Group Shoreline Pediatric Neuropsycholllll icalServices, LlC Deborah A.Welles, CPA
Vendor Sponsors All ProAutomotive Flanders FishMarket, Inc. LoriWarner Gallery Machnik Bros., Inc. Natureworks Hortlcullural Services, LLC Southern Exposure Vitality Spa
Special Contributors and In-Kind Donors AllWaste Dylan Sevey andtheGentlemen Finkeldey Foxglove Farm
Vendors AlProAuto AlexandAni,Inc. Ashlawn FarmColfee & Company Bainbridge Baker's Dozen DogTreats BeeHappy Betsy's Beads BigNanny's SollBiscolli Blackbird Co. Bonne Sante BoyScouts Burgis Brook Alpacas Carol A.Watson CatoCorner Farm, LLC Chocolate Shell, The Coastal Creallons Creative Woodturning Cush's Homegrown Don's Down Home BBQ Extreme Cakes Flanders FishMarkel ForTheBirds FourMileRiverFarm Foxglove Farm FryBorg Golden Monkey Publishing Hadlyme Country Market Hidden Brook Gardens, LLC Holly's oatmeal Home2Joy Kathie's Kitchen, LLC Killam& Bassette Farmstead, LLC KindKnHs Artisans LoriWarner Studio Gallery LoveofPretty Mayllower Soaps Melissa Punzalan Jewelry Munchies Food Truck Nancy Middleton Natureworks NoRA Cupcake Co.
\VINnns GATOR! ,,.â&#x20AC;˘,~~ ',,¡.1, ,, ; . '" ,,, ' .., ,.,,.,,,'
Now&Then Paul-n-Dina Gardens Peremial Designs Pizzaria DaVinci Queen Kate's MetalMasterpieces Reny aCreations Saunders Books SeeWhatI Saw SewFancy Shannon's Jammin' Shoreline Arllsl's Workshop SkySpyders SomethingWiney! Stephanie Morton Handweaver TheRolling Tomato Treefort Naturals Vera Pelra Oesgins Vitality Spa Wendy Mathieu FiberArtist WildSage Apothecary ZestBakery
RafflePrizeDonors Bonne Sanle Golden Monkey Publishing Hidden Brook Gardens, LLC Kathie's Kitchen, LLC Killam & Bassette Farmstead, LLC LoveofPretly Now& Then Nulmeggers Antiques LLC Paul-n-Dim Gardens Renya Creations
Symphony Symphony, High Hopes' major annual event, was a resounding success by every measure. Held this year on June 14th at High Hopes, Event Chairs Barbara Ballard, Jane Bolles and Holly Ridgway put together an amazing volunteer team and the net result was over $210,000 to support programs for the coming year, including over $48,000 for the scholarship program. The crowd of 600 guests bid on trips, boutique items, tickets and more while feasting on hors d' oeuvres donated by over 40 area restaurants, followed by a supper of beef filler and roasted salmon prepared by Coastal Gourmet. Orchestra New England (ONE) performed an outstanding program featuring themes from popular movies and a Glenn Miller medley. Symphony would not have been possible without the generous support of corporate sponsors, led by Northstar Wealth Partners.
Event Committee Event Chairs Barbara Ballard JaneBolles HollyRidgway
Emcees KeithBolles Jelfrey Ridgway
JeffRidgway David Sandmann Robin Schonberger Susan Shulman Bruce Smith KillyStalsburg Sandy Thurston SkyTodd Addison VanNess¡ Kathy Walburn LoriWarner Betsey Webster Deborah Welles
Committee Chairs JuliaBallour Nancy Ballek Leslie Barlow KyleBernard KeithBolles Trudy Burgess Todd Burgess Jamie Childs SusieChilds Connie Corbell Wendy Douglas Megan Ellis Patty Ganey MilchHellernan Cheryl Heffernan Jacqueline Kangley EricKrisman Jerilyn Krisman JimLewis DickLlghlfoot JudyLightfoot Penny Nelson LindaPlcazio Nancy Polls SaraQua 12
Concert Committee Members LizAdams Elizabeth Avery Edward Balfour Rowland Ballek Susan Ballek LibertyBank CottyBa~ow Courtney Bernard Linda Bierrie AnnBillik PaulBingham Emily Gerber Bjornberg Herman Blanke SuzyBolduc Eleanor Bonalonle NewtBrainard JustinBurgess JonButler ErinGain SarahCarlson JohnCatlett Gerald Callie D&niel Clark
Janet Cody CarolColangeli Connie Corbell ChrisCoyle PattiCoyle Daria Davis JanieDavison Stephen Dedman MaryDolan Sean Donlan ScottDouglas RodDuxbury Catrina Echeandia Imanol Echevarria JerryEhlen Megan Ellis Brianna Elmore Dianne Embree Debbie English Dana Evans MarkFader Lauren Fitzgerald AlisonForbis Michael Ganey Gloria Gell Katherine Gibson LeeGrannon EvanGriswold Pamela Hamlllon ValHazlln Karyn Hester lauraHeyer Mackenzie Holdmeyer SallyAnnIverson Gary Jenkins LisaJenkins MarkJones KimKaiser Ashley Kane TomKieffer
ChetKllchings CarolKlimek Pauline Knoll Peter Kronquist Breck Lardner Susan Lardner GaryLeMere Pamela LeMere JimLewis KathyLockwood Barbara Longo HollyLyman Elizabeth MacDougall NellMann Tracey Marli neau Steve Maieau Tami McAfaw Nancy McGovern Wilhelm Meya SueMichel TomMiller Wendy Miller Gaitlin Monahan Laura Moya Sandy Mulligan United Stales Navy Debra O'Donnell Susie Parodi Nancy Parsons Shanon Pimentel ZoeyPinto MaryPullen Alyssa Puzzo Reilly Sandy JoeRhodes, Ill Robert Robillard Roger Roche JohnRogers Linda Rogers JudithRothenberg
Donna Royslon Kadison Russell AndyRussell Carol Rys JoelSaltzman TerrySchreiber Elizabeth Sharp Sandy Smith TiaSmith ValSoule Kevin Strukus HollySundmacker DaveSweet Debbie Sweet JoeTayara Tony Thurston AlanTodd Dave Triebel KelTyler Addison VanNess Wilson Vega Andrea Volpe Carrie Walters MillonWalters JullaWard Pamela Ward Peter Watt Barbara Willkens HollyWills KathyWilson Kary Winsky Jason Zelek
Coffee's Country Market Collea Ken& Teresa Coldwell Banker - OldLyme Connected Systems LLC- Jason Zelek TheCooley Gallery Jeffrey andBetsey Cooley Daniels Propane - BobDaniels Development Finance International Diane Willkens Duble & O'Hearn, Inc. Essex Financial Services andEssexSavings Bank the-e-list FirstNiagara Hamburg Cove Endodontics Ors.GitaSalaian &Tarik Kardestuncer Hi-Rel Products, Inc. Jean Callan KingInterior Design, LLC Jonathan Buller, /IJA,LLC Liberty Bank - Christopher Arnold Machnik Bros., Inc. Madison Chrysler, Inc.- TomRuberli Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nalion McAraw. Canter, Canler & Foise, LLC MerrillLynch Middlesex Hospilal Monte Financial Group, LLC Benefactor Sponsor Newbrldge, LLC Aegean Treasures Norwich Ophthalmology Group A.J.Shea Construction, LLC EventSponsor Norwich Orthopedic Group AllProAutomotive Dr.Mahmoud andDale Okasha Northstar Wealth Partners TheAndriole Group - Hightower Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic Benchmark Wealth Management Saybrook Country Barn Diamond Sponsor Brewer PilotsPointMarina, Inc. Keith andJane Bolles Rives and Nancy Potts CL&P andYankee Gas Michael andBecky Shea Brewer Yacht Yards Northeast Utilities Companies Shoreline EyeGroup, P.C. & Ridgway, Inc.- JeffRidgway Smith Caulfield Insurance Clark Group BillandShannon Budds Platinum Sponsors DonHanberg inmemory orLynHanberg Tower Laboratories, Ud. AllAmerican Waste ESSENCE forBeauty &Wellness Trowbridge Stone Masonry, LLC Bertera Subaru ofHartford, Inc. Hannah Childs Interior Design Webster Bank Dominion Jamie Childs-William PillSotheby's Deborah Welles, CPA TheHerb Chambers Companies lnlernalional Realty Ironwood Capital-Roger andMimiRoche LoriWarner Gallery Friends JuliaBalfour, LLC Maple LeafFarms -Allyn& KimBrown Corporate WNLC - HallRadio Archambault Insurance, Inc. Readco, LLCandTheLech Family Cartier Optical, Inc. Reynolds' Garage andMarine, lnc. TheMerchants ofOldLyme Market Place Ring's EndLumber -KelTyler GoldSponsor TheMillard Group RozandPeter Shoemake! Bob's Discount Furniture Safety Zone, LLC Smith EyeAssociates ChelseaGroton Bank Patrick & Rhodella Hughes Beth andGreg Smith CohnReznick InSuport ofBella Vega The Williams School Mark Fader CBS-Connecticut Business Systems Franklin Organic Mushrooms, Inc. Corporate Patron Geneve Corporation Lawrence & Memorial Hospilal Aerocision, LLC Outth!nk, LLC Albemarle Equities Taylor Rental Party Plus Phil& Robin Schonberger U.S.Trust Bank ofAmerica Private Alent. Inc.Steen Corbett Wealth management Ashlawn Farms Coffee Updike, Kel~andSpellacy P.C. Brown, Knapp & Corrao Xplore
Corporate Sponsors
Special Contributors A&PLiquor Store All-Waste Inc. Ariston Flowers & Boutique, NYC Elements - Carla Steele Fulmer Treatment Video Productions JoelBergeron Generators OnDemand RonSwaney Bryant Heflernan TrishLaPointe Sandy Reilly Roses ImAutism Seaside Liquors
Individual Sponsors Benefactors Robert andBarbara Ballard M.Andrew Baxter Michael andEdna Beaudelle GigiBecker Keith andJaneBolles PamBrewster SamandElsie Childs Thomas andSusan Childs TedandBecky Crosby Peler Curley andHon.Elaine Gordon Scott andWendy Douglas JebandDianne Embree Janel Scharr Gochberg TedandPamela Hamillon MilchandCheryl Heileman Chet andSuzanne Kitchings Carol Klimek Richard andJudith Lightrool Suzanne McGraw Sandy Mulligan LeeandJohnPritchard JellandHollyRidgway Roger andMarcia Smith Raymond andJudith Schoonmaker Milton J.andCaroline Walters BobandBelsey Webster
Patrons Randy andSusan Anway Rowland andNancy Ballek Cotty andLeslie Barlow Robin Baskell JohnandJane Bysko RoryCavick Richard andKaleCordsen DebEnglish Richard andKokoGildersleeve AdlaiS.Hardin, Jr. BethNelligan MaryPullen Gary andLinda Rogers 14
Robert andJean Hesler PaulandLinda Holt JoanHorton Thomas Howell and Maria Teresa Henderson Faulkner HuntandAnnUghllool B.Isleib andJohnM.Fay Jonathan Jonathan andSusan Jewett Friends JohnandPeggy Kebabian Angelo andChristina Alves Caverly Kennelly BillAnderson TomandCissie Keogh Barry andSusan Armstrong BobandPauline Knoll CarlandAmanda Asman EricandJerilyn Krisman James andMarian Bairstow JeanLasser Samantha Barlow Lamar andLisaLeMonle David Baskin andGuest Elizabeth Lighlfoot Heather S.Bennett TimLovejoy Newlon andMimiBrainard Nancy Lucas andguest Peter andRosalie Brainard Suzanne Marra MairiBryan Steven Matzkin andLauren Caldwell Brad andCynthia Burgess JohnandAmyMcCauley Todd andTrudy Burgess Drs.Christopher andSusan McCawley RichBurrandHollyWills Bruce andRenee Melntyre Fenna Galder PollyMerrill Richard andMarquerita Calder Alexandra Miele andSarah Canning MikeMillerandSarah Carlson MallandShay Gantner KenandMuriel Moore BillCarley andKH!y Mackey Robert andPenny Nelson ¡' Carol Clulow David andJoanPacker MallConroy andCli1isline Chesanek David Palumbo andYvetle McIntire ChrisandPattiCoyle Charles andJoAnne Park Charles Culliton andMargarila Torres Fred andSusie Parodi PhilipF.Darrell andAlison Zack Darrell James E.andJacquelyn B.Pedrk:k JaneI. Davison Richard andLauren Pelers Slephen Dedman and Linda LeePk:azio Jacqueline Kangley Allison Pluck Arthur Delmhorst Sandy andDeeDee Prisloe MaryDevins DonandCharlotte Quigley Dr.Michael andKalyn D'Occhlo David andElizabeth Quinn Robert andBarbara Donohue Todd Rake andLaurie Laterza MariBussDow Drs.Jason Raneyn andNicole Gambria Henry andMaryDunn Joseph H.Rhodes Ill lmanol Echeverria andSusan Ballek LeeErwin Rhodes E.F. Walelmelon -Jim andCathy Ellioll Chris andRoddy Roosevelt Maryam Elahi JoeI.andMarcy Saltzman Vanessa Evans PollySather Fay BobandCarol RickandTerry Schreiber Chris andMartha Ficke Harry andRobin Sedgwick Susan Fritch Eliza Sharp Roxie Gallagher Tony andPeggy Sheridan TimandMelissa Geelan Michael andRobin Simeone Martha Goodson Melissa Slusher MimiGourlay Brant Smith JellandHeather Graybill Bruce andSandy Smith Dave andLauren Graybill Seymour andTiaSmilh Daryle Greenwood Ms.Sarah Smalley TimGriswold Vince Sorrentino Robert andWendy Gunn MarkSpehar Steve andNancy Hallahan AnaStatler Diana Harlman William Stevens and ,; Bryan! andSarah Heffernan Camille McMennamin Stevens RobandLaurie Hernandez Frederick andShelby Schavoir, Douglas Stern and Glynnis O'Connor Stem Tony andSandy Thurston Richard andSharon Torrenti Peter WattandGerard Callie
Colleen andDonna Sullivan Larry Sullivan andMissyKnowlton Matlhew andAmyTenbrunsel Terry andMaria Tenbrunsel Sydney Trowbridge Addison VanNess andRobert Robillard Sylvia VanSimleren BillVasilion andKristen Zarlos Wilson andRebecca Vega Vitality SpaandWellness Robert Wallace JohnandDebbie Welles JackandGlory Wills Kathy Wilson Greg andCarrie Wind Barbara Yolen
Contributors PaulandTinaAllaire Janice Alkeson SallyH.Aubrey Stever H.andElsie Aubrey Michael andEdna BeaudeUe Rudolf Beremans andAnnLane Peter andLinda Bierrie Louis andMaryCarta JohnandCarolyn Duncan Megan Eno MaryBethFede Alison Forbis JohnHergraves andNancy Newcomb Peter Hergraves Hope Junkel-Regan Kelsar Physical Therapy JerryandBarbara Kil Klnela Kindell JayMalcynsky Marianne McCourt Sarah Meyer Kathleen O'Donnell Cynthia Palmer Michael andElena PaUerson Mr.andMrs.Frank Reiss Ronald andJanelRomanowski Diane Silveria Herry Sliler EllenSmoller Dr.andMrs.William Slubenbord DawnSWope Humphrey andSusan Tyler Raymond andAndrea Volpe
Scholarship DriveDonors David Adams JayandCathy Allen William E Anderson Susan Anway - Plizer Barry andSusan Armstrong JellandLoriArmstrong James Bairstow
EVENTS JuliaBalfour Benjamin Ballard Robert andBarbara Ballard Rowland andNancy Ballek Robert andPatricia Bandzes BobandMarcy Barall MaryLambert Baskell David Baskin Sevaslien Lavielle andValerie Belmont LindaBerard AnnBreakey Billik KeithandJaneBolles Peler andRosalie Brainard PaulBransfield Pamela Brewster MairiBryan BillStanley andKaren Buck Bradford andCynthia Burgess Jonathan andDeborah Buller David Bylo Richard andMargot Calder Fenna Calder Peler andSarah Canning MallandShayGantner William Carley andCatherine Mackey GregCaslanza LisaCostello George andMariaCatrambone James Childs SamandElsieChilds Mr.andMrs.Thomas S.Childs Karen Clarke Clinton Veterinary Hospital Kenton andMurielMoore CarolC!ulow Coffee's Country Market JulianandConcetla Colelli Connected Systems LLC Cooper Capital - Ronald Milardo Connie Corbett LindaCourtney Frances Cowgi II ChrisandPattiCoyle Fredrick andRebecca Crosby Peter J. Curley ChipDahlke LynnA.Damon PhilandAlIisonZackDarrell IreneDeBernardo Arthur andWynne Delmhorst EdDolan Dominion - Nancy Bulkeley andKristine Halleck Sean Donlan EdandMaddy Donnelly Robert andBarbara Donohue ScottandWendy Douglas ColinandLizDugan Henry E.Dunn111 RodandAllieDuxbury E.F. Watermelon Company
Jonathan andSusan Jewett lmanol Echeverria andSusan Ballek MikeJohnson andTheresa Donatelli ErikandLindsay Eisensmith Randie Kahrl JebandDianne Embree Rogerella Kasimir Debbie English EPClnternalional - Vincent Sorrentino JohnKebabian Essex Television/Xp!ore Karen Keelan Chet andSuzanne Kitchings Jr. DanandTricia Carey CarolKlimek JohnandDana Evans Robert andPauline Knoll Vanessa Evans EricandJerilyn Krisman Robert Fay Paul,Sylvia andAnneliese Lapides RuthFeldman Donald Felilto Lasser Family Philanthropic AmyLawler ChrisandMartha Ficke Michael P.Lech Barbara Fischer Mr.andMrs.Lamar LeMonte &Coffees Fromage FineFoods A. Lewis, Jr, David Christine Chesanek T.Lezon Catherine JackandChipFrost
Roxannah Gallagher Richard andKoko Gildersleeve Elaine Godowsky David andLauren Graybill James Graybill Jeffery Graybil I TimGriswold Robert Gunn LiorHaim Steve andNancy Hallahan Jr. AdlaiS.Hardin, Reese andNancy Harris Diana Hartman and WilliamL.Hebert Donna Barber-Dunn Cheryl Kelly-Heflernan Robert andLaurie Hernandez W.Hester Robert EricaHocking LindaHolt JoanHorton Thomas Howell William Jacaruso Frank Jarrabeck K JeanCallan Kinglnlerior Design, LLC
Richard andJudithLightfoot Todd andBecky Machnik Romaine Macomb Steven Matzkin Christopher andMariaMarchant Jeremy Maxwell James McAraw ChrisandSusieMccawley - Pfizer Suzanne McGraw Bruce A.McIntyre Christian andJessica Miglio Michael Miller Robert andMartha Monte Sandy MuIiigan BethNelligan BobandPenny Nelson Roger M.Nelson NewEngland Horticulture Stephen Dedman JoanNichols Northstar Wealth Partners Robert andLisaLaraia Northstar Wealth Parlners J andTammy McAraw Dulthink-Ralph Guardiano
Garvin Pallenberg Peter Palumbo PhilipandCynlhia Parcak Charlie andJoAnne Park James andJacquelyn Pedrick Lauren Peters LindaPicazio Timothy M.Pickering NinoandJuliana Pisanzio Palrick Pluck Kerry L.Polls Prisloe Sandy andDeedee JohnPritchard Donald andCharlotte Quigley David A.Quinn ErickandAmyRace Colby Redway Aaron Reneson Joseph Rhodes LeeErwin Rhodes JeffandHollyRidgway RobRobillard MimiRoche Gary andLindaRogers Christopher &Roddy Roosevelt JudithRothenberg Rebecca Russell AndyandPam Russell GitaSafaian SalonPure - Lauren Graybill JoelandMarcy Saltzman David andKate Sandmann Tracy Saxe Ms.Shelby Schavoir Susanna Schavoir Nicholas Schonberger PhilipandRobin Schonberger Raymond andJudithSchoonmaker Raymond Schoonmaker, Jr. RickandTerry Schreiber Robin Sedgwick A.Seif el,Jr. Donald Scott A.Shaffer MallandElizaSharp Michael andRobin Simeone Arnold Sjursen Sarah Smalley Bruce andSandra Smith GregandBethSmith SmithInsurance BiIIandShannon Budds Roger M.Smith Seymour andTiaSmith PaulSmolen Michael Speirs William H.Stevens Douglas andGlynnis Stern TomandJodiSlrycharz Colleen Sullivan LarrySullivan andMissyKnowlton Rebecca Tylor 15
Terry Tenbrunsel MallTenbrunsel TheGriswold Inn Ms.Angela Thompson Tony andSandy Thurston Dave Triebel Sydney Trowbridge KelvinandKaren Tyler Rebecca Tylor Kathy Walburn LoriWallace MiltonandCaroline Walters Peter N.WallandGerald F.Callie, Jr. Robert Webster JohnandDebbie Welles Lori-Ellen Wesolowski Barbara Willkens Steve andKathy Wilson Greg andCarrie Wind JohnandPandora Wohler Barbara Yolen Kristen A.Zarlos Nicholas Ziegler
Auction Donors
Barbara Bemis Adams Brendan andLizAdams Alen!Inc.- Connie andSteve Corbett AnnLight(oot Jewelry Artison Floral Boutique, NYC Ashlawn Farm Carree Or.Robert D.Ballard and Barbara Earle Ballard BeeandThislle InnDavid andLinnea Rullo Bullalo Junior Band JohnandLinda Carlin CarolMonnerat LLC- Artisan Trumes CBS, aXerox Company Centerbrook Package Store Ceramica Imports TedChilds PhllClorite Cove Landing Marina David Scott Salon Bonne Sante, LLC ScottandWendy Douglas Toby andMaryDunn E.F. Watermelon Enduro-NYC ESSENCE Center !or Beauty andWellness Fabio Cucina llaliana Fairmont SI.Andrews FitFocused-Allison Duxbury Flanders FishMarkel & Restaurant & Coffees Fromage FineFoods FourMileRiver Farm Christine Gallo, LMT Hadlyme Country Market Bakeledis-Welch
Hannah Childs Interior Design Hannah Childs MilchandCheryl Heffernan J. Horton Jacqueline Kangley Handbag Judges Farm MaltandMartin Griswold Kebabian's Oriental Rugs JohnandPeggy Kebabian Kenneth Salon KimTylerPhotography LaCremaillere Restaurant Laysville Center Hardware Leiva Jewelry byMandy Carroll-Leiva LoriWarner Gallery WhitMcGraw James Murphy Mystic Aquarium NewEngland Horticulture Stephen Dedman Nyman Jewelers lnc.-Alicia Winalski DidLyme IceCream Shop& Cale Jason & Eileen Conroy Orchestra New England Overland Experts Bruce & Katharine Elfstrom Parcak andGraybilFamilies Piccolo Fiore Rlstorante ErikandAmyRace Reilly Associates - Sandy Reilly ChetReneson Ricardo Maggiore Salon JelfandHollyRidgway River Tavern Ruslica Ristorante Salon Pure - Lauren Grayblll Saybrook PointInn& Spa PhilandRobin Schonberger Shagbark Lumber andFarm Supplies Simon's Marketplace/The BlueOarJimReilly SkinCare Studio - TeriCarboni TheMuckBootCompanyGreg Henderson TheOldLyme InnKenneth andChristine Kitching TheRolling Tomato TheSamuels Family Tony andSandy Thurston AlanW. Todd Trellis Home - Eliza Sharp Doraine VanLew Vitality SpaandWellness Center Lindsey Eisensmith Charles andCarol Warner Westport County Playhouse Wilhelm Meya andBarbara Willkens Diane Willkens MarkandDorinda Winkelman
Tavern Restaurant In-Kind Donors Oliver's Abbey's Place Atlantic Seafood Bill'sSearood BlissGourmet Camp Hazen Chester Village West Coastal Cooking Co. Coffee's Country Market Cuckoo's Nest Dough onMain Fiore Pizza Flanders FishMarket Foster Casey Company Gabrielle's llllano's lvorylon Tavern Jessie's Luigi's Morning GloryCale OldLyme Inn OldLyme Seafood
OntheRocks atFoxHopyard OlterCove Paperback Cafe Pasta Vila Penny Lane Pub River Tavern Rosemary &Sage Sal'sPizza Saybrook Catering Company SixMain Stop& Shop TheBlueHound Cookery TheCheese Shop ofCenterbrook TheHideaway TheIvoryRestauranl andPub TheRedHen TheWhealmarket Village Provisions Walt's Food Markel
FALL FASHION SHOW Models LizAdams Amanda Aceto Lindsey Bolles Jonnie Edwards Bryant Helfernan HIiiary Mccurdy FranMoya Laura Moya Casey Snyder
Donors CatoCorner Farm MionettoUSA TheChocolate Shell
TicketBuyers LeslieAcelo CIU'islina Alves SallyAubrey Wendy Augur Barbara Ballard Suzy Bolduc Christine Cnota Connie Corbett Davis Leonore JaneDavison VioletDelano
Wendy Douglas Jeanelle Frink Deborah Gagliardi Patty Ganey Carol Geiser Katherine Gibson Jaqueline Kangley Cissie Keogh Joanne Lariviere Jane MtCurdy Janice Panella-Banning MaryPullen Charlotte Quigley AmyRace HollyRidgway Carol Rudewicz Robin Schonberger Donna S!curanza Elizabeth Smith Grace Slalsburg KillyStalsburg Callista Stoddard MaryEllen Swan Sharon Tracy Rebecca Vega DebWelles Andrea Wentworth Kathleen Whitbread Drina Zuvlc
Volunteers Over 675 volunteers donated more than 31,000 hours in 2013-2014 to support every aspect of our organization from sidewalking and barn maintenance to event planning and office support. With the gratitude of allof us at High Hopes we extend our thanks to the following individuals: V O L \' N "J E t R S
PatAbraham Barbara Abrams Caitlin Acor Avery Adams Hilary Adams LizAdams Olivia Adams Alexa Agosline Alexandrn Akslerowicz Hana Akslerowicz Becca Alaimo Cathi Albino Kristen Allman Amelia Anderson Claire Anderson Dorothy Anderson Dennys Andrade Alison Andrew Brenna Andrews Ellen Andrusko Kalrice Angier Randy Anway Susan Anway Inger Avery Sarah Avery Christen Backes JodiBackes Stella Baehring Rachel Baldwin Marylou Balinskas Barbara Earle Ballard Emily Rose Ballard Susan Ballek Samanlha Barretla Grace Basler KaleBauer Kalhy Beck Keiana Beeson Hannah Behringer KalinBelllcchl Tailor Benoit LilyBensko Courlney Bernard Kalherine Beshar KimBienkowski Linda Bierrle Melissa Billing Brandon Biondi
Carlie Biondi KellyBiondi Suzanne H.Birks T1udy Bishop Suzy Black KimBlonar Breanna Bohle Annie Bolduc Suzy Bolduc Jane Bolles Eleanor Bonafonte Chelsea Bourn TinaBove Alyse Brown David Brown Morgan Brown Elizabeth Brucker Emma Brunelli Pamela Bugbee Trudy Burgess Todd Burgess Emily Burr LucyBurr Lauren Bulkus Elhan Cai Scarlell delandevoisin Campbell Susan Canavan Dana Canlleld Sarah Canning Carberry Connor AmyCarlin Linda Carlin Sarah Carlson Audrie Carnelli JudilhCarpenteri MaryCaruso Sara Castelli Faith Caulkins Joanne Centola Stephanie Chan Sarah Chapdelaine Emilia Cheesman James M.Childs Abigail cmerelli Mary Anne Cilferelli Abigai I Cipparone Daniel Clark
Carol Clulow Christine Cnota Janet Cody Christy Cohen Carol Colangeti Cheiyl Colangelo Lauren Colburn Courtney Collins Norm Collins Amanda Collison BenCollison Margaret Collison Mona Colwell Brandoo Coody Chrisliana Congdon Fred. Conley Christopher Connolly Dianne Connors Kerry Conway Kalhy Cook Connie Corbett Becca Corcoran KyleCorey Davis Cornell KathiCorrigan Chris Coyle IanCoyne Rober! Crane Kathy Crockett Claudia Cron-Sherman Marge Curtis Melissa Cusano Kathlyn Cyr Melanie Cyr Hannah Dailch Simone Dalpra SheriD'Amalo Canddy D'Amico Austin Davis Daria Davis LoriDavis TalinaDavis Sarah Davison Emily Deluca Kathryn DeMartino Rachel Denya Sarai\ Destefano Alyssa DiCosmo
Jennifer Dill Kathy Dilullo Sofia diTommaso Nora Dixon Angela Dobush Emily Dodson Rachel Dondero MaryDonlan Sean Donlan Robert Donohue Caitlin Doocy Cyndie Doocy Rachel Dorset MaryDrew Jackson Driscoll Allegra Dufresne Arthur Dufresne RoryDunne Annemarie Durham Lindsey Dulhrle Meredith Duxbury Carrina Echeandia lmanol Echeverria Mackenzie Egbert
JeuyEhlen Kayla Elliot! Megan Ems Blianna Elmore JebN.Embree Zachary Emigh Jennifer Ericson Vanessa Evans Michael Ewankow Corrine Ezell Diane Fahey Chaz Fairbrolher Ainsley Falcone Libby Fales Linda Farragher Linda Ferraro LisaFerrigno Michele Fesenmeyer Kalhryn Filer Michaela Finder Nancy Firgelewski Justine Fish Cynlhia Fogle JayFogle
AlisonForbis Evan Fravel Dawne Fritz Cameron Gagnon Andrew Gamble Diana Garnelt Courtney Garrell Karena Garrity JustinGel!ar Gloria AnneGell JoeGenera Sandra Gervais TonyGiacomini JohnGibson Katherine Gibson WillGibson Madalyn Gibson-Williams LucyGilbert Anneka Ginz Cassandra Gonzales Kristin Gonzales Corina Goodson Jessie Goodwin Taylor Goucher LiliaGrabenstein Emily Graniero LeeGrannan JohnGreaser Cassandra Greeley Gaile Greenwood Bruce Gregor Christine Gregor JohnGregor GaryGregory ScollGrigerek KimGrillo Janiece Grimes EllGriswold MaxGriswold KimGuedry Maureen Guenther Wendy Gunn Jenna Gunnell Kendra Gunnell OliviaHack Dana Hall Owen Hall Rebecca Haller PhilipHallwood JuliaHammond Lauren Harrington Lydia MarieHarvey RobHathaway Marguerite Hayber ErinHayes Cheryl Heffernan NickHeffernan AnneHelmer
JayHemenway Carrie Herb EmilyHess AnaHester Karyn Hester Laura Heyer Marcia Higgins Patricia Hill Robin Hill Suzanne Hodges Mackenzie Holdmeyer Mayana Holland EllenHolloway
Anneliese Lapides Ashley Kane MarieLaPointe Elsbeth Kane SueLardner Sarah Kane Jacqueline Kangley-Dedman BillLarned Jessica Larson Gathy Keeney OliviaKelly JeanLasser Tessa Lasser Shannon Kelly KristyLatella Tara Kelly Noam Lazarovil2 Cathy Kenny LarryLee JuliaKenny JulieLeis Patrick Kenny GaryLeMere Yvonne Kenny PamLeMere LinlaKhan
DarylHornby Sharma Howard AprilHunt Megan Hunt Robyn Hurrell MattInch Debra Isacson SallyAnnIverson Kaillyn Jacobson Carolyn Jagielski Cairo Jenkins Gary Jenkins LisaJenkins JeanJerbert TinaJeter Amber Johnson Karen Johnson MarkJones JeflyJoshy KimJoy Emily Joyce Hope Juckel-Regan KimKaiser
TomKieffer Dara King Lauren King Nancy King SoniaKlein Pauline Knoll Ryan Korcak Audrey Korngulh Leah Kornguth SueKornguth Carol Kotomski PaulKotowski Caylee Kraemer Jessica Krewsky Peter Kronqulst AnnaKruger-Dull Rachael Kuhn Cynthia Kunsa Vicloria LaVista Carolyn Labanara JillianLaggis Madeline Lahm Christine Lamothe
, Avery Lena Diana LeRoi Tatum Levesque Brenna Lewis Danielle t:Heureux Nali Grace Libby Maggie Libby Patrick LIbby HilaryLoftus Barbara Longo Linda Lorrah Dawn Laughead Chelsey Louis JillianLozier E!izabelh Lubin LuLupovich Rachel Lyon carolMacdonald Ellzabelh MacDougall Romaine Macomb ChrisU naMacSweeney AlyMaderson-Quinlog
Susan Magaziner MacKenzie Maggard NeilMann LindaMannings Howard Margules Gwen Mariani Angelina Marinelli KatyMarsh Kimberly Marshall cassi dyMarlin Madison Marlin Tracey Martineau Matthew Massaro PattiMathews Diane Mathiason Kelsey Matthews Michael Maus StewMazeau Tammy McAraw Danielle McCarthy Dawn McCarthy Brenda McCarty Laurian McCauley Susan McCawley ErinMcCormick Siobhan McCormick Garolyn McEvill KimMcEwen Nancy McGovern Yvette Mclnlire BretlMcKenna JulieMcLau11hlin Sean McMahon KalieMcManus Susan Mead Dominique Merrick AllisonMeshnick Danielle Miccinell o Susan Michel Tamara (Tammi) M!gllo Diana Mlgnoll Jackie Mildrum DonMiller GailMiller Matthew Miller Peter Miller Emma Mills AlexMoen Allison Montesanto Bonnie Moon Rachel Moser RuthMowrey Laura Moya AnnaMuckle Sandy Mulligan AnyaMummert Margaret (Mac)Mummert Connor Murphy
Katherine Murrell Ginger Muscarella James Musco LindaMuscolino EmilyNathan BobNelson Penny Nelson Leah Nenninger Jeanne Nerkowski KerriAnnNeville Alyssa Nicholas Brillany Nichols JoanNichols KaleNichols Marney Noble FredNygard Lenee Ochsner Candy Ogland NellOkie Nicholas Olmo Danielle Olsen NIieOtte Theresa Owens Janine Palmer Maddie Panyard JuliePapanier Nancy Parsons Hanna Partyka Hannah Patten Amelia Paul Katherine Pausig James Pedinelli Donna Perry TylerPerry Zachary Perry Kaitlynn Peters JudilhPetersen Alexia Petros Jonathan Piccirillo Kristine Pierce Samuel Pimentel Shanon Pimentel Amanda Pinto HollyPinto Zoey Pinto Laura Platz PamPlatz Brittney Popp Laura Porterfield Katrina Portley Bethany Powell OliviaPugliese Kassandra Quan Morgan Quigley Elizabeth Quinn Maureen Ramsdell Jonathan Recor Joseph Reddy
l' NT
Michael Reddy Meghan Redner Taylor Redner AvaRegas BethRegas Christopher Rehm JimReilly LisaReneson OliviaReneson SofiaRestrepo Cierra Reyes AlisonRitrovato IzzyRitrovato
Daniel Schwab EliasSchwam Harpur Schwartz BrianSellier ZoeSernyak Cookie (Louise) Shea Cheryl Sheridan Gemma Sherman PaulShinn Emma Rose Shiring Susan Shulman Jeremy Siborg Karen Siemon
Everett Steiner KyraSteiner Amanda Sterman Haley Stevens Heather Stevens Emma Stewart Linda Stirling Margaret Stracuzzi Kevin Strukus Katie Surrey-Bergman Emma Sutphen Eunice Sutphen ColbySWope
Phoebe Ritrovato Grace Robertson Daniella Rocamora Dominica Rocamora Chase Rogers JohnRogers LindaRogers Casey Rolon JudithRothenberg Donna Royston Meredith Ruggiero Sa!ah Ruppenlcker Kadlson Russell PamRussell CarolK.("Cemmy") Ryland Amber Safari JaneSamuels Cassie Sargent MattSarti AnnaSather Leslie Saunders Kalie Schneider Robin Schonberger
LilySimon Michelle Simons Alexis Siabinski Kel!eySlimon Melissa Slusher Bruce Smith DonSmith DonJ.Smith Donald Smith Marissa Smith Roger M.Smith TiaSmith BillSopelak Valerie Soule Abigail Sperry Donna Spicer RitaSpring Jennifer Squillante Kirsten Staller Catherine Steel Richard Steel Debbie Steele Kande Steele
GezaTanner Joseph Taraya Elizabelh Taylor Portia Taylor James Thomas Sarah {Sukriti) Thomas Sushant Thomas Skylar Thompson Taylor Thompson Debra Tietjen-Smith Rebbecca Tindall AlanTodd SkyTodd J. Torrenli Richard Sharon A.Torrenti David Triebel Ashley Turney Callie.Jean Tuthill Susan Tyler Audrey Ulmer Erica Vaccaro AllisonVerity Sarah Verity
Vanessa Vlaun Andrea Volpe Kathy Walburn LoriWalker Sarah Warchol Anna Ward JuliaWard LiamWard Pamela Ward Kathleen Warner-Genera Capt. (Rel.) MaryE.Washburn Joseph Wasyl Robin Waterman Nancy Watkinson PelerWaU Deborah A.Welles Alyssa Welsch Tammy Welsch Erika Wesolek PamWheeler Leslie Whip LisaWiernasz Jaqueline Wikane Susan Wilde Barbara Willkens Sarah Wills Carrie Wind Briltnee Winski KaryWinsky Nathan Winslow SamWinter OliviaWolle KimWollschleager Bridge! Wood JudyWood Savannah Wood Sonja Woods Annie Woronecki Betsy Worthington Hannah Worthley GinaWygonik Maureen Young AlisonZackDarrell TashaZeid LoriZelvin NinaZhou Lorri211s
This Year at High Hopes
I, 775
People served
8,52 5 3I, Q Q Q 50°/o
Equine Assisted Activirks and Therapy,cssion,
Volumccr hours donated
of Riders received scholar.ships
Riding, Inc.
36 Town Woods Road • Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371
phone 860-434-1974 •